Zamyatin. 2013. Structure and Termodynamic. Glass Physics and Chemistry

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Zamyatin. 2013. Structure and termodynamic. Glass Physics and Chemistry

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5 authors, including:

Yuliya Shchapova Dmitry Aleksandrovich Zamyatin

Russian Academy of Sciences Zavaritsky Institute of Geology and Geochemistry, RB of RAS


N. N. Eremin Vadim S. Urusov

Lomonosov Moscow State University Lomonosov Moscow State University


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ISSN 10876596, Glass Physics and Chemistry, 2013, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 182–192. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2013.
Original Russian Text © D.A. Zamyatin, Yu.V. Shchapova, S.L. Votyakov, N.N. Eremin, V.S. Urusov, 2013, published in Fizika i Khimiya Stekla.

Structure and Thermodynamic Properties of Zircon–Coffinite Solid

Solutions according to the Semiempirical Atomistic Simulation Data
D. A. Zamyatina, Yu. V. Shchapovaa, S. L. Votyakova, N. N. Ereminb, and V. S. Urusovb
Institute of Geology and Geochemistry, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Pochtovyi per. 7, Ekaterinburg, 620075 Russia
Department of Geology, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991 Russia
Received August 18, 2011

Abstract—Structure and thermodynamic properties of zircon, coffinite, and zircon–coffinite solid solutions
were subject to semiempirical atomistic simulation on the assumption of compositional disordering of mixed
crystals: (Zr1 – x, Ux)SiO4, where x = 0.02, 0.05, 0.08, 0.11, 0.14, 0.28, 0.50, 0.72, and 0.86. The solid solu
tions significantly depart from the Vegard and Retgers laws. The (Zr1 – x, Ux)SiO4 mixed crystal structure is
characterized by anisotropic expansion (largely in the a and b directions) under growth in x related to anisot
ropy of structural relaxation degree of the cation–oxygen interatomic spacing in the (Zr, U)O8 polyhedron.
Increase in x parameters is accompanied by increase in average size of cation–oxygen polyhedrons and
silica–oxygen tetrahedrons and by growth of interatomic spacing dispersion; maximum dispersion values are
observed at x = 0.5–0.6. The distortions in local structures of ZrO8 and UO8 dodecahedrons and silica–oxy
gen tetrahedrons in the solid solution were analyzed on the basis of calculated functions of interatomic dis
tance distribution. The obtained results demonstrate the possibility to assess numerically the structural (geo
metrical) disordering degree of the compositionally disordered solid solution depending on its composition.
The calculated thermodynamic characteristics of solid solutions forecast the following solubility range limits:
2 mol % USiO4 in zircon and 5 mol % ZrSiO4 in coffinite under ~1750 K.

Keywords: zircon, coffinite, solid solution, semiempirical atomistic simulation, GULP, parameters of poten
tials, local structure, thermodynamic parameters, mixing properties, and solubility range
DOI: 10.1134/S108765961302017X

INTRODUCTION there are data on solid solutions with the coffinite

mole fraction of up to x = 0.11 [3, 7]. Similar uranium
Synthetic matrixes based on zircon (zirconium contents (x ~ 0.10) were noted for zircon inclusions in
orthosilicate, ZrSiO4) are regarded as a promising the Chernobyl technogenic lavas as complex con
material of waste forms to recover radioactive ele glomerates formed from hightemperature melts in
ments [1, 2]. Natural zircon is a very important min the course of the accident at the Chernobyl Electric
eralgeochronometer and concentrator of isomorphic Power Station in 1986 [8, 9]. Highuranium natural
trace elements, including radioactive uranium. Zircon zircons are suggested to be thermodynamically unsta
can form solid solutions with coffinite (uranium ble [3, 10, 11]; in this case, the occurrence of exsollu
orthosilicate, USiO4) isostructural to it in a limited tion structures typical of unstable solutions is related
range of compositions (for instance, [3]). The prop to the low cation diffusion factors of zircon [12]. In
erties of the mixed system such as zircon–coffinite some works (for instance, [13]), the researchers sug
(Zr1 – x, Ux)SiO4 (x is USiO4 mole fraction) are poorly gest that the mutual solubility range and stability of
studied in spite of the fact that they are very important natural solid solutions such as zircon–coffinite can be
for forecasting of stability, superficial reactivity, and improved relative to synthetic samples owing to the
chemical properties of synthetic wasteforms and nat occurrence of additional elements, for instance, Y, P,
ural materials under different temperatures and pres and OHgroups.
sures. The few experimental data [2, 4, 5] are indica Thermodynamic properties of solid solutions
tive of poor mixability of zircon and coffinite and non depend on local tension and structure deformation
ideality of solid solutions, but the solubility range has appearing under cation substitution [14–16]. The zir
not been determined yet. The USiO4 solubility range con–coffinite system is expected to be characterized
in zircon is estimated at x = 0.02–0.04 [4] and at x < by relatively high structural tensions due to the great
0.10 under 1173 K [5]. The natural zircon samples difference in ionic radiuses of Zr4+ and U4+ cations
commonly contain <5000 ppm U [6]; meanwhile, (0.84 and 1.00 Å, respectively [17]). It should be noted


