Annex 2 Question Bank

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序号 题型 类型 题目 A B C D 答案

If the coordinates of the stop position 103 in Figure 12-1 are

1 Single selection CHART entered into the flight management computer, the correct one N 40 04.9 E 116 35.0 N 40 04.3 E 116 35.1 N 40.00845 E 114.58383 N 40.24190 E 114.93000 A
should be

2 Single selection CHART The approach light system shown in Figure 12-2 is? PALS CAT Ⅱ PALS CAT Ⅱ with sequence flash lights PALS CAT Ⅰ PALS CAT Ⅰwith sequence flash lights B

The following figure is the approach map of Hongqiao Airport.

3 Single selection CHART In Figure 12-3, what is the meaning of the solid triangle circled Required reporting points Satellite - based navigation points compulsory reporting points fix C
under SASAN

4 Single selection CHART In the chart, the navigation equipment shown in Figure 12-4 is? VOR NDB DME ADF C

In the approach profile shown in Figure 12-5, the significance of

5 Single selection CHART obstacle height MOCA the margin of obstacle the altitude of procedures B
the Numbers in the grey shaded area is

Figure 12-6 is the instrument approach map of Hongqiao

6 Single selection CHART Airport. The departure limit of the holding pattern at SS207 in 1min 1.5min 1NM 1.5NM B
the figure is

In Figure 12-7, the coordinates of Harbin Taiping Airport should

7 Single selection CHART N 45°37.25′ E126°15.01′ N 45.3725 E126.1501 N 45°37′25″ E126°15′01″ N4537.3 E12615.0 C

第 1 页,共 271 页
What is shown by this sign in The instrument approach Figure
8 Single selection CHART glide slpoe ADF needle marker beacons localizer D

9 Single selection CHART What this sign shows in the instrument approach Figure 12-9: glide slpoe ADF needle marker beacons localizer A

10 Single selection CHART The circled red part shown in Figure 12-11 is: wind indicator PAPI Inertial navigation calibration point RVR Measuring Site D

11 Single selection CHART What are the parts circled in red in Figure 12-12? RCLL PALS CAT Ⅱ light system TDZL REDL C

What do the red circles in Figure 12-13 represent in the airport

12 Single selection CHART 29NM 29KM 29miles 29FT B

In the JEPPESEN airport chart, the meaning of the red circle icon
13 Single selection CHART RVR Measuring Site wind indicator bidirectional PAPI C
in Figure 12-16 is

In the JEPPESEN airport chart,the meaning of the red circle

14 Single selection CHART Stopway anti-bluster apron displaced threshold Clearway A
icon in Figure 12-17 is

In the JEPPESEN chart, the flight segments indicated by the red

15 Single selection CHART visual track rader vectors Transition track Missed approach course B
circle in Fig.12-18 are:

第 2 页,共 271 页
In the JEPPESEN chart, the flight segments indicated by the red
16 Single selection CHART visual track rader vectors Transition track Missed approach course D
circle in Fig.12-19 are:

In the JEPPESEN chart, the flight segments indicated by the red

17 Single selection CHART visual track rader vectors Transition track Missed approach course A
circle in Fig.12-20 are:

In the JEPPESEN airport chart, the circled parts in red in Figure

18 Single selection CHART NDB VOR ADF DME A
12-21 are :

In the JEPPESEN airport chart, the circled parts in red in Figure

19 Single selection CHART Location of airport tower Runway center point Airport reference point Meteorological observation point C
12-27 are :

When the precision approach When the non-precision approach segment

In the JEPPESEN approach chart, the segment circled in red in
20 Single selection CHART precision apporach segment Non precision apporach segment segment is on the same chart as the is on the same chart as the precision D
Figure 12-28 are as follows:
non-precision approach segment approach segment

In the JEPPESEN apporach chart, the circled parts in red in

21 Single selection CHART Precision approach FAF Non Precision approach FAF Precision approach FAP Non Precision approach FAP B
Figure 12-29 are :

In the JEPPESEN apporach chart, the circled parts in red in

22 Single selection CHART Non-precision missed apporach fix Non-precision final apporach fix Non-precision apporach vdp precision apporach vdp C
Figure 12-30 are :

In the JEPPESEN apporach chart, the circled parts in red in The radius of the circling apporach The circling apporach protected area has
23 Single selection CHART circling apporach sign The abbreviation of CAUTION C
Figure 12-31 are : protected area has been redefined special requirements for Class C aircraft

第 3 页,共 271 页
The instrument approach procedure is
In the JEPPESEN apporach chart, the circled parts in red in The instrument approach procedure is The instrument approach procedure The instrument approach procedure is
24 Single selection CHART designed to the UNITED STATES B
Figure 12-33 are : designed using ICAO standard is designed to the EASA standard designed to the JAR OPS standard

In the APPROACH diagram of JEPPESEN aero chart, CDFA is

460 feet + the operator's allowance for loss 448 feet + the operator's allowance for loss
25 Single selection CHART represented by the circled part in red in FIG. 12-34. Which is the 460feet 448feet A
of altitude during the go-around of altitude during the go-around
DDA of this approach program

In the JEPPESEN chart, the RVR value represented by the part

26 Single selection CHART 4000feet 400m 4000n 40nm A
circled in red in Figure 12-35 is:

In JEPPESEN's approach chart of Kennedy Airport ,3/4 circled in

27 Single selection CHART visibility 3/4n m visibility 3/4miles visibility 3/4km RVR3/4km B
red in Figure 12-36 represents the following meanings :

In the JEPPESEN approach chart, the Japanese airport is not

marked with the programming specification, so the Japanese
28 Single selection CHART 2nm 2.3nm 4.2nm 2.7nm A
airport is flying during the circling approach. The radius of the
protected area for aircraft with a circling speed of 140 knots is:

In the JEPPESEN approach chart, the symbol circled in red in precision approach missed approach non-precision approach missed approach
29 Single selection CHART precision approach Mapt Non-precision approach Mapt B
Figure 12-37 is: pull-up point pull-up point

In the JEPPESEN chart's Charles DE Gaulle Airport instrument

The program design standard adopts ICAO The minimum operating standard of The program design standard adopts The minimum operating standard of this
30 Single selection CHART approach chart, what does the STANDARD circled in red in B
standard this program is EASA standard EASA standard program adopts ICAO standard
Figure 12-40 mean?

In the instrument approach chart of Charles DE Gaulle Airport

31 Single selection CHART of JEPPESEN chart, the part circled in red in Figure 12-41 outbound time 1min outbound time 1.5min outbound leg 1nm outbound leg 1.5nm B
represents the following meaning :

第 4 页,共 271 页
32 Single selection CHART What AH represented in the circled part in Figure 12-45: Apron holding point CAT 1 holding point taxi out point Hot spot A

In the approach diagram of JEPPESEN chart, the dotted line

33 Single selection CHART final apporach path missed apporach track CDFA Track Vertical Angle of descent D
circled in red in Figure 12-47 represents:

34 Single selection CHART What approach method is shown in Figure 12-48: ILS RNP AR LPV RNP D

35 Single selection CHART What approach method is shown in Figure 12-49: ILS RNP AR RNP APV B

Pudong Airport reports RVR600m. The crew has only CAT I

36 Single selection CHART qualification , and has not completed CAT II theoretical training. yes no not sure B
Can they continue their apporach in figure 12-55

What is the meaning of the magnetic difference shown in FIG. Magnetic north is 5.8° west of true Magnetic north is 5.8° east of Magnetic north is 5.8° west of compass
37 Single selection CHART Magnetic north is 5.8° east of true north B
12-56? north compass north north

38 Single selection CHART The meaning of "RCLL" in the airport chart is: Runway centerline light Precision approach lighting system Simplified Apporach Lighting System Runway edge lights A

39 Single selection CHART The word "PALS" in the airport chart means: Runway centerline light Precision approach lighting system Simplified Apporach Lighting System Runway edge lights B

第 5 页,共 271 页
40 Single selection CHART 25km 25nm 25miles 46nm B

41 Single selection CHART Figure 12-57 shows what the TORA is for runway 09: 2000 2300 2580 1850 A

42 Single selection CHART Figure 12-57 shows what the ASDA is for runway 09: 2000 2300 2580 1850 B

43 Single selection CHART Figure 12-57 shows what the TODA is for runway 09: 2000 2300 2580 1850 C

44 Single selection CHART Figure 12-57 shows what the LDA is for runway 09: 2000 2300 2580 1850 D

Figure 12-57 shows whether the stop lane can be used for take-
45 Single selection CHART yes no not sure B
off and taxiing for Runway 09:

As shown in Figure 12-57, for Runway 09, can the 150m inward
46 Single selection CHART yes no not sure B
shift of the entrance be used for landing taxiing?

Minimum descent altitude, available Minimum descent altitude, available visual

Minimum descent altitude, aircraft Minimum descent altitude, available
47 Single selection CHART Visibility in the minimum standard of approach depends on: visual AIDS, aircraft classification and AIDS, aircraft classification and approach C
classification and approach method visual AIDS
approach method method, flight crew qualification

第 6 页,共 271 页
As shown in Figure 12-61, how does the aircraft join the holding
48 Single selection CHART The Direct Entry The Teardrop Entry The Parallel Entry A
pattern from the 100 radial

As shown in Figure 12-61, how does the aircraft join the holding
49 Single selection CHART The Direct Entry The Teardrop Entry The Parallel Entry B
pattern from the 220 radial

As shown in Figure 12-61, how does the aircraft join the holding
50 Single selection CHART The Direct Entry The Teardrop Entry The Parallel Entry C
pattern from the 340 radial

All engines of the twin-engine aircraft

51 Single selection CHART Pans-ops standard designed chart that is a hypothetical aircraft All engine work one engine out one engine out of multi-engine airplane A

52 Single selection CHART The main reserve is ___ of the reserve 1/4 1/3 1/2 1/6 C

Initiate power reduction at or above 800ft,Accelerate smmthly

53 Single selection CHART NADP1 NADP2 NADP 3 NADP4 A
to en-route climb speed at 3000ft.the procedure is

54 Single selection CHART If not specified, the gradient required by the SID is 0.025 0.03 0.033 0.035 C

If not specified, the gradient required by the missed apporach

55 Single selection CHART 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 B
procedure is

第 7 页,共 271 页
The definition of straight landing is that the Angle between the
56 Single selection CHART final approach track and the center line of the runway is not 20° 25° 30° 40° C
greater than:

If the MAPt point is reached and the For non-precision approach without
In the go-around prpcedure,the turn should
Regarding the CDFA , one of the errors in the following conditions for further approach are not CDFA , an additional 400m(Class C
57 Single selection CHART not be made before the MAPt point is B
description is: met, you can continue to descend to and D aircraft) based on VIS/RVR
DDA standards

For RNP departure , for at least 95% of the total flight time in
58 Single selection CHART 0.3 NM 0.5 NM 0.8 NM 1 NM D
the departure stage, the error is not greater than:

For RNP apporach, for at least 95% of the total flight time in the
59 Single selection CHART 0.3 NM 0.5 NM 0.8 NM 1 NM A
departure stage, the error is not greater than:

As shown in Figure 12-62, for LOC of Runway 36R, its

60 Single selection CHART A B C D A
installation position is:

As shown in Figure 12-62, for GP of Runway 36R, its installation

61 Single selection CHART A B C D B
position is:

the total weight of an aircraft ready The weight of the aircraft structure, "Manufacture of air weight plus the
for a specific type of operation excluding all power plant, decoration, system and weight of the user item, i.e., flight
usable fuel and traffic other equipment considered to be part crew and cabin crew and their
Commercial weight including cargo,
62 Single selection PER DOW (Dry Operation Weight) refers to: load. Operational Empty Weight plus items of the aircraft. This weight is basically baggage, non-usable fuel, A
passenger and passenger luggage.
specific to the type of "dry" weight and includes only the oil Engine oils, emergency equipment ,
flight, i.e. catering, newspapers, pantry in the closed system (e.g., hydraulic toilet chemicals and liquids, kitchen
equipment, etc. oil). structures , catering equipment, seats,

the weight obtained by addition of the total

The weight at the time of landing. It's The weight obtained by adding the
traffic load (payload including cargo loads, The take-off weight, it's equal to the
63 Single selection PER ZFW(Zero Fuel Weight)refers to: equal to the take-off weight minus Operational empty weight and the take-off A
passengers and passenger’s bags) and the zero fuel weight plus the take-off fuel.
the range fuel. fuel.
dry operating weight.

第 8 页,共 271 页
Which of the following does not operate on OEW (Operational
64 Single selection PER oil Emergency equipment Catering equipment Passengers and checked baggage D
Empty Weight) is:

65 Single selection PER What projects does TOW include: DOW+payload+fuel reserves+trip fuel DOW+payload+trip fuel DOW+fuel reserves+trip fuel payload+fuel reserves+trip fuel A

66 Single selection PER What items are included in LW: DOW+payload+fuel reserves+trip fuel DOW+payload+fuel reserves DOW+fuel reserves+trip fuel payload+fuel reserves+trip fuel B

when the surface of the runway has a when the surface of the runway has a
due to heavy rain and/or insufficient
shiny appearance due to a thin film of when the surface of the runway is not shiny appearance due to a thin film of
67 Single selection PER Regarding the definition of wet runway, the correct one is: water. When this film does not dry, but the water on the surface does water. When this film more than 3 mm, A
drainage with a depth of more than 3
exceed 3 mm, there is no significant danger not cause a shiny appearance. there is no significant danger of
of hydroplaning . hydroplaning .

when the surface of the runway has a when the surface of the runway has a
due to heavy rain and/or insufficient
shiny appearance due to a thin film of when the surface of the runway is not shiny appearance due to a thin film of
Regarding the definition of standing water runway, the correct runway
68 Single selection PER water. When this film does not dry, but the water on the surface does water. When this film more than 3 mm, B
one is: drainage with a depth of more than 3
exceed 3 mm, there is no significant danger not cause a shiny appearance. there is no significant danger of
of hydroplaning . hydroplaning .

The equivalent value of wet runway is how many millimeters of

69 Single selection PER less than 2 milimeters depth of water less than 3 milimeters depth of water less than 4 milimeters depth of water less than 5 milimeters depth of water B
accumulated water should be covered on the runway:

Temperature input and runway length

70 Single selection PER What are the two input forms of take-off chart RTOW? Temperature input and weight input Weight input and thrust input Weight input and humidity input A

It is the maximum thrust certified for It is the maximum thrust certified for It is the maximum thrust certified for
It is the maximum thrust certified for
takeoff and is normally limited to 3 takeoff and is normally limited to 5 takeoff and is normally limited to 10
takeoff and is normally limited to 5 minutes.
Regarding the definition of the maximum takeoff thrust minutes. minutes. minutes.
71 Single selection PER This time is extended to 10 minutes for A
rating(MTO), the following correct statement is: This time is extended to 10 minutes for This time is extended to 15 minutes This time is extended to 10 minutes for
engine out contingency , as authorized by
engine out contingency , as authorized for engine out contingency , as engine out contingency , as authorized by
the approved AFM.
by the approved AFM. authorized by the approved AFM. the approved AFM.

第 9 页,共 271 页
Thrust must not be reduced by more Thrust must not be reduced by more
For flexible takeoff, how much reduction shall not exceed the Thrust must not be reduced by more than Thrust must not be reduced by more than
72 Single selection PER than 25 % of the full rated takeoff than 28 % of the full rated takeoff B
full rated takeoff thrust?(ceo) 20 % of the full rated takeoff thrust. 30 % of the full rated takeoff thrust.
thrust. thrust.

RTOW is based on 25%CG as the basic permission limit, and all

takeoff calculations are based on this. In order to consider the
flexible temperature reduce 2℃,V1、VR、 flexible temperature reduce 2℃,V1、 flexible temperature reduce 1℃,V1 flexible temperature reduce 1℃,V1、VR、
73 Single selection PER operating margin, how to compensate and correct when the A
V2 all increase 1kt VR、V2 all increase 2kt 、VR、V2 all increase 1kt V2 all increase 2kt
operating CG is the first 27% (check the relevant flexible
temperature and speed according to the takeoff weight):

RTOW is based on 25%CG as the basic permission limit, and all

takeoff calculations are based on this. In order to consider the
weight reduce 1000KG,V1、VR、V2 all weight reduce 1000KG,V1、VR、V2 weight reduce 800KG,V1、VR、V2 weight reduce 8000KG,V1、VR、V2 all
74 Single selection PER operating margin, how to compensate and correct when the A
increase 1kt all increase 1kt all increase 1kt increase 2kt
operating CG is the first 27% (check the relevant maximum
takeoff weight and speed according to external conditions):

The flexible takeoff thrust cannot be lower

than the Max Continuous thrust used for
the final takeoff
Regarding the use of flexible temperature take-off, the Flexible takeoff is permitted on Flexible takeoff is not permitted on
75 Single selection PER flight path computation ; The flexible no limitation A
following statements are correct: contaminated runways. wet runways.
temperature cannot be lower than the flat
rating temperature ,or the actual
temperature (OAT).

Horizontal distance from brake release Horizontal distance from brake

The description of the take-off distance TOD of the dry runway Horizontal distance from brake release to a Horizontal distance from brake release to a
76 Single selection PER to a point 50Ft above the take-off release to a point 400Ft above the A
is correct: point 35Ft above the take-off surface point 1000Ft above the take-off surface
surface take-off surface

Horizontal distance from brake release Horizontal distance from brake

The description of the take-off distance TOD of the wet runway Horizontal distance from brake release to a Horizontal distance from brake release to a
77 Single selection PER to a point 35Ft above the take-off release to a point 400Ft above the A
is correct: point 15Ft above the take-off surface point 1000Ft above the take-off surface
surface take-off surface

The stage from landing gear to landing Landing gear up to acceleration Acceleration altitude to the clean
78 Single selection PER What is the first stage of takeoff: clean form to final climb stage A
gear retraction altitude form

The stage from landing gear to landing Landing gear up to acceleration Acceleration altitude to the clean
79 Single selection PER What is the second stage of takeoff: clean form to final climb stage B
gear retraction altitude form

第 10 页,共 271 页
The stage from landing gear to landing Landing gear up to acceleration Acceleration altitude to the clean
80 Single selection PER What is the third stage of takeoff: clean form to final climb stage C
gear retraction altitude form

The stage from landing gear to landing Landing gear up to acceleration Acceleration altitude to the clean
81 Single selection PER What is the forth stage of takeoff: clean form to final climb stage D
gear retraction altitude form

According to the regulations, what is the minimum leveling

acceleration altitude of twin-engine aircraft after take-off?
82 Single selection PER 400Ft 800Ft 1000Ft 1500Ft A

Regarding the conditions that must be met at the same time for
Ensure that the net flight path is 35 ft Ensure that the takeoff thrust usage The acceleration height of single engine is
83 Single selection PER single engine acceleration altitude, the following statement is D
at least above 400 ft AGL above the obstacle time limit will not be exceeded above runway elevation 1500ft

This rating should be used, at the pilot’s

The definition of maximum continuous thrust MCT is correctly MCT is not allowed to be used under dual engine operate limitation is less In order to ensure safe flight, the single
84 Single selection PER discretion, only when required to ensure A
stated as follows: the condition of normal double engine. than 5mins engine/double engine is 10 minutes
safe flight (engine failure).

