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IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-101, No.

6 June 1982 1369



V. Brandwajn, Member, IEEE H.W. Donnel, Fellow, IEEE I. I. Dommel

Ontario Hydro The University of British Columbia Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Toronto, Ontario, Canada Vancouver' B.C., Canada

ABSTRACT V1 11 12 1N

Detailed transformer representations are needed in v2 ' 21 22 ^ 2N (1)

the analysis of electromagnetic transients and in the ................
analysis of unbalanced steady-state conditions. This
paper describes the derivation of mdels for three- L7N Nl N2 NN
phase and single-phase N-winding transformers in the
form of branch impedance or admittance matrices, which The matrix in Eq.(l) is symmetric. Its elements could
can be calculated from available test data of positive theoretically be measured in excitation (no-load) tests:
and zero sequence short-circuit and excitation tests. If coil k is energized, and all other coils are open-
The models can be used for many types of studies as circuited, then the measured values for Ik and V1,. ..VN
long as the frequencies are low enough so that capaci- produce column k of the [ZI-matrix,
tances in the transformer can be ignored. The inclusion
of saturation effects is briefly discussed. ik =V/Ik (2)
Unfortunately, the short-circuit input impedances,
which describe the more important transfer characteris-
tics of the transformer, get lost in such excitation
measurements. The short-circuit input impedance zskhort
The representation of single-phase N-winding trans- between energized coil i and short-circuited coil k is
formers for steady-state and transient studies is rea-
sonably straightforward [1]. Representing three-phase short ZikZki
transformers, on the other hand, has always been more Zik Zi z(a
difficult, on transient network analyzers as well as in
digital computer studies. The most common approach has or
been the addition of an extra delta-connected winding zshort
to single-phase units, in order to approximate the mag- -ikZ. = 1 - k, (3b)
netic coupling among the three cores. It is not always 11

easy, however, to relate the data of this extra winding

to the available test data. For instance, no such gen-
with the coupling coefficient
eral relationship can be derived for a three-phase
three-winding transformer. k= ikkki (3c)
The three-phase transformer models described here
zii kk
are based on the physical concept of representing wind-
Large power transformers are tightly coupled, with k
ings as mutually coupled coils; with this approach, a
three-phase two-winding transformer simply becomes a close to 1.0. For a typical short-circuit input imped-
ance of 10% and for a typical exciting current of 0.4%,
system of 6 coupled coils. The impedance or admittance
matrix for the coupled coils can easily be derived from the values Zii, Zik and Zkk would have to be measured
commonly available test data. The method is also valid
with an accuracy of 0.001% to obtain the value of Zshort
to within ±10%. This is clearly impossible. It is,
for single-phase units.
therefore, necessary to find [Z] or its inverse [Y] in a
different way, namely by calculatioh as described later.
The need for high accuracy still remains, however. In
the example cited above, at least 6 significant digits
would be needed for the elements of [Z], which could be
To explain the concept, a single-phase N-winding close to the limit of computers with a short word
transformer will be considered first, which can be de- length. The alterriate representation of section 6 with
scribed by the following steady-state phasor equations: [Y] avoids this precision problem.
For the analysis of electromagnetic transients,
Eq. (1) is rewritten as a differential equation,

[v 1 R R R [L L ..L1 [i
11 12' 1N 1 l1
12 1N
Iv 2.. R
..R 2N Ii2 + L1lL12
2N d
12 (4)
LvN Nl N2" NNJ N hl N2 NN LiN
81 SM 429-0 A paper recommended and approved by the with [R] being the real part of [Z], and [LI being the
IEEE Power System Engineering Conmmittee of the IEEE imaginary part of [Z] divided by w. This model is di-
Power Engineering Society for presentation at the rectly accepted by all versions of the Electromagnetic
IEEE PES Oummer Meeting, Portland, Oregon, July 26-31, Transients Program of the Bonneville Power Administra-
1981. Manuscript submitted January 28, 1981; made avail- tion. Getting from Eq. (1) to Eq. (4) implies a series
able for printing May 4, 1981. connection of [R] and [LI, which is a reasonable as-

