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Doctor : Good morning, mom fujiati? My name is doctor sofyan who served this morning from
07.00-14.00 WIB. Here I will be responsible for caring for the mother. What's the mother's
name? May I see the bracelet bracelet?

Family : please doc, check the wristband that my brother wore

Doctor : how is mom today? Is there any pain in your body ... Mom seems restless?

Patient : I feel better now, but my hands and feet still hurt the doctor

Doctor : ok ma'am, because part of your body is sore / stiff, so we did the ROM action which
was done with my nurse .., okay ma'am, I'll check the mother's condition first and then do ROM

Patient : yes doctor

Family : how is my brother doc? did the disease recur again ..?

Doctor : things are getting better, just need to do muscle strength training so that the muscles are
relaxed and not stiff ... OK, I'll excuse me, my nurse will come to train the patient later

Nurse : excuse me, is this true with mom ... okay i'm here doing muscle strength training to
move the joints of the head, hands and feet of the mother only. Mother later follow my
movements and you tell me if you find it difficult to move. and do not force it if the mother feels
sick. are you ready?

Patient : yes sus, I am ready

Nurse : we do the movement training on the mother's head first follow my movements yes
ma'am, first the head: bend the head down towards the chest yes ma'am then return to its original
position, raise the mother's head up and back down

Patient : yes sus, like this is it?

Nurse : Yes, that's right Ma'am, how do you still feel sick or not?

Patient : still feels stiff, but it's a bit tolerable

Nurse : then we do the movement training on the mother's hand, we start from the shoulder:
raise the arm up and back down, mom, when it's finished we move the elbow: bend until the
fingers touch the chin then return to its original position. already ma'am ... now we go to the
wrist: the wrist is bent up and down and twisting the wrist. when we continue to the fingers: the
hand grasps a fist and returns it to its original position, then rotates the fingers. hand movement
training already, do you still have pain?

Patient : I still feel stiff, but it's a bit bad, my hands can be moved

Nurse : we continue yes ma'am, got the leg mother's leg movement or bend the knee towards the
thigh return the knee or to its original position. then turn the foot sideways in and out. we
continue, ma'am ... then bend the fingers down and return to their original position. if you are in
trouble let me help? if it hurts don't force it ma'am ... well, now the training is over ma'am

Family : can this training be done with his family, sus?

Nurse : This training can be done alone or assisted by a family. so it can train the patient's joints
too, so that they are no longer stiff. okay mom today is enough until here In the next meeting, we
will do ROM again, if you need something, you can call me or another nurse in the nurse's room.
then excuse me

Family : yes sus, thank you very much for my brother's treatment

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