When climbing with single engine, unless otherwise specified in

RTOW chart, when turning is required by specific procedures ,
turning should be carried out at a maximum gradient of no
85 Single selection PER more than 15 degrees bank until the aircraft reaches () ft 1300 1500 1800 2000 B
altitude or reaches green dot speed.

Acceleration height (or altitude) ensures that the net flight path
exceeds the highest obstacle by at least () ft when the aircraft
accelerates to the green dot speed in level flight under the
86 Single selection PER 35 50 75 100 A
most unfavorable conditions after the first engine fails.

Fuel consumption , landing gear

After take-off, which of the following will not affect the change
87 Single selection PER flight attendant move around Change of passenger seat retraction and flap retraction after flight level changed D
of aircraft center of gravity:

第 11 页,共 271 页
For a specific runway, due to the limitation of ASD, with the
88 Single selection PER decrease increase at first increase then decrease no change A
increase of weight, V1/Vr changes correctly as follows:

For a specific runway, due to the limitation of stage 2, with the

89 Single selection PER decrease increase at first increase then decrease no change B
increase of weight, V2 changes correctly as follows:

Starting from the point where the aircraft is 120 meters (400
90 Single selection PER feet) above the take-off surface, the available climb gradient at 1%dual-engines 1.2%dual-engines 1.4%dual-engines 1.6%dual-engines B
each point along the take-off track shall not be less than:

In the take-off climbing stage, the climbing gradient of keeping

V2 speed when the landing gear is in the retracted position
91 Single selection PER shall not be less than: 1.2%dual-engines 1.4%dual-engines 2%dual-engines 2.4%dual-engines D

In the final stage of take-off, the climbing gradient of aircraft

92 Single selection PER 1.2%dual-engines 1.4%dual-engines 2%dual-engines 2.4%dual-engines A
shall not be less than:

Engine-out climbing performance , unless otherwise stated in

RTOW table, what is the maximum slope when a specific
93 Single selection PER procedure requires turning: 15° 20° 25° 30° A

The lower of the maximum altitude

Height corresponding to the maximum that can be achieved by using the
distance (the most effective range) flown by maximum cruise thrust and the The maximum altitude that can be achieved
The following statement is correct for the definition of The maximum altitude that an aircraft
94 Single selection PER the aircraft per kilogram of fuel maximum altitude that can be with the maximum climbing thrust at a C
"maximum cruising altitude": can climb in stages
achieved by using the maximum vertical speed of 300 ft/min
climb thrust at a vertical speed of
Height corresponding to the maximum Maximum altitude with maximum
distance (the most effective range) flown by cruise thrust and maximum altitude
an aircraft per kilogram of fuel; the height with maximum cruise thrust reaching The maximum altitude that can be achieved
The following statement is correct for the definition of "optimal The maximum altitude that an aircraft
95 Single selection PER at which the aircraft can fly the farthest 300 ft/min vertical speed in level with the maximum climbing thrust at a A
flight altitude": can climb in stages
distance (the best unit distance) per flight. vertical speed of 300 ft/min
kilogram (pound) of fuel consumed. It
depends on the actual weight and ISA

第 12 页,共 271 页
The actual distance of aircraft landing is measured from the
altitude of the aircraft ()to the runway entrance.
96 Single selection PER 50 FT 40 FT 30 FT 0 FT A

97 Single selection PER How to determine the VAPP without failure? VAPP=VLS+1.23VS VAPP=VLS+APPR COR VAPP=1.23VS+APPR COR VAPP=VLS+APPR COR+1.23Vs B

Which of the following is not a VAPP without failure correction 1/3 headwind component (excluding
98 Single selection PER A/THR ON ice condition Precipitation conditions occur D
project: gust -maximum 15kt)

确When determining the maximum takeoff weight, gradient 1/2

99 Single selection PER Tmax Tref Tflex OAT B
provides different gradients on both sides based on ().

Under the go-around configuration corresponding to all engine

100 Single selection PER programs, when the speed is not more than 1.4VS, the 2.10% 2.50% 2.30% 3% A
minimum stability gradient of single engine is?

Compare the maximum structural takeoff weight with the

101 Single selection PER maximum allowable takeoff weight calculated and determined Take the greater of the two Take the smaller of the two Take the middle value of the two B
according to the given conditions

Maximum outside temperature of

102 Single selection PER What temperature is Tmax in RTOW table? Maximum value of flexible temperature Reference temperature B
engine forensics

Which of the following is not the influencing factor of the

103 Single selection PER weight temperature magnetic variation mach number C
change of the maximum cruising altitude?

第 13 页,共 271 页
Under other equal conditions, the relationship between the
104 Single selection PER change of maximum cruising altitude and the influence of it decreases with the increase of weight it increases with the increase of weight no significant relationship Keep the same as the weight increases A
weight is.

The climb gradient of economic speed

or economic Mach number calculated
The following statement about the maximum climbing gradient The climbing gradient of climbing at green Climbing gradient at Vls speed is the
105 Single selection PER by cost index is the largest A
of A320 is correct. dot speed is the largest largest

In practice, climbing at the maximum

The following statement about the maximum climb rate is Climbing at the maximum climb rate can There is no indication of maximum the maximum rate of climb can not
106 Single selection PER climbing rate can be realized in the C
wrong. reach a given altitude in the shortest time climb rate speed on PFD be achieved
management mode

It is not true how to minimize the descending gradient at a When the descending resistance is When the center of gravity of the aircraft is
107 Single selection PER Descending at the speed of green dot When the lift-drag ratio is maximum D
given weight. minimum at the end,after CG

In some airports, because of obstacles , the holding route may

be limited, and the green dot speed will produce a large turning extend the slat,hold at S-speed with reduce speed until set landing Ignore constraints and wait at green
108 Single selection PER A
slope angle. Which of the following schemes is more suitable configuration 1. configuration dot speed

The correct thing about calculating the VAPP with aircraft

failure is:

In addition to the approval of the bureau and the consent of air

traffic control, aircraft driving
Members are not allowed to operate aircraft in indicated
3KM(10000ft)below、 3.6KM(12000ft)below、 3.6KM(12000ft)below、
110 Single selection LIM airspeed where the sea level pressure altitude () is greater than 3KM(10000ft)below、490KM/H(270knots) B
460KM/H(250knots) 490KM/H(270knots) 460KM/H(250knots)

Except with the approval of air traffic control, within the range
from the airport center () and below the altitude of 750 meters 15KM(8NM)、more than 7.5KM(4NM)、more than 7.5KM(4NM)、more than
111 Single selection LIM 15KM(8NM)、大于370KM/H(200KNOTS) C
(2500 feet) from the ground, the aircraft shall not be operated 340KM/H(180KNOTS) 370KM/H(200KNOTS) 340KM/H(180KNOTS)
at the indicated airspeed of ().

第 14 页,共 271 页
Aircraft carrying passengers shall be
The cockpit should be equipped with at equipped with flashlights and their The cockpit is equipped with at least two
Implementation of 121 aircraft in operation , the description of Every aircraft should be equipped
112 Single selection LIM least one portable fire extinguisher which is storage devices which are easily escape ropes that can be used for D
on-board emergency equipment is incorrect: with at least one emergency axe.
convenient for the flight crew. accessible from the seats of cabin evacuation .

When carrying out the operation of 121 units, for the flight with
cabin pressure altitude (), if it is at these altitudes, enough 3000M(10000FT)ABOVE TO 4300m(14000FT 3000M(10000FT)ABOVE TO 3600M(12000FT)ABOVE TO 3600M(12000FT)ABOVE TO
113 Single selection LIM A
oxygen should be provided for passengers with cabin pressure INCLUSIVE、10% 4300m(14000FT INCLUSIVE)、5% 4300m(14000FT INCLUSIVE)、10% 4300m(14000FT INCLUSIVE)、5%
altitude () after 30 minutes.

When carrying out the operation of 121 units, it is enough to

4300M(14000FT)ABOVE TO 4600m(15000FT 4300M(14000FT)ABOVE TO 4300M(14000FT)ABOVE TO 4300M(14000FT)ABOVE TO
114 Single selection LIM provide oxygen for passengers at cabin pressure altitude () C
INCLUSIVE)、40% 4900m(16000FT INCLUSIVE)、30% 4600m(15000FT INCLUSIVE)、30% 4900m(16000FT INCLUSIVE)、40%
during the flight at these altitudes .

When 121 units are operated, enough oxygen is provided for

115 Single selection LIM every passenger on board during the whole flight time at the 4600M(15000FT)ABOVE 3600M(12000FT)ABOVE 4300M(14000FT)ABOVE 3000M(10000FT)ABOVE A
cabin pressure

When carrying out the operation of 121 units, oxygen should

be provided to those who are on duty in the cockpit at the
From 3000 meters (10000 feet) to 3600 From 3000 meters (10000 feet) to 3600 From 3600 meters (12000 feet) to From 3600 meters (12000 feet) to 4300
cabin pressure altitude (), and they should also use oxygen. If
116 Single selection LIM meters (12000 feet) (inclusive ), one flight meters (12000 feet) (inclusive ), each 4300 meters (14000 feet) (inclusive), meters (14000 feet) (inclusive ), each flight B
the flight exceeds 30 minutes at these altitudes, oxygen should
crew member flight crew member one flight crew member crew member
be provided to other crew members for the flight after 30

When carrying out the operation of 121 units, oxygen should

be provided to every flight crew member on duty in the cockpit
above the cabin pressure altitude (), and they should also use
117 Single selection LIM 3000M(10000FT)/3000M(10000FT) 3000M(10000FT)/3600M(12000FT) 3000M(10000FT)/4300M(14000FT) 3000M(10000FT)/4500M(16000FT) B
oxygen, and oxygen should also be provided to other flight
crew members during the whole flight time above the cabin
pressure altitude ().

118 Single selection LIM A320's VMO: 360 kt 355 kt 350 kt 345 kt C

119 Single selection LIM A320's MMO: M 0.81 M 0.82 M 0.83 M 0.84 B

第 15 页,共 271 页
120 Single selection LIM Maximum tire speed limit 185 kt 190 kt 195 kt 200 kt C

Based on the model limitation, the minimum value that can be

operated to connect the autopilot during manual go-around is:
121 Single selection LIM 100 ft AGL at least 5 s after liftoff, 100 ft AGL or at least 5s after liftoff 100 ft AGL and at least 5s after liftoff A

If the wind displayed on ND exceeds

If the predicted ground wind exceeds If the tower report wind speed exceeds the
The limitation of automatic landing wind is based on the the automatic landing limit in FCOM,
Only CAT I automatic approach without the limit, only CAT I automatic limit but ND shows that the downwind
surface wind reported by ATC. Is the following statement and the ground wind reported by the
automatic laNDing can be performed if the approach without automatic landing does not exceed the limit, automatic
122 Single selection LIM correct? tower is within the limit range, the C
wind displayed on nd exceeds the limit of can be performed . landing can be continued
autopilot can remain on.
automatic landing in FCOM.

After three consecutive attempts to start the APU, the flight

123 Single selection LIM 60 min 45 min 30 min 15 min A
crew must wait for _ _ _ _ _ _ before the next attempt to start.

If the apu fails to start or the apu

During the refueling/draining procedure , is the following Do not start the APU if the APU fails to start Manually shut down APU in case of oil In case of oil leakage, APU will shut down
124 Multi-selections LIM shuts down automatically , you can try AB
statement true? or the APU shuts down automatically . leakage. automatically .
to start the apu normally .

When snow and ice accumulate on the fuselage to a thickness

125 Single selection LIM of about _ _ _ _ _ _ _ or more, it is considered as serious ice 3 mm (0.1 in) 5 mm (0.2 in) 8 mm (0.3 in) 10 mm (0.4 in) B
accumulation .

When OAT (on the ground and during

When OAT (on the ground or after take-off) When OAT (on the ground and when takeoff) is less than or equal to 5 °C, when
or TAT (in the air) is less than or equal to 10 taking off) is less than or equal to 10 it is covered with snow,
When OAT is less than or equal to 5
°C, and visible water vapor exists in any °C, when it is covered with snow, When running on the apron, taxiway or
°C and visible water vapor exists in
mode (such as clouds, fog with visibility less When running on the apron, taxiway or runway with accumulated water or snow
any mode (such as cloud, fog with
126 Multi-selections LIM Definition of icing conditions than or equal to 1 sm (1 600 m) or less, rain, runway with accumulated water or slurry, icing conditions still exist, and these AB
visibility less than or equal to 1 sm (1
snow, freezing rain or crystals), icing snow slurry, icing conditions still exist, pollutants will be sucked by the engine or
600 m) or less, rain, snow, freezing
conditions exist. and these pollutants will be sucked by frozen on the engine pod or engine sensor
rain or crystals), icing conditions exist.
the engine or frozen on the engine probe.
pod or engine sensor probe.

127 Single selection LIM The maximum braking temperature limit for takeoff is 300 °C 200 °C 250°C 150 °C A

第 16 页,共 271 页
In view of passengers ' comfort , choose In view of passengers ' comfort, choose Considering the comfort of
Select PACK 1 ON after CLB thrust reduction after taking off Considering the comfort of passengers,
128 Single selection LIM PACK 2 after at least 30 seconds after PACK 2 after at least 10 secONds after passengers, PACK 2 can be selected B
with air conditioner off. choose PACK 2 after the green dot speed.
selecting PACK 1 as on.。 selecting PACK 1 as on. after choosing the smooth shape.

MAX REC FL displayed on the progress page enables the aircraft

to maintain a buffeting margin of at least (). The flight crew may
129 Single selection LIM enter a cruising altitude higher than this altitude in the MCDU, 0.2 g 、0.15 g 0.3 g 、0.2 g 0.4 g 、0.25 g 0.4 g 、0.3 g B
and FMGS will accept it, provided that it does not exceed the
altitude when the margin is reduced to ().

130 Single selection LIM When over the waypoint, or () check the fuel at least every 15 min at least every 30 min at least every 45 min at least every 60 min B

131 Single selection LIM What is the minimum fuel quantity for A320 aircraft taking off 1500kg 2000kg 2500kg 3000kg A

132 Single selection LIM Maximum wiper speed of A320 aircraft 210kt 230 kt 250kt 280kt B

For special approach and departure procedures that have been

identified as possibly producing predicted or false terrain
warnings , when the aircraft position is less than () from the
133 Single selection LIM 15NM 12NM 10NM 8NM A
airport, the predicted GPWS function should be suppressed:

It is the responsibility of the PF is Monitor

It is the responsibility of the PF is It is the responsibility of the PF is
134 Multi-selections LIM task sharing in normal operations It is the responsibility of the PF is FLY the flight path,navgation and the aircraft AB
Navigate communicate

It is the responsibility of the PM is Monitor

It is the responsibility of the PM is It is the responsibility of the PM is
135 Multi-selections LIM task sharing in normal operations It is the responsibility of the PM is FLY the flight path,navgation and the aircraft CD
Navigate communicate

第 17 页,共 271 页
After ECAM or QRH procedure It is the responsibility of the PF is Monitor
It is the responsibility of the PF is
136 Multi-selections LIM task sharing during abnormal operations It is the responsibility of the PF is FLY action,It is the responsibility of the the flight path,navgation and the aircraft ABC
PF is communicate sysytems

PM when AP is disconnected
(according to PF requirements ) (unless
When AP is engaged, it is PF, or PM
137 Multi-selections LIM AFS CP input by: PF has chosen to turn on AP/A/THR) When AP is engaged, it is PF PF or PM when AP is disconnected AB
(according to PF requirements )

Press and hold his/her sidestick

The deviation of parameters must be Press his/her sidestick priority button to
138 Multi-selections LIM If PM wants to take the control, it must: announced clearly:I HAVE CONTROL priority button to gain full control of AC
reminded at the same time gain full control of the telex system.
the telex system.

Both pilots can press their own side Both pilots press and hold the take-over
Only one pilot operates the aircraft at a Sidestick input is algebraic
139 Single selection LIM The wrong description of the use of sidestick is: stick take-over button, which makes button, and the pilot who presses first D
time. superposition .
each other's side stick useless. gains the control right.

Abnormal /urgent procedures shall be Abnormal /urgent procedures shall be

The use of abnormal and urgent procedures shall comply with Memory items are executed immediately Memory items are executed according
140 Multi-selections LIM executed in the way of "read and do" executed immediately by "reading and AC
the following principles: according to memory. to the appropriate time of memory.
when appropriate doing".

In abnormal and emergency situations, the flight crew shall ‐ Memory items or OEB Immediate ‐ Memory items or OEB Immediate
‐ Memory items or OEB Immediate action ‐ Memory items or OEB Immediate action
execute the following procedures in sequence according to the action action
141 Single selection LIM actual situation: ‐ ECAM ‐ ECAM A

Subsonic medium-range civil transport Supersonic medium-range civil Subsonic long-range civil transport
142 Single selection GEN A320 is: A
aircraft transport aircraft aircraft

According to wake interval standard classification , A320 series

143 Single selection GEN Heavy aircraft general heavy aircraft Medium aircraft C
belongs to

第 18 页,共 271 页
144 Single selection GEN What kind of engines are installed in A320 series aircraft High-bypass turbine engine high bypass turbofan engines High duct turboprop engine B

145 Single selection GEN What is the width of the fuselage of the A320 family? 3.95M 4.5M 2M A

146 Single selection GEN What is the length of the fuselage of an A320 aircraft? 37.57M 44.51M 28M A

147 Single selection GEN What is the wingspan of an A320 family with sharklets? 34.1M 35.8M 40M B

148 Single selection GEN What is the wingspan of an A320 family without sharklets? 34.1M 35.8M 40M A

For An A320 aircraft on a dry runway,How the appropriate

149 Single selection GEN 30M 24M 40M B
width for turn a 180 degree is () m? without margin

For the A320CEO aircraft, the tail strike limit attitude is () with
150 Single selection GEN landing gear not compresse and () with landing gear fully 13.5,11.7 13.7,11.7 11.2,9.7 11.5,9.8 A

For the A320NEO aircraft, the tail strike limit attitude is () with
151 Single selection GEN landing gear not compresse and () with landing gear fully 13.5,11.7 13.7,11.7 11.2,9.7 11.5,9.8 B

第 19 页,共 271 页
For the A320CEO aircraft, the wing tip or engine strike limit
152 Single selection GEN attitude is () with landing gear not compressed and () with 18.1,16.2 20.1,15.4 20,16 C
landing gear fully compressed

153 Single selection GEN Where are the a320s localizer and glide path antenna installed radar cabin belly vertical tail A

For A320 aircraft, What the maximum speed for extending flap
154 Single selection GEN 230 215 200 185 A
1 is:

FOR A320 aircraft(except NEO) , the maximum verified

155 Single selection GEN 40Kt(without gusting) 38Kt(include gusting) 35Kt(without gusting) 35(include gusting) B
crosswind for take-off and landing is:

156 Single selection GEN For the 320-214, the maximum take-off tail wind is: 15Kt 12Kt 10Kt 8Kt C

157 Single selection GEN The maximum wind of cabin door operation is: 68Kt 65Kt 60Kt 55Kt B

How many The maximum operating wind of Foward and rear

158 Single selection GEN cargo hold door is (), How many The head wind or foward and 40,50 45,50 60,65 38,45 A
rear cargo hold door on the leeward side is.