0018-9510/82/0600-1369$00.75 ( 1982 IEEE

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sumption. In that case, the p.u. impedances (ZS 11' ZM-ll) and
(ZS-22, ZM-22) of the primary and secondary windings
would differ from the p.u. impedances (ZS-33, ZM-33)
3. EXTENSION OF BASIC CONCEPT TO THREE-PHASE by the value of the short-circuit impedance 1-2 or 1-3,
TRANSFORMERS respectively, and the diagonal elements could be cor-
rected for that difference accordingly.
The extension of Eq.(l) to three-phase transformers If the winding resistances are known, they are
is conceptually easy. Each winding in Eq. (1) no longer added to the self impedance ZS-ii of the diagonal ele-
consists of a single coil, but of three coils for the ment pairs (ZS-ii, ZM-ii). If they are not known, but
three phases or core legs. This means that a matrix el- if load losses from short-circuit tests are given, they
ement of [Z] becomes a 3x3 submatrix could be calculated from the load losses. For two-wind-
ing transformers, one could assume R1= R2 in p.u. in
this calculation, while 3 equations in 3 unknowns could
be used in the case of a three-winding transformer.
M S M (5) Calculating winding resistances from load losses is not
zM M zS- exact because these losses contain stray losses as well,
but is probably better than simply setting winding re-
where ZS is the self impedance of a phase or leg and ZM sistances to zero if they are not known.
is the mutual impedance among the three phases or legs.
As in any other three-phase power system component, If excitation losses are known, they must not be
these self and mutual impedances are related to the pos- included in the calculation of Eq. (7) because that
itive and zero sequence values Z1 and ZO by would imply that they are modelled as a resistance in
series with the magnetizing reactance. Instead, shunt
ZS 133 (Z o + 2Z 1'6a (6a) resistances should be added across one or more windings
to reproduce the excitation losses. These shunt resis-
1 tances are additional branches which cannot be included
zmM =-(Z
3 o
- z
1 (6b) in the impedance matrix representation of Eq. (1).
Strictly speaking, the p.u. reactances Xl-ii and Xo.ii
Replacing an element of [Z] by the 3x3 submatrix of Eq. are then no longer the reciprocals of the p.u. excit-
(5) and relating the diagonal and off-diogonal elements ing current, but the reciprocals of the imaginary part
ZS, ZM to positive and zero sequence values is all that of the p.u. exciting current,
is needed to extend the methods developed for single-
phase transformers to three-phase transformers. I
= I2
_ p2exc in p.u. values (8)
Since the 3x3 submatrices contain only 2 distinct
values ZS and ZM, it is not necessary to actually work with I = p.u. magnetizing current (imaginary part
with 3x3 submatrices, but only with pairs (ZS, ZM) . D. of p.u. exciting current)
Hedman derived a special "balanced-matrix algebra" in Iexc = p.u. exciting current
[2] for the multiplication, inversion and addition of Pexc =
p.u. excitation loss.
such pairs.
In practice, Im and Iexc differ so little that the val-
ue of Iexc can usually be used for Im.
With the diagonal element pairs known, the off-di-
Recall that Eq. (1) is valid for three-phase N-wind- agonal element pairs (ZS-ik, ZM-ik) are calculated from
the short-circuit input impedances with Eq.(3a). First
ing transformers if it is understood that each element find
is replaced by the 3x3 submatrix of Eq. (5). These sub- short
matrices can be directly found from test data as long as
the exciting current is not neglected.
Zik =ki = ( Zik (9) kz
separately for positive and zero sequence, and then
First, calculate the imaginary parts of the diago- convert the values-to the pair values with Eq.(6) .
nal element pairs (Xs_i, XM.ii) from the exciting cur- zshort in Eq.(9) is the complex short-circuit imped-
rent of the positive and zero sequence excitation tests. ance. In p.u., its real part are the p.u. load losses,
If excitation losses are ignored, and if "i" is the ex- and its imaginary part can be calculated from Eq.(21).
cited winding, then it follows from Eq. (2) that Xii in
per unit is simply the reciprocal of the per-unit ex- As already pointed out in section 2, the elements
citing current. With the positive and zero sequence val- of [Z] must be calculated with high accuracy; otherwise,
ues X1ii and X -.ii thus known, the pair-values are sim- the short-circuit input impedance gets lost in the open-
ply obtained from Eq. (6), circuit impedances. The lower the exciting current is,
the more equal the p.u. impedances Zii, Zkk and Zik be-
X5. =(X + 2X .)(7a)
S-ii =3 o-ii 1l-ii come among themselves in Eq. (3a). Experience has shown
that the positive sequence exciting current should not
be much smaller than 1% for a single-precision solution
xM-ii 3 (o-ii 1-i t7b) on a UNIVAC computer (word length of 36 bits) to avoid
numerical problems. On computers with higher precision,
For the other windings, it is reasonable to assume that the value could obviously be lower. On large, modern
the p.u. reactances are practically the same as in Eq. transformers, exciting currents of less than 1% are
(7), since these open-circuit reactances are much larger conmon, but this value can usually be increased for the
than the short-circuit input impedances. If it is known, analysis without influencing the results.
however, that a particular winding has very little stray
flux (e.g., the tertiary winding no. 3 of a three-wind-
ing transformer with cylindrical coil construction), 5. MODIFICATIONS IN ZERO SEQUENCE FOR DELTA-CONNECTED
them one could imagine an equivalent circuit where the WINDINGS
magnetizing reactance is connected across that winding
[13, e.g., from 3 to neutral in Fig. 1 (following page).

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tain any information about the winding connections.
(secondary) These connections must be established by the user
through proper assignment of node names to the branch
(primary) terminals. For the example of section 13, assume that
the node names for the tertiary terminals are TA, TB
and TC. To establish the proper delta connection, branch
'3-AI must go from node TA to TB, branch '3-B' from TB
(tertiary) to TC, and branch '3-C' from TC to TA. With these node
assignments, the tertiary will provide a short-circuit
for zero-sequence currents, and the phase shift between
wye- and delta-connected windings in positive and nega-
Fig. 1. Equivalent star circuit for zero-sequence tive sequence will be correct as well.
short-circuit tests of a three-winding trans-
former (all reactances must be in p.u.) To explain the phase shift, assume that a load is
connected to 3, with 2 open. If positive sequence cur-
Eq. (9) cannot be used directly for the zero se- rents Ilpo, are fed into the high side, then the branch
quence calculation of transformers with three or more currents in the three high voltage windings are Ilpos'
windings if one or more of them are delta-connected. a2 lpos and aIlpos, and in the three tertiary windings
Assume that a three-winding transformer has wye-con-
nected primary and secondary windings, with their neu- I =
230/F3 I
trals grounded, and a delta-connected tertiary winding. TB to TA 50 lpos
In this case, the zero-sequence short-circuit test be- 230/Y'
I a2 I
tween the primary and secondary windings will not only TC to TB 50 -lpos
have the secondary winding shorted but the tertiary
winding as well, since a closed delta connection pro-
TA to TC
50 lpos
vides a short-circuit path for zero-sequence currents.
This special situation can be handled in a number of
ways, e.g., by modifying the short-circuit data for an Since the line current ITA on the tertiary side is
open delta so that Eq. (9) can again be used. With the
well-known equivalent star circuit of Fig. 1, the three TA TB to TA TA to TC'
test values suppiied by the manufacturer are it follows that
ITA = 50 (1-a)I
closed A __2_3 TA 50 lpos
12 1 +X
.2 3 where the factor in parenthesis not only contains the
in p.u. values (lOb) correct factor of J3, but also the phase shift of -300.
X1+ X3, For negative sequence currents, this factor would be
X2+ X3 (10c) (1-a2) which contains the phase shift of +300.

