Practica Idioma 1

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1) CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Is Shakira brazilian?

a) Yes, i am
b) No, she is
c) No, she isn't
d) Yes, she isn't
2) CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Where is he from?

a) He is Canada
b) He American
c) She is british
d) He is from the UK
3) CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Nice to meet you Alex

a) Nice to meet you too.

b) Very good to meet you
c) Nice to meet her too
d) Nice to met you
4) CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER What is your name?

a) I am Valeria
b) She is Valeria
c) Me name is Valeria
d) I am a student

a) Good night Charlie

b) Good evening Charlie
c) Good afternoon Charlie
d) Bye Charlie

a) Yes, I am bolivian
b) No, i am peruvian
c) Yes, she is from
d) No, she isn't
7) CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER What's your last name?

a) I am Velasco
b) My last name is Velasco
c) me last name is Velasco
d) His last name is velasco
8) CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER What's your phone number?

a) It's 20 years old

b) It's 2021
c) It's from Canada
d) It's seven double eight four seven five double two
9) FILL IN THE BLANKS I am .... architect

a) a
b) one
c) an
d) the
10) CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER How old are you?

a) I am 18 years old
b) I am a doctor
c) He is 18 years old
d) I am 18 year old

11) FILL IN THE BLANKS She is ...... 30

a) from
b) we
c) about
d) old

12) FILL IN THE BLANKS Is .... bolivian?

a) you
b) we
c) she
d) I

13) FILL IN THE BLANKS Is .... bolivian?

a) she
b) we
c) I
d) You
14) CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER How old are you?

a) He is 18 years old
b) I am 18 year old
c) I am a doctor
d) I am 18 years old
15) CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Is your computer 2 years old?

a) No, it is
b) Yes, it is
c) No, he isn't
d) Yes, he is


a) No, he is
b) No, i am not
c) No, he isn't
d) Yes, she is

17) CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER What's your e mail address?

a) It's patito77 arroba gmail dot com

b) it's patito77 arroba gmail point com
c) It's patito 77 at gmail point com
d) It's patito77 at gmail dot com

18) CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER What's your first name?

a) I am Lopez
b) Me first name is Valeria
c) My last name is Lopez
d) My first name is Valeria

19) CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Nice to meet you Alex

a) Nice to meet her too

b) Very good to meet you
c) Nice to meet you too.
d) Nice to met you

20) CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Where are you from

a) I am from colombian
b) I am from bolivian
c) I am from Bolivia
d) I am Bolivia

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