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Wednesday, June 2, 2010 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

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Foxconn and China’s Suicide Puzzle

BY MICHAEL R. PHILLIPS tistical definition of a cluster, but ships. sive personality traits, and poor suicide prevention. As a first step,
the intense press attention has Another important part of the conflict-resolution skills may be renewed public-health efforts to
The recent string of suicides certainly promoted the perception story is that China’s overall sui- greater in China than elsewhere. restrict access to means (particu-
among young workers at the Fox- of an abnormal increase in sui- cide rate, despite its recent de- Pesticide ingestion is the method larly pesticides), to expand social
conn company in Shenzhen, cides. The fear is that in this cline, still is somewhat higher employed in about 65% of suicides support networks for persons at
China, has been variously inter- highly charged emotional atmo- than that reported in most high- and about 27% of attempted sui- high risk of suicide, and to con-
preted as an indictment on ex- sphere, continued media coverage income countries. Suicide is the cides; thus impulsive suicidal be- duct publicity campaigns to de-
ploitative factory owners; a com- will encourage more suicides. second most common cause of havior following interpersonal crease the stigma associated with
mentary on the problems of The most common narrative in death among China’s youth and conflicts in persons who do not seeking help for psychological
China’s rapid social change; or a reports about Foxconn is that young adults after traffic acci- have an underlying mental disor- problems would help sustain the
consequence of newly aggressive these suicides are the result of dents, compared to third in the der may be more likely to result downward trend in suicide rates.
media hyping tragedy and spur- the break-neck speed of social United States, after traffic acci- in death in China than in coun- The best response to the Fox-
ring copycats. None of these ex- change in China. The intense com- dents and homicide. tries where less lethal methods conn suicides would be to first
planations capture the essence of petition for financial success, the such as ingestion of sleeping pills conduct a careful study of pre-
this phenomenon. breakdown of traditional family are more commonly employed by cisely what happened. This would
The Foxconn suicides certainly structures, the weak coping skills Workers may not be taking suicide attempters. include determining the relative
seem to call out for some special of children from one-child fami- their own lives for the China has yet to develop a na- importance of work environment,
explanation. Ten workers have lies, the massive rural-to-urban tional strategy to tackle suicide as contagion from media reports,
taken their own lives so far this migration and other aspects of reasons everyone thinks. a public-health problem. Starting other social stresses and underly-
year and two others have tried. China’s modernization are, ac- in the early 1990s there has been ing psychological problems in
Some observers suggest it is a cording to this narrative, believed an increasing awareness of the is- driving each of the victims to take
“suicide cluster,” which occurs to have caused a corresponding Both the pattern and charac- sue on the part of policy makers. his or her life. Only then can the
when there are significantly more rise in psychological stress, men- teristics of suicide in China are But local, institution-specific sui- company determine what steps, if
suicides in a community over a tal illness and suicides. substantially different from the cide preventive efforts have not any, it needs to take to avoid this
specified time than would be nor- The facts do not support these West, and there is considerable yet been integrated into compre- in the future. That information
mally expected. While such clus- assumptions. With the possible debate about the reasons for hensive national or regional plans. will also be crucial to public-
ters are uncommon in China, re- exception of increasing rates of these differences. In China rural One of the most surprising as- health authorities in better under-
ports from other countries have substance abuse (particularly al- rates are double urban rates and pects of the Foxconn story is the standing China’s broader suicide
identified suicide clusters in cohol abuse), there is little evi- female rates are similar to male degree of access given to the problem and crafting effective
schools, military units and other dence to confirm a rapid rise in rates, but in Western countries press and the forthrightness of community-based solutions. The
closed communities similar to the rates of common mental illnesses, urban and rural rates are roughly government officials in trying to worst thing to do now—for policy
“company town” environment at and there is strong evidence of a similar and male rates are two- address the problem, something makers, factory owners or jour-
Foxconn. Most common in adoles- dramatic drop in suicide rates fold to four-fold higher than fe- we wouldn’t have seen 15 years nalists—would be to settle for fac-
cents and young adults, there is over the last 20 years, perhaps by male rates. Another major differ- ago. The new transparency hope- ile explanations of what has
always a contagion element to as much as 50%. The psychologi- ence is that only 65% of people fully will stimulate a greater em- caused this complex tragedy to
clusters because the individuals cal stresses experienced by indi- who die by suicide in China have phasis on the conditions of fac- unfold.
know each other or have been ex- viduals have certainly changed as a mental illness, compared to 90% tory workers more generally,
posed to prior suicides by per- the country has become more mo- to 95% in high-income countries. although the increased press cov- Dr. Phillips is director of the
sonal communication, the media bile and more competitive. But Depression and other mental erage runs the risk of encouraging Shanghai Suicide Research and
or the Internet. these stressors may be less severe disorders are still major risk fac- more suicides. Prevention Center at the Shang-
Given that 300,000 people than those experienced in pre-re- tors for suicide in China. But the The public outcry about Fox- hai Mental Health Center and
work at the affected factory, it is form China, which had high levels relative importance of chronic and conn should also spark a recom- professor of psychiatry and glo-
not yet certain whether this string of rural poverty, restricted social acute psychosocial stresses (par- mitment to developing a compre- bal health at Emory University in
of suicides rises to the formal sta- mobility and rigid family relation- ticularly family conflicts), impul- hensive, multisectoral approach to Atlanta.