which can be solved for X1, X2, X3:


Xi = X13- {xx3-
23 13
X12closed AX2
As mentioned in section 2, the elements of [Z]
(llb) must be calculated with high accuracy, especially if
2 23 13 1 values the exciting current is low. If the exciting current is
totally ignored, then [Z] cannot be used at all. In such
X3 X13- X1 (llc)
cases, an alternative representation can be used in the
form of
After this modification, the values X1+ X2, X1+ X3 and (13)
X2+ X3 are used as input data, with winding 3 no longer [I] = [Y] [V] ,
being shorted in the test between 1 and 2. The modifi-
which is the inverse relationship of Eq. (1). Even though
cation scheme becomes more complicated if resistances
are included. For instance, Eq. (lOa) becomes
[Z] becomes infinite for zero exciting current, [Y] does
exist, and is in fact the well-known representation of
transformers used in power flow studies.
A = R1+ jX1 ++ (R2+ jX2) (R3+ jX3)
= R +
jx (12)
(R2+ R3 X+ x3
Let the transfer characteristics be expressed as
voltage drops between winding i and the last winding N,
in p.u. values
reduced Z
V -V
with lZclosed
A| being the value supplied by the manu-
11 12

facturer, and R1, R2, R3 being the winding resistances. reduced reduced reduc
This leads to a system of nonlinear equations, which
m 21 22 2,N-1 (14)
have been solved by Newton's method in a computer pro-
gram based on the methods of this paper. This computer
reduced reduced reduced
program can handle three-winding transformers with wye/
N-I N N-l,l N-1,2 N-l,N-l
wye/delta- and with wye/delta/delta- connections.
in p.u. values
Fig. 1 is only used to derive the three reactances
X1, X2, X3. If it were used as a zero-sequence model, with [Zreduced] again being symmetric. Also, let the
which it is not, terminal 3 would have to be shorted to exciting current be ignored, which implies that
the zero-sequence neutral bus to represent the closed
delta. What is used here instead is the impedance ma- E Ik = ° in p.u. values (15)
trix of Eq. (1) which is written in phase quantities k=l
rather than in symmetrical components. Eq. (1) is a
system of branch equations, and as such does not con-

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The elements of the reduced matrix in Eq.(14) can then R.+ Rk = either p.u. load losses in short-cir-
be found directly from the short-circuit test data, as cuit test between i and k, or p.u.
shown by Shipley [3]. For a short-circuit test between winding resistances.
i and N, only Ii in Eq.(14) is nonzero, and therefore
(16) [LI -L =
i [l (22)
ii iN
The winding resistances (either known, or calculated
The off-diagonal element Zreduced
ik is found by relating from load losses as indicated in section 4) then form
Eq.(14) to the short-circuit test between i and k, where a diagonal matrix [R], and the transformer is finally
Ik=-Ii and all other currents are zero. Then described by the equation

= (Zreduced
I (17a) [di]
= [LI [v] - [LI [RI[iI (23)

Vkk VNN = (Zreduced

kk I1 _ (17b) The model of Eq.(23) has been implemented in the Elec-
tromagnetic Transients Program of the Bonneville Power
or Administration in 1974. With this model, the accuracy
reduced + Zreduced reduced problems of the [Z]-matrix representation do not exist.
i Vk (Zii kk -2zik 17c
in p.u. values The extension from single-phase to three-phase is
again achieved according to section 3. Specifically,
By definition, the expression in parenthesis of Eq.(17c) Eq. (16) and (18) are solved separately for positive and
must be the short-circuit input impedance zshort, or zero sequence values, and these values are then convert-
ed to pairs (ZS, ZM) with Eq.(6). The inversion process
in Eq.(19) again uses "balanced matrix algebra" with
reduced -
1 short +Z short
(Z iN -z short )(18) pairs, that is, an NxN matrix with element pairs is in-
ik 2 kN ik verted rather than a (3N)x(3N) matrix. Similarly, ele-
in p.u. values ment pairs replace single elements in Eq. (20).

Eq.(14) cannot be expanded to include all N wind- The zero sequence short-circuit test data for
ings, since all matrix elements would become infinite closed delta connections is modified in the same way as
with the exciting current being ignored. Therefore, an discussed in section 5, before the calculation process
admittance matrix formulation must be used. First, Eq. begins with Eq.(16) and (18).
(14) is inverted, with
For three-phase transformers with three-legged
reduced reduced - core construction, the exciting current in the zero se-
[Y = [Z (O19) quence test is fairly high (e.g., 100%). In this case,
and in all other cases in which one would rather not
and then a row is added for IN by using Eq. (15). This ignore the exciting current, the model of Eq.(20) is
results in modified as follows: From the p.u. exciting current
exc-l and I exc-o in the positive
I and zero sequence
'1 11 Y12 ... YIN V1~ test, calculate the pair of p.u. shunt admittances
Y5 3 (Iexc-o 2 exc-l ) (24a)
in p.u. values
L Nj Nl N2 NNJ N u M
= -j 3
(I exc-o- I
exc-l ) I (24b)