that, in the case with the natural uraniumbearing zir [26]), such calculation data are in good compliance
cons, the pattern of local tensions and structural with the experimental results.
deformations can be additionally complicated by dis This investigation objective is to simulate structures
ordering effects (metamictization) due to selfirradia and thermodynamic properties of the zircon–coffinite
tion of the samples under αdisintegration of uranium solid solutions by the semiempirical method of inter
isotopes [18]. The experimental studies of deforma atomic potentials.
tion structure of the zircon–coffinite solid solutions
have a short story. The (Zr1 – x, Ux)SiO4 technogenic
microcrystals (x = 0.006–0.116) from the Chernobyl CALCULATION METHODS
lavas were studied by Raman microspectroscopy [19].
Having analyzed the frequency shift of SiO4 tetrahe The equilibrium structure of zircon and coffinite
and their solid solutions was estimated using the
dron oscillations, the authors noted the growth of GULP program [25]. This program represents a crys
average Si–O distance in the solid solution with tal as a complex of point ions participating in longdis
increase in the USiO4 content under insignificant dis tance electrostatic (Coulomb) and shortdistance
tortion of a tetrahedron form. The line broadening of interactions and following minimization of total
SiO4 tetrahedron lattice modes with increase in the energy of interatomic interactions in a crystal (crystal
USiO4 content was interpreted as the result of growing structural energy) under variations in coordinates of
deformations and tensions in the solution structure. all atoms. To calculate the structural energy, the Cou
Based on the different broadening of modes with dif lomb potentials of ion attraction–repulsion
ferent symmetry, it can be suggested that the most sig 2
nificant local structure distortions are characteristic e ZiZ j
Vijel (rij ) (Zi, Zj are charges of ions i and j, rij is
for the plane direction (ab) and the least significant rij
distortions are typical of the direction c in crystals. ion spacing, and e is electron charge) are summed up
This suggestion is in good agreement with the data on for the whole crystal using the Ewald method [27].
anisotropy of zircon structural disordering under radi The shortdistance interactions are commonly
ation damage [20]. described by the Buckingham potential acting within
The application of computer simulation methods the sphere with a radius Rmax = 6–12 Å. The three
to study structure and thermodynamic properties of body angular deformation potential is used to simulate
the zirconbased actinidebearing solid solutions is the directional effects of the Si–O tetrahedron bonds;
limited by the recent work [13]; the point impurity the Morse potential is introduced to take into account
defects of U4+ → Zr4+ were studied previously [21– the effects of partial covalence bond character.
24]. The authors of [13] estimated the thermodynamic Numerical parameters in the functions constructed to
properties by the calculation of total energy of compo obtain the potentials (Table 1) were estimated by the
sitions and configurations of solid solutions using the iterative approximation of calculated and experimen
DFT/LDA method (VASP program), application of tal values of zircon and coffinite structural and physi
obtained data to calculate the optimum set of param cal characteristics [28–31] (Table 2). The calculations
eters of cation interaction in solutions, determination were performed at the approximation of similar
of excess mixing enthalpy of two solid solutions using numerical parameters of the silica–oxygen sublattice
the MonteCarlo algorithm, and by the following potentials (Buckingham potential for Si–O, O–O and
thermodynamic integration and calculation of free threebody potential for O–Si–O) for all composi
energy and mixing entropy values. As a result, the tions of solid solutions. The startup values of effective
authors obtained the coffinite solubility limit in zircon cation and ion charges were taken from our nonempir
attaining 0.01 mol % at 1000 K indicating almost no ical, quantumchemical calculations of zircon and its
solubility at all and forecasted the formation of exsol isomorphic uranium impurity [32] (+2.70, +3.07,
lution structures due to thermodynamic instability of +2.30, and –1.27 el. ch. un. for Zr, U, Si, and O,
the (Zr1 – x, Ux)SiO4 solid solution relative to minerals respectively). After the optimization procedure, the
and constituent simple oxides. The local structure of indicated values attained +2.80, +2.80, +2.20, and
solid solutions was not studied previously. –1.25 e0, respectively.
Hence, the data on thermodynamic properties of Absolutely compositionally disordered solutions
the zircon–coffinite solid solutions are very ambigu were simulated due to absence of any experimental
ous, their structure is poorly studied, and investigation data on disordering effects in cation distributions. The
in this direction remains a topical materials science BINAR program was used to create the disordered
task. The detailed information on mixing properties uranium cation distribution in zircon positions [33].
and structure of compounds with a covalent chemical The calculations were carried out using the zircon
bonding can be acquired using semiempirical struc extended cell (supercell) (Zr, U)64Si64O256 with a size
tural simulation by the method of atom pair potentials of 2 × 2 × 4. The BINAR program algorithm is based
[25]. As was shown previously for the binary and ter on the analysis of disordering degree of numerous ran
nary oxide and silicate solid solutions (for instance dom configurations obtained by random location of


