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Personalised Nutrition & Fitness Report

Hello Sample:

We areis pleased to provide you with your Personalised Nutrition and Fitness
Report based on your individual genetic profile. Your recommendations are based on
the most current evidence-based scientific research that has been published in peer-
reviewed journals and reviewed by our team of world-renowned experts in the field of

Our laboratory has used state-of-the-art genetic testing procedures to analyse the DNA
from your saliva sample. We analysed your genetic code to determine how your genes
can influence recommendations related to weight management, body composition,
nutrient metabolism, cardiometabolic health, food intolerances, eating habits, fitness
performance and injury risk. Based on these results, we developed a series of nutrition
and fitness recommendations that are aligned with your genetic profile. As new
discoveries in the field of nutrigenomics are made, you will have the opportunity to
access this information to further fine-tune your personalised nutrition and fitness plan.

You and your healthcare professional can now use the personalised recommendations
contained in this report to help you achieve optimal nutritional status and fitness level. In
this way, you can create a plan to maximise your genetic potential and overall health and
start to eat according to your genes!

Ahmed El-Sohemy, PhD

Chief Scientific Officer

Sample ID: 15001512080182 Date of Report: September 9, 2016

Table of Contents
Summary of Results .......................................................................... 2 EATING HABITS
The Science Behind Nutrigenomix .................................................... 5 Fat Taste Perception ............................................................... 30
Sugar Preference .................................................................... 31
NUTRIENT METABOLISM Eating Between Meals ............................................................ 32
Vitamin A (Beta-Carotene) ........................................................ 6 Starch ..................................................................................... 33
Vitamin B12 ................................................................................ 7
Vitamin C .................................................................................. 8 FITNESS AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY
Vitamin D .................................................................................. 9 Motivation to Exercise ............................................................ 34
Vitamin E ................................................................................. 10 Exercise Behavior ................................................................... 35
Folate ..................................................................................... 11 Power and Strength ................................................................ 36
Iron .......................................................................................... 12 Endurance ............................................................................... 37
Calcium .................................................................................. 14 Pain ......................................................................................... 38
Achilles Tendon Injury ............................................................. 39
Caffeine ................................................................................... 15 International Science Advisory Board ............................................. 40
Glycaemic Index ..................................................................... 16
Sodium ................................................................................... 17
Omega-3 Fat ........................................................................... 18
Saturated Fat .......................................................................... 19


Energy Balance ....................................................................... 20
Physical Activity ...................................................................... 21
Protein .................................................................................... 22
Total Fat .................................................................................. 23
Saturated and Unsaturated Fat .............................................. 24
Monounsaturated Fat ............................................................. 25

Lactose ................................................................................... 26
Gluten ..................................................................................... 28

Summary of Results Weight Management and Body Composition
Gene, Response Your Your
rs Number Variant Variant Response
Nutrient Metabolism Component

UCP1, Aim for an energy deficit of 650 calories/day from your

Dietary Gene, rs Your Energy Balance GG or GA GA Diminished
Risk Variant Your Risk Recommendations rs1800592 calculated energy needs for weight loss.
Component Number Variant

BCMO1, FTO, Aim for 150-300 min/week moderate or 75-150 min/

Vitamin A GG GG Elevated Focus on consuming pre-formed sources of vitamin A. Physical Activity AA TT Typical
rs11645428 rs9939609 week vigorous cardio activity.

FUT2, Focus on consuming bioavailable sources of vitamin

Vitamin B12 GG or GA GG Elevated FTO,
rs601338 B12. Protein AA TT Typical Consume 20-30% of energy from protein.
Vitamin C Del Del Elevated Meet the RDA for vitamin C daily.
rs2266633 TCF7L2,
Total Fat TT CC Typical Consume 20-35% of energy from fat.
Vitamin D Algorithm Elevated Consume 1000 IU (25 mcg) vitamin D daily.
GC, Saturated and FTO, Limit intake of saturated fat to no more than 10% of
GT TA or AA TT Typical
rs2282679 Unsaturated Fat rs9939609 energy.

Vitamin E F5, rs6025 CT or TT CC Typical Meet the AI for vitamin E daily.

Monounsaturated PPARγ2, GG or GC CC Typical Aim for a balance of saturated, monounsaturated and
MTHFR, Fat rs1801282 polyunsaturated fats to meet your total daily fat intake.
Folate CT or TT CT Elevated Meet the RDI for folate daily.
rs17342717 CC Food Intolerances
HFE Follow the recommendations provided in the Low Iron Dietary Gene, Risk Your Your
Iron Overload Algorithm GG Low Recommendations
rs1800562 Status section. Component rs Number Variant Variant Risk
rs1799945 Lactose CC or CT CC Elevated Limit dairy intake.

rs4820268 GT

TFR2 AA Meet the RDI for iron and consume sources of vitamin HLA,
Low Iron Status Algorithm Elevated rs7775228
rs7385804 C with iron-rich foods.
GA rs2187668
rs3811647 Gluten Algorithm Medium Medium risk for gluten intolerance.
GC, rs7041 TG rs4639334
Calcium Algorithm Elevated Consume 1300mg of calcium daily.
GC, rs4588 CA CT
Cardiometabolic Health rs4713586

Dietary Gene, Risk Your Your

Component rs Number Variant Variant Risk Eating Habits
CYP1A2, Dietary Gene, Risk Your Your
Caffeine GA or AA GG Typical Limit caffeine intake to 300 or 400 mg/day. Recommendations
rs2472300 Component rs Number Variant Variant Risk/Response

TCF7L2, Fat Taste CD36,

Glycaemic Index TT or GT GG Typical Choose carbohydrates with a low glycaemic index. Perception rs1761667
GG or GA GA Enhanced You have an enhanced ability to sense the fatty taste of foods.

Sodium ACE, rs4343 GA or AA GA Elevated Limit sodium intake to 1600 mg/day. GLUT2, rs5400
Sugar Preference CT or TT CT Elevated You have a high preference for sugar.

Omega-3 Fat TT or GT GT Elevated Consume at least 1.24 grams per day of omega-3 fat. Eating Between MC4R,
rs1799983 Meals rs17782313
CC or CT TT Typical Your tendency to eat between meals is typical.

Limit intake of saturated fat to no more than 10% of AMY1,

APOA2, Starch AA TT Typical Your ability to metabolise starch is typical.
Saturated Fat CC TC Typical energy. rs4244372

The Science Behind
Fitness and Physical Activity
One man’s food is another man’s poison - Lucretius
Fitness Gene , Response/ Your Your Response
Component rs Number Risk Variant Variant /Risk Nutrition is one of the most important lifestyle factors affecting your risk for developing certain diseases and
has a significant impact on overall well-being. Over the past decade, there has been growing recognition of
the importance of how genes influence our nutritional status, which directly impacts our health. The human
Motivation to You have a typical innate motivation to exercise.
BDNF, rs6265 AA or AG GG Typical genome consists of about 25,000 genes and virtually all can exist in different forms. The variations in our
genes make us unique from one another. Genetic variation determines not only the color of our eyes and
hair, but how we metabolise and utilise the foods, nutrients and supplements we ingest. Nutrigenomics is the
GG science that applies genomic information and advanced technologies to uncover the relationship between
Exercise rs2470158 You have a typical likelihood of engaging in genes, nutrition and human health. The term nutrigenomics refers to both the study of how the food,
Algorithm Typical
Behavior LEPR, physical activity. beverages and supplements we consume affects our genes and how our genes can influence our body’s
rs12405556 response to what we consume.
Power and ACTN3, You have a slight genetic advantage to excel in
Strength rs1815739
TC or CC TC Enhanced
power sports.
Different versions of a gene can make us respond differently to certain components in food such as the
lactose in milk, the gluten in bread, the caffeine in coffee, along with carbohydrates, fats, proteins vitamins
ADRB3, and minerals found in various foods. We are all familiar with people who are lactose intolerant or cannot eat
rs4994 gluten. These differences between individuals can be explained by gene variations within the population.
Through science and research we have learned that genetic variations in the population and between
CC individuals affect a wide variety of responses to key components of the human diet. For instance, some
Endurance Algorithm Typical Your endurance potential is typical. individuals may benefit from limiting their consumption of caffeine or increasing their intake of omega-3
fat, while others can follow the general recommendation for either or both. Your best diet depends on
rs1695 the specific variants you have for these nutrient-related genes. Understanding your genetic profile and its
implications on your unique response to the foods, supplements and beverages you consume will provide
CC you with the tools needed to make the best dietary choices.

Pain COMT, rs4680 GG or GA GA Enhanced You have a heightened pain tolerance. The science of how specific genes change how we respond to dietary components enable us to use
nutrition to its fullest potential to prevent, manage or improve various health issues. These personalised
diets can optimise an individual’s nutritional status and empower them to focus on preventing diet-related
Achilles COL5A1, Marker not detected.
Tendon Injury rs12722
CT or TT UND Unknown diseases or conditions. A healthy, balanced diet should provide enough energy and nutrients to support
optimal health, reduce the risk of disease and maintain a healthy body weight. While general dietary
recommendations might be prudent to follow, the one-size-fits-all approach to nutritional advice could limit
some individuals from reaching their full potential for health and wellness. By tailoring one’s nutritional needs
to their genetic profile, the benefits of nutrition on health status can be maximised.
Vitamin A Vitamin B12
(Beta-Carotene) Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is important for normal brain
and nervous system functioning. It helps to keep blood
cells healthy and prevent megaloblastic anemia, which
Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that is important for eye can make you feel very weak and tired. Being deficient in

1in5 health and vision, a strong immune system and healthy re-
production. Beta-carotene is a precursor of active vitamin A
vitamin B12 is also associated with pallor (pale skin) and
irritability. Research shows that some individuals are at a
and is an antioxidant found in certain fruits and vegetables greater risk than others for vitamin B12 deficiency based
People with People with
Risk Variant
that are orange-red in color. Beta-carotene can be convert- on the FUT2 gene*. Since animal products are the primary Risk Variant
ed to pre-formed vitamin A (retinol) in the body to exert its
sources of vitamin B12, individuals following a vegetarian
Your Results biological functions. Research shows that individuals with
the GG version of the BCMO1 gene are inefficient at con-
diet are at an even greater risk of vitamin B12 deficiency. Your Results
Gene Marker verting beta-carotene to active vitamin A*. These individuals *Hazra A et al. Common variants of FUT2 are associated with plasma vitamin B12 levels. Nature Genetics. 2008
Oct;40(10):1160-2. Gene Marker
are considered low responders to dietary beta-carotene so
BCMO1 rs11645428 consuming enough active vitamin A can help ensure cir- FUT2 rs601338
culating levels of active vitamin A are adequate to support
Risk Variant Your Variant vision, immunity and reproductive functions. Risk Variant Your Variant
* Lietz G et al. Single nucleotide polymorphisms upstream from the β-carotene 15,15’-monoxygenase gene influence
provitamin A conversion efficiency in female volunteers. Journal of Nutrition. 2012;142:161S-5S.

