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Internet Marketing


10 JANUARY 2021

NABEEL ADIL 18029643


Executive Summary ............................................................................................. 3
Vision of NOVARO ............................................................................................. 4
Mission Statement ................................................................................................ 4
Environmental Analysis ...................................................................................... 4
Targeting Market ................................................................................................. 7
Industry Analysis ................................................................................................. 8
Competitors ...................................................................................................... 8
4p’s of Marketing Mix ......................................................................................... 9
I. Place ....................................................................................................... 10
II. Promotion ............................................................................................... 10
III. Product ................................................................................................ 12
IV. Price..................................................................................................... 14
Delivery Plan ...................................................................................................... 15
Customer Service ............................................................................................... 15
Internet Marketing Strategy Operations .......................................................... 17
Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 19
References .......................................................................................................... 20

Executive Summary
The Apparel & Fashion industry of Pakistan playing an important role and has a
high impact on the economy of Pakistan. Fashion is a way of expressing creativity,
and the business of fashion is not only about attractive style and pretty models but
a multi-dimensional enterprise involving many people, each making their
contribution to the bigger picture of this industry. The fashion industry showcases
Pakistan the world over; it has played the role of developing a great image of our
country as a stylish and creative one fashion as a vehicle for expressing ideas and
personal creativity (interest), The royalty of the fashion industry can surely
resuscitate the creativity in Pakistan’s fashion scene. Pakistani clothes express the
Culture of Pakistan, the Demographics of Pakistan and regional Cultures. Dress in
each regional culture reflect weather conditions, way of living and distinctive style
which gives it a unique identity among all cultures.

In Pakistan, there are fast fashion brands like Outfitters, but the issue is that there is
only a limited buying power. In western countries, most youngsters either save up
or work to fulfill their wishes, while in the east, that’s not really the case. Imported
clothes are expensive even if you purchase from cheap brands. It still costs a lot
and damages the wallet. While many want to keep up with fashion trends, there
aren’t a lot of affordable options to purchase from. It’s both good and bad but just
depends upon which perspective you look at it from.

We at Novaro bring the best of all worlds in Pakistan, from cheap rates to the best
online services. This paper will talk about the Novaro’s strategic internet
marketing plan discussing all the aspects related to online procedures.

Vision of NOVARO
"To attain market leadership through unmatched quality, a diverse and unique
product mix, empowered employees, world-class systems, and the highest ethical
and professional standards."

Mission Statement
NOVARO Textile is devoted to achieve consistent improvement in the system of
providing products & services to the customers through On Time Delivery &
Enhancing Customers Satisfaction by means of Quality and Value.
The mission and vision statements of NOVARO reveal the unwavering passion
and determination of the company to be the leading fashion brand locally. Novaro
has been specializing in virtually all types of fashions including shoes, clothing,
perfumes and other beauty wears, and numerous accessories since 1995. The
mission and vision statements of this company have been crucial in the growth and
popularity it has amassed so far.

Environmental Analysis
Our SWOT analysis will help you learn why it makes Novaro a successful brand.

Internal factors enabling Novaro’s growth

Pioneer advantage: Fast-fashion focuses on designing, producing, and selling

clothes as soon as they identify a trend. In traditional fashion, the process takes
months; Novaro does this in 3 weeks. As pioneers, Novaro has the most evolved
strategy and management practices in running the supply chain.
Supply Chain: Novaro refreshes its online and retail collection two times a week.
Novaro’s affiliation with the most logistic centers deliver to any location in the
country within 48 hours. Novaro also has an in-house team who design software to
double the speed at which the company dispatches orders.

Switch to Online: Novaro is investing heavily in bolstering its online sales. The
investment focuses on developing an engaging online buying experience and
integrating existing physical infrastructure. The company aims to generate a
quarter of its revenue through online sales by 2022.

What makes Novaro unique in the world of fashion is its commitment to revise its
collection every two weeks. This commitment gives Novaro a place at the top of
the industry. But the edge comes at a price.

Fast-Fashion: Interestingly, the trend that helped propel Novaro to the top is the
cause of its most pressing weakness. With the focus on sustainability increasing
among customers and policymakers Novaro’s weakness is balancing sustainability
with fast-fashion.

