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w iff n i f t ut i • SHJP . \ | j \ r sU P W H A U P• W H A
W ] UP W H A U P• W H A

November 22

+ 80,000 Canadians a year die from heart

attack and stroke, 70% of these people die
within the first two hours.
The Canadian Red Cross Society can teach you
the skills needed to help someone who has
The Jessica
Schoenberg Band
at the ZOO
tickets available at the Service
Volunteer Opportunities
Languages Centre, L C C : The Languages Centre is
part ofthe division of Continuing Sudies at LCC
offering a wide variety of full and part-time learning
opportunities in second or other languages to adult
students from all backgrounds. Volunteers are needed as
suffered a heart attack, possibly saving their life. Centre and the ZOO for $2
conversation parners to be matched one-to-one with a
The Canadian Red Cross Society offers a complete line Jiaveyou travetted student of english as a second language. The student
of First Aid and CPR courses. other roads and volunteer would meet at a place and time which is
contact 327-7117 or drop by 1120 7th Ave. S. 6efore entering the mutually convenient to them to practise english. The
University of LetfiBridge? volunteer must have a good knowldge of english
Lethbridge for more info. grammar and language skills. Ifyou would be
Then join us Jriday intertested in befriending a student of english to help
afternoons with language acquisition, please call Hilda Walker at
Some Assembly Required
by Eugene Stickland
XpJZ.'D'S 382-6973.
Lethrbridge AIDS Connection: This organization
directed by Ches Skinner SCMOLAfRS is a nonprofit society which provides information to
Take a break from the steady diet of television Christmas specials (mature students) educate and increase awareness of HIV/AIDS infection
in our community and about people living with HIV/
and share in this delightful crazy look at the holiday season with (Backsreet Restaurant,
AIDS. It also provides support services to individuals
an "al! Canadian dysfunctional family" as they gather around the 4:30 Jriday affectd directly or indirectly by AIDS or HIV infection.
tree at gunpoint, under the mistletoe hung on barbed wire,and sip for more info catC At least one volunteer is needed to record minutes at the
eggnog made without milk! Sharon 381-7574 or CaroC monthly meeting ofthe AIDS Connnection Board of
329-6443 Directors. Meetings are the third thursday of every
month from 7:00pm to 9:30pm Duties would include
Antonio)s Line recording the minutes at the meeting and typing them
ZNjpvemSer21 *76e/4tU onto disk. A laptop computer would be provided for use
in this task. Ifyou would like to help the Lethbridge
A ninety-year-otd 'Dutch ivoman reminisces about the IU*K 3Wt Rccuajum.'tSiuK, TOSSO) AIDS Connecton in this way or any other, Please call
events of her tumultuous past,incorporating the stories of Val Watts at 328-8186.
her entire family's forthright ruraleprptence into a *U&(£/4>U CUUixu ZxArtitauu (74/600) The YWCA of Lethbridge & District: The "V"
modestly personal But vAde-reaching narrative. A nUv. 14 26: ScAool 9^ P<t*U is committed to providing programs and services that
commentary on human nature that pays attention to the 7UwSA*(4dH&£tctwttSeAieAl12H6*H. 70731) benefit women. One ofthe special fundraising events is
the "Together Running ForWomen" run/walk that is
7t«v f5: j4Uct£tU&e>i A S**a Stattttf • @«wt P<U&i u
lives of ordinary zuomen as well as an exceptionally sfqllful
held each year in April. Volunteers are needed now to
cultural history. 'Winner of the Oscarfor 'Best foreign sit on a committee to initiate planning for this event.
film. WUcUnM./txciiUctwit & T>c4i4*l6-9iuK, 70731) The various duties of this committee include obtaining
7tw 14: "Sitl06*mit: "IHUVKUU***" sponsors and donors, organizing the run, planning the
presented by the Lethbridge Film Society. Tickets are
available at The Mill, or at S.U. Service Station (SU- course design, marketing and promoting the event and
240). Season's tickets are $36 or $26 for students, or generally assisting with the event itself. Meetings in this
available in four- packs for $24 or 18$ for students early stage of the committee's work will be once a
month. Ifyou have some time to spare and would like
LETHBRIDGE FAMILY SERVICES is offering support groups for healthy relationships, self-esteem/ to participate in any way with this event or with the
YWCA in any other capacity, please call Liz Allen at
personal development, bereavment/grief/loss, and adults with attention deficit disorder. We are also 329-0088.
offering support groups for surviviors of Childhood Sexual Abuse, Family Violence, and Anger Man-
agement. Support groups provide a safe environment for surviviors to share common concerns and Salvation Army Family Services: urgently requires
to explore solutions. Groups are led by trained support group facilitators. volunteers for their annual Christmas fundraiser. Proceeds
If you are dealing with some of these issues, perhaps a group would be helpful. For more informa- go directly back in to the community for Christmas toys and
tion, or to register call Sandra at: 327-5724 tood hampers. Two hour shifts are available. Pleade contact
Rande at 327-8084.
NOVEMBER 14,1996 the Meliorist 3
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Top Honor ot Model UN
By James Harder a particular country. Rob Allan under the banner of a club from
Reporter was placed on the Policy and their university. However, at the
Security committee for North time of the conference there was
Rob Allan,a student at the Korea. He actually won two no such club here at the U of L.
University of awards. He First won the award for This is part of the reason why
Lethbridgc.received top overall top delegate on his committee Hunter and Allen have taken the
delegate at the Model United through overall public speaking initiative to begin a Model UN
Nations conference held at the skills,caucasing,and maintaining club here a the University of
University of Manitoba between his country's foreign policy. His Lethbridge.
October 24 and 27. award as overall winner was then "There are so many Model UN
"It was good for our delega- selected from the winners from conferences in Canada and the
tion to win some awards so each committee. United States that we think there
people knew that we took the Jeff Hunter.President of a should a club for just that pur-
conference seriously", said Allan. newly forming Model UN club pose" said Allan.adding that "As
Several Model UN confer- here at the University of well,if we come as a club we can
ences are held every year Lethbridge was very happy with represent the U of L,rather then
throughout Canada. At the the involvement those delegates just ourselves."
conference in Winnipeg this year from the U of L showed at the One point that both Hunter and
there were around 100 students conference.but was dissapointed Allan stressed was that you do not "Being involved in the involved in the Model UN club
involved in the weekend. 5 of that the awards received by have to be a Political Science conference(Model UN) is some- here at the U of L you can get in
those came from the U of L. At individuals at the conference major to be involved in the club. thing extra-curricular. It is a very touch with Rob Allan via E-mail
the conference delegates were couldn't really be understood as Delegates at the conferences come good experience and looks good at;, or keep
placed on one of 4 committees recognition for the U of L. Most from a wide spectrum of academic on your resume," said Allan. your eyes open for notices advis-
where they had to play the role of delegates for the conference come backgrounds. Ifyou are interested in being ing on their next meeting.

Rez report
By Jeff Maser as follows. K 1/2 is in 1st place, fol- The Meliorist would like to extend its sincerest
Reporter lowed by P 1/2 and D/E 3. If you
want to get more points for your condolences to the family and friends of Tomoyuki Hoshino.
I write this weeks report as a section, penny wars are still going. Mr. Hoshino was an English as a Second Language student
member of the University of Get the competition going and bring at the University of Lethbridge. He unexpectedly passed away
Lethbridge's newest club, the Or- all of your extra change up to C410 on November 8 at the age of 21.
ganization of Residence Students. or PI00. Even more points can be
Thanks to ORS president, Scott gained by coming out to Sports Sun-
Leggat, for pushing so hard for day. On November 17th, the floor
this. hockey competition continues with
Lots of fun was had by rezers C-section taking on K 3/4. The bat-
this week, both on and off campus. tle ends on November 24th with the
Tsujikawa named
The road trip to Calgary on No- winner from the 17th playing P 3/4.
vember 9th for the Flames game Even if your section isn't playing in as All-Canadian
was a wonderful adventure. Even the tournament, come out and get
though the Flames lost, some exercise For the second consecutive year Laura Tsujikawa of the Pronghorns women's soccer
everyone ended the night ^v- O F /_£-^ anyway! team has been named as a first team All-Canadian by the Canadian Interuniversity Ath-
filled with happiness! H We finally
Sex and Spaghetti was
letic Union (CIAU). She received her award in Halifax last Friday.
have the TY back
very informative on No- - on C4, new and
During her time as a Pronghorn, Tsujikawa has been a former Canada West Rookie of
vember 13th. People g CO improved, for
the Year, a three time Canada West all-star, and last year Tsujikawa was the University of
filled their stomachs as .033
everyone to use. Lethbridge Athlete of the Year and the Meliorist trophy winner.
well as their minds. As well, check
Thanks to Kathy Roth out the new air
for sharing her expertise! hockey table in
The big event of the U-Hall. As the
year is fast approaching! The saying goes, only practice makes
Christmas Banquet is coming up perfect, so have lots of fun and en-
on November 23rd at the El joy the newest addition to the Den.
Rancho. Tickets are available in And as always, to end things off:
C410 or P100. Cost is $ 15 for resi- "Happiness is not a string of mis-
H means business!
dents, $18 for non-residents, or cellaneous adventures or experi-
only $5 if you just want to come ences but an attitude. We either
out for the dance. See posters make ourselves miserable, or we
around rez or your RA for further make ourselves happy and strong.
details. The amount of work is the same." - ^ ^ ^ If Vou are graduating w i t h either a B.A., B . S c , B . A . S c , B.Ed., B.F.A. or any undergraduate
The latest BOTS standings are Francesca Reigler, artist. ^ ^ ^ ^ degree (other than a B.Comm. or its equivalent) you should k n o w that you can earn a
^ ^ ^ > Bachelor of Management degree w i t h 1 5 to 2 0 additional courses.

.clubs corner r
r~ ^
1) A/S and 2 0 0 0 level Management courses required for the chosen major
Christmas Banquet Sat, Nov 30
r^^^» 2) Core Management courses
Square Dancing Fri, Nov 15 Semi-Formal "W" Wk 3) 3 0 0 0 / 4 0 0 0 Management courses required for the chosen major
7:00pm $2 Park Meadows Baptist Church ^ ^ ^ • MAJORS AVAILABLE.
location - New Hope Christian 2011 15 Ave N. ^ 14 majors including A c c o u n t i n g , Finance, General Management, Human Resource
Center 4101 20 Ave S. $6 members/$7 non-members - ^ ^ ^ Management, Labour Relations, Management Information S y s t e m s , and M a r k e t i n g .
Bring a Friend! Everyone Limited number of tickets!
fr — • CO-OP PROGRAM: (Earn While you Learn)
welcome! For tickets: portemC^ ^^r Co-operative education in all majors is available.
or IVCF office (SU LOB)
TROLLS RUGBY For Those interested in the ^ ^ ^ M A recent poll indicates that 9 5 % of our graduates are either employed in jobs that are
FOOTBALL CLUB sociable side of Rugby, on Novem- ^"*^H related to their academic program, or are in graduate school.