184 ZAMYATIN et al.

Table 1. Parameters of interatomic potentials

Buckingham potential Atom 1 Atom 2 A, eV ρ, Å C, eV Å6 rmin, Å rmax, Å

Si O 301 0.318 0 0 8
Zr O 1139.9 0.315 0 0 8
V B (r ) = A exp(− r ) − Cr −6
ρ U O 1638.3 0.319 0 0 8
O O 4048.394 0.27047 0 0 8
Morse potential Atom 1 Atom 2 D, eV a, Å –2 r0, Å rmin, Å rmax, Å

( −a(r −r0)
) ⎞
2 Zr Si 1.45 1.85 2.5 0 8
V M (r ) = D ⎜ 1 − e − 1⎟
⎝ ⎠ U Si 0.83 1.85 2.3 0 8
Threebody potential Atom 1 Atom 2 Atom 3 θ0, deg rmin, Å rmax, Å
eV rad–2
Si O O 1.09724 109.47 0 1.9
0 (Si–O)
Vth(θ) = 1 kB (θ − θ 0 )
2 3.5

uranium and zircon atoms in the crystal sublattice The application of interaction potentials and
using the random number generator and by rejection numerical parameters in Table 1 provided the possibil
of configurations not meeting the disordering crite ity to attain a satisfactory consistency of experimental
rion. This criterion represents a sum of squared devia and calculated structural and other physical charac
tions of a number of heterogeneous atomic pairs in the teristics of zircon and coffinite (Table 2). In particular,
second coordination sphere for random configuration the calculated constant values of the zircon lattice a
from the statistical theoretical histogram (Pearson’s and c deviated from the experimental data [28] by δa =
fitting criterion χ2). As a result, we obtain the solid 0.1 and δc = 0.5%; this fact is indicative of some
solution configuration corresponding to the disor improvement in consistency between the semiempiri
dered location of cations by positions to the fullest cal atomistic simulation data and experimental results
extent. relative to δa = –0.2% and δc = 1.0% [21], δa =
Structure and properties were estimated for zircon ⎯0.7 and δc = 1.5% [22], and δa = –2.5 and δc = 5.4%
and coffinite minerals and for (Zr1 – x, Ux)SiO4 solid [23]. The calculated values of the cation–oxygen
solutions, where x = 0.02, 0.05, 0.08, 0.11, 0.14, 0.28, ranges deviate insignificantly from the experimental
0.50, 0.72, and 0.86. data [28, 29]: by 2.6% at most for Zr–Oc, Zr–Si, and
Si–O and by 4.5% for Zr–Oe in zircon; by 1.7% at
most in coffinite. The estimated macroscopic proper
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ties are in satisfactory compliance with the experimen
Zircon and coffinite local structure and properties. tal data (Table 2); most elastic moduli are character
It is known that the solid solution final members—zir ized by similarity of calculated values to the experi
con and coffinite—are isostructural and are charac mental data [30, 31] that are variable for zircon
terized by the tetragonal crystallizations system, the samples of different origin and describe better the zir
space group I41/amd; all cations occupy the positions con elastic properties than the following calculation
results: (C11 = 560, C12 = 28.7, C13 = 151.8, C33 =
with symmetry 4 2m; oxygen occupies the position 669.9, and C44 = 102.7 GPa) [22] and (C11 = 450.2,
with symmetry m [34] (designations after [35]). The C12 = 62.8, C13 = 177.8, C33 = 509.4, C44 = 112.9, and
isolated SiO4 tetrahedrons (somewhat extended along
C66 = 10.7 GPa) [23]. As a whole, the applied model
the axis c) have joint ribs along the axis c and joint tops
along the directions a, b with the MeO8 (Me = Zr, U) should be regarded as adequate enough to forecast the
zircon and coffinite structure and properties and can
dodecahedrons. The dodecahedrons have four elon be used in the simulation of solid solutions.
gated Me–Oe bonds providing the relation to SiO4 tet
rahedrons by joint ribs in the direction c and four com The zircon–coffinite solid solution structure. Con
pressed Me–Oc bonds providing the relation to SiO4 centration dependences of deviations Δf = fcalc – fadd of
tetrahedrons by joint tops in the directions a, b. All calculated fcalc parameters (fcalc is lattice constant a, b,
oxygen atoms are crystallographically equivalent and c; ρ is density) from the additive dependence on solid
have a trinary coordination (Me, Me, Si). solution composition fadd = f1 (1–x) + f2 x (x is mole