Reliance on Physical Stores: The pandemic accelerated Novaro’s plans to limit

the number of physical stores. Online sales helped Novaro climb out of a massive
drop in sales because of COVID-19-related causes.

One of the biggest advantages Novaro has is its experience in capitalizing on
fashion trends quickly.

Rapid Delivery Cycle: Customers visit Novaro’s shops on an average of 17 times

a year. This is because Novaro responds to trends as soon as they emerge. Right
now, Novaro delivers a trend from start to finish in just 2 to 3 weeks. However, in
the future, Novaro could shorten the cycles even more.

Eco-Friendliness: According to the Sourcing General, more than 1/3rd of

Millennials and Gen Z look for “sustainable” and “environment friendly” labels on
clothes. Together, the two groups account for 50% of the population. So, Novaro
must listen and respond to this growing need.


Price War: Fast-fashion, Novaro’s primary niche, brings the latest trends from the
ramp to the customers quickly and at low costs. However, the industry is
vulnerable to imitators waging price wars to leech off from Novaro’s line.

COVID-19: In the first quarter of 2020, Novaro reported a 44% drop in sales.
Novaro report states the closure of 88% of its stores because of the Coronavirus
lead as the central reason for the drop in sales.

Targeting Market
Fun fact about Pakistani market is that it is incredibly diverse, recalling Pakistan’s
evolutionary history to this date, we have seen influences from the British and
India and currently in the world of internet and social media, and Pakistan’s
fashion sense is visibly influenced by Europe. The target market is composed of
men and women, 18-40 years of age, with mid-range incomes. The target customer
is very fashion forward and trend conscious, residing in an urban area. They are
either shopping for themselves or for their children. Novaro's customers are
definitely sensitive towards having the most up to date and fashionable clothing
and accessories but at an affordable price.

Our priority target is the bachelors segment, since our brand focuses on fast
fashion and changing dynamics of clothing styles and also the pocket friendly
prices while delivering the best quality attracts the desired market we aim to

Highly fashionable individuals

Novaro is not an ordinary brand, it’s a blend of the best and evergreen fashion of
the European fashion industry that brings the best for the highly fashionable

Industry Analysis
Textile and Garments is considered the most important sector of Pakistan’s
economy and the largest industry with a 46% share of total manufacturing.
Accounting for 67% of exports, employment for 40% of the workforce and a
10.20% share in GDP confirms the importance of this sector. Pakistan’s large
available human resource pool offers an important incentive for further growth of
this labor intensive industry.
Although Pakistan is the fourth largest cotton producer in the world with strong
spinning and weaving infrastructure, the value added sector (cotton products) has a
small share in exports. The main reason is shortage of training facilities able to
enhance skills and produce competent middle managers having in-depth
knowledge of processes and hands-on experience in contemporary technologies.

Direct Competition

Outfitters is a name which is synonymous with fashions & trends in
Pakistan. Established in 2003, this is a company birthed out of an ambitious
investment in the fashion industry by the visionary team. Pioneers of
providing the latest fashion apparel to the Pakistani consumers, Outfitters
has been at the forefront of introducing the latest and trendiest clothes for the

STONEAGE Jeans Co is a popular western clothing brand of Pakistan. It
offers denim jeans wear and casual apparels for Men, Women and for Kids
too. The brand officially launched in the year 2005 and since then has made
a name for itself in the competitive market domestically. The brand claimed
to be a vintage inspired, denim based clothing label in the country.

Indirect Competition

Forever 21 is able to provide fast fashion, cheap, and trendy clothes to the
market before any of its competitors. Another marketing strategy is that
Forever 21 possesses the ability to launch new items into its retail stores on a
daily basis and it’s able to maintain its production level to the maximum in
order to serve its large customer base.

4p’s of Marketing Mix

Marketing Mix of Novaro analyses the brand/company which covers 4Ps (Product,
Price, Place, Promotion) and explains the Novaro marketing strategy. As of 2020,
there are several marketing strategies like product/service innovation, marketing
investment, customer experience etc. which have helped the brand grow.