The War on Terror Comes to Punjab

BY FAROOQ HAMEED KHAN Pakistan’s civilian leadership major operation against them has
and the Army are under intense been the subject of debate in Paki-
The people of Lahore had only American pressure to move into stan for some time. The terrorist
just recovered from an attack North Waziristan to strike Afghan attack against the Sri Lankan
three months ago that claimed Taliban and al Qaeda sanctuaries cricket team in Lahore in March
more than 50 lives when terrorists that allegedly support cross-bor- 2009, followed by other such at-
struck again last Friday. This time der activities against NATO forces tacks against government estab-
the perpetrators targeted two in Afghanistan. However, the Paki- lishments last year, reportedly had
prayer houses of the minority Ah- stan government has declared that strong connections to these Pun-
madi community, one located in the timing of this operation will jabi militants and the support of a
the elite Model Town and the be dictated by the available re- neighboring country’s intelligence
other in Gari Shahu near Lahore sources and ground realities. Paki- agency.
Railway Station. The Tehreek-e- stanis worry that the North Wa- The bloody Lahore massacre
European Pressphoto Agency

Taliban Pakistan (TTP) claimed re- ziristan offensive could result in raises the prospects of a govern-
sponsibility for this well-planned greater al Qaeda or TTP blowback ment crackdown against certain
strike that left around 100 wor- in major cities. militant groups and their madras-
shippers dead and scores injured. The Lahore attacks may con- sas, or religious schools, in south
firm these fears, but they are also Punjab. These elements do not en-
a sign that the militants must be joy public support and may go un-
Pakistanis must remain rooted out wherever they may derground or try to shift toward
resolved to wipe out hide. A growing nexus between al Police and civilians take cover after an attack in Lahore, Pakistan last week. their allies in north Waziristan.
Qaeda and jihadi groups in Punjab, Being the frontline state in the
miltancy at any cost. generally referred to as the Pun- Mainstream Pakistani religious Ali Bhutto. But they are still af- war against terror, Pakistan has
jabi Taliban, is coming out into and political parties are doing forded the same legal protections suffered more losses in this con-
the open. In south Punjab, some their best to head off this strat- as other religious minorities. flict than any other country in the
The attack must be seen in the banned religious extremist groups egy. Their leaders and the civil so- More importantly, the attacks world. Until the war in Afghani-
context of the government’s cam- amongst the Punjabi Taliban seem ciety have demonstrated remark- may have been intended as a stan comes to an end and peace is
paign against the TTP, which is an to be aligned with al Qaeda and able unity and harmony to warning to Pakistani government restored to the region, Pakistan
umbrella organization for terrorist the TTP. Reportedly a few splinter counter any attempts to incite and the Army not to launch mili- will continue to bear the brunt of
groups and is loosely affiliated militant groups of Punjabi Taliban ethnic or sectarian divides in the tary operations in north Wa- terrorist attacks. But Pakistanis
with al Qaeda. The Pakistan Army have also joined hands with al past. Pakistanis remain convinced ziristan. The Punjabi Taliban-al continue to resist those who want
and Air Force are now battling Qaeda and the TTP and are shel- that there are foreign hands be- Qaeda alliance may be retaliating to provoke sectarian violence, and
TTP militants in the Federally Ad- tering in north Waziristan. hind such terrorist acts that ulti- in desperation against the Army’s are extremely sensitive to protect-
ministered Tribal Areas. For many Most alarming is the fact that mately aim to create anarchy. successful ongoing anti-TTP offen- ing the rights and freedom of the
weeks now, jet aircraft and Cobra the Lahore attacks targeted a par- Yet there remains a danger sive in Orakzai. Or the Lahore car- religious minorities which are
helicopter gunships have been ticular religious minority with that these attacks will tarnish nage may have been designed to guaranteed in our constitution.
pounding militants’ positions in brutal force to ignite a sectarian Pakistan’s reputation as a country provoke the government into We remain resolved to wipe out
the Orakzai Tribal Agency to elim- conflict that will allow the mili- where religious minorities are launching a military operation in militancy at any cost.
inate the remnants of those TTP tants to radicalize Pakistani Mus- safe and respected. The Ahmadi south Punjab that would set the
fighters who fled the Army’s oper- lims. This poses a security threat sect were declared “non-Muslims” Punjab province on fire. Mr. Khan is a retired brigadier
ations in other FATA agencies bor- for the entire society, as Paki- through a constitutional amend- The emergence of the Punjabi general of the Pakistan Army and
dering Afghanistan in the last six stan’s other religious communities ment in 1974, under the govern- Taliban phenomenon in south the editor of National Defence
months. could feel vulnerable to such acts. ment of Prime Minister Zulfiqar Punjab and the advisability of a Times.

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