The fucosyltransferase 2 (FUT2) enzyme is encoded by the
Your Risk Your Risk
BCMO1 fucosyltransferase 2 gene and is involved in vitamin B12 absorption and
transport between cells. Variants of this gene have been linked to low

only when vitamin A intake is low
Beta-carotene mono-oxygenase 1 (BCMO1) is an enzyme
that plays a key role in the conversion of beta-carotene into
blood levels of vitamin B12 especially when consuming a vegetarian
diet. However, for individuals with the risk variant, consuming adequate
only when vitamin B12 intake is low
the active form of vitamin A. Beta-carotene is the plant form vitamin B12 can help reduce the risk of vitamin B12 deficiency.
of vitamin A. Individuals who possess the GG version of the
Recommendation BCMO1 gene are inefficient at converting beta-carotene
into the active form of vitamin A. These individuals need to
Since you possess the GG variant of the ensure they are consuming adequate amounts of vitamin A, Sources of Vitamin B12 Since you possess an elevated risk variant
BCMO1 gene, it is important for you to particularly pre-formed vitamin A. for vitamin B12 deficiency, you should aim
Amount (mcg)
meet the RDI for vitamin A. Consuming to meet the RDI for vitamin B12 of 2.4 mcg

Sources of Vitamin A
Clams, boiled or steamed (5 large) 59.0 daily. You should focus on eating foods
foods that are higher in pre-formed vitamin
A can help you to meet your needs more Oysters, boiled or steamed (6 medium) 14.7 with a high bioavailability of vitamin B12
easily. These foods include fish, liver, High in Amount Atlantic herring (75g) 14.0 (foods with a form of vitamin B12 that your
eggs, and dairy products. Meeting your Preformed (mcg RAE) body uses more effectively). Meat and
Vitamin A
Nutritional yeast (1 Tbsp) 3.9
recommendations for vitamin A will help fish products have a higher bioavailability
Pumpkin, canned (1/2 cup) 1010 Mince beef, lean (75g) 2.7
to support healthy immunity, vision, and than eggs or plant sources of vitamin B12
Carrots, cooked (1/2 cup) 650 Fortified soy beverage (1 cup) 2.2 including soy products or fortified milk
reproductive health. It will also act as an
antioxidant when consumed in the form Sweet potato, boiled without skin (1/2 medium) 600 Atlantic salmon (75g) 2.1 alternatives such as soy, almond and rice
of beta-carotene (plant-sources). Women Bluefin tuna (75g) P 530 Lamb (75g) 1.7 beverages, and vegetarian meat alternatives.
should aim for 700 mcg RAE/day and men Soy ‘burger’ patty (1) 1.7 If you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, you
Spinach, boiled (1/2 cup) 500
should aim for 900 mcg RAE/day. are at an even greater risk for vitamin B12
Butternut pumpkin (1/2 cup) 340 Eggs, hard boiled (2) 1.1
deficiency and depending on your food
Goat cheese, hard (50g) P 240 Source: Health Canada’s Nutrient Value of Some Common Foods, and
choices, a supplement may be warranted.
Nutrient Tables for Use in Australia (NUTTAB2010)
Eggs (2 large) P 220
Mackerel (75g) P 190 Focus on consuming
Focus on consuming pre- Source: Health Canada’s Nutrient Value of Some Common Foods, Dietitians of Canada bioavailable sources of
formed sources of vitamin A. Food Sources of Vitamin A and Nutrient Tables for Use in Australia (NUTTAB2010)
vitamin B12.
Vitamin C Vitamin D
Vitamin C is an essential nutrient and powerful antioxidant. Vitamin D is essential to calcium metabolism and
Vitamin C also aids in the absorption of non-heme (plant) increasing calcium absorption. Low levels of vitamin D
iron, and supports immune function and the formation of are associated with decreased bone mineral density and
collagen, a protein used to make skin, connective tissue, and an increased risk of fractures. Vitamin D also contributes

1in5 blood vessels, along with supporting bone and tissue repair.
Low blood levels of vitamin C have been associated with
to normal functions of most cells in the body. Vitamin D
can be synthesised by the skin from UV light or it can 4in5
an elevated risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes be obtained from the diet. Low blood levels of vitamin D
People with People with
Risk Variant
and cancer. Research has shown that the amount of vitamin can result in weak, brittle bones, poor muscle function, Risk Variant(s)
C absorbed into the blood can differ between people even
and decreased immunity. Life-long vitamin D insufficiency
Your Results when the same amount of vitamin C is consumed. Some
people do not process vitamin C from the diet as efficiently
has also been linked to accelerated cognitive decline, Your Results
autoimmune disorders, neuro-degenerative diseases and
Gene Marker as others and are at a greater risk of vitamin C deficiency. Genes Markers
Two recent studies* have shown that the ability to process cardiovascular disease. Vitamin D deficiency is diagnosed
GSTT1 Ins or Del vitamin C efficiently depends on a gene called GSTT1. by measuring the most common form of vitamin D in the CYP2R1 rs10741657
blood, which is 25-hydroxy vitamin D. Research shows
* Cahill LE et al. Functional genetic variants of glutathione S-transferase protect against serum ascorbic acid deficien-
cy. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2009;90:1411-7. GC rs2282679
Risk Variant Your Variant
Horska A et al. Vitamin C levels in blood are influenced by polymorphisms in glutathione S-transferases. European
Journal of Nutrition. 2011;50:437-46.
that variations in the CYP2R1 and GC genes can affect
your risk for low circulating 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels*.
Risk Variants Your Variants
Del Del GSTT1 * Slater NA et al. Genetic Variation in CYP2R1 and GC Genes Associated With Vitamin D Deficiency Status. Journal of Pharma-
cy Practice. 2015:1-6.

The GSTT1 gene produces a protein for the glutathione S-transferase

Wang TJ et al. Common genetic determinants of vitamin D insufficiency: a genome-wide association study. Lancet.
2010;376:180-88. GG
Your Risk enzyme family. These enzymes play a key role in the utilization of
vitamin C. The GSTT1 gene can exist in one of two forms. The insertion CYP2R1 & GC GT
Vitamin D 25-hydroxylase is the key enzyme that activates vitamin
(“Ins”) form is considered functional while the deletion (“Del”) form is
not functional. The different versions of this gene interact to influence D from its pre-formed type, which is obtained through sun exposure Your Risk
only when vitamin C intake is low and the diet. This enzyme is encoded by the CYP2R1 gene and a
the way vitamin C is utilised in the body. A deletion version of the gene

results in a reduced ability to process vitamin C. This means that people variant of this gene has been associated with an increased risk of
Recommendation who possess the deletion version (Del) will have lower blood levels low circulating levels of vitamin D. The GC gene encodes the vitamin
D-binding protein, which binds vitamin D and transports it to tissues. only when vitamin D intake is low
of vitamin C at a given level of intake than people who possess the
Since you possess the Del variant of insertion version (Ins) of the gene. A variant in this gene has also been associated with an increased risk
GSTT1, there is an increased risk of of low circulating levels of vitamin D.
vitamin C deficiency when vitamin C intake
is low. Ensure that the RDA for vitamin C Sources of Vitamin C Sources of Vitamin D Recommendation
is met daily. The Recommended Dietary Since you possess one or more elevated
Allowance (RDA) for vitamin C is 75 mg Amount (mg) Amount (IU)
risk variants, you are at an increased risk for
per day for women and 90 mg per day Red capsicum (1 pepper) 216 Atlantic salmon (75g) 680 low circulating vitamin D levels, so getting
for men. Smokers require an additional
Strawberries (1 cup) 96 Vitamin D mushrooms, raw (1/2 cup) 532 enough vitamin D is important. Aim for 1000
35 mg per day. Citrus fruits and juices,
strawberries, tomatoes, red and green Pineapple (1 cup) 92 Whitefish (75g) 448 IU (25 mcg) vitamin D per day. This can help
peppers, broccoli, potatoes, spinach, Brussels sprouts (1 cup) 90
to maintain and/or improve your bone health,
Rainbow trout (75g) 192
cauliflower and cabbage are very good muscle and brain function, immunity, and
Orange juice (1 cup) 86 Smoked salmon (40g) 168
sources of vitamin C. Vitamin C can also heart health. Since it may be challenging
be taken in supplement form and is found Broccoli (1 cup) 82 Halibut (75g) 144 to get enough vitamin D in the diet,
in most multivitamins, however, consuming
Grapefruit (1 fruit) 78 Fortified soy beverage (1 cup) 124 supplementation may be beneficial. Do not
vitamin C from its natural food sources is
preferred. Mango ( 1 fruit) 75 Arctic char (75g) 112 exceed 2000 IU (50 mcg) per day without first

Kiwi ( 1 fruit) 70
having your blood levels of vitamin D assessed
Milk (1 cup) 104
and monitored by a healthcare professional.
Source: TACO (UNICAMP), Canadian Nutrient File and USDA Nutrient Database Orange juice, fortified with vitamin D (1/2 cup) 50
Source: Health Canada’s Nutrient Value of Some Common Foods, Canadian Nutrient
File and Food Standards Australia New Zealand (NUTTAB2010)

Meet the RDA for vitamin C Consume 1000 IU (25 mcg)

daily. vitamin D daily.
Vitamin E Folate
Vitamin E is an effective fat-soluble antioxidant that is essential Folate is a water-soluble B vitamin that is necessary for
for building a strong immune system, as well as supporting cell growth and development. Low blood levels of folate
skin and eye health, and it may also help to reduce the risk of have been associated with increased risk of heart disease
cardiovascular disease. Most vegetable oils, nuts and seeds are and stroke. Research has shown that the amount of folate

1in20 excellent sources of vitamin E. Grapeseed oil, sunflower oil, canola

oil, and flaxseed oil are very high in vitamin E. While vitamin E
absorbed into the blood can differ between individuals
even when the same amount of folate is consumed. Some 2in3
deficiencies are rare, research has shown that some individuals people do not utilise dietary folate as efficiently as others
People with People with
Risk Variant
might benefit from higher intakes of vitamin E for the prevention and are consequently at a greater risk of folate deficiency. Risk Variant
of venous thromboembolism (VTE). VTE consists of deep vein Studies* have shown that an individual’s ability to process
Your Results thrombosis (DVT) (blood clots, usually in the legs) and pulmonary
embolism (blood clots that travel to the lungs from other parts of
dietary folate efficiently depends on a gene called MTHFR. Your Results
* Solis C et al. Folate Intake at RDA Levels Is Inadequate for Mexican American Men with the Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reduc-

Gene Marker the body). VTE blood clots can cause pain, swelling, and redness tase 677TT Genotype. Journal of Nutrition. 2008 ;138 :67-72.
Guinotte CL et al. Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase 677C T Variant Modulates Folate Status Response to Controlled Folate Gene Marker
The risk of VTE is dependent, in part, on variations in the F5
Intakes in Young Women. Journal of Nutrition. 2003;133 :1272-1280.

F5 rs6025 gene, but research shows this risk is reduced in those who take a MTHFR rs1801133
vitamin E supplement*.
Risk Variant Your Variant * Glynn RJ et al. Effects of random allocation to vitamin E supplementation on the occurrence of venous thromboembolism: report from
Risk Variant Your Variant
the Women’s Health Study. Circulation. 2007;116:1497-503.

F5 The MTHFR gene produces methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase
(MTHFR), which is a vital enzyme for folate usage in the body. MTHFR
The F5 gene helps to produce a protein called coagulation factor 5. Coagulation
Your Risk factors are involved in the formation of blood clots. Blood clotting can be converts folate obtained from the diet to an active form of the nutrient Your Risk
beneficial for stopping bleeding and sealing off blood vessels in a wound or that can be used by the body at the cellular level. Variations in the
MTHFR gene determine the way individuals can utilise dietary folate.
scrape. However, more serious blood clots can occur in cases such as VTE
Typical where the clot occurs in a vein and obstructs the flow of blood. These clots can
travel to the lungs resulting in pulmonary embolism. Variations in the F5 gene
Those people who have the CT or TT variant of the gene have reduced
MTHFR enzyme activity and are at greater risk of folate deficiency when only when folate intake is low
have been associated with an increased risk of VTE. folate intake is low, compared to those with the CC variant.

