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HSC 2019 - Q.


Question 36 (7 marks)

A radon-198 atom, initially at rest, undergoes alpha decay. The masses of the atoms 7
involved are shown in atomic mass units (u).

radon-198 polonium-194 + helium-4

197.999 u 193.988 u 4.00260 u

The kinetic energy of the polonium atom produced is 2.55 × 10−14 J.

By considering mass defect, calculate the kinetic energy of the alpha particle, and
explain why it is significantly greater than that of the polonium atom.


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HSC 2012 - Q. 34
(e) Describe the role of conservation laws in the development of atomic physics. 6












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HSC 2005 - Q. 31

Question 31

(d) The diagram below shows the first five circular Bohr orbits or ‘stationary states’
for the electron orbiting the nucleus of the hydrogen atom.





(i) For the electron transition shown on the diagram, calculate the 2
wavelength of the emitted photon.

(ii) State de Broglie’s hypothesis, and calculate the wavelength of the 3

electron in the first stationary state if its speed is 2.188 × 106 m s−1.

(iii) Describe how de Broglie’s hypothesis extended the work of Bohr in 3

explaining the stability of electron orbits in the hydrogen atom.

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HSC 2002 - Q. 31

Question 31

(c) The diagram represents the four spectral lines in the visible region of the
hydrogen spectrum known as the Balmer Series.


Wavelength (nm)
410 434 486 656

(i) Explain how the Balmer Series provides strong experimental evidence in 3
support of Bohr’s model of the hydrogen atom.

(ii) Calculate the wavelength of the next line in the Balmer Series. 3

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HSC 2014 - Q. 34
(b) (i) Outline why gravitational forces are irrelevant in the nucleus of an atom. 2

(ii) The graph shows the binding energy per nucleon. 3

Using this diagram, explain how energy may be released in a nuclear


Fe Pd
8 C U
per Nucleon (MeV)
Binding Energy

0 20 40 60 80 100
Atomic number
(g) Mathematical models, validated by experimental evidence, have improved our
HSC 2011
- Q. 34
understanding of the atom.

Justify this statement, focusing on the models developed by Bohr and de Broglie.












(d) The diagram below shows the first five circular Bohr orbits or ‘stationary states’
for the electron orbiting the nucleus of the hydrogen atom.
HSC 2005 - Q. 31




(i) For the electron transition shown on the diagram, calculate the 2
wavelength of the emitted photon.

(ii) State de Broglie’s hypothesis, and calculate the wavelength of the 3

electron in the first stationary state if its speed is 2.188 × 106 m s−1.

(iii) Describe how de Broglie’s hypothesis extended the work of Bohr in 3

explaining the stability of electron orbits in the hydrogen atom.





HSC 2013 - Q. 35
(e) How did de Broglie use existing concepts and ideas to come up with new
interpretations that have increased our understanding of the structure of matter?










HSC 2002 - Q. 30

Question 30

(c) An H-R diagram can be used to show the evolutionary track of stars.

105 R Q
Solar luminosities




10 e

1 S P

100 000 30 000 10 000 3000

Surface Temperature (K)

(i) Select the position P, Q, R or S on the H-R diagram in which white 2

dwarfs would be found. Justify your choice.
(ii) A white dwarf is considered to be in a stable condition. Explain why a 2
white dwarf does not continue to shrink in size.

(iii) Describe ONE nuclear reaction taking place in a star located on the main 2

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HSC 2003 - Q. 24
Question 24 (4 marks)

Outline Thomson’s experiment to measure the charge/mass ratio of an electron. 4






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HSC 2014 - Q. 28

Question 28 (6 marks)
(a) Thomson’s experiment measures the charge/mass ratio of an electron. 3

Use an annotated diagram to show how Thomson’s experiment can be


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(b) An electron is projected at 90° into a magnetic field of 9 × 10–4 T, at a speed 3
of 1 × 107 m s–1. This causes the electron to undergo uniform circular motion.

Calculate the radius of the electron’s path.





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U + 1
n → 141
Ba + 92
Kr + 3 10 n
HSC 2013 - Q. 34
92 0 56 36

Particle Mass (amu)

U 235.0439
Ba 140.9144
Kr 91.9263
n 1.008 665

(i) Use the data above to calculate the energy released in this reaction.

(ii) Apply Einstein’s idea of the equivalence of mass and energy to explain
the production of energy in the reaction above.







HSC 2015 - Q. 34












HSC 2004 - Q. 31


One cannot understand the [particle] physics of the past
several decades without understanding the nature of the
accelerator . . . the dominant tool in the field for the past forty
years. By understanding the accelerator, one also learns much
of the physics principles that physicists have laboured
centuries to perfect.
Leon Lederman and Dick Teresi, The God Particle, 1993

Describe how the key features and components of the standard model of matter
have been developed using accelerators as a probe.












