Why God Gives To Sinners: E' Oteieea

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Why God Gives To Sinners

By 'Robert H. Pic rson

TUCKED AWAY in the second chapter of Ecclesiastes

is a very interesting text. The twenty-sixth verse
the question for us "that he may give to him that -is good
before God." Even those who make no
reads like this: religious profession are to have
"For God giveth to a man a part in carrying on God's
that is good in his sight wisdom, work. They are to "give to him
and knowledge, and joy: but to Meet Our Workers that is good." Now it is qUite
the sinner he giveth travail, to obvious that those who are not
gather and to heap up, that he religious aren't going to bring
may give to him that is good their gifts to the church as the
before God. This also is vanity believer does! How then are
and vexation of spirit." they to be received? Ah, here
Did you get the thought? is how we know of a certainty
The meaning of the first part of that the Ingathering plan is
the verse is obvious. Those who God's plan for fulfilling His
love and serve Him are blessed promise that "the wealth of the
with the good things of life. Gentiles shall flow" into the
that they may enjoy them — coffers of God. Isa. 60 :margin.
wisdom, knowledge and joy God From these texts it is
giveth abundantly. crystal clear that God has bles.--
But the last part "but to ed men of the world with wealth
the sinner he giveth travail to that they in turn may give to
gather and to heap up that he the representatives of God's
may sire to him that is good before cause when they are called upon
Cod." in the Ingathering Campaign.
Sometimes we are at a loss ••••• Ps. 104:28 also makes it clear
t explain the prosperity of the that if we are to get the money
wick7d. With the Psalmist we „• we will have to go and gather
are lead to exclaim, "For I was it --"That thou givest them
envious at the foolish, when I We are happy to introduce our they gather." We will have to
saw the prosperity of the VISITOR readers to Brother Owen go to them and present our
wicked . . . Their eyes stand out Holness of the West Jamaica Mission. cause in a good clear convincing
with fatness: they have more Brother Holness is a graduate of manner and we will gather.
than heart could wish . . . these W. I. T. C. Class of '44. Since gradua-
are the ungodly, who proSper "I have repeatedly been
tion he has served mostly in the East shown that we might receive
in the world ; they increase in Jamaica Mission both as an Evangelist
riches." Psalm 73:3, 7, 12. far more favours than we do in
and as Assistant Publishing Department many ways. if we would approach
Why is it that God has per- Secretary. Recently Brother Holness men in wisdom, acquaint them
mitted un-Christian business- accepted the call of the West Jamaica with our work, and give them
men to prosper —"to gather and NI is:ion for pastoral and evangelistic an opportunity of doing those
to heap up" the wealth of this 1‘ (irk in Manchester Parish.
World ? The wise man answers (Continued on page 10)
wealth of the gentiles shall come unto see who would be easiest to conquer; who.
thee." was least prepared. In 1941 new allies-
JUST BETWEEN US" 9. If you are inclined to put the work came to Britain's aid. and after careful
off on to someone else read Matt. 28:19 planning with a definite goal in mind the-
"Go ye." allies launched their counter-offensive and
10. If you insist on continuing to make in two year' time. fighting on many
excuses after reading all of the above fronts, Hitler's legions had been crushed
then read Judges 5:23 "Curse ye Meroz... and his power smashed. Because of wise-
(A Personal Message from your because they came not to the help of the planning with a definite goal in sight, the-
Union President) Lord." allies swept over Europe to Berlin with
God will bless and help you if only a speed that made Hitler's blitzkreig look
It's here again! you will say willingly, "Here am I, Oh like a snail's pace. And the allies reached
What? Lord. send me!" the goal — Berlin — ahead of schedule.
Why Ingathering time, of course! Very sincerely yours for a Now, in Ingathering there are two.
This is the season of opportunity for great Ingatheringoverflow, kinds of planning we can do. We can
every worker and church member in the set our goal for 15/- and timidly set out
British West Indies Union to do his or to reach it. Thus we can get a Certificate
her part. There are souls to be saved of Achievement and feel that we have
and many are contacted through the accomplished something. After a little
Ingathering solicitation. Personally the breathing spell we might begin to realize
first folk I brought into the message were 0 that we might just be able to raise 30/...
individuals whom I had contacted in the Hitler Had No Goal And so on until we might finally raise a
Ingathering Campaign — a Methodist minute-man goal. But somewhere between
It is reported that when Hitler met
preacher and his sister. Mr. Chamberlain and made his demands the first 15/- and the 90/- goal we may
The needs are legion this year — find ourselves on the shores of the "Eng-
regarding the Polish Corridor that he
churches, school equipment. medical lish Channel" wondering if we dare try to.
expected to be strongly opposed by Mr.
buildings and equipment, Youth's Camps, cross or if we should look around for
Chamberlain. His whole purpose in mat-
Youth's Congresses, and a thousand something easier. Such is the result of
ing such demands was to make himself
other pressing needs that you are as piece-meal planning, Hitler planning, with
popular with the German people and he
familiar with as I am. no long-range, overall planning and a
had no idea that the British would capitu-
late. This is a common practice among definite, final goal. And the results will
Unfortunately sonic make this a politicians when they desire to draw probably be the same as Hitler's—ultimate
season of excuses and fail to receive the attention away from something else. defeat.
blessing God has in store for those who When Hitler found that Britain We can also follow the Allied plan..
take part in the Ingathering work. acquiesced to his demands he began to We can wisely consider every approach
* * * * reach out for Austria. His programme to the battle and carefully plan and set an
became a piece-meal conquest and he did overall goal. As church members we can
Now just notice how God answers
not seem to have a long-range plan. His determine that we are going to raise a
some of our common excuses for not
forces were camped near the Maginot minute-man's goal of 90; - 1$18.001. We
taking an active part in the Ingathering:
Line for months before he felt secure will then go out and solicit all of our
1. If you think the Ingathering work
enough to attack. Between each victory friends and business acquaintances AND
is not for you read Mark 13:34, "to every
was a long period of inactivit'. Not KEEP WORKING until we reach our
man his work." goal.
2. If it is too hot read Isa. 49:10. because of brilliant planning, but because
"Neither shall the heat of the sun smite the countries of Europe were not prepared Being church members, we will of
for war Hitler was able to conquer course, plan to work with our local
3. If you are afraid of people's faces them one after another. But always there church, and help that church to reach its-
read Jer. 1:8. "Be not afraid of their was the delay before attackinc, another goal by following the plans and
faces for I am with thee to deliver thee." country, just like the little mouse that has suggestions laid down by the pastor and
left its hole and timidly investigates the church board. Every church member
4. If your tongue gets all twisted up
when you try to give an Ingathering territory nearby, then next day ventures should keep working until the church
canvass read Ex. 4:10-12. "I will be a little further afield, and so on, day after goal has been reached. whether that
with thy mouth and teach thee what thou day, but proceeding cautiously lest a big church member has reached his personal
shalt say." strong cat suddenly appear on the scene goal or not.
5. If you think the Ingathering work and chase him hack to his hole. Each mission or conference has a goal
is not part of God's programme to It was evident that Hitler had no to reach as well (see below), and every
support His work read Ex. 11:2, 3. "Let definite plan for the invasion of Britain, church in the mission will be cooperating
every man borrow of his neighbour. . . otherwise there would have been no long with the mission in its plans to reach that
jewels of silver and gold." -' delay before attempting to cross the Eng- goal only if it keeps working until the
6. If you are afraid to go alone read lish Channel. The man without a plan mission goal is reached, even if it has
Matt. 28:20. "Lo, I am with you alway." digs in to hold what he has. The warrior raised the church goal, and —
7. If you are too tired read Isa. 40:31 who plans the over-all strategy KEEPS Each mission, because it knows how
"they that wait upon the Lord shall renew PRESSING ON. much the Ingathering funds mean to its
their strength... they shall walk and not From 1938 to 1943 Hitler's piece-meal own progress, will continue to work until
faint." unplanned conquest continued. Each the Union goal of $20,000.00 or
8. If you think you may not be suc- new victim was evidently selected after £5,000-0-0 has been reached.
cessful read Isa. 60:5 (margin) "the Hitler had a chance to look around and (Continued on page 6)