Single selection GEN Which of the compartment is pressurized ? landing gear bay Air conditioning compartment Cargo hold tail cone C


第 20 页,共 271 页
AIR What is the maximum altitude while one pack and two packs
160 Single selection 22500ft;15000ft 20000ft;22500ft 20000ft;15000ft 21500ft;22500ft A
CON/PRESS/VENT can operating when using APU air bleed ?

In order to prevent adverse effects on

It is forbidden to use PACK and low
the air conditioning system, it is
AIR What is the correct description of the use of packs with low The flight crew can use PACK and low pressure air Bleed at the same time in The flight crew can only use low pressure
161 Single selection prohibited to use low-pressure air B
CON/PRESS/VENT pressure air Bleed? pressure air Bleed at the same time order to preventadverse effects on the Bleed when PACK failure
Bleed devices when the APU is
air conditioning system.
working normally

162 Single selection The selection range of cockpit and cabin temperature is 15-30℃ 18-24℃ 18-30℃ 15-24℃ C

163 Single selection The air mixed by the mixing unit is distributed to: Cockpit, cargo hold and cabin Cockpit, forward and rear cabin Cockpit, avionics bay, cabin Cockpit, avionics bay B

When the take-off power is set and

AIR The air conditioning control system's RAM AIR flap is closed During landing, speed was less than 70 During landing, When the main Take off when the thrust is set at more
164 Single selection the main landing gear are C
CON/PRESS/VENT during takeoff or landing () to avoid inhalation of FOB. knots landing gear is compressed than half
compressed during take-off

Hot air pressure regulating valve The hot air pressure regulating valve The hot air pressure regulating valve The hot air pressure regulating valve is
AIR When the hot air FAULT light on the air conditioning panel is
165 Single selection automatically closes, trim air valve automatically opens and trim air valve automatically closes and trim air valve opened, and trim air valve is opened A
automatically closes automatically closes automatically opens without any influence

The corresponding PACK is lost, the hot air

AIR What happens when both channel of air conditioning system The second ACSC takes over and no
166 Single selection Loss of cockpit temperature regulation Loss of two PACKs pressure regulating valve and the D
CON/PRESS/VENT ACSC controller fail? effect
associated trim air valve are closed

AIR Basic temperature regulation, Real-time regulation according to engine

167 Single selection How many types are the ACSC temperature regulation ? Manual regulationt , automatic regulation Cockpit regulation , cabin regulation B
CON/PRESS/VENT optimized temperature regulation power

第 21 页,共 271 页
AIR The bypass valve of air conditioning system and the RAM AIR Reduce the air flow in the compressor Increase the air flow in the turbine
168 Single selection Outlet temperature of related pack Increases the closure of the outflow valve B
CON/PRESS/VENT inlet flap to regulate () section of the air cycle machine section of the air cycle machine

AIR What happens when one channel of the air conditioning system The computer works in backup mode and The second lane takes over the work The second lane takes over automatically ,
169 Single selection Failure of packs B
CON/PRESS/VENT controllers fails? the regulationt is not optimized and has no effect but the efficiency is reduced by 50%

AIR The air conditioning system trim air valve adding () to the air The hot air pumped upstream from Air passing through the primary heat
170 Single selection The cooled air by packs Recycled cabin air B
CON/PRESS/VENT from the mixing unit to complete the temperature regulation packs exchanger of packs

AIR Add cold air to optimize regional Add hot air to optimize regional
171 Single selection What is the function of trim air valve? Regulat the hot air pressure Regulating pack flow B
CON/PRESS/VENT temperature temperature

172 Single selection Pack flow can be selected in () : cockpit cabin Cockpit and cabin Automatic , cannot be selected A

AIR It starts automatically while the

173 Single selection Pack Flow Control Valve: Pneumatic operation, electric control Electric operation , pneumatic control Electric operation , electric control A
CON/PRESS/VENT engine is running

174 Single selection Pack flow selector is at HI, and the flow value is approximately : 120% 100% 80% 150% A

175 Single selection Each AC system controller (ACSC) has () channels. 1 2 3 4 B

第 22 页,共 271 页
AIR Each air-conditioning system controller uses () and () to Hot air pressure regulating valve, trim
176 Single selection Pack flow control valve, bypass valve Bypass valve, ram air inlet flap Cross - transfer valve, ram air intake baffle B
CON/PRESS/VENT regulates the temperature of associated PACK. air valve

The DITCHING button is in normal position, RAM AIR button is

177 Single selection in ON position, when the outflow valve in automatic control More than 0.1 PSI Less than 0.1 PSI Less than 1PSI equal to1psi C
opens about 50%, how much is △P?

178 Single selection The hot air pressure regulating valve is operated by () Electric 、pneumatic pneumatic 、pneumatic Electric、Electric pneumatic 、Electric A

The component control switch needs

AIR If PACK overheats on the ground, the pack flow control valve Shut down immediately after open
179 Single selection auto off to be manually closed by pressing no change A
CON/PRESS/VENT will: automatically

AIR If the cockpit trim air valve failure, hot air pressure regulating Depends on the hot air pressure pipe
180 Single selection normal inoperation Must be closed manually B
CON/PRESS/VENT valve working condition will ? temperature

AIR What is the effect on aircraft temperature regulation if the air Loses all temperature regulation of the Loss of optimum temperature Loss of base temperature regulation in the
181 Single selection PACK inoperration C
CON/PRESS/VENT conditioning system trim air valve fails? corresponding area regulation of the corresponding area corresponding area

AIR If the forward or rear cabin trim valve fails, what is the operating Depends on the hot air pressure pipe
182 Single selection normal inoperation Must be closed manually A
CON/PRESS/VENT status of the hot air pressure regulating valve? temperature

AIR If the hot air pressure regulating valve fails in the open position, The temperature remains at the value
183 Single selection Optimization regulation failure no effect pack failure C
CON/PRESS/VENT what is the impact on the aircraft temperature regulation ? selected at the time of the failure

第 23 页,共 271 页
AIR The following description of hot air pressure regulating valves is regulat the upstream hot air pressure of the When there is no pressure, keep the Automatically opens when the pipe regulat the downstream hot air pressure of
184 Single selection A
CON/PRESS/VENT correct: air conditioning module valve open by spring overheats the assembly

When the air quality at the departure ClosingPACK for takeoff improves
When there is water on the runway, turn off When ice accumulation conditions are
AIR What is the true meaning of considering turning off PACKs for airport is poor, closing PACK for performance with TOGA thrust, and
185 Single selection PACK and take off to avoid water damage expected after takeoff, closing PACK for C
CON/PRESS/VENT takeoff? takeoff helps optimize the air quality in flexible temperature takeoff reduces
to the unit takeoff helps increase de-icing efficiency
the cockpit maintenance costs

Provide ventilation to the cockpit and cabin

AIR Supply air to the component Regulate the flow of air through the Open any time to provide fresh air for
186 Single selection What is the function of RAM AIR? during smoke removal or when both PACK A
CON/PRESS/VENT compressor heat exchanger PACK

AIR Regulet automatically according to

187 Single selection Without bleed air pressure,PACK flow control valve. Keep off Keep on Automatic power off A
CON/PRESS/VENT the temperature

The air conditioning pack overheats (on the

AIR PACK flow control valve automatically closes under which of the ground only), the engine fire button is Bleed Air Valve failure,PACK outlet
188 Single selection A and B Low bleed air pressure A
CON/PRESS/VENT following conditions: released , and DICTHING button is pressed pressure increased
and during engine startup

Prior to landing, release the remaining After landing, the remaining cabin Before landing, release the remaining
After landing, release the remaining cabin
AIR One of the four basic functions of the cabin pressurization cabin overpressure gradually until the overpressure is gradually released after cabin overpressure gradually after the
189 Single selection overpressure gradually until the ground D
CON/PRESS/VENT system is correctly described as "Depressurization ". ground function has fully opened the the ground function has fully opened ground function has fully opened the
function fully opens the outflow valve.
outflow valve. the outflow valve. outflow valve.

regulet the pressure difference regulet cabin height and temperature regulet cabin height and rate of change to
AIR One of the four basic functions of the cabin pressurization Regulet cabin humidity to provide
190 Single selection between cabin and cockpit to provide to provide passengers with a provide passengers with a comfortable D
CON/PRESS/VENT system is the correct description of "pressurization in flight"? passengers with a comfortable flight.
passengers with a comfortable flight. comfortable flight. flight.

AIR Which of the following does not form part of a pressurization one residual pressure control unit and One outflow valve and two safety
191 Single selection two cabin pressure controllers one RAM AIR valve D
CON/PRESS/VENT system? one control panel valves

第 24 页,共 271 页
AIR Who normally provides the power for the outflow valve of an Two electric motors work
192 Single selection One of two electric motors One of three electric motors One of three pneumatic motors B
CON/PRESS/VENT aircraft? simultaneously

When the FMGS data is not available for automatic

AIR Use MAN V/S manual control of cabin Place the cockpit pressurization selector in
193 Single selection pressurization and the pressurization is in semi-automatic No action is required Manually selected landing elevation C
CON/PRESS/VENT height the manual position
mode, what operation should the crew perform before landing?

When the pressurization system is in automatic or semi-

AIR One controller works, and the other The two controllers work One controller is in the main use, the other
194 Single selection automatic mode, the operation mode of the two cabin The two controllers work alternately A
CON/PRESS/VENT standby independently control provides part of the function
pressurization controllers is?

Two identical, independent , digital controllers automatically

195 Single selection control the pressurization by maintaining the appropriate cabin ADIRS、EIU、LGCIU、ACSC ADIRS、FMGC、ACSC、LGCIU ADIRS、FMGC、EIU、FADEC ADIRS、FMGC、EIU、LGCIU D
pressure. Which equipment do they receive data from?

AIR The main alert is activated and the crew System 2 automatically takes over
196 Single selection Normally , the cabin pressurization system 1 failure The crew must select System 2 Descend immediately to FL100\MEA\MORA C
CON/PRESS/VENT must do ECAM action and the crew has no action

AIR Normally , FMGC is available. The following description of the Landing elevation and QNH from FMGC Landing level and radio altitude from Selectioned captain pressure refernce Captain pressure reference and radio
197 Single selection A
CON/PRESS/VENT cockpit pressure controller is correct: and pressure height from ADIRS FMGC from ADIRS and landing elevationsS altitude from ADIRS

AIR After cargo hold behind float line Below the rear floation line in the rear
198 Single selection where the outflow valve on the aircraft is: Near forward cargo hold On the left side of the fuselage C
CON/PRESS/VENT above cargo hold

AIR How the two safety valves of the pressurization system are
199 Single selection electric hydraulic pneumatic manual C
CON/PRESS/VENT actuated:

第 25 页,共 271 页
Release pressure for the aircraft when
AIR What is function of the residual pressure Control unit (RPCU) in Make sure the residual pressure on board is Ensure adequate residual pressure is When the ground pressure difference is
200 Single selection there is abnormal residual pressure C
CON/PRESS/VENT the pressurization system? moderate during flight maintained on the ground negative , pressurize the aircraft
on the ground

AIR Which of the following does not belong to the cabin The conversion takes place 70 seconds
201 Single selection Convert immediately after landing When the operating system fails It can be converted manually A
CON/PRESS/VENT pressurization system conversion mode? after landing

If the aircraft does not climb after Whether or not the aircraft climbs
If the aircraft does not climb after takeoff, If the aircraft does not climb after takeoff,
takeoff, the interruption prevents cabin after takeoff, the interruption
AIR What is the correct description of "ABORT" when aircraft the interruption prevents cabin altitude the abort mode prevents cabin altitude
202 Single selection altitude climb. Cabin pressure Settings prevents cabin altitude climb. Cabin D
CON/PRESS/VENT automatic pressurization ? climb. Cabin pressure Settings have been climb. Cabin pressure Settings have been
have been restored to take-off altitude pressure Settings have been restored
restored to take-off altitude +0.2 PSI restored to take-off altitude +0.1 PSI
+0.5 PSI to take-off altitude +0.1 PSI

During the cruise, the controller keeps During the cruise, the controller During cruise, the controller imaintains
During the cruise, the controller keeps the
the cabin altitude at the set cruising keeps the cabin altitude at the normal cabin altitude at the level-off altitude or
cabin altitude at the set cruising altitude or
AIR What is the correct description of "cruising" when aircraft are altitude or landing airport altitude, altitude or the landing airport the altitude of the landing field elevation,
203 Single selection landing airport altitude, whichever is higher, D
CON/PRESS/VENT automatically pressurized? whichever is lower, but the cabin altitude, whichever is lower, but the whichever is higher, but the cabin altitude
but the cabin altitude target is limited to a
altitude target is limited to a maximum cabin altitude target is limited to a target is limited to a maximum of
maximum of approximately 8000ft.
of approximately 8000ft. maximum of approximately 8000ft. approximately 8000ft.

During descent, the controller maintains a During descent, the controller

During descent, the controller During descent, the controller maintains a
certain cabin descent rate so that the cabin maintains a certain cabin descent rate
AIR What is the correct description of "descent" in the automatic maintains a certain cabin descent rate cabin rate of descent ,such that the cabin
204 Single selection pressure is equal to the landing airport so that the cabin pressure is equal to D
CON/PRESS/VENT pressurization mode of aircraft? so that the cabin pressure is equal to - pressure is equal to the landing filed
pressure +0.2PSI before the approaching -0.2PSI of the landing field before
0.1PSI before landing pressure +0.1PSI,shortly before landing
landing landing

To avoid a pressure surge at rotation, To avoid the pressure surge at

To avoid a pressure surge at rotation, the To avoid a pressure surge at rotation, the
AIR What is the correct description of "take off" in the automatic the controller prepressurizes the rotation, the controller prepressurizes
205 Single selection controller prepressurizes the aircraft at a controller prepressurizes the aircraft at D
CON/PRESS/VENT pressurization mode of aircraft? aircraft at a rate of 300FT/MIN to △P to the aircraft at a rate of 600FT/MIN to
rate of 500FT/MIN to △P to 0.1PSI. 400FT/MIN to △P to 0.1PSI.
0.1PSI. △P to 0.1PSI.

During climb, the cabin altitude varies During climb, the cabin altitude varies During climb, the cabin altitude During climb, the cabin altitude varies
AIR What is the correct description of "climb" in the automatic according to fixed pre-programmed law according to fixed pre-programmed varies according to fixed pre- according to fixed pre-programmed law
206 Single selection D
CON/PRESS/VENT pressurization mode of aircraft? that take into account the weight of the lawthat take into account the aircraft's programmed law that take into that take into account the actual rate of
aircraft. cruising altitude. account the way the aircraft climbs. climb of the aircraft.

Before takeoff and 55 seconds after Before takeoff and 70 seconds after Before takeoff and 55 seconds after Before takeoff and 60 seconds after
landing, the outflow valves are fully open to landing, all outflow valves should be landing, the outflow valves are fully landing, the outflow valve should be fully
AIR What is the correct description of the "ground" in the automatic ensure that there is no residual cabin opened to ensure no remaining cabin open to ensure no cabin pressure open to ensure that there is no excess
207 Single selection A
CON/PRESS/VENT pressurization mode of aircraft? pressure .At touchdown , any remaining pressure. At touchdown , any remaining remains. At touchdown , any cabin pressure. At touchdown , any
cabin pressure is released at the cabin cabin pressure is released at the cabin remaining cabin pressure is released remaining cabin pressure is released at a
vertical speed of 500ft/min. vertical speed of 500ft/min. at a cabin vertical speed of 400ft/min. cabin vertical speed of 400ft/min.

第 26 页,共 271 页
When both of the pressurized automatic control systems fail,
AIR the CABIN PRESS control panel is used by the crew to manually
208 Single selection automatic break MODE SEL select MAN Operate the MAN V/S CTL switch Unable to switch B
CON/PRESS/VENT control the CABIN height . How can the power supply of the
automatic motor be cut off?

Outflow valve,RAM AIR inlet and electronic

PACK flow control valve forward equipment ventilation inlet and exhaust
AIR When the DICTHING button is in the ON position, a close signal RAM AIR inlet and electronic
209 Single selection outflow valve cargo compartment isolation exit valve, assembly flow control valve and D
CON/PRESS/VENT is sent to: ventilation air inlet and exhaust valves
valve forward cargo compartment outlet
isolation valve

Outflow valve, emergency ram air intake

AIR If the pressurization mode selector switch is put on the MAN Only the outflow valve does not
210 Single selection valve, electronic ventilation and pack flow Only the outflow valve is closed The outflow valve closes at △P < 1psi C
CON/PRESS/VENT position, what will happen when theDICTHING button is put on? automatically close
control valve close

When pressurization system is in semi-automatic state, the

211 Single selection landing elevation needs to be set manually. What is the -2,000 feet to + 14,000 feet -1000 feet to + 14,000 feet -1000 feet to + 12,000 feet -3000 feet to + 14,000 feet A
selection range of LDG ELEV?

AIR When will the 'FAULT' light on the pressure panel selector turn When two automatic pressurization
212 Single selection When a automatic pressurization fails Artificial manually pressurization failure Air bleed failure C
CON/PRESS/VENT on failure

AIR On the ECAM cabin pressurization page, cabin height indicates

213 Single selection >9550feet >8000feet >8800feet >15000feet A
CON/PRESS/VENT when to turn red:

SET selector l MAN for at least 10 seconds,

AIR What should I do if I want to manually convert the It can be converted after powering off Fully calibrated ADIRS can be
214 Single selection Non-manual conversion then return to AUTO to select other D
CON/PRESS/VENT pressurization control system? the aircraft converted

On the ECAM cabin pressurization page, amber color is

215 Single selection displayed when cabin differential pressure is greater than or 9 8 8.5 7.5 C
equal to:

第 27 页,共 271 页
AIR To view the location of an outflow valve, which page of ECAM
216 Single selection Air conditioning page Air bleed page Pressurization page Engine page C
CON/PRESS/VENT do I need to view?

AIR If, during normal flight, the ECAM pressurization page displays
217 Single selection Outflow valve opening>30% Outflow valve opening>50% Outflow valve opening>95% The outflow valve is fully closed C
CON/PRESS/VENT the outflow valve in amber, it means:

AIR Where to check the elevation value of the landing airport LDGELEV (Landing elevation)Select the
218 Single selection ECAM Cabin pressurization page No need, because it is automatic Unable to view B
CON/PRESS/VENT manually ? scale on the switch

AIR The destination airport uses field pressure (QFE), if it is

219 Single selection Airport elevation Landing MDA/H 0 ft MEA\MORA C
CON/PRESS/VENT necessary to manually set the landing elevation, it should be:

INLET and OUTLET indication is green INLET and OUTLET indication is blue
INLET and OUTLET indication is white in INLET and OUTLET indication is yellow in
under normal conditions, and the in normal condition, and the
AIR Which of the instructions on ECAM cabin pressurization page is normal condition. When the inlet or outlet normal condition. When the inlet or outlet
220 Single selection corresponding indication will turn to corresponding indication turns to A
CON/PRESS/VENT correct? valve fails, the corresponding indication valve fails, the corresponding indication
amber when the inlet or outlet valve amber when the inlet or outlet valve
turns to ambe turns to amber
fails fails

221 Single selection The maximum normal cabin altitude is 8000 ft 9550+350 ft 14000 ft 14400 ft A

AIR The maximum negative pressure difference in the pressurization

222 Single selection 0 PSI -1PSI -2PSI -1.5PSI B
CON/PRESS/VENT system is:

AIR Maximum positive cabin pressure difference in pressurization

223 Single selection 6psi 8psi 9psi 8.6psi C

第 28 页,共 271 页
When the following value is reached, the safety valve will open:
224 Single selection Two independent pneumatic safety valve decompression 8.06 psi 8.6 psi 9.0 psi 7.6 psi B
setting values

Electronic equipment , controlled by

AIR Regarding the ventilation system, which of the following
225 Single selection Electronic Equipment Ventilation Controller Battery lavatory and galley Forward cargo hold D
CON/PRESS/VENT equipment is not ventilated by the ventilation system

Regardless of the configuration of the

It provides cooling for electrical and electronic equipment ventilation system, a
under normal conditions,the electronic electronic units in the electronic part of the electronic equipment
AIR Regarding the ventilation of electronic equipment, the It uses two electric fans to circulate
226 Single selection equipment ventilation system is manually equipment compartment and the ventilation air is extracted from the cockpit A
CON/PRESS/VENT following description is wrong the cooling air.
operated. cockpit, including instruments and C/B through different cockpit panels.