Table 2. Calculated and experimental characteristics of zircon and coffinite

Zircon Coffinite
Structural data
Experiment Experiment
Parameters Calculation Deviation**, % Calculation Deviation, %
[28] [29]
a, Å 6.613 6.607 0.1 7.076 6.995 1.2
c, Å 6.01 5.982 0.5 6.332 6.263 1.1
Volume V, Å 3 262.89 261.12 0.7 317.03 306.45 3.5
Density, g/cm3 4.63 4.6–4.7 – 6.92 5.1–7.2 –
Me*–Si spacing, Å 3.006 2.991 0.5 3.17 3.132 1.2
Me–Oc spacing, Å 2.133 2.13 0.1 2.357 2.319 1.6
Me–Oe spacing, Å 2.371 2.269 4.5 2.491 2.513 –0.9
Si–O spacing, Å 1.581 1.622 –2.5 1.609 1.582 1.7
O–Oi spacing, Å 2.476 2.43 1.9 2.502 2.518 –0.6
2.674 2.494 7.2 2.915 2.948 –1.1
2.633 2.752 –4.3 2.688 2.616 2.8
2.841 2.842 0.0 3.05 3.308 –7.8
3.105 3.071 1.1 3.43 3.391 1.2
Physical properties
Experiment Experiment
Parameters Calculation Calculation
[30] [31]
Entropy at 300 K, 96.19 – – 118.0
J/mole · K
Heat capacity Cv, 107.7 – – 114.2
J/mole · K
C11, GPa 313.5 423.7 258.5 241.7
C12, GPa 44.1 70.3 179.1 15.2
C13, GPa 95.4 149.5 154.2 66.9
C33, GPa 377.1 490 380.5 285.4
C44, GPa 76.6 113.6 73.3 62.4
C66, GPa 46.2 48.5 111.3 18.3
Dielectric constant 10.51 8.3–9.0 – 7.1
Note: ( *) Me = Zr, U; (**) Relative difference of experimental and calculated parameters.

fraction of USiO4; f1 and f2 are zircon and coffinite tion (Retgers law). The traditional theory of solid solu
parameter values) are given in Fig. 1. As is seen in tions relates such behavior with the interactions
Fig. 1a, the constants a(b) are characterized by posi between cations substituting each other and possible
tive deviations from the additive function (Vegard formation of superstructures [36]. It is quite possible
law), while the constant c is characterized by negative that the interactions between U and Zr in adjacent
deviations. This result is indicative of anisotropy of dodecahedrons are really characteristic for the (Zr1 – x,
structural deformations in the mixed crystal: increase Ux)SiO4 solid solution. This suggestion is based on our
in elementary cell size appears to be greater in the
directions a(b) and less significant in the direction c data on electronic structure of uranium impurity in
than might be expected with account for growth of zircon [32] that demonstrated significant differences
average cation size in dodecahedron positions under in electronic structure of oxygen atoms O(Zr, U, Si)
the U → Zr substitution. The calculations yielded the common for the ZrO8 and UO8 dodecahedrons rela
negative deviation of mole volume ΔV of the zircon– tive to oxygen atoms O(Zr, Zr, Si) in zircon. Mean
coffinite system and positive deviation of density Δρ while, it should be noted that we were not focused on
(Fig. 1b) from the additive dependence on composi simulation of the ordering effects and the obtained