The Trolls, arc still planning ber 222 we will be conducting an

events despite the possibility of bad evening bus tour of Lethbridge and
weather. On November 23 we are surrounding communities of
r i
playing in a mini-tournament Monarch, Shaugnessy, Picture Butte, ' ' APPLY N O W !
j^a*=Jv The Faculty of Management
against L.C.C. and S.A.I.T. This Coaldale, and Coalhurst. We move Come and see us about specific
University of Lethbridge
quickly as these bars usually don't information regarding majors and
will include both men's and programs w h i c h m a y interest y o u .
\AJ& 4 4 0 1 University Drive
women's teams, so ifyou want to want us for more than a lew minutes, v^J!^ Lethbridge, A B , T 1 K 3 M 4
The earlier you apply, the earlier you
try Rugby, come out lo practice, but it is always entertaining. 6:00pm will hear f r o m us.
Phone: (403) 3 2 9 - 2 1 5 3 Fax: (403) 3 2 9 - 2 2 5 3

Mondays and Thursdays 4:00pm at start at the Duke of Wellington, for

Nicolas Sheran and Saturdays further details call Chris at 327-2939,
12:00 at Nicolas Sheran. or Vic and MaryJo at 381-9340.
4 the Meliorist NOVEMBER 14,1996
S N E W N E W s N E VV s E VV S • N E w s N
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s N E W s
s N E W s • N E W S N W S • N E W s • N E

Shamrock hope: North Ireland unites in small town Alberta

" / realized that killing people and bombing and maiming were not the way...'
group comprised of both Catholics arc not questioning the people discuss their points of view and
and Protestants for Ireland working anymorc.that the government be- work towards greater undcrstand-
on mediation skills with which to licves that the population of Ireland ing. Most of the participants work
better understand the state of their still feels the same way as it did 25 in cross-communities, working
broken nation. years ago. According to a Progres- with the youth of Ireland, as they
The basic battle that rages within sive Unionist Party memberjheir arc the future. Courses were taken
Northern Ireland is that between the goal is to help "people understand in mediation while in Canada to
Irish Catholics and the British Prot- people." As a loyalist,this party strengthen the mediation skills of
estants. In a more political member felt that it was necessary to the workers so that they may start
framework,the battle is between the "facilitate, rebuild and redefine de- to make positive changes at the
Nationalists/ Republicans (Catho- mocracy." grassroots level,this being the
lics and the Loyalists/ Although there exist countless young.
Unionists(Protestants). Although feuds and grudges between the It is hoped by this group that
both groups are comprised prima- Catholics and the Protestants of they will gain a greater belief in
rily ofthe oppressed working class, Ireland,the need to 'make bridges' tradition,a greater love for coun-
Northern Ireland still remains under between the two communities has try and a chance for national unity.
British rule, the British holding ul- emerged from the death and rubble. People feel they have lost their
timate power throughout history. It was through the Bridges pro- country and they want it back.
SHAM AT...shake hands and make
By Krista Bouckaert the Catholics and the Protestants in Northern Ireland wants to be recog- gram that this group from Ireland
another truce!
Reporter Northern Ireland has been one of nized as a free Ireland; free from was able to participate in the Con-
passion,fire and emotion throughout British rule and domination. flict/Mediation Conference for Irish.
the pages of history. For the past A general consensus emerging Canada being a neutral country,the
The desperate struggle between week,Lethbridge has been host to a from the group was that politicians two conflicting parties were able to

The Business Manager is leaving, can you Do You Need a Job? clubs corner
replace him? ($500/month!!!!) We Need a Copy Editor!($75/issue!!!)
You must be able to do the e)submitt accurate monthly You have to be able to do the nights with the Production Man- Are you thinking about
owing: statements of expenses and following: ager! unique and diverse presents?
repare an annual budget, in revenues on the request of the a)Help with editing articles as Interested candidates can pick Buy yours at the Canadian
sultation with the Editor-in- Meliorist Publishing Society requested by other sub-editors up applications at the Meliorist Crossroads International
cf, and this budget is to be Board of Directors. b)Edit and prioritize letters and office (SU 166). Applications will annual auction.
approved by a 2/3 vote ofthe staff. f)and finally, ensure production of comments be accepted until November 29th, Tuesday,Novcmber 19,1996
b)establish and maintain accurate each issue follows established c)check the articles prioritized with an appointment made at the at the Southminster United
financial and payroll records, budget guidlines, complete with and edited by other sub-editors Board of Director's meeting on Church at 7 pm.
including ongoing monitoring of cooperation from the staff, d) help to coordinate story December 5th at 4:30.
all meliorist accounts. Interested candidates can pick ideas in co-operation with other All candidates are welcome to
c)supply the necessary records for up applications al the Meliorist SCA EVENTS
sub-editors and the Editor-in- visit the office to volunteer and November 30, 1996 1 pm
the conducting of complete office (SU166). Applications will Chief learn about the prospective Heavy fighting practice
financial audits, which occur at the be accepted until November 22 at You also need a lot of energy to position. Y'all come down now, Armor/Weapons construction
end ofthe fiscal year. 4 p.m.,with the election to be held work on Tuesday night production y'hear? Dec 1, 6 pm
d)print the audited financial the following week.
Medieval Dance
statements and the proposed All candidates are welcome to
budget, then distribute these come to the office lo volunteer and Ahh! We need a new News Editor! No experience necessary!
U o f L ballroom
statements to the Meliorist staff learn about the prospective Do you have the right stuff? ($75/issue!!) All Welcome!
each semester. position. Can't wait to see you! You need to: g)cnsure ariticlcs comply with Call Jeff ©320-8107 for
a)provide news for every issue Meliorist standards info.
-•- -•• A-l—/ An autonomous body, separate from the U of L Student's Union b)coordinate coverage or
GFC,Board of Governors, and Interested applicants can pick up

SU-166, 4401 University Drive West, Lethbridge, AB T1K3M4
student Council meetings
cCoordinate and copy-edit news
from other sources
dCoordinate photo coverage with
applications in the Meliorist
office (SU 166). Applications
will be accepted until November
29th, with an election held on the
the Photo Editor 4th. All candidates are welcome
meliorism • n. (L melior, better)
e)organize and file exchange to come down to the office to
The belief that the world naturally
papers volunteer and learn about the
tends to get better, and that this
f)edit and prioritize all news prospective positions. We don't
tendency can be furthered by human
articles bite (much!), so don'l be shy!
The Meliorist is the student newspaper of the University of Lethbridge,
published most Thursdays throughout the academic year by the Meliorist
Publishing Society, an autonomous incorporated body. There will be a fan bus going to watch the Horns destroy the Calgary Dinos
Please address all correspondence to the Meliorist, 4401 University on Saturday, November 23. It will cost $20 per person. Refreshments will be
Drive, Lethbridge, Alberta, T1K 3M4, or drop it off at room SU-166. Dead-
line for submissions is Sunday at noon. The phone number is (403) 329- available on the bus, but you can bring your own. There is a sign-up sheet at
23333 or 329-2334. the Meliorist (SU166) for anyone interested. It will be first come, first serve.
The Meliorist appreciates and encourages the writing of thoughtful,
concise, timely letters. However, the Meliorist will only consider for publi-
cation those letters which are signed by the author (special arrangements
may be made for those wishing anonymity, but absolutely no psedonyms),
contain the authors legible name, address, telephone number and Student
identification number (address, I.D. and phone number not for publica-

tion). Letters may be edited for brevity, clarity and legality.
The Meliorist reserves the right to edit submissions and will not print
libelous material. EdJtQr jp Chjef BonnJe J o h n s o n

Business Manager Greg Coonfer

News Editor Tyler Ball
Sports Editor Stephen Tipper
Entertainment Editor Michelle Matula
Contributor of the Week
Photogaphy Editor Tom Porter
Production Manager Bobbi Scheelar for Volume 31, Issue #10
Typesetter Heather Broere
Advertising Manager Blake Hill
Advertising Designer Melissa Dustan
Distribution Manager (AKA Paperboy) Darren Gogol
Contributors:Pau\ Hudson, Jeff Maser, Jason Demers,
was Terry Holick...Thank youHl!!^™!,
Pat Tanaka, Denise Fowlie, Terry Holick, Bill Halma, Jay Zaal,
Shawn Schroter, Duane Dustan, Elaine Costira, Krista Bouckaert
mind boggling hyperboles and your
This issue was brought to you by stranger-than-fiction metapho, make us lai
a whole lotta lovin' from Nigel, Keith, and Aaron...thank you!

• t
NOVEMBER 14,1996 the Meliorist 5
N E W s • N E W S * N E W S N E W S • N E W S \^i V s • N
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T. . acc
Canadian Dream
by Krista Bouck^rt ""* ""^ - " — ^ ^nted brave is he who knows what is sweet and terrible and goes out to face what comes " -Pericles
quickly became the number one
Reporter best selling book in Canada in
compction with all
Canadian,American and foreign
Canada. The land of the brave books.
and the free. Or so we thought. Mel Hurtig was elected leader
According to Mel Hurtig,last ofthe National Party of Canada in
weeks guest to the University of 1992. The party's first policy
Lethbridge's Speaker's Series, book,/! New and Better
Canada is destined for disaster if Canada,was written by Hurtig in
we do not act together as a nation 1992.
in an effort to restore national Hurtig left politics in the fall of
unity and pride. 1994 to concentrate on several
Mel Hurtig was born and boooks. One of these books, At
raised in Edmonton. In 1956, he Twilight in the Country,was the
opened a book store which later focus of Hurtig's lecture to U of L
evolved into one ofthe largest students last week.
retail book operations in Canada. Democracy and it's role in
Mr. Hurtig sold his bookstores in Canada's future was an issue of
1972 to focus his attentions on great importance to Hurtig.
publishing Canadian books, Canada is a nation of relative
Hurtig Publishers produced many peace in comparision to other
titles which have won the example being that of
Governor General's Award and a the assassinations of Americans
number of other prizes and John F.Kennedy,Robert Kennedy
awards. and Martin Luther King.
In 1980, Hurtig launched the However,Canada's supposed
most ambitious project in the democracy is being questioned by
history of Canadian Hurtig.
publishing,the $12 million "there is an urgent reform of
dollar,comprehensive The democracy needed. A democratic
Canadian Encyclopedia. In revolution is required for the
September of 1990, Hurtig continuation of Canada as a identity.but it seems that freedom disintegration. A war on poverty disintegration,according to Hurtig.
Publishers published an even nation,"said Hurtig with absolute is fading in the eyes of Hurtig. rages on. The American model of "Happiness depends on being
larger project.a five-volume The postivity. "Canada should not fear the "haves" and the "have nots" free and being free depends on
Junior Encyclopedia of Canada, Speaking to students,Hurtig nationalism but should be wary of has emerged. This, in Hurtig's being courageous!
the first encyclopedia for young stressed the importance of partici- scoundrels who instill fear of opinion,comes from the failure of If anyone has any further
Canadians. pation of youth-the future of nationalism in Canadians," the Canadian nationalist party in comments about Mr. Hurtig or the
Over the years,Mel Hurtig has Canada-in politics and democracy. declared Hurtig with passion and government.the nationalist party Speakers Series, please contact the
spoken across the nation about "If you cave about the idea of a fervour. Nationalism would fight lacking a strong political voice. Students' Union office at 329-
politics,culture,economics,social Canada in charge of its own for the improvment of the welfare "The tragedy of Canada is that 2222.
stablility and the future of destiny then you must become of Canadian citizens. we squandered
Canada as we know it. directly involved in federal According to Hurtig,Canada away so much,so
Hurtig formed The Council of politics,you must take control of has gotten progressively worse fast. We allowed
Canadians in 1985, a national our country's political process," and continues to deteriorate. The the greedy politi-
organization committed to the said Hurtig. tragic shattering of the 'great cians and business
preservation of Canadian Mel Hurtig possessed a very Canadian dream' has lead to a men to create a
soverignly. strong dream of Canada,this national sense of hopelessness and subserviant nation.
Hurtig's first book, The dream being the freedom to disjointedness. The unfortunate Our country has
Betrayal ofCanada,was pub- choose our own values and destiny and the underprivileged have had shown a lack of
lished in October 1991 and as a nation, freedom is Canada's to bare the brunt of societal will against its own

...hey look more sports

Pronghorn women's soccer season review
by Jay Zaal final, where they lost 1-0 in the The womens team played a Tsujawaka played
Staff Writer final to the very strong Ottawa decent season this year. Everyone outstanding defense.
GeeGees. played well, and it is tough to pick Hopefully the Horns
The Pronghorn soccer season The womens team lacked an stand out players, but keeper can use their experi-
is now over, and again the Horns ability to put the ball into the net Michelle Ratkai was outstanding ences to their
have not made the playoffs. as they only scored seven times. in goal and sweeper Laura advantage for next
This year's women's team This cost them because this year's season.
honors go to the U of C and the team was an excellent team who
U of A-a big battle of the big showed up to play in every game
Alberta cities. These two teams but lost each in close, hard fought
combined for 31 goals for and battles.
The team's only problem is that
only 6 goals against to top the
league. Both teams had great few players could put the ball past MANAGER
records-U of C was 7-0-3 with 13 the keeper. Defense was not a big
goals for and 3 goals agains, and problem, as the Horns consistently
the U of A had a 5-1-4 record.
The U of A scored 18 goals for
and 3 goals against, finishing ten
less in

many of
lo one goal
led by

points behind Calgary. These two Laura Tsjikawa, the only Horn
teams played each other two named to Ihe all-Canadian team
weeks ago in the Canada West and the only Horn named to the
final, and the University of Canada West all-star team.
Alberla defeated the University Michelle Conway also had a solid
of Calgary in overtime 1-0 to season at the back, and was named
advance to the Canadian a Pronghorn Ace of the Week for
Interuniversity Athletic Union her play. SUITE 100, PROFESSIONAL BUILDING TEL: (403) 3 2 7 - 9 9 5 8
740 4TH AVE. S M LETHBRIDGE. FAX:(403)327-1812
6 the Meliorist NOVEMBER 14,1996
D I T ORIA L -EDI T O R IA L • E D I 1U K i A E D IT 0 R I A L • E D
• E D I T O R 1 A I • E D I T () R I A L • E D I T O R I A L • E D I T O R |
E DI E D I T O R 1 A L '• E D 1 T O R I A L ' E D 1 T O R 1A L « E D I T O R U i .