In normal ground operation, when the skin temperature reaches

AIR +35 °C (94 °F),temperature
227 Single selection which of the following conditions, the electronic equipment +12 °C (52 °F),Temperature rise +9 °C (47 °F),Temperature drop +32 °C (89 °F),temperature decreasing A
CON/PRESS/VENT increasing
ventilation system enters the open-circuit configuration

During normal flight operation ,when the skin temperature

AIR reaches one of the following conditions, the electronic +9 °C (47 °F),Temperature drop +35 °C (94 °F), temperature
228 Single selection +12 °C (52 °F),Temperature rise +32 °C (89 °F),temperature decreasing D
CON/PRESS/VENT equipment ventilation system enters a closed-circuit increasing

In normal ground operation, when the skin temperature reaches

AIR +9 °C (47 °F),Temperature drop +35 °C (94 °F), temperature
229 Single selection one of the following conditions, the electronic equipment +12 °C (52 °F),Temperature rise +32 °C (89 °F),temperature decreasing B
CON/PRESS/VENT increasing
ventilation system enters a closed-circuit configuration

During normal flight operation , when the skin temperature

AIR reaches one of the following conditions, the electronic +9 °C (47 °F),Temperature drop +35 °C (94 °F), temperature
230 Single selection +12 °C (52 °F),Temperature rise +32 °C (89 °F),temperature decreasing C
CON/PRESS/VENT equipment ventilation system enters the intermediate increasing

On the ground, the skin temperature is On the ground, the skin temperature is
On the ground, the skin temperature
AIR In normal operation , the following are not closed-circuit control In the air, the skin temperature is lower than below the ground critical value, and higher than the ground critical value, and
231 Single selection is below the air critical value, and the D
CON/PRESS/VENT conditions: the air critical value the thrust lever is not in the takeoff the thrust lever is not in the takeoff
thrust lever is in the takeoff position
position position

第 29 页,共 271 页
Regarding the electronic ventilation system, under which of the
AIR following circumstances , the air-conditioning air inlet valve
232 Single selection Open circuit configuration Closed circuit configuration Intermediate configuration Abnormal operation D
CON/PRESS/VENT opens so that the air-conditioning pipeline supplies air to the
electronic equipment compartment

Regarding the electronic ventilation system, under which of the

AIR On the ground On the ground In the air,Closed circuit
233 Single selection following circumstances , the skin exchange isolation valve is In the air,Intermediate configuration A
CON/PRESS/VENT ,Open circuit configuration ,Closed circuit configuration configuration

AIR Regarding the ventilation of electronic equipment,, the

234 Single selection Blower fault or Extract fault alert Smoke configuration Controller failure Front and rear cargo smoke D
CON/PRESS/VENT following are not in abnormal operating configuration

These valves allow air to circulate

These valves allow outside air to enter the The valve opens to allow the air
AIR Regarding the skin exchange inlet and outlet bypass valves, the through the space under the The valve communicates or isolates the skin
235 Single selection aircraft and allow hot air to escape from the conditioning line to supply fresh air B
CON/PRESS/VENT following statements are correct electronics and cargo compartment heat exchanger.
electronics. to the electronics compartment .

In some cases, even if the skin temperature is above the ground

threshold, the skin air valve will delay opening: This is to avoid
236 Single selection condensation when the temperature inside the electronics Open circuit configuration Closed circuit configuration Intermediate configuration Abnormal operation A
compartment is too low. The above paragraph describes the
configuration of electronic equipment ventilation

The measurement range of the detected skin temperature is -

50°C to 80°C. Outside of this range, AEVC sets the electronic
AIR ventilation form to the middle form (partially open) until the
237 Single selection Open circuit configuration Closed circuit configuration Intermediate configuration Abnormal operation C
CON/PRESS/VENT temperature returns to this range again. The above paragraph
describes which configuration of electronic equipment

When the electrical system of the aircraft is powered, () works

continuously to make the air around the electronic equipment
cycle. The fan speed controller (FSC) controls the speed of the
electronic ventilation fan according to the temperature
AIR Two hydraulic fans, low speed, high
238 Single selection function: Two electric fans, high speed, low speed One electric fan, high speed, low speed One hydraulic fan, low speed, high speed A
1. () When the ventilation air temperature is higher than +40°C
2. () When the ventilation air temperature is lower than +35°C

Electronic equipment ventilation computer (AEVC) controls the

AIR operation of all fans and valves in the electronic equipment BLOWER P/B and EXTRACT P/B are in AUTO BLOWER P/B and EXTRACT P/B are in BLOWER P/B in OVER position EXTRACT P/B in OVER position BLOWER
239 Single selection A
CON/PRESS/VENT ventilation system. Under what conditions does AEVC work position OVRD position EXTRACT P/B in AUTO position P/B in AUTO position
normally ?

第 30 页,共 271 页
Low exhaust pressure (if a warning occurs The pipe is overheated (if the warning
AIR Which of the following is not an EXTRACT button-switch amber Computer power failure
240 Single selection when the engine is stopped on the ground , occurs when the engine stops on the Trigger smoke warning B
CON/PRESS/VENT light flashing condition
the external horn will sound) ground, the external horn will sound)

The inlet mixing device mixes with the

AIR When BLOWER P/B and EXTRACT P/B are both placed in the
241 Single selection Skin heat exchanger Outside the aircraft Bottom of cargo hold cabin air and distributes it to the cockpit B
CON/PRESS/VENT override position, where does the ventilation air go?
and front and rear cabins

AIR When the BLOWER+EXTRACT button is in the OVERRIDE

242 Single selection Skin air intake Skin heat exchanger bypass valve Air conditioning intake valve Extract air from the front or rear cargo hold C
CON/PRESS/VENT position, where to get air for ventilation

During normal flight, when the skin temperature is lower than

243 Single selection the critical value in flight, what is the working loop shape of the Open circuit configuration Closed circuit configuration Intermediate configuration Smoke configuration B
electronic cabin ventilation system:

AIR How to operate the BLOWER and EXTRACT switches when the BLOWER switch AUTO bit, EXTRACT switch BLOWER switch OVRD bit, EXTRACT BLOWER switch AUTO position, BLOWER switch OVRD bit, EXTRACT switch
244 Single selection B
CON/PRESS/VENT electronic equipment ventilation system detects smoke: OVRD bit switch OVRD bit EXTRACT switch AUTO position AUTO bit

The skinned venturi draws air from the The exhaust fan extracts the surrounding
AIR Utilize electronic cabin ventilation
245 Single selection Ventilation method of battery: space around the battery out of the No ventilation cabin air and discharges it near the outflow A
machine valve

When the detected skin temperature is When the detected skin temperature Only when the detected skin When the detected skin temperature is
During the flight, the electronic equipment ventilation system is
AIR lowered, at 32° to 35°C, the electronic continues to decrease until it is below temperature is higher than 35°C, the higher than 36°C and the temperature
246 Single selection in the intermediate configuration The following statements are C
CON/PRESS/VENT ventilation pattern remains in the 32°C, the electronic ventilation mode is electronic ventilation form will remain increases, the electronic ventilation form
intermediate configuration set to a closed circuit in the intermediate configuration remains in the intermediate configuration

When the detected skin temperature Only when the detected skin When it is detected that the skin
During taxiing, the electronic equipment ventilation system is in When the detected temperature of the skin
AIR continues to decrease until it is below temperature is higher than 12°, the temperature is lowering and higher than 9°,
247 Single selection an open circuit configuration . The following statements are decreases , at 9° to 12°, the electronic C
CON/PRESS/VENT 9°, the electronic ventilation mode is electronic ventilation form will remain the electronic ventilation form remains in
incorrect. ventilation form remains in an open circuit
set to a closed circuit in the open circuit an open circuit

第 31 页,共 271 页
Cargo compartment ventilation : The exhaust fan draws air from
AIR the front cargo compartment or the rear cargo compartment
248 Single selection Avionics cockpit lavatory and galley C
CON/PRESS/VENT and discharges it out of the aircraft. The air from () replaces the
exhaust air and ventilates the cargo hold.

Cargo compartment temperature adjustment : The system mixes

AIR the air from () with hot bleed air so that the flight crew can cabin
249 Single selection Avionics cockpit lavatory and galley C
CON/PRESS/VENT control the temperature of the front or rear cargo
compartment .

The air from the passenger cabin is driven The venturi installed on the skin The cargo compartment ventilation
When the isolation valve is fully opened,
AIR Regarding the ventilation of the rear cargo compartment , the by an exhaust fan to enter the rear cargo exhausts air to the outside of the controller controls the operation of
250 Single selection the exhaust fan works continuously when B
CON/PRESS/VENT following description is wrong compartment through the air inlet isolation engine room through an exhaust the inlet and outlet isolation valves
the aircraft is on the ground and in the air.
valve. isolation valve. and the exhaust fan.

The triangle is normally white, and The triangle is normally green, and
The triangle is normally green, and PACK 1 The triangle is normally green, and PACK 1
PACK 1 (2) indicates that it is normally PACK 1(2) indicates that it is normally
(2) indicates that it is normally white. When (2) indicates that it is normally white. When
AIR The PACK instruction located on the ECAM PRESS page, the white. When the pack flow control green. When the pack flow control
251 Single selection the pack flow control valve is closed and the pack flow control valve is closed and A
CON/PRESS/VENT correct description is: valve is closed and the corresponding valve is closed and the corresponding
the corresponding engine is running, both the corresponding engine is running, both
engine is running, both become engine is running, both become
become amber. become white.
amber. amber.

For A320NEO aircraft, the green PACKS is sometimes displayed

AIR Engine bleed air supplies air to air APU bleed air supplies air to air
252 Single selection on the E/WD page. What does it mean? Air conditioning packs work Air conditioning packs are suppressed B
CON/PRESS/VENT conditioning packs conditioning packs

The display is white. In flight, when the RAM The display is white. In flight, when the Displayed in green. In flight, when the Displayed in green. In flight, when the RAM
AIR Is the description of the "△" symbol at the top of the ECAM AIR baffle is not fully opened and the flow RAM AIR baffle is not fully opened and RAM AIR baffle is not fully opened AIR baffle is not fully opened and the flow
253 Single selection C
CON/PRESS/VENT BLEED page correct? control valves of the two packs are closed, it the flow control valves of the two and the flow control valves of the two control valves of the two packs are closed,
turns to amber packs are closed, it turns red packs are closed, it turns to amber it turns red

The circulation fan indicator of the air

Cabin fan failure indication ; if a recirculation Cabin fan failure indication ; if a Circulation fan failure indication of the air
AIR circulation machine; if a failure of the
254 Single selection Which of the words "FAN" on the ECAM COND page is correct? fan failure is detected, the display will be recirculation fan failure is detected , it circulation machine; if a recirculation fan A
CON/PRESS/VENT recirculation fan is detected, the
amber will be displayed in red failure is detected, the display will be red
display will be amber

AIR Airbus SOP recommends setting the APU bleed air to the ON Prevent the unit from forgetting to Designed to serve as a final reminder
255 Single selection Prevent damage to the air conditioner To minimize the odor in the air conditioner D
CON/PRESS/VENT position before turning off the engine. What is the purpose? connect APU bleed to start APU

第 32 页,共 271 页
Although Airbus SOP recommends setting the APU bleed air to
the ON position before turning off the engine, some odors may This action will increase the number of This action will increase the workload This will result in a reduction in the number
This can completely avoid the air-
AIR still be smelled in the cabin due to different environmental component startup cycles, and when the of the unit, and when the tailpipe is on of component starting cycles, and when
256 Single selection conditioning odor and should be A
CON/PRESS/VENT conditions (wind, parking position...), so some airlines stipulate tailpipe is on fire, APU bleed air cannot be fire, APU bleed air cannot be obtained the tailpipe is on fire, APU bleed air cannot
that What is the disadvantage of setting the APU bleed air to obtained immediately immediately be obtained immediately
the ON position after the engine is turned off?

AIR What system in the air conditioning system dries the air before
257 Single selection Heat exchanger system Water separator system Hot air duct ACSC B
CON/PRESS/VENT it enters the turbine section?

AIR The water separator system in the air conditioning system dries
258 Single selection Primary heat exchanger Main heat exchanger Turbo part Trim valve C
CON/PRESS/VENT the air before it enters what part?

AIR In which of the following situations, the air conditioning system Manually place the PACK FLOW knob
259 Single selection When APU is supplied When a single pack is supplied When the system detects OAT>30℃ D
CON/PRESS/VENT will not select the pack flow to a high level? in the HI position

260 Single selection Which valve is used to optimize the air conditioning system? Trim valve pack flow control valve Hot air pressure regulating valve Outflow valve A

AIR When which part of the air conditioning pack fails, the affected
261 Single selection Trim valve Air circulation machine pack flow control valve ACSC B
CON/PRESS/VENT pack will work in the heat exchanger cooling mode?

AIR Which of the following failures will not affect the operation of The hot air pressure regulating valve fails in The hot air pressure regulating valve
262 Single selection Trim valve failed pack flow control valve failed A
CON/PRESS/VENT air conditioning packs? the open position fails in the closed position

pack 1 will be the cockpit

The temperature is controlled to the
When the hot air pressure regulating valve of the air
AIR The trim air valve is driven to the fully selected value, and pack 2 controls
263 Single selection conditioning pack fails in the closed position, the following Loss of optimal adjustment no effect D
CON/PRESS/VENT closed position the cabin temperature (front and
description is wrong:
rear) to the average value of the
selected temperature

第 33 页,共 271 页
When taking off, as soon as the main When the take-off power is adjusted
For the description of the working condition of the ram air inlet When the thrust lever is set to more than
AIR landing gear struts are compressed , as and the main landing gear struts are 30 seconds after takeoff the speed drops
264 Single selection baffle of the air conditioning control system during takeoff, the half during takeoff, the baffle is closed to C
CON/PRESS/VENT long as the speed is less than 70 kt, the compressed , the baffles are closed to below 70 kt, the baffle opens
correct one is: prevent inhalation of foreign objects
baffle will close avoid inhaling foreign objects

Which of the following options is not the condition that the When landing, as long as the speed is
AIR When landing, the main landing gear strut When landing, as long as the speed is
265 Single selection ram air inlet baffle of the air conditioning control system is greater than 70 kt, the baffle will Pass RA 50 FT D
CON/PRESS/VENT was compressed equal to 70 kt, the baffle will close.
closed on landing: close.

The pre-heated bleed air enters the

cooling channel through the pack
valve and enters the primary heat
AIR When the ACM (Air Circulator) of the air conditioning pack fails, The affected packs can work with heat
266 Single selection no effect pack flow will decrease exchanger. Then, most of the cooling A
CON/PRESS/VENT the following description is wrong: exchanger cooling
air directly enters the downstream of
the ACM through the bypass valve,
and the rest flows through the failed

When manual pressurization is selected, which of the following

AIR Spare part of No. 1 cabin Spare part of No. 2 cabin pressurization
267 Single selection options provides ECAM with cabin altitude and pressure FMGC Residual pressure control unit C
CON/PRESS/VENT pressurization controller controller

AIR What is the phenomenon when the residual pressure control

268 Single selection Automatically open the outflow valve Automatically close the outflow valve Trigger ECAM, follow ECAM Automatic switch cabin pressure controller A
CON/PRESS/VENT unit works?

AIR Which of the following is not included in the operating The aircraft is on the ground and the Two CPCs failed or manual method was All engines are off or all ADIRS
269 Single selection Two CPCs need to work normally D
CON/PRESS/VENT conditions of the residual pressure control unit? outflow valve is not fully opened selected indicated airspeed is less than 100KT

AIR There are two identical, independent , and automatic systems to One controller and two automatic
270 Single selection A controller and its related motors A controller Two controllers and manual motors A
CON/PRESS/VENT control cabin pressure . What are the parts of each system? motors

Under normal circumstances , if FMGC data is not available, Selection of pilot's air pressure
AIR Landing elevation from fmgc and Landing elevation and radio altitude Pilot's barometric reference and radio
271 Single selection where does the CPC receive information to pressurize the reference and landing elevation from C
CON/PRESS/VENT barometric altitude from QNH and ADIRS from fmgc altitude from ADIRS
cabin? ADIRS

第 34 页,共 271 页
When the plane reject takeoff, the interruption method of
AIR The cabin pressure corresponding to
272 Single selection pressurization is to prevent the cabin height from rising, and Takeoff altitude Takeoff altitude +0.1psi The cabin pressure returns to 0 B
CON/PRESS/VENT the selected FCU height
restore the cabin pressure to?

AIR In the pressurized descent mode, how much does CPC make the
273 Single selection Landing airport pressure Cabin pressure is 0 Landing airport pressure +0.1psi Landing airport pressure -0.1psi C
CON/PRESS/VENT cabin pressure display just before landing?

AIR When cruising, how much pressure does CPC control in the Change the normal altitude or
274 Single selection 8000ft Landing airport +0.1psi Current altitude + 0.1psi C
CON/PRESS/VENT cabin? landing elevation, whichever is higher

AIR When will the green message "MAN LDG ELEV" appear on the Cabin pressurization mode selector selects The LDG ELEV knob is not in the AUTO
275 Single selection When MAN V/S CTL is toggled When dual CPC fails B
CON/PRESS/VENT memo? manual position position

AIR When the two safety valves are completely When the cabin pressure is less than When the cabin pressure is greater than
276 Single selection When will the safety valve display amber? When any safety valve is not closed B
CON/PRESS/VENT closed 1psi 8psi

AIR When will the mode selector button on the cabin pressurization
277 Single selection When manual pressurization fails When cabin pressure is abnormal When any automatic system fails When both automatic systems fail D
CON/PRESS/VENT panel turn amber?

AIR What are the colors of the safety valve and SAFETY on the
278 Single selection Green, green green, white White, white White, amber B
CON/PRESS/VENT ECAM cabin pressurization page?

AIR Which of the following are not part of the cabin pressurization
279 Single selection Cabin pressure controller Outflow valve Safety valve Air conditioning packs D

第 35 页,共 271 页
In which case, the intermediate bleed air may not be enough to
280 Single selection provide sufficient pressure and bleed air volume for the aircraft, Climb phase Cruise phase Descending phase C
and the high-pressure bleed air is automatically connected.

