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Ninja 400

A ampere(s) in. inch(ep)
ABDC after bottom dead center kmlh kilom&ers per hour
ABS anti-lock brake system L liter@)
AC alternating current LCD Jquid crystal display
Ah ampere hour LED light emitting diode
ATDC after top dead center Ib pound(s)
BBDC before bottom dead center m meter(s)
BDC bottom dead center min minute(s)
BTDC before top dead center mmHg millimeters of mercury
'C degree@) Celsius mph miles per hour
cmHg centimeters of mercury N newton(s)
cu in. cubic inch(es) oz ounce(s)
DC direct current Pa pascal(s)
DFI digital fuel injection PS horsepower
DOHC double overhead camshaft psi pound(s) per square inch
DOT department of transportation qt quart(s)
ECU electronic control unit r revolution
F farad(s) rPm revolution(s) per minute
OF degree(s) Fahrenheit s second(s)
ft foot, feet TDC top dead center
9 gram(s) TIR total indicator reading
gal gallon(s) V volt(s)
h hour(s) W watt(s)
HP horsepower(s) R ohm(s)
IC integrated circuit
AT Austria MY Malaysia
AU Australia PH Philippines
CA Canada SEA-61 Southeast Asia 61
CAL California SEA-B3 Southeast Asia 63
CH Switzerland TH Thailand
DE Germany US United States
EUR Europe WVTA WVTA Model (Full Power)
Quick Reference Guide

General Information 1
Periodic Maintenance 2
Fuel System (DFI) 3
Cooling System 4
Engine Top End 5
Clutch 6
Engine Lubrication System 7
Engine Removalllnstallation 8
CrankshaftlTransmission 9
WheeIsITires I0
Final Drive 11
Brakes 12
Suspension 13
Steering 14
Frame 15
[ Electrical System 16
Appendix 17
This quick reference guide will assist
you in locating a desired topic or pro-
*Bend tfre pages back b matdl the
black tab of the desired chapter nwrn-
ber with the Mad< tab on the edge at
each table of contents page.
*Referto the sectional.table of contents
for the exad pages to locate the spe-
cific topic required.

To protect the environment in which we all live, Kawasaki has incorporated crankcase emis-
sion (1) and exhaust emission (2) control systems in compliance with applicable regulations of
the United States Environmental Protection Agency and California Air Resources Board. Addi-
tionally, Kawasaki has incorporated an evaporative emission control system (3) in compliance
with applicable regulations of the California Air Resources Board on vehicles sold in California
1. Crankcase Emission Control System
This system eliminates the release of crankcase vapors into the atmosphere. Instead, the vapors
are routed through an oil separator to the intake side of the engine. While the engine is operating,
the vapors are drawn into combustion chamber, where they are bumed along with the fuel and air
supplied by the fuel injection system.
2. Exhaust Emission Control System
This system reduces the amount of pollutants discharged into the atmosphere by the exhaust
of this motorcycle. The fuel, ignition, and exhaust systems of this motorcycle have been carefully
designed and constructed to ensure an efficient engine with low exhaust pollutant levels.
The exhaust system of this model motorcycle manufactured primarily for sale in California in-
cludes a catalytic converter system.
3. Evaporative Emission Control System
Vapors caused by fuel evaporation in the fuel system are not vented into the atmosphere. In-
stead, fuel vapors are routed into the running engine to be burned, or stored in a canister when
the engine is stopped. I
The Clean Air Act, which is the Federal law covering motor vehicle pollution, contains what is
commonly referred to as the Act's 'Yampering provisions."
'Sec. 203(a) The following acts and the causing thereof are prohibited.
(3)(A) for any person to remove or render inoperative any device or element of design installed
on or in a motor vehicle or motor vehicle engine in compliance with regulations under this
title prior to its sale and delivery to the ultimate purchaser, or for any manufacturer or dealer
knowingly to remove or render inoperative any such device or element of design after such
sale and delivery to the ultimate purchaser.
(3)(B) for any person engaged in the business of repairing, servicing, selling, leasing, or trading
motor vehicles or motor vehide engines, or who operates a fleet of motor vehicles know-
ingly to remove or render inoperative any device or element of design installed on or in a
motor vehicle or motor vehide engine in compliance with regulations under this title follow-
ing its sale and delivery to the ultimate purchaser..."
OThe phrase "remove or mnder inoperative any device or element of design" has been gener
interpreted as follows.
1. Tampering does not include the temporary removal or rendering inoperative of de-
vices or elements of design in order to perform maintenance.
2. Tampering could include.
a.Maladjustment of vehicle components such that the emission standards are ex-
b. Use of replacement parts or accessories which adversely affect the petfomance
or durability of the motorcycle.
c.Addition of components or accessories that result in the vehicle exceeding the stan-
d.Permanently removing, disconnecting, or rendering inoperative any component or
element of design of the emission control systems.

Federal law prohibits the following acts or the causing thereof. (1) The removal or rendering
inoperative by any person other than for purposes of maintenance, repair, or replacement, of any
device or element of design incorporated into any new vehicle for the purpose of noise control
prior to its sale or delivery to the ultimate purchaser or while it is in use, or (2) the use of the
vehicle after such device or element of design has been removed or rendered inoperative by
any person.
Among those acts presumed to constitute tampering are the acts listed below.
Replacement of the original exhaust system or muffler with a component not in compliance
with Federal regulations.
Removal of the muffler(s) or any internal portion of the muffler(s).
Removal of the air box or air box cover.
Modifications to the muffler(s) or air intake system by cutting, drilling, or other means if such
modifications result in increased noise levels.
This manual is designed primarily for use by Guide shows you all of the product's system
trained mechanics in a properly equipped shop. and assists in locating their chapters. Each
However, it contains enough detail and basic in- chapter in turn has .ts own comprehensive Ta-
formation to make it usefulto the owner who de- ble of Contents.
sires to performhis own basic maintenance and For example, if you want stick cdl information,
repair work. A basic knowledge of mechanics, use the Quick Reference Guide to locate the
the proper use of tools, and workshop proce- Electrical System chapter. Then, use the Table
dures must be understood in order to cany out of Contents on the first page of the chapter to
maintenance and repair satisfactorily. When- find the Stick Coil section.
ever the owner has insufficient experience or Whenever you see symbols, heed their in-
doubts his ability to do the work, all adjust- structions! Always follow safe operating and
ments, maintenance, and repair should be car- maintenance practices.
ried out only by qualified mechanics.
In order to perform the work efficiently and
to avoid costly mistakes, read the text, thor- DANGER indicates a hazardous situa-
oughly familiarize yourself with the procedures tion which, H not avoided, will result in
before starting work, and then do the work care- death or serious injury.
fully in a clean area. Whenever spedal tools or
equipment are specified, do not use makeshift
tools or equipment. Precision measurements WARNING indicates a hazardous situa-
can only be made if the proper instnrments are tion which, If not avoided, could result
used, and the use of substitute tools may ad- I In death or serious injury.
versely affect safe operation.
For the duration of the warranty period, NOTICE
we recommend that ail repairs and scheduled
maintenance be performed in accordance with I NOTICEIs used to address practices not I
this service manual. Any owner maintenance or [ related to personal injury.
repair procedure not performed in accordance This manual contaii four more symbols
with this manual may void the warranty. which will help you distinguish different types
To get the longest life out of your vehicle. of information.
Follow the Periodic Mginterasance Chart in the
Service Manual. NOTE
Be alert for problems and no&cheduled ONOTEindicates information that may help
maintenance. or guide you in the operation or service of
Use proper tools and genuine Kawasaki Mo- the vehicle.
torcycle parts. Special tools, gauges, and
testers that are necessary when senricing I n d i t e s a procedural step or work to be
Kawasaki motorcydes are intmduced by the done.
Service Manual. Genuine parts provided as Olndicates a procedural sub-step or how to do
spare parts are listed in the Parts Catalog. the work of the procedural step it follows. It
Fdlow the procedures in thii manual care- also precedes the text of a NOTE.
fully. Don't take shortcuts. *Indicates a conditional step or what action to
Rememberto keep complete records of main- take based on the results of the test or inspec-
tenance and repair with dates and any new tion in the procedural step or sub-step it fol-
parts installed. lows.
In most chapters an exploded view illustration
of the system components follows the Table of
How to Use This Manual Contents. In these illustrations you will find the
in this manual, the product is divided into instnrdions indicatingwhich parts require spec-
its major systems and these systems make up ified tightening torque, oil, grease or a locking
the manual's chapters. The Quick Reference agent during assembly.

General Information
Table of Contents
Before Servicing ..................................................................................................................... 1-2
Modd Identification................................................................................................................. 1-7
General QmdfhOns ............................................................................................................ I-9
Unit Conversion Table .......................................................................................................... 1-12
Before Sewicing
Before starting to perform an inspection service or carry out a disassembly and reassembly opera-
tion on a motorcycle, read the precautions given below. To facilitate actual operations, notes, illustra-
tions, photographs, cautions, and detailed descriptions have been included in each chapter wherever
necessary. This section explains the items that require particular attention during the removal and
reinstallation or disassembly and reassembly of general parts.
Especially note the following.
Battery Ground
Before completing any senrice on the motorcyde, discon-
nect the battery cables from the battery to prevent the en-
gine from accidentally turning over. Disconnect the ground
cable (-1 first and then the positive (+). When completed
with the sewice, first connect the positive (+) cable to the
positive (+) terminal of the battery then the negative (-) ca-
ble to the negative terminal.

Edges of Parts
L i large or heavy parts wearing gloves to prevent injury
from possible sharp edges on the parts.

Use a high flash-point solvent when cleaning parts. High
flash-point solvent should be used according to directions
of the solvent manufacturer.

Cleaning Vehicle befire Disassembly

Clean the vehicle thoroughly before disassembly. Dirt or
other foreign materialsentering into sealed areas during ve-
hide disassembly can cause excessive wear and decrease
performance of the vehicle.
Before Servicing
Arrangement and Cleenlng of Removed Parts
Disassembled parts are easy to confuse. Arrange the
parts according to the order the parts were disassembled
and dean the parts in order prior to assembly.

Storage of Removed parts*-

After ell the parts including whssembly parts have been
cleaned, store the parts h a clean area. Put a dean cloth
or plastic sheet over the parts to protect from any foreign
materials that may odM before reassembly.

Inspection - ., --,* ,
Reuse of worn or damaged parts may lead to serious ac-
cident. Visually inspect removed parts for corrosion, d i m l -
oration, or other damage. Re* to the appropriate seclions
of this manual for service limb on individual parts. Replacs
the parts if any damage has been fourad or if the part is be-
yond its service limit

Replacement Parts
Replacement parts must be KAWASAKI genuine or
recommended by KAWASAKI. Gaskets, O-rings, oil seals,
grease seals, cirdips, cotter pins or self-Iocking nuts must
be replaced with new ones whenever disassembled.

-4 -
Assembly O ~ W r,.

In most cases assembty order is the reverse of disassern-

bly, however, if assembly order is provided in this Service
Manual, follow the procedures given.
Before Servicing
Tightening Sequence
Generally, when installing a part with several bolts, nuts,
or screws, start them all in their hdes and tighten them to
a snug fit. Then tighten them according to the spedfied s e
quence to prevent case warpage or deformation which can
lead to malfunction. Conversely when loosening the bolts,
nuts, or screws, first loosen all of them by about a quar-
ter turn and then remove them. If the specified tightening
sequence is not indicated, tighten the fasteners alternating
fightcbning Torque
Incorrect toque applied to a bolt, nut, or screw may
lead to serious damage. Tighten fasteners to the specified
toque using a good quality toque wrench.
All of the tightening toque values are for use with dry,
solvent cleaned threads unless otherwise indicated. If a
fastener which should have dry, dean threads gets contami-
natedwith lubricant, etc., applying even the specified toque
m l d damage it.

Use common sense during disassembly and assembly,
excessive force can cause expensive or hard to repair dam-
age. When necessary, remove screws that have a non
germanent locking agent applied using an impact driver.
Use a plastic-faced mallet whenever tapping is necessary.

Gasket, M n g
Hardening, shrinkage, or damage of both gaskets and
O-rings after disassembly can reduce sealing performance.
Remove old gaskets and clean the sealing surfaces thor-
oughly so that no gasket material or other material remains.
Install the new gaskets and replace the used O-rings when

Liquid Gasket, Non-permanent Locking Agent

For applications that require Liquid Gasket or a
Non-permanent Locking Agent, clean the surfaces so
that no oil residue remains before applying liquid gasket or
nowpermanent locking agent. Do not apply them exces-
sively. Excessive application can dog oil passages and
cause serious damage.

Before Servicing
For items such as bearings or dl seals that must be
pressed into place, apply small amount of oil to the a m
tact area. Be sure to maintain proper alignment and use
smooth movements when installing.

Ball Besring and Needle Bearing

Do not remove pressed ball or needle unless removal is
absolutely necessary. Replace with new ones whenever
m v e d . Press hearings with the rnanubdurer and sife
marks facing out. Press the bearing into place by putting
pressure on the correct W n g race as shown.
Pnssing the incomd race can cause presrure betwdn
the inner and outer race and result in bearing damage.

Oil Seal, G m s e Seal

Do not remove pressedoil or grease seals unless removal
is necessary. R s p h with nerw ones vhmever removed.
Press new oil seals with manufacture and size marks facing
out. Make sure the seal is aligned properly when installing.

Apply specified grease to the lip of seal before instaiilng

the seal.

Circlips, Cottrnr Pins

Replace the drdips or cotter pins that were removed with
new ones. Take care not to open the dip excessively wh@n
installing to prevent deformation.
-\ .
. -
Before Servicing
It is important to lubricate rotating or sliding parts during
assembly to minimize wear during initial operation. Lubri-
cation points are called out throughout this manual, apply
the specific oil or grease as specified.

Direction of Engine Rotation

When rotating the crankshaft by hand, the free play
amount of rotating direction will affect the adjustment. Ro-
tate the crankshaft to positive direction (clockwise viewed
from output side).

EIecMcal Wires
A two-color wire is identifiedfirst by the primary cdor and
then the stripe color. Unless instructed otherwise, electrical
wires must be connected to those of the same color.

Use a meter that has enough accuracy for an accurate
measurement. Read the manufacture's instructions thor-
oughly before using the meter. Incorrect values may lead
to improper adjustments.

Handling Electronic Parts

Severe impacts to electronic parts such as the ECU, sen-
sor, and relay can damage them. If dropped on a hard sur-
face, replace such parts with new ones.
If a high voltage that is created by static electricity is ap-
plied to the electric parts, it could cause them to fail. To
avoid this, touch a non-painted metal surface to discharge
any static electricity that is accumulated on your body be-
fore inspecting or replacing electric parts.
Be careful not to touch the electricalterminals of the elec-
tronic parts. The static electricity discharged from your body
could damage them or deform the electrical terminals.
' C
.== :'

a F. k ,, L
' LA;, -2 2.:. Ad: ,.&
Model Identification
U(4000JMJ Left Side View

I 80311 P

EX400GJMJ Right Sid. View

Model Identification


- 9 , -

ucAoarJ Right Side View


Fmm Number


Engtne Number

a m n b P

- 6
General Specifications
Overall Length 1 990 mm (78.35 in.)
Overall Width 710 mm (28.0 in.)
Overall Height:
EX400Gn-I 1 120 mm (44.09 in.)
EX4OOJ 1 150 mm (45.28 in.)
Road Clearance
- . 1 370 mm (53.94 in.)
140 mm (5.51 in.)
Seat Height 785 mm (30.9 in.)
Curb Mass:
EX400G: 168 kg (370 Ib)
(US, CA) 166 kg (366 Ib)
(CAL, PH) 167 kg (368 Ib)
Front 06 kg (190 Ib)
(US, CA, CALI PH) 85 kg (187 Ib)
Rear 82 kg (181 Ib)
(US, CA) 81 kg'@% lb)
EX400H: 164 kg (362 Ib)
(CAL) 165 kg (364 Ib)
Front 84 kg (185 Ib)
Rear 80 kg (176 Ib)
(CAL) 81 kg (179 Ib)
EX400J: (MY) 168 kg (370 Ib) ,.
(TH) 169 kg (373 Ib) 4

Front 86 kg (190 Ib)

Rear (MY)82 kg(181 Ib) -
(TH) 83 kg (183 Ib)
Fuel Tank Capacity ,, . 14 L (3.7 US gal)
Minimum Turning Radius 2.5 m (8.2 ft)
TYP &stroke, DOHC, 2-cylinder
Cooling System Liquid-cooled
Bore and Stroke 70.0 x 51.8 mm (2.76 x 2.04 in.)
Displacement 399 cm3 (24.3 cu in.)
Compression Ratio 11.5:1
Maximum Horsepower 33.4 kW (45 PS) a 1 0 000 rlmin (rpm)
(MY, PH) 36.0 kW (49 PS) @I0 000 rlmin (rpm)
(US, CA, CAL) - - -
Maximum Torque 38.0 N-m (3.9 kgf-m, 28 I€-lb)@8 000 rlmin (rpm)
(US, CAI CAL) - - -
Fuel System FI (Fuel injection), MlKUNl32EIDW x 2
Fuel Type:
Minimum Octane Rating:
Research Octane Number (RON) 91
Antiknock Index (RON + MON) / 2 87
General Smcifications
Starting System Electric starter
Ignition System Battery and coil (transistorized)
Timing Advance Electronically advanced (IC igniter in ECU)
Ignition Timing ), 1 -
10.0' BTDC @ I 300 rlmin (rpm) 42.0" BTDC @8 400
rlmin (rprn)
(US, CA, CAL) 10"BTDC @I300 rlmin (rprn) 40" BTDC
@I0 000 rlmin (rprn)
(MY, PH) 10.0" BTDC @1 300 rlmin (rprn) 40.9" BTDC
a 1 0 000 rlmin (rprn)
(SEA-BlIB3, TH) 10.0" BTDC @1 300 rlmin (rprn) 41.9"
I BTDC @8 400 rlmin (rprn)
Spark Plug
I ~ e ftoi right, 1-2
Cylinder Numbering Method
Firing Order
Valve Timing:
Open 26" (BTDC)
Close 62" (ABDC)
Duration 268"
Open 53" (BBDC)
Close 19" (ATDC)
Duration 252"
Lubrication System I Forced lubrication (wet sump)
Engine Oil:
I( API SG, SH, SJ, SL or SM with JASO MA, MA1 a MA2
SAE 10W-40
C a m 2.3 L (2.4 US qt)
Drive Train

Primary Reduction System:

Type Gear
Reduction Ratio 2.219 (71132)
Clutch Type Wet multi disc
Type I6-speed, constant mesh, return shift
Gear Ratios:
1st .
2nd '

Final Drive System:
Type . . .. chain drive' & :J - ;, .,>
Reduction Ratio '- ' ' 2.929 (41114) ' -
General Specifications
Overall Drive Ratio 6.738 @Top gear
Type Trellis, high-tensile steel
Caster (Rake Angle) 24.7"
Trail 92 mm (3.6 in.)
Front Tire:
TYP~ Tubeless
Size 110ffOR17 MIC 54H
Rim Size 17WC x MT3.00
Rear lire:
TYW Tubeless
Size 150160R17 MIC 66H
Rim Size 17ME x MT4.00
Front Suspension:
T' Telescopic fork
Wheel Travel 120 mm (4.72 in.)
Rear Suspension:
TW Swingam
Wheel Travel 130 mm (5.12 in.)
Brake Type:
Front Single disc
Rear Single dtse
Electrical Equipment
Battery 12 V 8 Ah (10 HR)
High Beam LED
Low Beam LED
Ci L i h t LED
Brakerrail Light LED
Turn Signal Light:
Front 12 V 10 W (RY1OW)
Rear 12 V 10 W (WY1OW)
License Plate L i h t 12V5W~5W)
Ty~e Thtw-phase AC
Maximum Output -
14.0 V 21.0 A @5 000 rlmin (rpm)
Specifications are subject to @awe without noticg, and may not apply t~ every country.
Unit Conversion Table
Prefixes for Units: Units of Length:
x 0.6214 = mile
Prefix Symbol Power
x 3.281 = R
m a M x 1000000
x 0.03937 = in.
x 1 000
x 0.91
milli x 0.001 Units of Torque:
x 0.000001 N-m x 0.1020 = kgf-m
N-m x 0.7376 = ft-lb
N-m x 8.851 = inqlb
Units of Mass: kgf-m x 9.807 = N-m
kg x 2.205 = kgf-m x 7.233 = ft-lb
g x 0.03527 = kgf-m x 86.80 = in-lb

Units of Volume: Units of Pressure:

L x 0.2642 gal (US) kPa x 0.01020 = kgflcmZ
L x 0.2200 gal (IMP) kPa x 0.1450 = psi
L x 1.057 st (US)
L x 0.8799 st (IMP)
L x 2.113 pint (US) kgf/cma x 14.22 = psi
L x 1.816 pint (IMP) cmHg x 1.333 = kPa
mL x 0.03381 oz (US)
mL x 0.02816 oz (IMP) Units of Speed:
mL x 0.06102 cu in. km/h x 0.6214 = mph

Units of Force: Units of Power:

N x 0.1020 = kg kW x 1.360 = PS
N x 0.2248 = Ib kW x 1.341 = HP
PS x 0.7355 = kW

Units of Temperature:

Periodic Maintenance
Table of Contents
Periodic MaintenanceChart ...................................................................................................
Torque and Locklng Agent .....................................................................................................
Spdficehns ......................................................................................................................
Special Tools .........................................................................................................................
Periodic Maintenance PKlcedum........................... ..........................................................
Fuel System (DFI)................................................................................................................
Air Cleaner Element Replacement....................................................................................
Idle Speed Inspection.......................................................................................................
Idle Sped Adjustment ......................................................................................................
Throttle Contrd System Inspection...................................................................................
Engine \Pecuum Synchmhtion Inspection.....................................................................
Fuel System Inspeetion.....................................................................................................
Fud Rlter RepIament....................................................................................................
Fud Hem Rephment ...................................................................................................
Evaporative Emission Control System Inspection (Equipped Models) .............................
Cooling System....................................................................................................................
W a n t Level Inspdon...................................................................................................
Cooling System Inspach ...............................................................................................
W a n t Change ................................................................................................................
Water How and M n g Replacement...............................................................................
Engine Top End ...................................................................................................................
Valve Clearance Impwth ..............................................................................................
Vahm Clearance Adjustment.............................................................................................
Air Suction System Damage Inspdon............................................................................
Clutch Operation - I ..............................................................................................
Engine, Lubrkdon system ..................................................................................................
Engine Oil Change............................................................................................................
Oil Filter Replacement ......................................................................................................
W h e d f l l ~........................................................................................................................
Air Pressure In-m .....................................................................................................
Wheel$ and Tlrehs Inspection.............................................................................................
Wheel Bearing Damage Inspection ..................................................................................
Final W e............................................................................................................................
Drhm Chain Lutrrlcatkwr CundMm lmgectlon...................................................................
Drive Chain Sack Inspection............................................................................................
Drive Chain Sladc Adjusfmmt ..........................................................................................
Wheel Allgnmsnt Irwpacth .............................................................................................
D M Chain Wear lnspedion............................................................................................
Chain Gulde Wear Imqmdcm...........................................................................................
Brake Systsm-I ..................................................................................................
Brake QperPititxl lnspsdlon..............................................................................................
Brake fluid Level Inspection.............................................................................................
Brake Fluid Changs ..........................................................................................................
B W Hose and PSpe R9placlement..................................................................................
Master Cylinder Rubber Parts Replacement ....................................................................
Miper Rubber Pa- Re*- ..................................................................................
Bmk Wear InrPpedion..............................................................................................
Bmke Light Switch Operation Inspection..........................................................................

.......... . .. ............................
S U ~ ~ O C .. I ..... ...... .. 1 - .
Suspension System Inspectton ................................................................... *........u...,..*d..*
LubricationofRear Suspension .................................................... ..........**...... ...........
Steering ..................................................................... - . *....,........-.*.' ...* ..... ....... ....
*.* ....
Stewing Play Inspection ... .... .....-...........,... ...m....... ........,.*..,-............................,.
.* ...,.......
S M n g Play Adjustment ................................. ..,...,,.,.. ............. . ..............
, .... .
Steering Stern M n g Lubrication ........,...................................*......-...............................
Electrical System ........................... ........................,p...-..-... ......................
............... ........
Lights and Mtches operation lnspecbion......w...............,....................s *., ....................
HeadlightAiming Inspection .............................l... ...................... s...............................
Side Stand Operation Inspection ...........................................................................
Engine,Stop Switch Operation Inspection .....................................................................
Spark Plug Replacement .. .. ....... ..... ...... .......... -............... ....,........ ...,.*.. ....................
... %...

cmws ................................................................. ...,**.........

* ".* "..*...
Chassis Parts Lubrication ....................................................................................., .. . ....v.

Condition of Bob, Nuts and Fasteners Tightness Inspection ..........................................

Periodic Maintenance Chart
The scheduled maintenance must be done in accordance with this chart to keep the motorcycle in
good running condition.The Initial malntenance is v b l l y important and must not be neglected.

Periodlc Inspaction
*A: Service at number of years shown or indicated odometer reading intervals, whidwver comes
'B: For higher odometer Wings, repeat at the frequency interval established here.
'C: Sewice mom frequently when operating in severe conditions: dusty, wet, muddy, high speed,
or frequent starlingistopping.
0:Emission Related Item
Q: Inspection
@: Change or Replace
1 :Lubbion

Od8metw Reading (%)

YMr x 1 000 Ian (s 1 000 mile) see
(*A) 1 6 12 18 24 pag@
Items (0.6) (3.8) (7.6) (11.4) (15.2)
Fud System
0 Air cleaner element CC) 0 2-14
0 Idle spid Q Q Q 2-15
Throttle wntrd system (play, smooth return, no
Q:1 Q Q Q 2-15
0 Engine vacuum synchronization Q Q 2-16
Fuel system Q:1 Q Q Q 2-19
Fuel filter 0 2-19
Fuel hose bJ:5 2-22
Evaporativeemission control system (Equipped
O 2-24
~odslr) Q Q Q Q Q
Coollng System
W a n t level Q Q Q 2-25
Cooling system Q:1 Q Q Q 2-25

W a n t , water hose and O-ring @:3

63: every 36 000 km 2-25,
(22 500 mile) 2-27
Engine Top End
0 Vahfe clearance (US and CA Models) 1 1 Q 2-27

Valve dearance (Other than US and CA Models) 9: every 42 OW km 2-27

(26 250 mile)
0 Air suction system 191 1 Q 2-30
Ctutdr operation (play, engagement,
diiagement) Q Q Q
Engim Lubrkatlon System
Engine oil VC) and oil filter @:I 0 69 * 2-31,
Whwls and Tires
5re air pressure Q:1 1 I I Q ~1 Q 1 2-33
Periodic Maintenance Chart
Odometer Reading CB)
1 . year x 1 000 ktn (% 1 000 mile)
("A) 1 6 12 18 24 page
Items (0.6) (3.8) (7.6) (11.4) (15.2)
Wheel and tire Q:1 Q Q 2-33
Wheel bearing damage Q:1 Q Q 2-34
Final Drive
IDrive chain lubrication condition CC) 1 9:every 600 km (400 mile) 1 2-33
Torque and Locking Agent
The following tables list the tightening torque for the major fasteners requiring use of a
non-permanent locking agent or ~iiiconesealant etc. All of the values are for use with dry solvent -
cleaned threads unless otherwise indicated.

Letters used in the 'Remarks" column mean:

AL: Tighten the two clamp bolts alternately two times to ensure even tightening toque.
G: Apply grease.
L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.
LG: Apply liquid gasket.
Lh: Left-hand Threads
MO: Apply molybdenum disulfkle oil solution.
(mixture of the engine oil and molybdenum disulfide grease in a weight ratio 1O:l)
R: Replacement Parts
S: Follow the specifDed tightening sequence.
Si: Apply silicone grease.

Fastener Remarks
N*m kgf-m it-lb
Fuel System (DFI)
Spark Plugs 13 1.3 115 in-lb
Air Cleaner Housing Assembly Screws 1.2 0.12 11 inslb
Oxygen Sensor 25 2.5 18
Air Cleaner Housing Mounting Bolt 9.8 1.O 87 in-lb
Air Cleaner Element Mounting Screw 1.2 0.12 11 in-lb
Intake Air Temperature Sensor Screw 1.2 0.12 11 in-lb
Switch busing Screws 3.5 0.36 31 in-lb
Air Cleaner Housing Clamp Bolts 2.0 0.20 18 in-lb
Idle Speed Contrd Valve Actuator Screw 5.0 0.51 44 in-lb R
Delivery Pipe Mounting Screws 3.5 0.36 31 in-lb
Water Temperature. Smscrr 12 1.2 106 in-lb
Fuel Tank Bolts 8.8 0.90 78 in-lb
Oil Pmsure Switch 15 1.5 11 LG
Gear Position Sensor Bolt 9.8 1.0 87 indb
Fud Pump Assembly Saews 0.98 0.10 8.7 in-lb R
Fuel Pump Bolts 9.8 1.O 87 indb L, s
Side Stand Switch Bolt 8.8 0.90 78 in-lb L
Purge Valve Nut (Equipped Models) 6.9 0.70 61 in-lb
Canister Bracket Bolt (L = 10 mm) (Equipped
9.8 1.O 87 in-lb
Canister Bracket Bolt (L = 20 mm) (Equipped
9.8 . 1.O 87 in-lb
Cooling System I
Water Temperature Sensor 12 1.2 106 in-lb
Reserve Tank Boits 6.9 0.70 61 indb
Radiator Bolts 9.8 1.O 87 in-lb
Radiator Fan Assy Mounting Bolts 8.4 0.86 74 in-lb
Lower Fairing Bracket Bolts 9.8 1.O 87 in-lb
Water Pump Impeller 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb
Coolant Drain Bolt 7.0 0.71 62 in-lb
Torque and Locking Agent
Fastener Remarks
N-m 1 kern I ft-lb
Water Pump Cwer Bolts
T h e m t a t Cover Bolts
Engine Top End
I1 9.8
9.8 II 1.O
1.0 11 87 in-lb
87 in-lb

Air Sudion Vahre Cover Bdts I 9.8 1 1.0 1 87 in-lb

Cylinder Head Cover Bolts
Cylinder Head Bolts (M9) see the texl - MO, S
Cytinder H a d Bolts (M6) 12 106 in-lb S
Camshaft Cap Bob 12 106 in-lb S
Spark Plugs 13 115 in-lb
Cylinder Head Jacket Plugs 22 16
Throttle Body Assy Holder Bolts 12 106 in-lb
Throttle Body Assy Holder Clamp Bolts 1 2.0 1 0.20 1 18 in-lb
Camshaft Sprocket Bolts 15
Camshaft Chain Tensioner Cap Bolt 15
Camshaft Chain Tensioner Mounting B o b 87 in-lb
Rear Camshaft Chain Guide Bolt 13
Lower Camshaft Chain Guide Bdt ( 1.0 ( 87 in-lb
MuffIer Body Mounting Bolt 18
Muffler End Cover Bdts 39 inalb
MuPfler Cover Bolt 39 in-lb
Exhaust P p Holder Nuts
i 106 in-lb
Oxygen Sensor
MufFler Cover Clamp Bolt
MuRler Body Clamp Bolt 10 1.O 89 in-lb
Clutch Lever Pivot Bdt 5.5 0.56 49 in-lb
Clutch Lever Holder Clamp Bolt I 0.69 I 60 in-lb
Clutch Hub Nut

Clutch Stopper Bolts 10 89 indb
Clutch C o w Bracket Bolts 9.8 87 in-lb
Clutch Cover Bolts (L = 25 mm) 9.8 87 in-lb
Clutch Cwer Bolt (L = 35 mm) 9.8 1.O 87 in-lb
Englnr, Lubrication System
Oil Nozzles 27 in-lb
Oil Pipe Bdt 87 in4b
Oil Passage Nozzle (M5) 27 in-lb
Oil Filter 12.9
Oil Filter Pipe 26
il Passage N o d e (M8) 44 in-lb
Oil Pressure Switch 11
Breather Plate Bdts 87 in4b
Oil Passage Plugs I 20 1 2.0 1 15
Oil Pump Cover Bolts I 7.0 1 0.71 1 62 in-lb
Torque and Locking Agent

Fastener 1 Torque --
N-m kgf-m ft-lb
Oil Pump Driven Gear Bolt 9.8 1.O 87 indb L
Oil Pressure Relief Valve 11 L
Engine Oil Drain Bolt 22
Oil Pan Bolts 87 in-lb s

Engine RemovaUlnstallation
Front Engine Mounting Bdts S
Middle Engine Mounting Bolts S
Frame Bracket Bolts S
Swingarm Mounting Plate Nut R, S
Rear Engine Mounting Bolts S
Connecting Rod Nuts see the texf MO, R
Starter Motor Clutch Bolts 12 106 in-lb L
Breather Plate Bolts 9.8 87 in-lb L
Crankcase Bolts (M6, L = 52 rnm) 11 97 in4b S
Crankcase Bolts (M6, L = 72 rnm) 11 97 in-lb s
Crankcase Bolts (M8, L = 80 mm) 27.5 20.3 S
Crankcase Bolts (M6, L = 30 mm) 11 97 in-lb S
Crankcase Bdts (M6, L = 76 mm) 11 97 in-lb S
Crankcase Bolts (M8, L = 70 rnm) see the text MO, S
Crankcase Bolts (M9) see the tex - MO, S
Crankcase Bolts (M8, L = 40 mm) 27.5 20.3 S
Gear Positioning Lever Bolt 9.8 87 in-lb L
Shift Drum Bearing Holder Bolts 9.8 87 in-lb L
Shift Shaft Return Spring Pin 29 21 L
Shift Drum Cam Bolt 12 106 in-lb L
Shift Lever Clamp Bolt 12 106 in-lb
lie-Rod Locknut (Front) 7.0 62 in-lb Lh
Tie-Rod Locknut (Rear) 7.0 62 in-lb
Shift Pedal Mounting Bolt 25 18 G
Front Axle Nut
Rear Axle Nut
Final Drive
Engine Sprocket Cover Bolts
Engine Sprocket Nut MO
Rear Sprocket Nuts R, S
Brake Hose Banjo Bolts 18
Front Brake Reservoir Cap Screws 13 in-lb
Brake Lever Pivd Bolt 52 in-lb Si
Brake Lever Pivot Bdt Locknut 52 in4b
Front Master Cylinder Clamp Bolts 78 in-lb S
Torque and Locking Agent
The table below, relating tightening torque to thread diameter, lists the basic torque for the bolts and
nuts. Use this table for only the bolts and nuts which do not require a specific torque value. All of the
values are for use with dry solvent-cleaned threads.
Basic Torque for General Fasteners
Threads Diameter Torque
(mm) N-m kgf-m ft-lb
5 -
3.4 4.9 -
0.35 0.50 -
30 43 in-lb
' - 7 -- --
- 7 - - - - 7 - 7"7T

., - PElUODlC MAINTENANCE 2-11 '-...


Item Standard Service Umit

Fuel System (DFI) 1

Throttle Grip Free Play - -

2 3 mm (0.08 0.12 in.) ---
Idle Speed 1 300 i50 rlmin (rpm) ---
Throttle Body Vacuum 36.0 k1.33 kPa (270 *I0 mmHg) at idle ---
Bypass Screws (Turn Out) --- ---
Air Cleaner Eiement Viscous paper element ---
Cooling System
Coolant: q '

Type (Recommended) Permanent type ~f g j n m g e ---

Color Green ---
Mixed Ratio Soft water 50%, coolant 50% ---
Freezing Point -35°C (-31 OF)
Total Amount . - - 1.3 L (1-4 US qt) ---
Engine Top End
Valve Clearance:
Exhaust - -
0.25 0.31 mm (0.0098 0.0122 in.) ---
Intake - -
0.13 0.19 mm (0.0051 0.0075 in.) ---
Clutch Lever Free Play - -
2 3 rnm (0.08 0.12 in.) ---
Engine Lubrication System
Engine Oil:
T' API SG, SH, SJ, SL or SM with JASO
MA, MA1 or MA2
Vi~co~ity SAE 10W-40
Capacity 1.6 L (1.7 US qt) (When filter is not
2.0 L (2.1 US qt) (When filter is removed.)
2.3 L (2.4 US qt) (When engine is
completely dry.)
Level Between upper and lower level lines
(Wait several minutes after idling or
_ *
Whwismres i

Tire Tread Depth:

Front 4.0 mm (0.16 in.) 1 mm (0.04 in.)
(AT, CH, DE)
1.6 mm (0.06 in.)
Rear 6.0 mm (0.24 in.) Up to 130 km/h (80 mph):
2 mm (0.08 in.)
Over 130 km/h (80 mph):
3 mm (0.12 in.)
Air Pressure (when cold):
Front Up to 180 kg (397 Ib) load: 200 kPa (2.00
kgf/cm2, 28 psi)
Rear Up to 180 kg (397 Ib) load: 225 kPa (2.25 ---
kgflcm?, 32 psi)


Item Standard Service Limit

Final Drive
Drive Chain Slack - -
20 30 mm (0.8 1.2 in.) ---
- ($&w-
Drive Chain 20-link Length 317.5 318.2 mm ,...+. eS.53in.) 319 mm (12.6 in.)
Standard Chain: r.2 * ,.t

Make ENUMA 4

Type EK520SR02
EK520LV03(when shipping)
I Link 106 links
Brake Fluid:
I Grade:
Brake Pad Lining
I Front 4.5 mm (0.18 in.) 1.0 mm (0.04 in.)
Rear 4.5 mm- (0.18 in.)
1.5 mm (0.06 in.)
Brake Light Timing:
Front Pulled ON
Rear ON after about 10 mm (0.39 in.) of pedal
f. travel
Electrical System
Spark Plug:
- -
0.7 0.8 mm (0.028 0.031 in.)
. .


Special Tools
Inrld. Circllp Pliers: Flller Cap Drhrer:

I 818TQl4a81 0 I 81171484S1 C

Steerlng Stem Nut Wrench: Throttle Sensor Sefflng Adapter:

57001-1100 57001-1538
I 1 I I

Brake Caliper Pl+ton Pllem (418 426):

I 8TB718#181 a

AdJwhbh Hook Wrench:

,. .
0 .

Vacuum Gauge:
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
- .
Fuel System (DFI) , , .,?
, . -- 9 3

.* *
Air Cleaner Element Replacement
Oln dusty areas, the element shouhi be r e p l a d more
hquently than the recommended interval.

If dirt or dust is allowed to pass through Into the
throttle body assy, the throttle may become stuck,
possibly causing accident Replace the air cleaner
element according to tho maintenance chart.

If dirt gets through Into the englne, excessive en-
gine wear and possibly engine damage will occur.

a Remove:
Fuel Tank (see Fuel Tank Removal in the Fuel System
(DFI) chapter)
a Disconnect the intake air temperature sensor connector
a Remove:
Air Cleaner Housing Assembly Screws [B]
Upper Air Cleaner Housing [C]

a Remove the air cleaner element mounting screw [A].

aD i the ah cleaner element [B].

a Install a new element [A] so that the screen side [B] faces
T q u e A r Ckaner Element Mountlng Screw [C]: 1.2 N-m
(0.12 kwm, 11 in-lb)
Upper Air Cleaner Housing
Toque -Air Cleaner Housing Assembly Screws: 1.2 N.m
(0.12 k g h , 11 ln4b)
a Connect the intake air temperature sensor connector.
Fuel Tank (see Fuel Tank Installationin the Fuel System
(DFI) chapter)

Mle Speed lmpecfion

Start the engine and warm it up thoroughly.
With the engine idling, turn the handlebars to both sides
*If handlerbars movement chslngss the idle speard, the
throttle cablea may be imptnpdy adjusted or in-
routed or damaged. Bg sure to correct any of these
conditions before riding (see Throttle Control System
Inspectionand Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing section in
the Appendix chapter).
I Operation with lmprogwfy
adju$ted, inoonvcZly
routed or damaged cables could result in an unsafe
riding Condition. Follow the wwice manual to be
make sun to corruct any of these condltlons.
Check the idle speed.
ldle Speed
Standard: 1 340 S O dmln (rpm)
*If the idle speed is out of specified range, check the idle
speed control valve actuator (see ldle Speed Control
Valve Actuator Resistance lnspsction in the Fuel System
(DFI) chapter).
Idh Speed Adjustment
0 This mobn:ycle is equ&W with the idle speed oontrd
valve sctuetor. Thei$le ape& is sdjusted 8ut8rnati~~)lly
at the speclfjed value (7 300 &r/min
&I (rpm)) by the
idle speed mniW valve system. Themfore, it is not
necessary b djust the idle speed normally.

Throtfie Control System 1n -

Check that the throttle grip [A] moves smoothly from full
open to dose, end the throttle dcwes quickly and com-
pletely by the return spring in all & d n g positions.
+If the throttle grip dotxi not return properly, chedc the throt-
tle cable routing, grip h e play, and cable damage. Then
lubricate the throttle cabie.
Check the throttle grip free play.

Throttle Odp F m Pky
Standard: 2 3 mm (0.08 - 0.12 In.)
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
*If the free play inmect, adjust the throttle cable as fol-
a Remove the left middle fairing (see Middle Fairing Re-
moval in the Frame chapter).
Loosen the locknuts [A] [B].
Screw both throttle cable adjusters [C] [Dl to give the
throffle grip plenty of play.
Turn the decelerator cable adjuster (Dj until it has no play
when the throttle grip is completely dosed.
Tighten the locknut [8].

(0.08 0.12 in.) of throttle grip play is obtained.
Turn the accelerator cable adjuster [C] until 2 3 mm

Tighten the locknut [A].

+If the free play can not be adjusted with the adjusters,
replace the cable.
Installthe removed parts (seeappropriate chapters).

Engine Vscuum Synchronh8tion Inspection

0Thesep d u m are explained on the assumption that
the intake and exhaust systems of the engine are in

good condition.
Situate the motorcycle so that it is vertical.
Air Cleaner Housing (see Air Cleaner Housing Removal
in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter)
Pull off the rubber caps or vacuum hoses [A] from the
fittings of each throttle body.
OThe evaporative emission control system equipped mod-
els are equipped the vacuum hoses.
Connect a vacuum gauge and hoses [A] (Specid Tad:
57001-1369) to the fittings on the throttle body.
Special Tool Vacuum Gauge: 57001-1369
a Conned a highly accurate tachometer lead [B] to one of
the stick coil primary leads.
. .I--1' + 1 p.. .PERIODIC MAINTENANCE 2-17
Periodlc Maintenance Procedures

Air Cleaner Housing (see Air Cleaner Houslng Installa-
tion in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter)
Fuel Tank (see Fuel Tank Installaition in the Fuel System
lStart the w i n e and warm it up thoroughly.
lCheck the Me speed, using a highly accurate tachometer.
Idle Sprrd
Standard: 1 300 f?M rlmin (rpm)

While idling the engine, inspect the throttle body vacuum,

using the vacuum gauge.
T'hrottie Body v8cUunl
Standard: 38.0 il.33 kPa (270 *10 mmHg) at idk ywrd

*If any vacuum is not within spdfhtians, adjust the by-

paws screws #1 [A] and #2 [B].
S p d d Tool Pikt &ww MJW, A [C]: 57001-1239
Adjust the each vacuum (# #2)I
the standard value.
lOpen and close the thWe v a h after each m u r e -
Check the vacuum as before.
+If all vacuums are within the spdkation range, finish thg
engine vacuum synchtontuetion. '
*If any vacuum can not be adjustedwithin the spedcation,
replacethe bypass screws# and
I #2 with new ones, refer
to the following prooedum. h
ri v



Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Remove the thrattle body assy (see Throttle Body Assy
Removal in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter).

Turn in the bypass screw [A] with counting the number of
tums until it seals fully but not tightly. Record the number
of tums.
spriw [Bl
Washer [C]
O-riw [Dl --

a Check the bypass screw hole in the throttle body for car-
bon deposits.
*If any carbons accumulate, wipe the carbons off from the
hole, using a cotton pad penetrated with a highflash-point
Replace the bypass screw,spring, washer and O-ring as
a set.
Turn in the bypass screw until it seats fully but not tightly.

I Do not overdghten the bypass screw. The tapered

portion [El of the bypass screw could be damaged.
Back out the same number of tums counted when first
turned in. This is to set the screw to its original position.
OA throttle bcxiy assy has difierent "turns out" of the by-
pass screw for each individual unit. On setting the by-
pass screw, use the 'turns out' determined during dis-

Repeat the same procedure for other bypass screw.

Repeat the synchronization.
+If the vacuums are correct, check the output voltage of
the throttb sensor (see Throttle Sensor Output Voltage
Inspection in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter).
Special Tool - Throttle Sensor Settlng A d a p k 57001
Throttle Sensor Output Voltage
Conrhechm to Adapter:
Digltai Meter (+) -,R (sensor YIW) lead
Dighl Meter (-) -,W (sensor BRIBK) lead
Standard: DC 1.00 - 1.02 V at idle throttle openlng
*If the output voltage is out of the standard, check the input
voltage of the throttle sensor (see Throttle Sensor Input
Voltage Inspectionin the Fuel System (DFI) chapter).
Remove the vacuum gauge hoses and install the ~ b b e r
caps or vacuum hoses to the original position.
OThe evaporative emission cxmtrol system equipped mod-
els are equipped the vacuum hoses.
ORun the vacuum hoses according to Cable, Wire, and
Hose Routing section in the Appendix chapter.
Install the removed parts (see appmptbb chapters).
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Fuel System lnspecfi'on
Fuel Hose Inspection (fuel leak, damage, lnstallatlon
Olf the motorcycle is not properly handled, the high pres-
sure inside the fuel line can cause fuel to leak [A] or the
hose to burst. Remove the right middle fairing (see Mid-
dle Fairing Removal in the Frame chapter) and check the
fuel hose.
*Replace the fuel hose if any fraying, cracks [B] or bulges
[C] are noticed.
Check that the hose is routed according to Cable, Wire,
and Hose Routing section in the Appendi chapter.
*Replace the hose if it has been sharpdy bent or kinked.
Hose Joints [A]
Fuel Hose [B]

Check that the fuel hose joints are securely connected.

OPwh and pull [A] the fuel hose )oCRt [B]back and forth
more than two times, and make sure it is locked and does
not come off.
stalled c o w on the d
ol p i p by sliding the
*If it does not lock, reinstall the hose joint.
Fuel Filter Replacement
Gasoline k extmmly flammable and can be explo-
shre under certaln conditions, creating the potential
for seriow b u m . Make sum tho ma is well venti-
lated and fne from any source of flame or sparks;
this includes any appliancawith a pllot light. Do not
smoke. Turn the ignitionmritdr OK Discon- the
battery (-) Grmiml. To avoid fuel spills, draw it from
the tank when tha engine k cold. Be prepared for
fuel spillage; any spilled fuel must be completely

- -

N w r drop the fud pump especially on a hard sur-
face. Such a shock to the pump can damage it
Periodic Maintenance Procedures

Remove: . . -3
Fuel Pump (see Fuel Pump Removal in the Fuel System
(DFI) chapter)
Fuel Pump Assy Screw [A]
Lead Terminal [B]
Plate Nut [C]
Lead Terminal (Red) [Dl
Lead Terminal (Light Blue) [El

Fuel Pump Assy Screw [A]
Lead Terminal [B]
Plate Nut [C]

[a,and remw
Using theflat tip driver [A], dear h e tabs
thsfuel pump fitting [C] from the case [Dl.

Remove the fuel pump body [A] with fuel filter [B] from the

csosomo P ill
Replace the fuel filter [A] with a new one. ; . bL
, .A
' 3.

- $4

Replace the following parts with new ones and install the
removed parts in the reverse procedure.
O-rings [A]
Fuel Pump Assy Screws [BI
Torque Fuel Pump i b s y Scnws: 0.98 Nm (0.10 kgfm,8.7.-
In-lb) '

- ,

Run the lead [A] into the guide [B].

Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Fuel Hose Replacement
Fuel is flammable and explosive under certain con-
ditions and can cause severe bums. Be prepared
for fuel spillage; any spilledfuel must be completely
wiped up immediately. When the fuel hose is dis-
connected, fuel spills out from the hose and the
pipe because of residual pressure. Cover the hose
connection with a piece of clean cloth to prevent
fuel spillaga.

When removingand installing the fuel hosejoint, do
not apply strong force to the outlet pipe on the fuel
pump and dalhrery pipe on the throttle body assy.
The pipes mada fr- re& cauld be &wm@ed.

When m o v i n g with flat tip screwddvw

insert the flat tip screwdriver [A] into slit on the joint lo&
Turn the driver to disconnect the joint Id.
When removing with fingers
o Open and pmh up [C] the jaint lodr with your fingers,
N077CE I
Prying or excessfvely widening the joint lock ends
for fuel hose removal wlll permanently deform the
joint lock, resulting in a loom or incomplete lock
that may allow fuel to leak and create the potential
for a flm explosion. To prevent fire or explosion
from a damagedjoint lock, do not pry or excessively
widen the joint lock ends when removing the fuel
hose. The jdnt lock has a retaining edge that locks
around the housing.
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Pull the fuel hose joint [A] out of the outlet pipe.
Pull the fuel hose joint [B] out of the delivery pipe.

Clean the outlet pipe and delivery pipe.

a Cover the outlet pipe and delivery pipe with the vinyl begs
to keep them dean.
Remove the vinyl bags on the pipe.
Check that there are no flaws, burrs, and adhesion of
foreign materials on the pipe [A].
Replace the fuel hose with a new one.

a Insert the fuel hose joint [A] straight onto the pipe until the '

hose joint clicks.

a Push the joint lodc [B] until the hose joint dim. .


., ,I-C1

Push and pull [A] the fuel hose joint [B] back and forth
more than two times, and make sure it is locked and does
not come off.

Leaking fuel can cause a fire or explosion resulting

in serious b u m . Make sum tho hose joint is in-
stalled correctly on the dellvery pipe by sliding the
*If it comes off, reinstall the hose joint.
Start the engine and chedc the fuel hose for leaks.
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Evaporative Emission Control System Inspection
(Equipped Models)
Inspect the canister as follows.
ORemove the left middle fairing (see Middle Fairing Re-
moval in the Frame chapter).
OSlide the damps [A].
ODisconnect the hoses Is].

Band [A]
Canister [B]
OVisually inspect the canister for cracks or other damage.
*If the canister has any cracks or bad damage, replace it
with a new one.
desianed to work well thtwgh the motor-
0The ~8nIstwis
cyde's life without any maintenance if it is used under
m a 1 conditions.
Inspect the purge valve (see Purge Valv6 lnspecfion in
the Fuel System (DFI) chapter).
OCheck that the hoses are securely connected and damps
are In position.
OReplace any kinked, deterlorated or damaged hoses.
ORun the hoses according to Cable, Wire, and Hose Rout-
ing section in the Appendix chapter.
OWhen installing the hoses, avoid sharp bending, kinking,
flattening or twisting, and tun the hoseswith a minimumof
bending so that the emission flow will not be obstructed.
. - * I;?,
t .

Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Cooling System
Coolant Level lnspecdlon
OCheck the level when the engine is cold (room or ambi-
ent temperature).
Check the coolant level in the reserve tank with the mo-
torcycle held perpendicular (Do not use the sidestand.).
*If the coolant level is lower than the 'La level line [A], un-
screw the reserve tank cap and add coolant to the 'F
level line [B].
- - . A ?-

; b ';. . ! . .
'L": low
'F": full . . -. - . ,r..-*.xs
- - ..A

I -
For refilling, add the specified mixture of coolant
and soft water. Adding water alone dilutes the
coolant and degrades its antlcorroslon properties.
The diluted coolant can attack the aluminum en-
gine pa*. In an emergency, soft water alone can
be added. But the diluted coolant must ba returned
to the corruct mixtun ratlo wtthin a few days.
If coolant must be added often or the reserve tank
has run completely dry, there is probably leakage In
the cooling system. Check the system for leaks.
Coolant ruins painted surfaces. Immediately wash
away any coolant that spllls on the frame, engine,
wheels or other painted parts.
Cooling System lnspecfion
Water Hose and Pipe Inspection(coolant leak, damage,
installation condition)
OThe high pressure inside the radiator hose can cause
coolant to leak [A] or the hose to burst if the line is not
properly maintained.
Visually inspect the hoses for signs of deterioration.
Squeeze the hoses. A hose should not be hard and
brittle, nor should it be soft or swollen.
*Replace the hose if any fraying, cracks [B] or bulges [C]
are noticed. . . i t ,

Check that the hoses'are securely connected.

Coolant Change ,. .,,-% . '-

Coolant can be extremely hot and cause severe
bums, is toxic and very slippery. Do not remove
the radiator cap or attempt to change the coolant
when the engine is hot; allow it cool completely.
Immediately wipe any spilled coolant from tires,
frame, engine or other painted parts. Do not Ingest
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Right Middle Fairing (see Middle Fairing Removal i i&e
'' Frame chapter)
Coolant Reserve Tank (see Coolant Reserve Tank Re
moval in the Cooling System chapter)
Radiator Cap [A] . ._..3 *
. '.t;. w - '. -. . r v * 'G~
- ..
I 2


J - --

i . '
. ,+
k c e - a fantainer under the coolant drain bolt [A], thcw'
remove the drain bolt. 1-
OThe coolant will drain from the radiator and engine. ,,r- , r$
7" 1 r
Replace the drain bolt gasket with a new one. .-?<..
- I
- the drain bolt with the gasket. - .' 2 e

Torqua -Coolant Drain Bolt: 7.0 N-m (0.71 kgf-m, 62 in-lb)

When filling the coolant, choose a suitable mixture ratio

*' by referring to the coolant manufacturer's directions.

Soft or distilled water must be used with the an-

tifmm in the cooling system.
If hard water is used in the system, it causes scales

Water and Cooknt Mlxture Ratio (Recommended)

SoftWstcsr: 50%
Coolant: 50%
Fmdng Polnt: -35% (-31°F)
1-1 Amount: I.3 L (1.4 US qt)

Fill the radiator up to the mler neck [A] with codant. frd$

* :

. opour in the codant slowly so that it can expel the aii li W $

I. /
from the engine and redietor. /'

Check the coding system for leaks.

Tap the radiator hoses to force any air bubbles caughr
inside. A

Fill the radiator up to the filler neck with codant. r

' 5*$
jR:$- Periodic Maintenance Procedures

lnstall the coolant reserve tank (see Coolant Reserve

Tank Installation in the Cooling System chapter).
Fill the reserve tank up to the 'F" (full) level line [A] with
i coolant and install the cap [B].
Install the radiator cap.
a Start the engine, warm it up thoroughly until the radiator
fan turns on and then stop the engine.
a Check the coolant level in the reserve tank after the en-
gine cools down.
*If the codant level is lower than the Y"(low) level line [C],
add coolant to the 'F" level line.
Do not add more coolant above the "F" level line.
Water Hose and M n g Replacement
a Drain the coolant (see Coolant Change).
a Remove:
Thermostat Housing (see Thermostat Housing Removal
in the Cooling System chapter)
Water Pump Cover (see Water Pump Cover Removal in
the W i n g System chapter)
Water Hoses [A]
a Apply grease to the new O-rings [B] and install them.
Run the new hoses according to the Cable, Wire, and
Hose Routing section in the Appendix chapter).
a Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
a Fill the coolant (see Coolant Change).
a Check the cooling system for leaks.

Engine Top End

Valve Clearance lnspectlon :d
OVahg clesrence must be checked and adlusted when ''
the engine Is cold (at mom temperature).
a Remove:
Cylinder Head Cover (see Cylinder Head Cover Re-
moval in the Engine Top End chapter)
Plugs [A1 P I
Special Tool - Filler Cap Drhrer: 570011454
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Check the valve clearance when the pistons are at TDC.
OThe pistons are numbered beginning with the engine left
Usinga wrench on the alternator rotor bolt, turn the crank-
shaft counterdockwise until the "1T mark [A] on the alter-
nator rotor is aligned with the groove
in the inspection
- - -. r .r
window on the alternator cover.
.' .

I .

OMeasure the valve dearance of the valves for w h i i the
cam [A] are turned away from each other.

Using the thickness gauge [A], measure the clear:

ance between the cam and the valve lier.
Valve Clearance
Exhaust 0.25 - 0.31 mm (0.0098 - 0.0122 In.)
Intake 0.13 - 0.19 mm (0.0051 - 0.0075 in.)

OEach piston has two intake and two exhaust valves.

Measure these two intake or exhaust valves at the same
crankshaft position.
Valve Clearance Measudng P o e h
# l TDC at End of Compression Stroke:
Intake Valve Clearances of W Piston
Exhaust Valve Clearances of #I Piston

Checking the desrance at any other cam p s b n may
resuit in improper valve dmrance.

V a h Chmnco Measuring Position

#2 PDaon TDC at End of Compression Stroke:
Intake Vahn Ckarances of #2 Piston
Exhaust Valva Clearances of #2 Piston
*If the valve dearance is not within the specified range,
first record the clearance, and then adjust it.
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Valve Clearance Adjustment
.To change the valve clearance, remwe the camshaft
chain tensimer, camshafts and valve liftem. Replace th.e
shim with one of a different thickness.
OMark end record the locations of the valve liltets and
shims so that they can be reinstalled in their original
.I67OlWIl 0

Clean the shim to remove any dust or oil.

Measure the thickness of the removed shim [A].
Select a new shim thickness calculation as follows.
[a] P m t Shim T h w
[b] Measureb w e C h r a m
[c] Spechd Valve Clearance (Mean Value = 0.28
(Exhaust), 0.16 mm (In-))
[dl Replace Shim Thickness
Example (Intake):

OExdrernge the shim for the 3.15 size shim.

Adjustment Shims
Thldmess Part Nwnkr Mark
2.N 92180-1014 50
2.55 92180-1018 56
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Be sure to remeasure the clearance after selecting a
shim. If the clearance is out of the specified range,
use the additional shim. -

Olf there is no valve clearance, use a shim that is a few

sizes smaller, and remeasure the valve clearance.
When installing the shim, face the marked side toward
the valve lifter. At this time, apply engine oil to the shim
to k e e the
~ shim in place during camshaft installation.

Do not put shim stock under the shim. This may
cause the shim to pop out at high rpm, causing ex-
tensive engine damage.
Do not grind the shim. This may cause it to fracture,
causing extensive engine damage.
Apply molybdenum disulfide oil solution to the valve lifter
surface and install the lifter.
a Install the camshaft (see Camshaft Installation in the En-
gine Top End chapter).
Recheck the valve clearance and readjust if necessary.
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
Air Suction System Damage Inspection
Right Middle Fairing (see Middle Fairing Removal in the
Frame chapter)
Disconnect the air switching valve hose [A] from the air
cleaner housing.
a Start the engine and run it at idle speed.
Plug the air switching valve hose end with your finger and
feel vacuum pulsing in the hose.
*If there is no vacuum pulsation, check the hose line for
leak. If there is no leak, check the air switching valve
(see Air Switching Valve Unit Test in the Electrical Sys-
tem chapter) or air suction valve (see Air Suction Valve
Inspection in the Engine Top End chapter).

Clutch Operation Inspection
Pull the hutch lever just enough to take up the free play
Measure the gap between the lever and the lever holder.
*If the gap is too wide, the clutch may not release fully. If
the gap is too narrow, the clutch may not engage fully. In
either case, adjust it.

Clutch Lever Free Play
Stendard: 2 3 mm (0.08 0.12 In.)

Periodic Maintenance Procedures

The engine and exhaust system get extremely hot
durlng normal operation and can cause serious
bums. Never touch the engine or exhaust plpe
during clutch adjustment.
o Turn the adjuster so that 5
threads are visible.
- 6 rnrn (0.20 - 0.24 in.) [A] of

a Slide the dust cover [A] at the dutch cable lower end out
of place.
Loosen both adjusting nuts [B] at the clutch cover as far
as they will go.
Pull the dutch outer cable tight and tighten the adjusting
nuts against the dutch cover [C].
a Slip the dust cover back onto place.
a Turn the adjuster at the clutch lever until the free play is
Too much cable play crrn prevent clutch disengage-
ment and cause an accident resulting In serious In-
jury or &ah. When adjusting the clutch or replac-
ing the cable, be sure the upper end of the clutch
outer cable is fully 8oaM in its fittlng, or it could
slip into place later, creating enough cable play to
re vent clutch disonamement
After the adjustment, start the engine and check that the
dutch does not slip and that it releases properly.

Engine Lubrication System

Engine Oil Change
Situate the motorcycle so that it is vertical after warming
up the engine.
a Unscrew the oil filler plug [A].

Place the oil pan beneath the engine.

a Remow, the engine oil drain bolt [A] to drain the oil.
OThe oil in the oil filter can be drained by removingthe filter
(see Oil Filter Replacement).
keplace the drain bolt gasket [B] with a new one.
Torqua Engine Oil Dtrln Bolt 30 N-m(3.1 kgf.rn, 22 ft-lb)
." -- -...- r , - .- -I


Perlodlc Maintenance Procedures

Pour in the specified type and amount of oil.

Reammended Engine Oil
We: API SG, SH, SJ, SL or SM with JASO MA,
MA1 or MA2 r .)

Viscosity: SAE 10W-40

Capacity: 1.6 L (1.7 US qt) (When filter is nof' -,
. -
6- 2.0 L (2.1 US qt) (When flltor is removed.)
2.3 L (2.4 US qt) (When engine is
completely dry.)

000not add any chemical additive to the oil. Oils fuMIing
the above requirements are fully bmulated and provide
adequate lubrication fbr both the engine and the dutch.
OAtthough IOW-40 engine oil is the recommended oil
for most conditions, the oil viscosity may need to be
changed to accommodate atmospheric conditions in
your riding area.
Check the oil level (see Oil Level Inspection in the Engine
Lubrication System chapter).
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
Oil F i h r Replacement
Drain the engine oil (see Engine Oil Change).
Left Lower Fairing (see Lower Fairing Removal in the'-
Frame chapter) ! (

Remove the oil filter [A] with the oil filter wrench [B].
Special Tool Oil Filter Wrench: 570014249

. .
1 g#)1)r

fbpkee ttre filter with a new one.

Apply engine dl to the Wing [A] before Installabion.
e Tightftn the fibr with the oil filter wrench.
Toqua Oil FMer 17.5 N.m (1.78 kgfm, 12.9 R4b)
0 h : d b i n g of the oil filter can not be a l l o since
it drolw not neach fu fib Whtening torpu8.
Pour in the spedhl type and amount of oil (see Engine HWUi E

In&~llthe removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Air P ~ u Inspection
Remove the air valve cap.
Measure the tire air pressure with an air pressure gauge
[A] when the tires are cold (that is, when the motorcycle
has not been ridden more than a mile during the past 3
*Adjust the tire air pressure according to the spedfkations
if necessary.
Alr Pressurn (when Cold) , -'

Front: 200 &Pa (2.00 k&m{ 28 psi)

Rear: 225 kPa (2.25 kgf/cm2, 32 psi)
Install the air valve cap.
Wheels and 7'7- Inspection
WheeUTire Damage Inspection
Remove any imbedded stones [A] or other foreign parti-
des p]from tread.
Visually inspect the tire for cracks and cuts, and replace
the tire if necessary. Swelling or high spots indicate inter-
nal damage, requiring tire replacement
Visually inspect the wheel for cracks, cuts and dents dam-
*If any damage is found, replace the wheel if necessary.
Tire Tread Wear lnspwtion
As the tire tread wears down, the tire becomes more sus-
ceptible to puncture and failure. An accepted estimate is
that 90% of all tire failures occur during the last 10%of tread
life (90% worn). So it is false economy and unsafe to use
the tires until they are bald.
Measure the tread depth at the center of the tread with a
depth gauge [A]. Since the tire may wear unevenly, take
measurement at s8ml places.
*If any measurement is less than the service limit, replace
the tire (see Tire RemovaYlnstallation
5 . . in the WheelslTires
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Tread Depth
Front 4.0 mm (0.16 In.)
Rear 8.0 mm (0.24 In.)
Service Limit:
Front 1 mm (0.04 in.)
(AT, CH, DE) 1.6 mm (0.06 in.)
Rear 2 mm (0.08 In.)
(Up to 130 kmlh (80 mph))
3 mm (0.12 In.)
(Over 130 kmlh (80 mph))

Some replacement tires may adversely affect han-
dling and cause an accident resulting in serious in-
jury or death. To ensure proper handling and stal
bility, use only the recommended standard tires for
replacement, inflated to the standard pressure.

OMost countries may have their own mgulaifons a mini-
mum fire tread depth: be sure to follow them.
OCheck and balance the wheel when a tim is replaced
with a new one.

Wheel Bearing Damage Insjmcfion

Raise the front wheel off the ground with a suitablestand.
Turn the handlebar a0 the way to the right or left.
Inspect the roughness of the front wheel bearing by push-
ing and pulling [A] the wheel.
Spln [B] the front wheel lightly, and check for smoothly
turn, roughness, binding or noise.
*If roughness, binding or noise is found, remove the front
w M and inspect the wheel bearing (see Front Wheel
Removal, Hub Bearing Inspection in the Wheels/lTires
Raise the rear wheel off the ground with a suitable stand.
Inspedthe roughness of the rear wheel bearing by push-
ing and pulling [A] the wheel.
Spln [B] the rear wheel lightly, and check for smoothly
turn, roughness, binding or noise.
*If roughness, binding or noise is found, remove the rear
wheel and inspectthe wheel bearing (see Rear Wheel R e
moval, Hub Bearing Inspecto
in in the Wheelflres chap
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Final Drive ._
Drive Chain Lubrication Condition inspection
Lubricationis necessary afterridingthrough rain or on wet
roads, or any time that the chain appears dry.
Use a lubricant for sealed chains to prevent deterloration
of chain seals. If the chain is especially dirty, clean it using a
deaner for sealed chains following the instructions supplied
by the chain deaner manufacturer.
The O-rings betwsen the side plates seal in the lu-
bricant between the pin and the bushing. To avoid
damaging the O-rings and resultant loss of lubri-
cant, obsenm the following rules.
Use only kerosene or dims1 dl for clsanlng of the
M n g of the d d w chain. Any other cleaning solu-
tion such as gasoline will cruse deterioration and
swelling of the M n g . lmmodiately blow the chain
dry with compressed air aftmr cleaning. Complete
cleaning and drying tha chain within 10 minutes.

Apply oil to the sides of the rollers so that oil will penetrate
to the rollens and bushings. Apply the oil to the O-rings so
that the Mngs will be coae with oil.
Wipe 08 any excess oil.
Oil Applied Areas [A] -'
O-rings [B]
Wipe off lubricant that gets on the tire surface.

Drive Chain Slack Inspection

OCheck the siack with the motorcyck setting on its side-
OCiean the chain if it Is dirty, md iubtimte it if it appeam
Check the wheel alignment (seeWheel Alignment Inspec-
Rotate the rear wheel to find the position when the chain
is tightest.
Measure the vertical m m e n t (chain slack) [A] midway
between the spmdcets.
*If the chain sladc exceeds the standard, adjust k
Chain Slack
Standard: 20 - 30 mm -
(0.8 1.2 in.)
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Drive Chain Slack Adjustment .
. -!;:-
Remove the cotter pin [A], and loosen the axle nut [B].
Loosen the both chain adjuster locknuts [C].
*If the chain is too loose, turn in the left and right chair.
adjusters [Dl evenly.
*If the chain is too tight, turn out the left and right chait
adjusters evenly, and kick the wheel forward.
Turn both drain adjusters evenly until the ddve chain has
the correct amount of slack. To keep the chain and wheel
properly aligned, the right wheel alignment indicator [El
should align with the same swingarm mark or position [q
that the left indicator notch aligns with.

wear and may result in an unsafe riding condition.

Be sure the wheel is properly alignd.
Tighten both chain adjuster locknuts securely.
Toque Rmar Axle Nut: 98 N-m (10 k*m, 72 ftwlb)
Turn the wheel, measurethe chain slack again at the tight-
est posith, and readjust if necessary.
Insert a new cotter pin [A] downward [B].
O m e n inserting the cotter pin, if the dots in the nut do
not align wfth the cuiferpin hole in the axle, tighten the
nut dockwim [C] up to next alignment.
Off s h d d be within 30 degrees.
O L m n once end tighten again when the slot goes past
the nearest hole.

Bend the cotter pin [A] along the nut [B].

I i

A loose axla nut can lead to an acddsnt resulting In

serious injury or death. Tighten the axle nut to the
proper toque and install a new cotter pin.
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Wih88l Alignment lnsp(bctfon
Check that the left alignment indicator [A] aligns with the
same swingarm mark or position [B] that the right aliin-
ment indicator notch a l i i s with.
+If they do not, adjust the chain slack and aliin the wheel
alignment (see Drive Chain Slack Adjustment).
O W h d a&nment can be also checked mUSEng
stra@htedgeor stn'ng method.

Misalignment of th.wheel will result in abnormal
wear and may result In an unsafe rldlng condition.
Be sure the wheel is property aligned.
Drive C h i n Wear lnspectbn
Remove the mud guard (seeMud Guard Remwal in the
Frame chapter).
Rotate the rear wheel to inspect the drive chain for dam
aged rollers, and loose pins and links.
*If there is any irrsguladty, replace the drive chain.
*Lubricate the drive chain if it appears dry.
Stretch the chain taut by hanging a 10 kg (22 Ib) weight
[A] on the chain.
a Measurethe length of20 links [Bjon the straight part [C] of
the chain from the pin center ofthe 1st pin to the pin center
of the 21st pin. Since the chain may wear unevenly, take
measurements at several @aces.
*If any measurements exceed the senice limit, replace the
chain. Also, replacethe front and rear sprockets when the
drive chain is replaced.
D M Chain =-link b n g t h
Standard: -
317.5 318.2 mm (12.50 - 12.53 in.)
!3enriee Limit: 319 mm (12.6 In.)

A chain that breaks or Jumps off the sprockets
could snag on the engine sprocket or loek the
rear w h d , severely damaging the motorcycle and
causing Itto go out d control. Inspecttha chain for
damage and proper adjustment M o m each ride.
If chain woar ex& the d c e Ilmtt, replace it
with the standard chain. It b an endless type and
should not be cut for installation.

Standard Chain
vpe: EKS2OSR02
EK520LV03 (when shlpping)
106 links
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
. r.
Chain Guide W e r I n s e o n

R-w:* "- ' I.

, -- : (.,A;

Mud Guard (& M& Guard Removal in the F r a b

Engine Sprocket Cover (see Engine Sprocket Removal
in the Final D M chapter)
- *>: ',
B M [A1 -a
Chain Guide [B] .-
a Visually inspect the chain guide.
*If it shows any signs of abnormal wear or damage, replace
the chain guide.
l Install the chain guide, and tighten its bolt.

Brake System inspection
Brake Fluid Leak (Brake Hose and Plpe) Inspection
a For ABS equipped models, remove the air cleaner hous-
ing (see Air Cleaner Housing Removal fn the Fuel System
(DFI) chapter).
a Apply the brake lever or pedal and inspect the brake fluid
leak from the brake hoses [A], fittings [B] and pipes [C]
(ABS equipped models).
*If the brake fluid leaked from any position, inspect or re-
place the problem part.
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Brake Hose and Pipe Damage and Installation Condi-
tion Inspection
For ABS equipped models, remove the air cleaner hous-
ing (seeAir Cleaner Housing Removal in the Fuel System
(DFI) chapter).
Inspect the brake hoses, pipes (A8Sequipped models)
and fittings for deterioration, cracks and signs of leakage.
OThe high pressure inside the brake line can cause fluid to
leak [A] or the hose, pipe (ABS equipped models) to burst
if the line is not properly maintained. Bend and twist the
rubber hose while examining it.
*Replace the hose and pipe (bBS equipped models) if any
crack [B], bulge [C] or leakage is noticed.
*Tighten any brake hose banjo bolts.
Torque -Brake Hem Banjo B o b 25 N m (2.5 k*m, 18
Brake Hose Banjo B o b (ABSHydraulic Unit): 33
Nm (3.4 kgf-m, 24 filb)
Inspect the bake hose and pipe routing.
+If any bake how and pipe (ABS equipped models) rout-
ing is incorred, run the brake hose and pipe aocording to
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing sec2ion in the Appendix
Brake Operation Inspection
Inspect the operation of the front and rear brake by run-
ning the vehicle on the dry road.
*If the brake operation is insufficiency, inspect the brake
When test riding the vehicle, be awars of sumrund-
I ing trafflt for your whty. I
Brake Fluid Level Inspection t:s*J&-
Check that the brake fluid level in the front brake fluid
reservoir [A] is above the lower level line [B].
..I \.,
OHold ffm mwvdk h d m ~ by turning the handlebar
when checking brake fluid /eve/.
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
+If the fluid level is lower than the lower level line, fill the
reservoir to the upper level line [A] in the reservoir. q;.-
Toque Front Brake Reservoir Cap Screws: 1.5 N-m(0.15
kgtm, 13 inmlb) _
, -.;: .
8 .

. %,
.* ,: 8
I @

Check that the brake fluid level in the rear brake fluid
reservoir [A] is above the lower level line [B].
*If the fluid level is lower than the lower level line, fill the
resetvoir to the upper level line [C].
MUng brands and types of brake fluid can reduce
the brake system's efktiveness and cause an a a
cldent resulting in injury or death. Do not m k two
brands ef brake fluid. Change the brake fluid in the
brake Hne completely if the brake fluid must be re-
filled but the type and brand of the bnke fluid that
is already in the reservoir are unidentitled.

Recommended Disc Brake Fluid


Fdlow the procedure below to install the rear brake fluid

reservoir cap corredly.
OFirst, tighten the brake fluid reservoir cap [A] clockwise
[B] by hand until slight resistance is felt indicating that the
cap is seated on the reservoir body [C], then tighten the
cap an additional 116 turn [Dl while holding the brake fluid
reservoir body.

Brake Fluid Change

OThe procedure to change the front brake fluid is as fol-
lows. Changing the rear brake fluid is the same as for
the front brake.
-- m-


Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Level the brake fluid reservoir.
Remove the reservoir cap and diaphragm.
Remove the rubber cap [A] from the bleed valve on &
Attach a clear plastic hose [B] to the Meed valve, and run
the other end of the hose into a container.
Fill the reservoir with fresh specified brake fluid.
Change the brake fluid.
ORepeat this operation until fresh brake fluid comes out
from the plastic hoge or the cdor of the fluid changes.
1. Open the bleed valve [C].
2. Apply the brake and hdd it (Dl.
3. Close the bleed valve [El.
4. Release the brake m. -.
0me fluid levelmust be checked otten during the
ing operation and mphnished with fie& brake fluid. If - , - p

the fluid in the mmi runs out any time during the
changing opemtion, the brakes will need to be bled
since air M I have entered the brake line.
Remove the dear plastic hose.
Install the diaphragm and reservoir cap.
Tighten: .- -
4 . ---
Toque Front Brake b s a d r cAp 8am:1.5 ~ . (0.15
kgfm, 13 inlb)
,. .,
Follow the procedure below kt install the rear brake fluid
resewoir cap correctly.
OFirst, tighten the rear brake fluid reservoir cap [A] dock-
wise [B] by hand until slight resistance is felt indicating
that the cap is seated on the reservoir body [C], then
tighten the cap an additional 116 turn p]while holding the
brake fluid reservoir body.

Tihten the Meed valve, and install the rubber cap.

Toque Bleed Valve: 5.4 Nm (0.55 kgfom, 48 Insib)
After changing the fluid, check the brake for good braking
power, no brake drag, and no fluid leakage.
*If necessay, Meed the air from the lines.
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Brake Hose and Pipe Replacement
I Brake fluid quickly damages painted plastic sur-

faces; any spilled fluid should be completely

washed way immediately.
a Remove:
Mud Guard (see Mud Guard Removal in the Fmme
Brake Hose Banjo Bolts [A]
Clamp [Bl
a Clear the brake hoses [C] from the brackets [Dl, and re-
move the brake hoses.

When installing the brake hoses, note the following.

OAvoid sharp bending, kinking, flatting or twisting, and run
the hoses according to Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
section in the Appendix chapter.
0- are washers on each side of the brake hose fitting.
Replace them with new ones.
.T~rque Brake H g ~ Eanjo
r Bob: 25 Nm (2.5 kgfm, 18

a Fill the brake line after installing the brake hose (see
Brake Ruid Change).
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
For ABS equipped models; note the following.
Air Cleaner Housing Bracket
Frame Cover (see Frame Cover Removal in the Frame
Mud Guard (see Mud Guard Removal in the Frame
Brake Hose Banjo Bolts [A]
Brake Hose Banjo Bolts (ABS Hydraulic Unit) [B]
Clamps [C]
Clear the brake hoses fD]from the brackets [El,and r e
move the brake horns.
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
There are washers on each side of the brake hose and m
pipe fitting. Replace them with new ones when installing
install the brake pipes and brake hoses to the specified
angle (see Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing section In thc
Appendix chapter).
a Tighten the brake hose banjo bolts (ABS hydrauric una)
WlowSng -
- the specified tightening sequence [I 41.
Torque Brake Hose Banjo Bolb (ABS Hydraulic Unlt): 33
N m (3.4 kgfm, 24 ft-lb)
8 llghten:
Toque Brake Hose Banjo Bolts: 25 N-m (2.5 kgf-m, 18
Fill the brake line after installing the brake hose and pipe
(see Brake Fluid Change).
Mas* Cylinder Rubber Park Replacement
Front Master Cylinder Disassembly
a Removethe front master cylinder (see Front Master Cylin-
der Removal in the Brakes chapter).
8 Remove:
Front Brake Reservoir Cap Screws [A]
Reservoir Cap [B]
Diaphragm Plate [C]
DiaphFagm [Dl
8 Unscrew the locknut [El and pivot bolt [Fj, and remove the
brake lever.
a R m v e the dust cover [GI and cirdip [HI.

