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Letters in Applied Microbiology 2000, 31, 163ÿ168

Design of self-processing antimicrobial peptides for plant

W.A. Powell, C.M. Catranis and C.A. Maynard
SUNY, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, NY, USA

84/00: received 7 January 2000, revised 15 April 2000 and accepted 12 May 2000

Small antimicrobial peptides are

W . A . P O W E L L , C . M . C A T R A N I S A N D C . A . M A Y N A R D . 2000.
excellent candidates for inclusion in self-processing proteins that could be used to confer
pathogen resistance in transgenic plants. Antimicrobial peptides as small as 22 amino acids
in length have been designed to incorporate the residual amino acids left from protein
processing by the tobacco etch virus'(TEVs') NIa protease. Also, by minimizing the length
of these peptides and the number of highly hydrophobic residues, haemolytic activity was
reduced without affecting the peptide's antimicrobial activity.

INTRODUCTION technical problems with designing and building large con-

structs with multiple promoters and terminators ¯anking
There has been an extensive amount of research on antimi- the coding regions. One way to design this type of gene
crobial peptides in the medical area to develop peptides as system is to utilize the self-processing protein mechanisms
topical antimicrobial agents, antitumour agents, and for found in potyviruses. The NIa proteases from two of these
enhanced wound healing (Maloy and Kari 1995). Also, sig- viruses have been shown to process cloned gene products
ni®cant progress is being made to develop these types of in vitro (Marcos and Beachy 1994) and in vivo (von
peptides for use in the area of plant protection (Rao 1995). Bodman et al. 1995; Ceriani et al. 1998). One potential pro-
Previously, we designed magainin-like, synthetic peptides blem with using this system is that the proteases need a
that demonstrated growth inhibitory effects on both fungal recognition site for cleavage that leave amino acid
and bacterial plant pathogens (Powell et al. 1995). Our cur- sequences on the resulting protein or peptide products. On
rent interests lie in designing genes that can deliver multi- a large protein, these small amino acid `tails' are usually tri-
ple resistance products that would enhance sustainable vial and often have little or no effect on the protein's activ-
plant pathogen resistance in long-lived, woody plant spe- ity. However, for small antimicrobial peptides, like our
cies (Powell and Maynard 1997). In this report, antimicro- ESF designs (Powell et al. 1995), these residual sequences
bial peptide designs are described that could be used in would account for about a third of the peptide's total
self-processing protein precursors. Transgenic plants con- amino acid sequence and therefore could signi®cantly effect
taining genes encoding these precursor proteins could be the peptide's activity. Our hypothesis is that residual
made to release a `cocktail' of antimicrobial peptides, possi- amino acid residues retained on a self-processed peptide
bly with antimicrobial enzymes, that could act synergisti- can be incorporated into the overall peptide design so that
cally against the pathogen. Using a single self-processing it retains its high antimicrobial activity and low haemolytic
gene has an advantage over standard multiple-gene pyra- activity. To test this hypothesis, we initially determined
miding because the gene products would be produced the lower size limit of active ESF peptides in order to keep
under the control of a single gene promoter, therefore their gene design as compact as possible. Then selected amino
expression controlled as a unit. Also, when a single gene is acid changes assessed for their effect the haemolytic and
used to deliver multiple antimicrobial products, there is no antimicrobial activities of the peptides. Then, the self-pro-
possibility of segregation during plant breeding as there is cessing NIa protease system from tobacco etch virus (TEV)
when using multiple genes for pathogen resistance. A sin- was chosen as a model for modifying the ESF peptides.
gle self-processing polyprotein product also simpli®es the Using the known protease recognition sequence from this
system (Carrington and Dougherty 1988; Dougherty et al.
Correspondence to: W.A. Powell, SUNY College of Environmental Science
1988), it was determined if residual amino acid sequences
and Forestry, 1 Forestry Drive, Syracuse, NY 13210-2788, USA (e-mail: from the protease left on the ®nal peptide products would change their antimicrobial and haemolytic activities.
= 2000 The Society for Applied Microbiology
164 W . A . P O W E L L E T A L .

