Concept of Marginalization Till Children Living in Urban Slums (6:0 - 6:3) - by Ramya

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Concept of

Marginalization till
Children Living in
Urban Slums (6:0 – 6:3)
Thiravium college of education

Subject: Childhood and Growing Up

Title: Marginalized Children Issues and


Marginality is an experience that affects millions of People throughout the

Marginalized people are unable to participate in the community life fully
and enjoy the rights and privileges like others in the society.
Children belonging to the marginalized community groups like the down-
trodden, socially deprived, slum dwellers and tribals as well as street
children and child labourers are unable to get their personality develop like
any other normal children belonging to the majority communities in the
Concept of Marginalization

Marginalization: Marginalization describes the overt actions and tendencies of

human societies, where people with high social status and power exclude those whom
they perceive to be undesirable or without useful function, from the social and cultural
activities of day-to-day practical life in the society.
Marginalized group: People who are marginalized form a
group or community for their protection and integration and are known as
“Marginalized group”.

Marginalized children: Children brought up in such families

are generally referred to as “Marginalized Children”.
Characteristic of marginalized groups

Suffer from discrimination

and subordination

Physical or Cultural traits

that set them apart

Share a sense of collective

identity and common burdens
Follow Own Social Norms

Tendency to Marry within the

group members

They live in localities that

lack in basic amenities and
Characteristic of Marginalized children

Lack of Educational Opportunities.

Poor nutrition, so they suffer from many health issues.
They have no proper drinking water, electricity and drainage
Child Labour is prevailing.
They have no proper development in all six dimension-
Physical, cognitive, emotional, social, moral and Spiritual.
They have no role Models for development.
Childrens living in urban slums

 A dirty, Unhygienic cluster of improvised

shanties with long lines of people crowing
around a solitary municipal water tap to
collect water for drinking, washing and
bathing, bowing babies left on street
corners to fend for themselves the
features of an “Urban Slum”
•Most of the people slum dwellers have meager income, work
as load men, Construction labourers, domestic helps, rag
pickers, helpers and cleaners in a tea shops.
Problems of children living in urban slums

Lack of basic amenities in their

settlements(drinking water, proper
housing, drainage, excreta disposal
•Unclean and Unhygienic Environment:
They are living in dustly and dirty
environment, drinking polluted water. So they
affected by water-borne diseases like cholera,
dysentery and vomiting.
•Social Probblems:
 wide range of unemployment prevailing.
 addiction to smoking,alcohol and drugs.
Getting into the trap of the vicious circle-poverty
leading to remain uneducated and unskilled,
which in turn make the slum children
unemployable ,pushing them further into deep

•Inaccessible Educational and Healthcare Facilities:

Education and Healthcare facilities are not within the reach of Slum
children. Most of the slum children donot complete elementary education and their
young age along with their peers get engaged in rag picking and serving in nearby
hotels and washing dish plates

Ways of Create
Create Addressing employment
Awarness opportunities
the Issues and skill
about Health of Slum
and Hygiene development
Children courses

Problems of Children
living in slums till
Problems of the
Scheduled Tribe
Girls(6:03:01 – 6:5:03)
M. Kathija Banu
Ways And Means of Addressing the Issues of Slum
 Minimum wage rate should be fixed by the government to workers
migrating from towns
 Factories with workforce of more than 100 should have compulsory
dwelling units and accommodation facilities before the project
 Government should arrange for short term training programmes
with stipend for slum women and should grant liberal loans to
expand opportunities
 When the family income of the slum dwellers increases it raises
their living standard and makes them show interest in getting
their children educated.
Deprived children
 Under 18 years of age who is not given proper parental care and
control, education, health care, other care and control for the
physical and emotional well being of the child.

 Deprived children are fewer in delveloped nations and they are taken
care by NGOs

 Their number is significant in developing and under-developed

countries, war torn nations and in countries frequently affected by
natural calamities

 Deprived children in India are taken by their close relatives but they
become street children because of humiliation and cruelty.
Important Problems of ‘Deprived Children’
They use public places
and dilapidated buildings
as their shelters
Denial of
Association with oppurtunities of
Rehabilitating the Deprived

