Q13.635 PCE Rev 03 QS Lns

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October 2014
Q13/635 : AGP Square, Dili PT Langdon & Seah Indonesia

Page Nos.

Basis of Cost Estimate 1

Brief Description of the Project 2-7

Construction Floor Areas 8

Exclusions 9

Overall Summary 10


Elemental Summary 11


Elemental Summary 12
Elemental Budget 13-17


Elemental Summary 18
Elemental Budget 19-23


Elemental Summary 24
Elemental Budget 25-32

Furniture, Fittings and Equipment

Elemental Summary 33
Elemental Budget 34-40

Hotel Operating Equipment

Elemental Summary 41

Siteworks and Utilities

Elemental Summary 42
Elemental Budget 43-44

Project Cost Estimate Rev. 02
Q13/635 : AGP Square, Dili PT Langdon & Seah Indonesia


This Cost Estimate is prepared from:

Drawings "http://we.tl/NaW8xLcjSH" provided by Bapak Marcel Pratama in email dated
25 September 2014

This Cost Estimate is based on the following conditions:

A start date of 4Q 2014

A foreign currency exchange rate of US$1 = Rp 12,000

A construction period of 72 months

The contractors will have full access to the site at all hours

Market Conditions

This document is based on the measurement and pricing of quantities wherever information is
provided and/or reasonable assumptions for other work not covered in the drawings or
specifications, as stated within this document. Unit rates have been obtained from historical
records and/or discussion with contractors and reflect current tender pricing in the area.

Pricing reflects probable construction costs obtainable in the project locality on the date of this
estimate. This estimate is a determination of fair market value for the construction of this project.
It is not a prediction of low tender. Pricing assumes competitive tendering for every portion of the
construction work. A location factor of x2 has been included within this estimate for probable
construction costs within Dili, Timor Leste given the availablibility of local plant, labour and
materials within the project locality. This is an assumption only and may change once further
investigation of local market costs have been undertaken.

Since PT Langdon & Seah Indonesia has no control over the cost of labour, material, equipment,
or over the contractor's method of determining prices, or over the competitive tendering or
market conditions at the time of tender, the estimate is based on industry practice, professional
experience and qualifications, and represents PT Langdon & Seah Indonesia's best judgement
as a professional construction cost consultant familiar with the construction industry in Indonesia.
However, PT Langdon & Seah Indonesia cannot and does not guarantee that the tenders or the
final construction costs will not vary from opinions of probable cost prepared by them.

Project Cost Estimate Rev. 02 1
Q13/635 : AGP Square, Dili PT Langdon & Seah Indonesia
Brief Description


The project consists of the construction of a mixed use development located on 14,820m2 of land in
Dili, Timor Leste.

The building comprises one level of parking, three levels of F&B and event space, twenty levels of
hotel, a helipad and an MEP building.

The hotel is a 5 star standard comprising 177 rooms keys.

The total construction floor area is approximately 39,334m2 (excluding roof and terraces).

The assumed specification is as follows :

Foundations comprising:

Piling : Driven concrete piles

Foundations : Reinforced concrete pile caps

Semi basement parking, comprising:

Basement slab : 300mm thick reinforced concrete slab at basement with waterproofing

Structural frame : Reinforced concrete slab, beams, columns

Roof coverings : Waterproofing liquid coating membrane,

membrane cement and sand screeds and

Stairs and ramps : Reinforced concrete stairs with trowelled cement screed, ceramic tile
inset nosings and painted steel balustrades and handrails
: Reinforced concrete ramps and painted steel balustrades

Internal partitions : Autoclaved aerated concrete partitions

Internal doors : Painted fire rated steel doors to ducts, fire stairs and plant rooms with
local hardware

Architectural finishes : Parking areas

floors: non-metallic floor hardener, natural colour
walls: acrylic enamel solvent based painted plaster or acrylic enamel
solvent based painted fair faced concrete structure
ceiling: acrylic emulsion painted fair face concrete structure
:Lift lobbies
floors: local stone
walls: local stone
ceiling: acrylic emulsion painted gypboard suspended ceiling
:Plant rooms, PLN room
floors: cement and sand screed with non-metallic floor hardener,
natural colour
walls: acrylic enamel solvent based painted plaster
ceiling: acrylic emulsion painted fair face concrete structure

Project Cost Estimate Rev. 02 2
Q13/635 : AGP Square, Dili PT Langdon & Seah Indonesia
Brief Description


Function equipment : Wheel stops, column corner guards, height restrictors

Signage : Wayfinding signage and exit signage

: Parking and directional markings and colour coding

Plumbing : Toto sanitary appliances to drivers' toilets

: Cold water installations to drivers' toilets and wudhu
: Main water pumps and sewage pumps & filtration system (WTP)
: Pumped rainwater drainage system in semi- basement

Air-conditioning and : Mechanical ventilation to semi-basement car park areas

ventilation : Partial mechanical ventilation to above grade parking areas
: Central chilled water air conditioning to lift lobbies and occupied rooms

: Stairwell, lift shaft and service lift lobby pressurisation system

Electrical services : MV and LV boards. transformers and interconnecting cabling

: Distribution boards and sub-main cabling
: Power to equipment and machines
: Lighting accessories and cabling and emergency lighting
: Base lighting fixtures, exit lighting fixtures
: Architectural lighting fixtures to lift lobbies
: Power accessories and cabling
: Earthing and grounding
: Lightning protection

Communications and : PA / emergency speakers / car call system

security : CCTV and door alarms
: Building automation system

Fire protection and :Sprinkler system

detection :Hydrant system
:Fire detection/alarm system (semi addressable)
: Portable fire extinguishers

Three floors of retail (plus roof), comprising:

Structural frame : Reinforced concrete slab, beams, columns and core walls
: Structural steel beams and columns

Stairs :Reinforced concrete stairs with trowelled cement screed, ceramic tile
inset nosings and painted steel balustrades and handrails

External envelope : Autoclaved aerated concrete partitions

: Stone cladding with precast panels
: Frameless tempered glass shopfronts
: Frameless glass double doors
: Painted fire rated steel doors to fire stairs with local hardware

Internal partitions : Autoclaved aerated concrete partitions

: WC cubicle to public toilets

Project Cost Estimate Rev. 02 3
Q13/635 : AGP Square, Dili PT Langdon & Seah Indonesia
Brief Description


Internal doors : Painted timber doors to toilets with local hardware
: Painted fire rated steel doors to ducts, fire stairs and plant rooms with
local hardware
: Frameless glass double doors to ballroom and corridors

Architectural finishes : F&B as shell

: Mall and outdoor seating area
floors: homogeneous tile on screed
walls: plaster and acrylic emulsion paint
skirting : homogeneous tile
ceiling: acrylic emulsion painted gypboards suspended ceiling with
coves and coffers
special interior design
: Public toilets
floors: homogeneous tile on screed and waterproofing membrane
walls: homogeneous tile on screed and waterproofing membrane
ceiling: acrylic emulsion painted water resistant gypboard suspended
: Security room and service corridor
floors: non-slip ceramic tiles
walls: plaster and acrylic emulsion paint
skirting : non-slip ceramic tiles
ceiling: acrylic emulsion painted gypboards suspended ceiling with
coves and coffers

Function equipment : Vanity units with local stone tops, mirrors and lighting coves
: Sanitary accessories
: Hand driers
: Paper towel dispensers
: Security equipments

Signage : Wayfinding signage and exit signage

: Main directory and floor directories
: Event space signage

Plumbing : Toto sanitary appliances

: Cold water installations
: Flushing water installations
: Soil and waste drainage and vent system
: Rainwater drainage system
: Gas installations to kitchens
: Grease interceptors
: Hot water for kitchen

Air-conditioning and : Central chilled water air conditioning to common areas

ventilation : Ventilation to toilets and kitchen

Electrical services : MV and LV boards. transformers and interconnecting cabling

: Distribution boards and sub-main cabling
: Power to equipment and machines
: Lighting accessories and cabling and emergency lighting
: Base lighting fixtures, exit lighting fixtures
: Power accessories and cabling
: Earthing and grounding
: Lightning protection

Communications and : Communications installations

Project Cost Estimate Rev. 02 4
Q13/635 : AGP Square, Dili PT Langdon & Seah Indonesia
Brief Description


security : CCTV system
: WiFi system
: PA / emergency speakers
: MATV system
: Building automation system

Fire protection and :Sprinkler system

detection :Hydrant system
:Fire detection/alarm system (semi addressable)
: Portable fire extinguishers

Vertical transportation : 2no. Passenger lifts, event space (1mps, 900kg, roomless)
: Custom cabs to passenger lifts
: 1no. Service lifts (1mps, 1150kg, roomless)

Twenty One floors of hotel, comprising:

Structural frame : Reinforced concrete slab and core walls

: Structural steel beams and columns

Roof coverings : Waterproofing liquid coating membrane, cement and sand screeds and

Stairs :Reinforced concrete stairs with trowelled cement screed, ceramic tile
inset nosings and painted steel balustrades and handrails

External envelope : Precast panel system (window/ aluminium frame)

: Glass railing to sky terrace
: Building maintenance systems at utility level

Internal partitions : Autoclaved aerated concrete partitions

: Glass toilet and shower cubicles at guestrooms
: Toilet and shower cubicles for public toilets

Internal doors : Engineered timber doors to guestrooms and public area with local
: Card access system to guestroom main entry
: Painted timber doors to BOH with local hardware
: Painted timber doors to toilets with local hardware
: Painted fire rated steel doors to ducts, fire stairs and plant rooms with
local hardware

Architectural finishes : Interior finishes to guestrooms by ID.

