Advocacy Skills

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University of Central Punjab

Course Title: Advocacy skills

Submitted by: Sharjeel Nazar
Registration no.: L1F20LLBH0077
Section: B-2
Submitted to: Miss Freeha Khalid
Title : General Problem Exercise Solution
Define the Problem :
Due to the pandemic the XYZ Company is terminating it's employees.

Cause of Problem :
Due to pandemic the government has imposed a strict lockdown of 6 months and all
the ceremonies has postponed because of which the XYZ corporation is facing decline in sales and can't
even recover it's cost.

Ideas Regarding Problem :

● First of all they have to built their presence online through a professional website, through
Instagram and through Facebook.
● Instead of terminating their employees they can adjust them in their online business by checking
out their skills; They can give task of complaint handling to f0ew, They can give photography of
products task to some, They can give content writing task to few, some will do packaging of the
products, some will keep and handle the inventory and some will be doing delivery of product to

● If still they are not getting enough revenue then they should reduce the pay of their employees to
50% Instead of terminating them as by doing this the expenditures will decrease and employees
will still remain happy by understanding the situation.
Best Solution :
● Online presence is the key in this era. Every person has a digital gadget in his hand and they are
willing to purcahse their desired product. So XYZ co. has to introduce their presence online and
has to imerged their workers in working online. They can offer 10% coupon sale on their online
start so that everybody can buy something at a bit low price. Also they can reduce the pay of their
workers to 50% so that their cost can be reduced.

Action :
The CEO and CFO of the XYZ company has to arrange a meeting with employees and ask them
to built an online professional website, also create a Instagram and Facebook account. Do product
photography, Upload that to every medium with content and then handle orders, complaints, Manage the
inventory, do packaging of products and then deliver it to the customers.
They also have to inform the employees about the breakdown in the sales and tell them about the cut off
in their salary so the employees can have a better understanding of the situation.

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