Unforced Polymer Translocation Compared To The Forced Case: Physical Review E March 2010

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Unforced polymer translocation compared to the forced case

Article  in  Physical Review E · March 2010

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.81.031803 · Source: PubMed


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3 authors:

Ville Lehtola Riku Linna

University of Twente Aalto University


Kimmo Kaski
Aalto University


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PHYSICAL REVIEW E 81, 031803 共2010兲

Unforced polymer translocation compared to the forced case

V. V. Lehtola, R. P. Linna, and K. Kaski

Department of Biomedical Engineering and Computational Science, Helsinki University of Technology, P.O. Box 9203,
Helsinki FIN-02015 TKK, Finland
共Received 22 December 2009; published 23 March 2010兲
We present results for unforced polymer translocation from simulations using Langevin dynamics in two
dimensions 共2D兲 to four dimensions and stochastic rotation dynamics supporting hydrodynamic modes in three
dimensions 共3D兲. We compare our results to forced translocation and a simplified model where the polymer
escapes from an infinite pore. The simple model shows that the scaling behavior of unforced translocation is
independent of the dimension of the side to which the polymer is translocating. We find that, unlike its forced
counterpart, unforced translocation dynamics is insensitive to pore design. Hydrodynamics is seen to markedly
speed up the unforced translocation process but not to affect the scaling relations. Average mean-squared
displacement shows scaling with average transition time in unforced but not in forced translocation. The
waiting-time distribution in unforced translocation follows closely Poissonian distribution. Our measured trans-
fer probabilities align well with those obtained from an equilibrium theory in 3D, but somewhat worse in 2D,
where a polymer’s relaxation toward equilibrium with respect to its translocation time is slower. Consequently,
in stark contrast to forced translocation, unforced translocation is seen to remain close to equilibrium and
shows clear universality.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.81.031803 PACS number共s兲: 82.35.Lr, 87.15.⫺v, 87.15.A⫺

I. INTRODUCTION tradicting results. In 3D, ␤ = 2.5 was obtained 关12,13兴, for

which two independent explanations were proposed. Anoma-
The transport of biopolymers through membranes is lous diffusion was dealt with by fractional Fokker-Plank
present in many biological systems 关1兴. Motivated by its po- equation framework in 关12兴, whereas a simple scaling propo-
tential applicability in ultrafast DNA and RNA sequencing sition ␤ = 2 + ␯ based on excess monomer density near the
关2–5兴, and protein import into mitochondrion 关6兴, most of the pore was suggested in 关13兴. In addition, ␤ = 2.27⫾ 0.04 was
experimental research has been focused on forced polymer obtained from a three-dimensional coarse-grained molecular-
translocation. However, biological translocation processes dynamics simulation where hydrodynamics 共HD兲 was in-
where a strong driving field is not present have motivated cluded 关14兴. In 3D free diffusion was claimed to govern the
process. However, since the prediction based on free diffu-
studies on unforced translocation 关7兴. Partly due to the abun-
sion and using the Zimm model 共as hydrodynamics is in-
dance of detailed processes adding to the complexity of its
cluded兲 gives ␤ = 3␯ ⯝ 1.77, the result is in agreement only
dynamics, such as binding of specific proteins on either the with the original lower-limit argument 关9兴. This lower limit
cis or trans side of the membrane, and the effects due to the is then the only theoretical result with which all the pre-
properties of the pore and the solvent, experimental studies sented computational results agree.
on unforced translocation are few 关8兴 compared with the Here, we study unforced translocation using both stochas-
number of computational studies 共see, e.g., 关9–16兴兲. In spite tic rotation dynamics 共SRD兲 and LD. This study is motivated
of the extensive research, even the dynamics of the generic by our previous findings on forced translocation 关20,21兴
process still remains relatively poorly understood. Hence, the upon which we will reflect our present results. We provided
characterization of the process in connection with simpler or evidence for the forced translocation as being a highly non-
better understood models seems to be called for. equilibrium process and explained the observed dynamics by
In unforced translocation, the average polymer transloca- a simple force balance, valid in the experimentally and bio-
tion 共or escape兲 time ␶ has been observed to scale with re- logically relevant force range. Based on purely analytical
spect to the polymer length N as ␶ ⬃ N␤. For the scaling calculations, arguments along similar lines have previously
exponent ␤ Langevin dynamics 共LD兲 and Monte Carlo simu- been given by Sakaue 关22兴.
lations give the identical value of 2.5 in two dimensions 共2D兲 Longer polymers are more prone to translocate fast
关9–11,17兴. This value is in accordance with the predicted enough that the translocated segments will not have time to
lower limit ␤ = 2␯ + 1 based on the free diffusion of the center relax to equilibrium 关9兴. In view of this and our previous
of mass of the polymer 关9兴. Here, the swelling exponent ␯ observations on forced translocation, it is important to evalu-
has the value of 0.75 for a polymer in 2D. Recently it has ate the equilibrium assumption of unforced polymer translo-
been argued that this lower limit should be the actual value cation. Since hydrodynamics drastically changes the scaling
of the scaling exponent for unforced translocation 关17兴. Ac- of average translocation time with respect to the chain length
cordingly, in three dimensions 共3D兲, where ␯ = 0.588, this and reduces the translocation times in the forced transloca-
would yield ␤ ⯝ 2.18. Results from Langevin dynamics tion, first reported in 关23兴 and then by us 关21兴, it is also of
simulations, ␤ = 2.23⫾ 0.03 关18兴 and ␤ = 2.22⫾ 0.06 关17兴, importance to evaluate its significance for unforced translo-
and dynamic Monte Carlo simulations 关19兴, ␤ = 2.23⫾ 0.04, cation. A previous study reports a negligible effect of hydro-
support this argument also in 3D. However, there exist con- dynamics on unforced translocation 关14兴, whereas somewhat