: Service area of back-of-house
floors: ceramic tile on screed
walls: plaster and plaint
ceiling: painted gypboard suspended ceiling
: Wet areas of back-of-house
floors: homogeneous tile on screed and waterproofing membrane
walls: homogeneous tile on screed and waterproofing membrane
ceiling: acrylic emulsion painted water resistant gypboard suspended
: Administration areas of back-of-house
floors: homogeneous tile on screed
walls: acrylic emulsion plaster and plaint
ceiling: acrylic emulsion painted gypboard suspended ceiling

Project Cost Estimate Rev. 02 5
Q13/635 : AGP Square, Dili PT Langdon & Seah Indonesia
Brief Description


Guestroom millworks : Millwork to guestroom

Interior fitting out : Interior fitting out to public areas

: Architectural lighting fixtures and controls to public areas

Function equipment : Vanity units with local stone tops, mirrors and lighting coves
: Sanitary accessories
: Hand driers
: Paper towel dispensers
: Steam rooms and sauna rooms equipments
: Back-of-house shelving and bumper rails

Plumbing : Toto sanitary appliances

: Cold water installations
: Flushing water installations
: Soil and waste drainage and vent system
: Rainwater drainage system
: Hot water central plant
: Gas installation system
: Grease interceptors

Air-conditioning and : Central chilled water air conditioning to common areas

ventilation : Central mechanical ventilation to guestroom bathroom
: Central mechanical ventilation to toilets, kitchen laundry and plant
: Mechanical ventilation to lift machine room
: Stairwell,
Stairwell lift shaft and service lift lobby pressurisation system

Electrical services : MV and LV boards. transformers and interconnecting cabling

: Distribution boards and sub-main cabling
: Power to equipment and machines
: Lighting accessories and cabling and emergency lighting
: Base lighting fixtures, exit lighting fixtures
: Architectural lighting fixtures to guestrooms
: External building lighting and controls
: Power accessories and cabling
: Earthing and grounding
: Lightning protection

Communications and : Communications installations

security : CCTV system
: WiFi system
: Door access systems
: PA / emergency speakers
: MATV system
: Building automation system

Fire protection and :Sprinkler system

detection :Hydrant system
:Fire detection/alarm system (semi addressable)
: Portable fire extinguishers

Project Cost Estimate Rev. 02 6
Q13/635 : AGP Square, Dili PT Langdon & Seah Indonesia
Brief Description


Vertical transportation : 4no.Passenger lifts, guestroom (2.5mps, 1150kg)
: 1no. Passenger lifts, restaurant (1mps, 1350kg, roomless)
: Custom cabs to passenger lifts
: Card access system
: 1no. Service lifts, kitchen service (1mps, 1600kg, roomless)
: Supervisory panel and cabling

Project Cost Estimate Rev. 02 7
Q13/635 : AGP Square, Dili PT Langdon & Seah Indonesia
Construction Floor Areas


Parking MEP Building F&B / Event Hotel / Facility Total


m2 m2 m2 m2 m2

Level 1 6,207 529 635 1,557 8,928

Level 2 529 3,576 1,197 5,302
Level 3 529 2,251 1,244 4,024
Level 4 1,249 1,249
Level 5 1,249 1,249
Level 6 1,130 1,130
Level 7 1,250 1,250
Level 8 1,250 1,250
Level 9 1,250 1,250
Level 10 1,250 1,250
Level 11 1,250 1,250
Level 12 1,250 1,250
Level 13 1,238 1,238
Level 14 1,238 1,238
Level 15 1,238 1,238
Level 16 1,238 1,238
Level 17 1,250 1,250
Level 18 1,250 1,250
Level 19 1,250 1,250
Level 20 1,250 1,250

Totals 6,207 1,587 6,462 25,078 39,334

Totals 6,207 1,587 6,462 25,078 39,334

Note: The measurement of Construction Floor Area does not include roofs, terraces and the like

Project Cost Estimate Rev. 02 8
Q13/635 : AGP Square, Dili PT Langdon & Seah Indonesia


Land and easement acquisition

Finance charges


Legal fees

Permits and licences

Client's administration and management costs

Consultants' and project management/construction management fees

Marketing and other pre-opening expenses

Compression of schedule, premium or shift work, and restrictions on the contractor's


Retail and F&B spaces finished as shell only

Event space lighting and audio visual systems

Future development adjacent to the site (10,716 sqm)

Project Cost Estimate Rev. 02 9
Q13/635 : AGP Square, Dili PT Langdon & Seah Indonesia
Overall Summary


Gross Floor
Area Rp/m2 Rp US$/m2 US$

Substructure 39,334 M2 959,400 37,735,550,000 79.95 3,144,750

Basement 6,207 M2 6,401,200 39,732,000,000 533.43 3,311,020

Event 6,462 M2 9,433,100 60,957,000,000 786.09 5,079,720

Hotel 25,078 M2 12,110,500 303,706,000,000 1,009.21 25,308,930

Furniture, Fittings and Equipment 25,078 M2 1,360,000 34,105,000,000 113.33 2,842,170

Hotel Operating Equipment 25,078 M2 1,984,600 49,770,000,000 165.38 4,147,480

Siteworks and Utilities 39,334 M2 958,300 37,695,000,000 79.86 3,141,150

Helipad 6,000,000,000 500,000

MEP Building 1,587 M2 5,041,000 8,000,000,000 420.08 666,670

Utilities Connections 9,000,000,000 750,000

CONSTRUCTION COST 39,334 M2 14,915,900 586,700,550,000 1,242.99 48,891,890

Design Development Reserve +/- 5% 29,340,000,000 2,445,000

Construction Contingencies +/- 5% 29,340,000,000 2,445,000

CONTINGENCIES 39,334 M2 1,491,800 58,680,000,000 124.32 4,890,000

Mock-up Guestroom 2,400,000,000 200,000

MOCK-UPS 2,400,000,000 200,000

Location factor (Dili, Timor Leste) x2 1,295,560,000,000 107,963,330

LOCATION FACTOR 39,334 M2 32,937,400 1,295,560,000,000 107,963,330

RECOMMENDED BUDGET excluding PPN 39,334 M2 32,937,400 1,295,560,000,000 2,744.78 107,963,330

Project Cost Estimate Rev. 02 10
Q13/635 : AGP Square, Dili PT Langdon & Seah Indonesia


Quantity Unit Rate Total

1.1 Test Piling 1 ls 1,622,832,000 1,622,832,000

1.2 Concrete Driven Piling 1 ls 22,273,368,000 22,273,368,000
1.3 Provisional Sums 1 ls 240,000,000 240,000,000
1.4 Pile caps 1 ls 5,555,000,000 5,555,000,000
Substructure 29,691,200,000
Total Construction excluding Preliminaries and Insurances 29,691,200,000
2.1 Preliminaries 1 ls 8,044,350,000 8,044,350,000
2.2 Insurances
Preliminaries and Insurances 8,044,350,000
Total Construction including Preliminaries and Insurances 37,735,550,000

Project Cost Estimate Rev. 02 11
Q13/635 : AGP Square, Dili PT Langdon & Seah Indonesia


Gross Area: 6,207 m2

Rp./m2 Rp.

1.1 Basement Excavation 58,800 365,000,000

1.2 Basement Slab 1,050,400 6,520,000,000
1.3 Basement Walls 331,100 2,055,000,000
Substructure 1,440,300 8,940,000,000
2.1 Internal Structure 2,342,500 14,540,000,000
2.2 Roof Structure and Covering 46,900 291,000,000
2.3 Stairs and Ramps 35,000 217,000,000
2.4 External Finishings 417,100 2,589,000,000
Shell 2,841,500 17,637,000,000
3.1 Interior Partitions 28,200 175,000,000
3.2 Internal Doors 11,400 71,000,000
3.3 Architectural Finishes 206,900 1,284,000,000
Interiors 246,500 1,530,000,000
4.1 Function Equipment 36,700 228,000,000
4.2 Signage 13,700 85,000,000
Equipment 50,400 313,000,000
5.1 Plumbing 134,700 836,000,000
5.2 Airconditioning and Ventilation 146,600 910,000,000
5.3 Electrical Services 574,200 3,564,000,000
5.4 Communications and Security 104,600 649,000,000
5.5 Fire Protection and Detection 229,700 1,426,000,000
5.6 Vertical transportation 0 0
5.7 BWIC and Main Contractor's Attendance 41,900 260,000,000
Services Installations 1,231,700 7,645,000,000
Total Construction excluding Preliminaries and Insurances 5,810,400 36,065,000,000
6.1 Preliminaries 10.00% 581,100 3,607,000,000
6.2 Insurances 0.15% 9,700 60,000,000
Preliminaries and Insurances 590,800 3,667,000,000
Total Construction including Preliminaries and Insurances 6,401,200 39,732,000,000

Project Cost Estimate Rev. 02 12
Q13/635 : AGP Square, Dili PT Langdon & Seah Indonesia


Quantity Unit Rate Total

1.1 Basement Excavation

Basement slab excavation 2,940 m3 45,000 132,300,000
Remove excavated materials from site 2,940 m3 36,000 105,840,000
Anti-termite treatment 8,400 m2 15,000 126,000,000
Rounding 1 ls 860,000 860,000


1.2 Basement Slab

Cut off pile heads 1 ls 160,000,000 160,000,000
200 mm thick basement slab
Concrete fc=30mpa 1,680 m3 1,265,000 2,125,200,000
Rebar 100kg/m3 168,000 kg 12,000 2,016,000,000
Waterproofing admixture 1,680 m3 250,000 420,000,000
Sand blinding, 100mm 8,400 m2 35,000 294,000,000
Lean mix concrete blinding, 50mm 8,400 m2 60,000 504,000,000
Sump pits and lift pits 1 ls 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000
Rounding 1 ls 800,000 800,000


1.3 Basement Walls

300mm thick basement wall
Concrete fc=30MPa 417 m3 1,265,000 527,505,000
Rebar 180kg/m3 75,060 kg 12,000 900,720,000
Formwork 2,780 m2 170,000 472,600,000
Waterproofing additive 417 m3 250,000 104,250,000
Water stops 397 m 125,000 49,625,000
Rounding 1 ls 300,000 300,000


