Collins Cobuild Phrasal Verbs Workbook

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| | PHRASALVERBS WORKBOOK Helping learners with real English THE COBUILD SERIES fre" THE BANK OF ENGLISH HarperCaitins Pobichers 7T7-KS Fulham Palace Roa Loedon WKH COLILD 3 uademark-o€ Wiliam Callin Sons & Co Le © Hapealins Pubes Lad 1908 Fast pbs 1983 epee 158 dove, 1995, 19, 107 9876 The Autos es Bol gh be eed he ao The author ia fucher at che United Nations in Geneva, The Gigs exprewed Reten ae se a lhe wut aed do nt necessary reflect the views of the United! Nations, All sights reserved. No pasta this book may be reproduced, ‘Soved in fetneval syst, or transmited i any fore or by any cans elecrani, mechanical, photocopying. reording oF Catherine, witboet the peor permsnsion in wets Beat the Pabisber BN 0 00:370825 6 Design ad typesetting by eC Design, Bromham, Betlordsse ‘se we un a Geet Hii Fy Seip Li Mis hh Acknowledgments: “The author and publishers would like to thank Katy Shaw for fcr valuable comments on the manuscript “The author and publishers are grateful to Punek Library Services for permissiow to reproduee the cartoons in this book. “The publishers would like ta thank those authors and publishers ‘who kindly gave permission for copyright material to be used in The Bank of English, {10m whieh the examples in this book have been taken ‘Author's Note Thisonc is for Joanna and Steven, My thunk go to: Kaman und Murat for putting up with me, Chen and my students for trying the book out, Jean-Noel and Susan for looking it aver, and Annette for being there to fall buck on. ‘The COBUILD Series Fouadéng Editor in Chief John Sinclair Faivoria Dicector Gwyneth Fox INTRODUCTION, .scssrenntesensnn siden THE UNITS: AWAY occ Scat wad BACK aan mepsimiaia ‘i sac DOWN ene censeeenene 1S I sts itn Sica tnco OFF a ee lacaipuaneaat a - 55, OUT. i sisi GE OVER .. . ; ev UP... ct is . one 9B, OTHER PARTICLES .nsssesss secant Tal ANSWER KEY. : oe woe 186 eet “This workbook accompanies the Calling CORUILD Dietionary of Phrasal Verbs. ‘Though the warkbook can be used on is ow, mare benefit will be sined by working closely with the Dictionary. Practice is approached ‘Otrough the individual partctes, as featured da the Patticles Thdex of the Dictionary, ‘The Collins CORUTLD Dietionary of Phrasal Verbs lists over 3,000 pttratal verbs and explains vet 5,500 dliferent meanings. This worktwook practises the meat importana plrscal ver’, with aroucid 300 different manings. Almost 50% of thee are formed with TB common serbs. Six ‘omman verbs = Bring come, wet, wo, pur andl take Sacentint foe neaely 30% of the pasa verbs in this workbook ‘This workbooks a vocabutlry book rather chan 4 grammar book, ‘The examples and exercises throughout the book show the diflereat vymiaesie patterns of the pheasal verbs, Whilst working on this Book, It was found that te most important phrasal vérhs are nearly always adverbial, These are also che most dificulr phrasal verbs for learners to understand, 1 is For this Feasan that prepositional pheasal verbs are nat included in this worBhook, ‘or a detailed expanatinn of the grammar of phrasal veris please refer to dhe Collins Cobuild English Grammar, as well a the intredustion in the Collins Cobestd Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs, HOW TO USE THE WORKBOOK, Phere are ten units of material, The srst nine tunis deal with single purtiles and hese nit are arranged in alphabetical sequence in the books the final unit concentrate on seven snore pparicles. All the units follow a similar oranaty and can be studied in any order. As this book is devigned oth for claiwork and self-study un apuWver key wo tHe exercivar is given at the Basle o the book, very unit hus an introductory page ging the ‘important meanings ef the particle being sided. ‘wath lists of the phrasal verbs ro be practised in cesh section uf the unit, Sometimes a phrasal verb appears tice in the same section, with two ‘meanings. Quite often, a phrasal verb appears in Iweo-or theee diferent sections, This ise ‘surprising, a mast phrasil verbs five more thar ‘one meomting and sin sometimes have as many as Mi illeremt meinings “The final tects of esch wait i calle uber Mesnliign Tie iecledes phretal verbo which Dffen do it ini a eategiry of meaning, but the saicjony is tao anal or too lirated in its ne {be included in this woxkhook. You will, of thutse, find them inthe Particles Index of the Dictionary. ‘The other phrasal verbs anclucled in Other Meunings are those which are too common tw be exeluded, but whieh do noe cleury ft into ‘ny particular category of meaning, Under exch category of meaning on the introductory page, space has heen provided for ther phrasal wert 1 fhe acted ‘The Sections iach section of a unit covers ane category of meaning. LT more than ten pire Verbs sre 1 be studied, the section is split nto two pars. A seetion begins with ceample sentences, showing tgpical we of the phrasal vers. The examples tue often followed bry Langage Comments, ‘which highlight other phrasal verbs wit similar ‘¢ oppanite meaniogs, and stich dks pve store formu equivalent verbs, when they exist, Tris sommon misconception that phrasal verbs are mostly used in spoken language. They can be found in many styles of wasting, including Mighty Formal povermmasnt repre: The fa category of meaning includes phrasal verbs chich are particularly dificult to underctand, the first exercise asks you! to complete the definitions of sone or all of the phraval verbs, Subsequent fxercises invlec matching phrases ar sentences) Choosing the phrasal vert that beet fis a gapped fentence, from thre a ‘deciding on an sppropeiate phrase vert bap, where no alternatives are given. Por this ast crise you should pay particular aitencion to the form of the verb. Throughout the book you abo fin! excrcizes called Bad Jokes, where Yor ane asked 19 match she two halves of the ees. In most sections, tere fe 2 final memorization fexercige, which hav an elephant symbol beside it Memory ieaidea! By links, eoancctions, and innages. We remember unusual things much mate easily han “noemal’ thing. In this exercise you should virite« pacugraph containing at least dine example oF auch of the pheazal verb nthe ection you have just studied. The pheasal verbs dp nol fiewxssarily have to be in the same arder. You must use a minimum of words or mages. Lt is very important 10 have u clear mental picture ‘of your story; you shuuld je able to see as a Tite he in your hend, Yo be more memorable, ‘your paragraph eoull be exaguerates, strange, Hliculous, impossible, or unwising, ‘The Answer Key contains a sample paragraph on page 1 Ab the ene ofeach unit there is a separate section of revision cxersises so tha you can check your progres, [isjoy using the Calline CORUTLD Phrasal Verbs Workisokt cise Below ave the two most important going to practive. Some verbs appear meanings of AWAY and one groupef more than once, as many phrasal verbs 4 other meanings. In ali 16 phrasal verbs have more than one meaning have been selected. You can write other phrasal verbs with Under each of the headings you will see the same meaning in the space provided, a ist of the phrasal verbawhich you are Usea.dlctionary necessary. Ey wenarowing ana EE} Disannearing and making — [6] other meanings Separating things disanpear ak away do away with get away with st away explain away hide aw give away fade away put away keep away pass away work away i i i Take away | | rea CSG SESE SESE SE OEE aE ETE ‘breakaway getaway plveaway Keep away ran uway take away’ Withdrawing and Separating breakaway getaway give away keep away run away take away Tuo United Party senators broke axcay to form the Federal Party. ” His father haat those it would be good fs, For kis chavacter ta get azay from home eral an some money on bis ot, could mar decile rohother to heep the a money he left me or give it aes es It-would be beter to kesp.ansay ard mot attempt 1 enter the city untl she kext => what eos happening there. SS ‘Look if you have fe pocket calculators and Fake to away, ho me and ‘mony hace vow wot let? Twas frightened end 7 ran aneay From mgy mother and she vax afi coaxed me 10 come back. hey took my name and addres, ook away all ey possessions, and vent me down 1o the eels 1 Match the sentences and phrases on the left with those on the right. 