8 Pull out the piston assembly [I].

Do not remove the secondary cup from the piston
since removal will damage it.
Diaphragm fD]
Dust Cover [GI
Circlip [HI
Piston Assembly n]
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Rear Master Cyllnder Disassembly
Rear Master Cylinder (see Rear Master Cylinder Re-
moval in the Brakes chapter)
Remove the circlip [A], connector [B] and O-ring [C].
Special Tool - Inside Circlip Pliers: 57001-143
Slide the dust cover [Dl out of place, and remove the cir-
dip [El.
a Pull out the push rod assembly [FJ.
Remove the piston assembly [GI.
Do not remove the secondary cup from the piston
slnce removal will damage It.
Cirdip [A]
O-ring [C]
Circlip [El
Push Rod Assembly [Fl
Piston Assembly [GI
Diaphragm [HI
Master Cylinder Assembly
Before assembly, clean all parts including the master
cylinder with brake fluid or alcohol.
Except for the dl* pads and dlsc, use only dlsc
brake fluid, isopropyl alcohol, or ethyl alcohol for
cleanlng brake parts. Do not use any other fluid for
cleaning these parts. Gasoline, engine oil, or any
other petroleumdlstlllate will cause deterlorationof
the rubber parts. Oil spilled on any part will be dm-
cult to wash off completely, and will eventually de-
teriorate the rubber used In tho disc brake.

a Apply brake fluid to the new parts and to the inner wall of
the cylinder.
Take care not to scratch the piston or the inner wall of the
a Apply silicone grease to the followings.
Front: Brake Lever Pivot Bolt
Rear: Dust Cover of Push Rod Assembly
* For the front master cylinder, tighten the brake lever pivot
bolt and the looknut.
Torque -Brake Laver Pivot Bolt: 5.9 N.m (0.60 kgf-m, 52
Brake Levor Pivot Bolt Locknut: 5.9 N-m (0.60
kgfmm, 52 in-lb)
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Caliper Rubber Parts Replacement
Caliper Disassembly
Caliper (see FrontIRear Caliper Removal in the Brakes
chapter) & .
Brake Pad (see Brake Pad Removal in the Brakes chap
Caliper Holder [A]
Pad Spring [B]

U - m air, ~mmovethe pistons.

OCotnrrtlle phbn arer~with a dean, thick doth [A].
0 8 b w ~ a i r [ Bintuthe ] hdefortktebeMJobolt@
removs the ist ton.

fh.pktminthe brake Wiper can cnnh hand. and

flngsrs. b v a r place your fund or fingem in front of
the *tan.
OPull out the piston by hartd.
plsaPn pliersw]
remove the pistaw [B].
V T -
d Bnk. 6 r l l p PbtOt~Mien (+16
#Mp -

Remove the dust seals [A] and fluid seals [B].

Remove the Meed valve [C] and rubber cap [Dl.
Periodic Maintenance Procedures ,;9

Caliper Assembly
Clean the caliper parts except for the pads. j . ,.

For cleaning the parts, use only disc brake fluid,
isopropyl alcohol, or ahyl alcohol.
Install the bleed valve and rubber cap.
Torque Bleed Valve: 5.4 Nm ( 0 . S kgf-rn, 48 in-lb)

Replace the fluid seals [A] with new ones.

OApply silicone grease to the fluid seals, and install them
into the cylinders by hand.
Replacethe dust seals [B] with new ones if they are darn-
OApply silicone grease to the dust seals. and ni s&!il *em
into the cyihdets by hand.

Apply brake fluid to the outside of the pistons, and push

them into each cylinder by hand.
Check the shaft rubber fridion boot [A] and the dust cover
[B] replace them with new ones if they are damaged.
Apply a silicone,- --.- ta the caliper Mder shafts [C] and
holes [Dl. . -. -


l l l s t , t h e ~ ~ [ A ] I n t h e c a W p e r ~ ~ .
Irrartrrtlhmm(s4~ -1-
.Wipe up any spilled bake fluid on the e x dm
i with
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Brake Pad Wear Inspection
a Remove the brake pads (see Front/Rear Brake Pad Re-
moval in the Brakes chapter).
a Check the lining thickness [A] of the pads in each caliper.
*If the lining thickness of either pad is less than the service
limit [B], replace both pads in the cajlper as-a set.
I " - ,. . ,
Front Brake Pad [C]
Rear Brake Pad [Dl
Pad Lining Thickness
Front 4.5 mm (0.18 in.)
Rear 4.5 mm (0.18 in.)
Service Limit:
Front 1.0 mm (0.04 in.)
Rear I.5 mm (0.06 in.)

Brake Ught Switch Operation Inspection

a Turn the ignition switch on.
a The brake light [A] should go on when the brake lever is
applied or after the brake pedal is depressed about 10
mm (0.39 in.).

*if it does not, adjust the brake light switch.

a Remove the right front footpeg bracket bolts [A].

a While holding the switch body, turn the adjusting nut to

adjust the switch.
switch Body [A]
Adjusting Nut [B]
Ught sooner as the body rises [C]
Light later as the body lowers [Dl
To avoid damaging the electrical connections in-
ride the switch,be sure that the switch body does
not turn during adjustment.
Torque Front Footpeg Brackmt Bolts: 25 N.m (2.5 W m ,
18 R4b)
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
*If it does not go on,inspect or replace the following parts.
Battery (see Charging Condition Inspection in the Elec-
trical System chapter)
Brake Light (LED) (see Brakefrail Light Removalllnstal-
lation in the Electrical System chapter)
Turn Signal Relay Fuse 10 A (see Fuse Inspection in the
Electrical System chapter)
Front Brake Light Switch [A] (see Switch Inspection in
the Electrical System chapter)
Rear Brake Ught M c h (see Switch InspectIan in the
Eledrical System chapter)
Harness (see Wiring Inspection in the Electrical System

Suspension ~.i, k6 *-
A; "

Suspns~onSystem l n q d i o n
Front ForkdRear Shock Abmdmr OperPtlon Inrpec-
Pump the forks dam and up [A] 4 or 5 times, and inspect
ths sm0oth -8.
fork d kvel or Wk damps (888 Front Fork Oil C h a w in
the Susperurion -1. ,-,

a Pump the $eatdown and up [A] 4 or 5 times, and inspect

the smooth stmkb.
is found, inspect the On leak fmRgar Shodc AbmWr
oil Leak I w ~ ) .

Front Fork Oil Leak Inspaction

a Visually imped the front forks [A] for dl lea-.
*Replace my defectiveparts, if -w.
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Rear Shock Absorber 011Leak Inspection
8 Visually inspect the shock absorber [A] for oil leakage.
*If the oil leakage is found on it, replace the shock absorbel
with a new one. q
, .-id

Rocker Arm Operation Inspection
8 Pump the seat down and up 4 or 5 times, and inspect the
smooth stroke.
*If the rocker arm [A] does not smoothly stroke or noise
is found, inspect the fasteners and bearings (see Rocker
Armme-Rod Bearing, Sleeve lnspection in the Suspen-
sion chapter).

Tie-Rod Operation lnspectlon

8 Pump the seat down and up 4 or 5 times, and inspect the
smooth stroke.
*If the tie-rods[A] do not smoothly stroke or noise is found,
inspect the Fasteners and tie-rod bushing (see Tie-Rod,
Rocker Ann Bushing, Sleeve Inspection in the Suspen-
sion chapter).

~ubti&tlonof Raar Suspension

Swingann Pivot Lubrication
8 Remove:
Swingarm (see Swingann Removal in the Suspension
Grease Seals (Both Sides)
Sleeves [A]
Using a high flash-point solvent, dean the old grease out
of the needle bearings [B].
8 Apply plenty of grease to the inner surface of the needle
8 Apply thin coat of grease to the lips of the oil seals.
Install the swingarm (see Swingarm Installation in the
Suspension chapter).
Periodic Maintenance Procedures

~ i a ~nspection
Raise the front wheel off the ground with a suitable stand.
With the front wheel pointing straight ahead, alternately
tap each end of the handlebar. The front wheel should
swing fully left and right from the force of gravity until the
fork hits the stop.
* tf the wheel binds or catches before the stop, the steering
is too tight.
Feel for steering laoseness by pushing and pulling [A] the
*If you feel looseness, the steering is too loose.
OThe cables and win'ng will have same e M on the mo-
tion of the kxk which must be taken into account.
OBe sure the leads and cables am properly muted.
OThe bearings must be in good condition and properly
lubricated in onler for any test to be velid.
Sfeering Play Aqustment
Middle Fairings (see Middle Fairing Removal in the
Frame chapter)
Lower Front Fork Clamp Bolts 61

Steering Stem Head Nut Plug [A]
Steering Stem Head Nut [B]

Raise the front wheel off the ground with a suitable stand. [\ .* .
Adjust the steering.
Speclal Tool - S M n g Stom Nut Wrench [A]: 570011108
*If the steedng is too tight, loosen the stern nut a fraction
of a turn.
*If the steering is too loose, tighten the stem nut a fraction
of a turn.
OTum the stem nut 1/8 turn at time maximum.
Periodic Maintenance Procedures

OYou may adjust the steering using the adjustable hook
wrench [A].
Special Tod Adjustable Hook Wnmch: 57001-1863
a Tighten:
Toque $bering Stem Head Nut: 19 N m (5.0 kgfmm, 36
L m r Front Fork Clsmp Bob: 23 Nm (2.3 kgfm
17 ft-lb)
OTirght~~the hvo lower front fork clamp botts alternately
hvo times to ensure even tightening torque.
Check the steering again.
+If the sts9rSng is still too tight or too loose, repeat the ad-
a Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).

Stgerjng Stem Bearing Lubrlcatfon

Remove ttre steering stem (see Stem, Stem Bearing Re
moval in the Steering chapter).
a Using a high flash-point solvent, wash the upper [A] and
lower [B] ball bearings, and wipe the upper and lower
outer mas, w h i i are press-fmed bto the hame
pipe, dean off grease and dirt. ' . -Y 9
a Msually chedr the outer races a h the ball bearings.
*Replace them if they show wear or damage.
Apply a tight coat of grease to the upper and lower baB
bearings and outer races.
a Install the steering stem (see Stem, Stem Bearing Instal-
lation in the Steering chapter).
a Adjust the steering (see Steering Play Adjustment). , .- .
-- - ---- - 7 - -- -- - - -2 T,


Periodic Maintenance Procedures

and s;Vmhtu -l~on ~nspeciiion
First =w
l Set the gear pottkn in the neutral position.

Battery (see Charging Condition Inspection in the E b

(meHeadlight (LED)Assern-
bly RemovaVl- in the EIectrical System chap

Meter Panel LCD (see Meter Unit Inspectionin the U8c-
s m -1 @ H G,
Indicator Lights (LED) (see Meter Unit lnspectlan in the
Elecbscal Systm chapter)
Meter Pam1I l l u M m (LED) (see Meter Unit Inspec-
tion in the EleoZrld Qmtm chapter)
ECU (see ECUPower Supply Inspection in the FuelSys-
tem (DFI) chapter)
Main Fuse 30 A, Mdw F w 10A and Turn Signal Relay
Fuse 10 A (see F w Impdon in the f l ~ Sy&m l
Ignition Switch (see, Witch I m p d o n in the Elecblcel
trical system chapter)
Gear Position SenaKK (seaGear Positkri sensor Input
Voltage lnspectlwr in the Fuel system (DFI) chapter)
Harness (seeWiring Inspection in the E I ~ c ESystemII
l Turn the ignition switch off.
l The all lights should go off.
*If any light does not go off, replace the ignition switch.
\ w~r- = yT 7 , %= -- - -q,-?.,~-sy,c..r.r--.~~iv - * . r
. . 5

Periodic Maintenance Procedures

Second Step
Turn the ignition switch on. - 1-
Turn on the turn signal switch [A] (left or right position).r
The left or right turn signal lights [B] (front and rear) ac-
cording to the switch position should blink.
The green turn signal indicator lights (LED) [C] in the m e
ter unit should blink. $:?ZT
*If each light does not blink inspect or replace the foll&ni
Turn Signal Light Bulb (see Turn Signal Light Bulb R e
placement in the Electn'cal System chapter)
Green Turn Signal Indicator Light (LED) (see Meter Unit
lnspection In the Electrical System chapter)
Turn Signal Relay Fuse 10A (see Fuse lnspection in the
Electrical System chapter)
Turn Signal Switch (mS-witch I n s w o n in the Electri-
cal System chapter) 3
Turn Signal Relay (see Turn Signal Relay Inspection in
the Electrical System chapter)
Hamess (see Wiring Inspectionin the Electrical System
Push the turn signal switch.
The turn signal lights and green turn signal indicator light
(LED) should go off.
*If the light does not go off, inspect or replace the following
Turn Signal Switch (see Switch lnspection in the Electri-
cal System chapter)
Turn Signal Relay (see Turn Signal Relay inspection in'
the Electrical System chapter)

Third Step
Set the dimmer switch [A] to low beam position.
Start the engine.
The low beam headlights should go on.
*If the low beam headlights do not go on, inspect or replace
the following parts.
Headlight(LED) Assembly (see Headlight (LED) Assem-
bly RemovaVlnstallation in the Electrical System chap-
Headlight Fuse 10 A (see Fuse lnspection in the Electri-
cal System chapter)
Dimmer Switch (see Switch lnspection in the Electrical
System chapter)
Headlight Circuit Relay in Relay Box (see Relay Circuit
lnspection in the Electrical System chapter)
Harness (see Wiring lnspection in the Electrical System
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
a Set the dimmer switch to high beam position.
a The low beam [A] and high beam [B] headlights should
go on.
The blue high beam indicator light (LED) [C] should goes
*If the high beam headlightand/or blue high beam indicator
light (LED) does not go on, inspect or replace the following
Headlight (LED) Assembly (see Headlight(LED) Assem-
bly RemovaVlnstallation in the Electrical System chap
Blue High Beam Indicator Light (LED) (see Meter Unit
Inspection in the Electrical System chapter)
Dimmer Switch (see Switch Inspection in the Electrical
System chapter)
a Turn the engine stop switch to stop position.
a The low beam and high beam headlights should stay go-
ing on.
*If the headlights and blue high beam indicator light (LED)
does go off, insped or replace the following parts.
Headlight Circuit Relay in Relay Box (see Relay Circuit
Inspection in the Eledrical System chapter)
a Turn the ignition switch off.
The headlights and blue high beam indicator light (LED)
should go off.
Headlight Aiming Inspection
a Insped the headlight beam for aiming.
*If the headlight beam points to one side rather than
straight ahead, adjust the M o n t a l beam.
Headlight Beam Horizontal Adjustment
a Turn the hotizontal adjuster [A] in both headlights in or out
until the beam points straight ahead.
*If the headlight beam points too b w or high, adjust the
vertical beam.
Headlight Beam Ve-1 Adjustment
a Turn the vertical adjuster [B]in both headlights in or out
to adjust the headlight vertically.

OOn high beam, the brightest points should be slightly
below horizontal with the motonycle on ifs wheels and
the rider seated. Aqust the headlight to the proper an-
gle according to local regulations.
OFor US model, the pmper angle is 0.4 degrees below
horizontal. is 50 mm (2.0 in.) drop at 7.6 m (25
8) mmeasured Rwn the center of the headlight with the
motorcyde on its wheels and the rider seated.
50 mm (2.0 in.) [A]
Center of Brightest Spot [B]
7.6 m (25 ft) [C]
Height of Headlight Center [Dl
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Side Stand Switch Operation Inspection
Raise the rear wheel off the ground with the stand (see
Rear Wheel Removal in the Wheelflres chapter).
Inspect the side stand switch [A] operation accordance &
below table.

Gear Clutch Engine Engine
posttion p over Start Run
UP Neutral Releswd Starts running

I up I ~eutrsl I P U I I in
~~ I start. I running-
Does not Continue
UP In Gear Released
UP In Gear Pulled in Starts Nnning
Down Neutral Released Starts
Down Neutral Pulled in Starts
I DM I In Gear I
Released I 1 Stops
Does not
Down In Gear Pulled in
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
*If the side stand switch aperation does not work, inspect
or replace the following parts.
Battery (see Charging Condition Inspection in the Elec-
trical System chapter)
Main Fuse 30 A (see Fuse Inspection in the Electrical
System chapter)
Ignition Fuse 10A (see Fuse lnspection in the ElecbJcal
System chapter)
lgnition Switch (see Switch Inspection in the Electrical
System chapter)
Side Stand Switch (see Switch Inspection in the Electri-
cal System chapter)
Engine Stop Switch (see Switch Inspection in the Elec-
trical System chapter)
Starter Button (see Switch I n m n in the ElecWcal
System chapter)
Gear Position Sensor (see Gear Position Sensor Input
Voltage lnspectioll in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter)
Starter Lodrout Switch (see Switch Inspection in the
Elecbk#l System chapter)
Starter Relay (see Starter Relay Inspection in the Elec-
trical System chapter)
Relay Box (see Relay Circuit lnspection in the Electrical
System chapter)
Starter Circuit Relay (seeRelay Circuit Inspection in the
Elecbical System chapter)
Hamess (see Wmng ImpWh in the EleebbI System
*If the all parts are gmd amdiin, replace the ECU (see
ECU RemovaVlnatalMbnin the Fuel System (DFI) chap
Engine Stop Swifch Openrtion inspection , 4.
First Step
a Turn the ignition switch on. :f
a Set the gear position in the neutral podtion.
a Turn the engine stop M c h to stop position [A].
a Push the starter button [B].
a The engine does not start.
*If the engine starts, inspect or replace the engine sbp
switch (see Switch Inapedon in the Electrical System
Second Step
a Turn the ignition swMch on.
a Set the gear position in the neutral position.
a Turn the engine stop switch to run position [A].
a Push the starter button [B] and start the engine.
a Turn the engine stop swltch to stop position.
a immediately the engine should be stop.
*If the engine does not stop,insped or replace the engine
stop switch (see Switch Inspection in the Electrical Sys-
. .
tem cha~ter).
*If the engine stop switch b good condition, replace the
ECU (see ECU R8m0mMnstallation in the Fuel System
(DFI) chapter).
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Spark Plug Replacement
Remove the stick coils (see Stick Coil Removal in the
Electrical System chapter).
Remove the spark plugs using the 14 mm (0.55 in.) plug A
wrench [A] vertically.
Replace the spark plugs with new ones.
Standard Spark Plug

insert &it spa& pluc vertically into & spark plug hole
with the spark plug installed in the plug wrench [A], and
finger-tighten it first.
Of tightening the spark plug with the wrench in-
clined, the insulator of the spark plug may break.
Torque Spark Plugs: 13 Nm (1.3 k e r n , 115 In4bl
Installthe stick odls (seeStick Coil Installationin the ~ l e &
t r b l System chapter).
After installation, be sure the stick mils are installed se-
wrely by pulling up hem lightly.

Chassis Parts Lubrication
Before lubricatingeach part, clean off any rusty spots with
rust remover and wipe off any grease, dl, dirt, or grime.
Lubricate the points listed below with indicated lubricant.
O ~ w ther vehide has been operated under
wet or rainy C o n d ~ s ,or espe&My after using a
high-pssuim water qm~/1 pdbnn the general Iubri-
Phrots: Lubricate with Grouse.
Brake Lever
Brake Pedal
Clutch Lever
Rear Brake Joint Pin
Points: Lubricate with Grease.
Clutch lnner Cable Upper and Lower Ends [A]
Throttle lnner Cable Upper and Lower Ends
Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Cables: Lubricate with Rust Inhibitor.
Clutch CaMe
Throttle Cables
a Lubricatethe cables by seeping the oil between the cabIe
and housing.
OThe cable may be lubricated by using a commercially
available pressure caMe lubricator with an aerosol cable

With the cable disconnected at both ends, the cable

should move freely [A] within the cable housing.
*If cable movement is not free after lubricating, if the cable
is frayed [B], or if the cable housing is kinked [C],replace
the cable.
Periodic Maintenance Procedures

Condiflon of Bolts, Nuts and Fasteners Tightness

Check the tightness of the bolts and nuts listed here. Also,
check to see that each cotter pin is in place and in good
OFor the engine fasteners, check the tightness of them
when the engine is cold (at mom temperature).
*If there are loose fasteners, retighten them to the spec-
ified torque following the specified tightening sequence.
Refer to the appropriate chapter for torque specifications.
If toque specifications are not in the appropriate chapter,
see the Standard Torque Table. For each fastener, first
loosen it by 112 turn, then tighten it.
*If cotter pins are damaged, replace them with new ones.
Bolt, Nut and Fastener to be checked
Clutch Lever P i i t Bolt
Frame Bracket Bolts
Swingarrn Mounting Plate Nut
Engine Mounting Bolts
m u s t Pipe Holder Nuts
Muffler Body Clamp Bolt
Muffler Body Mounting Bolt
Radiator Bolts
Front Axle Nut
Front Axle Nut Cotter Pin
Rear Axle Nut
Rear Axle Nut Cotter Pin
Brake Lever Pivot Bolt Locknut
Brake Pedal Bolt
Caliper Mounting Bolts
Front Master Cylinder Clamp Bolts
Rear Master Cylinder Mounting Bolts
Rear Master Cylinder Push Rod Joint Cotter Pin
Front Fork Clamp Bolts
Rear Shock Absorber Bolts
Rear Shock Absorber Bracket Nuts
Swingam Pivot Shaft Nut
Swingarm Side Bracket Bolts
Tie-Rod B o b
Rocker Arm Bolt
Handlebar Clamp Bolts
Steering Stem Head Nut
Footpeg Bracket Bolts
Side Stand Bolt
Side Stand Bracket Bolts

Fuel System (DFI)

Table of Contents
Exptoded v i........................................................................................................................
DFI System.............................................................................................................................
DFI Components Naming .................................................................................................
DFI Parts Location..................................................................................................................
Specifhtlons .........................................................................................................................
Special Toals and S d W ......................................................................................................
DFI Senridng Preeautbm......................................................................................................
DF1SenWng h'clcautions ...................................................................................................
Troubleshootingthe DFI System ............................................................................................
Outline .................................................................................................................................
Inquiriesto Rider..................................................................................................................
DFI System Tmuble&mting Guide .......................................................................................
Self-Diagnosis ........................................................................................................................
Self-Diagrmds Outline .......................... ........... ...............................................................
S e l f - D i Procedwes ...............................................................................................
Senhoe Code Reading......................................................................................................
smke Code Er&Q ....,....
Badrups ............................................................................................................................
Throttle Serrsor (Senrloe Code 11) (UTC W12Q, W123) .......................................................
Throttle Scmm RmVAdJusbnent...............................................................................
Throttle Sensor Input Voltage lnspsction..........................................................................
Throttle Sgnsor ResisWm Ins9ectk>n.............................................................................
Throttle Sensor Output Voltage I ~ ~.......................................................................
o n
Intake Air Pressure Serrsor (!%wbCode 12) (DTC PO105, W108, POI07)........................
lntake Air Pmsum Sensor Rgmoval ................................................................................
Intake A& Remum Sensor Ir#ftallation.............................................................................
Intake Air Serrsor .....................................................
Intake Air SeJlsor .....................................................
Intake Air Twnpemtm Sensor (Servb Code 13) (DTC P0110, P0112)...............................
Intake Air Temperature Sensor RgmavslVlnstallatkrP1........................................................
Intake Air Temperature Sensor Output Vdtage Impedh ...............................................
Intake Air Temperature Sensor Redstance lnspectfon.....................................................
Water Temperature S em(Senrice Code 14) (DTC PO115, PO117) ....................................
Water Tmpmture bmor Ramnmlhnstallm .............................................................
Water Tmperature Serrsor Output Voltage InqmWn.....................................................
Water Tmpemture Sensor Raslstance Inspection...........................................................
C r a n M a Sgnm (SgN/C8Code 21) (DTC P0335)..............................................................
C r a m Sensor RmmvalJlnstallation...........................................................................
Crankshaft Sensor lnopectlorr........................................................................
Crankshaft Serrsor Peak \Fdtage Inspedion.....................................................................
Rear W h d Rotation Semx (Senrtcg Code 24) (DTC P2158)..............................................
Rear W M Rotation Sensor Signal Inspection...............................................................
Gear Position Sensor (Service Code 25) (DTC W914,PO915, P0916, P0917)....................
Gear Position sensor R8movaVlnstaIlatbn......................................................................
Gear Pmitkm Sensor Input Voltage Inspection ................................................................
Gear P& &mor Output Voltage Inspgdion..............................................................
V e h i i Sensor (SewiceCode 31) (DTC C0061).........................................................
vdlidedown smsor RsmavaS .........................................................................................
V e h i o r m Sensor lW1atlwr ......................................................................................
W~&-~QMI Sensor Input Voltage Iftspedbn.................................................................

Vehidedown Sensor Output Voltage Inspection..............................................................

.. Sensor not actbated (Service Code 33) (DTC PO130. PO132)...............................
Oxygen Sensor RemovaVlnstallation................................................................................
Oxygen Sensor Inspection................................................................................................
ECU Communication Error (Service Code 39) .......................................................................
ECU Communication Line Inspection ...............................................................................
Fuel Injectors (Service Code 41, 42) (DTC P0201, P0202) ...................................................
Fuel Injector Removavlnstallation.....................................................................................
Fuel Injector Audible Inspection........................................................................................
Fuel Injector Resistance Inspection..................................................................................
Fuel Injector Power Source Voltage Inspection................................................................
Fuel Injector Output Voltage Inspection............................................................................
Fuel Injector Fuel Line Inspection.....................................................................................
Stick Coils #1, #2 (Service Code 51, 52) (DTC P0351. P0352) .............................................
Stick Coil RemovaVlnstallation..........................................................................................
Stid< Coil Primary Winding Resistance Inspection ...........................................................
Stick Cdl Input Voltage Inspection...................................................................................
Radiator Fan Relay (Service Code 56) (DTC P0480) ............................................................
Radiator Fan Relay RemovaVlnstallation..........................................................................
Radiator Fan Relay Inspection..........................................................................................
Air Switching Valve (Service Code 64) (DTC P0410).............................................................
Air Switching %lve RemovaVlnstallation..........................................................................
Air Switching Valve Inspection..........................................................................................
Oxygen Sensor Heater (Service Code 67) (DTC P0030).......................................................
Oxygen Sensor Heater RemovaVlnstallation....................................................................
Oxygen Sensor Heater Resistance Inspcbon .................................................................
Oxygen Sensor Heater Power Source Voltage Inspection ...............................................
Fuel Supply System (Service Code 94) (DTC P0170) ...........................................................
Fuel Supply System Inspection.........................................................................................
Idle Speed Control Valve Actuator (Senrice Code 1C) (DTC P0508, P0509, PO518) ............
Idle Speed Contrd Valve Actuator Removal.....................................................................
Idle Speed Control Valve Actuator Installation..................................................................
Idle Speed Control Valve Actuator Resistance inspection................................................
Idle Speed Control Valve Actuator Input Voltage Inspection.............................................
Purge Valve (Service Code 3A) (DTC P0443) (Equipped Models) ........................................
Purge Valve Removal/lnstallation.....................................................................................
Purge Valve Inspection.....................................................................................................
Warning Indicator Light (LED) ................................................................................................
Yellow Engine Warning Indicator Light (LED) Inspection..................................................
ECU Identification.............................................................................................................
ECU Removal...................................................................................................................
ECU Installation................................................................................................................
ECU Power Supply Inspection ..........................................................................................
DFI Power Source..................................................................................................................
ECU Fuse Removal ..........................................................................................................
ECU Fuse Installation.......................................................................................................
ECU Fuse Inspection........................................................................................................
ECU Main Relay RemovaVlnstallation..............................................................................
ECU Main Relay Inspection..............................................................................................
Fuel Line.................................................................................................................................
Fuel Pressure Inspection..................................................................................................
Fuel Row Rate Inspection................................................................................................
Fuel Pump ..............................................................................................................................
Fuel Pump Removal .........................................................................................................
Fuel Pump Installation......................................................................................................
Fuel Pump Operation Inspection ......................................................................................

Fuel Pump Operating Voltage Inspection .........................................................................

Pressure Regulator Removal............................................................................................
Fuel Pump Relay RemovaVlnstallation.............................................................................
Fuel Pump Relay Inspection.............................................................................................
Throttle Grip and Cables ........................................................................................................
Throttle Grip Free Play Inspection....................................................................................
Throttle Grip Free Play Adjustment...................................................................................
Throttle Cable Installation.................................................................................................
Throttle Cable Lubrication.................................................................................................
Throttle Body Assy ...............................................................................................................
Idle Speed Inspection/Adjustment ....................................................................................
Throttle Bore Cleaning ......................................................................................................
Synchronization Inspsctlon/Adjustment ............................................................................
Throttle Body Assy Removal.............................................................................................
Throttle Body Assy Installation..........................................................................................
Throttle Body Assy Disassembly ......................................................................................
Throttle Body Assy Assembly ...........................................................................................
Air Cleaner..............................................................................................................................
Air Cleaner Element RemovaVlnstallation........................................................................
Air Cleaner Element Inspection........................................................................................
Air Cleaner Oil Draining ....................................................................................................
Air Cleaner Housing Removal...........................................................................................
Air Cleaner Housing Installation........................................................................................
Fuel Tank ................................................................................................................................
Fuel Tank Removal ...........................................................................................................
Fuel Tank Installation........................................................................................................
Fuel Tank and Cap Inspection ..........................................................................................
Fuel Tank Cleaning ...........................................................................................................
Evaporative Emission Contrd System (Equipped Models) ....................................................
Parts RemovaVInstallation................................................................................................
Hose Inspection................................................................................................................
Purge Valve Inspection.....................................................................................................
Canister Inspection ..........................................................................................................
Exploded Viaw
No. Fastemtr Remarks
N-m kgf-m fklb
1 Spark Plugs 13 1.3 115 in-lb
2 Air Cleaner Housing Assembly Screws 1.2 0.12 11 in-lb
3 Oxygen Sensor 25 2.5 18
4 Air Cleaner Housing Mounting Boit 9.8 1.O 87 in-lb
5 Air Clgernsr Element Mounting Screw 1.2 0.12 11 in-lb
6 Intake Air Temperature Sensor Screw 1.2 0.12 11 in-lb
7 Switch Housing Screws 3.5 0-36 31 in-lb
8 Air Cleaner Housing Clamp B o b 2.0 0.20 18 in-lb
9 Idle Speed Control Valve Actuator Screw 5.0 0.51 44 in-lb R
10 Delivery Pipe Mounting Screws 3.5 0.36 31 in-lb
CL: Apply cable lubricant.
EO: Apply engine oil.
G: Apply grease.
R: Replacement Parts
Exploded View
Exploded View
No. Fastener Remarks
N*m kgf-m R-lb
1 Water Temperature Sensor 12 1.2 106 in-lb
2 Fuel Tank Bdts 8.8 0.90 78 in-lb
3 Oil Pressure Switch 15 1.5 11 LG
4 Gear Position Sensor Bolt 9.8 1.O 87 in-lb
5 Fuel Pump Assembly Screws 0.98 0.10 8.7 in-lb R
6 Fuel Pump Bolts 9.8 1.O 87 in-lb L, s -
7 Side Stand Switch Bolt 8.8 0.90 78 in-lb L
EO: Apply engine oil.
L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.
LG: Apply liquid gasket.
R: Replacement Parts
S: Follow the spMed tighkning sequence.
Exploded View
Evaporative Emission Control System Equipped Models
Exploded View
No. Fastener Remarks
N*m kern R-lb
1 Purge Valve Nut 6.9 0.70 61 in-lb
2 Canister Bracket Bolt (L = 10 mm) 9.8 1.O 87 in-lb
3 Canister Bracket Bolt (L = 20 mm) 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb
4. Purge Valve
5. Canister
DFI System

DFI System

1. ECU
2. Battery .,
3. Vehicle-down Sensor
4. Intake Air Pressure Sensor
5. Idle Speed Control Valve Actuator
6. Throttle Sensor
7. Fuel Injectors
8. Intake Air Temperature Sensor
9. Fuel Pump
10. Purge Valve (Equipped Models)
11. Air Switching Valve
12. Water Temperature Sensor --
13. Gear Position Sensor' : .
14. Oxygen Sensor
15. Crankshaft Sensor
16. Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor
17. ABS Hydraulic Unit (ABS Equipped Models)
.. i&'4
3-12 FUEL SYSTEM (DFI),. .
DFI System
OF/ Components Naming
* .
, h

The (ems used in the European regulation tor DFI mmpomts are rome&'&& fro&
used by Kawasaki. Use this table to cross reference terms which m y appear in a generic scan tool
whendiagnosing ths DFI system.
Sunsom d d b e d in I34412014 Kawasaki Name
. (Description per IS0 150316 In ths parentheses)
Crankshaft position s e m r (Crankshaft position sensor CmankhaRwnmr
I Engine coolant teRlperature sensor (Engine d a n t Water temperature sensor
lntake air temperature sensoF I
lntake air pressure sensor
Iwessure/ba~trScwessure circuit)
02 sensor (binaryninear) signals (02sensor) Oxygen sensor
Throttle position sensor (ThrottlePedal position
Throttle sensor
sensotlswitch .A")
[~ehiie speed sensor (Vehide speed sensor 'B") IRear wheel rotation sensor I
Actuators described In R4412014 ,
Kawasaki Name
(Description per IS0 150316 in the parentkses)
Evaporative emission system purge control valve
Purge valve
(Evaporative emission system purge control valve)
- -
Fuel injector (Injector cylinder 1 2) Fuel injector
- -

ldle air control system (Idle Air Control Circuit) ldle speed control valve actuator

prirnarylsecondary circuit)
Ignition coil prlmary control circuits (Ignition coil *A B"
Stick Coil
O2 sensor heater (H02S heater control circuit) Oxygen sensor heater
Secondary air injection system (Secondary air injection
Air switching valve
DFI System
This page Intentionally left blank.
DFI Svstem
DFI System Wiring Diagram
DFI System
Part Names
1. ECU
2. Kawasaki Diagnostic System Connector
3. Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor
4. Fuel Pump
5. Engine Ground
6. Battery
7. Main Fuse 30 A
8. Starter Relay
9. Frame Ground (4)
10. Frame Ground (2)
11. Frame Ground (1)
12. Fuse Box (1)
13. Ignition Fuse 10 A . I-

14. Fan Fuse 15 A

15. ECU Fuse 15 A
16. Relay Box
17. Fuel Pump Relayi
18. ECU Main Relay
19. Radiator Fan Relay
20. Meter Unit
21. Yellow Engine Warning Indicator Light (LED)
22. lgnition Switch
23. Engine Stop Switch
24. Starter Button
25. Fan Motor
26. Stick Coils
27. Spark Plugs
28. Air Switching Valve
29. Fuel Injector #I
30. Fuel Injector #2
31. Idle Speed Control Valve Actuator
32. Throttle Sensor
33. lntake Air Pressure Sensor
34. Vehicledown Sensor
35. Intake Air Temperature Sensor
36. Gear Position Sensor
37. Water Temperature Sensor
38. Oxygen Sensor
39. Crankshaft Sensor
40. Purge Valve (Equipped Models)
DFI System
DFI Systam Wlrlng Diagram (ABS Equipped Models)
DFI System
Part Names
1. ECU
2. Kawasaki Diagnostic System Connector
3. Rear Wheel Robtion Sensor
4. Fuel Pump
5. Engine Ground
8. m e t y
7. Main Fuse 30 A
8. Starter Relay
9. Frame Ground (4)
18. Frame Ground (2)
11. Frame Ground (1)
12. Fuse Box (1)
13. Ignition Fuse I 0 A
14. Fan Fuse 15 A
15. ECU Fuse 15 A
16. Relay Box
17. Fuel Pump Relay
18. ECU Main Relay
19. Radiator Fan Relay
20. ABS Hydraulic Unit
21. Meter Unit
22. YelW Engine W a @ q Indicator Light (LED)
23. Ignition SLvitch
24. Engine Stop switch'
25. Starter Button
26. Fan Motor
27. Stick Coils
28. Spark Plugs
29.Air Switching Valve
30.Fuel Injector # I
31. Fuel Injector #2
32. Idle Speed Control Valve Actuator
33.Throttle Sensor
34. Intake Air Pressure Sensor
35. Vehicle-down Sensor
36. Intake Air Temperature Sensor
37. Gear Position Sensor
38. Water Tmp6fature Sensor
39. oxygen sensor
46.CranScshaft s8nsw
41. Purge Valve (EquippedW)
OCdor Codes:
BK: Black GY: Gray PU: Purple
BL: Blue - .'
, "' LB: Light Blue R: Red
BR: Brown LO: Light Green V: W e t
CH: Chocolate 0: Orange W: White
DG: Dark Green P: Pink Y: Yellow
G: Green
DFI System
Terminal Numbers of ECU Connectors

Terminal Names
1. ldle Speed Control Valve Actuator: GI0 28. Ground for Sensors: BR/BK
2. ldle Speed Control Valve Actuator: GIR 29. Oxygen Sensor Heater: PIBK
3. Unused 30. Crankshaft Sensor (-): Y/BK
4. Green Neutral Indicator Light (LED): LG 31. Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor Output: LGNV
5. Purge Valve (Equipped Models): WY 32. Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor (EX400H):
6. Unused WIG
7. Throttle Sensor: YMI 33. Unused
8. Intake Air Pressure Sensor: YBL 34. Ground for Control System: B W
9. Oxygen Sensor: B W 35. Power Supply to ECU (from Battery): W/BK
10. Power Supply to Sensors: BL 36. Engine Stop Switch: R
11. Vehicle-down Sensor: YIG 37. Starter Lockout Switch: RIG
12. Gear Position Sensor: LGIR 38. Starter Button: BWR
13. Crankshaft Sensor (+): Y 39. Fuel Pump Relay: BRN
14. Power Supply to Rear Wheel Rotation Sen- 40. Air Switching Valve: FUBL
sor (EX400H): BKIO 41. Fuel Injector #2: BUR
15. Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor Signal (from 42. Fuel Injector #I: BUBK
ABS Hydraulic Unit, EX400GlJ): G 43. Stick Coil # I : BK
16. Power Supply to ECU (from ECU Main Re- 44. Side Stand Switch: GIBK
lay): B W 45. Radiator Fan Relay: PIBL
17. External Communication Line (Kawasaki 46. External Communication Line (Kawasaki
Diagnostic System): GYIBL Diagnostic System): LG/BK
18. ldle Speed Control Valve Actuator: G N 47. Meter Unit (Tachometer): LB
19. ldle Speed Control Valve Actuator: G/BK 48. Meter Communication Line: BUO
20. Unused 49. Unused
21. Unused 50. Ground for Fuel System: B W
22. Water Temperature Sensor: 0 51. Ground for Ignition System: B W
23. Unused 52. Stick Coil #2: BK/O
24. Unused
25. Oxygen Sensor: BR/R
26. Intake Air Temperature Sensor: R
27. Unused
2 .

DFI Parts Location
Battery [A1
Kawasaki Diagnostic System Connector [B]

Relay Box [B]

ThroWe seflsor [A]

Intake W Fhmm Sensor [8]
Fuel InjectoFs #1, #2 [C]

Stick Cdls # I , #2 [A]

Air Switching Mhre [B]

Intake Air Temperature Sensor [AT

DFI Parts Location
Y e l h Engine Warning Indicator Light (LED) [A]
Ignition Switch [8]

Fuse B'bx 1
Fuse Box 2 [B]

Water Temperature Sensor [A]

Vehicledown Sensor [A]

Fuel Pump [A]

. -4 FUEL SYSTEM (DFI) 3-21
DFI Parts Location
Oxygen Sensor [A]

Gear Position Sensor [A] (:.*.
Crankshaft Sensor [8]

. !

.. 5'- ,
I - . .

Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor [A]

Purge Valve [A] ( ~ ~ u i Model)

~ ~ e d

Item Standard
Digital Fuel Injection System
IIdle Speed 1 1 300 &50 rlmin (rpm)
Thro#leBodyAss& .
Throttle Valve +,'. , . Single throttle valve
Bore 5 432 mm (1.3 in.)
Throttle Body Vacuum 36.0 i1.33 kPa (270 *10 mmHg) at idle speed
Bypass Screws (Turn Out)'
Make DENS0
Type Digital memory type, with built in IC igniter, sealed with
Fuel Pressure (High Pressure Line) 1294 kPa (3.0 kgf/an2,43 psi) with engine idling
FM Pump: I
ln-tank pump (in fuel tank)
Discharge 150 mL (1.7 US 02.) or more for 3 seconds
Fuel Injectors:
W e Type Fine atomizing type with 12 holes
Resistance About 12.0 R @O°C (68°F)
Throttle Sensor:
lnput Voltage -
DC 4.75 5.25 V
Output Voltage -
DC 1.OO 1.02 V at idle throttle opening
DC 4.07 4.55 V at full throttle opening (for reference)
Intake Air Pressure Sensor:
Input Vdtage -
DC 4.75 5.25 V
wvdtage -
DC 3.80 4.20 V at standard atmospheric pressure
(101.32 kPa, 76 mHg)
Intake Air Temperature Sensor:
Output Voltage -
About DC 2.25 2.50 V @20°C (68'F)
Resistance -
5.4 6.6 k0 @O°C (32°F)
0.29 0.39 kQ @80°C (176°F)
Water Temperature Sensor:
Output Voltage About DC 2.80 - 2.97 V @20°C (68°F)
Gear Position Sensor:
Input Voltage -
DC 4.75 5.25 V
I In (he text
Vehiiedom Sensor:
lnput Voltage -
DC 4.75 5.25 V
Output Voltage
-1.35 V
With sensor tilted 60 70" or more right or left: DC 0.65

WM sensor arrow mark pointed up: DC 3.55 4.45 V
ltam Standard
Oxygen Sensor:
Output Voltage (Rich) DC 0.5 V or more
Output Voltage (Lean) DC 0.2 V or less
Heater Resistance -
5.49 6.91 0 @2WC (68.F)
Idle Speed Control Valve Actuator:
Input Voltage
- -
About DC 11 13Vand then 0.5VorAbout DC 11 13V
r bout 20 Q
Purge Valve (Equipped Models):
Resistance -
30 34 n @20°c (MOF)
Throttle Grip and Cables
Throttle Grip Free Play 2 - 3 mm (0.08 - 0.12 in.)
Air Cleaner
Air Cleaner Element . Viscous paper element
Special Tools and Sealant
011Pressure Gauge, 5 kgflcma: . ..
,I , . - Fuel Pressure Gauge Adaptec
moo1-12s 570011593

I I I 811718WS#1 0

Fork Oil Level Gauge: Fuel Hose:

I 1

Vacuum Gauge: Oxygen Sansor Measuring Adapter:


Peak Voltage Adapter: Measuring A d a m

57001-1415 57001-1700

Throttle Sensor S a n g Adapter: Needle Adapter Set:

57001153ll 57001-1874
Special Tools and Sealant
DFI Servicing Precautions
DFI Sewicing Precautions
There are a number of important precautions that should
be followed servicing the DFI system.

OThis DFI system is designedto be used with a 12V sealed

battery as its power source. Do not use any other battery
except for a 12 V sealed battery as a power source.
ODo not reverse the battery cable connections. This will
damage the ECU.
OTo prevent damage to the DFI parts, do not disconnect the
battery cables or any other electrical connections when
the ignition switch is on, or while the engine Is running.
OTake care not to short the leads that are directly con-
nected to the battery positive (+) terminal to the chassis
OWhen charging, remove the battery from the motorcycle.
This is to prevent ECU damage by excessive voltage.
Owhenever the DFI electrical connections are to be dis-
connected, first turn off the ignition switch, and disconnect
the battery (-) terminal. Do not pull the lead, only the con-
nector. Conversely, make sure that all the DFI electrical
connectionsare firmly reconnectedbefore starting the en-
OConnect these connectors until they dick [A].

ODo not turn the ignition switch on while any of the DFI
electrical connectors are disconnected. The ECU memo-
rizes service cades.
ODo not spray water on the electrical parts, DFI parts, con-
nectars, leads and wiring.
Olf a transceiver is installed on the motorcyde, make sure
that the operatjon of the DFI system is not influenced by
electric wave radiatedfrom the antenna. Check operation
of the system with the engine at idle. Locate the antenna
as far as possible away from the ECU.
OWhen any fuel hose is disconnected, do not turn on the
ignition switch. Otherwise, the fuel pump will operate and
fuel will spout from the fuel hose.
ODo not operate the fuel pump if the pump is completely
dry. This is to prevent pump seizure.
Osefore removingthe fuel system parts, blow the outer sur-
faces of these parts dean with compressed air.
OWhen any fuel hose is disconnected, fuel may spout out
by residual pressure in the fuel line. Cover the hose joint
with a piece of dean doth to prevent fuel spillage.
OWhen installingthe fuel hoses, avoid sharp bending, kink-
ing, flattening or twisting, and run the fuel hoses with a
minimum of bending so that the fuel flow will not be ob-
ORun the hoses according to Cable, Wire, and Hose Rout-
ing section in the Appendibc chapter.
OTo prevent cornsion and deposits in the fuel system, do
not add to fuel any fuel antifreeze chemicals.
- --- -- - 7 -- -7-


DFI Servicing Precautions

Olf the motorcycle is not properly handled, the high pres-
sure inside the fuel line can cause fiiel to leak or the hose
to burst. Removethe right middle fairing (see Middle Fair-
ing Removal in the Frame chapter) and check the fuel
hose [A].
*Replace the fuel hose if any fraying, cracks or bulges are

OTo maintain the con-& W a i r mixture (FIA), there h u ' ~

be no intake air leaks in the DFI system. Be sure to install
the oil filler plug [A] after filling the engine oil.
m k m
Troubleshooting the DFI System
When a problem occurs with DFI system, the yellow en-
gine warning indicator light (LED) [A] stays on after starting
the engine to alert the rider. .- : : , <- .

* - *
- -4.

WIfh-theerigine stopped and turned in the selfdiagnosis

mode, the senrice code [A] is displayed on the LCD by the
number of two digits.
If the problem is with the following parts, the ECU can

not recognize these problem. Therefore, the yellow engine
warning ind'itor light (LED) does not go on,and s d c e
code is not displayed.
Fuel Pump
Fuel Pump Relay
ECU Main Relay

When the sen/ioe code [A] is displayed, for first ask the
rider about the conditions [B] of trouble, and then start to
determine the cause [C] of problem.
As a pre-diagnosis inspection, check the ECU for ground
and power supply, the fuel line for no fuel leaks, and for
corred pressure. The pre-diagnosis items are not indicated
by the yellow m i n e warning indicator light (LED).
. Don't rely solely on the DFI selfdiagnosis function, use
common sense.
Troubleshooting the DFI System
Even when the DFI system is operating normally, the yel-
low engine warning indicator light (LED) goes on may be
displayed under strong electrical interference. Additional
measures are not required. Turn the ignition switch off to
stop the indicator light.
If the yellow engine warning indicator light (LED) of the
motorcyde brought in for repair still goes on, check the ser-
vice code.
When the repair has been done, the yellow engine warn-
ing indicator light (LED) goes off after the service code eras-
ing procedure (see ServZce Code Erasing) is done.
When the motorcycle is down, the vehiie-down senor
operates and the ECU shuts off the fuel pump relay, fuel
injectors and ignition system. The ignition switch is left on.
If the starter button is pushed, the electric starter turns but
the engine does not start. To start the engine again, raise
the motorcyde, turn the ignition switch off,and then on.
Much of the DFI system troubleshooting work consists
of confirming continuity of the wiring. The DFI parts are
assembled and adjusted with precision, and it is impossible
to disassemble or repair them.
W h e n checking the DFI parts, use a digital meter which
can be read two decimal place voltage or resistance.
OThe DFI part connectors [A] have seals [B], includingthe
ECU. When measuringthe input or output voltage with the
connector joined, use the needle adapter set [C]. Insert
the needleadapter inside the seal untilthe needle adapter
reaches the terminal.
Special Tod Needle Adaptar Set: 57001-1874

Insert the needle adapter straight along theterminal

in the connector to prevent short-circuit between

Make sure that measuring points are correct in the ccm-

nector, noting the position of the lock [Dl and the lead
color before measurement. Do not reverse connections
of a digital meter.
Be careful not to short-circuit the leads of the DFI or elec-
trical system parts by contact between adapters.
Turn the ignition switch on and measure the voltage with
the connector ioined.
Incorrect, mwse connection or short circuit by
needle adapters could damage the DFI or electrical
system parts.
Troubleshooting the DFI System
OAfter measurement, remove the needle adapters and a g
ply silbne sealant to the seals [A] of the connector [B]
for wabrpmfing.
Sealant Uquid Gasket, TB1211: 58019-120

a Always check battery condition before replacing the DFI

parts. A fully charged battery is a must for conducting
accurate tests of the DFI system.
*Trouble may involve one, or in some cases all items.
Never replace a defective part without determining what
CAUSED the problem. If the problem was caused by
some other item w items, they too must be repaired or
mpked, cw the new replacement part will soon faid again.
l Measure the dl winding resistam when the DFI part is
odd (at room temperature).
l Make sum all oonnectors in the circuit are dean and tight,
and examine leads for signs of burning, fraying, short
etc. D o m t e d W s and bad connections can cause
reappearance of problems and unstable operation of the
DFI system.
*If any wiring is deteriorated, replace the wiring.
a Pull each connector [A] apart and inspect it for corrosion,
dH, and damage.
*If the connector Is corroded or dirty, clean it carefully. If it
is damaged, replace ft. Connect the connectors securely.
l Check the wiring for continuity.
OUse the wiring diagram to find the ends of the lead which
is suspected of being a problem.
OConnect a tester between the ends of the leads.
*If the tester does not read about 0 Q, the lead is defective.
Rephwe the lead or the main harness.
Olf both ends of a hamess [A] are far apart, ground [B]the
one end [C], using a jumper lead p]and check the con-
tinuity between the end [El and the grwnd EF]. This en-
ables to checka kmg hsmsssfor continuity. Ifthe harness
is open, rrtpair rrr wlax the hamess.
Troubleshooting the DFl System
OWhen checking a harness [A] for short circuit, open one
end [B]and check the continuity between the other end
[C] and ground [Dl. If there is mntinuity, the harness has
a short circuit to ground, and it must be repaired or re-

Narrow dorm suspkbui lodadki~by mpbabng

tinuity tests from the ECU connedm.
*If no bbnormality b fwnd in the wlrlng or mwdas, the
DFI parts are the next likely suspectsl. Check the part,
starting with input and output vdtages. Howeverythere is
no way to check the ECU b t f .
*If an abnormari is found, replaoethe afbded DFI part.
*If no abnormality is found O n the wifing, mnedors, and
DFI parts, replace the ECU.
%oubleshooting the DFI System
DFI Diagnosis Flow Chart

I Problem occurs.

Confirm problems.

Gather informationfrom rider.

Start the engine.

Yellow engine waming

indicator light (LED) does indicator light (LED) goes

Conduct selfdiagnosis

General fuel system: throttle body

assy, air deaner, fuel tank etc.

BC17aa F

Inquiries to Rider
OEach rider reacts to problems in different ways, so it is important to confirm what kind of symptoms
the rider has encountered.
OTry to find out exactly what problem occurred under exactly what conditions by asking the rider;
knowing this information may help you reproduce the problem.
OThe following sample diagnosis sheet will help prevent you from overlooking any areas, and will
help you decide if it is a DFI system problem, or a general engine problem.
rroubleshooting the DFI System
Sample Diagnosis Sheet
Rider name: Registration No. (license plate No.): I year of initial registration:
Model: I ~naine No.: IFrame No.:
Date ~roblemoccurred: I Mileage: I
~nvironmentwhen iroblern - -
occurred. - -
Weather O fine, 0 cloudy, rain, 0 snow, always, q other:
Temperature hot, 0 warm, q cold, 0 very cold, always, other:
Problem chronic, 0 often, nonce
Road 13street, highway, mountain med ( 0 uphill, downhill), 0 bumpy, pebble I
Altitude normal, high (about 1 000 m or more) I
Motorcycle conditions when problem occurred. I
Yellow engine goes on immediately after turning the ignition swkh on, and goes off after
warning starting the engine (normal)
indicator light 0 goea on immsdiatdy after turning the Ignition $witch on, goes off after about 3
(LED) seconds, and goss on again after about 10 seconds (ECU communicationm r )
I3 goes on i m d i e t d y after turning the ignition switch on, and stays on after
starting the engine (DFI problem)
1 does not go on after turning the ignition swiitch on (indiitor Iight (LED), meter
unit fault)
Red warning Does not go on about 1second after ignition switch on (ECU or meter unit fault).
indicator light
(LED) q light up (battery, oil pressure, water temperature or meter unit problem)

Starting 0 starter motor not rotating.

difficulty 0 starter motor rotating but engine do not turn over.
starter motor and engine do not turn over.
no fuel flow ( 0 no fuel in tank, no fuel pump sound).
I O no s~ark. -

0 other:
Engine stalls 0 right after starting.

~ 0 when opening throttle grip.

13when dosing throttle grip.
0 when moving off. -- --

a when stoppbg the motmyde.

U when cruising.
Troubleshooting the DFI System

Poor running very low idle speed, 0 very high idle speed, 0 rough idle speed.
at low sQeed battery voltane is low (&me the battery).
1 Grk ~ l u aloose (ticahten it). I
0 plug dirty, broken or gap maladjused.
hesitation when acceleration.
engine oil viscosity too high.
brake dragging.
I engine overheating. I
I 1 clutch sli~~inn. I
U other:
Poor running spark plug loose (tighten it).
or no Power at spark plug dirty, broken or gap maladjusted.
high spark plug incorrect.
I 1 knocking (fuel poor quality or incorrect). - I
O brake dragging.
0 clutch slipping.
0 engine ovemeating.
engine oil level too high.
0 engine oil viscosity too high.
I I other: I
DFI System Troubleshooting Guide
OThis is not an exhaustive list, giving every possible cause for each problem listed. It is meant
simply as a rough guide to assist the troubleshootingfor some of the more common difficulties in
DFI system.
OThe ECU may be involved in the DFI electnctncal and ignition system tmubles. If these pads and
circuits are checked out good, be sure to check the ECU for ground and power supply. If the
ground and power supply are checked good, replace the ECU.

Engine Won't Turn Over

Symptoms or Possible Causes Actions (chapter)
Gear position sensor, starter lockout or side Inspect each sensor or switch (see chapter 3 or
stand switch trouble 16).
Vehicledown sensor operated Turn ignition switch off (see chapter 3).
Vehicledown sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Crankshaft sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 16).
Stick coil shorted or not in good contact Inspect or reinstall (see chapter 16).
Stick coil trouble Inspect (see chapter 16).
Spark plug dirty, broken or gap maladjusted Inspect and replace (see chapter 16).
' Spark plug incorrect Replace it with the correct plug (see chapter).
ECU ground and power supply trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
ECU trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
No or l i i e fuel in tank Supply fuel (see Owner's Manual).
Fuel injector trouble Inspect and replace (see chapter 3).
Fuel pump not operating Inspect (see chapter 3).
Fuel pump relay trouble Inspect and replace (see chapter 16).
Fuel filter clogged Replace fuel filter (see chapter 2).
Fuel pressure regulator trouble Inspect fuel pressure and replace fuel pump (see
chapter 3).
Fuel line clogged Inspect and repair (see chapter 3).
idle speed control valve actuator trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).

Poor Running at Low Speed

Symptoms or Possible Causes
Spark weak:
Actions (chapter) I
Stick coil shorted or not in good contact Inspect or reinstall (see chapter 16).
Stick coil trouble Inspect (see chapter 16).
Spark plug dirty, broken or gap maladjusted Inspect and replace (see chapter 16).
Spark plug incorrect Replace it wkh the correct plug (see chapter 2).
ECU trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
FueUair mixture income&
Uttle fuel in tank Supply fuel (seeOwner's Manual).
Air cleaner dogged, poorly sealed, or missing Clean element or inspect sealing (see chapter 2).
Air duct loose Reinstall (see chapter 3).
Throttle body assy holder loose Reinstall (see chapter 5).
Throttle body assy dust seal damage Replace (see chapter 3).
Fuel injector O-ring damage Replace (see chapter 3).
Fuel filter dogged Replace fuel filter (see chapter 2).
DFI System Troubleshooting Guide
Symptoms or Possible Causes Actions (chapter)
Fuel pressure regulator trouble Inspect fuel pressure and replace fuel pump (see
chapter 3).
Fuel line dogged Inspect and repair (see chapter 3).
Intake air pressure sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
, Water temperature sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Intake air temperature sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Throttle sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Unstable (rough) idling:
Fuel pressure too law or too high Inspect (see chapter 3).
Fuel injector trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Throttre sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Idle speed mtFol valve actuator trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Engine vacuum not synchronizing Inspect and adjust (see chapter 2).
Intake air pressure sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Water temperature sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Intake air temperature sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Engine stalls easily:
Spark plug dirty, broken or gap maladjusted Inspect and replace (see chapter 16).
Stick coil trouble Insped (see chapter 16).
Throttle sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Idle speed control vahre actuator trouble Insped (see chapter 3).
Intake air pressure sensor trouble Insped (see chapter 3).
Water temperature sensor trouble Insped (see chapter 3).
Intake air temperature sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Fuel pump trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Fuel injector trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Fuel pressure too low or too high Inspect (see chapter 3).
Fuel pressure regulator trouble Inspect fuel pressure and replace fuel pump (see
chapter 3).
Fuel line dogged Inspect and repair (see chapter 3).
Poor acceleration:
Fuel pressure too low lnspect (see chapter 3).
Water or W i n matter in fuel Change fuel. lnspect and dean fuel system (see
-- --- - -
chapter 31.
Fuel filter clogged Re~lace fuel filter (see chaDter 2). I
Fuel pump trouble ~nsped (see chapter 3),
Fuel injector trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
IThrottle sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
IIntake air wessure sensor trouble ---
IInspect (see cha~ter3). I
Water temperature sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Intake air temperature sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Spark plug dirty, broken or gap maladjusted Inspect and replace (see chapter 16).
Istick coil t r o u ~ e Ilnsoect (see c h a w 16). I
IFuel pressure too low I-1 (S- chapter 3). I
DFI System Troubleshooting Guide

Symptoms or Poarrible Causes Adons (chapter)

Fuel injector trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Throttle sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Intake air pressure sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Water temperature sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Intake air temperature sensor trouble Inspect (seechapter 3).
Unstable fuel pressure Fuel pressure regulator trouble (Inspect and
replace fuel pump) or kinked fuel line (Inspect
and replace fuel line) (see chapter 3).
Fuel injector trouble Inspect (seechapter 3).
1Water temperature sensor trouble I
Inspect (see chapter 3). 1
IBacMlrlna when decekrrrtion: I -1
Spark plug dirty, broken or gap maladjusted Inspect and (seechapter 16).
Fuel pressure too low Inspect (see chapter 3).
Fuel pump trouble Insped (seechapter 3).
Throttle sensor trouble Inspect (see m 3)-
Intake air pressure sensor trouble Ins& (sea cha~ter31.
Water temperature sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Intake air temperature sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Air switching valve trouble Inspect and replace (see chapter 16).
Air suction valve trouble Inspedand replace (see cha~ter5).
After fire:
Spark plug burned or gap maladjusted Replace (see chapter 2).
Fuel injector trouble Inspect (seechapter 3).
Intake air pressure sensor trouble Inspect (seechaptsr 3).
Iwater ternperahrre sensor brou~e IInsDect (seechaDter 3). I
Intake air temperature sensor trwble l n s p G (seechapter 3).
Intermittent any DFI fault and its recovery Check that DFI connectors are dean and tight,
and examine leads for signs of burning or fraying
(seechapter 3).
DFI Systam Troubleshooting Guide
Poor Running or No Power at High Speed
Symptoms or Possible Causes 1 Actions (chapter)
Firing incorrect:
Stick coil shxted or not in good contact Inspedor reinstall (see chapter 16).
Stkk coil trouble Inspect (see chapter 16).
- Spark plug dirty, broken or gap maladjusted Inspect and replace (see chapter 16).
plug~~ Replace it with the cored plug (see chapter 2).
ECU trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Fuellair mixture Incorrect:
Air cleaner dogged, poorly sealed, or missing Clean element or inspect sealing (see chapter 2)
Air duct loose Reinstall (see chapter 3).
Throttle body assy holder loose Reinstall (see chapter 5).
Throttle body assy dust seal damage Replace (see chapter 3).
Water or foreign matter in fuel Change fuel. Inspect and cleap fuel system (see
chapter 3).
Fuel injector O-ring damage Replace (see chapter 3).
Fuel injector dogged Inspect and repair (see chapter 3).
Fuel line dogged Inspect and repair (see chapter 3).
Fuei pump operates intermittently and often DFI Fuel pump bearings may wear. Replace the fuel
fuse Mows. pump (see chapter 3).
Fuel pump trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Intake air pressure sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Cracked or obstructed intake air pressure sensor lnspect and repair or replace (see chapter 3).
vawum hose
Water temperature sensor trouble I Inspect (see chapter 3).
IIntake air temperature sensor trouble IInsDect (see chapter 3).
Throttle sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Fuel poor q u a l i or incorrect Fuel change (Use the gasoline recommended in
the Owner's Manual).
. - Spark plug incorrect Replace it with the comect plug (see chapter 2).
.. Stick coil trouble Inspect (see chapter 16).
ECU trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
€winevacuum m t synchronizing 1 Inspect and adjust (see chapter 2).
Intake air pressure sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Water temperature sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Intake air temperature sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
I Miscellaneous: I
Throttle valves will not fully open Inspect throttle cables and lever linkage (see
chapter 3).
Engine overheating Water temperature sensor (see Overheating of Troubleshooting Guide in
or crankshaft sensor trouble chapter 17)
Air switching valve trouble Inspect and replace (see chapter 16).
Air sudion valve trouble Inspect and replace (see chapter 5).
DFI System Troubleshooting Guide
Symptoms or Possible Causes Actlons (chapter)
Exhaust Smokes Excessively:
(Black smoke)
Air cleaner element dogged Clean element (see chapter 2).
Fuel pressure too high Inspect (see chapter 3).
Fuel injector trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Water temperature sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Intake air temperature sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
(Brown smoke)
Air duct loose Reinstall (see chapter 3).
Fuel pressure too low Inspect (see chapter 3).
Water temperature sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Intake air temperature sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
SeF-Diagnosis Outline
The selfdiagnosis system is monitoring the following
DFI System and Ignition System
The d-diag& system has two modes and can be
switched to another mode by operating the meter unit.
User Mode
The ECU notifies the rider of troubles in DFI system and
ignition system by lighting the yellow engine waming indi-
cator light (LED) [A] when DFI and ignition system parts
are faulty, and initiates fail-safe function. In case of serifiKls
troubles, ECU stops the injection and ignition opemhs.

Dealer Mode
The LCD displays the serJice code(s) [A] to stKmr the
pmbkn(s) w h i i the above system ha9 at the moment of

SM-Diagnosis P d u r e s
OUse a fully charged battery when conducting
self-dagnosis. Ofhe&, the warning indicator light
(LED) and indicator do not light.
Turn the ignition switch on and start the engine.
OWhen a problem occurs with DFI system and ignition sys-
tem, the yellow engine warning indicator light (LED) [A]
stays on after starting the engine to alert the rider.
Push the upper meter button [A] to display the odometer.
Push the upper meter button [A] and lower meter button
[B]for more than two seconds.
The service code [C] is diilayed on the LCD by 2he nwh-
bet of two digits.

Any ofthe fdtowSng ~ ~ ' i n sdfdiagmis.

d s
OWhen the ssrvEoe code is displayed on the LCD, push
than two seconds. p , c i y will mhrn b the previous
OWhen the ignition s-witch is turned off.
Self-Diagnosis Flow Chert
I Turn the ignition switch off.
I Turn the ignition switch on.

+I 3 .

Display the odometer and push the upper meter button and lower meter button
for more than two seconds. Then selfdiagnosis mode starts.
I The sewice axle(s) k displayed on the LCD.
I Turn the ignition switch off.
- JI
Locate the pnobkrn with the service code tabk and inspect and mpair DFI
andlor ignition system according to inspection procedure on all the service

Erase the service codes stored in memory of the ECU

(see Service Code Erasing).
I Start the engine.

Run the engine for several minutes at idling and run the rnotorcyde
at 30 kmk (18 mph) or above in order to confirm no problem.
Service Code Reading
OThe service code(s) is displayed on the LCD by the num- r
ber of two digits. .cqa
O m e n there are a number of problems, all the service
codes can be stored and the display will begin starting
from the lowest number service code in the numerical or-
OThen after completing all codes, the display is repeated
until the ignition switch is turned off or upper meter but-
ton and lower meter button are pushed for more than two
OFor example, if three problems occurred in the order of
56, 11, 24, the service codes are displayed (each two
seconds) from the lowest number in the order listed as
shown. (11+24+56)+(11+24+56)+- - -(repeated)

Service Code Erasing

The service codes stored in memory of the ECU can be erased using Kawasaki Diagnostic System.
*If the Kawasaki Diagnostic System is not available, do the following procedures.
1. Turn on the ignition switch and start the engine.
2. Keep the idling speed more than 30 seconds.
3. Run the vehicle more than 5 minutes at a speed of 40 kmlh (25 mph) or more.
Be sure to keep the engine running during procedures 2 and 3 for more than 10 minutes in total.
4. Turn the ignition switch off.
5. Repeat the above procedures 3 times.
6. Start the engine and check that the yellow engine warning indicator light (LED) goes off.
Service Code Table - -
(Diagnastic Problems
Trouble Code)
11 Throttle sensor malfunction, wiring open or short
12 PO106 Intake air pressure sensor malfunction, wiring open or short
13 Intake air temperature sensor malfunction, wiring open or short
14 Water temperature sensor malfunction, wiring open or short
21 PO335 Crankshaft sensor malfunction, wiring open or short
24 P2158 Rear wheel rotation sensor malfunction, wiring open or short

25 1-1 Gear position sensor malfunction, wi"ng open or short

31 COO64 Vehidedown sensor malfunction, wiring open or short
sdce Problems
Tmubb Code)
33 Oxygen sensor malfunction or inactivate, wiring open or short
39 - ECU communication e m
41 PO201 Fuel injector # I malfunction, wiring open or short
42 PO202 Fuel injector #2 malfunction, wiring open or short
51 PO351 Stick coil #1 malfunction, wiring open or short
52 PO352 Stick coil ##2malfunction, wiring open or short
56 P0480 Radiator fan relay malfunction, wiring open or short
64 PO410 Air switching valve malfunction, wiring open or short
67 PO030 Oxygen sensor heater malfunction, wiring open or short
94 PO170
Fuel supply system malfunction
- -

1C PO509 Idle speed control valve actuator malfunction, wiring open or short
PO518 -

3A PO443 Purge valve malfunction, wiring open or short (Equipped Models)

OThe ECU may be involved in these problems. If all the parts and circuits checked out good, be sure
to chedc the ECU for ground and power supply. If the ground and power supply are checked good,
replace the ECU.
OWhen no service code is displayed, the electrical parts of the DFI system has no fault, and the
- mechanical pa- of the DFI system and the engine are suspect.
ODTC (Magnostic Trouble Code) is displayed on the Kawasaki Diagnostic System and the Generic
Scan Tool (GST).
OThe ECU takes the following measures to prevent engine damage when the DFI or ignition system
~ a have
b troubles.

Backups by ECU
If the throttle sensor system fails (the output
voltage is out of the usable range, wiring short
Throttle Output Voltage or open), the ECU locks ignition timing into the
Sensor -
0.2 4.8 V ignition timing at closed throttle position and
sets the DFI in the D J method (1). The ECU
s t o ~ the
s ownen sensor feedback mode.

If the intake air pressure sensor system fails

Intake Air Intake Air Pressure (the signal is out of the usable range, wiring
Pressure (Absolute) short or open), the ECU sets the DFI in the
Sensor -
Pv = 150 800 mmHg a-N method (2). The ECU stops the oxygen
sensor feedback mode.
' "-
If the intake air temperature sensor system

Intake Air fails (the signal is out of the usable range,

Intake Air Thderab-6c
T , -30 +120°C
wiring short or open), the ECU sets Ta at 40°C.
The ECU stops the oxygen sensor feedback
Sarvlca Parts or Output Signal Usable
Backups by ECU
- -
Function Range or Criteria
water If the water temperature sensor system fails
Water Temperature (the signal is out of the usable range, wiring
l4 Temperature
TW = 3 0 +A2 0 0 ~- short or open), the ECU sets Tw at 80°C. The
ECU stops the oxygen sensor feedback mode.
sensor must
21 ssnd 22 signats to the ECU If the wnkshaft sensor fails, the engine stop
sensor by itself.
at the one cranking.
Rear wheel rotation senisor
Rear md
24 must semi 50 signals to -
ttm ECU at the 1 rotation of
the wheel.
Oear If the gear p i t i o n sensor system fails (no
25 O
' Sition
output V&ge
0.2 4.8 V signal, wiring short or open), the ECU set the
top (6th) m.
If the vehidezlarm m s o r system has failures
v*ide (the output is out of the usable range,
31 down
Vd = 0.10 4.84 V
wiring short or open),the ECU shuts off the
fuel pump relay, the fuel injectors and the
ignition system.
The oxygen sensor is
and must
33 OxYsa wndSig~s(0utp"t
If the oxygen sensor is not activated, the ECU
vottage) r n t i n ~ ~ ~tog l y stops the oxygen sensor feedback mode.
the ECU.
The communication error
39 ECU between the ECU and -
meter unit.
If the injector # I fails (no signal, wiring short
The injector must send or open), the ECU shuts off the signal to the
41 FUB'$- signals mtinuousiy to the injector. FWI i.not suppliec~to ttw cylinder #I,
ECU. though the engine keeps running. The ECU
stops the oxygen sensor feedback mode.
If the injector #2 fails (no signal, wiring short

FUe12fd0r The injector must send or open), the ECU shuts off the signal to the
aignals continuously to the injector. Fuel is not supplied to the cylinder #2,
ECU. though the engine keeps running. The ECU
stops the oxygen sensor feedback mode.
If the stick cdl # I primary winding has failures
The ECU sends (no signal, wiring short or open), the ECU
signals (output voltage) shuts off the injectm #1 to stop fuel to the
continuously to the stick cylinder #1, though the engine keeps running.
coil. The ECU stops the oxygen sensor feedback
If the stick coil #2 primary winding has failures
The ECU sends (no signal, wiring short or open), the ECU
signals (output voltage) shuts off the injedor #2 to stop fuel to the
s2 StickCoi'#r
continuously to the stick cylinder #2, though the engine keeps running.
coil. The ECU stops the oxygen sensor feedback
Radiator Fan When the radiator fan relay
Relay is OFF, the relay is opened.
Sewice Parts or Output Signal Usable
Backups by ECU
Codes Function Rango or Criteria
The air switching valve
controls the flow of the
64 secondary air by opening -
and shutting the solenoid
Oxygen The Oxygen sensor heater If the oxygen sensor heater fails (wiring short
raise temperature Of or open), the ECU stops the current to the
the sensor for its earlier
I Heater
Fuel Supply Fuel correction value -
System exceeds a threshold.
Idle Speed The actuator operates If the idle speed control valve actuator fails
Control open and dose of the (the signal is out to the usable range, wiring
Valve bypass passage by the open or short), the ECU stops the current to
Actuator pulse signal from the ECU. the actuator.
The purge valve controls
Purge Valve the flow of the purge air for If the purge valve fails (wiring sholt or open),
(Equipped the canister and shutting the ECU stops operating purge valve.
the solenoid valve.

I Note:
(1): D-J Method: When the engine load is light like at idling or low speed, the ECU determines the
injection quantity by calculating from the throttle vacuum (intake air pressure sensor output volt-
age) and engine speed (crankshaft sensor output voltage). This method is called D J method.
(2): a-N Method: As the engine speed increases, and the engine load turns middle to heavy, the
ECU determines the injection quantity by calculating from the throttle opening (throttle sensor
output voltage) and the engine speed. This method is called a-N method.
('): This depends on the number of stopped winders.
Throttle Sensor (Service Code 11) (DTC P0120, P0123)
The throttle sensor is a rotating variable resistor that
change output voltage according to throttle operating.
The ECU senses this vobge change and determines fuel

injection quantity, and ignition timing according to engine

rpm, and throttle opening.
lnput Terninel [A]: G
Output Terminal [B]: YMI
Ground Terminal [C]: BRIBK

Throttle Ssnsor RemovaUAatJustment

NO77CE . - -
I DO not remove or adjust the throttle sensor [A] I L'
since It has boon adjusted and set wlth precision
at the f'actMy.
Never drop the throttle body rnsy especially on a
hard s u ~ c e .Such a shock to the throttle sensor
can damage it.

Throttle Sensor lnput Voltage Inspection

OBe sure the battery is fully charged.
Turn the ignition switch off.
Right Side Cover (see Side Cover Removal in the Frame
Disconnect the throttle sawor connector and connect the
setting adapter [A] &tween these cmnectors.
Specla1 Tool ThmQLk Smmf Setting Adaptst? 57001
Connect a digital meter to the setting adapter leacis.
Throttk S a m Input Voltage
Connodbm b Adaptor:
Digital Mdw (+) + I K (m 0)had
DlgHal Matar (-) + W (@ensor6-K) lead
Measure the input voltage with the engine stopped and
with the c a n w w n e d .
Turn the ignition witch on.
lnput Voltage
Standard: DC 4.75 - 5.25 V
Turn the ignition switch off.
*If the reading is within the standard, check the throttle sen-
sor resistance (see Throttle Sensor Resistance Inspee
Throttle Sensor (Sewice Code 11) (DTC P0120, P0123)
*If the reading is out of the standard, remove the ECU
and check the wiring for continuity between main harness
ODisconnect the ECU and sensor connectors.

ECU Connector [A] -

Wiring Continuity lnspection

Throttle Sensor Connector [B]

ECU Terminal10 [C] t-+ Sensor Termlnal [Dl
ECU Terminal 28 [El t-+ Sensor Terminal m
*If the wiring is good, check the ECU for its ground and
power supply (see ECU Power Supply Inspection).
*If the ground and power supply are good, replacethe ECU
(see ECU RemovaVlnstallation).
Throttle Sensor Resistance lnspection
Turn the ignition switch off.
Right Side Cover (see Side Cover Removal in the Frame
Disconnect the throttle sensor connector.
Connect the setting adapter [A] to the sensor connector
Special Tool - Throttle Sensor Setting Adapter: 57001
Measure the throttle sensor resistance.

Throttle Sensor Rerlstance
Connections to Adapter:
BK (sensor G) lead W (sensor BFUBK) lead

Standard: 4-6kQ
*If the reading is out of the standard, replace the throttle
body assy (see Throttle Body Assy Removal/lnstallation).
*If the reading is within the standard, check the output volt-
age (see Throttle Sensor Output Voltage Inspection).
Throttle Sensor Output Voltage Inspection
Measure the output voltage at the throttle sensor in the
same way as input voltage inspection, note the following.
ODisconnect the throttle sensor connector and connect the
setting adapter [A] between these connectors.
Special Tool Throttle Sensor Setting Adapter: 57001

Throttle Sensor Output Voltage

Connections to Adapter:
Digital Meter (+) + R (sensor YIW) lead
Digltal Meter (-) 4W (sensor BFUBK) lead
Start the engine and warm it up thoroughly.
Check idle speed to ensure the throttle opening is correct
(see Idle Speed Inspection in the Periodic Maintenance
Idle Speed
Standard: 1 300 f50 rlmin (rpm)
Throttle Sensor (Service Code 11) (DTC P0120, PO1231
a Turn the ignition switch off.
a Measure the output voltage with the engine stopped and
with the connector joined.
a Turn the ignition switch on.
Output Voltage
Standard: DC 1.OO 1.02 V at idle throttle opening
DC 4.07 4.55 V at full throttle opening (for

OOpen the thmtue, mfirm the output W a g e will be
OThe standard voltage refers to the value when the volt-
age reading at the Input Vdtage Inspection shows 5 V
O m e n the input voltage reading shows other than 5 V,
derive a voltage range as Mbws.
In the case of a input voltage of 4.75 \/:
1.00 x 4.75+5.00=0.950 V
1.02 x 4.75 + 5.00 = 0.969 V
Thus, the valid range is 0.950 0.969 V
a Turn the ignition switch off.
*If the reading is out of the standard, replace the throttle
body assy (see Throttle Body Assy RemovaVtnstallation).
*If the reading is within the standard, remove the ECU and
check the wiring for continuity between main harness con-
ODimnect the ECU and sensor connectors.

Wlrlng Continuity Inspection
ECU Connectar [A]

ECU Terminal 7 [C]

ECU Terminal 28
Throttle Sensor Connector [B]

Sensor Terminal [Dl
Sensor Terminal m
*If the wiring is good, check the ECU for its ground and
power supply (see ECU Ponr~erSupply Inspecth).
*If the ground and power supply are good, replacethe ECU
(see ECU RemovaVlnstallation).
Throttle Sensor (Service Code 11) (DTC P0120, P0123)
Throttle Sensor Circuit

1. Throttle Sensor
2. ECU
Intake Air Pressure Sensor (Service Code 12) (DTC P0105, P0108, POlOT)

Intake Alr Pmsure Sensor Removal

Never drop the Intake air p m u m sensor espe-
d l t y on a hard surtac9. Such a shock to the sensor

Air Cleaner Housing(see Air Cleaner HousingRemoval)
Intake Air Pfessure Sensor Connector [A]
.Remove the intake air pressure sen&; [B] from the
bracket [C].
Disconnect the vacuum hose [A].
Remove the rubber damper [B] from the intake air pres-
sure sensor [C].

Intake Air P t w ~ ~ uSensor

m In~~tallstion
InatmrllatIon is the mvem of removal.
Position the intake air p!essure sensor [A] betwwn the
projectSons [B] on the rubber damper.

Install the ~ b b edamper

r [A] on the bracket [BJ.
Intake Air Pressure Sensor (Sewice Code 12) (DTC P0105, P0106, P0107)
Intake Air Pmsunr Sensor lnput V&ge
OBe s~crethe baltery is Mly charged.
lTurn the ignition switch off.
Air Cleaner Housing(see Air Cleaner Housing Removal)
lD i i n e c t the intake air pressure sensor connector and
mmed @ w _.r i.. n g adapter [A] between these mi-

nectars. , , -
b i n Harl.less [BI
Intake Air Pressure Sensor [C]
Spoelal Tool Measuring A d a m 57001-1700
m Connect a digital meter [Dl to the measuring adapter
Intake Air Pressurn $ensor lnput Voltage
Connedlon+ to Adaptec
D i g H Meter (+) + R (sensor BL) lead
Digital Meter (-) -,BK (sensor BRIBK) lead
lMeasure the input vdhge with the engine and
wW1 the connector pined.
lnput W g e
Standard: DC 4.75 - 5.25 V
l Turn the ignition switch off.
*Ifthe reading is within the standard, check the output volt-
age (see Intake Air Pressure Sensor Output Voltage In-
+tf the W i n g is out of the standard, r e m the ECU
and check the wiring for continuity between main harness
O D i i n e c t the ECU and sensor connectors.

