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Chesapeake Bay Foundation. (2018). All About Trees. Keystone 10 Million Trees


This website includes various facts about trees. Organized by bullets, there is a list of the

benefits trees bring to the planet and human life. The organization states, through quality

and quantitative data, that with the help of trees there is pollution reduction, economic

development, health advantages, energy reduction, and flooding prevention. This

information can apply in my project to help gain overall information about trees and why

they are important in order to fight climate change.

This source is credible. It is published by The Keystone 10 Million Trees Partnership

which is defined as a collaborative effort of national, regional, state and local agencies,

conservation organizations, outdoors enthusiasts, businesses, and citizens who are joined

to improve Pennsylvania’s communities, economy, and ecology by planting 10 million

trees throughout the Commonwealth. Additionally, it cites all resources used when

writing. Finally, it was published in 2018, a fairly recent time.

Chrobak, U. (2021, April 26). We can’t stop climate change unless we drastically change

how we use our land. Popular Science.

The science journal provides information about climate change and its causes. It explains

how cutting trees and deforestation in general affect the environment, by turning a carbon

sink into a carbon source. Then it goes by stating the negative consequences of climate

change and finishes by stating ways to fix the problems the planet is facing. My project
can use this information since it states the carbon cycle and the feedback loop that

deforestation creates. Additionally, it expresses that a solution can be planting more trees,

which is the response to climate change that I'm evaluating.

The source is indeed credible. Not only is it written by a freelance science writer and

editor which has various known pieces of writing, but it was published by a well-known

reputable and respectable science journal. Moreover, the article was published this same

year which means the information is still true to this day.

Dean, A. (2021, February 10). Deforestation and Climate Change. Climate Council.

The article writes about deforestation and its connection to climate change. By including

specific data, the author explains explicitly how deforestation takes place in the carbon

cycle. Furthermore, it states how the burning of fossil fuels with the combination of the

destruction of carbon sinks caused by activities such as deforestation, contribute to the

building of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which then leads to global warming. It

finishes by foreseeing the risks which the planet will face in the future if action is not

taken in an instant. The information may apply to my project because it explains in a

clear way how deforestation can lead to global warming, and all the steps in between.

The source is proven to be credible. The author is a senior researcher who has a PhD

from the Climate Change Research Centre at the University of New South Wales.

Further, it was published by the Climate Council, Australia’s leading climate change

communications organisation, which provides authoritative, expert advice to the

Australian public on climate change and solutions based on the most up-to-date science
available. Additionally, the article was published in 2019, making the information fairly


Ecosia. (2018, November 12). Brazil’s Atlantic Forest six years on [Video]. YouTube.

The video explains how the search engine Ecosia is improving Brazil's Atlantic Forest.

With few words and fascinating images the audience can exactly view how their searches

on the internet while using Ecosia is specifically helping Brazil and its forests. My

project can apply this information because it shows the results of the solution I’m


This source can be considered credible. It was published in 2018 by the organization

itself. Ecosia is partnered with the Pacto Mata Atlantica, a united group of 300

institutions that work together to conserve what remains of the ecosystem, which makes

the source even more reliable. However, this can offer a few limitations since the creator

of the video was the company advertising their solution, the information can be

considered biased and not objective.

Ecosia. (2021, May 18). Your trees in Brazil. The Ecosia Blog.

With beautiful graphics and brief but informative content, the blog shows how Ecosia is

helping Brazil’s forests. For example, it states from what year they have been working,

the number of trees planted, and the hectares restored. It later explains how they are

helping wildlife in Brazil with various data and facts. This information can be applied to
my project since it explicitly shows how the solution I’m evaluating is helping Brazil’s


The source can be viewed as credible. Although it was published by the organization who

is selling the product, it has respectable partners. Additionally, it explains specifically

how their trees are planted and their main threats and challenges. The source is updated

almost daily meaning information is up-to-date.

Our Changing Climate. (2019, March 20). Is Ecosia legit? [Video]. YouTube.

The video uploaded assesses Ecosia and its reliability. It goes on explaining the steps it

takes for people’s searches to become a planted tree. Since all data of Ecosia is

self-published it then evaluates if it's actually truthful. Finally, it finishes the video by

stating that they recommend using Ecosia over Google as a search engine because there is

no major difference between them, and it's better to be searching while saving the planet.

This source can be applied for my project since it objectively analyzes Ecosia as a search

engine without applying any biased opinion.

The source is credible. Not only is the information objective, but it;s creator is a channel

that uploads bi-weekly video essay series that investigates humanity's relationship to the

natural world. Additionally, the creator cites the sources where he got his information.

Finally, the video was uploaded in 2019 making information up-to-date.

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