Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry: Aleksandra Pollap, Karolina Baran, Natalia Kuszewska, Jolanta Kochana

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Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 878 (2020) 114574

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Electrochemical sensing of ciprofloxacin and paracetamol in environmental

water using titanium sol based sensor
Aleksandra Pollap, Karolina Baran, Natalia Kuszewska, Jolanta Kochana

Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Gronostajowa 2, 30-387 Kraków, Poland


Article history: In this work we present a new sensitive electrochemical method for simultaneous determination of ciprofloxacin
Received 25 May 2020 (antibiotic) and paracetamol (painkiller). For this purpose graphite electrode was modified with titanium diox-
Received in revised form 10 August 2020 ide sol as binding agent. TiO2 sol was enriched with gold nanoparticles and CMK-3 type mesoporous carbon,
Accepted 10 August 2020
both increasing the composite conductivity, and Nafion, responsible for signal stabilization. Developed sensor
Available online 14 August 2020
has been characterized via cyclic voltammetry technique presenting LOD equal to 0.108 μM and 0.210 μM and
sensitivity of 15.93 μA μM−1 and 11.56 μA μM−1 for ciprofloxacin and paracetamol, respectively. For both analytes
Ciprofloxacin two linear ranges from 1 to 10 μM and from 10 to 52 μM were found. Developed method enables to determine with
Paracetamol high accuracy and precision ciprofloxacin and paracetamol traces in environmental water matrices as well as in certified
Environment reference standard of waste water matrix.

1. Introduction One of synthetic antibiotics is ciprofloxacin, 1-cyclopropyl-6-fluoro-

1,4-dihydro-4-oxo-7-(piperazinyl)quinolone-3-carboxylic acid (CPX). It is
Since the penicillin discovery in 1929 by Alexander Fleming, there has a chemotherapeutic which belongs to fluoroquinolone group [12]. CPX is
been an intensive medicine development related to the production and ap- characterized by bactericidal activity against both Gram-positive and
plication of antibiotics [1]. According to recent reports, from 100 to 200 Gram-negative bacteria. Thereby, this antibiotic is used for treatment sev-
thousand tons of antibiotics are produced around the world throughout eral diseases such as digestive and respiratory system infections as well as
yearly [2]. Despite the fact that these pharmaceuticals are powerful agents urinary tract infections [13]. Bactericidal activity of CPX results from the
for bacterial infections treatment, increase of its production and consump- decrease in the activity of enzymes taking part in DNA replication in bacte-
tion results in environmental pollution. Antibiotics residues are detected ria [12,13]. Considering the environmental aspect, synthetic and semi-
in surface water as well as groundwater, sewage and in soil [1,3]. The main synthetic antibiotics, including fluoroquinolones, are less susceptible to
sources of environmental pollution are not only the excretion of antibiotics bacterial decomposition processes and as a consequence are removed
and metabolites in the faeces by humans and animals, but also industry from the environment after much longer period of time in comparison
and wastes from hospitals and farms [4–8]. Furthermore, the presence of with other groups of antibiotics [8].
antibiotic residues is also dangerous for people consuming food of animal Paracetamol, N-(4-hydroxyphenyl) acetamide) (PA), reported as one of
origin leading to allergic or cancerogenic reactions [9,10]. Nevertheless, the most frequently consumed medicines in the world, is a phenacetin me-
among all negative consequences of antibiotic residues in environment tabolite exhibiting a strong analgesic and antipyretic effect [14,15]. It is
the most harmful is an increasing drug resistance of microorganisms. often used as an aspirin substitute due to detrimental influence of salicy-
This phenomenon is described as a bacteria ability to develop despite lates on gastric mucosa [16]. The paracetamol effect is mainly based on lim-
the antibiotic presence [1]. The pharmaceutical residues issue in the itation of prostaglandin synthesis [11].
environment refers not only to antibiotics. Due to the fact, that many Considering the consequences of pharmaceutical residues in the envi-
painkillers including substituted acetanilides, like paracetamol, are often ronment reaching concentrations even mg L−1 [17,18], the necessity to de-
available without a prescription, their residues could be also found in velop new methods for their determination seems to be really important.
the environment causing limitation in cell proliferation or reproductive The most employed approaches described in literature for simultaneous de-
damages [11]. termination of ciprofloxacin and paracetamol are ultra-high performance

⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Kochana).
1572-6657/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Pollap et al. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 878 (2020) 114574

liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry [19,20], UV– Technology Department at Faculty of Chemistry at Jagiellonian University
Vis detector [21] or photodiode array detector [22]. Also the capillary elec- in Cracow, Poland. Certified reference material of waste water (EnviroMAT
trophoresis with UV detection [23] and spectrophotometry technique [24] Waste Water) was purchased from SCP Science (Canada). Abrasive papers
are applied in this field. Due to a number of advantages characterizing elec- of various roughness (Norton, Poland) were applied for polishing the elec-
trochemical methods such as low cost, simplicity, no sample preparation trode surface. 0.1 M phosphate buffer solutions (PB) of pH 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0
necessity and short analysis time, they are considered as interesting alterna- were prepared by mixing appropriate volumes of 0.1 M KH2PO4 and 0.1 M
tive to previously mentioned methods. Electrochemical sensors for determi- Na2HPO4 solutions, while 0.1 M potassium hydrogen phthalate-HCl buffers
nation of antibiotics of different classes were developed for tetracyclines of pH 3.0 and 4.0 were prepared using the appropriate volumes of
[25,26], sulfonamides [27,28], β-lactams [29,30], phenicols [31,32], quin- C8H5KO4 and HCl solutions. Ciprofloxacin and paracetamol solutions as stan-
olones [33] and fluoroquinolones [34]. Immunoassays designated for anti- dard solutions were prepared in 0.1 M HCl. All chemicals were of analytical
biotics electrochemical quantification was reported as well [35]. grade. Aqueous solutions were prepared with Milli-Q water.
Electrochemical sensing was also performed for painkillers, such as paracet-
amol [36–38], diclofenac [39] or morphine [40]. 2.2. Apparatus and measurements
The best to our knowledge, so far only two electrochemical sensors were
developed for simultaneous ciprofloxacin and paracetamol determination. M161 electrochemical analyzer (Mtm-Anko, Poland) was used for cyclic
Santos et al. proposed electrochemical sensor based on glassy carbon elec- voltammetry measurements in potential range from −500 to 1200 mV at
trode modified with graphene oxide and nickel oxide [14]. Authors applied scan rate of 62.5 mV s−1. The traditional approach involving the three-
square wave voltammetry for analytes determination in enriched biological electrode cup with developed sensor as working electrode, reference elec-
samples, including urine and serum. Another approach was investigated by trode (Ag/AgCl/saturated KCl) and platinum wire as counter electrode
Kingsley et co-workers [41]. For sensor construction authors modified a (both purchased from Mtm-Anko, Poland) was applied. The 0.1 M phosphate
carbon paste electrode with copper zinc ferrite nanoparticles. Developed buffer of pH 5 acted as supporting electrolyte. Sonic 3 ultrasonic bath
method was examined in determination of CPX and PA in urine and (Polsonic, Poland) and vortex (IKA, Germany) were used to prepare nano-
serum samples, as well as in pharmaceutical formulations using adsorptive composite modified graphite electrode. For electrode construction pencil-
stripping voltammetry. type graphite (Carbon, Poland) with a diameter of 6 mm and 0.28 cm2 geo-
In the present work, for the first time we propose an electrochemical metric surface area, cooper wires and Teflon bodies were used.
sensor based on TiO2 sol for simultaneous determination of ciprofloxacin ERH-11 combined glass electrode (HYDROMED, Poland) and CP-501
and paracetamol in environmental water samples. One of the most mean- pH-meter (Elmetron, Poland) were applied for buffers preparation.
ingful steps during development of a new electrochemical sensor is the se- The river water samples were characterized using the CX-701 portable
lection of composite modifying the electrode surface. Its role is to improve multifunction meter (Elmetron, Poland), an IJ44A pH electrode (Elmetron,
electrochemical sensor behaviour by increasing its conductivity and ensur- Poland), an ECF-1t conductivity cell of K = 0.45 cm−1 with metal electrode