I have a confession to selves and not to the country and their programs and funding are problems that have arisen when our heavy reliance on natural
t resources takes precedence
make. the people that will suffer. cut, much more than separatist one group has tried to dominate
I am a true, raving, Mr Hurtig's lecture on the 5th elites like Bouchard and Parizeau. another: the Catholics and the over distinct societies. I am
patriotic Canadian. I am and the Honorable Pierre S. Heck, Bouchard's wife is Ameri- Protestants in Irenland and the not saying that these things
proud to be a Canadian Pettigrew's speech on Canadian can, if he doesn't like the mess English and the French in Canada are not important, I just think
that that's like fussing with
4) and would never want to Federalism to the Canadian Club he's made, he can always move have shown us that trying to prove
the icing when the cake's not
live anywhere else. My in Toronto brought these feelings south. one group right and the other
family so totally em- to a very fine point for me. And western separatists are no group the loser is a waste of time even baked yet.
braces the ideals of a Both gentlemen recognize a better either. I am so sick of and energy.
bilingual,multicultural need for Canadians to think about hearing, "If you don't give me the Instead of tackling the issue of
society that there prob- the country as a whole, not on a toys I want and play how I want, unemployment and possible job
ably isn't an ethnic joke regional basis. They also under- I'm taking my toys and going creation strategies, exhorbitant
out there that can be stand that so many other things home!" Suck it up.buddy! Didn't amounts of money are being spent
made that doesn't offend will be affected besides the you learn anything from Sesame on separatist referendums, and all
my cultural heritage. geography, and that the people we Street? It's called cooperation. the propaganda surrounding them
I've even seriously are supposed to be helping-the Demands and ultimatums are not trying to get you to vote yes or no
considered getting a elderly, the unemployed, students, the way to run a country. It so one side can be better, smarter
tattoo of our flag with the children and the disabled-would generates mistrust and fear, which and stronger than the others. So

73 words "Made in Canada"

beneath it I'm so proud to
feel the pain of separation more
strongly than most.
is destructive and stagnating. We
need to trust one another, trust that
my question is, where are a
person's priorities?
be Canadian. I also have Almost everyone acknowl- we all want what is best for our I think Canada would be a
an innate dislike for edges that there would be an country and ideally every one in it. much more unified country if
anyone that would try to economic upheaval.and as stu- I also don't understand the people would quit their little pity

a' take my country and

everything I value about
it away from me, because
their loyalty is to them-
dents we already know that there's
not enough money to go around. I
can guarantee that these people
concept that everything has to be a
win-lose situation either (Rachel
may remember me saying this!).
parties and decide that solving the
deficit is more important than
individual recognition, and
would be the first to feel it,when Throughout history we've seen the unemployment and the problem of

Re: Rob Browatzke, ured by human standards , they are think would be born with AIDS. It blind subservience to rigid our hearts we accept that he has
measured by Godly standards so can however be a consequence for doctrine who allow for no paid for our sins and we are
I read his article on Hellhouse whether you or I or anyone else sexual sins. Ifyou have sex with tolerance of inherant human forgiven. God shows mercy to
and although I agree with some of see them as sins or not is someone who has had at least one weakness. As a christian it is all who desire it. We don't earn
his comments, I disagree with his irrelevent. partner in the past, you do not my responsibility to be tolerant this,it is a gift.
conclusions. I do agree with him that AIDS know if they are infected and if of other people who show Here are a couple of verses to
He said many of the sins which is not God's punishment for you become infected it is a human weakness, and thank- check out:
led people to Hell you did not see leading a homosexual horrible consequence to your fully people are tolerant of me 1 John 2:1-2
as sins at all. Sins are not meas- life,otherwise I don't think babies actions. as well. As people we all need I write this to you so that you
I disagree with him to show mercy and forgiveness will not sin. But if anybody does
that the suicide victim had to each other. This is so hard sin, we have one who speaks to
no other options,there is because it is God's way not our the father in our defense - Jesus
always an option. It may way. Christ, the Righteous one. He is
REPLACEMENT NATIONAL BRAND have been very difficult He said it was the vicitims the atoning sacrifice for our sins,

CONTACT and she may have felt like

she was living in hell one
of other's actions who ended up
in Hell.this is not true. Our own
and not only for ours but also for
the sins ofthe whole world.

LENSES earth but God will help

everyone who will allow
actions alone do not get us into
Heaven or Hell,let alone other
Romans 5:20
But where sin increased, grace
him to help. I know so peoples actions. increased all the
DAILY WEAR FROM S 1 9 . E 25 SAVE ™ 50% many people who have To get into Heaven on our thatjust as sins reigned in
been through awful own we would need to be also grace might reign
FLEX WEAR FROM S 1 9 . 2 5 E GUARANTEE YOU'LL GET THE experinces I can't even perfect in every way. Since we through righteousness to bring
EXACT LENSES YOUR DOCTOR imagine living through. have human weakness this is eternal life through Jesus Christ
ELIMINATE LENS INSURANCE SUPPLIES AND THAT THEY ARE They say holding on to not possible. God's holiness our lord.
AND WARRANTY FEES God when there was demands punishment for our
nothing else to hold on to
was the only thing that got
them through.
sin. Fortunately for us Jesus
died to pay the price for our
Megan Portwood
Intervarsity Christian Fellow-
I hope he does not see When we accept Jesus into ship-U of L
all christians as people in

.hey look even more sports

$2 00- $500$ Winning ways in the future?
by Jay Zaal from scoring, allowing a disas- lot of work ahead of them in
staff writer trous 41 goals against in just 10 preparation for next season.
games. This season can be referred to
The men's team finished The coast dominated the men's as a growing season, because
another disappointing season in league. UBC finished atop the the team can use this to build as
the cellar of the league.
ASSEMBLE PRODUCTS Despite the bulk ofthe team
league, finishing with a 9-1-0 a team and to learn how to play
record and with 27 points. They the competition next year.
^ AT HOME, EASY! * * returning, this team was a young
team, most ofthe players on the
outscored the opposition by 19 This year's team had a few
goals. The second place team, standout players, like keeper
Pronghorns being in their third
NO SELLING! YOU ARE PAID year or less.
University of Victoria, was eight Matt Rimmer who tried to keep
points behind with a 6-3-1 record. the Horns in games, Kevin
The Horns finished their
^L DIRECT, ^ gs*) season 0-9-1, getting only one
These two teams played in the Close's aggressive play in
playoffs two weeks ago where midfield, as well as Neil
FULLY GUARANTEED. point out of a possible 30. The they battled it out in the Canada McCullagh who stood out as the
team was competitive in some of West final for a place in the team's leader and best back.
NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. their games, but they were six
points behind the next place team-
national championships in To- It is disappointing that the
ronto. Victoria won and advanced Horns could not win a game and
the fifth place Saskatchewan
to the CIAU finals, where they it is too bad that they were not in
1-504-641-7778 Huskies.
The Horns could not score
won it all in the final 1-0 over the many games they played this

University of Western Ontario. season, but this season is over
many goals (they scored 6), and
FXT. 0275H39 they could not stop other teams
The Horns, however, have and the team needs to focus on
learned a lot this year and have a next year.
NOVEMBER 14,1996 the Meliorist 7
C A R E E R S - C A R E E R S - C A R E E R S - C A R E E R S * C A R E E R S ' C A IVI St
1 Aix J EV-^ r\ si\ L L i\ o1• v^ n iv L
E R S • C A R E E R S • C A R E E R S • C A R E E R S • C A R E E R S • C A R E ER w" A "0 l? IT 10 "d
C A R E E R S • C A RE E R S • C A RE E RS • C A RE E R S • C A R E E R S • CA m& jt\-syim E* w\ O
E R S *C A R E E R S ' C A R E E R S • C A R E E R S • C A R E E R S • C A R E E R S • C A R E E R S • C A R E E R S •