186 ZAMYATIN et al.

Δa regularity for ΔV and Δρ should be regarded as a result

0.015 (a)
of specific geometrical features of the zircon structure
causing its anisotropic deformation under the Zr → U
Δa, Δb, Δc, Å

0.010 Δc substitution.
The solid solution formation is accompanied by the
0.005 considerable distortions in local structures of the ZrO8
and UO8 dodecahedrons relative to pure components,
such as zircon and coffinite, due to variation of both
average spacing values (size of polyhedrons) and their
–0.005 scatter. The variations in average values of cation–
oxygen spacing are adequately approximated by the
0.12 linear dependences on solution composition (Fig. 2),
(b) which graphically occur between straight lines corre
0.10 sponding to a virtual crystal (additive variations in
interatomic spacing, Fig. 2) and straight lines corre
0.08 sponding to constancy of individual cation–oxygen
spacing (bond alternation model, Fig. 2). Increase in
Δd, g/cm3

0.06 the parameter x is accompanied by increase in average

cation–oxygen spacing; in this case, the increase in
0.04 Zr–Oc and U–Oc spacing is more significant than in
0.02 Zr–Oe and U–Oe. When passing from zircon to coffi
nite, average spacing of four short Me–Oc bonds
0 increases by 10%, while that of four long Me–Oe
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 bonds increases by 5%.
x, mol
The average relaxation degree of cation positions
Fig. 1. Concentration dependences of deviations of (a) (cation–oxygen bond length) relative to their hypo
calculated lattice and (b) density constants from additive thetic relaxation in a virtual crystal can be numeri
dependence on solid solution composition. The curve of
variations in these values depending on the composition is cally described by the position site compliance
indicated with a dashed line. parameter [37]:



2.3 3


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
x, mol

Fig. 2. Concentration dependences of the (1) U–Oe, (2) Zr–Oe, (3) U–Oc, and (4) Zr–Oc average interatomic distances in the
(Zr1 – x, Ux)SiO4 solid solutions. Linear approximation of calculated values is indicated with a solid line; additive variations in
interatomic distances in the virtual crystal model are indicated with a dashed line; a dash–dot line indicates individual distances
of impurity cation–oxygen in a host crystal in the bond alternation model.



(a) (b) (c)

(Zr–Oc)z (Zr–Oe)z (U–Oc)c (U–Oe)c

x = 0.02

x = 0.02 x = 0.02
x = 0.05
x = 0.05
x = 0.05

x = 0.08
x = 0.08 x = 0.08

x = 0.11 x = 0.11 x = 0.11

x = 0.14 x = 0.14
x = 0.14

2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 1.50 1.54 1.58 1.62 1.66
Zr–O, Å U–O, Å Si–O, Å

Fig. 3. Distribution functions of the (a) Zr–O, (b) U–O, and (c) Si–O interatomic distances in the supercell composed of
384 atoms for the (Zr1 – x, Ux)SiO4 solid solutions, x = 0.02–0.14. The dashed lines correspond to calculated distances for (Zr–
Oc)z, (Zr–Oe)z, (Si–O)z in zircon and (U–Oc)c, (U–Oe)c in coffinite.

