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Suppressing photo-oxidation of non-fullerene

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acceptors and their blends in organic solar cells by
25088 exploring material design and employing friendly
Jing Guo,a Yao Wu,a Rui Sun,a Wei Wang,a Jie Guo,a Qiang Wu,a Xiaofeng Tang,b
Chenkai Sun,c Zhenghui Luo,d Kai Chang,d Zhuohan Zhang,e Jun Yuan,f Tengfei Li,g
Weihua Tang, e Erjun Zhou, h Zuo Xiao, i Liming Ding, i Yingping Zou, f
Xiaowei Zhan, g Chuluo Yang, d Zhen Li, d Christoph J. Brabec,b
Yongfang Li c and Jie Min *a

In addition to a high power conversion efficiency, ambient stability is another impact factor for the
successful commercialization of organic solar cells (OSCs). Understanding the role of photovoltaic
materials is the key to address this challenge, but no such studies have been systematically performed
on non-fullerene acceptors (NFAs). In this work, we firstly investigate the role of NFA photo-oxidation in
device degradation. Relevant investigation of physical dynamics underlines the effects on the device
performance for NFA photo-oxidation acting as trap states in exposed blends. In addition, taking ITIC as
an example, we shed some light on the possible mechanisms of NFA photo-oxidation, which cannot be
eliminated by relevant strategies and principles of material design. These results drive us to further
investigate the photobleaching rates of thirty-three NFAs, including fused-ring electron acceptors and
perylene diimide acceptor derivatives. Surprisingly, most of them show a higher optical density loss as
Received 9th September 2019
Accepted 10th October 2019
compared to their fullerene-based counterparts. In view of relevant comparative analysis in the
Discussion section, we further propose some design strategies to improve the photo-oxidation stability
DOI: 10.1039/c9ta09961a
of NFAs. More importantly, we also find a stabilizer (namely nickel chelate S6) that can effectively suppress the photo-oxidation of NFAs and their blends and thus improve the ambient stability of OSCs.

1. Introduction
The Institute for Advanced Studies, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China. E-mail:
As an important source of renewable energy for a sustainable
Institute of Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology (I-MEET), Friedrich- future, thin lm solution processed bulk heterojunction (BHJ)
Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Martensstraße 7, 91058 Erlangen, organic solar cells (OSCs) have received signicant attention
Germany over the last decade due to their unique advantages for
commercial application, such as low cost, light-weight, exi-
Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular Sciences, CAS Key Laboratory of Organic
Solids, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100190 Beijing, China
bility and easy mass manufacture.1–4 Tremendous progress have
Hubei Key Lab on Organic and Polymeric Optoelectronic Materials, Department of
been achieved to boost the power conversion efficiencies (PCEs)
Chemistry, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
School of Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology,
of OSCs increasing from 9% to over 15% in these few years,5–10
Nanjing 210094, China primarily due to the recent development of a range of high
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Central South University, Changsha performance fused-ring electron acceptor (FREA) materials
410083, China like 2,20 -((2Z,20 Z)-((4,4,9,9-tetrahexyl-4,9-dihydro-s-indaceno
[1,2-b:5,6-b0 ]dithiophene-2,7-diyl)bis(methanylylidene))bis(3-oxo-
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Key
Laboratory of Polymer Chemistry and Physics of Ministry of Education, Peking
2,3-dihydro-1H-indene-2,1-diylidene))dimalononitrile (IDIC),11,12 3,9-
University, Beijing 100871, China
Henan Institutes of Advanced Technology, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450003,
China rakis(4-hexylphenyl)-dithieno[2,3-d:20 ,30 -d0 ]-s-indaceno[1,2-b:5,6-b0 ]
Center for Excellence in Nanoscience (CAS), Key Laboratory of Nanosystem and dithiophene (ITIC),13 3,9-bis(2-methylene-((3-(1,1-dicyano-
Hierarchical Fabrication (CAS), National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, methylene)-6,7-diuoro)-indanone))-5,5,11,11-tetrakis(4-hex-
Beijing 100190, China ylphenyl)-dithieno[2,3-d:20 ,30 -d0 ]-s-indaceno[1,2-b:5,6-b0 ]dithiophene
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: (IT-4F),14 5Z,50 Z)-5,50 -(((4,4,9,9-tetraoctyl-4,9-dihydro-s-indaceno[1,2-

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b:5,6-b0 ]dithiophene-2,7-diyl)bis(benzo[c][1,2,5]thiadiazole-7,4-diyl)) the analysis of the photostability of planar O-IDTBR and

bis-(methanylylidene))bis(3-ethyl-2-thioxothiazolidin-4-one (O- nonplanar O-IDFBR.28 However, the studies regarding the
IDTBR),15 and 2,20 -((2Z,20 Z)-((12,13-bis(2-ethylhexyl)-3,9-diun- photo-oxidative stability of NFAs are lagging far behind their
decyl-12,13-dihydro-[1,2,5]thiadiazolo[3,4-e]thieno[2,00 300 :40 ,50 ] fullerene-based counterparts even though their positive thermal
thieno[20 ,30 :4,5]pyrrolo[3,2-g]thieno[20 ,30 :4,5]thieno[3,2-b]indole- stability and photo-stability have been highlighted.1,6,36–42 On
2,10-diyl)bis(me-thanylylidene))bis(5,6-diuoro-3-oxo-2,3-dihydro- one hand, the electronic properties of photo-oxidized NFAs and
1H-indene-2,1-diylidene))dima-lononitrile (Y6).7 Since their their inuence on device performance and fundamental physics
Published on 10 10 2019. Downloaded by Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS) on 2021/05/27 7:10:11.