2.1 Internal Structure

Core (190 m2)
Concrete 30mpa
Suspended slab 38 m3 1,265,000 48,070,000
Core walls 81 m3 1,265,000 102,465,000
Beams 15 m3 1,265,000 18,975,000
Suspended slab 100kg/m3 3,800 kg 12,000 45,600,000
Core walls 180kg/m3 14,580 kg 12,000 174,960,000
Beams 240kg/m3 3,600 kg 12,000 43,200,000
Suspended slab 190 m2 170,000 32,300,000
Core walls 327 m2 170,000 55,590,000
Beams 105 m2 170,000 17,850,000
Basement structure (8,210m2)
Concrete 30mpa
Suspended slab 1,642 m3 1,265,000 2,077,130,000
Columns 288 m3 1,265,000 364,320,000
Beams 1,396 m3 1,265,000 1,765,940,000

Project Cost Estimate Rev. 02 13
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Quantity Unit Rate Total

Suspended slab 100kg/m3 164,200 kg 12,000 1,970,400,000
Columns 280kg/m3 80,640 kg 12,000 967,680,000
Beams 240kg/m3 335,040 kg 12,000 4,020,480,000
Suspended slab 8,210 m2 170,000 1,395,700,000
Columns 1,116 m2 150,000 167,400,000
Beams 6,979 m2 170,000 1,186,430,000
Steel lift separator beams, primed 1 ls 35,000,000 35,000,000
Machine housekeeping pads 1 ls 50,000,000 50,000,000
Rounding 1 ls 510,000 510,000


2.2 Roof Structure and Covering

Concrete roof structure (included in 1.1)
Waterproofing and protective screeds 1,210 m2 240,000 290,400,000
Rounding 1 ls 600,000 600,000


2.3 Stairs and Ramps

Stairs floor to floor, 2.20m rise, structure 1 no 12,000,000 12,000,000
Stairs floor to floor, 2.20m rise, finishings 1 no 15,000,000 15,000,000
Stairs floor to floor, 3.50m rise, structure 5 no 18,000,000 90,000,000
Stairs floor to floor, 3.50m rise, finishings 5 no 20,000,000 100,000,000
Rounding 1 ls 0


2.4 External Finishings

Autoclaved aerated concrete walls 1,390 m2 200,000 278,000,000
Precast concrete panels (60% coverage) 835 m2 900,000 751,500,000
Stone cladding (40% coverage) with PC rate
USD150 on dry system 555 m2 2,647,500 1,469,362,500
Frameless tempered glass shopfronts
(entrance) curved 37 m2 1,550,000 57,350,000
Frameless glass double doors 1 pr 32,000,000 32,000,000
Rounding 1 ls 787,500 787,500

3.1 Interior Partitions
Parking areas only - hotel and event space
Autoclaved aerated concrete walls 255 m2 200,000 51,000,000
Frameless tempered glass screens to lift
lobbies 70 m2 1,250,000 87,500,000
Frameless glass double doors 1 pr 32,000,000 32,000,000
Motorised rolling shutter at loading 5 m2 850,000 4,250,000
Rounding 1 ls 250,000 250,000


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Quantity Unit Rate Total

3.2 Internal Doors

Parking areas only - hotel and event space
Timber single doors 1 no 3,900,000 3,900,000
Timber double doors 1 pr 6,800,000 6,800,000
Metal single doors, fire rated 1 no 7,500,000 7,500,000
Metal double doors, fire rated 7 no 7,500,000 52,500,000
Rounding 1 ls 300,000 300,000

3.3 Architectural Finishes
Hotel and event space excluded
Floor hardener, parking area 4,964 m2 70,000 347,480,000
Raised concrete islands 1,232 m2 100,000 123,200,000
Precast concrete kerb 1,142 m 135,000 154,170,000
Local stone flooring (lift lobbies) with
PC rate USD60 40 m2 1,234,000 49,360,000
Non-slip ceramic tiles on screed,
300x300mm (storage, toilets) 60 m2 180,000 10,800,000
Ceramic tile skirting 65 m 20,000 1,300,000
Plaster and paint, perimeter of
basement 1,425 m2 95,000 135,375,000
Fair face to concrete and paint 95 m2 50,000 4,750,000
Homogeneous ceramic tiles on
screed, 400x400mm (toilets) 100 m2 450,000 45,000,000
Local stone walls (lift lobbies) with PC
rate USD60 25 m2 1,240,000 31,000,000
Fair face to concrete and paint 1,116 m2 50,000 55,800,000
Suspended gypsum board, painted
40 m2 145,000 5,800,000
Water resistant suspended gypsum
board, painted (toilets) 60 m2 155,000 9,300,000
Fair face to concrete and paint 6,196 m2 50,000 309,800,000
Rounding 1 ls 865,000 865,000


4.1 Function Equipment

Public toilets
Vanity counters 1 ls 30,000,000 30,000,000
Fixed mirror and lighting cove at
vanity counters 1 ls 10,000,000 10,000,000
Sanitary accessories 1 ls 2,000,000 2,000,000
Hand dryers 4 no 5,250,000 21,000,000
Security counters 3 no 10,000,000 30,000,000
Precast concrete wheel stops 207 no 85,000 17,595,000
Galvanised steel column corner protection 404 no 145,000 58,580,000

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Quantity Unit Rate Total

Carpark height restrictors 3 no 14,500,000 43,500,000
Driver's benches 1 ls 15,000,000 15,000,000
Rounding 1 ls 325,000 325,000


4.2 Signage and Graphics

Wayfinding signage 1 ls 30,000,000 30,000,000
Parking bay markings 1,553 m 15,000 23,295,000
Traffic directional markings 20 no 300,000 6,000,000
Colour coding 1 ls 25,000,000 25,000,000
Rounding 1 ls 705,000 705,000


5.1 Plumbing
Hotel and event space excluded
Sanitary appliances
Public toilet
WC 4 no 3,450,000 13,800,000
Jet spray 4 no 180,000 720,000
Washhand basin including tapware 4 no 2,250,000 9,000,000
Urinal 2 no 2,850,000 5,700,000
Urinal divider 1 no 650,000 650,000
Floor outlet 3 no 230,000 690,000
Pipework and equipment
Cold water 8 no 3,550,000 28,400,000
Cold water, rough ins to tenant spaces 4 no 3,550,000 14,200,000
Flushing water 4 no 3,550,000 14,200,000
Soil, waste and vent piping 13 no 2,150,000 27,950,000
Grease interceptors 2 no 42,500,000 85,000,000
Cold water central plant (cost distributed) 6,296 m2 40,000 251,840,000
Flushing water central plant (cost
distributed) 6,296 m2 25,000 157,400,000
Sewage pumps 1 ls 50,000,000 50,000,000
Rainwater drainage 6,296 m2 20,000 125,920,000
Drainage pumps 1 ls 30,000,000 30,000,000
Testing, commissioning and miscellaneous 1 ls 20,530,000 20,530,000

5.2 Airconditioning and Ventilation
Central air conditioning to lift lobbies 40 m2 860,000 34,400,000
Ventilation to storage 30 m2 95,000 2,850,000
Ventilation to toilets 2 no 8,000,000 16,000,000
Ventilation to basement 6,196 m2 125,000 774,500,000
Stairwell pressurisation 6 no 10,000,000 60,000,000
Testing, commissioning and miscellaneous 1 ls 22,250,000 22,250,000


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Quantity Unit Rate Total

5.3 Electrical Services

MV switchboards (cost distributed) 6,207 m2 37,000 229,659,000
Transformers (cost distributed) 6,207 m2 32,500 201,727,500
MV cabling (cost distributed) 6,207 m2 7,000 43,449,000
LV switchboards (cost distributed) 6,207 m2 59,000 366,213,000
Capacitors (cost distributed) 6,207 m2 17,000 105,519,000
LV distribution boards (cost distributed) 6,207 m2 92,000 571,044,000
Submains cabling (cost distributed) 6,207 m2 149,000 924,843,000
Cable containment (cost distributed) 6,207 m2 24,000 148,968,000
Base lighting fixtures 6,207 m2 95,000 589,665,000
Architectural lighting fixtures (lift lobbies)
1 no 4,000,000 4,000,000
Lighting circuits and accessories 6,207 m2 16,000 99,312,000
Small power circuits and accessories 6,207 m2 25,000 155,175,000
Lightning protection (cost distributed) 6,207 m2 5,000 31,035,000
Earthing (cost distributed) 6,207 m2 1,000 6,207,000
Testing, commissioning and miscellaneous 1 ls 87,183,500 87,183,500


5.4 Communications and Security

PA and car call system 6,207 m2 15,000 93,105,000
CCTV system 6,207 m2 41,000 254,487,000
BAS system (cost distributed) 6,207 m2 35,000 217,245,000
Cable containment, electronics 6,207 m2 11,000 68,277,000
Testing, commissioning and miscellaneous 1 ls 15,886,000 15,886,000


5.5 Fire Protection and Detection

Central plant (cost distributed) 6,207 m2 70,000 434,490,000
Hydrant/hose reel system 6,207 m2 40,000 248,280,000
Sprinkler system 6,207 m2 85,000 527,595,000
Fire extinguishers 1 ls 25,000,000 25,000,000
Fire detection system 6,207 m2 25,000 155,175,000
Testing, commissioning and miscellaneous 1 ls 35,460,000 35,460,000


5.6 Vertical Transportation

5.7 BWIC and Main Contractor's Attendance

BWIC and main contractor's attendance on
direct subcontractors (3.5%) 6,207 m2 42,000 260,000,000


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Gross Area: 6,462 m2

Rp./m2 Rp.