ing the optimal rate of substrate penetration to the sensor surface and, as a and temperature sensor (Elmetron, Poland) and a COG-1t oxygen sensor
consequence, to better its analytical parameters. Among materials applied (Elmetron, Poland).
as components of modifying layers carbon materials and metal nanoparti-
cles could be listen. The construction of proposed sensor was based on mod- 2.3. Measurement procedure
ification of graphite electrode with titanium dioxide sol enriched with
mesoporous carbon CMK-3, gold nanoparticles and Nafion. CMK-3 type The cyclic voltammetry measurements were carried out in three-
mesoporous carbon was applied due to its large surface area and high con- electrode glass cup of volume 10 mL. The appropriate portions of samples
ductivity [42,43]. The similar properties of increasing the conductivity are and standard solutions of ciprofloxacin and paracetamol were added into
characteristic to applied gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) [30,44]. Nafion, as a 5 mL of supporting electrolyte recording the three voltammograms (till sig-
conductive polymer, was chosen because of its conductivity increasing ca- nal stabilization) for given concentrations of analytes. The analytical char-
pability, as well as enhancing sensor long-term stability [27,45]. Electro- acteristics towards analytes was described based on maximum of
chemical characteristics of developed sensor via cyclic voltammetry was recorded two oxidation waves at potentials ca. 400 mV and ca. 700 mV
discussed for both analytes and the analytical parameters such as linear for ciprofloxacin and paracetamol, respectively. As calibration method the
range, sensitivity, limit of detection, selectivity and reproducibility were standard addition method was applied.
designated. The functioning of proposed method was confirmed during de-
termination of ciprofloxacin and paracetamol in two types of environmen- 2.4. Sensor preparation
tal water matrices, as well as in certified reference material (CRM) of waste
water matrix. Before modification of graphite electrode with appropriate nanocom-
posite, it was necessary to clean, polish and activate the electrode surface.
2. Experimental Thus, the abrasive papers of different roughness and alumina slurry
(0.3 mm) were applied for levelling and polishing its surface. For surface ac-
2.1. Chemicals and materials tivation purposes, the graphite electrodes were immersed and sonicated
successively in following solutions: ethanol, HNO3, NH3(aq), L-(+)-ascorbic
Amoxicillin (>90% purity), ciprofloxacin (>98% purity), paracetamol acid, acetone and finally in water [30].
(>98% purity) sulfamethoxazole, HAuCl4·3H2O solution (1%), Nafion For TiO2 sol preparation the previous described procedure based on
((5% (w/v) solution in mixture of low aliphatic alcohol and water), K3[Fe acid hydrolysis and titanium(IV) ispopropoxide polycondensation was ap-
(CN)6] and titanium(IV) isopropoxide were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich plied [46]. Suspension of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) was synthesized by
(USA); L-(+)-ascorbic acid, KH2PO4, Na2HPO4 ·2 H2O, potassium hydrogen tetrachloroauric acid reduction applying sodium citrate solution [47]. Syn-
phthalate (C8H5KO4), ethanol (96%), HCl (35%), KHCO3, 2-propanol, and thesis of CMK-3 mesoporous carbon was based on hard templating method
trisodium citrate were obtained from Avantor Performance Materials with application of SBA-15 type mesoporous silica [48].
Poland S.A. (Poland); acetone and HNO3 (65%) were obtained from Nanocomposite preparation included mesoporous carbon CMK-3
LACHNER (Czech Republic); 0.3 mm alumina powder (for polishing graphite weighing and addition of proper volumes of titanium dioxide sol mixed
electrode surfaces) was purchased from Buehler Micropolish (USA); with AuNPs (9:4, v/v), Nafion and 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution of
CH3COOH (100%), MgSO4 ·7H2O, NaNO3, and NH3(aq) (25%) were ob- pH 6. After addition of each component the nanocomposite was shacked
tained from Merck (Germany); CaCl2 was obtained from CHEMPUR using vortex and sonicated to obtain homogeneous. To modify electrode sur-
(Germany). CMK-3 type mesoporous carbon was synthesized by Chemical face composite was put on it using pipette.