current PCEs are close to the theoretical value of device effi- are poorly understood. On the other hand, strategies to effec-
ciency,16 the main Achilles heel is their limited operational tively improve the photo-oxygen stability of materials and their
stability.17–20 blends need to be further explored.28
The potential degradation routes of OSCs are manifold, and Herein, we focus our endeavor to tentatively solve these two
some even deviate directly from their working principles. For questions as pointed out above. We rstly used the classical
instance, Heumueller et al. demonstrated that amorphous NFAs, including IDIC, ITIC, IT-4F, O-IDTBR and Y6, to analyze
polymers generally lead to an open-circuit voltage (Voc) loss in their photo-oxidation stability in OSCs based on two common
devices measured under illumination, resulting in burn-in polymers as donors, including poly[(4,8-bis(5-(tripropylsilyl)thi-
degradation caused by light-induced traps.19,21 Meanwhile, they ophen-2-yl)benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b0 ]dithiophene)-co-(5,6-diuoro-2-
found that the electron affinity of fullerene derivatives can (2-hexyldecyl)-4,7-di(thiophen-2-yl)-2H-benzo[d][1,2,3]triazole)]
dramatically inuence the rate of irreversible polymer photo- (J71)43 and poly[(2,6-(4,8-bis(5-(2-ethylhexyl)thiophen-2-yl)-
bleaching in blend lms.22 In addition, the optimized BHJ benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b0 ]dithiophene))-alt-(5,5-(10 ,30 -di-2-thienyl-50 ,70 -
morphology generally is not in thermodynamic equilibrium, bis(2-ethylhexyl)benzo[10 ,20 -c:40 ,50 -c0 ]dithiophene-4,8-dione))]
and their photo-stability and thermal stability issues cannot be (PBDB-T).44 Surprisingly, the photo-oxidation stability of these
solved completely.23,24 Besides, in most cases organic semi- FREAs in devices is inferior to that of [6,6]-phenyl-C71-butyric
conducting materials can be easily photobleached in the pres- acid methyl ester (PC71BM) with the exception of a Y6 based
ence of molecular oxygen, while their photo-oxidation generally blend. Taking ITIC as an example, we systematically investigated
proceeds by radical mechanisms, thus resulting in irreversible the degradation of a J71:ITIC blend when exposed to light in air.
chemical reactions.18,25–29 In reality, in order to take full advan- Furthermore, we discussed the impact of photo-oxidized ITIC on
tage of the cost reductions of OSCs from roll-to-roll printing, the corresponding blend morphology and its fundamental
devices need to be fabricated under illumination in air and also physics. The relationship and difference between ITIC and
be made on inexpensive exible substrates. However, on one PC71BM in the photo-oxidation reaction mechanisms are also
hand, the environmental factors in the fabricating process will analyzed. In the subsequent Discussion section, by introducing
unavoidably degrade the photovoltaic materials and their solar thirty-three NFAs, we systematically analyze the correlation
modules. On the other hand, although commercial exible between the material structure and photobleaching rate, and
substrates such as poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) and provide some design strategies for improving the photo-oxida-
poly(ethylene naphthalate) (PEN) provide a sufficient barrier tion stability of NFAs. Importantly, by introducing six functional
layer to oxygen, their oxygen transmission rates are several stabilizers as stabilizing additives, we nd an effective and
orders of magnitude larger than the recommended trans- universal approach to improve the photo-oxidation stability of
mission requirements for OSCs of 103 cm3 m2 day1 atm1.20 NFAs and their blends, thereby alleviating the above-mentioned
Thus, enhancement of the inherent stability of photovoltaic cost of barrier materials and relevant technical requirements.
materials, as a signicant challenge for chemists and materials
scientists, can not only reduce the air permeability require- 2. Results and discussion
ments and encapsulation cost but also prolong the service life of
devices. Actually, this challenge is no less important than the Impact of photo-oxidation of electron acceptors on device
further improvement of the device efficiency and photo-thermal performance
stability of photoactive layers. The OSCs in this study were constructed with a conventional
Many studies show that photo-oxidative degradation gener- architecture. Solution-processed poly(3,4-ethyl-
ally results in breaking of polymer chains, forms the chemical enedioxythiophene):poly(styrene-sulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) and
defects of photovoltaic materials, reduces the molecular weight a perylene diimide derivative (PDINO) were employed as hole
of polymers, causes deterioration of mechanical properties, and and electron transporting layers, respectively. The active layers
thus leads to rapid deterioration of device performance.18,27,30–33 are composed of donor polymer J71, blended with ve different
In addition, under UV or visible illumination in air, [6,6]- FREAs (including ITIC, IDIC, IT-4F, O-IDTBR and Y6), respec-
phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) and other fullerene tively, see Fig. 1A. In order to highlight the inuence of photo-
derivatives have been shown to undergo photo-oxidation reac- oxidation of FREAs, PC71BM as their fullerene counterpart has
tions with two most commonly observed products of photo- been introduced. We rstly investigated the device performance
oxidation, epoxide and carbonyl, on the fullerene cage,22,27,33 of J71:FREA solar cells under AM 1.5G illumination, while the
which can severely deteriorate the electronic properties of normalized PCEs of J71:FREA blends degraded in dry air as
OSCs.17,20,34,35 In non-fullerene acceptors (NFAs), Luke et al. a function of exposure time are depicted in Fig. 1B. As compared
recently reported a three-phase degradation process based on to the device performance of the J71:PC71BM blend lm when

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Fig. 1 Molecule and device architectures as well as impact of photo-oxidation of different FREAs on device behaviors. (A) The investigated
polymer J71, fullerene PC71BM and non-fullerene acceptors, including ITIC, IDIC, IT-4F, O-IDTBR and Y6; (B) normalized PCE of J71 devices
based on degraded BHJ blends as a function of illumination time. (C) Schematic device architecture of solar cells as well as photo-oxidation
process of FREA based BHJ and LbL blends. (D) Normalized PCE of J71:ITIC devices processed with BHJ and LbL structures. There are two
differently processed LbL films: one is illuminating the J71/ITIC film before electrode deposition, and the other is illuminating the J71 film before
ITIC deposition. (E) Current density–voltage (J–V) characteristics of J71:ITIC devices, when their blends were exposed to air for different time
scales, illuminated under simulated AM1.5G illumination. (F) Normalized PCEs as a function of photo-oxidized ITIC (O-ITIC) fraction for degraded
J71:ITIC devices and pre-degraded ITIC devices.