1.1 Structural Frame 2,187,400 14,135,000,000

1.2 Roof Stucture and Coverings 667,700 4,315,000,000
1.3 Stairs 72,300 467,000,000
1.4 External Envelope 1,336,700 8,638,000,000
Shell 4,264,200 27,555,000,000
2.1 Interior Partitions 195,500 1,263,000,000
2.2 Internal Doors 109,300 706,000,000
2.3 Architectural Finishes 799,800 5,168,000,000
Interiors 1,104,500 7,137,000,000
3.1 Function Equipment 589,800 3,811,000,000
3.2 Signage 61,900 400,000,000
Equipment 651,700 4,211,000,000
4.1 Plumbing 201,800 1,304,000,000
4.2 Airconditioning and Ventilation 914,600 5,910,000,000
4.3 Electrical Services 573,500 3,706,000,000
4.4 Communications and Security 225,300 1,456,000,000
4.5 Fire Protection and Detection 229,700 1,484,000,000
4.6 Vertical Transportation 311,000 2,010,000,000
4.7 BWIC and Main Contractor's Attendance 86,700 560,000,000
Services Installations 2,542,600 16,430,000,000
Total Construction excluding Preliminaries and Insurances 8,562,800 55,333,000,000
5.1 Preliminaries 10.00% 856,200 5,533,000,000
5.2 Insurance 0.15% 14,100 91,000,000
Preliminaries and Insurances 870,300 5,624,000,000
Total Construction including Preliminaries and Insurances 9,433,100 60,957,000,000

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Quantity Unit Rate Total

1.1 Structural Frame

Floors (12,584 m2)
Concrete 30mpa
Slabs, 200mm 705 m3 1,265,000 891,825,000
Beams 500 m3 1,265,000 632,500,000
Columns 315 m3 1,265,000 398,475,000
Slabs 100kg/m3 70,500 kg 12,000 846,000,000
Beams 240kg/m3 120,000 kg 12,000 1,440,000,000
Columns 280kg/m3 88,200 kg 12,000 1,058,400,000
Slabs 11,200 m2 170,000 1,904,000,000
Beams 5,325 m2 170,000 905,250,000
Columns 2,760 m2 150,000 414,000,000
Steel structure
Floor framing 85,600 kg 25,000 2,140,000,000
Spray on fireproofing to floor framing 1,110 m2 575,000 638,250,000
Spray on fireproofing to metal deck 2,140 m2 575,000 1,230,500,000
Concrete 30mpa
Slabs, 200mm 430 m3 1,265,000 543,950,000
Slabs 100kg/m3 43,000 kg 12,000 516,000,000
Slabs (metal deck) 2,140 m2 250,000 535,000,000
Steel lift separator beams, primed 1 ls 40,000,000 40,000,000
Rounding 1 ls 850,000 850,000


1.2 Roof Structure and Coverings

Concrete roof structure (included in 1.1)
Waterproofing and protective screeds 5,586 m2 240,000 1,340,640,000
Timber deck on framing to roof deck 1,083 m2 950,000 1,028,850,000
Waterproofing upstand 253 m 40,000 10,120,000
Roof garden, waterproofing and Draincell 1,580 m2 860,000 1,358,800,000
Roof garden, growing media, local 1,580 m2 190,000 300,200,000
Roof garden, drainage 1 ls 5,000,000 5,000,000
Roof garden, grass 1,580 m2 8,500 13,430,000
Roof garden, automatic irrigation 1 ls 11,000,000 11,000,000
Celcon block parapet and capping to parapet
(3.0m high) 253 m 975,000 246,675,000
Rounding 1 ls 285,000 285,000

1.3 Stairs
Stairs floor to floor, 3.50m rise, structure 1 no 15,750,000 15,750,000
Stairs floor to floor, 3.50m rise, finishings 1 no 19,500,000 19,500,000
Stairs floor to floor, 5.00m rise, structure 3 no 22,500,000 67,500,000
Stairs floor to floor, 5.00m rise, finishings 3 no 28,000,000 84,000,000
Stairs floor to floor, 5.50m rise, structure 3 no 24,500,000 73,500,000
Stairs floor to floor, 5.50m rise, finishings 3 no 30,250,000 90,750,000
Stairs floor to floor, 5.80m rise, structure 2 no 26,000,000 52,000,000

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Stairs floor to floor, 5.80m rise, finishings 2 no 32,000,000 64,000,000

Rounding 1 ls 0


1.4 External Envelope

Autoclaved aerated concrete walls (Levels 2-5) 3,660 m2 200,000 732,000,000
Precast concrete panels (60% coverage) 2,195 m2 900,000 1,975,500,000
Stone cladding with PC rate USD 150/m2
(40% coverage) 1,465 m2 2,647,500 3,878,587,500
Frameless tempered glass shopfronts (Roof) 1,150 m2 1,400,000 1,610,000,000
Frameless glass double doors 13 pr 32,000,000 416,000,000
Aluminium windows 6 m2 550,000 3,300,000
Metal single doors 2 no 9,000,000 18,000,000
Timber double door, ID 1 pr 4,250,000 4,250,000
Rounding 1 ls 362,500 362,500


2.1 Interior Partitions

Autoclaved aerated concrete walls 4,990 m2 200,000 998,000,000
Frameless tempered glass screens (Level 2)
46 m2 1,250,000 57,500,000
WC cubicle, door and hardware (public
toilets) 23 no 9,000,000 207,000,000
Rounding 1 ls 500,000 500,000


2.2 Internal Doors

Metal single doors 19 no 5,750,000 109,250,000
Metal double doors 7 pr 10,500,000 73,500,000
Timber single door, ID 1 no 4,250,000 4,250,000
Timber double door, ID 12 pr 4,250,000 51,000,000
Timber single doors 5 no 4,250,000 21,250,000
Timber double doors 28 pr 6,800,000 190,400,000
Frameless glass double doors 8 pr 32,000,000 256,000,000
Rounding 1 ls 350,000 350,000


2.3 Architectural Finishes

Retail and F&B as shell
Imported stone with PC rate USD 75/m2
(lobbies) 445 m2 1,423,750 633,568,750
Non-slip homogeneous ceramic tiles on
screed, 600x600mm (F&B and seating
area) 1,500 m2 450,000 675,000,000
Non-slip homogeneous ceramic tiles on
screed, 400x400mm (public toilets)
83 m2 450,000 37,350,000

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Non-slip ceramic tiles on screed,

300x300mm (BOH, service corridor and
smoke lobbies) 1,820 m2 180,000 327,600,000
Ceramic tile skirting 1,645 m 20,000 32,900,000
Imported stone (lobbies) 1,265 m2 1,698,750 2,148,918,750
Homogeneous ceramic tiles on screed,
400x400mm (public toilets) 495 m2 450,000 222,750,000
Plaster and paint (all other areas) 7,410 m2 95,000 703,950,000
Suspended gypsum board, painted 1,945 m2 145,000 282,025,000
Water resistant suspended gypsum
board, painted (public toilets) 83 m2 155,000 12,865,000
Fair face to concrete and paint 1,820 m2 50,000 91,000,000
Rounding 1 ls 72,500 72,500


3.1 Function Equipment

Public toilets
Vanity counters 1 ls 28,000,000 28,000,000
Fixed mirror and lighting cove at vanity
counters 1 ls 8,000,000 8,000,000
Sanitary accessories 1 ls 2,000,000 2,000,000
Hand dryers 12 no 5,250,000 63,000,000
Security counters 3 no 10,000,000 30,000,000
Security equipment (3 entries)
Handheld explosive detectors 3 no 560,000,000 1,680,000,000
Walkthrough metal detectors 3 no 56,500,000 169,500,000
Bag X-ray machine 3 no 610,000,000 1,830,000,000
Rounding 1 ls 500,000 500,000


3.2 Signage
Wayfinding signage 1 ls 8,000,000 8,000,000
Main directory 3 no 14,000,000 42,000,000
Event space signage 1 ls 350,000,000 350,000,000
Rounding 1 ls 0 0


4.1 Plumbing
Sanitary appliances
Public toilet
WC 23 no 3,450,000 79,350,000
Jet spray 23 no 180,000 4,140,000
Washhand basin including tapware 18 no 2,250,000 40,500,000
Urinal 10 no 2,850,000 28,500,000
Urinal divider 10 no 650,000 6,500,000
Floor outlet 3 no 230,000 690,000

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Pipework and equipment

Cold water 41 no 3,550,000 145,550,000
Cold water, rough ins to tenant spaces 23 no 3,550,000 81,650,000
Flushing water 23 no 3,550,000 81,650,000
Soil, waste and vent piping 54 no 2,150,000 116,100,000
Soil, waste and vent piping - rough ins
to tenant 23 no 1,850,000 42,550,000
Grease interceptors 2 no 42,500,000 85,000,000
Cold water central plant (cost distributed) 6,462 m2 40,000 258,480,000
Flushing water central plant (cost distributed)
6,462 m2 25,000 161,550,000
Rainwater drainage 6,462 m2 20,000 129,240,000
Gas pipework 1 ls 10,000,000 10,000,000
Testing, commissioning and miscellaneous 1 ls 32,550,000 32,550,000


4.2 Airconditioning and Ventilation

Airconditioning system to all areas 6,462 m2 860,000 5,557,320,000
Ventilation to public toilets 26 no 8,000,000 208,000,000
Testing, commissioning and miscellaneous 1 ls 144,680,000 144,680,000


4.3 Electrical Services

MV switchboards (cost distributed) 6,462 m2 37,000 239,094,000
Transformers (cost distributed) 6,462 m2 32,500 210,015,000
MV cabling (cost distributed) 6,462 m2 7,000 45,234,000
LV switchboards (cost distributed) 6,462 m2 59,000 381,258,000
Capacitors (cost distributed) 6,462 m2 17,000 109,854,000
LV distribution boards (cost distributed) 6,462 m2 92,000 594,504,000
Submains cabling (cost distributed) 6,462 m2 149,000 962,838,000
Cable containment (cost distributed) 6,462 m2 24,000 155,088,000
Base lighting fixtures 6,462 m2 95,000 613,890,000
Lighting circuits and accessories 6,462 m2 16,000 103,392,000
Small power circuits and accessories 6,462 m2 25,000 161,550,000
Lightning protection (cost distributed) 6,462 m2 5,000 32,310,000
Earthing (cost distributed) 6,462 m2 1,000 6,462,000
Testing, commissioning and miscellaneous 1 ls 90,511,000 90,511,000


4.4 Communications and Security

Telephone / data system 6,462 m2 85,000 549,270,000
WiFi system 1 ls 50,000,000 50,000,000
MATV / Kabelvision system 6,462 m2 25,000 161,550,000
PA and car call system 6,462 m2 15,000 96,930,000
CCTV system 6,462 m2 41,000 264,942,000
BAS system (cost distributed) 6,462 m2 35,000 226,170,000
Cable containment, electronics 6,462 m2 11,000 71,082,000
Testing, commissioning and miscellaneous 1 ls 36,056,000 36,056,000


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4.5 Fire Protection and Detection

Central plant (cost distributed) 6,462 m2 70,000 452,340,000
Hydrant/hose reel system 6,462 m2 40,000 258,480,000
Sprinkler system 6,462 m2 85,000 549,270,000
Fire extinguishers 1 ls 26,000,000 26,000,000
Fire detection system 6,462 m2 25,000 161,550,000
Testing, commissioning and miscellaneous 1 ls 36,360,000 36,360,000


4.6 Vertical Transportation

Passenger lifts, F&B and ballroom (1mps,
900kg, roomless) 2 no 500,000,000 1,000,000,000
Custom cab finishes 2 no 55,000,000 110,000,000
Service lifts (1mps, 1150kg, roomless) 2 no 450,000,000 900,000,000
Rounding 1 ls


4.7 BWIC and Main Contractor's Attendance

BWIC and main contractor's attendance on
direct subcontractors (3.5%) 6,462 m2 86,700 560,000,000


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Gross Area: 25,078 m2

Rp./m2 Rp.