AIR Regarding the cabin pressure controller (CPC), what is wrong in There are two CPCs in the cabin
281 Single selection Each CPC controls an automatic motor Two CPCs work at the same time C
CON/PRESS/VENT the following description ? pressurization system

AIR The compressed air drawn from the engine compressor is used Air conditioning and cabin pressurization
282 Single selection Engine start Engine and wing anti-icing A+B+C are all right D
CON/PRESS/VENT for: system

AIR Regarding the safety valve, which of the following descriptions The safety valve can only prevent The safety valve can only prevent the The safety valve prevents the cabin
283 Single selection The number of safety activities is 3 D
CON/PRESS/VENT is correct? excessive cabin pressure cabin pressure from being too low pressure from being too high or too low

AIR When the aircraft is operating on the ground , which of the

284 Single selection Only open circuit configuration Only closed circuit configuration Only intermediate configuration None of the above is true D
CON/PRESS/VENT following statements is correct?

In the automatic operation of the pressurization system, if the

285 Single selection FMGS data cannot be used for automatic booster, what actions Select Manual pressurization Connect another autopilot Manual selection of landing elevation Switching pressurization system C
need to be performed by the unit?

In which of the following situations, the automatic thrust will When the two thrust levers are set in the Press the auto thrust button on the When the audio warning announces
286 Single selection AUTO FLT C
not be disconnected : idle space FCU RETARD (return the throttle)

Update when the pilot cockpit is

287 Single selection AUTO FLT Navigation database Update whenever necessary Regularly updated B

第 36 页,共 271 页
In the ILS approach, below 400 feet RA, LAND (landing) is Can be cancelled by pressing the LOC Can be cancelled by turning on the go- Can only be cancelled after pressing
288 Single selection AUTO FLT B
currently used: button around method the APPR button

During flight, AP/FD is connected and automatic thrust work, Can be selected by the pilot using the
289 Single selection AUTO FLT Can be selected by the pilot on MCDU Depends on AP/FD horizontal mode Depends on AP/FD pitch method D
thrust mode: speed knob on the FCU

In normal operation , if two MCDUs display the same page, how

290 Single selection AUTO FLT Through FMGC1 Through FMGC2 Through FMGC1 and FMGC2 Through FMGC1 and RMP2 C
to send the changes made on MCDU1 to MCDU2:

In the ILS approach using AP/FD, when the radio altitude is

291 Single selection AUTO FLT 1000 ft 500 ft 400 ft 200 ft C
lower than much, the LAND (landing ) on the FMA is green:

Is a function of the flight

It is a function of flight augmentation It is a function of the elevator aileron
292 Single selection AUTO FLT Whose function is the rudder stroke limit: management guidance A
computer (FAC) computer (ELAC)

When the aircraft stabilizes on the

293 Single selection AUTO FLT When approaching ILS, when can both autopilots be connected: When LAND is green on FMA As long as the localizerl is intercepted APPR (approach) button turned on D
glideslope interception altitude

When the open CLB is active, the thrust lever is in the CL

position, and the autopilot will command the aircraft to climb in Climb rate Thrust Limit Sidebar feedback Target climb speed
294 Single selection AUTO FLT D
the vertical direction and adjust the pitch attitude to maintain ()

If the aircraft is in or below the geometric descent profile in Des

The target speed of the aircraft will The target speed of the aircraft will
mode, ATC requires a higher descent rate and the crew uses the The aircraft will increase the rate of descent The N1 of the engine will increase
295 Single selection AUTO FLT increase decrease B
retarder, then:

第 37 页,共 271 页
The functions of fac include flight envelope When fac is off (FAC button is off) but
FAC1 maintains the aircraft in the flight
Which of the following is wrong in the description of Fac: function, low energy warning, yaw function Each fac can be turned off manually still valid, FAC flight envelope
296 Single selection AUTO FLT envelope through FD1 C
and windshear detection function is inhibited

When the angle of attack decreases and

During deceleration , low energy voice
ELAC generates a signal to trigger the alpha the speed increases, and recovers from the
With regard to alpha floor protection , what is the correct alert is triggered prior to alpha floor If both radio altimeters fail, alpha
floor protection mode to set the engine alpha floor protection , toga thrust is
297 Single selection AUTO FLT statement ? (unless alpha floor is triggered by lever floor protection is inhibited B
toga thrust automatically disconnected and returns to
the original working state

The automatic landing sequence has been The automatic landing sequence has The LOC and G/S guidance mode is
The land display on the FMA board indicates: checked and frozen, even if the channel been frozen, even if the glide path frozen until landing or turning on the
298 Single selection AUTO FLT C
signal is interrupted signal is interrupted go around mode

If the error between the raw data and

When descending through fl100, if the
the FM position exceeds 3 nautical
When "GPS primary" is available, it is still GPS master does not work, but the
With regard to the navigation accuracy check, the following miles, the FM position is unreliable ,
necessary to check the navigation accuracy accuracy information is high, there is
299 Single selection AUTO FLT statements are correct: and the management mode can be C
regularly (about once every hour) no need to compare the raw data and
used carefully in combination with
FM position
the raw data. However, if there is a
significant inconsistency between the

At takeoff, if the GPS master is In flight, FM position approaches GPS

During aircraft initialization , each fmgc available, the FM position is updated position or radio position, and the
For FM position update, the following description is correct:
300 Single selection AUTO FLT displays the gpirs position to the runway head position in the approach rate depends on aircraft A
database speed

If AP is not engaged, FD is engaged

VMAX AP is not engaged, FD and a / When climbing , select exp climbing mode.
and a / Thr works in idle mode. If FD
OPEN CLBSelect too large V / s during Thr are engaged. If excessive V / S is When IAS reaches green dot speed, exp
As for the mode conversion , the following statements are command is not followed during
ascent, when IAS reaches VLS, climb mode selected during descent, when IAS CLB mode will be automatically
301 Single selection AUTO FLT correct: descent, when IAS reaches VLS, FMGs B
will automatically switch to open CLB reaches Vmax, FMGs will adjust pitch disconnected , and exp key on FCU will be
will adjust pitch command stick to
command stick to maintain Vmax automatically disconnected
maintain VLS

Which of the following descriptions of low-energy voice

Both radio altimeters fail Toga thrust selected The aircraft is in full configuration
302 Single selection AUTO FLT warning inihition is wrong: alternate law C

When the aircraft increaseV / S during climbing, when the mode

Speed down to green dot speed Speed down to VLS Speed reduced to VSW
303 Single selection AUTO FLT transition occurs: B

第 38 页,共 271 页
When to automatically restore the selected speed target to the
When go around mode is engaged At the start of approach phase Not at any time
304 Single selection AUTO FLT managed speed target: A

When "NAV" and "des" modes are connected, if NAV mode is FPA Convert to FPA at current descent
Convert to V / s at current descent rate OPEN DES Convert to open des OPEN CLB Convert to open CLB
305 Single selection AUTO FLT disconnected , the descent mode becomes: angle A

The aircraft is in clean configuration and normal law, when fac

Stall warning start Flashing "thr LK" on FMA Alpha floor function works
306 Single selection AUTO FLT detects excessive angle of attack: C

The double engine is automatically

Pull out the heading knob to disconnect
It is not right to have a speed reference system disconnected disconnected at acceleration height Pull out the speed knob
307 Single selection AUTO FLT NAV mode automatically A
when working

In manual control , the rudder trim signal comes from: Rudder trim panel
308 Single selection AUTO FLT ELAC FMGC FAC C

When the thrust lever is in the climb position, the automatic

The engine thrust is equal to the maximum The thrust of an engine that is frozen Engine thrust corresponds to idle Autothrust cannot be engaged for the rest
thrust is disconnected through the instinctive disengagement
309 Single selection AUTO FLT climb thrust at the time of disconnection thrust of the flight A

The flight crew uses AP / FD to control

The flight crew uses AP / FD to control the the aircraft to fly along the lateral and The flight crew uses the AP / FD to
The following are the selected flight modes: aircraft to fly according to the parameters vertical flight path and velocity profile control the aircraft to fly along the
310 Single selection AUTO FLT A
set on the FCU calculated by fmgc based on mcdu data entered by the crew in the mcdu

Data not allowed to be input or calculated Fmgc database is checking important Minimum data input required for FM
What do the amber squares on the mcdu page mean?
311 Single selection AUTO FLT by fmgc will be displayed data operation C

第 39 页,共 271 页
After landing, mcdu will automatically display: Airport page home page Data index page Aircraft status page
312 Single selection AUTO FLT D

ADIRUThe air pressure reference set by the unit passes

Main fmgc
313 Single selection AUTO FLT through_________ To adiru FCU RMP DMC B

Fmgc works according to the main /

The normal operation of fmgc is as follows: Only one fmgc can work at a time Fmgc1 priority, fmgc2 backup Fmgc works independently
314 Single selection AUTO FLT auxiliary principle C

It is determined by the average of the most It is determined by the average

How does the fmgc determine the position of the mix IRS? It is determined by the average
315 Single selection AUTO FLT accurate positions of two of the three IRS position of the ipsilateral IRS and irs3 C
position of the three IRS

Navigation equipment not available for fmgc to calculate radio

316 Single selection AUTO FLT position is: DME/DME-LOC LOC VOR/DME VOR/VOR D

It can not be reset by the crew and

In case of failure of two fmgc units, during the reset process: Reset one at a time Both must be reset at the same time handed over to the maintenance
317 Single selection AUTO FLT A
department for disposal

In case of failure of dual fmgc, RMP (radio management panel)

1 and 2 on the console provide standby tuning of navigation
Both will do
318 Single selection AUTO FLT equipment . At this time, which panel can be used to tune vor2 RMP1 RMP2 B
to a certain navigation station?

After two engine generators fail, the emergency generator

Fmgc1 available (navigation only) Only fmgc2 is available Both fmgc systems are available No fmgc available
319 Single selection AUTO FLT supplies power to the aircraft A

第 40 页,共 271 页
"The automatic flight system computer includes:
(ELAC)Fmgc and elevator aileron (SEC)Fmgc and spoiler elevator (FAC)Fmgc and flight (SEC)Elevator aileron computer (ELAC)
320 Single selection AUTO FLT computer (ELAC) computer (SEC) augmentation computer (FAC) and spoiler elevator computer (SEC) C

When the landing elevation is set at the automatic position,

321 Single selection AUTO FLT where is the landing elevation sent to the controller ? FMGS FCU ADIRS A

"One is the main engine and the other "One is the main engine and the
The two fmgcs are completely independent,
is the auxiliary machine. Some data is other is the auxiliary machine. The Two fmgcs work at the same time to
The normal mode of FMGs is dual mode and each fmgc calculates its own data
322 Single selection AUTO FLT coming from the auxiliary fmgc main engine provides all fmgc's calculate the data of fmgc; B
independently ;
From the host computer “" Data“"

Use the data of the selected NDB, VOR or GPSBy using radio navigation
In the air, how is the FMGs position automatically updated? When the pilot selects the DME station
323 Single selection AUTO FLT DME station equipment or GPS C

FMGs can store up to______ A runway?

324 Single selection AUTO FLT 5 10 20 B

The units of the FMGs include:


"During manual control flight, the autothrust works in speed

mode. When the aircraft enters the leveling stage, the pilot
does not set the thrust lever to idle position. At this time, the
10 feet 20 feet 50 feet
326 Single selection AUTO FLT automatic call will send out the sound prompt of"" restart ""in () B
Wake up and close the throttle. """

Setting the thrust lever in the idle position will disconnect the
When the autothrust button on the If the thrust lever is set to climb If the thrust lever moves away from idle
autothrust mode. Which of the following modes can reset the When the position of thrust rod changes
327 Single selection AUTO FLT FCU is pressed position and the autothrust button is pressed B
autothrust again?

第 41 页,共 271 页
Press the A / Thr button on the FCU when
the engine is not working, or set the thrust Unable to pre position autothrust on Automatic switch on when engine 2
On the ground, how does the crew stand by autothrust ?
328 Single selection AUTO FLT lever to FLX or toga when the engine is the ground starts A

When the thrust is locked, it is displayed on FMA


"In the air, when a / Thr is working

"In man GA soft, the flight crew sets
In the air, press the A / Thr button on the (white"" A / Thr ""is displayed on FMA),
the thrust lever to When the engine is running, set the thrust
In the air, how does the crew pre position the autothrust ? FCU when the thrust lever is in the set all thrust levers
330 Single selection AUTO FLT Toga card. Then retract the thrust lever to FLX or toga. A
operating range CL detent exceeded, or at least one
lever to FLX / MCT. "
thrust lever was above MCT detent“"

The necessary parameters for alpha floor detection are: Minimum speed of aircraft Aircraft weight Maximum speed of aircraft Angle of attack
331 Single selection AUTO FLT D

Assuming that the A / T button on the FCU

The autothrust function is armed but
During takeoff, as long as the thrust is set (flex or toga):: is pressed, the autothrust system function is The autothrust function is activated
332 Single selection AUTO FLT does not start C

When is (a320neo) AP / FD TCAS pre positioned ? When TCAS TA is triggered When TCAS RA is triggered When the conflict is resolved
333 Single selection AUTO FLT A

(a320neo) what does TCAS (blue) stand for in the third row and It indicates that the pilot needs to
TCAS model takes effect TCAS mode pre position
334 Single selection AUTO FLT two columns (vertical mode) of FMA? disconnect AP / FD and fly green area C

When is the (a320neo) AP / FD TCAS engaged? When TCAS TA triggers When TCAS RA is triggered When the conflict is resolved
335 Single selection AUTO FLT B

第 42 页,共 271 页
The holding path has been entered in the flight plan, and the When overflying the fix, the holding
Use the clear key Press the IMM exit * prompt
336 Single selection AUTO FLT speed and navigation are managed. If exiting the holding route: route is automatically cancelled C

G / S (glide slope) and LOC (channel)

AP1 + 2 indication is only possible in: Two fmgcs work at the same time NAV mode in use
337 Single selection AUTO FLT pre positioning / current use C

When the pilot manually switches on

Display for 10 seconds, indicating a new When the boot mode is managed by
On FMA, the white box is surrounded by: the horizontal or vertical mode of the
338 Single selection AUTO FLT way to appear FM A
flight director

AP off, if the flight crew closes both flight guidelines, the basic
Thr CLB (or idle) - fpaxx (current path angle) SPEED A/THR - ALT*- TRKSpeed (A
guidance on the flight mode signal board is displayed as Speed (A / Thr on)
339 Single selection AUTO FLT - HDG (lateral) / Thr engagement ) - ALT * - Trk B

During takeoff, FMA displays "SRS". What is the vertical Climb with V2 when double engine is Climb at V2 + 10 when double engine Climb with V2 + 15 when double
340 Single selection AUTO FLT command of FD? working is working engine is working B

The FMGs will maintain the V / s target, but

the airspeed will increase. When the aircraft When the speed reaches Vmax, the
When the V / S mode is selected to decline, if the selected V / S As long as the target altitude is not The aircraft will always maintain the
reaches the Vmax, the AP will automatically vertical guidance mode will change to
341 Single selection AUTO FLT is too large, what will happen? selected on the FCU, it will not affect selected V / s descent A
reduce the vertical speed to maintain the FPA mode

The blue a/thr on FMA indicates: Autothrust disengaged Autothrust is only in preset position Autothrust on and active
342 Single selection AUTO FLT B

The approach capability on the flight mode signal board is After automatic setting of ILs
When autopilot is engaged ILS approach, APP on When ILS is displayed at the top of Nd
343 Single selection AUTO FLT shown in: frequency B

第 43 页,共 271 页
The waypoint with white circle on nd indicates: Limit used Unused restrictions Ignore restrictions unlimited
344 Single selection AUTO FLT C

Which of the following conditions will cause the alpha floor Press the A / Thr instinctive disconnect Briefly press the A / Thr instinctive
One FMGC fail One fac failed
345 Single selection AUTO FLT function to fail? button for more than 15 seconds disconnect button B

The input range of offset is: 1-50 nautical miles 1-60 nautical miles 1-70nautical miles
346 Single selection AUTO FLT A

In mcdu, the departure time of holding route is default 1.5 minutes above 14000 feet 1 minute above 14000 feet 1.5 minutes below 14000 feet
347 Single selection AUTO FLT A

When the navigation equipment is manually created in the

navigation database, fig of merit indicates the allowable range
for FMGs to automatically tune the navigation station for Up to 40 nautical miles Up to 70 nautical miles Up to 130 nautical miles
348 Single selection AUTO FLT C
display or position calculation: the number "2" indicates the
allowable range

which is the A/THR control,when AP / FD controls the vertical

Target speed / Mach number Fixed thrust Maximum thrust
349 Single selection AUTO FLT trajectory, A

If the AP / FD controls the target speed / Mach number, it is

thrust mode speed mode Maximum speed / Mach number
350 Single selection AUTO FLT controlled by a / thr A

When the channel is available, the roll command bar of the

Landing or takeoff less than 30 feet Landing or takeoff below 35 feet Landing or takeoff less than 50 feet
351 Single selection AUTO FLT director is replaced by the ground run guidance bar A

第 44 页,共 271 页
When the aircraft pitch angle is what, the flight guidance
25゜nose up or 13゜nose down 25゜nose up or10゜nose down
352 Single selection AUTO FLT disappears. 20゜nose up or13゜nose down A

When the slope angle is greater than, the flight guidance

353 Single selection AUTO FLT disappears. 30゜ 33゜ 45゜ C

After connecting FD in flight, FD works in mode.

354 Single selection AUTO FLT HDG V/S HDG ALT SPD NAV A

If the ALT * mode is lost and the FCU altitude setting changes
Flash for 10 seconds disappear Continuous flashing
355 Single selection AUTO FLT more than 250 feet, pitch the flight command stick A

When the RA is higher than 15 feet RA and is in LOC, LOC * or

land mode, the data transmission of LOC is interrupted and the Continuous flashing Flash for 10 seconds disappear
356 Single selection AUTO FLT A
flight guidance stick rolls

When use OPEN CLB,If altitude change less than 1200FT,Aircraft

357 Single selection AUTO FLT 500 ft/min 1 000 ft/min 350 ft/min B
use ______V/S .

RNP approach,FINAL mode,When aircraft reach ____,FMA

358 Single selection AUTO FLT DA-30FT DA-40FT DA-50FT C

359 Single selection AUTO FLT If no _____,When take off ,SRS can’t connect. V2 V1 VR A

第 45 页,共 271 页
In SRS mode ,flight path angle protect that ensures a minimum
360 Single selection AUTO FLT 120FT/MIN 220FT/MIN 320FT/MIN A
V/S is ___

During approach,manage speed ,G/S and LOC is captured,when

361 Single selection AUTO FLT RA ____,use MCDU enter new VAPP is not effect on target <700FT <800FT <1000FT A

NAV mode no change,aircraft

362 Single selection AUTO FLT When aircraft fly a disconnect flight plan ,it will____ NAV mode lost ,HDG mode activate automatic join flight plan A
maintain present track.

