David Copperfield Notes 5-8

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David Copperfield Notes: Chapters 5to 8

1. What was David’s mother doing when he came back to home for holiday?
Ans. When David came back home for holidays, at first, he heard that his
mother was singing very softly. Then he saw that she was sitting by the fire,
nursing a small baby and holding his tiny hand against her neck.

2. In what way David’s birthday became unforgettable?

Ans. On his birthday, David was told by Mrs. Creakle that his mother had
passed away. This was an unforgettable moment in David’s life because he
felt that he was completely alone in the world.

3. Why was Peggotty forced to go to Yarmouth?

Ans. After the funeral of David’s mother, Miss. Murdstone decided to dismiss
Peggotty. Peggotty tried but could not get a suitable Job in Blunderstone. So,
she had to go back to Yarmouth.

4. What change did David see in Emily on his second visit to Yarmouth?

Ans. On his second visit to Yarmouth, David saw Emily was looking prettier
and gayer though he was cheating her a baby, she made him clear that she
was no more a baby. Her behaviour towards him was friendly and kind and it
was in a pleasant manner.

5. What work did David do in the warehouse?

Ans. David worked in Murdstone and Grimby’s warehouses. This job was to
examine empty bottles by holding them up to light. Bottles without faults
had to be washed. When there were no empty bottles to examine. He had to
put corks to the full bottles and pack the finished bottles.

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