1.1 Structural Frame 1,834,400 46,003,000,000

1.2 Roof Stucture and Coverings 74,700 1,873,000,000
1.3 Stairs 76,700 1,923,000,000
1.4 External Envelope 885,800 22,213,000,000
Shell 2,871,500 72,012,000,000
2.1 Interior Partitions 757,200 18,990,000,000
2.2 Internal Doors 491,900 12,337,000,000
2.3 Architectural Finishes 1,235,200 30,976,000,000
2.4 Guestroom Millwork 642,000 16,100,000,000
2.5 Interior Décor 1,304,400 32,712,000,000
Interiors 4,430,800 111,115,000,000
3.1 Function Equipment 208,700 5,235,000,000
3.2 Signage 0 0
Equipment 208,700 5,235,000,000
4.1 Plumbing 789,100 19,790,000,000
4.2 Airconditioning and Ventilation 927,100 23,249,000,000
4.3 Electrical Services 759,200 19,038,000,000
4.4 Communications and Security 225,900 5,666,000,000
4.5 Fire Protection and Detection 253,200 6,350,000,000
4.6 Vertical Transportation 424,100 10,635,000,000
4.7 BWIC and Main Contractor's Attendance 103,400 2,593,000,000
Services Installations 3,482,000 87,321,000,000
Total Construction excluding Preliminaries and Insurances 10,993,000 275,683,000,000
5.1 Preliminaries 10.00% 1,099,300 27,568,000,000
5.2 Insurance 0.15% 18,100 455,000,000
Preliminaries and Insurances 1,117,400 28,023,000,000
Total Construction including Preliminaries and Insurances 12,110,500 303,706,000,000

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Quantity Unit Rate Total

1.1 Structural Frame

Core (4,180 m2)
Concrete 30mpa
Core walls 1,935 m3 1,265,000 2,447,775,000
Slabs, 200m 836 m3 1,265,000 1,057,540,000
Beams 774 m3 1,265,000 979,110,000
Core walls 180kg/m3 348,300 kg 12,000 4,179,600,000
Slabs 100kg/m3 83,600 kg 12,000 1,003,200,000
Beams 240kg/m3 185,760 kg 12,000 2,229,120,000
Core walls 8,035 m2 170,000 1,365,950,000
Slabs 4,180 m2 170,000 710,600,000
Beams 2,090 m2 170,000 355,300,000
Floors (20,200 m2)
Concrete 30mpa
Slabs 4,040 m3 1,265,000 5,110,600,000
Beams 1,610 m3 1,265,000 2,036,650,000
Columns 1,682 m3 1,265,000 2,127,730,000
Slabs 100kg/m3 404,000 m3 12,000 4,848,000,000
Beams 240kg/m3 386,400 m3 12,000 4,636,800,000
Col mns 280kg/m3
Columns 470 960
470,960 m3 12 000
12,000 5 651 520 000
Slabs 20,200 m2 170,000 3,434,000,000
Beams 10,385 m2 170,000 1,765,450,000
Columns 7,090 m2 150,000 1,063,500,000
Steel lift separator beams, primed 1 ls 350,000,000 350,000,000
Foundations for building maintenance tracks 1 ls 350,000,000 350,000,000
Machine housekeeping pads 1 ls 300,000,000 300,000,000
Rounding 1 ls 555,000 555,000


1.2 Roof Structure and Coverings

Roof level
Concrete roof structure (included in 1.1)
Waterproofing and protective screeds 1,592 m2 240,000 382,080,000
Ditto, to floor and wall of swimming pool 600 m2 240,000 144,000,000
Timber deck on framing to roof deck 886 m2 950,000 841,700,000
Waterproofing upstand 188 m 40,000 7,520,000
Roof garden, waterproofing and Draincell 281 m2 860,000 241,660,000
Roof garden, growing media, local 281 m2 190,000 53,390,000
Roof garden, drainage 1 ls 5,000,000 5,000,000
Roof garden, grass 281 m2 8,500 2,388,500
Roof garden, automatic irrigation 1 ls 11,000,000 11,000,000
Celcon block parapet and capping to parapet 188 m 975,000 183,300,000
Rounding 1 ls 961,500 961,500


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Quantity Unit Rate Total

1.3 Stairs
Stairs floor to floor, 0.85m rise, structure 1 no 4,000,000 4,000,000
Stairs floor to floor, 0.85m rise, finishings 1 no 4,750,000 4,750,000
Stairs floor to floor, 3.50m rise, structure 4 no 15,750,000 63,000,000
Stairs floor to floor, 3.50m rise, finishings 4 no 19,500,000 78,000,000
Stairs floor to floor, 3.80m rise, structure 24 no 17,100,000 410,400,000
Stairs floor to floor, 3.80m rise, finishings 24 no 21,200,000 508,800,000
Stairs floor to floor, 4.00m rise, structure 10 no 18,000,000 180,000,000
Stairs floor to floor, 4.00m rise, finishings 10 no 22,000,000 220,000,000
Stairs floor to floor, 4.50m rise, structure 1 no 20,250,000 20,250,000
Stairs floor to floor, 4.50m rise, finishings 1 no 24,750,000 24,750,000
Stairs floor to floor, 5.50m rise, structure 2 no 24,500,000 49,000,000
Stairs floor to floor, 5.50m rise, finishings 2 no 30,250,000 60,500,000
Stairs floor to floor, 7.50m rise, structure 4 no 33,400,000 133,600,000
Stairs floor to floor, 7.50m rise, finishings 4 no 41,250,000 165,000,000
Rounding 1 ls 950,000 950,000


1.4 External Envelope

Curtain walling
A t l
Autoclavedd aerated
t d concretet walls
ll 8 755
8,755 2
m2 200 000
200,000 1 751 000 000
Precast concrete panels (60% coverage) 8,755 m2 900,000 7,879,500,000
Window wall system (40% coverage) 5,835 m2 1,000,000 5,835,000,000
Frameless tempered glass shopfronts (Level 2 670 m2 1,400,000 938,000,000
Frameless tempered glass shopfronts
(entrance) curved (level 2) 85 m2 1,550,000 131,750,000
Frameless glass double doors 13 pr 32,000,000 416,000,000
Metal single doors 18 no 9,000,000 162,000,000
Metal double doors 16 pr 15,000,000 240,000,000
Tempered glass guardrail 45 m 2,000,000 90,000,000
Roof level
Frameless tempered glass shopfronts 300 m2 1,400,000 420,000,000
Tempered glass guardrail 115 m 2,500,000 287,500,000
Aluminium windows 8 m2 550,000 4,400,000
Building maintenance system (trackless system, level
20) 2 no 2,000,000,000 4,000,000,000
Opening through curtain walling for building
maintenance unit 170 m 340,000 57,800,000
Rounding 1 ls 50,000 50,000


2.1 Interior Partitions

Autoclaved aerated concrete walls 21,485 m2 200,000 4,297,000,000
Frameless tempered glass screens 720 m2 1,250,000 900,000,000
Frameless glass single doors 13 no 25,000,000 325,000,000
Frameless glass double doors 32 pr 32,000,000 1,024,000,000
Gypboard partition, four skins, separated framing,
with insulation, between guestrooms 9,252 m2 492,000 4,551,984,000

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Quantity Unit Rate Total

8mm Tempered glass WC cubicle, door and

hardware (guestrooms) 253 no 14,500,000 3,668,500,000
8mm Tempered glass shower cubicle, door and
hardware (guestrooms) 247 no 14,500,000 3,581,500,000
WC cubicle, door and hardware (gym lockers) 4 no 14,000,000 56,000,000
Shower cubicle, door and hardware (gym lockers) 4 no 14,000,000 56,000,000
8mm Tempered glass WC or shower cubicle, door
and hardware (spa treatment rooms) 4 no 12,400,000 49,600,000
WC cubicle, door and hardware (public toilets) 33 no 14,000,000 462,000,000
Motorised rolling shutter at loading 21 m2 850,000 17,850,000
Rounding 1 ls 566,000 566,000


2.2 Internal Doors

Engineered solid timber single door with fire seals,
guestroom main entry 221 no 8,500,000 1,878,500,000
Engineered solid timber double door with fire seals,
guestroom main entry 3 no 14,000,000 42,000,000
Card access lock 224 no 5,000,000 1,120,000,000
Card access machine and cards 224 ls 25,000,000 5,600,000,000
E i
Engineeredd titimber
b sliding
lidi doors,
d t
guestroom b th
bathrooms 247 no 5 500 000
5,500,000 1 358 500 000
Engineered timber doors, guestroom bathrooms 21 no 4,250,000 89,250,000
Engineered timber duct access panel, corridor 42 no 3,400,000 142,800,000
Timber sliding doors, ID, guestrooms 84 no 5,500,000 462,000,000
Timber double sliding doors, ID, guestrooms 3 pr 10,000,000 30,000,000
Timber single doors, ID 25 no 4,250,000 106,250,000
Timber single doors 23 no 3,900,000 89,700,000
Timber double doors 15 pr 6,800,000 102,000,000
Metal single door 120 no 6,500,000 780,000,000
Metal double door 51 no 10,500,000 535,500,000
Rounding 1 ls 500,000 500,000


