Sec 24 LTD

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Sec 24.

Proof of Publication and Notice  To give a person a legal standing to object to the
 The certification of the application of the registration, HE MUST MAKE SOME
(1) Commissioner of Land Registration; and CLAIM TO THE PROPERTY.
(2) the sheriff concerned  Opponent in a LRP cannot show title in himself? This the effect that the notice of the initial hearing has DOES NOT discapacitate him from opposing registration
been complied with shall be filed in the case BEFORE of the property in the name of the applicant.
THE DATE OF THE INITIAL HEARING, and shall be  Nor is it even material for the opponent to have the
CONCLUSIVE PROOF of such fact. legal character necessary to enable him to maintain a
 This provision should therefore require even more than registration proceedings cannot show title
than a superficial examination by the court of the  All that is necessary to enable one to exert the faculty of
evidence to show compliance with the requirements of opposition is that he should appear to have an interest
publication, mailing, and posting to ensure that in the property.
jurisdiction is validly acquired by the court over the res De Castro v Marcos
and that the public is assuredly apprised, even if only
constructively, of the pending registration case so that It is immaterial whether this interest is in the character of legal
appropriate measure may be taken to protect their owner or is of a purely equitable nature as where he is the
interest. beneficiary in a trust.

Sec 25. Opposition to application in ordinary proceedings  All claims of third persons to the property must be
 Any person claiming an interest (whether named in the asserted in the registration proceedings.
notice or not), may appear and file an opposition..  If claim is upheld, that portion is segregated from the
(1) on or before the date of initial hearing; or property applied for.
(2) within such further time as may be allowed by the  If it is included, the claim is deemed adversely resolved
court. with finality, subject only to a petition for review of the
 The opposition shall: decree within one year from its issuance on the ground
(1) state all the objections to the application; of fraud.
(2) shall set forth the interest claimed by the party  A MERE CLAIM CANNOT DEFEAT A REGISTERED TITLE.
filing the same; and  The Rule: the owner of buildings and improvements
(3) apply for the remedy desired should claim them during the proceedings for
 shall be signed and sworn to by him or by some other registration and the fact of ownership, if upheld by the
duly authorized person. court, must be noted on the face of the certificate.
 If the opposition / adverse claim of any person covers  “claim of ownership” – the possession of a piece of
only a portion of the lot and said portion is NOT property with the intention of claiming it in hostility to
properly delimited on the plan attached to the the true owner; a party’s manifest intention to take over
application, or in case of undivided co-ownership, land, regardless of title or right.
conflicting claims of ownership or possession, or
overlapping of boundaries, the COURT MAY REQUIRE EFFECT OF FAILURE TO FILE OPPOSITION – all the allegations
THE PARTIES TO SUBMIT A SUBDIVISION PLAN DULY contained in the application = be held as confessed by reason of
APPROVED BY THE DIRECTOR OF LANDS the absence of denial on the part of the opponent.
 For an opposition to be considered, the ff requisites  A person who has not challenged the an application for
must occur: registration of land even if the appeal afterwards
a. The oppositor must have an interest in the land interposed is based on the right of dominion over the
applied for; same land, CANNOT ALLEGE DAMAGE OR ERROR
b. He should state the grounds for his objection as AGAINST THE JUDGMENT ORDERING THE
well as the nature of his claimed interest; REGISTRATION INASMUCH AS HE DID NOT ALLEGE /
c. He should indicate the desired relief; and PRETEND TO HAVE ANY RIGHT TO SUCH LAND.
d. The opposition should be signed and sworn to by  A claimant having failed to present his answer /
him or by his duly authorized representative. objection w/in a period of 1 year, is deemedto have
 Unverified oppositions in land registration proceedings FOREVER LOST HIS RIGHT IN SAID LAND EVEN
are nevertheless sufficient to confer standing in court to GRANTING THAT HE HAD ANY RIGHT THEREIN.
oppositors who may be allowed to verify their  Persons deemed to have legal standing to file
oppositions later on. opposition:
a. HOMESTEADER – who has not yet been issued his
Nicolas v Director of Lands title but has fulfilled all the conditions required by
law for the issuance of patent
Written appearance with opposition presented by petitioner b. PURCHASER OF FRIAR LAND - who is deemed to
in this case was considered VALID and SUFFICIENT to give have an equitable title to the land even before the
him a legal standing in court and entitle him to notice, as a issuance of the patent
matter of right. It was a substantial compliance with the law c. AWARDEE in a slaes app – who (by virtue of the
that required a formal answer. award) is authorized to take possession of the land
Nature of interest to support opposition to enable him to comply with the requirements for
