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With the passing of time, money has become an essential resource for the people. It is an
important way to obtain whatever we want, but there are some exceptions.

Firstly, if we talk about obtain happiness with money, we are referring to material issues that
we always want or the necessary ones for our daily life like food or electricity. The spiritual
happiness is the one that we cannot obtain with money.

Secondly, the money can divide the society in two groups of people. The rich people have good
live conditions, and they make their money work for them. By the other hand, poor people
have bad live conditions, and they must work hard for obtain the money.

Thirdly, friendship is an interpersonal relationship that most people have in life. Money can
make it difficult for us, if people are our friends because our personalities, or how much we
can spent.

In conclusion, Money is undoubtedly important to achieve things in life. It is essential to

satisfy our present and future needs. So, we must learn to handle it well, to take care of it and
to make it grow.

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