Rsol.solut. − R way for zircon and uranium atoms in the directions

cs = , a(b). Meanwhile, the cs value of Zr–Oe is much lower
Radd − R
than that of U–Oe; i.e., the average interatomic spac
where Rsol.solut. is average value of cation–oxygen spac ing of Zr–Oe appears to be a more conservative value
ing in a solution with given composition, Radd is addi than that of U–Oe.
tive value of cation–oxygen spacing in a virtual solu The calculated average values of oxygen–silica
tion with given composition, and R is spacing in a pure spacing also increase monotonously in the solid solu
crystal [26]; the closer cs to 1, the closer a solid compo tion from 1.58 to 1.61 Å under the transition from zir
sition to a virtual crystal. cs = 0.48 for Zr–Oc and 0.39 con to coffinite. Oxygen–silica tetrahedrons grow by
for Zr–Oe that is indicative of less variability (site 3 × 10–4 Å/mol % U with increase in the uranium con
compliance) of average Zr–Oe spacing in the mixed tent in zircon. These variations are consistent with the
crystal relative to Zr–Oc. This result can be explained red shift of valence vibration frequencies ν1 (974 cm–1)
by anisotropy in the conjugated SiO4 and ZrO8 poly and ν3 (1008 cm–1) of SiO4 tetrahedrons
hedrons in the zircon structure (joint tops due to under increase in the uranium concentration in zircon
Me⎯Oc bonds in the directions a(b) and joint ribs due identified by the Roman spectroscopy [19].
to the Me–Oe bonds in the direction c) leading to the Taking into account the shift values of these lines
facilitated structure deformability in the directions (⎯0.67 cm–1/mol % U and –0.75 cm–1/mol % U,
a(b) relative to the direction c. These data explain the respectively [19]) on the assumption of key effect of
reason of anisotropy of the mixed crystal elementary the bond length on vibration frequency, the size
cell deformation. The analogous conclusion on parameter of vibration frequency shift of the oxygen–
anisotropy of local deformations of the zircon–coffi silica tetrahedrons in the solid solution can be esti
nite solid solutions was made [19] on the basis of mated at ~2.4 × 103 cm–1/ Å.
experimentally identified differences in expansion of The spacing distribution functions representing the
Roman spectra corresponding to oscillation modes of dependences of a number of cation–oxygen inter
different symmetry. The obtained result is also consis atomic distances on values of these distances (in the
tent with the known data on anisotropic (largely, in the supercell composed of 384 atoms) are demonstrated in
directions a, b) decrease in the zircon lattice constant Fig. 3 for solid solutions with x = 0.02–0.14. The solu
values under annealing of radiation damage in its tions with such composition are of special interest
structure [20, 38]. The cs values attain 0.44 and 0.57 for because they are used in practice. It is seen that the
U–Oc and U–Oe interatomic spacing, respectively. positions of main maximums of Zr–Oc, Zr–Oe, and
The cs value of U–Oc is similar to that of Zr–Oc; i.e., Si–O distances are similar to the calculated values for
the cation–oxygen bond lengths relax in an analogous defectless crystalline zircon (Figs. 3a, 3c); increase in


188 ZAMYATIN et al.


Zr(Eg) vibration band width, cm–1


Sx, Å 0.04

0.02 2 10
0.01 4 5
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
x, mol
Fig. 4. Concentration dependences of mean square deviation of the (1) Zr–Oc, (2) Zr–Oe, (3) Si–O, (4) U–Oc, and (5) U–Oe
(points) atomic distances from their average values in their supercell composed of 384 atoms for the (Zr1 – x, Ux)SiO4 solid solu
tions and concentration dependence of Zr(Eg) lattice vibration band width in the Roman spectra [19] (dashed line) obtained by
the approximation of experimental data.

x is accompanied by growth of indicated distances, tion by point impurity atoms in zircon was analyzed in
splitting of distribution peaks, and increase in their detail previously [24].
width. Appearance and growth of additional peaks in The obtained data were used to calculate the mean
the Zr–O spacing distribution functions with increase square deviation of interatomic distances from their
in x parameter reflect the distortions in structure of the average values in the supercell:
second coordination sphere of impurity uranium.
According to the data obtained in the course of the ∑ n (x − x )
i i