exposed to oxygen, we were surprised to see that those of FREA inverted architecture of ITO/ZnO/J71:ITIC/MoO3/Ag, respec-
based devices with the exception of the J71:Y6 system exhibited tively. The normalized PCEs of J71:ITIC devices based on active
faster degradation over the time interval as compared to that of layers degraded with increasing exposure time using different
the J71:PC71BM blend. Similar to these results, the solar cells interlayers are plotted in Fig. S3 in the ESI.† Note that the PCEs
based on PBDB-T blended with four FREAs also exhibited of the fresh solar cells using PEDOT:PSS and MoO3 based
obvious PCE losses when its BHJ blends were exposed to conventional structures, and ZnO based inverted structure are
ambient conditions (Fig. S1, ESI†). Furthermore, we extended 11.26%, 5.04%, and 10.37%, respectively. Obviously, the trends
our studies by blending ITIC with two other polymer donors of degradation in the corresponding solar cells are identical to
PTQ10 and P3HT, which were applied to construct a stable that of conventional devices. Thus, in order to further clarify the
photovoltaic system. Aer 30 minutes of exposure to light and effects or respective contributions of donor materials and NFAs
air, the photovoltaic performance of the corresponding aged to device attenuation, we investigated the PCEs of J71:ITIC
blends decreased dramatically (Fig. S2, ESI†). It should be noted devices processed with layer-by-layer (LbL) structures as depic-
that the ambient temperature was controlled below 30  C ted in Fig. 1C, which exhibit comparable device efficiencies with
during the illumination of the lms. BHJ solar cells (Fig. S4, ESI†). Note that there are two different
In order to verify whether the photo-oxidation of NFAs is the photo-oxidation LbL device fabrication processes: one is photo-
main reason of the attenuation of device performance, taking oxidation of the J71 layer prior to ITIC layer deposition, and
ITIC as an example we comprehensively compared the above- then deposition of the fresh ITIC layer for device fabrication; the
mentioned results with those of similar experiments using the other is deposition of J71 and ITIC in sequence, and then
conventional structure of ITO/MoO3/J71:ITIC/PDINO/Al and the exposure of the fresh J71/ITIC LbL lm to light in air with ITIC

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enriched on the surface.45 As presented in Fig. 1D, the J71/aged- only 10 seconds of light exposure, while its PCE was lost by ca.
ITIC LbL lm exhibits worse stability than the aged-J71/ITIC 70% within 1 minute of light exposure, and by more than 90%
LbL lm when exposed to light in air, but shows a similar trend in less than 10 minutes. All of the parameters, including Voc,
of device attenuation to the J71:ITIC BHJ blend as a function of short-circuit current density (Jsc) and ll factor (FF), reduced
illumination time. These results highlight the inuence of ITIC simultaneously. In addition, we applied photo-oxidized ITIC (O-
photo-oxidation on the main degradation in relevant devices. ITIC) that had been photo-oxidized in chlorobenzene (CB)
Besides, in order to identify the role of light or oxygen alone in solution to fabricate the fresh solar cells. The detailed prepa-
Published on 10 10 2019. Downloaded by Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS) on 2021/05/27 7:10:11.

the degradation of device performance, we investigated the ration process can be found in the Experimental section. The
relevant J71:ITIC devices exposed to light in a nitrogen glovebox relevant J–V characteristics of devices with different O-ITIC
for 60 minutes or exposed to dry air in the dark for 60 minutes. fractions are presented in Fig. S7 in the ESI,† and the corre-
Note that the ambient temperature is around 25  C. Both sponding photovoltaic parameters are concluded in Table S3.†
photovoltaic performances of the corresponding solar cells Notably, the J–V characteristics of the active layer blended with
decreased slightly as depicted in Fig. S5,† and the photovoltaic different O-ITIC fractions (Fig. S7, ESI†) and the normalized
performance parameters are listed in Table S1 in the ESI.† PCEs (Fig. 1F) are similar to those of J71:ITIC lms exposed to
Combined with the similar surface morphologies of the inves- ambient conditions as a function of illumination time. Based
tigated blends over the illumination time interval (Fig. S6, ESI†), on these results, it is expected that increased energetic disorder
our results powerfully indicate that the main degradation or defects that result from ITIC photo-oxidation act as trap
process of the J71:ITIC system as well as other FREA systems can states for electrons, which may also cause the main energy loss
be mainly driven by the photo-oxidation of the corresponding discussed in the following section.
acceptor materials.
In order to further clarify the degradation behavior and
mechanisms of NFAs in devices, we again took the J71:ITIC Impact of NFA photo-oxidation on physical dynamics
system as an example. Fig. 1E shows the evolution of the current To gain insight into the effects of ITIC photo-oxidation on the
density–voltage (J–V) characteristics of J71:ITIC solar cells based charge transport, space-charge-limited current (SCLC)
on their active layers exposed to light and oxygen for different measurements were performed on electron-only devices with
time periods, and the corresponding device parameters are the structure ITO/ZnO/J71:ITIC/Ca/Al made from J71:ITIC based
compiled in Table S2 in the ESI.† An overall PCE loss of blends exposed in air for different time periods. Relevant carrier
approximately 50% in the J71:ITIC solar cell can be found aer mobilities in degraded J71:ITIC lms are measured by analyzing
the J–V characteristics of single carrier devices under dark

Fig. 2 Impact of ITIC photo-oxidation on blend film transport and recombination kinetics as well as relevant voltage losses. (A) Carrier transport
properties of blend films as a function of degradation time and the relevant mobilities are calculated by the SCLC method and from photo-CELIV
data. (B) Voc of devices based on different degraded films plotted against light intensity on a logarithmic scale. (C) Second order recombination
coefficient (left) and transient time (right) calculated from time delayed collection field photo-CELIV as a function of degradation time. (D)
Schematic illustrating how the density of electron states may evolve during photo-oxidation. The density of states (DOS) is predicted by charge
extraction measurements. (E) Experimental Voc compared to ideal Voc for devices without DE1(Egap  qECT), DE2(qDVrad,belowoc
), and DE3(-
oc ) energy losses.

