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The British West Indies

Volume I
VISITOR September, 1944 Number 3

God's Voice in the Hurricane

As our VISITOR goes to press ance, broken the everlasting
this week death and destruc- covenant." (Isaiah 24:4-6.)
tion have just visited our It is as though the very ele-
beautiful island of Jamaica on ments rebel at the wickedness
a scale not witnessed in over of man as he spurns the love
forty years. The hurricane of His Creator.
that swept most of the island Today nature brings another
has left in its wake thousands message of warning to a sin-
of demolished homes, desolated ful world! Though it is an
fields, scores of dead and in- announcement of impending
jured, and many more with- judgment, for the Christian
out shelter. Truly this is one it is freighted with hope—the
of the worst catastrophes to blessed hope of a soon-coming
strike Jamaica for many years. Saviour.
While we are binding up our As ourLord rested one day
wounds and building again our upon the grassy slopes of the
homes we should not fail to Mount of Olives the twelve
hear the voice of God speaking through the whirlwind. disciples came to Him with the question:
This violent hurricane, along with every increasing num- "What shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the
bers of like disasters in all parts of the world speak to us end of the world?" (Matt. 24:3.)
with one accord: "When ye shall see all these things, know This is a question that has intrigued men of all
that it is near, even at the doors." (Matt. 24:33.) generations since the first advent of Christ to this world.
The Saviour, Nearly two thousand years ago, fore- Especially in these days of unparalleled events it is one
told the advent of such physical disturbances in nature. that vitally concerns every judgment bound individual.
He warns us to see in these disasters the signs of the It is one that each one of us, dear fellow-believers, dare
times and prepare to meet our Lord at His soon coming. not pass over lightly lest it cost us our own soul! Consider
Down through the ages God has permitted unusual it with me once more today in the light of the Master
upheavals in nature to startle men and women from their Teacher's own words as He replies to His disciples'
sinful ways and to remind them of their duty toward Him. query:
This was true in the days of Noah when God sent the flood "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom
to destroy the wicked antediluvian world. against kingdom: And there shall be famines, and pest-
Four hundred and fifty years later the wicked cities ilences, and earthquakes, in divers places." (Matt. 24:7.)
of Sodom and Gomorrah were reduced to ashes by fire So, brethren and sisters, this hurricane that has just
from God, "making them an ensample unto those that wreaked its fury upon our beautiful island home is but
after should live ungodly." (2 Peter 2:6.) another evidence of the times in which we live. God's
In the days of Pharoah when the Egyptian monarch voice through the storm seeks to remind us that Jesus'
refused to permit the children of Israel to leave his coming is very near and that we should be getting ready
country, God turned nature out of its course in ten to meet Him now! He is counseling us to get sin out of
great plagues that fell upon the Egyptians. Pharoah was our lives and to seek most earnestly the Robe of Christ's
compelled to yield to the plans of the living God. righteousness that we might be covered in the day when
Centuries later, during the time of Elijah the prophet, our cases shall come up before the judgment bar of God.
God again used the forces of nature as an omen of judg- "Every man that hath this hope in him purifieth
ment against Ahab the apostate king of Israel. Jesus in himself, even as he is pure." (1 John 3:3.) Brethren,
speaking of this experience refers to it as a time disaster. sisters, has the blessed hope of Jesus' soon-coming puri-
"In the days of Elias, when the heaven was shut up fied your lives? Let us not fail to hear God's voice in the
three years and six months, when great famine was hurricane telling us that we have no time to lose! Let us
throughout all the land." (Luke 4:25.) truly seek Him with all our hearts "for yet a little while
So it has been down through the ages—God has on and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry."
many occasions used preternatural forces to bring to the (Heb. 10:37.) R. H. PIERSON.
people warning, omens of calamity and judgments to
come. Behind this unnatural behaviour of the elements "Circumstances may separate friends. The restless
• we hear the voice of the Almighty: waters of the wide sea may roll between us and them,
"The earth mourneth and fadeth away . . . be. but no circumstances, no distance can separate us from
cause they have transgressed the law, changed the ordin- the Saviour."
Page 2 THE B. W. I. VISITOR September 1944

