Jum'atul Husna - Patch Adam 2

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Name Jum’atul Husna Major S1 Nursing

NIM 11194562010248 Semeste II

Course English



Fill out the following information about the movie :

During the movie :
1. Who are the 3 most important characters in the film? Also list the names 3 of the
actors playing these characters

The 3 most important characters are

- Hunter Patch
- Carin Fisher
- Arthur Mendelson

The 3 actors who play the role are

- Robin Williams
- Monica Potter
- Harold Gould

2. What is this story about? Be very detailed!

Patch Adam is a film that tells the true story of the journey of an American doctor
named Hunter Patch Adam. Played by Robin Williams as Hunter, this film has a
humorous, sad, touching, and controversial plot. This film is a form of criticism of
the medical methods of medicine in that era which may still be adhered to today.
From this it can be seen that in the world of medical work, how easy it is to focus
on curing a disease and how easy it is to forget that behind the disease is another
normal human being.

After the movie :

3. Did you like this movie? why or why not?
I love that the storyline is typical of resistance to the strict rules, but the story in
this film leaves a warm and sentimental impression that makes me happy after the
film ends.

4. What did you learn from this one?

Patch teaches us that it is easier to treat an illness when we first try to heal the
patient's mental state. When doctors are so afraid of death and forget that
sometimes there are patients who don't get better, laughter is a medicine that
can alleviate the suffering and pain of the patient.

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