1 Thad to get away. A. the less money you'll spend 2. Lthink of the nes boy whe ran away, —B worth millions of pounds 3 She has given unvay jewellery to break away from my family and 4 The more you keep away from the community. shops, 1D not take it away from them. § ‘These men wanted tehelp them keep —E_Gne way or another, 1 was going t0 their land, leave Birmingham, 6 T hacl accepted his offer because I F Lane chased him and caught him wanted to break away — 1 2 3 a 5 6 & 2 Choose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs given to fill ia the space provided. 1 Panic overcame ‘Tin naw and he turned and began to try to... FUL amet. across the rovks. take aoa) rim sway sep away 2. The best thing thar you can do to-avoid a col is £0 sv fm anyone who has one + rive crony break away beep axay 3 Fontaine sé broke away took away gave away and founded the shortlived Nationalist Party. 4 hn othe Rife... fromm him, I don’t know how, broke away gave away tow away 3 "Could yO nee ooo CUEIY next Week though?” “Yes, that would be okay. ‘reat asiay get away take away 3 Write the correct form of the appropriate phrasal verb in the space provided. deep, 1 You should always animals .....444Y__. from the kitchen. 2 plan to _. 30 million electronic telephone directories « 3. She Ket herself out and raced down the stairs and 0.00.0 along the road, 4 Another group from the Labour Party the following year, 5 Let's go out fora walk 10 : ‘ from it al a with her biker «: 4 Find the logical ending for each of the jokes beginning on the left, 1. Weiter this soup isn't ft for a pig ‘A You shoutd have seen the one that got 2 What did the fisherman say when he away! caught a bus? B Take away the t” and it becomes 3 How can you make a tea table into a catable. meal? © Take away their eredit cards, 4 How do-you stop aherd of elephants 1) “The potice macle hie bring it back. ‘kom charging? ir, would you like me to take it way § What happened tothe little boy who and bring you some that is? ran away with the circus? 1 2 3 4 5 E dosway with explain away fadeaway paccaway chrow aay Eq disappearing and Making things disappear do away with explain away fade away passaway throw away ue medicines hae rot dome away teeth" disetie. Al of this cam, of eer, be explained assay for ever reasons The sun's wormth began ro fade aay, She passed acway* within three weeks of her sister and wiorher. 30 malllion cones af refuse are thronoe away in the UK. © LANGUAGE COMMENT 1 Eeliminate fs 1. more formal word for do away with. 2 Vou use pasa avvay when you want to avoid saying the word “di 1 Write the correct phrasal verb 10 complete the following definitions. 1 Ifsomething fades away. it slowly becomes less intense, frequent or common uatil ft ends or disappears completely 2 When you a _ something you no longer want o need you get rid of it, for example by putting it in the dustbin 3 Ef yor... a mistake or unpleasant situation, you give reasons to show that it is not as bad or important as people think, . something means te get rid of it or abolish it, 2 Match the phrases on the left with those on the right. > He was seen on TV later, all the paperwork thst is usually Her new-found enthusiasm for running involved. Your husband sent the letter te us rather than throw them away. She likes to keep things, even old shortly before he passed away. things. explaining away his department's latest It would be nice to do away with blunder. will 4000 fade avvay. # one somway with explain mwiy fale way pao away throw away 3 Choose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs given to fill in the space provided. 1 entity cares should be everybody has 2 passpart anyway, explained aiiay ome ausay seit faded aeoay 2 Ic was the lest one my dad ever invented betbre he... - a His final great work? “Exactly, Gordon. esied acvay rhret atin dil axcty eeith 3 He did nor ssn the pamphlet fade anvay vhrow atcay explein aay but fe kee it in his desk. 4 Te was vague rumour which yo and be forgotten. pass away explain arsay) fade accay 5 Well, how do yous expluén aay throw aavay fade omy «the face thet we lost so much money last 4 Write the correct form of the phrasal verb in the space provided. 1 His guests were surprised when he i the trick as “a little heating’, medicine afi an illness. It’s unlikely you'll use it again. 3. She's feeling very deprowed ut the moment: her mother i tunexpoctedly Last month 4 Let's oe the Fiormaliies and ges down to business, ‘The musie‘and laughter gradually — cs Us the procession maved off down the strect, Bad Toker «: 5 Find the logical ending for each of the jokes beginning on the left. 1. They don’t throws the rubbish away A. Because it always went off when I was 2. Why dil you throw your alarm clack asleep. 1B ‘The people who couln't sell theirs 3. I did my fiat television show a month shrew them away. ago. and the next day tive million sets ‘They make it into televishon shows, were sold 2 3 | ki | getaway with hide way pus [G other meanings getaway with hideaway put away work away write away (onEGN Pm nor gaing to allow Anne to get say with an offensive remark like thai Fre looked at his crareinus of she rocks and hid shem away again. ‘Hamish began ro put azaay a vast load of shopping he Kad broughe hams Thhes haven't stoppai, they've been working asaya day) You just write aaa giving your name, adaess and enclosing tree ‘Vou again, Mr Philbcan? Dear me, dear me, ‘don't you ever got aiway with anything? tokens © LANGUAGE comMeENT | Beaver away, slave away, slog away, and toil away mean almost ths sams as work away, ‘These veebs are-offen used in a continuous 2 Send off and send away mean slewost the sitme a: weite away. 1 Write the correet phrasal verb to complete the following definitions. DBE yo een one SoMethINg ono 9 YOM PUR it in a place where nobody else can find it 2 Myou sie . you continue working hard fora Tong time. 3 you... oe sarmethiing + You place it tidily somewhere, far cxample in a cupboard, drawer, or pocket, 4 Ifyou ibis asking for a product ar informati © a company or organization, you send them « letter STF yOu son not criticized a -- something that you should nor have done, you sre Punished for doing it. 2 Match the sentences and phrases on the left with those on the right. 1 You see, I may nocd somewhere A. on the nose and got away with it 2 Why don't you write away B tohideaway for a week or two, 3. He had punched a teacher © Pye been working away at a book 4 What have you been doing with D the two of us drying and puting away ourself? Ewa them and ask for catalogue? 5) We washed up in silence, Lally washing up, 1 2 4 5 3 Write the correct form of the apprapriate phra verb in the space provided, 1 Twas able to keep warm as | osseous im the SNOW, He sould make the nest outrageous statements and somehow wt § Albert folded the newspaper neatly and ase ssennee i aesennmenies OH the side table BTR ec _iy the bedroom, 86 that the children wouldn't find them, Fe for it, It's cheaper by mi varder anyway 4 Weite a paragraph on the topie of your choice, including at least one example of each of the phrasal verbs you have just studi 1 Choose the est alternative from the phrasal verbs given to fill in the space provided. 1 You should thOSE os and geta pair of these, pass.away throve aay run atvasy do away with 2 In crosisexamination Mr Stewart tried 10 0 . the Police interest in Waddell work amey fade away explain away get away 3 Pvebeen ocecsvaicusien OR this project fer the Last 1wo weeks, working away giving away putter away geusing away with 4° We cannot cssseeous fom thee fact that a child is primatil pass away break ateay take atcay gel aeoay an egoist 5 You cannot onesie Violenee By using violence, ‘break anay do away with sbeep aneay pass avy 6 Bvema baby senses, E think, thar she shouldn't be able to... such tyranny. "The habit is usually easy to break rum away fide away do arsay with get ageay coith 7 Australia, after it had .... northwards rien auway faded teoay Broken asay peut aroav from Antarctica, continued to drift 8 Youcan explain atoay ao £2,000 w year taxsfree writeaway giveaway work ae 2 Now see if you can remember the meanings of AWAY and the phrasal verbs you have been practising. Some of the letters have been filled in to help you. You ean cheek your answers by looking at the list on page 1, BY wth ares, ing ang Eo m ing and ther meanings oe a ees aay bed. away’ Poecab away ds away we Donne atway Ee eesnnB BAY Weenek away Face BEE WE seo WEY Po away Teton AY Below are the two most important Fow can write other phrasal verbs with meanings of BACK, fi all 12 phrasal the sane meaning in the space provided verbs have been selected, Use a dictionary if necessary, Under