with and connect them either across one winding, or (l/N)-th

Yiik = Yik from Eq. (19) for of it across all N windings. In terms of Eq.(20), this
ik i,k < N-1, means the addition of (Ys, YM) to one diagonal element
pair or the addition of (l/N)-th of it to all diagonal
for iAN, element pairs. If the excitation test on a three-wind-
ing transformer were made from winding 1, and if the
magnetizing reactances are best connected across wind-
and ing 3 because of negligible stray flux in that winding,
as discussed in section 4 after Eq.(7), then (YS, YM)
YNNN = -
i=l YiN.iN of Eq. (24) should be corrected in such a way that its
inverse in series with the p.u. short-circuit impedance
in p.u. values between 1 and 3 equals the reciprocals of the p.u. ex-
citing currents.
For transient studies, [Y] must be split up into
resistive and inductive components. This is best done If excitation losses are known, they are treated
by ignoring the resistances in building [Zreduced] of in the same way as discussed in section 4, with lexc
of Eq. (14) from the reactance part of the short-circuit being replaced by Im in Eq.(24) for increased accuracy.
test data,


xshort = fIzshort12 (R + Rk 2 (21)

in p.u. values After [Y] has been modified with the shunt admit-
tances of Eq.(24), it is no longer singular, though
with | zshort I =
p.u. short-circuit input
possibly ill-conditioned in cases of very low exciting
current, and can therefore be inverted to produce an
(magnitude ), impedance matrix. Again, high accuracy is needed for the

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elements of this matrix, in contrast to the elements of exc-o 1 + k
[Y]. (25)
I 1 - 2k


VA =
ZS 'A (26a)
The impedance matrix found from :the inversion of V = V = Z I (26b)
[Y] will be practically identical with [Z] of section 4.
Minor differences, if any, would arise from variations with ZS, ZM being the self and mutual magnetizing im-
in obtaining the resistance matrix. If [Zreduced] of Eq. pedances of the three phases of the excited winding.
(14) is built from complex values Z,$hort, with the p.u. With
real part being the p.u. load losses, then [R] becomes
a full matrix in which the diagonal elements would in v v V
B = C
A = ZO+
1 (27)
general not agree with specified winding resistances. ZS 2Z1 A'
This procedure was followed in a support routine in the
Electromagnetic Transients Program of the Bonneville and Z1, ZO inversely proportional to Iexc-l' Iexc-o'
Power Administration for obtaining impedance matrices of Eq. (25) follows.
single-phase transformers; since the user of that rou-
tine was only allowed to specify load losses but not Obviously, k cannot be exactly 0.5, because this
winding resistances this conflict never arose. On the would lead to an infinite zero sequence exciting cur-
other hand, if [Zreauced]
is built from the X-values of rent. A reasonable value for Iexc-o in a three-legged
Eq.(21) as suggested for transient studies, then 1R] is
a diagonal matrix, with its elements either being equal
core design might be 100%. If Iexc-l were 0.5%,
k would become 0.496, which comes close to the theoret-
to the winding resistances or duplicating the load loss- ical limit of 0.5. Exciting the winding on one leg
es, but not both. The direct calculation of [Z] in sec- (phase) with 100 kV would then induce voltages of 49.6
tion 4 allows the representation of winding resistances kV (with reversed polarity) in the other two legs.
and load losses at the same time. If the load losses
differ from the I2R-losses, then [R] will again have
off-diagonal elements. As the frequency approaches zero, 10. SINGLE-PHASE TRANSFORMERS AND AUTOTRANSFORMERS
off-diagonal elements in [Rl imply that a dc-current in
one phase would induce voltages in the other phases.
Since R<<X in [Z], this erroneous effect would only show If a program is written for three-phase transform-
up at extremely low frequencies. ers, it will automatically produce correct results for
three-phase banks consisting of single-phase transform-
ers if all zero sequence values are simply set equal to
9. EXCITING CURRENT IN ZERO SEQUENCE TEST their respective positive sequence values. In printing
the matrices, the program should recognize, however,
that the 9x9 matrix of a three-phase three-winding
If the transformer has delta-connected windings, transformer actually consists of three separate 3x3
the delta connections should be opened for the zero se- matrices for the three single-phase three-winding
quence excitation test. Otherwise, the test really be- transformers.
comes a short-circuit test between the excited winding
and the delta-connected winding. On the other hand, if If an autotransformer is treated the same way as a
the delta is always closed in studies, any reasonable regular transformer, that is, if the details of the in-
value can be used for the zero sequence exciting cur- ternal connections are ignored, the impedance or admit-
rent (e.g., equal to positive sequence exciting cur- tance matrix models will probably produce reasonably
rent), because its influence is unlikely to show up accurate results. It is possible, however, to develop
with the delta-connected winding providing a short-cir- more accurate models by modifying the short-circuit
cuit path for zero sequence currents. data, as explained in the appendix.
If the zero sequence exciting current is not given
by the manufacturer, a reasonable value can be found as 11. INCLUSION OF SATURATION EFFECTS
follows: Imagine that one phase of a winding (A in Fig.
2) is excited, and estimate from physical reasoning
how much voltage will be induced in the other two phas-
es (B and C in Fig. 2). For the three-legged core de-
sign of Fig. 2, almost one half of flux *A returns O/nominal
through phases B and C, which means that the induced 1. *1.
voltages VB and Vc will be close to 0.5 VA (with re-
versed polarity). If k is used for this factor 0.5,
28A 2TA