Elder E. C. H. Reid is conducting a Mandeville, just a short distance from
SOUL major effort in Claremont at the present.
Commencing late in March, Brother Reid
the Union Office. The ministers are taking
turns preaching and all of the office sec-
retaries have responded nobly in helping
expects to run his campaign for about

WINNING six weeks. Reports coming in from this

part of beautiful St. Ann indicate that
the church is crowded for the meetings
with the visiting, Bible' Studies, leading
the song service, special music, children's
stories and the Sunday School that was
every night. organized some weeks ago. Between
The large Bible Auditorium Tent at 100-125 have crowded the little booth
Half Way Tree, Kingston still continues each evening so far and we are praying
to attract huge crowds. On Sunday nights for a good harvest of souls. The Union
large overflow crowds stand around the Office Staff wishes to share the joy of
edges of the tent listening to Dr. Millard soul winning that all of our workers and
present the message of truth for these last so many of our members throughout the
days. Over two hundred have enrolled in field are experiencing.
the Bible Class and a splendid interest is
developing. Dr. Millard is seriously
handicapped in not having sufficient Prayer Circle
helpers to contact the interested persons.
With Brother Rugless having to drop out Wednesday
NEWS several weeks for surgical attention the
working Corps at the big tent has been
woefully small to meet the needs.
8:00 A.M.
The Editor recently attended the
Evangelistic Campaign being conducted Elder B. E. Hurst. Publishing Depart- Important
by the President of the East Jamaica ment Secretary for the West Jamaica Announcement Regarding the
Mission at Four Roads, Lower St. Mission. and Brother Newman. a student 20th Century Bible Course
Andrews. Elder Pond and Elder Davis at the West Indian Training College, We wish that we were able to offer
have their tent fixed up in a most launched Spearhead effort in Lincoln. this fine course free to our Seventh-day
attractive manner and overflow crowds a district near Mandeville. the latter part Adventist church members at this time,
:are coming out night after night to hear of February. Since that time Brother but if we were to do this it would so flood
the message. Meetings are held four Newman and Brother P. Clayton have us with lessons from our 14,000 members
nights a week and the prospects are been fostering the interest. About 30 here in Jamaica that we would be unable
come out each Sabbath for service now to offer the course free to the public and
-bright. thus bring them to a knowledge of this
Elder S. Greene has hound off his and 20 are in the Bible Class. Ten of
this number plan to he ready in the blessed truth which we all love. It costs
effort at Bleauwearie and Miss Waldrow
first baptism. the mission five shillings for the lessons,
has been remaining on there to prepare
A number of other Spearhead efforts stationery, postage and handling to take
the .candidates for baptism on April 25.
have been underway in the West Jamaica one student through the thirty lessons. We
At that time approximately 20 persons
Mission all with most encouraging results. will not be able to accept new enrollments
will follow their Lord in baptism. Elder
Pastor Fletcher opened the effort in Salt nor continue old enrollments from our
•Greene is not content to rest with just believers unless arrangements are made
one effort and he has already plunged into Spring and left Brother Lewis in charge.
to care for the expense either all at once
a second major campaign. this time at Pastor Lindo opened his meetings in
or in installments.
Waterworks. A very fine interest is Pleasant Valley, Clarendon. with the able
We feel sure that our Seventh-day
evident here and it is planned to organize assistance of Brother Baker who is carry-
Adventists who have enrolled, not knowing
a new church in Waterworks as soon as ing on. Pastor Earl Parchment has found
that the course was free to only non-Ad-
the meetings are finished. The organiza- time from his busy departmental activities
ventists.will be glad to pay the five
tion of the Bleauwearie Church is to open a spearhead effort in John's Hall.
shillings expense, thus enabling those not
scheduled for April 25. This will make Manchester. Brother Owen Holness, who
of our faith to study the message free.
two new churches in Brother Green's" has been hard at work organizing his
..clistrict the first six months of 1948. This churches in Manchester for greater service Office Secy., Radio Dept.,
is certainly wonderful! has already launched two spearhead B. W. I. Union Mission.
Elder H. S. Walters is giving a strong efforts in Southern Manchester—one in
lead to the work in Regent Street, Resource and the other at Manning's
Kingston, in addition to his heavy depart- Field. OUR GOAL FOR SOULS 1948
mental responsibilities. Recently an all- Pastor Crofoot's effort in North Side,
night praise and prayer and study service
resulted in several backsliders being
Grand Cayman, is being signally blessed
of God. Although the testing truths have 2000
reclaimed. A strong evangelistic emphasis already been presented capacity crowds
is being placed on all of the services of continue to fill the tent each night service
Let us set as our objective
the church and a fine harvest is in pros- is held. Many are deeply interested. and
pect as a result. Several were baptized it is hoped that a good harvest will be One Baptism in Every Church
the first quarter and Brother. Walters gathered.
reports that he hopes to have around The B. W. I. Union Office Staff have Every Quarter.
forty for baptism the second quarter. opened a small effort in Caledonia,

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15/- 30/-

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Pastor. Home Missionary Secretary.