each of ihe headings you will see list of the phrasal verbs which vou are going ta practise, EY Retuming or Repeating §— [EY Controtting or Suparessing something patted fight back bold back fall back on set back back give back go back on take ack bounce back call back fall back an et buck give back yo buck om gu backower tke back [EY Returning or Repeating something pounce back ‘call back fall back on get back sive back go back on go back over take back is We de one disaster after ectosher, Bau he fst bounces back! every eine. Paes called back? on Thursday, saying he hadn's been able ta make the arrangements, We havea written scrape to fall back am af we ren ons of things 0 discuss 1 tafe carly yesterday and did't get back tiff fate, 1 had tw ‘20 up ro Lendort vo see ney lawyer Man do-not consider thcir oxen needs enonagh and she woents "Il be glad when this vest ta give them back a pride in their appearance, arene paced rondiy ese back Ponelope mast have persuaded him that they could not go back om their prior acceptance. ‘Let's ga hack over? it une more time and see sf we can find a sofiation We're going to to the shop, -@ LANGUAGE ConMENT J Recover is x more general word for ounce back. 2 Phone back suid ring: back ate similar 70 eall back, bur eal! back fan also mean to visit a place again. 3 Go over something again means almost the same as go back over: 1 Match the sentences and phrases on the left with those ‘on the right, 1 ‘There was no point A. and the guilty one would not own up. 2 They were orally useless, B the Stock Market bounced back 4 After yesterday's fall, surprisingly guiekly 4 T's a funny thing, the symptoms He witl call you back tater disappeared 1 would give it back again. 5. If I didn’t need the money, but wre wouldn't take them back to the 5 The teacher coullé not go back on ber shop word, and he ‘was soon feeling well enough 10 7 Vim sorry, Mr Smith is out get hack 10 work. 8 He invariably falls back on G in going back over it 1H sentimental clichés about peace and iove. 7 2 3 4 5 Ce | , Cr 2 Choose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs given to fill in the space provided. Don't let us break up the partys but we have t0 so... co before 11 to take the baby-sitter home, give back call hack ger back ras ABE BOOK ns tO Tahar bounced hack gave bacle called back 3 When you see the haspital doctor, you muy be asked t oe the same ground thar you have covered, potackon go back over fall back on 4 Shops ate often reluctant to a unsatisfactory goods, lakebock give back get back Me Hiigson expects the market to coo Quickly im April or May bounce back give Back go hack ow what 6 So he did everything he could t persuade you to you'd told ug tall back goback an bounee back 7 Told ion 1 would sess csee hm bounce back call back go hack over sone When T husk some mews, ‘3: Weite the correct torino the approprlate paired verb in the space provided. B Don't Farger 10 esa your books ...... to the library, 2 Don's you think we'd better... coomeees 40 the Subjget you game to discuss? 4 Lgave my word, Team!t cc scseinsuieccneneen ca 4 shall make some enquiries and. eos FOU - er a her newspaper, 6 Teachers. sc atuthority, 4 Write a paragraph on the topic of your choice, including at least one example of each of the phrasal verbs you have just studied. W 2 hoe ene LE) Controtting or Suppressing cutback fightback hold back set back 4 did tinea ogg yotks and cur back# a bit om red mate Bue Fill enfoy cating out Uwe did that, dhe donportins countries epulet fight b (ithe hages of thet oxen, ne standards has bees held back for sa lowe, ‘Vins as ser back rhe whale programane of nuclear power tn meric. ‘Tike vise Bi li @ LANGUAGE COMMENT | Reduce is a more formal woed for eur back. ‘There is also ¢ nown: ie aud i pbc oreises, 2 Retaliateand resist are mote formal words for Fight back: 4 Delay ea more formal word for 4et back, and hold up mens alesost the same. Thete is dso a none The Union exflered serious erbac, 1 Match the phraces on the left with those on the right. When you cut back om dairy products, A we hve to find a way to fight back Worry aboiut the environment Be had sce therm back with the painting. ‘The unusual cold ofthe early spring = G_you cut back on cholesteral. Wecan't tet thers walk all over us, 1D has been onc of the key restraints im holding back seotomie development ce | | 2 Choose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs given to fill in the space provided. 1 Other countries have .. sotconenssnen 0m high-priced Mexieat oil, cut hack set Back fought back 2. ‘They need the money immediately and eaniat stein thelr goad topush the price up. setback us feck hold back 3 Thar computer failure Nas cso at least a week. fought back cus back set bach 4 Our forces were os... sss desperately’ glting buick Holding back sete back gutbuck fight back hotd back set tack 3 Write the correct form of verb in the space provided. \e appropriate phrasal 1 BML Wenthe ssi us by about three weeks 2 If she is ambitious, don't try to het 3 The factory has : ins wark farce by 50% 4 Hsomeone hits you, you have to i 4 Write a paragraph on the topic of yaur choice, including at least one example of each of the pl verbs you have just stu d. 1” 4 EGE] Revision exercises 1 Choose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs siven to fill in the space provided. 1 Often you give upand .. i eu back fait back on sit back set back oo easier solutions, 2 You can .. boeance back get back take back «tind gollect your shoes tommorrow. i ace 3° Benn stubbornly resisted all attempts to esis setback take hack cut back bounce back investment, 4 Hessen snes the schedule one more time just for my benefit went back over set back went back on fell back aot Jansie's taker my jacket ~ make him eae ' get back givehack take back go back on 6 NOW YOU'TE jenn sven What You told me earlier. _gving back on bosmcing back fighting back reuing Back ‘There'll be a supper in the fridge for you if you Cambridge tonight. sive hack hold back take back get back sew ftom 2 Match the two meanings of BACK with the patrs of pheial vera givea, & Returning or Repeating something, B Controlling or Suppressing 1 go back an go back over 2 cur back Fight back 3 get back itive back, 4 hold back set back Below are the four most important meanings of DOWN and one group of ather meanings, In all 34 phrasal verbs have been setected. Under each of the headings you will see a list of the phrasal verbs which you arc EE oecreasing and Reducing pur down beep dowat rarroy down play down ran down scale down slow down, wear down 0 clown as lay down pur down pur down to 2 deteating ana ing down Saas alm down back down come down bbeing down, fame down to clamp down at dow kenosek down die down, pull down [Ey wining ana recording going to practise. Some verbs appear more than once, as many phrasal verbs have more than one meaning. You can write other plirasal verbs with the same meaning in the space provided. Use a clictionary if necessary. [LG compteting or Faiting break down close down A iter meanings set down to live down talk down to i | ee boring down calm dawn come down come down ta cut down die down EY decreasing and Reducing EEEN bring dewn calm dewn come dewn come down to cutdown dic down The promized measirestehucled stepe to bring down prices, ‘Please, Mes Kisrer,’ said Brody. ‘Calm down!. Lot me explein.* Get on the phome ax once, please, and offer ¢o come docen® a couple of undred detlaes Raasicallrs it comes dotin a asking "Es the siorkplace ds safe for all employees? Save time for yourself by eatsing vonr shopping down w9 twice a week ‘She coaited wnt the laughter had died down’ before yoing on. Vid cus dawn on crese boairgenis sexist occasions excapt people might think J was roting, @ LANGUAGE COMMENT F Settle dawn means almost the came as ealm down, 2 Deerease is more formal word for come down: go up means the opposite ee 1 Write the correct phrasal verb vo complete the following definitions, 1 Ifa problem or question . @ particular thing; that is the most important or relevant factor to he considered, 2 Afsomething : + ft becomes much quieter or less intense. 3 Ifyou something. = You reduce it oF do it less often. 