Marketing strategy helps companies achieve business goals & objectives, and
marketing mix (4Ps) is the widely used framework to define the strategies. This
article elaborates the product, pricing, advertising & distribution strategies used by
I. Place
Novaro has a competitively strong reach throughout the country with over
36 stores. Novaro also sells through its online store. All these cover the
marketing mix place & distribution strategy of the brand. It is a vertically
integrated company. Novaro’s supply chain is what provides them a
competitive advantage. It uses its unique business model to bring new
products and fashion to the market in shortest time possible. Store managers
send orders to the headquarters twice a week based on the sales data of the
store and the shoppers’ preferences. The commercial team compiles the
order then sends it to the manufacturing hub. The commercial team also
coordinates with the in-house designers to find out new trends and develop
new products. New products are produced in relatively small batches which
helps them give exclusivity.

Most of the Novaro stores are owned by the company and are not a
franchise. This helps in keeping the shopping experience at Novaro intact
and. The stores are located in posh locations and are spacious and modern in
look with walled mirrors and excellent lightings.

II. Promotion
Novaro’s unique selling proposition is its short processing time, a large
variety of styles and affordable pricing. It usually relies on word of mouth
promotion and social media. During spring and winter season Novaro
heavily pushes towards the promotion of the brand and uses expensive
marketing tools. Novaro’s social media reach is quite exceptional. It has 2.5
million followers on Facebook and 10 million followers on Instagram. These

healthy numbers on the popular social media platforms are one of the crucial
reasons why Novaro is a preferred brand among the consumers.
Here are some of Novaro’s promotional and advertising strategies:
Since NOVARO group has a wide range of product portfolio catering to
different segments, it uses multi-channel promotional strategy in its
marketing mix.

• TV advertisements: NOVARO comes with creative ads which focus on

its latest innovative designs. Each brand handles its own marketing
decisions. The ads are telecasted at regular intervals and on channels mainly
watched by youth, to increase its awareness.
• YouTube: NOVARO has its own YouTube channel where it comes up
with unique ad campaigns to engage with the customers.
• Digital Marketing: It indulges in excessive search engine marketing and
social media marketing to convert the potential buyers into consumers.
• Promo codes and discounts: Promo codes and discounts are offered
during the end of season sale. The discounts are offered on both online and
retail stores.
• PR: Atif Aslam (pop-singer) performed for the opening of new store in
Lahore. Such stunts generate quick publicity for the company.
• CSR: Water, Planet, Education, Equality

Novaro prefers spending their percentage of revenue in opening new stores.

The brand spends money on expensive real estate for its stores and on its
décor. Novaro believes that its show windows are suffice for advertisements
and they do not need anything else to sell their products. This concludes the
marketing mix of Novaro.

UGC “#novarobling”
We have opted to activate UGC protocol 5 times a year, since we know it’s
very necessary for our brand and many others. Our hashtag #novarobling
will always be our fan’s forever memorable hashtag. What we do is that we
choose the best photos from Instagram following our hashtags, we add
display it on our website and our official pages. Everyone knows that want
to be featured on the trendiest brand and we are whole heartedly giving them
a chance.

III. Product
Novaro is one of the leading luxury fashion labels in the world. Novaro’s
offer products for men, women and children. It offers jeans, trousers, tops,
skirts, knitwear, T-shirts, shoes, bags and accessories. All these are the
product strategy in the marketing mix of Novaro. It is a one stop solution for
everyone whether you want to buy formals or causals. One can choose from
different styles Novaro has to offer. It launches at least 3000 new designs in
a year. Novaro products are a hit with the high end fashionistas as well as
with the masses. The taste of the target market influences the availability of
products line. Novaro also teams up with local talent to provide best fashion

Novaro believes in sustainable development and is committed to reduce the

production of waste. It recycles its hangers and security tags. Novaro gives
out their products in paper or biodegradable plastic bags. Novaro uses
ecological fabrics like organic cotton in the production of some of their
items. These products have a unique and distinct label which can be
identifies easily.
1. Exclusivity and Scarcity
One of the major reasons for Novaro being successful is that the
company never produces too many products of a single design. This
creates scarcity in the mind of customers which makes them take quick
decisions to buy their fav designs as they know it will go out of the stock
2. Making customers feedback as part of the creativity process
NOVARO takes customers feedback very seriously. Employees at their
stores have been told to note down what customers want and these feedbacks
are very quickly sent to design and production team to make new designs
according to requirements. On online platforms, it regularly analyses what
customers are searching for. This involvement of customers also helps in
building brand loyalty.