Recommendation Recommendation
Since you possess the typical risk variant
of the F5 gene, you would not benefit from
Sources of Vitamin E Sources of Folate Since you possess the TT or CT variant
of the MTHFR gene, there is a greater risk
taking a vitamin E supplement to lower Amount (mg) Amount (mcg) of folate deficiency if the RDI is not met
your risk of VTE. Meet the AI for vitamin Almonds (1/4 cup) 9.3 Chicken liver (75mg) 420 on a daily basis. Ensure that folate intake
E of 10 mg/day (14 IU/day) for men and is at least 400 mcg per day in order to
Sunflower seeds, roasted (1/4 cup) 8.5 Edamame (soybeans) (1/2 cup) 382
7 mg/day (10 IU/day) for women. Good reduce the risk of deficiency. Foods that are
Sunflower oil (1 Tbsp) 7.7 Lentils, cooked (3/4 cup) 265
sources of vitamin E include almonds, naturally high in folate include lentils, romano
Hazelnuts, dry roasted (1/4 cup) 5.2 Spinach, cooked (1/2 cup) 130 beans, black beans, white beans, okra,
sunflower seeds, sunflower oil, hazelnuts,
and grapeseed oil. Grapeseed oil (1 Tbsp) 4.0 Asparagus (6 spears) 128 asparagus, spinach, and other leafy greens.
Peanut butter (2 Tbsp) 2.9 Chickpeas (3/4 cup) 119 Enriched ready-to-eat cereals, bread, and
Black beans (1/4 cup) 108
bread products are also good sources of
Peanuts, dry roasted (1/4 cup) 2.6
folate. Folate can also be consumed in
Flaxseed oil (1Tbsp) 2.4 Kale, raw (1 cup) 100
supplement form. A folate supplement may
Canola oil (1 Tbsp) 2.4 Avocado (1/2 fruit) 81 be warranted if adequate intakes through
Halibut (75g) 2.2 Source: Canadian Nutrient File and USDA Nutrient Database dietary sources cannot be achieved.
Eggs, hard boiled (2 large) 1.0
Source: Health Canada’s Nutrient Value of Some Common Foods and
Nutrient Tables for Use in Australia (NUTTAB2010)
Meet the AI for vitamin E
Meet the RDI for folate daily.
Iron Overload Low Iron Status
Hemochromatosis is a condition where the body Iron is an essential mineral that is required for
absorbs too much iron (i.e. iron “overload”) and transporting oxygen around the body, building
can result in liver disease, arthritis and heart a strong immune system, and several other
conditions. If you have a high risk for iron overload functions. Low iron status is determined by

1in150 it is important to monitor your iron intake and blood

markers of iron status such as ferritin, hepcidin or
measuring certain blood markers such as ferritin,
hepcidin or transferrin. Low iron stores can lead
People with risk
transferrin saturation. There are two main types of to anemia, which is associated with fatigue, pale People with risk
variant(s) dietary iron: heme and non-heme iron. Non-heme skin, weakness, shortness of breath and dizziness.
Your Results iron is found in certain plant products and is not
absorbed as effectively as heme iron, but vitamin C
Several genes can impact the risk of having low
iron status including TMPRSS6, TFR2, and TF*.
Your Results
Genes Markers can substantially increase the absorption of non- *Pichler I et al. Identification of a common variant in the TFR2 gene implicated in the physiological regulation
of serum iron levels. Human Molecular Genetics. 2011;15:1232-40. Genes Markers
Benyamin B et al. Variants in TF and HFE explain approximately 40% of genetic variation in serum-transferrin
heme iron. Hereditary hemochromatosis is an iron levels. Am J Hum Gen. 2009;84:60–65.

SLC17A1 rs17342717 overload condition that is linked to variations in the TMPRSS6 rs4820268
HFE rs1800562 HFE or SLC17A1 genes*. TFR2 rs7385804
HFE rs1799945 * Allen KJ et al. Iron-overload-related disease in HFE hereditary hemochromatosis. New England
Journal of Medicine. 2008;358:221-30.
Pichler I et al. Identification of a common variant in the TFR2 gene implicated in the physiological regulation of
serum iron levels. Human Molecular Genetics. 2011;15:1232-40.
TMPRSS6, TFR2, and TF TF rs3811647
The TMPRSS6 gene codes for the protein matriptase-2, which
Risk Variants Your Variants affects hepcidin levels that help to regulate iron balance. The Risk Variants Your Variants
transferrin receptor 2 (TFR2) gene codes for the TFR2 protein,
CC which helps iron to enter into cells. The transferrin (TF) gene GG
codes for the protein transferrin, which is mainly responsible
algorithm GG algorithm AA
HFE and SLC17A1
for transferring iron in the body. Together, variations in these
CC genes can impact the risk of low iron status. GA
The human hemochromatosis protein is encoded by the HFE
gene and variations in the gene sequence have been linked
Your Risk to iron overload. The SLC17A1 gene is located near the Your Risk
HFE gene and variations in SLC17A1 have also been linked

to iron overload. The HFE protein functions to regulate iron
uptake in the small intestine. Those with elevated risk variants Sources of Iron Elevated
only when iron intake is low
need to be careful not to consume too much iron and should Amount (mg)

have their blood markers of iron monitored. This test detects
approximately 95% of cases of iron overload.
Chicken liver (75mg) 9.8 Recommendation
Baked beans (175ml) 5.8 You are at an increased risk for low iron
Since you do not possess any risk Pumpkin seeds (2 Tbsp) 5.2 status. To minimise your risk for low iron,
variants for iron overload, you have a
low risk for iron overload. Follow the
Sources of Iron Spinach, boiled (1/2 cup) 3.4 meet the RDI for iron and consume food
sources of vitamin C with non-heme
recommendations given in the next Sources of Heme Iron Sources of Non-Heme Iron Tahini (2 Tbsp) 2.7
section for Low Iron Status. iron-containing foods to increase iron
Beef Almonds Tofu (150g) 2.7
absorption. Focus on foods with a high
Chicken Chickpeas
Chickpeas (3/4 cup) 2.4 bioavailability such as animal products
Fish Parsley (heme iron) and cooked spinach. Men
Beef mince, lean (75g) 2.1
Organ meats Spinach
Almonds (1/4 cup) 1.5 should aim for 8 mg/day. Women 19-50
Prawn Tofu Chicken mince, lean (75g) 1.2
years old should aim for 18 mg/day, while
Veal White beans
women over 50 should aim for 5 mg/day.
Source: Health Canada’s Nutrient Value of Some Common Foods
and Nutrient Tables for Use in Australia (NUTTAB2010)

Follow the recommendations Meet the RDI for iron and

provided in the Low Iron consume sources of vitamin
Status section. C with iron-rich foods.
Calcium Caffeine
Calcium is important for growth, maintenance and repair Caffeine is the most widely consumed stimulant in the
of bone tissue. It is also involved in maintenance of blood world and coffee is the most significant source of caffeine.
calcium levels, regulation of muscle contraction, nerve con- Research has shown that caffeine can influence on
duction, and normal blood clotting. In order to absorb calci- cardiovascular health. However, the reported effects

1in6 um, we need adequate vitamin D intake (refer to the vitamin

D section for your specific recommendations). Inadequate
of coffee on the cardiovascular system have been
inconsistent and at times have appeared contradictory. 1in2
dietary calcium and vitamin D increase the risk of low bone Some studies reported a link between high coffee
People with People with
Risk Variant(s) mineral density and stress fractures. Refer to the section on consumption and an elevated risk of high blood pressure Risk Variant
vitamin D under ‘Nutrient Metabolism’ for your specific vita- and heart disease, while other studies have shown no
Your Results min D recommendations. Research now shows that some
people do not utilise dietary calcium as efficiently as others
effect or even a protective effect with moderate intake. Your Results
Two landmark studies* have now shown that the effect of
Gene Markers and this may depend on variations in the GC gene*. Gene Marker
* Fang Y et al. Vitamin D binding protein genotype and osteoporosis. Calcif Tissue Int. 2009;85:85-93.
coffee on cardiovascular disease depends on a variation in
rs7041 a gene called CYP1A2. CYP1A2 rs2472300
GC rs4588
GC * Cornelis et al. Coffee, CYP1A2 genotype, and risk of myocardial infarction. Journal of the American Medical Association.
The GC gene encodes the vitamin D-binding protein, which Palatini P et al. CYP1A2 genotype modifies the association between coffee intake and the risk of hypertension. Journal of
Hypertension. 2009;27:1594-1601.
Risk Variant Your Variant
binds vitamin D and then transports it to various tissues.
Risk Variants Your Variants Since vitamin D is needed for the absorption of calcium,
this binding protein can impact calcium levels in the body
and, therefore, bone fracture risk. Research shows that two
variations in the GC gene are associated with an increased
CYP1A2 Your Risk
The CYP1A2 gene produces an enzyme called cytochrome P450 1A2
risk of bone fractures when calcium intake is low. (CYP1A2), which is the main enzyme responsible for breaking down

Your Risk
caffeine in the body. Variations in the CYP1A2 gene affect the rate
at which caffeine is broken down, which determines the impact of Typical
caffeine on heart health. Individuals who possess the GA or AA variant
Elevated of CYP1A2 break down caffeine more slowly and are at greater risk of

only when calcium intake is low high blood pressure and heart attack when caffeine intake is high. Those
Sources of Calcium who have the GG variant actually have a lower risk of heart disease with
moderate coffee consumption than those who consume no coffee at all.
Since you possess the GG genotype,
Recommendation Low-fat cheddar cheese (50g)
Amount (mg)
there is no increased risk of hypertension
or heart attack if consuming more
Based on your GC gene, you have
Sources of Caffeine
Yogurt, plain (3/4 cup) 330
than 200 mg of caffeine daily. There
an increased risk for bone fractures
Skim milk (1 cup) 325 is no specified limit to caffeine intake
if your calcium intake is below the
Fortified soy or rice beverage (1 cup) 320 Amount (mg) in Australia, however, safe caffeine
recommendation of 1300 mg per day.
Tofu, firm (150g) 235 Coffee (1 cup) 100 consumption limits in Canada recommend
Meeting these recommendations will bring
limiting at 300-400 mg/day. Caffeine
your elevated risk down to typical. Adults Canned salmon, with bones (75g) 210 Energy drinks (1cup) 80
occurs naturally in coffee, tea, cocoa,
19-50 years old should not exceed 2500 Sardines, canned in oil (1/2 can) 200 Espresso (1 shot) 85
kola and guarana. It is also manufactured
mg calcium per day and adults over 50 Kefir, plain (3/4 cup) 185 Black tea (1 cup) 50
synthetically and added to cola, energy
should not exceed 2000 mg per day. Aim
Edamame (soybeans) (1/2 cup) 130 Green tea (1 cup) 45 drinks, and certain over the counter cold
to meet your recommended daily intake of
Spinach, boiled (1/2 cup) 130 Cola (1 can) 26 remedies.
calcium through dietary sources.
Source: Health Canada’s Nutrient Value of Some Common Foods Chocolate, dark (40 g) 27
and Nutrient Tables for Use in Australia (NUTTAB2010)
Decaf coffee, espresso, tea (1 cup) 0-15
Herbal tea (1 cup) 0
Source: Canadian Nutrient File and USDA Nutrient Database
Consume 1300mg of Limit caffeine intake to 300
calcium daily. or 400 mg/day.
Glycaemic Index Sodium
Whole grains are a low glycaemic index Sodium is an essential micronutrient that regulates blood
carbohydrate that have more fiber than refined pressure and blood volume. Most people consume more
grains. They also contain more essential sodium than the body requires. The major adverse effect
micronutrients such as folic acid, magnesium of excess sodium intake is elevated blood pressure, which

1in2 and vitamin E. Years of research have shown

that whole grains may help to reduce the risk of
predisposes to hypertension and heart disease. However,
some individuals do not experience as great an increase 7in10
several diseases, in particular, type 2 diabetes. in blood pressure in response to excess sodium intake as
People with People with
Risk Variant
Scientists have also demonstrated that the TCF7L2 others. Research* now shows that the effect of sodium Risk Variant
gene is strongly associated with developing type
intake on blood pressure is influenced by variations in a
Your Results 2 diabetes. Research now shows that some
individuals might benefit more from increasing their
gene called ACE. Your Results
* Poch E et al. Molecular basis of salt sensitivity in human hypertension: Evaluation of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
Gene Marker whole grain consumption*. system gene polymorphisms. Hypertension. 2001;38:1204-9.
Gene Marker
* Cornelis MC et al. TCF7L2, dietary carbohydrate, and risk of type 2 diabetes in US women. American Journal
of Clinical Nutrition. 2009;89:1256-62.
TCF7L2 rs12255372 ACE rs4343