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conditions (Fig. S8, ESI†).46 As shown in Fig. 2A top, the current methods are given in ESI Note 3.† As shown in Fig. S11,† TPC
density at a given applied voltage drops signicantly with indicates that degraded devices contain more trapped charges
extending exposure time of BHJ lms under illumination in air. than the fresh ones. Furthermore, in order to obtain indepen-
Here we also investigated the charge carrier mobility m of the dent evidence for this observation, we performed a CE
devices by employing the technique of photoinduced charge measurement, which measured the density of photogenerated
carrier extraction by linearly increasing voltage (photo-CELIV, charges at open circuit. Fig. S12† shows how the CE curves
Fig. S9, ESI†).45,47–49 Although the fresh device shows an average change in response to exposure time periods of blends. The
Published on 10 10 2019. Downloaded by Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS) on 2021/05/27 7:10:11.

mobility value of 1.25  104 cm2 V1 s1 (Fig. 2A bottom), the devices based on the exposed blends consistently display
exposed blends also show the continuous reduction of the total a lower photocurrent in the time interval compared to the fresh
carrier mobility in devices. These results imply a correlation device, which is in accordance with their device performance
between the transport properties of exposed lms and corre- (Fig. 1E). In addition, Fig. S13† suggests that the degraded
sponding photovoltaic performance. Note that details of the devices can reach a lower Voc compared to the fresh one at
measurement techniques in the SCLC and photo-CELIV a given density of photogenerated charges, which is expected
methods are given in Note 1 in the ESI.† because the photooxidative-induced defects or traps can result
In order to analyze the recombination dynamics of exposed in smaller quasi-Fermi level splitting. Thus, these analyses can
blends, we studied the relative recombination losses as a func- prove our hypothesis that the density of electron states may
tion of light intensity and provided the basic knowledge in ESI evolve during photo-oxidation of blends (Fig. 2D). This trend is
Note 2.† The light intensity dependence of Voc of solar cells with also demonstrated by the photo-oxidation of fullerene-based
various exposure time periods of active layers under illumina- active layers.27 Besides, combining transient photovoltage (TPV)
tion intensities ranging from 107 to 2 mW cm2 are plotted in and CE techniques, we are able to determine the charge carrier
Fig. 2B. The gradually increased slope S values from 1.27 kT/q density in relation to the carrier lifetime via the equation (s ¼
for 0 min to 1.96 kT/q for 30 min of Voc of J71:ITIC degraded s0(n0/n)l, where s0 and n0 are constants and l is the so-called
devices imply that the trap-assisted recombination losses are recombination exponent.).50,51 Based on this point, we can
clearly increased. This is also in agreement with the results of calculate the non-geminate recombination order R (R ¼ l + 1) in
light intensity dependence of Voc of J71:ITIC:O-ITIC devices with relevant devices without and with O-ITIC doping, as shown in
various O-ITIC fractions (Fig. S10, ESI†). In addition, photo- Fig. S14 in the ESI.†21,47 The tting of the data yield R ¼ 2.11 for
CELIV measurements with delayed collection elds were the fresh device without O-ITIC doping, indicating a mecha-
employed to further identify the recombination dynamics of nism close to an ideal bimolecular recombination, justied by
relevant degraded blends. The initial density of photogenerated the FF of 71.12% as well as a high PCE of over 11% (Table S3†).
carriers (n(0)) and the effective 2nd order recombination coeffi- In addition, we obtained R ¼ 2.73 for the 0.7% O-ITIC blend and
cient (sB) are calculated by tting the corresponding time- R ¼ 3.47 for the 3.5% O-ITIC blend. The longer carrier lifetimes
nð0Þ at xed charge density existed in the O-ITIC based solar cells are
dependence of the charge carrier density (nðtÞ ¼  t g ,
associated with the more bulk traps as compared to the fresh

sB J71:ITIC solar cells.
where g is the time-independent parameter.).45,46 Moreover, the Here we further investigated the electroluminescence (EL)
transient time (ttr) by using a formula (ttr ¼ d2/mV, ttr ¼ d2/mV spectra and the EQEPV (the spectral photovoltaic external
where d is the lm thickness) was also analyzed.48 Thus, a deep quantum efficiency) using Fourier-transform photocurrent
insight is gained by analyzing sB in parallel to ttr, as these two spectroscopy (FTPS) measurements on a series of J71:ITIC
material parameters are independent of each other. As pre- devices, which were exposed to light and air for various time
sented in Fig. 2C, it can be concluded that the gradually periods. The introduction of energy losses in devices and rela-
extended exposure time periods resulted in the increased 2nd tive logic formula and methodology are also presented in ESI
order recombination coefficient and transient time in relevant Note 4.† Details of the measurement results are given in Fig. S15
devices based on blends exposed to light in air. These ndings and S16.† The voltage loss DVoc due to radiative and non-
further underpin the role of photo-oxidative ITIC acting as radiative recombination (Fig. S15a, ESI†) can be described with
a trap existing in blends, where the increased exposure time the following equation: qDV ¼ DE1 + DE2 + DE3 ¼ (Egap  qECT) +
periods lead to generation of a more defect-rich microstructure. qDVrad,below
+ qDVnon-rad
oc .52 Furthermore, Table S4† summa-
In order to probe the effect of ITIC photo-oxidation on rizes the values measured and calculated from FTPS and EL
performance degradation with respect to energetic losses and measurements, and Fig. 2E presents the contributions to Voc
understand the origin of the Voc reductions in relevant devices losses regarding the difference and relationship of the optical
based on photo-oxidized blends, we turn our attention to band (Egap), CT state, Voc and the three terms of energy losses. In
characterizing trap states. Transient photocurrent (TPC) and general, the difference between the resulting radiative-limit
charge extraction (CE) techniques provide an estimate of the Voc,rad and the measured Voc can be assigned to non-radiative
distribution of trapped charges in the density of states (DOS) of recombination losses (DVoc,non-rad). The relative size of the
the semiconductor. Mobile charges generally leave the device DVoc,non-rad component for solar cells with different exposure
immediately while trapped charges leave the device more slowly time periods should reect the degree of non-radiative recom-
and thus contribute to the current at longer times. Note that bination in blends. It can be found that the main energy losses
details of the measurement techniques in the TPC and CE due to non-radiative recombination signicantly increase with

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extending exposure time interval. As expected, the voltage losses reduce absorption as appreciably. Notably, the absorption
measured by the FTPS technique are mirrored in the carrier reduction caused by photo-oxidation of NFAs cannot directly
transport properties and carrier recombination lifetime. Over- explain the respective amount of irreversible performance
all, the results of the charge transport and recombination reduction in OSCs. Due to the different electron affinity of
dynamic analysis as well as the discussion of energy losses in photovoltaic materials, the photochemical reactions of acceptor
relevant devices underline the effects of NFA photo-oxidation materials are slightly different with the photo-degradation
acting as trap states in exposed blends on device performance. processes of their blends.34 These results suggest that the
Published on 10 10 2019. Downloaded by Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS) on 2021/05/27 7:10:11.