1539-3755/2010/81共3兲/031803共8兲 031803-1 ©2010 The American Physical Society


b) Fs
TRANS TRANS = 共1 − ␥兲ln关s共N − s兲兴. 共2兲
k BT
Here, the pore is assumed to be short, so the beads inside it
c) need not be taken into account.
(a) (b) (c) The standard bead-spring chain is used as a coarse-
grained polymer model with both LD and SRD methods. In
FIG. 1. Snapshots of 共relaxed兲 initial configurations in 3D for this model adjacent monomers are connected with anhar-
共a兲 unbiased translocation with N = 101 共so initially s = 51兲, 共b兲 monic springs, described by the finitely extensible nonlinear
forced translocation with N = 100, and 共c兲 unforced pore escape with elastic potential,
N = 101 共not all of the beads inside the quasi-one-dimensional tun-
nel are shown兲. Distance 3b from the pore opening is marked with
bold lines.
K 2
冉 冊
R ln 1 − 2 ,

where r is the length of an effective bond and R = 1.5 is the

larger effect was seen in 关15兴. In the present study we evalu- maximum bond length. The Lennard-Jones 共LJ兲 potential,

冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
ate the effect of hydrodynamics on the unforced translocation
when hydrodynamic modes on the trans and cis sides are ␴ 12
␴ 6
ULJ = 4⑀ − , r ⱕ 2−1/6␴ ,
decoupled 关see Fig. 1共a兲兴. r r
In addition to forced translocation we shall also reflect the
unforced translocation upon the so-called “pore escape” ULJ = 0, r ⬎ 2−1/6␴ , 共4兲
problem, a special case of unforced translocation, where the
entropic effects are eliminated from one side of the wall. is used between all beads of distance r apart. The parameter
Theoretical interest of this model comes from it relating to values were chosen as ⑀ = 1.2, ␴ = 1.0, and K = 60/ ␴2. The
the biologically relevant Brownian ratchet mechanism 关7兴. It used LJ potential with no attractive part mimics good sol-
is also of interest for understanding the intracellular transport vent.
processes through microtubules.
The present paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II the IV. TRANSLOCATION MODELS
equilibrium translocation theory is briefly reviewed. Section
III describes the polymer model used in our simulations. In Langevin dynamics model. We use our translocation
Sec. IV the implemented translocation models are described. model based on Langevin dynamics 关20兴 to perform simula-
In Sec. V results are reported and discussed, and summary tions of unforced translocation in dimensions d 苸 关2 , 4兴.
and conclusions are made in Sec. VI. Hence, the time derivative of the momentum of bead i reads
ṗi共t兲 = − ␰pi共t兲 + ␩i共t兲 + f共ri兲, 共5兲
where ␰, pi共t兲, ␩i共t兲, and f共ri兲 are the friction constant, the
We will make comparison to the equilibrium framework momentum, random force of the bead i, and the external
describing the polymer translocation introduced by Sung and force 共constant, but exerted only inside the pore兲, respec-
Park 关24兴, and Muthukumar 关25兴. In this framework the tively. Naturally, f = 0 for unforced translocation. ␰ and ␩i共t兲
translocating polymer segments on the cis and trans sides are are related by the fluctuation-dissipation theorem.
treated as two thermodynamic ensembles separated by a The dynamics was implemented using the velocity Verlet
wall. The polymer translocates from the cis to the trans side algorithm 关27兴. The wall containing the pore is a continuous
through a narrow pore in the wall 共see Fig. 1兲. The partition infinite potential barrier. The pore, aligned with the z axis, is
sum Zn of a polymer with n monomers in a semi-infinite of diameter a and length 3 ⫻ a, where a = 1 is the Kuhn
space bounded by a hard wall to which one end of the poly- length of the modeled polymer. It was implemented using a
mer is attached is given by 关26兴 damped harmonic potential that centers the beads toward the
z axis. In this pore design the dimension d ⱖ 2 can be easily
Zn ⬃ ␮nn共␥−1兲 , 共1兲
changed. In our simulations ␰ = 0.73 and the polymer bead
where ␥ = 0.69 for the attached self-avoiding chain and ␮ is mass m = 16, and kBT = 1, where kB is the Boltzmann constant
the connective constant. Assuming that this polymer segment and T is the temperature. Then, at long times according to
consisting of n monomers is in thermal equilibrium, its free Einstein’s relation, the one-particle self-diffusion constant is
energy can be written as Fn = −kBT ln Zn. Now, if the seg- given by D0 = kBT / ␰m ⬇ 0.086. Time steps of 0.01 and 0.03
ments of the translocating polymer, s and N − s monomers were used in the forced and unforced simulations, respec-
long, on either side of the wall are in separate thermal equi- tively.
libria, the free energy for the whole polymer can be written Stochastic-rotation-dynamics model. Simulations includ-
as ing hydrodynamics were performed in 3D using SRD 关28兴.