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1ngathering Fortieth Anniversary Special Certificate of Achievement

This is a special year in Ingathering British West Indies Union. In the past this beautiful Special Certificate of
and we are recognizing it in a special we have been awarding book-marks to 'Achievement. This certificate has been
those who raised certain amounts in prepared so that the recipient can frame it
Ingathering was first carried on by Ingathering. This year we are not award- and keep it as a permanent souvenir of a
.1a9)er Wayne. a Godly layman in Iowa. ing book-marks, BUT WE HAVE Special work done in a Special year for
U. S. A., who had a burden to raise funds PREPARED A VERY SPECIAL CERTI- a Special cause. A copy of the Certificate
to help hasten the gospel to all the world. FICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT which will can be seen above.
The plan was so effective that the be presented as follows:- We would like to take this opportunity
General Conference launched the first 1. All who raise 15/- ($3.00) will to encourage every church member to do
of Ciar Ingathering campaign in 1908. A receive this Special Certificate with a everything possible not only to earn the
little over $14,000.00 was raised. Last red star over the amount raised. certificate by raising 15/-. but to con-
year over $3.000,000.00 was raised. This 2. All who raise 30/- ($6.00) will tinue in the campaign until each star, and
year is THE FORTIETH ANNIVERS- receive a blue star to place above that finally the Special Minute-man Gold Seal,
ARY of Ingathering and we expect to amount on the Special Certificate. has been added to the Certificate. Let us
raise the largest amount ever raised for 3. All who raise 60/- ($12.00) will make this FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY
missions — $4,000,000.00. The British receive a silver star to place above the Greatest Ingathering year in the
West Indies Union has been asked to raise that amount on the special Certificate. history of the British West Indies Union.
$20,000.00 or £5,000. 0. 0. of this amount. 4. All who raise 90/- ($18.00), which because:—
Because this is a special year we know is the amount needed to carry on the I. We have made it a greater soul-winning
that you will join us in putting forth our work all over the world for one campaign.
greatest efforts to raise this amount in minute, will receive a Special Gold 2. Every church member has taken an
the shortest possible time. Seal to place above the amount on active part.
Because this is our FORTIETH the Special Certificate. 3. We have more Minute-Men than ever
ANNIVERSARY YEAR, we are going to According to this plan everyone who before.
do something special for our people in the raises 15/- or more will be presented with (Continued on page 71

What' Ingathering Has Dune fur paribh capital church building of Moran
East Jamaica Mission Bay, which has been liberally supporter
from Ingathering overflow funds is no
MEDICAL When an honest work has been done, far from completion. The other four build
DEFT. it is only right and reasonable to look ings are in various stages of advancement.
for and expect good results. A good work
C. R. Anderson, has been done in the Ingathering during "From St. Thomas we shall fly over
M. D. the last four years of East Jamaica's ripper St. Andrew first, where Pastor A.
history. In order to see the results, I am B. Davis is so earnestly pressing forward
Secretary inviting every member of East Jamaica, in this the youngest of our districts made
this morning, to take a swift-flying trip up of churches formerly connected with
with me through the six eastern parishes St. Catherine and St. Mary. In this new
that comprise our Mission. We shall travel district you will notice that five of the
News of Our Medical Work in a plane large enough to comfortably six churches which have benefited from
Work on the Andrews Memorial Hospi- seat the nearly 7,000 members of East the Ingathering are now completed, the
tal is moving along with new impetus. Jamaica and as we pass swiftly over each sixth now has its roof on. There are
Both wings are going up at a good rate parish it shall be announced over the eight organized churches altogether in this
and as soon as the plumbing fixtures loud-speaker what has happened in that small district.
arrive the central section can soon be put district during the four years of East "Our final quick survey will be made
in readiness for occupancy. The covered Jamaica's history. over Kingston area, where seven churches
way connecting the new building with the have received financial help from Ingather-
old service unit is under construt.tien and Here we are in St. Catherine and down ing. Here also is located our large church
will be completed soon. there we see Pastor H. E. Nembhard who school and Kingsway High School. Both
was recently appointed pastor of this aid to worthy students and school equip-
Elder B. M. Heald, who has been in
growing district, and who is following ment have been made possible because
the island with us for the past seven months
in the wake of Pastor A. D. Laing, who you the members of the Remnant Church
assisting Elder Gibson in the Hospital
successfully supervised St. Catherine have so diligently gathered in, year by
solicitation, left Jamaica April 2 returning
up to 1948. Has Ingathering meant any- year, the much needed funds at Ingather-
to his home in New York State. We all
thing to St. Catherine District? Let us ing time," the pleasant voice over the loud-
greatly appreciate the good work Elders
listen to that voice over the speaker. speaker concluded.
Heald and Gibson have done in their
hospital solicitation work. The Lord has "There are-nineteen organized churches Yes, the trip is over and it was a
blessed them abundantly and these in St. Catherine District. Of those nineteen pleasant one to me, and I believe also it
funds have been a real God-send to our we have information that eleven churches was to each one of you, to see some of
medical work in Kingston. have been assisted in their church build- the actual results of this heaven-ordained
The most recent word from the ing projects during the past four years. plan of inviting our friends and neigh-
Bahamas indicates that Dr. Turner should Six of the eleven buildings are now com- bours to assist financially in the closing
be arriving to open his private practice pleted, the others under construction. work of God in Jamaica today. Let us
in Nassau before too long. Work on his "We are now in St. Mary and there faithfully accept the challenge again this
house is going forward and the plot for is the Clermont Seventh-day Adventist year to do His work, His will, to win
the new hospital has been nearly cleared Church. Just a quarter of a mile north precious souls for His Kingdom in the In-
ready for the construction work to com- you can see the home of Pastor Stockhau- gathering Campaign soon to begin!
mence when the word is given. sen, who has given strong leadership in — D. V. POND.
The Andrew's Memorial Clinic has this District for the past four years. Of
been receiving considerable publicity the twenty-one churches in St. Mary, eleven
recently. In recent issues of "Spotlight" church building projects have benefited The Place of Youth in
and "The Jamaica Times" favourable from the overflow funds during these same the Ingathering Campaign
articles appeared with pictures. Both years. Three church buildings are com- During World War II thousands of
publications paid high tribute to the splen- pleted, while eight are under construction, young men and women volunteered, and
did work being done at the James Street four of which are well along toward found their places in the armed services
institution. completion. of their countries. These brave young
Dr. A. B. Cafferky is doing a very "Now we find ourselves in the parish people fought and many died in an endea-
fine job in opening the Medical work on of much rain, Portland, and there on vour to make the world a better place in
Grand Cayman. During the first nine Titchfield Hill is the home of Pastor Laing, which to live. Some were decorated with
months after his arrival he had nearly who was preceded by Pastors Williams and medals of honour, and gained the plaudits
2500 office visits and had performed 102 M. G. Nembhard. Here in Portland, twelve of the world because of their heroic deeds;
major and minor surgical operations. church buildings have received aid from but alas! these are but transitory and
That the doctor has not been unmindful the Ingathering overflow and six of those will soon be forgotten.
of the needs of the poor on the island is twelve are completed. Today, a great call comes to the Youth
well reflected in the 372 patient visits "St. Thomas, one of East Jamaica's of the Advent Movement — a call to enlist
he has cared for entirely without charge younger districts, yet fast growing and under the banner of Prince Emmanuel in
and 242 more on a partial charity basis. progressive under the able leadership of another great Ingathering Campaign. In
Approximately 90% of this work was its present . district pastor, Elder E. C. this campaign we fight not for the praise
done for those not of the Seventh-day Walton, and formerly, Pastor H. E. Nemb- of men or medals of honour, but rather
Adventist faith. This is indeed commend- hard, is a district of eleven churches, six for the laurels of the eternal world. We
able! Let us pray for Dr. Cafferky and of which have been greatly encouraged by fight not only to make this world a better
the good work he is doing in the Cayman Ingathering funds coming their way. One place, but also to gain citizens for the
Islands. building has been completed, and the heavenly land.