Quality Control
One of Novara’s main challenges is to offer ever more sustainable products.
This means working hard on product design, on selecting the right processes
and raw materials to be used, and on the whole production process in
general, right through to the end of the product’s life cycle.
Achieving maximum product quality is closely linked to sustainability: in
our view, maximum quality means safe products that are manufactured in
appropriate social and environmental conditions. To achieve this, we work at
every stage of the value chain – from design through the right choice of raw
materials, and the manufacturing and distribution processes, right up until
the end of the product lifecycle – using the best available techniques to
reduce consumption and environmental impact, especially when it comes to
greenhouse gases.

At Novaro, this standard is reflected on labels explaining the added
environmental value of these products. Novaro Join Life labels identify
items produced using the most sustainable raw materials, such as organic
cotton or recycled materials; forest-based synthetic fibers made using an
efficient process; or clothing produced with technology using renewable
energy, or that demonstrates efficient use of energy or water.

IV. Price
Novaro provides latest fashion at much lower prices in all its international
stores as compared to other competing international brands. Novaro follows
low pricing strategy. It can afford to do that as it doesn’t spend enormous
amount of money on advertisements and raw material. It has an overall low
cost structure compared to its competitors. Novaro’s prices are country
specific. The tagging on their products are done locally in each respective
market. Novaro sets market-based pricing strategy which sets the target price
consumer is willing to pay. The budget for production according to the target
price. This in turn fixes the profit margin they earn on every item. This gives
an insight on the marketing mix pricing strategy of Novaro.

The brand uses various schemes as a way of sales promotion. Novaro has
low level of discounting around the year and discount sales of 50% or more
twice in a year. Fans of our brand also eagerly wait for the end of the season
sale and end of the year sale, and the Holy Festival of Pakistan, because we
promise our loyal customers a substantial price drops and amazing sale

Delivery Plan
"In with the new and out with the old" sums up today's world of fast fashion. Ever-
shorter product life cycles, the lure of global brands, the rise of social media and
multiple distribution channels demand a market-responsive and agile supply chain
solution. Our aims for end-to-end order management services combined with
effective consolidation of shipments allow on-time delivery without compromising
Our delivery plan strictly follows abides by these motives:
1. Late cut-off times and short lead times in order fulfillment
2. Growing volume through e-commerce generating a higher number of returns
3. Multi-channel distribution driving frequent deliveries to brick-and-mortar
stores, which can reduce the ability to batch pick orders at distribution and
4. Reduced inventory and the ability to handle a growing number of SKUs and
5. Direct to consumer, retail and wholesale fashion sellers need distribution and
fulfillment solutions that can be flexible and accommodate seasonal peaks,
like Black Friday and back-to-school

Customer Service
We place the customer at the very center of our business model. Knowing and
delivering exactly what our customers want -no matter where they are- demands
meticulous organization, close attention to detail, and industry-leading
technological innovation in every part of our value chain.

Whether we are designing, manufacturing, or distributing our products, we are
always looking at how our operations can improve customer service and the
quality of the customer experience – while honoring the commitments to
sustainability that our customers expect from us. Listening to feedback, making
short production runs, and investing in state-of-the art logistics allows us to
pinpoint and meet customer needs, refreshing our stores and online platforms with
new styles twice a week.

Our payments are accepted from any means of payment services from debit and
credit card to cash on delivery and online local network operator wallet apps
(easypaisa, Jazz Cash, Upaisa etc.). Alongside with the ease of payment we have
care about our customer’s product satisfaction. Upon delivery or purchase of
product from store, we provide a 10 days money back guarantee.

Customer-focused innovations
Agility and precision behind the scenes is only half the story. How we
respond to customer needs face-to-face and online is just as important. Every
morning in every store our teams discuss how they can serve customers
better, and they take part in comprehensive training programs centered on
enhancing customer relations.

The implementation of the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system,

that has been internally developed by our teams, allows staff to help
customers find items instantly in-store, nearby or online.