MATERIALS AND METHODS plane, Neubauer ruling). Conidial suspensions were diluted
to 10  104 conidia mlÿ1. Bacterial suspensions of Ag.
tumefaciens and Ps. syringae were obtained from liquid cul-
As an antimicrobial peptide control (Ala8,13,15) Magainin 2 tures grown in potato dextrose broth (pH 52) (Difco).
amide (Chen et al. 1988) was purchased from Sigma. The Cultures were grown at 25  C on a Lab-Line orbital shaker
ESF peptide designs were aided by using the Garnier- (110 rev minÿ1) for 14 h. Bacterial cell suspensions with an
Robson and Chou-Fasman structural analysis, Eisenberg O.D.600 between 07 and 085 were used for assay inocula-
hydrophobicity (H), alpha moment (a), and beta moment tions.
(b) (Eisenberg et al. 1984), pI, and charge functions of Dilutions (0, 0625, 125, 25, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50, 100,
Protean computer software (DNASTAR, Madison, WI, 150, 200 and 250 mmol lÿ1, except where noted) of peptides
USA). ESF peptides were synthesized (> 70% purity) by tested against fungi and bacteria were aseptically prepared
Genosys Biotechnologies (The Woodlands, TX, USA). in sterile double-distilled water. Media for fungal growth
(PDAmb) was prepared with deionized distilled water,
Difco potato dextrose broth (12 g lÿ1), Sigma D,L-methio-
Fungal and bacterial culture
nine (005 g lÿ1), biotin (2 mg lÿ1), low melting agarose (20
Two plant-pathogenic fungi were assayed. Cryphonectria g lÿ1) and adjusted to pH 52 (before the addition of the
parasitica (Murrill) Barr, strain EP42, was obtained from agarose). Aliquots (20 ml) of peptide solution were asepti-
American Type Culture Collection (ATCC 38751) and cally placed in Corning disposable sterile polystyrene
maintained on potato dextrose agar supplemented with ELISA plates (96-well, high binding) which had been pre-
methionine and biotin (PDAmb) (Anagnostakis 1982). treated with bovine serum albumin (BSA, Sigma) by rin-
Fusarium oxysporum Schlechtend: Fr. f.sp. lycopersici sing each well with 200 ml of a 10-mg mlÿ1 BSA solution.
(Sacc.), strain 73 was obtained from Felice Cervone, Plant Sterilized media (80 ml) was added to each well to make a
Biology Department, University of Rome, Italy and main- 100-ml volume and allowed to solidify prior to inoculation
tained on potato dextrose agar (PDA). with 10 ml of conidial or bacterial cell suspension.
Two plant-pathogenic bacteria were assayed. Inoculated microtitre plates were incubated in ambient
Agrobacterium tumefaciens (wild-type strain Bo542) was pro- light at room temperature in a moist chamber (plastic box
vided by Eugene Nester (Sciaky et al. 1978). Pseudomonas containing wet paper towels and covered with clear plastic
syringae pv syringae bacteria (Collection PSS34, streptomy- wrap). Plates were scored for growth by looking for myce-
cin resistant) were provided by Thomas Burr (Department lium for the fungi or colonies for the bacteria at 6 d. The
of Horticultural Sciences, Cornell University, New York plates were then photographed.
State Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, New The MIC of the fungi and bacteria was the lowest pep-
York). Stock cultures of Ps. syringae were grown on a spe- tide concentration that totally prevented growth. All tests
ci®c, de®ned nutrient medium (Atlas and Parks 1993). Ag. were repeated four or more times. Controls without pep-
tumefaciens was maintained on PDA. tides were included with all tests. The highest concentra-
tion tested was 250 mmol lÿ1 except where noted. If
germination or bacterial growth occurred at this concentra-
Determination of the minimal inhibitory concentration
tion, the MIC is yet undetermined, but it is known to be
greater than 250 mmol lÿ1.
Conidial suspensions were aseptically prepared from agar
plate cultures of Cryphonectria parasitica grown at 25  C,
Peptide haemolytic activity
16-h photoperiod, or shaking liquid cultures for Fus. oxy-
sporum grown at 25  C, in the dark. Conidia were sus- Three millilitres of human blood cells (Carolina Biological
pended from agar plates with 10 ml sterile 1% Tween 20 Supply, Burlington, NC, USA) were gently mixed, poured
(Sigma). All culture suspensions were ®ltered through four into a sterile 15 ml polystyrene screw-cap tube and centri-
layers of sterile cheesecloth, collected in sterile 15 ml fuged 5 min, 850 g. The supernatant was poured off and
Falcon tubes, centrifuged for 3 min at 1900 g and the the viscous pellet washed three additional times with 5 ml
supernatant was then poured off. The pellets were sus- of chilled (4  C) sterile isotonic phosphate-buffered saline
pended in 10 ml sterile deionized water, centrifuged for 3 (PBS) solution (amounts g lÿ1: NaCl, 8; KH2PO4, 02;
min at 1900 g in a IEC Centra-4B centrifuge at room tem- Na2HPO4, 12; and KCl, 02, adjusted to pH 74, mixed
perature and then the supernatant was poured off. These for 60 min to stabilize pH). The washed cells were sus-
`washed' pellets were suspended in 5 ml sterile deionized pended in a ®nal volume of 20 ml chilled, sterile PBS and
water and stored on wet ice while the conidial concentra- the cells counted on a haemacytometer (Fisher ultra plane,
tion was determined using a haemacytometer (Fisher ultra Neubauer ruling). The blood cell suspension was main-
= 2000 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 31, 163ÿ168