Listen to the plea that comes to us and villages. They can form themselves Food for Thought
from the pen of the servant of the Lord, into bands to do Christian help work.
"Young men and young women, cannot Students should take a broad view of their Question. Do we have divine sanction
you form companies, and as soldiers of present obligations to God. They are not for Harvest Ingathering?
Christ enlist in the work putting all your to look forward to a time, after the school Answer. "One of the new plans for
tact and skill and talent into the Master's term closes, when they will do some large reaching unbelievers is the Harvest In-
service that you may save souls from work for God, but should study how, gathering campaign for missions." Christ-
ruin? ... Will the young men and young during their student life to yoke up with ian Service, p. 167.
women who really love Jesus, organize Christ in unselfish service for others." Ques. Does our heavenly Father co-
themselves as workers, not only for those C. T. p. 545, 546, 547. operate with us in this work?
.who profess to be Sabbath keepers, but As we read these few lines from the Ans. "He is ready to move upon the
for those who are not of our faith." pen of God's servant, we think of West hearts of worldly men, even idolaters, to
C. S. p. 34. What shall be our answer Indian Training College as an institution give of their abundance for the support
fellow youth? Am I too faith-filled to that is planted to help the young people of of His work." Ibid.
believe that already I can hear you answer, this Union. We have found that the plan Ques. When will the Lord do this?
"Here am I Lord, ready to go forward of giving students the opportunity to Ans. "He will do this as soon as His
and blaze the trail to victory in this engage in Ingathering every year brings people learn to approach these men wisely
campaign"? inspiration to them and the satisfaction and to call their attention to that which
Never in the annals of human history that before they leave school they are it is their privilege to do." Ibid.
was there so much to be done by so few, carrying the message to a dying world. Ques. Is the Harvest Ingathering a
for so many, in such a short time. God has It brings joy to them and a blessing of duty?
chosen us His remnant band to he the God. It also commands the respect on the Ans. "0 that Christians might realize
proclaimers of His last message to men part of those people who know what it is more and still more fully that it is their
and that which we have to do for Him, to support similar programmes. privilege and their duty while cherishing
we must do quickly for time is short. We right principles, to take advantage of
Furthermore, it draws the faculty and
are told that a "Crisis is right upon us every heaven-sent opportunity for advanc-
students together, in all working for a
and we must now by the Holy Spirit's ing God's kingdom in this world."
common objective. It indeed gives them Id., p. 168.
power proclaim the truth for these last all the taste of working with God. We
days"! Ques. As we do this work what should
appreciate the very fine spirit of co-opera- we keep in mind?
The Ingathering Campaign offers us tion shown by our students and then what
one of the grandest opportunities in pro- Ans. Search diligently flor perishing
a thrill it is to hear all of them relate souls." Id., p. 169.
claiming this message. Too often it is their experiences at the close of the day!
viewed as merely a world-wide financial Ques. Have we any instruction regard-
W ith a holy pride it is our privilege to ing soliciting business men?
endeavour, but this should not be so, for declare ourselves His servants and faith-
it is chiefly a soul-saving effort of the Ans. "Let us also pray earnestly in
fully identify the cause we represent. behalf of those we expect to visit, by
first importance. There are thousands of A number of things about a successful
individuals who are on the verge of the living faith bringing them one by one into
ingathering Campaign may be noted. the presence of God." Ibid.
kingdom only waiting to he ushered in. First it is a soul-winning campaign. It
Let us therefore arise, youthful comrades, Ques. Of all the methods used in the
wins folks at home as well as in the com- Ingathering, which seems the 'most
and do our part valiantly, thus hastening munity. We find many coming and see-
the dawn of God's better day. fruitful?
ing our school, and they have expressed Ans. "Let us also pray earnestly house
Fellow youth, let us make this 40th themselves with a high degree of satisfac-
anniversary a truly great and never-to-be- to house opening the Bible to the people,
tion at what is being done for the youth. circulating the publications, telling others
forgotten one by raising more funds and So this campaign publicizes our work as
winning more souls than ever before. of the light that has blessed their own
well as our school and the students are souls." Testimonies, Vol. IX, p. 123.
May we adopt as our motto for this year helping in accomplishing this.
the words, "Every Missionary Volunteer Ques. How should we work?
an Ingathering worker in 1948." Th's year again, we as a faculty and Ans. "Go forth in faith, and proclaim
— E. J. Parchment. students of the West Indian Training the truth as if you believe it. Let those
College pledge our loyal support to this for whom you labour see that to you it
The Relation of important campaign. This is our greatest is indeed a living reality." Id., p. 42.
Ingathering to the College day of opportunity. Time is short. So we — E. A. MANRY.
"It is necessary to their complete must do a great work quickly for the
education that students be given time to Lords servant again says: "In these final Hitler Had No Goal
do missionary work—time to become hours of probation for the sons of men, (Continued from page 2)
acquainted with the spiritual needs of the when the fate of every soul is so soon to The success of the FORTIETH ANNI-
families in the community around them. to be decided forever, the Lord of heaven VERSARY Special Ingathering Campaign
They should not be so loaded down with and earth expects His church to arouse to depends on careful planning and consecra-
studies that they have no time to use the action as never before. He is counting tion to the cause all the way down the
knowledge they have acquired. They on them to show forth the praises of Him line, from the highest mission and church
should be encouraged to make earnest who has called them out of darkness into officer to the youngest convert in the
missionary effort for those in error, becom- marvellous light. The blessings which are ranks. Piece-meal, Hitler planning, may
ing acquainted with them, and taking to so liberally bestowed are to be com- bring success, but will probably bring
them the truth. Where possible students municated to others. The good news of failure. Careful planning will bring
§hould, during the school year. engage in salvation is to go to every nation, kindred, success. We must not fail God in this
city mission work. They should do mis- tongue, and people." P. K., pp. 716. 717. FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY CAM-
sionary work in the surrounding towns — B. G. BUTHERUS. PAIGN. — W. L. BARCLAY.