WIrlng Continuity InspectJon
ECU Connector [A)

ECU T d d 10 [C]
ECU T8nnlnaI28 tE]
Intake Air Prossun, Sensor Connector [B]

Sensor Terminal [Dl
Sensor Temlnal [Fl
*If the wiring Os good, check the ECU for b ground and
power supply (see ECU Power Supply Inqwdbn).
*If lhe ground and power supply are good, replacethe ECU
(see ECU RernovaVlnstallation).
Sensor (Semi- Code 12) (DTC POIOJ, P0106, P0107)
Intake Air Pmssuro ~ 8 o Output r ~ h g o
a Maasurnthe OUtPUf vdtage at the intake air pressure sen-
sbr in the same way as hput m e inspeetion, note the
ODimxmmct the intake air pressure sensor connector and
Main Harness [B]
Intake Air Presswe Sgnrsor -[C]
Digital Meter (D]

Intake Air Pmssura $onsor Output Voltage

Conn.ctknr to AdrpGr:

a Measure the autput voltage with the engine stopped and

with the conrlgdof joined.
a Turn the Sgnkh swbh on.

OThe output voftage changes acrxKding to the l ~at- /
a Turn the ignition wit& off.
*lftheFeadingisoutofthsusrrbtsmnge, replacethesen-
sor (see Intake Air Pressure Sensor Remo~Vlnsblla
*tf the reading is within the usable range, remove the ECU
and c h d the wiring for continuity between main harness
001-ned thg ECU and sensor m m m .

m [A]-
Wlring Contlntllty Inspection
Intake Alr P r e r w n Somw Connector (B]
ECU Tmmlnal 8 [C] c-+ Sensor Terminal [Dl
ECU Tennlnrl28 [El t--+Senror Terminal [Fl
Intake Air Pressure Sensor (Sewice Code 12) (DTC P0105, P0106, P0107)
*If the wiring is good, check the sensor for various vacuum.
a Removethe intake air pressuresensor [A] and disconnect
the vacuum hose from the sensor.
a Connect an auxiliary hose [B] to the intake air pressure
a Temporarily install the intake air pressure sensor.
OConnect a dlgital meter [C], vacuum gauge [Dl, the fork oil
level gauge (El and the measuring adapter to the intake
air pressure sensor.
SpeclalTools Fork Oil Level Gauge: 57001-1290
Vacuum Gauge: 570011369
Measuring Adapter: 57001-1700

Intake Air Pressure Sensor Output Voltage

Connmtbns to Ad-
Digital Meter (+) -,Y (sensor YIBL) lead
Digital Meter (-) + BK (sensor BRIBK) lead
OTum the ignition switch on.
OMeasure the intake air pressure sensor output voltage
from various vacuum readings, while pulling the handle
of the fork oil level gauge.
OCheck the intake air pressure S€ft7gc)routput voltage, us-
ing the following formula and chart.
Pg: Vacuum P m u r e (Gauge) of Throttle Body
PI: Local Atmospheric Pressure (Absolute) measured by
a barometer
Pv: Vacuum Pressure (Absolute) of Throttle Body
Vv: Sensor Output Voltage (V)
Far example, suppose the following data is obtained:
Pg = -8 anHg (Vacuum Gauge Reading)
PI = 70 cmHg (Barometer Reading)
Vv = 3.2n; Va+-
- .-
Meter Reading)
then .
Pv = 70 + (-8)= 62 cmHg (Absolute)
Plot this Pv (62 cmHg) at a point [I] on the chart and draw a
vertical line through the point. Then, you can get the usable
range [2] of the sensor output voltage.
Usable range = 3.08 3.48 V
Plot Vv (3.2 V) on the vertical line. 4Point [3].
Results: In the chart, Vv Is within the usable range and
the sensor is normal.
*If the reading is out of the usable range, replace the sen-
sor (see Intake Alr Pressure Sensor RemovaVlnstalla-
*If the reading is within the usable range, check the ECU
for its ground and power supply (see ECU Power Supply
*If the ground and powgr supply are good, replaceCBthe ECU
(see ECU Removal/lnstallation).
Intake Air Pressurs Sensor (Service Code 12) (DTC P0105, P0106, P0107)


v v 4.5

3. 5.






/ ,
I / /

/ / / / ,/
/ 1
/ /
+ .
10 ; 20 3P 40 50 70 76 80 ~p (caHc)
I I I (P,s I
* I I 1 I

20 40 60 80 101.32 120(kP.)
I DT-O >Pv ( a b s )
Wl7ltW4 a

ID: Idling
Ps: Standard Atmaspheric Pressure (Absolute)
Pv: Throttle Vacuum Pressure ( M u t e )
ST Standard of Sensor Output Voltage (V)
TO: Throttle Full Open
UR: Usable Range of Sensor Output Voltage (V)
Vv: Intake Air Pressure Sensor Output Voltage (V) (Digital Meter Reading)
3-56 FUEL SYSTEM (DFI) 1 _
Intake Air Pressure Sensor (Service Code 12) (DTC P0105, P0106, P0107)


1. Intake Air Pressure Sensor

2. ECU
lntake Air Temperature Sensor (Senrice Code 13) (DTC POIIO, P0112)
lntake Air Temperature Sensor RemovaMnstal-

a Remove the fuel tank (see Fuel Tank Removal).

a Disconnect the intake air temperature sensor connector
lntake Air Temperature Sensor Screw [B]
lntake Air Temperature Sensor [C]
Be sure to install the O-ring [A].
a Install the intake air temperature sensor.
a Tighten:
Toque -Intake Air Temperature Sensor Screw: 1.2 N.m
(0.12 kgfom, 11 Innlb)
a Connect the intake air temperature sensor connector.
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).

lntake Air Temperature Sensor Ou@ut Voltage

O5e sure the battery is fully charged.
a Turn the ignition switch off.
a Remove the fuel tank (see Fuel Tank Removal).
a Disconnect the intake air temperature sensor connector
(see Water Temperature Sercsor RemovaVlnspection).
a Connect the measuring adapter [A] between these con-
nectors as shown.
Main Harness [B]
lntake Air Temperature Sensor [C]
Special Tool Measuring Adrptec 57001-1700
a Connect a digital meter [Dl to the measuring adapter
lntake Alr Temperature Sensor Output Voltage
Connedlons to Adaptec
Dlgital Metor (+) -+ R (sensor R) lead
Dlgital Meter (-) + BK (scmsor BRIBK) lead
Measure the output voltage with the engine stopped and
with the connector joined.
a Turn the ignition switch on.
Output Voltage
Standard: About DC 2.25 2.50 V @20°C(W°F)
OThe output voltage changes according to the intake air
lntake Air Temperature Sensor (Senrice Code 13) (DTC P0110, PO112)
a Turn the ignition switch off.
*If the reading is within the standard, check the ECU for
its ground and power supply (see ECU Power Supply In-
*If the ground and power supply are good, replacethe ECU
1 (see ECU RemovaVlnstallation).
*If the reading is out of the standard, remove the ECU
and check the wiring for continuity between main harness
ODisconnect the ECU and sensor connectors.
Wlrlng Continuity Inspection
ECU C ~ O[A] t+ C

ECU Terminal 26 [C] -

lntake Alr Temperature Sensor Connector [B]
Sensor Terminal 101
ECU Terminal 28 tE]t+ Sensor Terminal [Fl
*If the wiring is good, check the intake air temperature sen-
sor resistance (see lntake Air Temperature Sensor Resis-
tance Inspection).
lntake Air Temperature Sensor Resistance
a Remove the intake air temperature sensor (see lntake Air
Temperature Sensor RemovaVlnstallation).
Suspend the sensor [A] in a container of water so that the
heat-sensitive portion is submerged.
a Suspend a thermometer [B] with the heat-sensitive por-
tion [C] located in almost the same depth with the sensor.
OThe sensor and thermometer must not touch the con-
tainer side or M o m .
a Place the container over a source of heat and gradually
raise the temperature of the water while stining the water
gently for even temperature.
a Using a digital meter, measure the internal resistance
of the sensor across the terminals at the temperatures
shown in the following.

lntake Air Temperature Sensor Resistance
Standard: 5.4 6.6 kn W C (32'F)
0.29 0.39 kn @80°C (17e°F)
*If the reading is out of the standard, replace the sen-
sor (see lntake Air Temperature Sensor Removal/lnstal-
+If the reading is within the standard, but the problem still
exists, replace the ECU (see ECU RemovaVlnstallation).
lntake Air Temperature Sensor (Service Code 13) (DTC P0110, P0112)

lntake Air Temperature Sensor Circuit

J ! !-f
I(: @

I #

- #817187Ylt 0

1. lntake Air Temperature Sensor

2. ECU
Water Temperature Sensor (Service Code 14) (DTC P0115, P0117)
Water Temperature Sensor RemovaUInstallation

Drain the coolant (see Coolant Change in the Periodic

Maintenance chapter).
Left Middle Fairing
- (see
. Middle Fairing Removal in the
Frame chapter)
Water Temperature Sensor Connector [A]
Water Temperature Sensor [B] with O-ring
Replace the O-ring with a new one.
Toque -Water Temperature Sensor: 12 N-m(1.2 kgf-m,106
Fillthe engine with coolant and bleed the air from the cool-
ing system (see Coolant Change in the Periodic Mainte-
nance chapter).
Water Temperature Sensor (Service Code 14) (DTC PO115, P0117)
Water Tempemture Sensor Output Voltage
OBe sure the battery is fully charged.
Turn the ignition witch off.
Disconnect the water temperature sensor connector (see
Water Temperature sen& Removalllnstallation). '
Connect the measuring adapter [A] between these con-
nectors as shown.
Main Harness [B]
Water Temperature Sensor [C]
8p.cial Tool Measuring A d a m 57001-1700
*Connect a digital meter [Dl to the measuring adapter
Water Tompmture Sensor Output Voltage
Connedlons to Adapter:
Digital Meter (+) -+ R (sanser 0 ) lead
Digbl Meter (-) -+ BK (sensor BRIBK) lead
Measure the output voltage with the engine stopped and
with the connector joined.
Turn the ignition switch on.
Output wm4@
Standard: About DC 2.80 - 2.97 V @20°C (68'F)

OThe output voltage changes according to the coolant
temperaturn in the engine.
Turn the ignition switch off.
*If the reading is within the standard, check the ECU for
its ground and power supply (see ECU Power Supply In-
*If the ground and power supply are good, replace the ECU
(see ECU RemovaVln6tallation).
*If the reading is out of the standard, remove the ECU
and check the wiring for continuity between main harness
ODisconnect the ECU and sensor connectors.
Wlrlng Continuity Inspestion
ECU Connector [A] c--,
Wator Tampamtun Sensor Connector [B]
ECU Terminal 22 [C] c-,Sensor Termlnal [Dl
ECU Terminal 28 [El c-,Sensor Terminal [fl
*If the wiring is good, check the water temperature sensor
resistance (see Water Temperature Sensor Resistance
Water Tempemtun, Sensor Resistance Inspection
Refer to the Water Temperature Sensor Inspectionin the
Electrical System chapter.
*If the reading Is within the standard, but the problem still
exists, replace the ECU (see ECU RemovaVlnstallation).
Water Temperature Sensor (Sewice Code 14) (DTC P0115, P0117)
Crankshaft Sensor (Service Code 21) (DTC P0335)
The crankshaft sensor has no power source, and when
the engine stops, the crankshaft sensor generates no sig-
Crankshaft Sensor RemovaVlnstallation
Refer to the Crankshaft Sensor Removal/lnstallation in
the Electrical System chapter.
Crankshaft Sensor Resistance inspection
Refer to the Crankshaft Sensor Inspection in the Electrical
System chapter.
*If the reading is within the standard, check the peak volt-
age (see Crankshaft Sensor Peak Voltage Inspection).
Crankshaft Sensor Peak Voltage Inspection
Refer to the Crankshaft Sensor Peak Voltage Inspection
in the Electrical System chapter.
* I f the reading is within the standard, remove the ECU and
check the wiring for continuity between main harness con-
ODisconnect the ECU and sensor connectors.
Wiring Continuity InspectJon
ECU Connector [A] c-,
Crankshaft Sensor Connector [B]
ECU Tennlnal13 [C] +-+Sensor Terminal [Dl
ECU Termlnal30 (El t+ Sonsor Terminal If)
*If the wiring is good, check the ECU for its ground and
power supply (see ECU Power Supply Inspection).
*If the ground and power supply are good, replace the ECU
(see ECU RemovaVlnstallation).
Crankshaft Sensor Clrcuit
I 1

I 101711S1111 0

1. Crankshaft Sensor
2. ECU
Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor (Service Code 24) (DTC P2158)
Rear M e e l Rotatlon Sensor Signal Inspection
OThe rear wheel rotation sensor sends the signal to the
ECU through the ABS hydraulic unit (ABSequipped mod-
els). For other than ABS equipped models, the signal is
sent directiy to the ECU.
OThe ECU uses the rear wheel rotation sensor signal for
motMcyde speed.
OThe service code 2dlDTC PZ158 is detected with the
a Inspect the wheel rotation sensor air gap (see W h d R+
tation Sensor Air Gap InspedSon in the Brakes chapter).
a Inspect the wheel rotation sensor rotor (seeWheel Rota-
tion Sensor Rotor Inspection in the Brakes chapter).
a When service code 24lDTC P2158 is displayed, do the
following inspection procedures.
a Disconnect:
ECU Connectors (see ECU Removal)
Rear W h d Rotation Sensor Lead Connector (see Rear
Wheel Rotation Sensor Removal in the Brakes chapter)
ABS Hydraulic Unit Connector (see ABS Hydraulic Unit
Remwal in the Brakes chapter)
For ABS equipped models, check the wiring for continuity
between main harness connectors.
Wring Continuity Inspection
ECU Connector [A] t +
ABS Hydraulic Unit Connactor [B]
ECU Terminal 15 [C] t + ABS Hydraulic Unit
Terminal 3 [Dl

Wirlng Continuity Inspection

ABS Hydraulic Unit Connector [A] + +
Roar Wheel Ratadion Sensor Connector [B]
.ABS Hydraulic Unit Connector Terminal 6 [C] -
" h m o r Tennlnal [Dl

. MS Hydraulic Unit Connector Terminal 15 [El


-Sensor Tenninal [FJ

Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor (Senrlce Code 24) (DTC PZ158)
a For other than ABS equipped models, check the wiring
for continuity between main hamess connectors.
Wtfing Continuity Inspection
ECU Connector [A] t +
Roar Wheel Rotation h m o r Connodor [B]
ECU Tanninall4 [C] t-, Sensor Tmnnlnal [Dl
ECU Terminal 32 [El t-,Sonsor Terminal [fl

wrr me mnng le gow, cnear me t ~ ror u its grouna ana

pcnrrrer supply (see ECU Power Supply Inspection).
+If the ground and pawet supply am good, replacethe ECU
(see ECU RemawrVlnstallatkm).

-Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor Circuit (A6S Equlpped Models)



ell11511 S

1. ECU
2. Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor
3. ABS Hydraulic Unit
Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor (Service Code 24) (DTC P2158)
Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor Circuit (other than ABS Equipped Models)


BC174W I

1. ECU
2. Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor
., +
Gear Position Sensor (Service Code 25) (DTC PW14, P0915, P0916, P0917)
Gear Position Sensor RemovaUlnstalla~on
Refer to the Gear Position Sensor RemovaVlnstallationin
the Electrical System chapter.
Gear PositJon Sensor Input Voltage lnspectlon
OBe sure the battery is fully cham&.
Turn the ignition switch off.
Battery Case Cwer (seeBattery Case Cover Removal
in the Frame chapter)
ECU (see ECU Removal)
ODo not disconnect the ECU connector.
Slide the rubber boot [A].
Gear Position Senkr Connedor p ]
.Connect the suitable measuring lead [A] between the
main harness connector and gear position sensor con-
Main Harness [B] r
Gear Position Sensor [C]
Temporarily install the battery (see Battery Installation in
the Electrical System chapter) 3
Connect a digital meter [Dl to the measuring leads.
Gear Position Sensor Input Voltage
Connwtbns to Adaptec b 1

Digital Meter (+) + R (sensor BL) lead

Digital Meter (-) -+ BK (sensor BRIBK) lead
Measure the input voltage with the engine stopped and
with the connector joined.
Turn the ignition switch on.
Input VoltrrIlo
Standard: DC 4.75 - 5.25 V
Turn the ignition switch off.
*If the reading is within the standard, check the output volt-
age (see Gear Position Sensor Output Vo- Inspee
*If the reading is out of the standard, remove the ECU
and check the wiring for continuity between main harness
ODisconnect the ECU and sensor connectors.
Wiring Continuity llwpection
ECU ConCHCfor [A] t -,
Gear Pasitlon Sensor Connector p]
ECU Tormlnal10 [C] +-+ Sensor Terminal (D]
ECU Tennlnal28 [El c+ Sensor Terminal [g
*If the wiring is good, check the ECU for its ground and
power supply (see ECU Power Supply Inspection).
*If the ground and power supply are good, replacethe ECU
(see ECU RemovaVlnstallatkm).
Gear Position Sensor (Ssrvlce Code 25) (DTC P0914, P0915, P0916, P0917)
Gear PosItlon Sensor Output \Ibl&ge InspectJon
Removethegear position sensor (ses Gear P w Sen-
sor Removal in the UecZrical System chapter).
Measure the output voltage at the gear position sensor ir.
We same way as input voltage inspea~n,pot@the folloy-
ing. ..
OConnect the suitable measuring lead [~l-between these
Main Harness [B]
Gear PosZtion Sensor [C]
Digital Meter [Dl
Gear PooHlon Sensor Output Voltage
ConnocUons to Adapterr
Digltal Mater (+) -+ Y (+ensor G) lead
Digital Metor (-) -,BK (sensor BK) lead

0 Turn the IgnBlon switch on.

0'7nib Wrnshows 270".
0- the geewpowcm msor, m d r m theme-
Turn the @&ion switch off.
*If the Wing Is out of the stavrdd, replace the gear po-
don s e m (sea~ Gear Pmith Ser#Por RgmovaUlnstal-
lawn in fha Eledrical Sysstewn chapter).
+lfttredmQmm ,m m w the ECU and
chedc the wifing for mtlnuity betureen main harnessm-
OLWnnned the ECU md sensor cunnsctors.
o..oP#ltkn s.rrr#Conmctor [g]
ECU Tarmtnrl12 [C] c-,&.lwot T m l n a l [m
ECU Tmlnal28 [qc-,Sensor Terminal fTj
*If the wlrlng Is good, dredc the ECU fbr its ground and
paww r#Jpply (seeECU P a w Suppllr Inarpcjlctkn).
(see ECU R e m o v a E l i n s b ~ ) .
Gear Position Sensor (Sewice Code 25) (DTC P0914, P0915, P0916, P0917)
Gear Position Sensor Circuit
- \


1. Gear Position Sensor



2. ECU
Vehicle-down Sensor (Sewlce Code 31) (DTC C0064)
This sensor has a weight [A] with two magnets inside,
and sends a signal to the ECU. But when the motorcycle
banks 60 70" or more to either side (in fact falls down),
the weight turns and the signal changes. The ECU senses
this change, and stops the fuel pump relay, the fuel injectors
and the ignition system.
Hall IC [B]
When the motorcycle is down,the ignitionswitch is left on.
If the starter button is pushed, the electric starter turns but
the engine does not start. To start the engine again, raise
the motorcycle, turn the ignition switch off, and then turn it
Vehide-down Sensor [A]
Ground Terminal [B]: BRBK
Output Terminal [C]: YIG
Power Source Terminal [Dl: G

W k M o w n Sensor Removal

8 Rqnove:
Upper Fairing (see Upper Fairing Removal in the Frame
8 t)isctmnect the vehicledown sensor connector [A].
8 Pull up the vehiie-down sensor [B] with rubber protector
to dear the projection [C].
Vehkie-down Sensor lnstallatlon
Installath is the reverse of removal.
The UP mark [A] of the sensor should face upward.

Incorrect installation of the vehicledown sensor

could cause sudden loss of engine power. The
rider could lose balance durlng certain rlding sftu-
ations for an accident resulting in injury or death.
Ensure that the vehicle-down sensor is held in
place by the sensor bracket.
8 Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
Vehicledown Sensor (Service Code 31) (DTC C0064)
Vehicledown Sensor lnput Voltage lnspectlon
OBe sure the battery is fully charged.
Turn the ignition switch off.
Upper Fairing (see Upper Fairing Removal in the Frame
Disconnect the vehicle-down sensor connector and con-
nect the measuringadapter [A] betweenthese connectors
as shown.
Main Harness [B]
Vehicle-down Sensor [C]
Special Tool - Measuring Adapter: 57001-1700
Connect a digital meter [Dl to the measuring adapter
Vehicledown &ni&
* inp& Vottage
Connecttons to Adapter:
Digital Meter (+) 4 R (sensor G) lead
Digital Meter (-) + BK (sensor BRIBK) lead
Measure the input voltage with the engine stopped and
with the connector joined.
Turn the ignition sw
ti on.
lnput Voltage
Standard: DC 4.75 - 5.25 V
Turn the ignition switch off.
*If the reading is within the standard, check the output volt-
age (see Vehicledown Sensor Output Voltage Inspec-
*If the reading is out of the standard, remove the ECU
and check the wiring for continuity between main harness
ODisconnect the ECU and sensor connectors.
Wiring Continuity lnspedion
ECU Connector [A] t+

ECU Terminal 10 [C] -

Vehicledown Sensor Connector [B]
Sensor Terminal [Dl
ECU Termlnal28 [El c-,Sensor Terminal [Fl
*If the wiring is good, check the ECU for its ground and
power supply (see ECU Power Supply Inspection).
*If the ground and power supply are good, replace ahe ECll
(see ECU Removal/lnstallation).
Vehicledown Sensor (Service Code 31) (DTC C0064)
Vehlcleaown Sensor Output Voltage Inspection
Remove the v e h i i sensor (see Vehicledown
Sensor Removal).
Connect the measuring adapter [A] to the vehidedown
sensrw cxmnectors as shown.
Main Hamass [B]
Vehicledown Sensor [C]
S w a t Tool Measuring Adapber: n001-1700
Connect a digital meter [Dl to the measuring adapter
leads. ' ' '-

Vehicle-down sensor Output Volts$@

Connections to Adapter: .
Digital Meter (+) + W (sensor WG) had
Dlgltal Yebsr (-) + BK (sensor BFUBK) had . .

Hdd the sensor vertically.

Measure the output voltage with the engine stopw- and
with the connector joined.
Turn the ignition switch on.
Ti# the sensor 60 70" or more [A] right or left, then hold
the sensor almost vertical with the arrow mark pointed up
[8], and measure the output voltage.

- -
_mndrrd. With sensor tibd 60 TO0 or mom right or
lefk DC 0.65 1.35 V
* Pi.'. T<
,> With sensor arrow mark pointed up: DC
3.55 4.45 v
* ' ~ u mthe ignition switch off.
+If the reading is out of the standard, replace the senper
(see Vehicledown Sensor RemovaUlnstallation).
- - - -
Vehicle-down Sensor (Servica Code 31) (DTC C0064)
*If the reading is within the standard, remove the ECU and
check the wiring for continuity between main harness con-
ODiscmned the ECU and sensor connectors.

ECU Conmetor [A] -

Wring Continuity lnopectlon

Vehicledown $emor Connector p]

ECU TmInal11 [C] c-,Seneor Terminal [D]
ECU Terminal 28 [El t-,Sensor Terminal [Fl
*If the wiring is good,check the ECU for its ground and
power supply (see ECU Power Supply Inspection).
*If the ground and power supply are good, replace the ECU
(see ECU Rmwl/lnMatjon).

1. vdlicbchm Sensor
2. ECU
Omraen Sensor not activated (Service Code 33) (DTC P0130, P0132)
Oxygen Sensor RemovaUInstallation
Refer to the Oxygen Sensor Removal/lnstallationin the
Electrical System chapter.
Oxygen Sensor Inspection
Turn the ignition switch off.
Remove the right middle fairing (see Middle Fairing Re-
moval in the Frame chapter).
Disconnect the oxygen sensor lead connector and wn-
nect the oxygen sensor measuring adapter [A] between
these connectors.
- Oxygen Sensor Measurlng Adapter:
Special Tool
Connect a digital meter to the measuring adapter leads.
Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage
Connections to Adapter:
Digital Meter (+) -,BL (sensor BL) lead
Digital Meter (-) -+ BR (sensor W) lead

Slide the damp [A].

Disconnect the air switching valve hose [B].

Install lhe suitable plug [A] on the fitting of the air suction
vahre cover, and shut ofF the secondary air.

Warm up the engine thoroughly until the radiator fan

Measure the output voltage with the connector joined.
Output Voltag. (with Plug, Rich)
Standard: DC 0.5 V or more
Oxygen Sensor not activated (Service Code 33) (DTC P0130, P0132)
Turn the ignition switch off.
Remove the plug from the ming [A].

Start the engine, and let it idle.

Measure the output voltage with the oonnedor joined.
Output Voltage (wlthout Plug, Lean)
Standard: DC 0.2 V or less
Turn the ignition switch off.
*If the reading is out of the standard (with plug: DC 0.5 V
or rnore, without plug: DC 0.2 V or less), removethe ECU
and checkthe wiring for continuity between main harness
ODisconnedthe ECU and sensor connectors.

ECU Connedor [A] -

Wiring Continuity Inspodon

Oxygen Sensor Connector [B]

ECU Tennlnal25 [El-

ECU Terminal 9 [C] c-,8CHIIOC Terminal [Dl
Sensor Terminal m
*If the wiring is good, replacethe sensor (see Oxygen Sen-
sor RemovaVlnstallationinthe E k t h a l Systemchapter).
*If the reading is within the standard (with plug: DC 0.5 V
or more, without plug: DC 0.2 V or less), check the ECU
for its ground and power supply (see ECU Power Supply
*If the ground and power supply are good, replacethe ECU
(see ECU RemovaVlnstaflation).
Oxygen Sensor not activated (Service Code 33) (DTC P0130, P0132)
Oxygen Sensor Circuit

' =

. .

0176Rl S

1. Ignition Switch
2. Oxygen Sensor
3. ECU
4. Engine Ground
5. Battery
6. Main Fuse 30 A
7. Starter Relay
8. Frame Ground (2)
9. Fuse Box (1)
10. Ignition Fuse 10 A
11. ECU Fuse 15 A
12. ECU Main Relay
13. Relay Box
ECU Communication Error (Service Code 39)
ECU Communication Line Inspection
OWhen the data is not sent from the ECU to the meter unit
for more than about 10 seconds, the senrice code 39 is
OThe service code 39 is detected with meter unit.
Remove the ECU and meter unit, check the wiring for
continuity between main harness connectors.
ODismnect the ECU and meter unit connectors.

ECU Connector [A] -

Wiring Continuity Inspection
Metw UnH Connector [B]
ECU Terminal48 [C] t+ Meder Terminal p]
*If the wiring is good, check the meter unit (see Meter Unit
Inspection in the Electrical System chapter).
*If the meter unit is normal, replace the ECU (see ECU
Fuel Injectors (Service Code 41,42) (DTC PO201,P0202)
Inspect the eligible fuel injector according to the following
service code or DTC.
Service Code 41IDTC PO201 + Fuel lnjector #1
Service Code 42lDTC PO202 -,Fuel lnjector #2
Fuel Injector RemovaUInstallation
Refer to the Throttle Body Assy DisassemblyIAssembly.
Fuel lnjector Audible Inspection
OBe sum the battery is fully charged.
Remove the right side cover (see Side Cover Removal in
the Frame chapter).
Start the engine, and let it idle.
8 Apply the flat tip screwdriver [A] to the fuel injector [B].
Put the grip end onto your ear, and listen whether the fuel
injector is clicking or not.
0~-sound scope n&i also be used.
OThe click interval becomes shorter as the engine speed
Do the same for the other fuel injectors.
*If all the fuel injectors click at a regular intervals, the fuel
injectors are normal.
8 Turn the ignition switch off.
*If any fuel injector does not click, check the fuel injector
resistance (see Fuel lnjector Resistance Inspection).
Fuel lnjector Resistance inspection
Removethe air cleaner housing (see Air Cleaner Housing
Disconnect the fuel injector connector.
Connect a digital meter to the terminals [A] in each fuel
Measure the fuel injector resistance.
Fuel lnjector Resistance
Standard: About 12.0 Q @20°C (68'F)
+If the reading is out of the standard, replacethe fuel injec-
tor (see Throttle Body Assy Disassembly/Assembly).
*If the reading is within the standard, check the power
source voltage (see Fuel lnjector Power Source Voltage
Fuel Injectors (Setvice Code 41,42)(DTC POZOI,P0202)
Fuel Injector Power Source Voltage lnspectlon
OBe sure the battery is fully charged.
Turn the ignition switch off.
Remove the air cleaner housing (see Air Cleaning Hous-
ing Removal).
Disconnect the fuel injector connector and connect the
measuring adapter [A] between these connectors as
Main Harness [Bl
Fuel Injector [dl -
Special Tool - Measuring A&ptm 57001-1700
Connect a digital meter [Dl to the measuringadapter lead.
Fuel Injector Power Source Voltage
Connections to Adapter:
For Fuel Injector # #2
Digital Meter (+) + R (injector WlR) lead
Digital Meter (-) + Battery (-) Terminal
Measure the power source voltage with the engine
stopped and with the connector joined.
Turn the engine stop switch to run position.
Turn the ignition switch on.
Power Source Voltage
Standard: Battery Voltage for 3 seconds, and then 0 V

Turn the ignition switch off.

*If the reading stays on battery voltage and never shows 0
V, check the fuel pump relay (see Relay Circuit Inspection
in the Electrical System chapter).
*If the fuel pump relay is normal, check the ECU for its
ground and power supply (see ECU Power Supply In-
+If the ground and power supply are good, replace the ECU
(see ECU RemovaVlnstallation).
*If there is still no battery voltage, check the fuel pump re-
lay (see Relay Circuit Inspection in the Electrical System
*If the fuel pump relay is normal, check the power source
wiring (see Fuel Injector Circuit).
*If the wiring is good, check the ECU for its ground and
power supply (see ECU Power Supply Inspection).
*If the ground and power supply are good, replace the ECU
(see ECU RemovaVlnstallation).
+If the reading is in specification, check the output voltage
(see Fuel Injector Output Voltage Inspection).
Fuel Injectors (Service Code 41,42) (DTC PO201, PO202)
Fuel lnjector Ouwut Voltage Inspection
OBe sure the battery is fully charged.
Turn the ignition switch off.
Air Cleaner Housing (see Air Cleaner Housing Removal)
Disconnect the fuel injector connector and connect the
measuring adapter [A] between these connectors as
Main Harness [B]
Fud lnjector #I[C]
Special Tool - Measuring Adapter: 570011700
Connect a digital meter [Dlto the measuring adapter
Fuel lnjector Output Voltage
Connections to Adapter:
For Fuel Injector #I
, OIgrtrl Meter (+) + BK (injector BUBK)
blgItal Meter (-) + Battery (-) Terminal
For Fuel lnjector #2
Digrtrl Wter (+) + BK (Injector BUR)
Digftal Meter (-) + Battery (-) Terminal
Measure the output voltage with the engine stopped and
with the connector joined.
Turn the engine stop switch to run position.
Turn the ignition switch on.
output vomJ@
Stancia* Battery IFoltage for 3 seconds, and then 0 V
Turn the ignition switch off.
*If the reading is in specification, check the ECU for its
ground and power supply (see ECU Power Supply In-
*If the ground and power supply are g d , replacethe ECU
(see ECU Removal/lnstallation).
*If the reading is out of the specification, remove the ECU
and checkthe wiring far continuity between main harness
ODisconnect the ECU and injector connector.
Wirlng Continuity Inspection
ECU Connector [A]
- Fuel Injector Connector

ECU Terminal 42 fD]

For Fuel Injector #2
For Fuel lnjector # I [C]
Fuel lnjector Terminal [a
ECU Terminal 41 t-,Fuel Injector Terminal
+If the wifing is good, check the ECU for its ground and
power supply (see ECU Power Supply Inspection).
*If the ground and power supply are good, replacethe ECU
(see ECU RemovaVlnstallation).
- ..,- . . FUEL SYSTEM (DFI) 3-81
Fuel Injectors (Service Code 41,42) (DTC PO201, P0202)
Fuel Injector Fuel Line inspection
Air Cleaner Housing (see Air Cleaner Housing Removal)
Fuel Hose (see Fuel Hose Replacement in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter)
OBe sure to place a piece of cloth around the fuel outlet
pipe of the fuel pump and the delivery pipe of the throttle
body assy.
Fuel is flammable m d exploehre under certain con-
ditions and can cawre severe burns. Be pmpared
for fuel spillage; any spilled fuel must be completely
wiped up immediately. When the fuel hose Is dis-
connected, fuel spills out from the hose and the
p i p because of residual prussure. Cover tho hose
connection with a plece of clean cloth to pmvent
fuel spillage.

Check the fuel injector fuel line for leakage as fdlowcr.

OConnect a cummerdally available vacuurrdpressure
pump [A] to the nipple d the Mity pipe [B] with the
fuel hose [C] (both ends with the damps [01) as sttown.
Up Side View [El
OApply soap and water sduth to the areas [FJas shown.
OWatching the pressure gauge, squeeze the pump lever
[GI, and build up ths pressure until the pressure reaches
the maximum pressure.
Injector Fud Llna W m u m m u m
Standard: 300 160(3.06 kgf/cm', 43 psl)

During prearsum Wing, do not exceed the maxi-
- mum pressure h r which the system is designed.
OWatch the gauge for at least 6 seconds.
*If the pressure holds steady, the fuel line is good.
*If the pressure drops at once or If bubbles are found in the
area, the fuel Ine is leaking. Replace the delivery pipe,
fuel injectors and dated parts (see Throttle f%dy Assy
ORepeat the leak test, and check the fuel line for no leak-
age. ..
Fuel Hose (see Fuel Hose Replament in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter)
Air Cleaner Housing (see Air Cleaner Housing Installa-
Start the engine and check for fuel leakage.
Fuel Injectors (Service Code 41,42) (DTC PO201, P0202)
Fuel Injector Circuit
I 1

1. Ignition Switch
2. Engine Stop Switch
3. Fuel Injector #1
4. Fuel injector #2
5. ECU
6. Engine Ground
7. Battery
8. Main Fuse 30 A
9. Starter Relay
10. Frame Ground (2)
11. Fuse Box (1)
12. Ignition Fuse 10 A
13. ECU Fuse 15 A
14. Fuel Pump Relay
15. Relay Box
#2 (Sewice Code 51,52) (DTC P0351, P0352)
Stick Coils #I,
Inspect the eligible stick coil according to the following
service code or DTC.
Service Code 51lDTC PO351 + Stick Coil #1
Service Code 52/DTC PO352 -P Stick Coil #2
Stick Coil Removab7nstellstion
Refer to the Stick Coil RemovaVlnstallation in the Electri-
cal System chapter.
Stlck Coil Primary Wndlng Resistance Inspecffon
Refer to the Stick Coil Inspection in the ElgctrDcal System
*If the reading is within the standard, check the input volt-
age (see Stick Coil lnput Voltage Inspection).
Suck Coil lnput Voltage Inspection
OBe sure the battery is fully charged.
a Turn the ignition switch off.
Air Cleaner Housing (see Air Cleaner Housing Removal)
a Disconnect the stick coil connector and connect the mea-
suring adapter [A] between these connectors as shown.
Main Harness [B]
Stick Coil [C]
Special Tool - Measuring Adaptor: 57001-1700
Connect a digital meter (O] to the measuring adapter
Stick Coil lnput Voltage
Connections to Adaptor:
For Stldc Cdl #l
Digital Meter (+) -,BK (ttick cdl BK)
Digital Meter (-) + B1#.y (-) Terminal
FW stkk coil m
Digital Meter (+) + BK (rtlck coll BWO)
Digital Meter (9)-,Battery (-) Tenninal
a Measure the input voltage to each primary winding of the
stick coils with the engine stopped and with the connec-
tors joined.
Turn the engine stop switch to run position.
a Turn the ignition switch on.
lnput Voltage
Standard: Battery Voltage
#2 (Senrice Code 51,521 (DTC P0351, P0352)
Stick Coils #l.
Turn the ignition switch off. - , , I .
*If the input voltage is out of the standard, c h k k the wiring
for continuity (see Stick Coil Circuit).
*If the wiring is good, check the ECU for its ground and
power supply (see ECU Power Supply Inspection).
*If the ground and power supply are good, replace the ECU
(see ECU RemovaVlnstallation).
. +If the input voltage is within the standard, check the ECU
. for its ground and power supply (see ECU Power Supply
*If the ground and power supply are good, replace the ECU
(see ECU RernovaUlnstaHation).
Stick Coil Circuit I

1. lgnition Switch
2. Engine Stop Switch
3. Stick Coil #1
4. Stick Coil #2
5. ECU
6. Engine Ground
*' 7. Battery
8. Main Fuse 30 A
9. Starter Relay
10. Frame Ground (2)
11. Fuse Box (1)
12. lgnition Fuse 10 A
.. - FUEL SYSTEM (DFI) 3-85
Radiator Fan Relay (Service Code 56) (DTC P0480)
Radiator Fan Relay RemovaUInstaliation
OThe radiator fan relay is built in the relay box [A].
Refer to the Relay Box Removal in the Electrical System

Radlatw Fan Relay lhspecflon

Refer to the Relay Circuit Inspadon in the Eledrical Sys-
tem chapter.
*If the reditor fan M y is normal, check the wiring for
continuity (see Radiator Fan Relay Circuit).
*If the wiring is good, dreck the ECU for its ground and
power supply (see ECU Power Supply Inspection).
*If the ground and power supply are good, replacethe ECU
(see ECU RemovaUlnstallatbn).
Radiator Fan Relay Circuit
- - -. - - .. - -

1. Ignition Switch 8. Starter Relay

2. Fan Motor 9. Frame Ground (6)
3. Water Temperature Sensor 10. Frame Ground (1)
4. ECU 11. Fuse Box (1)
5. Engine Ground 12. lgnition Fuse 10 A
6. Battery 13. Fan Fuse 15 A
7. Main Fuse 30 A 14. Relay Box
15. Fan Relay
Air Switching Valve (Service Code 64) (DTC P0410)
Air Swifching Valve RemovaMnstallation t.
Refer to the Air Switching Valve RernovaUlnstallation in
the Engine Top End chapter.
Air Switching Valve inspection g-
o Refer to the Air Switching Valve unit %st in the Electrical
System chapter.
*If the air switching valve is normal, check the wiring for
continuity (see Air Switching Valve Circuit).
*If the wiring is good, check the ECU for its ground and
- power supply (see ECU Power Supply Inspection).
* lf the ground and power supply are good, replacethe ECU
(see ECU RemovaVlnstallation).

1. Ignition Switch 8. Frame Ground (2)

2. Air Switching Valve 9. Fuse Box (1)
3. ECU 10. lgnition Fuse 10 A
4. Engine Ground 11. ECU Fuse 15 A
5. Battery 12. Relay Box
6. Main Fuse 30 A 13. ECU Main Relay
7. Starter Relay
Oxygen Sensor Heater (Service Code 67) (DTC P0030)
Oxygen Sensor Heater Removal/lnstallation
The oxygen sensor heater is built in the oxygen sensor.
So, the heater itself can not be removed. Remove the oxy-
gen sensor (see Oxygen Sensor Removal in the Electrical
System chapter).
Oxygen Sensor Heater Resistance Inspection
Turn the ignition switch off.
Remove the right middle fairing (see Middle Fairing Re-
moval in the Frame chapter).
Disconnect the oxygen sensor lead connector [A].

Connect a digital meter [A] to the oxygen sensor lead con-

nector [B].
Measure the oxygen sensor heater resistance.
Oxygen Sensor Heaters Resistance
Connections: BK lead [C] e-,BK lead [Dl
Standard: 5.49 6.91 SJ @20° C (68°F)
*If the reading is out of the standard, replace the sensor
(see Oxygen Sensor Removal/lnstallation in the Electrical
System chapter).
*If the reading is within the standard, check the power
source voltage (see Oxygen Sensor Heater Power
Source Voltage Inspection).
Oxygen Sensor Heater (Service Code 67) (DTC P0030)
Oxygen Sensor Heater Power Source Voltage
inspection I
0Be sure the baftery is fully charged.
Turn the ignition switch off. , c:e ,
a Remove tha right middle fairing~seeMidde ~ a i r i ~ '' ~ ~ '
rnoval in the Frame d-iapter).
8 Dirmnned the oxygen sensor lead connector and con-
ned the measuring adapter [A] between these conlhec.
Spsdal Tool Oxygen Sensor Measuring Adapter. 57001
a Connect a digiil meter to the measuring adapter lead.
Oxygen $ensor Power Source Voltage
Connections to Adaptor. *
Digital Ydar (+) + W (main harness BRMI) lead
Dlgftal Meter (-) + Frame Ground Tenninal
a Measure the power swrce voltage with the engine
stopped and with the connectorjoined.
Turn the ignition switch on.

8 Turn the ignition switch off.

*If the reading is in spdfkation, but the problem still ex-
ists, mpke the ECU (see ECU RemovaVlnstallation).
*If the reading is out of the standad, check the bknwing.
ECU Fuse 15 A (see Fuse lnspedon in the ElectrScal
Power Swrce W ~ n g (see Oxygen Sensor Circuit)
*If the fme and wiring are good, m v 8 the ECW and
chedrthe wiring for continuity between main harness con-
ODisoonnect the ECU and mcon-.
WMnQContR.luity Iflspedon
ECU Connector [A] -
Oxyasn Semm CmeGtar [B]
ECU Terminal 29 [C] -
!bnsor Terminal
*If the wiring is good, check the ECU for its grwnd and
power supply (see ECU Power Supply Inspctb).
*If the p W K J and power supply are good,replace the ECU
(see ECU RemoaVInstallation).
Oxygen Sensor Heater (Service Code 67) (DTC P0030)
Oxygen Sensor Circuit

m s
1. Ignition Switch
2. &ygen Sensor
3. ECU
4. Engine Ground
5. Battery
6. Main Fuse 30 A
7. Starter Relay
8. Frame Ground (2)
9. Fuse Box (1)
10. Ignition Fuse 10 A
11. ECU Fuse 15 A
12. ECU Main Relay
13. Relay Box
Fuel Supply System (Service Code 94) (DTC P0170)
Fuel Supply System Inspection
OM the motmyde has any dher sewice code, first in-
spect the other senrice code.
Inspect the general fuel system (throttle body assy, air
cleaner, fuel tank etc.).
*If the general fuel system is good, check the ECU for its
ground and power supply (see ECU Power Supply In-
+If the ground and'powersupply are good, replace the ECU
(see ECU Removal/lnstallation).
.. . -, . . FUEL SYSTEM (DFI) 3-91

ldle Speed Control Valve Actuator (Service Code 1C) (DTC P0508, P0509, PO518)
ldle Speed Control Valve Actuator Removal

Throttle Body Assy (seeThrottle Body Assy Removal)
Disconnect the intake air pressure hose [A].
ldle Speed Control Valve Aduator Screw [B]
Prate [C]
ldle Speed Control Valve Actuator (Dl
ldle Speed Control Valve Actuator lnstallatlon
Measure the plunger position.
Plunger Porrltion
44 50 mm (1.7 - 2.0 In.) [A]
*If the plunger position is not within the specified range,
replace the idle speed control valve actuator.
Replace the O-ring [B] with a new om.
Fi the O-ring into contact with the step [C].
. - ".

s i'

Apply a small amount of engine oil to the throttle body [A].

lnstall the spring [8] to the idle speed control valve actu-
ator [C] as shown.
Install the idle speed contrd valve actuator straight to the

k,glrm, 44 In-lb)
Nm (@&I
Connect the intake a& pmmure hoee.
I ~ WrnI rem~w (mm t ~etrapam).
*~theWkspeedcentrd~aduatorir~m@roed, berun
to do the fdlmhg p m d u w .
OTum the ignition switch on.
OTum the ignition swkh M,artd wait for 2 or 3 d s . ,
Olnspect the idler speed (w Idb Sped Inspection in the
Periodic Maintenance chapter).
Control Valve Actuator (Service Code IC) (DTC P0508, P0509, P0518)
ldle S ~ e e d
ldle Speed Control Valve Actuator Resistance
a Turn the ignition switch off.
Remove the air cleaner housing (see Air Cleaner Housing
Disconnect the idle speed control valve actuator connec-
tor [A]. .I


.- , 1, r

a Connect a digital meter to the idle speed control valve

actuator connector [A].
a Measure the idle speed control valve actuator resistance.

ldle Speed Control Valve Actuator Resistance
Connections: GlR lead [I] t-+ GIBK lead [2]
GI0 lead [3] G N lead [4]
Standard: bout 20 n
*If the reading is out of the standard, replacethe idle speed
control valve actuator.
*If the reading is within the standard, check the input volt-
age (see ldle Speed Control Valve Actuator lnput Voltage
ldle Speed Control Valve Actuator lnput Voltage
OBe sum fhe battery is fully charged.
Turn the ignition switch off.
Air Cleaner Housing (see Air Cleaner Housing Removal,
Disconnect the idle speed control valve actuator connec-
tor and connect a suitable measuring leads [A] between
these connectors as shown.
Main Harness [B]
ldle Speed Control Valve Actuator [C]
a Connect the peak voltage adapter [Dl and a digital meter
[a to the measuring adapter leads.
Sp.qQtTR'l - Peak Voltage Adapter: 570011 4 15
. , . Qpe: KEK-54-9-B
ldle Speed Control Valve Actuator lnput Voltage
Connections to Adapter:
(I) Dlgltal Meter (+) + R (actuator GIR) lead
Digltal Meter (-) 4BK (actuator GIBK) lead
(11) Digital Meter (+) -,W (actuator GIO) lead
Digital Meter (-) -+ Y (actuator GPI) lead
*Measure the actuator input voltage with the engine
stopped and with the connector joined.
Turn the ignition switch on.
lnput Voltage
Standard: About DC I 1 13 V and then 0.5 V or About
DC 11 - 1 3 V
Turn the ignition switch off.
ldle Speed Control Valve Actuator (Sewice Code 1C) (DTC P0508, P0509, PO518)
*If the reading is out of the specification, remove the ECU
and check the wiring for continuity between main harness
ODisconnect the ECU and actuator connectors.
Wirlng Continuity Inspection
ECU Connector [AJ t-,
ldle Speed Control Valve Actuator Connector [B]
ECU termlnal 1 [C] ++Actuator Terminal [Dl
ECU terminal 2 [El c-,Actuator Terminal [fl
ECU termlnal18 [GI t+ Actuator Terminal [HI
ECU terminal 19 [g c-,Actuator Terminal [J]
*If the wiring Is good, check the ECU for its ground and
power supply (see ECU Pwer Supply Inspection).
*if the ground and pew@supply are good, replace the ECU
(see ECU R8movalllnstallation).
idia Speed Control Valve Actuator Circult
- -- -


e17m s

1. ldle Speed Control Valve Aduator

2. ECU
Purge Valve (Sewice Code 3A) (DTC FW43) (Equipped Models)
P u r p Valve RemovallJnstallation . &..- 1
Left Middle Fairing (see Middle Fairing Removal in the
Frame chapter)
a Disconnect the purge valve connector [A]. , -
a Remove:
Canister Bracket Bdt (L = 10 mm) [B]
Canister Bracket Bolt (L = 20 mm) [C]

. ..
a ktnciie th6 p ~ r g e ' ~nut ~ i[A].
a Remolre the purge valve [B] from the bracket. ' *'.:
a Slide the damps [C]. . a.
a D i i n e c t the hoses [Dl. - .
Installation is the reverse of removal. . -5
a Runthe hoses correctly (see Cabk, Wire, and Hose ROUK~
ing section in the Appendix chapter).
Toque Purge Valve Nut: 6.9 Nm (0.70 kgfm, 61 in-lb)
Canister Bracket Bolts: 9.8 Nm (1.0 kgfm, 87
Purge VisIve lnspedon
a Remove the purge valve (see Purge Valve Remvavln-
a Connect a digiil meter [A] to the purge valve terminals
as shown.
Purg. Valva Redstance
Standard: 30-34Q@2OOC(WF)
*If the resistance reading is out of the specified value, re-
place it with a new one.
a Connect the 12 V battery [A] to the purge valve terminals
as shown.
Purge Valve (Service Code 3A) (DTC P0443) (Equipped Models)
Blow the air to the intake air duct [A], and make sure that
the air flows from the outlet air duct [B].

Disconnect the 12 V battery.

Blow the air to the intake air dud [A] again, and make sure
that the air does not fbw flaw the outlet air duct [B].
*If the purge valve dose not operate as described, replace
it with a new one.
+If the purge valve is normal, check the wiring for continuity
(see Purge Vahte Circuit).
*If the wiring is good, check the ECU for its ground and
power supply (see ECU Powew Supply Inspection).
*If the ground and power supply are good, replace the ECU
(see ECU RemovaVlnstallatlon).
Purge Valve (Service Code 3A) (DTC POW) (Equipped Models)
Purge Valve Circuft ,-. .

1. ignition Swiich
2. Purge Valve
3. ECU
4. Engine Ground
5. Battery
6. Main Fuse 30 A
7. Starter Relay
8. Frame Ground (2)
9. Fuse Box (1)
10. Ignition Fuse 10 A
'. 11. ECU Fuse 15 A
-' 12. ECU Main Relay
13. Relay Box
- ,
Warning Indicator Light (LED)
Ydlow Engine Warning Indicator Light (LED)
Oln this model, the yellow engine warning indieator light
(LED) [A] goes on or blinks by the data sent from the ECU.
Referto the Meter Unit Inspection in the Electtical System
ECU IdenfMcation .. . ,

OMmt countries have their own regulations, so each ECU

has different characteristic. So, do not confuse ECU with
each other and use only the ECU for your model. Other-
wise, the motorcycle cannot clear the regulation.
ECU IdenWk#tion

Part Number [A] Specification

- . AU J
i .

ECU Removal
Never drop the ECU especially on a hard surface.
Such a shock to the ECU can damage it.

Battery Case Cover (see Battery Case Cover Removal
in the Frame chapter)
Remove the bolt [A] and free the starter relay [B] from the

a Lift up the ECU -[A]- with rubber protector to dear the pro- ,8

jectidns [BI.
Relay Box Connectors [C]
ECU Connectors [Dl
Remwe the ECU from the rubber protector.
ECU installation
ECU Connectors
Relay Box Connectors
Insert the slits of the rubber protector to the projections
[A] of the battery case.

Insert the projection [A] of the starter relay bracket to the

hole [B] of the frame.
Tighten the bolt [C].
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).

ECU Power Supply inspection

Remove the battery case cover (see Battery Case Cover
Removal in the Frame chapter).
Visually inspect the ECU connectors.
*If the connector is dogged with mud or dust, blow it off
with compressed air.
Remove the ECU (see ECU Removal).
Visually inspect the terminals [A] of the ECU and main
harness connedors.
*If the terminals of the main harness connectors are darn-
aged, replace the main harness.
*If the terminals of the ECU connectors are damaged, re-
place the ECU.
Turn the ignition switch off.
Disconnect the ECU connectors [A].
Set a tester [B] and check the following wiring for conti-
ECU Grounding Inspection
(I) ECU Terminal 50 or 51
ECU Terminal34
- Battery (-) Terminal

(11) Engine Ground t-, Battery (-) Terminal

Both: 0 L1
*If no continuity, check the connectors, the engine ground
lead, or main harness, and repair or replace them if nee
*If the wiring is good, check the power source voltage of
the ECU.
- . NOTE
058 sure '$6 battery is fufy charged.
Connect the ECU connectors.
Connect a digital meter [A] to the connectors [B] with the
needle adapter set.
Special Tool - Needle Adapter Set: 57001-1874

ECU Power Supply Inspection

(I) Dlgltal Meter (*) + Terminal 16 (BRMI)
Dlgltal M-r (-) -,Battery (-) Termlnal
-. (
1 1) Dlgltal Meter (+) + Terminal 35 (WIBK)
Digital Meter (-) + Battery (-) Tennlnal
IgnMon Swltch ofl:
Terminal 16 (BRMI): 0 V
Terminal 35 (WIBK): Battery Voltage
lgnltlon Switch on:
Both: Battery Voltage
*If the reading is out of the specification, check the follow-
Main Fuse 30 A (see Fuse Inspection in the Electrical
System chapter)
ECU Fuse 15 A (see Fuse Inspection in the Electrical
System chapter)
ECU Main Relay (see Relay Circuit Inspection in the
Electtical System chapter)
Power Source Wiring (see ECU Power Source Circuit)
*If the fuse, wiring and relay are good, replace the ECU
(see ECU RemovaVlnstallation).
- -.---. ---,



ECU Power Source Circuit

7. I g n h Switch
* .
2. ECU
3. Engine Ground
4. Battery
5. Maln Fuse 30 A
6. Starter Relay
7. Frame Ground (2)
8. Fuse Box (1)
9. Ignition Fuse 10 A
10. ECU Fuse 15 A
11. ECU Main Relay
12. Relay Box
DFl Power Source
ECU Fuse Removal
Referto the Fuse Box Fuse Removal in the Electrical Sys-
tem chapter.
ECU Fuser Installation
*If a fuse fails during operation, inspect the DFI system to
determine the cause, and then replace it with a new fuse
of proper amperage.
Refer to the Fuse Installation in the Electrical System
ECU Fuse lnspgction
Refer to the Fuse Inspection in the Electrical System
ECU Main Relay RemovaUlnstallation
OThe ECU main relay is built in the relay box [A].
Refer to the Relay Box Removal in the Electrical System

ECU Main Relay Inspection

Refer to the Relay Circuit Inspection in the Electrical Sys-
tem chapter.
Fuel Line

O8e sum the battery is fulty changed.
Fuel Hose (seeFuel hReplacement in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter)
OBe sure to place a p k e of cloth around the fuel outlet
pips of the fuel pump and the delivery pipe of the throttle
body W Y -
Fuel is flammable and explosive under certain con-
ditlons and can c a u u mvan burns. Be prepared
for fuel spillage; any spilledfud must be completely
wiped up immedirkly. When the fuel hose is dis-
connected, fuel spills out from the hose and the
pipe because of midual pressure. Cover the hose
connection with a pi- of clean cloth to prevent
fuel spillage.

Installthe fuel pressure muge adapter [A] and firel hses

(Spedal Tool: 57001-1607) [B]between the fuel outlet
pipe and delivery pipe.
Secure the fuel hoses with the damps.
.Connect the pressure gauge [C] to the fuel pressure
gauge adapter.
SpecialTools OH Prsrsun Gaugo, 5 kgf/cms: at001-128
Fuel Prossun Gaug. Adapter: 570014593
Fuel H-: S71#)1-11107
Fuel Is extremely flammable and can be explosive
under certain conditions multlng in sdous Injury
or death. Do not try to start the engine with the fuel
hoses disconnected.
Connect the fuel pump lead connector.
Turn the engine stop switch to run w o n .
Turn the ignition switch on.
OThe fuel pump should operate for 3 seconds, and then
should stop.
OAifer turning on the w n e stop switch and QnMn
switch, inspect the he! leakage from the connected
portion of the spedal tools.

out the fuel in the^ fuel tank. Ifthe fuel pump is driven
Fuel Line
Start the engine, and let it idle.
Measure the fuel pressure with the engine idling.
Fuel Pressure (with Engine Idling)
Standard: 294 kPa (3.0 kgflcm2,43 psi)

OThe gauge needle will fluctuate. Read the pressure at
the average of the maximum and minimum indications.
Turn the ignition switch off.
*If the fuel pressure is much higherthan specified, replace
the fuel pump because the fuel pressure regulator .. in.I: the
fuel pump have been clogged or stuck. . .
*If the fuel pressure is much lower than specified, check
the following.
Fuel Line Leakage (see Fuel Injector Fuel Line lnspec-
Amount of Fuel Flow (see Fuel Flow Rate Inspection) ,.
After above checks, measure the fuel pressure again.
Remove the fuel pressure gauge, hoses and adapter.
8 Install:
Fuel Hose (see Fuel Hose Replacement in the Periodic
. Maintenance chapter)
Start the engine and check for fuel leakage.
Fuel Flow Rate Inspection.! ,

Gasoline is extremely flammable and can be explo-
sive under certain conditions, creating the potential
for serious bums. Make sure the area is well venti-
lated and free from any source of flame or sparks;
this includes any appliance with a pilot light. Do not
smoke. Tum the ignition switch off. Be preparedfor
fuel spillage; any spilled fuel must be completely
wiped up immediately.

i, 5, ,' " ,, NOTE
OBe sure the battery is fully charged.

Turn the ignition switch off.

8 Wait until the engine cools down.
Prepare a fuel hose (Special Tool: 57001-1607) and a
measuring cylinder.
Special Tool
L *
- Fuel Hose: 57001-1607
Fuel Line
0 D i m f l e d the fuel hose from the fuel pump (see Fwl
Tank RefnoVal).
Oge sure toplama piece ddoth around t h e m OUW
prpe ofthe fuel pump.
Fuel is flammJble aurd oxpbdve undar d i n oon-
d l t i o n s a n d @ 8 n ~ u v @ m b u n rBrpneparr#d
~ f u e i y r U ~ ; ~ s p W ~ f w l m u r t k ~ ~
wiped up immrrdoldsly. Whrn thg fuel haam k dir-
connactd, f w l spills ord from the ham and tha
pipe because of &dud m u r e . C o w the hose
fbld l h m
Connectthe preparedfuel ham [A] to the fuel OUW
Secure the fuel hose with a damp.
& W ~ N G
wpm off r p i m out Swd -Iyl.
T u r n the $ n h mkh on.
0The fud pump should opsrslte for 3 seconds,and then
should stop.

fuel pump (see Fuel Pump f%amdhMlatlon).
Install the fuel b m(sea Frrel Tank Mallation).
S b r t t h e e n g b ernd m k u f u e l leakage.
Fuel Pump
Fuel Pumo Removal
Gasoline Is extremely flammable and can be explo-
she under certaln conditions, creatlngthe potential
for ~ r l o u bsu m . Make sure the m a Is well venti-
l a w and free from any source of flame or sparks;
this includesany appliance with a pllot light. Do not
smoke. Turn the Ignitionswitch off. Disconnectthe
battery (-) terminal. To avoid fuel spills, draw itfrom
the tank when the engine Is cold. Be prepared for
fuel spillage; any spilled fuel must be completely
wiped up immediately.

Never drop the fuel pump especially on a hard sur-
face. Such a shock to the pump can damage it.
Draw the fuel out from the fuel tank with a commercially
available electric pump.
Remove the fuel tank (see Fuel Tank Removal).
OBe careful of fuel spillage from the fuel tank since fuel still
remains in the fuel tank and fuel pump. Plug the fuel pipe
of the fuel tank.
Turn the fuel tank upside down.
Remove the fuel pump bolts [A], and take out the fuel
Pump [Bl.

I Do
not pull the leads of the fuel pump. If they are I
I pulled, the lead terminals may be damaged. I

Discard the fuel pump gasket [A].

Fuel Pump
Fuel Pump Installation
Remove dirt or dust from the fuel pump [A] by lightly
plying compressed air.
Replace the fuel pump gasket with a new one.
OBe careful not to bend the fuel level sensor am.

a Check that the fuel pump terminal [A] and clamp [B] are
in place.
Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the threads of
the fuel pump bolts.
a Tighten the fuel pump bolts following the specified tight-
ening sequence [I 61 temporarily.
a Tiihten the fuel pump bolts with the specified toque by
the same sequence.
Torque Fuel Pump Bob: 9.8 N.m (1.0 Wrn, 87 In-lb)
a Tiihten the pump bolts again to check the tightness.

Fuel Pump Operaflon Inspection

05e sure the battwy is fully charged.
Turn the engine stop switch to run positSon.
Turn the ignition switch on and make sure that the fuel
pump operates (make light sounds) for 3 seconds, and
then stops.
a Turn the ignition switch off.
*If the pump does not operate as described above, check
the operating voltage (see Fuel Pump Operating Voltage
Fuel Pump OperatiCng MItage lnspectlon
OBe sure the battery is fully charged.
Turn the ignition switch off.
a Remove the right middle fairing (see Middle Fairing Re-
moval in the Frame chapter).
a Disconnect the fuel pump bad cmnector [A].
Fuel Pump
Connect the measuring adapter [A] between fuel pump
lead connectors.
Spedal T d - Oxygen Sensor Measuring Adapter: 57001
-1682 .%r
I Connect a digital meter to th$:m&$uring adapter leads.
Fuel Pump Operating Voltage
Connections to Adapter:
Digital Meter (+) + BR (pump BKIY) lead
I Digital Meter (-) + W (pump BWW) lead
1 Measure the operating voltage with engine stopped and
with the connector joined.
Turn the engine stop switch to run position.
Turn the ignition switch on.
Operating Voltage
Standard: Battery Voltage for 3 seconds, and then 0 V
Turn the ignition switch off.
+If the reading stays on battery vdtage and never shows 0
V, check the fuel pump relay (see Relay Circuit Inspection
in the Elecbical System chapter).
+If the fuel pump relay is normal, check the ECU for its
ground and power supply (see ECU Power Supply In-
+If the ground and power supply are good, replace the ECU
(see ECU RemovaVlnstallation).
+If there is still no battery voltage, check the fuel pump re-
lay (see Relay Circuit Inspection in the Electrical System
+If the fuel pump relay is normal, check the wiring for con-
tinuity (see Fuel Pump Circuit).
+If the wiring is good, check the ECU for its ground and
power supply (see ECU Power Supply Inspection).
+If the groundand power supply are good, replace the ECU
(see ECU RemovaVlnstallation).
+If the reading is in specification, but the pump does not op-
erate, replace the fuel pump (see Fuel Pump Removal/ln-
Pressure Regulator Removal
OThe pressure regulator [A] is built into the fuel pump [B]
and can not be removed.
Fuel Pump
Fuel Pump Relay RemovaUlnstallation
OThe fuel pump relay is built in the relay box [A].
Refer to the Relay Box Removal in the Electrical System

Fuel Pump Relay Inspection

Refer to the Relay Circuit lnspecbjon in the Electrical Sys-
tem chapter.
Fuel Pump Circuit

1. Ignition Switch
2. Engine Stop Switch
3. ECU
4. Fuel Pump
5. Engine G m n d
6. Battery
7. Main Fuse 30 A
8. Starter Relay
9. Frame G m n d (2)
10. Fuse Bax (1)
11. Ignition Fuse 10 A
12. ECU Fuse 15 A
13. Fuel Pump Relay
14. Relay Box
Throttle Grip and Cables
Thmtue Grip F m PIay Inspection
Refer to the Throttte Contrd System Inspection in the Pe-
riodic Maintenance chapter.
Throtfle Grlp Free PIay Adjustment
Refer to the Throttle Control System lnspedon in the pe-
riodic Maintenance chapter.
Thmffle Cable lnstallaffon
Install the thmttle cables in accordance with the Cable,
Wire, and Hose Routing section in the Appendbc chapter.
Install the lower ends of the throttle cables in the throttle
pulley on the throttle body assy after installing the upper
ends of the throttle cables in the grip.
After installation, adjust each cable properly (see Throttle
Control System Inspection in the Periodic Maintenance
. .
Operation with inwrrectly routed or improperly ad-
justed cables could resutt In an unsafe ridlng con-
dition. Be sure the cables are routed correctly end
properly adjusted.

77?mffleCable Lubrication
Refer to the Chassis Parts Lubrication in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter.
Throttle Body Assy
Idle Speed Inspection/Ad/ustrnent
Refer to the ldle Speed Inspection/Adjustmentin the Pe-
riodic Maintenance chapter.
Throttle Bore Cleanlng
Check the throttle bore for cleanliness as follows.
ORemove the throttle body assy (see Throttle Body Assy
OCheck the throttle valves and throttle bores for carbon
deposits by opening the throttle valves.
*If any carbon accumulates, wipe the carbon off the throt-
tle bores around the throttle bores and the throttle valves,
using a cotton pad penetrated with a high flash-point sol-
Refer to the Engine Vacuum Synchronization Inspection
in the Periodic Maintenance chapter.
Throttle Body Assy Removal
Gasoline is extremely flammable and can be explo-
sive under certain conditions, creating the potential
for serious burns. Make sure the area is well ventl-
lated and free from any source of flame or sparks;
this Includes any appliance with a pllot light. Do not
smoke. Turn the ignition switch off. Be preparedfor
fuel spillage; any spilled fuel must be completely
wiped up irnmdlably.

Never drop the throttle body assy cbspeclally on a
hard surface. Such a shock to the body assy can
damage It

Air Cleaner Housing (see Air Cleaner Housing Removal)
Fuel Hose (see Fuel Hose Replacement in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter)
Throttle Sensor Connector IAl
ldle Speed Control Valve gato or Connector [B]
Intake Air Pressure Sensor Connector [C]
Fuel Injector Connectors Connector [Dl .&..J
Throttle Body Assy
For evapamtive emissin control system equipped mad-
el$, disconnect the vacuum hose [A].

Switch Housing Screws [A]
m t e the right switch housing [B].
Dismnect the throttle cable upper ends.

Disconnect the throttle cable lower ends [A].

Remove the damp [B].
Rsmove the thrattle cables from the throttle cable hdder

Throttle Body Assy Hokier Clamp Sctew [A] (Both Sides)
Remove the throttle body assy (B].
After removing the throttle body assy, stuff pieces of lint
-fnae, dean ddh into the throttle body assy holden
If dlrt got8 into the engine, excessive engine wear
and possible engine damage will occur.

TI,mUb Body Assy Installation

Be sure tn pdl!on the throUta body assy holder damp in
original podtion (see Throttle Body Assy Holder Installa-
tian in the Engine Top End chapter).
Install the tt#ottls body assy to the throttle body assy hold-
Toque Throttla Body h y Holder Clamp Bob: 2.0 N.m
(0.20 kgfin, 10 imlb)
Throttle Body Assy

end [B] into the throttle pulley.

OThe accelerator cable has a clamp [C].
lnstall the damp securely.

lnstallthe right switch housing (see Handlebar Installation

in the steering chapter).
Turn the throttle grip and make sure that the throttle pulley
moves smoothly and return by spring force.
Run the leads and hoses correctly (see Cable, Wire, and
Hose Routing section in the Appendix chapter).
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
Throttle Grip Free Play (see Throttle Control System In-
spection in the Periodic Maintenance chapter)
Throttie Body Assy Disassefnbljr

Do not remove, disassemble or adjust the throttle

sensor [A], throttle llnk mechanism [B] and throttle
body assy [C], because they are adjusted or set at
the manufacturer. Adjustment of these parts could
result in poor performance, requiring replacement
of the throttle body assy.

hard surface. Such a shock to the body assy can

Throttle Body Assy (see Throttle Body Assy Removal)
Remove the delivery pipe mounting screws [A].
Pull out the fuel injectors [B]from the throttle body assy
together with the delivery pipe [C].
ODo not damage the ins8rtEon portions of the fuel injec-
tors when they am pulled ouf fmm the thmffle body
Throttle Body Assy
8 Remove the fuel injectors [A] hwn the delivery pipe p].
1 1
ODo not damage the insertion portions of the fuel injec-
tors when they are pulledout from the deliverypipe.

Never drop the fuel injector especially on a hard
s u m . Such e shock to the fuel injector can dam-

Throttle Body Assy Assembly

8 Before assembling, blow away dirt or dust from the throttle
body and delivery pipe by applying compressed air.
8 Replace the O-rings [A] ofeach fuel injector [B] with new
8 Apply engine oil to the new O-rings, insert them to the
delivery pipe [C] and confirm whether the fuel injectors
turn smoothly or not.

8 Replace the dust seals [A] with new ones.

8 Apply engine oil to the new dust seals.
8 Installthe fuel injectors along with the delivery pipe to the
throttle body.
Toque Dellwry Plpe Mounting Screws: 3.5 Nm (0.38
kgf-m, 31 in-lb)
8 Install:
Throttle Body Assy (see Throttle Body Assy Installation)
Air Cleaner
Alr Cleaner Element RemovaUInJtallation
Refer to the Air Cleaner Element Replacement in the Pe-
riodic Maintenance chapter.
Air Cleaner Element Inspection
Remove the air cleaner element (see Air Cleaner Element
Replacement in the Periodic Maintenance chapter).
Msually check the dement [A] for tears or breaks.
*If the element has any tears or breaks, replace the ele-

Air Cleaner ON Drr&8hg

A drain cap is oonneded to the bottom of the air deaner
housingto drain water or oil accumulated in the cleaner part.
Visually check the drain cap [A], if the water or oil accw
mulabs h the cap.
*tf any water or oil aocu- in the drain cap,slide the
clamp [B] and m o v e the cap from the air cleaner hous-
ina and drain it.

Oil on tires will make them slippery and can cause

an accicbnt and Ir@ury*&.sure to ninsQll tho cap
in the ak ckener hcmsIng rlkr dmhdng.
Alr Cleaner' Houslng Removal
~ I I D V ~ :
Fuel Tank (seeFuel Tank RffwnrP/al)
D i i the intake ah tsm-

Air Cleaner Housing Mounting Bolt [A]
Air Cleaner
Slide the damps [A].
Air Switching Valve Hose [8]
Intake Air Hose [C]

.. ,
:h' ,
I. 7

SIMe the [A].

Diaconnedthe breather hose [B].

Air Cleaner Housing lnstallatlon

a Installation b the reverse of removal.
Runthe hose, caMe and leads correctly (see Cable, Wire,
and Hose R a n g section in the Appendix chapter).
T q p -Air Cleaner Housing Ckmp Bob: 2.0 N-m (0.20
- * ,. kgfin, 18 in-tb)
Air C h m r Housing Mounting Bolt: 9.8 Nm (1.0
kgf-m, 87 In-lb)
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
Fuel Tank
Fuel Tank Removal
Gasoline is extremely flammable and can be explo-
sive under certain conditions, crePtingthe potential
for setlous bums. Make sum the area Is well ventb
lated and free from any source of flame or sparks;
this includea any appliance with a pllot light. Do not
smoke. Turn t h m IgnMon w h h ofT. Disconnectthe
battery (-)terminal. To avoid fuel spills, draw it from
the tank when the engine b cold. E4a prepared for
fuei spHlage; any spilled fuei must be completely
wiped up immdlately.

Tum the ignition switch off.

Wait until the engine d s down.
Disconnect the battsry (-) terminal (seeBattery Removal
in the Electrical System chapter).
Seats (RearIFront Seat Removal in the Frame chapter)
Middle Fairings (see Middle Fairing Removal in the
Frame chapter)
Remove the bolt [A] on both sides.
Clear the projection [B] of the upper inner fairing to the
grommet on both sides.

Slide the damps [A].

Drain Hose [B]
Breather Hose [C]
Fuel Tank

8 Remove:
Fuel Tank Bolts [A]
Bracket [B]

8 Disconnect the fuel pump lead connector [A].

8 Open the fuel tank cap [A] to lower the pressure In the
ODuring tank removal, keep the tank cap open to miease
pressure in the tank. This makes fuel spillage less.

8 Draw the fuel out from the fuel tank wlth a commercially
available pump [A].
OUse a soft plastic hose p]as a pump intake hose in order
to insert the hose smoothly.
OPut the hose thmugh the fill opening [C] into the tank and
draw the fuel out. I

Spilkd fud k tfammabk and can be exploshra un-

der osrtain conditionr. The fuel can not be removed
amplebly from the fuel tank. Be canful for re-

Close b e fuel tank cap.

Fuel Tank
Pull up the rear of the fuel tank.
Be sure to place a piece of cloth around the fuel hosejoint.
W~peoff the dirt of the surface [A] around the connection
using a cloth or a soft brush.

When removlng with flat tip screwdriver

Insert the flat tip screwdriver [A] into slit on the joint lock
Turn the driver to disconnect the joint lock.
When removing with fingers
Open and push up [C] the joint lock with your fingers.
Prying or excessively widening the jolnt lock ends
for fuel hose removal will permanently deform the
joint loek, resulting in a loose or inoompkte lock
that may allow fuel to leak and c m b the potentla1
for a fire explosion. To pmvmt fir, or expltmion
frc+ma damaged)old-I do not pry or exess6hnly
widen the Join?lack ends uhen m v l n g the fuel
hose. The joint lock has a nstainlng edge that locks
around the hornins.
Pull [A] the fuel hose pint @] out of the outlet pipar. 2

Fuel is flammable and exploshro under certain con-
ditions and can cause seven burns. Be prqmred
for fuel spillage; any spilledfual must be completely
wiped up immediately. When the fuel hose Is dls-
connected, fuel spills out from the hose and the
pipe because of residual pressure. Cover the hose
connection with a pfece of clean cloth to prevent
fuel spillage.
Remove the fuel tank [A] reaward to clear the projection
[B] from the damper, and place it on a flat surface.
ODo not apply the load to the fuel pipe of the fuel pump.
Fuel Tank
Clean the pipe [A].
Cover the pipe and the hose joint [B] with the vinyl bags
[C] to keep it clean.


Fuel Tank Installation

Note the above WARNING (see Fuel Tank Removal).
Check that the dampers [A] are in place on the frame.
+If the dampers are damaged or deteriorated, replace
Runthe hases c m e d y (see Cable, W~re,and Hose Rout-
ing section in the Appendix chapter).

Insert the projections [A] of the fuel tank to the dampers


e Chads,the jdnt look for deformam and wear.
*tfthejolntlock &deformed, replace the fuel hosewitha
nem one.
Check that them are no flaws, bum, and adhesion of
farvdgn rmtdaI$ on th@pipe [A].
Apply engine ail to the pipe.

Insert the fud haw joint [A] straight onto the fuel outlast
pipe wntsl the hose joint d i d .
* Pmh the joint lock [C] until t h hose joint dim
Fuel Tank
Push and pull [A] the hose joint [B] back and forth more
than two times, and make sure it Is locked and does not
come off.