tained on wet ice and diluted with sterile PBS to 7068  (between treatment variance). Tukey's Studentized Range
108 cells mlÿ1 for each assay. Aliquots of 20 ml of peptide Test controls the maximum experiment-wise error rate and
were aseptically placed into 20 ml microfuge tubes. For is applicable to unequal sample sizes.
each assay, 01% Triton X-100 was the positive, 100%
lytic control and PBS was the negative, background (0%
lysis) control. Aliquots of 180 ml diluted blood cell suspen- RESULTS
sion were aseptically placed into each 2-ml tube and gently
To determine if size effects the ESF peptide designs, pep-
mixed three times with a wide mouth pipette tip. The pep-
tides were synthesized containing 22 (ESF22A and B), 20
tide concentration tested was 250 mmol lÿ1. Tubes were
(ESF1B), 15 (ESF15), 13 (ESF13A) and nine (ESF9A)
incubated for 35 min at 37  C with agitation (80 rev minÿ1).
amino acids (Table 1). These were compared with ESF12
Immediately following incubation, the tubes were placed
(18 amino acids), ESF17 (17 amino acids), and a control
on ice for 5 min then centrifuged for 5 min at 1310 g.
(Ala8,13,18) magainin 2 which have previously been studied
Aliquots of 100 ml of supernatant were carefully collected,
(Powell et al. 1995). MICs were determined as described in
placed into a sterile 15 ml microfuge tube, and diluted
the methods section and reported as an average of four or
with 900 ml chilled, sterile PBS. All tubes were maintained
more repeats (Table 2). Average MICs within a column
on wet ice after dilution. Absorbance at 576 nm was mea-
containing the same superscript letter were not signi®cantly
sured on a Bausch and Lomb Spectronic 1001 spectrophot-
different as determined by the Tukey's Studentized Range
ometer using a quartz cuvette. Three replicates were run
Test. Haemolytic bioassays (Table 3) were performed with
for each peptide per assay. Two to ®ve assays were per-
human red blood cells and report the average lysis with
formed for each peptide.
respect to the triton X-100 control.
The results of the MIC bioassays indicate a signi®cant
loss of antimicrobial activity when reducing the ESF pep-
Statistical analyses
tide size from 18 to 17 amino acids for all four of the plant
Data were analysed with SAS1 software (SAS, Cary, NC, pathogens tested. Interestingly, antimicrobial activity of the
USA; 1994) using the general linear models (GLM) proce- 15 amino acid derivative was signi®cantly higher than that
dure. A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) model of the 17 amino acid form, but still signi®cantly lower than
with main effects was used. Tukey's Studentized Range the 18 amino acid form. The one exception to these results
Test (alpha ˆ 001) was performed on all main effect was with the bacterial assay using Ps. syringae, in which the
means generated from minimum inhibitory concentration 15 amino acid form's MIC was not statistically different
data and haemolysis data. Means were compared among than the 18 amino acid form. In this assay it was still more
replicates within each peptide treatment (within treatment active than the 17 amino acid peptide. The only difference
variance) and among means between peptide treatments between ESF17 and ESF15 is the loss of an alanine from