,^ by June 1997,
Looking for a summer job ...inter- Research is generally conducted in preference may be given to never too early to look for a you may be eligible to participate
ested in the federal government? fields related to Agriculture, Food, students in a field related to the summer job! in this program. Those invited to
The Federal Student Work Experi- Biological Science, Biochemistry, position, such as criminology, law • Complete an FSWEP applica- Japan as participants will be
ence Program offers you the Molecular Biology and Technol- and security, law and enforcement, tion form NOW!! engaged in local schools as
chance to gain the experience you ogy Commercialization business administration, etc. • RCMP - Summer Students Assistant Language Teachers.
will need when you enter the • Skills: Preference may be given (Between Dec 1/96 & Jan 15/97) Positions for Coordinators for
workforce. By submitting one DEFENCE RESEARCH ASSIST- to student who have worked with • Due West Student Painting - International Relations are
application to the Public Service ANT PROGRAM, National the public who possess computer Managers available for those with a func-
Commission of Canada you can Defence (Nov 25) skills, who have worked in tional command of the Japanese
get your name on a National security and enforcement activities CO-OP (Arts&Science) Language. Pick up application
Computerized Inventory of Geographic location: Halifax, and/or who have a valid driver's To be considered for the following forms at CES.
students looking for summer Quebec, Ottawa, Toronto, Suffield license positions you must be registered in DEADLINE: NOV 15, 1996
employment with federal govern- and Victoria • Conditions of employment: the Co-op Program of the Faculty
ment departments. Dates: The department will access Shift work may be a requirement of Arts & Science (D 610). Pulp and Paper Research Institute
applications from the inventory as • Selection methods: Successful Palliser Distillers - Quality of Canada
To be eligible you must be early as Nov 25th. completion of the Custom Inspec- Services Technician (Nov 20)
currently recognized as having tor Test may be required as part of The major role of the pulp and
full-time student status by the ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: the selection process. FULL-TIME paper industry in the Canadian
academic institution in which you • Enrolled in one of the following Credit Union Central AB Ltd. - economy and its impact on the
are presently enrolled and be academic specialties: Biochem, FSWEP APPLICATION FORMS Analyst, Strategic Planning (Nov Canadian Environment has made
planning to continue full-time Biology, Chemistry, Comp Sci, ARE AVAILABLE IN CES 19) it a prime area in which to
studies. In addition, you must be Economics, Engineering, Home (D610). Field Tech Agri Services Ltd. - develop new applied biological
the minimum age to work in the Economics, International Rela- Agronomist (Nov 22) processes (biotechnology).The
province where the job exists. tions or Studies, Math, Opera- Aboriginal Workforce Participa- Pulp and Paper Institute of
tional Research, Pharmacology, tion Initiative (AWPI) - Regional Canada (Paprican) has been the
Application forms will be ac- Psychology, Sociology, Stats, Vet FOR YOUR INFORMATION . . . Coordinator (Nov 22) Canadian industry's principal
cepted anytime after November Medicine, etc. The Lethbridge Community Enron Capital and Trade Re- research and development
4th, but to be considered for the • by the time you are ready to College will hold their annual sources - Financial Analysts organization.
maximum number of opportuni- start work, you must have com- Career Fair on Wednesday, Position (Nov 30)
ties, submit your application as pleted at least 3 yrs of an November 20, 1996 from 10:00 Canada Life - Financial Planning The Biological Chemistry/
early as possible. There is no undergrad program am - 3:00 pm in the LCC gymna- Representative Biotechnology group at Paprican
deadline for applying to the • Academic record or 80% or sium. Take this opportunity to CKTA - Sales/Marketing Depart- offers a graduate studies pro-
general inventory, however, in the higher network with employers and ment (ASAP) gramme for students wishing to
case of departmental programs, explore different careers. Remem- Helitack Program, Environmental obtain M.Sc. or Ph.D. degrees on
certain departments may begin In addition to completing an ber to put your best foot forward Protection, Land and Forest basic and applied research topics
accessing the inventory towards FSWEP application, you must when meeting employers - dress Service - Wild Land Fire Fighters of interest to the pulp and paper
the end of November, or have send additional information (see up, prepare good questions to ask, (Nov 30) industry. Summer studentships
application deadlines. Pick up an the Guide) to the Department of take your resume and smile . .. and postgraduate fellowships
application form in CES and National Defence. PART-TIME may also be obtained.
check out the following depart- Education Undergraduate Society
mental programs: STUDENT CUSTOMS OFFICER - Tutor For contact information see
PROGRAM, Revenue Canada, JOBS...JOBS...JOBS... Salvation Army - Christmas Cheer posting or drop in to CES.
RESEARCH AFFILIATE, Customs, Excise & Taxation (Dec Welcome to Jobs...Jobs...Jobs... Kettle Attendants
Agriculture&Agri-Food Canada 2) This segment of Career Connec- We Care HomeHealth Services - WILL YOU BE GRADUATING
(Nov 25) tions will provide you with a brief Nurse Aides; Homemakers IN DECEMBER??
Geographic location: Customs listing of some of the jobs (with Centre for Management Solutions
Geographic Locations: Research Border Services Offices across deadlines) currently available - Student Consultants Ifyou are an Alumni or a new
Centres across Canada Canada through the Career Resources grad in December, you are still
(Lethbridge: Research Station, • For those of you interested in Centre. For details on the applica- INTERNATIONAL welcome to use the services of
ADRI) B.C. or the Yukon, you can find a tion process, consult the job CES. We would be happy to
Date: The department will begin separate posting on the Boards. boards located across from the The Japan Exchange and Teaching assist you with any aspect of
accessing the inventory as early as • Positions are also available at Fresh Express in C section of Programme (JET) is based upon your job search and career
Nov 25. Requests will be proc- the border crossings in Alberta, University Hall. Other questions intensifying foreign language exploration. We also encourage
essed throughout the year. ensure you have identified rel- can be answered by Diane or Pat education in Japan and upon you to register with the Quick
evant locations on your applica- in CES (D610). promoting international exchange Resume Referral Service (QRS)
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: tion at the local level. Ifyou are a to maximize your opportunities
• Undergrad Research Affiliates - Official Languages: English, SUMMER - believe it or not... it's Canadian citizen who will hold a once you leave campus.
academic program must require French or bilingual positions.
supervised lab or field research as Dates: Managers may access the
a condition of graduation. Re-
search projects must be related to
the student's current degree
student inventory as early as
December 1, 1995. The actual
access date may vary by region
I ^xrrtyvwbSibri* CxrUe?tj& rp OWW\rh,srp^c\f\C
program and contribute to devel-
oping specific knowledge and ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: At Northwestern College of Chiropractic, we feel clinical sciences, diagnosis, X-ray, chiropractic therapeu-
research skills. • Post secondary studies consti- strongly about the quality of education we provide tics, wellness care and practice management;
tute a minimum requirement; to our 600 students and their preparedness for • Emphasis on clinical, hands-on education and experience;
satisfying careers. • 11:1 student-to-faculty ratio, individual faculty attention,
easy access to educational resources;
As our 3,000 alumni know, we can provide • Clinical internships in 80+ Minnesota community clinics
Womens basketball you with an educational experience featuring: and five College public clinics;
• Extensive interdisciplinary clinical learning opportunities;
(continued from page 15)
sistency, the team is more mature • 55 years of expertise developing a well-rounded, • A research center known internationally and dedicated to
grams, they will definitely play at a
with a shared style of leadership rigorous educational program integrating the basic and advancing chiropractic science and the profession;
competitive level. • Final term, full-time private practice internships globally;
which gives way to balance and ex-
The usually walk-over Univer- • A beautiful 25-acre campus featuring leading-edge class-
cellent team chemistry. On offense,
sity of Saskatchewan Huskies are rooms, science and methods labs, and clinic facilities;
"Our increased potential of scoring
improved to a competitive level, and • Career Services Office to assist graduates in job
outside will be a noticeable differ-
they may improve on last year's 3- placement;
ence," says coach Johnson.
17 record. This forthcoming season • New state-of-the-art library to support education and
The Horns begin play tomorrow
promises to be one which depends research.
evening against the University of
on a teams ability to rebound after a
Alberta Pandas. Tip-off is 6:15 p.m.,
tough loss the next night or main- For a personal visit or more detailed information,
and price of admission is six dol-
tain the intensity level after a vic- call a Northwestern Admissions counselor at
lars for adults, four dollars for stu-
tory. 1-800-888-4777.
dents, and two dollars for university
Fans will notice improvement in students with a validated student ID
the Horns consistency of play and card. Committed to Clinical Excellence and Preparedness for Professional Success

focus ofthe offense. In terms of con- Northwestern College of Chiropractic • 2501 West 84th Street • Minneapolis, Minnesota 5 5 4 3 1
November 28th
Noon in the Atrium
U of C has decided
that it's time for
U of L to decide!

Students' Union Council "Should the Students'
Meeting Schedule Union run a candidate
Executive Council:
in the next Provincial
Nov. 28th @ 1:45pm Election?
General Assembly:
Dec. 6th @ 6:00am
Every one is welcome ! Rm STJ180

Notice Of Motion
The following motion will be voted on
Dec. 6 @ 6:00am at the next GA meeting.
BIMT Council approve the amendments ofthe
Following Bylaws:
Bylaw I - Definitions
Bylaw II - Membership
Bylaw III - The Sutdents' Council Bob McConnell & the Boss Brass
Bylaw V - Powers ofthe Executive Council will "be performing Sat. Nov. 23/96
Bylaw VII - Duties ofthe President in the University Theatre. Tickets
are available at the Students' Union
Bylaw VIII - Duties ofthe V.P. Academic Service Centre & the University
ByLaw IX - Duties ofthe V.P. Internal Affairs Box office.
Bylaw X - Duties ofthe V.P. Administration Tickets are complimentary with
Bylaw XI - Duties of Directors valid U of L ID. Limit of one per
Bylaw XII - Clubs Director student.

Bach to the
80s Cab 9{pV. 22nd
with the
Twisted Sisters N
Tic/fets $2
of Nursing & the
Motely Crues of
Nov. 15th
at the Zoo ! ! ! The
i Schoenberg
Tidtgts available at the
Service Centre and the Zoo I
NOVEMBER 14,1996 the Meliorist 9
B N T E R T A I N M E N T •
N M E N T • E N T E R T A I
T E R T A I N M E N T • E N
E N T • E N T E R T A I N M

Some Assembly Required needs no fixing

By Bonnie Johnson home piece of work,poking holes golden boy who believes "it's a class again when these three get thirty years his senior. Since this
Editor-in-Chief in the picture-perfect holiday terrible thing,living up to poten- together on "flip chart visualiza- is the first amateur production of
season, with his barb-wire Charlie tials wish I never had any!" have tion.". the play, it is interesting to see
Tired of sappy "Leave it to Brown tree and Christmas carols a classic big brother/little brother how capably these students handle
Simone Lyon, playing the
Beaver" Christmas shows,but by gunpoint. relationship that many viewers playing characters that are nor-
mother who would rather hide out
you need a good laugh? Want to Nominated for the Governor- will have experienced and recog- in her room than face disappoint- mally reserved for much older
support Canadian talent AND General's Award in 1995, it nize. (Walter reminds me of ments in life, has a subtle way of actors. I think that Mr. Stickland,
your school? incorporates dry,dark humor with Pongo's owner in 101 Dalmations. adding meaning to a seemingly who will be here for the local run,
Then go sec Some Assembly the one holiday that wc put so He should have the job, not Jeff innocuous phrase like, "Where's will be very impressed with what
Required, running from Nov. 19 much pressure on to bring Daniels! ) The characters them- Taffy, Walter?" that immediately he sees, as will those lucky
to 23 at 8 pm in the Experimental peace,love and togetherness within selves are funny, especially conjures up images of a fluffy enough to catch a performance.
Theatre. Written by Saskatch- the family. It also brings to light Gordon with his eggnog made blonde in a pink angora twin set Tickets are $6.50 for students/
ewan playwright Eugene how often it misses the mark. with "eggs, rum, and nutmeg" (no that made me cringe. Fred Hillyer, seniors and $9.50 for the general
Stickland (great province!), it's a The actors bring a special milk!?!). playing a retired barbed-wire public and are available through
hilarious look at a "typical" quality to this play that make it Their over-the-top sister Stacy salesman who has an obsession of the Theatre Box Office (329-
Canadian family. Strickland has enjoyable. Walter (played by (Allyson Smith) is totally uninhib- order and control in his life, does a 2616). Don't forget though that
written a wonderfully witty and Mike Flewwelling) the overcom- ited and Smith plays Stacy for full great male Bull Elk call (you have seats in the Experimental Theatre
sometimes painfully close-to- pensating older brother and comic effect. Management to hear it!) as well as an impres- are limited, buy your ticket(s)
Gordon (Michael Fenton) the students will feel like they're in sive job of playing a man some early to avoid disappointment.