Leaking fuel can cause a flre or exploslon resulting
in serious burns. Make sure the hose Joint Is in-
stalled correctly on the dellvery pipe.
*If it comes off, reinstall the hose joint.
Connect the fuel pump lead connector and the battery (-)
terminal (see Battery Installation In the Electrical System
Install the removed parts (!me appropriate chapters).
Toque Fwl Tank 8.8 N-m (0.90 kgf-m, 78 In-lb)

Fuel Tank and Cap I n s ~ o n

Open the tank cap.
Visually inspect the gasket [A] on the tank cap for any
*Replace the tank cap if gasket is damaged.
Check to see if the water drain pipe [B] and fuel breather
pipe [C] in ths tank are not dogged. Check the tank cap
breather also.
*If they are dogged, remove the tank and drain it, and then
blow the breather free with compressed air.
Do not apply compressed air to the alr vent holes
[Dl In the tank cap. This could cause damage and
clogging of the labyrinth in the cap.
Fuel Tank Cleanlna
Gasoline and low flash-point solvents can be
flammable andlor exploalve and muso severe
bums. Clean the tank In a well-ventilated area, and
take care that them are no sparks or flame any-
when near the working arm. Do not use gasoline
or low flashwint solvenb to clean the tank.
Fuel Tank (see Fuel Tank Removal)
Fuel Pump (we Fuel Pump Removal)
Pour some high flash-point raolvent into the fuel tank and
shake the tank to mmove dirt and fuel deposits.
Draw the solvent out of the fuel tank.
Dry the tank with c o m p r e d air.
Fuel Pump (see Fuel Pump Installation)
Fuel Tank (see Fuel Tank Installation)
Evaporative Emission Control System (Equipped Models)
The Evaporative Emission Control System routes fuel va-
pors from the fuel system into the running engine or stores
the vapors in a canister when the engine is stopped. Al-
though no adjustments are required, a thorough visual in-
spection must be made at the intervals specified by the Pe-
riodic Maintenance Chart.
Parts Removalnstallation
Gasoline is extremely flammable and can ba ex-
plosive under certain conditions. Turn the ignition
switch off. Do not smoke. Make sure the area Is
well ventilated and free from any source of flame
or sparks; this includes any appliance with a pilot


1 If gasoline, solvent, water or any other liquid enters

the canister, the canister's vapor absorbing capac-
ity is greatly reduced. If the canister does become
contaminated, replace It with a new one.
8 Run the hoses correctly (see Cable, Wire, end Hose Rout-

ing section in the Appendix chapter). Make sure they do

not get pinched or kinked.
Hose Inspection
8 Refer to the Evaporative Emission Control System In-
spection (Equipped Models) in the Periodic Maintenance
Purge Valve Inspection
8 Refer to the Purge Valve Inspection.
Canister Inspection
8 Refer to the Evaporative Emission Control System In-
spection (Equipped Models) in the Periodic Maintenance
. .----;-.-. ,-.-.--


Cooling System
Table of Contents
Exploded V i........................................................................................................................
Coolant Flow Chart.................................................................................................................
Specifications .........................................................................................................................
Coolant ...................................................................................................................................
Coolant Deterioration Inspection.......................................................................................
Codant Lewd Inspech...................................................................................................
Codant Draining...............................................................................................................
Coolant Filling ...................................................................................................................
Pressure Testing ...............................................................................................................
Cooling System Flushing ..................................................................................................
Codant Resew Tank bmoval .......................................................................................
Codant Reserve Tank installation ....................................................................................
Water Pump............................................................................................................................
Water Pump Cover R m v a l ............................................................................................
Water Pump Cwer In- .........................................................................................
Water Pump Removal.......................................................................................................
Water Pump Installation....................................................................................................
Water Pump Inspection.....................................................................................................
Mechanical Seal lnspedion..............................................................................................
Mechanical Seal Removal ................................................................................................
Mechanical Seal Installation.............................................................................................
Impeller AswnMy .............................................................................................................
Water Pump Impeller I m o n.......................................................................................
Radiator and Radiator Fan Removal ................................................................................
Radiator and Radiior Fan Installation.............................................................................
Radiitor Inspection...........................................................................................................
M iCap lnspecbjon ...................................................................................................
Radiator Filler Neck Inspection.........................................................................................
Thermostat .............................................................................................................................
Thermostat Removal.........................................................................................................
Thermostat Installation......................................................................................................
Thermostat Inspdon ......................................................................................................
Water Hoses and Pipes..........................................................................................................
Water Hose Installation.....................................................................................................
Water Hose Inspedlon......................................................................................................
Water H m arrd Orkg Replacement...............................................................................
Water T m ~ Stmar m ....................................................................................................
Water- T Smmr RemovaVInstallation.............................................................
Water Temperature Sensor Inspection .............................................................................
Exploded View
Exploded View
No. I Fastener
N.m I
kafm I ft-lb

1 1 Water Tem~eratureSensor 1 12 1 1.2 1 106 in-lb I

1Reserve Tank Bolts 6.9 0.70 61 in-lb 1
3 Radiator Bolts 9.8 1.O
4 Radiator Fan Assy Mounting Bolts 8.4 0.86 74 in-lb
5 Lower Fairing Bracket Bolts 9.8 1.O
6 1 Water Pump Impeller 1 9.8 1 1.0
7 1 Coolant Drain Bolt 1 7.0 1 0.71 62 in-lb
1 8 1I Water P u m Cover
~ Bolts 1 I
9.8 1
1.0 I 87 in-tb I
9 hermo most at
Cover Bolts 1 9.8 1 1.O 1
87 in-lb I
G: Apply grease.
MO: Apply molybdenum disulfide oil solution. - - .
(mixture of the engine oil and molybdenum disulfide grease in a weight ratio 10:l)
R: Replacement Parts
Coolant Flow Chart
,. - - 7 - -,


Coolant Flow Chart '<
--- pp

1. Radiator Fan
2. Radiator Cap
3. Reserve Tank
4. Radiator Overflow Hose
5. Reserve Tank Overflow Hose
6. Cylinder Head Water Jacket
7. Water Pump
8. Thennostat Housing
9. Hot Coolant
10. Cold Coolant
Coolant Flow Chart
Permanenttype antifreezeis used as a coolantto protect the cooling system from rust and corrosion.
When the engine starts, the water pump turns and the coolant circulates.
The thermostat is a wax pellet type which opens or closes with coolant temperature changes. The
thm-wtat continuously changes its valve opening to keep the coolant temperature at the proper level.
- -
When coolant temperature is less than 80.5 83.S°C (177 182"F), the thermostat doses so that the
&ant flow is restricted through the air bleeder hole, causing the engine to warm up more quickly.
- -
When codant temperature is more than 80.5 83.S°C (177 182"F), the thermostat opens and the
coolant flows.
When the coolant temperature goes up beyond 1 W C (21g°F), the radiator fan relay conducts to
operate the radiator fan. The radiator fan draws air through the radiitor core when there is not suffi-
cient air flow such as at low speeds. This increases up the cooling action of the radiator. When the
coolant temperature is below 99°C (210°F), the fan relay opens and the radiitw fan stops.
In this way, this system controls the engine temperature within narrow limits where the engine op-
erates most efficiently even if the engine load varies.
The system is pressurized by the radiator cap to suppress boiling and the resultant air bubbles
which can cause engine overheating. As the engine warms up, the coolant in the radiator and the
water jacket expands. The excess coolant flows through the M i t o r cap and hose to the reserve tank
to be stored there temporarily. Conversely, as the engine cools down, the coolant in the radiator and
the water jacket contracts, and the stored coolant flows back to the radiator from the reserve tank
The radiator cap has two valves. One is a pressure valve which holds the pressure in the system
- -
when the engine is running. When the pressure exceeds 107.9 137.3 kPa (1.10 1-40 kgf/cm2,
15.6 19.9 psi), the pressure valve opens and releases the pressure to the resewe tank. As soon
as pressure escapes, the valve doses, and keeps the pressure at 107.9 137.3 kPa (1.10 1.40
kgfIcrnZ, 15.6 19.9 psi). When the engine cools down, another small valve (vacuum valve) in the
cap opens. As the codant cools, the coolant contracts to form a vawurn in the system. The w u m
valve opens and allows the coolant from the reserve tank to enter the radiator.
Item Standard
Coolant Provided when Shipping
Type (Recommended) Permanent type of an- (soft water and ethylene
glycol plus corrosion and rust inhibitor chemicals for
aluminum engines and radiators)
Color Green
Mixed Ratio Soft water 50%, coolant 50%
Freezing Point -35°C (-31°F)
Total Amount 1.3 L (1.4 US qt) (Resenre tank full level, including radiator
and engine)
Radiator Cap
Relief Pressure 107.9 - 137.3 kPa (1.10 - 1.40 k@/cm2, 15.6 - 19.9 psi)
Valve Opening Temperature 80.5 - 83.5"C (177 - 182°F)
Valve Full Opening Lift 8 mm (0.31 in.) or more @5"C (203'F)
Coolant Deterloration Inspection
I .:
a Remove the right middle fairing (see Middle Fairing Re
moval in the Frame chapter).
Visually inspect the coolant in the reserve tank [A].
*If whish cotton-like wafts are observed, aluminum parts
in the cooling system are corroded. If the coolant is
brown, iron or steel parts are rusting. In either case, flush
the cooling system.
*If the coolant gives off an abnormal smell, check for 6
cooling system leak. It may be caused by exhaust gas
leaking into the cooling system.
Coolant Level lnspection
a Refer to the Coolant Level Inspection in the Periodic Main-
tenance chapter.
Coolant Draining
Refer to the Coolant Change in the Periodic Maintenance
Coolant Filling
a Refer to the Coolant Change in the Periodic Maintenance
Pressure Testing
a Remove the coolant reserve tank (see Coolant Reserve
Tank Removal).
a Remove the radiator cap, and install a cooling system
pressure tester [A] on the filler neck.
0Wet the cap sealing surfaces with water or coolant to
prevent pressure leaks.
Build up pressure in the system carefully until the pres-
sure reaches 137.3 kPa (1.40 kgflcm?, 19.9 psi).
During pressure testing, do not exceed the pres-
sure for which the system is designed. The maxi-
mum pressure is 137.3 kPa (1.40 kgflcma,19.9 psi).
a Watch the gauge for at least 6 seconds.
*If the pressure holds steady, the system is all right.
*If the pressure drops and no external source is found,
check for internal leaks. Droplets in the engine oil indicate
internal leakage. Check the cylinder head gasket and the
water pump.
a Remove the pressure tester, replenish the coolant, and
install the radiator cap.
Coollng System Flushing . '-

Over a period of time, the &ling system accumulates

rust, scale, and lime in the water jacket and radiator. When
this accurnulatlon is suspected or obsenred, flush the cool-
ing systm. If this accumulation is not removed, it will clog
up the water passage and considerable reduce the effi-
ciency of the cooling systm.
Drain the d i n g system (- Coolant Change in the Pe-
riodic M a O n t m chapter).
Fill the cooling ayskrm with fresh water mixed with a flush-
ing compound.

Do not uu,a flushing compoundwhlch Is harmfulto

the aluminum engine and radiator. Carefully follow
the lnstructlonr supplM by the manufacturer of the
cleaning product
Warm up the engine, and tun it at normal operating tem-
perature for about ten minutes.
Stop the engine, and drain the coding system.
Fill the system with fresh water.
Warm up the engine and drain the system.
Repgat the pnevioub two steps OMS more.
Fill the system with a permanent type coolant and bleed
the air from the system (see W" -
a n t Change in the Peri-
odic Maintenance chapter). 9 -LC'

Coolant Reserw Tank Removal

Remove the dght middle Wing (see Middle Fairing- R e
rnoval in the Frame chapter). - =$<I . '
Slide the damp and d~~ the hose [A].
Slide the damp and disconnsct t)re hose [B] from the re
diator. .'r -
Remove: A- r,-a &$&&.;+,
Coolant Resenre Tank Bofths [C] c,dt
Coolant Reserve Tank p]
Pour the coolant into a container.
Coolant Resewdl Tank InstaIIatfon
Installation is the m e m of removal.
Run the cable and hoses cxrrrectly (seeCable, Wire, and
Hose Routrng section in the Appendix chapter).
Water Pump
Water Pump Cover Removal
Drain the coolant (see Coolant Change in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter).
Remove: 1
Right Middle Fairing (see Middle Fairing Removal in the
Frame chapter)
Clutch Cover Bolts [A]
Disconnect the water hose [B].

Water Pump Cover Bolts [A]
Water Pump Cover [B]

Water Pump Cover lnstallation

Replace the O-ring [A] with a new one.
Apply grease to the O-ring.

. - .
Be sure to install the dowel pins [A] ii p6si6d".

Install the water pump cover [A].

Toque --Wafer Pump Cover Bolts (B]: 9.8 N.m (1.0 kgf-m,
', . 87 tn4b)
l removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
l n s ~ lthe


, .
Water Pump i

7 7
Water Pump Removal fl

0 Shii the transmission into 1st gear.

a Remove the water pump cover (see Water Pump Cover
a While applying the rear brake, remove the water pump
impeller [A].
a Remove: .-
Lower Fairing Bracket Bolts [B]
Bracket [C]
Water Pump Housing [Dl
Water Pump lnstallatlon
a Replace the O-rings [A] with new ones.
a Apply grease to the O-rings.

a Be sure to install the dowel pins [A] in position.

a Install:
Water Pump Housing

Install the bracket [A].

Toque Lower Fairlng Bncket Bolts fB]: 9.8 Nm (1.0
kgf-m, 87 in-lb)
Water Pump Impeller [C]: 9.8 Nm (1.0 kgf-m, 8-
Install the removal parts (see appropriate chapters).: ':?:g
Water Pump lnspecblon
Remove the right lower fairing (see Lower Fairlng Re-
moval in the Frame chapter).
Check the drainage outfst passage [A] at the bottom of
the water pump housing for codant leaks.
W a coolant leak or ooze is found, start the engine and
check if the coolant leaks continuously.
OWhen coolant does not continuously leak, it is normal.
*If the mechanical seal is damaged, the coolant continu-
ously leaks through the drainage outlet passage. Replace
the mechanical seal unit.
f If the dl seal is damaged, engine oil leaks through the
drainage outlet passage. Replace the water pump.
water Pump
Mechanical Seal Inspctlon . .,, . . A 11
Remove the impeller (see Water Pump Removal).
Visually inspect the mechanical seal.
*If any of the parts is damaged, replace the mechanical
seal wsth a new one (see Mechanical Seal RemovaUln-
OThe sealing seat and rubber seal may be removed easily
by hand.
Impeller Seallng Seat Surface [A]
Rubber Seal [B]
Mechanical Seal Diaphragm [C]
Mechanical Seal Removal
Water Pump Housing (see Water Pump Removal)
WaW Pump Shaft
Using a suitable tool, remove the following parts from the
water pump housing.
Ball Bering [A]
Oil Seal Is]
Mechanical Seal [C]

Mechanical Seal lnstallatlon

a Uslnga suitable tod or pipe with the dimension as shown,
install the mechanical seal [A] until the flange [B] on the

-- --
mechanical seal is bottomed.
30 33 mm (1.2 1.3 in.) [C]
26 29 mm (1.0 1.1 in.) [Dl

lmpellw Assembly
Clean the sliding surface of the mechanical seal with a
high flash-point solvent, and apply a little coolant to the
sliding surface to give the mechanical seal initial lubrica-
Apply codant to the surfaces of the rubber seal [A] and
sealing seat [B], and install the rubber seal and sealing
seat into the Impeller by pressing them by hand until the
seat stops at the bottom of the hole.

Water Pump Impeller lnspectlon

Remove the water pump cover (see Water Pump Re-
a VilYy inspect the impeller [A].
+If the surface is corroded, or if the blades are damaged,
replace the impeller with a new one (see Water Pump
R n).
- 1

Radiator and Radiator Fan Removal I?

Drain the coolant (see W a n t Change in the Periodk i-
Maintenance chapter). L'
Remove the middle fairings (see Middle Fairing Removal
in the Frame chapter).
Slide the damp [A] and disconnect the water hose [B].

Slide the damp [A] and disconnect the water hose [B].
Free the hose from the damp [C].
Remove the radiator bdt [Dl.

•Retnow: ..-.A

Radiator [A]

[B]on the frame.

Do not touch the radi9bw cam. Thls could damgo
ttre radlator fins, resulting In loss of d n g dfi-

Radiator Fan Assy Mounting Bolts w]
Radiator Fan Assy

Radiator and Radiator Fan installation

Installation is the reverse of removal.
a Run the lead and hose correctly (see Cable, Wire, and
Hose Routing section in the Appendix chapter).
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
Toque -Radiator Fan Assy Mounting Bolts: 8.4 N.m (0.86
k@m, 74 inmlb)
Radiator Bolt: 9.8 N-m (1.0 kgf-m, 87 In-lb)

Radlator lnspection
a Check the radiator core.
*If there are obstructions to air flow, remove them.
*If the corrugated fins [A] are deformed, carefully
straighten them. .
*If the air passages of d e radiator core are blocked more
than 20% by unremovable obstructions or irreparably de-
formed fins, replace the radiator with a new one.

When cleaning the radiator with steam cleaner, be
careful of the following to prevent radiator damage:
Keep the steam gun [A] away mom than 0.5 m (1.6
ft) [B]from the radiator core.
Hold the steam gun perpendicular [C] (not oblique
[Dl)to the core surface.
Run the steam gun, foliowlng the core fin direction.

Radiator Cap Inspection

Right Middle Fairing (see Middle Fairing Removal in the
Frame chapter)
Coolant Reserve Tank (see Coolant Reserve Tank Re-
Radiator Cap
Check the condition of the bottom [A] and top [B] valve
*If any one of them shows visible damage, replace the cap
with a new one.
Install the cap [A] on a cooling system pressure tester [B].
OWet the cap sealing surfaces with water or coolant to
prevent pressure leaks.
Watching the pressure gauge, pump the pressure tester
to build up the pressure until the relief valve opens: the
gauge needle flicks downward. Stop pumping and mea-
sure leak time at once. The relief valve must open within
the specified range in the table below and the gauge hand
must remain within the same range at least 6 seconds.

- -
Radiator Cap Relief Pressure
Standard: 107.9 137.3 kPa (1.10
19.9 psi)
- 1.40 kgflcma,15.6 . . .

*If the cap can not hold the specified pressure or if it holds ,

too much pressure, replace it with a new one.

-Q-"cr- -- .?.. - - - 7--- --
Radiator . *.

Radiator Filler Neck Inspection

Right Middle Fairing (see Middle Fairing Removal in the
Frame chapter)
Coolant Reserve Tank (see Coolant Reserve Tank Re-
Radiator Cap
Check the radiator filler neck for signs of damage.
Check the condition of the top and bottom sealing seats
[A] in the filler neck. They must be smooth and dean for
the radiator cap to functioqproperly.

i .
Thermostat Removal
a Drain the coolant (see ~ w k n ~t h z " ~inethe
Maintenance chapter).
'* -
a Remove:
I .a

Left Middle Fairing (see Middle Fairing Removal in the

Frame chapter)
Thermostat Cover Bolts [A]
.. 4 ' 4 .
. * &:

a Move the thermostat cover and remove the thermostat


i ; '

#. '

Thermostat Installation l
a Install the thermostat.
OPlace the frame [A] of the thermostat under the ribs [B] on
the cylinder head. .-*
OPlace the air bleeder hole [C] to the top as shown.

a Replace the O-ring [A] with a new one.

Apply grease to the O-ring.
a Tighten:
- ,

Toque Thennostat Cover Bob: 9.8 N-m (1.O kgf-m, 87
a Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).


To check valve opening temperature, suspend the ther-

turn of the water.
OThe thermmtat must be aomplet8ly mtwnergied and must
not touch the container ddes or bottom. Suspend an ac-
curate thsnnemetrw in the eZK)that the heat sen-
It must not tMlCh the am?ainer,eithsr.
+If the merrwrement is out af thi~s p d k d rmg%,replace
Water Hoses and Pipes
Water Hose lnstallatlon
Install the hoses and pipes, being careful to follow bend-
ing direction. Avoid sharp bending, kinking, flattening or
Run the hoses (see Cable, Wire, and Hose R~uting sec-
tion in the Appendix chapter).
a Install the clamp [A] as near as possible to the hose end
to clear the raised rib of the fitting. This will prevent the
hoses from working loose.

Water Hose lnspectlon

Hose and Pipe Inspection in the Peri-
a Refer to the Water
odic Maintenance chapter.
Water Hose and M n g Replacement
Refer to the Water Hose and O-ring Replacement in the
Periodic Maintenance chapter.
- --- - - - .- - I - -


Water Temperature Sensor

lo& to fall on o hard surface. Such a shock to the

Water Temperature Sensor RemovaAnnstallation

Refer to the Water Temperature Sensor RemovaVlnstal-
lation in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter.
Water Temperature Sensor Inspection
Refer to the Water Tmperature Sgnaor Inspection in the
Eledrical System chapter.
. --
- -- - --


Engine Top End

Table of Contents
Exploded View ................................... Cylinder Head Installation............
Exhaust System ldentffication ........... Cylinder Head Warp Inspection ...
Specifications ............. ............... . .
. . .... Valves ........ . . ....
...................... ... . ........
Special Tools and Sealants ............... Valve Cbrance Inqmtkm .........
Clean Air System............................... h l v e Clearance Adjustment .......
Air Sudion Valve Removal ........... Valve Removal.............................
Air Sudion Valve Installation ........ Valve Installation..........................
Air Sucbion h l v e Inspection ........ Valve Guide Removal ..................
Air SwltcRi Valve Removal ....... Valve Guide Installation ...............
Air Switching Valve Installation.... Vahrstdjuide Clearance
Air Switching Valve Operation Measurement (Wobble
... ..
Tat.. .......... .. .............. .......
... Method).... .. . ......... ... ..
. . ..... .........
Air Switching Valve Unit Test ....... Valve Seat lnspedion ..................
Clean Air System Hose Valve Seat Repair ........................
Inspection... .. .. .. ........... .......
. ...... Cylinder, Pistons................................
Cylinder Head Cover ......................... Cylinder Removal.........................
Cylinder Head Cover Removal .... Cylinder I& Watlocl...........
Cylinder Head Cover Installation. P i Removal......................... .
Camshaft Chain Tengioner ................ Piton Installation.........................
Camshaft Chain Tensher Cy('Mder wear Inspection.............
... ...... . ... . .
Removal....... . ..... .. . ... . . Pistonwear InspecZion................
Camshaft Chain Tensioner Piston Ring, Piston Ring Groove
Installation ......................
........... Wear Inspection........................
C m s M t , Camshaft Chain ............... Pi* Ring Groove WCdth
Camshaft Removal ...................... .
Inspection.............................. ...
Camshaft lnstallafhn ................... P i Ring Thickness Inspection
Camshaft, Camshaft Cap Wear P i Ring End Gap Inspection..
Inspection.. ............................
.... Throttle Body Assy Holder .................
Camshaft Runout Inspection........ Throffle Body Assy Holder
Cam Wear Inspection .................. Installation .......... . .. . . .
. ........ . . ... ...
Camshaft Chain Removal............ Muffler.. ......... .... . . ..
.... ..... ........*. ..........
Camshaft cham Irnlatkn ......... Muffler Body Removal..................
Cylinder Head .................................... Exhawt Pipe Removal.................
Cylinder Compression MufRer Body and Exhaust Pipe
.... ..
Measurement . ........ .. ........... Installation.................. .... ...........
Cyliier Head Removal...............
aploded View
Exploded View

8 Throttle Body Assy Holder Bolts 12 1.2 106 in-lb

9 Throttle Body Assy Holder Clamp Bolts 2.0 0.20 18 in4b
10 Camshaft Sprocket Bdts 20 2.0 15 L
11 Camshaft Chain Tensioner Cap Bolt 20 2.0 15
12 Camshaft Chain Tensioner Mounting Bolts 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb
13 Rear Camshaft Chain Guide Bolt 17 1.7 13
14 Lower Cam- Chain Guide Bolt 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb
EO: Apply engine oil.
G: Apply grease.
L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.
LG: Apply liquid gasket
M: Apply molybdenum disulfide grease.
MO: Apply molybdenum disulfide oil solution.
(mixture of the engine oil and molybdenum disutfide mseln e weight ratio 10:l)
R: Replacement Parts
S: Follow the specified tightening sequence.
aploded View
Exploded Vlew

Toque Remarks
No. Fartantar a

Nm k9f.m R4b
1 Muffler Body Mounting Bolt 25 2.5 18
2 Muffler End Cover Botts
- - ~- 4.4
.. . 0.45
- - .- 39 in-lb I

3 Muffler Cover Bolt 4.4 0.45 7
39 in-lb
4 Exhaust Pipe Holder Nuts 12 1.2 106 in-lb S
5 Oxygen Sensor 25 2.5 18
6 Muffler Cover Clamp E M 6.9 0.70 61 in-lb
7 Muffler Body Clamp Bolt 10 1.O 89 in4b
G: Apply grease.
R: Replacement Parts - - %
S: Follow the specified tightening
- .- sequence.
Exhaust System Identification
Exhaust System


Honeycornb Type W A (FULL) EX400GJ

with Oxygen
.---. Non Catalyst AU EX400GJ
-PINO. 18091-1133
Mark: KHI K 670
- TH EX400GJ
~/NO. 39178-0295 EPA Noise Emission SEA-B1 EX400GJ
Mark: KHI M 191 SEA-B3 EX400GJ
Control Information

Honeycomb V p e Non Catalyst US

1 . 1 . 1 1 - 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 1

C.blyrtwlthOxygen '~1~0.18091-1133
0 .
1 .
- Mark: KHI K 670 - CAL
PlNo. 39178-0315 EPA Noise Emission
Mark: KHI M 194 CA
Control Information

Honeycornb V p e Non Catalyst


cab'pt Wtth Oxygen

- 1-1.
- PMark:
INO. 180911 133
KHI K 670
P/No. 39178-0317 EPA Noise Emission
Mark: KHI M 201
Control Information

Manifold Mark Position [A]

Muffler Mark Position [B]
Exhaust System Identification
Pmo. 39178-0295,0317
Honeycomb Type Catalyst Position [A]
Oxygen Sensor Mounting Hole [B]

Pmo. 39178-0315
Honeycomb Type Catalyst Position [A]
Oxygen Sensor Mounting Hole [B]
Standard Sewice Limit
Cam Height:
Exhaust - -
32.743 32.857 mm (1.2891 1.2936 in.) 32.64 mm (1.285 in.)
lntake - -
33.743 33.857 mm (1.3285 1.3330 in.] 33.64 mm (1.324 in.)
Camshaft JoumalICap
0.038 0.081 mm (0.0015 0.0032 in.) -
0.17 mm (0.0067 in.)

Camshaft Journal Diameter

. .
- -
23.940 23362 mm (0.94252 0.94338 23.91 mm (0.9413 in.)

camshaft Bearing lnside

Diameter in.)
24.000 24.021 mm (0.&4&- 0.94571 24.08 mm (0.9480 in.)

Camshaft Runout TIR 0.02 mm (0.0008 in.) or less TlR 0.1 mm (0.004 in.)
Cylinder Head
Cylinder Compression (Usable Range)
1 050 1598 kPa (10.71 16.30 kgflcmi,
152.3 231.7 psi) @50Q rimin (rpm)
Cylinder Head Warp 0.05 mm (0.002 in.)
Valve Clearance:
Exhaust 0.25 - 0.31 mm (0.0098 - 0.0122 in.)
lntake 0.13 - 0.19 mrn (0.0051 - 0.0075 in.)
Valve Head Thickness:
Exhaust 0.8 mm (0.031 in.) 0.7 mm (0.03 in.)
lntake 0.5 mm (0.020 in.) 0.3 mm (0.01 in.)
Valve Stem Bend TIR 0.01 mm (0.0004 in.) or less TIR 0.05 mm (0.002 in.]
Valve Stem Diameter:
Exhaust 4.455 - 4.470 mm (0.1754 - 0.1760 in.) 4.44 mm (0.175 in.)
lntake 4.475 - 4.490 mm (0.1762 - 0.1768 in.) 4.46 mm (0.176 in.)
Valve Guide lnside Diameter:
Exhaust 4.500 - 4.512 mm (0.1772 - 0.1776 in.) 4.58 mm (0.180 in.)
lntake 4.500 - -
4.512 mm (0.1772 0.1776 in.) 4.58 mm (0.180 in.)
ValveNalve Guide
Clearance (Wobble Method):
Exhaust -
0.08 0.16 mm (0.0031 0.0063 in.) - 0.35 mm (0.014 in.)
lntake -
0.03 0.1 0 mm (0.0012 0.0039 in.) - 0.29 rnrn (0.011 in.)
Valve Seat Cutting Angle 32", 45", 60'
Valve Seating Surface:
Outside Diameter:
Exhaust 22.9 - 23.1 mm (0.902 - 0.909 in.)
lntake 26.9 - 27.1 mm (1.06 - 1.07 in.)
Exhaust 0.8 - 1.2 mm (0.031 - 0.047 in.)
lntake 0.5 - 1.0 mm (0.020 - 0.039 in.)
Valve Spring Free Length:
Exhaust 36.9 mm (1.& ln.) -' - , -? 13 - :i
35.5 mm (I .40 in.)
lntake 36.9 mm (1.45 in.) 35.5 mm (1.40 in.)
1- 7


Item Standard Senrice Umit
Cylinders, Pistons
Cylinder Inside Diameter -
69.994 70.010 mm (2.7557 2.7563 in.) - 70.09 mm (2.759 in.)
Piston Diameter -
69.967 69.982 mm (2.7546 2.7552 in.) - 69.82 mm (2.749 in.)
Pistdcylinder Clearance -
0.012 0.043 mm (0.0005 0.0017 in.)- ---
Piton Ring/Gmve
TOP 0.030 - 0.070 mm (0.0012 - 0.0028 in.) 0.17 mm (0.0067 in.)
Second 0.020 - 0.060 mm (0.0008 - 0.0024 in.) 0.16 mm (0.0063 in.)
Piston Ring Groove Width:
TOP 0.82 - 0.84 mm (0.0323 - 0.0331 in.) 0.92 mm (0.0362 in.)
Second 0.81 - 0.83 mm (0.0319 - 0.0327 in.) 0.91 mm (0.0358 in.)
Piston Ring Thickness:
TOP 0.77 - 0.79 mm (0.030 - 0.031 in.) 0.70 mm (0.028 in.)
Second 0.77 - 0.79 mm (0.030 - 0.031 in.) 0.70 mm (0.028 in.)
Piston Ring End Gap:
TOP 0.15 - 0.30 mm (0.006 - 0.012 in.) 0.6 mm (0.02 in.)
Second -, - 'i60.56 - 0.66 mm (0.022 - 0.026 in.) 1.0 mm (0.04 in.)

Special Tools and Sealants
Compression Gauge, 20 kgflcma: Valve Seat Cutter, 60' - 430:
I i

I 8TSllllJ8T 0

Valve Sprlng Compressor Assembly: Valve Seat Cutter Holder Bar:

57001-241 57001-1128

1 8TllOI411T 0
I 1711118181 0

Piston Pln Pullw Assembly: Valve Sprlng Complvuor Adapter, 420:

570014 10 57001-1154

I 1111111411 0

I 1

Valve Seat Cutter, 4!i0 427.5: Compression Gauge Adapter, MI0 x 1.0:

I I ST611J11&1 6

Valve S a t Cutter, 32' - 428: Valve Seat Cutter Holder, 44.5:

57001-1119 57001-1330
-. -. - -

Special Tools and Sealants

Valve Guide Arbor, q54.5: Piston Pin Puller:
s 3.

57001-1331 57001-1588

I I 811111mT 0

Filler Cap Driver: Uquld Gasket, TB1211F:

57001-1454 A

I IT1714IU1 Q
I $S
-T C

Valve Guide Drhnr: Liquid Gasket, TB1216B:

57001-1564 92104-1064
I i I I
Clean Air System
Air Suction Valve Removal
Air Cleaner Housing (see Air Cleaner Housing Removal
in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter)
Air Switching Valve [A]
Air Suction Valve Cover Bolts [B]
Raise the air suction valve cover [C] and remove the air
suction valve.

Alr Suction Vaive installation

air suction valve [A].
lInstall the
OFace the wider side p]of the valve forward.
Toque Air Suction Valve Covsr Bolts :9.8 Nnr (1.0 kgf*.,
87 In-lb)
lInstall the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).

Air Sudon Valve l ~ ~ ~ p e d o n

. W l y inspect the Whi [A] for cracks,folds, warp,
heat damage or other damage.
gmmm, emtcheg, any Wns of mpamtion b r n the
arms, mpka the alr suction valve as
*If any cLHbon or other foreign particles latsd

vghlb) d e 4 y l w n t r a h i h f l ~ ~

Air S h d W h g V ' Ramova/

*R e m :
f3ightMiddle Fairing (seeMiddie Faking R m in Zhs
Frame -1
-D the ccmecbx [A].
Slidethg PI.
. M s o o r m e d ~ ~ [ C ~ P l w n ~ & ~ ~ a h r e ~
and air chmer W n g fitting, rand remove ths air switch.-
ing vahre assembly.
.- z- -- <


Clean Air System
Hoses [A]
Damper [B]
Air switching Valve [C]

Never drop the air switching valve especially on

a hardsumce. Such a shock to the air switching
valve can damaged it.

Air Switching Valw Installatton

Installation is the reverse of removal.
Run the lead and hoses corredly (seeCable, Wim, and
Hose Routing section in the Appendix chapter).
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
Air Switching Valve Opesgtion Test
Refer to the Air Suction System Damage Inspection in the
Periodic Maintenance chapter.
Air Switching Valve Unlt Test
Refer to the Air Switching Valve Unit Test in the Electrical
System chapter.
Clean Air System Hose lnsjwdlion
Be certain that all the bses are routed without being fiat-
tened or kinked, and are connected conectSy to the ak
cleaner housing, air switching valve and air suction valve
*If they are not, correct them. Replace them if they are
- - --

Cylinder Head Cover

Cylinder Head Cover Removal
Air Suction hhre (see Alr Suction Valve Removal)
Stidc Coils (seeWdc Coil R m l in the Elwbkal S p
Cylinder Head Colrer Bolts [A]
Cylinder Head Cover [B]

Cylinder Head C o w lns&IIaffon II

Replace the Mcover gasket with a new one.
Clean off any oil or dirt and apply liquid gasket to the
groove [A] of the cylinder head cover.
Seaknt Uquid IG.rkut, TB1211F: 921044004
OM&% the t&htming the cyhderhxi m w r bdfs finish
widhin 80 minutes ttm ~ ~ t rp-t
i d is a p p t ~ .
Install the gasket to the cylinder head cover.

Apply liquidw k e t [A] to the head cover g d w t as shown.

Sealant Liquid Gmket, TB12168: 92104-1064
OMake the tightening the cylinder head dsor bdts fin&
wifhin 30 minutes when the liquid $askst is applied.

Replace the waghers [A] with new ones.

Install the wtfshm with metal side faces upward.
Toqua eyllnd.t Head Cover Bob: 0.8 Nm (1.0 kgfm, 87
Install the rrsRKIvaed parts (see appropriate chapters).
-----T--T,--. ,- 7 - .-av-


Camshaft Chain Tensioner 4

-Camshaft Chain Tensioner Removal

This Is a nonretum type camshaft chain tensioner.
The push rod does not return to Its origlnal position
once It moves out to take up camshaft chain slack.
Observe all the rules listed below.
When removing the tertsloner, do not take out the
mounting bolts only halfway. Retightming the
mountlng bolts from this position could damage
the tensioner and thg camshaft chain. Once the
bolts are loorend, the tensloner must be removed
and reset as described in "Camshaft Chain Ten-
sioner Inaallatlon."
Do not turn over the cmkbhaft while the tensioner
is removed. This could upset the camshaft chain
timing, and damage the valves.

Remove: .- .,"
Right Middle Fai- (see ~ i d d l e
Faiting Removal in the
Frame chapter)
Frame Bracket Bolts [A]
Right Frame Bracket (81

cap [A1
Washer jBl

. .
Remove: 'r

W ' K I [A1 ,

a '
,& 3


' -<;.
: :
' I
Camshaft Chain Tensioner
Camshaft Chain Tensloner InstaIIatlon
Replace the O-ring [A] with a new one.
Apply grease to the new O-ring.
Adjust the p i t i o n of push rod [B].
O l n d it fully.
OPull wt it as shown.
6 Notches [C] (5 clicks)

Install the tensioner body [A] so that the stopper races

Tighten the tensioner mounting bolts [B].
Toque Camshaft Chaln Tensioner Mounting Bolts: 9.8
N-m (1.0 kern, 87 in-lb)

sprins [A1
Washer [B]
Torque Camshaft Chain Tensioner Cap Bolt [C]: 20 N-m
(2.0 kgfm, 15 ft-lb)

Right Frame Bracket
Toque Frame Bracket Bob: 34 N-m (3.5 kwm, 25 R-lb)
OTighten the front side bolt first.
Install the dght middle fairing (see Middle Fairing Installa-
tion in the Frame chapter).
Camshaft, Camshaft Chain
Camshaft Removal
Cylinder Head Cover (see Cylinder Head Cover Re-
lming Inspection Cap [A]
Alternator Rotor Bolt Cap [B]
Special Tool - F i l k Cap Driver: 57001-1454

Position the crankshaft at the specified angle.

OUdng a wrench on the aYtemarQwrotor bob, b m the mnk-
shaft wntedmkwise until the line without charactem [A]
on the alternator rotor is aligned with the gmve [B] in the
inspection window.

Remove: -- .

Camghaft Chain Tmsloner (see Camshaft Chain Ten-

sioner Ramoval)

Loosen the camshaft cap bdts gradually and evenly as
shown sequence [I 121 and remove them.

Camshaft Cap [A]
Upper Chain Guide [B]
Dowel Pins
O-rings [C]
Stuff a dean doth into the drain tunnel to keep any parts
from dropping into the crankcase.

Camhaft Sprocket Bolts [A]
Camshaft Sprockets [B]

fhe crankshaft may be tumad while the camshafts

us nmoved Alwaya pull th.chain taut whlle tum-
ing the mnbhaft. This mi&kinking the chain
on ths lower (crankshaft) sprocket. A kinked chain
could damage both the chaln and the sprocket.
Camshaft, Camshaft Chain
Camshaff lnstallatlon
Install the camshaft sprockets as shown.
Exhaust [A]
lntake [B]
OThe exhaust camshaft has the groove [C].
Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the threads of
the camshaft sprocket bolts [Dl and tighten them.
Toque -Camshaft Sprocket Bob: 20 N-m (2.0 kgf-m, 15
Apply molybdenum disuffide oil solution to all cam parts
and journals.
*If a new camshaft is to be used, apply a thin coat of molyb-
denum disulfide grease to the cam surfaces.

it2 a BallUU3 1

Pour the engine oil into the position [A] as shown.

Position the crankshaft at the specified angle (see

Camshaft Removal).
-- --
The crankshaft may be turned while the camshafts
are removed. Always pull the chain taut whlle turn-
ing the crankshaft. This avoids kinking the chain
on the lower (crankshaft) sprocket. A kinked chain
could damage both the chain and the sprocket.

Engage the camshaft chain with the camshaft sprockets.

OPull the tension side (exhaust side) of the chain taut to
install the chain on the sprockets.
OThe shorter timing marks [A] align with the cylinder head
upper surface.
Exhaust [B]
Intake [C]
Camshaft, Camshaft Chain
OCount the camshaft chain link pins as shown to verify that
the sprocket are positioned corredly.

Replace the O-rings [A] with nerw ones.

Applygmwtotha OsOngs.
Dawel Pins I[B]
Upper Chain Guide
Canwhatt Cap

First tighten the all camahaft cap bolts evenly to seat the
camshaftin place, then tighten all boltsfollowing the qtw
ifmd tightening sequenoe [I 121.
Torqum C m M t Cap 6 o b : 12 Nm (12 kgfm, 106 in-lb)

Camshaft Chain T~~
sioner Instal-)
(see Camshaft Chain Ten-
nator mtor is alignad with the groove IB]in the Inpedm
Camshaft, Camshaft Chain
Check that the timing marks on the camshaft sprockets
are align with the cylinder head upper surface [A].
Intake Side Timing Mark [B] (IN)
Exhaust Side Timing Mark [C] (EX)

Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).

Camshaft, Camshaft Cap Wear Inspection

Upper Chain Guide (see Camshaft Removal)
Camshaft Cap (see Camshaft Removal)
Cut the strips of plastigauge (press gauge) to journal
width. Place a strip on each journal parallel to the
camshaft installed in the correct position.
Tighten the camshaft cap bolts (see Camshaft Installa-
ODo not turn the camshaff when the plastigauge is be-
tween the journal and camshafi cap.

Remove the camshaft cap again, measure each clear-

ance between the camshaft journal and the camshaft cap
using the plastsgauge (press gauge) [A].

Standard: -
Camshafl JournaUCap Clearance
0.038 0.081 mm (0.0015 - 0.0032 in.)
Service Limit: 0.17 mm (0.0067 in.)
*If any clearance exceeds the service limit, measure the
diameter of each camshaft journal with a micrometer.
Camshaft Journal Diameter
23.940 23.962 mm (0.94252
- 0.94338

Sewice Limit: 23.91 mm (0.9413 in.)

*If the camshaft journal diameter is less than the senrice
limit, replace the camshaft with a new one and measure
the clearance again.
*If the clearance still remains out of the service limit, re-
place the cylinder head unit.
Camshaft, Camshaft Chain
Camshaft Runout inspection
a Remove the camshafts (seeCamshaft Removal).
a Set the cemshafk In a camshaft alignment jig or on V
a Measure the runout with a dial gauge at the specified
place as shown.
*If the runout exceeds the service limit, replace the
Camshaft Runout
Standard: RR 0.02 mm (0.00a8 in.) or lma
Service Umt: l l R 0.1 mm (0.001 in.)

Cam Wear Impecllon

a Remove the camshafts (see Camshaft Removal).
a Measure the height [A] d each cam with a mkrumeter.
f If the cams are worn down past the s e h limit, replace
the camshaft.
Cam Height
Exhaust - -
32.743 32.857 mm (19891 1.2936 in.)
Intake - -
33.743 33.857 mm (1.3285 1.3330 in.)
Service U m k
Exhaust 32.64 mm (1285 in.)
Intake 33.64 mm (1.324 in.)

CamshaR Chain Removal

Clutch Cover (see Clutch Cover Removal in the Clutch
Camshafts (see Camshaft Removal)
Lower Camshaft Chain Guide Bolt [A]
Lower Camshaft Chain Guide [B]

Front Cgmshaft Chain Guide [A]
Camshaft Chain p]
Camshaft. Camshaft Chaln
Camshaft Chaln installation
Engage the camshaft chain [A] to the spmket on the c
crankshaft [B]. f ,.-
a Install:
Front Camshaft Chain Guide [C] - .
OFit the chain guide in front of the rib [Dl on the crankcase.
OFit the projections [El of the chain guide to the inside wall
of the cylinder head. ..+.!
I.~? ,-
I -
a Install:
Lower Camshaft Chain Guide [A]
a Tighten:
Toqua Lower Camshaft Chain Guide Bolt (B]: 9.8 N-m(1.0
kgfam, 87 in-lb) k7za
Cylinder Head
Cylinder Compression Measurement
OUse the battery whkh is fully charged.
Warm up the engine thoroughly.
Stop the engine.
Air Cleaner Housing (see Air Cleaner Housing Removal
in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter)
Stick Coils (see Stick Coil Removal in the ElectricalSys-
tem chapter)
Spark Plugs (see Spark Plug Replacement in the Peri-
odic Maintenance chapter)
Attach the compression gauge [A] and adapter [B] firmly
into the spark plug hole.
Usingthe starter motor, twn the mineover with thethrot-
tleUlyopen untilthe compmsb-gauge stops rising; the
compression is the highest reading obtainable.
Special ~ o o b~ompmsion huge, 20 kgf~cm~:57001-;~21 1
Campmuion Gauge Adapter, MI0 x 1.0:
- -
Cylinder Compression
-- el

Usable Range: 1 050 1 508 kPa (10.71 18.30 kgflcma,
152.3 231.? psl) @00rlmin (rpm)

Repeat the measurement for the other cylinder.

Install the spark plugs.
Torque Spark Plugs: 13 Nm (1.3 kgfm, 115 In-lb)

OThe following table hould be consulted if the obtainable con p m s b reading is not within the us-
able range.
Problem Diagnosis I Remedy (Action)
Cylinder compssia Carbon accumulation on piston and in I Remove the c a r h deposits
is higher than usable combustion chamber possibly due to and replace damaged parts if
range. damaged valve stem oil seal and/or necessary.
damaged piston oil rings (This may be
indicated by white exhaust smoke). I
Incorrect cylinder head gasket Replace the gasket with a standard
thickness part.
Cvlinder cornwessiol Gas leakage around cylinder head Replace the damaged gasket and
is-lower than'usable check the cylinder head warp.
range. Bad condition of vakre seatina Repair if necessary.
Incorrect vatve dearance Adjust the valve dearance.
Incorrect pistonlcylinder dearance Replace the piston andlor cylinder.
P i n seizure lnsped the cylinder and
replacelrepairthe cylinder andlor
piston as necessary.
Bad condition of piston ring and/or Replace the piston andlor the
piston ring grooves piston rings.
Cylinder Head
Cylinder Head Removal
W a n t (see Coolant Change in the Periodic Mainte-
nance chapter)
a Remove:
Cylinder Head Cover (see Cylinder Head Cover Re-
Camshafts (see Camshaft Removal)
Thermostat Housing (see Thermostat Housing Removal
in the Cooling System chapter)
Throttle Body Assy (seeThrottle Body Assy Removal in
the Fuel System (DFI) chapter)
Exhaust Pipe (see Exhaust Pipe Removal)
Front Camshaft Chain Guide [A]
a Disconnect:
Water Temperature Sensor Connector [B]

Support the engine with a suitable jack [A].

Front Engine Mounting Bolt [A] (Both Sides)
Middle Engine Mounting Bolt [B] (Both Sides)
Collars (Left Side)
M6 Cylinder Head Bdts [C]
a.8 _ ENGINE TOP END 5-25
Cylinder Head
M9 Cylinder Head Bolts [A]
Cylinder Head


Cylinder Head lnstallatJon

OThe camshaft q is machined with the cylinder head,
so if a new cV,Mw heed is installed, use the cap that
is supplied with the new head.

Replace the cylinder head gasket [A] with a new one.

Install: A

Dowel Pins [B]

Replacethecylinderheadbdtwewherswith newones.
Apply mdyWenum diinsde oil solution to both sides [A]
of the cylinder head bott washers [B] and the threads of
the head bdts [C].

Firstly, tighten the M9 cyiindsr head bolts temporarily fol-

lowing the specified sequence [I 61. -
Next, tighten the M9 cylinder head bdts following the
specified sequence [I 81.
Torque -Cylinder Houl Bdb (Y9): 20 Nm (2.0 kgfm, 15
Cylinder Head
Finally, tighten the M9 bolts 120" fZO following above
specified sequence [I 61.
OMark [A] the cylinder head and the bolts so that the bolts
can be turned 120" [B] properly.
OTighten the hexagon bolt by 2 comers.

OThe bolts can be tightened by using a torque angle gauge


61- S

Toque -Cylinder Head Bolts (Me) [A]: 12 N m (1.2 kgfom,
106 in-lb)
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).

Cylinder Heed HFarp Inspection

Clean the cylinder head.
Lay a straightedge acrossthe lower surface of the cylinder
head at several positions.
Use a thickness gauge [A] to measure the space between
the straightedge [B] and the head.
Cylinder Head Warp
Standard: - --
Service Umlt: 0.05 mm (0.002 in.)
*If the cylinder head is warped more than the service limit,
replete it.
+If the cylinder head is warped less than the servica limit,
repair Zhe head by rubbing the bvw surface on emery
paper secured to a surface plate (first No. 200, then No.
Valve Clearance inspection
Refer to the Valve Clearance Inspection in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter.
Valve Clearance Adjustment
a Refer to the Valve Clearance Adjustment in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter.
Valve Removal
Cylinder Head (see Cylinder Head Removal)
Valve L i i r and Shim
OMark and m r d the valve l i e r and shim locationsso they
can be installed in their original positions.
Using the valve spring compressor assembly, remove the
Speclal Tools -Valve Spring Comprersor Aswmbty [A]:
Valve Spring Compressor Adapter, 420 [B]:
Vahe Instsllation
Replace the oil seal with a new one.
Apply engine oil to the lip of the oil seal.
Apply a thin coat of molybdenum disulfide grease to the
valve stem before valve installation.
Install the spring so that the dosed coil end faces down-
Valve Stem [A]
Spring Seat [8]
Valve Spring [C]
Oil Seal [Dl
Retainer [El
Split Keepers [fl
Closed Coil End [GI
Valve Gulde Removal
Valve (see Valve Removal)
Oil seal
spring Seat

- -
Heat the area around the valve guide to 120 150°C (248
302'F), and hammer lightly on the valve guide arbor [A]
to remove the guide frwn the top of the head.

Do not heat the cylinder head with a torch. This will

warp the cyllnder head. Soak the cyllnder head in
oil and heat the dl.
S w i r l Tool Valve Guido Arbor, 44.5: 57001-1331
Valve Guide installation
Apply engine oil to the valve guide outer surface before
Heat the area around the valve guide hde to about 120
150°C (248 302°F).

Usingthe valve guide driver [A] and washer [B], press and
insert the valve guide in until the washer surface touches
the head surface [C].
- -
15.3 15.5 mm (0.602 0.610 in.) [Dl
Spacial Tools -Valve Guide Driver: 57001-1564
Washer: 57001-1720

Wait until the cylinder head cools down and then ream the
valve guide with the valve guide reamer [A] even if the d d
guide is reused.
OTurn the reamer in a dockwise direction until the reamer
turns freely in the guide. Never turn the reamer counter-
clockwise or it will be dulled.
OOnce the guides are reamed they must be cleaned thor-
Special Tool Valve Guide Reamer, @.5: 57001-1333

Valve-to-Gulde Clearance Measurement (Wobble

If a small bore gauge is not available, inspect the valve
guide wear by measuring the valve to valve guide clearance
with the wobble method as indicated below.
Insert a new valve [A] into the guide [B] and set a dial
gauge against the stem perpendicular to it as dose as
possible to the cylinder head mating surface.
Move the stem back and forth [C] to measure valvehalve
guide dearance.
Repeat the measurement in a direction at a right angle to
the first.
*If the reading exceeds the senrice limit, replace the guide.
OThe reading is not actual v a h h I v e guide clearance
because the measuring point is above the guide.

ValveNah Guide Clearance (Wobble Method)

Exhaust -
0.08 0.16 mm (0.0031 0.0063 In.) -
Intake -
0.03 0.10 mm (0.0012 0.0038 In.) -
Service Limit:
Exhaust 0.35 mm (0.014 In.)
Intake 023 mm (0.011 in.)

Valve Seat Inspedon

Rernwe the valve (see hive Removal).
Chedc the valve seating surface [A] betweenthe valve [8]
and valve seat [C].
OMeasure the outside diameter [Dl of the seating pattern
on the valve seat.
*If the outside diameter is too large or too small, repair the
seat (see Valve Seat Repair).
Valve Seating Surface Outside Diameter
Exhaust 22.9 23.1 mm (OM2 0.909 In.)-
Intake 26.9 27.1 mm (1.06 1.07 in.)-
OMeasure the seat width [El of the pation where there is
no buikkrp carbon (white pation)of the valve seat with a
vernier caliper.
Good m
*If the width is too wide [GI, too n a m [ti] or uneven [J],
repair the seat (see Valve Seat Repair).
Valve Seatlng Surface Width
Standard: +. -
Exhaust -
0.8 1.2 mm (0.031 - 0.047 In.)
Intake -
0.5 1.0 mm (0.020 - 0.039 In.)

Valve Seat Repair

Repair the valve seat wlth the valve seat cutters [A].
Special Todr -Wva Seat Cuttsr Holder Bar [B]: 5700"1
V a h &at CutW Holder, M.5 [C]: 57001
Valve SO& Cuttw, 45' 427.5: 510011114
Valva Seat CuUor, 32' 428: 57001-1119
V a h &at C W , 60' +30: 57001-1123
*If the manufacturer's- i are not available, use
the following p&um.
Seat Cutter Operation Care
1. This valve seat cutter is developed to grind the valve for
repair. Therefore the cutter must not be used for other
purposes than seat repair.
2. Do not drop or shock the valve seat cutter, or the dia-
mond partides may fall off.
3. Do not fail to apply engine oil to the valve seat cutter
before grinding the seat surface. Also wash off ground
particles sticking to the cutter with washing oil.
O h not use a wire brush to remove the metal particles
from the cutter. It will take off the diamond particks.
4. Setting the valve seat cutter holder in position, operate
the cutter in one hand. Do not apply too much force to
the diamond portion.
OPrior to grinding, apply engine oil to the cutter end dur-
ing the operation, wash off any ground particles sticking
to the cutter with washing oil.
5. After use, wash it with washing oil and apply thin layer
of engine oil before storing.
Marks Stamped on the Cutter
The marks stamped on the back of the cutter [A] represent
the following.
60" ........................... Cutter angle [B]
37.54 ....................... Outer diameter of cutter [C]

w w - m
~ t t h e ~ ~ ~ i n i s r s d y e .
F i t a 4 5 * uitbrinbthe hdcWMd sNde It into the valve
Press down iiitly on the handle and turn it rigM ar lef't.
Orkrd the d r v g surf&% only until it b m t ' h .
Do nat grind the soat too much. Overgrinding Wll
M u c e valve clearance by sinking the valve into the
head, If the valv, sinks too far into the head, It will
be Impr,sslbk to adjust tho cloarancm, and the cylin-
der head must be replaced.
Measure the outside diameter of the seating surface with
a vernier caliper.
*If the outside diameter of the seating surface is too small,
repeat the 45' grind until the diameter is within the spec-
ified range.

Widened Width [A] of engagement by machining with
45" cutter
Ground Volume p]by 32' cutter
32" [C]
width [Dl
Ground Volume [El by 60' cutter
so0 tFl
Measure the outside dkrmter af the seating surface with
a vernier caliper.
*If the outside diameter ofthe seating surface is too small,
repeat the 45' grind [A] until the diameter is within the
specified range.
Original Seating Surface [B]
ORemove all pittings of flaws from 45' ground surface.
OARer grinding with 45' cutter, apply thin cost of machin-
ist's dye to mating 6urPece. Xbis makes seaffng surface
distinct and 32"and 60' grindng operation e a s k
0When the valve guide is replaced, be sure to grind with
45' cutter for centering end good contact.
+If the outside diameter [A] of the seating surface is too
large, make the 32' grind described below.
*If the outside dlamgter of the seating surface is within the
specified range, mem~re the seat width as described be-
Grind the seat at a 32" angle [B] until the seat outside
diameter is within the s p d e d range.
OTo make the 32' grind, Rt a 32' cutter into the holder, and
slide it into the valve guide.
OTurn the holder one turn at a time while pressing down
very lightly. Check the seart after each turn.

Check the seat outside diameter frequently to pre-

OAfter making the 32' grind, return to the seat outside di-
ameter measurement step above.
To measure the seat width, use a vernier caliper to mea-
sure the width of the 45' angle portion of the seat at sev-
eral places around the seat.
*If the seat width is too narrow, repeat the 45" grind until
the seat is slightly too wide, and then return to the seat
outside diameter measurement step above.
*If the seat width is too wide, make the 60" [A] grind de-
scribed below.
*If the seat width is within the specified range, lap the valve
to the seat as described below.
Grind the seat at a 60" angle until the seat width is within. ,
the specified range. -8 ., , - $

OTo make the 60' grind, fit 60' cutter into the holder, a i d '
slide it into the valve guide.
OTurn the holder, while pressing down lightly.
OAfter making the 60' grind, return to the seat width mea-
surement step above.
Correct Width [B]
a Lap the valve to the seat, once the seat width and outside
diameter are within the ranges specified above.
OPut a little coarse grinding compound on the face of the
valve in a number of places around the valve head.
OSpin the valve against the seat until the grinding com-
pound produces a smooth, matched surface on both the
seat and the valve.
ORepeat the process with a fine grinding compound.
Lapper [A1
Valve Seat [B]
Valve [C]
The seating area should be marked about in the middle
of the valve face.
*If the seat area is not in the right place on the valve, check
to be sure the valve is the correct part. If it is, it may have
been refaced too much; replace it.
Be sure to remove all grinding compound before assem-
When the engine is assembled, be sure to adjust the valve
clearance (see Valve Clearance Inspectionin the Periodic
Maintenance chapter).
Cylinder, Pistons
Cylinder Removal
Cylinder Head (see Cylinder Head Removal)
Cylinder [A]

QIin* lnstalatlon
Olfa new cylinder kt wed, use a new pMm ring.


The piston ring openings must be positioned as shown.

Top Ring [A]
Second Ring [B]
Upper Oil Ring Steel Rail [C]
Oil Ring Expander [Dl
Lower Oil Ring Steel Rail [El
Dent [fl (Exhaust Side)

Apply molybdenum disuffide oil solution to the cylinder

bore, piston rings and piston skirt.
Prepare two auxiliary head bolts [A] with their head cut.
Olnstall the two bolts diagonally in the crankcase.
Position the crankshaft so that the piston heads are al-
most level.
Install the cylinder [B].
Olnsert the piston rings with your thumbs.
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
Cylinder, Pistons
PIston Removal
Remove the cylinder (see Cylinder Removal).
Place a clean cloth under the pistons and remove the pis-
ton pin snap ring [A] from the outskle of each piston.

Remove the piston pins wilh the pistan pin puller [A].
Center Boll [B;]
Shell of Piibn [C] .
Special Todr Pkfon Fl~rP U I-My ~ PI: 57001910
Plston Pin, P u l k 57001-1568
- 1

Remove the pistons. . -

Carefully spread the ring opening with your thumbs and

then push up on the opposite side of the ring [A] to remove
it. ;.' i
Remove the 3-piece oil ring with your thumbs in the same

Piston instaiiadlon
Apply mdybdaurum dsulRde dl sdutEon to the oil ring ex-
pander, and instan the dl ring expander [A] in the bottom
piston ring growe so the ends [B] not butt together.
Apply mdyWenumd h t k l e dlsdution to the oil ringsteel
rails, and htall thg oil ring steel rails, one above the ex-
pander and one bekrw it.
OSpread the raU with your thumbs, but only enough to fit
the rail wer the pisdon.
ORelease the rail intu tha botbom piston ring groove.
0The dl ringrails have no rOp" or "bottom."
Cylinder, Pistons
Do not mix up the top and second ring.
Install the top ring [A] so that the 'lRn mark [8] faces up.
Installthe second ring [C] so that the "2R"mark [Dl faces
OApply molybdenum disulfide oil solution to the piston

Olf a nsw piston is used, use new piston ring.
Install the piston with its dent mark facing forward.
Fi a new piston pin snap ring into the side of the piston
so that the ring opening [A] does not coincide with the slit
[B] of the pistan pin hole.
OApply molybdenum disulfide dl solution to the piston pins
and pl& Journals.
OWhen instaltii the piston pin snap ring, compress it only
enough to install it and no more.

Do not reuse snap rlngs, as removal weakens and

d&ms them. They could fill out and score the
cylinder wall.
Install the cylinder (see Cylinder Installation).
Cylinder Wesr inspection
Since them is a difference in cylinder wear in diirent di-
rections, take a 8 i d b W d e and a front-bback measure-
ment at each of the two locations (total of four measure-
ments) shown.
*If any of the cylinder inside diameter measurements ex-
ceeds the service limit, replace the cylinder.
10 mm (0.39 in.) [A)
60 mm (2.36 in.) [B]
Cytindw Insid. Diameter
Standard: - -
69.994 70.010 mm (2.7557 2.7563 In.)
Sewla U m k 70.09 mm (2.759 In.)

Pisfon Wiiecrr Inspection

Measure the outside diameter [A] of each piston 5 mm
(0.20 in.) [B] up from the bottom of the piston at a right
angle to the direction of the piston pin.
+If the measurement is under sewice limit, replace the pis-
Piston DIamrter
Stamlud: - -
09.967 69.982 mm (2.7546 2.7552 in.)
Senrlco U m k 69.82 mm (2.749 in.)
Cylinder, Pistons
Piston Rlng, Piston Ring Groove Wear inspection
Check for uneven groovewear by inspectingthe ring seat-
+The rings should fit perfectly parallel to groove surfaces.
If not, replace the piston and all the piston rings.
With the piston rings in their grooves, make several mea-
surements with a thickness gauge [A] to determine piston
ringlgroove clearance.
Piston Rlng/Groove Clearance
0.030 0.070 mm (0.0012 - 0.0028 In.)
Second -
0.020 0.060 mm (0.0008 - 0.0024 In.)
Service Llmlt:
TOP 0.17 mm (0.0067 In.)
Second 0.16 mm (0.0063 In.)

Piston Ring Groove Wdfh inspection

Measure the piston ring groove width.
OUse a vernier caliper at several points around the piston.
Piston Ring Groove Wldth
Top [A] -
0.82 0.84 mm (0.0323 - 0.0331 In.)
Second [B] 0.81 0.83 mm (0.0319 - 0.0327 in.)
Senrice U m k
TOP 0.92 mm (0.0362 in.)
Second 0.91 mm (0.0358 in.)
*If the width of any of the two grooves is wider than the
service limit at any point, replace the piston.
Piston Ring Thickness Inspection
Measure the piston ring thickness.
OUse the micrometer to measure at several points around
the ring.
Piston Rlng Thickness
Top [A] - -
0.77 0.79 mm (0.030 0.031 In.)
- -
Second [B] 0.77 0.79 mm (0.030 0.031 In.)
Senrice Llmlt:
TOP 0.70 mm (0.028 in.)
Second 0.70 mm (0.028 In.)
*If any of the measurements is less than the service limit
on either of the rings, replace all the rings.
0When using new rings in a used piston, check for un-
even g m v e -81: The rings should fit perfectly parallel
to the groove sides. tf not, replace the piston.
Cylinder, Pistons
Piston Ring End Gap inspection 4 . ,-, . T~ ,;:.
Place the piston ring [A] inside the cylinder, using the pis-
ton to locate the ring squarely in place. Set it close to the
bottom of the cylinder, where cylinder wear is low.
Measure the gap [B] between the ends of the ring with a
thickness gauge.
Piston Ring End Gap
TOP --
0.15 0.30 mm (0.006
0.56 0.66 mm (0.022
- 0.012 in.)
0.026 in.)
Service Limit:
TOP 0.6 mm (0.02 in.)
Second 1.0 mm (0.04 in.)
*If the end gap of either ring is greater than the service
limit, replace all the rings.
Throttle Body Assy Holder
Throttle Baiy Assy Holder Installation
Replace the O-rings weth new ones.
Torque -Throttk Body Assy Hokler B o b [A]: 12 N-m (1.2
kgf-m, 106 In-lb)
Air Cleaner Housing Ciolmps [B]
OFh the hole on the clamp to the projections [C] on the
throttle body assy holder.

MufRbw Body Removal

Loosen the muffler cwer damp bolt [A].
Remove the muffler cover bolt [B] and cdlar.
Remove the m f l e r cover [C] forward.
OClear the hook [Dl.

Loosen the muffler body clamp bolt [A].

h h f h Body Mounting Nut and Bolt w]and Washer
w f k r &ody [Cl

Exhaust PIpe Removal

.. Remowll in-the
Right Midie Fairing (see Middle Faking
Fnme chapter) *,-c, 3
Mu(lla Body (seeM W Body ~etdava) K,
b n n e d the oxygen sensor connector [A].
Open Ihe damp [B].
Exhaust Pipe Holder Nuts [A]
Exhaust Pipe

Muffler Body and Exhaust Pipe installation

Replace the exhaust pipe gaskets and muffler body gas-
ket with new ones.
Install the muffler body gasket [A] so that its chamfered
side [B] faces front [C].
Rear [Dl
Apply grease to the exhaust pipe gaskets.

Install?hefollowing parts and tighten them temporarily.

Exhaust Pipe
Exhausf Pipe Holder Nuts
OWhen tightening the exhaust pipe holder nuts, be sure to
follow the spedfled -
[I 31.

Make sure the clearance between the exhaust pipe and
oil pan is 10 mm (0.39 in.) [A].

Fit the muffler body tooth and the muffler body damp hole
Install the following parts and tighten them temporarily.
Muffler Body
Muffler Body Mounting Bolt (B], Washer and Nut
Muffler Body Clamp Bolt [C]
Toque Exhaust Pip. Holdor Nub: 12 N-m(1S kgem, 108
OWhen tightening the exhaust pipe hdder nuts, be sure to
follow the above sequence.
Torque Mu- Body;Mountlng Bolt: 25 Nm (2.5 kgfm, 18
Muffkr Body Ckmp Bolt: 10 N-m (1.0 kgFm, 89

Insat the muffler corer [A] into the muffler body daw
( v t ) PI.

Insert the claw [A] into the mver clamp [&I as shown.
45 55" [C]
Tonpua Ylum+r C o w C h p Bdt (Dl: 6.9 W.m (0.70 kgfm,
81 in*)
Be sure to install ths damper and cdlarm.
T o m Muffler Cover B e IF]: 4,4 N.m (0.M kgfm, 39
Inolb) 4
*Thoroughly warm up the engine, wait urkl the engine
cods down,retighten all the b o b and screw.
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
. . 1


Table of Contents
E x p w View ........................................................................................................................
Spedfications .........................................................................................................................
Special Tool and Sealant ........................................................................................................
Clutch Lever and CaMe .........................
.. .........................................................................
Clutch Lever Free Play Inspection....................................................................................
Clutch Lever Ftee Play Adjustment ..................................................................................
Clutch Cable Removal ........................................................*..........*..................................
Clutch cable Installation ...................................................................................................
Clutch C a b Lubricatkn...................................................................................................
Clutch Lever HoCder lllstaa- .....".................................................................................
Clutch Lever Remavel.......................................................................................................
Clutch Lerer Ins&lltatS0n ....................................................................................................
Csutch cov8r ...........................................................................................................................
Clutch Cover R m a l......................................................................................................
Clutch cmer IncsEallatDon .......................................................:...........................................
Release Shaft Rsmwal ....................................................................................................
Releaee Shaft Installation .................................................................................................
Clutch Cover D i s a w m b................................................................................................
Clutch Cover Assembly .....................................................................................................
Clutch .....................................................................................................................................
Clutch Removal.................................................................................................................
Clutch Installation..............................................................................................................
Clutch Plate Wear and Damage Inspection ......................................................................
Clutch Plats warp- I ............................................................................................
Clutch Housing F i r I n q e d h.....................................................................................
clutch Hawhrg Spllne tmpdm .....................................................................................
Clutch Pressure Plate and dutch Hub Inspection............................................................
Clutch Sprirag InslpectEon...................................................................................................
Exploded View
Exploded View
No. Fastener RONW
n N-m , kgf=m l b
1 Clutch Lever Pivot Bolt 5.5 0.56 49 in-lb Si
2 Clutch Lever Holder Clamp Bolt 6.8 0.69 60 in-lb
3 Clutch Hub Nut 132 13.5 97.4
4 Clutch Stopper BQlts 10 1.O 89 In-lb
5 Clutch C o w Bracket Bob 9.8 1.O 197 in4b
8 Clutch Cover Bob (L = 25 mrn) 9.8 1.O 87h-lb L(l),S
7 Clutch Cover Bolt (L = 35 mrn) 9.8 1.O 87 h.I$ S
CL: Apply cable lubricant.
EO: Apply engim dl.
G:Apply grease.
L: Apply a ncmpmmmt Icdchg agent.
M: Apply molyWemum dbulfhh grease.
R: RapkmMt Pa*
S: Follow the spedfied tightening sequence.
Si: Apply silicom grease.
W: Apply water.
Item S rd
Clutch Lever and Cable
> ' -. -1

Clutch Lever Free Play - -

2 3 mm (0.08 0.12 in.) ---
Clutch Plate Assembly Length (Reference)
- -
22.42 23.42 mm (0.88 0.92 in.) ---
Friction Plate Thickness
Friction and Steel Plate Warp
- -
2.92 3.08 mm (0.115 0.121 in.)
0.15 mm (0.0059 in.) or less
2.6 mm (0.10 in.)
0.3 mm (0.01 in.)
Special Tool and Sealant
--- 6-5

Clutch Holder: Liquld Gasket, TBl211F:

57001-1243 92104.0004
Clutch Lever and Cable
Clutch Lever Free Play Inspection
a Refer to the Clutch Operation Inspection in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter.
Clutch Lever Free Play Adjustment
a Refer to the Clutch Operation Inspection in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter.
Clutch Cable Removal
Right Middle Fairing (see Middle Fairing Removal in the
Frame chapter)
a Loosen the locknut [A] at the dutch lever, and screw in
the adjuster [B].
a Line up the slots [C] in We dutch lever, locknut and ad-
juster, and then free the cable from the lever.

Slide the dust cover [A] at the dutch cable lower end out
of place.
Remove the dutch cable lower from the dutch cover [B]
Ioasening the locknuts [C].
Free the dutch inner cable tip from the clutch release
Pull the dutch cable out of the frame.

Clutch Cable InstallatJon

Runthe dutch cable conecbly (see Cable, Wire, and Hose
Routing sectSol? in the Appendix chapter).
Adjust the dutch cable (seeCtutch Opcvcllian Ins&
in the Periodic Maintenance chapter).
Installthe remved parts (see appqxkte chapters).
Clutch Cable Lubnlcation
the Chassis Parts Lubrication in the Periodic
a Refer to
Maintenance chapter.
Clutch Lewer Holder Installation
a Install the dutch lever holder so that the punch mark [A]
to the center to the slit [B] of the clutch lever hdder.
Torque -Clutch Lever Holder Clamp Bolt 6.8 N-m (0.69
k@m, 60 In-lb)
Clutch Lever and Cable
Clutch Levaw Removal
Clutch Cable Upper End (see Clutch CaMe R m v a l )
Left Switch Housing (see Handlebar Removal in the
Steering chapter)
Starter Lockout Switch Screws [A]
Starter Lockout Switch [B]

Clutch Lever Pivot Lodvlut [A]
Clutch Lever Pivot Bolt [B]
Clutch Lever [C]

2lutch Lever lm~IIutfon

If the starter lockout switch pin has been damaged
the starter lockout system will not work properly.
Thls allows the motorcycleb be started in gear with
the clutch lever roleused (clutch engaged), craatlng
sudden forward movement that can result in an ac-
cldent or Injury.
Check that €hes m r lockoutswitch operatas prop-
erly when Inrt.lling tho clutch lower.

Replace the dutch lever pivot locknut [A] with a new one.
Apply d i m e grease to the dutch lever pivot bdt (81.
Install the clutch lsver [C] and dutch lever pivot bolt and
Torque -Clutch Lever Pivot Ben: 5.5 Nm (0.56 kgfin, 49

Install the starter lockout switch [A].

OTake care not to damwe a pln [B] when installing the
starter lockout switch.
Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the starter lock-
out switch screws [C].
Tighten the starter lockout switch screws.
Left Switch Housing (see Handlebar Installation in the
Steering chawr)
Clutch Cable Upper End (see Clutch Cable Installation)
Clutch Lever and Cable
a Adjust the clutch cable (see Clutch Operation Inspection
in the Periodic Maintenance chapter).
a Check that the pin of the starter lockout switch moves
smaathly. -

Too much cable play can prevent clutch dlsengage-
mont and cause an accident msulting In serious In-
jury or death. When adjusting the clutch or replac-
Ing the cable, be sure the upper end of tho clutch
outer cable Is fully seated in It% fitting, or it could
sllp into place later, creating enough cable play to
prevent clutch disengagement.
Clutch Cover
Clutch Cover Removal
Drain the engine oil (see Engine Oil Change in the Peri-
odic Maintenance chapter).
Disconnect the dutch cable lower end.
Right Middle Fairing (see Middle Fairing Removal in the
Frame chapter)
Clutch Cover Bracket Bolts [A]

Clutch Cover Bolts [A]

Turn the release lever [A] outward, and remove the dutch
cover [B].
About 90"[C]

Clutch Cover I n ~ l l a f f o n
Be sure to dowel pins [A].
Clean off any oil or dirt and apply liquid gasket to the area
[B] where the mating surface of the crankcase touches
the dutch cover gasket.

Replacethe dutch cover gasket with a new one and install

it. . ..

Clutch Cover [A]
Clamps [B] - .
Apply a non-permanent lochg agent to the dutch cover
bolt [ll].
Tighten the dutch cover bolts following the specified tight-
ening sequence [ I 131.
Toque -Clutch Cover Bob: 9.8 N m (1.0 kgfm, 87 inmlb)
Clutch Cover Bracket Bolts: 9.8 N.m (1.0 kgf-m, 87
OWhen tightening the dutch cover bolts, contact the
damps to the stoppers [C].
Installthe removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
Clutch Cover

Release Shaft Removal

Do not remove the clutch release lever and shaft
assembly unless it is absolutely necessary. W re-
moved, the oil seal replacement may be required.
Disconnect the dutch cable lower end.
Turn the release shaft [A1outward.
Pull the release shaft straight out of the dutch cover.

Release Shaft Installation

Replace the oil seal [A] with a new one.
Apply grease to the oil seal lips on the upper ridge of U ~ Q ~
clutch cover. , .i =j
Apply engine oil to the needle bearing [8] in the hole of
the clutch cover.

Apply molybdenumdisulfide grease to the pusher-holding

portion [A] on the release shaft.
Insert the release shaft straight into the upper hole of the
clutch cover.
When inserting the release shaft, be careful not to
remove the spring of the oil seal.

Clutch Cover Disassembly

Oil Seal [A]
Needle Bearing [B]
Oil Level Inspection Window

Clutch Cover Assembljr

Replaw the &e bearing and oil seal with new ones.
OInstaIJ #e needle bearing so fhat the manufacture's
mark %weout.
Install the needle bearing [A] and oil seal [B] position as
O P m s the needle bearing so that the bearing surface [C]
is flush with the housing end of clutch cover [Dl.
OPress the oil seal until the bottom [a.
Apply grease to the oil seal lips.
Clutch Cover
Apply water to the rubber of the oil level inspection win-
dow [A] and press (81 it so that the rlng [C] faces outside.
Clutch Removal
Remove: i. .;:
,, :;w+ ,'a
2 r. >Y

Clutch Cover (see Clutch C&er&emoval)

Clutch Stopper Bolts [A]
OLoosen the clutch stopper bolts evenly with little by l i e
to prevent tilting the clutch stopper plate.
Do not loos8n the one or two clutch stopper plate
bolt at onceto preventclutch stopper plate warpage
by the spring force.
- - - - ~ - -

a Remove:
Clutch Stopper Plate [B]
Clutch Springs
* Remove:
Clutch Pressure Plate [A]
Ball Bearing [B]
Pusher [C]
Friction Plates and Steel Plates
Judder Spring and Spring Sheet

Clutch Hub Nut [A] and Washer
OHolding the clutch hub [B], remove them.
Speclal Tool - Clutch Holder [C]: 57001-1243
Clutch Hub
Clutch Housing
Thrust Spacer
Clutch lnstallatlon
Install the thrust spacer [A] so that the tapered side [B]
faces inward. I
- ----
a Apply engine oil to the bushing [A].
Oil Pump Drive Gear [B]
Clutch Housing [C]
spacer [Dl
Clutch Hub [El
Washer [Fl
Clutch Hub Nut [GI

a Hdding the dutch hub [A], tighten the dutch hub nut [B].
Special Tool Clutch Holder [C]: 570011243
Toque -Clutch Hub Nut. 132 Nm (13.5 kgfm, 97.4 ft-lb)

OThere are several kinds of the tiction plates and steel
OFriction Plates:
Wide Plate [A]
N a m Plate [B]
O S t d Plates:
Wide Plate [C]
Narrow Plate [Dl
Install the friction plates and steel plate alternately as
Clutch Hub [A]
Spring Seat [ ' I
Judder Spring [C]
Namw Friction Plates [Dl
Wide Steel Plates [El
Wide Friction Plates [fl
Narrow Steel Plate [GI
Clutch Pressure Plate [W
Olnstall the last friction plate and steel plate later with the
dutch pressure plate.
If new dry friction plates and steel plates are in-
stalled, apply engine 011 to the surfaces of each
plate to avoid clutch plate sekure.
High pressure air blasts may detach clutch fnlction
material from the friction plate. To prevent material
detachment, set air pressure lower than 0.5 MPa (5
kgflcm', 73 psi), do not place air nozzle closer than
30 cm (12 in.) to frlction plate and only blow air at a
right angle to the plate, facing the friction material.
Do not blow air from tho sid4 (horizontally) of the
plate since it is mom likely to detach the friction
m e than 30 an (12 in.) [A]

Apply molybdenumdisulfide grease to the pusher end [A].

Install the pusher [B] into the drive shaft [C].

Make sure the q i n g seats [A] are in pusition.

Apply engine oil to the sliding surfaces of the bearing [A].

Put the remaining friction plate [B] and steel plate [C] on
to the clutch pressure plate [Dl, and install them.
Clutch Springs
Clutch Stopper Plate [A]
Clutch Stopper Bolts [B]
Tighten the clutch stopper bolts evenly with l i i e by little
to prevent tilting the clutch stopper plate.

Toque -Clutch Stopper Bolts: 10 N-m (1.0 kgf-m, 89 In-lb)
Install the clutch cover (see Clutch Cover Installation).
Clutch Plate Wear and Damage Inspection
Visually inspect the friction and steel plates for signs of
seizure, overheating (discoloration), or uneven wear.
Measure the thickness of each friction plate [A] at several
*If any plates show signs of damage, or if they have worn
past the service limit, replace them with new ones.
Friction Plate Thickness
Standard: -
2.92 3.08 mm (0.115 - 0.121 In.)
Service Limit: 2.6 mm (0.10 in.)

Clutch Plate Warp inspection

Place each friction plate or steel plate on a surface plate
and measure the gap between the surface plate [A] and
each friction plate or steel plate [B] with a thickness gauge
[C]. The gap is the amount of friction or steel plate warp.
*If any plate is warped over the service limit, replace it with
a new one.
Friction and Steel Plate Warp
Standard: 0.15 mm (0.0059 in.) or less
Service Limit: 0.3 mm (0.01 in.)

Clutch Housing Finger Inspection

Visually inspect the clutch housing fingers [A] where the
friction plate tangs [B] hi.
*If they are badly worn or if there are groove cuts where the
tangs hit, replace the housing. Also, replace the friction
plates if their tangs are damaged.
: 2- -

CLUTCH 6-17 . i.
Clutch Housing Spllne Inspecffon
a Visually inspect where the teeth [A] on the steel plates
wear against the dutch hub splines [B].
*If there are notches worn into the splines, replace the
clutch hub. Also, replace the steel plates if their teeth are

Clutch Pressurn Plok and Clutch Hub Inspeaion

a Visually inspect the contact areas [A] of the dutch pres-
sure plate [B] and dutch hub [C] for damage.
*If the contad areas are damaged replace them with new

Clutch Spring /nspec~on

*If all the componentsare good,but the problem still exists,
replace the dutch springs (see Clutch RemovaVClutch In-

Engine Lubrication System

Table of Contents
Exploded View ........................................................................................................................
Engine Oil Flow Chart.............................................................................................................
Specifications .........................................................................................................................
Special Toals and Sealant ......................................................................................................
Engine Oil and Oil Filter..........................................................................................................
Oil Level Inspection...........................................................................................................
Engine Oil Change............................................................................................................
Oil Filter Replacement ......................................................................................................
Oil Pan....................................................................................................................................
Oil Pan Removal...............................................................................................................
Oil Pan ImhlLtion............................................................................................................
Oil Screen ...............................................................................................................................
Oil Removal..........................................................................................................
Oil Screen Installation.......................................................................................................
Oil S a w n Cleaning..........................................................................................................
Oil Pregsure Relief Valve ........................................................................................................
Oil Pressure Relief Valve Removal...................................................................................
Oil Pressure Relief Valve Installation ................................................................................
Oil Pressure Relief Valve Inspection.................................................................................
Oil Pump.................................................................................................................................
Oil Pump Removal............................................................................................................
Oil Pump Installation.........................................................................................................
Oil Pressure Measurement...................................................:.................................................
Oil Presslure Measurement...............................................................................................
Oil Pregsure Switch ................................................................................................................
Oil Pressurn switch Rgmoval ...........................................................................................
Oil Pressure Swh& Installation ........................................................................................
Oil Pipe................................................................................................................................
Oil Pipe Removal..............................................................................................................
Oil Pipe I&llation ..........................................................................................................
Exploded View
No. Fastener
N-m I kg+m Ift-lb
1 Oil Nozzles 3.0 0.31 27 in-lb
2 Oil Pipe Bolt 9.8 1.O 87 in-lb
3 Oil Passage Nozzle (M5) 3.0 0.31 27 in-lb
4 Oil Filter 17.5 1.78 12.9
5 Oil Filter Pipe 35 3.6 26
6 Oil Passage N o d e (M8) 5.0 0.51 44 in-lb
7 Oil Pressure Switch 15 1.5 11
8 Breather Plate Bolts 9.8 1.O 87 in-lb

9 Oil Passage Plugs 20 2.0 15 L

10 Oil Pump Cover Bolts 7.0 0.71 62 in-lb L

11 Oil Pump Drhren Gear Bolt 9.8 1.O 87 indb L

12 Oil Pressure Relief Valve 15 1.5 11 L
13 Engine Oil Drain Bolt 30 3.1 22
14 Oil Pan Bolts 9.8 1.O 87 in4b S
G: Apply grease.
L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.
LG: Apply liquid gasket.
MO: Apply molybdenum disulfide oil solution. .-?.. ... . '
(mixture of the engine oil and molybdenum disulfide grease in a weight ratio 10:l)
R: Replacement Parts
S: Follow the specified tightening sequence.
Englne 011 Flow Chart
Engine Oil Flow Chart
1. Balancer Shaft
2. Altmator
3. Oil Filter
4. Water Pump Drive Gear
5. Exhaust Camshaft
6. Intake Camshaft
7. Crankshaft
8. Oil R~ssureSwitch
9. Oil Pipe
10. Drive Shaft d "
1I. Output Shaft
12. Oil Pump
13. Oil Pressure ~elief'
14. Oil Screen
15. Engine Oil
Item Standard
Engine Oil
Ty~e API SG, SH, SJ, SL or SM with JASO MA, MA1 or MA2
Visco~ity SAE 10W-40
-pacity 1.6 L (1.7 US qt) (When filter is not removed.)
2.0 L (2.1 US qt) (When Wlter is removed.)
2.3 L (2.4 US qt) (When engine is completely dry.)
Level Between upper and lower level lines (Wait several
minutes after idling or running)
Oil Pressure Measurement
Oil Pressure - - -
157 206 kPa (1.60 2.10 kgflan2, 22.8 29.9 psi)
@4 000 rimin (rprn), Oil Temperature 90°C (194°F)
Special Tools and Sealant

011Pressure Gauge, 10 kgflcm': Gear Holder:
57001-164 570011602

8t87SlS481 0 . 87S118a11 1

Oil Pressure Gauge Adapter, PT318: Liquld Gasket,TB1211:

57001-1233 -19-120
t 4

8rsllaaanT a % arnaot2osT o
Engine Oil and Oil Filter

Vehicle operation with insufficient, deteriorated,
or cont&lnated engine oil will cause accelerated
wear and may result in engine seizure, acclbnt,
and Injury. Check the oll level before each use and
change the oil and fitter according to the perlodlc
maintenance chart.