A. Pollap et al. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 878 (2020) 114574

The final nanocomposite used for preparation of developed sensor

consisted of (per electrode): 8.6 10−5 g of CMK-3, 4.6 μL of titanium diox-
ide sol, 1.9 μL of AuNPs, 6.0 μL of Nafion and 7.5 μL of PB (pH 6).
Before use, the constructed sensor was stored above saturated disodium
hydrogen phosphate diluted with water (1:1, v/v) for 20 h in 4 °C and later
for 20 h in 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution of pH 6 in 4 °C in order to TiO2
sol polymerization on the electrode surface [30].

2.5. Sample preparation

To verify the possibility of sensor application, ciprofloxacin and paraceta-

mol were simultaneously determinated in matrices of environmental water
from Wisła and Racławka rivers (Poland), as well as CRM of waste water. At
the sampling site, the following parameters of river waters were measured:
temperature (20.2 °C, 18.3 °C), pH (7.26 ± 0.12, 7.14 ± 0.09), conductivity
(1.27 ± 0.5 mS cm−1, 1.14 ± 0.5 mS cm−1) and oxygen percentage
(49.7 ± 3.8%, 52.4 ± 4.2%) for Wisła and Racławka, respectively (each pa-
rameter was measured three times). For electrochemical analysis no special
sample preparation was needed. CPX and PA were dissolved in 0.1 M HCl
and added to given type of environmental water and certified reference mate- Fig. 1. Cyclic voltammograms recorded in PB of pH 6 containing 4.13 mM K3[Fe(CN)6]
rial of waste water (1:24, v/v) to reach the proper analytes concentration. in 0.1 M KCl at graphite electrode modified with different nanocomposites: A: TiO2/
Nafion/CMK-3 (2: 1 (v/v)), B: TiO2/AuNPs/Nafion/CMK-3 (1: 1: 1 (v/v/v)), C: TiO2/
3. Results and discussion AuNPs/PB/Nafion/CMK-3 (1: 1: 1: 1 (v/v/v/v)), D: TiO2/AuNPs/PB/Nafion/CMK-3
(2.40: 1: 3.96: 3.17 (v/v/v/v)) and their sensitivities taking into account oxidation
3.1. Preliminary voltammetric studies. Choice of nanocomposite composition signal (for K3[Fe(CN)6] in 0.1 M KCl up to 4.13 mM); scan rate 62.5 mV s−1.