Our SRD translocation model has been previously used for
simulating forced translocation 关21兴. Except for the wall and
10 a)
(a) τ
the pore regions, the simulation space is filled with fictitious 5 105
solvent particles. The dynamics consists of consequent colli-
4 4
sion and streaming steps. The solvent space is divided into 10 10
cells, within which the fictitious solvent particles perform
100 10 100
simplified dynamics where collisions among them and with
the polymer beads are taken effectively into account by ran- N N
domly rotating the noncollective 共random兲 parts of their ve- FIG. 2. Scaling of the translocation time ␶ with respect to the
locities. Hence, the collision step can be written as chain length N for unforced translocation. 共a兲 Results without hy-
drodynamics from Langevin dynamics simulations. The scalings ␶
vi共t + ⌬tSRD兲 = R
គ 关vi共t兲 − vcm共t兲兴 + vcm共t兲, 共6兲
⬃ N␤, ␤ = 2.55⫾ 0.05, 2.33⫾ 0.05, and 2.26⫾ 0.05 are obtained in
where vi are the particle velocities inside a cell, ⌬tSRD is the 2D, 3D, and 4D, respectively 共from top to bottom兲. The four-
time step for solvent dynamics, R គ is the rotation matrix, and dimensional curve has been shifted down for clarity. For a fixed
vcm is the center-of-mass velocity of the particles within the length N the translocation actually becomes faster as d increases.
cell. Hydrodynamic modes are supported over the cells re- 共b兲 Here, using SRD with hydrodynamics we obtain the scaling
sulting in a finite Reynolds number. The collision step is exponent ␤ = 2.30⫾ 0.07.
followed by the free-streaming step where particle i’s posi- ists at least a reasonable agreement on the scaling exponents
tion ri is moved according to in the unforced case.
ri共t + ⌬tSRD兲 = ri共t兲 + vi共t兲⌬tSRD . 共7兲 For unforced translocation in 2D, we obtain ␤
= 2.55⫾ 0.05, shown in Fig. 2共a兲, which is in good agreement
Thermostating is done by rescaling all solvent particle ve- with the scaling result of ␤ = 2.5 obtained by others 关9–11兴.
locities, so that equipartition theorem holds at all times. The In 3D, we have ␤ = 2.33⫾ 0.05 from LD simulations 关see
polymer beads move according to detailed molecular dynam- Fig. 2共a兲兴, which falls between the results ␤ ⯝ 2.23 in
ics. In addition, they take part in the above-described SRD 关17–19兴 and ␤ = 2.5 in 关12,13兴. Hence, our model produces
steps that are performed every 50th molecular-dynamics time the to some extent established scaling relations for the un-
step. forced translocation, which may potentially be universal.
A slit of width 25a for N ⱕ 31 or 32a for N ⬎ 31 is formed Hence, our previous arguments for the strong nonequilibrium
by two aligned plates in the yz plane. The solvent-filled nature of the forced translocation remain valid.
space between the plates is divided by a wall in the xy plane. Making use of our pore implementation in the LD trans-
This wall contains the pore. The simulation space is 32a location model, we obtain ␤ = 2.26⫾ 0.05 in the dimension of
wide in y and z directions. These directions are periodically 4 关see Fig. 2共a兲兴. Of the previously introduced scaling argu-
connected. All walls are continuous and impose a no-slip ments, ␤ = 2␯ + 1 关9兴 and ␤ = 2 + ␯ 关13兴, only the first remains
boundary condition to the fluid particles. Inside the pore as a valid lower limit in four dimensions 共4D兲, where ␯
polymer beads perform only molecular dynamics. The diam- = 0.5 共ideal chain兲.
eter of the cylinder-shaped pore is 1.2a. Exactly as in the LD In addition to the scaling, the data in Fig. 2共a兲 show that
based model, the pore contains a damped harmonic potential the translocation of a chain of fixed length becomes faster as
centering the beads toward the axis of the cylinder. Also in the number of dimensions increases from two to four. For
this model a = 1 and kBT = 1. example, for fixed N = 31, ␶ = 12 161⫾ 768 共2D兲, 9020⫾ 721
In both models the polymer having an odd number of 共3D兲, and 6613⫾ 537 共4D兲. This follows from the equiparti-
beads N is initially placed halfway inside the pore 关see Fig. tion theorem and the increase in the diffusion coefficient D
1共a兲兴. The polymer is then let relax for a time longer than its with increasing dimension d. 共For one-particle diffusion the
Rouse relaxation time. We register events when the segment diffusion constant depends linearly on dimension, D ⬃ d.兲
s = s0 is replaced with segment s0 − 1 or s0 + 1 in the middle of In order to characterize the effect of hydrodynamics on
the pore. The polymer is considered translocated, when it has unforced translocation in 3D, we use our SRD model, which
completely exited the pore to the trans side. allows for switching hydrodynamics on and off. The translo-
cation time ␶ was computed both with and without hydrody-
namics, keeping N = 31 fixed. With HD the translocation time
V. RESULTS of the polymer is clearly smaller, ␶ = 42 000⫾ 3000, than
without HD, ␶ = 99 000⫾ 8000. However, hydrodynamics
A. Scaling with polymer length
does not have a strong effect on the scaling of the transloca-
As our implementation of the pore and the continuous tion time, ␶ ⬃ N␤. We obtain ␤ = 2.30⫾ 0.07 with HD 关see
wall differs from the most frequently used type of implemen- Fig. 2共b兲兴 and ␤ = 2.33⫾ 0.05 without HD. A slightly lower
tation based on immobile “particles,” we first check if it has value for the scaling exponent ␤ with hydrodynamics is logi-
effect on the scaling relation for unforced translocation, ␶ cal since the long-range correlations should diminish the ef-
⬃ N␤, where ␶ is the translocation time or the time it takes fect of chain length to translocation dynamics. Hence, the
for the polymer to exit the pore, N is the polymer length, and effect of hydrodynamics is much weaker for unforced than
␤ is the scaling exponent. This is crucial for validating our forced translocation 关20,21兴 in accord with the argued highly
previous results for forced translocation 关20,21兴 as there ex- nonequilibrium nature of the latter.