Oil Level inspection

Check that the engine oil level is between the upper [A]
and lower p]levels in the oil level inspection window.
OSituate the motorcycle so that it is perpendicular to the
Off the motorcycle has just been used, wait several min-
utes for all the oil to drain down.
Olf the oil has just been changed, start the engine and
run it for several minutes at idle speed. This fills the oil
filter with oil. Stop the engine, then wait several minutes
until the oil settles.

Raclng the engine before the oil reaches every part
can cause engine selzure.
If the engine oll gets extremely low or if the oll pump
or oil passages clog up or otherwise do not function
properly, the oil pressure warning indicator light
will Ilght. If thls light stays on when the englne Is
runnlng above Idle speed, stop the engine immedl-
ably and find the cause.
*If the oil level is too high, remove the excess oil, using a
syringe or some other suitable device.
+If the oil level is too low, add the correct amount of oil
through the oil filler opening. Use the same type and
make of oil that is already in the engine.
Off the engine oil type and make are unknown, use any
brand of ftw spedfied oil to top off the level in preference
to running the engine with the oil level low. Then at your
earliest convenience, change the oil completely.
Engine Oii Change
Refer to the Engine Oil Change in the Periodic Mainte-
nance chapter.
011 Fliter Replacement
Refer to the Oil Filter Replacement in the Periodic Main-
tenance chapter.
Oil Pan
- -

Oil Pan Removal

Drain the engine oil (see ~ngineOil Change in the Peri-
odic Maintenance chapter).
Exhaust Pipe (see Exhaust Pipe Removal in the Engine
Top End chapter)
Left Lower Fairing (see Lower Fairing Removal in the
Frame chapter) -1 .
*, :5

. .

Oil Pan Bolts [A] : '
Oil Pan p]

g: -,
Ga!dcet . . -.,.. ~+.:i-*--~
*y =4
,- .

..& .
. ,
Oil Pan Instaliatlon
Install the following parts if -mr)ved.
Oil Pressure Relief Valve , 3il Pressure Relief Valve
Oil Screen (see Oil Screen Installation)
Replace the oil pan gasket with a new one.
llghten the oil pan bolts following the specified tightening
sequence [I 151.
Torque 011Pm Boltr: 9.8 Nm (1.0 kgfm, 87 Inalb) 9

Install the removed parts (seeappropriate chapters).

Oil Screen
Oil Screen Removal
Oil Pan (see Oil Pan Removal)
Oil Screen [A]

Clean the oil scresn (see Oil Screen Cleaning).

Replace the M n g [A] with a new one, and install it.
Apply grease to the O-ring.
Install the oil screen [B].
OFit the guide portion [C] to the crankcase.

Oil S m Cleaning
Remove the oil screen (see Oil Screen Removal).
Clean the oil screen with a high Rash-point solvent and
remove the particles stuck.
Blow away the particles by applying compressed air [A]
from the inside to the outside (from the dean side to the
dirty side).
Gasoline and low fleshgolnt solvents can be
ftarnmable andor explooive and cause severe
burns. C h n tha scmn in a well-ventrlated area,
and take care that there are no sprks or tlarne
anywhere near the working a m ; this Incluck any
appliance with a pilot light Do not use gasoline or
a low flash-point solvent to clean the screen.

OWhik deaning the sawn, cheek hr any metalpartides
fhat m&ht indicate internalengine damage.
Check the screens carefully for any damage.
+If the screen is damaged, replace the oil screen.
Oil Pressure Relief Valve
Oil Pressure Relief Valve Removal
8 Remove:
Oil Pan (see Oil Pan Removal)
Oil Pressure Relief Valve [A]
Cover [B]

0i/ Pressure Relief Valve Installation

Apply a non-permanent lodrlng agent to the threads of
the oil pressure relief valve, and tighten it.
Do not apply too much nonpermanent locklng
agent to the threads. This may block the oil pas-

Torque 011 P n t r u n Rdkb Valve: 15 Nm (1.5 kgfm, 11
8 Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
Oil Pressurn Relief Valve Inspection
Oil Pressure Relief Valve (see Oil Pressure Relief Valve
Check to see if the valve [A] slides smoothly when push-
ing it in with a wooden or other soft d,and see if it comes
back to its seat by sprlng [B] pressure.
Olnspect the v a b h, its assembled state. Disassemb&
and assembly may change the vahie p e h m a m .
*If any rough spots are found during above inspection,
wash the valve dean with a high flash-point solvent and
blow out any foreign partldesthat may be in the valve with
compressed air.
Gasoline and low flash-point solvents can be
flammable andlor explosive and cause severe
bums. Clean the oll pressure relief valve in a
well-ventilaGd area, and take care that them are no
sparks or flame anywhom near the working area;
this includes any appllam wlth a pilot light. Do
not use gardlna or a low flssh-point solvent to
clean the oil p n u u m relief valve.
+If cleaning does not solve the problem, replace the oil
pressure relief valve as an assembly. The oil pressure
relief valve is precision made with no allowance for re-
placement of individual parts.
Oil Pump
Oil Pump Removal
Clutch (seeClutch Removal in the Clutch chapter)
Oil Pump Driven Gear Bolt [A]
Oil Pump Driven Gear [B]
OHold the gear steady with the gear holder [C].
Special Tool Gear Holder. 57001-1602

Oil Pump Cover Bolts [A]
Oil Pump Cover [B]

Oil Pump Shaft [A]
lnner Rotor [B]
Outer Rotor [C]

011 Pump 1n~IlalYon

Apply molybdemm disulfikle dl solution
Oil Pump Shaft [A]

. lnner fWw [B]

Outer Rotor [C]
Oil Pump Shaft
Pin [Dl
lnner Rotor
OFii the gmve d rotor and the pin.
Installthe outer rotor into the crankcase.
I d lthe inner mtor and shaft.
Oil Pump
-~ - - - -- - -

Be sure to install the dowel pins

Install the oil pump cover [B].
Apply a non-permanent lockingI agent to the oil pump
cover bolts.
Torque 011 Pump Cover Bolts:

Installthe oil pump driven gear [A] onto the oil pump shaft
[B] with its projecting side [C] Facing to the oil pump.

Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the threads of

the oil pump driven gear mounting bolt [A].
Hold the oil pump driven gear 181 steady with the clutch
holder [C], and tighten the dl pump driven gear bolt.
Special Tool Gear Holdar: 57001-1602
Toque Oil Pump Driven Gear 8dt: 9.8 Nm (1.0 kgfm, 87
Oil Pressure Measurement
Oil Pressure Measurement
Remove the right lower fairing (see Lower Fairing Re-
moval in the Frame chapter).
Remwe the oil passage plug [A].

o Attach the adapter [A] and gauge [B] to the plug hole.
SpecW T d s Oil Pressure Gauge, 10 kgflcm': 57001-164
Oil Pressure Gauge Adapter, PT 318: 57001

Start the engine and warm up the engine.

Run the engine at the specified speed, and read the oil
pressure gauge.
*If the reading is much lower than the standard, check
the oil pump, relief valve, andlor crankshaft bearing in-
sert wear immediately.
*If the W i n g is much higher than the standard, check the
oil passages for dogging.
Oil Pnuure
-- -
Standard: 157 208 kPa (1.60 2.10 kgflcd,
22.8 29.9 psi) @4 000 rlmin (rpm), Oil
Temperature 90°C (194OF)
Stop the engine.
Remove the oil pressure gauge and adapter.

Hot oil can cause severe bums. Beware of hot en-

Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the dl passage

plug, and install it.
Toque 011Passage Plug: 20 N.m (2.0 kgf-m, 15 R4b)
Install the right lower fairing (see Lower Fairing Installa-
tion in the Frame chapter).
Oil Pressure Switch
Oil Pressure Swltch Removal
Engine Oil (see Engine Oil Change in the Periodic Main-
tenance chapter)
a Remove:
Right Lower Fairing (see Lower Fairing Removal in the
Frame chapter)
Switch Cover [A]
Switch Terminal Bolt [B]
Oil Pressure Switch [C]
Oil Pressure Swltch Installation
a Clean off any oil or dirt and apply silicone sealant to the
threads of the oil pressure switch and tighten it.
Sealant Uquid Gasket, TB1211: 56019-120
Torque - OH Pressure Swltch: 15 N-m (1.5 kgf-m, 11 R-lb)
Apply grease to the both sides of the switch lead terminal.
a Connect the switch lead [A] to the switch terminal as

OApply a small amount of grease to the terminal so
that grease should not dose two breather holes [A] for
switch diaphragm.

switch Cover
Right Lower Fairlng (see Lower Fairing Installationin the
Frame chapter)
a Fill the engine with engine dl (see Engine Oil Change in
the Perlodic Maintenance chapter).
Oil Pipe

Oii Pipe Removal

Clutch (see Clutch Removal in the Clutch chapter)
Oil Pipe Bolt [A]
oil Pipe [B]

Oil P i p Installation
Installation is the reverse of removal.
Toque -Oil Plpe Bolt: 9.8 N-m(1.0 kgf-m, 87 inmlb)

Engine Removalllnstallation
Table of Contents
Exploded View ........................................................................................................................
Engine RemovaVlnstallation...................................................................................................
Engine Removal................................................................................................................
Engine Installation.............................................................................................................
Swingarm Mounting Plate Removal..................................................................................
Swingarrn Mounting Plate Installation...............................................................................
Exploded Vlew
Exploded View
No. Fastener Remarks
N-m kgf-m ft-lb
- -
1 Front Enaine Mounting Bolts 44 4.5 32 S
2 Middle Engine Mounting Bolts 44 4.5 32 S
3 Frame Bracket Bolts 34 3.5 25 S
4 Swingarm Mounting Plate Nut 44 4.5 32 R, S
5 Rear Engine Mounting Bolts 44 4.5 32 S
R: Replacement Parts
S: Follow the specified tightening sequence.
1 r


Engine RemovaUlnstallation
Engine Removal
Support the front and rear of the motorcycle with the

Motorcycle may fall over unexpe&dly resulting in

Be sure to use the front and

moving the engine, or the motorcycle may fall over.
Tho engim or the motorcycle could be damaged.
Engine 0 1(see Engine Oil Change in the Periodic Main-
Coolant (see Coolant Change in the Periodic Maints-
nance chapter)
Mkldle Fairings (see Middle Fairing Removal in the
Frame chapter)
Air Cleaner Housing (see Air Cleaner Housing Removal
in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter)
Throttle Body Assy (seeThrottle Body Assy Removal in
the Fuel System (DFI) chapter)
Radiator (see Radiator Removal in the Cooling System
c mw
Exhaust Pipe (see Exhaust Pipe Removal in the Engine
Top End chapter)
Right Frame Cover (see Frame Cover Removal in the
Frame chapter)
Shift Lever (see Shift Pedal Removal in the Crank-
shaWTransmission chapter)
Engine Sprocket (see Engine Sprocket Removal in the
Final Drive chapter)
Clutch Cable Ends (see Clutch Cable Removal in the
Clutch chapter)
Air Switching Valve (see Air Switching Valve Removal in
the Engine Top End chapter)

. Gear Position Sensor (see Gear Position Sensor Re-

moval in the Electrical System chapter)
OU Pressure Switch Lead (see Oil Pressure Switch Re-
moval in the Engine Lubrication System chapter)
Stick Coil Connectors (Stick Coil Removal in the Electri-
cal System chapter)
Alternator Connector (see Alternator Cover Removal in
the Ektdrical System chapter)
Crankshaft Sensor Connector (see Crankshaft Sensor
Removal in the Electrical System chapter)
Starter Motor Cable (see Starter Motor Removal in the
Electrical System chapter)
Water Temperature S e w Connerdor (see Water T m
perature Sensor RemovaVlnstallationin the FuelSystem
(DFI) chapter)
Engine Removal/lnstallation
Fame Bracket Bolts [A] (Both Sides)
Fame Bracket [B] (Both Sides)

Slide the cap [A] and disconnect the engine ground lead.

Support the engine with a suitable stand [A].

OPut planks [B] onto the stand for engine balance.

Swingam Mounting Plate Bdt [A] and Nut
Swingarm Pivot Shaft Nut [B]
Lower Swingarm Side Bracket Bolt [C] (Both Sides)

Remove: + - - .
Front Engine Mounting Bolt [A] (Both Sides)
Middle Engine Mounting Bolt [B](Both Sides)
Collars (Left Side)
. , .

Engine Removal/lnstallation
Rear Engine Mounting Bolts [A]
.... . <: -
: :,a
7 - .:
Dowel Pins [B]
Engine [C] '
_ I

- -?
. . *
z 1


> :?
Engine RemovaVlnstallation
This page intentionally left blank.
Engine RemovaVlnstallation
Engine Installation
Replacethe swingarm mountingplate nut with a new one.
Support the front and rear of the motorcycle with the
Support the engine with a suitable stand.
OPut planks onto the stand for engine balance. -
Install the dowel pins [A].

Install the engine to the swingarm mounting plate [A].

Install all bolts and collars [B]and tighten them temporarily in the following order.
Rear Engine Mounting Bolts
Right Fmnt Engine Mounting Bolt
Left Front Engine Mounting Bolt
Right Middle Engine Mounting Bolt
Left Middle Engine Mounting Bolt
Tighten the bolts and nuts to the specified toque in the specified sequence.
- --
Toque Rear EAQIM Mountlng Bolts [1 41: 44 N-m (4.5 kgf-m, 32 ft-lb)
Front Engine Mounting B o b [S 61: 44 N-m (4.5 kgf-m, 32 ft-lb)
MMdk Engine Mounting Bolts 17 81: 44 N m (4.5 kgf-m, 32 ftmlb)
Swtngarm Mounting Plate Nut p]: 44 N-m (4.5 kgfm, 32 ftJb)
Swingarm Pivd S h e Nut [lq: 10% N-m (11.0 kgfm, 79.7 ftolb)
L o w Swlngarm Sick Bracket Bolts [ll]: 34 N m (3.5 kgfm, 25 ft-ib)
Upper Swingarm Side Bmcket Bolts 1121: 20 N m (2.0 kgf-m, 15 ft-lb)
Engine Removal/lnstallation

Install the frame brackets and tighten the frame bracket bolts.
OTighten the front side bolt first.
Torque Frame Braeltet Bob: 34 N-m (3.5 kgf-m, 25 ftalb)
Run the leads, cables and hoses correctly (see Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing section in the Ap-
pendix chapter).
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
Throttle Cables (see Throttle Control System Inspection in the Periodic Maintenance chapter)
Drive Chain (see Drive Chain Slack Inspection in the Periodic Maintenance chapter)
Fill the engine with engine oil (see Engine Oil Change in the Periodic Maintenance chapter).
Fill the engine with coolant (see Coolant Change in the Periodic Maintenance chapter).
Engine Removal/lnstallation
Swingarm Mounting Plate Removal
Engine (see Engine Removal)
Side Stand (see Side Stand Removal in the Frame chap
Tie-Rod and ~ o c k eArm
r (see Tie-Rod Removal in the
Suspension chapter)
Swingarm (see Swingarm Removal in the Suspension
Bolt [A] and Clamp [B]
Rear Shock Absorber Bracket Bolts and Nuts [C]
Lower Swingarm Side Bracket Bolt [Dl (Both Sides)
Swingarm Mounting Plate Bolt [El and Nut
Swingarm Mounting Plate [q

Skle Stand Bracket Bolts [A]
Side Stand Bracket [B]

Swlngam Mounting Plate Installation

Side Stand Bracket [A]
Toque -Side Stand Bracket Bolts [B]: 49 Nm (5.0 kgf-m,
36 R4b)
OTighten the rear bolt first.
Front [C]
Rear [Dl
Install the swingarm mounting plate, and tighten its bob
and nub temporarily.
Install the swingarm (see Swingarm Installation in the
Suspension chapter). .,. I , .
OTighten the swingarm pivot shaft nut temporarily.
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
Table of Contents
Exploded View ................................... Balancer ............................................
Specifications .................... . . ...
...... ... . . Balancer Removal........................
Special Tools and Sealant ................. Balancer Installation....................
Crankcase ..... . ..
..... . .......................... Balancer Shaft Bearing
Crankcase Splitting...................... lnsertlJoumal Wear lnspection .
Crankcase Assembly ................... Transmission .....................................
Crankshaft and Connecting Rods...... Transmission Shaft Removal .......
Crankshaft Removal .................... Transmission Shaft Installation ....
Crankshaft Installation................. Transmission Shaft Disassembly.
Connesting Rod Removal............ Transmission Shaft Assembly.. ....
Connecting Rod Installation......... Shii Drum and Fork Removal......
CranksWConneding Rod Shift Drum and Fork Installation...
Clmning ............... .................... Shifi Fork Bending Inspection......
C o n n d n g Rod Bend Inspection Shift ForklGear Groove Wear
Connecting Rod Twist Inspection. lnspection.. ................................
Connecting Rod Big End Side Shift Fork Guide PinlDrum
Clearance lnspedion ................ Groove Wear lnspection ...........
Connecting Rod Big End Gear Dog and Gear Dog Hole
Bearing InsertlCrankpinWear Damage lnspection ...................
lnspection.................................. Extemal Shift Mechanism..................
Crankshaft Side Clearance Shift Pedal Removal ....................
Inspection.................................. Shift Pedal Installation.................
Crankshaft Runout Inspection...... External Shift Mechanism
Crankshaft Main haring Removal ....................................
InsertlJoumal Wear Inspection . External Shift Mechanism
Starter Motor Clutch .......................... Installation.................................
Starter Motor Clutch Ball Bearing, Needle Bearing, and Oil
RemovaVlnstallation ............... Seal.. ...............................................
Starter Motor Clutch Inspection ... Ball and Needle Bearing Wear
Starter Motor Clutch Disassembly lnspection..................................
Starter Motor Clutch Assembly .... Oil Seal lnspection.......................
Exploded View
Exploded View

9 Crankcase Bolts (M8, L = 70 mm) see the text - - MO, S

10 Crankcase Bob (M9) see the text - - MO, S
11 Crankcase Bolts (M8, L = 40 mm) 27.5 2.80 20.3 S
G: Apply grease.
L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.
LG: Apply liquid gasket.
M: Apply molybdenum disulfide grease.
MO: Apply molybdenum disulfide oil solution.
(mixture of the engine oil and molybdenum disulfide grease in a weight ratio 10:l)
R: Replacement Parts
S: Follow the specified tightening sequence.
Exploded View
Exploded View
No. Fastener Remarks
Nm kgfm ft-lb
1 Gear Positioning Lever Bolt 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb L
2 Shift D N Bearing
~ Holder Bolts 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb L
3 Shift Shaft Return Spring Pin 29 3.0 21 L
4 Shift Drum Cam Bolt 12 1.2 106 in4b L
5 S h i Lever Clamp Bolt 12 1.2 106 in-lb
6 TleRod Locknut (Front) 7.0 0.71 62 in-lb Lh
7 Tie-Rod Locknut (Rear) 7.0 0.71 62 in-lb
8 S h i Pedal Mounting Bolt 25 2.5 18 G
EO: Apply engine oil.
G: Apply grease.
L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.
Lh: Left-hand Threads
R: Replacement Parts
Item Standard Sewice Limit
- - -
-- 7- .-- -
Crankcasa, Crankshaft,
Cennectlng Rods
Connecting Rod Bend TIR 0.21100 mm
(0.00813.94 in.)

I Connecting Rod Twist

- -
TIR 0.2l100 mm
(0.00813.94 in.)

- 0.074 mm (O,gO16 - 0.0029 I0.11 mm (0.0043

Connecting Rod Big End Side 0.13 0.38 mm (0.0051 0.0150 in.) 0.6 mm (0.02 in.)

. -- I
Connecting Rod Big End Bearing 0.041 in.)
InsertlCrankpinClearance -
Crankpin Diameter: 34.984 - 35.000 mm (1.3773 - 1.3780 34.97 mm (1.377 in.)
None -
34.984 34.992 mm (1.3773 1.3776
34.993 35.000 mm (1.3777 1.3780
Connecting Rod Big End Inside
Diameter: in.)
38.000 38.016 mm (1.4961 1.4967 -
None -
38.000 38.008 mm (1.4961
1.49637 in.)
38.009 38.016 mm (1.49641
1.4967 in.)
Connecting Rod Big End Bearing
Insert Thickness:
Brown -
1.480 1.485 mm (0.05827 0.05846
Black -
1.485 1.490 mm (0.05846 0.05866
Blue -
1.489 1.494 mm (0.05862 0.05882
I Connecting Rod Bolt Stretch

Crankshaft Side Clearance

(Usable Range) 0.28 0.38 mm
(0.011 0.015 in.)
- -
0.05 0.20 mm (0.0020 0.0079 in.) 0.40 mm (0.016 in.)
Crankshaft Runout TIR 0.02 mm (0.0008 in.) or less TIR 0.05 mm
(0.0020 in.)
Crankshaft Main Bearing 0.09 mm (0.0035 in.)
Insert/Joumal Clearance
- -
. . . . Main Journal Diameter. 32.984 33.000 mm (1.2986 1.2992 32.96 mm (1.298 in.)
. in.)
1.29890 in.)
32.984 32.992 mm (1.2986 - l

- -
32.993 33.000 mm (1.29893
1.2992 in.)
Item Standard Service Limit
Crankcase Main Bearing inside
- -
36.000 36.016 mm (1.4173 1.4179
0 - -
36.000 36.008 mm (1.4173 1.4176
None - -
36.009 36.01 6 rnm (1.4177 1.4179
Crankshaft Main Bearing Insert
Bro~n - -
1.490 1.494 mm (0.05866 0.05882
Black - -
1.494 1.498 mm (0.05882 0.05898
Blue - -
1.498 1.SO2 mm (0.05898 0.05913
Balancer Shaft Bearing
InsertlJoumal Clearance in.)
- -
0.024 0.048 mm (0.0009 0.0019 0.08 mm (0.0031 in.)

Balancer Shaft Journal Diameter: - -

25.984 26.000 mm (1.0230 1.0236 25.96 mm (1.022 in.)
None -
25.984 25.992 mm (1.0230
1.02331 in.)
0 -
25.993 26.000 mm (1.02334
1.0236 in.)
Balancer Shaft Bearing Inside 29.000-29.016mm(1.1417- 1.1424
Diameter: in.)
0 - -
29.000 29.008 mm (1.I417 1.I420
29.009- 29.016 mm (1.1421 1.1424

Balancer Shaft Bearing Insert

Brown - -
1.495 1.499 mm (0.05886 0.05902
Black - -
1.499 1.503 mm (0.05902 0.05917
Blue - -
1.503 1.507 mm (0.0591 7 0.05933
Shift Fork Ear Thickness - -
4.9 5.0 mm (0.19 0.20 in.) 4.8 mm (0.19 in.)
Gear Groove Width - -
5.05 5.15 mm (0.199 0.203 in.) 5.3 mm (0.21 in.)
Shift Fork Guide Pin Diameter - -
5.9 6.0 mm (0.23 0.24 in.) 5.8 mm (0.23 in.)
Shift Drum Groove Width 6.05-6.20mm(0.238-0.244in.) 6.3mm(0.25in.)
Connecting Rod Big End Bearing Insert Sekctlon
Con-rod Big End Baaring Insert
Cnnkpln Diameter
Inside Diameter
Marking Size Color Part Number
None 0 Brown 921394888
None None
Black 92139-0887
0 0
0 None Blue 921340886

Crankshaft Main Bearing Insert Selection

I Crankcase Maln I Crankshaft Main I -
Bearincr In-rP 1
IBearing Inside
Diameter Marking She Color Part Number
Journal Nos.
1, 3
0 1 Brown
921390882 2
None 1 92139-1867 1, 3
0 None 921394881 2
92139-1866 1, 3
None None Blue
921380880 2
*: The bearing insert for Nos. 2 puma1 have an d groove.
Balancer Shaft Bearing Insert Selection
I Balancer Shaft I Balancer Shaft I
- Insert I
Journal Diametmr Beaiing In8lda
Dlamotar Marking S k Color Part Number
o 0 Brown 920284885
0 None
Black 920284884
None -

I None I None I Blue 1 92028-0883

Special Tools and Sealant
Bearing Pulkr: Flywheel Holder:
57001-135 57001-1313
Crankcase Splitting
a Remove the engine (see Engine ~embvalin the Engine
Removal/lnstallation chapter).
a Set the engine on a clean surface and h ~ l dme engine
steady while parts are being removed.' '
a Remove:
Cylinder (see Cylinder Removal in the ~ n ~ i h 6End fo~
Clutch (see Clutch Removal in the Clutch chapter)
External Shii Mechanism (see Extemal Shift Mecha-
nism Removal)
Oil Pump (see Oil Pump Removal in the Engine Lubri-
cation System chapter)
Starter Motor (see Starter Motor Removal in the Electri-
cal System chapter)
Alternator Rotor (see Alternator Rotor Removal in the
Electrical System chapter)
Water Pump (see Water Pump Removal in the Coding
System chapter)
Oil Filter (see Oil Filter Replacement in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter)
Oil Pressure Switch (see Oil Pressure Switch Removal
in the Engine Lubrication System chapter)
Camshaft Chain (see Camshaft Chain Removal in the
Engine Top End chapter)
Oil Pan (see Oil Pan Removal in the Engine Lubrication
System chapter)
Oil Screen (see Oil Pan Removal in the Engine Lubrica-
tion System chapter)
Oil Pressure Relief Valve (see Oil Pressure Relief Valve
Removal in the Engine Lubrication System chapter)
*If the crankshaft is to be removed, remove the pistons
(see Piston Removal in the Engine Top End chapter).
Breather Hose [A]
Rear Camshaft Chain Guide Bolt [B] and Washer
Rear Camshaft Chain Guide [C]
lRemovethe upper crankcase bolts in order from the small
M6 Bolts [A]
M8 Bolts [B]
lRemovethe lower crankcase bolts in order from the small
M6 Bolts [C]
M8 Bolts [Dl
M9 Bolts [El

T a p lightly around the crankcase mating surface with a

plastic mallet, and splii the crankcase.
OTake care not to damage the crankcase.
*If the breather plate [A] is to be removed, follow the next
Transmission Shafts (see fransmission Shaft Removal)
Oil Pipe (see Oil Pipe Removal inthe Ewine Lubrication
System chapter)
l Cut the gasket [B] around the plate.
l Remove:
Breather Plate Bolts [C]
Breather Plate
Crankcase Assembly

The upper and lower crankcase halves aro ma-

chined at the factory in the assembled state, so the

With a high flash-point solvent, dean off the mating sur-

faces of the crankcase halves and wim drv.

Gasoline and low flashpoint solvents can be

flammable andlor explosive and cause severe
burns. Clean the crankcase In a well-ventilated
area, and take care that there are no sparks or
flame anywhere near the worklng area; this in-
cludes any appliance with a pilot light. Do not use
gasoline or a low flash-point solvent to clean the
crankcase. .
Using compressed air, blow out the oil passages in the
crankcase halves.
Upper Crankcase Assembly - .
Using a high flash-point solvent, dean off any oil or dirt
on the mating surface of the breather plate.
*Apply liquid gasket to the mating surface [A] of the
breather plate as shown.
Sealant Liquid Gasket,TB1216B: 92104-1064
OMake the application finish within 20 minutes when the
liquld gasket (TB1216B) to the mating surface of the
breather plate is applied.
OMoreover fif the plate and tighten the bolts just afier
application of the liquid gasket.
*Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the breather
plate bolts [A].
Toque Bnathsr Plate Bob: 9.8 Nm (1.0 kgtrn, 87 in-lb)
After tightening the bolts, wipe the excess gasket from the
oil pipe mounting holes [B].
+ .
L r
Install the breather hose fitting [A] until it is bottomed.
Install the plug [8] so that its surface is flush with the end
of the hole.

Toque 011Nozzhr [A]: 3.0 Nm (0.31 k*m, 27 in-lb)

Lower Crankcase Assambly &,

Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the oil passage I

plugs [A].
Toque Oli Passage Plugs: 20 Nm (2.0 kgf-m, 15 ft-lb)

Torque -Oil Passaga NOZ& (M8) [A]: 5.0 Nm (0.M kgfin,
44 in-lb)
Install the needle bearing [A] so that its surface is flush
with the end of hole [B]. $-;: '
- ,'<&I;>
Install the oil seal [C] as shown,.
0.5 1.0 mm (0.02 0.04 in.) [Dl
'& ;
t, ?. -
r -.,I i . 8

. .
-k - "

Crankcase Hatves Assembly .'

Shift Drum (seeShii Drum and Fork Installation)
Shift Forks and Shift Rods (see Shift Drum and Fork In-
' -
Crankshaft (see Crankshaft Installation)
Balancer Shaft (see Balancer Installation)
Connecting Rods (see Connecting Rod Installation) -'
TransmissionShafts and Gears (see Transmission ~ h a f i
Water pump Drive Shaft [A]
Dowel Pins [B]
cap [CI I
Before fitting the lower case on the upper case, check the
OCheck to see that the shift drum and transmission gears
are in the neutral position.

-,- .
..&. s ?
4 .-+\ .,
I . , i+
,.,. . .
, .' -. , .
Apply liquid gasket [A] to the mating surface of the lower
crankcase half as shown.
Sealant Liquid Gasket, TB1216B: 921061064

OEspecially, apply liquid gasket so that it shall be filled up
on the grooves [BJ.
OMake the application finish within 20 minutes when the
liquid gasket (TB1216B) to the mating surface of the
lower crankcase half is applied.
OMoreover fit the case and tighten the bolts just after
application of the liquid gasket.

Do not apply liquid gasket around the crankshaft
main bearing inserts, and oil passage holes.
Fit the lower crankcase to the upper crankcase.
Wipe off excess liquid gasket from the following portions.
Inside Diameter Surfaces [C]
Alternator Cover Mating Surface [Dl
Clutch Cover Mating Surface [El
Water Pump Housing Mating Surface [q
- -

'i 1q.

(up):10 Nm (faLghrP, 89 kr*)
Qmkease &db (W, L = 7@mm): 10 Nm t1.O
w m , 89 In*)
11 - &I*

T ~ - ~ s e B o t t alNmp.1
s ( ~ ~k#m,
? Zw
Fifthly, tighten the M8 bolts following the specified se-
quence [7 101.
Torque -Crankcase Bolts (M8, L = 70 mm): 27 N-m (2.8
kgf-m, 20 R-lb)
Sixthly, tighten the M8 bolts [A].
Torque Crankcase B o b (Ma, L = 40 mm): 27.1 N m (2.80
kgf-m, 20.3 ftlb)
Finally, tighten the Me bolts.
Torque Crankcase Bolk (M6): 11 N m (1.lkgfm, 97 inlb)
L = 30 mm (1.2 in.) [B]
L = 76 mm (3.0 in.) [C]
8 Tighten: ..
Torque ~nnkba=eBolts (Ma, L = 80 mm) [A]: 27.5 Nmm '
(2.80 kgf.m, 20.3 ft-lb)
Toqur -Crankcase B o b (Me): 11 N-m (1.1 kgf-m, 97 In-lb)
L = 72 mm (2.8 in.) [B] ..
L = 52 mm (2.0 in.) [C]

After tightening all crankcase bolts, check the following.


OWipe up the liquid gasket that seeps out around the

crankcase mating surface.
OCrankshaft and transmission shafts turn freely.
OWhile spinning the output shaft, gears shift smoothly from
the 1st to 6th gear, and 6th to 1st.
OWhen the output shaft stays still, the gear can not be
shl'ftgd to 2nd gear or other higher gear positions.
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
Crankshaft and Connecting Rods h

Crankshaft Removal I I ,h
Split the crankcase (see Crankcase Splitting).
Crankshaft [A]

Crankshat? Installation
Oif the crankshail is replaced with a new one, refer to the
Connecting Rod Big End Bearing insert Selection in the

If the crankshaft, bearing inserts, or cranks~re
halves are replaced with new ones, select the bear-
ing insorts and check clearance with a plcstigrge
(press gauge) b n , assembling engine to be run,
the comet bearing Inserts are installed.

Apply molybdenum disulfide oil solution to the crankshaft

main bearing inserts.
Install the crankshaft [A].
OAlign the timing marks [B].
Balancer [C]

Connecting Rod Rsmovel

Split the crankcase (wCrankcase Swing).
Connecting Rod Big End Nuts [A]
OMark and mmi the kmfkms of the connecting rods
and their big end caps [BJso that they can be reassem-
bled in their original positions.
Remove the connecting rods from the crankshaft.

age to the crankpin surfaam, do not allow tha con-

Crankshaft and Connecting Rods
- Rod Installation

1. - ., .1 -' NOTICE

To mlnimize vibration, the connecting rods should

have the same weight mark.
Big End Cap [A]
Connecting Rod [B] -
Weight Mark, Alphabet [C] ,
Diameter Mark (Around ~ e G h t ' . ~ i r k ) '0' or no
mark 1

if the connecting rods, big end bearing Inserts, or
crankshaft are replaced with new ones, select the
bearing insert and check clearance with a piastl-
gage (press gauge) before assembling engine to be
sure the correct bearing inserts are installed.

The connecting rod bolts are designed to stretch
when tightened. Never reuse them.
Replace the connecting rod big end bolts and nuts with
new ones.
Apply molybdenum disulfide oil solution to the inner sur-
faces of upper and lower bearing inserts [A].
ODo not apply any grease or oil to the cap inside and cap
insert outside [B].
Olnstall the inserts so that their nails [C] are on the same
side and fit them into the recess of the connecting rod and
Wrong application of 011 and grease could cause
bearing damage.

OWhen installing the inserts [A], be careful not to damage

the insert surface with the edge of the connecting rod [B]
or the cap [C]. One way to install inserts is as follows.
Installation p]to Cap
lnstallation [El to Connecting Rod
Push [F]
Spare Dowel Pin [GI
Connecting Rod B o b [HI
Install the cap on the connecting rod, aligning the weight
and diameter marks.
Remove debris and clean the surface of inserts.
- -- -

Crankshaft and Connecting Rods
Install each connecting rod on its original crankpin.
OThe connecting rod big end is bolted using the "plastic
region fastening method".
OThis method precisely achieves the needed clamping
force without exceeding it unnecessarily, allowing the
use of thinner, lighter bolts further decreasing connecting
rod weight.
OThere are two types of the plastic region fastening. One is
a bolt length measurement method and other is a rotation
angle method. Observe one of the following two, but the
bolt length measurement method is preferable because
this is a more reliable way to tighten the big end nuts.

The connecting rod bolts are designed to stretch
when tightened. Never reuse the connecting rod
bolts. See the table below for correct bolt and nut

Be careful not to overtighten the nuts.
The bolts must be positlonodon the seating surface
correctly to prevent the bolt heads from hitting the

(1) Bolt Length Measurement Method

Be sure to dean the bolts, nuts, and connecting rods
thoroughly with a high flash-point sohrent, because the
new connecting rods, bolts, and nuts are treated with an
anti-rust solution.
Gasoline and low flash-point solvents can be
flammable andor explosive and cause severe
burns. Clean the bob, nuts, and connecting rods
in a well-ventilated a m , and take care that there
are no sparks or flame anywhere near the working
area; this includes any appliance with a pilot light.
Do not use gasoline or a low flash-polnt solvent to
clean them.

Immediately dry the bolts and nuts with com-
pressed air after cleaning. Clean and dry the bolts
and nuts completely.
Crankshaft and Connecting Rods
Install new bolts and nuts in reused connecting rod.
*If the connectingrod assywas replaced, use the new bolts
and nuts attached to the new connecting rod assy.
Apply a small amount of molybdenumdisulfide oil solution
to the following portions.
Threads [A] of Nuts and Bolts
Seating Surfaces [B] of Nuts and Connecting Rods

Dent both bolt head and bolt tip with a punch as shown.
Before tightening, use a point micrometer to measure the
length of new connecting rod bolts and record the values
to find the bolt stretch.
Connecting Rod [A]
Dent here with a punch [B].
Nuts [C]
Fit micrometer pins into dents [Dl.
Tighten the big end nuts until the bolt elongation reaches
the length specified as follows.
Bolt Length after

Connecting Rod Bolt Stretch

Usable Range: -
0.28 0.38 mm (0.011 - 0.015 in.)
Check the length of the connecting rod bolts.
*If the stretch is more than the usable range, the bolt has
stretched too much. An overelongated bolt may break in
(2) Rotation Angle Method
*If you do not have a point micrometer, you may tighten
the nuts using the 'Rotation Angle Method".
Be sure to clean the bolts, nuts and connecting rods thor-
oughly with a high flash-point solvent, because the new
connecting rods, bolts and nuts are treated with an anti
-rust solution.
Gasoline and low flash-point solvents can be
flammable andlor explosive and cause severe
bums. Clean the bolts, nuts, and connecting rods
in a well-ventilated area, and take care that there
are no sparks or flame anywhere near the working
area; this includes any appliance with a pilot light.
Do not use gasoline or a low flash-point solvent to
clean them.
Crankshaft and Connecting Rods
Install new bolts and nuts in reused connecting rod.
*If the connecting rod assy was replaced, use the new bolts
and nuts attached to the new connecting rod assy.
Apply a small amount of molybdenum disulfide oil solution
to the following portions.
Threads [A] of Nuts and Bolts
Seating Surfaces [B] of Nuts and Connecting Rods

First, tighten the nuts with 12.0 N m (1.22 kgfm, 106

in-lb) of toque.
Next, tighten the nuts 195'.
OMark [A] the connecting rod big end caps and nuts so that
nuts can be turned 195" [g] properly.

OThe nuts can be tightened by using a torque angle gauge


CrenkshaWConntaHng Rod Clwning

After removing the connecting rods from the crankshaft,
dean them with a high flash-pdnt solvent.
Blow the crankshaft oil passages with compressed air to
remove any foreign parkla or residue that may have
accumulated in the passages.
Crankshaft and Connecting Rods
Connecting Rod Bend Inspection
Remove the conneding rod big end bearing inserts, and
reinstall the connecting rod big end cap.
Select an arbor [A] of the same diameter as the connect-
ing rod big end, and insert the arbor through the connect-
ing rod big end.
Select an arbor of the same diameter as the piston pin
and at least 100 mm (3.94 in.) long, and insert the arbor
[B] through the connecting rod small end.
On a surface plate, set the big-end arbor on V block [C].
Wrth the connecting rod held vertically, use a height
gauge to measure the difference in the height of the
arbor above the surface plate over a 100 mm (3.94 in.)
length to determine the amount of connecting rod bend.
*If the connecting rod bend exceeds the setvice limit, the
c o n d n g rod must be replaced.
Connecting Rod Bend
Senrice Limit: TIR O.Zl100 mm (0.00813.94 in.)

Connecding Rod Twist Inspection

With the big-end arbor [A] still on V block [B], hold the
connecting rod horizontallyand measure the amount that
the arbor [C] varies from being paralleledwith the surface
plate over a 100 mm (3.94 in.) length of the arbor to de-
termine the amount of connecting rod twist.
*If the connecting rod twist exceeds the service limit, the
connecting rod must be replaced.
Connecting Rod Wbt
. Limit: TIR 0.21100 mm (0.00813.94 in.)

~onnecwngRod Big End Side Clearance

Measure the connecting rod big end side clearance.
Olnsert a thickness gauge [A] between the big end and ei-
ther crank web to determine dearance.

Standard: -
Connecting Rod Big End Side Clearance
0.13 0.38 mm (0.0051 0.0150 in.)
M c e Limit: 0.6 mm (0.02 in.)
*If the clearance exceeds the service limit, replacethe con-
necting rod with new one and then check the dearance
again. If the dearance is too large after conneding rod
replacement, the crankshaft also must be replad.
Crankshaft and Connecting Rods
Connecting Rod Big End hating I n s e ~ n k p l n
Mar inspection
Measure the bearing insecVcrankpin [A] clearance with
~las~~ PI.g w
Tighten the bi end nuts to the specDfied torque (see Con-
necting Rod Installation).
ODo not move the connecting rod and crankshait during
C / ~ ~ I ~?~WSU/WT?~#~.
F C ~

Connecting Rod Big End Baring InsefVCrankpin

Standard: - -
0.011 0.074 RIR~(0.OQ16 0.0029 in.)
Sewice Lbnk 0.11 mm (0.0043 in.)

*If the clearance is nrfthin the standard, no beartng replace-

ment is required.
*If the clearance is between 0.059 mm (0.0023 in.) and
the service limit 0.10 mm (0.0039 in.), replace the bear-
ing inserts [A] with inserts painted blue [B]. Check the in-
sertlerankpin clearance with the plastigage. The clear-
ance may exceed the standard slightly, but it must not be
less than the minimum in wder to avoid bearing seizure.
+If the clearance exceeds the service limit, measure the
diameter of the axinkpins.
Cnnkpln Dkmrt.r
Standard: -
34.984 M.000 mm (1.3773
Service LhH: 34.97 mm (1.377 in.)
- 1.3786 In.)

+If any crankpin haswarn p a tthe service limit, replace the

crankshaft with a new one.
*If the measured crankpin diameters are not less than the
service limit, but do not dnckie witJl the original diameter
markings on the crankshaft, make new marks on it.

Crankpin Dlamater Marks
None: 34.984 34992 mm (1S?73 - 1.3776 in.)
0: 34.99% - 35.000 -
mm (1.a777 1.3780 in.)
0: Crankpin Diim&er Marks, "0"
or no mark.
Crankshaft and Connecting Rods
Measure the connecting rod big end inside diameter, and
mark each connecting rod big end in accordance with the
inside diameter.
Tlhten the connecting rod big end nuts to the specified
torque (see Connecting Rod Installation).
0 The mark already on the big end should almost coincide
with the measurement.

- -
Connecting Rod Big End Inside Diameter Marks
None: 38.000 38.008 mm (1.4961 1.49637 In.)
0: 38.009 38.016 mm (1A9641 IA967 In.) -
Big End Cap [A]
Connecting Rod [B]
Weight Mark, Alphabet [C]
Diameter Mark (Around Weight Mark) [Dl: *Omor no
Select the proper bearinginsert [A] in accordance with the
combination of the connecting rod and crankshaft coding.
Size Cdor [B]
Big Bearing Insert
Crankpin .
End Inside
Diameter Size Color Part Number
None 0 Brown 92139-0888
None None
Black 92139-0887
0 0
0 None Blue 92139-0886
Install the new inserts in the connecting rod and check
insertlcrankpin dearance with the plastigage.
Crankshaft Side Clearance Inspection
Insert a thickness gauge [A] between the crankcase main
bearing and the crank web at the No. 2 journal to deter-
mine clearance.
*If the dearance exceeds the senice limit, replace the
crankcase halves as a set.
Onte upper and lower m k c a s e h a h s are machined
at the factory in the assembled state, so the crankcase
halves must be replaced as a set.

Crankshaft Side Clearance

Standard: -
0.05 0.20 mm (0.0020 - 0.0079 In.)
Service Llmlt: 0.40 mm (0.016 In.)
Crankshaft and Connecting Rods
Crankshaft Runout lnspecffon
Measure the crankshaft runout.
*If the measurement exceeds the service limit, replace the
Crankshaft Runout
Standard: TIR 0.02 mm (0.0008 in.) or less
Service Limit: TIR 0.05 mm (0.0020 in.)

Crankshaft Main Bearing lnseWJouma1 Wesr

Using a plastigqe (press gauge) [A], measure the bear-
ing insett!joumal [B] clearance.
OTighten the crankcase bdts to the specified toque (see
Crankcase Assemw).
ODo not turn the crankshaft during clearance measurn
OJoumal clearance k s than 0.025 mm (0.00098 in.) can
not be measured by plastlgage, however, using genuine
parts maintains the minimum standard clearance.

Standard: -
Crankshaft Main Bearing inserVJournai Clearance
0.028 0.0s mm (0.0011 0.0023 in.)
Senrice Umit: 0.09 mm (0.0035 in.)

*If the dearance is within the standard, no bearing replace-

ment is required.
*If the clearance is between 0.059 mm (0.0023 in.) and
the service limit 0.09 mm (0.0035 in.), replace the bear-
ing inserts [A] with inserts painted yellow [B]. Check in-
settljournal clearance wtth the piastigage. The clearance
may exceed the standard slightly, but it must not be less
than the minimum in order to avoid bearing seizure.
*If the dearance exceeds the senrice limit, measure the
diameter of the crankshaft main journal.

Standard: -
Crankshaft Main Journal Diameter
32.984 33.000 mm (12986 1.2992 in.)
Senrice UmH: 32.96 mm (1298 in.)
*If any journal has worn past the service limit, replace the
crankshaft with a new one.
*If the measured journal diameters are not less than the
service limit, but do not coincidewith the original diameter
markings on the crankshaft, make new marks on it.

Crankshaft Main Journal Diameter Marks
None: 32.984 32.992 mm (1.2986 1.29890 in.)
1: - -
32.993 33.000 mm (1.29893 1.2992 in.)
0 : Crankshaft Main Journal Diameter Marks, "1" or no
Crankshaft and Connecting Rods
Measure the main bearing inside diameter, and mark the
upper crankcase half in accordance with the inside diam-
[A]: Crankcase Main Bearing Inside Diameter Marks,
' O wor no mark.
0Tighten the crankcase bolts to the specified toque (see
Crankcase Assembly).
OThe mark already on the upper crankcase half should
almost coincide with the measurement.

0: -- -
Crankcase Maln Bearing Inslde Diameter Marks
36.000 36.008 mm (1.4173 1.4176 In.)
None: 36.009 36.016 mm (1.4177 1.4179 in.)

Select the proper bearing insert [A] in accordancewith the

combination of the crankcase and crankshaft coding.
Size Color [B]

Crankcase Main Crankshaft Main . Bearing Insert*

Bearing Inside Journal Diameter
Diameter Marking Marking Size Color Part Number Journal Nos.

I 0 I 1 I Brown
1, 3
None 1 92139-1867 1, 3
0 None 92139-0881
1, 3
None None Blue
92139-0880 2
*: The bearing insert for Nos. 2 journal have an oil groove.
Installthe new inserts in the crankcase halves and check
insert/joumal clearance with the plastigage.
Starter Motor Clutch
Starter Motor Clutch RemovaUInstallation
Refer to the Alternator Rotor RemovaVlnstallation in the
Electrical System chapter.
Starter Motor Clutch Inspection
a Remove:
Alternator Cover (see Alternator Cover Removal in the
Electrical System chapter)
Starter Idle Gear [A] and Shaft [B]

modor- PI m,
s h w t d n a t t u m c ~ u ~ ~ .
Digassemblethe t&irW matar dubh,and visually inspect
the dutch parts.
+IfthereIsanywornar part, replace it.

OExamhe the ~ ~ a l u tgear

c as
h well. Repi-

Starter Motcrr C I W Dimmmb/y

Alternator Fww (mAlmWtOf Rotor R e m the
- 1 - a
Starter MoCor Gfutdr Ebb [A]
S ~ M o l t r w ~
Special Tool F l p h d )ldB#@l:51001-1313

S- M O W Clutch A s w M y
Apply a non-permanent loddng agent to the threads of
the starter motor dutch bdts and tighten them.
Special Tool Flywh.rl H0ld.r: 51001-1313
Torque Starter Yotar Clutch BoW 12 N-rn (1.2 kgf-m, 106
Balancer Removal
Spli the crankcase (see Crankcase Splitting).
Remove the balancer shaft [A] with the balancer gear.

Belancer instal la^

Apply molybdenum disutfide oil solution to the balancer
shaft beating inserts.
Install the balancer shaft [A].
OAllgn the timing mark [B].
Crankshaft [C]
Assemble the crankcase (seeCrankcase Assembly).

Balancer Shaft Bearing InsertJoumal Wear

Measure the bearing insertljpmal [A] clearance with
pl=wxle [Bl.
s e to the specified twqm (see
OTrgMm the ~ r a n k ~ bdts
OD0 not turn bhe balancer shaft during dearam mes-
0JwnaI cdeaJsnoek3ss than 0.025 mm (0.WO$8 h.)can
rrotbemaamdbyprast&age, however; ushggendne
parts maSRMns the minimum standard cfie~ram.

Standard: - -
Balancer Shaft Bearing I ~ J o u r n aC-Mnce
0.024 0.048 mm (0.0009 0.0019 In.)
S o w b Umk 0.08 mrn (0.0031 in.)

*If the clearance is within the standard, no bearing replace-

ment is required.
*If the dearance is between 0.048 mm (0.0019 in.) and the
service limit 0.08 mm (0.0031 in.), replace the bearing in-
serts [A] with inserts paintedblue [B]. Check insertljoumal
clearance with the plastigage. The clearance may exceed
the standard slightly, but it must not be less than the min-
imum in order to avoid bearing seizure.
*If the clearance exceeds the service limit, measure the
diameter of the balancer shaft journal.
Balancer Shaft Journal Diameter
Standard: -
25.984 26.000 mm (1.0230 - 1.0236 In.)
Service Limit: 25.96 mm (1.022 in.)
*If any journal has worn past the service limit, replace the
balancer shaft with a new one.
*If the measured journal diameters are not less than the
service limit, but do not coincide with the original diameter
markings on the balancer shaft, make new marks on it.
Balancer Shaft Journal Diameter Marks
- -
None: 25.984 25.992 mm (1.0230 1.02331 In.)
0: 25.993 - 28.000 mm (1.02334- 1.0236 in.)
A: Balancer Shaft Journal Diameter Marks, 'Ow or no
Measure the main bearing inside diameter, and mark the
upper crankcase half in accordance with the inside diam-
[A]: Balancer Shaft Bearing Inside Diameter Marks, 'On
or no mark.
OTihten the mnkcase bolts to fhe specified torque (see
Crankcase Assembly).
O7he mark deady on the upper crankcase hatf should
almost coindde widh the measurement.

0: - -
Balanmr Shaft Bearing Inside Diameter Marks
29.000 29.008 mm (1.1417 1.1420 in.)
- -
None: 29.009 29.016 mm (1.1421 1.1424 in.)

Select the pmperbeering"&rt [A] inaccordance with the

combination of the crankcase and balancer shaft coding.
Size Color jB]


None I
0 I
Black 1
920284884 (
None I None I Blue 1 920284883
Install the new inserts in the crankcase and check in-
sertljournal deararm with the plastigage.
Tmnmldsion Shatt Removal
Split the crankcase (see Crankcase Splitting).
Remove the drive shaft [A] and output shaft [B].

Tm-n S MI l w t a l I ~ n
Chedr to see that the set pins [A] and set rings [8] me in

a Assemble the crankcase (see Crankcase Assembly).

Replace the oil seal [A] with a new one.
Apply grease to the oil seal lips.
a Press in the oil seal onto collar [B] so that the surface of
the oil seal is flush with the surface [C] of the crankcase.

Tiansmlimion Shaft DIsassembIy

Remoive the transmidon shafts (see Transmission Shaft
Remove the drdips, disassemble the transmission
Sp.cld Tool Oubide Cir~lipPliers: 57001444
The 5th gear [A] on the output shaft has three steel balls
assembled into it for the positive neutral finder mecha-
nism. Remove the 5th gear. ' I
OSet the output shaft in a vertical position holding the 3rd
gear PI.
OSpin the 5th gear quickly [C] and pull it off upward.
Remove the ball bearing [A] from each shafts.
SpecialTools Bearing Puller [B]: 57001-135
Bearing Puller Adapter [C]: 57001-317
Discard the bearing.

Transmission Shaft Assembly

Apply engine oil to the bushings, ball bearings and shafts.
Install the ball bearings on the shafts with the groove to-
ward the dutch side.
Install the gear bushings [A] on the shaft with their holes
[B] aligned.

Replace any cirdips removed with new ones.

lnstall the circlips [A] so that the opening [B] is aligned
with a spline groove [C]. ,i '

The drive shaft gears can be recognized by size: the gear
with the smallest diameter is 1st gear, and the largest one
is 6th gear. Be sure that all parts are put back in the cor- I.

rect sequence and all circlips and washers are properly in

Install the 6th gear bushing onto the drive shaft with their
oil holes aligned.
The output shaft gears can be recognized by size: the
gear with the largest diameter is 1st gear, and the small-
est one is 6th gear. Be sum that all parts are put back
in the correct sequence and all cirdips and washers are
properly in place.
Installthe 6th gear onto the output shaft with their oil holes
Install the 2nd and 3rdl4th g a r bushings onto the output
. , aligned.
shaft with their oil holes
-- - -- - - - --

• theSthgmrhukskrttseoutpud

Do not apply grease to the hfh ta hatcl them Cn
place. This dll cause the positive neutroll flnder
OAfter to mahnctlon.
assembling the 5th gear with steel balls in pbce on

the oPrtpwt shaft, check the ball-loddng effect that the 5th
gear does not come out of the output shaft when moving
it up and down by hand.
Check that each gear spins or slides W y on the trans-
mission shafts witflout biding after assembly.

1.1st Gear 13. Cirdip

2.2nd Gear 14. Toothed Washer
3.3rd Gear 15. TmW Bushing, L = 16.6 mm (0.65 in.)
4.4th Gear 16. Washer, &+O x 25.3 mm (1 2 x 1.0 in.)
5.581 Gear 17. Bushing, t&?8 mm (1. I in.)
6.6th (Top) Gear 18. M I Bearing, 452 mm (2.0 in.)
7. Drive Shaft 19. Collar
8. Output Shaft 20. Ball Bearing, 458 mm (2.3 in.)
9. Circlip 21. Washer, #33 x 25.3 mm (1.3 x 1.0 in.)
10. Bearing Outer Race 22. Toothed Bushing, L = 20.0 mm (0.79 in.)
11. Needle Bearing 23. Washer, +31 x 20.5 mm (1.2 x 0.8 in.)
12. Washer, 430 x 20.5 mm (1.2 x 0.8 in.)
Shift Drum and Fork Removal
Transmission Shafts (see Transmission Shaft Removal)
Gear Positioning Lever Bolt [A]
Gear Positioning Lever (B]
Spring [CI
Shift Drum Cam Bolt [Dl
Shift Drum Cam [El
Shift Drum Bearing Holder Bolts [A]
Shift Drum Bearing Holder [B]

Shift Rods [A]
Shii Forks [B]
Shift Drum [C] and Bearing

S M Drum and Fork Installatlon

Apply molybdenum disuMde oil solution to the following
Shift Drum
ShiR Forks
Shift Rods
Shift Drum [A]
Shift Drum M n g (El]

Shii Rods [A]
Shii Fork (For Drive Shaft) [B]
Shii Forks (For Output Shaft) [C]
OFace the stoppers [Dl on the shift forks inward.
OFR the shift fork pins to the shM drum grooves as shown.
Shift Drum Bearing Holder [A]
A p p l y a non-permanent locking agent to the shift drum
bearing holder bolts [B].
lTighten the bolts temporarily.
Torque -Shift Drum Bearing Holder Bob: 9.8 N-m (1.0
kgf-m, 87 in-lb)

Spring [A1
Spacer [B]
Gear Positioning Lever [C]
Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the gear posi-
tioning lever bolt [Dl.
Torque -Gear Posltlonlng Lever Bolt: 9.8 N-m (1.0 kgfwm,
87 In-lb)
lCheck the gear positioning lever and spring for smooth
Pin [A]
lWhile pushing the gear positioning lever [B], install the
shift dtum cam [C].
OAlign the g m v e p]with the pin.
A p p l y a non-permanent locking agent to the shift drum
cam belt.
Toque -Shift Drum Cam Bolt: 12 N-m (1.2 kgf-m, 106 inslb)

Shifi Fork Bending Inspection

l and replace any fork that is
Visually inspect the shift forks,
bent. A bent fork could cause difficulty in shifting, or allow
the transmission to jump out of gear when under power.
90" [A1

ShM FtnWGear Groove Wear Inspection

a Measure the t h i i of the shift fork ears (A], and mea-
sure the width of the gear grooves [B].
*If the t h i i e s s of a shii fork ear is less than the service
limit, the shii fork must be replaced.

Standank -
Shift Fork Ear Thickness
4.9 5.0 mm (0.19 - 0.20 In.)
Service Limit: 4.8 mm (0.19 In.)
*If the gear groove is worn over the service limit, the gear I
must be replaced.
Gear Groove Width
Standard: -
5.05 5.15 mm (0.199 - 0.203 in.)
Service Llmk 5.3 mm (0.21 in.)

ShM Fork Guide Pin/Drum Groove Wear

a Measure the diameter of each shii fork guide pins [A],
and measure the width of each shift drum grooves [B].
+If the guide pin on any shift fork is less than the senice
limit, the fork must be replaced.
Shift Fork Guide Pin Diameter
Standard: -
5.9 6.0 mm (0.23 - 0.24 in.)
Service Umit: 5.8 mm (0.23 In.)
*If any shii drum groove is worn over the service limit, the
drum must be replaced.
Shift Drum Groove Wldth
Standard: -
6.05 6.20 mm (0.238 - 0.244 in.)
Service Llmlt: 6.3 mm (0.25 in.)

Gear Dog and Gear Dog Hole Damage Inspection

a Visually inspect the gear dogs [A] and gear dog holes [B].
*Replace any damaged gears or gears with excessively
worn a or dog holes.
External Shift Mechanism
Shlft Pedal Removal
Remove the shift lever damp bolt [A], and disconnect the
shift lever [B] from the shift shaft.
Shift Pedal Bolt [C]
Shift Pedal [Dl

Shm Pedal Installation

Washer [A]
Shift Pedal [B]
A p p l y a non-permanent locking agent to the shift pedal
bolt [CI.
Apply grease to the sliding surface [Dl of the shift pedal
Toque -Shift Pedal M~yn#ngBolt: 25 N-m (2.5 kgfwm, 18
When installing the rubber damper [El, Face the cham-
fered side [qinward.

Align the line [A] on the shift shaft with the punch mark [B]
on the shift lever.
Tighten: - I
Toque Shift Lever Clamp Bolt [C]: 12 N-m(1.2 kgfim, 106

Adjust the tie-rod length [A] to 60.0 mm (2.36 in.).

OLoosen the tie-rod locknuts [B] and turn the tie-rod.
OThe tie-rod locknut (front) has left-hand threads.
.- 7.0 N-m (0.71 kgf-m, 62 in-lb)
Toque - M o d Locknuts:
External Shift Mechanism
External Shift Mechanism Removal
Clutch (see Clutch Removal in the Clutch chapter)
Remove the shift lever clamp bolt [A], and disconnect the
shift lever [B] from the shift shaft.
Circlip [C]
Washer [Dl
Special Tool - Outside Circllp Pllers: 57001-144
Shift Shaft Assembly [A]

External Shift Mechanism installation

Apply grease to the oil seal lips [A].

Shift Shaft Assembly [A]
OFit the return spring pin [B] between the spring ends [C].
OPull the shift mechanism arm [Dl,and hang it to the shift
drum cam [El.

l n s t s l l [A]. ~ ~
SpeEk17001 Oueb C%dlp P m 57001-144
lrrsbsa the rrPmoved parts (sgeappropriate chapters).
External Shift Mechanism
Check the W i shaft [A] for any damage.
*If the shaft is bent, straighten or replace it.
*If the serrations [B] are damaged, replace the shaft.
*If the springs [C] are damaged in any way, replace them.
*If the shift mechanism arm [Dl is damaged O n any way,
replace the shii shaft.

Ctaeck the s f i i shaft return spring pin [A] is not loose.

*If it is loose, unscrew it, apply a nowpm~nentlocking
agent tu the threads, and tighten it.
Torque ShMt Shaft Return Spdng Pln: 29 Nnr (3.0 kgfnr,
21 R-lb)
Chedr the gear positioning lever [B] and b spring [C] for
breaks or distortion.
+If the lever or spring is damaged in any way, replace it.
Visually inspect the shii drum cam [Dl.
*If R Ps, badly worn or shows any damage, replace it.
Ball Bearing, Needle Bearing, and Oil Seal
Ball and Needle Baring Wear Inspection

Do not remove the bearings for inspection. Re-

moval may damage them.
Check the ball bearings.
OSince the ball bearings are made to extremely close toler-
ances, the wear must be judged by feel rather than mea-
surement. Clean each bearing in a high flash-point sol-
vent, dry it (do not spin the bearing while it is dry), and oil
it with engine oil.
OSpin [A] the bearing by hand to check its condition.
*If the bearing is noisy, does not spin smoothly, or has any
rough spots, replace it.
Check the needle bearings.
OThe rollers in a needle bearing normally wear very little,
and wear is difficult to measure. Instead of measuring,
inspect the bearing for abrasion, color change, or other
* If there is any doubt as to the condition of a needle bear-
ing, replace it.
011 Seal Inspection
Inspect the oil seals.
*Replace it if the lips are misshapen, discolored (indicating
that the rubber has deteriorated), hardened or otherwise
Table of Contents
Exploded Vlew ........................................................................................................................
Specifications ........................................................................................................................
Special Tools .........................................................................................................................
Wheels (Rims) ........................................................................................................................
Front Wheel Removal .......................................................................................................
Front Wheel Installation....................................................................................................
Rear Wheel Removal........................................................................................................
Rear Whetel lmtakth...................................................................................................
Wheel Inspection ..............................................................................................................
Axle Insp&ion ..................................................................................................................
Balance Inspection ............................................................................................................
Balance Adjustment ..........................................................................................................
Balance \IV.sight Removal..................................................................................................
Balance Weight Installation ...............................................................................................
Tires ........................................................................................................................................
Air Pressure InspedionlAdjustment ..................................................................................
Tire lnspectlon ..................................................................................................................
Tire Removal.....................................................................................................................
Tire Installation ..................................................................................................................
Tire Repair ........................................................................................................................
Hub Bearing ............................................................................................................................
Hub Bearing Removal .......................................................................................................
Hub Bearing Ins0allation....................................................................................................
Hub Bearing Inspdbn.....................................................................................................
Hub Bearing L u b t l o n ...................................................................................................
Exploded View
Exploded View
No. Fastener Remarks
- - - -
N-m kgfmm ft.1b
1 Front Axle Nut 98 10 72
2 Rear Axle Nut 98 10 72
G: Apply grease.
HG: Apply high-temperature grease.
R: Replacement Parts
WL: Apply soap and water solution or rubber lubricant.

Item Standard Service Limit

Wheels (Rims) -
Rim Runout:
Axial TIR 0.5 m i (0.02 in.) or less TIR 1.0 mm (0.04 in.)
Radial TIR 0.8 mm (0.03 in.) or less TIR 1.0 mm (0.04 in.)
Axle Runout/100 mm (3.94 in.) TIR 0.1 mm (0.004 in.) or less TIR 0.2 mm (0.008 in.)
Wheel Balance 10 g (0.35 oz.) or less ---
Balance Weights 10 g (0.35 oz.), 20 g (0.71 oz.), 30 g ---
( I .06 oz.)
Rim Size:
Front 17MlC x MT3.00 ---
Rear 17MlC x MT4.00 ---
1 Tires
Air Pressure (when cold):
Front Up to 180 kg (397 Ib) load: 200 kPa
(2.00 kgf/cm2, 28 psi)
Rear Up to 180 kg (397 Ib) load: 225 kPa
(2.25 kgflcm2, 32 psi)
Tread Depth:
Front 4.0 mm (0.16 in.) 1 mm (0.04 in.)
(AT, CH, DE) 1.6 mm
(0.06 in.)
Rear 6.0 mm (0.24 in.) UP to 130 kmlh (80 mph):
2 mm (0.08 in.)
Over 130 kmlh (80 mph):
3 mm (0.12 in.)
Standard Tires:
Size 110/7OR17 MIC 54H
Make DUNLOP ---
Type SPORTMAX, GPR-300 N ---
Size 150/60R17 MIC 66H ---

Some replacement tires may adversely affect handling and cause an accident resulting in
serious injury or death. To ensure proper handling and stability, use only the recommended
standard tires for replacement, inflated to the standard pressure.
Special Tools
Bearing Driver Set: Bearing Remover Head, 415 w 417:
57001-1129 57001-1267

ITSllL81aT E

Bearing Remover Shaft, 49:

Wheels (Rims)
Front Wheel Removal
Front Wheel Rotation Sensor Bolt [A] (ABS Equipped
Front Wheel Rotation Sensor [B] (ABS Equipped Mod-
Front Caliper (see Front Caliper Removal in the Brakes
Cotter Pin [C]
Axle Nut [Dl and Washer
Raiie the front wheel off the ground with a suitable stand.
Pull out the axle to the left and remove the front wheel
from the forks.
Do not lay the wheel on the ground with the disc
facing down. This can damage or warp the disc.
Place blocks under the wheel so that the disc does
not touch the ground.

Front Wheel Installation

Apply high-temperature grease to the grease seal lips.
Fit the collars [A] on the both sides of the hub.

Apply a thin coat of grease [A] to the front axle for rust
About 10 mm (0.4 in.) [B]
About 30 rnm (1.2 in.) [C]
OD0 not apply grease to the threads of the axle.

*Ww off excess grease if necessary.
Ins&ll the washer and axle nut.
Torque Front Axk Nut: 98 N*m(10 kgfin, 72 R-lb)
Wheels (Rims)
Insert a new cotter pin [A].
0 When inserting the cotter pin, if the slots in the nut do
not align with the coffer pin hole in the axle, tighten the
nut clockwise [Bl up to next alignment.
Olt should be within 30 degrees.
OLoosen once and tighten again when the slot goes past
the nearest hole.

Bend the cotter pin [A] over the nut [B].

serious injury or death. Tighten the axle nut to the

Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).

Check the front brake effectiveness(see Brake Operation
Inqxtion in the Periodk Maintenance chapter).
After servicing, It takes w v e d applications of the
brake lever before the bnke pads contact the disc,
which could result in inm8wd stopping dkstance
and cause an accbnt mwlting in Injury or death.
Do not attempt to ride the motorcycle until a finn
brake lever is obtained by pumping the lever until
the pads are against the disc.

Rear Wheel Removal

Raise the rear wheel dR the ground with the stand [A].
Wheels (Rims)
Remove the rear caliper mounting bdts [A]. I

Remove the rear caliper [B] from the rear brake disc. " _:;



, '

Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor Bolt [A]
Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor [B]
Cotter Pin [C]
Axle Nut [Dl and Washer
Axle [El (from Left Side)

Remove the drive chain [A] from the rear sprocket toward
the left. ..., 9
Move the rear wheel back and remove it.
Do not lay the wheel on the ground wlth the disc
facing down. This can damage or warp the disc.
Place blocks under the wheel so that the disc does
not touch the ground.

Rear W h d lnstallaffon
Apply high-temperature grease to the grease seal lips.
Fit the collars on the both sides of the hub.
Left Side Collar [A]
Right Side Collar (B] (with Flange)

Engage the drive chain with the mar sprocket. . -

Install the caliper bracket [A] onto the swingarm stop (B].
Wheels (Rims)
Apply a thin coat of grease [A] to the rear axle for rust
About 10 mm (0.4 in.) [B]
About 70 mm (2.8 in.) [C]
0Do not apply grease to the threads of the axle.

Insert the rear axle from the left side.

*Wipe off excess grease if necessary.
Install the washer and rear axle nut.
Adjust the drive chain slack before tightening the rear
axle nut (see Drive Chain Slack I n s w o n in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter).
Torque Rear Axle Nut: 98 Nm (10 kgf-m, 72 ft-lb)

Insert a new cotter pin [A].

OWhen inserting fhe cotter pin, i f the dots in the nut do
not align with the cotter pin hole in the axle, tighten the
nut c l ~ s [8] e up to next alignment.
Olt should be within 30 degrees.
OLoosen once and tighten again when the slot goes past
the nearest hole.

Bend the cotter pin [A] over the nut [B].

serious injury or death. Tighten the axle nut to the

Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).

Check the rear brake effectiveness (see Brake Operation
Inspection in the Periodic Maintenance chapter).
After servicing, lt takes several applications of the
brake pedal before the brake pads contact the disc,
which could result in increased stopping distance
and cause an accident resulting in injury or death.
Do not attempt to ride the motorcycle untll a finn
brake pedal is obtained by pumping the pedal untll
the pads are against the disc.
wheels (Rhs)

TIR 0.8 mm (0.03 in.) or less

AaW TIR 1.0 mm (0.04 In.)
TIR 1.0 mm (0.04 R.)

Damaged wheel parts may fail and cause an a d
dent resulting in serious Injury or death. Never a&
tempt to repair a damaged wheel part. If the wheel
part is damaged, it must be replacedwith a new one.
Axle inspection
Remove the front and rear axles (see FrontIRear W M
Visually inspect the front and rear axle for damages.
*If the axle is damaged or bent, replace it.
Place the axle in V blocks that are 100 mrn (3.94 in.) fq
apart, and set a dial gauge [B]on the axle at a point
haltway between the blocks. Turn [C] the axle to me*
sure the runout. The difference between the highest and
lowest dial readings is the amount of mnout.
+Ifaxbrunoutexceedshsarvioelimit, replaoethscale.
Axle Runout/100 mm (3.94 in.)
Standard: TIR 0.1 mm (0.004 h.)or less
Se~lce Llmlt: TiR 0.2 mm (0.008 in.)
Wheels (Rims)
Balance Inspection
Removethe front and rear wheels (see FrontfRear Wheel
Support the wheel so that it can be spun freely.
Spin the wheel lightly, and mark [A] the wheel at the top
when the wheel stops.
ORepeat this procedure several times. If the wheel stops
of its own accord in various positions, it is well balanced.
*If the wheel always stops in one position, adjust the wheel
balance (see Balance Adjustment).
Balance Adjustment
If the wheel always stops in one position, provisionally
attach a balanceweight [A] on the rim at the marking using
adhesive tape.
Rotate the wheel 114 turn [B], and see whether or not the
wheel stops in this position. If it does, the correct balance
weight is being used.
*If the wheel rotates and the weight goes up, replace the
weight with the next heavier size. If the wheel rotates and
the weight goes down, replace the weight with the next
lighter size. Repeat these steps until the wheel remains
at rest after being rotated 114 turn.
Rotate the wheel another 114 turn and then another 114
tum to see if the wheel is correctly balanced.
Repeat the entire procedure as many times as necessary
to achieve correct wheel balance.
Permanently install the balance weight.
Balance Weight Removal
Insert a standard tip screwdrivers [A] [B]between the rib
[C] and the weight [Dl.
a Pry the balance weight with two screwdrivers and remove
the balance weight.
a Discard the used balance weight.
I Do not tap the screwdrivers. The rim could be dam-

Balance Wight lnstallatlon

a Check if the weight portion has any play on the blade [A]
and dip [B].
*If it does, discard it.
Unbalanced wheels can crsate an unsafe riding
condition. If the balance weight has any play on
the rib of the rim, the blade andlor clip have been
stretched. Replace tho loore balance weight Do
not reuse used balance wdght
10-12 WHEELSrrlRES
Wheels (Rims)
Balanca Weight
I Part Number I Weight I
41075-0007 10 g (035 oz.)
41075-0006 20 g (0.71 oz.)
41075-0009 30 n (1.06 oz.)

OBalance weights are available from Kawasaki dealem in
10, 20, and 30 grams (0.35, 0.71, and 1.06 oz.) sizes.
An imbalance of less then 10 gmms (0.35 oz.) mill not
usually affect mnning stability.
ODo not use f w r or r m ~ balance
e weight (more than 90
gmm, 3.17 02.). M the WIWI mqrires an excess bal-
ance weight, dis~lssemblethe wheel to find the cause.
a Slip the balance weight [A] onb the rib [B] by pushhrg &I'
lightly hammering [C] the dip [Dl.
Left Side [El
Right Side [F]

Be sure to install the balance weight.

OCheck that the blade [A] and clip [B]are fully seated on
the rim [C] and that the clip is hooked over the rib [Dl.
Left Side [El
Right Side [F]
Air Pressure Inspection~Ad/ustment
a Refer to the Air Pressure Inspectionin the Periodic Main-
tenance chapter.
Rre lnspection
a Refer to the WheeVTire Damage Inspection in the Peri-
odic Maintenance chapter.
Rre Removal
a Remove:
Wheels (see FrontIRear Wheel Removal)
Valve Core (Let out the air)
a To maintain wheel balance, mark the valve stem position
on the tire with chalk so that the tire can be relnstalled in
the same position.
Chalk Mark or Yellow Mark [A]
Air Valve [B]
Align [C]
a Lubricatethe tire beads and rimflanges on both sides with
a soap and water solution or rubber lubricant. This helps
the tire beads slip off the rim flanges.
Never lubricate with engine oil or petroleum distii-
lates because they will deterlorate the tire.
a Remove the tire from the rim using a suitable wmmer-
cially available tire changer.
OThe tins cannot be removed with hand tools because
they fit the rims too tightly.

Tire installation
Some replacement tires may adversely affect han-
dling and cause an accident resulting in serious ln-
jury or death. To ensure proper handling and sta-
bility, use only the recommendedstandard tires for
replacement, inflated to the standard pressure.
a Inspect the rim and tire, and replace them if necessary.
a Clean the sealing surfaces of the rim and tire, and smooth
the sealing surfaces of the rim with a fine emery doth if
a Remove the air valve and discard it.
Replace the air valve whenever the tire is replaced.
Do not reuse the air valve.
Install a new valve in the rim.
ORemove the valve cap, lubricate the stem seal [A] with a
soap and water solution or rubber lubricant, and pull [B]
the valve stem through the rim from the inside out until it
.. *
snaps into place.

Do not use engine oll or petroleum distillates to lu-
bricate the stem.trmausa e y will cbaterlomt~the
OThe air valve is as shown.
Valve Cap [A]
Valve Core [B]
Stem Seal [C]
Valve Stem [Dl
Valve Seat [q
Valve Opened [fl

Check the tire rotation mark on the front and rear tires and
install them on the rim accordingly.
Tire Rotation Mark [A]
Rotating Direction [B]

Position the tire on the rim so that the valve [A] align with
the tire balance mark [B] (the chalk mark made during
removal, or the yellow paint mark on a new tire).
Install the tire bead over the rim flange using a suitable
commercially available tire changer.
Lubricate the tire beads and rim flanges with a soap and
water solution or rubber lubricant to help seat the tire
beads in the sealing surfaces of the rim while inflating the
Center the rim in the tire beads, and inflate the tire with
compressed air until the tire beads seat In the sealing
Overinflstingr tire can cawe it to explode, causing
setious injury or death. Be sure to install the valve
core whenever inflating the tire, and do not Inflate
the tlm to more than 400 kPa (4.0 kgflcw, 57 psi).
Check to see that the rim lines [A] on both sides of the tire
sidewalls are parallel with the rim flanges.
+If the rimflanges and tire sidewall rim lines are not parallel,
remove the valve core.
Lubricate the rim flanges and tire beads.
Install the valve core and inflate the tire again.
After the tire beads seat in the rim flanges, check for air
Olnflate the tire slightly above standard inflation.
OUse a soap and water solution or submerge the tire, and
check for bubbles that would indicate leakage.
Adjust the air pressure to the specified pressure (see Air
Pressure Inspection in the Periodic Maintenance chap-
Install the air vahe cap.
Adjust the wheei balance (see Balance Adjustment).
Tire Repair
Currently two types of repair for tubeless tires have come
into wide use. One type is called a temporary (external) re-
pair which can be canied out without removingthe tire from
the rim, and the other type is called permanent (intemal)
repair which requires tire removal. It is generally under-
stood that higher running durability is obtained by p e m
nent (internal) repairs than by temporary (external) ones.
Also, permanent (intemal) repairs have the advantage of
permitting a thorough examination for secondary damage
not visible from external inspection of the tire. For these
reasons, Kawasaki does not recommend temporary (exter-
nal) repair. Only appropriate permanent (internal) repairs
are recommended. Repair methods may vary slightly from
make to make. Follow the repair methods indicated by the
manufacturer of the repair tods and materials so that safe
results can be obtained.
Hub Bearing
Hub Bearing Removal
Remove the wheels (see Frontmear Wheel Removal).
Coupling (Out of rear hub)
Grease Seals
Use the bearing remover to remove the hub bearings [A].

1 Do not lay the wheel on the ground with the disc

facing down. This can damage or warp the disc.
Place blocks under the wheel so that the disc does
not touch the ground.
Special Tools Bearing Remover Shaft, 49 [B]: 57001-1265

Bearing Remover Head, 415 x 417 [C]:

Hub Bearing lnstsllahlon
Before installingthe hub bearings, blow any dirt or foreign
partides out of the hub with compressed air to prevent
contamination of the bearings.
Replace the bearings with new ones.
By the following specified sequence, install the bearings.
OPress in the right side bearing [A] until it is bottomed.
Special Tool Bearing Driver Set [El: 57001-1129
Olnstall the collar into the hub from left side.
OPress in the left side bearing until it is bottomed.
Special Tool - Bearing Driver Set: 570011 129
Confirm that the axle can be inserted smoothly.
Confirm that the each bearing inner race can be turned
smoothly. Then visually inspect that the inner race of the
opposite side turns.
*If they do not turn smoothly, remove the bearings and
d l a r and visually inspect the wheel and collar.
Replace the grease seals with new ones.
Press in the grease seals [A] so that the seal surface is
flush [B]with the end of the hole.
OApply hightemperature grease to the grease seal lips.
Special Tool - Bearing Driver Set [C]: 57001-1129
Hub Bearing
Hub Bearlng lnspectlon
Since the hub bearings are made to extremely close tol-
erances, the clearance can not normally be measured.
000not remove any bearings for inspection. If any bear-
ings are removed, they will need to be replaced with
new ones.
.Turn each bearing in the hub back and forth [A] while
checking for plays, roughness, or binding.
*If bearing play, roughness, or binding is found, replace
the bearing.
Examine the bearing seal [B] for tears or leakage.
*If the seal is tom or is leaking, replace the bearing.
Hub Bearing Lubrication
OSince the hub bearings are packed with grease and
sealed, lubrication is not required.
Exploded View
Exploded View

- -
N-m I
kaf=m 1 it-lb
Remarks I
1 Engine Sprocket Cover Baks 9.8 1.O 87 in-lb
2 Engine Sprocket Nut 127 13.0 93.7 FA0
3 Rear Sprocket Nuts 59 6.0 44 R, S
4. US, CA, CAL and PH
6:Apply grease.
HG: Apply high-temperature grease.
HO: Apply heavy dl.
MO: Appty molybdenum disuffide oil solution.
(mixture of the engine dl and molybdenum disulfide grease in a weight ratio 10:l)
R: Replacement Parts
S: F d b the spedffed tightening sequence.
Item Standard Sewice Limit
Drlve Chain
Drive Chain Slack - -
20 30 mm (0.8 1.2 in.) ---
- -
Drive Chain Wear (20-link Length) 317.5 318.2 mm (12.50 12.53 in.) 319 mm (12.6 in.)
Standard Chain:
Make ENUMA ---
T' EK520SR02 ---
EK520LV03 (when shipping) ---
Link 106 links ---
Link Pin Outside Diameter m e n
drive chain replacing)
_ -
5.3 5.7 mm (0.21 0.22 in.) ---

drive chain replacing) in.)