 based on the right of dominion or some other real right the issuance of patent.
opposed to the adjudication or recognition of the d. PERSON CLAIMING TO BE IN POSSESSION OF THE
ownership of the applicant, whether it be limited or LAND AND HAS APPLIED WITH THE LMB FOR ITS
absolute. PURCHASE
 Private persons may not oppose an application on
behalf of the gov’t bec the land belongs to the gov’t.
Fernandez v Tañada the issuance of any such title, to the end that the Republic may file
the corresponding action for reversion of the land involved to the
The Court sustained the dismissal by the registration court of public domain.
petitioners’ opposition since petitioners were mere sales applicants
in the Bureau of Lands (now LMB) and whose sales applications In other words, the indefeasibility of a title over land previously
explicitly provided that the same conveyed no right to occupy the public is NOT A BAR to an investigation by the Director of Lands.
land prior to their approval.  Belated filing of an appeal by the State, or even its failure to
file an opposition, in a land registration case because of the
OPPOSITION BY THE GOV’T mistake or error on the part of its officials or agents does
 The gov’t, acting through the Office of the Sol Gen (OSG) is not deprive the gov’t of its right to appeal from a judgment
invariably represented by of the court.
a. Director of Lands; or
as public oppositor in all land registration and related REG PROCEEDING
proceedings.  Prop Registration Decree does not provide for a pleading
 It is the burden of the applicant (private oppositor) to similar or corresponding to a motion to dismiss. HOWEVER,
overthrow the presumption that the land is public land by SEC 34 PROVIDES that the RULES OF COURT WHICH ARE
 Only the SOL GEN can bring or defend actions on behalf of DECREE shall be applicable to land registration & cadastral
the country. Hence, actions filed in the name of the cases in a SUPPLETORY CHARACTER.
Republic NOT INITIATED BY SOL GEN WILL BE  Doctrine of res judicata – set fourth in Section 47 of Rule 39,
DISMISSED. ROC. This provision comprehens two distinct concepts or res
 In practice, because of the numerous activities of gov’t judicata:
requiring the services of the OSG, it is now necessary to (1) Bar by FORMER JUDGMENT, so long as the ff requisites
deputize provincial / city prosecutors and special occur:
attorneys to assist SOL GEN. Even so, SOL GEN still has full a. FORMER JUDGMENT = FINAL
control of the conduct of the proceedings. b. PERTINENT ISSUE(s) = ADJUDGED through their
(1) Absence of opposition by the gov’t DOES NOT merits
justify outright registration – applicant is not c. THE COURT WHICH RENDERED THE THE DECISION
relieved of the burden of proving the imperfect HAS JURISDICTION over subj matter and parties
right / title. A compromise agreement entered into by d. Between the 1st and 2nd actions, there was:
the parties could not supply the absence of evidence  Identity of parties
of title required in registration cases.  Identity of subj matter
(2) Hearing necessary to determine validity of  Causes of action
ownership claim – pursuant to Section 1, Rule 131 * Where no identity of causes of action but only identity
of the Rules of Court, each party (whether applicant of issues exists, res judicata cones under the second
or oppositor) must prove his own affirmative concept.
allegations by the amount of evidence required by (2) CONCLUSIVENESS of judgment.
law to obtain a favorable judgment. IF NECESSARY,  Opposition in a reg case partakes of the nature of an answer
the court may refer the case or any part thereof to a with a counterclaim.
referee who shall hear the parties and their evidence.  Defense of res judicata may be waives if NOT SET UP IN A
This referee shall submit his report to the court MOTION TO DISMISS. It CANNOT be pleaded for the first
within 15 days after the termination of hearing. IN time on appeal.
NOT justified in adjudicating the land applied for as  The registration court may require the submission by the
private property. NEED EVIDENCE PA RIN. parties of a subdivision plan, duly approved by the Director
(3) Failure to appear on the day of initial hearing is of Lands, in the following instances:
NOT a ground for default where opposition / a. The opposition or adverse claim covers only a portion
answer had been filed of the lot applied for which is not delimited on the plan
(4) Government may appeal despite failure of agency accompanying the application;
to file opposition b. In case of undivided co-ownership, conflicting claims of
Republic v CA and Arquillo ownership or possession, or overlapping of
The failure of the gov’t agency concerned to file an opposition to
the application for registration or to appeal from the adverse
decision of the reg court is NOT FATAL. REASON: Gov’t is usually
NOT estopped by mistake or error of its officials or agents.
Republic v CA and Paredes

Principle of estoppel DOES NOT operate against the gov’t for the
act of its agents.

One who succeeds in fraudulently acquiring title to a public land

SHOULD NOT be allowed to benefit therefrom, and the State
should, therefore, have an ever existing authority, thru its duly
authorized officers, to inquire into the circumstances surrounding

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