Tibigar. Performance Task Week 4

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Tibigar, Mary Grace M. Mrs.

Liz Villanueva
11-ABM 1 Quarter 3, WEEK 4
Performance Task
ACTIVITY 2: Read this claim: “public officials say things different from what they are doing trying
to mislead the people on reality of what is happening”

1. What claims is it?

Considering some factors from the text above, I could say that it is the claim of
Judgement of Value.

2. Write a paragraph about your contentions for that statement.

There isn’t any, and I believe that elected officials like exaggerating their achievements
when in office and smear their opponents’ names whenever they can. They deceive the
masses who are deeply engrossed in the cult of personality, which means they admire the
individual and are unconcerned about his/her platform. As a result, politicians lie while the
public accepts it. Of course, there must be a few decent politicians, but they are few and far
between. Most people who seek power, particularly those who actively pursue leadership
roles, are obsessive, who must lie and cheat to succeed. The irony is that many people adore
and worship them, implying that this will continue indefinitely, as it has for decades.

3. Be able to support them with enough evidence.

According to a local study by Lino Briguglio, Carmen Saliba, and Melchor Vella
GLOBAL INDICATORS”. The paper assesses the state of governance in the Philippines by
comparing it with other countries utilizing nine indicators relating to political, economic,
and social governance. The main finding is that the Philippines receives high scores for
economic governance and relatively low scores for political and social governance. The
study also correlates these indices with GDP per capita and economic growths to comment
to the presumption that good political, economic and social governance is associated with
these two variables. All the nine governance scores are positively associated with GDP per
capita, but not with economic growth. The paper summarizes the main findings derived
from the indicators, based on which it proposes several implications relating to the
Philippine economy. We can be definite that our government is always outstanding, thanks
to the finding of this report. Certain public officials occasionally tell the public of our
government’s few redeeming qualities. Other aspects are missed or ignored, and not
everyone is aware of these facts, making them deceptive.

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