Mission Offerings Per Capita

Number of Sabba th Schools


Number of Churches

Total Tithe Receipts

Ordained Ministers

Tithe Per Capita

0 4) O

a .0
41 14

Bahamas Mission .... 18 473 5 2 2 - - - 478 2 2 5 3 12 1227.49 2.56 50.18 108.85 .23 10.77 21.78 16 547
British Honduras Mission 12 375 25 - 3 - 2 - 395 1 1 7 1 10 12 553
Cayman Islands Mission 3 78 - - - 4 - - 74 1 1 - - 2 477.28 6.28 4.64 79.27 1.04 - 4 105
East Jamaica Mission 64 5028 174 18 6 32 21 3 5158 7 2 5 51 67 9408.04 1.82 2007.65 1575.00 .30 165.39 79 5779
West Jamaica Mission 86 4286 133 9 7 30 15 5 4371 4 3 6 38 51 6694.31 1.53 2816.61 1175.28 .27 75.25 317.50 114 5523
B. W. I. U. Mission - - - -- 6 - 20 - 27
TOTALS 183 10240 337 29 18 66 38 8 10476 21 9 43 93 169 17807.12 1.70 4879.08 2938.40 .28 251.41 339.28 225 12507
W. E. Atkin, Secretary-Treasurer

much needed vacation. They brought 3,04M0001.04”04M•001•1.0.01•••04111.041•1•0.10.11.


with them three baptismal candidates BRITISH HONDURAS

who had recently accepted the truth.

H. D. COLBURN, Superintendent MISSION

P. 0. Box 356, Nassau, Bahamas

On Sunday morning, July 30th, a
F. R. Archbold, Acting Superintendent
baptismal service was conducted at
P. 0. Box 123, Belize, British Honduras I
Fort Montague and these dear souls t
News Notes were baptized into the family of God.
0•11•1.04/=11•111.0..00•1•41.110.0 04=1•0•••0•140•110

The Lindos are labouring at "The

On June first the officers of the Ba- News Notes

Bluff" on northern Eleuthera. Plans are going forward for the

hamas Mission and Book and Bible
House were moved from a mile east The Shirley Street Church recently new church building in Douglas. Even
on Bay Street to a suite of offices had as their special guests at a Sun- during the church building work, our
practically on Rawson Square (355 day evening service the listening audi- brethren are busily engaged in soul-
Bay Street) which is in the centre of ence of Radio Station ZNS, Nassau. winning. Brother Correa reports a
Nassau. This new location has made From many reports that have come new interest at Yo Creek and four
everyone happy in that it is more ac- in, the service was received with have already begun to keep the Sab-
cessible to all of our people. It has satisfaction and pleasure by those bath. This interest is the result of
added to the efficiency of the workers who listened in to their radios on that Bible Readings held by him.
in the offices also in that it is closer evening. Our brethren at Douglas are all
to the public buildings to which they Word has been received that Elder filled with the spirit and enthusiasm
must go continually. W. E. Atkin, the union secretary- that is needed in every church. They
treasurer, is planning to arrive in are very happy in the service of the
Pastor H. D. Colborn recently
visited the churches and company on Nassau some time in August. He plans Lord, and we may expect to see great
Watling. He reports a most interest- to be in the Bahamas approximately things from them.
two weeks during which time he will In Douglas the campaign was
ing time on the island, holding meet-
audit the mission books. launched on Sabbath, July 22. We
ings in our two churches there. He
are awaiting great things from Doug-
was able to visit every member on the Brother R. B. Campbell is making
las this year.
island, while there he baptized seven his delivery in Long Island. He plans
Calcutta is also on the go. We are
candidates. to finish up his work in August and
awaiting word from the elder about
Sister M. G. Nembhard was re- take up his new work as superintend-
the success obtained.
cently called to Stevens, Long Island, ent of the Inagua District immediate-
Pembroke Hall, according, to the
because of the death of her father, ly afterward.
last report, has reached a little over
G. N. Turnquist. who had served for Brother L. R. Rahming is doing col- $6.00. The goal set is $10.00. We are
many years as elder of the Stevens porteur work in Nassau during the awaiting the final result.
church. We extend to Sister Nemb- "hurricane months." He is meeting Brother Waller recently spent sev-
hard and the other members of the with good success as he faithfully eral weeks in Jamaica attending the
family our sincere sympathy. Broth- calls on the people in the interest of Youth's Congress in Kingston, and at-
er R. B. Campbell was present and several of our large books. He is in- tending to mission business at the
conducted the funeral service. troducing for the first time the new union heaquarters in Mandeville. He
The Ingathering programme is book "Great Prophecies For Our brings back to the believers in Brit-
nearly over for the mission as the Time." ish Honduras the cordial greetings of
goal of £160 has almost been reached. Miss Lawrence has brought her our members old and young in Ja-
It is expected that £200 will come in school to a successful close and is maica.
again this year when all the reports enjoying a well-earned rest for a few On Tuesday, June 28, Sister C. •
are in. Many of our people have work- days. Two fine school programmes Gill, one of our temporary Bible work-
ed earnestly and faithfully in this were conducted which resulted in a ers, left Corozal for Cow Head Creek,
year's campaign. nice little sum which will be used to Here she is expected to spend four
Brother and Sister S. G. Lindo and better equip the school for next year. weeks in following up the interest
two children are in Nassau taking a H. D. COLBURN. aroused by the short evangelistic ef-
September 1944 THE B. W. I. VISITOR Page 3