1 1
translocation is adequately described by two thermodynamic
ensembles separately in thermal equilibrium, even in the
presence of hydrodynamic modes. However, close to the

0.5 0.5
chain ends, i.e., when s is close to 1 or N, translocating
0.25 0.25 N251 segments are inclined to accelerate due to the large entropic
N101 N101
N51 N51 difference of the polymer segments on the two sides of the
0 0
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 wall resulting in a large driving force. This has been studied
s/N s/N
in detail elsewhere 关16兴.
FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 The forward move 共cis → trans兲 probabil- Unlike in 3D, in two dimensions the transfer probabilities
ity P f 共s兲 for chains of length N = 51 and 101 for unforced translo- obtained from LD simulations cannot be fitted to those ex-
cation. The solid lines are theoretical predictions from Eq. 共8兲, de- pected from the equilibrium theory. The best-fit exponent
rived using the equilibrium free energy. The reduction in N due value ␥ = 0.80⫾ 0.05 deviates substantially from the analyti-
finite pore length has been accounted for by using values of N cally obtained exact value ␥ = 61/ 64⬇ 0.95 关29兴. Since the
苸 兵49, 99其 in theoretical predictions. 共a兲 SRD results where hydro- connective constant ␮ = limn→⬁ ␮n in Eq. 共1兲 is defined only
dynamics is included and the pore is frictionless. The best fit in the limit n → ⬁ and could otherwise present a nontrivial
共shown兲 is obtained with ␥ = 0.69⫾ 0.05. 共b兲 Results from Langevin dependence on the reaction coordinate s in Eq. 共8兲, we cal-
dynamics in 2D with frictional pore, N = 51, 101, and 251 共from top culated the values for ␮n for small n from SAW enumeration
to bottom at the right side of the figure兲. Hence, the probability data provided by the authors of 关30兴 on their webpage 关31兴.
curves asymptotically approach the flat P f = 0.5 line as N is in- However, in a half space, relevant for our simulation space
creased. The best fit 共shown兲 is obtained with ␥ = 0.80⫾ 0.05. divided by the wall, the value of ␮n saturates to a constant at
very short walks n, and hence the finite polymer length N
Our scaling exponent ␤ = 2.30⫾ 0.07 with HD agrees with = n does not have a significant contribution via Zn on P f 共s兲.
␤ = 2.27⫾ 0.04 for N 苸 关3 , 31兴 obtained in 关14兴. In contrast to Since the potential contribution from finite-size modifica-
the model used there, in our model the solvent does not enter tion of equilibrium configuration turned out to be weak, we
the pore. Hence, in our model the long-range hydrodynamic are left with the possibility that the deviation of ␥ obtained
modes are not supported across the pore and, accordingly, by fitting the measured P f to Eq. 共8兲 might be due to the
whether the solvent enters the pore or not does not seem to unforced translocation in 2D taking place out of equilibrium.
affect the scaling of ␶ with N. We measured the relaxation times of grafted polymers of
lengths N 苸 关30, 100兴 in 2D, where polymer’s relaxation to-
B. Transfer probabilities ward equilibrium is slower than in 3D. The measured auto-
correlation shows exponential relaxation in both dimensions,
Next, we investigate transition probabilities in the un-
Ḡ共r , t − t⬘兲 ⬃ exp关−共t − t⬘兲 / ␶兴, where the overbar denotes aver-
forced translocation process. The polymer beads are num-
age over all polymer beads. The relaxation times in 2D and
bered from 1 to N, with the middle bead initially in the pore
3D are related as ␶2d R
/ ␶3d
⬇ 1.7 and ⬇2.4 for N = 30 and N
and the end bead 1 on the trans and N on the cis side. The
= 100, respectively. The translocation times are related as
states of the system are labeled by the reaction coordinate s,
␶2d / ␶3d ⬇ 1.6, ⬇2.0, and ⬇2.4 for N = 31, 101, and 251, re-
defined as the number of the polymer bead currently in the
spectively. The relative increases in ␶ and ␶R with respect to
middle of the pore. The system enters the state s, when the
N imply that long polymer chains are more prone to remain
bead number s enters the middle of the pore. Assuming that
out of equilibrium during the translocation in 2D than in 3D.
the two polymer segments on each side of the wall are in
This would offer an explanation to the deviation of the mea-
separate thermal equilibria, we can calculate the transfer
sured exponent ␥ from the exact value obtained from the
probability of a “forward move” as P f 共s兲 = P共s → s + 1兲
equilibrium framework.
⬃ exp关−␤共Fs+1 − Fs兲兴, where ␤ = 1 / kBT and Fs is the free en-
ergy given by Eq. 共2兲. We obtain