A very important issue during selection of electrode modifying layer is

both the composition of nanocomposite and the ratio of particular compo- between 250 and 450 mV and between −100 and 100 mV were observed,
nents. Thus, a variety of nanocomponents were examined for graphite elec- anodic and cathodic, respectively (see Fig. 2A). For paracetamol solution
trode modification. The CV measurements were carried out for Fe(II)/Fe two oxidation signals at 300–500 mV (poorly developed) and at
(III) redox couple verifying the sensitivity as well as mechanical stability 600–800 mV as well as wide reduction wave between 300 and 500 mV
of proposed sensors. The electrodes were modified with following nano- were recorded in the same measuring conditions (Fig. 2B). Comparing the
composites: TiO2/Nafion/CMK-3, TiO2/AuNPs/Nafion/CMK-3 and TiO2/ recorded CV curves it could be observed that CPX oxidation signal, assumed
AuNPs/PB/Nafion/CMK-3 with different ingredients ratio. The amount of as analytical one, partially overlapped with the first, flat anodic wave of PA
CMK-3 mesoporous carbon was fixed on constant level of 8.6 10−5 g for at 300–500 mV. However, mentioned signal for paracetamol was recorded
each composite, chosen during previous experiments [30]. As could be in solutions of higher concentration (starting from 100 μM), much higher
seen in Fig. 1 the matrix composite significantly affected the shape of regis- than the content of paracetamol in environmental water [17]. In the next
tered CV curves. Enriching the TiO2/Nafion/CMK-3 composite (curve step, the possibility of simultaneous CPX and PA determination was exam-
A) with AuNPs (curve B) caused the increase of capacitive current which ined. Exemplary voltammogram recorded for solution of 25 μM CPX and
was demonstrated in one of the previous reports [49]. This phenomenon 40 μM of PA is shown in Fig. 2C. The developed TiO2/PB/AuNPs/CMK-
was probably due to increased active area of electrode [50]. 3/Nafion sensor exhibited noticeable electrochemical response towards
The influence of PB of pH 6.0, being diluting agent, on recorded CVs both analytes. On voltammetric curve two anodic signals at 300–400 mV
was noticeable. The addition of PB to the electrode composite changed and 600–800 mV were observed, the first being assumed to be the analyti-
the signal for tested redox probe and allowed the formation of observable cal signal for CPX and the second the for PA. Afterwards, the influence of
oxidation and reduction signals (see curves B and C in Fig. 1). A higher de- one analyte on the signal registered for the other was investigated. For
gree of composite dilution using PB could have contributed to greater distri- this the signals for three CPX solutions of increasing concentrations were re-
bution of the modifying layer components and to exposure of more active corded, then the portion of both analites (CPX and PA) was added and fur-
centers. Changing the component ratio in TiO2/AuNPs/PB/Nafion/CMK- ther CPX additions were continued. Such measurements were conducted
3 composite from (1: 1: 1: 1 (v/v/v/v)) to (2.40: 1: 3.96: 3.17 (v/v/v/v)) for three PA concentrations: 2.5 μM, 5.0 μM and 10.0 μM. CPX calibration
(curves C and D in Fig. 1, respectively) resulted in the highest sensitivity to- curves thus obtained are presented in Fig. 3. Analyzing the graphs shown,
wards tested redox probe (see insert of Fig. 1). Taking into account shapes it could be seen that the addition of PA in concentration of 10 μM brought
of recorded signals, sensitivity towards model depolarizer and mechanical on the increase of CPX signals higher than that resulting from the calibra-
durability of modification mixture, the nanocomposite consisting of TiO2/ tion relationship (see Fig. 3C). Application of adequate calibration method
AuNPs/PB/Nafion/CMK-3 with ratio of 2.40: 1: 3.96: 3.17 (v/v/v/v) was as standard addition method could overcome this kind of interference effect
chosen as optimal layer modifying graphite electrode. In our previous re- [51]. The measurements carried out to examine the effect of CPX on cali-
port it has been demonstrated that modification of electrode with devel- bration curves for PA did not confirm this influence (data not shown).
oped composite enabled for increase of electroactive area of ca. 20% in The verification of usefulness of standard addition method for analysis of
comparison to bare graphite electrode [30]. synthetic two-components samples was described in Paragraph 3.5.
The effect of scan rate on electrochemical response towards both analytes
3.2. Electrochemistry of developed sensor towards ciprofloxacin and paracetamol is presented in Fig. 4A. It was noticed that as the scan rate increases the anodic
waves shifted to more positive potentials indicating an irreversible process.
Both pharmaceuticals, ciprofloxacin and paracetamol are recognized as Poorly formed anodic wave observed at higher scan rates for PA suggests oc-
electroactive compounds [14]. Firstly, to verify the possibility of simulta- currence of slow electrode reactions. The linear dependence of the oxidation
neous determination of both analytes, electrochemical measurements current on square root of the scan rate for both analytes shown on Fig. 4B sug-
were conducted for each of them separately. Recording the voltammetric gests that that oxidation process was diffusively controlled. However, the ob-
response of sensor in ciprofloxacin solution, the signals in potential range tained slopes values of plots log I vs. log v (see Fig. S1 in Supplementary

A. Pollap et al. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 878 (2020) 114574

oxidation signal for PA is visibly smaller than the second one as it was
shown in Fig. 2B. Proposed mechanism of CPX oxidation refers to two elec-
trons of nitrogen atom from piperazine ring (see Fig. 5). As described in the
literature, the –NH–CH2– group can be oxidized to form –N=CH– group
[41,53]. The proposed mechanisms of electrode reactions of both analytes
are presented in Fig. S2.