- -
Link Plates Outside Width m n 17.35 17.50 mm (0.6831 0.6890 ---
Rear Sprocket Warp TIR 0.4 mm (0.016 in.) or less TIR 0.5 mm (0.020 in.)
Special Tool
Baring Driver Set
Drive Chain
Drfve Chain Slack lnspectlon
Refer to the Drive Chain Slack Inspection in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter.
Drive Chain Slack Adjustment
Refer to the Drive Chain Slack Adjustment in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter.
Wheel AIIgnment Inspection/Adjustment
Refer to the Wheel Alignment lnspection in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter.
Drive Chain Wear lnspection
Refer to the Drive Chain Wear lnspection in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter.
Drive Chain Lubrication
Refer to the Drive Chain Lubrication Condition in the Pe-
riodic Maintenance chapter.
Drive Chain Guide Wear Inspection
Refer to the Chain Guide Wear lnspection in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter.
Drive Chain Removal
Swingarm (see Swingarm Removal in the Suspension
Remove the drive chain [A] from the engine sprocket [B],
and take it off the chassis.

Drive Chain Installation

Install the drive chain to the engine sprocket.
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
Adjust the drive chain slack after installingthe chain (see
Drive Chain Slack Adjustment in the Periodic Mainte-
nance chapter).
Drive Chain Replacement
Mud Guard (see Mud Guard Removal in the Frame
Engine Sprocket Cover (see Engine Sprocket Removal)

For safety, if the drive chain shall be replaced, re-
place It using a recommended tool.

Recommended Tool
VPe: EK Jolnt Tool #SO
Brand: ENUMA
Drive Chain
Body [A1
Handlebar [B]
Cutting and Riveting Pin [C]
For Cutting [Dl
For Rieting [El
Plate Holder (A) [fl
Plate Holder (B) [GI
Gauge [HI

a Grind [A] the pin head to make it fiat.

Set the cutting and riveting pin [B] as shown.

Screw the pin holder until it touches the link pin.

a Be sure that the cutting pin hits center of the link pin.

a Screw the handlebar [A] into the body.

a Turn the pin holder with the wrench [B] clockwise to ex-
tract the link pin.

a Replace the link pin, link plate and grease seals.

a Apply grease to the link pins [A] and grease seals [B] [C].
a Engage the drive chain on the engine and rear sprockets.
Insert the link pins in the drive chain ends.
a Install the grease seals.
a Install the link plate so that the mark [Dl faces out.
a Push the link plate by hand or plier to fix it.
a Be sure to set the grease seals correctly.
Drive Chain
Set the plate holder (A) [A] and plate holder (B) [B] on the

Fit the plate holder (A) to the link plate.

Turn the pin holder by hand until the plate holder (B)
touches the other link plate.

Turn the pin holder by a wrench clockwise until two pins

of link come into groove of the plate holder (A).
Take off the plate holder.

Set the plate holder (B) [A] and cutting and riveting pin [B]
as shown.

Turn the pin holder until the riveting pin touches the link
Drive Chain
Tum the wrench clockwise until the tip of riveting pin hits
of the link pin.
Rivet it.
Same work for the other link pin.

.After staking, check the staked area of the link pin for
Measure the outside diameter [A] of the link pin and link
plates width [B].

Unk Pin Outside Diameter
Standard: -
5.3 5.7 mm (0.21 0.22 in.)

Link plates outside width

Standard: -
17.35 17.50 mm (0.6831 - 0.6890 in.)
*If the reading exceeds the specified length, cut and rejoin
the chain again.
Check the movement of the rollers.
Adjust the drive chain slack after installing the chain (see
Drive Chain Slack Adjustment in the Periodic Mainte-
nance chapter).
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
Sprocket, Coupling
Engine Sprocket Removal
Shii Lever Clamp Bolt [A]
Shii Lever [B]

Engine Sprodet Cover Bolts [A]
Engine Sprocket Cover [B]

Flatten out the bended washer [A].

Remove the engine sprocket nut [B] and washer.
0 When loosening the engine sprocket nut, hold the rear
brake on. L'
Mi the rear wheel off the ground with the stand.
Loosen the drive chain (see Drive Chain Slack Adjust-
ment in the Periodic Maintenance chapter).
Pull the engine sprocket [A] with drive chain [B] off the
output shaft.
Disengage the drive chain from the engine sprocket.

Engine Sprocket Installation

Replace the sprocket washer and axle cotter pin.
Install the engine sprocket so that protruding side [A]
faces inside.
Apply molybdenum disulfide oil solution to the threads of
output shaft and the surface of washer.
Torque Engine Sprocket Nut: 127 N-m (13.0 kgfin, 93.7

OTlghten the nut while applying the rear brake.
Bend the one side of #hewwher.?y,~p
-. ' -..
. '
a'. .. -rAwi&z7+. - A FINAL DRIVE 11-14
Sprocket, Coupling
Install the engine sprocket cover.
Toque Engine Sprocket Cover Bolts: 9.8 N-m (1.0 k*m,
87 in-lb)
*Adjust the drive chain slack after installing the engine
sprodret (see Drive Chain Slack Adjustment in the Pe-
riodic Maintenance chapter).
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
Rear Sprocket Removal
Remove the mar wheel (see Rear Wheel Removal in the

Do not lay the whoel on the ground with the dlsc
facing dwn. Thb cm d a m e or warp the dbc.
Place blocks under the wheel so that the disc does

Rear Sprocket Nuts [A]
Rear Sprocket [B]
Repr Sprocket lnstalladlon
Install the sprocket Fad* the tooth number marking [A]

Repface the rear spmcket nub with nsw ones.

*Trhten the mar sprocket nuts following tha sp8ciRea
tQhten9ng sequence (1 81.
Torquo Roar Spmdmt NuSr: 58 Nnr (6.0 kgfm, 11ff-lb)
Install the rear wheel (see Rear WhwI Insta~tSonin ths,
w h e e l f l m chaptar).

Coupling In9falJothn
* m tothafalkrwtng.
Coupling Gmse Seal Lips [A]
Coupling lntgmal Surface @]
Sprocket, Coupling
8 Replace the O-ring [A] with a new one and apply grease
to it.
8 Install:
Collar [B]

Coupling Bearing Removal

8 Remove:
Grease Seal
8 Remove the bearing [A] by tapping from the wheel side.
Special Tool - Bearing Driver Set [B]: 57001-1129

Coupling Bearing Installation

8 Replace the bearing with a new one.
Olnstall the couplingbearing with the mark faces outside.
8 Press in the bearing [A] until it is bottomed.
Special Tool - Bearing Driver Set [B]: 57001-1129
OPack the bearing with high-temperature grease.

8 Replace the grease seal with a new one.

8 Press in the grease seal so that the seal surface is flush
with the end of the hole.
OApply high-temperature grease to the grease seal lips.
Special Tool - Bearing Driver Set: 57001-1129
Coupling Bearlng Inspection
Since the coupling bearing is made to extremely close
tolerances, the clearance can not normally be measured.
Olt is not necessary to remove the coupling bearing for
inspection. If the bearing is removed, it will need to be
replaced with a new one.
8 Turn the bearing in the coupling back and forth [A] while
checking for plays, roughness or binding.
*If the bearing play, roughness or binding is found, replace
the bearing.
Sprocket, Coupling
Coupring B W n g Lubrication
Pack the bearing with grease. Turn the bearing around by
hand a few times to make sure the grease is distributed
uniformly inside the bearing.
Coupling Damper inspection
Remove the rear wheel coupling, and inspect the rubber
dampers [A].
Replace the damper if it appears damaged or deterb

I .

Sprocket W a r Inspection
a Visually inspect the engine and rear sprocket teeth for
wear and damage.
*If the teeth are worn as illustrated, replace the sprocket,
and inspect the drive chain wear (see Drive Chain Wear
Inspection in the Periodic Maintenance chapter).
Worn Tooth (Engine Sprocket) [A]
Worn Tooth (Rear Sprocket) [B]
Direction of Rotation [C]
Olf a sprocket requires replacement, the chain is proba-
bly worn also. When replacing a sprocket, inspect the
Rear Sprocket Warp Inspection
Raise the rear wheel off the g m n d with the stand so that
it will turn freely.
Set a dial gauge [A] against the mar sprocket [B] near the
teeth as shown, and rotate [C] the rear whed to measure
the sprocket ~ n o u(warp).
t The dlfhrence between the
highest and lowest dial gauge readings is the amount of
runout (warp).
*If the runout exceeds the service limit, replace the rear
Rear Sprocicat Warp
Standard: TIR 0.4 mm (0.016 in.) or lass
Senrice Limit TIR 0.5 mm (0.020 in.)

Table of Contents
ExplodedView .....................................................................................................................
Specifications ........................................................................................................................
Brake Pedal............................................................................................................................
Brake Pedal Position lnspedlon ......................................................................................
Brake Pedal Position Adjustment .....................................................................................
Brake Pedal Removal......................................................................................................
Brake Pedal Installation....................................................................................................
Calipers ..................................................................................................................................
Front Caliper Removal......................................................................................................
Rear Caliper Removal.......................................................................................................
Caliper Installation ............................................................................................................
Front Caliper Disassembly................................................................................................
Front Caliper Assembly.....................................................................................................
Rear Caliper Disassembly ................................................................................................
Rear Caliper Assembly .....................................................................................................
Caliper Fluid Seal Damage Inspection..............................................................................
Caliper Dust Seal Damage Inspection..............................................................................
Caliper Boots Inspection...................................................................................................
Caliper Piston and Cylinder Damage Inspection ..............................................................
Caliper Holder Pin Inspection ...........................................................................................
Brake Pads............................................................................................................................
Brake Pad Removal .............................. .......................................................................
Brake Pad Installation.......................................................................................................
Brake Pad Wear Inspection ..............................................................................................
Master Cylinder ......................................................................................................................
Front Master Cylinder Removal........................................................................................
Front Master Cylinder Installation.....................................................................................
Rear Master Cylinder Removal.........................................................................................
Rear Master Cylinder I~stallation .....................................................................................
Front Master Cylinder Dlrrassembly..................................................................................
Rear Master Cylinder Disassembly...................... .........................................................
Master Cylinder Assembly ..............................................................................................
Master Cylinder Inspection ...............................................................................................
Brake Disc ..............................................................................................................................
Brake Disc Removal .........................................................................................................
Brake Disc Instaltation......................................................................................................
Brake Disc Wear lnqmdon..............................................................................................
Brake Disc Warp Inspection..............................................................................................
Brake Fluid .............................................................................................................................
Brake Fluid Level Inspection............................................................................................
Brake Fluid Change .................................................................. :.....................................
Brake Line Bleeding..........................................................................................................
Brake Hose.............................................................................................................................
Brake Hose RernovaVlnstallation......................................................................................
Brake Hose Inspection......................................................................................................
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)..........................................................................
Parts Location...................................................................................................................
ABS Sewicing Precautions...............................................................................................
ABS Troubleshooting Outline............................................................................................
Inquiries to Rider.............................................................................................................

Selfdiagnosis Outline .......................................................................................................

Selfdiagnosis Procedures................................................................................................
Service Code Clearing Procedures...................................................................................
How to Read Service Codes.............................................................................................
How to Erase Service Codes ............................................................................................
Yellow ABS Indicator Light (LED) Inspection....................................................................
ABS Unit Solenoid Valve Inspection (Service Code 13. 14. 17. 18) .................................
ABS Solenoid Valve Relay Inspection (Service Code 19) ................................................
Front. Rear Wheel Rotation DifferenceAbnormal Inspection (Service Code 25) .............
ABS Motor Inspection (Service Code 35) .........................................................................
Wheel Rotation Sensor Signal Abnormal lnspection (Front: Service Code 42) (Rear.
Service Code 44) ...........................................................................................................
Front Wheel Rotation Sensor Wiring Inspection (Service Code 43) .................................
Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor Wiring Inspection (Service Code 45)..................................
Power Supply Voltage Abnormal Inspection (Senrice Code 52: Low Voltage) (Service
Code 53: High Voltage)..................................................................................................
ABS Hydrautic Unit Internal Error Inspection (Service Code 55) ......................................
ABS Hydraulic Unit Removal ............................................................................................
ABS Hydraulic Unit Installation .........................................................................................
ABS Hydraulic Unit Inspection..........................................................................................
Front Wheel Rotation Sensor Removal ............................................................................
Front Wheel Rotation Sensor Installation .........................................................................
Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor Removal.............................................................................
Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor Installation..........................................................................
Wheel Rotation Sensor Inspection....................................................................................
Wheel Rotation Sensor Air Gap Inspection ......................................................................
Front Wheel Rotation Sensor Rotor Removal...................................................................
Front Wheel Rotation Sensor Rotor Installation................................................................
Wheel Rotation Sensor Rotor Inspection..........................................................................
Fuse Removal...................................................................................................................
Fuse Installation................................................................................................................
Fuse Inspection................... .........................................................................................
- 1-

, BRAKES 12-3

This page intentionally lefi blank.

Exploded Vlew
Exploded View
No. Fastener Remarks
Nom kgf-m ft-lb
1 Brake Hose Banjo Bolts 25 2.5 18
2 Front Brake Reservoir Cap Screws 1.5 0.15 13 inlb
3 Brake Lever Pivot Bolt 5.9 0.60 52 in lb Si
4 Brake Lever Pivot Bolt Locknut 5.9 0.60 52 in lb
5 Front Master Cylinder Clamp Bolts 8.8 0.90 78 inlb S
6 Front Brake Light Switch Screw 1.2 0.12 11 inlb
7 Front Caliper Mounting Bolts 25 2.5 18
8 Brake Disc Mounting Bolts 27 2.8 20 L, s
9 Front Caliper Holder Pin Nut 22 2.2 16 L
10 Front Caliper Holder Pin 17.2 1.75 12.7 Si
11 Bleed Valve 5.4 0.55 48 inlb
12 Front Brake Pad Pins 17.2 1.75 12.7
B: Apply brake fluid.
L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.
R: Replacement Parts
S: Follow the specified tightening sequence.
Si: Apply silicone grease.
12-6 BRAKES ,

Exploded View
Exploded View
No. Fastener Remarks
Nm kgf=m ft-lb
1 Brake Hose Banjo Bolts 25 2.5 18
2 Brake Pedal Bolt 8.8 0.90 78 in lb
3 Rear Master Cylinder Mounting Bolts 25 2.5 18
4 Rear Master Cylinder Push Rod Locknut 17.2 1.75 12.7
5 Brake Disc Mounting Bolts 27 2.8 20 L, S
6 Rear Caliper Holder Pin Nut 22 2.2 16 L
7 Rear Caliper Holder Pin 17.2 1.75 12.7 Si
8 Rear Brake Pad Pins 17.2 1.75 12.7
9 Bleed Valve 5.4 0.55 48 in lb
10 Rear Caliper Mounting Bolts 25 2.5 18
11 Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor Bolt 6.9 0.70 61 inlb
B: Apply brake fluid.
G: Apply grease.
L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.
R: Replacement Parts
S: Follow the s-ed tightening sequence.
Si: Apply silicone grease.
Exploded Wew
ABS Equipped Models
Exploded View
No. Fastener Remarks
N-m kgf=m ft*lb
1 Front Brake Reservoir Cap Screws 1.5 0.15 13 inlb
2 Brake Lever Pivot Bolt 5.9 0.60 52 in lb Si
3 Brake Lever Pivot Bolt Lodvrut 5.9 0.60 52 in lb
4 Front Master Cylinder Clamp Bolts 8.8 0.90 78 in lb S
5 Front Brake Light Switch Screw 1.2 0.12 11 inlb
6 Front Wheel Rotation Sensor Rotor Bolts 4.15 0.423 37 inlb
7 Front Caliper Mounting B o b 25 2.5 18
8 Front Wheel Rotation Sensor Bolt 6.9 0.70 61 inlb
9 Brake Disc Mounting Bolts 27 2.8 20 L, s
10 Front Caliper Holder Pin Nut 22 2.2 16 L
11 Front Caliper Holder Pin 17.2 1.75 12.7 Si
12 Bleed Vahte 5.4 0.55 48 in lb
13 Front Brake Pad Pins 17.2 1.75 12.7
B: Apply brake fluid.
L: Apply a non-permanent W n g agent.
R: Replacement Parts
S: Follow the spedfld tightening sequence.
Si: Apply silicone grease.
;. : --- --
v y - n

12-10 BRAKES
Exploded View
ABS Eaulpped Models
-.- - $ BRAKES 12-11
Exploded View
No. Fastener Remarks
N*m kgf-m R-lb
1 Brake Hose Banjo Bolt (ABS Hydraulic Unit) 33 3.4 24 S
2 Brake Pedal Bolt 8.8 0.90 78 inlb
3 Rear Master Cylinder Mounting Bolts 25 2.5 18
4 Brake Hose Banjo Bolt 25 2.5 18
5 Rear Master Cylinder Push Rod Locknut 17.2 1.75 12.7
6 Rear Caliper Holder Pin Nut 22 2.2 16 L
7 Rear Caliper Holder Pin 17.2 1.75 12.7 Si
8 Rear Brake Pad Pins 17.2 1.75 12.7
9 Bleed Valve 5.4 0.55 48 in lb
10 Brake Disc Mounting Bolts 27 2.8 20 L, s
11 Rear Caliper Mounting &Its 25 2.5 18
12 Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor Bolt 6.9 0.70 61 inlb
B: Apply brake fluid.
G: Apply grease.
L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.
R: Replacement Parts
S: Follow the spedfied tightening sequence.
Si: Apply silicone grease.

OWhen disassembling the brake hose and pipe, disassemble them by the unit as shown in the
exploded view.
BRAKES 12-13
Exploded View
No. Fastener Remarks
N-m kgf*m ft4b
Brake Hose Banjo Bolts (ABS Hydraulic
33 3.4 24 S
2 Brake Hose Banjo Bdts 25 2.5 18
R: Replacement Parts
S: Follow the specified tightening sequence.

OWhen aPisassembIing the brake hose and pipe, d ~ wnit as ~own in the
i them by the
exploded *w.
..- ,
12-14 BRAKES.
Item Standard Servlce Limit
Brake Lever, Brake Pedal
Brake Lever Position Non-adjustable ---
Brake Lever Free Play Non-adjustable ---
Pedal Free Play Non-adjustable ---
Pedal Position About 55 mm (2.2 in.) below top of footpeg ---
Brake Pads
Lining Thickness:
Front 4.5 mm (0.18 in.) 1.0 mm (0.04 in.)
Rear 4.5 mm (0.18 in.) - - .
1.5 mm (0.06 in.)
Brake Discs
Thickness: . .
Front - -
4.3 4.7 mm (0.17 0.19 in.) 4.0 mm (0.16 in.)
Rear - -
4.8 5.2 mm (0.19 0.20 in.) 4.5 mm (0.18 in.)
Runout, TIR 0.15 mm (0.0059 in.) or less TIR 0.3 mm (0.013 in.)
Brake Fluid
Front DOT3 or DOT4 ---
Rear DOT4 ---
ABS (Equipped Models)
ABS Hydraulic Unit:
Make NlSSlN
Wheel Rotation Sensor
Air Gap:
Front 0.6 - 1.5 mm (0.02 - 0.06 in.) ---
Rear 0.8 - 1.5 mm (0.03 - 0.06 in.) ---
Brake Pedal
Brake Pedal Posfflon Inspection
Check that the brake pedal [A] is in the correct piition.
F~tpes [Bl
Pedal Posltlon
Standard: About S!5 mm (2.2 in.) [C] below top of
*If it is incorrect, adjust the brake pedal position.

Brake Pedal Position Adjustment

OUsually if is n d necessary to adjust the pedal p s b n ,
but always adjust it when push rod locknut has been
Loosenthe locknut [A] and turn the push rod with the hex
head [B] to achieve the m edpedal position.
*If the length [C] shown is 78 f 1mm (3.07 f0.04 In.), the
pedal position will be within the standard range.
Torque Rear Master Cylinder Push Rod Loeknut: 17.2 N-m
(1.75 kgfm, 12.7 ft-lb)
Check the brake light switch operation (see Brake Light
Switch Operation Inspection in the Periodic Maintenance
Brake Pedal Removal
Remove the bolt [A].
Loosenthe banjo bolt [B] and tighten it loosely to prevent
the fluid spillage (ABS Equipped Models).
Brake fluid quickly damage palnted plastic cur-
faces; any spilled fluid should be completely
washed away Immadlately.
Remove the right front footpeg bracket bolts [C].
Remove the banjo bolt and d i n & the brake hose
(ABS Equipped Models).

. Turn the right front footpeg bracket inside out.

Cotter Pin [A] -,

Joint Pin [B]
Rear Brake Light Switch Spring [C]
,- "4
- *-,?ij
Return Spring [Dl
Remove the brake pedal bolt [Eland brake pedal [q.
12-16 BRAKES
&ake Pedal
- - -

Brake Pedal lnsfallatlon

Apply grease to the Nvot shaft [A] and install the washer
Brake Pedal [C]
Washer [Dl
8 Tighten:
Torque Brake Pedal Bolt [EJ: 8.8 N-m(0.90 kgf-m, 78 inolb)
Rear Brake Light Switch Spring
Return Sprlng [FJ
Replace the wtter pin with a new one.
Insert the joint pin from the outside.
Insert the cotter pin and bend the pin ends [A].
Installthe rightfront footpeg bracket, and tighten the bolts.
10%- Front Footpeg Bracket Botts: 25 N-m- (2.5
, kgfom,
- ''- -.
2:Fd1 *.[b)

Check the brake pedal position (seeBrake Pedal Position

Installthe removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
BRAKES 12-17 'q
Calipers ,

Front Callper Removal . 9

a Loosen the banjo bolt [A] at the brake hose lower end,
and tighten it loosely.
a Remove the caliper mounting bolts [B] and caliper [C].
Remove the banjo bolt to disconnect the brake hose [Dl
from the caliper (see Brake Hose RemovaVlnstallation).

Brake fluid quickly damage painted plastic sur-

faces; any spilled fluid should be completely
washed away Immedlably.

Rear Callper Removal

Loosen the banjo bolt [A] at the brake hose lower end,
and tighten it loosely.
Remove the caliper mounting bolts [B] and caliper [C].
Remove the banjo bolt and disconnect the brake hose [Dl
from the caliper (see Brake Hose RemovaVlnstallation).

Caliper lnstallatlon
Install the caliper and brake hose lower end.
OReplace the washers on each side of hose fitting with new
OFit the brake hose fitting into the groove on the caliper.
Toque Caliper Mountlng B o b
Front: 25 N-m(2.5 kgf-m, 18 ft-lb)
Rear: 25 N-m (2.6 kgf-m, 18 ft-lb)
Brake How Banjo B o w 25 N m (2.5 kgfm, 18

a Check the fluid level in the brake resenroirs.

a Bleed the brake line (see Brake Line Bleeding).
a Check the brake for good braking power, no brake drag,
and no fluid leakage.

I AIter servicing, itAtaker,

several applications of the
brake lever or pedal before the brake pads contact
the disc, which could rssu!t in Increased stopping
distance and cause an accident resulting in injury
or death. Do not attempt to ridethe motorcycle until
a firm brake lever or pedal is obtained by pumping
the lever or pedal untilthe pads are againstthe disc.

Front Caliper Disassembly

a Referto the Caliper Rubber Parts Replacement in the Pe-
riodic Maintenance chapter.
Front Caliper Assembly
a Referto the Caliper Rubber Parts Replacement in the Pe-
riodic Maintenance chapter.
Rear Caliper Dls~ssembly
Refer to the Caliper Rubber Parts Replacementi t f i e Pe-
riodic Maintenance chapter.
Rear C a l l ' AirsembEy
Refer to the Caliper Rubber Park ~&place&t in the P e
riodic Maintenance,chapter.
Calljw FluM Seal Damage Inspection
The fluid seals (piston seals) [A] am placed around the
piston to maintain dearance between the pad and the dkc.
If the seal is in a poor condition, it could lead the pad to
wear ~ ~ eor the
l h yk e to drag, M i may cause
the bmpmture of the d i i or the brake fluid to increase.
Replace the fluid seal if it exhibits any of the conditions
listed below.
0Brak.e fluid leakage around the pad.
OBrakes cnmdwat.
OConsideraMe difference in inner and outer pad wear.
OSeal and piston are stuck together.
*If fhg Mi seal Is repiaced, replace the dust see1 [B] as
-11. W ,replaw, all seals every other the the pads are
Caliper Dust Seal Damage lnspectlon
m C h m k that the dust seerls [A] are not cradced, worn,
swollen, or othmwk damaged.
*H they show any damage, replace the dud seals with new
Pistons [B]
nuid Seals [C]

Callper Book lnspectlon

Check that the dust boot [A] and fridkrn boot [B] are not
cracked, worn, swollen, or otherwise damaged.
*If t h y show any damage, replace it.
BRAKES 12-19
Caliper Piston and Cylinder Damage Inspection
Visually inspect the pistons [A] and cylinder surfaces [B].
*Replace the caliper if the cylinder and piston are badly
scores or rusty.

Callper Holder Pin l~utpectlon

The caliper body must slide srmoothly on the caliper holder
pins [A]. If the body does not slide smoothly, one pad will
wear more than the other, pad wear will increase, and con-
stant drag on the disc will raise brake and brake fluid tern-
Check to see that the caliper holder pins are not badly
worn or stepped, and that the rubber boots are not dam-
aged. . n
( '..
12-20 BRAKES
Brake Pads
Brake Pad Removal
OThe ptucedure to remove the front brake pad is as fol-
lows. Removing the rear brake pad is the same as for
the fmnt brake pad.

Loosen the pad pins [A].

Remove the caliper mounting botts [B].
Remove the caliper with the hose installed.

Pad Pins
Brake Pads [A]

Bmke Pad Installatian

OThe pmaiure to install the front brake pad is as Wbws.
IrtsWing the rear h k e pad is the same as ibr the ft;ont
Push the caliper pistons in by hand as far as they will go.
Install the pad spring [A] in its correct position.
Instalthe pad on the piston side first, then install the other
side pad on the holder.
Install the caliper (see Caliper Installation).
Toquo Brake Pad P k 17.2 Nm (1.75 kgfm, 12.7 ft-lb)
After sewking, it takes several a~llcationsof the
brake lever or pedal before the brake pads contact
the dlrc, whlch could result in increased stopping
disfima and cause an accident resulting in injury
or ckath. Do not attumpt to ride the motwcyck until
a finn brake lever or pedal Is obtalned by pumplng
the lever or pedal untilthe padsam againstthe disc.

Brake Pad W h r lnspecfion

Refer to the Brake Pad Wear Inspaction in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter.
BRAKES 12-21
Mastar Cylinder
Front Master Cylinder Removal
Remove the banjo tmlt [A] to disconnect the brake hose
from the master cylinder (see Brake Hose RemovaWln-
Remove the damp bolts (B] and remove the master cylin-
der [C] with the resenroir, brake lever, and brake switch
as an assembly.
D i m e the front brake light switch connector [Dl.

Brake fluid quickly damage painted plastic sur-
faces; any spilled fluid should be completely
washed away Immodkrtriy.
Front Mas* Cylinder Inshllation
Connect the front brake light switch connedor.
Set the front master cylinder to match its mating surface
[A] to the punch mark [B] of the handlebar.
The master cylinder damp must be installed with the ar-
row mark [C] upward.
*Tighten the upper damp bdt first, and then the lower
damp bolt.
Torque Front Master Cylinder Clamp Bolts: 8.8 Nm (0.90
kgfmm, 78 indb)
Replace the washers that are on each side of the hose
fitting with new ones.
Toque Brake Hose Banjo Bob: 25 N-m (2.5 kwm, 18
Bleed the brake line (see Brake Une Bleeding).
Check the brake for good braking power, no brake drag,
and no RUM Isakage.
Rear Master Cylinder Removal
Loosen the brake hose banjo bolt [A] and rear master
cylinder mounting bolts [B].
Bolt PI
Right Front Foot Peg Bradcet Bolts p]
Brake Hose Banjo Bolt

Brake fluid quickly damage painted piastic sur-
faces; any spllkd fluid should be wrnplobly
washed away immediately.
Drain the brake fluid into a container.
Turn the right front footpeg bracket inside out.
12-22 BRAKES
Master Cylinder
Cotter Pin [A]
Joint Pin [8]
Rear Master Cylinder Mounting Bdts
Rear Master Cylinder [C]

Reat-Mos8ar CyR& lnstaIlati0n

Torque -Rear Master CylinckrMounthg Bdtr: 25 Nm (25

. W m , 18 ft*)
Replace the cotter pin with a new one.
insert the jpint pin f m the outside.
M the rightfront foatpeg bracket, and tighten the bolts.
Toque-RontFodpgBrockaBoStr: 25Nm(2.Skgfm,
18 ft*)
Fitthe brake hosefitting into the g m v e on the rear master
8 Tighten:
Torque -Brake Hosa Bugo Bolts: 25 Nm (2.5 kgf=m,18
Bleed the brake line (see Brake Line Bleeding).
and no fluid leakage.
R u n t ~ ~ - - e m ~
b Master Cyfb.lder Rubber Parts Replacement
Refer to t
in the l%dodk Maintenance chapter.
Rear Master Cylinder Dhsmnbly
8 Refer to the Master Cylinder Rubber Parts Replacement
k r t h e M ~ : ~ c t r a p t e r .
Mcu~tPrCylinder Assembly
in tha Pwbdic Maintenance chapter.
BRAKES 12-23
Master Cylinder
Master Cylinder Inspection
lRemove the master cylinders (see FrontlRear Master @
Cylinder Removal).
l Disassemble the front and rear master cylinders (see
Master Cylinder Rubber Parts Replacement in the Peri-
odic Maintenance chapter).
l Check that there are no scratches, rust or pitting on the
inner wall [A] of each master cylinder and on the outside
of each piston PI.
*If a master cylinder or piston shows any damage, replace OWIZI~N~ 8

l Inspect the primary cup [C] and secondary cup [Dl.
*If a cup is worn, damaged softened (rotted), or swollen,
the piston assembly should be replaced to renew the
*If fluid leakage is noted at the brake lever, the piston as-
sembly should be replaced to renew the cups.
l Check the dust covers [E) for damage.
*If they are damaged, replace them.
l Check the piston return springs [fl for any damage.
*If the springs are damaged, replace them.
C h e c k that relief port [GI and supply port [HI are not
*If the relief port becomes plugged, the brake pads will
drag on the disc. Blow the ports clean with compressed
Front Master Cylinder [J]
Rear Master Cylinder [Kj
12-24 BRAKES
Brake Disc
Brake Disc Removal
Remove the wheels (see FrontlRear Wheel Removal in
the Whedfltres chapter).
Remove the brake disc mounting bolts [A] and brake disc
OHandle the wheel rotation sensor rotor carefully and do
not apply the external force to detbnn it. Them is a pus-
sibility that the sensor cannot read the signal conecty
from the rotor.
- 3
Brake Disc Instal/aflon
Installthe brake disc on the wheel so that the marked side
[A] faces out.
Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the of
the front and rear brake disc mounting botts. , -' zk.r y
Tighten the front and rear brake dim mounting bolts fol-
lowing the specified tightening sequence.
Front Brake Disc [B]
Rear Brake Disc [C]
Torque Bnke DISCMounting B o b . 27 Nqm (2.8 kgf-m, 20
OHandk the wheel rotation sensor rotor carefully and do
not apply the external fwce to defon it. There is a pos-
sibility that the sensor cannot read the signal correctly
from m rotor.

Brake Disc Wear Inspection

hhasure the t h i i s of each disc [A] at the pdnt where
it has worn the most.
*If the disc has worn past the service limit, replace it.
Measuring Area [B]
Brake Dlscs Thickness
Front 4.3 - -
4.7 mm (0.17 0.19 in.)
Rear 4.8 - -
5.2 mm (0.19 0.20 In.)
Service Limit:
Front 4.0 mm (0.16 in.)
Rear 4.5 mm (0.18 In.)
BRAKES 12-25
Brake Disc
Brake Disc Warp Inspection
Raise the fronthear wheel off the ground.
OFor front disc inspection, turn the handlebar fully to one
Set up a dial gauge against the disc [A] as shown and
measure disc runout, while turning [B] the wheel by hand.
+If runout exceeds the service limit, replace the disc.
Disc Runout
Standard: TIR 0.15 mm (0.0059 In.) or less
Sewice Limit: TIR 0.3 mm (0.013 In.)
12-26 BRAKES

Brake Fluid
Brake Fluid Level Inspection
a Refer to the Brake Fluid Level Inspection in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter.
Brake Fluid Change
Refer to the Brake Fluid Change in the Periodic Mainte-
nance chapter.
Brake Une Bleeding
The brake fluid has a very low compression coefficient so
tbat almost all the movement of the brake lever or pedal
is transmitted directly to the caliper for braking action. Air,
however, is easily compressed. When air enters the brake
lines, brake lever or pedal movement will be partially used
in compressing the air. This will make the lever or pedal feel
spongy, and there will be a loss in braking power.
Air in the brake lines diminish braking performance
and can cause an accident resulting in injury or
death. If the brake lever or pedal has a soft or
"spongyn feeling mushy when it is applled, there
might be air In the brake lines or the brake may be
defective. Do not operate the vehicle and service
the brake system Immediately.

I Brake fluid quickly NOTICE

damage painted plastlc sur-
faces; any spilled fluid should be completely
washed away immediately.

OThe procedure to bleed the front brake line is as follows.
Bleeding the rear brake line is the same as for the front

a Remove the reservoir cap [A], diaphragm plate and di-

a Fill the reservoir with fresh brake fluid to the upper level
line in the reservoir.
Brake Fluld Grade
Front: DOT3 or DOT4
Rear: DOT4
Slowly pump the brake lever several times until no air
bubbles can be seen rising up through the fluid from the
holes at the bottom of the reservoir.
OBleed the air completely from the master cylinder by this
BRAKES 12-27
Brake Fluid
Remove the rubber cap from the bleed valve [A] on the
Attach a clear plastic hose [B] to the Meed valve, and run
the other end of the hose into a container.

Bleed the brake line and the caliper.

ORepeat this operation until no more air can be seen com-
ing out into the plastic hose.
1. Pump the brake lever until it becomes hard, and apply
the brake and hold it [A].
2. Quickly open and close [B] the bleed valve while holding
the brake applied.
3. Release the brake [C].
After pumping the brake lever several times, re-
leasing It without opnlng and closing of the bleed
valve may cause brake fluid to be blown back from
the master cylinder mervoir. Brake fluid spilt
on palnted surfaces and plastic parts will qulckly
damage them. Be sure to open and close the bleed

OThe fluid level must be checked offen during the bleed-
ing opemficmand mpbnished wiVl fresh bmke fluid as
m-. If the fluid in the resetwit-runs completely
out any time during b k d h g , the bleeding operation
must be done aver again 1Zwn the begjnning since air
will have entered the line.
OTap the bmke hose lightty from the caliper to the resw-
voir for mose complete bleeding.
Remove the dear plastic hose.
Installthe diaphragm, diaphragm plate and reservoir cap.
Torque Front Brake Resefdr Cap Screws: 1.5 Nm (0.15
kgfm, 13 In-lb)
Follow the procedure below to install the rear brake fluid
resenroir cap correctty.
OFiist, tighten the rear M e fluid resenroSr cap [A] dock-
wise [B] by hand until slight resistanoe is felt indicating
that the cap is seated on the r e s e d r body [C], then
tighten the cap an a d d l 1/6 turn [Dl while holding the
brake fluid re&r trody.
12-28 BRAKES
Brake Fluid
Tighten the bleed valve, and install the rubber cap.
Toque - B l e d Valve: 5.4 N-m(0.55 kgf-m, 48 In-lb)
Check the fluid level (see Brake Fluid Level Inspection in
the Periodic Maintenance chapter).
After bleeding is done, check the brake for good braking
power, no brake drag, and no fluid leakage.

When working with the disc brake, obsewe the pre-
cautions listed below.
Never reuse old brake fluid.
Do not use flukl from a container that has been left
unsealed or that has been open for a long time.
Do not mix two types and brands of fluid for use
in the brake. This lowers the brake fluid boiling
point and could cause the brake to be ineffective.
It may also cause the rubber brake parts to dete-
Do not leave the reservoir cap off for any length of
tlme to avoid moisture contamination of the fluid.
*Do not change the fluid In the rain or when a
strong wind k blowing.
Except for the disc pads and disc, use only disc
brake fluid, isopropyl alcohol, or ethyl alcohol for
cleaning of the brake parts. Do not use any other
fluid for c h n i n g these parts. Gasoline, engine
oil, or any other petroleumdistillate will cause de-
terioration of the rubber parts. Oil spilled on any
part will be difflcuttto wash off completelyand will
eventually deterlorate the rubber used in the disc
When handling the disc pads or disc, be careful
that no disc brake fluid or any oil gets on them.
Clean M a n y fluid or oil that inadvertently gets on
the pads or disc with a high flash-point solvent.
Do not rrre one which will leave an oily residue.
Replacethe pads with new ones if they cannot be
cleaned satisfactorily.
Brake fluid quickly damages painted surfaces;
any spilled fluld should be completely wlped up
Ifany ofthe brake line fittings or the bleedvahre is
opened at any time, the AIR MUST BE BLED FROM
Brake Hose
BRAKES 12-29

Brake Hose RemovaMmtallaffon

Refer to the Brake Hose and Pipe Replacement in the
Periodic Maintenance chapter.
Brake Hose lnspecffon
Refer to the Brake Hose and Pipe Damage and Instal-
lation Condition Inspection in the Periodic Maintenance
12-30 BRAKES
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)
Parfs Location
Front Wheel Rotation Sensor [A]
Front Wheel Rotation Sensor Rotor [B]

Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor [A]

Rear Wheel Rotation Senwr Rotor [B]

Yellow ABS Indicator Light (LED) [A]

ABS Hydraulic Unit [A]

Fuse Box (1) [A]

Fuse Box (2) [B]
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)
ABS Kawasaki Diagnostic System Connector [A]
ABS Selfdiagnosis Terminal [B]
12-32 BRAKES
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)
ABS System Wiring Diagram
I . , - 1

1. Ignition Switch 11. ABS Motor Relay Fuse 30 A

2. Front Brake Light Switch 12. ABS Solenoid Valve Relay Fuse 20 A
3. ECU 13. BrakeRlom Fuse 10 A
4. Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor 14. Ignition Fuse 10 A
5. Engine Ground 15. Fuse Box (1)
6. Battery 16. ABS Kawasaki Diagnostic System C o n W
7. Main Fuse 30 A 17. ABS Hydraulic Unit
8. Frame Ground 8 18. ABS Selfdiagnosis Terminal
9. Frame Ground 4 19. Front Wheel Rotation Sensor
10. Fuse Box (2) 20. Meter Unit
OColor Codes:
BK: Black GY: Gray PU: Purple
BL: Blue LB: Light Blue R: Red
BR: B r m LG: Light Green V: Violet
CH: Chocdate 0: Orange W: Whie
DG: Dark Green P: Pink Y: Yellow
G: Green

BRAKES 12-33
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)
ABS Hydraulic Unit Terminal Names

1. Ground: BKN
2. Unused
3. Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor Signal Output: G
4. Front and Rear Brake L i h t Switdr Signal: BUR
5. ABS Kawasaki Diagnostic System Terminal: P
6. Power Supply to Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor: BKlO
7. Power Supply: BRAN
8. Power Supply to Front Wheel Rotation Sensor: BWW
9. Power Supply to ABS Motor Relay: WW
10. Ground:BK/Y
11. Unused
12. Unused
13. Yellow ABS Indicator Light (LED): V
14. ABS Self-Diagnosis Terminal: GY
15. Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor Signal Input: WIG
16. Unused
17. Front Wheel Rotation Sensor Signal Input WIBK
18. Power Supply to ABS Solenoid Valve Relay: WBK
12-34 BRAKES
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)
ABS Servicing Pnwautions
There ere a number of important precautions that should
be followed servicing the ABS system.
OThis ABS is designed to be used with a 12 V sealed bat-
tery as its power source. Do not use any other battery
except for a 12 V sealed battery as a power source.
ODo not reverse the battery cable connections. This will
damage the ABS hydraulic unit.
OTo prevent damage to the ABS parts, do not disconnect
the battery cables or any other electrical connections
when the ignition switch is on or while the engine is
OTake care not to short the leads that are directly can-
nected to the battery positive (+) terminal to the chassis
000 not turn the ignition switch on while any of the ABS
electrical con~ectorsare disconnected. The ABS hy-
draulic unit memorizes senrice codes.
000not spray water on the electrical parts, ABS parts, con-
nectors, leads and wiring.
Olf a transceiver is installed on the motorcycle, make sure
that the operation of the ABS is not influenced by electric
wave radiated from the antenna. Locate the antenna as
far as possible away from the ABS hydraulic unit.
OWhenever the ABS electrical connections are to be dis-
connected, first turn the ignition switch off.
OThe ABS parts should never be struck sharply, as with
a hammer, or allowed to fall on a hard surface. Such a
shock to the parts can damage them.
OThe ABS parts cannot be disassembled. Even if a fault is
found, do not try to disassemble and repair the ABS parts,
replace it.
OThe ABS has many brake lines, pipes, and leads. And
the ABS cannot detect problems with the conventional
braking system (brake disc wear, unevenly worn brake
pad, and other mechanical faults). To prevent trouble,
check the brake lines and pipes for correct routing and
connection, the wiring for correct routing, and the brakes
for proper braking power. Be sure to check for fluid leak-
age, and bleed the brake line thoroughly.

Air In the brake lines diminish braking performance
and can cause an accldent nsulting In injury or
death. If any of the brake line ffttlngs, includlng the
ABS hydraulic unit joint nuts, or the bleed valve Is
opened at any time, the a t must be bled completely
from the brake line. If the brake lever has a soft
or "spongy" feeling mushy when it Is applied, there
might be air In the brake lines or the brake may be
def.cthre. Do not operate the vehlcle and service
the brake systom immediately.

Do not rlde the motorcycle with air in the brake line,
or the ABS could malfunction.
BRAKES 12-35
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)
OThe yellow ABS indicator light (LED) [A] may light if the
tire pressure is incorrect, a non-recommended tire is in-
stalled, or the wheel is deformed. If the indicator light
lights, remedy the problem and dear the service code.
Use of non-rscommendedUrns may cause malfunc-
tloning of ABS and can bad to extended braking
distance resulting in an accident causing serlous
injury or death. Always use recommended stan-
dard tires for this motorcycle.

OThe yellow ABS indicator light (LED) may come on if the

engine is run with the motorcycle on its stand and the
transmission in gear. If the indicator light comes on, just
turn the ignition switch off, then dear service code 42,
which indicates a 'Faulty front wheel rotation sensor."
OWhen the ABS operates, the ABS makes noise and the
rider feels the reactionforce on the brake lever and brake
pedal. This is a n o m l condition. It informs the rider that
the ABS is operating normally.
OSe~ce codes detected once by the ABS hydraulic unit
will be memorized in the ABS hydraulic unit. Therefore,
after maintenance work is finished, be sure to erase the
service codes. Do not erase the service codes during
troubleshooting. Wait until all the checks and repair work
are finished to prevent duplication of previous service
codes and unnecessary maintenance work.
OBefore delivering the motorcyde to the customer, be
sure to erase any service codes which might be stored in
the ABS hydraulic unit. Using the selfdiagnosis feature,
make sure that the yellow ABS indicator light (LED) lights.
A fully charged battery is a must for conducting reliabie
selfdiinosis. Test run the motorcyde at a speed of
more than 30 km/h (I9 mph) to see that the yellow ABS
indicator light (LED) does not come on. Finally, test run
the motorcydeat a speed of more than 30 kmlh (19 mph)
and brake suddenly to see that the motorcycle stops
without loss of steering control and the ABS operates
normally (the readion force generated is felt in the brake
lever and pedal). This completes the final inspection.
12-36 BRAKES
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)
ABS Tmubieshootlng Outline
When an abnormality in the system occurs, the yellow
ABS indicator light (LED) lights up to alert the rider. In ad-
dition, the nature of the fault is stored in the memory of the
ABS hydraulic unit and when in the selfdiagnosis mode,
the service code [A] is indicated by the number of times the
yellow ABS indicator light (LED) blinks. The service codes
stored in memory are not erased until the mode has been
changed to the fault erase mode after the fault has been
comcted. Therefore, after correcting the problem, atways
erase the service codes and then run the selfdiagnosis pro-
gram to confirm normal signal output. When, due to a mal-
function, the yellow ABS indicator light (LED) remains lit, get
a thorough understandingof the backgroundbefore starting
the repair work. Ask the rider about the conditions [B]under
which the problem occurred and try to determine the cause
[C]. Do not rely solely on the ABS selfdiagnosis function,
use common sense; check the brakes for proper braking
power, and brake fluid level, search for leaks, etc.
Evenwhen the ABS is operating normally, the yellow ABS
indiitor light (LED) may light up under the conditions listed
below. Turn the ignition switch off to stop the indicator light.
If the motorcyde runs without erasing the sewice code, the
light may light up again.
OAfter continuous riding on a rough road.
Omen the engine is started with the stand raised and the
transmission engaged, and the rear wheel turns.
Omen accelerating so abruptly that me front1- layes
the ground.
OWhen the ABS has been subjected to strong electrical
O m e n tire pressure is abnormal. Adjust tire pressure.
OWhen a tire diirent in size from the standard size is being
used. Replace with standard size.
OWhen the wheel is deformed. Replace the wheel.
Much of the ABS troubleshooting work consists of con-
firming continuity of the wiring. The ABS parts are assem-
bled and adjusted by the manufacturer, so there is no need
to disassemble or repair them. Replace the ABS hydraulic
The basic troubleshooting procedures are listed below.
Cany out prediagnosis inspections as a preliminary in-
Determine the fault using the selfdiagnosis function.
Check wiring and connections from the ABS hydraulic unit
connectorto the suspected faulty ABS part, using a digital
AntbLock Brake System (Equipped Models)
Visually inspect the wiring for signs of burning or fraying.
*If any wiring is poor, replace the damaged wiring.
Pull each connector [A] apart and inspect it for corrosion,
dirt and damage.
f If the connector is corroded or dirty,clean it carefully. If it
is damaged, replace it.
Check the wiring for continuity.
OUse the wiring diagram to find the ends of the lead w h i i
is suspected of being a problem.
OConnect the digital meter between the ends of the leads.
*If the digital meter does not read about 0 R, the lead is
defective. Replace the main harness if necessary.
Narrow down suspicious parts and dose in on the faulty
ABS part by repeating the continuity tests.
*If no abnormality is found in the wiring or connectors, the
ABS parts are the next likely suspects. Check each part
one by one.
*If an abnormality is found, replace the affectedABS part.
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)
ABS Diagnosis Flow Chart

If hamess or connector Is faulty. IfABS part is thulty.


v v
Repair or replace
I I ChedcAB pm3.
I Reptgce I
Final inspetdon.
I End

@.ten. f
Ridw bkme: ....................................... R e g M m h No. ( b 9 0 pbto No.): ...........................
Ddo dngbbWotx ............................... Mods: ....................................
Vln No.: ............................................. Odormdw reading: ..............
km of mltsa
Engha No.: ..........,....................,,...,... Odomstsr readingwhen proMem lint occmd ...............kin or mlkrr
I- -1 -1 lAbvlortoaurtonm
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)


p a n r r a * a r l f l o r r # y ~ L , ~

ria b r w a
Fmn ..................................
Rrr ...................................
Front ..................................
m w Rrr ...................................
1-h F m l .................................. ~ a ~ w e n r c a n b e ~
m marndibbn ...................................ranABBhidt


W m I ~ m a v * ~
Fmn .................................. Ra&m.avlce~.Alro~Ihsttha
Rrr ................................... whola*nllronbanad
--ldmwprd@ Front ..................................
Rrr ...................................
Fmn .................................. P d w m F m r t m d n r ~ d
w ................................... houc
Ffmt ..................................
me- bu...................................
m b h m r w l



hknnabnmlhe Tul*&m*lr!~m~

hdlalwagh~ mt-

5, 1 5 . ~ 2 0
t ~ ~ b * r ~ l d r p d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l r r p l d h ~
~ l m h r p m d ( o r h J b ~ p r w ~

h k n m n y ~ ~ l ~ p w I 0 mrrrl.Pkucad#ycantiheWd
-7 kdupw10~bekreoDntaelinp
cihar ........... thma KmrJd.~mqymwsta-cf

ale s
12-42 BRAKES
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)
Pre-Diagnosis Inspection 1

Check brake fluid level in brake reservoir. Replenish brake fluid.


Check for brake fluid leakage. Repair brake line.

Check brake lever and brake pedal function. Repair or replace master cylinder.

Check brake pad and brake disc. Replace faulty parts.


Front and rear wheels should rotate smoothly without

Repair or replace brake system.
brake drag.

There shouldn't be a lot of play in the wheel bearing. NG

There shouldn't be excessive axle bending or disc runout. wheel Or axle.
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)

Check the yellow ABS indicator light (LED). ~hedcthepovsruwroswiringandmfa

o Does the yeUonr ASS indimtor light (LED) go on unit.
with the ignition witch on?
v- (aoeson)
one minute or more.

v - - - Yes
ABS i m w ri (LED) go m ABSisROmtal.

- *
) Asktherideriftheproblem
light (LED) Minks in the &diagnosis mode to find the hprpp%ns again.
servicscmde. L

Selfidagnosis Outline
When the yellow ABS indieator light (LED) has blinked or come on, the ABS hydraulic unit mem-
orizes and stores the service code for the service person to trwbleshoot easily. The service code
memory is powered directly by the battery and cannot be canceled by the ignition switch.
The ABS hydraulic unit can memorize up to all senrice codes.Further servke codes are memorized
after erasing the preceding all service codes. If there is no fault, the yellow ABS indicator light (LED)
lights, indicating that "The ABS is normal."

Selfsliagnosis Procedures
OBefore performing the selfdiagnosis procedures, make
sure that the yellow ABS Indicatorlight (LED) [A] stays on
to i n d i t e any el&caI problem occurring in the ABS.
OUse a fully charged battery hrperfming ~ 8 I f ' i a g m i s
pmmdure pope* A insMiclent battery may cause
intprope@t msuk
0The seifdiagnosis prvcedures should be done with the
motomycle is stopped.
12-44 BRAKES
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)
The ABS hydraulic unit can be store the service codes
including previous ones.
To read out the current service code, erase the stored
service codes once prior reading the =Mice code (see
Service Code Clearing Procedures).
Test ride the motorcyclewith 30 km/h (19 mph) or more in
a safety area to store the service code, which correspond
to the current problems.
Remove the front seat (see Front Seat Removal in the
Frame chapter).
Ground the selfdiagnosis terminal [A] (Gray) to a frame
ground, using a suitable auxiliary lead. Keep the auxiliary
lead ground duting selfdiagnosis procedure.
Turn the ignition switch to on and read the service code
(see How to Read Seivice Code).
To exit the selfdiagnosis mode, remove the auxiliary lead
from the selfdiagnosis terminal.
0The grounding auxiliary lead must be removed aRer the
seif3diagnosis pmcedure.
Servke Code Clearlng P~ocedures
Start the sewice code erase mode with the fdlowing pro-
OThe erase mode starts when the ABS setfdiagnosis ter-
minal is disconnected from the frame ground after starting
the selfdiagnosis mode.
OThe service code can be erased by grounding (time
for at least one second) and ungrounding the ABS
selfdiagnosis terminal three times or more within about
12.5 seconds after starting the erase mode and ground-
ing it.
OThe yellow ABS indicator light (LED) remains lit during the
ems0 mode.
OAfbr erasing, the yellow ABS indicator light (LED) blinks
two times and lights.
OOnce erasing is finished, enter the selfdiagnosis mode
again to wnfirm that the service codes have been
erased. W the ABS has been reset and all codes have
been erased, the yellow ABS indicator light (LED)lights.
BRAKES 12-45
4nti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)

Service Code Output Erase Conp l e t i on

e Signal (Blinks)

Yellow MS Indicator
L i i M 0) ,
ABS S e l f - d i m i s
Terminal I I .

a *
a 1s or m r e lsormre lsormrei I

ABS Unit Erase
~ervi'ceCode Erase
.. ,.-~ ..= *
- -: e . . .--: -.. . --,., .--
FA-,, +? 7 -- .w r -- >. . ,- .
- - ..

12-46 BRAKES
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)
Selfdiagnosis Flow Chart

Turn the ignition switch off and con- the ABS setf-dlagnos9s
terminal to the frame ground.

The yelow ABS i n d i tight (LED) bhks to d W y @& se~&


I Erase the sdwvice code memodzed in the ABS hydraulic unit


Start the salfdiagnasls mode to confirm that erasing has bgen


Disconnect the ABS sslf-dinosl8 teminal from the frame ground,

ending the self-diagnosis mode. (1)

With IKI service eode is memwRed, drive at 3tl km/h (19 mph) or
more for one minute, stop, and try sslfdiqnobs again.

Check the faulty point wlth the servkw, oede table and repair

Actlvate the ABS by drhring the motorcycle at 30 kmh (18 mph) or
above in order to confirm that the ABS is normal.

OK (goesof9
Activate the ABS at a safe plaoe in order to confirm that it operates
normafly. (2)

(1): The Wtiiagw mode ends follwhg.
When the ignition switch is OFF.
Vlmen the motorcyds is drSven while in ths ~ - d h mode,
g ~
When the self-diagnosis termirurl c#sconnesla
(2): A p p l y b r a k e ~ l y a t ~ 3 0 ( 1 9 m p h ) o r r o r e t o ~ ~ ~ ~ s b p ~ l y a n d

llL141W F

&At e,.~Lh-~~tr-Y;+-Z.~ti*
ru4 -

BRAKES 12-47
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)
How to Read Service Codes
OService codes are shown by a series of long and short blinks of the yellow ABS indicator light (LED)
as shown below.
ORead 10th digit and unit digit as the yellow ABS indicator light (LED) blinks.
OWhen there are a number of faults, a maximum of all service codes can be stored.
OFor the display pattern, the display will begin starting from the small number code entered, then the
display is repeated from the smallest number code once again.

code 1 3
- Service
code 14
_ Service
code 1 7
---- ____ Service
code 53
,_ Service
code 6 5

Repeat a ~L14114WI C

Olf there is no fault, the yellow ABS indicator light (LED) lights as shown.

ABS Selfdiagnosis ABS S e l f - d i a m i r terminal i s grounding

Yel low ABS indicator

l i g h t 0)function
(when service code
ON (Ooss on)
nnfl n
i s not stored)
ON (Goes on)
Yellow ABS indicator
l i g h t (LED) function
(dwn service code k @ + m
Code i :Code Code:
i s stored) Code: a (2) (2) : j The indicator display
(1) ' (3)
b r v i w coda :I$ &rviaa ode :&) mi II repeat frol tha
: When Service Codes 13 and 22 stored. f i r s t code.
b r v i o a Code Wt
Start T i w i w

How to Erase Service Codes

OEven if the ignition switch is turned off, the battery or the ABS hydraulic unit are disconnected, all
service codes remain in the ABS hydraulic unit.
ORefer to the Service Code Clearing Procedure for the service code erasure.
12-48 BRAKES
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)
Service Code Table
Service YeHow ABS Indicator 'T Light State
Code Light (LED)
Stays On' fun*on Main harness, meter unit, wheel rotation
- after the ignition switch sensor@)or ABS unit abnormal
turned on)
- Does not go on (When the Main harness, meter unit or ABS unit
ignition switch turned on) abnormal

Rear intake sdenoid valve trouble (wiring
13 J-Lnnn gF shorted or open)

Rear outlet solenoid valve trouble (wiring

14 ON
shorted or open)
Front intake solenoid valve trouble (wiring
17 ON
shorted or open)
Front outlet sdenoid valve trouble (wiring
l8 n_nnnnnnnn ON
shorted or open)

ABS solenoid valve relay trouble [stuck
IuLnnnnnnnn relay (ON or OFF)]

Front, rear wheel rotation difference

25 ON
abnormal (substandard tire)

35 ABS motor trouble (mechanical stuck) ON

Front wheel rotation sensor signal abnormal

42 JUUUUUL (sensor or rotor missing, too large ON
clearance, rotor tooth worn or missing)
Front wheel rotation sensor wiring (wiring
43 ON
shorted or open, connector bad connection)
Rear wheel rotation sensor signal abnormal

44 (sensor or rotor missing, too large ON
clearance, rotor tooth worn or missing)

Rear wheel rotation sensor wiring (wiring
45 ON
shorted or open, connector bad connedon)
Power supply voltage abnormal
52 ON
Power supply voltage abnormal
53 ON
ABS Hydraulic Unit Internal Error (ECU
55 ON
operation abnormal)
': In spite of the service code is not stored, the yellow ABS lndicator Light (LED) does not go off
when the 2 seconds later from the ignition switch turned on.
--v-- -

BRAKES 1249 F.

Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models) . L

yellow ABs Indicator Light (LED) Inspection

Oln this model, the yellow ABS indicator light (LED) [A]
goes on or blinks by the control of the ABS hydraulic unit.

1 3. .
Yellow ABS lndi&biiilght ( L E D ~ S ~ ~ (~~Sr r ofunc-
ON i
tion after the Ignition switch turned on No Service
Perform the Pre-Diagnosis Inspection 1.
Check the system connedors for loose or poorly contact.
Step I
Check the ignition fuse 10 A in the fuse box (1) [A] for
*If the fuse Is blown, replace the fuse.
*If the fuse is not Mown, go to next step.
Step 2
Measure the battery terminal voltage using a voltmeter
OThe battery voltage should be within 10 16 V. -
*If the voltage without spedfications, recharge or replace
the battery.
*If the voltage within spedfications, go to next step.

Step 3 a d

D i n e c t the A k hydraulic unit connector.

Check the voltage between the terminal 7 (BRNV) (+) [A]
and terminal 1 (BKN) (-) [B] of the ABS hydraulic unit
OThe battery voltage (10 16V) should be appeared while
the ignition switch turned on.
*If the battery voltage appeared, go to step 4.
*If the battery voltage does not appear, go to next step.

Step 3-1
Check the voltage between the terminal 7 (BFUW) (+) [A]
of the ABS hydraulic unit connector and a frame ground
(-1 PI.
OThe battery voltage (10 18 V) should be appeared while
the ignition switch turned on.
+If the battery voltage does not appear, repair or replace
the main harness.
*If the battery voltage appeared, go to next step.
12-50 BRAKES
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)
Step 3-2
Check for continuity between the terminal 1 ( B W ) [A] of
the ABS hydraulic unit connector and a frame ground [B].
*If there is no continuity, repair or replace the main har-
*If there is continuity, replace the ABS hydraulic unit.

step 4
With the selfdiagnosis terminal connected to the ground,
check for continuity betweenthe terminal1 ( B W ) [A] and
terminal 14 (GY) [B]of the ABS hydraulic unit connector.
*If there is no continuity, repair or replace the main har-
*If there is continuity, go to next step.

step 5
Jump the terminal 1 (BWY) [A] and terminal 13 (V) [B] at
the ABS hydraulic unit connector using a jumper read [C].
Check the yellow ABS indicator light (LED) with the igni-
tion switch turned on.
*If the indicator goes off,replace the ABS hydraulic unit.
*If the indicator goes on,go to next step.

Step 6
Disconnect the connector from the meter unit (see Meter
Unit Removal in the Electrical System chapter).
Check for continuity between the terminal 13 0 [A] of the
ABS hydraulic unit connector [B] and terminal 8 0 [C] of
the meter connector [Dl.
*If there is no continuity, repair or replace the main har-
*If there is d n u i t y , replace the meter unit with a new
Yellow ABS Indicator Light (LED) does not go on (When
the lgnltion Switch turned on)
Perform the Pre-Diagnosis Inspection 1.
Check the system connectors for loose or poorly contact.
step 1
Check the meter fuse 10 A in the fuse box (1) for blown.
*If the fuse is blown, replace the fuse.
*If the fuse is not blown, go to next step.
BRAKES 12-51
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)
Step 2
Disconnect the ABS hydraulic unit connector and check
the yellow ABS indicator light (LED) for function.
OThe yellow ABS indicator light (LED) should goes on when
the ignition switch turned on.
*If the indicator does not goes on, go to next step.
*If the indicator goes on, go to step 3.
Step 2-1
Disconnect the connector from the meter unit (see Meter
Unit Removal in the Electrical System chapter).
Check for continuity betweenthe terninall3 (V) [A] of the
ABS hydraulic unit connector and a frame ground [B].
*If there is contlnuity, repair or replace the main harness.
*If there is no continuity, replace the meter unit with a new

Step 3
Check the voltage betsben the terminal 1 (BKN) (-) [A]
and terminal 7 (BRAN) (+) [B] of the ABS hydraulic unit
OThe battery voltage (10 16 V) should not appear while
the ignition switch turned off.
*If the battery voltage appeared, repair or replace the main
+If the battery voltage does not appear, go to next step.

Step 4
Check the vottage between the terminal 1 ( B W ) (-) [A]
and terminal 8 ( B W ) (+) [B] of the ABS hydraulic unit
OThe battery voltage (10 16 V) should not appear while
the ignition switch turned off.
*If the battery voltage appeared, repair or replace the main
*If the battery voltage does not appear, go to next step.

Step 5
Check the voltage between the terminal 1 ( B W ) (-) [ly
and terminal 6 (BKIO) (+) [B] of the ABS hydraulic unit
OThe battery voltage (10 16 V) should not appear while
the ignition switch turned off.
*If the battery voltage appeared, repair or replace the main
*If the battery voltage does not appear, replace the ABS
hydraulic unit.
12-52 BRAKES
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)
ABS Unit Solenoid Valve Inspection (Service Code
13, 14, 17, 18)
OThese codes indicate there is a problem in the solenoid
valves, which integrated into the ABS Hydraulic Unit.
Therefore the solenoid valves cannot be checked directly.
Check the system connectors for loose or poorly contact.
In order to confirm a existing problem in the system, erase
the service code and then perform the pre-diagnosis in-
spection 1 and 2.
*If same service code Is indicated again, faulty solenoid
valve in the ABS hydraulic unit. Replace the ABS hy-
draulic unit.
*If the service code does not indicate, ABS system is nor-
mal (service code is not stored; temporary failure).
ABS Solenoid Valve Relay lnspecfion (Service
Code 19)
Perform the Pre-Diagnosis Inspection 1 and 2.
Check the system connectors for loose or poorly contact,
Step 1
Check the ABS solenoid valve relay fuse 20 A in the fuse
box (2) [A] for blown.
*If the ABS solenoid valve relay fuse is blown, replace the
*If the fuse is not blown, go to next step.
Step 2
Disconnect the ABS hydraulic unit connector.
Check the voltage between the terminal 1 (BKN) (-) [A]
and terminal 18 (RIBK) (+) [B] of the ABS hydraulic unit
OThe battery voltage (10 16 V) should appear while the
ignition switch turned on.
*If the battay voltage does not appear, repair or replace
the main harness.
*If the battery voltage appeared, replacethe ABS hydraulic
Front, Rear Wheel Rotation Dtffierence Abnonnal
lnspectlon (Servlce Code 25)
Perform the Pre-Diagnosis Inspection 1 and 2.
Step 1
Check the front and rear tirehheel condiionsfor tire pres-
sure, tire sireltypes, abnormal wear and deformations
(see Wheelsmres in the Periodic Maintenance chapter).
*If the tire and/or wheel are in bad condition, correct them
to the normal condition.
*If there is no problem, go to next step.
Step 2
Visually inspect the sensor rotor [A] for missing teeth or
clogging with foreign matter (see Wheel Rotation Sensor
Rotor Inspection).
*Clean or correct the parts if necessary.
*If the all parts correct, go to next step.
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)
Step 3
Measure the front and rear wheel rotation sensor air gaps
(see Wheel Rotation Sensor Air Gap Inspection).
*If the air gap is not within the specification, recheck the
hub bearing, sensor, sensor rotor and sensor installation
*If the air gap is within the specification, replace the ABS
hydraulic unit.
ABS Motor Inspection (Service Code 35)
Perform the Pre-Diagnosis Inspection Iand 2.
Check the system connectors for loose or poorly contact.
In order to confirm a existing problem in the system, erase
the service code and then recheck the yellow ABS indi-
cator light (LED).
*If same service code is indicated again, faulty ABS Motor
in the ABS hydraulic unit. Replace the ABS hydraulic unit.
*If the service code does not indicate, ABS system is nor-
mal (service code is not stored; temporary failure).
Wheel Rotation Sensor SIgnal Abnonnal
lnspection (Fmnt: Service Code 42) (Rear:
Service Code 44)
Perform the Pre-Diagnosis Inspection 1 and 2.
Check the system connectors for loose or poorly contact.
Step I
Measure the front or rear wheel rotation sensor air gap
(see Wheel Rotation Sensor Air Gap Inspection).
*If the air gap Is not within the specification, recheck the
hub bearing, sensor, sensor rotor and sensor instaJlation
*If the air gap is within the specification, go to next step.
Step 2
Check that there is iron or other magnetic deposits b e
tween the front or rear wheel rotation sensor [A] and sen-
sor rotor, and the sensor rotor slots [B] for obstructions.
Check the installation condition of the sensor for loose-
Check the sensor tip and sensor rotor slots for d e f m a -
tion or damage (e-g. chipped sensor rotor teeth).
*If the sensor and sensor rotor in bad condition, dean or
replace the faulty parts.
*If all items are correct, go to next step.
12154 BRAKES
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)
Step 3 . , ,
Check the front and rear tirehvheel conditionsfor tire pres- .,
sure, tire sizettypes, abnormal wear and deformations
(see Wheelsmres in the Perlodic Maintenance chapter).
*If the tire and/or wheel are in bad hm
if necessary and recheck.
*If all items are good condition, replace the ABS unit.
Front Wheel Rotation Sensor Wiring Inspection
(Service Code 13)
OThis code is indicates there is a trouble in the front wheel
rotatlon sensor.
Perform the Pre-Diagnosis Inspection 1 and 2.
Check the system connectors for loose or poorly contact.
Step 1
Disconnect the ABS hydraulic unit connector.
Check for continuity betweenthe terminal 1(BtVY) [A] and
terminal 8 ( B W ) [B] of the ABS hydraulic unit connector.
*If there is continuity, go to next step.
*If there is no continuity, go to step 2.

step 1-1
Disconnect the front wheel rotation sensor connector [A].
Recheck the continuity betweenthe terminal 1( B W ) and
terminal 8 ( B W ) of the ABS hydraulic unit connector.
*If there is continuity, repair or replace the main harness.
*If there is no continuity, replace the front w h d rotation ,

step 2
Check for continuity betweenthe terminal 1(BtVY) [A] and
terminal 8 (BWO) [B] of the ABS hydraulic unit connector.
*If there is continuity, go to next step.
*If there is no continuity, go to step 3.
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)
BRAKES 12-55

Step 2-1
Disconnect the rear wheel rotation sensor connector.
Recheck the continuity between the terminal 1( B W ) [A]
and terminal 6 (BKIO) [B] of the ABS hydraulic unit con-
*If there is continuity, repair or replace the main harness.
*If there is no continuity, replace the rear wheel rotation

Step 3
Connect the front wheel rotation sensor connector.
Check for continuity betweenthe terminal1 ( B W ) [A] and
terminal 17 (W/BK) [B] of the ABS hydraulic unit connec-
*If there is continuity, go to next step.
*If there is no continuity, go to step 4.

Step 3-1
Disconnect the front wheel rotation sensor connector.
Recheck the continuity between the terminal 1 ( B W ) [A]
and terminal 17 (WBK) [B] of the ABS hydraulic unit con-
* If there is continuity, repair or replace the main harness.
*If there is no continuity, replace the front wheel rotation

step 4
Disconnect the front wheel rotation sensor connector [A].
Check for continuity between the terminal 8 ( B W ) [B]
sf the ABS hydraulic unit connector [C] and terminal 1
( B W ) [Dl of the front wheel rotation sensor connector
(main harness side).
*If there is no continuity, repair or replace the main har-
*If there is continuity, go to next step.

step 5
With disconnecting the front wheel rotation sensor con-
nector [A], ch& for continuity between the terminal 17
(WIBK) [B] of the ABS hydraulic unit connector [C] and
the 2 (WIBK) terminal [Dl of the front wheel rotation sen-
sor connector (main harness side).
*If there is no continuity, repair or replace the main har-
*If there is continuity, go to next step.
12-56 BRAKES
Anti-lock Brake System (Equipped Models)
step 6
Connect the front wheel rotation sensor connector.
Connect the 4.5 - 5.0 V DC power (e-g. three AA dry
battery in series [A]) between the terminal 17 (w/BK) (-)
[B] and terminal 8 ( B W ) (+) [C] of the ABS hydraulic unit
connector to measure DC amperage.
OBe careful not to reverse connection of the DC power po-
OThe measured DC amperage should be within 3 17 rnA.-
*If measurement is abnormal, reptace the front wheel ro-
tation sensor.
If measurement is normal, replace the ABS hydraulic unit.
Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor Wdng Inspect?on
(Service code 45)
OThis code is indicates there is a trouble in the rear wheel
rotation sensor. However the front and rear wheel rota-
tion sensor inspection should be performed if this code is
Perform the Pre-Diagnosis Inspection 1 and 2.
Check the system connectors for loose or poorly contact.
Step 1
Disconnect the ABS hydraulic unit connector.
Check for continuity betweenthe terminal 1( B W ) [A] and
terminal 8 (W/BK) [B] of the ABS hydraulic unit connector.
*If there is continuity, go to next step.
*If there is no continuity, go to step 2.

step 1-1
Disconnect the front wheel rotation sensor connector [A].
Recheckthe continuity betweenthe terminal 9 (BKN) and
terminal 8 (WIBK) of the ABS hydraulic unit connector.
*If there is continuity, repair or replace the main harness.
*If there is no continuity, replace the front wheel rotation

step 2
Chedcfor continuity betweenthe terminal 1(BK/Y) [A] and
terminal 6 (BWO) p]of the ABS hydraulic unit connector.
*If there is continuity, go to next step.
*If there is no continuity, go to step 3.
BRAKES 12-57
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)
Step 2-1
Disconnect the rear wheel potation sensor connector.
Recheck the continuity between the terminal 1 ( B W ) [A]
and terminal 6 (BKIO) [B] of the ABS hydraulic unit con-
*If there is continuity, repair or replace the main harness.
*If there is no continuity, replace the rear wheel rotation

Step 3
Connect the rear wheel rotation sensor connector.
Check for continuity betweenthe terminal 1(BWY) [A] and
terminal 15 (WIG) [B]of the ABS hydraulic unit connector.
*If there is continuity, go to next step.
*If there is no continuity, go b step 4.

Step 3-1
Disconnect the rear wheel rotation sensor connector [A].
Recheckthe continuity betweenthe terminal 1(BKN) and
terminal 15 (WIG) of th ABS hydraulic unit connector.
*If there is mtinwity, repair or m p k a the main harness.
*If there is no continuity, replace the rear wheel rotation

Step 4
Disconnect the rear wheel rotation sensor connector [A].
Check for continuity between the terminal 6 (BWO) [B]
of the ABS hydraulic unit connector [C] and terminal 1
(BKlO) [Dl of the rear wheel rotation sensor connector
(main hamess side).
*If there is no continuity, repair or replace the main har-
*If there is continuity, go to next step.

*P 5
With dmnectrng the mar wheel rotation sensor con-
nector [A], ch& for continuity between the terminal 15
(WIG) [B]of the ABS hydraulic unit connector [C] and ter-
minal 2 (WIG) [Dl of the rear wheel rotation sensor con-
nector (main hamess side).
*If there is no continuity, repair or replace the main hor-
*If there is continuity, go to next step.
12-58 BRAKES
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)
Step 8
Connect the rear wheel rotation sensor connector.
Connect the 4.5 5.0 V DC power (e.g. three AA dry
battery in series [A]) between the terminal 15 (WIG) (-)
[B] and terminal 6 (BWO) (+) [C] of the ABS hydraulic unit
connector to measure DC amperage.
OBe careful not to reverse connection of the DC power p e
OThe measured DC amperage should be within 3 17 mA.-
*If measurement is abnormal, replace the rear wheel rota-
tion sensor.
*If measurementis normal, replace the ABS hydraulic unit.
Power Supply Voltage Abnonnel inspection
(Service Code 52: Low Voltage) (Service Code 53:
High Voltage)
Step 1
Measure the battery terminal voltage using a voltmeter
OThe battery voltage should be within 10 16 V.
*If the voltage is not within the specifications, recharge or
replace the battery.
*If the voltage within the speclflcations, go to next step.
Step 2
Check the ABS motor relay fuse 30 A and ABS solenoid
valve relay fuse 20 A in the fuse box (2) [A] for blown.
*If the fuse(s) is blown, replace the fuse(s).
*If the fuse(s) is not blown, go to next step.

step 3
Disconnect the ABS hydraulic unit connector.
Check the voltage between the terminal 1 (BKIY) (-) [A]
and terminal 9 (RMr) (+) [B]of the ABS hydraulic unit
OThe battery voltage (10 16 V) should appear while the
ignition switch turned on.
*If the battery voltage does not appear, repair or replace
the main harness.
*If the battery voltage appeared, go to next step.
Step 4
Disconnect the ABS hydraulic unit connector.
* Check the voltage between the terminal 10 (BKN) (-) [A]
and terminal 18 (RBK) (+) [B]of the ABS hydraulic unit
OThe battery voltage (10 16 V) ~ h u l appear
ignition switch turned on.
d while the

*If the battery voltage does not appear, repair or replace

the main harness.
*If the battery voltage appeared, go to next step.
BRAKES 12-59
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equippad Models)
'-.- Step5
Check the voltage between the terminal 1 ( B W ) (-) [A]
* and terminal 7 (BRJW) (+) [B] of the ABS hydraulic unit

OThe battery voltage (10 16 V) should appear while the
ignition switch turned on.
*If the battery voltage not appeared, repair or replace the
main harness.
*If the battery witage does appear, replace the ABS hy-
i draulic unit. .
I . ,.
ABS Hydraulic ~ n lIntemal
t Error 1nsp.clJon
(Service Code S5)
OThis service code indicates there is an internal error for
the ECU integrated with the ABS hydraulic unit regarding
the wheel speed detedion.
Perform the Pre-Diagnosis Inspection 1 and 2.
Check the system connectors for loose or poorly contact.
step I
Measure the front end rear wheel rotation sen- air gaps
(see Wheel Rotation Sensor Air Gap Inspection).
*If the air gap is not within the specification, correct the air
gap accordingly.
*If the air gap is within the speclflcgtion, go to next step.
Step 2 ,
Check that there is' ir& or other magnetic deposits be
tween the both wheel rotation sensor [A] and sensor ro
tor, and the sensor rotor slots [B]for obstructions.
Chedc the installation condition of the sensor for loose-
Check the sensor tip and sensor rotor slots for deforrna-
tion or damage (er.g. chipped sensor rotor teeth).
*If the sensor and sensor rotor in bad condition, dean or
replace the faulty parts.
*If all items are correct, go to next step.
Step 3
Check the front and mar tireJwhee1conditionsfor tire pres-
sure, tire sizettypes, abnormal warr and deformations
(see Wheels/Ti~in the Periodic Maintenance chapter).
*If the tire andlor whwl are in bad condiion, correct them
to the normal condition.
*If there is no problem, replace the ABS hydraulic unit.
12-60 BRAKES
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)
ABS Hydmulic Unit Removal
The ABS hydraulic unlt [A] has been adjusted
and set with precision at the factory. Therefore, It
should be handled carefully, never struck sharply,
as with a hammer, or allowed to fall on a hard
Be careful not to get water or mud on the ABS hy-
draulic unit.
Brake fluld quickly damage painted plastic sur-
faces; any spilled fluid should be completely
washed away immediately.
Drain the brake fluid from the front and rear brake lines.
ODrain the brake fluid through the bleed valve by pumping
the brake lever and pedal.
OBe sure to place a cloth under the ABS hydraulic unit.
Air Cleaner Housing (see Air Cleaner Housing Removal
in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter)
Air Cleaner Housing Bracket Bolts [A]
Bracket [BJ
Air Cleaner ~ o u s i G
Open the damp [C].

Pull the lever [A] to dirmnnect the ABS hydraulicunit COP-

nector [B].

To protect the A8S hydraulic unlt h m the ekctri-
cal surg., always disconnect the A6S hydraulic unit
connector while the ignition switch is turned off.
BRAKES 12-61
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)
Brake Hose Banjo Bolts (ABS Hydraulic Unit) [A]
ABS Hydraulic Unit Bracket Bolts [B]
ABS Hydraulic Unit [C]
OBe careful not to bend the brake pipe while removing
the ABS hydraulic unit.

Plug the port [A] on the ABS hydraulic unit to prevent en-
tering a foreign matter into the unit.
Wrap the brake pipe openings with a vinyl bag to prevent
brake fluid leakage and entering a foreign matter into the
hydraulic system.
Do not ailow (#lfiC/nga foreign matter into the hy-
draullc system while disconrmtlng the hydraulic
Brake fluld qulckly ruins psrlnQ.dplastic surfaces;
any spilled fluid should be completely washed
away immdtately.

Bolts [A] and Collars
Bracket [B]

with precision at the factory. Do not try to dtsas-

ABS Hydraulic Unit Insfallation

Brake fluld quickly damage palnted plastic sur-
faces; any spilled fluld should be completely
washed away immediately.
12-62 BRAKES
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)
Install the ABS hydraulic unit together with the bracket,
and tighten the bolts following the specified tightening se-
quence [I 21.
Replace the washers that are on each side of pipe fitting
with new ones.
Install the brake hoses (see Cable, Wire, and Hose Rout-
ing section in the Appendix chapter).
Tighten the brake hose banjo bolts (ABS hydraulic unit)
following the specified tightening sequence [I 41.
Torque Brake Hose Banjo Bolts (ABS Hydraulic Unit): 33
N-m (3.4 kgf-m, 24 ft-lb)

P u s h t h e W [ A ] tom&theABS h y W ~ : u n a t a m -
n- @I.
Bleed the bnaitar Ib(we Brake Lihe Needing).
e Cha& the bHerlre Ibr goad hktng p w r , no brake drag,

lnstall the air cleaner housing bracket [A].