(Continued front page 4) Suggestive Plans and Over the Top Already
4. We have issued more awards than ever Methods for Organization Yes, it's a fact! Already one of the
before. Missions is over the goal. .And it was all
5. We have raised more funds for mis- 1. The Missionary Leader after counsel- accomplished in a very short time because
sions than ever before. ing with district minister calls a the people had a mind to work.
ti: We have reached our goal in the short- meeting' of the . Church Missionary It was the writer's privilege to spend
est time in our history. Committee I church hoard i. The some time in the Bahamas Mission during
7. WE LOVE GOD more than ever church Ingathering goal should be the early part of 1948. The Ingathering
before. voted at this meeting. n as launched in the. churches of that field
_King David said. "Thy people shall be 2. Assign all members to bands. Select and the church members eery enthusiasti-
willing in the day of thy power . . wide-awake leaders for each hand. cally responded to the challenge of the
Ps. 110:3. THIS IS THE DAY OF HIS Instruct them as to their duties. 1 ORT! [ill ANNIVERSARY YEAR..
POWER!!! - W. L. BARCLAY. i:arefui plans were laid and the church
3. Divide the territor among these
bands. so that each ‘N ill clearly under- members Went to work.
stand what his territory is. Pastor H. D. Colhurn and I had the
INGATHERING GOALS privilege of visiting a number of the busi-
British West Indies Union £5,000 4. Divide the church goal among the
bands. Remember the church school ness men in Nassau to tell them of the
Bahamas Mission 500
and the Missionary Volunteer Society. wonderful work God was doing through •
British Honduras Mission 360
.Our NOUtla people are very enthusi- His church. One businessman gave a
Cayman Islands Mission 75
astic and they can always be counted cheque for £50. 0. 0. and a buSiness lady
East Jamaica Mission 2,250
on to cooperate with any missionary gave a cheque for £100-0-0. Others gave
Salt Cays Mission 25
endeavour. cheques varying in amounts from £5-0-0
'West Jamaica 'Mission 1,750
5. Select your best solicitors to work to £25. 0. 0. and many expressed regret
the business districts, for through that they could not give more. They all ex-
this method the largest amount will pressed their gratitude for the wonderful
Suggestive Ingathering Canvass work Seventh-day Adventists were doing
be raised.
(Speaking time 35 to 40 seconds) 6. Organize immediately singing hands for God and man. Many of these busi-
"Good morning! is my and appoint leaders. nessmen increased their gifts, and none
name. With a group of other Christian refused to give. Certainly we witnessed
7. Have definite field days. Plan to
people I am making brief calls at each the blessing of God as we prayerfully went
have several during the campaign.
of the homes in the neighbourhood today. about His business. To date the Bahamas
3. Work for our foreign-speaking friends
These calls are being made in the interest Mission has raised £517-0-0 and more has
in our midst. They will give liberally
of an organization that is operating yet to be reported. Hats off the the Baha-
if approached wisely 1% ith papers in mas -- first over the top in 1948!
Christian hospitals, Missionary Stations,
their own language.
and Christian Training Schools. Each Recently it was my privilege to visit
week. we, as members of the organiza- 9. Do not forget to include the children. British Honduras and I am happy to
tion, give liberally out of our own pockets, Have them use the cans and always report that God's power is being mani-
to carry this good work forward, but go out accompanied by an adult. fested there also. Under the leadership of
once each year we present a brief report Work the same territory in the busi- Pastor J. N. Williams and his good wife
to our friends and neighbours. (At this ness districts that the adults do, only the church members are pressing forward
point hand the Ingathering magazine to after the adults have covered it. in Ingathering. Each night the singing
the prospective donor.) This report shows It does not conflict. This method band is out singing from house to house.
what has been accomplished in helping can be used in the residential section In the day-time the various hands are
the sick and suffering and in pointing also. out in their territory calling on the people
them to Jesus. Since the close of the war 11). Solicit by mail. Write letters to who were not home the night before,
we have sent more than 2,000,000 pounds old acquaintances, business friends giving them an opportunity to give.
of clothing to the needy in Europe and and other prospects. The school children are also taking an
Asia. We are asking everybody in the 11. Have some type of goal device and active part in the campaign and are to be
neighbourhood to have a little part in use it each Sabbath during the ten- seen on the streets with their cans. Surely
helping to carry this good work forward minute missionary service. these boys and girls are receiving the
by giving a liberal contribution. What- 12. Let each church work for a 100 per right kind of training and their vision of
ever you feel free to give, will be cent working membership. • Provide missions will be strengthened.
gratefully received: 'The Lord loveth a space for this on your goal device Not a residence or business • house in
cheerful giver.' Thank you." and keep this before the church. Belize has been missed, and before the
SUPPLEMENTARY CANVASS 13. The Missionary leader should call campaign is over in the colony every home
(Note to Ingathering solicitor: If no for a report from. every hand leader and business will be contacted. We had
contribution is immediately forthcoming during the 10-m i note weekly mis- some wonderful visits with the business-
after you have courteously and pleasingly sionary service. men, who were glad to have another oppor-
made the above appeal, you might add the 14. The treasurer sends in a report of tunity to give to God's cause, in spite of
following: t "You will be glad to know the Ingathering funds on hand every the many problems that face them today.
that we give our time in this worthy work week beginning with weekend of Again the request came from these men
entirely free; not one cent goes to any May 22 to July 3. that we open up a medical work in that
of the solicitors. Many of your neigh- IN '48 DO NOT BE LATE field, and also an .industrial school to
bours and friends recognize the unusual train young people in trades and vocations
merits of this annual appeal and are very others respond more modestly. However. that will help them to he self-supporting
gracious in responding. Some have given all contributions, generous or modest, are and independent.
1/-, 2/6 and even larger amounts, while graciously accepted. Thank you." (Continued on page 10)