3.3. Optimization study

Type of supporting electrolyte has a significant influence on electro-

chemical determinations. Thus, optimization tests have begun with selec-
tion of supporting electrolyte for CPX determination. The range of pH
tested was from 3.0 to 7.0 applying 0.1 M potassium hydrogen phthalate-
HCl buffers (pH 3.0 and 4.0) and 0.1 M phosphate buffer solutions
(pH 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0). The measurements were carried out in antibiotic so-
lutions of concentration of 0.48–1.67 mM. Definitely the highest sensitivity
towards CPX was noticed for buffer of pH 5.0, while the lowest sensitivity
was determined for buffer of pH 3.0 (Fig. S3A). White precipitate was ob-
served during the measurements carried out in PB at pH 7.0, which was
probably associated with limited CPX solubility [54]. Therefore, as the op-
timal supporting electrolyte for CPX determination the PB of pH 5.0 was
chosen. For paracetamol determination in concentration range between
0.48 and 1.4 mM PB of pH 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 were examined. For this analyte
the highest sensitivity was recorded for PB of pH 7.0, while the lowest for
pH 5.0 (see Fig. S3B). Taking into account the aim of the work, i.e. the de-
velopment of analytical method for two-component analysis, the presented
above results as well as the limited solubility of CPX at pH of 7.0, the PB of
pH 5.0 was choosen as supporting electrolyte for simultaneous CPX and PA
Another important issue for examination of sensor functionality is its re-
sponse time. This parameter was tested in CPX concentration range be-
tween 0.105 and 0.503 mM recording the signal after 180, 300 and 600 s
from addition of given portion of analyte. For 180-s measurements the no-
ticed sensitivity was the highest, while for the longest measurements the
sensitivity was the lowest. For paracetamol, no effect of response time on
measurement sensitivity was observed. Thus, as optimal response time for
developed sensor 180 s was chosen.

3.4. Evaluation of analytical parameters

The developed method for simultaneous ciprofloxacin and paracetamol

determination was characterized for each analyte by analytical parameters
such as linear range, sensitivity, limit of detection (LOD), reproducibility
and selectivity.
The linear range was determined based on the signals registered at ca.
400 mV (for CPX) and ca.700 mV (for PA) in solutions containing both
analites (Fig. 5). The developed sensor exhibited linear response (correlation
between oxidation current and analyte concentration) in ranges between 1
and 10 μM and from 10 to 52 μM for both analytes (Fig. 6). The higher sensi-
tivities were observed in lower CPX and PA concentration range.
Fig. 2. Exemplary voltammograms recorded for 0.059 mM CPX solution (A), 0.1 mM The sensitivities (mean values of 5 sensors) were found to be
PA solution (B) and 0.025 mM CPX and 0.040 mM PA solutions (C) in 0.1 PB of 15.93 μA μM −1 and 11.56 μA μM −1 (56.89 μA μM −1 cm −2 and
pH 5.0 at scan rate 62.5 mV s−1. 41.29 μA μM −1 cm −2 ), in lower concentration range, for CPX and
PA, respectively. For higher concentrations, up to 52 μM, the sensitiv-
ities were about two times lower for both analytes, probably due to
Information), 0.59 for PA and 0.68 for CPX, may indicate the diffusion- blocking of sensor surface by reaction products. LOD values were cal-
controlled processes with a minor contribution of adsorption [52]. culated taking into account measurements precision estimated for
Based on the conducted research, considerations on the mechanisms of 0.1 μM analytes solutions [30]. Based on 3SD/a formula, where SD
electrode reactions were undertaken. PA molecule contains a benzene ring is standard deviation of five current signals and a is average sensitiv-
substituted with hydroxyl and acetylated amino group in positions 1 and 4. ity, the LOD values were found to be 0.108 and 0.210 μM for CPX and
Because two oxidation signals were registered (see Fig. 2B) it can be as- PA, respectively. To examine reproducibility of proposed method, the
sumed that oxidation process comprises two separated steps. The first one measurements for solution of 5.10 μM CPX and 2.60 μM PA were car-
is associated with formation of radical which finally, as a result of delocal- ried out using five independently prepared sensors. The lower RSD
ization, forms N-acetyl-p-quinone imine as final product [41]. It is values were noticed for CPX determination, RSD value was found to
suspected that the first step of PA oxidation is slow, that is why radical be 2.1% while for PA 4.5% value was calculated. Therefore, it could
form not immediately creates the final product, the imine. Thus, the first be concluded that developed method exhibited good reproducibility