Risk Variant Your Variant

TCF7L2 ACE Risk Variant Your Variant
The TCF7L2 gene produces a protein called transcription The ACE gene directs the body to produce the angiotensin-converting
factor-7 like 2 (TCF7L2). This protein, in turn, affects how the enzyme (ACE), which is known to play a role in regulating the response
GT or TT GG body turns on or off a number of other genes. The interaction of blood pressure to sodium intake. It is now known that a person’s
of these proteins and genes is complex, and not yet fully specific blood pressure response to excess sodium intake is dependent
Your Risk understood. However, the TCF7L2 gene is one of the most on which variant of the ACE gene they possess. Those who have the Your Risk
consistent predictors of the likelihood of developing type 2 GA or AA variant of the ACE gene are at a greater risk of experiencing
diabetes. People who possess the high risk GT or TT variant
elevated blood pressure when higher amounts of sodium are consumed
Typical of the gene are at greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Yet, recent studies have shown that consuming foods with a
than those possessing the GG variant of the gene.
only when sodium intake is high
low glycaemic index can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes

in individuals who carry the GT or TT variant of the TCF7L2
Recommendation gene.
Sources of Sodium
Since you possess the GG genotype, Since you possess the AA or GA variant
Replace these foods... with these foods...
there is no increased risk of developing Amount (mg)
white bread, bagels, pitas 100% whole grain bread,
of the ACE gene, there is an increased
type 2 diabetes. Follow the Australian bagels and pitas Ramen noodles, with flavour (1 package) 1760 risk of elevated blood pressure when
Guide to Healthy Eating and choose foods Breakfast bagel w/ham, egg and cheese 1260 sodium intake is high. Limiting sodium
Short grain white rice Basmati or wild rice, quinoa
with a low glycaemic index. To identify Tinned soup (1 cup) 1130 consumption to the Adequate Intake (AI)
White pasta 100% whole wheat pasta
these foods, look for the words “high level of 1600 mg per day should help
or brown rice pasta Ham (75g) 1040
fibre” on the label and in the ingredient to reduce the risk. The AI is equivalent
High sugar ready-to-eat cereal Porridge, natural muesli or Pickle (1 medium) 830
list. Cereal and grains that can be found 100% whole grain cold cereal to ½ teaspoon of salt per day, which
whole and have a low glycaemic index Pasta sauce, canned (1/2 cup) 650 includes sodium that is found naturally in
White flour baked goods 100% wholegrain/wholemeal
include wheat, rice, oats, barley, corn, wild flour baked goods Feta cheese (50g) 560 food as well as salt that is added during
rice, rye, quinoa and buckwheat. Products Potato chips (1 small bag) 390 processing and preparation. Foods that
labeled with the words “multigrain” and are high in sodium include canned soups
Breakfast cereal (1 cup) 350
“organic” do not necessarily have a low and canned vegetables, potato chips,
glycaemic index. Bread (1 slice) 230
processed meats, soy sauce, ketchup and
Source: Canadian Nutrient File and USDA Nutrient Database
processed cheeses.

Choose carbohydrates with Limit sodium intake to 1600

a low glycaemic index. mg/day.
Omega-3 Fat Saturated Fat
Omega-3 fats, such as those found in fatty fish, have Saturated fats, such as those found in red meat and baked
been associated with a reduced risk of heart disease. goods have long been associated with health conditions
This is likely due, in part, to their ability to lower blood such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity.
levels of triglyceride that impair blood circulation. A However, the connection between saturated fats and
1in2 healthy blood lipid profile is important for heart health.
Previous studies have produced mixed results relating to
obesity, has been poorly understood. In the past, scientists
could not explain why certain people seemed prone to
the effects of omega-3 fat on triglyceride levels between
People with obesity when consuming a diet high in saturated fats, but People with
Risk Variant
individuals. Some people experience a significant reduction Risk Variant
others were less susceptible. A number of studies* have
in triglyceride levels in response to increasing omega-3
Your Results fat intake, whereas others experience little benefit. The
reasons for these differences have been unclear until a
now shown that the effect of saturated fat on obesity can
be influenced by variations in a gene called APOA2. Your Results
Gene Marker recent breakthrough study* showed that the effect of *Corella D et al. APOA2, dietary fat, and body mass index: replication of a gene- diet interaction in 3 independent
populations. Archives of Internal Medicine. 2009;169:1897-906. Gene Marker
omega-3 fat on triglyceride levels depends on variations in
NOS3 rs1799983 a gene called NOS3. APOA2 rs5082
* Ferguson J et al. NOS3 gene polymorphisms are associated with risk markers of cardiovascular disease, and
interact with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Atherosclerosis. 2010;211:539-544.

Risk Variant Your Variant Risk Variant Your Variant

The NOS3 gene directs the production of an enzyme called nitric The APOA2 gene directs the body to produce a specific protein called
oxide synthase. This enzyme is responsible for making nitric oxide, apolipoprotein A-II, which plays an important role in the body’s ability
Your Risk which plays an important role in the function of cells that line our to utilise different kinds of fat. Scientists now understand that there are Your Risk
blood vessels. Current research shows that variations in the NOS3 different variations in the APOA2 gene present in the human population

Elevated gene interact with omega-3 fat in different ways to impact how the and that these different versions of the gene interact with saturated

only when omega-3 fat intake is low

body processes triglycerides. Those who have the GT or TT variant
of the gene are at greater risk of elevated triglyceride levels when
fat in unique ways to influence energy balance and ultimately the risk
of obesity. Those people who have the CC variant of the gene are
consuming a diet low in omega-3 fats, compared to those who have at a higher risk of developing obesity when consuming a diet high in
Recommendation the GG variant. saturated fats than those possessing the TT or TC variant of the gene.
Since you possess the TT or GT variant Since you possess the TT or TC variant,

Sources of Saturated Fat

of the NOS3 gene, there is a predicted
increase in triglyceride levels when Sources of Omega-3 Fat* there is no increased risk of high BMI and
obesity with a diet high in saturated fat.
omega-3 fat intake is low. Ensure that However, you should still limit saturated
Amount (g) Amount (g)
daily omega-3 intake is at least 1.24 fat intake to less than 10% of total energy
Salmon (75g) 1.6 Pork ribs (75g) 11
grams in order to lower triglyceride levels intake, as recommended, in order to
Herring (75g) 1.5 Tasty cheese (50g) 10 reduce the general risk of other associated
and optimise heart health. Fatty fish such
as salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines and Anchovy (75g) 1.3 Ice cream, premium (1/2 cup) 11 health issues such as cardiovascular
trout are excellent natural sources of Butter (1 tbsp) 8 disease. Foods high in saturated fat
Mackarel (75g) 0.9
omega-3 fat. Good plant food sources include coconut and palm oils, fatty meats
Trout (75g) 0.7 Processed meat (75g) 8
(lamb, pork and beef), butter, cheese,
include flaxseed, walnuts, and canola and
Tuna, white (75g) 0.6 Regular beef mince, cooked (75g) 7 fried foods and baked goods. Suitable
soybean oils. Omega-3 fat could also be
Lobster (75g) 0.4 Cheeseburger (single patty) 6 alternatives low in saturated fat include
consumed in supplement form as liquid or
olive and vegetable oils, lean meats, low-
capsules. Crab (75g) 0.3 Muffin (1 small) 5
fat dairy products, fish, and plant protein
Tuna, tinned, light (75g) 0.2 Hot chips (20-25 chips) 5 sources such as beans, nuts or tofu.
* Long chain omega-3s EPA + DHA Full cream milk (1 cup) 5
Source: Canadian Nutrient File and USDA Nutrient Database
Source: Canadian Nutrient File and USDA Nutrient Database

Consume at least 1.24 Limit intake of saturated

grams per day of omega-3 fat to no more than 10% of
fat. energy.
Energy Balance Physical Activity
Energy is used to fuel all of the body’s functions. A calorie Physical activity has important benefits for mental health,
is a commonly used unit of measurement to quantify physical fitness, weight maintenance and the prevention of many
energy. Energy comes from the foods and beverages chronic illnesses. Cardiovascular conditioning exercises include
consumed. The body then uses energy to complete those that elevate your heart rate for a sustained period of time

7in10 essential processes such as digestion, breathing, brain

function and maintaining a normal body temperature. The
such as brisk walking, running, swimming and cycling, and
improve the function of your heart, lungs and blood vessels.
Skeletal muscle conditioning exercises include activities such
energy burned during these essential processes is referred
People with as weight lifting or certain types of yoga, which improve muscle People with
Response Variant to as the Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR), which can vary Response Variant
strength and power and improve bone health. Most forms of
substantially between individuals. Variability in RMR can
Your Results depend on differences in muscle mass, weight, age and
physical activity are beneficial, however, different baseline levels
of physical activity, depending on variation in the FTO gene,
Your Results
genetics. Research shows that variation in the UCP1 gene are needed to achieve/maintain a healthy body weight. Some
Gene Marker Gene Marker
affects RMR*. Total energy output is the sum of the RMR individuals can achieve greater weight loss than others based on
UCP1 rs1800592 plus energy burned during physical activity. Consuming less the amount and type of physical activity they perform. Research FTO rs9939609
energy and/or expending more energy can lead to weight shows that variants in the FTO gene can impact your metabolic
loss. response to physical activity*. Physical activity can reduce the
Response Variant Your Variant Response Variant Your Variant
* Nagai N et al. UCP1 genetic polymorphism (-3826A/G) diminishes resting energy expenditure and thermoregulatory effects of the FTO gene on risk of overweight and obesity by as
sympathetic nervous system activity in young females. Int J Obesity. 2011;35:1050-5.

GG or GA GA much as 75%**. AA TT
*Andreasen et al. Low physical activity accentuates the effect of the FTO rs9939609 polymorphism on body fat accumulation.
Diabetes. 2008;57:95-101.

Your Response UCP1 **Reddon et al. Physical activity and genetic predisposition to obesity in a multiethnic longitudinal study. Scientific Reports.
Your Response
Uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) is found in fat tissue and is involved in
metabolic processes that create energy and then release it in the
Diminished form of heat. The UCP1 gene is important for regulating normal body
temperature and can impact RMR. Research shows that individuals with
the GG or GA variants tend to have lower RMRs compared to individuals