fort conducted by the writer during”oemortmmoo ,”oi

the first part of June. Already Sister WEST JAMAICA MISSION EAST JAMAICA MISSION I
Gill reports a live interest. E. E. PARCHMENT, Superintendent D. V. POND, Superintendent
▪ From May Pen comes the word i 15 Market Street, Montego Bay, Jamaica 176 Orange Street, Kingston, Jamaica
that Sister Cristobel Robinson has i...14.

also caught the spirit of the lay-man's

movement and is now conducting Ingathering total to date is £1025. A Work To Be Done
• meetings at Double Head Cabbage, To My Fellow Comrade of the West Recently I read again the short
and Isabella Bank. We learn that Sis- Jamaica Mission: statement that somehow takes a firm
ter Robinson is having good interest I wish to take this means of passing grip upon my heart every time I
and attendance. on to you my personal appreciation read it. Just six words—but what a
for your arduous labours in the In- message! "WE ARE FAST AP-
We are happy to report the con-
clusion of another successful "Ex- gathering Campaign. PROACHING THE END."
tensions" campaign. The gain over There might have been a question Who can doubt it? Certainly no
last year's record is $41.57. We are in the minds of some when we started Seventh-day Adventist who has ever
truly grateful for the noble work whether or not we would reach our had an experience in this message.
done by our faithful members. goal in six weeks. How happy I am Certainly no Seventh-day Adventist
Sister Florinda Delicia, our church to report to you this morning that by who reads, and compares; who will
school teacher in Pembroke Hall, has the time you shall have received this but watch the great procession of
recently been married to Brother copy of the VISITOR, the mission's events as they unravel from the ball
Trapp of that place. We wish Broth- goal shall have been passed by at of prophecy. The ball is surely and
er and Sister Trapp much happiness least one hundred pounds. positively growing smaller and small-
in their newly established home. Our young people have done their er, and anyone, if they will, can easily
F. R. ARCHBOLD. part nobly. I am sure that Brother see that not very far in the future
E. C. H. Reid is proud of such a noble there will be no ball—just the end
,44111.114.111..M1414.1111=.11.11111144110414, 111,=Mill army of workers. We are asking you of the string!
to send in to the Mission office all the But, when we actually see the end
CAYMAN ISLANDS names and addresses of those who of that string, the work will be fin-
MISSION have contributed a pound or more, ished. How thankful we should be
G. A. E. SMITH, Superintendent as we plan to send them a copy of that the prophetic ball is yet unravel-
Georgetown, Grand Cayman
the Signs of the Times during the re- ling and we still have the opportunity
maining part of 1944. of taking part in the work that is yet
Our minute man buttons are in the to be done.
News Notes office, and we will be glad to send a Again we are told, "We are living
Our Harvest Ingathering is com- button to any one who has gathered near the close of the great conflict,
ing along nicely, and we hope to £3. 2. 6 or more. At the time writing when many souls are to be rescued
reach our goal in the allotted time. there are some churches who have from the slavery of sin." That is
We are of good courage in the Lord. not reached their goal, but I know your business; that is my business; to
that they are labouring hard and I rescue our share of those souls—
I am passing on the experience of am sure that they will do so before NOW—while that ball is still unrav-
Brother George Merren, as another the last bulletin is sent out. Please elling!
example of the results of the litera- do not fail in collecting all your prom- You and I each have a work that
• ture ministry: ises. no one on earth can do for us. It can-
"From a child my mind was wor- We will be happy to know some of not be done by proxy. "Money lent
ried as to why we should keep Sunday the outstanding experiences that you or given will not accomplish it. Ser-
instead of the Sabbath the Bible have had, so please do not fail in pass- mons will not do it. By visiting the
speaks of, but when I asked my moth- ing them in to us at the office. people, talking, praying, sympathiz-
er about it she told me we kept Sun- Up to the time of writing, our bap- ing with them, you will win hearts."
day in honour of the Redemption tisms for the year have climbed to And we are promised, "These who
which is greater than Creation. How- 219. Of course you will remember that labour for the good ,of others are
ever, I was ;lever fully satisfied. we set our goal for six hundred. We working in union with the heavenly
"Some time after I was married, have quite a few who are in the bap- angels. They have their constant com-
I obtained copies of the Signs of the tismal classes and who are ready for panionship, their unceasing ministry."
Times from Elder I. G. Knight regu- baptism. We are asking that the lead- While we can still see that ball,
larly. Reading about the Sabbath and ers of these churches get in touch tiny as it is today, shall we not fill
other doctrinal teachings of Seventh- with their district leader and make the place God has for us? It may be
day Adventists, I decided to read the arrangements whereby these dear the work of the lay preacher, the
Bible from Genesis to Revelation to souls can be buried with their Lord evangelist, giving Bible studies, or
find out for myself what I must do to in baptism. Remembering that one anyone of the many lines of personal
be saved. Matthew 19:16-21 had a soul saved in the Kingdom of God is labour we can do for those about us
special appeal to me, and Matthew worth more than all this world's —but—let us do something to win
4 28:19, 20 sealed the matter. goods, let us go forward and by God's the souls of men—before we see the
"Today I am rejoicing in the prom- help let us sound the message. As end of that string!
ise of a soon-coming Saviour, and we know, there are honest hearted D. V. POND.
thanking God for the privilege of wit- men and women who are ready to ac-
nessing to my countrymen of the cept and join the ranks of Prince Em- est evangelistic campaign we have
power of God." manuel. Let us put forth for the re- ever had.
G. A. E. SMITH. maining part of the year the strong- E. E. PARCHMENT.
Page 4 THE B. W. I. VISITOR September 1944

