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Guzman 1

Jenesis Guzman

Professor Torres

English 111

8 December 2020

Final exam

Part One:

“Why Technology Favors Tyranny”by Yuval Noah Harari, is an informational text about

how the world of technology is growing around us. With the advancements the humans have

made in technology, technology has grown so much to the point where the machines and

networks we use are making the humans lives easier to maneuver. In the article Harari portrays

how the technology we have developed has actually grown so much that it is slowly starting to

take over the jobs humans have and simple tasks like making decisions. The point of the article is

to show that the technology we have created is in fact slowly beginning to take over everything

we are capable of doing but by portraying this point he does convey the idea that there are certain

ways that we can avoid technology completely taking over the human race. Just like Harari says

the technology is taking over our decision making. He states that we should learn more and more

information about humans and their minds because there is information we do not know and we

could figure out to expand our horizons. The article is compelling and informational and gives us

a whole new perspective on technology and human advancement.

Part Two:

In the article “Why Technology Favors Tyranny”by Yuval Noah Harari, He states "In

2018 the common person feels increasingly irrelevant" I agree with Harari because the world we

are being introduced to is being filled with machinery and technology with the power to do every
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human's job. Not only are we being introduced to the world of technology but we are also

allowing technology to take control of everything we do thus creating the fear which

unfortunately has become a reality, that humans will become irrelevant. From our phones and

apps to big conferences technology takes control of our entire lives making us the humans feel

useless or irrelevant, much less of a feeling but more of a reality. If we are not making the

machines we are not being useful we are using the machines and softwares take control.

As humans we trust machines to do everything for us, from work to school we allow the

machines to do the easiest of things for us. We let this happen because we think the machine is

just a machine and no one is controlling it at al, we trust in the machine. The article states, “ We

might willingly give up more and more authority over our lives because we will learn from

experience to trust the algorithms more than our own feelings, eventually losing our ability to

make many decisions for ourselves.”(Harari), “we will learn from experience to trust the

algorithms more than our own feelings” by saying these words Harari helps explain that people

slowly but surely let the machines influence our decisions because we are constantly told that the

machines will make the idea of making decisions easier. The text also says, “We trust Netflix to

recommend movies and Spotify to pick our music. Just think of the way that, within a mere two

decades, billions of people have come to entrust Google's search algorithm with one of the most

important tasks of all: finding relevant and trustworthy information.”(Harari). From simple

decisions like what to watch and what to listen to,machines make the decisions for us based on

the information we give to the network itself. Also when we are researching ideas or resources

for work, school or self interest google, as mentioned in the article, brings up the most “relevant”

items that the algorithm infers will be most useful or helpful to you. Thus giving the illusion that
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the more and more information we give to the networks or machines and the more advancement

humans make with technology the more and more irrelevant the human race becomes.

I agree with the author because not only am I reading the information in his text I am

seeing the truth behind the information he is providing. We let everything on social media and

even netflix guide us in making our decisions for us. Without even noticing we give our

information out easily because we trust the machines and algorithms extremely more than we

trust other humans. I also agree because if we keep going down the path we are going down now

we will reach a point in our lives where machines are going to be absolutely everything for us

and that is when we will truly become irrelevant.

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