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Quran Names:

• Al Furqan- A method of determining right and wrong

• Al Dhikr- Reminder

Makki Surahs:
• Surah is Makki or Madni according to the time of their revelation
• All Suras from 610AD to 623AD before migrating for 10 years are Makki
• They are usually short / short and deal with belief in Allah, the Day of Judgment and the
Reward or the Punishment and the Moral
• Revealed in Opposition to Quraish / Unbelievers
• The past and the messengers referred to
• The prophets Adam and the Devil are mentioned
• Words that speak for all mankind are used as human beings! you people!
• 26 Harf-e-Muqte'at are used

Madni Surahs:
• Revealed after the migration from 623AD until the death of the prophet 633 AD for ten years
• Verses are long and detailed.
• Contains: Sharia law, rights, duties and obligations, social, political and financial management,
• Prohibited items and prohibited items
• There are still 3 Harf-e-Muqte’at used here
• Talks about Jihad and related commands
• Hypocrites denied that their conspiracy was exposed
• It is a way of calling believers
• Words that speak to believers "O you who believe!" and “O people of the book!”

Revelations from 610AD to 633AD

The Arabic word for revelation is Wahi which is derived from the word "awha" which means
private reverence .It is a God-led vehicle.
• Some of the ways of revelation are: In the Heart of the HP, With Angels, the Ringing and the
• The Holy Quran was revealed over a period of 23 years
• By Angel Jibra'il
• 13 years in Makkah and 10 years in Medina
• It is not permissible for Allah to speak directly to HP other than Through Wahy
• There were 3 types of Wahi
1. Allah Directly breathed HP without an Angel in his heart, not by word or by any HP senses, he
knew that the idea was from Allah and he had full understanding and also sleep was not used for
sensory perceptions.
2. Allah conveyed directly in other words other than the voice of the People except the angels
and the process was beyond human conception, there was no agent but sensory perception was
used and it was very difficult
3. Allah conveyed the message through an Angel, sometimes the Angel could not be seen, came
in human form or in its original form. Angel Jibra’il came and delivered the messages

The Process of Revelation

A process called Nuzul is derived from the roots of the name Nazala which means to send down,
give or take down.
• After the first revelation, sura al-‘Alaq, the revelation stopped for a time which caused the
Prophet to worry. Once they start over they come with energy and normalcy
• The first revelation came to Hira Cave and chapter 96, verses 1-5 were read and proclaimed as
a prophet.
• The first year of the Prophet hood- Verse Al Shura'a
• The 3rd year of the Prophet hood- Al-Hijr verse
• He instructs you to endure persecution patiently.
• Send Muslims to Abysinna- Al Zumr
• Comforting revelations came as Surah Kawter - informed her of the evil plans of her enemies
• In Madia orders regarding obligations, zakat, fasting, Qibla, Hajj and Jihad came
• Laws such as inheritance law, women's rights, drinking and gambling
• And he breaks the revelations for his own health
• The last revelation on the plain of Arafat after the Last sermon

7. Tafseer
• The Arabic word 'Tafsir' is derived from Fasara which means to describe, open, reveal or
discover something hidden
• The interpretation and interpretation of The Holy Quran • The science of reading the meaning
of the Holy Quran
• A separate Tafaseer explains various aspects of the meaning of the Holy Quran such as
appearances, political and social.
• Muffasir created Tafseer and pioneered among Tafseer-ul-Quran scholars Abdullah Ibn-e-
• Explains difficult words and phrases including the structure of the sentence, the purpose of the
revelation, the events, vows, and commands of the Quran relating to the permissible and
forbidden things and the Basic Belief and describes Naasikh and Monsookh, Makkham and
Mutashaabeh and the arguments raised by the unbeliever
• During the time of the Holy Prophet Tafseer was less important as people asked HP about the
teachings of the Quran and they would get a satisfactory answer but after his death it became
very important as the correct interpretation of the Quran would represent Ummah

Quran Tafseer by Quran

• Explain the Quranic verses in other verses
• The vague teachings of the verse described by other verses in the same Book

Tafseer OF Quran by Hadith

• Explaining Quranic verses by Hadith or sunnah of HP
• The vague teachings described in Hadis

Tafseer of Quran by companions:

• Friends were HP SAW Direct Students
• They read and understand the Quran directly from him
They were dedicated Read the Quran
• In view of their dedication, hard work, and respectful status, their interpretations are considered
trustworthy after the Quran's interpretation by the Quran and Hadis

Tafseer Of Quran by Succesors of companion:

• The following were direct readers of friends
• If their Tafsir contradicts the Quran, Hadith or the statement of a friend then it will be in vain
• If it agrees with the Quran, Hadith or the statements of friends then it will be considered

Qualities of Interpreter of the Quran:

• Reasonable
• An adult
• Muslims are fit and willing
• A Reader
• Knowledge of the Different Science of the Quran
• Information on Naasikh and Mashookh
• Information on Arabic Lexicography
• Knowledge of Arabic Syntax and grammar, knowledge of methaphhorical meanings and origin
of words

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