analysis of local deformations, the Zr–Oe spacing of Sx = i

~2.32 Å in length (somewhat lower that the calculated
value of major peak) appears in the ZrO8 dodecahe
∑n −1 i
drons related to UO8 through the SiO4 tetrahedrons in where xi is interatomic distance, ni is a number of such
the axis direction c. Somewhat compressed distances
distances in the supercell, and x = ∑ ni x i ∑ ni is
of Zr–Oc (~2.07–2.09 Å) and somewhat elongated
i i
distances of Zr–Oe (~2.40 Å) appear in the ZrO8 average interatomic distance. The dependence of Sx
dodecahedrons related to UO8 by joint ribs. The adja on solid solution composition is shown in Fig. 4. The
cent SiO4 tetrahedrons are also deformed thus provid Sx values characterize in a numerical way the structural
ing the appearance of new peaks (1.55 and 1.62 Å) in (or geometric) disordering degree of the mixed crystal
the Si–O spacing distribution function. Analogous that is, in our case, absolutely compositionally disor
variations are observed in the distribution of U–Oc dered judging by the supercell generation method. The
and U–Oe distances (Fig. 3b); in this case, the Sx values bring great physical sense, because they con
increase in average uranium–oxygen distances in the trol the heterogeneous broadening of spectral param
solid solution and their similarity to the calculated val eters [39] and affect the system thermodynamic func
ues of defectless coffinite (Fig. 3b) is provided by both tions [14, 40]. Increase in the parameter x is accompa
nied by dispersion development for all types of
the shift of spacing distribution major peak (for U–Oc) interatomic distances attaining the maximum values
and the appearance of new distribution components in the range of x = 0.5–0.6. The most significant dis
(for U–Oe). It should be noted that the last effect is persion of interatomic distances is characteristic for
less noticeable for the Zr–O distribution due to statis the Zr–Oe bonds, where the average value in the
tically less significant distortions in the ZrO8 dodeca supercell appears the most conservative, as was indi
hedrons at the background of undistorted matrix at x = cated previously. The contributions of other inter
0.02–0.14. The second coordination sphere deforma atomic distances, including Si–O, to the disordering



are much lower and similar. Hence, the zirconium– The solid solution mixing entropy can be calcu
oxygen sublattice provides the major contribution to lated by the following formula:
the structural disordering of the solid solution. The ΔSmix = Sconf + ΔSvib, (6)
calculated Sx concentration dependences are com
pared in Fig. 4 with the concentration dependence of where ΔSvib = Svib(x) – S1x1 – S2x2 is vibration entropy
Raman spectra Zr(Eg) lattice vibration band width of mixing; Sconf = R(x1lnx1 + x2lnx2) is configurational
[19] obtained by the authors by the approximation of entropy of singleposition binary solid solution. Then,
experimental values for the samples with x = 0.006– it is accepted that the ΔSvib value depends only on
0.116 on the whole composition range using the func composition and is slightly dependent on tempera
tion Γ(x) = Wx(1 – x) + Γ0 (Γ(x), Γ0 = 2.8 cm–1 (band ture; this suggestion is based on the calculation data on
width in solid solution and zircon at room tempera temperature dependences of vibration entropy in zir
ture; W = 107.9 is adjustable parameter). The estab con, coffinite, and their solid solutions.
lished fact that the solid solution is the most disor The equations (1), (5), and (6) make it possible to
dered in the mean concentration range is consistent estimate the thermodynamic functions of ΔHmix and
with the data on the band sharp broadening with ΔGmix mixing in the whole composition and tempera
increase in the uranium concentration. The predomi ture range using the values of structural energy U(x)
nant scatter in Zr–O interatomic spacing relative to and vibration energy Svib(x) calculated for solid solu
Si–O is consistent with the experimental data in [19] tions and U1, U2 , S1, S2 for pure components (zircon
on more significant expansion of lattice modes involv and coffinite) using the GULP program. Moreover,
ing the vibrations of both cation and silica–oxygen the interaction between the solution components can
sublattices relative to the expansion of localized vibra be estimated on the basis of calculated mixing
tion modes of the SiO4 tetrahedrons. It should be enthalpy:
noted that the calculations forecast an asymmetrical
form of the broadening–composition dependences Q = ΔHmix /x1x2. (7)
with the maximum shifted relatively to the center The higher the interaction value, the lower the
towards the coffinite predominance field. There is no mutual solubility of the components. If the interaction
experimental data on solid solutions similar to coffi parameter does not depend on the solid solution com
nite in the scientific literature. The performed calcula position, the solution is considered to be regular, and
tions demonstrate the possibility to estimate numeri critical disintegration temperature of such solution
cally the structural disordering degree of the solid can be estimated at T = Q/4 (Q, cal/mole); in the gen
solutions under the semiempirical atomistic simula eral case, Q can be a certain composition function.
tion. The Q value depends considerably on local deforma
Thermodynamic properties of the (Zr1 – x, Ux)SiO4 tions of the solid solution structure.
system. Taking into account the additive character of The TF concentration dependences are demon
the thermodynamic function (TF), the solid solution strated in Fig. 5. The system structural energy grows
mixing functions (differences of solid solution TF and with increase in the coffinite content in the solution
mechanical mixture TF components) take the follow (Fig. 5a). The solid solution formation enthalpy in the
ing form: intermediate composition range is characterized by
ΔGmix = ΔHmix – TΔSmix = ΔUmix + PΔV – TΔSmix , (1) relatively high values (Fig. 5b) and is, thus, indicative
of low mutual solubility of zircon and coffinite. The
where ΔHmix, ΔUmix, and ΔSmix are enthalpy, energy, interaction parameter can be approximated by the lin
and entropy, respectively; ear dependence on composition (Fig. 5c). Hence, the
(Zr1 – x, Ux)SiO4 solutions are described by the subreg
ΔGmix = G(x) – x1G1 – x2G2, (2) ular model. The concentration dependences ΔGmix
ΔHmix = H(x) – x1H1 – x2H2 , (3) under different temperature (Fig. 5e) calculated with
account for the entropy contribution (Fig. 5d) provide
ΔUmix = U(x) – x1U1 – x2U2, (4) the possibility to determine the critical solubility con
where x1 and x2 are mole fractions of the solution com ditions in view of zero value of the second and third
free energy derivatives. For the compositions with x >
ponents; H1, H2, U1, and U2 are enthalpy and energy of 0.1, the curve ΔGmix bends corresponding to the sec
forming pure components in the solution; H(x) and ond derivative zero are recorded only at T > 2000 K.
U(x) are energy and enthalpy of the solid solution for ΔGmix is positive at T < 1500 K in the whole composi
mation. Taking into account the fact that, under ordi
nary pressures, the work vs. pressure value PΔV can be tion range and is, thus, indicative of no solubility. Fig
neglected under variations in volume, the mixing ure 5f demonstrates the solvus curve. The solubility
enthalpy can be calculated by the approximation for limit is 2 mol % USiO4 for zircon and 5 mol % ZrSiO4
mula: for coffinite at ~1750 K. Hence, the calculation results
obtained for the compositionally disordered zircon–
ΔHmix ≈ ΔUmix = U(x) – U1x1 – U2x2. (5) coffinite solid solutions forecast much lower solubility


