Introduction To Manipulators: Berke Gür

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Introduction to Manipulators

Berke Gür

Robotics 3/15/2021
Berke Gür 1
• What is a manipulator?

“A manipulator is the principle mechanical component of an industrial robot

designed to perform a specific task with materials and parts using specialized tools.”

… or simply “a computer controlled mechanical arm”

Robotics 3/15/2021
Berke Gür 2
Components of Manipulators
• A fixed base where the manipulator is Joints
• A chain of links connected to the base
and to each other through joints
• An end-effector at the end of the link
chain to which the specialized tools are



Robotics 3/15/2021
Berke Gür 3
Types of Linkages

Serial Linkages Parallel Linkages Hybrid Linkages

Larger workspace Smaller workspace
Smaller payload Larger payload
Compromise between
Less Precise Position More precise position serial and parallel linkages
Control control
Easy to analyze Difficult to analyze

Robotics 3/15/2021
Berke Gür 4
Hybrid Manipulators

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Berke Gür 5
Types of Joints
• Several different types of joints exist
for connecting two links
• We will mainly be interested with 1
DOF revolute (R) & prismatic (P) joints
• The configuration of 1 DOF joints are
mathematically described using 1
• A N DOF joint can be broken down to
N 1-DOF joints

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Describing Manipulators
• Manipulators also have DOFs
• For a manipulator to have N DOFs we need N 1-DOF joints (numbered i = 1, 2, …,
N) & N+1 links (numbered i = 0, 1 , 2, …, N including the fixed base as link 0)
• The configuration of a N DOF manipulator is described by a set of N joint variables qi
(each qi is either a θ or d variable)
• A rigid object can be described using 3 position & 3 orientation (in total 6) DOFs in
• If a manipulator has more than 6 DOFs, it is called a redundant manipulator

Robotics 3/15/2021
Berke Gür 7
Describing Manipulators

2-Bar Serial Mechanism


Prismatic Joints (P)

Revolute Joints (R)

Robotics 3/15/2021
Berke Gür 8
Describing Manipulators
• The Puma 560 manipulator
– Serial, parallel or hybrid?
– How many DOFs?
– Joint configuration?
– Where are the links & joints?

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Berke Gür 9
Manipulators vs. Mobile Robots – Workspace
• In contrast to mobile robots, manipulators are attached to a fixed base and have a
limited workspace.
• The workspace of a manipulator is defined as the volume of space that the end-
effector can reach.
– The reachable workspace is the set of points in space that the manipulator can reach with at
least 1 configuration
– The dexterous workspace is the set of points in space that the manipulator can reach with any
arbitrary orientation

Robotics 3/15/2021
Berke Gür 10
Types of Manipulators

Robotics 3/15/2021
Berke Gür 11
Workspaces of Different Manipulators

Robotics 3/15/2021
Berke Gür 12
The End-Effector, Gripper & Tool
• The end-effector is generally the flange-like part of
the robot at the tip
• Grippers or robotic hands are attached to the end-
• Simple grippers only open & close
• Grippers may incorporate force sensors for
measuring & controlling squeezing forces
• Significant research effort is devoted to
anthropomorphic hands

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Berke Gür 13
Applications of Manipulators
• Material Handling: Machine loading, material dispensing/removal, packaging, press
tending, etc.
• Welding
• Other: Sealing, drilling, grinding, painting, polishing, coating, assembly, etc.

Robotics 3/15/2021
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Robotics Today

Robotics 3/15/2021
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Robotics Today

Robotics 3/15/2021
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Robotics Today

Robotics 3/15/2021
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Robotics Today

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Robotics Today

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Robotics Today

Robotics 3/15/2021
Berke Gür 20
Next Lecture
• Lecture topics
– Spatial Descriptions & Transformations
• Reading assignment: Ch.2 in textbook
• Questions?

Robotics 3/15/2021
Berke Gür 21

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