Table 1 Antimicrobial peptides

Peptide AA sequence a* charge H{

ESF peptides
ESF15 SRAAGLAARLARLAL 047 ‡ 291 ‡ 006
ESF13A SRAAGLAARLARL 046 ‡ 291 ÿ 001
ESF9A SRLARLAAR 062 ‡ 291 ÿ 023
Control peptide
(Ala8,13,18) magainin 2 GIGKFLHAAKKFAKAFVAEIMNS 046 ‡ 307 ‡ 020

*Alpha moment, {hydrophobicity.

= 2000 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 31, 163ÿ168
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Table 2 Average minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), in micromoles per litre (mmol lÿ1), of ESF peptides and control for four plant
pathogens, Fusarium oxysporum, Cryphonectria parasitica, Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Pseudomonas syringae. The same superscript letter
within a column indicates no signi®cant difference in the average MIC as determined by Tukey's Studentized Range Test

Fusarium Cryphonectria Agrobacterium Pseudomonas

Peptide No. AA oxysporum parasitica tumefaciens syringae

ESF22A 22 28d 11b 63c,d 88a,b

ESF22B 22 50c,d 13b 38d 50a,b
ESF1B 20 19d 63b 31d 100a,b
ESF12 18 79c,d 88b 25c 150a,b
ESF17* 17 > 100 > 100 > 100 > 100
ESF15* 15 35a 36a 50b 23b
ESF13A* 13 > 100 > 100 > 100 > 100
ESF9A* 9 > 100 > 100 > 100 > 100
(Ala8,13,18) magainin 2 23 13b,c 13b 100a 250a
r2 0977 0949 0983 0847

*Highest concentration tested for these peptides was 100 mmol lÿ1 instead of 250 mmol lÿ1 used for the rest of the peptides.
Average MICs within a column containing the same superscript letter were not signi®cantly different as determined by the Tukey's
Studentized Range Test.

the amino and carboxyl ends of the ESF17 peptide to form that the smaller peptide's activity could be due to a differ-
ESF15 (Table 1). The decrease in activity of ESF17 and ent mechanism as has been reported for other synthetic
regaining of some activity in ESF15 as the size suggests peptides (Bessalle et al. 1993). There was little difference
in the MICs of the peptides varying in size between 18 and
22 amino acids, with the exception of ESF12 in the Ag.
tumefaciens bioassays where ESF12 was signi®cantly less
Table 3 Haemolytic activity, as a percentage of haemolysis caused active (Table 2). The relative consistency of antimicrobial
by 01% triton X-100, for 250 mmol lÿ1 of ESF peptides and activity among the different peptide sequences indicate
controls. The same superscript letter within the haemolysis
some ¯exibility in design within this size range without
column indicates no signi®cant difference in the average MIC as
determined by Tukey's Studentized Range Test loss of antimicrobial activity.
All the ESF peptides which were 18 amino acids in
Peptide No. AA #Leu or Val Haemolysis* length or larger had similar MICs as the (Ala8,13,18) magai-
nin 2 (Chen et al. 1988) control in the fungal and Ps. syrin-
ESF22A 22 5 70b gae bioassays. In the Ag. tumefaciens bioassays, the ESF
ESF22B 22 4 20c peptides were signi®cantly more inhibitory than (Ala8,13,18)
ESF1B 20 6 73b magainin 2. ESF15 was less active than (Ala8,13,18) magai-
ESF6 20 5 16c,d
nin 2 in the fungal bioassays but more active than
ESF5 20 4 47e,f
ESF12 18 4 31f
(Ala8,13,18) magainin 2 in the bacterial bioassays.
ESF17 17 4 13f Differences in peptide size did cause a statistically signif-
ESF15 15 4 093f icant change in haemolytic activity (Table 3). ESF peptides
ESF13A 13 3 12f of 18 amino acids or less were not signi®cantly different in
ESF9A 9 2 075f haemolytic activity than the PBS buffer control. ESF pep-
(Ala8,13,18) magainin 2 23 N/A 10d,e tides of 20 amino acids or larger, including the (Ala8,13,18)
PBS buffer 032f magainin 2 control, were signi®cantly more haemolytic
01% Triton-X 100 100a than the PBS buffer control. Therefore, size effects haemo-
lytic activity in general. However, by examining other dif-
* Tukey's Studentized Range Test grouping (A±F) of lysis by
peptide, r2 ˆ 0997. ferences among ESF1B, ESF6 and ESF5, which were all
Average MICs within a column containing the same 20 amino acids in length, other in¯uencing factors could be
superscript letter were not signi®cantly different as determined by discerned. The most consistent factor among these three
the Tukey's Studentized Range Test. peptides was the number of highly hydrophobic amino
= 2000 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 31, 163ÿ168