2.3 Architectural Finishes

Standard guestroom (32m2) 161 no 60,000,000 9,660,000,000
Executive suite (94m2) 26 no 180,000,000 4,680,000,000
Suite (64m2) 28 no 120,000,000 3,360,000,000
Presidential Suite (258m2) 3 no 500,000,000 1,500,000,000
Corridors and lift lobbies 4,085 m2 2,500,000 10,212,500,000
Service areas, storage
Floors 765 m2 180,000 137,700,000
Skirting 800 m 20,000 16,000,000
Walls 3,390 m2 95,000 322,050,000
Ceilings 765 m2 145,000 110,925,000
Wet areas
Floors 495 m2 180,000 89,100,000
Walls 1,335 m2 180,000 240,300,000
Ceilings 495 m2 155,000 76,725,000

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Quantity Unit Rate Total

Administration areas
Floors 765 m2 450,000 344,250,000
Skirting 260 m 45,000 11,700,000
Walls 1,085 m2 95,000 103,075,000
Ceilings 765 m2 145,000 110,925,000
Rounding 1 ls 750,000 750,000


2.4 Guestroom Millwork

Standard guestroom (32m2) 161 no 50,000,000 8,050,000,000
Executive suite (94m2) 26 no 150,000,000 3,900,000,000
Suite (64m2) 28 no 100,000,000 2,800,000,000
Presidential Suite (258m2) 3 no 450,000,000 1,350,000,000
Rounding 1 ls 0 0


2.5 Interior Décor

Interior fitting out to front-of-house spaces (excluding loose furniture,
decorative lighting fixtures, soft furnishings and artwork)
L bb entrance and
Lobby d lounge
l 1 310
1,310 2
m2 5 000 000
5,000,000 6 550 000 000
Library 95 m2 5,000,000 475,000,000
Spa 260 m2 6,000,000 1,560,000,000
Gymnasium 175 m2 2,500,000 437,500,000
Staff canteen 85 m2 3,500,000 297,500,000
Pantry 60 m2 2,500,000 150,000,000
Restaurant 265 m2 7,250,000 1,921,250,000
All-day-dining restaurant 565 m2 7,250,000 4,096,250,000
Grand ballroom 1,330 m2 3,750,000 4,987,500,000
Meeting rooms 785 m2 3,500,000 2,747,500,000
Pre-function 620 m2 2,500,000 1,550,000,000
Bar/ sky lounge 105 m2 6,000,000 630,000,000
Public toilets 160 m2 1,000,000 160,000,000
Clinic 65 m2 1,000,000 65,000,000
Architectural lighting and controls to front-of-house
Lobby entrance and lounge 1,310 m2 1,000,000 1,310,000,000
Library 95 m2 1,000,000 95,000,000
Spa 260 m2 600,000 156,000,000
Gymnasium 175 m2 600,000 105,000,000
Staff canteen 85 m2 600,000 51,000,000
Pantry 60 m2 850,000 51,000,000
Restaurant 265 m2 1,000,000 265,000,000
All-day-dining restaurant 565 m2 1,000,000 565,000,000
Grand ballroom 1,330 m2 850,000 1,130,500,000
Meeting rooms 785 m2 850,000 667,250,000
Pre-function 620 m2 850,000 527,000,000
Bar/ sky lounge 105 m2 1,000,000 105,000,000
Public toilets 160 m2 250,000 40,000,000
Clinic 65 m2 250,000 16,250,000

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Quantity Unit Rate Total

Architectural lighting and controls, building exterior

1 ls 2,000,000,000 2,000,000,000
Rounding 1 ls 500,000 500,000

3.1 Function Equipment
Vanity counters
Public toilets 24 m 4,250,000 102,000,000
Gymnasium lockers 4 m 4,250,000 17,000,000
Spa treatment rooms 4 m 4,250,000 17,000,000
Staff canteen 3 m 1,650,000 4,950,000
Fixed mirror and lighting cove at vanity counters
Public toilets 12 no 1,200,000 14,400,000
Gymnasium lockers 2 no 1,200,000 2,400,000
Spa treatment rooms 4 no 1,600,000 6,400,000
Fixed mirror at vanity counters
Staff canteen 1 no 650,000 650,000
Sanitary accessories
Public toilets 24 no 5,000,000 120,000,000
Gymnasium lockers 40 no 2,500,000 100,000,000
Spa treatment rooms 4 no 2,000,000 8,000,000
Staff canteen 1 ls 600,000 600,000
Hand dryer 24 no 5 250 000
5,250,000 126 000 000
Paper towel dispenser 24 no 2,100,000 50,400,000
Lockers and benches
Gym changing rooms, benches 1 ls 10,000,000 10,000,000
Gym changing rooms, lockers, full height 1 ls 50,000,000 50,000,000
Steam rooms, equipment 2 no 140,000,000 280,000,000
Sauna rooms, complete with doors and accessories
2 no 85,000,000 170,000,000
Back-of-house shelving 1 ls 350,000,000 350,000,000
Back-of-house bumper rail 1 ls 125,000,000 125,000,000
Security equipment (3 entry)
Handheld explosive detectors 3 no 560,000,000 1,680,000,000
Walkthrough metal detectors 3 no 56,500,000 169,500,000
Bag X-ray machine 3 no 610,000,000 1,830,000,000
Rounding 1 ls 700,000 700,000


3.2 Signage
(See Hotel Operating Equipment item 2.14)

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Quantity Unit Rate Total

4.1 Plumbing
Sanitary appliances
Standard guestroom (32m2)
Executive suite (94m2)
Suite (64m2)
Presidential Suite (258m2)
WC and Eco washer 253 no 4,850,000 1,227,050,000
Vanity basin complete with tapware 256 no 3,950,000 1,011,200,000
Bathtub 3 no 8,600,000 25,800,000
Bath set complete with tapware and hand
shower 3 no 3,450,000 10,350,000
Shower set complete with tapware and hand
shower, thermostatic mixer 247 no 4,150,000 1,025,050,000
Rain shower 3 no 1,150,000 3,450,000
Double paper holder 253 no 625,000 158,125,000
Towel rack 256 no 1,250,000 320,000,000
Towel bar 512 no 915,000 468,480,000
Grab bar 253 no 305,000 77,165,000
Double robe hook 253 no 160,000 40,480,000
Shaving mirror 256 no 5,400,000 1,382,400,000
Floor outlet, including inset stone 500 no 410,000 205,000,000
Public toilets
WC and Eco washer 24 no 3,850,000 92,400,000
Washhand basin with tapware 30 no 4,600,000 138,000,000
Urinal 13 no 2,650,000 34,450,000
Urinal partition 13 no 650,000 8,450,000
Floor outlet 24 no 230,000 5,520,000
Gymnasium lockers
WC and Eco washer 5 no 3,850,000 19,250,000
Jet spray 5 no 180,000 900,000
Washhand basin with tapware 6 no 4,600,000 27,600,000
Urinal 3 no 2,850,000 8,550,000
Urinal divider 3 no 650,000 1,950,000
Shower head and thermostatic mixer 8 no 3,100,000 24,800,000
Floor outlet 13 no 230,000 2,990,000
Spa treatment rooms
WC and Eco washer 4 no 3,850,000 15,400,000
Jet spray 4 no 180,000 720,000
Washhand basin with tapware 4 no 4,600,000 18,400,000
Shower head and thermostatic mixer 2 no 3,100,000 6,200,000
Floor outlet 6 no 230,000 1,380,000
Staff canteen
Washhand basin with tapware 3 no 1,250,000 3,750,000
Floor outlet 1 no 230,000 230,000
Kitchens and laundry
Floor outlet 20 no 230,000 4,600,000
Pipework, valves and accessories
Cold water reticulation 870 no 3,550,000 3,088,500,000
Flushing water reticulation 302 no 3,550,000 1,072,100,000
Hot water reticulation 568 no 1,800,000 1,022,400,000
Soil and waste drainage and vent system 1,438 no 2,150,000 3,091,700,000

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Quantity Unit Rate Total

Water and waste to laundry and kitchen rough-ins

1 ls 110,000,000 110,000,000
Cold water central plant (cost distributed) 25,078 m2 40,000 1,003,120,000
Flushing water central plant (cost distributed) 25,078 m2 25,000 626,950,000
Hot water central plant (cost distributed) 25,078 m2 65,000 1,630,070,000
Gas main tanks and regulators, kitchens 1 ls 120,000,000 120,000,000
Grease traps 3 no 25,000,000 75,000,000
Rainwater drainage 25,078 m2 20,000 501,560,000
Testing, commissioning and miscellaneous 1 ls 1,078,510,000 1,078,510,000


4.2 Airconditioning and Ventilation

Airconditioning to all areas 25,078 m2 860,000 21,567,080,000
Ventilation to guestroom bathrooms 253 no 3,500,000 885,500,000
Ventilation to public and handicapped toilets 24 no 3,000,000 72,000,000
Ventilation to gymnasium lockers 2 no 6,000,000 12,000,000
Ventilation to spa treatment rooms 4 no 2,500,000 10,000,000
Ventilation to kitchens and laundry 1 ls 120,000,000 120,000,000
Ventilation to lift motor room 2 no 5,000,000 10,000,000
Pressurisation of stairwell 46 no 10,000,000 460,000,000
Testing, commissioning and miscellaneous 1 ls 112,420,000 112,420,000