Tighten the air cleaner housing bracket bolts following the
specified tightening sequence [I 21.
Toque -Air Cleaner Houslng Bracket Bolts: 25 N.rn (2.5
kgf-m, 18 R-lb)
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).

ABS Hydnrulk Unit Inspection

Rernolre the ABS hydraulic unit (seeABS Hydraulic Unit
Visually inspect the ABS hydraulic unit.
*Replace the ABS hydraulic unit if any of them are cracked,
or othetwise damaged.
BRAKES 12-63
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)
Visually inspect the connector terminals [A].
*Replace the ABS hydraulic unit or main harness if either
of the terminals are cracked, bent, or otherwise damaged,
*If the ABS hydraulic unit connector is clogged with mud
or dust, blow it off with compressed air.

Front Wheel Rotation Sensor Removal

The wheel rotation remor should be handled care-
fully, never struck sharply, as with a hammer, or al-
lowed to fall on s hard surface since the wheel rota-
tion sensor Is precision made. Be careful not to get
water or mud on the wheel rotation sensor.
Do not try to disassemble or repalr the whwl rota-
tion sensor.

Disconnect the front wheel rotation sensor connector [A]

and free the connector from the bracket.

Clear the sensor lead fmm the damp [A] and bracket [B].

Clamps [A]
Front Wheel Rotation Sensor Bolt [B]
Front Wheel Rotation Sensor [C]
12-64 BRAKES
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)
Front Wheel Rotation Sensor Installation
Installation is the reverse of removal.
ORun the lead correctly (see Cable, Wire, and Hose Rout-
ing section in the Appendix chapter).
Torque -Front Wheel Rotation Sensor Bolt: 6.9 N-rn (0.70
kgf-rn, 61 in-lb)

Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor Removal

The wheel rotation sensor should be handled care-
fully, never struck sharply, as with a hammer, or al-
lowed to fall on a hard surface since the wheel rota-
tion sensor is precision made. Be careful not to get
water or mud on the wheel rotation sensor.
Do not try to disassemble or repair the wheel rota-
tion sensor.

Right Middle Fairing (see Middle Fairing Removal in the
Frame chapter)
Frame Cover (see Frame Cover Removal in the Frame
Mud Guard (see Mud Guard Removal in the Frame
Disconnect the rear wheel rotation sensor connector [A]
and free the connector from the battery case cover.

Open the damp [A].

Clear the sensor lead from the bracket [B].
BRAKES 12-65
Antl-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)

lRemove the damp [A].

lClear the sensor lead from the brackets [B].
Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor Bolt [C]
Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor [Dl

Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor Installation

lInstallation is thereverse of removal.
ORun the lead correctly (see Cable, Wire, and Hose Rout-
ing section in the Appendix chapter).
Torque -Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor Bolt: 6.9 N-m (0.70
kgf-m, 61 inlb)

Wheel Rotation Smsur Inspection

lRemove the front wheel rotation sensor [A] fKrm the front
Remove the rear wheel rotation sensor [B] from the
caliper bracket.
l Visually inspect the wheel rotation sensors.
*Replace the wheel rotation sensor if it is cracked, bent, or
othetwise damaged.
*If electrical failure is suspected on the sensors, perform
the electrical check (see Service Code 43 Step 6 for front
sensor or Service Code 45 Step 6 for rear sensor).

12-66 BRAKES
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)
Wheel Rotation Sensor Air Gap Inspection
Raise the fronthear wheel off the ground (see FrontIRear
Wheel Removal in the Wheels/Tires chapter).
a Measure the air gap betweenthe sensor and sensor rotor
at several points.
T h i i e s s Gauge [A]
Air Gap
Front 0.6 - 1.5 mm (0.02 - 0.06 in.)
Rear 0.8 - 1.5 mm (0.03 - 0.06 in.)

0The sensor air gap cannot be adjusted.
+If the air gap is not within the specification, inspect the hub
bearing (see Hub Bearing Inspectionin the WheeldXres
chapter), sensor, sensor rotor and sensor installation con-
dition (see Wheel Rotation Sensor Inspection).

Front Wheel Rotation Sensor Rotor Removal

Front Wheel (see Front Wheel Removal in the
Wheelmres chapter)
Front Wheel Rotation Sensor Rotor Bolts [A]
Front Wheel Rotation Sensor Rotor [B]
OHandle the wheel rotation sensor rotor carefully and do
not apply the extemal force to deform it. There is a pos-
sibility that the sensor cannot read the signal correctly
from the rotor.
Front Wheel Rotation Sensor Rotor Installation
Install the front wheel rotation sensor rotor and tighten the
front wheel rotation sensor rotor bolts.
Toque -Front Wheel Rotation Sensor Rotor Bolts: 4.15
N n (0.423 kgf-m, 37 inmlb)

OHandle the wheel rotation sensor rotor carefully and do
not apply the extemal f o m to d e f m it. Thereis a pos-
sibility that the sensor cannot mad the signal correctly
from the rotor.
BRAKES 12-67
Anti-Lock Brake System (Equipped Models)
Wheel Rotatfon Sensor Rotor Inspection
Visually inspect the wheel rotation sensor rotor.
*If the rotor is deformed or damaged (chipped teeth [A]),
replace the sensor rotor with a new one.
+If there b iron or other magnetic deposits [B], remove the

Fuse Removal
Refer to the Fuse Box Fuse Removal in the Electrical Sys-
tem chapter.
Fuse lnstallatlon
If a fuse fails during operation, inspect the electrical sys-
tem to determine the c a w , and then replace it with a
new fuse of proper amperage (see Fuse Installation in the
Electrical System chapter).
Fuse lnspectlon
Refer to the Fwse InspectSon in the Elaetrical System

Table of Contents
Expsoded View ........................................................................................................................
Special Tods ..........................................................................................................................
Front Fork ...............................................................................................................................
Front FOCI<Removal (Each Fork Leg) ...............................................................................
Front Fork Installation (Each Fork Leg) ............................................................................
Front Fork 011Change ......................................................................................................
Front Fork D h s s m M y ....................................................................................................
Front Fork Assembly .......................................................................................................
Inner Tube. Outer Tube lhspection ...................................................................................
Dust Seal Impedb ..................... .
.. ...........................................................................
Fork Spring T& IHgpectfon.........................................................................................
Rear Shodc Ahoher .............................................................................................................
spring Pmbad Adjusbnent ...............................................................................................
Rear Shock A b s w h Remwal ........................................................................................
Rear Shod< Absorber Installation .....................................................................................
Rear Shock Abmim Inspdbn ......................................................................................
Rear Shock Abmtmr Scrapping ......................................................................................
S w i m Removal .........................................................................................................
Swingarm Installation........................................................................................................
Swingarm Bgaring l3emowl .............................................................................................
swingam Btwing hlstanaih9 ..........................................................................................
Swingam Beradng, Sleeve Ifxpxh ..............................................................................
Swingam Bearing Lubrication ..........................................................................................
Swingasm Bushing Removal .............................................................................................
Swingam Bushing Imbllation..........................................................................................
TisRod, Rocker Ann ..............................................................................................................
Tie-Rod Removal .........................
.. ..............................................................................
Tie-Rod Installation ...........................................................................................................
Rocker Arm Removal........................................................................................................
Rocker Arm Instailatkn.....................................................................................................
Tie-Rod and Raker Arm Bearing Removal......................................................................
T i and Rocker krPn harfns Incalktion...................................................................
f?o&r A m V l b b d Slmm Inspection .............................................................
Rodrer A m f b R d baring L u b M k m .........................................................................
Exploded View
Exploded View
No. Fastener Remarks
N-m k9f.m ftdb
1 Front Fork Top Plugs 30 3.1 22
2 Upper Front Fork Clamp Bolts 20 2.0 15
3 Lower Front Fork Clamp Bolts 23 2.3 17 AL
4 Front Fork Bottom Allen Bolts 20 2.0 15 L
AL: lighten the two clamp bolts alternately two times to ensure tightening toque.
G: Apply grease.
L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.
R: Replacement Parts
Exploded View
Exploded View
No. Fastener Remarks
N-m kgf-m ft-lb
1 Rear Shock Absorber Bracket Nuts 34 3.5 25 R, S
2 Rear Shock Absorber Bolts 34 3.5 25 S
3 Rocker Arm Bolt 34 3.5 25 S
4 Upper Swingarm Side Bracket Bolts 20 2.O 15 S
5 Lower Swingarm Side Bracket Bob 34 3.5 25 S
6 Swingarm Pivot Shaft Nut 108 11.0 79.7 S
7 L o w e r T M d Bdt 50 5.1 37 S
8 Upper m o d Balt 59 6.0 44 S
G: Apply grease.
R: Replacement Parts
S: Follow the specified tightening sequence.
,<,-8 us."--? - v ~ - . . 7 ; . - . . ,
7 - - . ,.-\-,-.*


Item Standard
Front Fork (Per One Unit)
Fork Inner Tube Diameter 1I+ mm (1.6 in.) .

Air Pressure Atmospheric pressure (Non-adjustable)

I i L

Suspension Oil Kawasaki SS-8 or equivalent


When Changing Oil Approx. 450 mL (15.2 US oz.)
After Disassembly and Comp'ete'y 526 W.5 mL (17.8 k0.085 US oz.)
Dry _ L *

Fork Oil Level 88 W mm (3.5 M.08 in.) (fully compressed, without

- spring, below from the top of the inner tube) . - -
* ,I

Fork Spring Free Length 297.5 mm (11.71 in.) (Senrice Limit: 292 mm (11.5 in.))
Rear Shock Absorber 1

Spring Preload Setting Position 2nd position (Adjustable Range: 1st t-+ 5th position) . ,
Gas Pressure 1 000 kPa (10.20 kgf/cm2, 145 psi, Non-adjustable)
Special Tools
Fork Cylinder Holder Handla: Fork 811Seal Ddver, rp41:
5t001-183 57001-1288


Fork Cylinchr Holder Ad* Fork Oil Level QIw:

57001-1057 57001-1290

Fork Oil h I Drhrer Wight, ~ 5 % +46:

Fork 0118eal D M r Attachmant, +36

- #46:

Fork Outer Tube might

Front Fork
Front Fork Removal (Each Fork Leg)
Middle Fairings (see Middle Fairing Removal in the
Frame chapter)
Front Wheel (see Front Wheel Removal in the
Wheelmres chapter)
Front Fender (see Front Fender Removal in the Frame
*tf fork leg is to be disassembled, loosen the handlebar
damp bolt [A] and upper front fork damp bolt [B], front
fork top plug [C] beforehand.
Handlebar Clamp Bolt
Upper Front Fork Clamp BoR
Lower Front Fork Clamp Bolts [Dl
With a twisting motion, remove the fork leg down and out.

Front Fork Installation (Each Fork Leg)

Install the fork leg.
Position the fork leg so that top end of the inner tube as
About 3 mm (0.1 in.) [A]
Torque Lower Front Fork Clamp Bob: 23 N-m(2.3 kgf-m,
17 R-lb)

O7ighten the two lower front fork clamp bolts alternately
two times to ensure even fightening toque.
+Tighten the front fork top plug to the spe- t(uque if the
front fork top plug is removed.
Torque Front Fork Top Plugs: 30 N*m(3.1 kgf-m, 22 ftolb)
Onghten the top plug before tightening the handlebar
clamp bott and upper front tbrk clamp bdt.
Toque Upper Front Fork Clamp Bolt: 20 N-m(2.0 kgf-m,
15 R-lb)
Handlebar Clamp Bolt 25 N-m(2.5 kgf-m, 18 ftolb)

Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).

Front Fork r

Front Fork Oil Change $a
Front Fork (see Front Fork Removal)
Front Fork Top Plug [A] with O-ring
Spacer [Bl
Fork Spring Seat [C]
Fork Spring [Dl

Drain the fork oil into a suitable container [A].

OPump the inner tube up and down at least 10 times to
expel the oil from the fork.

Hold the fork tube upright, pour in the type and amount of
fork oil specified.
Suspension 011- SS-8 (1 L): 44091-0007
Amount (Per Side):
When changing oil:
Approx. 4!50 mL (159 US or)
After disassembly and completely dry:
526 fZ.5 mL (17.8 10.085 US ot.)

OMove the outer tube up and down a few times to remove
the air that is trapped in the fork oil in order to stabilize
the oil level.
Front Fork

a Hdd the outer tube vertically in a vise and compress the

fork completely.
a Wait until the dl level stabilize.
a Use the fork oil level gauge [A] to measure the distance
between the top of the inner tube to the oil leveG
S-bl Tool - Fork 011LWOIQ.uge: 57001-12901
OSet the oil levelgauge stopper [B] so that the distance [C]
from the bottom of the stopper to the lower end of the pipe
is the standard oil level distance.
OA corred measurement can not be obtained unless the
level gauge pipe is placed in the center of the inner tube.
Fork 011Level (fully compressad, without fork spring)
Standard: 88 i 2 mm (3.5 M.08 In.)
OPlace the stopper of the level gauge at the top [Dlof the
inner tube [El and pull the handle slowly to draw out the
excess oil from fork intothe gauge, thus attaining the stan-
dard level.
*If not oil is drawn out, there is not enough oil in the fork.
Pour in some more oil and measure again.
a Repeat the same procedure for adjusting the other fork.
a Install:
Fork Spring
Fork Spring Seat [A]
spa= [BI
a Replace the top plug O-ring with a new one.
a Apply grease to the top plug O-ring.
Front Fork Top Plug
Front Fork (see Front Fork Installation)

Front Fork Disassembly

a Drain the fork oil (see Front Fork Oil Change).
a Hold the fork leg horizontally in a vise [A].
a Hold the cylinder unit [B] by using the special tools.
Spedal Tods Fork Cylinder Holder Handle [C]: 57001-183
Fork Cylinder Holckr Adapter (Dl: 57001
a Remove the Allen bolt [El and gasket from the bottom of
the outer tube.
Fmnt Fork
- -parts fm ttrs top of the outer tube.
a Remom the following 1
Ferric Guard [A]
Retaining king[C]

t u b e f r w n ~ ~ Ihrp ~ inner tube by hand

a Remove:
Inner Guide Bushing [A]
Outer Guide Bushing [B]
Washer [C]
Oil Seal [o]

Fmnt Fork Assembly

a Replace the following parts with new ones.
lnner Guide Bushing [A]
Dust Seal [B]
Retaining Ring [C]
Oil Seal [Dl
Outer Guide Bushing [El
Front Fork Bottom Allen Bolt Gasket [F]
a Install the new inner guide bushing to the groove on the
inner tube.
Front Fork
Insert the cylinder unit [A] and the spring [B] into the inner

lInstall the cylinderbase [A] so that stepped dde p]faces

downward into the bottom groove of the outer tube.
lInstall the inner tube and cylinder unit as a set into the
outer tube.

lInstall a new bottom Allen bolt gasket.

A p p l y a non-permanent locking agent to the threads of
the bottom Allen bolt.
l Hold the outer tube horizontally in a vise [A], stop the cylin-
der unit [B] with the special tools, then tighten the Allen
bolt [C].
Special Tools Fork Cylinder Holder Handle [Dl: 57001-183
Fork Cylinder Holder Adapter [El: 57001
Toque Front Fork Bottom Allen Bolts: 20 N-m (2.0 kgf-m,
15 ft-lb)

lInstall the outer guide bushing [A] and washer [B] into
the outer tube using the fork oil seal driver [C], until the
washer is bottomed.
Special Tools Fork Oil Seal Driver, +I: 57001-1288 or
Fork Oil Seal Driver Weight, 426 -#6:
Fork Oil Seal Driver Attachment, 436 -#46:

lApply grease to the oil seal lips, and install the oil seal [A]
to the outer tube from the top.
Olnstall the oil seal with its lip side [B] facing up.
lInstall the oil seal into the outer tube using the fork oil seal
driver [C] until the oil seal is bottomed.
Special Tools Fork Oil Seal Driver, +I1 : 57001-1288 or
Fork Oil Seal Driver Weight, 426 -*:
Fork Oil Seal Driver Attachment, 436 -@6:
Front Fork

Install the fork guard [A] to the outer tube aligning the tab
[B] with the groove [C] on the outer tube.
Pour in the specified type of oil (see Front Fork Oil
Install the front fork (see Front Fork Installation).

Inner Tube, Outer Tube Inspection

Viually ins- the inner tube [A].
*If there is any damage, replace the inner tube. Since
damage to the inner tube damages the oil seal and dust
seal, replace the oil seal and dust seal whenever the inner
tube is replaced.
k badly bent or creased, replace
it. Excasshre bending, followed by subsequent
straightening, can waken the Inner tube.

Temporarily assemble the inner [A] and outer [B] tubes,

and pump them back and forth manually to check for
smooth operation.
*If you fee1 binding or catching, the inner and outer tubes
must be replaced.

A straighbnod I n w or outer fork tub. may fall In

use, pom~lblycaurlng an addent resulting in wl-
our injury or death. Replace a badly bent or dam-

I aged inner or outer t u b and inspect the other tube

carefully before musing it. I
Front Fork
Dust Seal Inspection
Inspect the dust seal [A] for any signs of deterioration or
*Replace it if necessary.

h r l r Spdng Tenslon Inspection

Since a spring becomes shorter as iiweakens, check its
free length [A] to determine its condition.
+If the spring of either fork leg is shorter than the mrviee
limit, it must be replaced. If the length of s replacement
spring and that of the remaining spring vary greatly, the
remaining spring should also be replaced in order to keep
the fork legs balancedfor motorcyde stability.
Fork Spring Free Length
Standard: 297.5 mm (11.71 in.)
Service Llmlt: 293 mm (11.5 In.)
Rear Shock Absorber
Sprlng Preload Adjustment
a Using the wrench [A] from the tool kit, turn the adjusting
nut to adjust the spring preload. il
OThe standard adjuster sefflng is 2nd position.
Spring Preload Settlng
Standard Position: 2nd position
Adjustable Range: -
1st 5th position
*If the compression of the spring is not suited to the o p
erating conditions, adjust it to an appropriate position by
referring to the table below.
Spring Preload Adjustment
Adjuster Road Driving
Absorber Load
Position Conditions Speed

5th Hard Heavy Bad Highway

Rear Shock Absorber Removal

a Squeeze the brake lever slowly and hold it with a band

Be sure to hold the front brake when removing the
shock absorber, or the motorcycle may fall over. It
could cause an accident and injury. I
I 1.

a Loosen:
Upper Rear Shock Absorber Nut [A]
Lower Rear Shock Absorber Nut [B]
a Support the frame using the suitable stand.
a Remove:
Upper Rear Shock Absorber Nut and Bolt
Lower Rear Shodc Absorber Nut and Bolt
a Remove the shock absorber [C] from upside.

Rear Shock Absorber Installation

a Install the rear shock absorber brackets [A] if necessary.
a Replace the rear shodc absorber bracket nuts with new
a Tighten the rear shock absorber bracket nuts following the
tightening sequence [I 21.-
Torque Rear Shock Absorber Bracket Nuts: 34 N-m (3.5
kgf-m, 25 Rdb)
Rear Shock Absorber

Rear Shock Absorber Nuts
Install the rear shock absorber so that the label side faces
rearward [A].
Toque Rear Shock Absorber Bolts: 34 N*m(3.5 kgf-m, 25
R e + r S h Q c k A b s ~ I ~
o R e m the rear shodr absorber (see Reer Shodc Ab-
sorber R m a l ) .
V h d l y inspect the Wlowing items.
a Legkrage
Cradr or Dent
+If there is any damage to the rear shock absorber, replace
I V b d l y inspect the rubber bushing [A].
+If it show any signs of damage, replace it.
Rarr Shock Abs- swapping
Since the mar shock absorber containe n1tmg.n
gar, do not incineratethe rear shock aboorber with-
out ffrpt rsl101#lngthe gas or ft may explode.
~ a r e a r s h o c kkwrappad, ~ ddli cl
hok at- pelnt [A] shewn to release the nlbog.n
gas QomgkQely. Wmr &bty gbsses when drllllng
I imt.lrrh.ntheh.hok.
Renwve the rear shod absorbew (see Raw Shedc Ab-
a;orber RQmoval).
&illthe cylhrder d the shodr absorber using abwt 2 mm
(0.08 in.) drillbit.
Swingam Removal
Loosen the rear brake hose banjo bolt [A] at the brake
hose lower end, and tighten it loosely.
a Remove:
Muffler Cwer (see Muffler Removal in the Engine Top
End chapter)
Frame Cover (see Frame Cover Removal in the Frame
Engine Sprocket Cover (me Engine Sprocket Removal
in the Final Drive chapter)
Rear Wheel (we Rear Wheel Removal in the
WheelNires chapter)
Mud Guard (see Mud Guard Removal in the Frame
chapter) I

a Remove the banjo bolt and disconnect the brake ho%e

from the caliper (seeBrake Hose and Pipe Replacement
in the Periodic Maintenance chapter).

Brake fluid quickly damages painted plastlc rur*

faces; any spilled fluid should be completely
washed away immediately.

a Free the brake hose [A] and rear wheel rotation sensor
lead [B]from the swingarm.

a Loosen:
Swingarm Bra&& Bolts [A] [B]
Upper Tie-Rod Nut [C]
Swingarm P i i t Shaft Nut [O]
a Support the frame using the suitable stand.
Upper Tie-Rod Nut and Bolt
Swingarm Pivot Shaft Nut and Bolt
Swingarm lnstallation
Apply grease to the lips of the grease seals [A].
a Be sure to install the grease seals and sleeves [B] to the L C *


a lnstall the swiri$arh and insert the swingarm pivot shaft

[A] from the right side.
a Replace:
Upper Tie-Rod Nut [B]
Apply grease to the O-rings.
a Tighten the bolts and nuts following the specified tighten-
ing sequence.
Toque Swingarm Pivot Shaft Nut [C]: 108 N-m(11.0 kgf-m,
79.7 ft-lb)
Left Lower Swingarm Side Bracket Bolt [Dl: 34
N-m (3.5 kgf-m, 25 ft-lb)
Left Upper Swingann Side Bracket Bolt [El: 20
N-m (2.0 kgf-m, 15 ft-lb)
Right Lower Swingarm Side Bracket Bolt: 34 N-m
(3.5 kgf-m, 25 ft-lb)
Right Upper Swingarm Side Bracket Bolt: 20 N-m
(2.0 kgf-m, 15 ftalb)
Upper Tie-Rod Bolt: 59 N-m (6.0 kgf-m, 44 ft-lb)
Move the swingarm up and down to check for abnormal
a Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
Swingatm Bearing Removal
Swingarm (see Swingarm Removal)
Grease Seals [A]
Sleeves [B]

Remove the needle bearings.

Special Tool - Oil Seal & BearingRemover [A]: 57001-1058

Swingarm Bearing Installation

Apply plenty of grease to the needle bearings.
Install the needle bearings [A] and grease seals [B] posi-
tion as shown.
Special Tool - Bearing Driver Set: 57001-1129
6 mm (0.24 in.) [C]
Left Side [Dl
Right Side [El

Swingarm Bearing, Sleeve Inspection

I Do not remove the bearings for inspection. Re- I
I moval may damage them.
Inspectthe needle bearings [A] installed in the swingarm.
OThe rollers in a needle bearing normally wear very little,
and wear is difficult to measure. Instead of measuring,
visually inspect the bearing for abrasion, discoloration, or
other damage.
*If the needle bearing and sleeve [B] show any signs of
abnormal wear, discoloration, or damage, replace them
as a set.
Swingann Bearing Lubrication
Refer to the Swingarm Pivot Lubrication in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter.
Swingann Bushing Removal
Swingarm (see Swingarm Removal)
Sleeve [A]
O-rings [B]
Swingarm Bushings [C]
Special Tool - Oil Seal & Bearing Remover: 57001-1058
Swingarm Bushing Installation
Press the swingarm bushings [A] until they are bottomed.
Special Tool - Bearing Driver Set [B]: 570011129
Apply grease to the inside of the bushings.
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Tie-Rod, Rocker Arm
77e-Rod and Rocker Ann Bearing Removal
a Remove:
Swingarm Mounting Plate [A] (see Engine Removal in
the Engine RemovaUlnstallationchapter)
Rear Shock Absorber (see Rear Shocker Absorber Re-
Rocker Arm [B] (see Tie-Rod Removal)
Sleeves [C]
Oil Seals [Dl
a Remove the needle beatings [El using a suitable tool.

770-Rod and Rocker Arm Bearing Installation

a Replace the needle bearing and oil seals with new ones.
a Install the needle bearings.
OThe installing positions are as shown.
Special Tool - Bearing Driver Set: 570014129
Apply plenty of grease to the lips of the oil seals.
a Install the oil seals.
-, >-- -. -


Tie-Rod, Rocker A m

Viewed from Bottom [A] Te-Rods [q

Swingarm Mounting Plate [B] Rear Shod< Absorber [GI
Grease Seals [C] 5.5M.5mm (0.22M.02 in.) [HI
Needle Bearings [Dl 16.8 k0.5 mm (0.66a . 0 2 in.) [I]
Rocker Am [El

Rocker Ann/TicRod Bearing, SIsgve lnspectlon


I Do not remove the bearings for irupactlon. Re-

moval may damam them. I
Visually inspect the rocker arm, sleeves [A] and needle
bearings [B].
The rollers in a needle bearing normally wear very little,
and wear is difficult to measure. Instead of measuring,
inspect the bearing for abrasion, color change, or other
*If there is any doubt as to the condition of any of the nee-
dle bearings or sleeve, replace the sleeve and needle
bearings as a set.
Tie-Rod, Rocker Arm
Rocker Annn?eRod Bearing Lubrication
NOT6 ' . .- :,
OSinoe the bearings are packed with grease, itibricaion
is not required.

Table of Contents
Exghcbd vkw ........................................................................................................................
SpecSal TOOIS...........,
S t d n g ..................................................................................................................................
Steering Inspection...........................................................................................................
Steering Adjustrnmt.........................................................................................................
Steering Stem.........................................................................................................................
l,.&&atiQn ...................................................................................
StBwhg Stem warpn-1 ........................................................................................
tbckbar Removal ..........................................................................................................
Handlebar Instalktion .......................................................................................................
Exploded Wew
TEERlN- 14 -
Exploded View
No. Fastener s Remarks
N-m k6lf.m ft-lb
1 Handlebar bunting Bolts 9.8 1.O 87 in-lb S
2 Handlebar Clamp Bolts 25 2.5 18 S
3 Switch ttousit~gScrctws 3.5 0.36 31 in-lb
4 Steering Stem Head Nut 49 5.0 36
5 Upper Front Fork Clamp Bolts 20 2.0 15
6 Steering Stem Nut 4.9 0.50 43 In-lb
7 Lowler Front Fork Clamp Bolts 23 2.3 17 AL
AD: Apply adhesive.
AL: Tighten the two damp bolts alternately two times to ensure tightening toque.
G: lq@y greass.
L: Apply a m w p m m m t M n g agent.
R: Replacement Parts
S: Follow the speciRed tightening sequence.
Special Tools
Bearlng Puller Adapter: Steerlng Stem Bearing Driver Adapter, w.5:
57001-13% 57001-1074

I ~ I M I I Wo~ s r a i w t 4 a ~o

Stewing Stem Bearing D r k HeadPipeOlrterRacePmssShsR:

-137 57001-1075

Bearlng Puller: Head Pipe Outer Race Driver, 451.5:

57001-158 57001-1076

011Seal & Bearing Remover: Steering Stem Nut Wrench:

57001-1058 57001-1100

011 Sod & M n g Remover, Adapter B: Head Pipe Outer Race Driver, 447:
57001-1062 57001-1447

l1171441I1 0
Special Tools
Boarlng Pullor: Adjustable Hook Wnnch:
57001-1575 57001-1883

STS7lS7#81 0 811711#~#1 0
Steerlng InspecUon
Refer to the Steering Play Inspectionin the Periodic Main-
tenance chapter.
Steering Adjustment
Refer to the Steering Play Adjustment in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter.
Steering Stem
Stem, Stem Beurlng Removal
Upper Inner Cover (see Upper Inner Cover Removal in
the Frame chapter)
Front Forks (see Front Fork Removal in the Suspension
Disconnect the horn lead connectors [A].

Remove the bdts [A].

-a-v .'b*
Remove: s C '

Steering Stem Head Nut Plug [A]

Steering Stem Head Nut [B)
-her [cl
Move !he stewing stan head askie.

Pushing up the stmi base, and m e the steering &em

nut [A] and stem erap [B].
Spucl.1 Tool m g Stem Nut Wnnch [C]: 57001-1100
Steering Stem [Dl
Upper Ball b r i n g Inner Race and Ball Bearings
O B e e r ~ & ~ h ~ * s o E h a f t t F e s t e m
b e a t i n g ~ ~ s a t w m f ~ .
OYou may m o v e the steering stem nut using the ad-
justable hook wrench [A].
Speclal Tool Adjustable Hook Wmnch: 570014883
Steering Stem
Remove the upper and lower outer races using the re-
movm [A].
8-I T d a -Oil -1 & Bearlng Remover: 57001-1058
Oil Seal & Boaring Remover, Adapter 0:
Olf either steen'ng stem haring is damaged, it is recom-
mended that both the upper and lower beaiings (includ-
ing sruter races) should be_ rfrpFaced
. '
with new ones.
, , * , a

Remove the lower ball its dl

seal) which is pressed g the
bearing puller and adapter.
S p d a l TQalr Bearlng Puller Adaptor [B]: 57001-136
Baring Puller [C]: 57001-158
Bearing Puller (Dl: 57001-1575

Stam, %itemBesting lnstrliatson

Replaw,the bearing outer races with new ones.
Dtive thm into the head pipe at the same time.
SpeclrlToolr -Head Pipe Outer Race Press Shaft [A]:
Head Pip. Outer Race Driver, fi1.5 [B]:
Head PIpa Oukr Raea Drlvu, +47 [C]: 51001

Replace the bearing inner races and oii seal with new
Apply greaser to the oil seal.
Install the washer [A] and oil seal [B] on the steering stern,
and drfve the ball bearing inner race [C] applied grease
onto the e r n .
$pddTod+ -Sbeerlng Skm Bearing Drhnr [Dl: 57001
Stowing Stem 8urlng DrhrcH Adapter,
w .
1 1[El: S7001-1074
Apply grease to the inner races.
Steering Stem
a Apply grease to the lower ball bearings (20) [A] and outer

race, and install the ball bearings onto the outer race.

Apply grease to the upper ball bearings (19) [A] and outer
race, and install the ball bearings onto the outer race.

Install the steering stem [A] mmfully through the head

pipe so that the steel balls on the head pipe does not fall.
Apply grease to the upper ball bearing inner race and in-
stall it.
a Install the stem cap [B] and steering stem nut [C], and
tighten it by hand.
Olnstall the steering stem nut with stepped side [Dl fadng

Settle the bearings in place as follows.

0Tighten the steering stem nut with 35 N-m (3.6 kgf-m,
26 R-lb) of torque first (Pull the M n g stem nut wrench
[A] at the hole by 194 N (19.8 kgf) force [B] in the diree
tion shown), and b n it r fraction of a turn until it turns
lightly. Afte~lardtighten it again with specified torque us-
ing the steering stem nut wrench.
OCheck that there is no play and the steering stem turns
smoothly without rattles. If not, the steering stem bearings
may be damaged.
OYou may tighten the steering stem nut using the ad-
justable hook wrench.
Sprclal Tool Steerlng Stern Nut Wrench: 57001-1100 or
Adjustabk Hook Whnch: 57001-1883
Toque Steerlng Stem Nut: 4.9 N-m (0.50 kgfm, 43 in-lb)
Steering Stem
Install the stem head [A].
Install the washer [B], and tighten the stem head nut [C]
Olnstall the stern nut with the chamfer side [Dlfacing up.
Temporarily install the front forks [El (see Front Fork In-
stallation in the Suspension chapter).
< . NOTE

or~~th~bw~4;tm~sloo S 8not^
the upper front bo& at this time. ,, T : - 1 ..-,$fi

Tighten the stem head nut. . .

Toque -Steering Stem Head Nut: 40 N-m (5.0 kgfam, 36
Reinstall the front forks (seeFront Fork InsbpJ&kn in me
Suspension chapter).
K the handbar dosa not turn to the seering stop it
may cause an accident multlng in injury or demth.
Be sure th.cables, harnesses and hoses are routed
properly and do n d Interfen, wlth handkrbar move
mcHlt (seeCabk, Wire, and Hose Routing section in
the Appendix chapter).
R u n the leads, wire harness and hoses correctly (see
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing section in the Appendix
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
Steering Stem B e a m Lubrication
Refer to the Stwing Stem Bearing Lubrication in the P s
riadic Maintenance chapter.
Steetfng Stem Warp 1ns;pgction .- '
Whenever the steering stem is removed, o r X h s€kd"il "
can not be adjusted for smooth action, check the steerkng
stem for straightness [A].
*If the stewing stem is bent, replace it with a new one.

Handlebar Rsmoval
Left swwl Housing [A]
Handlebar Weight @]
Left Handlebar Grip [C]
Clutch Lwer Hokler Clemp Bolt [Dl
Clutch Lever Aammbly [EJ

Front Master Cylinder [A] (see Front Master Cylinder R d
moval in the Brakes chapter) c
Right Switch Housing [8]
Handlebar Weight [C]
Throttle Grip [Dl

Loosen the handlebar damp bolt [A].

Handlebar Mounting Boit [B]
Handlebar [C]

Handlebar Installation
a Install the handlebar [A].
a Tighten the following bolts temporarily.
Handlebar Mounting Bdt [B]
Handlebar Clamp Bolt [C]
Tighten the handlebar mounting bolt first, and then the
handlebar damp bolt.
Toque -Handlebar Mounting Bdt: 9.8 N.m (1.0 kgfm, 87
Handlebar Clamp Bolt 25 N-m(2.5 kgf-m, 18 ftmlb)

Install the dutch lever holder (see Clutch Lever Hdder
Installation in the Clutch chapter).
Using a high flash-point solvent, clean off any oil or dirt
that may be on the adhesive coating area. Dry them with
a dean cloth.
Apply adhesive cement to the handlebar, and install the
left handlebar grip.
Install the left switch housing.
OFii the projection [A] into a hole [B] in the handlebar.
Toque -Switch Housing Screws: 3.5 Nm (0.36 kern, 31
Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the threads of
the handlebar weight bolt.
Installthe left handlebar weight and tighten the handlebar
weight bolt.
Throttle Grip
Throttle Cable Tips [A]
Right Switch Housing
OFit the projection [B] into a hole [C] in the handlebar.
Toque SwItch Housing Screws: 3.5 N*m(0.36 kern, 31
A p p l y a non-permanent locking agent to the threads of
the handlebar weight bolt.
Install the right handlebar weight and tighten the handle-
bar weight bolt.
Front Master Cylinder (see Front Master Cylinder Instal-
lation in the Brakes chapter)
Run the leads, cables and hoses correctly (see Cable,
Wire, and Hose Routing section in the Appendix chapter).
lInstallthe removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
lAdjust the throttle grip free play (see Throttle Control Sys-
tem Inspection in the Periodic Maintenance chapter).
..... .-. 7.

FRAME 15-1 . .

Table of Contents
Exploded View ................................... Side Seat Cover Installation.........
Seats ................................................. Center Seat Cover Removal ........
Rear Seat Removal...................... Center Seat Cover Installation.....
Rear Seat Installation................... Frame Cover Removal.................
Front Seat Removal..................... Frame Cover Installation..............
Front Seat Installation.................. Fenders .............................................
Pillion Seat Cover Removal Front Fender Removal.................
(Equipped Models).................... Front Fender Installation..............
PillieHl seat Cover Installation Flap Removal...............................
(Equipped Models) .................... flap Installation............................
Fairings .............................................. Flap Disassembly/Assembly ........
Lower Fairing Removal................ Rear Fender Removal..................
Lower Fairing Installation............. Rear Fender Installation...............
Lower Inner Fairing Removal....... Battery Case Cover Removal ......
Lower Inner Fairing Installation .... Battery Case Cover lnstallation ...
Middle Fairing Removal ............... Battery Case Removal .................
Middle Fairing Installation ............ Battery Case Installation..............
MIddle Fairing DisaasemblylAs- Frame ................................................
sembly ....................................... Frame Inspection .........................
Upper Fairing Removal................ Rear Footpeg Bracket lnstallation
Upper Fairing Installation ............. Guard.................................................
Windshield RernowUlnstallation.. Mud Guard Removal....................
Upper Inner Fairing Removal....... Mud Guard Installation.................
Upper lnner Fairing Installation.... Slider Removal (Equipped
Upper Fairing Bracket Removal ... Models) .....................................
Upper Fairing Bracket Installation Slider Installation (Equipped
Coven ............................................... Models) .....................................
Side Cover Removal.................... Side Stand .........................................
Side Cover Instaltation................. Side Stand Removal....................
seat Covers....................................... Side Stand Installation.................
Side Seat Cover Removal ............ Pads ..................................................
15-2 FRAME
Exploded View
FRAME 1 5 3
Exploded View
No. Fastener Remarks
N-m kgf-m R*lb
1 Rear View Mirror Bolts 8.8 0.90 78 indb
2 Upper Fairing Bracket Nut
- 34 --
3.5 25 R, S
3 Upper Fairing Bracket B o b 34 3.5 25
4. US, CA and CAL
R: Replacement Parts
S: Follow the specified tightening sequence.
15-4 FRAME
Exploded View

@, - -
Exploded View

S: Fdlow the specified tightening sequence.

Exploded View
FRAME 15-7
Exploded View
No. Fasbner Remarks
N-m kgf-m R*lb
1 Mud Guard Bolts 8.8 0.90 78 in-lb S
2 Reflector Nuts 3.0 0.31 27 in-lb
3. Equipped Models
S: Follow the specified tightening sequence.
15-8 FRAME
Exploded View
FRAME 15-9
Exploded Mew
No. Fastener Remarks
N-m kgf-m ft-lb
1 Front Footpeg Bracket Bob 25 2.5 18
2 Rear Footpeg Bracket Bolts 25 2.5 18 S
3 Side Stand Switch Bdt 8.8 0.90 78 in-lb L
4 Side Stand Bracket Bolts 49 5.0 36 S
5 Side Stand Bolt 44 4.5 32
G: Apply grease.
L: Apply a ~xlpermanentlocking agent.
R: Replacement Parts
S: Follow the specified tightening sequence.
15-10 FRAME
Exploded View
FRAME 15-11
Exploded View
No. Fastener Remarks
Nom kgfmm Rmlb
1 Slider Bracket Bolts 29 3.0 21 L
2 Radiator Guard Bolts 6.9 0.70 61 in-lb
L: Apply a non-permanent lodi~ngagent.
S: Follow the spedfied tightening sequence.
15-12 FRAME

IhPr SIst R~snevrl

Insat the ignition key [A] into th8 seat lock.
turn the key^, and pull uptMfmnt partof rear
Remove the rear mat forward.

Rear S+rt InsGIletlon

@ I n s r t t h e ~ 8 8 g f t a t w ~ ] t o t h e ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~
a lmtl the seat lode proprojection [C] Into the ktch hole PI.
Push down the front part of the mar seat until the lodc

Rant Ssat Rnmovrl

Remove the mar seat (sam Rear Seat Removal).
Pull up the rear part of front seat [A] while pullingthe Beat
lock caWe backward.
@ Remove the front seat

Front Seat Installation

Check that the dampers [A] are in place.

insert the M t seat tabs [A] to the bracket [B].

It%suftWbeQflQdtprom [C] intathelatch hdo PI.
Install the rear seat (see Rear Seat Imh~llatrolp).
FRAME 15-13
Pillion Seat Cover Removal (Equipped Models)
Insert the ignition key [A] into the seat lock.
Turn the key dockwise, and pull up the front part of pillion
seat cover [B].
* Remove the pillion seat cover backward.

Piliion Seat C o w InstaliatJon (Equipped Models)

When installingthe pillionseat cover bracket [A], note the
Damper [Bl
*Tighten the bdts following the spedfied tightening se-
quence [I 4.
Check that the dampers [A] are in place.

Insert the dot [A] m the p i l l i i seat mver into the damper
Insert the seat lock projection [C] into the latch hole [Dl.
Push down the front part of the pillion seat cover until the
lock d i s .
15-14 FRAME
Lower Falting Removal
Quick Rivet [A]
Bob and Washers [B] . -

Bolt and Collar [C] I

Pull the lower part of lower fairing to out side, and clear
the tabs [Dl.
Remove the lower fairing.

Lower Falting installation .. . .


Insert the tabs [A]on the lower fairing into the slots [B] on
the middle fairing. ir

Lift up the rear part of tt

re- parts.

Lower Inner Falrlng Removal

Reme - 5.the bolts [A].
, Z
FRAME 15-15
Remove the quick rivets [A] (both sides).
Pull the lower inner fairing to dear the tabs [B] on both

:1 4
ife*;;~ ) -.?
i ;

sides, and remove the lower inner fairing. r,

, ,

t .

1 I

a ,

.a c .

Lower lnner FaiHng lnstellatlon

Installation is the reverse of removal.
Insert the lower inner fairing to the tabs [A] on the middle

, . .- ,
? .
L --

Middle Faking R ~ % I: d4;

Lower Fairings (seeLower Fairing Removal)
Lower lnner Fairing (see Lower lnner Fairing Removal)
Side Covers (Side Cover Removal)
Fuse Boxes [A] (Left Side Only)
- -*- r r ; y f . F

.-. . **+# , :'

Disconnect the front turn signal light lead connector [A].
. I

15-16 FRAME

Remore the bdt [A].

Bolt [Aand Washer
aulck Rivet p1
Y :

Remove the bolts [A] rand washers.

Pull the middle fairing outward to dear the projections
and t a b [C].
Rgmove the middle fairing.

Mlfddk Fairing Installation

I m t C o n is the reverse of removal.
Check that the dip nut [A] and grommets [B] are in place.
FRAME 15-17
a Insert the tabs [A] into the slots [B].
a Insert the projections [C] into the grommets [Dl.

a Push the front pgrt [A] of the middle fairing while installing
the bolt [B].

a Tighten the lower bolt [A] first, and then tighten the upper
bolts [B].
a Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
15-18 FRAME
Middle Fairlng Di.ssembly/Assembly
Open the damps [A].
-ws [Bl
Brackets [C] (Left Side Only)
Bolt and Nut [Dl
Lower M i l e Fairing [El
Fin (Fl
Pad [GI (Left Side Only)
Bracket [HI
Turn Signal Light [I]
Turn Signal Light Cover [J]
Upper Middle Fairing [Kl
Installation is the reverse of removal.

Upper Fairing Removal

Middle Fairings (see Middle Fairing Removal)
D i i n e c t the headlight lead connector [A].
Open the damp [B].
FRAME 15-49

Quidc Rivet [A] (Both S i )
S a w [B] (Both Sides)

Bolt and Washer [C] (Both Sides)

Headlight Mounting Bolt [D) (Both Sides)
Movethe upperM n gforwad to remove it from the grom-
met [El(both sides).

Upper Fairing /nsta//ation

Installation is the reverse of removal.
Check that the grommets [A] are in place.

Insert the projection [A] into the grommet [B] (both aldes).

qusnce [l 31.
HeadRgM M om
l m Bdt [I](Both S i )
Bolt and Washer (Both Sides)
Screw [3] (Both Sides)
Torqua HmagSht Mounting Bab: 8.8 Nm (0.70 kgf-m, 78
R u n thecable, W a n d m m y ( ! W Q
Wke, and k b e FbuihQsedkm in bAppendbd*r).
Install the removed parts (see 8 p p q M k b cham).
WlnckhW R e m o ~ ~ U I m W a n
Rear View M i Bob b]

. Rear View M i i p]
instal^ 58 the reyep3 af removal.
Toqua Re8r Wew Mirror Bob: 8.8 Nm (0.90 kgf.m, 78
15-20 FRAME
. Upper Inner Falrfng Removal
. a Remove:
~W~ndshiild(see Windshield RemovaVlnstallation) ,#$
A i'
." Upper Faking (see Upper Fairing Removal)
a For acmsory socket equipped models, disconnect the
accessory socket connecto~[A].
, P A
- .a

, .'I :
3 L
, ?I +' .
' " 8

< U

a Slide the dust cover [A], and disconnect the meter con-
-r PI.

a ~ m v the e bdt [A] and washer (both sides). -

a Pull up the upper inner fairing to dear the ~rojedibn[B]
(both sides).
-- .'4.4 .'
' : 1


I ,

a Pull the upper inner fairing to dear the projections [A].

Clear the holes [B]fKHn the windshield mounting portions.
a Pull the upper inner fairing to dear the projection [C].
Remove the upper inner fairing.
..':t,' .
.. .

. .. f .- ,
. . .-
. . .
. ...
.- . -;.?
. ,
. l?.
6 . .


' .
. .., .: i.
. !?y . - . , ,

.Upper lnner Falrlng Insfallation

Installation is the reverse of removal.
, Check that the grommets [A] are in place.
FRAME 15-21
a Check that the grommet [A] is in place.
1 a Insert the grommet to the projection p].
a Fit the holes [C] to the windshield mounting portions [Dl.
a Insert the projections [El to the grommet [FJ.

Insert the projeotion [A] te the grommet [B] (both rider).

Upper Falrlng Bracket Removal

Upper Inner Fairing (seeUpper Inner Fairing Removal)
Turn Signal Relay [A]
Accessory Relay [B] (Equipped Models)
RegulatorIRecWier[C] (seeRegulatorIRectifierRemoval
in the Elecbical System chapter)
Vehide-down Sensor [Dl(see Vehicledawn Sensor Re-
moval in the Electrical System dwipter)
Turn Signal Light Lead Connectors [El
Coolant Reserve Tank [Fl (see Coolant Reserve Tank
Head Light Lead Connector [GI
Open the damps [HI.
a Remove:
Upper Fairing Bracket Bolt [I](Both Sides)
Upper Fairing Bracket Nut [Jl, Bolt and Spacer
Upper Fairing Bracket
U'Fairing Bracket Installation
] a new one.
Replace the upper fairing bracket nut [Iwith
Install: +'
Upper Fairing B1&8t [A] ,
Spacer [Bl I

Tighten thg upper Wing bracket nut and bolts following
the specmd tightening sequence [I 31.
Torpw Upper Faking Brrclcet Nut: 34 N m (33 kgfin, 25
'Upper Fairing Bracket Bolts: 34 N-m(3.5 kgf-m,25
1 - =
' R-lb)
Install the removed parb (see apphriate chapters).
. '4.,
-- - - -
FRAME 15-23
Side Cover Removal
Front Seat (see Front Seat Removal)
Bolt [A]
Bolt [B]and Washer
Pull the side cover outward to clear the projections [C].

Side Cover lnstallatlon

Check that the grornmets [A] are in place.

Insert the projections [A] into the grommets [B].

Insert the prajection [C] into the hole [Dl.

Tlghten the bolts follobi&. the specified tightening se-

quence [I 21.
15-24 FRAME
Seat Covers

tr Removal

Mile Fairings (see Middle Fairing Removal)
Screws [A] (Left Side Only)
Plate [B] (Left Side Only)
Clear the cable [C] from the bracket [Dl (Left Side Only).

Bdts [A] and Washers

Pull the side seat cover outward to dear the projedons

Insert the hod< [A] Dntn the sbt (Bl.

Insert the projections [A] into the grommets [B].

Center Seat Cover Removal , f .

Side Seat Covers (see Side Seat Cover Removal) -
Q"& W ~ t [A]s 9 . +
Bdts [Q and d a m
s- [CI
' -4

Pull the center seat cover backward to dear the tabs >.
15-26 FRAME
Seat Covers

Tighten the screws [A].

install the collars [B].
Tihten the rear bob [C] first, and then tighten the front.
bob PI.
Install the quick rivets [EJ.
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).

Frame Cover Remoral
Bolts [A] and Washers
Frame Cover [B]

Frame C o w Installation
Installation is the reverse of removal.
. -- -

FRAME 15-27
Front Fender Removal
Reflector (Equipped Models, Both Sides)
Bolt [A] with Collar and Washer (Both Sides)
Bolt [B] (Both Sides)
Bracket [C]
Front Fender [Dl

Front Fender lnstallatlon

Installation is the reverse of removal.
Flap Removal
Remove the rear seat (see Rear Seat Removal).
Open the compartment cover.
Slide the cover [A].
Disconnect each connectors [B].
Free the connector leads from the damper [C].

Remove the b o b [A] and flap assembly.

Flap Ins~llrtlon
Install the flap assembly.
@Tightenthe bolts following the specified tightening se-
quence [I 41.
Run the hose$, leads and harness correctly (see Cable,
Wire, and Hose Routing section in the Appendix chapter).
15-28 FRAME

Flap DI~ssemb&/Assembly
Remove: *-% '

~~ [Bl
Flap El
Turn Si
gnal Lights 4 L ..-

Licefm Plate LjgM

Assembly is the reverse of removal.
Run the cables, leads, hamess and hose colrecZly (see
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routtng section in the Appsndk
Center Seat Cover (see Center Seat Cover Remwal)
Flap (see Flap Removal)
Bands [A]
Ownar's Tool [B]
-et PI

Dkmmed the brakehail light lead conmctm [El.
b brakehail light lead from the damper [A].
Free t
Bdts [C] and Washers
Remsve the rear fender badward.

Resr Fender Inst%llirffon

Check that the Gollars [A] are in place.
Install the mar fender.
Run the cab.les,hds, ham888 and hose cornectly (see
cable, Wire, and Hose W n g seGiion in the Appendix
FRAME 15-29
Pull the rear part of the rear fender to outside while tight- 1 1
ening the screws [A].
a Tighten the rear bolts [B]- first, and then tighten the front
bolts [C].

Battery Case Cover Removal

Fuel Tank (see Fuel Tank Removal in the Fuel System
(DFI) chapter) -,.
Battery (see Battery em oval in the Electrical System
Fuel Tank Bracket Bolts [A]
Fuel Tank Bracket [B]

a Disconnect the intake .air temperature
. ., . sensor connector
[A]. 1

Remove: 1 .$
-* t
Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor Lead Connector [B] - -
Fuel Pump Lead Connector [C]
;; i
a Clear the leads from the Wery case cover [Dl. 14

a Remove the bolts [a. .

a Pull up the front part of the battery case cover, and re-
move it.

Battery Case C o w Installadion

a Installation is the reverse of removal.
a Install the fuel tank bracket [A].
a Run the cables, leads, harness and hose correctly (see
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing section in the Appendix
a Tighten the fuel tank bracket bdts following the specifled
tightening sequence [I 41. -
15-30 FRAME
Battery Case Removal
Rear Fender (see Rear Fender Removal)
Battery Case &VEX (see&#my Case &ver Removal)
Bolt [A1

Open the damp [A].

Remove the bolt [A].

I., -
.&L x

Open the damp [C].

Remove the bolts [A] and washers.

Push down the battery case to dear the tabs [B].
Remove the battery case backward.
FRAME 15-31
Battery Case lnstallaflon
Installation is the reverse of removal.
Run the cables, leads, harness and hose correctly (see
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routbg section in the Appendix
15-32 FRAME
Frame Inspection
Visually inspect the frame for cracks, dents, bending, or
*If there is any damage to the frame, replace it.
A repaired frame may fail in use, possibly causing
an accldent resulting in injury or death. If the frame
I is bent, dented, cracked, or warped, replace it.

Rear Footpeg Bracket Installation

Install the rear fwtpeg bracket [A].
Tighten the rear fwtpeg bracket bolt (rear) [B] first, and
then tighten the rear footpeg bracket bolt (front) [C].
Toque Rear Footpeg Bracket Bolts: 25 N-m(2.5 kgf-m, 18
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
-. - - - -
FRAME 15-33
Mud Guard Removal
Quick Rivet [A]
Mud Guard Bolts [B]
Collars [C]
Washers (Dl
Mud Guard [El

Mud Guard lnstallatlon

Mud Guard [A]
Washers [B]
Collars [C]
Tighten the mud guard bolts following the tightening se-
quence [I 31.
Torque Mud Guard Bob: 8.8 N-m (0.90 kgf-m, 78 In-lb)
Install the quick rivet [Dl.
15-34 FRAME
Slider Removal (Equipped Models)
Middle Fairing (see Middle Fairing Removal)
Nut [A1
Bolt PI
Cdlar [C]
Slider Assemblies [Dl
Slier Bracket Bolt
collar [Fl
Bracket [GI
FRAME 15-35
SiMw /nstaJlatron (Equipped Models)
Replacs the nuts [A] with new ones.
Viewed from Bottom [B]
Left Bracket [C]
Right Bracket [Dl
U N i n the hole of the bracket with the hole of the frame.
OThe kit h c k e t is indicated the +"mark.
OThe mht bracket is indicated the "R" mark.
Fit the collars along the pipe shape of the frame [q.
Torque SIMn Bra&& & o h [GI:29 Nm (3.0 kgfm, 21
Slider Assemblies [HI
Collars [I]
Bolts [J]
15-36 FRAME
Side Stand
Side Stand Removal
Raise the rear wheel ofF the ground with the stand.
*Remove the left lower fairing (see Lower Fairing Re-
Skle Stand Switch Bdt [A]
Clamp PI
l=we [(=I
Side stand switch
SprSflg [Dl
Cotter Pin [a
Side Stand Bolt [q
sdg Stand [O]
S/de Stand 1~tallaffon
Apply grease to the sliding area of the side stand [A] and
collar [s].
Replace the cotter pin [C] with a new one.
Torque Side Stand Bolt [Dl: 44 Nm (4.5 kgf-m, 32 fblb)
Insert the oottier pin and bend the pin ends [El.
Hook the spring (F]in the dirwtbn as citmm.
Install the sids stand switch.
Apply a nm-permanent W ~ n g agent to the threads of
the side stand switch bolt, and tighten it.
Toque Sldo Stand Swftch Bolt: 8.8 N-m (0.90 kgf-m, 78
Run the lead and hoses according to Cable, Wire, and
Hose Routing s d c m in the Appendix chapter.
Install lhe left lower fairing (see Lawer Fairing Installa-
- ~p

FRAME 15-37
This page intentionally left blank.
15-38 FRAME
FRAME 15-39
Middle Falring
1. Fit the pad to the rib of the upper middle fairing.
2. About 2 mm (0.08 in.)
3. Pad
4. Pad (Left Side Only)
5. Fit the pad to the comer of the hole for front turn signal light.
6. Pad (Right Side Only)
7. Fit the pad end to the center of the boss.
8. Fit the pad to the rounded end of the hole for front turn signal light.
9. About 10 mm (0.39 in.)
10. Pad (Right Side Only)
11. Fit the pad to the rounded end of the front turn signal light.
12. Fit the pad to the edge of the front turn signal light.
13. Pad (Right Side Only)
14. Do not close the hole with the pad.
15. Fit the pad to the edge of the front turn signal light.
16. Fit the pad ends.
17. Fit the pad to the edge of the front turn signal light.
18. Pad (Right Side Only)
19.0 mm (0 in.)
20. Fit the pad to the edge of the front turn signal light.
21. Pad (Both Sides)
22. Pad (Both Sides)
23. Fit the pad to the edge of the lower middle fairing.
24. Fit the pad to the rounded end of the lower middle fairing.
1540 FRAME
FRAME 15-41
1. Upper Fairing
2. Pad
3. Fii the pad to the rounded end of the upper fairing.
4.0 mm (0 in.)
5. Fit the pad ends.
6. Pad ( F i the line of the upper fairing.)
7. About 15 mm (0.59 in.)
8. Pad (Both Sides)
9. Reference: 13 mm (0.51 in.)
10. Fit the pad end to the center of the boss.
11. Side Cover
12. About 10 mm (0.39 in.)
13. Damper
14. About 20 mm (0.79 in.)
15. Fithe damper to the rounded end of the side cover.
16. About 3.5 mm (0.14 in.)
17. Center Seat Cover
18. Pad
19. Fit the pad to the rounded end of the center seat cover.
20. Rear Fender
21. Fit the pad to the rounded of the rear fender.
22. Pad
15-42 FRAME
FRAME 15-43
1. Pad
2. Fit the pad to the rounded end of the bracket.
3. Pad
4. About 25 mm (0.98 in.)
5. About 35 mm (1.38 in.)
6. Reference: 158"
7. Section Z-Z
8. Band
9. Owner's Tool
10. Position the pad between the frame pipes.
11. Pad
12. Rear Fender
13. Main Harness

Electrical System
Table of Contents
ExplodedView ........................................................................................................................
Spedfications ...........................: ..........................................................................................
Special Tools and Sealant ......................................................................................................
Parts Location.........................................................................................................................
WiW Diagram (EX400GJJ) ..................................................................................................
Wiriplg Diagram (U(400H) ......................................................................................
f'recautions .............................................................................................................................
Electrical Wiring......................................................................................................................
WitSng Inspection .............................................*................................................................
Battery ................................................................
Battery Removal ....................... . ....................................................................................
Battery Installation ............................................................................................................
Battery A d b a t h ..................................................... -..............*....-..................................
Precautions .......................................................................................................................
I n m n g e .......................................................................................................................
Charging Cadi - I ..........................................................................................
Refreshing Charge...................................... ....................e.........................u......-.. ..-.. .. - -
Charging System ....................................................................................................................
Alternator Cover Removal.................................................................................................
Alternator Cover installation ..............................................................................................
Stator Coil Removal ..........................................................................................................
Stator Coil Installation.......................................................................................................
Alternator Rotor Removal .................................................................................................
N t m t o r Rotor Insbllath .............................. .............................................................
Charging M b g e Inspcth .............................................................................................
Alternator IngQection .........................................................................................................
RegylaWRedHk R m a l .............................................................................................
R e g u l a ~I n~h IrM o n..........................................................................................
Regulator/Rectffier Inspdm...........................................................................................
Ignition S p t m .....................................................................................................................
Crankshaft Sensor Removal.............................................................................................
Crankshaft Sensor Installation..........................................................................................
Crankshaft Serwor Inspection ...........................................................................................
Crankshaft Sensor Pealr V m Iltaspedion.....................................................................
Stick Coil Removal .............................................................................................. .............
stick coil Instal- .........................................................................................................
stidc coil Inspection ......................... . .
Stick Coil Primary Peak Voltage Inspectian ......................................................................
Spark Plug Removal .........................................................................................................
Spark Plug Installation ......................................................................................................
Spark Plug Condition Inspadion............................. ........................................................
Interlock Operation Inspection..........................................................................................
IC Igniter lnspedion..........................................................................................................
El& Sb&w System ...........................................................................................................
Starter Motor Rimoval ..................... ............................................................................
, ,
Starter Motor InsWlatim........... ...................................................................................
Starter Relay Inspedh....................................................................................................
Lighting System .........................................................................*......*...........*...*.....................
Headlight Beam Horizontal Adjustment ............................................................................
Headlight Beam Vertical Adjustment.................................................................................

Headlight (LED) Assembly RemovaVlnstallatIon..............................................................

BrakeITail Ught (LED) Removal......................... .........................................................
Brakenail Light (LED) Installation ...........................
License Plate Light Bulb Replacement............................................................................
Turn Signal Light Bulb Replacement ................................................................................
Turn Signal Relay Inspection............................................................................................
Air m i n g Valve .................................................................................................................
Air Switching Valve Operation Test ...................................................................................
Air Switching Valve Unit Test ............................................................................................
Radiator Fan System..............................................................................................................
Fan Motor Inspection ........................................................................................................
Meter. Gauge, Indicator Unit...................................................................................................
Meter Unit Remwal ..........................................................................................................
Meter Unit Installatian.......................................................................................................
Meter Unit Di811mernblyIAssembly...................................................................................
Meter Operation Inspection...............................................................................................
Meter System Inspection ..................................................................................................
Meter Unit Inspection.......................................................................................................
Fuel Level Sensor Line Self-Diagnosis Mode Inspection..................................................
Switches and Sensors............................................................................................................
Brake Light Tuning Inspection...........................................................................................
Brake Light Timing Adjustment .........................................................................................
Switch Inspection..............................................................................................................
Water Temperature Sensor Inspection .............................................................................
Oxygen Sensor Removal..................................................................................................
Oxygen Sensor Installation...............................................................................................
Oxygen Sensor InspectJon................................................................................................
Fuel Level Sensor Inspection............................................................................................
Gear Position Sensor Removal............................. ........................................................
Gear Position Sensor Installation......................................................................................
Accessory Socket RemvaUlnstallation(Equipped Models).............................................
Accessory Relay lwpecth (Equipped Models)...............................................................
Relay Box ...............................................................................................................................
Relay Box Removal ..........................................................................................................
Relsy Box Installation .......................................................................................................
Relay Circuit Inspection....................................................................................................
Diode Cirwit Inspection....................................................................................................
30 A Main Fuse Removal..................................................................................................
Fuse Box Fuse Removal...................................................................................................
Fuse Installation................................................................................................................
Fuse Inspection.................................................................................................................
Exploded View
This page intentionally left blank.
Exploded View
Exploded View
No. Fastener Remarks
N.m kgfmm ft-lb
1 Meter Assembly Screws 1.2 0.12 11 in-lb
2 Headlight Mounting Bolts 8.8 0.90 78 in-lb
3 Turn Signal Light Lens Screws 1.O 0.10 8.9 in-lb
4 Accessory Socket Nut 2.8 0.29 25in-lb
5. Equipped Models
Exploded View
Exploded View
No. Fastener Remarks
N.m kgf-m ft-lb
1 Spark Plugs 13 1.3
2 Water Temperature Sensor 12 1.2 106 in-lb
3 Alternator Cover Bolts (L = 35 mm) 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb S
4 Alternator Cover Bolts (L = 28 mm) 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb S
5 Stator Coil Bolts 12 1.2 106 in-lb L
6 Crankshaft Sensor Screws 5.2 0.53 46 in-lb L
7 Alternator Rotor Bolt 80 8.2 59 MO
- 8 Starter Motor Clutch Bolts 12 1.2 106 in-lb L
9 RegulatorIRectifier Bolts 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb
10 Oil Pressure Switch 15 1.5 11 LG
11 Starter Motor Mounting Bolts 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb
12 Starter Motor Terminal Locknut 3.5 0.36 31 in-lb
13 Starter Motor Cable Terminal Nut 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb
14 Starter Relay Terminal Bolts 3.6 0.37 32 in-lb
15 Engine Ground Lead Bolt 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb
16 Oxygen Sensor 25 2.5 18
17 Gear Position Sensor Bolt 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb
G: Apply grease.
L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.
LG: Apply liquid gasket.
M: Apply molybdenum disulfide grease.
MO: Apply molybdenum disulfide oil solution.
(mixture of the engine oil and molybdenum disuffide grease in a weight ratio 10:l)
R: Replacement Parts
S: Follow the specified tightening sequence.
Exploded View
Exploded View

L: Apply a nonpermanent locking agent.

R: Replacement Parts
S: Follow the speMed tightening sequence.

Type . Sealed Battery

Model Name m9-BS
Capacity 12 V 8 Ah (10 HR)
Voltage 12.6 V or more
Gmss Weight 3.0 kg (6.6 Ib)
Electrolyte Volume 0.41 L (25 cu in.)
Charglng System
Charging Voltage (RegulatorIRectifier
Output Voltage)
Alternator Output Voltage
Stator Coil Resistance
Ignition System
Crankshaft Sensor:
Resistance -
180 280 fl@23"C (73°F)
Peak Voltage 5.4 V or more
Stick Coil:
Primary Winding Resistance -
1.ii n @20°c ( 6 8 0 ~ )
Secondary Winding Resistance -
6.4 9.6 kn @20°C (68°F)
Primary Peak Voltage 118 V or more
Spark Plug:
Gap 0.7 - 0.8 mm (0.028 - 0.031 in.)
Air Switching Valve
Switches and Sensors
Rear Brake Light Switch Timing ON after about 10 mm (0.39 in.) of pedal travel
Engine Oil Pressure Switch Connections When engine is stopped: ON
When engine is running: OFF
Water Temperature Sensor Resistance In the text
Fuel Level Sensor Resistance:
Full Position
Special Tools and Sealant
Flywheel Holder:
Lead W i n Peak Voltage Adapter:

Needle Adapter Set:

Peak Voltage Adapter: Liquid Gasket, TB1211F:

57001-1415 92104-0004
Parts Location
Starter Lockout Switch [A]
Accessory Socket [B] (Equipped Models)
Meter Unit [C]
Front Brake Liht Switch [Dl
Ignition Switch [El

Regulatw/RecMer [B]
Accessary Relay [C] (Equipped Models)
T m Signal Rday [Dl

Water Temperature Sensor [A]

Starter Motor [B]
Gear W i n Sensor [C]
Side Stand Switch [Dl
Crankshaft Sensor [El
Abrnator [f]

I . '

i use Box (1) [A]

Fuse Box (2) [B]

Radiator Fan Motor [A]

Air Switching Vaive [B]
Stick Coils [C]
Spark plugs [Dl
Parts Location
Relay Box [A]
Battery IBI
Starter Relay [Dl

Oil Pressure Switch [A]

Oxygen Sensor [B]

Rear Brake Light Switch [A]

Fuel Level Sensor [A]

Wiring Dlagram (EX4000lJ)
Wiring Diagram (EXIUIOH)
Wiring Diagram (EX400H)
There are a number of important precautions that are
musts when servicing electrical systems. Learn and ob-
serve all the rules below.
ODo not reverse the battery cable connections. This will
bum out the dlodes on the eledrical parts.
OAlways check battery conditian before condemning other
parts of an electrical system. A fully charged battery is a
must for conducting accurate electrical system tests.
OThe electrical parts should never be struck sharply, as
with a hammer, or allowed to fall on a hard surface. Such
a shock to the parts can damage them.
OTo prevent damage to electrical parts, do not disconnect
the battery cables or any other electrical connections
when the ignition switch is on, or while the engine is
OBecause of the large amount of current, never keep the
starter button pushed when the starter motor will not turn
over, or the current may bum out the starter motor wind-
OTake care not to short the cables that are directly wn-
n e e d to the battery positive (+) terminal to the chassis
OTroubles may involve one or in some cases all items.
Never replace e defective part without determining what
CAUSED the failure. If the failure was caused by some
other item or items, they must be repaired or replaced, or
the new replacement will soon fail again.
OMake sure all connectors in the circuit are dean and tight,
and examine wires for signs of burning, fraying, etc. Poor
wires and bad connectionswill afFect electrical system o p
OMegsure coil and winding resistance when the part is cold
(at mom temperature).
Electrical Wiring

Visually insped the wiring for signs of burning, fraying,
*If any wiring is poor, replace the damaged wiring.
Pull each connector [A] apart and inspect it for corrosion.
dirt, and damage.
*If the connector is corroded or dirty, clean it carefully. if it
is damaged, replace it.
Check the wiring for continuity.
OUse the wiring diagram to find the ends of the lead which
is suspected of being a problem.
OConnect a tester between the ends of the leads.
*If the tester does not read about 0 n,the lead is defective.
Replace the lead or the wiring harness if necessary.
Battery Removal
Turn the ignition switch off.
a Remove:
.- Seat Removal in the Fmme
Front Seat (see Front my-
Disconnect the'negative (-) cable [A].
- - NOTICE -- I
Be sure to disconnect the negative (-) cable first.
a Slide out the positive (+) terminal cap [B] and disconnect
the positive (+) cable [C].
* Remove:
-. Bolt [Dl
Bracket [u
Battery [Fl
Battery Installation
a Turn the ignition switch off.
* Put the battery [A] into the battery case.
Install the bracket [B] and tighten the bolt [C] securely.
- 4 Connect the positive (+) cable [Dlfirst.
Connect the negative (-) cable [El.
Apply a light coat of grease on the battery terminals to
prevent corrosion.
Cover the (+) terminal with the red cap [Fl.
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
Battery Activation
El- Filling
Make sure that the model name [A] of the electrolyte con-
tainer matches the model name [B] of the battery. These
names must be the same.
Battery Model Name
EX4006MIJ: Fn<9-BS

Each battery comes with its own specific elec-
trolyte container; using the wrong contalner may
overfill the battery with Incorrect electrolyte, which
can shorten battery life and deterlorate battery per-
formance. Be uum to use the electrolyte contalner
with the same model name as the battery since the
ektrolyfe volume and speclfic gravity vary with
the battery type.

Do not remove the aluminum sealing sheet [A] from

the filler ports [B] until just prior to use. Be sure to
use the dedicated electrolyte container for correct
electrolyte volume.

"""" --.-
- ."' I .-
' -.-.----.,.-
- - - - I

bums. To prevent burns, wear protective clothing

. ----.-
- . -

and safety glasses when handling electrolyte. If

the electrolyte comes in contact with your skin or
eyes, wash the area with liberal amounts of water
and seek medical attention for more severe bums.
Place the battery on a level surface.
Check to see that the sealing sheet has no peeling, tears,
or holes in it.
Remove the sealing sheet.
07718battery is m u m seaM. If the sealing sheet has
leaked air into the battery, it may require a I b w r initial
- \ .

Remove the electrolyte container from the vinyl bag.

Detach the strip of caps [A] from the container and set
aside, these All be used later to seal the battery.
ODo not pierce or otherwise open the sealed &Is [Blof
the eldm/yte container. Do not attempt to sepamte
individual mils.

Place the electrolyte container upside down with the six

sealed cells into the filler ports of the battery. Hold the
container level, push down to break the seals of all six
cells. You will see air bubbles rising into each cell as the
ports fill.
ODo not ti/t the eledmlyte container.

Check the electrolyte flow.
*If no air bubbles [A] are coming up from the filler ports, or
if the container cells have not emptied completely, tap the
container [8] a few Drneq.
OBe careful not to have the battery fell down.
Keep the container in place. Don't remove the container
from the battery, the battery requires all the electrolyte
from the container for proper operation.

Removal of the contalner before It is completely
empty can shorten the service Ilfe of the battery.
Do not m o v e the contalner untll It is completely
After filling, let the battery sit for 20 60 minutes with the
electmlyte container kept in place, which is required for
the electrolyte to fully permeate into the plates.
Make sure that the container cells have emptied com-
pletely, and remove the container from the battery.
Place the strip of caps [A] loosely over the filler ports,
press down firmly with both hands to seat the strip of caps
into the battery (don't pound or hammer). When properly
installed, the strip of caps will be level with the top od thgj

OChaging the battery immediately afier filling can
short8n setvice life.
Initial Charge
Newly activated sealed batteries require an initial charge.
Standard Charge: 0.9 A x 5 - 10 hours
*If using a recommended battery charger, follow the
charger's instructions for newly activated seale'd battery.
KawasaM+ecommended chargers:
Battery Mate 150-9
Yuasa MB-2040/20W
Christie ClOl22S
*If the above chargers are not available, use equivalent
Let battery sit 30 minutes after initial charge, then check
voltage using a voltmeter. (Voltage immediately af&er
charging becomes temporarily high. For accurate mea-
suring, let the battery sit for given time.)
OCharging rates will vary depending on how long the
battery has been sfwed, temperature, and the fym of
charger used. If voltage is not at least 12.6 V: repeat
charging cycle.
OTo ensure maximum battery lih and customer satisfac-
tion, it is mammended the battery be load tested at
three times its amp-hour rating fk,r 15 seconds.
Re-check vdtage and if less than 12.6 V repeat the
charging cyde and load test. If still below 12.6 V the
battery is defective.

1) No need of toppingup
No bpping-up is necessary in this battery until it en& its lie under m 1 use. Fordblv wing
off the seal cslp to add water is wn dangerous. Never do that.
2) Refreshing charge.
If an engine will not start, a horn sounds weak, or lamps are dim, it indicatesthe battery has been
discharged. Give refresh charge for 5 to 10 hours with charge current shown in the specification
(see Refreshing Charge).
When a fast charge is inevitably required, do it following precisely the maximum charge current
and time c o n d ' i s i n d i t e d on the battery.
This battery is designed to sustain no unusual deterioration if refreshcharged according
to the method specified above. However, the battery's performance mav be reduced no-
ticeably if charged under m d l t l o n s other than ahren above. Never remove the seal cap
durina refresh charge.
If by chance an e x c w c % h amount of gas is generated due to overcharging, the relief valve
releases the gas to keep the battery normal.
3) When you do not use the motorcycle for months.
Give a refresh charge before you store the motorcycle and store it with the negative cable re-
moved. Give a refresh charge once a month during storage.
4) Battery life.
If the battery will not start the engine even after ssvera! refresh charges, the battery has ex-
ceeded its useful life. Replace it (Provided, however, the vehide's starting system has no prob-

- -

8 ~ h p r o d ~ a n e x p l o s h i. m ~ u n d h ~ d ~ n a n d o ~ n h . 1 r m u u s e u d - ~
o m injury and bums if ignStsd. Keep ths battery away from sparks and opon flames during
charging. When wlng a battcHy charger, connect the battery to the charger befora turning
on the charger. Thls pmcedun prevents sparks at tihe battery tennlnals which could ignlte
any battery gases. The electrolyte contains sulfurlc acld. Be careful not to have it touch
your skin or eyes. If touched, wash it off with liberal amount of water and seek medical
attention for mom severe bums.
- *
A sealed battery can funy dispkiy its performance onJy when combined with a proper v e h i electric
syrstsm. Therefore, replace a sealed battery only on a motorcycle which was originally equipped with
a sealed battery.
Be careful, if a sealed battery is installed on a motorcycle which had an ordinary battery as original
equipment, the sealed battery's life will be shortened.

Charging CondMon Inspection

OBattery charging condition can be checked by measuring
W e r y terminal vdtage with a digital meter [A].
Battery (see Battery Removal)
Measure the battery terminal voltage.
O M e a m with a digital vohettw MIch tan be read ons
c l d n m l p r ~vdtage.

*If the reading is 12.6 V or more, no refresh charge is re-

quired, however, if the read is below the specified, refresh
charge is requid.
W W y Terminal V o h p
Stmdard: 12.e V or more
Tminal Voltage (V) [A]
Battery Charge Rate (%) [B]
Refresh charge is required [C]
Note [Dl
R e h h l n g Charge
Remove the battery [A] (see Battery Removal).
Do refresh charge by following method according to the
battery terminal voltage.

Tenninal Voltage: 11.5 less than 12.6 V
Standard Charge: 0.9 A x 5 10 h (see following chart)
Qulck Charge: 4A x 1h
If possible, do not quick charge. If quick charge is
done unavoidably, do standard charge later on.

Tenninal Voltage: less than 11.5 V

Charging Method: 0.9 A x 20 h

Olncrease the charging voltage to a maximum voltage of
25 V i f the battery will not accept current initially Charge
for no more than 5 minutes at the increased vottage then
check i f the battery is drawing cumnt. If the battery
will accept current decrease the wttage and charge by
the standanl charging method described on the battery
case. If the battery will not accept cumnt aRer 5 min-
utes, replace the battery.
Battery [A]
Battery Charger (B]
Standard Value [C]
Current starts to flow [Dl
Determine the battery condition after refresh charge.
ODetermine the condition of the battery left for 30 minutes
after completion of the charge by measuring the terminal
voltage according to the table below.
Charging System
Alternator Cover Removal -.

lDrain: i?
Engine Oil (see Engine Oil Change in the Periodic Mail,- 1.
tenance chapter) . ,1
lRemove: . . ip.
3: -',
Battery Case Cover (see Battery Case Cover Removal
in the Frame chapter) - ..
Canister Bracket Bolts [A] (Equipped Models)

lDisconnsd the alternator lead connector [A] and crank-
shaft sensor lead connector [B].
lClear each lead [C].

lPlace a suitable container under the alternator cover [A].

Atternator Cover Bdts [B]
Brackets [C]
Alternator Cover
Dowel Pins

A h a t o r C o w lnstallaffon
Using a high flash-point solvent, dean off any oil or dirt
that may be on the liquid gasket coating area. Dry them
with a dean cloth.
lApply liquid gasket to the alternator lead grommet and
crankcase halves mating surface [A] on the front and rear
sides of the cover mount.
Sealant Uquld Gasket, TB1211F: 921044004

Replacethealternatorcovergasketwithanewone. ...
lInstall the dowel pins [A] and new gasket [B] on the
crankcase. =?
Charging System
Install the alternator cover [A] and brackets [B].
Tghten the alternator cover bolts following the specified
tightening sequence [I 141.
L = 35 mm (1.4 in.) [I, 21
L = 28 mm (1.Iin.) [except 1,2]
Toque -Alternator Cover Bolts: 9.8 N-m (1.0 kgfam, 87
Run the leads correctly (see Cable, Wire, and Hose Rout-
ing section in the Appendix chapter).
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
Stator Coil Removal
Alternator Cover (see Alternator Cover Removal)
Crankshaft Sensor Screws [A]
Crankshaft Sensor [B]
Lead Grommet [C]
Stator Coil Bolts [Dl
Stator Coil [El

stator Coil Instal-

@ Install the d[A].
Apply sr non-permanent bddng agent to the threads of
the sbator mil b o b [B) and t l g b them.
Torque -Stator eoil eortr: 12 Nm (1.2 kgf-in, 106 in3b)
Install the crankshaft mmwr [C].
OWhen instdlhg the sdnsor which is fastened by screws,
tighten the su=rews after pWng the sensor on the bottom
@Applya na-pemmnt b c h g agent b the threads of
the m n m masor twmuw [o] and tighten them.
Torqw C n n I c r M 8wsor $onwr: 5.2 Nmm (0.S kgf-m,
40 in3b)
Using a high fbhpdnt rwhrent, d m off any oil or dirt
that may be on the liquid gasket d n g area. Dry them
Apply liquid gasket to tho drarrnfemce of the alternator
lead gmmW [El, and fit the grommet into the notch of
the cover sgarrely.
m k n t Uquld TB1211F: 921040004
Install the alternator cover (see Alternator Cover Installa-
Charging System
Aftemator ROW Removal
Alternator Cover (see Alternator Cover Removal)
Shaft [A]
Starter Idle Gear [B]

l Hold the alternator rotor [A] firmly with the flywheel holder
8pedal Tool - Flywheel Holder: 57001-1313
Do not hold the alternator rotor uslng the projec-
tlons at outslde of the rotor.
lRemove the rotor bdt [C] and washer [Dl.

lUsing the flywheel puller [A], remove the alternator rotor

[B] from the crankshaft.
Sprckl Tool Flywheel Pullu Assembly, M38 x I.YM35 x
1.5: 57001-1405

w- [A1
Starter Clutch Gear [B]

Alternetor Rotor Instsllatlon

lUsing a dsaning fluid, dean off any oil or dirt on the fol-
M n g portknar and dry them with a clan do#.
Crankshaft Tapered Portion [A]
Alternator Rotor Tapered Portion [B]
lApply a thin coat of molybdenum disulfids grease to the
minkshaft [C].
Charging System
Install the starter clutch gear [A].
Again, clean the crankshafttapered portion and dry there.
Fit the woodruff key [B] securely in the slot in the crank-
shaft before installing the alternator rotor.