4 If the cost, level or amount of something: ..c.ccsnn 1 it becomes cheaper or Jess than it was before, 2 Match the phrases on the left 1 The protests will soon die down, 2. Modem technology contributes to binging down 3. There are dozens of contentions points, 4 Many smokers who are chemically addicted t nicotine 5. An officer tried to calm them down 6 Local government expenditure cannot cut down east bbut had no success, but in the endl it camex down to planning. vou just have to wait hhas come down by 20% since 1975 the cost of fish in making available canned prodk 1 2 3 4 6 3 Choose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs riven to fill in the space provided. 1 Ultimately, the problem wis been defined, ames clove ro cuts oven brings dozen 2 Although many businessmen realise they should, ‘ating at Junch-time they often fool themselves, ali down cat doson Bring doson the way in which housing has ose Beavy a bit. 43. He told me that things appeared 10 be abming down ringing down cutting dosom 4 His anger takes «long time ter... came down come down tor die dower 5. Swedish taxes have got to be i i died dover Bromght dewen catnned dove 6 er rates im the Third World have started 16... secnecnre HORE rpidly. come down die dowen cua docon 4 Write the correct forta of the appropriate phradal verb in the space provided. | Ination is starting 60... ie “He hae made series of proposals whieh he believes would hel emis land prices 4 When she had 0... herself aos She started the engine. 4 ‘The wind has snes UIE 3 Lt “The text Was too long 80 vit i 6 What it i coon T said was that she had taken itas far as anvone ‘sould be expected to do. W keep down narrow down play down rundown scale down slow down The French too die Gory concerned to try anid heep costs do We fimatly narrowest clown she fst of eandidtates to three They have wrged thar the auchorivies should play down! the horeovs af muclear war. Hospitals were being ram down because of te spending cuts d dacem by about haf af the original estimate. The preect das boom Ezonantie dramatically © LANGUAGE COMMENT 4 Exaggerate and play up mein the opposite of play down, means almost the some as slow dawns speed up meane the A Write the correct phrasal verb to complete the following definitions. TP TPYOW sesonnn oon Something such as a choice or subject, you consider ‘only the most suitable or important parts, and eliminate the test. 2 Ifyou ecu something ss» You frY to make people think that something is unimportant, oF less important than it really is. 3. Ian industry or organization is... m 1s ets sine, importance, or activity is deliberarely reduced, 4 Ifyou... ooo the number, siee, or amount of something... stop it increasing and try to keep it at a low level 2 Match the phrases on the left with those on the right. 1 Isargued that our forces are so run A. the financial difficulties of the company. slown they B don't deter anybody any more. 2 We did not stop his southward advance Cis not as easy as it seems Keeping inflation down toan acceptable D_caled down in importance. level E. We've narrowed it down to four, sir He will play down F but did much to slow it down, 5 Mow many suspects have we got? 6 Overall goals muse be [3 2 3 | 4 s | 6 esp down sarsow down play down ran dows scale down slaw down 3 Choose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs siven to fill in the space provided. Maleolm meds tan i ran don sloge den maarroty coecr a little oF he'll get an ulcer. 2. Public transport could be .... achieved total dominance played denon narrocsed cowen rum aceon tothe poine where the car has 3 Let's the discussion... = shall we? suarrow doson scale dozen play down joes) While others are 4 Same aspects of reality are omitted oF given more importance, rarroaed down sfowed down played owe § The project has been suns by about half the original estinate haps dimen marred dowen sated den 6 Auction rooms are used to-a plentiful flaw of old dacuments, and this... prices. sos rus down slows doco keeps own @ Write the correct form of the phrasal verb in the space provided. L They a cncessiees the choice con to about a dozen sites 2 Their aie forces hud been ruinously ‘ wast 4. ‘They've decided ro covonnanenn the project because of a tack of government funding, A HCO sence thar § Can YOR sso the Ma8e sissies P 6 We would like to stress that in no sense do We WISN £0 cneonssins importance of the issues ruised, § Writes paragraph on the topic of your choice, including at least one example of each af the phrasal verbs you have just studied. 0 hbuck down bring down clampdown knack dawn pulldown put down wear down Ej Deteating and suppressing back down bring down clamp down knock down pulldown put dawn wear down Eventually he Backed docen on the question of seating A national strike sould bring the goverment doten The authorities have got ur clamp down" on these trouble wnakers, 1 huomped into and nearty buoehas avn a persom at the hs stop, ‘Phe council said i woul cose te ars and pull hems dw We've been encouraget all our life ta put denen esomen’stath 1 eas ome of the recoprived misaace-tactcs designed to seear down the pasience af the corres © LANGUAGE comment 1 Crack down means almost the same as elarap dew oth cxist as nouns: aaieceee 2 Demolish is a more formal word for pull down, and knock down means almost the same; pur up means the opposite of pull dows. 1 Write the correct phrasal verb to complete the following definitions. 1 Te i _--~- 1 people or activities means to take strong oficial Action to stop or control them. 2 Ifyou... » people _, you weaken them or their position by being ‘more persistent than they ace. 3 Thy ne _-----hsomething, you accept someane else's point of view or agree 1» do what they want you to-do, even though yaa do not really want 10, 2 Maceh the phrases on the left with those on the right, 1 Most commentators agree that this was A you almost knocked that woman down. the issue which Band was pulled down in. the mid 2. The government issued onters seventeenth century 3. They tried to wear down the © by holding a series of strikes, management's resistance BD brought dows the SPD government in She knew he wouldn't back down, Don’t drive so fast, A lot of people will be delighted ‘The house was sold te James I in 1605 May to clamp down on the opposition. forsee him put down. hhe had too much to lose, Backdows ring dawn clamp down kasck down pulldown putdown wear down 3 Choose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs given to fll in the space provided. |) He fought with a kind of hideous, heedless, mechanical energy, bis man tucking down sccaring docon clamping den 2 dnthe end Baan oy Ht just wasn’t worth losing a job over. ached! down lenached down pur dorm 3. Some nf these street among the trafic. ut down knocked dorm tacked! dons ren are : oo by cars as they dish 4 Cenain countries hive ose aus on refugees seeking asylum, rowel dene grelled dowore clamped dowon 5. Inthe 1580s, Sit Francis Willoughby... ‘Wollaton and rebuilt it, Proupht down pulled down tore dorm 6 Idon't intend to be backed dawn clamped down put eowm von $0 easily ON questions of fact 7 In Poland unofficial strike .....ceseceomennnennne Ehe Uapepular Gemutke regime, brawght dosin knocked down backed dicen 4 Write the correct form of the appropriate phrasal verb in the space provided. W Msomeone eases YOR should retaliate in some way. cosonee and i really mean and rotten 10 you, you 2 Why did they. all hiose houses . 3. He threatened to prosecute us but he eventually 4 Laur neatly jaosoccunsteninienenne bya hefty stop on the back. 5. These night calls are sme 6 Lawrence Daly aggressively promised 10 0. cseceennenen the Government, 7 The Federal Reserve has 09 batik Jending, [completing or Failing breakdown close down let dawn settle down stand down turn down LITTLE ROCK Beatl AL WHO Eyres An unhappy marriage which eventually breaiks dozen ten restdts in disturbed children If the fires failed 10 amok enowah money, they’ would lose dow 1 eoonld be bese ro run axsayy more dur she coud wot lex Fimnric down: he needed help. Alan told har that after this, he woutd sete down ana marry hers She as avhed if she teas prepared to stand deco? in favour of a youwer candice She applied for a job ina restawrant, but was turned doscn ‘Looe the Ieind of place « guy ANBAR Name could settle dozen, find a ‘woman, learn to read. 1 Hreak down also exists as » noun: There was a serious hrsabdossn af commotion 2 Step down means almost the same as stand down. # Rejwet means almost the sane as teen dows, 1 Match the phrases on the left those on the right, 1 Lexplained shout his offer and said 2 At the end of July, the sewage system had broken down the school system had Jet them down following a geological survey. and the lavatories ceased to flush, 3. Ifthe President doesn't stand down and settle down. before the election, the next president will almost certainly 4) They felt strongly that be from the right, 3 The mines had been closed down it was too good ro urn down. 6 You have to get a job 1[etsalafsaye break dows close down letdown settle dawn stand dowa turn down 2 Choose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs given to fill in the space provided. § Nodoube ubout it, Jordache, you did well 1 a the job in the epartment. saute down close down tuen down 2 They're x my old school. closing docon standing down breaking down 3 The talks co over differences on doctrine, froke dono rte docea let doce 4 There were rumours that the Prime Minister would ..... break down stand owen ‘wer doce § Charlie's mover ore ME - yet token doren tex dowon staod own 6 You're avet forty now, you should veotetcnnenees amd Start thinking about bringing up a farnily break down setate dawn ter etocan 3 Weite the correct form of the appropriate phrasal verb in the space provided. 