4.3 Electrical Services

MV switchboards (cost distributed) 25,078 m2 37,000 927,886,000
Transformers, cast resin 25,078 m2 32,500 815,035,000
MV cabling (cost distributed) 25,078 m2 7,000 175,546,000
LV switchboards (cost distributed) 25,078 m2 59,000 1,479,602,000
Capacitors (cost distributed) 25,078 m2 17,000 426,326,000
LV distribution boards (cost distributed) 25,078 m2 92,000 2,307,176,000
Submains cabling (cost distributed) 25,078 m2 149,000 3,736,622,000
Cable containment (cost distributed) 25,078 m2 24,000 601,872,000
Base lighting fixtures 6,110 m2 95,000 580,450,000
Lighting fixtures
Standard guestroom (156no.) 156 no 8,500,000 1,326,000,000
Junior suite (40no.) 40 no 13,000,000 520,000,000
Executive suite (7no.) 7 no 17,000,000 119,000,000
Presidential suite (19no.) 19 no 50,000,000 950,000,000
Lighting circuits and accessories 25,078 m2 52,000 1,304,056,000
Small power circuits and accessories 25,078 m2 40,000 1,003,120,000
Extra for upgraded faceplates 1 ls 350,000,000 350,000,000
Room management panels 203 no 9,500,000 1,928,500,000
Room management panels 19 no 12,500,000 237,500,000
Lightning protection (cost distributed) 25,078 m2 5,000 125,390,000
Earthing (cost distributed) 25,078 m2 1,000 25,078,000
Testing, commissioning and miscellaneous 1 ls 98,841,000 98,841,000


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Quantity Unit Rate Total

4.4 Communications and Security

Telephone and data cabling and conduit 25,078 m2 85,000 2,131,630,000
WiFi system 1 ls 220,000,000 220,000,000
MATV / Kabelvision system 25,078 m2 25,000 626,950,000
PA system 25,078 m2 15,000 376,170,000
CCTV system 25,078 m2 41,000 1,028,198,000
BAS system (cost distributed) 25,078 m2 35,000 877,730,000
Cable containment, electronics 25,078 m2 11,000 275,858,000
Testing, commissioning and miscellaneous 1 ls 129,464,000 129,464,000


4.5 Fire Protection and Detection

Central plant (cost distributed) 25,078 m2 70,000 1,755,460,000
Hydrant system 25,078 m2 40,000 1,003,120,000
Sprinkler system 25,078 m2 85,000 2,131,630,000
Fire extinguishers 1 ls 100,000,000 100,000,000
Fire alarm system 25,078 m2 50,000 1,253,900,000
Testing, commissioning and miscellaneous 1 ls 105,890,000 105,890,000


4.6 Vertical Transportation

Passenger lifts, guestroom (2.5mps, 1150kg) 4 no 2,100,000,000 8,400,000,000
Passenger lifts, restaurant (1mps, 1350kg,
roomless) 1 no 570,000,000 570,000,000
Access card system 4 no 5,000,000 20,000,000
Custom cab finishes 5 no 65,000,000 325,000,000
Service lifts, kitchen service (1mps, 1600kg,
roomless) 2 no 585,000,000 1,170,000,000
Supervisory panel and cabling (cost distributed) 1 ls 150,000,000 150,000,000
Rounding 1 ls 0


4.7 BWIC and Main Contractor's Attendance

BWIC and main contractor's attendance on direct
subcontractors (3.5%) 25,078 m2 103,400 2,593,000,000


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Furniture, Fittings and Equipment


Quantity Unit Rate Total

1.1 Standard Guestroom (32m2) 161 no 70,000,000 11,270,000,000

1.2 Executive Suite (94m2) 26 no 130,000,000 3,380,000,000
1.3 Suite (64m2) 28 no 100,000,000 2,800,000,000
1.4 Presidential Suite (258m2) 3 no 345,000,000 1,035,000,000
1.5 Front-of-house
Lobby entrance and lounge sum 2,800,000,000
Library sum 480,000,000
Spa sum 380,000,000
Gymnasium sum 350,000,000
Staff canteen sum 420,000,000
Pantry sum 300,000,000
Restaurant sum 1,000,000,000
All-day-dining restaurant sum 1,760,000,000
Grand ballroom sum 510,000,000
Meeting rooms sum 3,750,000,000
Pre-function sum 680,000,000
Bar/ sky lounge sum 500,000,000
Public toilets sum 20,000,000
Clinic sum 50,000,000
1.6 Pool Bar sum 250,000,000
1.7 Poolside sum 470,000,000
1.8 Back-of-house sum 1,400,000,000
1.9 Signature artwork sum 500,000,000
Rounded sum 0
Total Furniture, Fittings and Equipment 34,105,000,000

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ELEMENTAL BUDGET Quantity Unit Rate Total

1.1 Loose Furniture

Living area
Lounge chair and cushions 1 no 5,000,000 5,000,000
Writing desk 1 no 5,000,000 5,000,000
Desk chair 1 no 2,500,000 2,500,000
Small side table 1 no 1,500,000 1,500,000
Luggage rack 1 no 1,000,000 1,000,000
TV cabinet/ minibar 1 no 8,000,000 8,000,000
Bedside table 2 no 1,500,000 3,000,000
Wardrobe - hanging 1 no 8,000,000 8,000,000
Wardrobe - shelves and safe 1 no 8,000,000 8,000,000
Framed mirror 1 no 2,000,000 2,000,000

1.2 Fabric and Drapes
Living area
Sofa 1 no 3,000,000 3,000,000
Sofa pillows 1 no 400,000 400,000
Desk chair 1 no 500,000 500,000
Headboard 1 no 1,500,000 1,500,000
Boudoir pillow 2 no 500,000 1,000,000
Euro pillow 2 no 500,000 1,000,000
Bed cover 1 no 1,000,000 1,000,000
Outer Drapes 1 sets 3,000,000 3,000,000
Shear 1 sets 500,000 500,000

1.3 Custom Lighting

Living area
Table lamp 1 no 750,000 750,000
Desk lamp 1 no 1,200,000 1,200,000
Floor lamp 1 no 1,500,000 1,500,000
Table lamp 2 no 750,000 1,500,000
Wall sconce 2 no 800,000 1,600,000

1.4 Accessories
Acessories 1 sets 1,500,000 1,500,000

1.5 Artwork

Wall hung artwork 1 no 1,000,000 1,000,000


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Q13/635 : AGP Square, Dili PT Langdon & Seah Indonesia

ELEMENTAL BUDGET Quantity Unit Rate Total

1.1 Loose Furniture

Living area
2 seater sofa and cushions 1 no 12,000,000 12,000,000
Coffee table 1 no 3,000,000 3,000,000
Writing desk 1 no 5,000,000 5,000,000
Desk chair 1 no 2,500,000 2,500,000
Small side table 1 no 1,500,000 1,500,000
Luggage rack 1 no 1,000,000 1,000,000
TV cabinet/ minibar 1 no 8,000,000 8,000,000
Dining table 1 no 4,000,000 4,000,000
Dining chair 4 no 2,000,000 8,000,000
Bedside table 4 no 1,500,000 6,000,000
Wardrobe - hanging 2 no 8,000,000 16,000,000
Wardrobe - shelves and safe 2 no 8,000,000 16,000,000
Framed mirror 2 no 2,000,000 4,000,000

1.2 Fabric and Drapes
Living area
Sofa 1 no 5,000,000 5,000,000
Sofa pillows 2 no 400,000 800,000
Desk chair 1 no 500,000 500,000
Dining chair 4 no 500,000 2,000,000
Headboard 2 no 1,500,000 3,000,000
Boudoir pillow 4 no 500,000 2,000,000
Euro pillow 4 no 500,000 2,000,000
Bed cover 2 no 1,000,000 2,000,000
Outer Drapes 3 sets 3,000,000 9,000,000
Shear 3 sets 500,000 1,500,000

1.3 Custom Lighting
Living area
Table lamp 1 no 750,000 750,000
Desk lamp 1 no 1,200,000 1,200,000
Floor lamp 1 no 1,500,000 1,500,000
Table lamp 4 no 750,000 3,000,000
Wall sconce 4 no 800,000 3,200,000

1.4 Accessories
Acessories 3 sets 1,500,000 4,500,000


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ELEMENTAL BUDGET Quantity Unit Rate Total

1.5 Artwork

Wall hung artwork 2 no 1,000,000 2,000,000


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Q13/635 : AGP Square, Dili PT Langdon & Seah Indonesia

ELEMENTAL BUDGET Quantity Unit Rate Total

1.1 Loose Furniture

Living area
2 seater sofa and cushions 1 no 12,000,000 12,000,000
Coffee table 1 no 3,000,000 3,000,000
Writing desk 1 no 5,000,000 5,000,000
Desk chair 1 no 2,500,000 2,500,000
Small side table 1 no 1,500,000 1,500,000
Luggage rack 1 no 1,000,000 1,000,000
TV cabinet/ minibar 1 no 8,000,000 8,000,000
Dining table 1 no 4,000,000 4,000,000
Dining chair 4 no 2,000,000 8,000,000
Bedside table 2 no 1,500,000 3,000,000
Wardrobe - hanging 1 no 8,000,000 8,000,000
Wardrobe - shelves and safe 1 no 8,000,000 8,000,000
Framed mirror 1 no 2,000,000 2,000,000

1.2 Fabric and Drapes
Living area
Sofa 1 no 5,000,000 5,000,000
Sofa pillows 2 no 400,000 800,000
Desk chair 1 no 500,000 500,000
Dining chair 4 no 500,000 2,000,000
Headboard 1 no 1,500,000 1,500,000
Boudoir pillow 2 no 500,000 1,000,000
Euro pillow 2 no 500,000 1,000,000
Bed cover 1 no 1,000,000 1,000,000
Outer Drapes 2 sets 3,000,000 6,000,000
Shear 2 sets 500,000 1,000,000

1.3 Custom Lighting

Living area
Table lamp 1 no 750,000 750,000
Desk lamp 1 no 1,200,000 1,200,000
Floor lamp 1 no 1,500,000 1,500,000
Table lamp 2 no 750,000 1,500,000
Wall sconce 2 no 800,000 1,600,000

1.4 Accessories
Acessories 2 sets 1,500,000 3,000,000


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ELEMENTAL BUDGET Quantity Unit Rate Total

1.5 Artwork

Wall hung artwork 1 no 1,000,000 1,000,000


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Q13/635 : AGP Square, Dili PT Langdon & Seah Indonesia