 The government should aid enough to the

NGOs which take care of the deprived children

 These children should be given preparatory

education thereafter according to their
learning capacity education could be
Socially Deprived Girls
Caste System and
In Western countries
people are classified based
discrimination against Dalit does not refer to
on their Economic status,
these groups takes a caste, but suggests
but in India social status of
place in the form of who are in a state of
people is determined by
physical, psychological, oppression, social
the caste system e.g
emotional, cultural disability and who are
Brahmins as upper caste
abuse, which received helpless and poor.
and Shudras or the most
legitimacy from the They are now called
backward class people are
social structure and the as ‘Scheduled Castes’
treated as lower caste
social system
It is hard for them to get two
square meals a day so they suffer
from malnutrition and become
often sick due to dwelling in
unhygienic living conditions and
lacking basic amenities.
Dalit girls are made to work
in construction sites, Higher
households, plantations
etc., to full their families’
financial needs
 Moovaloor Ramamirdha Ammaiyar Memorial Marriage
assistance scheme
 Reservation of seats for Dalits in education and employment as
per the legal provisions
 For safeguarding the Dalits (Scheduled Castes) from the
atrocities and demeaning by the higher caste people, strictly
implementing the provisions of the relevant acts
 The govt. and the school administration should take appropriate
actions against the sexual harassment of Dalit girls
 Issuing free bus pass
 Free hostel stay should be provided for students hailing from long

 Unlike the scheduled castes the scheduled tribes are a product of marginalization based
on ethnicity.
 They are living in isolated hilly regions and remote forest areas and in India their
population is around 84.3 million
 They are considered to be socially and economically disadvantaged.
 They constitute a large proportion of agricultural and plantation labourers, casual
labourers and industrial labourers some of them are engaged in collecting herbs and
perfume materials, fruits etc.,
 This has resulted in poverty, low levels of education, poor health and reduced access to
healthcare and educational services.
 They belong to the percent strata of the society and have severe health problems and
their settlements have neither electricity nor proper transport and communication
 Generally Scheduled tribe girls do not go out of their homes. They are usually getting
married at an early age within their local sects
Abused Children till Neglect
Abuse (6:6 – 6:6:02:04)
Kanaga Sudha
 It is the physical, sexual, or emotional maltreatment
or neglect of a child or children
 In the USA, the CDC and DCF, says that ‘any act or
series of acts of commission or omission by a parent
or other caregiver that results in harm, potential for
harm,or threat of harm to a child’
 Child abuse can occur in a child’s home or in the
organisations, school or communities the child
interacts with.
Types of Child Abuse
Physical Abuse
It involves physical aggression
directed at a child, deliberate infliction
of serious injuries, or actions that
place the child at obvious risk of
serious injury or death.
The HR committee of the UN stated
that prohibition of degrading
treatment or punishment extends to
corporal punishment of children
Child sexual abuse is a form of child abuse in
which an adult or older adolescent abuses a
child for sexual stimulation
It refers to the following:
Pressuring a child to engage in sexual
Indecent exposure of the genitals to a child
Displaying pornography to a child
Actual sexual content with a child
Using a child to produce child pornography
Selling the sexual services of children.
Child neglect is the failure
of a parent or other person
with responsibility for the
child to provide needed
food, clothing, shelter,
medical care or
supervision to the degree
that the child’s health
safety and well-being are
threatened with harm.
HIV Affected Children
and their Problems till
Problems of HIV
Affected Children (6:9
– 6:9:03)
By Gowsalya
By Geeta
Child Labour till Ways and
means of Preventing Child
(6:11 – 6:11:04)
By Geeta G
Child labour
• Introduction
• Child labour
• Reasons For the system of child labour to
• Child labourers plight /problems
• Ways and means Of preventing the
practice of child labour
• Conclusion

•Child labour is the practice of having

children encage in economic activity on
part-time (or) full-time basis.
•The practice deprives children of their
childhood and is harmful to their Physical
and mental development.
Child labour
Children under the age of 14
serving as menials in hotels,
factories ,agricultural firms
,shops(or) work shop to earn a
partly sum as wage .Most of the
young girls are employed are
employed as a domestic maid
servants to do household work.
Causes of child labour
There are main four reasons
• Family
• Economically
• Social environment
• Education
• Illiteracy of parents .
• Parents being alcoholic .
• No permanent dwelling place,often shifting the dwelling placeand
going search of job .
• Elder children have to take care of the younger siblings at home .
• The tendency of the unwise parents who consider children’s income
more important than their future .
• Children are forced to work for years to wipe out the loans taken by
their parents from the employers.
• Most of the young children take up some odd jobs to augment the
income of the poverty ridden family .
• Parents who are not able to provide one square Meal a day to the
children ,sending them to school is a luxury .
• Parents remain unemployed for most of the day continuously .
• Ill-health and old age of parents.
Social environment
• Most of parents in the society think that girls need not to be
educated .
• Many parents consider that children should pickup the family
occupation .
• Forcing the girl children to help in the household chorus of close
relatives and others .
• Children who ran away from their home end up as food
serves(or)table cleaners in town restraunts.
• Lack of aptitude of children in education .
• Teachers high handedness and corporal punishment given in schools
frighten the children.
• Education remains uninteresting for children ,the learning process is
not made a joyful after.
Child labours plight / prOblem.

