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Week 5:

(Tuesday 25th September - Monday 01st October)

Dear Students Culture and Regional Economy of Asia.

Yesterday closed the opportunity to present midterm exam with an average of 91% rating, which represents an
impulse to move forward and development all activities of the module. Remember that if there are cases of
technical problems with the platform it is essential to scale the case at technological support area off course
supporting evidences, because their staff have permissions to verify and fix different issues on system.

Project second stage.

Remember second stage upload will be this weekend (28 th September– 01th October).
Maximum grade will be 130 points, it is a significant score, so I invite all of you to reinforce analytic writings and
present more valuable information with high quality.

Second stage – week # 5.

 Theoretical framework.
 Legal framework.
 Conceptual framework.

In this stage is when you must develop all the contents related with the topics to create a possible area of
integration between these countries and the United States of America, we have multiple alternatives, and the
idea is to choose at least two topics to develop, such as:

 Communication Strategy  Intellectual Property

 Consumer protection  Labor
 Cooperation  Mining Development
 Culture  Movement of people
 Digital Agenda  Promotion Agencies
 Education  Public Purchases
 Environment  Services and capitals
 External relationship  SMEs
 Gender  Tourism
 Innovation  Trade facilitation and customs cooperation
 Institutional Affairs

Remember you must create an integration area and you are going to analyze all information related with topics
that you chose for a future negotiation process.
It is essential to use and apply the updated APA standard correctly, to cite and present references. Remember
copying URL links is not a reference.
I invite all students to continue proactively in the project working with your teams. Because your commitment will
support good grades.

Week 5
Topics this week are:
Trade and integration agreements between US and Latin America.

Remember you can send me a message by platform or email:

Ignacio Mendivelso Bernal

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