with the AA variant. As such, they need to consume less energy to
maintain regular bodily functions.
The FTO gene is also known as the ‘fat mass and obesity-associated gene’
since it can impact weight management and body composition. This gene’s Recommendation
role in the body is related to metabolic rate, energy expenditure and energy
balance. It is also expressed in regions of the brain that are involved in the Since you possess the TA or TT variant,
Since you possess the GG or GA variant you have a typical weight loss response
of the UCP1 gene, your daily RMR may regulation of energy intake. In individuals who have undergone bariatric
surgery for weight loss, variation in the FTO gene can help predict their long- from physical activity. At a minimum, meet
be approximately 150 calories (about
10%) lower than those with the typical risk Sources of High Energy Foods term weight loss success, which can have significant implications for nutrition
care plans*. Current research shows that specific dietary and physical
the general physical activity guidelines.
This can have a positive impact on
variants. This is about 10% lower than activity recommendations can substantially help with weight loss and weight cholesterol levels, body composition,
individuals with the typical risk genotype. Amount (calories)
maintenance in individuals with certain variants of the FTO gene. weight management, mental health,
If you are trying to lose weight, reducing Fish, battered, fried (1 medium fillet) 590 *Rodrigues et al. A single FTO gene variant rs9939609 is associated with body weight evolution in a multiethnic extremely
blood pressure, blood sugars, and many
your energy intake from food or increasing obese population that underwent bariatric surgery. Nutrition. 2015;31:1344-50.
other health-related factors. Your physical
Meat and vegetable pie (1 individual pie) 450
your energy output through physical activity recommendations include at least
activity by approximately 650 calories per Pizza supreme (1/2 of 12”) 440
75-150 minutes per week of vigorous
day from your calculated energy needs Mixed nuts, roasted (1/2 cup) 410 cardiovascular activity or at least 150-
can be helpful. For example, decreasing
your energy consumed by 450 calories Muffin (1 medium) 340 Types of Cardiovascular Activities 300 minutes per week of moderate
cardiovascular activity. You should also
and increasing your energy output through Avocado (1 fruit) 320 Moderate-Vigorous Intensity
include strengthening activities at least 2
physical activity by 200 calories per day is Swimming Race walking, jogging, running days per week. These activities should
Milk shake, chocolate (1 cup) 300
equal to a 650 calorie deficit. Briskly walking (3 miles/hour or faster) Tennis
involve major muscle groups.
Doughnut, chocolate covered (1) 270 Biking Water Aerobics
Hot chips (20-25 chips) 240
Types of Muscle-Strengthening Activities
Croissant (1) 230
Aim for an energy deficit of 650 Source: Health Canada’s Nutrient Value of Some Common Foods
and Nutrient Tables for Use in Australia (NUTTAB2010) Lifting weights Working with resistance bands
Aim for 150-300 min/week
calories/day from your calculated Heavy gardening (digging, shovelling) Push-ups moderate or 75-150 min/
energy needs for weight loss. Certain types of yoga Sit-ups week vigorous cardio activity.
Protein Fat
Protein is an essential nutrient for muscle building, wound Fat is an essential part of a healthy diet, and is needed for the
healing, healthy hair, skin and nails and proper immune absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins including vitamins A, D, E,
function. Protein is best known for supporting the building and K. Each gram of fat provides more than double the amount
and repairing of muscle tissue, which helps to build of calories as carbohydrates or protein on a gram per gram

1in6 and maintain strength. Protein has also been shown to

regulate appetite by filling you up and allowing you to
basis. This makes fat the most energy-dense nutrient. The
total amount and types of fats that you consume can affect 1in10
feel more satisfied with fewer calories. For individuals at heart health and body composition. In general, unsaturated
People with People with
Response Variant risk for overweight and obesity based on the FTO gene, fats are heart-healthier than saturated or trans fats. The Response Variant
a high protein diet can help with weight loss and weight TCF7L2 gene is involved in body weight regulation and body
Your Results maintenance over both the short-term and long-term*. composition. Research shows that individuals who possess Your Results
* Zhang X et al. FTO genotype and 2-year change in body composition and fat distribution in response to weight- the TT variant of TCF7L2 experience greater weight loss when
Gene Marker loss diets: The POUNDS LOST trial. Diabetes. 2012;61:3005-3011.
Gene Marker
they consume lower-to-moderate fat diets, in comparison to
FTO rs9939609 when they consume higher fat diets. For those with the CC or TC
TCF7L2 rs7903146
variant, there is no difference in weight loss based on the amount
Response Variant Your Variant FTO
The FTO gene is also known as the ‘fat mass and obesity-associated
of fat consumed, although lower total energy intakes are needed
to create a calorie deficit*.
Response Variant Your Variant

AA TT gene’ since it can impact weight management and body composi-

tion. This gene’s role in the body is related to your metabolism, ener-
* Grau K et al. TCF7L2 rs7903146-macronutrient interaction in obese individuals’ responses to a 10-wk randomized hypoenergetic diet. Ameri-
can Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2010;91:472-9.
Mattei J et al. TCF7L2 genetic variants modulate the effect of dietary fat intake on changes in body composition during a weight-
loss intervention. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2012;96:1129-36.
gy expenditure and energy balance. It is also expressed in regions of
Your Response
the brain that are involved in the regulation of energy or food intake.
In individuals who have undergone bariatric surgery for weight loss, TCF7L2 Your Response
variation in the FTO gene can help predict their long-term weight loss The TCF7L2 gene produces a protein called transcription factor-7 like 2. This
success, which can have significant implications for nutrition care protein affects how the body turns on or off a number of other genes. Research
Typical plans*. Current research shows that specific dietary and physical
activity recommendations can substantially help with weight loss and
shows that for individuals who possess the TT variant of the TCF7L2 gene, Typical
the amount of fat in the diet can significantly impact body composition (lean/
weight maintenance in individuals with certain variants of the FTO
gene. muscle mass vs. fat mass) as well as the risk for being overweight or obese.

Recommendation Recommendation
Furthermore, possessing the TT variant puts you at an increased risk for insulin
*Rodrigues et al. A single FTO gene variant rs9939609 is associated with body weight evolution in a multiethnic
extremely obese population that underwent bariatric surgery. Nutrition. 2015;31:1344-50. resistance (weakened ability to control blood sugars) when your total fat intake is
high. Consuming a low-to-moderate fat intake can help facilitate weight loss in
Since you have the TA or TT variant of the Since you possess the CC or TC variant
individuals with the TT variant, which can in turn help with insulin resistance.
FTO gene, you have a typical weight loss of the TCF7L2 gene, you have a typical
response from consuming a moderate-to- Sources of Protein Sources of Fat weight loss response based on your fat
high protein diet. Protein is important for intake. However, to help ensure that you
Amount (g) Amount (g)
building and maintaining muscle tissue, are consuming a healthy, well-balanced
Chicken breast (75g) 25 Macadamia nuts (1/4 cup) 26
helping to heal wounds and keeping you diet, consume 20-35% of your total
Extra lean beef mince (75g) 23 Tasty cheese (50g) 17
feeling full. Consume 20-30% of your daily energy needs from fat as part of a
energy from protein sources as part of a Tofu, regular, extra firm (150g) 21 Butter (1 Tbsp) 16 controlled energy diet.
controlled energy diet. Salmon, cooked (75g) 20 Swiss cheese (50g) 15
Cottage cheese (1/2 cup) 15 Olive oil (15mL) 14
Lentils (3/4 cup) 14 Pistachios (1/4 cup) 14
Chickpeas (3/4 cup) 9 Lean beef mince (75g) 11
Skim milk (1 cup) 9 Goat cheese (50g) 11
Almonds (1/4 cup) 8 Yoghurt, regular fat (3/4 cup) 8
Whole egg (1) 6 Atlantic salmon (75g) 8
Source: Health Canada’s Nutrient Value of Some Common Foods Source: Health Canada’s Nutrient Value of Some Common Foods
and Nutrient Tables for Use in Australia (NUTTAB2010) and Nutrient Tables for Use in Australia (NUTTAB2010)
Consume 20-30% of energy Consume 20-35% of energy
from protein. from fat.
Saturated and Monounsaturated
Unsaturated Fats Fat
There are two main types of dietary fats: saturated and unsaturated. Monounsaturated fats such as olive oil, almonds
Saturated fats are primarily found in animal-derived foods such as and avocados have been associated with reduced
2in3 fatty meats, cheese, butter and other whole milk dairy as well as
prepared foods such as pizza, baked goods, and many desserts.
risk for heart disease. Monounsaturated fats can
help reduce “bad” (LDL) cholesterol levels and
A diet high in saturated fat has long been associated with health
People with may also help increase “good” (HDL) cholesterol. People with
Response Variant conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity. Response Variant
Research shows that these fats can help facilitate
Unsaturated fats, such as those found in olive oil, almonds
Your Results and grapeseed oil, may help to decrease the risk of diabetes,
weight loss and lower body fat composition in some
individuals based on their PPARγ2 gene*.
Your Results
cardiovascular disease and obesity. Current research shows that
Gene Marker variation in the FTO gene can impact the response to saturated * Garaulet M et al. PPARγ Pro12Ala interacts with fat intake for obesity and weight loss in a behavioural
treatment based on the Mediterranean diet. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research. 2011;55:1771-9.
Gene Marker
and unsaturated fat. For individuals with the AA or TA variant, a
FTO rs9939609 high intake of unsaturated fat, and low intake of saturated fat in the PPARγ2 rs1801282
diet can help facilitate weight loss, decrease fat stores around the
Response Variant Your Variant abdomen and decrease the risk for obesity*. Response Variant Your Variant
* Phillips CM et al. High dietary saturated fat intake accentuates obesity risk associated with the fat mass and obesity-associated

gene in adults. Journal of Nutrition. 2012;142:824-31.

FTO The PPARγ2 gene is involved in the formation of fat cells. This
The FTO gene is also known as the ‘fat mass and obesity-associated gene’
Your Response gene is mainly found in fat tissue. Because of its involvement in
since it can impact weight management and body composition. This gene’s Your Response
role in the body is related to metabolic rate, energy expenditure and energy the formation of fat, PPARγ2 can impact weight management
balance. It is also expressed in regions of the brain that are involved in the and body composition. Specifically, individuals who have the

Typical regulation of energy intake. In individuals who have undergone bariatric

surgery for weight loss, variation in the FTO gene can help predict their
GG or GC variant of the gene tend to experience greater weight
loss and lose more body fat, compared to those with the CC
long-term weight loss success, which can have significant implications variant, when they consume a diet high in monounsaturated

for nutrition care plans*. Current research shows that specific dietary and fats.
Recommendation physical activity recommendations can substantially help with weight loss
and weight maintenance in individuals with certain variants of the FTO gene.
Since you have the TT variant of the *Rodrigues et al. A single FTO gene variant rs9939609 is associated with body weight evolution in a multiethnic extremely obese
Since you possess the CC variant of
FTO gene, you have a typical response population that underwent bariatric surgery. Nutrition. 2015;31:1344-50.
the PPARg2 gene, consuming more
to weight loss based on your intake of
Sources of Mono and monounsaturated fats will not necessarily
saturated and unsaturated fats. However,
you should limit your saturated fat intake
to less than 10% of your total energy Polyunsaturated Fat Sources of help to facilitate weight loss and lower

intake and aim to consume the rest of

your recommended daily fat intake from Monounsaturated Fat Amount (g)
Monounsaturated Fat your body fat percentage. However, for
heart health, you should aim for a balance
unsaturated fats. This will help to reduce Macadamia nuts (1/4 cup) 20 Amount (g) of saturated, monounsaturated and
your general risk for other associated Macadamia nuts (1/4 cup) 20 polyunsaturated fats to meet your total
Almond butter (2 Tbsp) 12
health issues such as cardiovascular daily fat intake recommendation.
disease. Almond butter (2 Tbsp) 12
Olive oil (1 Tbsp) 10
Olive oil (1 Tbsp) 10
Canola oil (1 Tbsp) 8
Canola oil (1 Tbsp) 8
Peanut butter (2 Tbsp) 8
Peanut butter (2 Tbsp) 8
Polyunsaturated Fat Amount (g)
Sesame oil (1 Tbsp) 6
Flaxseed oil (1 Tbsp) 10
Source: Health Canada’s Nutrient Value of Some Common Foods
Grapeseed oil (1 Tbsp) 9 and Nutrient Tables for Use in Australia (NUTTAB2010)

Sunflower oil (1 Tbsp) 9

Soybean oil (1 Tbsp) 8

Limit intake of saturated Aim for a balance of saturated,
fat to no more than 10% of Brazil nuts (1/4 cup) 7 monounsaturated and polyunsaturated
energy. Source: Health Canada’s Nutrient Value of Some Common Foods
and Nutrient Tables for Use in Australia (NUTTAB2010)
fats to meet your total daily fat intake.