acids in the design. By manipulating these amino acid these haemolytic differences. The only discernible differ-
sequences larger peptides can be designed with lower hae- ence in these three peptide designs that follow the change
molytic activities than smaller peptides, as demonstrated by in haemolytic activity was the total number of highly
comparing ESF22B and ESF1B (Table 3). hydrophobic residues. ESF1B has six (1 Val, 5 Leu) as
ESF22A and ESF22B were designed to contain amino compared with ESF6 that has ®ve (5 Leu) and ESF5
acid residues of the TEV NIa protease's recognition which has four (4 Leu). In other studies of synthetic anti-
sequence that would be retained by the resulting peptide if microbial peptides, increases in hydrophobicity have been
digested with this protease. The antimicrobial activity of associated with increases in haemolytic activity (Dathe et
both these peptides grouped with the most active peptides al. 1997; Weiprecht et al. 1997). However, our data show
tested (Table 2). ESF22A had a signi®cantly higher haemo- that in some cases a more hydrophobic peptide of equal
lytic activity than ESF22B. size can be less haemolytic. For example, ESF6 is more
hydrophobic than ESF1B, yet it is less haemolytic. ESF6 is
more hydrophobic because it contains more alanines (H ˆ
062) in place of some hydrophilic amino acids present in
The primary hypothesis tested was that the residual amino ESF1B. But ESF1B has a greater number of highly hydro-
acids retained on a self-processed peptide could be incorpo- phobic amino acids such as valine (H ˆ 110) even though
rated into a peptide design so that it retains a high antimi- its overall hydrophobicity is less then ESF6. Therefore,
crobial activity yet poses a low haemolytic activity. from these results we ®nd it is more important to limit the
Consideration of both these activities is important to target number of highly hydrophobic amino acids than the overall
the peptides to microbial pathogens while having a minimal hydrophobicity when trying to reduce haemolytic activity
effect on higher organisms that might consume plant pro- in antimicrobial peptide designs.
ducts containing these peptides. In testing this hypothesis, ESF1B had a relatively high haemolytic activity (73% as
we ®rst determined the lower size limit of active ESF pep- lytic as the 01% triton X-100 control) when tested at a
tide before adding the residual amino acid sequences which concentration of 250 mmol lÿ1. However, when the concen-
would be left after cleavage by the self-processing NIa pro- tration of ESF1B was reduced to 25 mmol lÿ1, the relative
tease system from TEV (Carrington and Dougherty 1988; haemolytic activity was not signi®cantly different from
Dougherty et al. 1988). The lower size limit for antimicro- PBS buffer control. This concentration (25 mmol lÿ1) is
bial activity of the ESF peptide design was determined to approximately a magnitude higher than ESF1B's average
be 18 amino acids. The exception was ESF15, which had MIC (19±63 mmol lÿ1 for the fungal pathogens) and
measurable antimicrobial activity but was only 15 amino therefore indicates this might still be a useful antimicrobial
acids in length. The antimicrobial activity of ESF15 is peptide in some applications.
likely due to a different mechanism than the larger ESF To employ antimicrobial peptides in self-processing
peptides. Changes in activity due to size reductions have polypeptide systems in plants, they must be designed to be
been reported with other synthetic peptide designs active despite containing residual amino acids left by the
(Bessalle et al. 1993). However, there were no signi®cant processing reaction. As a model system, we chose to design
structural differences in ESF15 predicted using the peptides containing residues from NIa protease recognition
Garnier-Robson and Chou-Fasman structural analysis site Glu-X-X-Tyr-X-Gln/(Gly or Ser)(Carrington and
functions of Protean computer software (DNASTAR). Dougherty 1988; Dougherty et al. 1988). This recognition
After determining a minimal size that would retain anti- sequence has the advantage of placing a glutamic acid on