Fig. 3. Typical saturation curve

For transient studies with inrush currents, ferro-
resonance phenomena, etc., it is clearly necessary to
include saturation effects. Modern high-voltage trans-
formers with grain-oriented steel cores saturate typi-
cally somewhere above 1.10 to 1.20 times nominal flux
Fig. 2. Three-legged core-type design [6], with a sharply defined knee (Fig. 3). Often, a two-
slope piecewise linear inductance is sufficient to mod-

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el such curves. The slope in the saturated region above

the knee is the air-core inductance; it is almost line- The authors of this paper prefer to use physical
ar and fairly low compared with the slope in the unsat- values in transient and multiphase steady-state studies,
urated region (typically twice the value of the short- because they are less confusing when various system
circuit inductance [4]). Because of its low value, it elements are connected together.
may make a difference where the nonlinear inductance is
added. It is best to put it across the winding which is
closest to the core, at least in designs with cylindri- 13. EXAMPLE
cal winding construction, which is usually the tertiary
winding in three-winding transformers. Supporting evi- Assume that a three-phase three-winding transform-
dence may be found in [5], [6] and [7]. er has the winding and short-circuit data of Tables 1
and 2. The positive sequence exciting current was given
9 I -1/ A | A
Table 1. Winding data
Voltage winding
Winding IConnection ~~~~rating
(kV, line- resist.
primary (1) wye (grounded) 230 10.2054666
i i secondary (2) wye (grounded) 109.8 0.0742333
tertiary (3) delta (closed) 50 00.0822
Fig. 4. Subtraction of unsaturated part in saturation
curve (value of A equal in both curves) Table 2. Short-circuit data
between Positive sequence Zero sequence
If the [L] l-model of Eq. (23) without corrections impedance impedance
for exciting current is used, then the nonlinear induc-
tance of Fig. 3 is simply added across the winding clos- 1-2 8.74% based on 300 MVA 7.34% based on 300 MVA
est to the core. In the case of three-phase transform- 1-3 8.68% based on 76 MVA 26.26% based on 300 MVA
ers, usually only positive sequence saturation curves 2-3 15.31% based on 76 MVA 18.55% based on 300 MVA
will be known. Then it is best to connect this nonlin- MVA-base is three-phase
ear inductance across each one of the three phases,
which implies that the zero sequence values are the
same as the positive sequence values. If [Z]-models or as 0.428% based on 300 MVA (three-phase), and the pos-
[Y]-models are used which already contain the exciting itive sequence excitation loss as 135.73 kW. Since zero
current at rated voltage, then a modified nonlinear in- sequence excitation data was not available, it was sim-
ductance must be added in which the unsaturated part ply set equal to the positive sequence data. Though
has been subtracted out, as indicated in Fig. 4. this may be unrealistic, it is immaterial because any
zero sequence test will be a short-circuit test anyhow
curve is not defined as
Frequently, the saturation in the presence of a closed delta.
*=f(i), butroot-mean-square characteristics
VRMS=f(IRMS). A simple conversion technique is de- In the calculation, it was assumed that the excita-
scribed in [1], which is based on the assumption that tion test was made from winding 1, but that the magnet-
the influence of hysteresis and eddy current losses izing impedance should be connected across winding 3.
and of winding resistances in the saturation curve can Using the method of sections 6 and 7, the following im-
be ignored. The Electromagnetic Transients Program of pedance matrix representation in physical units was ob-
the Bonneville Power Administration contains a sppport tained on a computer with a 64-bit double precision
routine with that method. word length (each box represents a 3x3 submatrix with
diagonal element ZS and off-diagonal element ZM)

Some equations in this paper are only correct for 1-B
Sll Mll S12 M12 S13 M13
p.u. values on a common MVA base, as indicated by "in 1-C
p.u. values" after the equation. In writing a program
for the methods discussed here, it is best to do all
[Z] = 2-B S23 M23
calculations in p.u. on a common MVA base. Once [Z] or S21 M21 S22 M22
[Y] has been obtained in p.u., converting to physical
values is straightforward. For instance, to convert [Z] 3-A
in p.u. to physical values, simply multiply each ele- 3-B S32 M32 S33 M33
S31 M31
ment Zik-p with base values as follows:
u 3-C

3 i-rating vk-rating
zik-physical ik-p.u.
rating ES11 = 0.2054666001E+00 + jO.4143208074E+05
= -jO.5416527496E-0l
with Vi n rated voltage of windings i,k
(line-to-ground for wye-connec- S12 ZS21 = jO.1977101943E+05
Vk-rating Jtions, line-to-line for delta-con-
ZM12 ZM21 =jO9553782211E+00

S = three-phase power rating used as
0.7423330004E-01 jO.9437875034E+04
rating base for p.u. values.
zS22 = +

EM22 = jO.7368306052E+00
This conversion will automatically contain the correct
turns ratios.