A. Pollap et al. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 878 (2020) 114574

Fig. 3. Influence of the PA addition (marked with an arrow) on CPX calibration curves; PA concentrations: 2.5 μM (A), 5.0 μM (B) and 10 μM (C).

Fig. 4. The effect of scan rate (from 10 to 70 mV s−1) on CV curves recorded in solution containing 0.6 mM CPX and 0.4 mM PA (A) and the anodic currents as a function of
square root of applied scan rate (B).

− − −
towards both analytes. Sensors were used for analysis within 2 weeks of inorganic ions (Ca2+, K+, Mg2+, Na+, SO2− 4 , Cl , HCO3 and NO3 ) on sig-
of preparation and no deterioration in their analytical parameters nals recorded for CPX and PA was examined. Furthermore, amoxicillin and
was observed during this time. sulfametoxazole, two different antibiotics were also taken into account as po-
The selectivity of each analytical method is a very important issue, as it en- tential interfering agents. The sensor selectivity was investigated by monitor-
ables for accurate determination of analyte in complex matrices. Considering ing electrochemical response of developed sensor in solution containing
the presence of different compounds in environmental waters, the influence 20 μM CPX and 20 μM PA in presence of potential interferent at different

A. Pollap et al. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 878 (2020) 114574

Comparing the analytical characteristic of sensors reported for si-

multaneous determination of CPX and PA and developed TiO2 /
AuNPs/PB/Nafion/CMK-3 electrode (see Table 1) it can be seen that
the lowest LOD towards CPX exhibited sensor based on copper zinc fer-
rite nanoparticles [41], while for PA determination the lowest LOD was
calculated for NiONP-GO-CTS:EPH/GCE sensor [14]. Although the de-
tection limit of proposed sensor was higher in comparison with another
sensors described in literature, proposed method of simultaneous CPX
and PA determination is characterized by very good sensitivity, signifi-
cantly higher than for sensors based on nickel oxide nanoparticles or
copper zinc ferrite nanoparticles. Additionally, proposed sensor does
not require application of harmful compounds during its construction
like epichlorohydrin, being recognized as carcinogen [57]. Thus, pro-
posed sensor based on titanium dioxide sol is in good agreement with
requirements set out by Green Chemistry Principles [58].
Fig. 5. Voltammograms recorded in ciprofloxacin and paracetamol solutions of
various concentration (up to 52 μM for both analytes) in PB of 5.0 at scan rate 3.5. Determination of CPX and PA in synthetic and natural samples
62.5 mV s−1.
To verify functioning of proposed method CPX and PA were simulta-
concentrations. It was found that for inorganic ions 15-fold excess did not sig- neously determined in synthetic samples with different analytes concentra-
nificantly affect the signal for CPX, however caused the 14% signal increase tion. For calibration purposes standard addition method was applied using
for paracetamol suggesting additive interference effect. For 50-fold excess five additions of standard solutions. The synthetic samples were analysed
of inorganic ions the signals changes were significant causing the 31% and three times at three different concentrations of CPX and PA (Table 2).
35% increase of signals for CPX and PA, respectively. Considering the influ- Obtained.
ence of 2-fold lower concentration of amoxicillin, in comparison with results showed that developed sensor allowed to simultaneous determine
analytes concentrations no significant differences for CPX and PA were ob- both analytes at different level concentrations with high accuracy. The rela-
served. Nevertheless at higher amoxicillin concentration (20 μM) 18% signal tive error values were within the range 0.6–2.4% and 2.6–3.6% for ciproflox-
decrease for PA was noticed, simultaneously no signal changes for CPX were acin and paracetamol, respectively. It could be seen that higher accuracy was
observed. 2-fold lower concentration as well as the same concentration of noticed towards ciprofloxacin. The proposed sensor demonstrated also good
sulfametoxazole caused ca. 30% signal increase for ciprofloxacin and no sig- measurement precision as evidenced by low RSD values. The relative stan-
nificant signal change for PA. In order to obtain accurate results of analysis dard deviation did not exceed 5% for CPX and PA as well. It is worth to men-
various calibration approaches could be employed, e.g. integrated calibration tioning that applied standard addition method enabled for limitation of
[55], or generalized calibration strategy [56]. multiplicative effect discussed earlier (Paragraph 3.2).