冉 冊 1−␥
C. Average transition time distribution
1 1
P f 共s兲 ⬀ 1 − + . 共8兲 Next, we determine the distribution of the average transi-
s N−s
tion time 具t典 for the system to move from one state to an-
In our simulations, the pore is 3a long, so beads s − 1 and s other, i.e., s → s − 1 or s → s + 1. Taking the average over 100
+ 1 are inside the pore, which is taken into account by using simulation runs we obtain the distributions of the transition
effective values s − 1 and N − s − 1 for the chain lengths on time ␲共具t典兲 for each chain length N 共see Fig. 4兲. The distri-
trans and cis sides in Eq. 共8兲. butions are normalized such that they cover a unit area. The
In Fig. 3共a兲 the transfer probabilities obtained from the distributions both fit Poissonian-like probability density
SRD simulations in 3D are compared to those given by Eq. functions of the form P共t̃兲 = At␭ exp共−kt̃兲, where t̃ = t − t0 and
共8兲. The best fit of the probabilities from both LD and SRD t0 is a fitting parameter that determines the minimum time for
simulations to the analytical values is obtained for the expo- a transition to occur. The use of the minimum time parameter
nent value ␥ = 0.69⫾ 0.05, which is the exponent for the self- t0 is justified by the beads being connected by springs of
avoiding walk 共SAW兲 and hence in agreement with our mea- finite length which must be traversed prior to any transition.
sured value for the swelling exponent, ␯ = 0.60⫾ 0.02, which The distribution of average transition times 具t典, i.e.,
for SAW is ␯ = 0.588. Consequently, in 3D the unforced waiting-time distribution, does not converge to a Poissonian


0.04 0.03 10
0.008 a) b) 10
3d 102
b) Forced
π(< t >)

π(< t >)
0.004 100 2d 10

0.02 10-1
0 0 102
0 4 8 0.01 0 5 10 -2 SRD
Unforced 10
Pore escape ft
0 0 10-4
0 100 200 300 400 0 1000 2000 100 101 102 103 100 101 102 103
(a) <t> (b) <t> t t