1 You're so silly. You regularly noes ssn: YOURBELE ++ don't you? 2 thave essen oan iitation for Saturday. 3. Garages are a handy institution whenever the ear... a Paul will never. he enjoys travelling too much, 5 The factary ba had to be... sons fde-to the recession, 6 She said, 1 vases if the meeting wants me 10." 4 Write-a paragraph on the topic of your chaice, including at least one example of each of the phrasal verbs you have just studied. Dy writing and Recording godown as lay down pucdown putdown to take down Vou, #reneau, tould go down én history as his asrassin. There ave aves which lay down! aohae employiers dnd employees mst and must nor do. You haven't put Professor Mangel’s name down on the Bs Alb this ca be put dow to advances in enwinenring The postunistress beguen to toike down the message. -@ LANGUAGE COMMENT 1 Stiputate is amore formal word for tay down, 2 Copy down, jot down, note down and write down all have similar meanings 1 Write the correct phrasal verb to complete the following definitions, 1 When you oossnn WOHAS OF RUMbsrs, You Write or type them somewhere 2 yet nn ssnooon Wha Somgome is saving. you listen to them and write it down or record it 3 Ifyou... onc thing see ace another thing, you Believe thar itis enused by another thing, 4. If someone or something 8 particular thing, they are regarded, remembered, er recorded as that thing. 5 I laws, rules, of people in authority ce whar people should do, they state that this is what must be done, 22 Mateh the phrases an the left with those on the right. 1 There were monning sessions for ‘women and 2. Heset up a tape recorder ar Peter's bed 3. Sadly, they too grow up to be battering husbands. The phenomenon is put down 4 Agovernment should tay down 5 Although this will go down ax my day. A he und Neil Foster were the real heroes B. to take dawn angrhing he might s: © my wife put down for Tuesdays and dD “Thursdays to the climate of violence in which the boy has grown-up. HE maonal poy for vaio vii of education 8. Casose the bee ltesniatve tram the phrasal verb tiven to fill in the space provided. 1 Trenever kept accounts. It's a mistake 10... ‘orto add up what comes in. andes as pul docon put dosen so seemed unsafe to, a down 28 go dawn at take downs 3 Heald herhe would just like to... toe dower pur orem ta go dorem a 4 ‘These were the conditions ... twhedenoe laid dowen put docon 10 $ This performance will onc. puedecon io tate down go down as ovo anything ne spends, coincidence, her name and address: i by the Department of Health. one of the best ever seen, 4 Write the correct form of the appropriate phrasal verb in the space provided. 1 ita 2 Planning is the Key! Let the ewenty-first century the century of planning! 2 The small tHOUBHE veeseeeses 4) The policy has been 5. he whole thing: will be... a curred while the boss was away. tory from Frank's dictation, in history in 11968 report grew into a big idea, and agreed for years, nous the unfortunate fact that the erisis GB other meanings getdown to livedown pindown talkdownto Sisth-forme pupils look after the children eehile the mother pits down to sone serieus teacking, Ifyou were beaten by Jack, you'd never tive it doco, Potice forces are cantinuing inguiries to iry and inne evhereabouts of the suspece down. Pardits can't dictate to their adolescent children or sal down to thers “WT have to pin it down ta one thing T ‘would say vour most attractive 1 Write the correct phrasal verb to aonb gees usin complete the following definitions. 1 Tfsomeone you, they talk ta you in a way that shows that they think they are moe importeiit or more clever than you, 2 Ifyou are unable te ae 8 mistake, failure, or foolish action, you are unable to make people forget that you did it. 3. Thvou try wo. co secesesneeserns SOMething Which is hard to define or describe, you try to say exactly what it is oF what itis like. 4° When you -oossoaisose Something, you start doing it seriously-and with {AoE of attention, 2 Match the phrases om the left with those an the right. 1 ‘The more he tried t pin them down =A. you won’ live this down. Children always sense immediately BB we were able to get down to the 3 When some of the terrible tension business of the session subsided, when you are talking down to them, 4 Even if you live te bea hundred, 1 on what they were vaguer they got king about the 1 2 3 4 3. Write the correet form of the appropriate phrasal verb. 1 Tehink 1 would be best if we . business, 2 Itis the story of s girl who finds it impossible to cee her past 3 He. -ononnnun @¥erybody = be likes to think he's better than we are, Hie was ames 10 ose the MInist€F oer ta decision, Choose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs stiven to fill in the space provided. In Britain, by contrast, self-made men often try 1... - their social arigins, tring donin play doten narrove down stand down ‘The real choice is whether I ean afford to offering, sondern ecear doson take doom pit dorm the money Bab is Sounders thom «the business in hand, meat dmon as put down to gou doren to der taco Abus came screeching to a stop, practically... seo him ting donen standing down putting down kmacking dons Whe ssiacacsuonia un -o---again, we'll have to find someone else to do the work lisesdown leer doson breaks doce dies down The fight 10 ‘oar frst priority (vine doen turn docan dary down bring doce ‘The police have to concn drug smuggling. damp deen scale dowon pire owen close doco inflation and reduce unemployment must be you cam also spell amd sas willbe a teal asset 19 the firm, ut don pull docen take deme rum dosen a telephone message correctly you {The gb ssn eee VORA hnmmed down did done closed down pinmed ozon ‘Whatever happens tomorrow, she'll aces oscn HM BESO so cesesnenees BERR statesman, redown as put docom to come dren ta calle down so He sade Would eset omens at the end of the year gp down Tee dose bring down stam dosen TH 1 oe bier toadate, put dorm takedown pin down cut dozen aking this project eonfidential is partly so that it ean be more effective and partly ro one the sumer of people who lenowr what is going on. fxg doen clamp donon tet docen rath dozen x0 4 6 “Che most obvious piece of advice, therefore, 4s to in any sway passible. (Preferably to zero!) alms docen bring dower seear down cut dosen 11s only qeadually that the barriers between the sexes are... oe sertled down broken doton calmed davon toed deren ‘She has an infuriating habit of people . «>in small ves, hnarrovsing down putting down closing down standing doson 2 Complete the phrasal verbain groups A-D below k When you have finished, check your answers on page 18. bong down Soin doen 2. coum... down OB be te, down tes Defeating and te e.utdaown s ir uppressin p down phy eden Ree moraine. "9 pl... down rn down down ww down brosole down Heo down bce down Bre dowm Chef) down, a kn... down Poldown . dowa down a hws down e oe wonar down Failing Suttoedown —L..down g.-down a Ly down Poo down a PB. down t... bawut down LB) writing and Recording Below are the four most important meanings of IN and ane group of other meanings, In-all 24 phrasal verbs have been selected. Under cach of the headings you will see alist of the phrasal xerbs you are going: EQ inserting and absorbing = EY tnetuting plug in fit in Putin fit in with sink in take in take in throw in being in come in f come in fll in phase in give in i i i i t Dy Besinning EZ iter meanings to practise. Some verbs appear more than once, as many phrasal verbs have more than one meaning. You ean write other phrasal verbs with provided. # i i the same moaning in the Use a dictionary if necessary [E) teing invotved and active § call in fill in sete in plug im put im sink in taken [Ey inserting and Absorbing . 