Rocking the Zoo on November 22

"The JSB is a vocal-driven, pop- acoustic cassette in 1994. Jessica is a perennial favorite for the band's tricity and is very at home behind a set professionalism, and are sure to put on
rock band with an electric edge. Raw received three ARIA nominations "Most Intoxicating" award. It's of drums. a great show.
electric guitar and a prominent, based on the strength of its success. difficult to explain his musical The JSB's sound, vocally, has been Tickets are available at the Zoo,
funky rhythm section add a unique Having since ventured into the world nuances save for the fact that he is an compared with the likes of Amanda and are just $2 each. The show will be
twist to Schoenbcrg's compelling of POP/ROCK, Jessica and her band accomplished voyeur and such Marshall and Melissa Etheridge. The great. .. see you there!
voice and driving acoustic guitar just released their debut, self-titled CD intimate knowledge inevitably band themselves are full of energy and
techniques. Imaginative song in January of 1996. marinates the personality. Formative
writing and the knack for finding a Despite her 5' nothing, diminutive

#M»M^*- AJ #
good hook, go hand in hand with appearance, Jessica has a gutsy and years under the
JSB's original style." powerful voice. Her song writing wings of local
The Jessica Schoenberg Band talent and funky energy as a performer pyschedelos and a
will be rocking the Zoo on Novem- make for a great live experience, and a strong hockey . . . ir ... ':<> > . < I » . J * <r J<~ "sua*-;*.,.
ber 22. The Edmonton based band bold, new CD. influence are also
have received rave reviews from Chris Brzezicki was lured into the determining factors
everywhere they've played, and are world of bass at the ripe age of 15, for this young SAME UGLY DEC0R...NEW MUSIC FORMAT!!
sure to impress audiences here when having previously dabbled on guitarist. Mike likes
they grace us with their presence. accordion and trumpet. After years of everything, but has a
Together over 18 months, the JSB glorious years of learning the ways of few notable excep- Thursday Nouember 14
is comprised of Chris Brzczicki, groups such as Iron Maiden and tions: 1) Cheese
Strings; 2) Mental Shakers Proudly Presents
Cory Papirny, Mike Binnendyk, and. Towers of Power, he decided to "do
time" in the Grant MacEwan College Burdens; and 3)
of course, Jessica Schoenberg. The FROM NEW YORK!!
music program. Chris has done studio Loonier.
band members, individually:
sessions for numerous projects, and Mike ha.s
Jessica was born and raised in
until recently, has performed regularly recorded on two full
Edmonton, AB. Her artist career
on the blues scene. Chris has toured length cd's and has
started out at the budding age of
with The Rockin' Highliners, Wayne graced the screen of
seven, in the acting business.
Berc/.an, and Larry Leviere of 3 times Much Music many a
However, when her days as a
the Blues, and he has also backed time.
children's television series star were
international artists such as Big Jack Having played
over, Jessica decided to pursue her
Johnson and Johnny Mans. now for 8 years (5 of
Commerce degree at the University
Voted most likely not to move on those professionally),
of Alberta. Armed with her business
stage, Chris spends a large portion of Cory Papirny has had
degree, Jessica naturally set out to
his time driving the van over the vast the opportunity to
become . . . a musician. She started
expanses of Canada. play with musicians
her own Indie label, Sway Gypsy
Riding shotgun, Mike Binnendyk of high caliber. A
Records, and released her I st
high point, he notes,
was high perform-
ance at Edmonton's
Jazz Festival, on the
Westin Hotel
Mainstage, support-
ing international
R&B singer Yvonne
Jackson. Cory has
also had extensive 1 Night Onlv !!
touring and record- SATURDAY Nov. 16
ing experience with
blues, R&B,
alternative, and jazz
bands. Graduating
from the music
with Guests "NeUJ 1-2"
program at Grant
MacEwan College,
he consistently
strives for perfection
and to achieve
something noticeably
different. His style is
based on subtlety and T h u r s d a y S sweet melodies of Funk
nuance, but is still
aggressive. At the "Rink Factory"
age of 23, Cory still
searches for eccen- SHAKER OPEN MON.-SAT. 328-1111
10 the Meliorist NOVEMBER 14,1996
N M I N T • E N
N I • E N T E_
\ ^^mtf^A. Welcome t o t n e Wonderful World of....
^^ ^ The Pursuit of Happiness
tapping my fingers to the
slow,but mellow and content
Again the mood switches in
"Tara's Theme." This is the sort
of song one gets tired of fast. I^omL^o and
The beat is not only choppy but Globe and Mail.) Luhrmann did
Shawn Schroter local beach population. After
the lyrics are annoying as realize the difference between
Staff Writer crashing a party at the Capulet
T.P.O.H blurts out "I want to the two cultures, but it is diffi-
mansion,Romeo falls in love with
take pictures of you,I want to Normally,most people avoid cult to compare the violence of
Juliet. Since many ofthe people
lick your bad tattoo." Shakespeare's plays like a bad Shakespeare's time to that in our
who saw this film at the screening
As the songs progress one disease. So, any Shakespearean which I attended were unaware own, given the limitations ofthe
can not develop any sense of film which fills an entire theatre that 'Romeo and Juliet' is a "modern" audience.]
by Denise Fowlie optimism since the lyrics tend to on opening night is a must see. tragedyj won't give away the The best performance in this
Staff Writer explain only the disappointments and William Shakespeare's 'Romeo 'surprise' ending. film comes from Pete
struggles in life. They show how and Juliet' (as if someone would In this modern version there is Postlethwaite.who plays Father
Thefifthand most recent release things basically work in life; they start confuse it with Franzs Kafka's quite a bit of gunplay.a bit of drug Lawrence. Most experienced
from The Pursuit of Happiness is out well and then progressively fall Romeo and Juliets) is a modern- use.some transvestitism, and a .Shakespearean actors would be
definitely a unique blend of songs. apart to some degree. ized version of the timeless morsel of sex. What director Baz embarrassed about wearing a
"I wanted to make a record that The slow drawn-out beat of "Back classic. The theatre in which I saw Luhrmann doesn't realize is that giant tattoo of the cross on their
people would listen to from beginning of My Mind" expands upon this theme this film was packed with teenage the century in which Shake- back, but not Pete. He slums his
to end," says guitarist/lead vocalist/ as it tells of a relationship that changes girls,all of whom swooned speare's characters lived was one way through Romeo and
song writer Moe Berg. "I imagined a for the worst as a woman crushes her whenever they saw Leonardo hundred times worse than the Juliet.much like he slummed his
record that was just short enough, and lover's heart and then wonders why he DiCaprio. If a film can have that century we live in. [Ent. Ed. note: way through 'Dragonhead.' The
one where each song would make is gone. sort of magnetism AND Shake- Luhrmann "spent a great deal of other standout is John
sense juxtaposed with the next and Thefinalsong, however, entitled speare than it is bound to be good. time researching the economic and Leguizamp. His character Tybalt
follow some sort of overall mood." 'The Truth" is quite appealing and Claire Danes plays Juliet social realities of the Elizabethan looks like an extra from 'Des-
The CD starts out with the refreshing as it tells ofthe dying perado,' but he speaks in Iambic
Capulet.a spoiled Italian princess world in which the piece was
upbeat,quick rhythm of the love song seconds of a relationship gone wrong. Pentameter.
from Verona Beach,in Florida. Her written,.. . and then converted
entitled "Tara." Then the album dives It is perhaps the funniest song and father, Fulgencio Capulet (Paul those ideas into contemporary All in all, I don't agree with
into some very unusual songs with leaves one feeling rather swell about Sorvino) has an ongoing rivalry 20th-century images. The Eliza- Luhrmann's portrayal of Romeo
lyrics like "She's a junkie and she's a life. with Ted Montague(Brian bethan world was an armed and Juliet, but see it for yourself
hellion, go find yourself a librarian" in Once again, as a whole.the album Dennehy). Leonardo DiCaprio society. It was a weapon culture." to decide whether or not you like
the song "She's the Devil." is definitely unique. The songs are an plays Ted's son, Romeo,a young (Quote from Luhrmann in The this version.
The following song (one of my interesting blend of moods, rhythms, knave who hangs out with the
favorites) is quite a switch from the and meanings. The album is all about
album's hit "She's the Devil." The experimentation and variation thus i i i i i i i i i • i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
beat of "I'm Just Happy to Be Here" is
quite catchy and I found myself
making it best digested in one full
sitting. er T - l ^ * n
Shawn Schroter decided to reshoot a couple of Screen,' and it should have gone
Movie Mill Listings - ;„
SHOWTIMES IN EFFECT: Friday ()ct.25 - Thursday Oct. 31 £
JACK£PG)1:30; 4:10; 7:10; 9:30
>"<*_- ] Staff Writer

A film which is an hour and a

scenes in this film in order to
make Matthew McConaughey's
part larger. Director Howard
directly to video. It doesn't have
monstrous special effects like
'Independence Day' or precise
half long,focusing on a man and Franklin has made a bland direction like any of Martin
Robin Williams gives his best performance as Jack.
an elephant sounds like sheer comedy,with only a couple of Scorcese's films. To be
M A X I M U M R I S K (M) 4 : 1 5 ; 9:45 Violence throughout. torture.especially when most of lively moments.all of which are doesn't even seem like director
Jean-Claude Van Damme stars in this action-thriller. the jokes involve the elephant provided by Bill Murray. Howard Franklin was trying at
sitting on things. Not even Bill After Jack Corcoran(Bill all when he made this film.
FLY AWAY H O M E (PG) 1:35; 7:15 The best family film of the year!
Murray could pull of a film like Murray) discovers that his long Someone should have told him
T H E C H A M B E R ( M M : 2 0 : 4 : 0 5 ; 7:00; 9:25 Violent this. His deadpan wit enhances lost father has died.he goes to that the only way to make a
Scenes. Gene Hackman & Chris O'Donnell star. an otherwise terrible film.but collect his inheritance. Apparently comedy with lackluster jokes is
that isn't enough. If one looks his father bestowed him his to let the actors try to spice up
A V E R Y B R A D Y S E O U E L ( P G ) 1:45; 6:50 closely one will notice that there elephant. Corcoran decides to sell the jokes.
The more everything changes, the more they stay the same. are only two types of humor in the elephant to the San Diego Zoo, Janeane Garofalo, who is
this film. The first type focuses but has no way of transporting the normally quite funny,isn't
TIN C U P (M) 1:20; 9:40
on either Bill Murray,or the elephant from Maryland to allowed to make any jokes
B U L L E T P R O O F ( M ) 9:45 Coarse and language & Violent Scenes. elephant knocking things over. California. He comes across a whatsoever. Matthew
The second type of humor is psychotic trucker (Matthew McConaughey, on the other
I N D E P E N D E N C E DAYfPG) 1:15; 4:00; 6:45; 9:35 derived from the fact that any McConaughey),an obnoxious zoo hand, gets the opportunity to
Not suitable for Young children. film which involves a man and worker(Janeane Garofalo),and a make at least fifty jokes,all of
T H E H U N C H B A C K O F N O T R E D A M E ( P G ) 1:40; an elephant is bound to be beautiful circus performer (Linda which fall flat. Howard Franklin
contrived. It must be hard to Fiorentino). Why Linda Fiorentino did for this film what Jim Jones
4:25 Disney. think up situations which could would appear in a 'comedy' is a did for the Guyana massacre.
A T I M E T O KILLfM) 4:00; 6:45 Violent scenes. possibly involve a man and an mystery.since she is well known Had he been more of a director,
elephant. To make matters for her dramatic performances. this tragedy may have been
P H E N O M E N O N ( P G ) 6:55; 9:30 worse,the producers of this film There isn't any reason for averted.
seeing this film on the 'Big

lataies; Doors Open

At 7:00 p.m.