HSC 2006 - Q. 31

Question 31

(d) The cyclotron, invented in 1932, accelerates charged particles to a very high
speed. The diagram shows the basic design of a cyclotron. The Dees provide a
strong magnetic field into the plane of the page.

Target Dee

Path of charged
Charged particle
particle source

Supply of high frequency

alternating voltage

(i) Explain the physical principles involved in the design of the cyclotron. 3

(ii) Account for the use of the cyclotron (or other accelerator) in the 2
development of our understanding of matter.

(iii) Quarks are an important part of the Standard Model of Matter. The table 2
shows the six types of quark and their charge (in units of e, the charge on
an electron).

Quark Up Down Strange Charm Bottom Top

Charge + –23 e − –13 e − –13 e + –23 e − –13 e + –23 e

Identify the quark composition of the proton and the neutron.

(d) (i) Explain how the internal structures of the proton and neutron determine
HSC 2012
- Q. 34
their properties.

(ii) How are accelerators used to investigate the structure of matter? 2






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HSC 2003 - Q. 27

Question 27 (4 marks)

In a particle accelerator called a synchrotron, magnetic fields are used to control the 4
motion of an electron so that it follows a circular path of fixed radius.

Describe the changes required in the magnetic field to accelerate an electron to near
the speed of light. Support your answer with appropriate mathematical relationships.






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© Board of Studies NSW 2003
(a) Part A of the figure shows the absorption spectrum of light, produced by an
HSC 2005 - Q. 30
incandescent filament, after it has been shone through a quantity of hydrogen

Also shown in the figure are the spectra obtained from two stars, Star Croesus
in part B and Star Dromus in part C.

The dark lines are absorption bands in A, B and C.

Spectrum Source

Violet Blue Green Red

(A) Shone through hydrogen

Violet Blue Green Red

(B) Star Croesus

Violet Blue Green Red

(C) Star Dromus DIAGRAMS


(i) For each star, Croesus and Dromus, identify the principal way in which 2
its spectrum differs from the spectrum shown in part A of the figure.

(ii) For each star, Croesus and Dromus, state what its spectrum tells us about 2
the motion of that star.







HSC 2005 - Q. 30

Question 30

(a) Part A of the figure shows the absorption spectrum of light, produced by an
incandescent filament, after it has been shone through a quantity of hydrogen

Also shown in the figure are the spectra obtained from two stars, Star Croesus
in part B and Star Dromus in part C.

The dark lines are absorption bands in A, B and C.

Spectrum Source

Violet Blue Green Red

(A) Shone through hydrogen

Violet Blue Green Red

(B) Star Croesus

Violet Blue Green Red

(C) Star Dromus DIAGRAMS


(i) For each star, Croesus and Dromus, identify the principal way in which 2
its spectrum differs from the spectrum shown in part A of the figure.

(ii) For each star, Croesus and Dromus, state what its spectrum tells us about 2
the motion of that star.
HSC 2019 - Q. 32

Question 32 (5 marks)

Describe how specific experiments have contributed to our understanding of the 5

electron and ONE other fundamental particle.





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(d) (i) Identify the fundamental forces proposed by the standard model of the
HSC 2013 - Q. 35
(ii) Explain how the stability of atomic nuclei is maintained.





HSC 2018 - Q. 34
(e) Using the standard model, analyse the roles of both forces and particles in the 7
current understanding of the atom.












(d) The two graphs below show the gravitational and electrostatic forces acting
HSC 2003 - Q. 31
between two protons in the nucleus of an atom.

Gravitational force
Nucleon distance d (× 10−15 m)
0 1 2 3 4
F (× 10−34 N) −2

Electrostatic force
F (N)

0 1 2 3 4
Nucleon distance d (× 10 m)

(i) If the distance between protons in a nucleus is 1.0 × 10−15 m, determine 2

both the gravitational and the electrostatic force at this distance.

(ii) Explain why these two forces cannot explain the stability of the nucleus, 2
and why there is a need for the strong nuclear force.

(iii) Describe TWO properties of the strong nuclear force. 2






HSC 2019 - Q. 34

Question 34 (9 marks)

Use the following information to answer this question. 9

Earth’s distance from the sun, r ...................................................1.5 × 1011 m

Intensity of solar radiation at a distance r from the sun .............. 1360 W m–2
Surface area of a sphere ........................................................................... 4pr 2

Radiation curve for the sun


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400 500 600 700
Wavelength (nm)

Describe both the production and radiation of energy by the sun. In your answer,
include a quantitative analysis of both the power output and the surface temperature
of the sun.









Question 34 continues on page 33

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Question 34 (continued)




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End of Question 34

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