Lactose is a naturally occurring sugar found in dairy
products. When lactose is properly digested, it is broken
African Americans
9in10 Asians
down into two different sugar molecules, glucose and
People with People with People with
galactose. Lactase is the enzyme needed to break down Risk Variant Risk Variant Risk Variant
lactose. Some people do not produce any, or enough
lactase. Because of this, lactose passes through the
intestines undigested. When this occurs, gut bacteria in
the intestines ferment the lactose, which produces gas
Nutrition Considerations
that leads to bloating and cramps, and causes water to with a Lactose-Free Diet
enter the intestine quickly leading to diarrhoea. These are
the uncomfortable symptoms associated with lactose- Research shows that individuals who consume a lactose-
intolerance. Some people with lactose intolerance cannot free diet are at a greater risk of inadequate calcium and
tolerate any milk products while others can tolerate small vitamin D intake compared to individuals who can tolerate
amounts of lactose. When dairy is consumed with a meal lactose*. Calcium and vitamin D are important for building
and maintaining strong bones and teeth. If you have lactose
there can be minor symptoms or no symptoms at all, but
Your Results consuming dairy on its own (especially fluid milk) can cause
intolerance, you can still get enough calcium and vitamin
D in the diet through fortified milk alternatives such as soy, Recommendation
more severe symptoms. Individuals with an elevated risk almond, and rice beverages. Calcium and vitamin D are not
Gene Marker variant are at an increased risk for low calcium intake and added to all milk alternatives, so be sure to read the label Since you possess the CC variant of the
blood calcium levels*. to check that the products you are choosing have been MCM6 gene, you should limit your intake
MCM6 rs4988235 “fortified with calcium and vitamin D.” of dairy products. If you are experiencing
*Enattah NS et al. Identification of a variant associated with adult-type hypolactasia. Nature Genetics. 2002;30:233-7.
Koek et al. The T-13910C polymorphism in the lactase phlorizin hydrolase gene is associated with differences in serum
calcium levels and calcium intake. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 2010;25(9):1980-7.
*Koek et al. The T-13910C polymorphism in the lactase phlorizin hydrolase gene is associated with differences in serum
calcium levels and calcium intake. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 2010;25(9):1980-7. symptoms of lactose intolerance, try
Risk Variant Your Variant Dzialanski et al. Lactase persistence versus lactose intolerance: Is there an intermediate phenotype? Clinical Biochem-
istry. 2015. doi: 10.1016/j.clinbiochem.2015.11.001. avoiding lactose and monitoring if your

Lactose Intolerance
symptoms disappear. Sometimes you can
When lactose is not properly digested it can cause Sources of Lactose train your body to produce more lactase
enzymes by slowly introducing lactose into
Your Risk uncomfortable symptoms such as stomach upset, gas, Amount (g) your diet. Men & women 19-50 years old
bloating, and/or loose stools. These symptoms usually Cow’s milk (1 cup) 15 should aim to consume up to 2 servings of
milk and/or alternatives daily while those
Elevated develop about one hour after you consume lactose-
containing products. Typically, individuals with lactose
Goat’s milk (1 cup)
Flavoured milk (1 cup)
over 50 years old should aim to consume
up to 3 servings of milk and/or alternatives
intolerance will have to consume a lactose-free or lactose-
Buttermilk (1 cup) 9 daily. Meet these recommendations by
reduced diet for life or be sure to consume dairy products
Yoghurt (3/4 cup) 7 consuming lactose-containing products as
with a meal. Your risk for lactose intolerance depends in
Frozen yoghurt (1/2 cup) 5 tolerated as well as calcium- and vitamin
part on the MCM6 gene. Sometimes you can develop D-fortified, lactose-free milk alternatives
short-term lactose intolerance when you are sick. This Ice cream (1/2 cup) 5
such as soy, almond, or rice beverage.
may occur, for example, in an individual with undiagnosed Cottage cheese (1/2 cup) 3
coeliac disease who is not yet consuming a gluten-free Sour cream (1/4 cup) 2
diet. However, once this individual consumes a strict Hard cheese, example: Parmesan (50g) <1
gluten-free diet, the lactose intolerance tends to subside. Source: Dietitians of Canada, Food Sources of Lactose and Nutrient Tables for Use in
Australia (NUTTAB2010)

MCM6 is part of the MCM complex that helps to regulate the expression
of the LCT gene, which encodes lactase – the enzyme, which plays a
role in breaking down lactose. Variations in this gene can impact your
ability to break down lactose, therefore, impacting your risk for lactose
intolerance. Individuals who possess the CT variant may produce some Limit dairy intake.
lactase but the amount of lactase produced is limited.
Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye and
products made from these grains. Some oats also
contain gluten. Many foods that contain gluten provide 70%
of the population
of the population
of the population
fibre from whole grains and can be an excellent source
of vitamins and minerals. However, for some people,
Low Risk Medium Risk High Risk
gluten can cause severe digestive problems leading
to nutrient malabsorption, anemia and many serious
health problems.*
*Tonutti E and Bizzaro N. Diagnosis and classification of celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. Autoimmunity Reviews.

Nutrition Considerations

Gluten Intolerance when Following a

Your Results Coeliac disease represents the most severe form
Gluten-Free Diet Recommendation
of gluten intolerance and affects about 1% of the
Gene Markers population. People with coeliac disease require a Gluten-free foods include all unprocessed vegetables, fruit, dairy Since you possess this specific
gluten-free diet for life. Non-coeliac gluten sensitivity products, meat, fish, poultry, nuts, legumes, seeds, fats and oils. combination of variants in HLA, you
rs2395182 (NCGS) is a milder form of gluten intolerance that Gluten-free grains include: rice, quinoa, corn, buckwheat, amaranth, possess at least one copy of the DQ2 or
and millet. For individuals who need to follow a gluten-free diet, foods
rs7775228 may affect 5% of the population. Individuals with
to avoid include any products that are made with wheat, rye, barley
DQ8 risk genotype. This does not mean
you have coeliac disease. Speak to your
rs2187668 NCGS often experience diarrhea, abdominal pain, or triticale. Pure oats should be consumed in moderation if tolerated, healthcare professional if you experience
HLA rs4639334 fatigue and headaches when they consume gluten- while regular oats (which contain wheat) should be avoided. For
diarrhea, steatorrhea, cramps, flatulence,
containing foods. However, these adverse effects the vast majority of the population, consuming a gluten-free diet is
rs7454108 unnecessary. Processed gluten-free products often have more calories,
fatigue or joint pain while consuming
of gluten in individuals who do not have coeliac
rs4713586 disease are poorly understood and NCGS remains sodium, added sugar and fat compared to their gluten-containing
gluten-containing foods, or if you have
a family member with coeliac disease.
controversial. Major dietary sources of gluten include
Risk Variants Your Variants
Sources of Gluten bread, pasta, cereal and any baked good
HLA Major Souces of Gluten Hidden Sources of Gluten
made with wheat, barley or rye. It is not
recommended that you immediately
The HLA genes produce a group of proteins called the human attempt to remove gluten from your diet,
CC leukocyte antigen (HLA) complex, which are responsible for Bread Salad dressing
as eliminating gluten may interfere with
algorithm GG how the immune system distinguishes between the body’s own Pasta Pudding
the accuracy of coeliac disease diagnostic
proteins and foreign, potentially harmful proteins. Research Cereal Crab stick
CT has shown that the HLA genes are the most important genetic
Crackers and crisps Vegan meat substitute
AA predictor of gluten intolerance. Approximately 99% of people
with coeliac disease and 60% of those with non-coeliac gluten Oats* Potato chips
sensitivity* have the DQ2 or DQ8 risk version of HLA, compared Baked goods Sauces (tomato, BBQ)
Your Risk
to only 30% of the general population. Six variations in the HLA
Malt Stock cubes
genes can be used to classify individuals into predefined risk

Medium groups for gluten intolerance.* Risk prediction is based upon a Soy sauce Chocolate and candy

scale of low, medium or high risk. Gravy Processed meat

*Mark Wolters VM and Wijmenga C. Genetic background of celiac disease and its clinical implications. American
Journal of Gastroenterology. 2008;103:190-5. Barley or wheat based-beer Tinned soup
Sapone A et al. Divergence of gut permeability and mucosal immune gene expression in two gluten-associated
conditions: celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. BMC Medicine. 2011;9:23.
Monsuur AJ et al. Effective detection of human leukocyte antigen risk alleles in celiac disease using tag single
Vinegars Flavoured rice crackers
nucleotide polymorphisms. PLoS ONE. 2008;3:e2270.
Wheat - incl rye, spelt and barley Commercial hot chips

* Pure oats do not contain gluten; however, oats are often

cross-contaminated with gluten-containing grains

Medium risk for gluten

Fat Taste Perception Sugar Preference
Food intake is largely determined by our taste Sugar intake is partly determined by our sweet taste
perceptions and preferences for certain foods preference and cravings for certain foods and beverages.
and beverages. The way that we perceive the There is considerable variability in individuals’ preferences
taste of fatty foods is particularly important and cravings for sweet foods and beverages. There are
7in10 because our intake of fats can affect heart health
and body composition. Fat is needed to absorb
many factors that may impact your preference for sugary
foods including the age that you are first introduced to
People with certain vitamins including vitamins A, D, E, and sweets, and psychological associations between consuming People with
Response Variant these foods and certain life experiences or emotions. In the Risk Variant
K. It provides 9 calories per gram, which is more
brain, there are even ‘pleasure-generating’ signals given off
Your Results than double the calories in a gram of protein or
carbohydrate. Research shows that our preference
in response to eating or drinking something sweet. Research Your Results
has shown that your intake of sweet foods can also be
Gene Marker for fatty foods can vary depending on which version determined by your genes*. Gene Marker
of the CD36 gene we have*. * Eny KM et al. Genetic variant in the glucose transporter type 2 is associated with higher intakes of sugars in two distinct

CD36 rs1761667 * Melis M, Sollai G, Muroni P, Crnjar R, Barbarossa IT. Associations between orosensory perception of oleic acid, the
common single nucleotide polymorphisms (rs1761667 and rs1527483) in the CD36 gene, and 6-n-propylthiouracil
populations. Physiol Genomics. 2008;33:355-360.
GLUT2 rs5400
(PROP) tasting. Nutrients 2015; 7(3): 2068-84.
Pepino MY et al. The fatty acid translocase gene CD36 and lingual lipase influence oral sensitivity to fat in obese
subjects. Journal of Lipid Research. 2012;53:561-6.
Response Variant Your Variant Risk Variant Your Variant

Your Response
CD36 Glucose transporter type 2 (GLUT2) is involved in regulating glucose
(sugar) in the body. The expression of this gene has been found in Your Risk
The cluster of differentiation 36 (CD36) gene is also known
as fatty acid translocase. It is found on the surfaces of many areas of the brain that are involved in controlling food intake. Individuals
who possess the CT or TT variant of this gene seem to have a greater
Enhanced cells and is involved in the transport of fat from the blood.
Several studies have now linked variations in the CD36 gene to preference for sweet foods and beverages and are more likely to over- Elevated
differences in the perception of the taste and texture of fats and consume sugar.
oils. ‘Super tasters’ tend to be able to detect the taste of fats

Recommendation and oils at lower levels than ‘low tasters.’