Climb or descent phase ,optimum target speed is computer use GW ,CI ,CRZ FL,WIND AND GW.CI,CRZ FL,WIND AND GW,CI,CRZ FL,WIND AND
363 Single selection AUTO FLT A

NAV,management flight plan

NAV ,Manage flight plan,prediction and NAV,FD, prediction and optimization
,prediction and optimization of
364 Single selection AUTO FLT FMGC FM function is control below: optimization of performance ,management of performance,radio management A
performance ,radio management
of navigation radios,diplay management ,display management
,warning management

365 Single selection AUTO FLT FMGC FG function is control below AP FD A/THR NAV FD A/THR AP FD APPROACH A

yaw demp,rudder trim and rudder

yaw demp ,rudder trim and rudder travel
yaw demp, Alpha Floor protact,low travel limitation,computer flight
366 Single selection AUTO FLT The functions of FAC is limitation ,computer flight envelope,low A
AOA warning ,windershear detection envelope ,low energy
energy warning ,windershear detection.
warning,windershear prediction

367 Single selection AUTO FLT FMGS have ____ mode of operation dual ,independent ,single normal mode, degrade mode independent ,crosstalk,backup nav A

第 46 页,共 271 页
368 Single selection AUTO FLT Radio navaids are tune by how many different ways 3 2 1 A

369 Single selection AUTO FLT When dual FMGC is fail,radio navaid is manual tune via_____ RMP ACP RAD NAV A

When aircraft curise at CRZ FL with MACH ,altitude is "SOFT"

370 Single selection AUTO FLT ±50FT ±80FT ±100FT 163 A
mode, this mode allow CRZ FL change____

long range cruise speed and anti-ice

371 Single selection AUTO FLT EO MAX ALT is calculate by ___,and display at PROG pige long range cruise speed and anti-ice off econ cruise speed and anti-ice off econ cruise speed and anti-ice on A

If alternate airport distance more than 100nm and less than

372 Single selection AUTO FLT FL100 FL210 FL220 FL310 C
200nm,alternate CRZ FL use ___prediction.

If alternate airport distance more than 200nm,alternate CRZ FL

373 Single selection AUTO FLT FL310 FL320 FL330 A
use___ prediction

The Energy Circle is represents the distance to land from A/C

374 Single selection AUTO FLT Vapp current speed ECON descent speed A
position down to airport elevation at__

375 Single selection AUTO FLT Start CLB symbol: "CLB" disarm is white,"CLB" arm is blue green blue A

第 47 页,共 271 页
376 Single selection AUTO FLT Magenta"DECEL" mean Automatic decel to Vapp; Autimatic decel to 250KT Autimatic decel to green dotspeed A

377 Single selection AUTO FLT Which mode aircraft automatic activiate approcah phase NAV HDG-V/S TRK-FPA A

378 Single selection AUTO FLT ILS2 informantion display at PFD2 and ND1 PFD1 and ND2 PFD2 and ND2 A

Control dual MCDU have same data

During fly,dual FMGC work at independent mode because use CROSSLOAD , make it return to
379 Single selection AUTO FLT pull one FMGC C/B, use independent mode input,make sure dual AP/FD have same B
different database, which one is correct dual mode operation

FM compute GW wrong ,must use

FM and FAC compute GW different more Dual FM compute GW different more FAC compute GW is wrong, mustard use
380 Single selection AUTO FLT MCDU display :CHECK GW/WEIGHT,its mean PFD scale speed which compute by A
than one value than one value FM compute speed

Tower wind is enter at MCDU PERF APPR

381 Single selection AUTO FLT Which is not the element of MIN ground speed Speed is manage FMS Flight phase is final approach AP/FD engaged C

During dual FMGS work at indepndent mode, can use CAT2 OR Because can’t connect dual AP at Can’t activate APPR mode ,so can’t
382 Single selection AUTO FLT Can use dual AP carry out approach A
CAT3, or not?(dual FG is work) same time,so can’t approach

NonILS/GLS approach is part of flight plan

Select ILS/GLS approach,and A/C fly Non ILS/GLS approach is part of flight
383 Single selection AUTO FLT During MCDU“CHECK APPR SELECTION”,its mean: ,and ILS/GLS is manual select at RAD NAV A
pass FAF without arm APPR Knob plan,and armed APPR knob

第 48 页,共 271 页
384 Single selection AUTO FLT Which one fault can cause ALPHA FLOOR not work Master FMGC Fault One EIU fault One FCU channel fault B

If both FAC normal,FAC1 control yaw

If two FAC work FAC1 control A/C,FAC 2 is If detect one channel of FAC1 is fault
385 Single selection AUTO FLT About FAC ,correct is damp,rudder trim and rudder travel B
standby ,FAC2 will takeover the fault channel
limit ;FAC2 control FD2

FMA third line show special information , which have first

386 Single selection AUTO FLT About flight controls information About FMGS informations Magenta mandatory information A

At which condition. FINAL and APP NAV mode cannot

387 Single selection AUTO FLT Crew activate GO AROUND mode Crew pull HDG/TRK Push HDG/TRK&V/S / FPA C

When managed speed ,FMGS compute New VAPP or wind can enter by crew
When select speed ,A/THR always use FCU
388 Single selection AUTO FLT VAPP is FMGS managed or selected by crew, which is wrong: speed,and it can be change by crew use MCDU at any time ,so as to C
select speed as target

AP and A/THR should connect or

389 Single selection AUTO FLT When turbulance, about AP and A/THR,which is wrong Keep AP ON If excessive thrust variation ,A/THR OFF use A/THR during approach C
disconnect at same time

When A/C is in EXP CLB mode ,A/THR (if When EXP DES ,the target speed is When EXP is engaged,the system
390 Single selection AUTO FLT About EXPED function,correct one is: A
active) sets the thrust at CLB automatically 350KT or M 0.82 disregard SPD CSTR and ALT CSTR

CRZ wind is a average value from If pilot didn’t insert wind data at CLB
FMGS does not consider CRZ wind about
391 Single selection AUTO FLT About CRZ wind ,wrong one is: departure airport to destination CRZ and DES page, FMGS disregard C
alternator prediction
CRZ wind

第 49 页,共 271 页
The system default values ,The navigation The value that crew enter ,The The navigation database procedure The value that crew enter,the system
392 Single selection AUTO FLT PROG pige show RNP value,priority from high to low is: database procedure values ,The value that navigation database procedure value ,the value that crew enter,The default value,the navigation database B
crew enter value,The system default value system default value procedure value

After FLEX T/O,crew set TOGA thrust and FM show GA Activity APPR phase,then enter CRZ FL Need insert INT/DESTINATION data
393 Single selection AUTO FLT Only need enter new CRZ FL at PROG page B
phase,how return to CLB phase at PROG page at SEC flight plan,then activate

Depends company configuration ,both

394 Single selection AUTO FLT About FMGC database : Both FMGC use the same database Each FMGC has its own set of database FMGC together use or its own set of B

Both AP engaged,the FMGC that first use ONLY one AP ON,the related FMGC is If both AP OFF,FD1 ON ,the FMGC1 is If both AP OFF,FD1 OFF,FD2 ON,FMGC2 is
395 Single selection AUTO FLT About FMGC,wrong is A
AP is master master master master

Same side GPIRS、opposites GPIRS、 Same side GPIRS、GPIRS3、Opposite side

396 Single selection AUTO FLT When GPS available,FMS how select GPIRS position: GPIRS1、GPIRS2、GPIRS3 GPIRS1、GPIRS3、GPIRS2 D

Detect a disagreement between the

The IRS hasn’t received a position
397 Single selection AUTO FLT During IRS align,if E/WD show “ IRS IN ALIGN”flash,wrong is Detect excessive motion position the MCDU has sent to the Detect IRS is fault D
from the MCDU
IRS,and the last memory IRS position

The FAC is related to master FMGC,is

FAC1 send information to PFD 1,FAC2 send FAC1 send information to both PFD
398 Single selection AUTO FLT FAC manage PFD speed scale ,when dual FAC normal work send information to both PFD ,other A
information to PFD2 ,FAC2 standby
one is standby

399 Single selection AUTO FLT LOW energy warning is available at : All configuration Configuration 0、1、2 Configuration 1、2、3 Configuration 2、3、FULL D

第 50 页,共 271 页
400 Single selection AUTO FLT FAC have windshear detect function,it work condition is T/O,from 50ft RA to 1300ft RA Landing ,from1300ft RA to 50ft RA Flap must extended PWS switch not at OFF B

401 Single selection AUTO FLT Diagram 22-1,FMGS WORK MODE ? Dual mode independent mode single mode B

Different database validity on both

402 Single selection AUTO FLT Diagram 22-1,which reason will cause this mode ? One FMGC not have electric supply Use both MCDU at the same time C

403 Single selection AUTO FLT Diagram 22-2,FMGS work mode is? Dual mode Independent mode Single mode C

diagram 22-3,check ND,if pilot push HDG at FCU panel,what

404 Single selection AUTO FLT A/C will join flight plan route A/C will maintain selected HDG/TRK A/C will direct to BENIP automatically B
will happen

A/C level off at FL60, pilot must push

diagram 22-4,ATC request climb to FL150,after PF set altitude A/C level off at restriction ALT FL60, After
405 Single selection AUTO FLT A/C climb to FL150 ALT knob again if he want climb to B
at FCU panel,pull altitude knob this restriction climb to FL150

A/C level off at FL60,pilot must push

Diagram 22-4,ATCrequest climb to FL150,after PF set altitude A/C level off at restriction ALT FL60,after
406 Single selection AUTO FLT A/C climb to FL150 ALT knob again if he want climb to A
at FCU,push the knob: this restrictionclimb to FL150

Diagram 22-5,During CLB mode ,if altitude change less

407 Single selection AUTO FLT 1200 1500 1800 A
than______FT,A/C maintain 1000ft/min

第 51 页,共 271 页
408 Single selection AUTO FLT Diagram 22-7,we can get informantion : Heading is selected heading is management Track is selected Track is management A

409 Single selection AUTO FLT Diagram 22-7,we can know FMA lateral MODE is : `HDG green NAV green HDG blue NAV blue A

Diagram 22-8,at FMA,why ALT and G/S at same line,but ALT is arm mode ,G/S is engaged G/S and ALT are arm mode ,but have ALT and G/S is ARM mode,but G/S have
410 Single selection AUTO FLT ALT is engaged mode ,G/S is arm mode C
color different? mode ALT restriction restriction

can’t sure which one FMGC is

411 Single selection AUTO FLT Diagram 22-8,we know FMGC1 is master FMGC2 is master A

412 Single selection AUTO FLT Diagram22-9,A/THR white mean: ARM mode Engage mode Disconnection mode B

Diagram 22-10,in MCDU,some waypoint have small

413 Single selection AUTO FLT overfly waypoint mandatory report waypoint speed limit waypoint A
triangle,its mean

After overfly this waypoint,A/C will

414 Single selection AUTO FLT Diagram 22-11,the symbol is white is mean NAV mode and speed is managed HDG mode B
decelerate automatically

415 Single selection AUTO FLT During A/THR independent work : A/THR always control speed A/THR keep specified power A/THR can’t work independently A

第 52 页,共 271 页
When OPEN DES mode with FD and A/THR When OPEN DES mode with A/THR When OPEN CLB mode with FD and
When OPEN CLB with A/THR and FD ON,if
ON,if pilot does not follow FD and FD ON,if pilot does not follow FD A/THR ON,if pilot does not follow FD
pilot does not follow FD(pitch too
416 Single selection AUTO FLT About mode change ,correct is: bars(insufficient descent rate),speed will bars(insufficient descent rate),speed bars(pitch too low), speed will A
low),speed accelerate to VMAX+4, so FD
decelerate to VLS-2,then both FD disappear will decelerate to VLS and accelerate to VMAX+4 and maintain,
mode not change
,A/THR will change to SPEED mode maintain,A/THR mode not change A/THR mode not change

When man made NAVAID in database, FIG OF MERIT mean

417 Single selection AUTO FLT Maximum to 40NM Maximum to 70NM Maximum to 130NM B
FMGS select NAVAID range ,the "1" is mean

Crew had enter V2 Value at MCDU PERF

418 Single selection AUTO FLT Which is not the element of SRS mode activate slat extended A/C at ground more than 30s landing gear down D

419 Single selection AUTO FLT Which fault will cause AFLOOR fail, One FMGC fail Both FAC fail two SEC fail Both MCDU fail B

420 Single selection AUTO FLT Which one cannot cause FD lost Both FD OFF Bank more than 45degree Pitch up more than 25degree When activate OVERSPEED warning D

421 Single selection AUTO FLT When HDG mode,which speed is impossible ? V2 ECON CLB speed Mandatory speed of the waypoint Vapp C

Pilot move pith trim wheel beyond Descent to 1000ft during non-precision
422 Single selection AUTO FLT Which condition cause AP disconnect Flight plan is disconnect Two thrust level set MCT in air C
critical value approach

Because crew does not input the flight plan before take off,NAV
423 Single selection AUTO FLT mode cannot engaged after take off,so what kind of mode will HDG TRK RWY RWY TRK D
be activate after take off 30ft above the ground?

第 53 页,共 271 页
During T/O rolling speed increase to 75kt, Elevator maximum From 40 degree decreases to 10 From 30 degree decrease to 20
424 Single selection AUTO FLT No change C
deflection is degree degree

When AP/FD ON, A/C is level flying at select altitude, if altitude

425 Single selection AUTO FLT Return to FCU altitude A/C level off and maintain this altitude A/C maintain this V/S descent AP disconnect B
change more than 500ft, A/C will be

How many the different feet between present altitude and FCU
426 Single selection AUTO FLT 200 250 300 400 B
select altitude,the ALT mode arm

427 Single selection AUTO FLT When FAC calculate rudder travel limitation Any time Only low speed Only when AP is ON Only when ELAC fault A

When two ALT restriction waypoint is When two constraint waypoint is

What is the situation that descend route between two When two ALT restriction waypoint is
428 Single selection AUTO FLT impossible to fly at the planned speed impossible to fly at the planned C
waypoints are deemed to TOO STEEP PATH of FMGS impossible to fly at the planned speed.
with half speedbreak descent speed with half speedbreak.

AP is connected ,two sides of sticks are locked at neutral

429 Single selection AUTO FLT position,If a force greater than a certain threshold is used, SIDESTICK can move freely AP disconnect rudder trim lock at present position AP OFF warning c
which of the following situations will not occur

When Slats does not extended, if two FAC lost rudder travel The value is locked at the time of second
430 Single selection AUTO FLT FAC1 FAC2 Lock at 15° D
limitatiion function ,the rudder deflection limitation is locked at failure

When ND select range is 160nm or high, When ND range select is 80nm or When ND range select is 160nm or
When ND range select is 80nm or high ,ND
ND does not indicate SID/STAR, except for high,ND does not indicate high, ND does not indicate
431 Single selection AUTO FLT About ND flight plan,correct is does not indicate SID/STAR,except first A
the last waypoint of SID and first waypoint SID/STAR,except for last waypoint of SID/STAR,except the first waypoint of
waypoint of SID and last waypoint of STAR
of the STAR SID and first waypoint of the STAR SID and last waypoint of STAR

第 54 页,共 271 页
Alternate flight plan consist of dashed line and steady line ,what
432 Single selection AUTO FLT GREEN white magenta blue D
color it will be in ND

How many cruising time at least during a minimum cruise flight

433 Single selection AUTO FLT level of FL100, FL100 is minimum cruising flight level that FMGS No time limit 5 mins 10 mins 15 mins B
calculates the optimum flight level ?

434 Single selection AUTO FLT When AP disconnect,each FAC connect with ___control A/C ELAC FMGC SEC A

How many nautical miles away from the destination does the
435 Single selection AUTO FLT aircraft begin to descend then the mcdu enters the descent 180NM 200NM 220NM 250NM B

If the temperature of cruise altitude is not input on the initial

436 Single selection AUTO FLT page, the temperature used for aircraft prediction is Last memory temperature Current temperature ISA temperature C

If the aircraft is flying below the descent speed limit altitude or

below the destination airport elevation + 5000 feet, the FMGS
437 Single selection AUTO FLT -1000 -500 -1500 THR IDLE B
maintains the descent rate of ( ) feet per minute and the target
speed before cutting into the altitude limit or profile

It can only be identified by the display

identification information on PFD or
Can you hear the beacon identification signal selected by STBY /
438 Single selection COM YES There is no audio identification signal ND / A

If the aircraft is equipped with HF radio and

the crew selects an HF transceiver, this
switch can select AM mode.
Regarding the green "AM" indicator on the radio management The green "AM" indicator can be found on The green "AM" indicator can be found The green "AM" indicator can be
439 Single selection COM (the default mode is SSB or sinle side-band D
panel, the following statements are correct: radio management panel 1 on radio management panel 2 found on radio management panel 3
When AM mode works, the key displays
green monitoring light

第 55 页,共 271 页
If both FMGC fail, which of the following panels can be used to
440 Single selection COM RMP1 RMP1+RMP2 RMP1+RMP2+RMP3 RMP2+RMP3 B
select the radio navigation frequency

To talk to the ground mechanic at the engine nacelle, the crew

must select the following sound systems

All communication systems can be

442 Single selection COM If radio management panel 2 fails? controlled by another radio management VHF2 cannot be tuned VHF2+HF2 does not work / A

443 Single selection COM On the RMP panel, the on / off switch controls? Power supply to the panel Radio communication Control of backup navigation / A

How can the evacuation order of the front cabin crew be It can only be activated when the cockpit It can only be activated when the cockpit
444 Single selection COM It can be activated at any time Override all other commands A
activated ? switch is in the "CAPT /PURS" position switch is in the "CAPT" position

The captain uses his own audio

The captain uses the headphones of the The third crew uses the captain's The captain uses his own audio control
445 Single selection COM When you select captain 3 on the audio switch panel: equipment and the audio control C
third crew member headphones panel and third crew audio equipment.
panel of the third crew member

If CVR is on (GND CTL switch is If CVR is on (GND CTL switch is

pressed, or after aircraft electrical pressed, or after aircraft electrical
What should you do if you want to hear the voice recorder test network is powered up Within the first network is powered up Within the Park brake on, press and hold CVR test
446 Single selection COM Press CVR test button B
signal through the cockpit speaker before the engine starts? 5 minutes) and the parking brake is first 5 minutes) and the parking brake button
applied, press and hold the CVR test is released, press and hold the CVR
button test button

447 Single selection COM What is the function of the reset button on ACP? Restart ACP panel Undo the previous action Cancel any calls that are illuminated Return to last communication frequency C

第 56 页,共 271 页
448 Single selection COM If VHF2 is selected on RMP1, where is the selection lamp on? RMP1 RMP2 RMP1+RMP2 / C

Two concentric knobs allow the flight crew to preselect

frequencise /channels for communication radios and stand-by
449 Single selection COM inner knob outer knob Both A and B / A
navigation systems and select courses for VOR,ILS.The channel
is adjusted by ()?