Fig. 6. Calibration curves showing linear relationship between current and ciprofloxacin concentration (A) and paracetamol concentration (B).

Table 1
Comparison of analytical characteristics of electrochemical sensors designated for simultaneous determination of ciprofloxacin and paracetamol.
Sensor Technique Analyte Linear range [μM] Sensitivity LOD Sample Reference
[μA μM−1] [μM]

CZF/CPE ASV CPX 0.909 - 4.70 103 0.657 2.58 10−3 urine, serum, pharmaceutical preparations [41]
PA 0.185 - 0.0248 8.85 10−2
4.76 102
NiONP-GO-CTS: SWV CPX 0.040–0.97 9.87 6.0 10−3 urine, serum [14]
EPH/GCE PA 0.10–2.9 8.88 6.7 10−3
TiO2/PB/ CV CPX 1–10 and 15.93 1.08 10−1 environmental water this work
AuNPs/ PA 10–52 11.56 2.10 10−1

CPE – carbon paste electrode, CST – chitosan, CZF - copper zinc ferrite nanoparticles, EPH – epichlorohydrin, GCE - glassy carbon electrode, GE – graphite electrode,
GO – graphene oxide, NiONP - nickel oxide nanoparticles, SWV - square wave voltammetry.

A. Pollap et al. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 878 (2020) 114574

Table 2 Funding sources

Results of determination ciprofloxacin and paracetamol in synthetic samples.
Sample Analyte Concentration [μM] RE [%] RSD [%] This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in
Expected Found (n = 3)
the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

1 CPX 2.55 2.61 2.4 1.1

PA 2.60 2.66 2.6 3.0 Credit authorship contribution statement
2 CPX 5.10 5.22 2.4 1.5
PA 2.60 2.57 −3.0 3.5
3 CPX 20.40 20.28 −0.6 4.7 Aleksandra Pollap: Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation,
PA 20.80 21.54 3.6 2.0 Formal analysis, Resources, Data Curation, Writing - Original Draft, Writing
- Review & Editing. Karolina Baran: Validation, Formal analysis, Investi-
gation, Resources. Natalia Kuszewska: Validation, Formal analysis, Inves-
Table 3
tigation. Jolanta Kochana: Conceptualization, Methodology, Data
Results of determination ciprofloxacin and paracetamol in environmental water Curation, Supervision, Writing - Review & Editing.
Type of matrix Analyte Concentration [μM] RE [%] RSD [%] Declaration of Competing Interest
Expected Determined⁎

Wisła river CPX 18.20 18.46 1.4 2.1 The authors have declared that do not have any conflict of interest.
PA 13.24 12.98 2.1 3.3
Racławka river CPX 18.20 18.06 0.7 3.6 Appendix A. Supplementary data
PA 13.24 13.98 5.3 2.5
CRM of waste water CPX 20.00 19.99 −0.1 0.5
PA 15.05 14.96 −0.6 2.7
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
Average value (n = 3).

Constructed sensor was also tested in analyses of natural samples. They
were carried out in matrices of environmental water from two polish rivers
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