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Task 4

Give 3 examples of how modern life benefits from technology.

There are many examples of this. For example, thanks to technology you can do the
same things faster, better and you can share these kinds of things more easily.

When can technology became intrusive and what can be done about it?

I think that it happens when we are connected all day or when there is a lot of
information about us on the internet.

Are there any modern technology that we would be better without? Why?

In my opinion, we can’t live without technology now. The fact is, nowadays, we are
very dependent on technology, and there are a lot of things that we can’t do it without

In general, do you believe technology has improved our quality of life? How?

I think so. Currently, our life is easier thanks to technology. For example, we can read
books online from anywhere, whereas, before you had to go to library.

How do you think technology will change our lives over the next 50 years?

This is a difficult question. 50 years ago, people couldn’t imagine that, nowadays, we
were going to live like this. I don't know what the future holds, but, I hope that it will be
like Star Wars.

Reading for Gist


Paragraph 1

This Paragraph talking about the bad side of the speakers. Specifically, talking about
information that can be recorded by Google and It can be negative to ours.

Paragraph 2

This Paragraph talking about how speakers can control some technological gadgets like
television, music systems and light and how this gadgets can interacting with humans.
Paragraph 3

This Paragraph talking about Google’s new toy. This kind of technology can be used in
some kind of gadgets like dragons or robots.

Paragraph 4

This Paragraph talking about how the toys of Google can interact with ours, even they
are be able to understand our emotions and expressions.

Paragraph 5

This kind of technology is simply unnecessary, but it has a lot of potential, although it
remains a science fiction films.

Paragraph 1: The future is already here

Paragraph 2: Smart toy mechanisms
Paragraph 3: Attractive companions
Paragraph 4: Limitations of smart toys
Paragraph 5: A Chilling parallel

Are forms of surveillance e.g. security cameras common in your country?

I don’t think so. I only see security cameras on the roads, and it is very useful. For
example, before I go to Madrid, I watch the security cameras from the Alto del León
and the highway in order to avoid traffic jams

What are your feeling about surveillance?

It has advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand it can be very useful, but, on the
other hand… it can be a form of control from the governments and… that scares.

Should children be protected from forms of surveillance? Why/ Why not?

In Spain there have been many disappearances of children and, if there had been
cameras…maybe it would have been avoided.

Can we prevent information obtained from surveillance methods being misused, and if
so, how?

It depends on the people that control the cameras. I don’t have an answer about that, but
history told me that it can be a disaster. At first it can be useful, but over time, it can
will turn against us.

Are there any positive aspects to surveillance?

I think so. Before, I talked about some aspects positives… and negatives. The best
chance that security cameras can provide is in order to avoid robberies and kidnappings
Paragraph 1: Ignorance is bliss.
Paragraph 2: Orwellian-inspired surveillance systems.
Paragraph 3: How to set up a surveillance system.
Paragraph 4: Surveillance when you are away.
Paragraph 5: A sad irony

1. Installing security cameras. Paragraph 3

2. Historical use of surveillance. Paragraph 2
3. How often we are filmed by security cameras. Paragraph 1
4. Drawback of security cameras. Paragraph 5
5. The purpose of security cameras. Paragraph 4

1. Anyone can install security cameras. T

2. Bentham use surveillance systems in prisons. T
3. Most people are unaware of being filmed by security cameras T
4. Security cameras are a reliable substitute for security personnel. F
5. Security cameras can potentially provide 24-hour monitoring. T

It is impossible not to be filmed when out shopping in the high street. T

The visibility of surveillance cameras makes most people self-conscious. F
Countries, other than the UK, operate different surveillance systems. Not given

There are similarities with the novels of George Orwell. T

Surveillance is a purely modern-day concept. F
All prisons uses Bentham’s designs of surveillance. Not Given

1. NG.
2. T.
3. F.
4. NG.
5. F.

Exercise 6

A. Currently, some smart toys can mimic a range of human expressions. T

B. The technology does not yes for Smart toys.
C. Some Smart toys are capable of holding conversations. T
D. Parents may not believe manufacturers’ claims that Smart toys are safe. T
E. Google’s smart toys will be remotely-controlled by a special device.
F. Information from Smart toys will be stored on the on the internet. T
G. Smart toys only record conversation when programmed to.
H. Smart toys will be able to perform functional task. T

Oblivious to – unaware of
Intrusive – invasive of privacy
Covertly - Secretly
Borne of – Resulting from
Oppressive - expertise
Know-how – expertise
Deterrent to – Persuasion against
Reap dividends – Prove beneficial.
Crucial – Important.

The average shopper is completely secretly being filmed when they are out on the High
Hidden cameras prove beneficial film their unsuspecting subjects.
A certain degree of expertise is required to set up a security camera.
Sometimes surveillance cameras prove unreliable and fail to operate at resulting from.
A distrust of surveillance exists, invasive of privacy its use by oppressive regimes.

Some fear Smart toys place children record conversations from those who might use
their personal details.
At the moment, Smart toys are only… basic functions.
In the future, Smart toys may be able to carry out domestic chores around the house.
There is a need for parental control over what sites children can access on the internet
Smart toys may be able to express emotions, although toy will probably be to express
interest, at best

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