ADITYA WISNU PRADIPTA A320180122 C E-UTS Literary Theories

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Nama : Aditya Wisnu Pradipta

Nim : A320180122
Kelas : C

Question A
1. Read Text 1. Identify which elements of style can be found in the text.
(a) grammar at various levels (phonology, morphology, syntax),
(b) diction (special expressions, special terms, borrowings),
(c) figurative language (metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche),
(d) language variety (idiolect, accents and dialect, register).
Explain why the author chose that specific style for his novel.

1. Identify which element
a. Grammar
Phonology : stooping and branches use lip to make the sound, ankle and crowl
use tongue to make the sound
Morphology : cats, miserableness, stooping, distrubance
Syntax : he got up and strached his neck

b. Diction : we went creeping our knees .. that means they were scared.

c. Figurative
Methapor : seemed like I’d die if I couldn’t strach
Simbolism : we could see him pretty clear
Personifications : so he sit down between me and tom

d. Language variety
Idiolect : in these teks the author use their name so we can know and differentiate
each character
Accents : mostly these character use british accents

e. Why did the author choose the spesific style for his novel?
So that we can feel the sensation more deeply and make use keep asking what will
happen next.

Question 2
1. Based on Text 2, write a short essay in which you decide whether or not the text belongs to a
gendered text based on the following considerations: (a) whether the style is either feminine,
masculine, or gender-free; (b) whether the verbs used concerned with action, with doing, or
with reporting feelings, emotions; (c) whether the narration is from the point of view of a
character within the text or is it narrated by a voice external to the text; (d) whether the voice
of the author is female or male. Cite references when necessary to support your argument.
Build your arguments based on the following structure:
(a) your decision (gendered or not), (5 points)
(b) arguments (reasoning), (20 points)
(c) referential supports (20 points)

1. I think the text doesn't show gender. The author's goal is to make the reader enjoy and be able
to describe the character of each character, the situation of the incident clearly, so that he does
not have to think about how the character should look. as well as having to show how
handsome sir william is

Question 3
2. Based on Text 3, explain the syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations in the fashion system.
(25 points)

a. Syntagmatic : all person in the picture was a women. And all of them was wearing a
sweet and something in their fit depends on the situation and also most of them wearing
glass and bag in order to be more fashionable. And woman in number three use sneakers
in order to be more sporty
b. Paradigmatic : the first enter pictures are using shirt and skirt
The second and fourth pictures are using hat
First, second, and fourth pictures are using highheels and the third
pictures was the only one who using sneakers

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