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ZS13 ZS3 = jO.1557956118E+05 REFERENCES

ZM13 = ZM31 j0.1751039871E+01
[1] H.W. Dommel, "Transformer Models in the Simulation
ZS23 Z = j O.7437547077E+04 of Electromagnetic Transients. " Proc. 5th Power
Z = Z = jO.8359311542E+00 Systems Computation Conference, Cambridge (Eng-
M23 M32
land), September 1-5, 1975. Paper 3.1/4.
ZS33 = 0. 8220000005E-01 + jO.5866215636E+04
[2] D.E. Hedman, "Theoretical Evaluation of Multiphase
propagation." IEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., vol.
M33 = jO.6593239066E+00 90, pp. 2460-2471, Novermber/December 1971.
In addition, a 3x3 shunt resistance matrix was calcu- [3] R.B. Shipley, D. Coleman and C.F. Watts, "Trans-
lated which has to be connected across winding 3 for former Circuits for Digital Studies." AIEE Trans.,
the representation of excitation losses, pt. III, vol. 81, pp. 1028-1031, February 1963.
Rs = 0.551108E+05 (Q) [4] D. Povh and W. Schulz, "Analysis of Overvoltages
Caused by Transformer Magnetizing Inrush Current."
R = 0.125332E+02 (Q)
IEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., vol. PAS-97, pp.
1355-1365, July/August 1978.
Using above data as input in the Electromagnetic [5] K. Schlosser, "An Equivalent Circuit for N-Winding
Transients Program, and simulating the excitation and Transformers Derived from a Physical Basis." Brown
short-circuit tests with the steady-state option of the Boveri-Nachrichten, vol. 45, pp. 107-132, March
program, produced results which agreed with the origi- 1963 and "Application of the Equivalent Circuit
nal test data to within at least 4 significant digits. of an N-Winding Transformer." Brown Boveri-Nach-
richten, vol. 45, pp. 318-333, June 1963 (in
[6] M. Kh. Zikherman, "Magnetizing Characteristics of
This paper discusses. the derivation of branch im- Large Power Transformers." Elektrichestvo No. 3,
pedance and admittance matrices which model three-phase pp. 79-82, 1972 (in Russian).
N-winding transformers simply as 3N coupled branches. [7] E.P. Dick and W. Watson, "Transformer Models for
It is shown that the elements of these matrices can be Transient Studies Based on Field Measurements."
calculated from available test data of the positive and Paper F 80-244-4, presented at IEEE PES Winter
zero sequence short-circuit and excitation tests. The Meeting, New York, N.Y., February 3-8, 1980.
methods work for single-phase transformers as well, by
simply setting zero-sequence values equal to positive [8] R.C. Degeneff, "A Method for Constructing Terminal
sequence values. Models for Single-Phase N-Winding Transformers."
Paper A 78 539-9, presented at IEEE PES Sumer
For three-phase steady-state studies, either the Meeting, Los Angeles, California, July 16-21, 1978.
branch admittance or branch impedance matrix can be
used. For electromagnetic transients studies, the trans-
former is either represented by a series connection of APPENDIX. AUTOTRANSFORMERS
[R] and [L]-branches, or of [RI and [L] -branches.
For a more accurate representation of autotrans-
For some types of transients studies, saturation formers, the high and low voltage terminals should be
effects are important. Ferroresonance phenomena are a represented with the actual common winding II and se-
typical example. It is shown how to add nonlinear in- ries winding I, as shown in Fig. 5 for an autotransform-
ductances across one or more windings in such cases.

The matrix representations of this paper for

three-phase and single-phase transformers are reasona-
bly accurate up to moderate frequencies of approximate-
ly 1 kHz. For higher frequencies, capacitances between
windings or layers of windings and between windings and
and the tank would have to be represented. This may re-
quire further research along the lines suggested by R.
C. Degeneff [8].


Fig. 5. Autotransformer with tertiary winding

A major incentive for developing these three-
phase transformer models came from discussions in Elec- er with a tertiary winding. This requires a re-defini-
tromagnetic Transients Program Workshops at the Univer- tion of the short-circuit data in terms of windings I,
sity of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. The authors are II, III, with their voltage ratings
grateful to the participants of these workshops, and to
Dr. W.F. Long who organized them.
VI =V - V,
The authors,are also indebted to Mr. T. Lou, who V
= V,
LT (29)
did part of the programming and testing at the Univer-
sity of British Columbia. vIII= vT'
The test between H and L is already the correct
test between I and II, since II is shorted and the volt-
age is applied across I with b and c being at the same
potential through the short-circuit connection. There-

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fore, simply change ZHL to the new voltage base VI, Briefly, the method used for developing the frequency dependent
model was based on the analysis of the electromagnetic field distribu-
tion within the laminations of the transformer core. A one -- dimen-
ZI,I Z( 'Hl L) in p.u. values (30) sional linear diffusion was analyzed, and a simple linear - equivalent cir-
cuit of the Norton type was synthetized. The circuit is an exact represen-
tation of the transformer core for any type of excitation at any frequen-
No modifications are needed for the test between II and cy lower than the frequency "fc" at which the electromagnetic field
III, propagates mainly in the winding insulation. Saturation and hysteresis
are included by modifying the equivalent linear circuit.
in p.u. values (31) The resultant model is comparable to models for synchronous
- machines recently obtained from field tests.
For the test between H and T, the modification can The linear frequency dependent model for the core of the
best be explained in terms of the equivalent star-cir- transformer is shown in figure 1.
cuit of Pig. 1, with the impedances being ZIp ZII, ZIII,
based on VI, VII, VIII, in this case. With III short-
circuited, 1 p.u. current (based on VIII = VT) will
flow through ZIII This current will also flow through
I and II as l p.u. based on VH, or converted to bases
VT, VII, II = - VL)/VH and III = VI/VH. With
(VH (~~~ ~~C2~ k d ................. .i
these currents, the p.u. voltages become

" (32) Fig. I Linear freque ncy dependent model for the core of the
in transformer.
VL p. u. values
V Z -+ z Details of the development of the above model will be reported in a
II II VH III forthcoming paper.
I would appreciate the authors' opinion about the following:
Converting V1 and VI1 to physical units by multiplying a) Have the authors contemplated the analysis of the frequency de
Eq. (32) with (VH- VL) and Eq. (33) with VL, adding them pendency in transformers? If so, what approach have they used?
up, and converting the sum back to a p.u. value based b) In what type of studies a frequency dependent transformer model
on VH produces the measured p.u. value will be necessary?
The discussor would be pleased to know the authors opinion on the fre-
quency dependency matter for transformers.
I (v
± z1(L
in p.u. values
[1.] Jaime Avila-Rosales, "Modeling of the Power Transformer for
Eqs.(30), (31) and (34) can be solved for ZI, ZII, ZIIII Electromagnetic Transient Studies in Power Systems", Ph.D.
since ZI,II = ZI + ZII and ZII,'III = ZII + ZIII' Thesis, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1980.
which produces
Manuscript received August 18, 1981.