450 Single selection COM Under normal conditions, rmp1 is used to: HFand HF2 VHF1 VHF1 and VHF2 B

451 Single selection COM The intercom system enables you to talk to whom: cabin crew All personnel in the cockpit Ground maintenance All three of the above are true D

452 Single selection COM How do you cancel the green voice indicator? Press the voice button again Press the VOR receive button Press the NDB receive button Press the ILS receive button A

The white select call appears on the

If you receive a select call on VHF2, what happens to your audio The amber signal call flashes on the VHF2
453 Single selection COM Three green bar indicators are on VHF2 button and the VHF2 receive / A
control panel: key
selector lights up white

Yes, press the radio adjustment switch Yes, press the call button with the Yes, use the oxygen mask and the stick to
454 Single selection COM Can you speak on VHF and PA at the same time: No A
and PA key stick and PA key press the call button and press PA key

Can be automatically converted to

455 Single selection COM If RMP1 fails, how can the crew use RMP2 Close RMP1 and use RMP2 Use Capt / 3 on audio swiching panel / A

第 57 页,共 271 页
As long as the ground power is on, the cockpit voice recorder
456 Single selection COM will be powered on, but the time is only 5 minutes . As long as Ground control on One engine works A or B / C
one of the following conditions is met, it will be started again:

Select navigation equipment when

457 Single selection COM What is the function of RMP Select radio frequency Both / C
mcdu fails

Enables the crew to control all VHF

radio communication systems (HF
Enables the crew to control all VHF radio Provide backup for FMGC to control
458 Single selection COM Which of the following is not function of RMP: systems) Provide passenger broadcasting D
communication systems (HF systems) radio navigation system
Provide backup for FMGC to control
radio navigation system“

The frequency of VHF2 and VHF2 All frequencies cannot be controlled

459 Single selection COM If RMP2 fails: The whole system doesn't work / C
cannot be controlled by RMP2

Press the test button of cockpit voice

460 Single selection COM To record cockpit voice before engine start, you must: Press cockpit voice recorder erase switch Press the ground control button Set the parking brake B

Whether the horn volume knob can control the warning and Can control part of the warning
461 Single selection COM NO YES Can control part of the voice volume A
voice volume: volume

Voice transmitted by passenger

Conversation between crew members and All audible warnings and radio
462 Single selection COM What voice is recorded by cockpit voice recorder: broadcast when PA reception is All of the above D
internal communication communications in the cockpit
selected on the third ACP

Voice transmitted by passenger

Conversation between crew members and All audible warnings and radio
463 Single selection COM The following are not recorded by cockpit voice recorder: broadcast when PA reception is MCDU input D
internal communication communications in the cockpit
selected on the third ACP

第 58 页,共 271 页
During the cockpit voice recorder test, if the parking brake is It can be tested as long as it is
464 Single selection COM YES NO It can be tested at any time B
released, can the test be completed powered on

VHF1 and VHF2 are used for ATC, and

VHF1 for ATC; VHF2 for ATIS and company VHF3 has no division of labor and use
465 Single selection COM How to use VHF3 in normal flight: VHF3 is used for ACARS and ATIS and / A
frequency or 121.5; VHF3 for ACARS restrictions
company frequencies

The loudspeakers volume will turn The volume of the loudspeaker works
466 Single selection COM When ACP selects interphone switch: It has to be received through headsets The loudspeakers volume will turn up B
down normally and is not affected

The audio warning volume is

The audio warning volume is not controlled The loudspeaker volume knob cannot
467 Single selection COM Which statement is correct about the audio warning volume ? controlled by the loudspeaker volume / A
by the loudspeaker volume knob be turned off

It is used to record the conversation of crew

468 Single selection COM Cockpit voice recorder : Record cockpit audible warning Both A and B / C

You cannot cancel. You can only

469 Single selection COM How to cancel the NAV button on RMP? Press the button again Turn the power off and turn it on / A
select other RMP controls

When on the ground, the aircraft

When on the ground, the parking brake is
470 Single selection COM Which is the automatic power on condition of voice recorder? power grid is powered up within 5 One engine is running on the ground In flight A

If the int / rad switch is set to int and the radio function is
471 Single selection COM Radio functions have priority Interphone function has priority You can only hear the Interphone Loss of radio function A
selected on the sidebar, then:

第 59 页,共 271 页
When the SVCE int ovrd button switch on the service It can be done when the landing gear
Whether the landing gear is compressed or Not when the landing gear is not
472 Single selection COM interphone overhead panel is on, can a call be made when the is not compressed , but not when the / AC
not compressed
landing gear is not compressed ? landing gear is compressed

When an emergency call is sent from the cabin to the cockpit, The white ON light and amber CALL light Att amber light flashing on audio There will be three long beeps in the
473 Single selection COM There waswill be a long beep in the cockpit D
which of the following statement is wrong: flash control panel cockpit

The selected receiver is no longer The selected frequency disappears and It can be tuned in standby navigation
474 Single selection COM When an RMP fails, which of the following statement is wrong C
controlled by the affected RMP the VHF and HF green lights are off RADIO NAV.

So that the cabin crew's broadcast can Even if it is in the ON position, the
What is the purpose of PA reception knob (RMP 3) in receiving
475 Single selection COM RMP 3 listening and using be recorded on the cockpit voice cabin broadcast can be recorded on Listen to some radio messages B
recorder the recorder

Passenger broadcast , cabin and service Passenger address, cabin and service Passenger address, cabin and service Passenger broadcast , cabin and service
476 Single selection COM If CIDS 1 + 2 fails, then: interphone work, and passenger signal interphone do not work, passenger interphone , passenger signal board interphone , passenger signal board are all C
board does not work signal board works are not working working

If NAV key on rmp1 panel is pressed, can FMGC automatically Only in the first 5 minutes of Nav
477 Single selection COM YES NO / B
tune navigation frequency? button pressing

When pressed, it makes the audio When pressed, it inhibits audio When pressed, it turns on the (VOR, ADF)
478 Single selection COM The ON VOICE key on the audio control panel is used to: When pressed, it inhibits the speaker C
navigation signal clearer (VOR, ADF) navigation signals (VOR, ADF) audio signal

If the handset is broadcasting to the cabin, it is also necessary

479 Single selection COM Cab button on ACP panel PA button on ACP panel VHF1 button on ACP panel VHF2 button on ACP panel B
to press:

第 60 页,共 271 页
When contacting the maintenance personnel near the engine
480 Single selection COM CAB MECH+INT Both / C
pod, which launch key should the crew select?

Select radio frequency or stand-by

Select navigation equipment when
481 Single selection COM What is the function of radio management panel Select radio frequency only tuning navigation equipment in case of / B
MCDU fails
MCDU failure

The selected ATC works only in the air

When FLEX or TOGA is selected as takeoff As long as one engine is working, the
482 Single selection COM If ATC mode selector is set to Auto: and only works in S mode on the / C
power, the selected ATC operates selected ATC works

When ATC control panel is powered

483 Single selection COM On the ATC control panel. When is the FAULT light on System 1 or 2 fault When the selected transponder fails / B

If the NAV key has been used to select the stand-by navigation The VHF function on this radio Only the last tuned frequency can be
484 Single selection COM The whole system doesn't work / C
function: management panel has failed used in nav mode

When the transceiver normally connected to RMP is tuned by Only the SEL light of RMP on the other The SEL light of RMP on the
485 Single selection COM YES / A
another RMP, SEL lights on both RMPS are on, right? side is on operating side is on

In capt-att call, when the previous call is not reset, that is, reset
is not pressed. If the INT/RAD switch is held at the RAD position It will be cancelled automatically after 10 It will be cancelled automatically after
486 Single selection COM It cannot be cancelled / B
for 2 seconds, after 30 seconds, will the previous captain crew seconds 15 seconds
call be automatically cancelled?

If a radio management panel fails, the selected receiver can no No, the radio management panel will No, the radio management panel will
longer be controlled by the radio management panel and remain on the VHF1 frequency and the remain on the VHF1 frequency and
487 Single selection COM YES / A
frequency , and the bar indicator light on the radio management bar indicator on the radio the bar indicator on the radio
panel is off: management panel will be on management panel will go out

第 61 页,共 271 页
488 Single selection COM How to reset the sel-call light? Press the CLR button Press the reset button on any ACP Press the transmit key on the ACP / B

Audible warning and a beep on all

489 Single selection COM How to indicate sel-call in cockpit? Audible warning on an ACP Audible warning on all ACPs / B

The mech light on the captain's ACP panel The mech lights on all ACP panels flash An ECAM message is displayed with a
490 Single selection COM How to instruct the mechanic to call the pilot in the cockpit? / B
flashes and beeps and beep beep

Press the GND CTL button and set the

When the aircraft is on the ground and the engine is shut off, Press the erase button of CVR for 10 At least one engine starts and the GND
491 Single selection COM parking brake on and press the CVR / C
how to erase the record of the cockpit voice recorder (CVR)? seconds CTL button is pressed for 2 seconds
erase button for 2 seconds

When is the cockpit voice recorder (CVR) powered up when the When the test button of CVR is Within 5 minutes after the second
492 Single selection COM Set parking brake on / C
aircraft is on the ground and the engine is off? pressed engine is shut down

Talk to the mechanic through the

Talk to the mechanic through the
493 Single selection COM Press the MECH key on the audio control panel (ACP) Talk to the mechanic through headphones intercom button on the audio control / C
audio control panel button

Which of the following is not included in the audio

494 Single selection COM Interphone system Call system Air ground data link / C
management system

How to use VOR to receive ATIS (Automatic Terminal Select voice button and VOR receive button
495 Single selection COM Select voice button only / / A
Information Service)? on ACP

第 62 页,共 271 页
496 Single selection COM Which transmitter receiver can RMP1 control? Any VHF VHF2 VHF1 A

497 Single selection COM If two FMGC fail, the radio navigation frequency will be: Unable to select Only by RMP1 Both of RMP1 and 2 C

The three green light bars on the VHF2 key The amber call light on the VHF2 key
498 Single selection COM What happens when making a sel-call with VHF2? The white call light of VHF2 key is on C
are on flashes

If the crew does not press the cockpit voice ground control The erase button of cabin voice recorder Press the cockpit voice recorder test
499 Single selection COM After one engine started At takeoff thrust C
button, when will the cockpit voice recorder start to work? doesn't work all the time button

If the external power supply is

If APU startup is only powered by the
connected to the aircraft power grid, To start APU , the battery button
500 Single selection ELEC Which of the following statements is true battery, the battery button can be in any C
the battery button can be in any must be set to auto
position when starting APU

Check that the battery voltage is

To check the battery voltage, you must set the battery button
501 Single selection ELEC AUTO OFF independent of the battery button B

When the green external power button "available" light is on, The external power supply is connected and External power line contactor
502 Single selection ELEC External power line contactor closed B
which of the following descriptions is wrong: the parameters are normal disconnected

When the No.1 and No.2 Generator buttons are selected in The generator field is cut off and the line The generator field is energized and The generator field is cut off and the
503 Single selection ELEC A
"off" position: contactor is disconnected the line contactor is disconnected line contactor is closed

第 63 页,共 271 页
If "fault" does not light up, it can be
504 Single selection ELEC In flight, can you connect the integrated drive generator again YES NO B
connected again

engine generator、external power (when external power (when on light is on)、 engine generator、APU generator 、 external power (when on light is on)、APU
505 Single selection ELEC The priority from high to low is: A
on light is on)、APU generator engine generator、APU generator external power (when on light is on) generator 、engine generator

When the AC or DC ESS bus is shed, is there any indication on

506 Single selection ELEC Not shown SHED is shown in white SHED is shown in amber C
the elec page of SD:

From transformer rectifier1 or 2

507 Single selection ELEC Under normal configuration , how does DC ESS bus supply ? From transformer rectifier1 From essential transformer rectifier From transformer rectifier2 A

How to check the battery voltage in before power up (without

508 Single selection ELEC ECAM electrical page No indication On the electrical overhead panle C
AC or DC power supply)? :

There are two types of C/Bs installed in the aircraft: green and
509 Single selection ELEC black. when () is tripped for more than 1 minute, the ECAM Any one of them Black Green C
warning of c/b trip is triggered.

The maint bus switch in the forward cabin entrance area is set
510 Single selection ELEC to on, and the external power supply is connected. AC bus 1 Both are powered Neither of them is powered Only AC BUS 1 is powered B
and 2:

charging current for the

511 Single selection ELEC When does BAT FAULT light come on? BAT voltage is below 25v In flight,BAT pb-sw OFF C
corresponding battery is over limit.

第 64 页,共 271 页
512 Single selection ELEC Minimum RAT speed in ELEC EMER CONFIG: 100kt; 140kt; 50kt; B

GEN 1 line contactor opens,only

GEN 1 line contactor closes,AC BUS 1 GEN 1 line contactor opens,GEN 1
513 Single selection ELEC when GEN I LINE pb-sw OFF: gravity fuel feeding available if GEN 2 B
supply power to wing tank fuel pumps. supply power to wing tank fuel pumps.
and APU GEN pb-sw are OFF.

RAT extends,but EMER GEN not

On ground,if AC normal BUSES are supplied,press and hold RAT extends,but EMER GEN not supplying EMER GEN supplies AC ESS BUS if blue
514 Single selection ELEC supplying power,static inverter B
EMER GEN TEST pb-sw: power,AC BUS 1 supplies AC ESS BUS. electric pump is running.
supplies AC ESS BUS.

The ECAM C/B TRIPPED caution can be cleared and inhibited for Inhibition is impossible unless the
515 Single selection ELEC Pressing the CLR pb. Pressing the EMER CANC pb. B
the remainder of the flight by? corresponding C/B has been reseted.

EMER GEN is not supplying power

EMER GEN is operating ,but AC ESS BUS
516 Single selection ELEC RAT & EMER GEN pb FAULT light comes on: RAT does not extend when speed is above 100ky,AC BUS 1 C
is not supplied.
and AC BUS 2 are not powered.

GEN 1 line contactor opens,AC BUS 1 is

GEN 1 line contactor opens,GEN 2 supplies AC BUS 2 supplies AC ESS BUS,then
517 Single selection ELEC GEN 1 pb OFF in flight: not supplied until bus tie contactor A
close by pressing BUS TIE pb.

518 Single selection ELEC Flight with batteries only,AC SHED ESS and DC SHED ESS buses: both remain supplied AC SHED ESS bus supplied only DC SHED ESS bus supplies only neither remain supplied D

EMER GEN not supplying after loss of all main GEN in AC ESS BUS,AC SHED ESS BUS and DC
519 Single selection ELEC AC ESS BUS AC ESS BUS and AC SHED ESS BUS AC ESS and DC ESS buses A
flight,static inverter will supply: ESS BUS

第 65 页,共 271 页
How to separate ELEC system?such as isolation of a short- Reset both generators by pressing
520 Single selection ELEC Separation is automatic by pressing GEN 1 LINE pb by pressing BUS TIE pb D
circuited GEN? GEN pbs

Flight with batteries only,when IAS is above On ground,with batteries only,IAS is On ground,with batteries only,IAS is below
521 Single selection ELEC Incorrect description about when BAT supply DC BAT BUS: APU starting in flight A
140kt below 50kt 100kt

522 Single selection ELEC Incorrect description about power supplies for DC BAT BUS: DC 1 bus DC 2 bus DC ESS bus BAT C

When manually select RAT extension,EMER GEN coupling

523 Single selection ELEC 3 5 8 A
occurs__s after RAT supplies EMER GEN.

524 Single selection ELEC A320 is equipped with__main batteries 1 2 3 B

when IAS is below 50kt,and only the

when IAS is above 50kt,and only the when IAS is above 50kt,and only the
batteries are supplying electrical
525 Single selection ELEC Static inverter is automatic activated when: batteries are supplying electrical batteries are supplying electrical A
power,regardless of the BAT pbs position. power,and both BAT pbs are on.
regardless of the BAT pbs position.

automatically transfers to the batteries and automatically transfers to the

automatically transfers to the batteries
If the RAT stalls,or if the aircraft is on ground with a speed static inverter ,and the system automatically batteries and static inverter ,and the
526 Single selection ELEC and static inverter ,and the system A
above 50kt,but below 100kt,the EMER generation network: sheds the AC SHED ESS and DC SHED ESS system automatically sheds the AC
automatically sheds the DC ESS bus.
buses. ESS bus

during single-engine operation ,or 1 ENG GEN supplies the associated

527 Single selection ELEC Both BTCs are closed: 2 ENG GEN supplies the associated AC BUS operation on the APU GEN,or external AC BUS,the APU GEN or external Not possible B
power supply. power supplies the other side.

第 66 页,共 271 页
EMER GEN not supplying after loss of all main GEN in flight,the
528 Single selection ELEC ESS TR DC BAT BUS BAT 2 BAT 1 C
DC ESS bus is supplied by:

DC BAT BUS fault cause APU BAT START NOT AVAIL ,the reason
529 Single selection ELEC ECB is not energized APU low-pressure fuel valve fault APU fire detection does not operate APU fuel pump does not operate A

530 Single selection ELEC Normally ,the AC ESS BUS receive power from: AC BUS 1 AC BUS 2 ESS TR Static Inverter A

If both AC BUS 1 and AC BUS 2 are lost and the aircraft speed is
531 Single selection ELEC extends via MAN ON pb only extends automatically (about 8s) only extends automatically or manually C
above 100 kt, the RAT:

532 Single selection ELEC RAT can be retracted: In flight On ground In flight and on ground B

On ground, if only the batteries are supplying the emergency

533 Single selection ELEC generation network, APU start is only available when the speed 50KT 80KT 100KT C
is below:

In ELEC EMER configuration ,the system automatically shed AC RAT stalls or on ground with speed
534 Single selection ELEC On ground RAT stalls only C
SHED ESS when: below 100kt.

Maintaining the IDG pb-sw during more

IDG amber FAULT Lts comes on when Disconnect the IDG only when the
535 Single selection ELEC Incorrect description about IDG: than 3 s may damage the IDG can not reconnect in flight . B
IDG is disconnected engine is running or windmilling
disconnection mechanism .

第 67 页,共 271 页
536 Single selection ELEC Minimum BAT voltage for APU start: 22.5V 25.5v 28v none B

prevent discharge current being

537 Single selection ELEC A battery automatic cut-off logic: prevent discharging completely on ground prevent over-charging A

If only batteries are available,which one supplies AC via static

538 Single selection ELEC 1 2 1 and 2 A

Battery voltage below 26.5 V (battery charging ). The charging

539 Single selection ELEC In flight,immediately In flight, after a time delay of 30 min. immediately after a time delay of 30 min. B
cycle ends when battery charge current goes below 4 A.

Fly with Blue HYD ELEC pump fault,if AC BUS 1 and 2 have no only available when BLUE PUMP
540 Single selection ELEC available not available A
power supply,EMER GEN: OVRD pb ON

ENG and APU fire detection system only ENG fire detection system Neither ENG nor APU fire detection
541 Single selection ELEC Flight with batteries only,fire protection system: B
operates operates(APU MASTER pb not ON) system operates

542 Single selection ELEC Batteries are charging from external power,BAT pb: AUTO OFF regardless of the BAT pb positions A

ENG GEN FAULT Lts comes on when aircraft on ground with indication is normal when engines are not
543 Single selection ELEC IDG is disconnected Engine GEN malfunction A
APU GEN only: running on ground

第 68 页,共 271 页
ECAM CTL PANEL inoperative due to DC ESS BUS FAULT,how to press ALL pb repetitively until ELEC
544 Single selection ELEC impossible press and hold ELEC pb C
review ELEC system page: page

545 Single selection ELEC Disconnect IDG when engines are not running: it’s permitted it’ permitted,but it won’t work it’s not permitted C

Clear ECAM C/B TRIPPED warning by pressing CLR pb,for the any additional tripped green C/B will trigger only the tripped green C/B on different any additional tripped green C/B will
546 Single selection ELEC B
remainder of the flight: the caution again panel will trigger the caution not trigger the caution again

On ground,if AC normal buses are supplied,press and hold

547 Single selection ELEC AC ESS BUS and DC ESS BUS DC ESS BUS only AC ESS BUS only None A
EMER GEN TEST pb,EMEG GEN connect to:

On ground, if the flight crew In flight,do not reengage a C/B,

On ground,do not reengage the C/B of the coordinates the action with unless the captain judges it necessary In flight,the last reengagement can be
548 Single selection ELEC Incorrect description about handling tripped C/B: D
fuel pump(s) of any tank. maintenance , the flight crew may to do so for the safe continuation of attempted if reengaged C/B tripped again
reengage a tripped C/B the flight.