ELEMENTAL BUDGET Quantity Unit Rate Total

1.1 Loose Furniture

Living area
2 seater sofa and cushions 2 no 12,000,000 24,000,000
3 seater sofa and cushions 1 no 15,000,000 15,000,000
Chaise lounge 1 no 5,000,000 5,000,000
Coffee table 1 no 3,000,000 3,000,000
Writing desk 1 no 5,000,000 5,000,000
Desk chair 1 no 2,500,000 2,500,000
Small side table 2 no 1,500,000 3,000,000
Luggage rack 1 no 1,000,000 1,000,000
TV cabinet/ minibar 1 no 8,000,000 8,000,000
Bookcase 1 no 6,000,000 6,000,000
Sofa and cushions 3 no 12,000,000 36,000,000
Coffee table 3 no 3,000,000 9,000,000
Writing desk 3 no 5,000,000 15,000,000
Desk chair 3 no 2,500,000 7,500,000
Bedside table 6 no 1,500,000 9,000,000
Wardrobe - hanging 3 no 8,000,000 24,000,000
Wardrobe - shelves and safe 3 no 8,000,000 24,000,000
Framed mirror 3 no 2,000,000 6,000,000
Meeting room
Meeting table 1 no 10,000,000 10,000,000
Meeting table chairs 12 no 2,000,000 24,000,000

1.2 Fabric and Drapes
Living area
Sofa 3 no 5,000,000 15,000,000
Sofa pillows 6 no 400,000 2,400,000
Desk chair 1 no 500,000 500,000
Throw cushion chaise lounge 2 no 400,000 800,000
Bolster at chaise lounge 1 no 400,000 400,000
Sofa 3 no 5,000,000 15,000,000
Sofa pillows 6 no 400,000 2,400,000
Desk chair 3 no 500,000 1,500,000
Headboard 3 no 1,500,000 4,500,000
Boudoir pillow 6 no 500,000 3,000,000
Euro pillow 6 no 500,000 3,000,000
Bed cover 3 no 1,000,000 3,000,000
Meeting room
Meeting table chairs 12 no 500,000 6,000,000
Outer Drapes 6 sets 3,000,000 18,000,000
Shear 6 sets 500,000 3,000,000


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ELEMENTAL BUDGET Quantity Unit Rate Total

1.3 Custom Lighting

Living area
Table lamp 2 no 750,000 1,500,000
Desk lamp 1 no 1,200,000 1,200,000
Floor lamp 2 no 1,500,000 3,000,000
Table lamp 6 no 750,000 4,500,000
Wall sconce 6 no 800,000 4,800,000
Meeting room
Floor lamp 2 no 1,500,000 3,000,000

1.4 Accessories
Acessories 6 sets 1,500,000 9,000,000

1.5 Artwork

Wall hung artwork 3 no 1,000,000 3,000,000


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Q13/635 : AGP Square, Dili PT. Langdon & Seah Indonesia
Hotel Operating Equipment


Gross Area: 25,078 m2

budget Equipment budget

Rp/m2 Rp. Rp.

1.1 Food Service Equipment 825,400 20,700,000,000 0
1.2 Laundry Equipment (Valet Laundry) 38,600 970,000,000 0
1.3 Kitchen Utensils 47,400 0 1,190,000,000
1.4 Laundry Equipment, Loose 5,300 0 130,000,000
1.5 Uniforms 40,400 0 1,010,000,000
1.6 Engineering and Housekeeping 17,600 0 440,000,000
1.7 Office Equipment 5,300 0 130,000,000
1.8 Safety Deposit Boxes 3,500 0 90,000,000
1.9 Fire Safety and First Aid Equipment 8,800 0 220,000,000
1.10 Security Equipment (See Hotel section) 0 0 0
1.11 Attic Stock 5,300 130,000,000 0
Back-of-House 869,300 21,800,000,000 3,210,000,000
2.1 Audio Visual Equipment 105,400 2,640,000,000 0
2.2 Chinaware, Glassware and Silverware 73,800 0 1,850,000,000
2.3 Front-of-house Linen 21,100 0 530,000,000
2.4 PABX, Handsets and Paging Equipment 79,000 1,980,000,000 0
2.5 IT Systems 158,100 0 3,960,000,000
2.6 Spa Equipment 66,700 0 1,670,000,000
2.7 Spa Towels, Linen, Robes and Slippers 19,300 0 480,000,000
2.8 Fitness Equipment 25,300 0 630,000,000
2.9 Recreation Equipment 1,400 0 40,000,000
2.10 Business Centre 3,900 0 100,000,000
2.11 Ballroom FFE 84,300 0 2,110,000,000
2.12 Vehicles (partly rented) 21,100 0 530,000,000
2.13 Signage and Graphics 47,400 1,190,000,000 0
2.14 Front-of-House Amenities and Accessories 15,800 0 400,000,000
Front-of-House 231,800 5,810,000,000 12,300,000,000
3.1 Guestroom Towels, Linen, Duvets and Pillows 82,500 0 2,070,000,000
3.2 Gustroom Robes and Slippers 21,100 0 530,000,000
3.3 Guestroom Audio Visual Equipment 75,200 1,890,000,000 0
3.4 Guestroom Safes 14,400 360,000,000 0
3.5 Guestroom Minibars 33,700 850,000,000 0
3.6 Guestroom Tea/Coffee Making Equipment 4,900 0 120,000,000
3.7 Guestroom Hair Dryers 4,600 120,000,000 0
3.8 Guestroom Scales 4,600 0 120,000,000
3.9 Guestroom Amenities and Accessories 23,500 0 590,000,000
Guestrooms 127,900 3,220,000,000 3,430,000,000
4.1 Warehousing 0 0 0
4.2 Importation, Duties, Taxes and Site Delivery 0 0 0
Warehousing and Importation 0 0 0
Total Hotel Operating Equipment 1,229,000 30,830,000,000 18,940,000,000

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Q13/635 : AGP Square, Dili PT Langdon & Seah Indonesia
Siteworks and Utilities


Gross Area: 39,334 m2

Rp./m2 Rp.
1.1 Site Preparation 27,300 1,075,000,000
1.2 Site Development 253,300 9,965,000,000
1.3 Structures 147,900 5,819,000,000
1.4 Landscape Artwork 30,500 1,200,000,000
1.5 On Site Services 35,300 1,387,000,000
1.6 Utilities 375,500 14,771,000,000
Total Construction excluding Preliminaries and Insurances 869,900 34,217,000,000
2.1 Preliminaries 10.00% 87,000 3,422,000,000
2.2 Insurances 0.15% 1,400 56,000,000
Preliminaries and Insurances 88,400 3,478,000,000
Total Construction including Preliminaries and Insurances 958,300 37,695,000,000

Project Cost Estimate Rev. 02 42
Q13/635 : AGP Square, Dili PT Langdon & Seah Indonesia
Siteworks and Utilities

ELEMENTAL BUDGET Quantity Unit Rate Total

1.1 Site Preparation

Site clearance 14,820 m2 5,000 74,100,000
Soil investigations 1 ls 800,000,000 800,000,000
Topographic survey 1 ls 200,000,000 200,000,000
Rounding 1 ls 900,000 900,000

1.2 Site Development
Ground level
Access roads 4,795 m2 385,000 1,846,075,000
Extra for access ramps and kerbs, 1.00m
rise 1 no 46,000,000 46,000,000
Extra for access ramps and kerbs, 2.00m
rise 2 no 90,000,000 180,000,000
Extra for access ramps and kerbs, 3.00m
rise 5 no 136,000,000 680,000,000
Extra for upgraded finishes at drop offs 950 m2 1,000,000 950,000,000
Kerbs and channels 1,300 m 145,000 188,500,000
Stairs floor to floor, 3.00m rise 1 no 30,000,000 30,000,000
Stormwater drainage, retention pond and
absorption wells 1 ls 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000
Pedestrian paving, local stone 995 m2 480,000 477,600,000
Hard landscaping features 1 ls 500,000,000 500,000,000
Soft landscaping and soiling 2,350 m2 500,000 1,175,000,000
Boundary walls and fences 500 m 3,400,000 1,700,000,000
Gates 6 pr 150,000,000 900,000,000
Flag poles 5 no 12,000,000 60,000,000
Traffic directional markings 1 ls 8,000,000 8,000,000
Traffic signage 1 ls 13,000,000 13,000,000
Entry signage and signage wall 1 no 210,000,000 210,000,000
Rounding 1 ls 825,000 825,000

1.3 Structures
Water features 1 ls 900,000,000 900,000,000
Pool bar, hotel 1 ls 750,000,000 750,000,000
Towel collection, hotel 1 ls 425,000,000 425,000,000
Canopies at entrances 4 no 800,000,000 3,200,000,000
Security booths 4 no 24,500,000 98,000,000
Security check shelters 2 no 36,000,000 72,000,000
Vehicle access barrier (manually operated) 4 no 16,000,000 64,000,000
Air inlet and outlet structures from basement 1 ls 310,000,000 310,000,000
Rounding 1 ls


1.4 Landscape Artwork

Allowance for artwork and statues 1 ls 1,200,000,000 1,200,000,000
Rounding 1 ls


Project Cost Estimate Rev. 02 43
Q13/635 : AGP Square, Dili PT Langdon & Seah Indonesia
Siteworks and Utilities

ELEMENTAL BUDGET Quantity Unit Rate Total

1.5 On Site Services
Ground level
Incoming water main 1 ls 45,000,000 45,000,000
Irrigation (stand pipes) 1 ls 85,000,000 85,000,000
Entrance and landscape lighting 1 ls 975,000,000 975,000,000
Power reticulation 1 ls 100,000,000 100,000,000
Fire hydrant reticulation 1 ls 175,000,000 175,000,000
Incoming electrical main (by PLN)
Incoming telephone mains (ducting only) 1 ls 6,500,000 6,500,000
Rounding 1 ls 500,000 500,000


1.6 Utilities
Sewage treatment plant, bioreactor type 300 m3 3,400,000 1,020,000,000
Recycling plant (100%) 300 m3 650,000 195,000,000
Grease trap 2 no 18,000,000 36,000,000
Power generation plant 4,000 kVA 3,200,000 12,800,000,000
Deepwell 4 no 180,000,000 720,000,000
Rounding 1 ls


Project Cost Estimate Rev. 02 44

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