Social media is also proving to be a valuable opportunity for us to strengthen

our relationship with our customers. We are delighted that our customers

talk to us about everything from the latest trends to supply chain integrity,
giving us the chance to explain our commitments to sustainability, society
and the environment. Novaro currently has over 7 million followers on

Internet Marketing Strategy Operations

Novaro has social media profiles on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube,
Pinterest, and LinkedIn. Because of the importance of pictures and videos in
fashion, Instagram and Facebook are their primary social media platforms. Across
the different social networks, Novaro posts product-focused content which gives
the audience a peek into their latest offerings. Their fan base consists of mostly
young bachelors and highly fashionable individuals, according to the statistics 68%
of Instagram users are female, 59% of internet users between the ages of 18 and 29
are Instagram users, and 6 in 10 online adults have an Instagram account.

Social Media Applications

In 2017, Novaro added more than one million followers, making it one of the most
successful fashion retail brands on Facebook with 2.5 million followers. The brand
posted 497 times, with more than 70% of it being photos, and videos accounted for
just over 20% of the content. Novaro’s Facebook page mostly showcases their
latest collections. Their visual content involves lookbook-style photos. Not
surprisingly, their clothes do the talking for them and drive the most engagement in
terms of likes and shares. The brand promoted 236 posts, out of which 143 were
photos. Interestingly, the organic posts involving photo content managed to
achieve a higher overall engagement than the promoted posts. This could be the
reason why the brand chose to promote 87 videos from a total of 126 they
uploaded. These videos managed to gain high engagement with over 6 million
views. Novaro participated in 255 user conversations, mainly receiving a positive
(81%) response from their audience. We took a look at the comments on their most
engaging post. From the word cloud below, it’s clear that customers appreciated
the retailer and there’s considerable brand excitement. Novaro has 7 million
followers on Twitter with 79,026 followers being added last year. The brand page
registered a 6.5% increase in fans. Their Twitter strategy centers around
conversing with their customers and proactively responding to their queries and
concerns. On average, Novaro tweets 52 times per day; 98% of their tweets are
replies. Novaro responded to 10,937 tweets against a total of 113,889 mentions,
keeping their response rate at 9.6%. On average, Novaro replies in 14-15 hours,
most frequently between 4 am and 1 pm. This is also the time when brand
mentions peak. Customer tweets are mainly regarding delayed deliveries, product
damages or misplacements and bad in-store customer service. The brand opts to
handle queries through requests to direct message, apologies or otherwise directs
them to the brand’s separate customer service handle @NOVARO_Care.

Facebook and Instagram

Facebook advertising is an important way to connect with our audience on the

world’s largest social network. With the highest number of monthly active users
(or MAUs) of any social network in the world, Facebook has become a highly
competitive and potentially lucrative element of many business’ digital advertising
strategies. Facebook’s micro-targeting features allow you to reach your exact target
audience. That means Facebook ads can get your message in front of the people
who are most likely to want your products or services. These features will help us
fully utilize Facebook user’s attention and it’s basically free because it’s only 70
cents averagely cost per click. We know that Instagram is owned by Facebook yet
the costing for ads is separate, but the great part about it that Facebook uses the

same user searches for Instagram so we’ll simultaneously take use of Instagram

Mobile Advertising


Mobile text ads offer a direct and easy way to communicate with
individuals. The way they can complement other forms of advertising is
especially important. For example, a text ad that is sent out to remind
someone that an email was sent to them before.

As this form of advertising is so direct, most potential customers will

respond to their messages, meaning surveys and competitions can be highly

Response times are usually fast as well, so results can be seen more quickly
than in other forms of advertising. While it may be tempting to think that
these ads are intrusive, data shows that potential customers value the direct
updates from brands (when used sparingly).

The dynamics of the world have been heavily influenced by the advent of internet
and the possibilities of other technologies. It has brought many changes to the
consumerism of the people. Branding a product online is a much challenging task
since it’s already saturated in the web. Many companies fail to do so because of
many reasons. Novaro isn’t just all about bringing online feasibility but also
bringing the best in the clothes for the people of Pakistan which will continue to be
the most preferred choice.

 Brătianu, C., & Bălănescu, G. V. (2008). Vision, mission and corporate
values. A comparative analysis of the top 50 US companies.
Management & Marketing, 3(3), 19-38.


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