THURSDAY udieneUte <2E> ]
*tevei deU 'oM'iHJnn THURSDAY
<& jflflale Hereto! 420 Sth Street South & JWale Eebieto!
NOVEMBER 14,1996 the Meliorist 11 _
E N T h K T A 1 N M E N T • E N T E R T A T N M E N T • E N T E R T A I

N M E N T • E N T E R T A 1 A
hrfTP A. "Ht1; lfc] Lff 1E* H I * WS N

1 M L* |
¥11L\ pk
T f'^ R- V T^-r • t TJ T
J i
Jason Demers
i ne A I T ct Zen Paul Hudson Seeing these famous songs played
synthesizer (that can imitate your Staff Writer Iive,I was able to appreciate the
Staff Writer voice from Darth Vader to Mickey bands R&B and Soul influence,"
Mouse), electronics worth $50000, An 11 round boxing match something I never paid attention to
Those of you who came to and their own light system. It's was just what the doctor ordered before.
Caddy's last Sunday were a unfortunate all the equipment this past Saturday night. It was the Appropriately ending with
select few that truly experienced could not stay, for it added another perfect way to prime a full house "Cover OfThe Rolling Stone,"
"The Art of Zen". For those of dimension to the dance floor. of fans awaiting Ray Sawyer and Dr.Hook wrapped up a short but
you who missed it, "The Art of The whole show started at company. "Mike Tyson is one of energetic set of tunes before
Zen" was a group of DJ's that 7:00pm with a spectacular light the most original opening acts calling it a night. The crowd
came down to show off their show to the theme of "Termina- I've ever had," was Sawyer's wasn't about to let the doctor off
art(music). "Zen" is the name of tor." Things started to pick up reaction to Saturday's main event. that easy. Persistent chanting was
the club that they helped start and around 9:00pm as more people Shortly after Tyson took his the remedy used to draw the band
continue to play at for the time started to arrive. At first the beating.the big screen hiding the back for a five song encore, before
being. Hence the name, "The Art general reaction by most seemed stage at Doc Holliday's was heading out on the highway.
of Zen." to be "What is this?" but, after a raised,making room for Dr. Hook. Rock n' roll hippie veteran,Ray
Kelly (aka KIK), a DJ from while, they could not resist the The band opened with their hippie Sawyer,Dr. Hook's front
Los Angeles, has been in Edmon- calling of the dance floor. Once on anthem "I Was Stoned And I mannings as well now as in 1969.
ton getting "Zen" up and run- the dance floor you felt like you Missed It," followed by a few Vocals ranging from the smooth
ning. Kelly says that Edmonton were in another world. The smoke earlier numbers from the days of "When you're in love with a
is a hotbed for Rave's. A "rave" machine gave the dance floor a the "Medicine Show." beautiful's hard" to the
is a type of cabaret where a mystical look while the bass that The crowd ranging in age from comically perverted spew of
dozen or more DJ's get together surrounded you provoked you to about 18 to 60, was one of the "Everybody's kissing each
and cut music all night long. This dance and slowly entrust yourself most enthusiastic bar-room with sister.son with
is not your average dance music. its constant beat. crowds I have ever been a part of. mother.smear my body up with
In fact at most raves you will not Overall, I personally loved all Never have I experienced such butter,take me to the Freaker's
hear one top 40 song. And if you the special effects and the DJ's did enthusiasm in Lethbridge. From Ball," have inspired an array of
do, it will be contorted in such a an awesome job with the music. It the ring of the first note to the last musicians ranging from Hank
way that you never thought was unfortunate that more people couple of lines of the closing Williams to Marilyn Manson.
possible. The sound is reminis- did not show up, and that more number, "Sylvia's Mother," the Having contributed almost 30
cent of "Electric Circus" on people did not dance, for it would audience cheered loudly, slugged years to the music
Much Music. have increased the experience a back drinks.and danced wherever industry,working with talent from
Not only did the group from rave creates and is popular for. a spot could be found. almost all genres.Ray Sawyer
Edmonton,which consisted of PJ The next time a similar event is About half way into their (partial alias "Dr. Hook") still
the DJ, Trevor (the Earl of Zen) held, I recommend it to all those set.the band played more of their remains as down to earth now as
and Kelly (aka KIK), bring their who love dance music. If there is a contemporary style music that just the day he picked up his first
talent, but they also brought an next time, I hope to see you there, doesn't do the 70's justice. Not guitar. Regarding his
extra 6000 watts of bass, a voice and on the dance floor. one deeply moved by 70's pop music.Sawyer simply says 4T still
culture, seeing the original artists don't understand what the fuss is
playing "Sharing The Night all about. To me, it's just music."
Together" and "Only Sixteen" live Unlike their opening act
didn't exactly bring me to tears. It (Tyson).Dr. Hook seemed pleased
was, however, very impressive. with the evening's outcome.

There will be a fan bus going to watch the Horns destroy the Calgary Dinos on
Saturday, November 23. It will cost $20 per person. Refreshments will be available
on the bus, but you can bring your own. There is a sign-up sheet at the Meliorist

K D < 'JSU166) for anyone interested. It will be first c o m e , first serve. For further informa-
tion contact Stephen at the Meliorist or phone 329-2334.


CT rra
Tbii i| Lait ' Weekf x
week : w e e k On Chart

1 : n/a i
Album Title


^Fri.Nov. 15
[ 2 ii rva l Various WipcoutXL Virgin(EMI) JieCdTiay
; 3 j 1 4 Shuffle D e m o n Oct Right (ep) Stubby

4 rva 1 Jon Spencer Bluet Explosion Now I Got Worry Matador/Capitol (EMI)
Jil Mill
1 Luscious Jackson Fever In Fever Oul Grand Royal/Capitol (EMI)
r T | j .... 2 r
C.j. Boiluid The Analogue Theatre Intemal/Urr
Sat. Nov. 16 uni
Pay day/rfiT (Pory gram) Hill

8 :

2" 1 JeruThcDamaja

The Inbredi
W rath OfThe Math

Sydney Or The Bush PT^Tag (Warner)

Ihe Qimict^s IIHUI

9 : 20

io" ;j "rva""

Pilch A Davis
Hypel Soundtrack

Feast Alert
Wed. Nov. 20 K.
: 11 j tva 1
.......... Wilder

Summer Will Come To You

A Big Love
Espresso Boys

mill 'Doug & 'Ihe Stugs iKlifffc:
13 ' 7 'nfr'"

[ 14 jj nfe 1
Ruse Chronicle*

Happily Ever After


\ Nov. 22 & 23
• • • - • • • : • • • - • •
.......... Capitol(EMI)
Oeorge Clinton Greatest Funkin' Hits

16 T rva. " i Virioui Hemisphere Folk n' Hell EMI



i 26
15 2

Wesley Willis

They Might Be Giant Factory Showroom Electra(Wamer)

\ Dec. 6
19 ! iVa 1 West Side Connection Bow Down

Crazy Man's Heaven


Smoke Show
i tiarfequin
20 ! rva 1 The Rehab d u b

21 rva 1 Forbidden Dimension Dec. 7

22 rva 1 Benghazi Saxophone Quartet Night Time Up Town

8 ["or * T "" Various Transmissions Vol. 1 V*Virgin(EMI)

i \ipik>i(EMrj
1000 Uviona Lisas
!Moffys (J{each
[*•» "Pi*""' Many Star AmongMy Swan

: 25 rrt 1 i 1 >jw.iS.uulu/

: 26 : rrt

27 ; irt i 1 iDoODie ^^Suaarcrasfu^

Wischlood jl'oluiiihia(Sony)
28 :' *|4 1 a 'corroaion ^Conformity

: 29 j n/a i | The Cheese Flip Your Lid

Setting Sun (single)



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NOVEMBER 7,1996 the Meliorist 13
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by Terry Holick
Horns' special teams tame Bobcats
Bobcats captain Dean Rowland took an un- Clay Awe broke down the side of the ice and solved Nessman. Grady Manson, last before the game ended to make the score 8-3
Staff Writer disciplined penalty only seconds before the fed it to O'Rourkc, who buried it for his sec- month's Canada West-WHL Graduate of the in favour of the Horns. Craig Anderson
(with contribution by Jay Zaal) goal. The referee disallowed the goal, and ond goal ofthe game. Only 28 seconds later Month, scored to give Brandon something scored on a great setup by Darren Duncalfe.
the game remained scoreless. O'Rourkc continued to work his magic. to cheer about besides the trip home. Unfor- For Brandon, the best part of the game was
They must have had rubies on their On the ensuing power play, Travis O'Rourkc stole the puck from one of the tunately for the Bobcats, they then took an- the sound of the buzzer to end the third pe-
skates and been clicking their heels, because Kelln's point shot was deflected by Jarret Brandon players, walked around the defense, other bad penalty as Darren Duncalfe took a riod.
the U of L hockey team proved there's no Zukiwsky. Steve O'Rourkc picked up the and beat Ryder like a rented mule, complet- run at Zukiwsky. The Horns' coach and players were ob-
place like home in a 9-3 thrashing of the rebound and put it home to give the Horns ing the natural hat trick and giving the Horns Zukiwsky had the last laugh though. viously pleased with their effort in the game.
Brandon Bobcats. the lead. a commanding 3-0 lead. Gatto passed the puck out front to Kelln, who "We went hard tonight," said Horns
The Pronghorns combined for three Just a minute before the first period While still short a man, Carpenter got was stopped by Ryder. Zukiwsky picked up defenseman Clay Awe, who chipped in with
power play goals and three shorthanded ended, the Horns' Mike Krooshoop received revenge on Ryder as he undressed him on a the puck and slid in the rebound for a 7-1 three helpers. "We really helped out
goals as they put on a special teams clinic a Ave minute major for cross-checking, leav- breakaway goal destined for the highlight lead. The Horns outshot the Bobcats 12-8 in Nessman on defense."
at the Nicholas Sheran Arena on Friday. ing the Bobcats with a tremendous opportu- reel. To add insult to injury, Zukiwsky got a the second, but more importantly outscored Coach Ron Kraft agreed. "Nessman
Debb Carpenter had an excellent op- nity heading into the second period. The breakaway as he came out ofthe penalty box. them 6-1 in their best offensive period ofthe was solid, especially in the first period. We've
portunity just two minutes into the frame. Pronghorns outshot the Bobcats 11-8 in a He popped it off the crossbar and in to give season. been consistent for two or three games in a
Greg Gatto threaded a beautiful pass to seemingly defensive battle. the Horns a 5-0 lead. In the third, Brandon's power play actu- row. Our specialty teams were really great
Carpenter, who went in alone on Bobcats' The Bobcats came out in a flurry in the The Horns scored four goals in three ally scored instead of being scored upon. tonight."
goalie Colin Ryder. However, the puck de- second period with the help of the five- minutes as they put on a show for the home- Manson netted his second ofthe game in an Nessman was humble about his per-
flected off his pad, and the game remained minute power play. But they could not find town fans. The scoring outburst frustrated the attempt to stop the bleeding. formance. "I felt more confident. The defense
scoreless. The penalties continued, and a way to beat Nessman and the Pronghorn Bobcats, as they started to take some bad But about a minute and a half later, played really well. I only had to stop the first
Horns' goaltender Ryan Nessman was penalty-killers. The major was killed off, and penalties. shot."
Zukiwsky completed his trick on a beautiful
forced to make a couple of brilliant stops the lead was preserved. Shortly after the Dean Rowland took yet another bad feed from Richardson. The Horns then ended Steve O'Rourke was ecstatic.
to keep the Bobcats off the board. penalty was killed off, Zukiwsky took a dou- "There must have been a full moon tonight.
penalty, this time for charging. On the power their goal scoring display when Sheldon
Finally, one of the goose eggs was ble minor for cross-checking and unsports- play, Awe sent Ken Richardson in on a Szmata was fed a perfect pass by Chris I got the breaks tonight that I wasn't getting
eliminated when the 'Cats scored with about manlike conduct for arguing with the call. breakaway. He made no mistake as he went Leroux. Ryder stopped the first shot, but in previous games."
three minutes left in the period. However, The call seemed to inspire the Horns, as five-hole on Ryder to continue the onslaught. Szmata banged in the rebound. The victory put the Horns two
At the 14:20 mark, Brandon finally Brandon managed to score another goal games over .500 with a 6-4-1 record.