molecular structure of ITIC could provide more active photo-

oxidation reaction sites, such as the double bond between the
Possible mechanisms of NFA photo-oxidation donor and acceptor units, the double bond on thiophene or
Taking ITIC as an example, here we shed some light on the bithiophene outlying central building blocks, side chains of
possible mechanisms of NFA photo-oxidation, and compared donor units and so on, as depicted in Fig. 3F. Moreover, it is not
them with that of fullerene derivatives (e.g. PC71BM), as depic- possible to clear out the whole photochemical reactions in such
ted in Fig. 3. Fig. 3A shows the matrix-assisted laser desorption/ a very complicated situation. Thus, theoretical principles and
ionization time-of-ight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry effective approaches for designing new NFAs and suppressing
spectra of a neat ITIC lm aer 10 h exposure to light in air. It photo-oxidation of NFAs and their blends are very important
can be easily found that photo-oxidized ITIC species (with up to and urgent, which will be discussed in the following section.
4 oxygen atoms) in the exposed ITIC lm were formed. The
investigated photo-oxidized species is also found by using FTIR 3. Discussion
absorption spectra of the degraded ITIC lm, which show
a dramatic appearance of hydroxyl and carbonyl groups around Suppressing photo-oxidation of NFAs via material design
3500–3000 cm1 and 1700 cm1 (Fig. 3B), respectively. In In order to nd effective strategies to improve the photo-
addition, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measure- oxidation stability of NFAs, we select thirty-ve acceptors,
ments show that there is an obvious increase of the carbon– including thirty-three NFAs and two fullerene derivatives
oxygen (C–O) bond in surface compositions aer 10 h illumi- (PCBM and PC71BM) for comparison, as depicted in Fig. 4A. The
nation (Fig. 3C). An analysis of the C–O bond areas reveals that provenances of materials are provided in Table S5 in the ESI.†
a total of 15.3% photo-oxidized ITIC (O-ITIC) was found in the Thin lms of acceptor materials on quartz were made by spin-
relevant ITIC lm. A similar trend in the J71:ITIC blend is also coating from solution and the UV-visible absorption spectrum
found as shown in Fig. S17 in the ESI.† This result indicates that of each lm was measured at various time periods during
oxygen atoms are chemically attached to the ITIC under illu- continuous illumination with a xenon arc lamp exposed to an
mination in air, thus resulting in a dramatic structural change ambient atmosphere. The lamp provides an illumination
upon photo-oxidation.18,26,33 Besides, chemical processes related intensity of 100 mW cm2 (one sun illumination) and a spec-
to degradation may lead to a reduction of average molar mass trum that contains a wide spectral range from 300 to 1100 nm
due to macromolecular chain bond scission. Fig. 3A also shows and has a close spectral match with the AM 1.5G spectrum over
some pieces of broken molecules like the breaking of the cyano the visible wavelengths (Fig. S18, ESI†). In this work, we used
group in acceptor units and the rupture of end groups. This three different lms for each component to study its photo-
phenomenon is also demonstrated by the FTIR absorption oxidation behavior. The lms of NFAs and fullerene derivatives
spectra. During irradiation of the pristine ITIC, the intensity of were found to photo-bleach at substantially different rates
signals in FTIR absorption spectra related to CH2 at 2929 cm1 varying from minutes to days. The time evolution of relevant
(nas) and 2846 cm1 (ns), C^N at about 2216 cm1, and C]C at pristine lm absorption is shown in Fig. S19a–S53a in the ESI.†
1536 cm1 and 1395 cm1 groups, shown in Fig. 3B, immedi- The normalized optical density loss per hour was calculated for
ately starts to decrease which is related to the destruction of the each component by tting the initial slope of the decay in the
p-conjugated system of ITIC.26 This phenomenon should be lm absorption maxima, normalized by the initial peak
identical to the photo-oxidation behavior of other NFAs. absorption before aging (Fig. S19b–S53b, ESI†). Note that the
Chemical processes related to degradation leads to a reduc- time period corresponding to the 20% loss in optical density
tion of average molar mass due to macromolecular chain bond was used for the t. As a result, Fig. 4B provides the photo-
scission. This reminds us to further investigate and discuss the bleaching rates of NFAs and fullerene derivatives. It is found
differences and relationships between fullerene derivatives and that the photo-bleaching rates of the investigated NFAs with the
NFAs. Fig. 3D exhibits photographs of photo-oxidized ITIC and exception of IDIC-4F,53 IDIC-4Cl,53 O-IDTBR and l-IDTBTRh54
PC71BM pristine lms upon different times of exposure, while are slower than those of PCBM and PC71BM.
Fig. 3E shows the absorption spectra of photo-oxidized ITIC and It is well known that the amounts of NFAs, which contain ve
PC71BM lms. As compared to the PC71BM lm, the absorption key constituent components including donor units, acceptor
peak of ITIC signicantly decreases in intensity and blue-shif- units, conjugated bridges, side chains, and heteroatom substi-
ted aer a period of exposure to light in air. It is attributed to tutions, have been developed to tune the blend morphology and
a loss in conjugation along the molecular backbone supported improve the optoelectronic properties.55–60 Based on this view,
by the MALDI-TOF and FTIR measurements. In contrast, the differences of photo-bleaching rates in these NFAs pre-
oxidation of the fullerene cage is not expected to obviously sented in Fig. 4B can also provide some promising inspiration

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Fig. 3 The analysis of possible chemical reactions of NFA photo-oxidation. (A) Negative ion mode MALDI-TOF measurement of the neat ITIC film
degraded under one sun in dry air for 10 hours. (B) FTIR spectra of fresh and aged ITIC films with different exposure durations under one sun illu-
mination in dry air (range: wavenumber from 4000 cm1 to 400 cm1). (C) XPS O(1s) spectrum of fresh pristine ITIC films before and after 10 h
exposure to light in air. (D) Photographs of photo-oxidized ITIC and PC71BM pristine films upon different times of exposure. (E) UV-visible spectra of
photo-oxidized ITIC and PC71BM pristine films upon different times of exposure. (F) The primary photo-oxidation reaction sites of ITIC and PC71BM.