(V H-V)
in p.u. values (35) M. Owen (CEGB, London, England): There are several points in this
paper upon which I should like to comment and amplify. I will use an
The autotransformer of Fig. 5 can therefore be example a typical 3 winding auto transformer of wye-wye-delta con-
treated as a transformer with 3 windings I, II, III by struction. The basis of my analysis refers to figures 1 and 2.
simrply re-defining the short-circuit input impedances Leakage impedances of windings 1, 2, 3 and 4 are represented by ZI,
with Eqs.(30), (31) and (35). This must be done for the Z2, Z3 and Z4 respectively. The number of turns per winding are Ni,
positive sequence tests as well as for the zero se- N2, N3 and N4 for which N4 corresponds to a separate tap chaning
quence tests. If the transformer has a closed delta, winding. Fluxes have been chosen such that mutual flux coupling be-
then the zero sequence data must be further modified as tween phases -is clearly indicated. Subscripts r, y and b are taken to
explained in section 5. reference the red, yellow and blue phases respectively.
The basic flux equation for the transformer operation on a 3 phase
This modification was tested using the example of basis, assuming winding 3 to be delta connected is:
section 13, with the assumption that the primary and
V3rb d {r y b
secondary windings have an autotransformer connection.

dt 2. 2
) (1)
The resulting matrix again duplicated the original test
data to within at least 4 significant digits. This case Which may be represented on a steady state basis as:
also verified that the modifications for closed deltas
can be done after the re-definition of impedances with
Eqs.(30), (31) and (35). V3rb (rb 3yr 3by) .N3. Zm + 13rb.N3- Zo

Discussions Also since this flux links all 4 windings:

Jaime Avila-Rosales (National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico, and tr1r = v2r = V3rb = v4r
Electric Power Research Institute of Mexico, Mexico City.): N1 N2 N3 N4 (3)
The authors must be congratulated for their efforts in developing
models of power systemn components for electromagnetic transient Using the ampere turns balance across the perfect transformers in the
studies. equivalent circuit, then:
I would like to address the problem of modeling the magnetizing
branch of the transformer. At The University of Wisconsin-Madison, i rN 1 + (i + 2) N2 + i2rN4 (i3rb3rb) N30 (4)
we developed a frequency dependent transformer modell that could be
implemented in a transients program like the BPA'S EMTP. Therefore:

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3by ~-3rb( 1

(1+N2)+ i2r

ily(Nl+N 2
N }

(3 \+i

(N+N \+

2 /N2+N A4-3i

) +3by
2 4~


and 7 to form:







r~ ~ ~ El
Substitution for i'3rb, i/3yr and i"3by may be made from equations 5, 6














_4N z N
C a
IN NI + IN +
Z z
+ +
N ~~+
';, cS
z t-a z a <
~~ z .-~ ~C1 -

Caz;4 z_
IN z

04 z+ +
C14 Z+ s +E
Figure 1: Single Phase Auto Tra,nsformer Equivalent Circuit

t_+ C1z 1

Z sg + sE Zr
.~~ ~ ~ H
++ o + c + + +
+ Co+z
. r + fY Xb -

fy/2 #/i2 - /2
300/2 + Oy/2 +
¢o Oo . C O
+ C4
+ t~~ 1 t 4, csi z N + N z
ss+ z + ~~+ + + +
o + o _ C_
J~y2 (r/. ../

cs4 . N
.S.__ Z z

Figure 2: Flux Distribution in A 3 Phase Transformer Core - C1 ti

The network equations for the equivalent circuit may now be con-
structed, and for the red phase are shown to be:
Having developed such equations for all 3 phases the symetrical com-
(Z +z). -Z /2 1Z/2 ponent transformation can be applied to transform from phase to se-
Ir quence co-ordinates.
Ylr 1 2 2 (N +N).N3 (N 1+N2).N3
The voltage transformation is:
(z +Z ) . -Z /2.* -Z /2 ,