Since you possess the GG or GA variant Since you possess the CT or TT variant of
of the CD36 gene, you are a “super taster”
Sources of High Fat Foods Sources of High Sugar Foods the GLUT2 gene, you are at an increased
risk of over-consuming sugar. This means
of fats. This means that you are better
able to sense the taste of fats at lower Amount (g) you may be more likely to enjoy sweet
levels. “Low tasters” need higher levels High in Healthy Amount (g) Soft drink, cola (1 can) 36 foods and beverages. Be mindful of this
(Unsaturated) Fat craving and aim to keep your intake of
of fats in their foods to achieve the same Lollies (40g) 26
Tasty cheese (50g) 17 added sugar below 5% of your total daily
sense of fatty taste. Consuming too much Caramels (40g) 26
fat, and the wrong types of fats (saturated Avocado (1/2 fruit) P 15 energy intake. A high intake of added
Maple syrup (2 Tbsp) 24
vs. unsaturated) can increase the risk Olive oil (1 Tbsp) P 14 sugar is linked to overweight & obesity and
Milk chocolate (50g) 22 cardiometabolic disease.
of obesity and cardiometabolic disease. Butter (1 Tbsp) 12
Refer to the Total Fats section of your Jellybeans (10 beans) 20
French fries (20-25) 12
report for your recommended daily intake Flourless chocolate cake (1 slice) 20
Hamburger (1) 12
of fats. Banana bread (1 slice) 18
Croissant (1) 12
Icy pole (1) 10
Salmon (75g) P 9
Jam (1 Tbsp) 10
Full cream milk (1 cup) 9
Source: Health Canada’s Nutrient Value of Some Common Foods
Ice cream, chocolate (1/2 cup) 8 and Nutrient Tables for Use in Australia (NUTTAB2010)
You have an enhanced
You have a high preference
ability to sense the fatty Source: Health Canada’s Nutrient Value of Some Common Foods
and Nutrient Tables for Use in Australia (NUTTAB2010)
for sugar.
taste of foods.
Eating Between Starch
Meals Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for our brain
and muscle cells. There are three main types of carbo-
hydrates: sugar, starch, and fiber. Healthful sources of
Eating between meals (i.e. snacking) can be beneficial if
carbohydrates in the diet include minimally processed
1in2 snacks are healthful and the extra calories are not in excess
of those needed to maintain a healthy weight. Healthy
starches such as whole grain breads and cereals, rice, root
vegetables, beans, lentils, chickpeas, fruits, and low-fat
snacks can assist with regulating blood sugar levels and dairy products, when they are consumed in moderation.
People with People with
Risk Variant weight control, curb food cravings and boost energy levels. Unhealthy sources of carbohydrates include refined grains, Response Variant
However, for many people snacking is often an unhealthy habit sugar-sweetened beverages and certain baked goods.
Your Results due to snack-food choices and/or excessive calorie intake Research now shows that your ability to digest starch de- Your Results
beyond one’s needs. For your overall health and wellness, pends partially on the AMY1 gene. Having the AA variant of
Gene Marker it is important to manage emotional eating (psychological the AMY1 gene decreases your ability to break down starch Gene Marker
reasons for snacking), and focus on more healthful snacking and your blood sugar control after eating starchy foods.
MC4R rs17782313 Individuals with the AA variant have a greater risk for insulin AMY1 rs4244372
when you feel hungry. Some reasons for emotional eating may
include boredom, habit (i.e. eating in front of the television, resistance when consuming a high-starch diet.*
Risk Variant Your Variant *Mandel AL and Breslin PA. High endogenous salivary amylase activity is associated with improved glycemic Response Variant Your Variant
or at certain times), stress, frustration, anxiety or loneliness. homeostasis following starch ingestion in adults. Journal of Nutrition. 2012;142:853-858.

CC or CT TT Scientists have also now discovered that variations in the

MC4R gene are associated with the likelihood of eating
AMY1 is a gene that codes for the amylase enzyme that helps digest
between meals driven by the desire to eat more or less starch. Salivary amylase is the enzyme found in your saliva, which
Your Risk Your Response
frequently depending on your genotype*. begins the process of digesting starch that you consume. Levels
* Stutzmann F et al. Common genetic variation near MC4R is associated with eating behaviour patterns in European popula- of this enzyme are linked to the AMY1 gene. Certain populations

Typical Typical
tions. Int J Obes. 2009;33:373-378.
that traditionally consume higher carbohydrate (starch) diets tend

MC4R to possess the TT or AT variant of the AMY1 gene, compared to

populations that traditionally consume lower carbohydrate (starch)
Recommendation The MC4R gene codes for the melanocortin 4 receptor, which is
found in the hypothalamus region of the brain. This is an area of
diets. The TT or AT variant of the AMY1 gene is associated with
a greater number of copies of the gene, so individuals with these Recommendation
Since you possess the TT variant of the the brain that controls hunger and appetite. The MC4R gene plays variants produce more of the enzyme. Research now shows that when
Since you possess the TT or AT variant of
MC4R gene, you have a typical risk for an important role in appetite regulation and hunger cues. Research you have the AA variant, you may have a decreased ability to digest
shows that individuals with the CC or CT version of the MC4R gene
the AMY1 gene, you have a typical ability
eating between meals. To maintain a starches compared to those with the TT or AT variant.
to digest and metabolise starches. Aim to
healthy metabolism, avoid going longer
than six hours without eating during the
are more likely to eat between meals often and have a heightened
appetite. Sources of Starch meet your carbohydrate needs through
healthy sources of carbohydrates such
day. Monitor and respond to hunger cues, Replace these foods... with these foods... Amount (g)
which may include a lack of energy, mood as whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
Potato chips and dip Whole wheat pita with hummus Spaghetti, cooked (1 cup) 35
changes, stomach growling, weakness, Consume high-starch foods only in
Muffin Whole wheat English muffin with Medium baked potato (150g) 30 moderation.
dizziness, or having a headache. Choose
peanut butter
healthy snacks that are not excessive in Long-grain white rice (1/2 cup) 25
calories. Ice cream with toppings Low-fat yoghurt with fresh berries
Tortilla (20 cm) 23
Trail mix with added oils or sweets Fibre-rich cereal with milk/alternative
Sweet potato, cubed (1 cup) 17
‘Veggie’ chips Fresh vegetables with low-fat dip
Rolled oats, uncooked (1/3 cup) 15
Pasta salad Mixed salad topped with chickpeas
Navy beans (1/2 cup) 14
Nachos and cheese dip Whole wheat crackers with low-fat
cheese Sweet potato, without skin (60g) 12

Potato chips Natural popcorn Corn kernels (1/2 cup) 10

Pizza Slice Half a chicken sandwich with veggies Bread (1 slice) 10

Your tendency to eat Your ability to metabolise
between meals is typical. starch is typical.
Motivation to Exercise Behavior
Your attitude toward exercise and the effect it has Participating in physical activity can lower blood
pressure, lower blood sugars, improve cholesterol
2in3 1in5
on your mood can greatly impact your likelihood of
starting or maintaining a physically active lifestyle. levels, decrease depression and improve mood,
Research shows that individuals who possess the among many other positive outcomes. Research
People with AA or AG variant of the BDNF gene are more likely to shows that genetic differences influence the likelihood People with
Response Variant of engaging in physical activity. The CYP19A1 and Response Variant
experience positive mood changes and exercise for
LEPR genes have been identified as being key
enjoyment. They also perceive their effort and exertion
contributors to one’s probability of participating in Your Results
Your Results level as lower during exercise compared to individuals
who possess the GG variant*. All of these factors
physical activity*.
Genes Markers
Gene Marker impact motivation to exercise. Being physically
CYP19A1 rs2470158
* De Moor MH et al. Genome-wide association study of exercise behavior in Dutch and American adults. Med Sci
Sports Exerc. 2009;41:1887-95.
active has a multitude of benefits including improved
BDNF rs6265 cognitive function, and a lowered risk of many LEPR rs12405556
diseases, through improvements in body fat levels,
Response Variant Your Variant blood sugars, blood pressure, blood lipid profiles, and Response Variants Your Variants
mental health.
* Bryan A et al. A transdisciplinary model integrating genetic, physiological, and psychological correlates of volun-
tary exercise. Health Psychol. 2007;26:30-39. algorithm
Caldwell Hooper A et al. What keeps a body moving? The brain-derived neurotrophic factor val66met polymorphism
and intrinsic motivation to exercise in humans. J Behav Med. 2014;37(6):1180-92.
Your Response
The CYP19A1 gene helps to make the enzyme aromatase, Your Response
Typical BDNF which is involved in hormone conversion. The exact physiological
pathway by which this gene impacts exercise behavior is
The brain-derived neurotrophic factor is a protein that is encoded
by the BDNF gene. This protein works in regions of the brain to
unknown. However, current research shows that those who have Typical
Implications influence the nervous system, musculature, and blood vessels,
the AA or GA variant of the CYP19A1 gene are more likely to
exercise compared to those with the GG variant. The LEPR gene

Since you possess the GG variant of the

BDNF gene, your enjoyment and positive
all of which are important to exercise. Because of the complexity
of mental stamina and the psychological response to exercise,
helps to make the leptin receptor protein, which helps to regulate
body weight. The precise relationship between variations in the
the BDNF gene is only one of many possible genetic factors that LEPR gene and exercise behavior may stem from this gene’s
mood changes from exercise are typical. Based on your LEPR and CYP19A1
may influence responses to exercise and future exercise behavior. involvement in regulating energy balance. Those who have the TT
Your perceived effort during physical activity variants, you have a typical likelihood of
Nevertheless, research shows that those with the AA or AG or GT variant of the LEPR gene are more likely to participate in
is also typical. These responses result in a engaging in physical activity. Set monthly
variant of the BDNF gene derive greater enjoyment or pleasure physical activity compared to those who have the GG variant.
typical motivation to exercise and likelihood SMART (specific, measureable, attainable,
and improvements in mood from exercise and a lower perception
that you will continue to exercise regularly. of effort during exercise compared to those without this variant. realistic, timely) goals and consider using
To keep yourself working at a sufficient mental imagery; these can further enhance
intensity to reach your fitness goals, try your motivation. Having an exercise
measuring and recording your activity level partner can also enhance your likelihood
through objective measures, such as step of participating in physical activity.
counts, heart rate, calories burned, or time
spent being active.

You have a typical likelihood

You have a typical innate of engaging in physical
motivation to exercise.
Power and Strength Endurance
Endurance activities refer to exercises that cause your
Strengthening activities, as the name implies, are heart rate to increase such as brisk walking, jogging,
activities that strengthen your muscles and bones. biking, swimming, or dancing. Endurance or aerobic
Research shows that muscle-building exercises exercise is often referred to as ‘cardio’. Your VO2 max
can also benefit brain health, help with regulating or maximal aerobic capacity is a measurement of the
blood sugars, improve posture and help achieve maximum amount of oxygen that your body is able to
and maintain a healthy body weight. Examples of process during 1 minute of exercise and is a marker of
physical fitness. A higher VO2 max generally results in
Your Results these activities include body weight exercises such
a performance advantage when it comes to endurance

Gene Marker
as push-ups, sit-ups, and lunges as well as lifting
weights and working with resistance bands. Some
activities, although many factors play a role. Research Your Results
shows that there are several genes that impact your
activities of daily living or household chores are also genetic predisposition to excelling in endurance activities*. Genes Markers
ACTN3 rs1815739 considered strengthening activities such as strenuous
gardening, carrying heavy groceries or running up
* Ahmetov I et al. Genome-wide association study identifies three novel genetic markers associated with elite endurance
performance. Biol Sport. 2015;32(1):3-9. doi:10.5604/20831862.1124568.
Zarebska A et al. The GSTP1 c.313A>G polymorphism modulates the cardiorespiratory response to aerobic training. Biol
NFIA-AS2 rs1572312
Response Variant Your Variant stairs. Research shows that the ACTN3 gene plays a Sport. 2014;31:261-266.
He et al. NRF2 genotype improves endurance capacity in response to training. Int J Sport Med. 2007;28:717-721.
Santiago C et al. Trp64Arg polymorphism in ADRB3 gene is associated with elite endurance performance. British Journal of
ADRB3 rs4994
major role in your genetic predisposition to excelling in Sports Medicine. 2011;45:147-9.
NRF2 rs12594956
CC or TC TC strength and power based activities*.
GSTP1 rs1695
Your Response
* Ma F et al. The association of sport performance with ACE and ACTN3 genetic polymorphisms: a systematic review
and meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2013;8:e54685.
1in4 people
1in20 people Response Variants Your Variants