for NFA design. From this perspective, we also analyze and FOIC61 and their derivatives based on different end groups
summarize how to improve the photo-oxidation stability of (Fig. S54, ESI†) can be systematically investigated. By comparing
NFAs via material design. In the acceptor units, IDIC, ITIC, IDIC-4F and IDIC-4Cl, IT-4F and IT-4Cl,62 and F8IC63 and C8IC,64

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Fig. 4 The Investigated non-fullerene and fullerene acceptors as well as their photo-bleaching rate. (A) Molecular structures of the investigated
acceptors. (B) Photo-bleaching rate of acceptor materials, including non-fullerene acceptors and fullerene derivatives.

we nd that the NFAs based on chlorine-substituted end groups indicating that methyl-INCN, dimethyl-INCN, and thiophene-
are much more stable than uorine-substituted acceptor units fused end groups (CPTCN) as well as methyl-CPTCN and Cl-
in FREAs. Moreover, 3,9-bis(2-methylene-(5&6-methyl-(3-(1,1- CPTCN may not be able to enhance the photo-oxidation
dicyanomethylene))-indanone))-5,5,11,11-tetrakis(4-hexylphenyl)- stability of FREAs. This conclusion is also demonstrated by the
dithieno[2,3-d:20 ,30 -d0 ]-s-indaceno[1,2-b:5,6-b0 ]-dithiophene (IT- FOIC, F8IC and T8IC acceptors based on larger fused-rings,
M),65 IT-DM,65 3,9-bis(4-(1,1-dicyanomethylene)-3-methylene-2- which show a similar trend of the photo-bleaching rate.
oxo-cyclopenta[b]thiophen)-5,5,11,11-tetrakis(4-hexylphenyl)- Besides, O-IDTBR based on two dual acceptor units, including
dithieno[2,3-d0 :2,3-d0 ]-s-indaceno[1,2-b:5,6-b0 ]-dithiophene (ITCC),66 an ethyl-rhodanine unit and a benzothiadiazole unit, is more
ITTC67 and 3,9-bis(2-methylene-(3-(1,1-dicyanomethylene)-cyclo- stable than IDIC based on INCN as the end group. Surpris-
pentane-1,3-dione[c]-1-methyl-thiophe))-5,5,11,11-tetrakis(4-hex- ingly, 2,20 -((2Z,20 Z)-((12,13-bis(2-ethylhexyl)-3,9-diundecyl-
ylphenyl)-dithieno[2,3-d:20 ,30 -d0 ]-s-indaceno-[1,2-b:5,6-b0 ]-dithio- 12,13-dihydro[1,2,5]thiadiazolo[3,4e]thieno [200 ,300 :40 ,50 ]thieno
phene (MeIC)10 have the same order of magnitude of the photo- [20 ,30 :4,5]pyrrolo[3,2-g]thieno[20 ,30 :4,5]thieno[3,2-b]indole-2,10-
bleaching rate as ITIC based on 2-(3-oxo-2,3-dihydroinden-1- diyl)bis(methanylyli-dene))bis(3-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indene-2,1-
ylidene)malononitrile (INCN) units as end-capping groups, diylidene))dimalononitrile (Y5)68 without F atom substitutions

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shows a slightly lower optical density loss than Y6 with F-sub- oxidization stability of relevant NFAs.75 Overall, our results
stituted INCN units, probably due to the different absorption indicate that ne-tuning and isomerization of the molecular
spectra resulting in a difference in the number of photons structure can effectively improve the photo-oxidation stability of
absorbed in relevant lms. In the donor units, the photo- NFAs, which is relatively unfamiliar in previous studies.
bleaching rate of IHIC69 based on six-fused rings as the core is
about one order lower than that of ITIC based on seven-fused
rings as the core. However, by comparing IT-4F and F8IC, IT-4Cl Suppressing photo-oxidation of NFAs via introducing
Published on 10 10 2019. Downloaded by Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS) on 2021/05/27 7:10:11.