FIG. 4. The distribution of average state transition times 具t典 for FIG. 5. 共Color online兲 The mean-squared displacement of the
unforced translocation. Distributions are from 共a兲 three-dimensional reaction coordinate s. 共a兲 Unforced translocation. We obtain slopes
Langevin dynamics with N = 31, 51, 101, 251 共distributions in 2D of 0.81⫾ 0.02 in 2D and 0.88⫾ 0.03 in 3D for Langevin simula-
and 4D are similar兲 and 共b兲 SRD simulations with hydrodynamics tions, N 苸 兵51, 101, 251其, and 0.83⫾ 0.01 for 3D SRD simulations
with N = 31, 51, 75, 101. All the distributions are almost Poissonian, including hydrodynamics, N 苸 兵51, 101其. Collapsed data when
except for the deviation at small values of 具t典; see the magnifica- 具␦s2共t兲典 ⬃ t␣ is normalized by N. 共b兲 In 3D, data from LD simula-
tions in the insets. The time units in 共a兲 and 共b兲 are model dependent tions for various cases; forced and unforced translocations and pore
and cannot be straightforwardly compared. See text for details. escape. For forced translocation, f = 10, 3, 1, 0.7, and 0.3, respec-
tively, starting from the top. The slope is about 0.92 for f = 0.3 and
distribution in detail, as can be seen from the insets of Figs. is increased up to 2.2 for f = 10. The mono-black-plot, second from
the bottom, represents unforced translocation data. The diamonds at
4共a兲 and 4共b兲. The correlations due to adjacent polymer
bottom represent the pore escape data. Here, N = 200 for forced
beads being connected are enhanced at high translocation
cases and 251, otherwise. Inset: the data for forced translocation
velocity, i.e., small 具t典, deviating the distribution ␲共具t典兲 from
does not collapse with respect to the force f, nor with respect to the
Poissonian there. Using SRD, similar characteristics are ob- chain length N 共not shown兲.
tained with and without hydrodynamics in 3D and, using LD,
without hydrodynamics in dimensions 2 ⱕ d ⱕ 4. Apart from
the deviation at small 具t典, the distributions are Poissonian. The effect of hydrodynamics, which showed relatively
The distribution’s exponential tail exp共−kt̃兲 falls off faster as weak on the scaling of translocation time with polymer
d is increased. To determine the effect of hydrodynamics on length, is more pronounced on the variance of the reaction
the distribution, we compare the results between the 3D LD coordinate. At long times a power law is obtained, 具␦s2共t兲典
and SRD models by using a temporal reference value ␶ for ⬃ t␣, with ␣ = 0.83⫾ 0.02 and ␣ = 0.88⫾ 0.03 with and with-
N = 31 without hydrodynamics in order to make the values of out hydrodynamics, respectively 关see Fig. 5共a兲兴. This is in
ⴱ agreement with long-ranged hydrodynamic correlations, di-
k from Fig. 4 dimensionless, kⴱ = k␶N31. We get kSRD ⯝ 442
ⴱ minishing transition time fluctuations over larger length and
共␶SRD,N31 = 99 000⫾ 8000兲 and kLD ⯝ 230 共␶LD,N31
time scales. Hence, hydrodynamics has no effect on transi-
= 9020⫾ 720兲, implying that the tail of the average transition
tion probabilities P f , as noted in the previous section, but
time distribution ␲共具t典兲 decays faster with hydrodynamics. In
changes only slightly the time distribution of state transi-
other words, hydrodynamics decreases fluctuations of transi-
tions. This is in contrast to the forced translocation where
tion times through increased range of correlation.
hydrodynamic correlations mediate the applied pore force
along the chain, thus enhancing the collective motion of the
D. Mean-squared displacement chain and so having influence not only on the variance but
also the average of the translocation time.
For the scaling of the mean-squared displacement of the
reaction coordinate s, 具␦s2共t兲典 ⬃ t␣, in Fig. 5共a兲, we obtain
E. Comparison to pore escape and forced translocation
␣ = 0.81⫾ 0.02 and ␣ = 0.88⫾ 0.03 in dimensions of 2 and 3,
respectively. These results agree well with the theoretical In order to pin down the difference between the underly-
prediction, ␣ = 2 / 共2␯ + 1兲, by Chuang et al. 关9兴, from which ␣ ing dynamics of the unforced and forced translocation pro-
is 0.8 in 2D, 0.92 in 3D, and their previous computational cesses, we present the anomalous diffusion behavior of the
confirmation with LD 关17兴, ␣ = 0.80⫾ 0.01 共2D兲 and reaction coordinate s for various cases in 3D 关see Fig. 5共b兲兴.
0.91⫾ 0.01 共3D兲. Additionally, we obtain ␣ = 0.90⫾ 0.05 in We compare unforced translocation to a pore escape, the
dimension of 4 共not shown兲. Since dc = 4 is the upper critical model of which we implemented by placing a polymer half-
dimension for a self-avoiding random walk 关32兴, ␣ is not way in an infinitely long pore 关see Fig. 1共c兲兴. Hereby, the
expected to change when increasing the dimension beyond entropic contributions on the cis side from dimensions per-
this. We checked that the swelling exponent ␯ for both a free pendicular to the pore axis are eliminated. The polymer was
and a grafted polymer decreases as a function of the dimen- let relax to equilibrium configuration while keeping the
sion in our model. For chains of length N 苸 关25, 200兴 we middle bead at the exit of the pore stationary. For both the
obtained swelling exponents ␯ = 0.75⫾ 0.02, 0.60⫾ 0.02, and unforced translocation and the pore escape model, the mean-
0.53⫾ 0.02 in dimensions of 2, 3, and 4, respectively, in squared displacement of the reaction coordinate s scales with
agreement with those for self-avoiding random walks, time, i.e., 具␦s2共t兲典 ⬃ t␣, independent of the chain length N. In
␯ = 0.75, 0.588 in d = 2 , 3, respectively, and for an ideal chain, forced translocation, 具␦s2共t兲典 does not follow a power law.
␯ = 0.50, in d ⱖ 4 关33兴. These cases are discussed below.


The entropic difference between a multidimensional heat 103

bath and the quasi-one-dimensional pore causes the polymer 2 f1
to quickly escape out of the pore. We observe N dependence 10 f0.3
of 具␦s2共t兲典 at short times 共not shown兲, which does not affect

the scaling in the long-time limit. The pore escape process is
seen to be clearly more subdiffusive in the long-time limit 100
with ␣ = 0.69⫾ 0.05 in 2D, 0.75⫾ 0.05 in 3D共 ⴱ兲, and
0.83⫾ 0.02 in 4D than the regular unforced polymer translo- (<δs(t)>)2
cation with ␣ = 0.81⫾ 0.02 in 2D共 ⴱ兲 and 0.88⫾ 0.03 in
10-2 0
3D共 ⴱ兲, and 0.90⫾ 0.05 in 4D. 关For results marked with 共 ⴱ兲, 10 10
1 2
10 10

