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Quiz 1: English for Nurses

Poin total90/100
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Full Name *
Dwike Putri Layla

Class code *

Grammar and Vocabulary

90 dari 100 poin
Choose the best option
1. The patient is ……… the nurse to do elimination *
a. assisting
b. assisted
c. assists
d. assist
e. being assisted
2. The ………is written by the doctor *
a. prescription
b. recommendation
c. recipe
d. receipt
e. letter
3. The doctor will be able to …….. retinal detachment by using an ophthalmoscope *
a. seen
b. recognizable
c. detect
d. observed
e. have
4. A nurse is observing a patient body parts carefully. She is doing …… *
a. inspection
b. palpation
c. percussion
d. auscultation
e. all of them are true
5. if your menstrual cycle becomes …….., contact your doctor *
a. irregular
b. regular
c. difficult
d. confusing
e. anxious
6. It is time to ……..other patients. Please press the call button if you need me. *
a. go
b. view
c. come
d. look
e. visit
7. Doctor, I am going to vomit after ………..this drug *
a. eating
b. taking
c. doing
d. drinking
e. eating
8. The doctor needs to …….. this endoscopes into your mouth cavity to look at your
digestive track *
a. inject
b. insert
c. take
d. spread
e. assist
9. Headache is sometimes accompanied with other symptoms such as nausea and
………….. disturbance. *
a. visualization
b. visualize
c. visual
d. visualizes
e. visually
10. Have you been ……..against measles? *
a. immunized
b. immunizing
c. immune
d. immunization
e. immunizes
11. My mother suffers ………….severe abdominal pains *
a. of
b. with
c. from
d. off
e. on
12. The more care, attention and ………you can give to the autistic child, the better of
the improvement of the condition. *
a. stimulant
b. stimulation
c. stimulate
d. stimulative
e. stimulated
13. Please, take a deep ……………. *
a. breath
b. breathe
c. breathing
d. breathes
e. breathed
14. The patient is ………..that he wants to go home earlier than the doctor suggested *
a. insisting
b. insist
c. insistency
d. insistent
e. insisted
15. How long have you ………..problems with this difficulty breathing? *
a. been having
b. been have
c. been has
d. have
e. been
16. Babies with bronchiolitis are better treated ……….. *
a. to hospital
b. at the hospital
c. to the hospital
d. in the hospital
e. in hospital
17. Please discuss this consent form with your family. We ………..for your approval to
this operation procedure. *
a. are waiting
b. waiting
c. be waiting
d. wait
e. waited
18. The nurses …………..the patient’s condition now *
a. is examines
b. are examining
c. examines
d. examine
e. is examining
19. The brain, the heart and the liver are susceptible to alcoholic damage, which may
be ………at an early stage only by laboratory tests. *
a. detection
b. detect
c. is detectable
d. detects
e. detectable
20. Insert this thermometer into your armpit to ……….. your temperature *
a. check
b. checking
c. checked
d. be check
e. be checked

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