and C8IC, and ITTC and T8IC with the same fused-ring struc- stabilizers
ture, we nd that extending the core from seven- to eight-fused Considering the results and analysis of optical density loss of
rings can improve the stability of FREAs. However, in the per- FREAs in the previous sections, it's very difficult to gure out the
ylene diimide (PDI) acceptor derivatives the thiophene based whole reaction routes due to multiple photo-degradation by-
PDI molecule is more stable than PDI NFAs based on benzo- products on one hand. On the other hand, the photochemical
dithiophene (BDT) units as cores. Interestingly, introducing processes not only include the photo-oxidation reaction, but
pyrene-fused units into PDI acceptor derivatives can effectively also under the same conditions trigger various chemical reac-
weaken the difference of photo-oxidation rates between thio- tions without oxygen participation, including the breaking of
phene-based and BDT-based PDI acceptors. Besides, some chemical bonds via light absorption,20 photo-induced side
FREAs based on special cores, including COi8DFIC,60 Y6, and chain rearrangement (like the photo-Fires reaction),26 chain
INPIC-4F,70 also show a faster photo-oxidation rate than their scission, crosslinking, etc.35,76 Thus, objectively speaking, it will
fullerene counterparts (Fig. 4B). Despite, the above-mentioned become very difficult to solve the photo-oxidation issues
results suggest that replacing common central building blocks through material design.
with other units with stronger electron-donating ability is an Here we focus our endeavor to choose some common
useful way to suppress photo-bleaching of FREAs. stabilizers in anticipation of their abilities to inhibit photo-
Fine-tuning of the molecular structure, which in some oxidation of NFAs and their blends. Fig. 5A shows the molecular
cases resulted in huge differences in device performance, can structures of small molecule stabilizers, which are commer-
also greatly change the photo-oxidation rate of the acceptor cially available stabilizing additives for increasing the longevity
materials. In the alkyl side chains or end chains, for example, of industrial products. Generally, their stabilization mecha-
l-IDTBTRh based on alkoxybenzene units as side chains is nisms are fully understood in biology and food industries; here
more stable than the octyl-substituted O-IDTBR molecule. In we selected six different stabilizers including hydroperoxide
addition, the photo-bleaching rate of alkylthiophene- decomposers (2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinooxy (S1) and
substituted 3,9-bis(2-methylene-(3-(1,1-dicyanomethylene)- tris(2,4-di-ter-butylphenyl)phosphite (S3)),77,78 singlet and/or
indanone))-5,5,11,11-tetrakis(4-hexylthienyl)-dithieno[2,3-d:20 ,30 - triplet quenchers (zinc dibutyldithiocarbamate (S5) and nickel
d0 ]-s-indaceno[1,2-b:5,6-b0 ]-dithiophene (ITIC-Th)71 is slightly dibutyldithiocarbamate (S6)),79,80 free-radical scavengers (S6)81
higher than that of alkylbenzene-substituted ITIC. Importantly, and single oxygen quenchers (2,6-di-t-butyl-4-methylphenol
by introducing terminal hexyl chains into thieno[3,2-b]thio- (S2), pentaerythrityl tetrakis[3-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxypheny)
phene (TT) moieties of the indacenodithieno[3,2-b]thiophene propionate] (S4) and S6).82,83 Fig. 5B depicts the autoxidation
(IDTT) core, the corresponding ITC6-IC72 shows a lower optical cycle of NFAs and their primary reactive sites as discussed in
density loss, probably due to the increased steric hindrance of Fig. 3F as well as the points of attack of stabilizing additives. As
the double bond between the donor and acceptor units in expected, the successful application of these stabilizers in other
FREAs.32,55 Notably, the differences of photo-bleaching rates elds served as motivation to elucidate whether these stabi-
between IT-4Cl without octyl-substitutions and NCBDT-4Cl73 lizers could also be employed to suppress photo-oxidation
with octyl substitutions attached to the benzene-ring of the IDTT reactions of NFAs. Continuing with the ITIC as an example, we
core are not obvious. In these few years, more and more atten- further analyzed the effects of these stabilizers on the photo-
tion has also been paid to the isomerization design of NFAs.54 aging behavior of continuously irradiated ITIC lms blended
Here we also nd that the isomers of FREAs can signicantly with 2 wt% stabilizers S1–S6. As shown in Fig. 5C, as compared
make a difference in photo-oxidation stability, like ITTC and to the pristine ITIC lm, the additive doped ITIC lms are more
ITCNTC74 acceptors. Much to our surprise, the geometric shape stable. Among these six stabilizers, S6 as a nickel chelate is the
of the angular indaceno[2,1-b:6,5-b0 ]dithiophene (a-IDT) and best quencher of reactive oxygen species (ROS), probably due to
linear IDT (l-IDT) subunits (a-IDTBTRh and l-IDTBTRh) can play a low oxidation potential (Eox ¼ 74 mV vs. Fc/Fc+).84 Fig. 5D
a pivotal role in governing the photo-oxidation stability with shows the changes of absorption spectra in the exposed ITIC
a photo-bleaching rate of 287% for a-IDTBTRh and a photo- lms without and with 2 wt% S6, and Fig. 5E provides the
bleaching rate of 0.04% for l-IDTBTRh, approximately four degradation kinetics of the ITIC lm as a function of the weight
orders of magnitude difference. Note that a-IDT is an analog of l- fraction of S6. Aer 6 h exposure to light and air, a plain ITIC
IDT via intramolecular annulation, in which the central phenyl lm photo-bleaches by about 80%, while under the same
ring was linked to the b-position of the thiophene ring but fused conditions lms containing 10 and 20 wt% S6 photo-bleach to
on its a-position. Further research based on these two isomers is a much lesser extent. In addition, Fig. 5F exhibits the photo-
underway. It should be also noted that applying non-fused graphs of photo-oxidized ITIC lms upon different times of
electron structures is another strategy to improve the photo- exposure in air without and with 2 wt% S6. Since

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Fig. 5 Suppressing photo-oxidation of NFAs and their blends as well as relevant devices through stabilizers. (A) The chemical structures of the
stabilizers studied in this work. (B) Autoxidation cycle of NFAs and points of attack of stabilizing additives (ROS: reactive oxygen species; RH:
pristine NFA; R*: carbon centered radical formed by H-abstraction; H-donor: pristine polymer donor). The reactive sites mainly include three
parts: alkene based units, cyclopentadiene based units (e.g. thiophene) and alkyl chain based units. The ROS quencher or stabilizers can
effectively inhibit the presence of ROS, and avoid the decomposer of NFAs. In addition, under illumination, free NFA radicals are formed. R* will
quickly react with ground state molecular oxygen, O2, forming chain-initiating, oxygen-centered radicals, which further react to form hydro-
peroxides by hydrogen abstraction and thus open a second cycle.84,85 Antioxidants can be introduced to induce termination steps for autoxi-
dation, forming stable radicals that suppress the autoxidation cycles. (C) Degradation kinetics of light-soaked ITIC pristine films in air without and
with the 2 wt% stabilizers as pointed out above. (D) Photo-bleaching behavior of ITIC without and with 2 wt% S6. (E) Degradation kinetics of ITIC
as a function of the weight fraction of S6. (F) Photographs of photo-oxidized ITIC films upon different times of exposure in air without and with 2
wt% S6. (G) Degradation kinetics of NFAs IDIC, IT-4F and O-IDTBR without and with 2 wt% S6 in air under illumination with a solar simulator
(Fig. S16†). (H) Degradation behavior of ITIC and its J71:ITIC blends in the absence/presence of S6 under illumination of a one sun simulator in air.
(I) Current density–voltage characteristics of J71:ITIC blends with the different contents of S6. (J) Semi-logarithmic representation of the Voc
dependence on light intensity in relevant devices without and with 2 wt% S6. (K) Depiction of the temporal evolution of PCE of unencapsulated
devices with a device structure of ITO/ZnO/J71:ITIC/MoO3/Ag which were continuously light soaked in dry air using a solar simulator (100 mW
cm2; an average of six devices).