see Fig. 5共a兲; others are not shown.兴 This was to be expected t
due to the additional constriction by the infinite pore. Per-
haps a little less trivially, in the pore escape scaling expo- FIG. 6. 共Color online兲 The mean-squared displacement of the
nents turned out to be independent of the dimension of the reaction coordinate 具␦s2共t兲典 is drawn in the same plot with the
trans side heat bath for 2 ⱕ d ⱕ 4. For each dimension we square of the mean displacement 具␦s共t兲典2 for forced translocation. In
obtain ␤ = 1.80⫾ 0.05 for N 苸 关31, 51, 101, 251兴 共data not the limit of high t the curves are aligned. With larger force, the
shown兲. Only the magnitude of the translocation time is di- alignment becomes more evident already at smaller values of t. The
minished with increasing dimension of the trans side. Hence, data is from LD simulations in 3D with N = 200 and f = 0.3, 1, and
based on this “simulated gedanken experiment,” the dimen- 10 共from bottom to top兲.
sion of the side where from, and not where to, the chain is
translocating seems to determine the subdiffusive character- is shown in Fig. 5共b兲. 具␦s2共t兲典 is seen to increase with the
istics of the unforced translocation in accord with arguments pore force. Unlike in the case of unforced translocation, a
giving translocation times that depend on the initial configu- data collapse cannot be obtained for different N 关see the inset
ration, i.e., the swelling exponent of the polymer on the cis of Fig. 5共b兲兴. This is in qualitative agreement with 关34兴,
side. where “simple scaling” scenarios were ruled out using two
In the pore escape problem the entropic force f e remains force values. The slope is seen to increase with increasing
fairly constant throughout the process. In dimensions of 2 force and in time for a constant force. For instance, for f
and 3 the free energy is roughly F ⬇ −kbT ln Zs, where Zs is = 0.3 the slope is initially high, then decreasing and finally
the partition sum for the polymer segment of length s on the increasing toward the end of translocation. This dependence
trans side, given by Eq. 共1兲. Hence, f e = −⳵F / ⳵s ⬃ ln ␮ + 共␥ on t results from the change of the total friction of the chain
− 1兲 / s, where the first constant term is dominant. In dimen- on the cis side, ␰tot共t兲 ⬃ sm共t兲␰. The number of “mobile
sion d ⱖ 4 we have an ideal chain and f e ⯝ ln 2d. Hence, f e is beads,” sm, first increases, which decreases the slope, and
constant with respect to s. Denoting the entropic force as a then decreases, which increases the slope, as a result of all
constant C, in the limit of large f e the force balance can be beads translocating to the trans side. See Ref. 关21兴 for de-
written as ␰共N − s兲ds / dt = C, where ␰ is the friction coefficient tails. At high force values crowding of the beads on the trans
inside the long pore. Integrating from t = 0 to t = ␶ and using side also has a contribution.
s共0兲 = N / 2 and s共␶兲 = N, we get ␶ ⬃ N2, which we obtained for From Fig. 6, it is evident that 具␦s2共t兲典 ⫽ 具␦s共t兲典2 at small f,
forced translocation through a frictional pore starting from but that 具␦s2共t兲典 → 具␦s共t兲典2 as f is increased. This is another
an initially straight polymer on the cis side 关20兴. The pore indication of translocation becoming more deterministic with
force values used there were larger than the entropic force increasing f, as it should due to the dynamics far from ther-
here, so the stochastic contribution from the polymer seg- mal equilibrium being determined solely by a simple balance
ment inside the one-dimensional pore diminishes ␤ from 2 to between the frictional and the driving pore forces.
which it will saturate when increasing the pore force. Indeed, For forced translocation, our measured 具␦s2共t兲典 distinc-
we checked using pore force f = 1 that the waiting times de- tively differs from the power law obtained using another
crease linearly with the number of escaped beads, which Langevin model 关17兴. Some of the authors therein have pub-
gives ␤ = 2. In the limit of small pore friction, relevant for lished results reporting two slopes with different exponents,
solvent-filled pores, ␤ should approach 1 since the polymer instead 关34兴. Their observation of the chain elongation on the
motion is only limited by the dissipation exerted on the cis side is in accord with our previous results and our argu-
beads escaped from the pore. Indeed, performing only micro- ment based on the simple force balance 关20,21兴, similar in
canonical molecular dynamics inside the pore we obtain ␤ nature to the one proposed by Sakaue 关22兴.
close to 1 in dimensions of 2 and 3. Also, it is evident from the results presented here and in
Finally, we compare forced and unforced translocation in 关20,21兴 that the pore plays a central role in polymer translo-
terms of the mean-squared displacement of the translocating cation. Our pore model is a homogeneous cylinder whereas
polymer. In the case of forced translocation, the polymer is others 关17,35兴 have used a wall of immobile 共pointlike兲 par-
placed initially on the cis side, so that only the first beads are ticles through which the pore is implemented by removing a
inside the pore 关see Fig. 1共b兲兴. We have estimated that f = 1, single particle. The latter implementation of the pore does
at which we already observed clear out-of-equilibrium char- not result in a homogeneous pore potential. The properties of
acteristics, for ssDNA corresponds to a total pore force of the pore clearly have substantial contribution in the forced
about 1.6 pN, which is clearly smaller than experimental but not in the unforced translocation, a natural consequence
values 关21兴. The measured 具␦s2共t兲典 for multiple force values of the forced translocation being a highly out-of-equilibrium