By Terry Holick
Streaky Horns blast Brandon
the five-hole of 'Cats goaltender Colin Ryder, cut into the Horns' lead.
Zukiwsky tried to tip it in. The puck trickled We played stionger defensively than last night,
Staff Writer who saw a lot of rubber this weekend. Two minutes later, a bad line change by right to Heilman, and he had nothing but net. but once they got the jump on us, we had trou-
I with contribution by Jay Zaal) The first period ended with the Horns up Brandon led to a nice breakaway pass from 5-2 was the final. The Bobcats were re- ble coming back.
2-0. Lethbridge outshot Brandon 13-3 as they Jarret Zukiwsky to Richardson, who promptly lieved to hear the roar of the engine and the "We had trouble generating any offense.
After ending a long losing streak two dominated opening frame. put it through the legs of Ryder to regain the smell of diesel as their bus warmed up to take But give Lethbridge credit," Webber added.
weekends, the Horns won yet again on Sat- In the second period, Ian Lampshire took three-goal margin. The Horns outshot the Bob- them back home. They played well defensively. They kept us
urday, increasing their winning streak to three a slashing penalty at the 5:56 mark. On the cats 14-11 in the period. Horns' coach Ron Kraft thought the week- away from the front ofthe net, making it hard
with a 5-2 victory over Brandon. power play, Travis Kelln blasted a shot at the Five minutes into the third, Peter Jas made end allowed the team to regain their confi- to generate any scoring opportunities."
The Bobcats were still licking their point. The shot somehow found its way to the a nifty move around the defense and put one dence. 'The defense looked pretty good for The Horns are now in tie for first place
wounds from the beating they took the night back of the net to give the Horns a 3-0 lead. past Nessman to cut the lead to two. But from the third game in a row. We had a bad second with Calgary in the Western Division of the
before, when Sheldon Szmata picked up right Lethbridge goaltender Ryan Nessman then on Nessman shut the door on the Brandon (period), we were too complacent. The week- Canada West. The Horns will play the Uni-
where he left off on Friday. Szmata scooped then took over. Nessman turned away shot af- scorers. end gave us a chance to feel good about our- versity of Alberta Golden Bears in a good old
up the puck from behind the net and slid it ter shot in the second, including a brilliant But the Horns are not finished in their of- selves again." provincial rivalry this Saturday at 7:00 p.m.
through the goalie and in. Only 40 seconds glove save on a Brandon two-on-one. But fensive barrage. On one of the 20 shots by the Brandon assistant coach Bryan Webber and on Sunday at 6:30 p.m. at the Nicholas
later, Mike Krooshoop directed a shot at the Nessman proved to be human, as the 'Cats' Horns in the period, Dan Heilman made no gave Lethbridge full credit for the victory. Sheran Arena.
net. Ken Richardson tipped the puck through Chris Wielgosh scored on the power play to mistake. Richardson fired it from the slot, and "They came out strong, but we battled back.

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14 the Meliorist NOVEMBER 14,1996
S P O R T S * ; 0 R T S • S P O R T S • S P O R T S • S P 0 R T S • SP

S P O R T S • S
T S • S
• S P O

R T S • S
S • S P O

R T S • S
S • S P 0
O R T S • S
T S • S P O

Kevin Joly says that he hasn't had much trouble adjust-

ing to university life.
I N T R A M U R A L S - as of November 8/
By Stephen Tipper He says the U of L is one of the best judo 96:
Sports Editor clubs in Canada, and that Sensei Senda is one Ice Hockey
ofthe best senseis in all of Canada. North Eastern Division
First year Kevin Joly of the Univer- His strengths are his endurance and his The Chiefs 14 pts
sity of Lethbridge Judo Club has already ability to get mentally prepared for judo The Blazers 14 pts
done a lot in the judo world. Joly is a matches. "You can't be afraid. Most people Pete North Stars 14 pts
black belt, which he got just six months lose before they get in the match," says Joly. The Bangers 13 pts
ago, and has won numerous champion- "With judo, it isn't size," Joly adds. "Tech- Black Lightning 12 pts
ships in his twelve plus years of judo. nique and speed are more important." He Individual Team 0 pts
Joly won the 1995 Canadian National wants to get so good that can "do throws with- North Western Division
Exhibition, won silvers at the Canadian and US Nationals out thinking about them." Team Calabria 20 pts
in 1994, and has won five consecutive provincials. Joly got involved in judo because his par- Huskies 15 pts
Born in Edmonton, Joly has lived in Lethbridge for about ents wanted him to avoid hockey. "My par- Return of the Red Eye 12 pts
15 years. It was in Lethbridge that he began judo and met ents wanted to keep me away from hockey," Whaling Woodies 6 pts
Sensei Yosh Senda, with whom Joly has trained from the says Joly. "I didn't like it atfirst.After a while, Thunder 5 pts
beginning of his judo career. "He's like a father," says Joly. it just became something I did." Rink Rats 2 pts
Joly says the competition hasn't really changed since His goals as far as judo are concerned are Scoring Race
he has come to the U of L from the Lethbridge Judo Club- simple. "I'll try to go as far as possible. If J. Robertson T Calabria 40 pts
he still trains with the same people and goes to the same that doesn't work out, I'll worry about J. Watts T. Calabria 36 pts
tournaments as before. He just faces black belts now, which school." W. Filipenko T.Calabria 29 pts
makes competition a little tougher. And the phys-ed major (continued on page 15)

More experienced men's basketball team ready for playoff run

by Duane Dunstan resulting in our ability to use season and will be able to get in potential for a tremendous scoring starters, and UBC has lost two of
Staff Writer situational players," says coach around 10 minutes a game. punch, health and consistency its best players. This by no
Dave Crook. On the veteran side of the remain key factors. "Both Orr and means translates into a cake
After an 8-12 season last year The Horns are pleased with the bench, the Horns welcome back Rollingson are playing on an walk for the Horns.
and missing the playoffs by a presence of two new rookie scoring pillars Barnaby Cradock injured leg and we can't afford to "The key to play this year
single game, the University of players who have already made an and Tim Rollingson at the guard lose either of them if we are going will be who can win early and
Lethbridge men's Prorighorn impact. Bob White is a rookie position. Jared Heidinger, Chris to win," emphasizes Crook. gain confidence. Just because
basketball team appears ready for guard who played some time at Orr, and John Tschritter return to The style of play for this year's some other teams in the confer-
a legitimate shot at a playoff spot. Mount Royal College and has their usual post positions, creating team can be described as transi- ence have lost talent, they all
The growth of several veteran already solidified a starting a tremendously strong inside tional with solid half-court play. have such strong programs that
players, the solid play of rookies, position. "Bob has played a lot of game. The defense has also been notches there will be no easy victories,"
and somewhat of a talent drain basketball and is really doing The injury and return of 6' 10" above that of previous years. A says coach Crook.
around the Canada West all some good things for us", remarks big man Orr has resulted in third key to the Horns attack will be the With the Horns at home for
contribute to an increased chance Crook. year forward Heidinger picking up strength of their inside-outside the first two weeks of the season,
of success for this year's Horns Coach Crook has always his game to an unprecedented game, which figures to give there is definitely an opportunity
team. followed a policy that if the young level throughout the pre-season. opposing coaches a great deal of to jump out to an early lead in
"Last year we were overa- are ready to play, they'll play. "He's really been great. If we concern. the conference. Be sure to be in
chievers and somewhat inexperi- Enter rookie Chris Wylde from could have both Heidinger and On- Around the league there has attendance as the Horns open the
enced. This year we have a wider local Emmanuel Christian High scoring, we're going to be tough been somewhat of a talent drain. season Friday at 8:15 p.m.
breath of talent and a deep bench School. Wylde has demonstrated to beat," says Crook. Calgary has lost pivot starters, against the U of A Golden Bears.
who can do different things, his ability throughout the pre- While the Horns have the Alberta and Victoria have lost four Wear blue and gold, scream your
head off, and support your team.
Player of the week
Forward Steve O'Rourkc ofth'c Pronghorn hockey (cam 'here will be u fun bus going to watch the Horns destroy Ihe Calgary Dinos on Saturday. November 23. It will cost S20
has been named as the Ace Hardware "Ace of the Week" for his p per person. Refreshments will be available on the bus. but you ean bring your own. There is a sign-up sheet at the
against the Brandan Bobcats. O'Rourke had a natural hat trick in Fridf leliorist (SU166) for anyone interested. It will be first come, first serve. Tor further information contact Stephen at the
win over the Bobcats, scoring the first three uoals of the name. Meliorist or p h o n e 3 2 9 - 2 3 3 4 .


H I B A L L cX UG S - 3 . <? <? D R A F T J U G S — *£.<?<?
13 O T T L E B E E R - 2 , 0 0 r>ROR S H O T S — S . 5 0
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FRIDAY - SUNDAY X l i r e e p «- i j m £» w y l i e a t s
I-Ii B. A L L S &L D R A F T « » * «»•» 7 *r*" ** £ i n « x l i « * 9 p . m .
LOONIE . 7 p.IT*, - IO p.m. ~V«»»* * * - > r c » n « a p » « - » c . « H e ^ v v l r * n « 3
LOONIE <& J / 2 lO-p.i-n. - 2L a m <Qs»«s c h a m p i o n s h i p K-S»«T«S

FRIDAY, NOV 15 222»i; i *

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C l i a u i p ; i K i i e N i g h t

2 T I C K E T S GIVEN AWAY r~* . » » • • « - . a l l t f i e * « • « • « - - »

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T r i v i a l **«ax-K«**c S U B - p r i z e *
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CDW A I R L I N E 5 SRDDLEDOHE " L « t t h e g a m e s b W f Z i n "*
I-inib(i conlesC, p o o l louriiey. Trirce racres.
H O C « n E F? »=» S OF? R E C O t R O E R S
M u s i c a l c h a i r s «*fc r r » a j n > - m o r e .
TUES NOV 19/96 8:08PM F ^ s r i a c e s s Car F " u n C 7 s a l «»•-»•»
NOVEMBER 14,1996 the Meliorist 15
S P O R T S S O R T S • S P O R T S • S P O R T S S P O R T S S
0 R T S


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by Duane Dunstan
Women's basketball team gets blanked in Montana
Game One With five minutes left on the night, the Horns were looking to stemming from the previous
Staff Writer Northen Montana 67 clock the Horns gave up several slip out with a win and finish 1-1 night's loss," said forward Krista
Lethbridge 61 offensive rebounds which trans- for the weekend. However, the Robson.
In their final series ofthe This Friday evening game was lated into an unfortunate five point Pronghorns came out somewhat Unable to play inspired
exhibition season, the University characterized by the back and loss. flatfooted, as Northern took an basketball, the Horns lost by a 20
of Lethbridge Pronghorn forth play of both teams, with the "It was disappointing to lead early lead from which the Horns points.
women's basketball team lead changing 12 times. The Horns most of the game and loss with would not recover. Citing defen- This up coming weekend
travelled to Havre, Montana, stuck to a game plan of solid five minutes left," said forward sive execution as a major problem, gives the Horns an opportunity to
over the weekend for two games defense, as they got through the Crystal Kain the Horns had trouble getting utilize the experiences gained in
against the always tough oppositions' screens and contested through the opposition screens as the pre-season to come away with
Northern Montana State Univer- every shot. Game Two several shots went uncontested. two wins from the University of
sity. Northern Montana State "I was really very impressed Northen Montana 92 "We really demonstrated a lack Alberta Pandas.
University is a dominating team with our defense and it some of Lethbridge 70 of mental preparation, possibly
who are consistently in the top the best we've played all pre-
10 in their given league. season," said Johnson. In a rematch of the previous

Men's basketball squad wraps up exhibition play

by Duane Dunstan However, after a few adjust- had an opportunity to win. Alberta Golden Bear this coming get back on home court and play in
Staff Writer ments the Horns came out on in the "This is a team we could have weekend. front of our hometown fans," said
second half, outscoring Western by definitely beat, but we really didn't "It's going to be great to finally an eager Heidinger.
In the last weekend of exhibi- a margin of 54-30. "We just got our deserve to win the way we played,"
tion play, the men's Pronghorn bas- legs and used our speed to out play said Crook.
ketball team was on the road once them," remarked coach Dave
again- travelling to Havre, Mon- Crook. Game Three
tana for three games against a va- Jared Heidinger put up another Lethbridge 77
riety of tough American teams. outstanding pre-season performance Carroll College 82
This exhibition series would be the by leading the Horns with 28 points The third game in three days was
final opportunity of the Horns to and 10 rebounds. "It was really a against a fresh Carroll College team
iron out any wrinkles in their play good win for us. We showed com- who are well know for their solid,
and solidify their team chemistry. posure and came from behind for a disciplined style of play. The Horns
decisive victory on the road," said were down by five points at the half,
Game One Heidinger. but came back to even the game
Lethbridge 104 early in the second half. The two
Western 92 Game Two teams traded baskets until the three
This game was played on Lethbridge 72 minute mark when the Horns fatigue
Thursday night after a five hour Montana Tech 82 began to show and Carroll executed
bus ride for the Horns. Western This was a game of foul trouble their plays to win the game by a
came out on fire, playing in their
home court for the first time and
and missed opportunities for the close five points.
Horns. Missing 11 free throws, five This series marks the end of ex-
Seats are Limited
opened up a 17 point lead at the layups, and committing 30 fouls to hibition play as the Horns look for-
half. the oppositions' six, the Horns still ward to facing the University of