,00ismocsos.0.1m0,41m.00m.o.1.0.••04 MOOMP.114M00.•0111M.01•6414M.0.”(1.11•4.11M1.0.1..1.1wee
,04mw000lloo‘. opening the Bible correspondence
THE WEST INDIAN course work early in 1945. This will
TRAINING COLLEGE prove a great boon to our soul-win- Oile Visitor
ning programme I am sure, and under Organ of tit.
C. L. von Pohle, Acting President I
the blessing of God 1945 should see BRITISH WEST INDIES UNION MISSION
P. 0. Box 22, Mandeville, Jamaica
of Seventh-day Adventists
2.0.1mrommoomo.w0mmo.onommono.ons.o.mo4m1,4m•00% several thousands of honest-hearted
Robert H. Pierson Superintendent
individuals systematically studying W. E. Atkin Secy.-Treasurer
Good-bye this third angel's message through- Secretaries
Dear Believers in Jamaica. M. E. Lowry Publishing
out our island fields. So I bespeak Educational
With a great deal of reluctance I - S. S. and Home Mis-
from our people a very liberal of- sionary & Y. P. M. V.
have yielded to an urgent call from
fering on September 16th that our Robert H. Pierson Editor
the General Conference to return to field along with our sister unions may W. E. Atkin Assistant Editor
Ethiopia, where we spent sixteen Office Address: General Post Office, Man-
continue to receive a great blessing deville, Jamaica, B. W. I.
years. The Mission Board is very from the Voice of Prophecy radio
anxious to have our prewar work REPORT OF BAPTISMS, WEST JAMAICA
programme and Bible Correspondence
there reorganized and continued. Two R. H. P. January to August
Course. District Pastor 1st. qr. 2nd. or. Total
doctors are under appointment for I letcher, Frank 6 34 40
that field. Six more will be needed Crawford, L. S. 28 28
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Crarey, Hugh 17 17
to man the hospitals we had function- Gouldbourne, L. 19 10 29
OFFERING Nation, W. S. 18 42 60
ing before the Italian invasion. Nine Robertson, R. H.
One of our greatest needs here in 15 31 46
other missionaries—teachers, nurses Vaz, Kenneth 5 30 35
the British West Indies is the need
and ministers—are already in the 63 192 255
of more church schools to care for
field. His Imperial Majesty Heile Se- REPORT OF BAPTISMS, EAST JAMAICA
our thousands of children who are January to June, 1944
lassie is also anxious to have us re- District Goal 1st. qr. 2nd. qr. Total
now attending public schools. By send- D. B. Reid 150 41 61 102
establish our former work. The mis-
ing our children to public schools and Roy Jeffries
sion stations that were closed and A. W. Sangster
thus exposing them to influences en- J. N. Williams 125 5 20 25
taken over by the Italian invaders H. Nembhard 50 6 19 25
tirely out of harmony with the prin- G. Newman 50 4 6 10
have been returned to us. Ethiopia is
ciples of this message, we are placing Har. Nembhard 125 9 32 41
truly stretching out her hands unto A. D. Laing 150 18 36 54
those who are nearest and dearest to
God. The time is favourable for step- Totals 650 83 174 257
us upon Satan's ground. D. V. Pond.
ping in to do a strong work.
"Satan has used the most ingenious
Our four years in beautiful Ja-
methods to weave his plans and prin-
maica have passed away too quickly.
ciples into the [world's] system of
It has been a real joy and inspiration Mrs. Luisa Tapia was born in Chiantun,
education, and thus gain a strong Mexico some ninety years ago, and died May
to us to become acquainted with our 28, 1944 at her home in San Pedro Amber-
hold on the minds of the children gris. She embraced the Advent Message under
loyal, self-sacrificing believers the instruction of Brother R. H. Robertson
