General Knowledge Test 3 - Google Forms

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6/13/2021 General Knowledge Test 3

General Knowledge Test 3

Answer the following questions:

Name of the Student: *

Muhammed Afeef.

Q1: What is the food of the lion? * 2 points

The lion eats flesh of the other animals.

Q2: Write the names of animals that eat plants? * 3 points

Rabbits, deer, zebras, and giraffes eats plants.

Q3: Where do fish live? * 2 points

fishes live in water.

Q4: Which plants can be grown from the cuttings? * 2 points

Rose plants can be grown from there cuttings. 1/2
6/13/2021 General Knowledge Test 3

Q5: In which direction the Sun rises daily? * 2 points

The Sun always rises in the East.

Q6: Name the four directions. * 4 points

East, West, Norths South.

Q7: What is meant by incubation? * 3 points

The hen lays eggs, and sits on the eggs for 21 days. It is called incubation.

Q8: At what times, the shadows of the objects are longer? * 2 points

In the morning and evening, the shadows becomes longer.

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