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Article 1:


 Author: Tri Deka Susanti, Zainuddin Amir, English Department, Faculty of Languages
and Arts, State University of Padang
 Journal Information: Vol 3. No.1 Serie B. September 2014
 Abstract: This paper aims to describe applicable techniques in teaching understanding,
namely Poposition Support Outline. This technique can help students determine the
main point or main idea of a text and facts which supports the main idea. In using
Proposition support The teacher's strategy outline guides students to determine the
main idea of the text and find sentences that support the main idea. In applying
Proposition Support Outline strategy there are several steps that must be taken namely
giving the text to be studied, finding the main idea of each paragraphs, after students
find the main idea of each paragraph, students must find the main idea of the text or
what is called a proposition. Then, students look for supporters of the propostion.
Proponents of the idea these items can be categorized as facts, statistics, expert opinion
and example. The teacher shows an example of a Proposition Support Outline
framework and ask students to complete the framework based on the proposition and
proponents of the propositions they find from the text. After students complete the
framework, students carry out a discussion of proposition support the outline. In the
final stage the students show what they are about understand from the text after
making the Proposition support outline. This strategy is suitable used to develop
students' reading comprehension skills because students can find the main idea that the
author gives and find sentences that support the main idea of the author
 Research Problems: Most of the students can not get the idea from text that they have
been read. They do not know the content of the text.
 Method: Use Propotition Support Online. Proposition support outline is a strategy in
teaching reading to analyze the text in order students can comprehend and understanding
the text. According to Buehl (2001: 101), proposition support outline supplies students
with a framework for analyzing justification an author uses to support his proposition.
 Results: In applying this strategy there are several steps that should be done The teachers
distribute the text to the students. After that they read the text, the students have to
identify the main idea of each paragraph of the text. Next, the students find the main
point of the text or proposition. Then, the students find the support of the proposition.
The support can be fact, expert authority, example and statistic. The teachers show the
outline to the students and ask them to complete the outline based on the proposition and
the support that they have found. After that they make a group discussion to discuss about
the outline that they have made. At the end, they present and tell their work in front of the
 Conclusion: Proposition support outline is one of the examples of analytical graphic
organizer. Proposition support outline is a strategy that can be used by teachers in
teaching reading comprehension. Proposition support outline teaches students how to
support an argument with evidence. By using this strategy, students are able to find the
main point of the text and support it with evidence that they found in the text. Then,
students are able to find facts and opinions from the text.

Article 2:


 Author: Supeno1, Imam Suseno2, Lubban Anwari Alhamidi3
 Journal Information: IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 4 (1), 2017, 84-
 Abstract: This study aims to develop a model of reading strategies of English language
learning which is expected to further enhance students’ cognitive abilities in English. The
model reading strategies serve as a strategy to read the English subtitles via bottom-up,
top-down and mixed strategies that are capable of triggering the students' critical
thinking and have been integrated with development ideas from experts and linguists.
The study employed a cluster random sampling of 30 schools and 900 students for the
standardization of the model reading strategies as a new model that best enhance the
cognitive power of English language learning. The method used was Research and
Development, through seven steps in the research cycles. The subjects were high school
students in the class tenth in Special Capital Region of Jakarta. The steps to reading
development strategy that are able to improve the cognitive of students are 6 steps
consisting of: overall understanding, understanding on contextual meaning, assumption
of contextual meaning, look for meaning in contextual output, searching for further
meaning, and returning to the main idea of our thinking.
 Research Problems: In improving students 'cognitive power, there needs to be an
appropriate strategy to improve students' cognitive ability from reading English text. The
implementation of the six-step strategy of reading formulated English text proved to be
able to improve students' English cognitive abilities.
 Method: Cognitive processes that teachers will assist learners in thinking procces to
reach the goal of learning so that teaching and learning will take place optimally. Besides
understanding of cognitive processes will assist teachers in preparing the formulation of
an explicit learning objectives more accurately. Having regard to cognitive processes will
be more accurate in determining the level of thinking that will be built as a result of the
learning process to be performed. In improving the students 'cognitive need for
appropriate strategies to improve students' cognitive power.
 Results: the results of the analysis of qualitative data taken are arranged in such a way
that support or provide information about the advantages and disadvantages of the
methods of learning reading strategies. While quantitative data that have been collected
from the results of the objective tests of students, then interprated with descriptive
analysis, and then tested the requirements analysis before tested a level of significance by
the t-test in the form of normality test to look at the distribution of data normality and
homogeneity to obtain information similarity variance between groups of students from
some schools that became the object of a test model of learning.
 Conclusion: After carefully revised the product, then enters the sixth stage is a major test
with scale research subjects were the 30 schools with 30 students per school, is also
possible in the test analysis carried out by comparing the control group. Quantitative data
used in the comparative analysis of data from the activities of pre-test and post-test. The
results of the analysis were assessed on the basis of the achievement of educational goals
and compared with the control group. Stage seven results of trials on the scale was
subsequently revised to product operations. During the trial the development of the model
both in the early phase and the phase-scale trials were researchers will conduct random
interviews to students, observation and data analysis of qualitative as well as quantitative.
The results of the data

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