• They are under 14 age children’s ,they are forced to work for more than 8 8 8hours
perday,they are treated almost as bonded labours.
• Though they are work for more than 8 hours a day like a adult labours.They are not
paid wages on par with him .
• Children work in unhygienic conditions in factories ,manufacturing
beedies,Matchbox,fire crackers,without (or) recreation and that too for a mearge
• Most of the child labours affected with any of the disease like
tuberculosis,asthuma,venereal disease
• Female child labours become prey for sextorture and some of them become unwed
mothers .
• Due to bad companianship,most of the chilld labours become addicted to intoxicants
like alcohol,opium,smoking etr...
Ways and means of preventing the practice of
child labour
Government penal actions:
• The law banning the child labour should be enforced
seriously.The employers violating the ban of child labour and
get them punishment.
• Employers should be made to display the notice reading
“child labour is not employed in our working place”.
• Legislation requiring the employers to print on the package
of their finished goodstating “this is not manufactured by
employing chil labour”. It should be strictly watched .
Role of voluntry agency:
• Volutries are concerned with the protection of child rights(below 15).Child
agency (or) volunteers offer suitable counselling tolabours and their
parents .
• A vigilance committee of child labour form a group consist of VAO,police
,school headmaster and local area municipal chairman .They help the
formor child labour to get non formal education system .
• School teachers and social workers should organise the brain wash
program and convey the schemes and scholarship ,text book ,noon meal
,transport fesility.
• Ensure 100 % school enrollment among the children of age 5 to 14.
• They should also see that all children enrolled in schools ,do not drop out
before 8 th std.
Make the school climate &educational practice ,More pleasant ans
• Climate Should neither be intimidating nor insulating the
children.Teacher people ratio should be low.
• Better education at practice like Activity BasedLearning(ABL),playway
method of teaching.
• School should be clean and neat,they should have infra structural
fesilities like ventilated cLass room,toilet,sanitary facilities .
Encouraging alternate schools and nonformal education
• In unavoidable conditions ,when children are not able to attend the
schools,they should have opportunities to attend the alternative
schools .Which work on a fixed daily schedule,convinient to child
• Industrial establishments should also be encouraged to provide part-
time education to its young employees.
• The scheme of “sarva siksha abiyan” should be vigorously
implemented .

•Children are youngest back bone of our

country, because they are the next
generation .We should make the next
generation is healthy and literary .It will
improve our family as well as country.
Measures to Promote the
status of Marginalized
Children till Conclusion
(6:12 – Conclusion)

BY Dowheedha


Who grow up in social groups that are subjected to

discrimination and exclusion from the mainstream
communities denied of rights and previlegas on par
with other in society
• Social segregation
• Dwelling lacking basic amenities
• Poverty
• Inaccessibility to education and healthcare services
• All kind of social discrimination and segregations based on caste
religion and ethnicity should be abolished with the help of law and
• “SPECIAL RESERVATION QUOTA” in education and employment for
the social backward.
• Increasing the number of non-discriminative settlements of
• Inclusive school system
• District administrations maintaining constant vigil in safe guarding
the right use over all public places(temple, bus, entertainment ,house
INTERCASTE MARRIAGE measure like ensuring the safety
and security of those who entered into INTERCAST
INTERCASTE MARRIAGE measure like ensuring the safety
and security of those who entered into INTERCAST
• Provide apartment to marginalized people in a phased manner
ensuring the provisions for all basic amenities such as electricity safe
drinking water, drainage and disposal services.
• Arrangements should be made to run grocery shops, vegetable, fruits
shop etc.
• Providing jobs
• Providing food grains
• Free dhotis shirt and sarees twice in year
• Arranging for the marginalized people free short term training
programme for self employed
• Primary health centres with in a distance of four Km
• Modern hospital with in30-bed in patient facilities
with in a distance 10km
• The classroom climate in school should neither be
intimidating nor insulling the marginalized children
• Teacher-pupil ratio should be less than to10 pay
increased individual attention
• Enough number of well ventilated classroom adequate seating toilet
drinking water etc
• Headmaster should be allow to have the freedom to arranging school
timing local need and declare local holidays weekly market etc
• The scheme of Sarva Siksha Abiyan should be vigorously
• Voluntary agencies should be encouraged to implement non-formal
education programmes for school drop outs
The concept of MARGINALIZATION IN SOCIETY meaning of the team
MARGINALIZED CHILDREN different kind of marginalized children such
as children living in urban slum, children the socially deprived
categories .HIV affected children working in the unorganised sector as
child labourers .The promote their status and quality of life have been
discussed in this presentation
Thank You

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