190 ZAMYATIN et al.

(а) 7 (d) 1
–8900 6
U, kJ/mol

S, kJ/(mol K)

–9100 3
14 (b) 1 (e)

12 3
ΔHmix, kJ/mol

10 2

ΔGmix, kJ/mol
2 3
8 4
1 5
6 6
4 0
(c) (f)
Q, kJ/mol

T, K

50 1900
40 1700
30 1500
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
x x
Fig. 5. Concentration dependences of thermodynamic characteristics of the (Zr1 – x, Ux)SiO4 solid solutions with a view to a for
mula unit: (a) lattice structural energy, U; (b) mixing enthalpy, ΔHmix; (c) interaction parameter, Q; (d) (1) mixing entropy, ΔSmix;
(2) vibration entropy, ΔSvib; (solid line) configuration entropy, ΔSconf; (e) Gibbs mixing energy ΔG at T = (1) 1550, (2) 1750,
(3) 1800, (4) 1850, (5) 1900, and (6) 1950 K obtained by the approximation of calculated values by the fourth order polynominal;
(f) solvus of the zircon–coffinite system; the indicated errors of points correspond to the accuracy of graphical determination.

limits in the system relative to the experimental data Y, P, and OHgroups, and by the miscibility range
reporting the USiO4 solubility limit in zircon as x = expansion due to composition complication, and also
0.02–0.04 [4] and x < 0.10 at 1173 K [5]. Analogous by the effects of mineral disordering and amorphiza
results were obtained in the calculation work of [13], tion under αdisintegration of uranium and its child
where the coffinite solubility limit in zircon was esti elements.
mated at 0.01 mol % at 1000 K. It can be concluded
that pure waterfree synthetic and natural zircon–
coffinite solid solutions are thermodynamically non
equilibrium. The existence of natural zircons with up We offered and substantiated the coordinated
to 5000 Ma–1 U [6] and over [3, 7] can be caused by the parameters of interatomic potentials describing the
occurrence of additional trace elements, for instance, interaction between Zr, U, Si, and O atoms to estimate



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