Colporteur's Report
February 1948 Church
BAHAMAS: Building
Cojulun, M. de J. 87 $14 19 6 £15 11 9
Vasciannie, S. 140 31 16 7 31 16 7 News
Wright. Eric P. 112 35 0 6 35 0 6
Adams. Mrs. M. 63 39 4 0 13 0 0 1,11=111

Athias, Lucilda 120 29 4 0 2 19 11

Anderson. A. A. 55 14 14 0 8 6
Blake. W. E. 132 81 5 0 17 6 0
Blake. Gloria 196 29 11 6 12 5 3
Cousins, C. S. 179 220 2 6 4 1 6
Dawes, Lloyd 42 11 5 0 2 7 6
Davidson, L. H. 124 120 10 0 3 2 0
Davids, Mrs. L. 94 25 3 0 10 4 0
Destoe, K. E. 70 53 17 6 6 3
Dillon, Leslie 25 36 0 6
Duncombe, P. 124 19 15 6 17 17 6
Francis, Elsie 88 5 4 0 10 6 0
Horne, Samuel 170 67 18 9 ' 5 16 3
James, Meri 110 19 16 0 7 1 9
King, J. S. 172 251 0 0 21 0 0
King, J. M. 235 49 2 6 42 6 0
Lindsay. C. E. 139 30 9 0 18 0
Llewellyn, W. S. 22 8 12 0 TROY S. D. A. CHURCH
Notice, N. 97 5 10 0 Pictured above is the neat little
Pitkin, Miss M. 113 25 4 0 6 9 9 Troy church in Trelawny that was
Rose, Florence 97 11 1 9 10 6 6 dedicated a little over a year ago. In
Samuel, L. 132 11 6 0 10 2 0 the right foreground is our estimable
Satchell, M. A. 92 65 4 0 20 4 6 Union Field Secretary who has worked
Scott. Elkanah 117 30 16 0 3 12 0 so untiringly to keep the church build-
Sterling. D. A. 192 10 18 0 10 18 0 ing programme in the Union moving
Sterling, Miguel 107 58 0 0 ._.1 0 forward.
Sutherland. W. A. 249 26 8 0
Wilson, George 119 111 5 0 17 12 6
Ingathering and
White. George 51 11 15 0 the Church Building Programme
White. Mrs. R. 34 3 11 6 1 19 9
Wright, Rudolph 83 15 0 0 3 10 3 Ingathering time is here again and
WEST JAMAICA: we can hear in every corner of Jamaica,
Adams, Beryl 78 39 15 0 1 0 0 the shuffling of Ingathering papers and
Bigby, D. 76 15 18 0 6 17 0 soliciting cards as well as the clatter of
Bulgin, R. 117 42 11 6 13 0 cans among the children. There is ring-
Carnegie, R. K. 203 60 9 6 2 17 4 ing now in the hearts of every true
Douse, Herman 172 62 12 6 11 10 6 ingatherer that joy of meeting with old
Douse, Mrs. L. 102 45 4 0 1 14 1 and new friends again.
Gilling, Doris 117 37 9 0 5 2 2 As we launch out in this year's cam-
Gilling, F. L. 164 30 5 9 3 10 9 paign, let us do so with a determination
Gooden, Epsie 91 2 6 6 10 9 that we will make this the quickest and
Guthrie, Ira 114 22 2 2 17 0 most successful campaign that we have
Headley, A. C. 46 20 5 0 18 9 ever had in the history of our work in this
Hepburn, C. H. 175 73 6 6 8 10 9 field. It is far beyond human compre-
Hyll, Mrs. M. 92 40 16 0 hension loved ones. to understand how
Kennedy, R. 58 5 IQ 0 10 3 0 God has greatly blessed us in the ingather-
Kent, R. 124 31 8 4 14 10 3 ing of funds in times past and how he
Kerr, L. 244 16 0 0 14 0 0 has given added wisdom to those who are
Lawrence, V. A. 123 41 14 0 10 7 3 responsible for the distribution of the
Leslie, J. E.. 44 14 7 0 6 19 0 funds received. Our own field has been
Llewellyn, James 73 15 12 0 the greatest benefactor. I cite one instance.
Lunan, I. B. 123 27 2 0 10 7 0 That is, the help received from the Har-
Martin, Mrs. E. 76 '5 1 0 2 14 9 vest Ingathering funds for our church
(Continued on page 9) building programme. To a very great
Maxweil, D. E. 77 10 12 6 2 6 0 history of the work in Mulgrave. Truck-
Morris, Louise 90 51 16 0 22 10 6 loads of members from the Jointwood and
McDonald, J. 169 51 14 0 8 7 0 White Hill churches and representatives
McLaughlin, E. 82 28 10 9 6 9 of Maggotty and Johnson churches were
Nesbitt, R. R. 103 23 2 0 12 0 in attendance to help make the occasion
Plummer, H. L. 122 60 18 6 4 0 0 a happy one.
Powell. L. E. 74 43 8 0 Thursday afternoon, March 25, was
Smith, Mrs. B. 104 89 19 0 3 7 11
a long awaited day for the East End,
Smith. M. V. 206 95 1 3 19 18 3
Grand Cayman Church. Long had the
Sparkes, E. C. 79 13 6 6 14 6
brethren from East End worked and
Spence. Alvin 68 33 15 0 3 12 0
prayed for a new church building. At
Stewart. H. 97 6 14 0 3 18 6
long last funds were available, materials
Tharpe. C. H. 129 58 5 0 3 13 6
had been gathered, the foundation was in,
Wallace, A. 0. 151 54 7 0 2 3 8
the uprights were in place and the time
Wallace. R. B. 115 117 6 3 22 16 9
for the corner stone-laying was at hand.
Wright. J. E. 127 110 0 0 6 2 0
Brother J. T. Bodden, for many years
In order to be a regular colporteur, men must put in regularly, at least 120 Elder of the church, welcomed the large
hours per month and women must put in at least 100 hours. gathering and introduced Elder K.. S.
Crofoot, President of the Cayman Islands
Summary for February, 1948 Mission, as the Master of Ceremonies. for
the day. The President of the B. W. L.