4 plugin putin sinkin take in A television ser isc fire rik if left plugged in? over nie Uf you pour hoe water tute ce plas put a spoon in? first to atsorb the hea. Ir took «moment or sev0 Jor her toords 40 ‘Mrs Stannard shook hands, ker eyes taking in Karin from head so foot ‘Perhaps we have to plug it in oursetoes. % LANGUAGE COBIMENT plug meuns the opposite of pug in, 2 Stick in means almost the susie as putin, 1 Match the phrases on the left with those on the right. 1 He puts in the coins A listening and watching and taking it i. 2. ‘The prisoners had nothing to do Band plugged in the earphones 3 Alex had been the nerfect pupil, © and dials the number in Toulouse 4 He put oma record 1D but let their situation sink in 2 Choose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs riven to fill in the space provided. 1 All machines work better i feuke se sink in plug én ‘you eee them 2 Tsmelt it, and at first it smelt like chlorine which is, swimming pools. abe in pt fet sil in 3. ‘The implications af this did not at first... cua sinh input i plain 4 tide cocneee all Te was Saying, cake én sink in place in plugin putin sinkia take 3 Write the correct form of the phrasal verb in the space provided, 1 The lady acrogs the aisle showed hirn how to ou his headphones 2 Ashe read owt the documents and expisined the few of these details. 4 To design w car that goes faster the designer could either oe “0 more powerful engine, or reduce the weight. 4 Has any of what I've been saying, A Write a patagraph on the tople of your cholce, including at least one example of each of the phrasal verbs you have just studied, a fitin fitin with take in throw in You secon eo fiz in co enormaus anxotent of work every day. They manufacture mild stvet 10 fit tmsetthe® modern medtods of production. 1 lest on to Califorecia, deciding 10 take in Florida on the ecay hme, We only had to pay £9 for bed and Breakfast, with fwoach throven ir, @ LANGUAGE COnmeNT 4 Squeeze in and work in mean almost the sameas ft in. with 2 Tie in with means almost thesaume a fi 4 erite:ctie contece phrasal deeb en cckaprere tie following definitions. ee .», something such as a film, 9 museum, or a place, while you ate on holiday or travelling somewhere. you go fo see it oF visit it 2 YO nuscen coco wh extra itera when you are selling some thing or arranging sondthing, you add it or include it in order to persuade people to buy the ‘hing or accep the arrangement 3. If youmanage to... to deal with them. ae person or task, you manage to find time 4 Ifsomething r sonnesosen Q/Sy8témy Method, idea, or situation, itty suitable and works successfully ws part af it. 2 Match the phrases on the left with those on the right. 1 ‘The old sort of love no longer ‘A bur T can fit you in on the 9th. 2 Americans go up w-Oxford and By fits in with our changing needs, 3. A few minor reforms had been © thrown in to sweeten the temper of the 4 Iman holiday next week, local poople. 1D take in the Cotswolds in a day. fein tin with take im throw in ‘I Ghoose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs iven to fill in the space provided. Ve sa tab oe fad in Ahr is the software for the same price. The guided tour 2 most of the famous architectural sites of urkey saab if ted in souh chrese in 3 My to sovennesniecsine 8 Visit 10 the school while I'm in Edinburgh, but Vm oot promising anything eosin fifi in wit 4 Tm MLR 10 one concemenenien YOKE Way oF doing things. ras ifdef an 4 Write the correct form of the appropriate phrasal serb inthe space provided 1 They’ do it today, s0 they will... it when they have # ‘an in Cea area 2 The ancien the matehing handbag for unother hundred francs 3. don't think that'd very well . the present system. 4 Asawoman's world widens feom a small domestic centre to ites of the outside world. 5 Weitca paragraph on the topic of your choice, including at least one example of cach of the phrasal verbs you have just studied. LB Being involved and active callin comein fillin goin for join in putin settle in Riot sauads known to every Freechman sianply as the CRS roore called ttt ancl For the first tion aroeed tit siebomackine pure, ome ust come in on this, because Clive is wot giving the whofe story. 1H fll you in-on the details noev Teton't go in for that sort af fishing. When other games.are played he tries to jv i Hlalf of vhem eoere putting th Forty-five hours a week or more Madame Maire gave her three weeks 0 settle i @ Lanounce comment J Bring in means almost the sare as call in. 2 Barge in, break in, burt in and ewt im are all similar in meaning, but they oflen sugaest u rude intertuption, whereas came in does not 4 Match the sentences and phrases on the left with these on the right. 1 Eric, would you like to come in here A. DIAL you in. 2 ‘Then they began to sing BB. check that the pipes are net frozen. 3 How's the new teacher settling in? © and she wene in for drama without 4 Came buck to the offige and. really knowing what iv was, 5. Tuas certainty pleased by D to give us your views on the matter 6 Before you call in the water board, E. moment all the voices joined 7 Her father was a builder and decorator in. in Birminghart, F He's still a litle fost, actual G_ the level of effart everyone putin today i 2 3a 4 5 6 Li | L | all in, core in Milli go 8 for foie input in settle in 2 Choose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs fivea to fill in the space provided, i jewellery seme infor come i puts Ti thisa private fight oF can anyone . callin fll jot i men of the Had be but asked, he could undoubtedly have highest international eminence: jpinad in calle! im selec ds 4 He needs to be on the situation in Vietnam, putin filed in comme in ‘There's plenty of time t0 Ret asses sated net i cad in 6 COME oo uiae ens Hote? Ido happen to have quite a ot of experience this eld. callin goin for come in 7 During the campaign, the President has been... stints BO HOUE ‘reeks that seem fo include endless White Flouse dinners, Alig puting 6 coming i ‘J Write the correct farm of the appropriate phrasal terh in the space provided. Kate should be able 10 cent OM cones cna OM What's been Rappentinge since you've been away. 1 We ovviuesntansnoe the police and accused the boys of stealing: He had worked hard all his lie, ....ej.snsesnenneinennes OVETHIMe at the plant inbenever be could ger i. 4 They raced round the Lakes on high-powered motor-bikes, and prodigious drinking sessions, 5 ane, would you like ta. ovens bere? And how are you... covey Mr Swallow? 7 Several people... the applause. boring in come in phase ie set in B) Beginning bringin come in phase in setin We inven co bring th legislation to. consrol sheiv acetities. Years ago, whew miniskires first came in all che gérls rushed to buy theme. Beevenidge's original plan cas to phase in! adequate old-age pensions in ve period up to 1956. By the time he had got it baa in place, panic ead ect in”, @ LANGUAGE COMMENT 1 Phaxe aut means the opposite of phase ia, 2 This meaning of sec in ig only used of something unpleasant, 1 Match the phrases on the left with those on the rigi 1 ‘There is probably more thin enough A brought in a new ‘Trade Disputes Act. time Btw phase in this enormous resource well 2 ‘They had to find a roof t6 live under before fossil fuels become exhausted 3. The Labour Government in 1965 © before natural gas came in. 4 We used coal gas D before the cold weather set in, 1 2 Ey 4 2 Choose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs given to fill in the space provided. VD Welre eccccneses the new computer system... _. over period of three eats, coming in sessing int phasing in 2. Every veurthe fashion changes: new colours .... ees and styles change. Bring in come inser ine 3. ‘The bad weather has . oe for the winter, set in phased in Brough in 4 The Lioyd George Government... the Munitions Act of 1915, sett came in browght in being ia come in phase in vet in ‘Write the correct form of the appropriate phrasal verb in the space provided. 1 The Health and Safery at Work Act secon last year. 2. Aquarter ofa million workers won local agreements 10 «2... thinysnineshour week much sooner. 