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How to create a Gmail account?

- Parishkrit Jain

How to create a Gmail account?

Gmail is a free webmail service provided by Google with many interesting features and
lots of storage capacity to store mails. Gmail offers an entirely new way of reading and
tracking messages. To use this service, you need to create an account for Gmail. This
service is absolutely free.

Given below is a complete step-by-step tutorial on how to create a Gmail account.

Step 1. Double click to open your web browser (like, Internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox,
Google chrome, Opera, etc.)

Double click

Step 2. Go to To do this, type ‘’ (without quotes) in

the address bar of your web browser and press Enter key or simply click here. You may
also go to and click on Gmail icon on upper left side of the webpage.

Address bar

Step 3. The webpage appears as shown below. Click on the ‘Create an account >>’
button (on the right) to create a new account.

How to create a Gmail account? - Parishkrit Jain

Click here

Step 4. A new page appears as shown (on the next page). To create an account, you
need to fill the online form which asks for your name, desired login name, password,
security question and answer, recovery mail and location. Each of these is described in
this step.

First name: Type in your first name. For example, if your name is John Smith, then type
‘John’ (without quotes) in the box next to ‘First name’.

Last name: Type in your last name. For example, if your name is John Smith, then type
‘Smith’ (without quotes) in the box next to ‘Last name’.

How to create a Gmail account? - Parishkrit Jain

Change language here

Text area.

(Click once in the

text area to type).

Online Form

(Above: The new page with online form to be filled in order to create a Gmail account)

How to create a Gmail account? - Parishkrit Jain

Consider the illustration below (for first name and last name):

Desired login name: Type in your desired login name which would be always used to
log in to your account and to send you e-mails. As an example, let us choose
‘’ as the login name. Then type ‘smith.jhon1976’ in the text
area. So, the login name is ‘’.

Remember to choose a login name that is short (but between 6 to 30 characters) and
easy to remember. Some other choices could be like- ‘’,
‘’, ‘’, etc. Also, remember that in a login
name only letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and periods (.) are allowed.

After typing in the login name, click on ‘check availability!’ button next to the field, to
check whether the login name we have selected is available or not, that is, whether it is
already in use by someone or not. If it is not then the message appears: ‘abc (=user name)
is not available, but the following usernames are: (some suggestions) ’. In this case we can’t use it
and then type some new login name and try again (you may also pick up one from the
list of suggestions made by Gmail and move ahead). If the name is available, we can
move on to the next step.

Type your login

name here Click here to
check availability

Move to the next

step if the name
is available

Choose a Password: Type in your desired password (of minimum 8 characters) which
would be always used by you to log in to your account. You must always remember your
How to create a Gmail account? - Parishkrit Jain

password but never tell your password to anyone else. Select a strong and safe
password. To do this, include punctuation marks, numbers, lowercase and uppercase
letters in your password. Try not to use a dictionary word (or even the word ‘password’
itself or your login name in any way) as your password. Also, never try to use keyboard
patterns (like, asdfg) or sequential numbers (like, 123456) or sequential alphabets
(example, abcdefg) as your password. You may include similar looking substitutions (like
0 for letter O, or $ for letter S) and words which pronounce almost the same (like ‘2’ for
‘two’, ‘v’ for ‘we’, etc.) in your password. Also, remember not to use a password that
contains some personal information (like, name, place of birth, birth year, etc.).

To check how strong your password is, look at the left of the text area, while typing your
password. If it shows your password to be Strong, then it will work. If your password is
Weak or just Fair, then change it to make at least Good, or more better Strong.

Re-enter password: In order to confirm or password re-type it in the text area provided.
The retyped password must match with the original password.

You may also check the buttons below, ‘Stay signed in’ (to stay signed in on the newly
created account after you create it) and ‘Enable Web History’ (to know more about this
feature click on the ‘Learn more’ link just next to it, or, alternatively you may also click
here). See the illustration below:

Select a strong

Click this link to know

more about ‘Enable Web
History’ feature.

Security Question and Answer: This security question is asked to you in case you forget
your password. Never tell you security question and answer to anyone. Always choose a
question whose answer you know and that is not in any way associated with your

How to create a Gmail account? - Parishkrit Jain

password. Choose a question that cannot be answered through research. (For example,
your mother's maiden name, your birth date, your first or last name, your social security
number, your phone number, your pet's name, are questions that can be easily
researched.) It is better to choose an answer that is memorable to you, but not easy to
guess. Your answer should be a complete sentence.

You may select a question from the list or click on ‘Write my own question’ to write a
question of your own. In that case, do not choose a question that has an obvious, short,
or common answer. After clicking on this option, a new text box appears just below the
list, where you can write your question. Write your answer very carefully in the text ox
provided. Consider this illustration where we select a question from the list of given

Click here to
open the list

Click on any
desired question
or select ‘Write
my own question’

After selecting your

question, type in
your answer here.

How to create a Gmail account? - Parishkrit Jain

Recovery email: Recovery e-mail address or secondary e-mail address is very useful
when one forgets his/her account password. This feature is optional, but is useful to
make the Gmail account more secure. When one forgets his/her password there are
two methods of recovery- Google may send information to your secondary email
address, if you've provided one or will display your security question and ask you to
provide the answer.

However, sending password recovery information to your secondary email address is

safer. This will allow you to reset your password without displaying your security
question. Google will also use your secondary email address to communicate with you.

You may leave the field empty if you do not have any other e-mail address. Though here
we leave the place empty, but it is always better to provide the recovery e-mail address,
if you have one.

Location: Select the country where you live in from the list of countries provided. Here,
we select India. See the illustration below:

Click here to
open the list

Click here to
select your

How to create a Gmail account? - Parishkrit Jain

Word Verification: Type carefully the letters you see in the image as it is. These letters
need not to be remembered, but you must type them correctly as you see in the image.
This lets Google know that you are a human and not an automated computer program.
In the example below, the letters are ‘supwwbili’, so we type them in the textbox below:

Terms of Service: Let us first of all review all the information we have entered so far to
check that everything is all right. You can now review the ‘Terms of Services’ given
below and then click on ‘I accept. Create my account’ button if you agree to the ‘Terms
of Service’, ‘Program Policy’ and ‘Privacy Policy’.

Terms of

After reviewing through all the

8|Page information, click here to
create your account.
How to create a Gmail account? - Parishkrit Jain

And that is it! Our account is (almost) created.

Step 5. You may come back to the same page if the verification code given by you is
incorrect of the password in the two fields do not match. Correct the required fields and
again click on ‘I accept. Create my account’ button. Then/Otherwise, you will come
across a page asking to verify your account. Here, you would be asked to give your
mobile number for account verification. Select the verification options, country, type in
your mobile number and then click on ‘Send verification code to my phone’ button.

Enter your mobile number here

Click here

Some users do not come across this verification step while creating Gmail account.
However, some may. After this step enter the verification code you have received on
you mobile phone and that is it! You can now start using Gmail. If you do not come
across this step, you may directly start using your Gmail account.

You can now stat using Gmail and have Fun!

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