L2 z2+Z4 (N2+N4).N3 (N2+N4).N3 (N2+N4).N3 V1 V 1+
~~~~3 32 3
2 v 2+
-ZN /2
V3rb Z3Z N2 zm)
(Z 2
mf 2
V3rb V3+
V1y V1
V2y v2-
3yr v3-
V,b Vlo
';by 2b

(8) 3byi (10)

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Which finally produces the sequence equations: All currents and voltages are shown in per unit.
Positive sequence Also:

Zb= VI2 (noWtiK&a kV)

MVA bak
v+ z +Z + Z.NI2 Z ZN + Z.N2Nl /3.Z.Nl.N3LIQf
Fig. 3.
Z2 + Z.NlN2 12 24~~~~~
Z2+2 4 + Z.N22 ,1/T.Z.N2.N3LI02 7111
I2 Three phase three winding auto-transformer equivalent circuit
32V3+ I Z.Nl.N3 Z.N2.N3 T13.Z3
L_)°' I3
+ V'.Z.N3 L30 Manuscript received August 19, 1981.

Negative sequent ce V. Brandwajn, H. W. Dommel and I. I. Dommel: The authors thank

Z[+Z Z 2Nl 2 Z N1 + Z.N2.Nl 4;Z.Nl /3
Dr. J. Avila-Rosales and Dr. M. Owen for their interest in the paper,
and for their valuable comments.
Z 4 Z.N1
+ZN .2 2
2+ 4 Z.N2i2 J3T.Z.N2
/321251 Lz30'
The work of Dr. Avila-Rosales on the frequency-dependence of the
magnetizing branch is very interesting, and the authors look forward to
Z.N1.N3 Z.N2N3 + .Z.3 L2-1
seeing more details in his forthcoming paper. While the authors have
been aware of the frequency-dependence, they have never modelled it
+ ,/3.Z.N3/30 (12) yet, and therefore find it somewhat difficult to judge in what types of
studies it is important. From curves published by CIGRE Working
Zero sequence (The complete matrix is obtained by inspection of equa- Group 13.05 [A], it appears that the frequency-dependence may not on-
tion 9) ly be important for the magnetizing impedance but for the short-circuit
impedances as well.
Zi +2 Z. Nl Z2 ZO.N2N ZNI 1
Dr. Owen shows an alternative way of deriving transformer equa-
tions from leakage impedance data, while the authors chose to derive
2 Z NN2 Z 4+Z N2 2 their model from short-circuit and excitation test data which are nor-
2 2
(13) mally more readily available. The authors fully agree with Dr. Owen's
Z2 + 2NIN2 Z2 + Z4 + Z Z
.ZO.NIN3 Zo.N2N3 Z3+ ZN733
Ih first comment about impedance variations for different tap positions.
Since the authors have used their model only for steady-state and elec-
Where: tromagnetic transient studies in which tap positions did not change dur-
NI = N + N2 ing the time span of the simulation, they have assumed a fixed tap posi-
tion in their model, with test data given for that particular position. Dr.
N2 = N + N Owen's inclusion of the tapped part as a fourth winding is very in-
2 4
teresting, and could be done with the authors' model as well provided
N3 = N3
that the six independent short-circuit impedances of the four-winding
N3 transformer [B] are known. Dr. Owen's model seems to require only
z four impedance values.
=3Zm + Z
Dr. Owen's second comment is correct. For steady-state analysis, the

excitation resistances can directly be included in the diagonal elements
The per unit equivalent circuit derived from the positive sequence im- of [YM, and [Z] can be modified as well, though not quite as simply, to
pedance matrix equation 11 is shown in figure 3. include them. The authors made the statement with transient analysis
using [R]- and[L]-matrices in mind, because these matrices are directly
My following comments relate to the preceeding equations: accepted as input by the Electromagnetic Transients Program of the
1. I would consider it essential that any such analysis should attempt Bonneville Power Administration.
to include impedance variation effects due to tap changing opera- Since Dr. Owen's last question may result from some misunderstand-
tions. For example a typical 400/132 kV, 240 MVA transformer on ing, the authors will attempt to summarize the derivation of the im-
the CEGB system decreases its ZHL impedance by a'factor of 0.76 pedance matrix for an autotransformer: The equations in APPENDIX
between its nominal and maximum tap positions. Such effects can ac- are used only to redefine the short-circuit impedances from those given
tually be catered for by curve fitting the leakage impedances to a among windings H, L, T to those for windings I, II, III. With the
function of the tap position. method of section 4, the diagonal elements are then found from Eq. (7)
2. 1 would disagree with the authors and state that excitation and the off-diagonal elements from Eq.(9). If it is a single-phase
resistances can be included in the impedance matrix representation. transformer, then the coupling impedance ZM between phases is indeed
These are incorporated by Zo and Zm in the analysis presented with zero in Eq.(5) and (6). The authors' program recognizes this and pro-
this discussion. For transient analysis of course, one should use the duces a 3 x 3 impedance matrix (rather than a 9 x 9 matrix) in case of
flux equatio'n ((1) in the discussion) which caters for the losses from single-phase units. This 3 x 3 matrix has nonzero off-diagonal elements,
the hysteresis characteristic of the core. however. Three phase banks with single-phase units would be modelled
3. It would -seem that the auto-transformer leakage impedances by three such 3 x 3 impedance matrices, each representing a group of
derived in the appendix relate to the impedance matrix of equation three coupled branches. The coupling between phases through the ef-
(5) as diagQnal elements when the transformations of equation (6) fect of the delta connection is not represented in the branch impedance
and (7) are implemented. From 'my analysis I find that the matrices, but by proper node connections (e.g., the tertiary of the first
transformer impedance matrix contains off diagonal elements incor- unit could be connected from nodes TA to TB, of the second unit from
porating leakage impedance terms. Can the authors please comment. TB to TC, and of the third unit from TC to TA). A three-phase unit
would be represented by a 9 x 9 matrix with nonzero values for Zm, as
Positive sequence shown in the example of section 13.
c)Zb [A] CIGRE Working Group 13.05, "The Calculation of Switching
Surges. II Network Representation for Energization and Re-

energization Studies on Lines Fed by an Inductive Source,"

ELECTRA, No. 32, pp. 17-42, 1974.
[B] L. F. Blume, A. Boyajian, G. Camilli, T. C. Lennox, S. Minneci
and V. M. Montsinger, Transformer Engineering. Second Edi-
tion, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1951, p. 117.
Manuscript received September 23, 1981.

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