The Giver Test Chap 1-13

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11M ESL The Giver Test (Chap 1-13) Name:

Part One: Multiple Choice (14 marks)

1. What did the Receiver tell Jonas to call him?
a) The Receiver c) The Omnipotent
b) The Giver e) Mr. Memoir

2. Why did Jonas have to start taking a pill every morning?

a) To stop the Stirrings
b) To halt the infection
c) To erase his memory
d) To stop his frequent headaches

3. What had happened to the memories of the Receiver who had failed
a) They were forever forgotten
b) They died with her
c) They were released into the community
d) They were erased

4. What is Jonas’ mother’s job in the community?

a) A birthmother c) A teacher
b) A member of the Department of Justice d) A doctor

5. The fours, fives and sixes had to wear jackets that were buttoned down their backs. What did
it teach them?
a) responsibility c) character
b) virtue d) interdependence

6. Lily went through the Eights ceremony. What did the pockets on her jacket represent?
a) She was old enough to keep track of her own things
b) She was given material possessions.
c) She was able to put her hands in her pocket when she walked.
d) She was not allowed to show her hands in public anymore.

7. Where happened to the girl who was supposed to have been trained for the Receiver of the
Memory job?
a) She was put into a different position
b) She failed and was never seen again
c) She drowned in the river
d) She became one of the Elders in the Committee

8. What was the final rule on his sheet of instructions?

a) You may have another bicycle
b) You may have “stirrings”
c) You may lie
d) You may change family units
11M ESL The Giver Test (Chap 1-13) Name:

9. How are family units created in this community?

a) Couples get married and have as many children as they want.
b) Couples get married and can only have two children.
c) Couples apply for children and are allowed to have one of each gender.
d) Couples are assigned as many children as they feel they can care for.

10. What happened in the first memory Jonas received?

a) He experienced war
b) He experienced sunshine and sunburn
c) Death
d) He experienced snow and sled ride

11. The characteristics for a Receiver of Memory are intelligence, integrity, courage, wisdom and
the capacity to ……
a) think critically c) use precise language
b) see beyond d) obey the rules within the community

12. Why was he filled with fear after his assignment?

a) He didn’t know what the selection meant
b) He didn’t want to leave his family
c) He didn’t want to become an adult
d) He didn’t want to leave Fiona, who he was in love with.

13. Why did things become tense for Jonas after the ceremony?
a) He kept seeing people “change”.
b) People wanted him to be released from the community
c) People start to become more respectful toward him.
d) People seem to be treating him differently.

14. Which of these is NOT a responsibility of the Committee of Elders?

a) bathing the OLD
b) making assignments
c) making decisions about rules in the community
d) watching over children during volunteer activities

Part Two: True and False (8 marks)

Decide whether each statement is true or false based on the statement.

15. ________ Fiona is chosen to be a Birthmother.

16. ________ Children begin their mandatory volunteering when they are Nines.

17. ________ Lily’s idea of becoming a Birthmother is well-received by her mother.

11M ESL The Giver Test (Chap 1-13) Name:

18. ________The current Receiver’s home is different from other dwellings in the community.
19. ________ During a Ceremony of Loss, for a day, the community would chant the person’s


20. ________ Asher is chosen to be Assistant Director of Recreation.

21. ________Jonas had secretly hoped to be chosen to become Receiver of Memory.

22. ________The highest degree of disgrace was symbolized by their name never being

mentioned again.

Part Three: Short Answers (16 marks)

23. How did Lily’s father get her to stop being angry at the boy at the playground?




24. Why did many people in the community forget how old they were?




25. What was happening when Jonas “saw beyond?” What significance does it have?




26. Why did Jonas tell The Giver to start giving him some painful memories?



27. What might be good about ‘sameness’? What might be bad about it?





28. What was the Giver’s response when Jonas trying to asking him about the memory of snow
11M ESL The Giver Test (Chap 1-13) Name:

and sleds?



29. What memory does Jonas get that upsets and frustrates him the most?



30. Why does Jonas believe the community does not let people make their own choices?




Part Four: Matching (12 marks)

______Rosemary 1. Received the assignment of Assistant

______Stirrings Director of Recreation
______The Giver 2. Could not sleep at night
3. The community uses pills to suppress
4. Lived in an apartment that was full of
______Asher books
______Lily 5. Always had her hair ribbons untied
______Elsewhere 6. Applied for release
______Fiona 7. House
______Release 8. Had red hair
______House of the Old 9. Retirement Home
10. To die
______Family dwelling
11. Has the “capacity to see beyond”
12. The place beyond the community
11M ESL The Giver Test (Chap 1-13) Name:

31. Insensitive means:

a) to increase in value
b) not caring about other people’s feelings about something
c) a raised platform
d) unable to feel
e) acute mental illness

32. Benign means:

a) to punished harshly
b) to confused with many things about which you are worring
c) harmless
d) pale and white
e) amnesia

33. Prestige means:

a) other people feeling that you are important
b) done or made in a hurry
c) a monetary debt
d) someone or something that is irritating or annoying

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