process in the biologically and experimentally relevant force to state that the anomalous diffusion behavior evident in the
regime. unforced translocation does not result from heavy-tailed
waiting-time distributions as in some other cases of anoma-
VI. SUMMARY lous dynamics.
The measured mean-squared displacement of the reaction
We have studied unforced translocation in dimensions 2 coordinate s, i.e., the translocated polymer beads, showed
ⱕ d ⱕ 4 with Langevin dynamics 共LD兲 simulations and in 3D subdiffusive dynamics as expected. It was found to scale
with stochastic rotation dynamics 共SRD兲, including hydrody- with time t in the unforced translocation, 具␦s2共t兲典 ⬃ t␣. The
namics with a finite Reynolds number. We have reflected the effect of hydrodynamics on this observable was more pro-
results against processes of forced translocation and a poly- nounced than on the scaling of translocation time with the
mer escaping from an infinite pore. polymer length. Here, 具␦s2共t兲典, which was smaller when hy-
First, we validated our continuous pore and wall model by drodynamics was included, is a direct measure of fluctua-
studying the dependence of translocation time ␶ with poly- tions in the translocation process. These fluctuations are re-
mer length N in unforced translocation. We obtained scaling duced through long-range correlations supported by
␶ ⬃ N␤ for d 苸 2 , 3 , 4 with LD and for 3D with hydrodynam- hydrodynamics. We observed this reduction in fluctuations
ics using SRD. In dimension of 2 we obtained the scaling by hydrodynamics also through the distributions of average
exponent ␤ = 2.55⫾ 0.05. In 3D we got ␤ = 2.33⫾ 0.05 and transition times.
␤ = 2.30⫾ 0.07 without and with hydrodynamics, respec- To gain understanding on the translocation process we
tively. Our pore design allowed us to investigate the relation briefly investigated a simplified model where a polymer es-
between ␶ and N in 4D, where we obtained ␤ = 2.26⫾ 0.05. capes from an infinite pore. We established that the scaling
The obtained values for the scaling exponents are in obtained for this process is insensitive to the dimension of
agreement with the reasonably well established values ob- the space into which the polymer is ejected, which corre-
tained from simulations using wall and pore implementations sponds to the trans side in the standard translocation. From
based on immobile pointlike particles. These particles give this we conclude that the arguments based on the transloca-
rise to pore potentials curved around the pore opening. This tion time being determined by the initial configuration and
validates our pore design and also strongly suggests that the the dynamics of the polymer on the cis side are indeed jus-
scaling exponents for unforced translocation are universal in tified, the trans side modifying it substantially only when the
contrast to those for forced translocation which are highly polymer is driven out of equilibrium during the process,
force and model dependent. From the scaling obtained in 4D which is the case in forced translocation. Through the simple
we were able to exclude a suggested lower-limit argument pore escape model we also showed the significance of pore
for ␤ and confirm the one presented in 关9兴, ␤ ⱖ 2␯ + 1. Hy- friction.
drodynamics, although speeding up unforced translocation, Lastly, we compared forced and unforced translocations
was seen not to have an appreciable effect on unforced trans- through the mean-squared displacements from the simula-
location time scaling with N, again in stark contrast with tions. In contrast to the unforced translocation, 具␦s2共t兲典 ob-
forced translocation 关21兴. In accordance with this, the pore tained for the forced translocation does not scale with respect
being filled with solvent or not was seen not to have an effect to time t. This is another indication that the scaling expo-
on unforced translocation, when hydrodynamics was in- nents in forced translocation change with respect to force and
cluded. the used model. Also, the square of the mean displacements,
By extracting transfer probabilities as a function of trans- 具␦s共t兲典2, was seen to become increasingly aligned with the
located beads from our unforced translocation simulations, mean-squared displacement as the force was increased,
we found out that they agreed well with those obtained from which is in agreement with the argued force balance govern-
equilibrium theory 关24,25兴 in 3D. However, the probabilities ing the process at this biologically relevant force regime.
from our simulations deviated from the theoretical probabili- This distinctively shows the more deterministic out-of-
ties in 2D. This was addressed to the translocating polymer equilibrium dynamics of the forced translocation compared
being more prone to be out of equilibrium in 2D than in 3D, with the purely stochastic dynamics of the unforced translo-
which we verified by measuring the relaxation and translo- cation, shown here to take place essentially in, or very close
cation times from our simulations. to, thermal equilibrium.
Distributions of average transition times between conse-
quent system states from our simulations proved to be ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
closely Poissonian. We observed small deviation only at
small time intervals, i.e., at large translocation velocities, This work was supported by the Academy of Finland
where the effect of consequently translocating particles being 共Project No. 127766兲. The computational resources of
connected to each other should most clearly be seen. It is fair CSC-IT Centre for Science, Finland, are acknowledged.


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