Presented By: Learning Activity 4 Solution Evidence: Calling 911

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Learning activity 4

Solution Evidence: Calling 911

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Complete the following dialogue. Then, retell the story to a friend. Imagine you
have a medical emergency at home with one of your relatives and you are
making a phone call to 911. Do not forget to keep in mind the correct way to
report instructions and requests to write your composition. The first line is done
as an example.

Operator: 911, What’s your emergency?

You: Please help me!, my friend received an electric
shock using a screwdriver.
Operator: Is the person conscious?
You: No, he´s unconscious but he´s breathing
Operator: What’s his name and age?
You: His name is Nepomuceno Concha, he´s 45 years
Operator: What’s your address?
You: My address is 62th street number 15A-05,
neighborhood los Yarumos.
Operator: Got it. An ambulance is on its way.
You: Ok, I’ll wait for it. What do I do meanwhile?
Operator: You must keep calm
You: I hear that the ambulance is approaching!
Operator: Don’t hang up until the ambulance is there.
You: Ok, I’ll wait on phone.
Operator: Ok. That’s all I can do for you.
You: Thanks you very much for your support!
-The operator requested to know the emergency.

- I said that Nepomuceno had received an electric shock using a screwdriver

- The operator asked me if Nepomuceno was conscious.

- I said her that he was unconscious, but he was breathing.

- The operator demanded to know his name and his age.

- I said her my friend´s name and I said that he´s 45 years old.

- The operator demanded to know my address.

- I said her my address.

- The operator said me that an ambulance was in approaching!

- I said her that I´ll wait for it and I asked her what can I do meanwhile.

- The operator commanded me to keep the calm.

- I said her that I was hearing the ambulance was approaching.

- The operator ordered me not to hang up the phone.

- I said her that I would wait on phone.

- Operator said me that was all She could do for me.

- I thanked her for the help.

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