MISSIONS COLPORTEURS HOURS ORDERS DELIVERIES Union preached the Stone-laying sermon;
Bahamas No Report Pastor E. E. Parchment, Union Field Sec-
British Honduras 2 227 £ 46 16 1 i 48 8 3 retary, also took a leading part in the
Caymans 2 124 41 4 3 40 5 8 service. Everything had been carefully
East Jamaica 58 5361 1899 10 6 358 18 1.1 planned and the whole service went off
Salt Gays. 1 100 4 0 0 4 0 0 smoothly. A truck and two cars brought
West Jamaica 46 4774 1674 12 4 286 11 2 believers from Georgetown, and Bodden
TOTALS 109 10586 £3666 3 2 £738 4 0 Town to join in . the pleasant service.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*. •••••••••••••••••••........•••••••••••• Plans are being laid for a new church
building at Savannah in the Cayman
extent. through this medium, we have been Through this medium, funds are going Islands. This new company raised up
able to complete and dedicate for the past to be received, churches are going to be last year by Elder Crofoot and Brother
two years. not less than 50 churches built and dedicated where men can come Forbes and other lay workers from the
which stand as monuments to the honour and worship the Master builder after the Georgetown church is a live wide awake
and glory of Prince Emmanuel. However. dictates of their consciences. So fellow group and are' really pushing the work
our task along this line have only been soldier. let us redouble our efforts this forward in their little community. Sister
touched with the tips of our fingers. We year and go forward gathering in the Ena Forbes is an enthusiastic consecrated
have still. in Jamaica alone, over 70 of pounds. shillings and pennies and even leader and is doing a fine work in Sav-
these unfinished buildings, and there are the farthings that are there for God keep- annah. Sister Erna Hyslop. one of the
in the other missions of the
. Union, a fairly ing in mind the fact that thirteen pence newly baptized members has kindly given
large quantity which we hope under God, can buy one pound in weight, of nails. a very fine plot of land on the main road
to complete within the near future. Although the offering might be small, in for the building and actual construction
some cases. let us not pass it by, remem- should he gettiizg underway before too
In these days when materials and
bering that as we go He takes notice and many months slip by.
labour are soaring beyond our understand-
ing. this question naturally arise in the cares for everyone of us every step of the Brother Felix Clayton is continuing
mind of some thinking persons. "How way. Surely the faithful servant will not to do a very fine work as Elder Parch-
are we going to complete the 25 or more lose his reward. ment's Chief Assistant in finishing up
churches that we plan to finish in the —E. E. PARCHMENT. church buildings. Brother Clayton. with
Union this year?" I think from past the help of members has already com-
Church Building News pleted Spring Garden, Richmond Park
exneriences. I can answer this question.
The Mulgrave church in West Jamaica and Mulgrave buildings this year.. Rich-
1..u.,ting from Hebrews 13:8, "Jesus Christ
was dedicated to the honour and glory of mond Park is scheduled for dedication
the same yesterday, and to-day, and for
God on Sunday. March 28. with a large on Sunday, April 18. At present Brother
ever." And from Malachi 3:6, "For I crowd present to participate in this im- Clayton, is working with the Newell believ-
am the Lord, I change not;" also the portant function. Elder K. Vaz, pastor of ers in completing their large remodelling
servant of tip Lord tells us in the Spirit St. Elizabeth Parish, officiated as. Master programme which should be finished soon.
of Prophecy that we only have to fear the of Ceremonies. Elder C. 0. Franz, So extensive has been this programme
future as we forget the past how God has Secretary-Treasurer of the British West that it is planned to rededicate the church
led us. With these thoughts in mind. I Indies Union, preached the dedicatory in the near future.
think that I can truly say that God is sermon. Elder W. S. Nation. President
going to use men and women in the Har- of the West Jamaica Mission. offered the Elder Parchment has been busy with
vest Ingathering campaign this year as Dedicatory prayer and led out in the Act the many building projects throughout
he has used them in the past and even of Dedication. The clerk of the church the Union. He has visited Port Antonio
ni.,re. gave an interesting presentation of the (Continued on page 10)