and youth."—Vol. VI, p. 127. and was baptized by Pastor C. B. Sutton April
throughout the island. The large pros-
"The object of our schools is to 4, 1933. She leaves to mourn two sons and a
perous work is truly unique in the daughter. W. H. Waller.
provide places where the younger Brother Joseph Beavans of British Honduras
denomination. In a special way the was born June 2, 1902, and passed away June
members of the Lord's family may be 26, 1944. Our brother was baptized several
college on the hilltop has become very
trained according to His plan of years ago by Pastor Sutton and remained
dear to me. I have appreciated the faithful unto death. He leaves to mourn, his
growth and development."—Ibid. faithful wife and three children and other rel-
loyal support and co-operation of atives. W. H. Waller.
A liberal offering in your church Brother James Barrow was born March 16,
teachers and students. Much has been
on Sabbath, September 23—Elemen- 1865 in Belize, British Honduras, and died
achieved in the line of Christian edu- June 28, 1944. He united with the Remnant
tary School Offering Day—will help church in 1938. He leaves to cherish his mem-
cation. What remains to be done can ory a wife, five daughters and three sons. His
increase and support the number of vacancy in the church will be keenly felt, but
best be accomplished by the earnest
church schools in your field and thus we look forward to the glad reunion.
prayers and the friendly support of W. H. Waller.
help you and yours. R. H. P. Serviliano Carillo was born August 27, 1909,
God's people throughout the Island. in Douglas. British Honduras. He died July 20,
May the Lord continue to bless and 1944 at Corozal, He accepted this message and
was baptized Dec. 29, 1943. His hope was
prosper His work in Jamaica. I also Notes and Notices bright and he awaits the return of the Life-
solicit the prayers of our believers During the early part of August giver. He leaves his wife, three small children
and a brother to mourn their loss.
in Jamaica in behalf of the work in Elder Pierson was away from the un- F. R. Archbold.
Ethiopia. God be with you all till we ion office for over a week, visiting
M. J. SORENSON. among the churches in West Jamaica.
meet again. News From the West Jamaica
This has been Elder Pierson's first
visit to the West since his arrival in
VOICE OF PROPHECY DAY Although we have Air to go in ac-
Sabbath, September 16, is the spe- the Island, and we are sure the breth-
complishing our task for 1944. yet
cial Voice of Prophecy Day at which ren were happy to meet their union
we are very grateful to God for the
time a special offering should be superintendent. A short consecration
achievements of the past, both in
taken in every church in our union. service was held in each church vis-
souls and in deliveries.
The proceeds from this special of- ited.
Our noble group of colporteurs are
fering will be used in promoting the Elder A. C. Stockhausen has ac- of good courage and solicit your con-
radio work and the fine Bible corres- cepted a call to the East Jamaica Mis- stant prayers.
pondence course being used in many sion to do evangelistic work and pas- Leaders in deliveries for the month
parts of Inter America with very fine tor such churches as are in the St. of July are:
success. Mary section. Elder Stockhausen's Cyril Newman £38. 12. 0
headquarters will be Highgate. J. Chin 33. 10. 0
Although we do not have any radio C. H. Hepburn 1 2. 19. 0
work in our union we are planning on MISS LILY HERON. p• E. HURST.

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