microbial activity, a peptide sequence was designed that the hydrophobic side of the amphipathic alpha helix, simi-
would prevent amino terminal methionine cleavage during lar to the natural magainins. This con®guration has been
peptide expression in transgenic plants. ESF1B was suggested to in¯uence the magainin's differential lytic
designed by replacing the alanine at position two in ESF1 activity between animal and bacterial cells, possibly due to
(Powell et al. 1995), with a valine (Table 1). This change interaction with cholesterol (Tytler et al. 1995). Our ®rst
did not signi®cantly change the MIC as compared with the peptide design to incorporate these residues was ESF22A
other most active ESF peptides in this study (Table 2). (Table 1). The design incorporated all the amino acids of
However, ESF1B did have one of the highest haemolytic ESF12 except the amino terminal methionine and alanine.
activities of the peptides tested (Table 3). The haemolytic In addition, amino acids were added to the carboxyl end
activity of ESF1B was compared with two other 20-amino that ®t the recognition site pattern while still maintaining
acid peptides, ESF5 and ESF6. ESF1B had the highest the amphipathic alpha helical structure of the overall pep-
haemolytic activity, followed by ESF6 and ESF5. The tide. ESF22A retained a high antimicrobial activity (Table
hydrophobicity, alpha moment or overall charge (Table 1) 2), indicating that a NIa protease recognition site could be
of the three peptides does not appear to be associated with incorporated with no signi®cant effect on this activity.
= 2000 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 31, 163ÿ168
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However, the haemolytic activity of ESF22 was among the tobacco etch virus polyprotein processing. Proceedings of the
highest activities of the peptides tested in this study National Academy of Sciences of the USA 85, 3391±3395.
(Table 3). To reduce this activity, ESF22B (Table 1) was Ceriani, M.F., Marcos, J.F., Hopp, H.E. and Beachy, R.N.
designed by changing the eighth and ®fteenth amino acids (1998) Simultaneous accumulation of multiple viral coat pro-
from an alanine and leucine, respectively, to arginines. teins from a TEV-NIa based expression vector. Plant Molecular
This increased the positive charge, decreased the overall Biology 36, 239±248.
hydrophobicity, and lowered the number of highly hydro- Chen, H.-C., Brown, J.H., Morell, J.L. and Huang, C.M. (1988)
phobic amino acids. With these changes, ESF22B retained Synthetic magainin analogues with improved antimicrobial
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and its haemolytic activity decreased signi®cantly (Tables 2 Dathe, M., Weiprecht, T., Nikolenko, H. et al. (1997)
Hydrophobicity, hydrophobic moment and angle subtended by
and 3). This demonstrated that if a new peptide design has
charged residues modulate antibacterial and haemolytic activity
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could be made to reduce the haemolytic activity without
Dougherty, W., Carrington, J., Cary, S. and Parks, T. (1988)
compromising its antimicrobial activity.
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to the minimum needed to maintain antimicrobial activity. 105±122.
Other factors, as yet unidenti®ed, must also contribute to Marcos, J.F. and Beachy, R.N. (1994) In vitro characterization of
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(Ala8,13,18) magainin 2, had a longer amino acid sequence a self-processing polypeptide. Plant Molecular Biology 24, 495±
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due to many differences in the amino acid sequence. Our Microbe Interactions 8, 792±794.
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station.
This research was funded in part by the USDA Rao, A.G. (1995) Antimicrobial peptides. Molecular Plant±
Cooperative State Research Service, McIntire-Stennis Microbe Interactions 8, 6±13.
Program, and the New York Chapter of the American Sciaky, D., Montoya, A.L. and Chilton, M.-D. (1978)
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