..Why God Gives to Sinner; brethren and sisters, members of The British West Indies Union
(Con:inued from God's remnant church in the British West Visitor
'things which it. is our pri ,nauce Indies Inion: I call upon every single one
of you to join inc in all doing our part Robert H. Pierson
them to do for the ack a' or the Clyde 0. Franz
work of God." T11.. p. 2ft-;. to speedily reach our Ingathering goals! Oilleial o: the
"God %%ill work for us 1 we are -God has given us a work to do. Let BRITISH WL;;T INDrks UNION MISSION.
us do it with accuracy and determination. ,,f Seventh-day Adventists
• to do Tyhat we can v.nd should do
likAatti Post Box 22, General Post Odiee. Mandeville, Ja..
,..on our part." CS., p. 170. Let us show in our lives what the truth UNION DIRECTORY
has done for us." 67'., 418. Robert H. Pierson President.
`'Tine success in any line of work is Secretary-Treasurer-
. - "The Lord demands that in His ser- Clyde 0. Franz
not ..the result of chance or accident or Clinton Hendricks Accountant & Cashier
vants shall be found a spirit that is quick
destiny. It is the Outworking of God's
to discern the duties to be done, quick DEPARTMENTAL SECRETARIES
proyidences. the reward of faith and dis- W. L. Barclay, Horne Ni i Sti. , V.P.M.V.. Temp.
to respond to the obligations that the Publishing
cretion, of virtue and perseverance.- A. R. Haig .
Lord lays upon them," 97' ., 123. B. G. Butherus Educational,
PK.. p. 486. E. E. Parchment Field Secretary & S. S.
If we alt, will join hands and hearts Clifford Anderson, M.D., Medical,
When we go let us approach the people Iteiigious Liberty
in prayerfulry and perseveringly doing Robert H. Pierson
Radio Dept. Otlic:, Secy.
of the world with coura.4e and not Miss A. W. Sangster
our part in the I ngatherir g, honest-
apologetically. We are not beggars! We
hearted souls •will be contacted and won, Here and There Over the Union
- are here on business for the King. 1
funds will be gathered in to build
read an interesting article recently right Pastors Pierson and Parchment have:
churches. equip our schools and medical
on this point; it was entitled "Booker T. recently returned to the I. Office after
institutions and in general add great
Washington's Plan." I want to share it attending the Cayman Islands Mission
impetus to the work of God in our beauti
with you now. Biennial Session in Georgetown. Grand
ful island field! May God bless you as
"Although it has been my privilege," Cayman. They report a very fine time
you do your part!
said Booker T. Washington, the great with Spirit-filled meetings both in busi-
negro educator, "to be the medium ness session and for the public in genera'
Over The Top
through which many hundreds of thou- each evening.
(Continued from page 7) The new 1948.49 Mission Committee
sands of dollars have been received for
the work at Tuskegee, I have always In Corozal Pastor Newman is carrying for the Cayman Islands Mission is: Pastor
avoided what the world calls begging. I on a good work, and reports that more Crofoot, Chairman, C. R. Wood, Secretary.
often tell people that I have never begged money was raised in the business dis- Mrs. K. Crofoot, Mr. George Merrell. Dr._
any money. and that I am not a beggar. tricts there than ever before. One estate A. B. Cafferky, Mrs. Ida Thompson and
My experience and observation have manager gave $25.00 and regretted that Mr. J. T. Sodden.
convinced me that persistent asking out- he could not give more. This man employs Departmental Secretaries for the Cay-
right for money from the rich does not, a number of Adventists and spoke very man Islands Mission recently elected at
as a rule. secure help. I have usually highly of them. It was because he knew their sessions are as follows: Home.
proceeded on the principle . that persons them through their work for him that he Missionary and Y. P. M. V. — Elder K.
who possess sense enough to earn money was interested in giving. We appreciate S. Crofoot; Sabbath School and Bible
have sense enough to give it away. and this testimony to the industry of our Correspondence School — C. R. Wood;
that the mere mak*, known of the facts faithful believers ih that part of God's Educational Dept.—Mrs. K. Crofoot;
regarding Tuskegee, and especially the vineyard. Medical Dept. — Dr . A. B. Cafferkv;
facts regarding the work of the graduates, When I left British Honduras to return Publishing Dept.— A. R. Haig.
has been more effective than outright to Jamaica about half the goal was in hand Pastor W. L. Barclay has recently re-
begging. I think that the presentation and soon we expect the report that the turned from British Honduras where he
of facts, on a high and dignified plane, is campaign has been completed there for has been assisting with Ingathering for
all the begging that most people care for." this year. We are praying also that two weeks. Although money came in
Do you have any doubt that the Spirit shortly after the campaign is started in slowly this year due to the economic con-
of Prophecy endorses this plan? Read Jamaica we will see the results of a well- dition of the colony the workers and
this : planned campaign in each church and believers are of good courage and are
"Some may question the propriety of receive the report that the work is done pressing the battle to the gates.
receiving gifts from unbelievers. Let such and the goal in hand with a large Pastor A. R. Haig writes from the
ask themselves: 'Who is the real owner of overflolt W. L. BARCLAY. Bahamas that things are moving forward
our world'... God ... is ready to move nicely there. Many are becoming in-
upon the hearts of worldly men, even Church Building News terested in the literature ministry •and he
idolaters. to give of their abundance for is hopeful of securing a number of new
• (Continued front page 7 .1
the support of His work; and He will do recruits during his stay.
and Buff Bay projects twice recently and
this as soon as His pcople learn to Sabbath afternoon, April 3, before a
things are moving forward in both
approach these men wisely and to call capacity crowd in the North treet Tem-
their attention to that which it is their places. The new Kencot church at 12
Osborne Road, Kingston was laid out ple, ' Kingston, Brother As on Davis,
privilege to do." C. S. p. 169. District Pastor of Upper St. Andrei‘v, East
Wednesday, April 14, and work will com-
"One of the new plans for reaching mence here immediately. Jamaica Mission, was ordained. Elder
unbelievers is the Harvest Ingathering Pastor E. C. H. Reid now has the win- R. H. Pierson preached the sermon. Elder
campaign for Missions. In many places dows, the doors and the rough flooring M. G. Nembhard offered the ordination
during the past few yea's, this has proved in the beautiful new Claremont, St. prayer. Elder C. 0. Franz gave the charge
a success, bringing blessings to many, Ann's Church, and we expect it will be and Elder D. V. Pond welcomed Elder
and increasing the flow of means into the ready for dedication along later in the Davis into the brotherhood of the East
mission treasury." MS.: JiTne 5, 1914. summer. • Jamaica ministry.


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