3 Techanlogy offers many alternatives that Could be ese a 4 Afeting of antcctimae oo src Write a paragraph on the topic of your choice, Including at least one example of each of the phrasal verbs you have just studied. come for fillin sivein stay in GJ otter meanings come in for fillin givein stay in British industry docs come in for a great deat of criticism. Wee ited int lth easter forms: One of the other girls is sick and P said Fed fill You certainly don't and nicely let ‘Thnow what - let's stay tn and get some jrahont @ LiniguAce comment + Fill our means almost the sume as fill in, 2 Stand in means almost the same as fill i. 8 Surrender and back down mean almost the same as zive in. 4+ Stop in means almost the sume stay in, 1 Write the correct phrasal verb to complete the following definitions. BAF 900 our jess» You admit that you will have to do something you have been trying nat to do, or that you will not be able to do something you wanted to do 2 Ifyou. «You remain at home rather than going out and enjoying yourse, BAEVOU nicer . for someone, you do the wark that they normally: do because they are temporarily unable to do it, 8 TEyOW on <--+ form, you write. the information thats requested in the appropriate spaces a .. €titicism, blame, or sbuse, they 2 Match the sentences and phrases on the left with those on the righ. come in far fil in give ha, stay ia 1 Ask fora claim forma, fil tin A and send it to the Social security 2 She was « domineering woman office 3 The October index of basic wage rates B-_Can yow fill in for me? due oa Thursday © Thave to stay in and work 4 re gotto go tw the doctor's this 1D and she didn’t normally give in so sfiernoon easily 5 Lean't go out tonight, Write the correct form of the appropriate phrasal serb in the space provided. 1 dom like going out much, I prefer 2 Who's sa some for Gordon next week? 3 sonteinienenes YOUF name und address here. 4 She uae certain only of one thing ~ she would not 5 His son, who had sponsored their publication, adverse criticism, 4 Write u paragraph on the topic of your choice, including at least ane example of cach of the phrasal verbs you have just studied. will come in for special scrutiny. with # good book. to them. . foe some 3a Revision exercise [Ey] Revision exercise 1 Choose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs siven to fill in the space provided. 1 Pim-very busy at the momemt, but Fl try and... Friday afternoon, calles joier in phase in fic in 2 Does this ce sewsctoes What you were doing-en ‘Quality? Jit in fit in with come in for set in 3 EEYOU sisseasmesen the furnitire it'sa deal eros in come in give tn go in for 4 Sorry, Ie just tke te lorisag sn comae ion put in sexrle in here 10 clarify a few points S ‘The first volume wok me 4 couple of years during which T seldom crn nininennenneens ns Ae than fifteen hers of work daily, took in pact in xtayed! oa chrewe oo 6 Rb ececoen nicely, thank you: setting in fitting in with seriling im fling tn 7 Lthink we should ccf ous sather than get tid of the old systern altogether ‘ring spite jot it lett 8 I'm sorry I missed the mecting, Could you happened Sill in bring in call im sémb in ee NE cca ssece OM WHIT 9 In muse be treated quickly hefvre infection settles in joins in seas in takes in 10 Acts covering agriculture Were nics sromae iat seemie in calded fy brow te in 1982 and 1956, iL She. oyuceeoo. to the temptation of lying around in bed all day, gave in 120k i joined in put in 12 Lhope you're all this... ~the exam’s on Monday remember, sining in taleing in settling tn stayény in 18 We need some extra helpy we eam't Keep oo .ensinnsen for people when they're sick, fiating in putting in joining in sili i something gentle and uncompetitive like youa in iy. fow ie ian tle ie jn for’ Gow ba Below are the fiow most important meanings of OFF and one group af ether meanings, In all 29 phrasal verbs have been selected, Under each of tke radingss you wilt see elisea/ the phrasat verbs which you are yeas aa taining up off ick see off set off sgurk olf tke off [Ey ejecting and Preventing [2] stopping and Cancetting hold off keep off off LF Finishing and campieting [GG] omer meanings nish off at pay of i going to practise. Some verbs appear more than once, as many phrasai verbs H have more than one meaning. You can write other pirasal verbs with the same meaning in the space provided. Use a dictionary if necessary ait off sooimuinoarsmmiresnsarcred Ich off seu off set of xpark off tke off A Leaving and Beginning drop off kick off see off sot off spark off take off ean dbop Daigy aff on my sway home, ‘They kicked off a teo-monts tour of the US. with a party im Washington She sae him off at the station ‘He s21 off! on another of his European pleasure tours, There tous a vise shat the decivion sould spark off a conflict. A steady seream of aiverafe seas taking off and lanchng. @ Lati@uaGe comment 4 Set out, start out and start eff'mean almost the same as set off. 2 Trigger off and set off mean almost the same ae spark off 1 Write the correct phrasal verb to complete the following definitions, 1 Tone thing : a state or event, if causes the stare or event to cist or happen, often by accident. 2 When you! SOMONE vu go with them to the station, airport, or port that they are leaving from, and sy goodbye to them there 3. When you soo. ~sovnanenoe event or discussion, you start it. 4 Wher You er ueeenne YOU STAEE a journey: 2 Mateh the seatences and phrascs on the left with those on the right 1 [fnoone is seeing you oft, A. Right. Who kicks of? 2 Could you drap me off at the post B which might, eventually, have taken off office? C onanother four-hour trek through the D E FE 3 Are we ready for the debate? swamps 4 Hic lewer of praise and support at that Take you time T have to send a parcel 5. The strike caused the collapse of many F had sparked offa friendship between Small businesses the two men, 6 Weset off 1 2 3 a [os 6 | | drop off kick off seo offset aff 3 Choose the hest alternative from the phrasal verbs siven to fill in the space provided. 1 His comenent anne aa debate on the economic policies of the prosnt government. ‘parked off rook off dropped off 2 ORY. Let's sano by discussing the new software. set af ack off drop off BAe YOM inne SOMMCOME 100? sing of soci off icing off 4 Whyte you so late? Oh, T had wo my wie her car the garage take aff see ff drop off Dan : down the mountain to find help. shopped off sparked off set off & Money-masket funds have faster than the space shuttle. uth off sparked off doken aff 4 Write the correct form of the appropriate phrasal verb inthe space provide: 1 Doat-yourself began seriously 10 eisuesisiecnesssiesiee 11 ENE LMS, 2 Abo there 10 AaB «was John Ryan, 8. Brecy morning I have to nes the KIS at school, AWE i nenrcnnreie early on Sunday morning to avoid the traffic, § Can they meet the demand 2. -gecseeree by the boom in ‘TY video? 45 minutes of fireworks, § Write a paragraph on the topic of your choice, including at least one example of each of the phrasal verbs you have just studied. EE Feiecting and Preventing hold off keep off lay off put off write off ‘The French and British wanted to hold aff Portuguese textile competition as long as possible If you don't keep off the treet with your bicycts, PW cake it azvay. So if demaoad falls, she company lays men off", Don't put it off tit tomorrow. Whatever you da, the pleaded, ‘don't erie aff philosophy without even trying 1" ‘Pur it off? Because of a littls ‘shower?! @ Lavauace comment 1 There is slo a nai ‘Textate companics anmounend 2,000 fresh lupo fas! reek Wits the cacteor phresdl Gesbiep completa following definitions. BWP Yet ecccessnses SOMEONE OF YoMETHIAR wove» You decide that they are ‘unimportant, useless, or unlikely to be successful and thar they are aot worth further consideration, 2 WYO oon aor 0 EERE OF appointment, you delay’ oF postpone it, 3 Ifyou an enemy, an opponent, or an atlack, you prevent them from successfully attacking you or competing against you 4 Th workers 82 cos - ‘they are told by their employer thar they have to leave their jobs because there is no more work for them ta do. 2 March the wentences and phrases on the left with these on the right 1 He can't be pur off any more, A i€ they think the price is going to come 2 Laying off workers down, 3. Whar did your father say about your ‘or ncessatly a solution to our Srting olf his car? finunelal problems, 4 She had a veil pulled down all round to hep off the fies. ber hat D Leaving out the scar words ~ nothing! 