Align the woodruff key [A] on the crankshaft with the key
way [B] in the alternator rotor [C].
Install the alternator rotor while turning the starter dutch
gear [Dl clockwise until it engaged into the starter dutch

Using a cleaning fluid, dean off any oil or dirt on the fol-
lowing areas and dry them with a dean cloth.
Both Sides of the Washer [A]
Threads and Seating Area of the Alternator Rotor Bolt
Threads in the Crankshaft End
Apply molybdenum disuffide oil solution to the threads of
the alternator rotor bolt and both sides of the washer.
lnstall the washer with its chamfer [C] side facing out.
Install the rotor bolt and tighten it lightly.
To avoid damaging the components by improperly
fitting, make sure that the starter clutch gear turn
clockwise freely with the rotor bolt tightened lightly.
If the starter clutch gear becomes blndlng or turns
hardly, reinstall it.

OConfinn the alternator rotor f i or not to the crankshait
before tightening A with specified torque.
Tighten the rotor bolt [A] with 55 N-m (5.6 kgf-m, 41 ft-lb)
of toque.
Special Tool - Flywheel Holder [B]: 57001-1313
I Do not hold the alternator rotor using the projec- ,
1 tions at outside of the rotor. I
'Charging System
Remove the rotor bolt and washer.
Check the tightening torque with flywheel puller [A].
Speclal Tool Flywheel Puller Assembly, M38 x 1.!WS x
1.5: nw1-1105
*If the rotor is not pulled out with 20 N-m(2.0 kgfam, 15
ft-lb) of drawing torque, it is installed oorrectly.
*If the rotor is pulled out with under 20 N-m (2.0 kgfem, 15
ft-b)of drawing torque, dean off any oil dirt or flaw of the
crankshaft and rotor tapered portion, and dry them with
a dean doth. Then, confirm that it is not pulled out with
above torque.
Tighten the alternator rotor bolt while holding the altema-
tor rotor firrnty with the flywheel holder.
Speck1Tool - Flywheel Holder: 57001-1313
Do not hold the atternator rotor uslng the projec-
tions at outside of the rotor.
Torque -Alternator Rotor Bdt: 80 Nm (8.2 k g h , 59 ft-lb)

Apply a thin coat of molybdenum disulfide grease to the

shaft [A], and install it and starter idle gear [B].
Install the alternator cover (see Alternator Cover Installa-
Charging System
C-lJng Vdtage Impadon tq-5
a Chedc the battery c o n d h (see Charging Condition In- .;$
m n ) . 1

Warm up the engine to obtain actual alternator operating

Remove the front seat (see F m t Seat Remoral in the
F m chapter).
tewbr [A] to the baWy tsnninab PI.
Start the engine, end note the voltage readings at various
engine speeds (except Mting engine speed) with the
headlight turned on and then turned off (To twn off the
mn- on the

mu, as the emgine

sped rises, the rsadkng3 should also rise. But they must
be kept under the spdfkd voltage. -*
Charging Voltatge am'c Cn'F)
Tesbr (+) to TlMOr (-) to
aataerY (+I Ba3trSy (-1 BC 14.5 - 14.9 V
Turn Mthe ignition whch to %8op the engins, and d m -
neet a tester.
*If the charging vohge is kept Betwenthe values given in
the table, the charging system Isconsidered to be working
*If the dwghg vdbge Is much higher than the values
sprcclReQ in the table, llm ~ uis defective ~ l ~
rtlfhdtcwgi daesrrotriseasthaenginesped
inseams, then the reguWlmMer is dufedve or the
alternator output is Imufttdent for the M s . Check the
alternator and r e g u l a t o r l ~ eto
r determine which part
is defective.
A m a t o r Inspection
Thgreare~typmoba~torWwm :
(wire burned out), or b$s kr rotor msgne,tisrn. A short or
open in one of the coil w b a will reguft in sither s low output,
or no output at all. A lam in mbr magnetism,which may be
caused by dropping of hMhg the &emator, by leaving it
nearme ndic fldd, or just by aging, will result in
8 W -
Charging System
To check the alternator output voltage, do the following
OTum the ignition switch off.
ORemove the I& middle fairing (see Middle Fairing Re-
moval in the Frame chapter).
ORemove the canister bracket bolts (equipped models).
ODisconnect the alternator lead connector [A].
OConnect a tester as shown in the table 1.
OStart the engine.
ORun it at the rpm given in the table 1.
ONote the voltage readings (total 3 measurements).
Table 1 Alternator Output Voltage @4000 rlmln (rpm)
Tester (+I to I T-r (-1 to
I One Black Lead I Another Bhck Lead IAC 54 V or more 1
*If the output voltage shows the value in the table, the al-
ternator operates properly.
*If the output voltage shows a much lower reading than
that given in the table, stop the engine and inspect the
stator coil resistance.
Check the stator coil resistance as follows.
OStop the engine.
ODisconnect the alternator lead connector [A].
OConnect a tester [B] as shown in the table 2.
ONote the readings (total 3 measurements).
Table 2 Stator Coil Resistance @23OC (7S°F)
Tester (+) to Tester (-) to
Om Black Lead Another Black Lead 0.05 - 0.6 R
When measuring the resistance, use a tester that can
measure the standard value.
*If there is more resistance than shown in the table, or
no tester reading (infinity) for any two leads, the stator
has an open lead and must be replaced. Much less than
this resistance means the stator is shorted, and must be
Measure the resistance between each of the black lead
and chassis ground.
*Any tester reading less than infinity (-) indicates a short,
necessitating stator replacement.
*If the stator coils have normal resistance, but the voltage
check showed the alternator to be defective; then the rotor
magnets have probably weakened, and the rotor must be

,- I.,. .
&.m.;&: - !.
Charging System
Left Middle Fairing (see Middle Fairing Removal in the
Frame chapter)
ReguIatorlRectifier Bolts [A]
Disconnect the connector [B] and remove the regula-
torlredifier [C].

Regulato#?WMer lnstrllation
Installation is the reverse of removal.
- k r 9.8 N-m (1.0 k e r n , 67
Torque R e g u l a ~ ~ fBob:
Install the removed pa& (see app-ate chapters).
Regulator/RecMer lnapectlon
Refer to the Charging System Troubl~hootOngfor the
RegulatwtRectifk Inspection.
Chaming System Trwbtdxmting
Before inspection, remove all acammrks that consume
electrical power.
OEven when the charging system i8 worfoing we,
battetymaydkhaqe if the motoqych is equipped with
too many ~ccessories.
Pay attention to riding conditions and the customer's rid-
ing habits w h i i cowM affectthe charging system such
Frequent use at low engine
+ Bslttery Discharged
Frequent and u m m r y brake
pedal dragging
Recharge the battery if it is discharged.
Charging System

Less than 12.8 V

Charging System
- ~-

Charging System Circuit

1. Ignition Switch
2. Alternator
3. RegulatorIRectifier
4. Engine Ground
5. Battery
6. Main Fuse 30 A
7. Starter Relay
8. Frame Ground (3)
9. Load
- -,., .-. 7 - - - , -- L


Ignition System

The ignition system produces extremely high volt-
age. Do not touch the spark plug, stick coil or stick
coil lead while the engine is running, or you could
receive a severe electtical shock.

Do not disconnect the battery cables or any other
electtical connections when the ignttlon swttch is
on, or while the engine is running. This is to prevent
ECU damage.
Do not install the battery backwards. The negative
side is grounded. This is to prevent damage to the

Crankshaft Sensor Removal

Refer to the Stator Coil Removal.
Crankshaft Sensor lnstallaffon
Refer to the Stator Coil Installation.
.. . ,
Crankshaft Sensor Inspection P'

Battery Case Cover (see Battery Case Cover Removal
in the Frame chapter)
Disconnect the crankshaft sensor lead connector [A].
Using a tester [B], measure resistance between the
whiie/yellow lead and greenlwhite lead terminals in the
Crankshaft Sensor Resistance:
180 280 Q @23OC (73°F)
*If there is more resistance than the speclfied value, the
coil has an open lead and must be replaced. Much less
than this resistance means the coil is shorted, and must
be replaced.
Using the highest resistance range of the tester, measure
the resistance between the crankshaft sensor leads and
chassis ground.
*Any tester reading less than infinity (-) indicates a short,
necessitating replacement of the crankshaft sensor and
stator coil as an assembly.
Ignition System
Crankshaft Sensor Peak Voltage lnspecffon
OBe sure the battery is fully charged.
* Remove:
Battery Case Cover (see Battery Case Cover Removal
in the Frame chapter)
Disconnect the crankshaft sensor lead connector [A].
Using a tester [B]and peak vdtage adapter [C], measure
crankshaft sensor peak voltage at the connector.
SpecialTools Peak Voltage Adapter: 57001-1415
Type: KEK4M-B
N d l e Ada* Set [Dl:570011874

Sensor Lead

Temporarily install the battery (see Battery Installation).

Turn the ignition switch and engine stop switch on.
Pushing the starter button, turn the engine 4 5 sec-
onds with the transmission gear in neutral to measure the
crankshaft sensor peak voltage.
Repeat the measurement 5 or more times.
Crankshaft Sensor Poak Voltage
Standard: 5.4 V or more
*If the tester reading is not specifSed one, inspectthe wank-
shaft sensor (see Crankshaft Sensor Inspection).
Stick Coil Removal
Never drop the stlck coils especially on a hard sur-
face. Such a shock to the stlck colls can damage It.
Air Cleaner Housing (see Air Cleaner Housing Removal
in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter)
Disconnect the stick coil connectors [A].
Pull the stick coils [B] off the spark plugs.
Do not pry the connector part of the coil while re-
moving the coil.
Ignition System
Stick Coil Installation
Insert the stick coils [A] so that the coil heads align with
the lines [B] on the cylinder head cover.
Do not tap the coil head while installing the coil.
After installation, be sure the stick,'coils are installedq?%
curdy by pulling up them lightly. 4. 1 .
-h+ , k .c,
Run the leads comdly (see able,-&ire, anhose Rout-
ing section in the Appendix chapter). - - r - 2 , ,. -.- .
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
Stick Coil Inspection
Remove the stick coils (see Stick Coil Removal).
Measure the primary winding resistance [A] as follows.
OConnect a tester between the coil terminals.
Measurethe secondary winding resistance [B] as follows.
OConnect the tester between the plug terminal and (-) coil
Stick Coil Winding Resistance
Primary Windings: -
1.ll 1.50 Q @20°C (6a°F)
Secondary Windings: -
6.4 9.6 kQ @20°C (68'F)
*If the tester does not read as specified, replace the coil.
Ignition System
Suck Coil Primary Peak Voltage Inspection
OBe sure the battery is fully charged.
Remove the stick coils (see Stick Coil Removal), but do
not remove the spark plugs.
Measure the primary peak voltage as follows.
Olnstall the new spark plug [A] into each stick coil [B],and
ground them onto the engine.
OCQnned the peak voltage adapter [C] into a tester [Dl.
OConngd the adapter to the lead wire-peak voltage
adpter [a whid.1 is connected between the stick mil
owanedor and stick mil.
Battery [GI
-m:K E K W - 8
Spoclal Tods P u k Wltaga A dam 57001-1415

Lead W i n - Peak Voltage Adapter: 57001

Primary Lead ConlP.ctlon
Adapter (R, +) to leael wlngcrak voltage adapter (R)
Adapter (BK, -) to had wbqmak dtage a&* (W)

To avoM extremely high voltage shocks, do not
touch the spark plugs or tester connections.
Turn the ignition switch and engine stop switch on.
PusATfig the starter but8on, hrm the engine 4 5 s9c3onds
with the transmission gear in neutral to measure the prl-
mary peak voltage.
Repeat the mtmuremgnts 5 times for one stick coil.
Stlck Coil Prlmary Peak %Itago
Standard: 118 V or more
Rapeat the test for the ottber stick dl.
*If the reading is less than the spedfied value, check the
Stick Coils (sesstick Cdl )-I
Crankshaft Sensor (seeCrankshaft Sensor Inspection)
ECU (seeECU Power Supply Inspection in the Fuel Sys-
tem (DFI) chapter)
Spark Plug Removal
a Refer to the Spark Plug Replacement In the Periodic
Maintenance chapter.
Spark Plug installation
Refer to the Spark Plug Replacement in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter.
- --*-- - ?:-

Ignition system
Spark Plug Condltion Inspection
Removethe spark plugs (see Spark Plug Replacement in
the Periodic Maintenance chapter).
Usually inspect the spark plugs.
*If the spark plug center electrode [A] and/or side el-
trods [BJare corroded or damaged, or if the insulatwr [C]
is cracked,replace the plug.
*If the spark plug is dirtied or the carbon is accumulated,
replace the spark plug.
Measure the gap [Dlwith a wire-type thickness gauge.
*If the gap is incorrect, replace the spark plug.
Spark Plug Gap: - -
0.7 0.8 mm (0.028 0.031 In.)
Use the standard spark plug or its equivalent.
Spark Plug: NGK LMAR8G

Interlock Operation lnspecffon

Raise the rear wheel off the ground using the stand (see
Rear Wheel Removal in the Wheelfl~reschapter).
Turn the engine stop switch on (run position).
1st Check
m Start the engine to the following conditions.
Transmission Gear -,1st Position
Clutch Lever -* Release
Side Stand -,Down or Up
OTurn the ignition switch on and push the starter button.
OThen the starter motor should not turn when the starter
system circuit is normality.
+If the engine is start, inspect the starter lockout switch,
gear position sensor and relay box.
+If their parts are normality, replace the ECU.
2nd Check
Start the engine to the following conditions.
Transmission Gear -,1st Posftion
Clutch Lever -,Pulled in
Side Stand -,Up
OTum the ignition switch on and push the starter button.
OThen the starter motor should turn when the starter sys-
tem a m i t is nomatii.
*If the starter motor is not turn, inspect the starter lockout
switch, gear position sensor, side stand switch and relay
*If their parts are normality, replace the ECU.
.%,-1 \. ,ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1641
,.- L. -.
, ,b , Ignition System
.? d 3rd Check
Inspect the engine for its secure stop after the following
operations are completed.
Run the engine to the following conditions.
Transmission Gear -+ 1st Poslon
Clutch Lever -+ Pullod in
Side Stand -,Up
Set the side stand on the ground, then the engine will
*If the engine does not stop, inspect the gear position sen-
sor, side stand switch and relay box.
*If their parts are normality, replace the ECU.
IC Igniter lnspectlon , ,, . *

OThe IC igniter is built in the ECU [A].

Refer to the following items.
Interlock O p e r a h Inspection (see Interlock Operatia
Ignition System Troubleshooting (see Ignition System
ECU Power Supply Inspection (see ECU Power Supply
Inspection in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter)
Ignition System

Ignition System TrouMeshooting

lgolition system wiring and connector

I Spark plug inspedion > Replace spark plug.

V No good
Stick coil winding resistance inspection > Replace stick coil.
Stick coil primary peak voltage inspection
I good , Ybltage is less than he
specified value.
Good No good
V v
Stick coil is defective. Wbge iszero Insped:
. Replace stick coil.
- -
or almost zero. 1. Lower resistance in a tester.
2. Crankshaft sensor peak voltage - No good

v V
No good inspect: Replace bad prts or
1. Adapter connection is incorrect, or inspect them wtth a
- adapter is defecth. tester.
2. Ignition switch and engine stop switch
3. Crankshaft sensor peak voltage

V v v
I ECU is defective. Replace ECU.
mcem F
PUN9 ~ ! & '3ZC
W S wwol WECIS '€Z w s Pas ep!S - f C
Awd L?Wn33 'zz n33 '01
X W m e d ' LZ mU@SW4SYUleJ3'6
V 9C mj f-l33 '02 B u e S a@ml JWM'8
V OC mj uo~iu61'6C Wl!md J-9 *L
( C)X W a n d '8C JosU@S~ P P ! Y e -9
(2) PUWQw d 'LC logueS WWl. '9
($4 PwKuo -j .9C s m m s 'P
Ae(eIi JeVWS '9C s 6 n weds
~ *€
v o£ -nj ulely *PC wws dals su!h3 'Z
'CC w s uwuQ 'L
Electric Starter System
Statter Motor Removal
Do not tap the starter motor shaft or body. Tapping
the shaft or body could damage the motor.
Right Middle Fairing (see Middle Fairing Removal in the
Frame chapter)
Frame Bracket Bolts [A]
Right Frame Bracket [B]
Slide back the rubber cap [A] and remove the starter mo-
tor cable terminal nut [B].
Starter Motor Mounting Bolts [C]
Starter Motor [Dl

Starder Motor InstaJIation

Do not tap the starter motor shaft or body. Tapping
When installing the starter motor, dean the starter mo-

Replace the O-ring [A] with a new one and apply grease
to the O-ring.
Instdl the stater motor on the crankcase and tighten the
starter motes mounting bolts.
Torque Starter Motor Mountlng Bob: 9.8 N m (1.0 kgfmm,
87 indb)

Connect the starter motor cable [A] to the starter motor

[B] as shown.
Toque -St- Motor Cable Teminal Nut: 9.8 N m (1.0
kgf-m, 87 ln4b)
Slide the rubber cap to the original position.
lnstatl the removed parts (seeappropriate chapters).
Electric Starter System
Starter Relay Inspection
Battery Case Cover (see Battery Case Cover Removal
in the Frame chapter)
Bolt [A]

Slide the dust cover [A] and ~IOI&VQthe starter relay ter-
minal bolts [B].
Disconnect the connector [C].
Remove the starter relay [Dl from the bracket.

C O R W a beater [A] and 12 V battery [B] to the starter

retay [C] as shown.
+If the relay does not work as specified, the relay is defec-
tive. Replace the relay.
Testing Relay
Criteda: Whon batkry Is connected -,0 Q
When battery Is disconnected -+ 0

Installation is the reverse of removal.

Torque Starter Relay Terminal Bdb: 3.6 Nem (0.37 kgtm,
32 In-lb)
Electric Starter System
Elrcbic Starter Circuit

1. l SwjaJl
2. Engirts Stop switch
3. stwtw Button 1 I

4.GearPusMcm Smm
5. ECU
6. Side S;tEand Switch
7. i3rumd
9. Main F w 30 A
10. SSartw Relay
11. awer Mobf
12. Frarrra Gmnd (4)
13. F m m Ground (2)
13. 10 A
16. Way Box
17. Starter Cimit Relay
- - -- - > -
- -.
Lighting System
This motorcycle adopt the daylight system and have a
headlight drcuit relay in the relay box. The headlight does
not go on when the ignition switch and the engine stop
switch are first turned on. The headlight comes on after
the starter button is released and stays on until the ignition
switch is turned off. The headlight will go out momentarily
whenever the starter button is pressed and come back on
when the button is released.
Headlight Beam Horizontal Adjustment
Refer to the Hegdliht Aiming Inspection in the PerCodic
Maintenance chapter.
Headlight Beam VWcal Adjustment
Refer to the Headlight Aiming Inspection in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter.
Headlight (LED) Assembly RemovaUlnstallation
Upper Fairing (sea Upper Fairing Removal in the Frame
Bolt [A]
screws PI

D Instalkdon is the re- of removal.

D When installing the pads [A], install them as shown.
[B] Headltght
[C] Fit the pads ta the edge of the headlight.
[Dl Fit the pads under the rib of the headlight.
Lighting System
Brakflaii Light (LED) Removal
Seat Covers (see Seat Cover Removal in the Frame
' i&;
Screws [A]
Bracket [B]
screws [C]

D i i n e c t the brakehi1light lead connector [A].

L i i up the compartment cover [B].
Clear the brakehi1 light lead [C].
Remove the hits [Dl.
Remove the screws [Eland brake/tail light (LED) [q.

Brakflail Light (LED) Installation
n the revem of removal.
I ~ l a t i o is
Fit the grommets [A] to the projections [B].

Install the damper [A] to the bracket [B].

Llcense Plate Light Bulb Replacement

License Plate Light Cover Screws [A]
License Plate Light Cover [B] and Lens
-- -- -


Lighting System
Pull the bulb [A] out of the socket [B].

Do not turn the bulb. Pull the bulb out to prevent

damage to the bulb. Do not use bulb rated for

Replace the bulb with a new one.

Insert the bulb into the socket.
Install the license plate light cover.
Tighten the license plate light cover screws securely.
Headlightrrail Light Circuit


1. Ignition Switch 7. Main Fuse 30 A 14. Headlight Circuit Relay

2. Abmator 8. Starter Relay 15. Passing Button
3. BmkflaU Light (LED) 9. Frame Ground (1) 16. Dimmer Switch
4. License Plate Ltght 12 10. Frame Ground (2) 17. Headlight (LED)
V5W 11. Fuse Box (1) 18. Meter Unit
5. Engine Ground 12. Headlight Fuse 10 A
6. Battery 13. Relay Box
Lighting System
Turn Sign91 Light Bulb Replacement
Front Turn Signal Light
Remove the lower inner fairing (see Lower Inner Fairing
Removal in the Frame chapter).
Turn the socket [A] countedockwise and remove it.

Push and turn the bulb [A] counterclockwise and remove


Insertthe new bulb by aligning its pins [A] with the grooves
[B] in the socket.
Push and turn the bulb dockwise.

Rear Turn Signal Llght

Turn Signal tight Lens Screw [A]
Turn S i a l Light Lens Housing [B]

.. --
6 --- .. - - t


e\ r. 9,a.p

+ PA-*,,,
1, 3'
a Turn the sadat [A] wunterdMm and IWIOV~ Yt from
Fwoutthem[q hpmm-
I 1
Do not turn the bulb. Pull the bulb out to prrvent
~ t o ~ b u l Dsnoturrbulbrrbdfor
b .
gndrr wamge t h ma r;~reciPlrdvalue.

Insert the new bulb into thet sock&.
a lnserl the socket by aligning b tabs [8]
[C] O f t h e l C M I d ~ .

Fi the lens W n g [A] to the light case [B] by inserting

light cam. I

T o q w -Turn 81gnrl lnnr Smw: 1.O N.m (0.10 kgf-m,
8.9 In&)

T m mgn8I R&y

- reley -
Left Middle Fairfng (me MkWk Fairing R @ m lin the
Frame -1
Turn Slgnrd :
PI* :
' . .\
Lighting System
Connect one 12 V battery and turn signal lights as indi-
cated, and count how many times the lights blink for one
Turn Signal Relay [A]
Turn Signal Lights CBJ
12 V Battery [C]. ,.'
*If the lights do not hink as specified, replace the turn sig-
nal relay.
Testing Turn Signal Rmlay
Blinking Times
The Number of Turn
Signal Lights warn$@(w) (dm*)
1" 10 140 or more
2 20 -
60 120
C):Cycle(s) per minute
("): Correspond to 'one light burned out."
Lighting System
Turn Signal Light Circuit

- -

1. Ignition Switch
2. Rear Right Turn Signal light 12 V 10 W
3. Rear Left Turn Signal Light 12 V 10 W
4. Engine Ground
5. Battery
6. Main Fuse 30 A
7. Starter Relay
8. Frame Grwnd (4)
9. Fmme Ground (1)
10. Fmme Grouml(2)
11. Fwre Box (2)
12. Turn Signal W y Fum 10 A
13. Turn S g d Rday
14. Turn S i d Swltdr
15. F m t LeftTum Signal Light 12V 10 W
16. F m t Right Turn Signel Ught 12 V 10 W
17. Meter Unit
Air Switching Valve
Alr Switching Valve Operation Test
Refer to the Air Suction System Damage Inspectionin the
Periodic Maintenance chapter.
Air Switching Valve Unit Test
u Remove the air switching valve (see Air Switching Valve
Removal in the Engine Top End chapter).
Connect a digital meter [A] to the air witching valve ter-
minals as shown.
Air Switching Valve Reslstanco
Seutdrrd: -
20 24 0 m0.C (68'F)
*If the digital meter does not read as specified value, re-
piam it with a new one.
Connect the 12 V battery [A] to the air switching valve
terminals as shown.

Blow the air to the intake air dud [A], and make sure does
not flow the blown air from the outlet air duct [B].

Disoonned the 12 V battery.

Blow the air to the intake air duct [A] again, and make sure
flow the blown air from the outlet air duct [B].
+If the air switching valve does not operate as described,
replace it with a new one.
OTo check air flow thmugh the air switching valve, just
blow thmugh the air switching valve hose (intake side).
II . .
Air Switching Valve
/ 5

.: --. Alr Switching Valve Circuit -

I (

1. Ignition Switch
2. Air Switching Valve
3. ECU
4. Engine Ground
5. Battery
6. Main Fuse 30 A
7. Starter Relay
8. Frame Ground (2)'
9. Fuse Box (1)
10. Ignition Fuse 10 A
11. ECU Fuse 15 A
12. Relay Box
13. ECU Main Relay
Radiator Fan System
Fan Motor Inspection
Remove the right middle fairing (see Middle Fairing Re-
moval in the Frame chapter).
Disconnect the connector [A].
a Using an auxiliary leads, supply battery power to the fan
*If the fan does not rotate, the fan motor is defective and
must be replaced.

6- -
1. Ignition Switch
2. Fan Motor
3. Wstar Temperature Sensor
4. ECU
5. Engine Ground

7. M l n Fuse 30 A
8. Sbarher Relay
9. F m e Ground (8)
10. Frslms Ground (1)
11. Fume Bux (1)
1 2 l g n M Fuse 10 A
13. Fan Fuse 15 A
14. Rslary Box
15. Radiator Fan Relay
Meter, Gauge, Indicator Unit
Meter Unit Removal
Headlight (LED)Assembly (see Headlight(LED) Assem-
bly RemovaVlnstallation)
Vehided~wnSensor [A] (see Vehicle-down Sensor Re-
moval in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter)
Meter Mounting Screws [B]

a Pull up the meter unit [A].

Slide the dust cover [B], and disconnect the meter con-
nector [C].

Meter Unit Installation

Installation is the reverse of removal.
Check that the grommets [A] are In place on the upper
inner fairing [B].

Insert the projscZlons [A] in the grommets (81.

a Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).

Meter Unit Disassemb&/Assemb&

a Remove:
Meter Unit (see Meter Unit Removal)
Meter Assembly Screws [A]
Lower Meter Cover [B]

i*. "'
8 -
Meter, Gauge, Indicator Unit
Separate the meter assembly [A] and upper meter cover
Assembly is the reverse of removal.
Torque -Meter Assembly Screw: 1.2 N-m (0.12 kgf-m, 11

Meter Operaffon inspection

Check 1: h t e r Unit Switching lnspsction
Dhpiay Mode W n g
Turn the ignition switch on and check the folkrwing.
By pushing the upper meter button [A] ar lolrrctr meter
button (B] each time, chedc that the display changes as
Pushing Upper Metar Button [C]
Pushing Lower Meter Button [Dl
*If the display fundon does not work, replace the meter

Unit Setting
Set the 000 mode by pushing the upper meter button.
o By pushing the lower meter button each time while the
upper meter button pushed in, check that the display
changes as shomr.
OMWQn c&@ay can eIternate betmen English and
metric modes (mile and trm) in the digRaI meter. Make
sum that km or mile acxod5ng to losaI mguIa#ons is
colnectljdisplayed bebs riding.
*If the display function does not work, replaw the meter
Meter, Gauge, Indicator Unit
Clock Setting
a Push the upper meter button [A] and lower meter button
[B] and hold it.
OThe clock setting menu (hour and minute) should blink

Push the lower meter button and hold it.

0'12h" or "24h" display is appeared.
a Push the upper meter button to select '12hn or "24hn[A].

a Push the lower meter button.

OThe hour display [A] starts blinking.
a By pushing the upper meter button each time, check that
the hour display changes.

By pushing the lower meter button, check that the hour

display decides and minute display [A] starts blinking.
a By pushing the upper meter button each time, check that
the minute display changes.

By pushing the lower meter button, check that the hour

and minute display start blinking.
By pushing the upper meter b@@n,check that the hour
and minute &splay decide.
a When both hour and minute display is blinking, by pushing
the lower meter button, check that the hour display start
blinking. This blinking returns the hour setting display.
*If the display function does not work, replace the meter
Meter, Gauge, lndicator Unit
Meter System lnspection
Check 2-1: Battery Warning lndicator Inspection

- -
a When the battery condition is low voltage (10.8 11.2 V or
less) or high voltage (15.5 16.5 V or more), the battery
warning indiitor [A] and red warning indicator light (LED)
[B] go on.
*If the battery warning indicator and red warning indica-
tor light (LED) go on, inspect the charging voltage (see
Charging Voltage Inspection).
* I f the charging voltage is good, replace the meter assem-
Check 2-2: Gear Position lndlcator lnspection
a Turn the ignition switch on and shii the transmission gear
into neutral position.
OThe green neutral indicator light (LED) [A] goes on, and
the gear position indicator is displayed the 'N" position

Set the low gear position, and check that the display
changes to '1" mark [A] and the green neutral indicator
light (LED) [B] goes off.
Using the rear stand, raise the rear wheel off the ground.
Rotate the rear wheel by hand and change the gear po-
Check that the display corresponding to each gear posi-
tion (1, N, 2,3,4,5 or 6) appears.
+If the display function does not work, check the following
Gear Position Sensor (see Gear Position Sensor Input
Voltage Inspectionin the Fuel System (DFI) chapter)
Wiring (see Meter Unit Circuit)
*If the above parts are good, replace the meter assembly
andlor ECU.
Meter, Gauge, lndicator Unit
Meter Unlt Inspection
Remave the meter un# [A] (seeMeter Unit Removal).
[I] Unused
[2] Unused
[3] Unused
[4] Unused
[5] Unused
[6] Red Warning Indicator Light (LED) (-)
m Green Neutral lndicator Light (LED) (-)
[8] Yellow ABS Indicator Light (LED) (-) [Equipped Mod-
[9] Ground (-)
[lo] Ignition (+)
[11] Fuel Level Sensor
[12] Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor Pulse
(13) ECU Communit@pn Ljne
[I 41 Unused
[I 5] Tachometer Pulse
[16] Green Right Turn Signal Indicator Light (LED) (+)
[17] Blue High Beam Indicator Light (LED) (+)
(181 Unused
[19] Green Left Turn Signal lndicator Light (LED) (+)
1201bttery (+I ;,,*

Do not drop the mattar unit. Do not short each ter-
Check 3-1: Meber Unlt Prlmary Operation Check
Using the auxiliaty leads, conned the 12 V battery to the
meter unit connector as follows.
O C o n d the battery positive (+) terminal to the terminal
OConned the battery negative (-) terminal to the terminal

Connect the terminal [lo] to the battery (+) terminal.

Meter, Gauge, lndlcator Unit
Check the following items.
OThe tachometer needle sweeps to the maximum reading,
then sweep back to the minimum reading.
OThe LCD display and meter illuminations should turn on.
OAll the LCD segments [A] appear for few seconds.
OThe red warning indicator light (LED) [B] goes on for few
OFdlowing indicator lights remain on.
Yellow Engine Warning Indicator Light (LED) [C]
Yellow ABS Indimtor Light (LED) (Dl (if equipped)
+If the meter unit does not work property, replace the meter
O W meter unit has a failure detedion function of the
coimmunic8tion. When the communication error was
detected, the meter unit alerts the rider by the yellow
engine waming indicator light (LED) goes on.
OMake sure that the fuel gauge segments [A] and indicator
on the LCD start blinking approx. 5 seconds after turning
on the meter unit.
+If the meter unit does not work properly, replace the meter
077hmiter unif has a failure deteclion fundon (for open
o r W ) dthe fuelgauge. Wihenthe timigauge is open
or short, the meter unit ale& the rider by the all fuel
gauge segments blink in the display
Make sum that the following indicators on the LCD start
blinking spprox. 10 seconds after tuming on the meter
Gear Position Indicator with '- Message [A]
All Segments of Water Temperature Gauge [B] and lndi-
Multifunction Display with '--.-"Message [C]
0This &r unit has a Milure detectionfunction (for open
or short) of the water temperature gauge. When the
water temperature gauge is open or short, the meter
unit ekrts the rider by the all water temperature gauge
segments blink in the display.
+If the meter unit does not work properly, replacethe meter


, Meter, Gauge, Indicator Unit
( ,' :s A Check 3-2: Meter Communication Line (Service Code
39) Check

Connect the leads in the same circuit as Check 3-1.
The yellow engine warning indicator light (LED) should
remains on.

Set the OD0 mode [A] by pushing the upper meter button
* Push the upper meter button and lower meter button [C]
simultaneously for more than 2 seconds.

Check the following items.

OThe number '39" [A] in the display appears.
Push the upper meter button and lower meter button
again for more than 2 seconds.
Check the following items.
OThe display returns OD0 mode from number '39."
*if the meter unit does not work properly, replace the meter
0The number '39" is serwic8 code of SeF-Diagnosis (see
Fuel System (DFI) chapter). lt is the setvim code of the
meter communication line e m
0The number 39" in the display disappear when the me-
ter unit is connected to main harness of the normal mo-
Check 3-3: Blue High Beam Indicator Light (LED) in-
Connect the terminal [I7]to the battery (+) terminal.
Connect the terminal [9] to the battery (-) terminal.
Meter, Gauge, lndicator Unit
Check that the blue high beam indicator light (LED) [A]
goes on.
*If the indicator light (LED) does not go on, replace the
meter assembly.

Check 34: Green Left Turn Signal Indicator Light (LED)

Connect the terminal [I91to the battery (+) terminal.
Connect the terminal [9] to the battery (-) terminal.

Check that the green left turn signal indicator light (LED)
[A] goes on.
+If the indicator light (LED) does not go on, replace the
meter assembly.

Check 3-5: Green Right Turn Signal Indicator Light

(LED) Inspection
Connect the terminal [16] to the battery (+) terminal.
Connect the terminal [9] to the battery (-) terminal.

Check that the green right turn signal indicator light (LED)
[A1 goes on.
*If the indicator light (LED) does not go on, replace the
meter assembly.
Meter, Gauge, lndlcator Unit
Check 36: Green Neutral Indicator Light (LED) inspec-
Connect the leads in the same circuit as Check 3-1.
Connect the terminal [71to the battery (-) terminal.

Check that the green neutral indicator light (LED) [A] goes
*If the indicator light (LED) does not go on, replace the
meter assembly.

Check 3-7:Yellow ABS lndkator Light (LED) lnspectlon

(Equipped Model)
Connect the leads in the same circuit as Check 3-1.
OThe yellow ABS indicator light (LED) goes on.
Connect the terrniial [a] to the battery (-) terminal.

Check that the yellow ABS indicator light (LED) [A] goes
*If the indicator light (LED) does not go off, replace the
meter assembly.

Check 3-8:Red Warning Indicator LigM (LED) Inspec-

tion (Oil Pmrure Warning)
Connect the leads in the same circuit as Check 3-1.
Connect the terminal [el to the battery (-) terminal.
Meter, Gauge, lndicator Unit
Check that the oil pressure waming indicator [A] and red
warning indicator light (LED) [B] goes on approx. 5 sec-
onds later.
*If the oil pressure warning Indicator and indicator light
(LED) d m not go on, replace the meter assembly, .

C ~ I $4:
~ C ~ Caug. ~nspection
Connect the leads in the same drcuit as Check 3-1.
OThe all segments of the fuel gauge in the display will blink.
Connect the variable rheostat [A] to the terminal (111 and
the battery (-) terminal.

Check that the number of segments on the fuel gauge [A]

matches the resistance value of the variable rheostat.
OAfter changing the resistance between the terminal [ll]
and ground, the segment(s) in the fuel gauge should
change after 15 seconds.
Variable Rheostat Resistance (0) D i a ySegmb
35 6 s e g m t s go on
65 5 segments go m
95 4 segments go on
125 3 segments go on
155 2 segments go on
185 1 segment goes on
1 segment and fuel
215 level warning indicator
Meter, Gauge, Indicator Unit
Check 3-10: Speedometer Check
Connect the leads in the same circuit as Check 3-1.
The speed equivalentto the input frequency is indicated in
the oscillator [A], if the square wave is input into terminal
Olndicates approximatety 60 km/h if the input frequency is
approximately 445 Hz.
Olndicates approximately 60 mph if the input frequency is
approximately 715 Hz.
*If the meter function does not work properly, replace the
meter assembly.
OThe input frequency of the oscillator adds the integrated
value of the odometer.
OThe integrated value of the odometer cannot be reset.

Check 3-11: Odometer Check

Check the odometer with the speedometer check in the
same way.
*If value indicated in the odometer is not added, replace
the meter assembly.
NOTE l .

0Whenthe &urns come to 999999, they are stopped and

OThe integrated value of the odometer cannot be reset.

Check 3-12: Trip AIB Meter Check

Check the trip meter with the speedometer check in the
same way.
*If value indicated in the trip meter is not added, replace
the meter assembly.
Check that when the upper meter button is pushed for
more than two seconds, the figure display turns to 0.0.
*If the figure display does not indicate 0.0, replace the m e
ter assembly.
OThe data of the tn'p meters are maintained even if the
battery is disconnected.
Meter, Gauge, Indicator Unit
Check 3-13: Tachometer Check
Connect the leads in the same circuit as Check 3-1.
The engine speed (rpm) equivalent to the input frequency
is indicated in the oscillator [A], if the square wave is input
into terminal [ I5).
Olndicates approximately 6 000 rpm if the input frequency
is approximately 200 Hz.
*If the meter function does not work properly, replace the
meter assembly.

Check 3-14: Other Inspection

OThe following items are displayed while running.
ECO Mark
When the above item is faulty indication check the follow-
ing items.
Wring (see Wiring Inspection)
ECU Communication Line (see ECU Communication
Line Inspection in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter)
Fuel Injectors (see Fuel Injectors (Senrice Code 41,42)
seetion in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter)
Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor (see Rear Wheel Rotation
Sensor (Service Code 24) section in the Fuel System
(DFI) chapter)
Crankshaft Sensor (see Crankshaft Sensor Inspection)
When the coolant temperature gauge is faulty indication
check the fdlawing items.
Wring (see Wring Inspection)
ECU Communication Line (see ECU Communication
Line Inspection in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter)
Water Temperature Sensor (see Water Temperature
Sensor Inspection)
*If the above items are good, replace the meter assembly
andlor ECU.

Meter, Gauge, Indicator Unit

Fuel Level Sensor Line Self-Diagnosis Mode
OUsuaEly when the open or short of the fuel level sensor
circuit is detected, it becomes the Fuel Level Sensor
Line Self-Diagnosis Mode.
OThe all segments [A] of the fuel gauge and fuel levelwarn-
ing indicator [B] in the display will Mink. (This function is
Fuel Level Sensor Line Self-Diinosis Mode.)
*If the meter enters the selfdiagnosis mode when the me-
ter is installed in the rnotorcyde, check the fuel level sen-
sor (see Fuel Level Sensor Inspection)and wiring.
*lf the fuel level sensor and wiring are good, replace the
meter assembly.
Meter, Gauge, Indicator Unit
Meter Circuit
I ,
..-- ' -

1. Ignition Switch 12. Starter Relay

2. Gear Position Sensor 13. Frame Ground (4)
3. Water Temperature Sensor 14. Frame Ground (2)
4. Oil Pressure Switch 15. Fuse Box (1)
5. Crankshaft Sensor 16. Ignition Fuse 10 A
6. ECU 17. Meter Fuse 10 A
7. Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor 18. To Turn Signal Switch (Right)
8. Fuel Level Sensor 19. To Turn Signal Switch (Left)
9. Engine Ground 20. To Headlight Hi Beam
10. Battery . 21. Meter Unit
11. Main use 30 A
Meter, Gauge, Indicator Unit
Meter Circuit (ABS Equipped Models)

1. Ignition Switch. 12. Starter Relay

2. Gear Position Sensor?. .- 13. Frame Ground (4)
3. Water Temperature S&nwr 14. Frame Ground (2)
4. Oil Pressure Switch 15. Fuse Box (1)
5. Crankshaft Sensor 16. Ignition Fuse 10 A
6. ECU 17. Meter Fuse 10 A
7. Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor 18. ABS Hydraulic Unit
8. Fuel Level Sensor 19. To Turn Signal Switch (Right)
9. Engine Ground 20. To Turn Signal Switch (Left)
10. Battery 21. To Headlight Hi Beam
11. Main Fuse 30 A - 22. Meter Unit
''5witches and Sensors
. I,

Brake Light Tlmlng Inspection

Refer to the Brake Light Switch Operation Inspection in
the Periodic Maintenance chapter.
Brake Light TJming Adjustment
Refer to the Brake Light Switch Operation Inspection in
the Periodic Maintenance chapter.
Swffch lnspectlon
Using a digital meter, check to see that only the connec-
tions shown in the table have continuity.
OFor the switch housings and the ignition switch, refer to
the tables in the Wiring Diagram.
*If the switch has an open or short, repair it or replace it
with a new one.
Rear Brake Light M t c h Connectlons
Rear B r a k e L i g h t S w i t c h C o n n e c t i o n s
Co l o r BR BL
When brake pedal is pushed down 0 0
When brake pedal is releasad

Sldo Stand Switch Connections

S i d e Stand Switch Conneotions
Color BK G
lhrn sidr stand i~ dorn
lhrn side stand is up 0 0

Oil Pressure Switch Connections*

O i l Prassure Switch Connections *
Co l o r SI.Termina1 G r o u n d
dhen engine is rtopped 0 0
When engine is running

*: Engine lubrication system is in good condition.

Switches and Sensors
Water Temperature Sensor lnspectlon
Remove the water temperature sensor (see Water Tem-
perature Sensor Removal/lnstallationin the Fuel System
(DFI) chapter).
Suspend the sensor [A] in a container of codant so that
the temperature-sensing projection is submerged.
Suspend an accurate thermometer [B] with temperature
-sensing projection [C] located in almost the same depth
with the sensor.
OThe sensor and thermometer must not touch the con-
tainer side or bottom.
Place the container over a source of heat and gradu-
ally raise the temperature of the coolant while stirring the
coolant gently.
Using a digital meter, +&re the internal resistance of
the sensor.
*If the digital meter does not show the spedfied values,
replace the sensor.
Water Temperature 8wmr Resistance
Temperature Resistance (ka)
-20°C (-4'F) "18.80 e.37
0°C (32°F) "(about 6.544)
40°C (104°F) 1.136 M.095
100°C (212°F) 0.1553 iO.0070
*: Reference Information
Oxygen Sensor Removal
Never drop the sensor erpeclally on a hard surface.
Such a shock to the sensor can damage it.

I Do not pull strongly, tNOTICE

I wist,or bend the oxygen sen-
sor lead. This may cause the wiring open.
Right Middle Fairing (see Middle Fairing Removal in the
Frame chapter)
Disconnect the oxygen sensor lead connector [A].
Open the damp [B].



Oxygen Sensor Installation

tRe oxygen sensor [A] especially on a
Aird sutfbm. Buch a shock to the unit can damage
I t Do not tlrnreh the sensing part [B] and fllter holes
[C] of the sansor to prevent oil contact. Oil contaml-
nationfrom hands can reduce sensor miformanee.


Oxygen Sensor lrarrpection

Refer to the Oxygen Sensor Inspection in the Fuel System
(DFI) chapter.
Fuel Level Sensor Inspection
Fuel Pump (see Fuel Pump htheFuQl
(DFI) chapter)
binding. It shorrid go down under its own weight.
*Ifthe float does not move smoothly, replacethe fuel
Float in Full Position [A]
Float in Empty Position [B]
Switches and Sensors

a Usinga diiltalmeter [A], memurethe resistance between

the R/BK Zead and B W laad [C] terminals.
+Ifthe~mbdermdingsamnotass9edfied,ardo not
change smoothly according as the float m o w up and
down, replace the fuel pump.
Fuel Levet $.nror Rerbtame
.- FullPorltlon: @ - 1 1 Q
Empty Pesitlon: 213 219 Q

Gear Position Sensor Removai

Battery Case Cover (see Battery Case Cover Removal
in the Frame chapter)
a Disconnect the gear position sensor lead connector [A].
Clear the lead [B].

a Clear the gear position sensor lead [A].

a Remove:
Gear Position Sensor Bolt IS] and Washer
Gear Position Sensor [C]

Gear Position Sensor Instailation

a Replace the O-ring [A] with a new one.
a Apply grease to the new 0-rlng and install it.
a Face the pin (81to the bolt hole side [C].
a Make sure that the transmission is s h i i into the neutral.
a Fit the pin of the gear position sensor to the groove [Dlof
the shii drum.

Tighten the gear position sensor bolt with washer.

OWhen installing the sensor which is fastened by bolt,
tighten the bolt after placing the sensor on the bottom
surface completely.
Toque Gear Position Sensor Boft: 9.8 N-m(1.0 kgf-m, 87
Run the lead correctly (see Cable, Wire, and Hose Rout-
ing section in the Appendix chapter).
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
Switches and Sensors
Accessory Socket RemovaUInstallation (Equipped
Upper lnner Fairing (see Upper lnner Fairing Removal
in the Frame chapter)
Accessory W e t Nut [A]
Accessory Socket [B]

I ~ m I s ~ ~ o f r e m a v a l .
a Insat the acoesoory socket [A] to the upper inner fairing.
OAlign the tab p]with the cut-out [C].
Twqw -Accmmy Socket Nut: 2.8 N-m (0.29 kgfm, 25
a ImMl the removed parts (seeappropriate chapters).

Accessory Relay Inspection (Equipped Models)

Left Middle Fairing (see Middle Fairing Removal in the
Frame chapter)
Remove the accessory relay [A].
Disconnect the accessory relay connector [B].

Connect a digital meter [A] between the relay terminals

[3] and [4].
Connect a 12 V battery [B] between the relay terminals
111 and PI-
*If the relay [C] does not work as specified, the relay is
defecthre. Replace the relay.
Testing Relay :, .
Crfteria: d n b d i e r y bconnectetl-rOO
When battery Is dlrconnected 4 .o O
Relay Box
0The relay box[A] has relays and diodes. The relays and
diodes can not be removed.

Relay Box Removal

Never drop the relay box especially on a hard sur-
face. Such a shock to the relay box can damage it.
Battery Case Cover (see Battery Case Cover Removal
in the Frame chapter)
Disconnect the connectors [A] and remove the relay box
Relay Box InstallatJon
Installation is the reverse of removal.
ORun the leads correctly (see Cable, Wire, and Hdse Rwt-
ing section in the Appendix chapter).
Relay CIrcuIt lnspectlon
Remove the relay box (see Relay Box Removal).
Check conductivity of the following numbered terminals
by connecting a tester and one 12 V battery to the relay
box as shown (see Relay Box Internal Circuit in this sec-
+If the tester does not read as specified, replace the relay

Relay Circult Inspection (wlth the battery disconnected)

I Tester Connection ( Tester Reading (fl)
Headlight Circuit
1 1
I ECV Main Relay

Not m*

7-8 OD

Fuel Pump Relay

9-10 Not w*

I Starter Circuit Relay .



17-20 00

Radiator Fan Relay

1819 Not w*
*: The actual reading varies with the tester used.
Relay Box
Relay Circuit Inspection (with the battery connected)

I1 I1 11 II
Tester Tester
Connecbbn Connection Reading (Q)
I+) Ci

1 Headlight Circuit
2-11 1-3 0

ECU Main Relay 4-5 7-6 0

Fuel Pump Relav 9-1 0 7-8 0
Radiator Fan
18-19 17-20 0

Battery Tester Connection

Connection DC 25 V Range
(+I (-1 (+I (-1
Starter Battery
16-12 11-12
Circuit Relay Voltage
(+): Apply positive lead.
(-): Apply negative lead.

Diode Circuit Inspection

Remove the relay box (see Relay Box Removal).
Check conductivity of the following pairs of terminals (see
Relay Box Internal Circuit in this section).
Diode Circuit Inspection

I Tester Connection 1 1-11, 2-11, 12-13, 12-15, 12-16, 13-14,


*The resistance should be low in one direction and more

than ten times as much in the other direction. If any diode
shows low or high in both directions, the diode is defective
and the relay box must be replaced.
OThe actual meter reading varies with the meter or tester
used and the individual diodes, but generally speaking,
the lower reading should be from zero to one half the
- 8
; Relay Box
5 - ; . Relay Box Internal CircuR

A: H d l i Waii Relay
B: ECU Win Relay
C: Fusl Pump Relay
D: Starter Circuit Relay
E: Radiator Fan Relay

Disconnect the connector.

30 A Main Fuse Cover [A]
Pull out the main fuse [8] from the starter relay with a
needle nose pliers.
- -
Fuse Box Fuse Removal
Left Side Cover (see Side Cover Removal in the Frame
Unlock the hwks [A] to lift up the lids [B].

Pull the sub fuses [A] straight out from the fuse box with
a needle nose pliers.

Fuse Instailation
*If a fuse fails durtng operation, inspect the electrical sys-
tem to determine the cause, and then replace it with a
new fuse of proper amperage.
Install the fuse box fuses on the original position as spec-
ified on the lid.
Fuse Inspection
Remove the fuse (see 30 A Main Fuse Removal or Fuse
Box Fuse Removal).
Inspect the fuse element.
*If it is blown out, replace the fuse. Before replacing a
blown fuse, always check the amperage in the affected
circuit. If the amperage is equal to or greater than the
fuse rating, check the vdring and related components for
a short circuit.
Housing [A]
Fuse Element [B]
Terminals [C]
Blown Element [Dl
When replacing a fuse, be sure the new fuse
matches the specified fuse rating for that clrcuit.
Installation of a fuse with a higher rating may cause
damage to wiring and components.


Table of Contents
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing ....................................................................................... 17-2
Troubleshooting Guide........................................................................................................... 17-48
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
1. Front Right Turn Signal Light Lead Connector (Install it to the upper fairing bracket.)
2. Clamp (Hold the front right turn signal light lead.)
3. Vehide-down Sensor
4. Meter
5. Meter Lead Connector
6. Run the meter lead through the clamp.
7. RegulatorIRecMer
8. Clamp (Hold the headlight lead and accessory relay lead, and make accessory relay lead con-
nector face down.) (EX400GM)
9. Clamp (Hold the headlight lead.) (EX400J)
10. Accessory Relay (EX400J)
11. Turn Signal Relay
12. Purge Valve (Evaporative Emission Control System Equipped Models)
13. Run the main harness through the clamp.
14. Headlight Lead Connector (Install it to the upper fairing bracket.)
15. Headlight Lead
16. Accessory Connedor Lead (EX400J)
17. Clamp (Hold the accessory connector lead (EX400J) and headlight lead.)
18. Run the headlight lead to the upside of the main harness.
19. Accessory Connector
20. Main Harness
21. Clamps (Hold the main harness, and install it to the upper fairing bracket.)
22. Front LeR Turn Signal Light Lead Connector (Install it to the upper fairing bracket.)
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
1. Right Switch Housing Lead
2. Throttle Cable (Decelerator)
3. Throttle Cable (Accelerator)
4. Front Brake Hose
5. Run the front brake hose, throttle cable (accelerator), throttle cable (decelerator)and right switch
housing lead through the clamp as shown.
6. Run the throffle cables under the right switch housing lead and front brake hose (ABS equipped
7. Front Brake Hoses (ABS Equipped Models)
8. Viewed from Front Right Side
9. Main Harness
10. Run the throttle cables to the outside of the main harness.
11. Run the throttle cables under the ignition switch lead.
12. Ignition Switch Lead
13. Front Wheel Rotation Sensor Lead (ABS Equipped Models) (Run the throttle cables to the u p
side of the front wheel rotation sensor lead.)
14. Run the throttle cables to the upside of the horn lead and left switch housing lead.
15. Horn Lead
16. Left Switch Housing Lead
17. Run the throffle cables through the damps.
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
Mm, and Hose Rating
2. Horn Lead
3. Titt the damp to the outside ~f the vehide as shawn.
4. Viewed from A
5. Run the trMn lead between the left switch housing lead and frame pipe.
6. Left Switch Housing Lead
7. Run the front wheel iotationsensor lead (ASS equipped modela) under the ignition $witch lead.
8. lgnltson Swfteh Lead
9. Right swwl HmW Lead
10. Front Whed Rotation S m r L d (ABS Equlppsd MaWs)
11. Run the front wheel rotationeenrsor lead (ABSequipped models) botwsen the fight switch hous-
12. Ftont Buab Hoses ( A M E$ulppd Modek)
13. Run the hwlt brake htme ( A M equipped mod&) beMm the IgnMon swftch lead and right
14. V i from Front Right Side
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing

- -

1. Run the clutch cable under the right switch housing- lead.
2. Run the dutch cable to the inside of the frame.
3. Clutch Cable
4. Run the dutch cable b the outside of the frame.
5. Clamp (Hdd the clutch cable.)
6. Clamp (Hold the dutch cable and left switch housing lead.)
7. Install the damp along the joint of the dutch cable.
8. Run the dutch cable to the inside of left witch housing lead.
9. Left Switch Housing Lead
10. Horn Lead
11. Run the clutch cable between the horn lead and frame pipe.
12. Run the dutch cable under the throttle cables.
13. Throttle Cables
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
. ., .i

1. Frame
2. Clamps (Hold the main harness, and install them to the frame.)
3. Main Harness . 1
. -
4.Viewed from A:,' .;,*
5. Viewed from B ;
+?.* ,*
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
1. Left Switch Housing Lead Connector
2. ABS Hydraulic Unit Lead (ABS Equipped Models)
3. Run the left switch housing lead connector under the main harness and ABS hydraulic unit lead
(ABS equipped models).
4. Main Harness
5. Ignition Switch Lead Connector
6. Rlght Switch Housing Lead Connector
7. ABS Brake Pipes (ABS Equipped Models)
8. Run the main harness under the ABS brake pipes (ABS equipped models).
9. Air Switching Valve
10. ABS Hydraulic Unit (ABS Equipped Models)
11. Radiator Fan Motor Lead Connector
12. Radiator Fan Motor Lead
13. Clamp (Hold the right switch housing lead, radiator fan motor lead and air switching valve lead.)
14. Right Switch Housing Lead
15. Air Switching Valve Lead
16. Air Switching Valve Lead Connector
17. Run the radiator fan motor lead to front side of the air switching valve lead.
18. Run the radiator fan motor lead as shown.
19. Viewed from A
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing

1. Ignition Switch Lead Connector (Connect it connector and install the bracket.)
2. Main Harness
3. Ignition Switch Lead
4. Clamp (Hold the ignition switch lead.)
5. Run the ignition switch lead to the upside of the main harness.
I .,
a? : APPENDIX 17-13
;'- j

1 Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing

. ,
, . \ I

1. Throttle Body A$sy

2. Clamps (HoM the alternator lead.)
3. Alternator Lead
4. Alternator Lead Connector (Install it to the bracket.)
5. Crankshaft Sensor Lead
6. Run the alternator lead, crankshaft sensor l a d , gear position sensor lead and side stand switch
lead through the clamp.
7. Opposite View

L . . h . . .
.!.dl- .
I.. '

- 4
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing

.,. .-. - a'.

.. .
- .,.
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
1. Stick Coil #1
2. stick Coil #2
3. Intake Air Pressure Sensor
4. ldle Speed Control Valve Actuator
5. Throttle Body Assy
6. Fuse Box (2)
7. Fuse Box (1)
8. Water Temperature Sensor
9. Run the lead [lo] under the fuel pipe.
10. Lead (to Intake Air Pressure Sensor and ldle Speed Control Valve Actuator)
11. Fuel Injector #2
12. Breather Hose ,
13. Run the lead [I b] to the left side of the breather hose.
14. Fuel Injector # I
15. Viewed from A
16. Fuel Hose
17. Main Throttle Sensor ' ..
18. ABS Brake Pipes (ABS Equipped Models)
19. Main Harness
20. Run the main harness under the ABS brake pipes (ABS equipped models).
21. Oxygen Sensor Lead Connector
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
1. Fuel Tank Drain Hose
2. Fuel Tank Breather Hose
3. Clamp (Hold the fuel tank drain hose and fuel tank breather hose.)
4. Main Harness
5. Run the fuel tank drain hose and fuel tank breather hose between the main harness and frame.
6. Gear Position Sensor Lead
7. Side Stand Switch Lead
8. Run the fuel tank drain hose, fuel tank breather hose, alternator lead, side stand switch lead
and gear position sensor lead through the clamp.
9. Alternator Lead
10. Run the fuel tank drain hose, fuel tank breather hose, alternator lead, side stand switch lead
and gear position sensor lead in turn from outside the vehicle as shown.
11. Viewed from A
12. Clamp (Hold the fuel tank drain hose, fuel tank breather hose and side stand switch lead in tum
from outside the vehicle as shown.)
13.10 mm (0.39 in.)

1 .- . .-:- ,
A:. . . . ~, . ... - l..*a
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
-- -

Cable, Wre, and Hoos Routing
3.Rear Wheel Wtbn Sensor Lead Conmbr (The cutout of the conneetorfaces upward.) 9
4. Rear W h d Rabtkxl Sensor Lead --
5. Run the mar wheel mtdtfiOn sensor lead under the battery negative (-) cable.
6. Battery Nqerthrp, (-) a b l e
ative (-) cable under the oxygen s e m

6 ' A '

13. Oil al.esw~% Swlk& L d 1 -

14. Viewled hm A ,.
.w. , yt:: .x.Qq:
i ~ . ~ a # e r y ~ e g r t l w ( - ) c 1 &- --
. .$.F=.?;., b . .
l ~ . ~ r ~ o l a ~ ~ ( t d ~ ~ m o t a r a b * ~ t h s m a t ~ o t n . ~
,r;..: .. y?
.. -1 ..I
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
1. Battery Negative (-) Cable
2. About 30"
3. Oxygen Sensor Lead
4. Oil Pressure Switch Lead
5. Run the oil pressure switch lead and oxygen sensor lead through the clamps.
6. Align the mark of the oxygen sensor lead with the clamps.
7. ABS Brake Pipes (ABS Equipped Models)
8. Rear Brake Light Switch Lead
9. Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor Lead
10. Run the rear w h d rotation sensor lead and rear brake light switch lead to the inside of the A8S
brake pipes (ABSequipped models).
11. Do not twist and stretch the oxygen sensor lead and oil pressure switch lead in line area.
12. Clamps (Hold the oxygen sensor lead and oil pressure switch lead. Do not touch the water
13. Run the rear wheel rotation sensor lead to the inside of the rear brake light switch lead.
14. Viewed from A
15. Clamps (Hoki the oxygen sensor lead.)
16. Do not pass the oxygen sensor lead through the clamp.
17. Oxygen Sensor
18. Oil Pressure Switch
19. Viewed from B
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
1 I. .'i.r-,
, '
1. Cover the gear position %ensorlead connector, side stand switch lead connector and crankshaft
5 4
I sensor lead connector with the rubber boot.
2. Run the gear position sensor lead, side stand switch lead and crankshaft sensor lead under the
ECU Lead.
3. ECU Lead Connectors
4. Main Harness
5. Starter Relay Lead
6. Starter Motor Cable
7. Battery Positive (+) Cable
8. Starter Relay (Install it to the bracket.)
9. Run the main harness under the starter relay.
10. Battery Negative (-) Cable ,
11. Run the battery negative (-) cable throuih hooks of &eba%ei$ case cover.
12. Battery Case Cover
13. Run the battery positive (4)cable through hooks of the battery case cover (ABS equipped mod-
14. Battery Positive (+) Cable (ABS Equipped Models)
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
I ' Cable, Wire, and Hose Routlng
1. ECU (Install it to the damper.)
2. Relay Box (Install it to the damper.)
3. Damper
4. Clamp (Hold the rear brake light switch lead and starter motor cable.)
5. Rear Brake Light Switch Lead Connector
6. Run the starter motor cable under the ECU and rear brake light switch lead.
7. Starter Motor Cable
8. Run the rear brake light switch lead through the downside of the ECU.
9. Run the rear brake light switch lead and starter motor cable through the backside of the ECU.
19. Rear Brake Light Switch Lead
11. Relay Box Leads
12. ECU Leads
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
Cable, Wlre, and Hose Routing
1. Cover the ABS kawasaki diagnosis system connector (equipped models), ABS selfdiagnosis
terminal (equipped models), kawasaki diagnostic system connector and water-f joint with
the rubber boot.
2. Band (Hold the rubber boot.)
3. BrakeITail Light Lead Connector (Install it to the frame.)
4. Clamp (Hold the main harness, and install it to the rear fender.)
5. Main Harness
6. Run the water-proof joint to the upside of the main harness.
7. Clamp (Hdd the main hamess to the frame.)
8. Cover the rear turn signal light lead connectors and license plate light lead connector with the
rubber boot. Do not run the bgikeftail light lead in the ~ b b wboot.
9. Brakerrail Light Lead .,--n

10. Run the rear turn signallight leads, license plate light lead and brakehail light lead through the
11. Rear Left Turn Signal Light Lead
12. License Plate L i h t Lead
13. Rear Right Turn Signal Light Lead
14. Clamp (Hdd the brakeltail light lead.)
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing

Mturn signal light lead.)

ueM m.1
-mfigMw the guide*
? . ~ ~ n ro a ~ thfmplatsl~Mlead
llgMk.dsand ~ upddetheguMes.
8. lkmw mLight Lsad
------ - -7 -

Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing

1. Seat Lock Cable (Front)

2. Clamp (Hold the seat lock cable (front).)
3. Install seat lock cable (rear) to the frame hook.
4. Run the seat lock cable (mar) through the front side of the guide.
5. Seat Lock Cable (Rear)
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing

4. Instal the damps as shown.

2. water Hoses
3.Reserve Tank Overflow Hose
4. Radiator Overflow Hose
5. M i t o r
6. Coobnt Reserve Tank
7. Thermostat Cover

Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing

1. Radiator
2. Install the damps as shown.
3. Water Hose
4. Thermostat Cover --.:
5. Align the white paint mark of the water hose with the projection on the thermostat cover.
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
Cable. Wlre, and Hose Routing
1. M i a t o r Overflow Hose
2. Clamps (Hold the radiator werftow ham.)
3. Clamp (Hold the mawe tank overflow hose.)
4. Coolant Reserve Tank
5. Install the radiator overflow hose so that the white paint mark faces right of vahide.
6. Reserve Tank Overflow Hose
7. Install the clamp as shown.
8. W h i Paint Marks
9. Clamp (Hold the reserve tank overflow hose and water hose at the white painted marks d the
10. Water Hose
11. Install the clamp as shown.
12. Align the white paint mark of f i e water hose wgththe projection on the water pump cover.
13. Riglht Side of Vehide
14. F m t Side of Vehde
15. Upper Side of Vehide
18. Run the reserve tank overflow hose through the damp.
19. Wewed from A
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing

Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing

1. Install the damps as shown.

2. Crankcase Breather Hose
3. Air Intake Hose (to Throttle Body Assy)
4. Air Switching Valve Hose (to Air Cleaner Housing)
5. Air Switching Valve Hose (to Air Switching Valve)
6. Air Switching Valve
7. Align the whiie paint mark of the air switching valve [5]with the mark on the fitting.
8. White Paint Marks
9. Viewed from A
10. About 45"
11. Section B-B
12. Left Side of Vehicle
13. Lower Side of Vehicle
14. About 20'
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
1. Front Brake Hose
2. Clamps (Hold the front brake hose.)
17-38 APPENDlX
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
- Cable, e
r., and Hose Routing
L *
,4,%i.N' q.".
. . ~.G,;P 1. Rear Brake Hose
An, +
a .
2. Clamps (Hold the rear wheel rotation sensor lead.)
P ,
I 3. Run the rear brake hose into the guide.
a: 4. Run the rear wheel rotation sensor lead and rear brake hose into the guide.
5. Guide (Hold the rear brake hose.)
6. Clamp (Hold the rear brake hose and rear wheel rotation sen- lead at the white painted mark
of the sensor lead. Position the clamp so that the open side faces inside.)
7. Run the rear wheel robtlen sensor lead into the guide.
I 8. Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor Lead
. I
9. Viewed from A

I \

Cable, Wlre, and Hose Routing
ABS Equipped Models

Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
1. Front Brake H m
2. Clamp (Wthe front brake hoses.)
3. Ctamp (Hold the fnmt brake hose.)
4. Front Wheel Rotation Sensor Lead Connector (Install it to the bracket.)
5. Clamps (Hold the front brake hose and front wheel rotation sensor lead at the white painted
mark of the front sensor lead.)
6. Clamp (Hold the fnmt brake hose and h n t wheel rotation sensor l a . )
7. Front Wheel Rotation Sensor Lead
8. Clamp (Hold the front wheel rotation sensor lead. Face the open side of the damp to the rear
9. Front Wheel Rotation Sensor
10. Viewed from A
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
ABS Equipped Models
,-.. -y- - - -

1 !"+
,,' :.
1 ':A$
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
1. Rear Brake Hoses
2. Clamps (Hold the rear wheel rotation sensor lead.)
3. Run the rear brake hose into the guide.
4. Run the rear wheel rotation sensor lead and rear brake hose into the guide.
5. Guide (Hold the rear brake hose.)
6. Clamp (Hold the rear brake hose end rear wheel rotation sensor lead at the white painted mark
of the sensor lead. Positjon the clamp so that the open side faces inside.)
7. Guide (Hold the rear brake hose.)
8. Run the rear wheel rotation sensor lead into the guide.
9. Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor Lead
10. Clamp (Hold the rear- brake
=s hoses.)
11. Viewed from A
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
1. Install the clamps as shown.
2. Canister
3. Purge V a k

5. Purge Hose (Canister Purge Valve)
4. Fuel Tank Breather Hose (Fuel Tank Canister)

6. Purge Hose (to Purge Valve)

7. Purge Hose (to Throttle Body Assy)
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
Evaporative Emisslon Control System Equipped Models
Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing
1. Canister
2. Purge Valve
3. Throttle Body Assy

5. Purge Hose (Canister Purge Valve)
4. Fuel Tank Breather Hose (Fuel Tank Canister)

6. Purge Hose (to Purge Valve)

7. Purge Hose (to Throttle Body Assy)
8. Blue Paint Mark
9. Green Paint Mark
10. Stick Coil #2
11. Clamp (Hold the purge hose [71 and stick coil #2 lead at the green tape position of the purge
Troubleshooting Guide
NOTE Clutch lever not pulled in or gear not in neu-
ORefer to the Fuel System (DFI) chapter for tral
most of DFI trouble shooting guide. Battery voltage low
OThis is not an exhaustive list, giving every Spark plug dirty, broken, or gap malad-
possible cause for each problem listed. It justed
is meant simply as a rough guide to assist Spark plug incorrect
the troubleshooting for some of the more Stick coil shorted or not in good contact
common difficulties. Stick coil trouble
En ine Doesn't Start, Starting ECU trouble
Di ~culty:
Starter motor not rotating:
Gear position sensor, starter lockout, or
side stand switch trouble
lgnition and engine stop switch not on Crankshaft sensor trouble
Starter lockout switch or gear position sen- lgnition switch or engine stop switch
sor trouble shorted
Starter motor trouble Starter system wiring shorted or open
Battery voltage low Main or ignition fuse blown
Starter relay not contacting or operating Fuellair mixture incorrect:
Starter button not contacting Bypass screw maladjusted
Starter system wiring shorted or open Air passage clogged
lgnition switch trouble Air cleaner clogged, poorly sealed, or rniss-
Engine stop switch trouble ing
Main or ignition fuse blown Leak from oil filler cap, crankcase breather
Starter motor rotating but engine doesn't hose or air cleaner drain cap.
turn over: Compression Low:
Vehicle-down sensor (DFI) coming off Spark plug loose
Starter clutch trouble Cylinder head not sufficiently tightened
Starter idle gear trouble down
Engine won't turn over: Cylinder, piston worn
Valve seizure Piston ring bad (worn, weak, broken, or
Valve lifter seizure sticking)
Cylinder, piston seizure Piston ringlgroove clearance excessive
Crankshaft seizure Cylinder head gasket damaged
Connecting rod small end seizure Cylinder head warped
Connecting rod big end seizure Valve spring broken or weak
Transmission gear or bearing seizure No valve clearance
Camshaft seizure Valve not seating properly (valve bent,
Starter idle gear seizure worn, or carbon accumulation on the
Balancer bearing seizure seating surface)
No fuel flow:
No fuel in tank Poor Running at Low Speed:
Fuel pump trouble Spark weak:
Fuel tank air vent obstructed Battery voltage low
Fuel filter clogged Stick coil trouble
Fuel line clogged Stick coil shorted or not in good contact
Engine flooded: Spark plug dirty, broken, or maladjusted
Clean spark plug and adjust plug gap Spark plug incorrect
Starting technique faulty ECU trouble
(When flooded, do not crank the engine with Crankshaft sensor trouble
the throttle fully opened. This promotes Fuellair mixture incorrect:
engine flood because more fuel is supplied Bypass screw maladjusted
automatically by DFI.) Air passage clogged
No spark; spark weak: Pilot passage clogged
Vehicledown sensor (DFI) coming off Air cleaner clogged, poorly sealed, or miss-
lgnition switch not on ing
Engine stop switch turned to stop position Fuel tank air vent obstructed
Fuel pump trouble
Fuel to injector insufficient
Troubleshooting Guide
Fuel line clogged Compression low:
Throttle body assy holder loose Spark plug loose
Air deaner housing holder loose Cylinder head not sufficiently tightened
Compression low: down
Spark plug loose No valve clearance
Cylinder head not sufficiently tightened Cylinder, piston worn
down Piston ring bad (worn, weak, broken, or
No valve dearance sticking)
Cylinder, piston worn Piston ring/groove dearrance excessive
Piston ring bad (worn, weak, broken, or Cylinder head gasket damaged
sticking) Cylinder head warped
Piston ringlgroove clearance excessive Valve spring broken or weak
Cylinder head gasket damaged Valve not seating properly (valve bent,
Cylinder head warped worn, or carbon accumulation on the
Valve spring broken or weak seating surface.)
Valve not seating properly (valve bent, Knocking:
worn, or carbon accumulation on the Carbon built up in combustion chamber
seating surface) Fuel poor quality or incorrect
Camshaft cam wom Spark plug incorrect
Run-on (dieseling): ECU trouble
Ignition switch trouble Crankshaft sensor trouble
Engine stop switch Wuhle Miscellaneous:
Fuel injector trouble ' . - . a Throttle valve won't fully open
Carbon accumulating on valve seating sur- Brake dragging
face Clutch dipping
Engine overheating Engine overheating
Other: Engine oil level too high
ECU trouble Engine dl viscosity too high
Throttle body assy not synchronizing Drive Win trouble
Engine oil viscdty too high Camshaft cam worn
Drive train bouble Air suction valve trouble
Brake dragging Air switching valve trouble
Clutch slipping Catalyticconverter melt down due to muffler
Engine overheating overheating (KLEEN)
Air suction valve trouble
Air switching valve trouble Overheating:
Firing Incorrect:
Poor Running or No Power at High Spark plug dirty, broken, or maladjusted
Speed: Spark plug incorrect
Firing Incorrect: ECU trouble
Spark plug dirty, broken, or maladjusted Muffler ovarhdng:
Spark plug incorrect For KLEEN, do not run the engine even if
Stick coil shorted or net in good contact with only one cylinder misfiring or poor
Stick coil trouble running (Request the nearest service fa-
ECU trouble cilii to cowct it)
Crankshaft sensor trouble FM KLEEN, do not push-start with a dead
FueUalr mixture Incorrect: battery (Connect another full-charged
Air cleaner clogged, poorly sealed, or miss- battery with jumper cables, and start the
ing engine using the elecbic starter)
Air deaner housing holder loose For KLEEN, do not start the engine under
Water or foreign matter in fuel misfire due to spark plug fouling or poor
Throttle body assy holder loose connection of the stick coil
Fuel to injector insufficient For KLEEN, do not coast the motorcycle
Fuel tank air vent obstructed with the ignition switch off (Turn the igni-
Fuel line clogged tion switch on and run the engine)
Fuel pump trouble ECU trouble
Troubleshooting Guide
FueUair mixture incorrect: Clutch release mechanism trouble
Throttle body assy holder loose
Air cleaner housing holder loose Gear Shifting Faulty:
Air cleaner poorly sealed, or missing Doesn't go into gear; shift pedal doesn't
Air cleaner clogged return:
Compression high: Clutch not disengaging
Carbon built up in combustion chamber Shift fork bent or seized
Engine load faulty: Gear stuck on the shaft
Clutch slipping Gear positioning lever binding
Engine oil level too high Shift retum spring weak or broken
Engine oil viscosity too high Shift return spring pin loose
Drive train trouble Shift mechanism arm spring broken
Brake dragging Shift mechanism arm broken
Lubrication inadequate: Shift pawl broken
Engine oil level too low Jumps out of gear:
Engine oil poor quality or incorrect Shift fork ear worn, bent
Coolant incorrect: Gear groove worn
Coolant level too low Gear dogs and/or dog holes worn
Coolant deteriorated Shift drum groove worn
Wrong coolant mixed ratio Gear positioning lever spring weak or bro-
Cooling system component incorrect: ken
Radiator fin damaged Shift fork guide pin worn
Radiator clogged Drive shaft, output shaft, and/or gear
Thermostat trouble splines worn
Radiator cap trouble Overshifts:
Radiator fan relay trouble Gear positioning lever spring weak or bro-
Fan motor broken ken
Fan blade damaged Shift mechanism arm spring broken
Water pump not turning
Water pump impeller damaged Abnormal Engine Noise:
Over Cooling: ECU trouble
Cooling system component incorrect: Carbon built up in combustion chamber
Thermostat trouble Fuel poor quality or incorrect
Radiator fan relay trouble Spark plug incorrect
Water Temperature sensor broken Overheating
Piston slap:
Clutch Operation Faulty: Cylinderlpiston clearance excessive
Clutch slipping: Cylinder, piston worn
Friction plate worn or warped Connecting rod bent
Steel plate worn or warped Piston pin, piston pin hole worn
Clutch spring broken or weak Valve noise:
Clutch hub or housing unevenly worn Valve clearance incorrect
No clutch lever play Valve spring broken or weak
Clutch inner cable trouble Camshaft bearing worn
Clutch release mechanism trouble Valve lifter worn
Clutch not disengaging properly: Other noise:
Clutch plate warped or too rough Connecting rod small end clearance exces-
Clutch spring compression uneven sive
Engine oil deteriorated Connecting rod big end clearance exces-
Engine oil viscosity too high sive
Engine oil level too high Piston ringlgroove clearance excessive
Clutch housing frozen on drive shaft Piston ring worn, broken, or stuck
Clutch hub nut loose Piston ring groove worn
Clutch hub spline damaged Piston seizure, damage
Clutch friction plate installed wrong Cylinder head gasket leaking
Clutch lever play excessive
Troubleshooting Guide
Exhaust pipe leaking at cylinder head con- Engine oil viscosSty toe low
nection Camshaft bearing worn
Crankshaft runout excessive Crankshaft bearing worn
Engine mount loose Oil pressure switch damaged
Crankshaft bearing worn Wiring faulty
Primary gear worn or chipped Relief valve stuck open
Camshaft chain tensioner trouble O-ring at the oil passage in the crankcase
Camshaft chain, sprocket, guide worn damaged
Air suction valve damaged
Air switching valve damaged Exhaust Smokes Excessively:
Alternator rotor loose White smoke:
Catalytic converter melt down due to muffier Piton oil ring worn
overheating (WEEN) Cylinder worn
Balancer gear worn or chipped Valve oil seal damaged
Balancer shaft position maladjusted valve guide wom
Balancer bearing worn Engine oil level too high
- ' I Black smoke:
Abnormal Drive Trdn Noise: Air cleaner dogged
Clutch noise: Brown smoke:
Clutch housinghidon plate dearanse ex- Air cleaner housing holder laose
cessive Air cleaner poorly sealed or missing
Clutch housing gear w m
Wrong installation of outside fridion plate Handlin and/or Stability
Tmnsmlssion noise:
Bearings worn
Unsati ctory:
Handleban hard to turn:
Transmission gear wom or chipped Cable muting incorred
Metal chips jammed in gear teeth Hose muting incorrect
Engine oil insuffident Wiring routing i m e c t
D M Ilm noise: Steering stem nut too tight
Drive chain adjusted improperly Steering stem bearing damaged
Drive chain worn Steering stem bearing lubrication inade-
Rear andlor engine sprocket worn quate
Chain lubrication insMcfent Stwring stem bent
Rear wheel misaligned Tire air pressure too low
Handlabars shakes or excessively
Abnormal Frame Noise: vibrates:
Front fork noise: Tire worn
Oil insufficient or too thin Swingarm pivot bearing worn
Spring weak or broken Rim warped, or not balanced
Rear shock absorber noise: Wheel bearing worn
Shock absorber damaged Handlebar damp bolt loose
Dlrc brake noise: SteerSng stem nut loose
Pad installed incorrectly Fmnt, rear axle runout excessive
Pad surface gl- Engine mounting bdt loose
Disc warped Handlebars pulls to one side:
Caliper trouble Frame bent
Other noise: Wheel misalignment
Bracket, nut, bolt, etc. not properly Swingarm bent or twisted
mounted or tightened Swingarm p h t shaft runout excessive
Steering maladjusted
Warning Indicator LED) (Oil Front fork bent

Engine oil pump damaged

Pressure Warning) oesn't Go OFF: Right and left front fork oil level incorrect
Shock absorption unretlsfactory:
Engine oil screen dogged (Too hard)
Engine oil Mer clogged Front fork oil excessive
Engine oil level too low F m t fork oil viscosity too high
Rear shock absorber adjustment too hard
Troubleshooting Guide
Tire air pressure too high Master cylinder sqatched inside
Front fork bent
CraQ soft) baftery Trouble: .
Tire air pressure too low Batsry discharged;.
Front fork oil insufficient andlor leaking Charge insufficient -
Front fork oil viscosity too low Battery faulty (too low terminal voltage)
Rear shack adjustment too soft Battery cable making poor contad
Front fork, rear shock absorber spring weak Load excessive (e.g., bulb of excessive
'1 Rear shack absorber oil leaking W-Qe)
Ignition switch trouble
Brake Doesn't Hold: Alternator trouble
Air in the brake line Wring faulty
Pad w disc wom Regulator/rectlfer trouble
Brake fluid leakage Battery overcharged:
Disc warped Alternator trouble
Contaminated pad Regulator/recMer trouble
Brake fluid deteriorated Battery faulty
Primaryor secondary cup damaged in master

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