New season appears promising for women's basketball

by Duane Dunstan throughout the season," remarks rimeter shooting should open up the
Staff Writer Johnson. inside game for two of the best
This season the Horns welcome power forwards in the Canada West.
This year's women's Pronghorn five new faces to the team. Rookies Guard Joanne Clark is also taking Travel CUTS has the best deals on flights home for the
basketball team kicks off the new Alex Young, Jen Duff, Patti form as a regular starter. Other vet-
erans who will make an impact are
holidays, but they're going fast. Some Christmas
Canada West season Friday, No- Balderson, Shannon Selmser, and
vember 15 with high hopes and ex- Chris Bekkering are all looking to Krista Robson, Anne Trenholm, flights are already full! Reserve your seat NOW
pectations. After going a disap- become a valued part ofthe program Crystal McPherson, and Jan
pointing 7-13 last year and miss- and contribute each game. The new MacLellan. * f TRAVELCUTS for maximum value and
Horns are all guards who add to a Around the league, there is no £ ^ VOYAGES CAMPUS n M-I-.
ing the playoffs by a single game,
much deeper bench than previous one real dominant team this year, but The Student Travel Expert* tleXlDlilty.
the women's team appears to be
years. rather four or five teams with a le- #105,1414 Kensington RdNW
poised for a successful season in Calgary Orxd aid operate bj lit IGFS
which they will definitely be in Also of note is the return of for- gitimate chance to finish first. The
University of Alberta is the team 403-531-2070
playoff contention. With new em- ward Crystal Kain who comes back
phasis on zone defense and outside to the team after a two year hiatus. with the most returning "impact"
perimeter shooting, coach Dori "She adds a very competitive edge players, and is perhaps leading the
Johnson feels that consistency is to the team who is unbelievably pack in terms of potential. Victoria
the key to success. quick, and is just a real smart bas- and Calgary are both teams who
"There's really a lot more ketball player," says Johnson. have lost some key players, but due
parody in the league this year, so Returning to the Horns are to the strength of their given pro
it's not a matter of who's the best, proven veterans Deb Hubbard and
but who is the most consistent team Kym Foley. The Horns strong pe- (continued on page 7)

(continued from page 15) Basketball Buddas 3 pts The Vipers 0 pts
M.Ward T.Calabria 29 pts Blue Whales 1, 2 & 3 BEDROOM FAMILY TOWNHOMES
D.Reeves T.Calabria 25 pts Zero Opts The Chiefs 18 pts
Floor Hockey Young Offenders 15 pts AFFORDABLE
Dirty Dozen 12 pts
C Ressler T. Calabria 23 pts Adams Division WINDOW COVERINGS
15 ts The Shockers 6 pts
K. Vandegraff Bangers 22 pts Huskies P
The Jagermeisters 6 pts
M. Tucker R of Red Eye 21 pts Who's Your Daddy? 12 pts
R. McCrea Bangers 19 pts Screaming Banshees 11 pts SWAT 6 pts
K.Gregory Wh. Woodies 19 pts High Rollers 9 pts TFCO 6 pts
G. Coonfer Bl. Lightning 19 pts The U-nix ° pts Test Tube Babies 3 pts
V. Olson Huskies 19 pts LA Chill 3 pts
Muttonheads 3 pts Choda Warriors 15 pts
Basketball For further information, please call
Imports 15 pts Jason's Team 2 pts Courting Disaster 15 pts
Norris Division Berracudas 12 pts Housing Services, 329-2584
The Phat Guys 15 pts C420 University Hail
2 ts More Fubar'ed 9 pts
D&D 12 pts The Empire ' P
12 ts Kafu's Utter Chaos 6 pts
Has-Beens 9 pts Fighting H's P
Spanky & Friends 6 pts
Snappy Nappy 9 pts Individual Team 12 pts
l2 ts Beer Zombies 6 pts
Flatliners 9 pts The Goods P
6 Beat Us Like Rented Mules 0 pts
Fruit Loop Hoopers 6 pts FUBAR P ts
6 ls
Juan Halluk's Team 6 pts Snaggy P
Individual Team 6 pts The Wranglers 3 pts
^ 16 the Meliorist NOVEMBER 14, 1996
_1_K F..' S « T I F ' S • 'I 1 T I s • r i. i S - T l, f- ' S • T L 1- ' S • T I . I
S • T I 1 I I I S - T !, F T I. »
T I S • T I. J I I I S - 1 1 . I T I. F s • T I l- S • T I I S - T I I" ' S • T I »
1 I S • "I I. F I I I- S • T I. I T I I s • T I I- S • 1 I . I S • T I I ' N • T I I
T I 1 T 1.1 S • T I T I S - T I. I T I. »• S • T L 1 T I . !• s • I I I S • I 1 I ' S - T I. !• ' S • T I I

TLF POLICY: Wanted: A man with Rhythm...for social PS. Thanks for the key chain! at the Zoo. Presented by Nurses Sclma: Scent of a woman. The
1) 3 TLF's per person only please. dance partner! Reply via TLF's. Undergrad Society&Managcmenl fellows love it. Hcc Haw! Hcc Haw!-
2)TLF's MUST be accompanied by your Bake sale in the Atrium Nov 27-28 9 Student's Society-Be there Luv Patty
name, student ID# and phone number. My Dear Houdini: If you keep the am-3pm Nursing Undergrad
These will not be released to anyone, but handcuffs on.then u can save your Society...Free Blood Pressure with I love you Jennifer.oh yes I do! If you're Cab Nov 15 Retro 80's Nursing/
we've gotta have 'em! energy for the grandc finale! Purchase not near mc I'm bluc,Oh Jennifer I love Management $3. Sec you there.
3)TLF's will be stored in a locked you...What are you lookin' at?
drawer. TLF's will be destroyed 3 weeks 5)Any men wearing "beer label pants" Blonde Bombshell-Hope the guys
after publication. Jeff H.-Arc you looking for a little please cease and desist now!!! J. Student photographer seeks models for didn't tease you too much. Sorry. -
4)TLFs found to be objectionable by the R'n'R? How 'bout a little E'n E.?Talk tasteful nude studies.couples welcome. The Fan
TLF Editor and the Editor-in-Chief,or to you soon!-Witty Wonder Tom-Thank you for a great weekend. I Professional&confidcntial. Leave
are not filled out correctly run the risk of had a balll-B. message @329-8589. 8)There is a time and a place for
being cut (Editors love to do that ya Ken doll: Do you really think 1 need to prints-usually one at a time. Also,
know!) play with toys? Real men only please!- A note on real women #1- Real women Carol: Thanks for your support. Please they don't look good on the bottom.
5)NO libelous TLFs will be published. Rambo Barbie always have orgasms, but say it's only keep praying for me. Your good friend. A.
LIBELOUS means anything that is because of you.-Figaro
defamatory or that maliciously or 3) Wc know you are dressing in the dark. Clark Kent-looking guy: We're checking Roses are red violets are blue. I'm
damagingly misrepresents. Please, turn on the light! The mirror is Houdini: Are you saying you don't have you out in the gym-Stairclimbcr Girls going to see Jane Goodall and so
Now on to the good stuff! there for a reason! D. an assistant to practice magic with? I should you. For info and tickets
can't believe that! 6)It's cool to wear labels, but when you Contact the SU.
To the cute blonde who's always late to Looking to CARPOOL to Calgary for are a walking billboard, you know you
Hosgood's Hist 1000: You pull the pin the "Hootie" concert Nov. 19,1996. Call Selma: The fish in the sea are starting to have gone too far! D. Hockey players don't even know
on my love grenade baby-Sleepless in 381 -7677 or leave message. bite. They are caught once they've got what balls arc for. Date a soccer
Lethbridge the bait in their mouth!!-Patty Seeking Sexy Female Assistant to Polish player. -Roundballcr
Barney: Still working on Marge? Wine My Magic Wand-Houdini
l)This week's topic-Fashion faux pas: her, dine her.. PS.Know any single Hey Heilman who are you? If yQU want 9)Dots and stripes don't mix. Leave
Looking around the food court,we Homers?-Patty someone in your weight class go a Tom: Miss you. Miss me? it in the wild where it is needed for
wonder "Why? Why? It's not a state- soccer chick-Pele survival. J.
ment!" E. Hey Szmata is that your head or are you Buy tickets to see Dr. Jane Goodall
wearing a jack o'lantern on your Futch - You're so you melt the plastic in before they arc gone! Students $7 Buy Love in an elevator, livin' it up when
Hey you! Do you like monkeys? Do you shouldcrs?-Goblin my underwear. Bag (hem at Service Centre! we're going down. Jammin' Jocclyn
want to see Jane Goodall? Buy your & Diamond D. Wed & Fri - 8am
ticket! She's here on Nov 26. $7/ Jen: Guess ycr gonna hafta give in to get Mel you are an angel I am glad you are Join the investment club on Mon, Nov CKUL.
students! yer surprise. Hopefully Friday's the day.- sooo short; who would I use as an arm 18 al 6 p.m..SU Ballroom B to hear a
You know who rest? Love your 8 yr. Bud. community leader speak on finances. All I0)We know that you are a couple
3 cynical blondes: You talk the talk, but welcome. Drinks provided. but do you have to dress the same. Be
blondes don't walk...they spend too 4)FIashdance was 14 yrs ago, let the To all the girls who stiffed us at the cab- an individual not a carbon copy! D.
much time on their backs-Rattler legwarmers rest in peace. Everyone is Thanks for the blue balls-Easter Egg. 7)It's cool to wear vintage, but make
(Blonde that runs the paper note: Be begging you! A. sure it i.s old enough to be vintage! E. 1 l)People it's university, we know
sure your words are sweet as honey for Attention to all hockey fans: Fan Bus!! you have your freedom, but we have
you may have to eat them one day!) A. Girl- Are you sure you can trust two Fan Bus!! The bus goes to see the Horns CPR equipment on sale in the Atrium the right not to be offended. E.
sailors in your port? vs Calgary on Sat., Nov. 23. $20/person, Nov 27-28, presented by NURSES
Selma: Grunting,groaning or growling- sign-up at the Meliorist. UNDERGRAD SOCIETY. FREE Chubby Chopper: Classic pick-up-
aren't there any men turned on by my Taz you are awesome: thanks for all BLOOD PRESSURE WITH PUR- Either way, I'm going to have you
wild side? Luv Patty your time & effort-see you at the cab- Ruby: You wanted to know about the CHASE. tonight, you might as well be there!
from the little, short girl and red! SCA but gave me no way to contact you.
2) So are these people out of clean Please call Jeff @ 320-8107. Hey you in the red fuzzy coat and 12)Remember, friends don't let
clothes, or are they purposely buying Hey Cassie, let's have a diet Coke date blonde hair why don't you start working friends wear neon. The 3 cynical
them because they like them?!-J. in 1999. See you...from the M&M girl Back to the 80's Cabaret Friday Nov 15 out at noon-I need to be asspired. blondes and one jaded red head.


1 he past month, wc'vi tod 4 talcs from 4 lands...truo stories t; ^experiences of Penny Coffee House friends and
Taken tttsfetiier. thow- •Lot ho vacation from hoi I. But then, lifei IIS to you while you're busy ma king other plans....

to the stories and/or are a little resourceful, you'll have no problem answering the following quiz. The
first 4 questions come (nor text ofthe "Penny Coffee House - True Life Travel Adventure" series as it appeared in The Meliorist.
The last 2 questions come The Penny Coffee House interior. NOXK ofthe questions are "trick" questions. Deposit your answers
in t h o Q U Z B O X m T h e P Coffee House, and winners will be selected from those who have the most correct answers. Good Luck!
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