5 Everyone holds off buying as tong as’ You'll hve to see him this week they ea, 1 2 3 4 5 | 4 Choose the hest alternative from the phrasal verbs given to fill in the space provided, ‘They did tot have enough ammunition left £0 sou a another charge if the enemy came in strong and hard, lay off had off rise aff 2. The directors made plans 10 sso) 3,000 workers. Lav of beep off put off B Doreen sturting it time and again, frightened of the sheer seale of the project. anicealf keep off prt off YOWERI se een EHR nen fst Because we haven't heard from therm forfour days, Give them a bit longer. allo keep off cxrite off 5 There is going to be a revolution; 80 none the road uli off Reape pout aff 4 Write the correct form of the appropriate phrasal verb in the space provided. 1 They kept sues Signing the paper, 2 Having a job helps .. them secs the streets 3 They were able to sonousnet€ Very Much superior attacking force. 4 Chy wurkers are being .. at the rate of L00 a week. 5 Shoull ah insured car be in an astident, the instrers will ually pay the current value of the vel § Write a paragraph on the topic of your choice, including at least one example of each of the phrasal verbs you have just studied. LB Stopping and canceiting ‘broken off during the tear (On the eve of her afeparcire the sertlee was definitely called off, and she was sure of her Ahght, Wis havie Beet fet off eter hometcorh Becatse of the concert. Bill and I cook time off from work and flee to France. 4. Match the phrases on the tet Ifyou can't behave yourself. Until further notice J have been taken off He believes thar if he works ill day Men seem to be more skilled at we ae break off call off let off take off Diplomatic vetations were restored after being “Well, thunle goodness commun sense has prevailed. Je seems Cascoigne’s azent hhas fet she referee off with a severe Tar those on the right. he should be Jet off domestic chores, breaking off relationships than women, ‘we might as well call the whole thing off, D all routine duties and given i rather special job. nw> 2 Choose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs given to fill in the space provided, 1 She arranged with the prineipal of her #ehoal 40 ....5c0c0 necessary time from school. Break off ler off sake off 2 ‘Then things began to go wrong, He ~ Broke off det off took off 3 The boss .. tomorrow, broke off called off let aff 4 Classes will be taken off called off broken off the the relationship. . work early because of the public holiday on “Thursday and Friday. 4 Write the correct form of the appropriate phrasal verbia the space provided, 1 Thay hoped that the strike would Ihe 2 With that, Cities Service .. . the merger talks, 3 You have to . ‘Christmas Day as a holiday. a He me with a reprimand 4 Write a paragraph on the topic of your choice, including at least one example of each of the phrasal verbs you have just studied. a cool off fall off level off wear off work off We cooled off from the leat wath w refreshing We knew thas the menbers of overseas ttudents eon fal off" drastically. ‘This xrowth in demand levelled aif? after 1973, The effect of the aspirin had corn off and hee toothache had come back. We shout a be able ro work off eur strecs pibpsically. ‘Of course, I've had w diversify a bit ‘ince the evowds fell off @ LANGUAGE COMMENT J Dep meaas almost the Sanic wd fall fF, and edeg off and slacken ‘off haye similar meanings, 2 Stabilize isa mare formal word for level off: Level out means the umes level off 1 Match the phrases on the left with those on the right. 1 By the next afternoon Ae exchanged the robe for a thick 2. He haul given us as much food as we blanket. could eat, just when itis most needed, 3 The population will probably reach 320 C_before levelling off, million D the shock had worn olf 4 As the weather cooled ff and wouldn't hear of letting us work off 5. The flaw of western capital is falling.aif our meal 1 2 = 4 5 | 2 Choose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs iven to fill in the space provided. When it starts to. stake another tablet rork aff level off wear aff The curve of natural ecanomie growth was almost certainly starting to Ire of ool off work off 3. Teed to some of this extra wei fed off aurk off cear off he T'm carrying around, 4 Vita’ love for him was... va Jallng off cooting off working aff Economic growth in the Far East will oo only slighily. Wallon? cook elf work off 49 Write the correct form of the appropriate phrasal verb in the space provided, 1 Hewsed ta 4 heavy music cou: hisamger by listening to very loud and very 2 ‘They forecast that cheque valumes will some stagnute at around 3.7 billion and begin conrnmemaen the end of the decade 3 He seems to have on the negotiation idea, 4 Propetty values are continuing to go down, but estate agents say that they may soon $8) TRE PMI OOF ser estneeern ii 4 Write a paragraph on the topic of your chaice, including at least one example of each of the phrasal verbs you have just studied. a9 G Finishing and completing finish of goof pay of pull off TPe had to cork wntil midnight to finish chen off. fet The ceremony at the Are de Triomphe went off? exactly as planned, aa He had used the firm's maney tw pay off? gambling debs You have jst pulled off* one of the biggest arms deals on the teoentied he ceniuery. © LANGUAGE COMMENT ) Polish off is un informal expression fo 2 Pass off means almost the sume as go off y Repay means almost the same as pay off 4 Bring off and earry off mean almost the same as pull of, nigh ofl 1s Match the phrases on the left with those on the right. 1 ‘The most common reason for A without a flaw borrowing BB she hd pulled it of. 2 He had cooked a chicken © and the two of them finished it off 3. ‘To Francois’s great jay the introduction __tagether at one sitting, went off D is to pay off existing loans 4) She had succeeded, trivmphantly: 1 2 3a 4 2 Choose the best alternative fram the phrasal verbs. given to fill in the space provided, the job: 1 Tve had problems: ishing off paying off gots off 2. Before leaving Cape Town T tried t ... a minor academic miracle, pull of pay-off go off finish off goof pay alt pull om 3 The last formalities. soccennaces Without @ Bitch. pulled off went off fiished off 4 How Fong wil i take 19 os senenene tHE HAM neon’? Tem years? Twenty? mllolf payell golf 9 Write the correct form of the appropriate phrasal verb in the space provided. 1 We decided to go hack andl. va. the wine, 2 One could not... x ou Such a surrealistic venture without investing sn enormaus amount of time and mancy. 3 Theshow magnificently, especially the special effects 4 Soshe fell into debr and baad 10 .. AE iit by selling her house. 4 Write a paragraph on the topic of your choles, including atleast one example af each of the phrasal verbs you have just studied. 52 Gq other meanings gvofl ripoff show off tell off “The go oon off a as png tay od tat hax game off" ha hen injected tuk Bacteria rae cause ites. The local shopkcopers ere ul ring to ip off the tourists, le was afraid the others might ink he ws shosing oft or ing enperin When Feat told ft by my parents tens nearly cays jai “Take no notice he's showing al @ LiiGUAGE CommenT # Desay ia more formal word for go olf. 2 Rip off is very informal. Cheat means almowt the sme ac rip off. “There is also a noun: They dre i ae vip # This rearing of shew off is used to show disapproval, 4 Reprimand isa formal word for tell off 1 Write the correct phrasal verb to complete the following definitions. 1 Tfsemeone they cheat you By charging you tao much money for something. 2 Ifyou 19 you try to impress people hy: making your skills or good qualities very obvious it becomes stafe, sour, ar rotten 3° If food or drinks «itis fred: if bomb 4 Ifagun. it explodes, Ifyou SOMEAME ss -ccone + YOU speak 10 ther angrily because they have done something wrong. 20 aff rip off show off tell off 2 Match the sentences and phrases on the left with those on the right. 1 Suop showing off A. going off by accident is slight 2 The court wastes my time B. Can't you sce everybody's bored with 3. Smell this, will you? your war stories. 4 Don't tell me off again, dad, © an the lawyers rip me off? $ The probsbility ofa nuclear weapon DT think i's gone off EI did my best. [ 1 2 a 4 5 3 Weite the correct form of the appropriate phrasal verb in the space provided. 1 The mite’ ee again, 2 Vm fed up of people thinking they can ...... ME cecase sen fut Beats Prva foreigner. BO My moter cece ME for not clearing up my room, 4 Toul hear the bombs... oe 5. There were lots of Kids oo eee on the diving board,

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