Enhanced 1in2 people

1in3 people
Enhanced Ultra CC
algorithm CC
Enhanced Ultra

Since you possess the TC variant of

& NFIA-AS2 Your Response
ADRB3, NRF2, GSTP1 and NFI-AS2 are all involved in physiological
the ACTN3 gene, you have a genetic
processes that impact your endurance abilities. The ADRB3 gene
advantage to excel in strength and
power-based activities. These activities
There are two types of muscle fibers: slow twitch and fast twitch.
Fast twitch muscle fibers contract with greater speed and force,
codes for the beta-3 adrenergic receptor, which is involved in energy
metabolism as well as body temperature regulation. Variations in
are important for building and maintaining which are needed for short bursts of intense activities including
this gene have been linked to enhanced endurance performance.
muscle mass. Aim to participate in sprinting or lifting heavy objects. Slow twitch fibers contract for
strengthening activities at least two days longer periods and at lower intensities and are used in activities The NRF2 gene codes for the nuclear respiratory factor, and has
per week. such as walking or jogging. The ACTN3 gene encodes the also been linked to athletic performance status. This is related Based on your DNA, your endurance potential
alpha-actin 3 protein, which is only expressed in fast twitch to its role in the formation of mitochondria – the part of the cell is typical. You may need higher levels of training
muscle fibers. Therefore, certain variations in this gene can responsible for respiration and energy production. For the NFIA- to achieve the same level of cardiovascular
be beneficial for exercises or activities requiring strength and fitness as an individual with a genetic
AS2 gene, individuals with the CC variant tend to have greater
power. In particular, individuals with the CC variant of ACTN3 are
VO2 max, which is advantageous for endurance exercise such as advantage. Refer to the physical activity
significantly more likely to excel at strength-based activities. Those
brisk walking, jogging or biking. The GSTP1 gene, which codes the recommendations in the Weight Management
with the TC variant have a slightly enhanced power and strength
& Body Composition section of this report for
potential.* enzyme glutathione S-transferase P1, has also been linked to greater
your specific cardio activity recommendations.
*Garton and North. The effect of heterozygosity for the ACTN3 null allele on human muscle performance. Med Sci improvements in VO2 max in response to aerobic training in the GG
Sports Exerc. 2015 [Epub ahead of print].
and GA variants. Together, these genes can predict your genetic
You have a slight genetic advantage for excelling in endurance activities.
Your endurance potential is
advantage to excel in power
Pain Achilles Tendon
Pain is an unpleasant feeling triggered by the nervous
system that can be mild to severe. Pain tolerance refers to Your Achilles tendon starts at the bones in your heels

3in4 the maximum amount of pain that someone can withstand.

Pain threshold is a term that refers to the point where you
and continues up to your calf muscles. It is one of the
largest and strongest tendons in the human body. This 1in5
begin to feel pain that causes discomfort to the extent that tendon gives you the ability to point your toes and ex-
People with People with
Response Variant it becomes difficult for you to withstand. It is a threshold at tend your foot. Unfortunately, injuries to the Achilles ten- Risk Variant
don are common. They typically arise from doing exer-
Your Results which you cannot continue to exercise at a certain intensity
due to the intense level of discomfort There are substantial cises that require a sudden surge of energy. Symptoms Your Results
differences in the way, or the degree at which people feel of an Achilles tendon injury include extreme pain, tender-
Gene Marker ness, swelling, or stiffness along the back of your foot Gene Marker
pain. Overall, men tend to have higher pain tolerances than
and above your heel. Your risk of developing an Achilles
COMT rs4680 women. Research now shows that variations in the COMT COL5A1 rs12722
gene also impact how we feel and perceive pain*. tendon injury depends in part on the COL5A1 gene*.
* September AV et al. Variants within the COL5A1 gene are associated with Achilles tendinopathy in two populations. Brit
Response Variant Your Variant * Zubieta et al. COMT val[sup158]met genotype affects μ-Opioid Neurotransmitter Responses to a Pain Stressor. Sci.
J Sport Med. 2009;43:357–365. Risk Variant Your Variant
Tammimäki A, Männistö PT. Catechol-O-methyltransferase gene polymorphism and chronic human pain: a systematic review

and meta-analysis. Pharmacogenet Genomics. 2012;22(9):673-91.

Your Response
The COL5A1 gene directs the body to produce a protein called collagen Your Risk
COMT alpha-1(V) chain, which plays an important role in the creation of

collagen. Collagen is the protein that is used to make connective tissues
The Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene is involved in pathways
in the body that process pain signals. Because of this, researchers in the body. Because of the COL5A1 gene’s role in the creation of Unknown
have studied how variations in this gene can impact our perception of connective tissue, scientists have studied the link between this gene and
Achilles tendon injury risk. It is now understood that individuals with the
Implications pain. Studies show that the COMT gene is a significant predictor of pain
tolerance. Specifically, individuals with the GG or GA variant tend to CT or TT variant of COL5A1 have a higher risk for developing an Achilles
experience less pain compared to those with the AA variant. tendon injury.
Since you possess the GG or GA variant
of the COMT gene, you have enhanced Because this marker was not detected
pain tolerance. To increase your pain in your sample you are advised to follow
tolerance even further, there are several the general advice. To decrease your risk,
strategies that you can use such as be mindful of activities requiring a surge
practicing deep breathing, and changing of energy or overextension of this tendon
negative thoughts to positive thoughts through certain exercises such as uphill
when you are undergoing pain. For running. Preventive measures also include
example, if you are out running, try to shift additional stretching of your calf muscles
your focus away from the discomfort you and increasing the duration of your
may be feeling in your muscles, and focus warm up and cool down during exercise
on how the running is positively impacting sessions.
your health. Exercising more often can
also help to decrease pain perception
during physical activity.

You have a heightened pain

Marker not detected.
International Science
Advisory Board
Ahmed El-Sohemy, PhD David Jenkins, MD, DSc, PhD
Dr. Jenkins earned his MD and PhD at Oxford University, and is currently a Professor in both the Departments
Dr. Ahmed El-Sohemy is the Founder of Nutrigenomix Inc. and serves as the President and Chief Scientific Officer. of Medicine and Nutritional Sciences at the University of Toronto. He is also a staff physician in the Division of
He also serves as Chair of Nutrigenomix’s International Science Advisory Board (SAB), which consists of key opinion Endocrinology and Metabolism and the Director of the Clinical Nutrition and Risk Factor Modification Center, St.
leaders in the field of nutrigenomics. Dr. El-Sohemy obtained his PhD from the University of Toronto and completed Michael’s Hospital. Dr Jenkins has published over 300 peer reviewed articles and given hundreds of invited talks
a postdoctoral fellowship at the Harvard School of Public Health. He is currently a Professor and holds a Canada around the world. He has served on numerous international committees to set guidelines for the treatment of
Research Chair in Nutrigenomics at the University of Toronto. Dr. El-Sohemy has published in the top scientific and diabetes and most recently on the new joint United States-Canada DRI system (RDAs) of the National Academy of
medical journals with more than 120 peer-reviewed publications and has given more than 200 invited talks around Sciences. His team was the first to define and explore the concept of the glycaemic index of foods and demonstrate
the world. He is on the editorial board of 8 journals, and has served as an expert reviewer for more than 30 different the breadth of metabolic effects of viscous soluble fiber. He has received many national and International awards in
scientific and medical journals and 12 research granting agencies. He has been a member of international expert recognition of his contribution to nutrition research. Dr Jenkins currently holds a Canada Research Chair in Nutrition
advisory panels and scientific advisory boards of several organizations. and Metabolism.

David Castle, PhD Jose Ordovas, PhD

David Castle is Professor and Chair of Innovation in the Life Sciences at the University of Edinburgh. His research Jose M. Ordovas is Professor of Nutrition and Director of the Nutrigenomics Laboratory at the United States
focuses on social aspects of life science innovation including democratic engagement, regulation and governance, Department of Agriculture, Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University in Boston. After obtaining
and intellectual property and knowledge management. Prof. Castle is a world-renowned expert on the social, ethical his PhD from the University of Zaragoza, Spain, he completed postdoctoral work at Harvard, MIT and Tufts University.
and legal aspects of nutrigenomics. He is author of a book entitled Science, Society, and the Supermarket: Dr Ordovas’ major research interests focus on the genetic factors predisposing to cardiovascular disease and their
The Opportunities and Challenges of Nutrigenomics, and has published extensively on the social dimensions of interaction with environmental factors. Dr Ordovas has published ~700 articles in peer reviewed journals, and written
science, technology and innovation. Prof. Castle has held several major research awards and has considerable numerous reviews and edited 5 books on nutrigenomics. He has been an invited speaker at hundreds of International
experience leading strategic research initiatives and research project management. Prof. Castle has consulted widely meetings all over the world and is currently a member of the Institute of Medicine’s Food and Nutrition Board
to government and industry on issues such as the impact of national technology transfer policies and programs, (National Academies). He serves as Editor for Current Opinion in Lipidology (Genetics Section), and on the Editorial
intellectual property and knowledge management strategies, and the role of non-scientific considerations in the Board of numerous journals. Dr Ordovas is a Member of Honor of the Spanish Society of Atherosclerosis and has
regulation of science and technology. received other awards for his contributions to the field of nutrigenomics.

Lynnette R Ferguson, D.Phil. (Oxon.), DSc Ben van Ommen, PhD

Dr. Lynn Ferguson is Program Leader of Nutrigenomics New Zealand. She obtained her D.Phil. from Oxford Dr. Ben van Ommen is Director of the Nutrigenomics Organisation (NuGO) and Principal Scientist at TNO, one of
University working on DNA damage and repair. After her return to New Zealand, she began working as part of the the largest independent research organisations in the area of nutrition world-wide. He is also Director of the TNO
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre, using mutagenicity testing as a predictor of carcinogenesis. In 2000, systems biology program and leading the activities on nutrigenomics, nutritional systems biology, personalised
she took on a 50% role as Head of a new Discipline of Nutrition at The University of Auckland. She has recently health and personalised medicine. His research applies systems biology to metabolic health and metabolic disease,
been investigating the interplay between genes and diet in the development of chronic disease, with particular focus focusing on understanding all relevant processes involved in maintaining optimal health and causing specific disease
on Inflammatory Bowel Disease. As Program Leader of Nutrigenomics New Zealand she is working with a range of sub-phenotypes, developing new biomarkers and treatment strategies.
others to bring nutrigenomics tools to the New Zealand science scene. She has supervised more than 30 students
and has more than 300 peer reviewed publications. Dr. Ferguson serves as one of the managing Editors for Mutation
Research: Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutation, as well as on the Editorial Boards of several other
major journals.
Nanci Guest, RD, MSc, CSCS, PhD(c)
Nanci Guest is a registered dietitian (sport), certified personal trainer and a certified strength and conditioning

J. Bruce German, PhD specialist, and she has been working in private practice in this field for two decades. She is currently completing her
doctoral research in the area of nutrigenomics and athletic performance at the University of Toronto. She completed
Bruce German is the Director of the Foods for Health Institute at the University of California Davis, and is Professor her BSc in agriculture and dietetics, and her MSc in nutritional sciences with a sport focus at the University of British
of Food Science and Technology ( Dr German received his PhD from Cornell University and Columbia. She has published her research in top journals, presented at international meetings and has given dozens
joined the faculty at the University of California (Davis) in 1988. In 1997, he was named the first John E. Kinsella of invited talks around the world. Ms Guest is a global consultant to professional and amateur athletes and teams.
Endowed Chair in Food, Nutrition and Health. His research interests in personalised nutrition include the structure She was the Head Dietitian at both the Vancouver 2010 Olympics and the Toronto 2015 Pan Am games, and served
and function of dietary lipids, the role of milk components in food and health and the application of metabolic as a consultant to a variety of international athletes in preparation for the Sochi 2014 and Rio 2016 Olympics. She
assessment to personalizing diet and health. Dr German has published more than 350 papers and holds a number of was also involved in creating past nutrition guidelines for athletes for the International Olympic Committee.
patents related to various technologies and applications of bioactive food components. The research
articles from his lab rank in the top 5 most cited in the field.

For more information about this report contact:

Vonny Willianti


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