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photoluminescence (PL) is usually a much more sensitive probe in Fig. S60d–S63d,† highlighting the technological relevance of
of degradation than UV/vis absorption, we also compare the S6 in increasing the resilience of OSCs towards light and
evolution of PL spectra of the illuminated ITIC lms without oxygen.
and with 2 wt% S6 (Fig. S55†). Surprisingly, in the rst 30 min, 2
wt% S6 inhibits almost fully the photo-oxidation of a thin lm
(change of <1% PL intensity), while during the same exposure 4. Conclusion
time period the PL intensity of the un-doped ITIC lm was
Published on 10 10 2019. Downloaded by Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS) on 2021/05/27 7:10:11.

reduced to 60% of its original level. All these data deliver an In summary, we investigate the impact of photo-oxidation of
intuitive message of the role of S6 playing in the ITIC lm when classical acceptors, including ITIC, IDIC, IT-4F, O-IDTBR and
exposed to light in air, which can effectively suppress the Y6, on device behaviors, and nd that the photovoltaic param-
breaking of molecular backbones. Besides, the photo-oxidation eters of corresponding solar cells based on J71 and PBDB-T as
kinetics of lms of IDIC, IT-4F and O-IDTBR, and of the corre- donor materials degraded dramatically when their BHJ blends
sponding blends with 2 wt% S6 (Fig. 5G, derived from the were illuminated in air within a few minutes. Taking the
reaction spectra, see Fig. S56–S58†) further reveal its general J71:ITIC system as an example, we systematically analyze the
applicability in protecting NFAs against photo-bleaching. degradation nature of relevant devices, mainly resulting from
Fig. 5H shows the temporal evolution of the optical density the ITIC photo-oxidation rather than the other factors (e.g. J71
of lms processed from the polymer J71, NFA ITIC and their photo-oxidation, interfacial layers and device structures).
blends without and with 2 wt% S6. It is found that 2 wt% S6 Furthermore, we establish a relationship between the presence
cannot signicantly inhibit the photo-oxidation of J71, as of specic oxidative defects and the resulting change in the
shown in Fig. S59.† The photo-oxidation degradation of the electronic properties of relevant J71:ITIC devices based on their
J71:ITIC blend can also be signicantly suppressed by addition blends exposed in air for different time periods. Meanwhile we
of S6. The changes of the optical density of the corresponding depict the impact of ITIC photo-oxidation on charge transport
lms are presented in Fig. S60.† Thus, the suppression of the and recombination kinetics as well as relevant energy losses in
photo-bleaching rate of ITIC phases in unstable blends not only relevant blends. Notably, our results suggest that exposure of
conrms the antioxidative ability of S6, but also provides NFAs to oxygen provokes the irreversible intercalation of oxygen
insight into the non-sacricial mechanisms of stabilization by atoms and breaking of molecular backbones. Taking ITIC and
S6. Besides, similar trends can be found for other NFAs PC71BM as an example, we shed some light on the possible
(including IDIC, IT-4F and O-IDTBR) and their blends with mechanisms of NFA photo-oxidation. Based on this analysis,
polymer J71 (Fig. S61–S63†). These results further suggest that our ndings highlight the highly photoactive nature of NFAs
an additional stabilizing effect of S6 in these systems is based which must be taken into account for the choice of the
on the reduction of 1O2 concentration, either by quenching of manufacturing process for industrial products.
O2 itself and/or quenching of triplet excited states of the The large difference of photo-bleaching rates of ITIC and
sensitizer.84 PC71BM lms investigated drives us to further construct theo-
In addition to the photovoltaic materials in lms, we also retical principles and nd effective approaches for designing
evaluated the impact of S6 additives on the photovoltaic new NFAs and suppressing photo-oxidation of NFAs and their
performance of relevant devices based on J71:ITIC blends blends. For this purpose, we collected thirty-three NFAs and two
without and with various contents. Fig. 5I shows the J–V char- fullerene derivatives, and measured and analyzed relevant
acteristics of fabricated devices with up to 2 wt% S6 integrated photo-bleaching rates. As a result, some inspiration for guiding
into J71:ITIC blends, and Table S6† presents the relevant the design of new NFAs for weakening photochemical reactions
photovoltaic parameters. Devices containing 2 wt% S6 exhibits is provided, although these strategies do not solve the photo-
a PCE of 6% but the photovoltaic performance drops slightly as oxidation issue fundamentally. Fortunately, we have shown that
compared to the reference devices, which is predominately a nickel chelate S6 can act as a potent antioxidizing agent for
related to a drop in Jsc and FF. We attribute the loss in Jsc and FF a wide range of NFAs and their blends. The photovoltaic and
to the occurrence of trap-assisted recombination in the pres- physical measurements of J71:ITIC devices suggest implications
ence of S6. This conclusion emerges from the slope of light on the recombination behavior at higher loadings of S6 addi-
intensity dependence of Voc measurements as depicted in tives, most likely due to trap state formation. But importantly,
Fig. 5J, which for doped devices containing 2 wt% S6 increased the S6 doped device shows better photo-oxidation stability as
to 1.30 kT/q compared to 1.13 kT/q for un-doped devices. compared to the un-doped device, indicating that using S6 and
Furthermore, we conducted the investigations of the protective other similar compounds as antioxidants can represent a cost-
nature of S6 in unencapsulated J71:ITIC solar cells containing 2 effective route toward organic solar cells with extended
wt% stabilizer for evaluating the S6 role of improving the photo- longevity. For this, we strongly anticipate that similar
oxidation stability of devices. It is apparent that the S6 doped compounds can be tailored to prevent energetic trapping and
devices exhibit higher ambient stability as compared to the further enhance the stabilization efficiency. Ultimately, in their
devices without S6 measured under one sun illumination in air, current state, the long term stability of organic solar cells will be
as presented in Fig. 5K. Similar improvements were observed not only reliant on effective barrier layers and successful
for other J71:NFA solar cells with their active layers directly encapsulation, but also depends on the choice of highly stable
exposed to light and oxygen for different time periods as shown photovoltaic materials and/or effective and harmless stabilizers.

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14 W. Zhao, et al., Molecular Optimization Enables over 13%

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Commun., 2016, 7, 11585.
This work was nancially supported by the National Natural 16 J. Min, et al., Evaluation of Electron Donor Materials for
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Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (Grant No. 21702154 and Solution-Processed Organic Solar Cells via a Novel
51773157) and supported by the Fundamental Research Funds Figure of Merit, Adv. Energy Mater., 2017, 7, 1700465.
for the Central Universities (2042017kf0269). We also thank the 17 J. Adams, et al., Water Ingress in Encapsulated Inverted
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