In flight,if both AC BUS 1 and 2 are lost,RAT extends

549 Single selection ELEC 3 5 8 C
automatically ,about__s,EMER GEN coupling

prevents any interference with EMER

550 Single selection ELEC APU start not available within 45s after loss of both ENG GEN: until EMER GEN supply DC BAT BUS due to ECAM priority rules B
GEN coupling.

APU BAT START not available,but when

551 Single selection ELEC Is APU start available when BCL fault? available conected to external power or ENG not available C
GEN,APU can start

第 69 页,共 271 页
BAT 1 & 2 supply DC ESS BUS,then AC ESS BAT 1 supplies AC ESS BUS via static BAT 2 supplies DC ESS BUS,then AC BAT 1 supplies DC ESS BUS;BAT 2 supplies
552 Single selection ELEC Flight on batteries only: B
BUS via static inverter inverter;BAT 2 supplies DC ESS BUS ESS BUS via static inverter AC ESS BUS via static inverter

tune frequency on RMP3

tune frequency on RMP 2/3,transmit and tune frequency on RMP 2/3,transmit
only,transmit and receive using VHF
553 Single selection ELEC How to use COM equipment when DC ESS BUS FAULT receive using VHF 2/3 on ACP 2/3,select and receive using VHF 2/3 on B
2/3 on ACP3,only the 3th mic and
AUDIO SWTG to PM side. ACP3,select AUDIO SWTG to PM side.
headset can be used.

DC BUS 1 is lost,TR2 supplies DC ESS TR2 supplies DC BUS 1 and DC BAT DC BUS 2 supplies DC BUS 1 through DC BUS 2 supplies DC BUS 1 through DC
554 Single selection ELEC When TR1 fault: D

In flight,only one generator supplies On ground,only one generator

555 Single selection ELEC Incorrect description about GALLEY SHED on SD: GALLEY pb OFF C
the aircraft supplies the aircraft

The squib of engine NO.1 fire extinguishing bottle receive

556 Single selection ELEC power from: HOT BUS DC ESS BUS DC BAT BUS AC1 BUS A

BAT pb AUTO,battery line contactor automatically opens when

557 Single selection ELEC voltage is low,how to charge the batteries when external power only need to press EXT PWR pb ON EXT PWR pb ON,reset BAT pb need maintenance assistance B
is available?

558 Single selection ELEC IDG is: transformer rectifier constant speed drive and generator constant speed drive generator B

Select the MAINT BUS switch in the forward entrance area to connect to AC ESS BUS and DC ESS
559 Single selection ELEC connect to AC BUS 1 and DC BUS 1 connect to AC BUS 2 and DC BUS 2 B

第 70 页,共 271 页
Figure 24-3,how to charge the batteries if the voltage are below select both BAT pb and EXT PWR pb select BAT pb OFF and EXT PWR pb Start APU,only APU can charge the
560 Single selection ELEC by maintenance personal B
the mimimum? ON ON batteries

Figure 24-3,the charging cycle of the batteries while using

561 Single selection ELEC external power is 10min 20min 30min 1hr B

GEN FAULT Lts come on due to

Figure 24-4,when EXT PWR pb ON,the explanation for the External power can not be connected due
562 Single selection ELEC external power has priority over ENG GEN pb has be to selected ON It’s normal when engine is not running D
illustration : to too low batteries voltage

not possible,cause the APU parameters are

563 Single selection ELEC Figure 24-5,APU is ready,how to connect APU GEN? select APU GEN pb ON select EXT PWR pb AVAIL Press BUS TIE pb B
not right.

Press the IDG pb-she until the IDG Press the IDG2 pb-sw until the GEN FAULT
Figure 24-6,how to disconnect IDG properly when following maintaining the IDG2 pb-sw during more
564 Single selection ELEC press the IDG pb shortly and firmly FAULT Lt goes off.However,do not Lt comes on.However,do not press for D
ECAM actions? than 3s,and GEN FAULT Lt come on
press for more than 3s more than 3s

reminder flight crew to notify cabin reminder flight crew the main galley
reminder flight crew to select GALY&CAB
565 Single selection ELEC Figure 24-7,explain GALLEY SHED on SD when IDG disconnect? crew to shutdown galley equipment in has been shed after loss of one C
pb OFF to shed main galley
order to reduce generator electric load generator

Figure 24-8,explanation to the FAULT light on EMER ELEC PWR EMER GEN FAULT,recover by extending the FAULT light always comes on in ELEC
566 Single selection ELEC EMER GEN is not supplying power RAT fault,has to select BAT pb OFF A
panel? LG down EMER configuration

567 Single selection ELEC Figure 24-9 Which is correct after EMER GEN coupling: A B C C

第 71 页,共 271 页
Figure 24-10,why select BUS TIE pb OFF when failed to reset provide a operative ELEC channel for EMER
568 Single selection ELEC to separate the ELEC system to connect APU GEN to reconnect the ELEC system A

pushing CLR pb,the system page display on pushing STS pb,the system page pushing and holding ELEC pb,the
pushing ALL pb,the system page display on
569 Single selection ELEC Figure 24-11,How to review the ELEC system page? upper ECAM DU in sequence after ECAM display on upper ECAM DU in ELEC system page display on upper C
upper ECAM DU in sequence
action has been cleared sequence ECAM DU

FAULT light goes off after IDG2

Figure 24-12,IDG2 has been disconnected due to OVHT,the IDG can be reconnected by pressing IDG pb IDG can be reconnected by pressing
570 Single selection ELEC disconnect ,reconnection is impossible C
correct description : after FAULT light disappear GEN2 pb after FAULT light disappear
in flight

GEN2 fault,connect GEN1 to ELEC network
571 Single selection ELEC Figure 24-13,which of the following is true? operative,and can be reset by pressing are inoperative ,only gravity fuel remains running and supplies one C
by pressing AC ESS FEED
GEN1 pb feeding available fuel pump in each wing tank

DC BUS 1 is lost,TR2 supplies DC ESS TR2 supplies DC BUS 1 and DC BAT DC BUS 2 supplies DC BUS 1 through DC BUS 2 supplies DC BUS 1 through DC
572 Single selection ELEC Figure 24-14,which of the following is true when TR1 fault? D

573 Single selection ELEC When BAT voltage becomes amber in ELEC system page? above 31V below 25V above 31V or below 25V C

574 Single selection ELEC When BAT current becomes amber in ELEC system page? >4A >5A >20A >60 B

575 Single selection ELEC A static inverter transforms DC power from Battery 1 into? single-phase 115V 400Hz AC power three-phase 115V 400Hz AC power single-phase 115V 400Hz DC power three-phase 115V 400Hz DC power A

第 72 页,共 271 页
576 Single selection ELEC When the green C/B has been pulled on overhead panel: ECAM warning triggered after 30s ECAM warning triggered after 1min ECAM warning triggered after 2min B

connected to APU GEN or EXT PWR

577 Single selection ELEC BUS TIE can make ELEC system: connected in parallel connected to ENG GEN or EXT PWR B

APU started,but disconnected ,BAT

578 Single selection ELEC Figure 24-15,when failure of TR 1&2: APU not started,BAT supplies DC BAT BUS APU starting,BAT supplies DC BAT BUS B
supplies DC BAT BUS

The pushbutton positions, and their illuminated indications ,

follow the "lights out” principle.While corresponding to
579 Single selection EQUIPMENT particular aircraft configurations , indications also have the Red Amber Green white A
different color codes.Which color means a failure requiring
immediate action:

The pushbutton positions, and their illuminated indications ,

follow the "lights out” principle.While corresponding to
particular aircraft configurations , indications also have the
580 Single selection EQUIPMENT Red Amber green Blue B
different color codes.Which color means A failure, of which the
flight crew should be aware, but does not call for immediate

The pushbutton positions, and their illuminated indications ,

follow the "lights out” principle.While corresponding to
581 Single selection EQUIPMENT particular aircraft configurations , indications also have the Red Amber Green Blue C
different color codes.Which color means normal system
operation :

The pushbutton positions, and their illuminated indications ,

follow the "lights out” principle.While corresponding to
582 Single selection EQUIPMENT particular aircraft configurations , indications also have the Red Amber Green Blue D
different color codes.Which color means normal operation of a
system used temporarily :

The pushbutton positions, and their illuminated indications ,

Abnormal pushbutton position or test the corresponding part of the
583 Single selection EQUIPMENT follow the "lights out” principle.White light on overhead panel normal pushbutton position malfunction A
operation or maintenance information pushbutton is not used
comes on means:

第 73 页,共 271 页
the corresponding part of the
584 Single selection EQUIPMENT Certain pushbutton lights have two dots,indicating abnormal pushbutton position pushbutton being overdriven test operation or maintenance information C
pushbutton is not used

Certain push buttons do not remain pressed in.There are

585 Single selection EQUIPMENT referred to as “Momentary Action”pushbuttons.Which one of RCDR GND CTL ENG MAN START APU BLEED EXT PWR A
the following is such a pushbutton?

586 Single selection EQUIPMENT How many gear pins should be on board? 2 3 4 5 B

How many protective covers(for static ports,pitot tubes,TAT

587 Single selection EQUIPMENT 4 5 8 9 D
tubes) should be on board?

588 Single selection EQUIPMENT Where does rain repellent locate? in galley left rear area in the cockpit right rear area in the cockpit coat stowage in the cockpit B

Strikes’ status lights come on Pressure sensor status lights come on

Locking or unlocking the door latches, Locking the door, in case of cockpit
589 Single selection EQUIPMENT Incorrect description about the cockpit door control unit: indicates the corresponding lock latch indicates the corresponding pressure C
upon flight crew action. decompression
is faulty sensor is faulty

above the left side READING LT knob under the right side READING LT
590 Single selection EQUIPMENT The location of ELT panel: below the 3th ACP panel under the maintenance panel B
on the overhead panel knob on the overhead panel

Correct description about the location of crew life vest in the the life vests for PIC and F/O are stowed the life vests for 3th and 4th crew are the life vests for 3th and 4th crew are the life vests for PIC and F/O are stowed
591 Single selection EQUIPMENT A
cockpit: behind each flight crew seat stowed behind PIC and F/O seat stowed inside coat stowage beneath each flight crew seat

第 74 页,共 271 页
To adjust the seat electrically, the When mechanically adjusting the seat,
corresponding control handle must be For electric seats, mechanical To adjust the seat electrically, you release the control switch when the seat
Which of the following is the correct about pilot seat
592 Single selection EQUIPMENT raised. This allows the seat to be moved adjustment is the main method: the must press the corresponding control reaches the desired position. Then the C
adjustment ?
when unlocked. Release the control handle seat should be mechanically adjusted. switch in the desired direction . switch returns to the neutral position held
to return it to the spring locked position. by the spring.

Pull out the C/B located under the Automatically power off when using
593 Single selection EQUIPMENT How to disconnect the pilot seat electric adjustment? Unable to disconnect Cut off AC power C
seat mechanical adjustment

594 Single selection EQUIPMENT Where is the pilot seat circuit breaker? 49VU 121VU Separate C/B located under the seat 122VU C

How to make sure the pilot seat adjustment is in the correct The pilot’s line of sight is at a 25° angle to The red and white balls are in the same The pilot's horizontal line of sight is level
595 Single selection EQUIPMENT The position the pilot thinks suits him B
position the ground position with the FMA

Ensure that the pilot’s forearm can rest The armrest adjustment ensures that
There should not be any gap between When the pilot is holding the side stick, the
596 Single selection EQUIPMENT What is wrong about the adjustment of the pilot seat armrest comfortably on the armrest when holding the pilot can perform maneuvers C
the pilot’ forearm and the armrest wrist should not bend.
the side stick。 through the forearm.

597 Single selection EQUIPMENT Which number corresponds to the overhead C/B panel ? 49VU 121VU 122VU 123VU A

Which of the following is not part of the C/B panel on the right
598 Single selection EQUIPMENT 49VU 123VU 124VU 125VU A
rear cockpit?

599 Single selection EQUIPMENT What does the number on the circuit breaker mean? Serial number electric current(A) Voltage(V) the circuit breaker priority B

第 75 页,共 271 页
What does it mean when the message "C/B TRIPPED ON OVHD A black circuit breaker tripped circuit on A green circuit breaker tripped circuit A black circuit breaker tripped circuit A green circuit breaker tripped circuit on
600 Single selection EQUIPMENT B
PNL" appears on ECAM 49VU on 49VU on 121VU 49VU

On the ground, for all other circuit

Unless the captain judges that it is breakers, if the crew and the maintenance
Which is incorrect about the connection after the circuit breaker Do not reconnect any circuit breaker
601 Single selection EQUIPMENT necessary to continue the safe flight, do not Only try to reconnect once coordinate , as long as the reason for the C
tripped? about wing fuel tank in flight
push the corresponding circuit breaker circuit breaker tripped is verified, the circuit
breaker can be reconnect again.

602 Single selection EQUIPMENT Where is the portable fire extinguisher in the cockpit? Cockpit right rear console area Cockpit left rear console area Under the seat of the third member Under the seat of the fourth member A

603 Single selection EQUIPMENT Where is the axe in the cockpit? Third member right Third member left Fourth member right Fourth member left A

What inspections need to be done to the cockpit portable fire check the extinguisher lockwired and Check the number of fire extinguisher
604 Single selection EQUIPMENT Check the type of fire extinguisher Check the number of fire extinguisher B
extinguishing during the preliminary cockpit preparation Pressure in the green area and pressure in the green area

There are three for the two crew One, because the captain must leave the
Two, one for each window, can be used for Two, each can only be used for the
605 Single selection EQUIPMENT How many escape ropes in the cockpit? members, the extra one is for the very plane last, so he can only escape from the A
left or right window corresponding window
tall personnel right window

It can be replaced by an on-board

What would happen if the slide cannot be automatically inflated It can be inflated manually through the
606 Single selection EQUIPMENT Then the slide cannot be used spare slide Uninflated slides can be used B
during emergency evacuation ? red manual inflating handle

Which of the following is equipped with a fire and overheat

607 Single selection FIRE detection system consisting of: -two identical detection loops(A avionics lavatory cargo hold APU and the engines D
and B) mounted in parallel, -a fire detection unit(FDU)

第 76 页,共 271 页
How many fire detection loops does the engine and APU fire
608 Single selection FIRE 3,3 2,2 1,1 2,1 B
detection system have?

in the pylon nacelle,in the engine core and in the engine fan section and in the in the pylon nacelle and in the fire
609 Single selection FIRE Where is the engine fire sensing element located? in the pylon nacelle and in the turbo A
in the engine fan section gearbox detection unit

How many fire sensor does the APU fire detection loops consist
610 Single selection FIRE 3 2 1 4 C
of ?

One fire extinguishing bottle for each Two fire extinguishing bottles per One fire extinguishing bottle for each
Two fire extinguishing bottles per engine,
611 Single selection FIRE What do engine and APU fire extinguishing system include? engine, one fire extinguishing bottle for engine, one fire extinguishing bottle engine, two fire extinguishing bottles B
two APU fire extinguishing bottles
APU for APU for APU

APU has one fire extinguishing bottle, with APU has two fire extinguishing bottle, APU has one fire extinguishing bottle, APU has two fire extinguishing bottle, with
Which of the following descriptions of APU fire extinguishing
612 Single selection FIRE two electrically -operated squibs to with two electrically -operated squibs with two pneumatic -operated squibs two pneumatic -operated squibs to A
bottles are correct:
discharge its agent to discharge its agent to discharge its agent discharge its agent

Which of the following conditions will not trigger the engine Loop B is normal, only loop A sends a fire Loop B is failed, loop A sends a fire Loop A is failed, loop B sends a fire Breaks occur in both loops within 5s of
613 Single selection FIRE A
fire warning? signal signal signal each other(flame effect)

If a fire alarm is detected, it will

614 Single selection FIRE When does the hydraulic fire shut-off valve close engine master off FIRE PUSH BUTTON is pressed out When the fire extinguisher is released B
automatically shut down

Which of the following descriptions is correct when the crew silences the aural fire warning and arms the actives the aural fire warning and arms silences the aural fire warning and actives the aural fire warning and release
615 Single selection FIRE A
presses the ENG FIRE push button and it pops up? fire extinguisher squibs the fire extinguisher squibs release the ENG fire pb the ENG fire pb

第 77 页,共 271 页
Engine fire push button or fuel mode
Engine fire push button or ENG
616 Single selection FIRE Which one can close the engine fuel low pressure valve? only Engine fire push button selector button is set in manual Engine fire push button or fuel pump C

the amber "DISCH" light and the

What happens when the corresponding fire extinguisher bottle the amber "DISCH" light and the white
617 Single selection FIRE “DISCH”comes on amber “SQUIB”comes on white white "SQUIB" light illuminate at the A
has lost pressure "SQUIB" light go out at the same time
same time

the fire lights do not illuminate in case the fire lights illuminate in case of the fire lights do not illuminate in case of
the fire lights illuminate in case of ENG fire
Which of the following statements is correct when the ENG fire of ENG fire detection loop A fault on ENG fire detection loop B fault on the ENG fire detection loop B fault on the ENG
618 Single selection FIRE detection loop A fault on the ENG 1 or ENG B
test pb is pressed, the ENG 1 or ENG fire detection loop B ENG 1 or ENG fire detection loop A 1 or ENG fire detection loop A fault on ENG
fire detection loop B fault on ENG 2
fault on ENG 2 fault on ENG 2 2

arms the squib on the apu fire

shuts down the apu and silences the aural arms the squib on the apu fire
619 Single selection FIRE What happens when the APU fire pb is released only silences the aural warning extinguisher ,shuts down the apu and D
warning extinguisher and shuts down the apu
silences the aural warning

How to check whether the APU fire extinguishing bottle is Switch from the APU fire extinguishing Overpressure indication by external Overpressure indication by external APU
620 Single selection FIRE from ECAM D
released when there is no power connection ? agent AGENT button on the overhead panel APU fire extinguisher (green disc) fire extinguisher (red disc)

The fire extinguishing bottle is

621 Single selection FIRE How to put out fire when APU catches fire on the ground? From the maintenance panel automatically released 3 seconds after From the external power supply panel manual fire extinguishing B
a fire alarm occurs

Which of the following is the correct description of the APU APU manual emergency shutdown, APU manual emergency shutdown,
APU manual emergency shutdown, no cool APU manual emergency shutdown, with
622 Single selection FIRE SHUT OFF button on the external power supply panel when the with cool down cycle, stop external no cool down cycle, with external A
down cycle, stop external warning horn cool down cycle and external warning horn
APU catches fire? warning horn warning horn

when pressed,tests the fire warning and the

Which of the following descriptions of APU TEST on the during the test sequence, the apu If all circuits are operating
623 Single selection FIRE auto extinguishing system and if the apu When pressed, reset the test circuit D
maintenance panel is incorrect? master sw must be on correctly,the OK light comes on
was running,it shuts down

第 78 页,共 271 页
The SMOKE light on the EMER ELEC
Which of the following is wrong about the phenomenon when continuous repetitve chome,master The BLOWER and EXTRACT FAULT lights on
624 Single selection FIRE Trigger ECAM AVIONICS SMOKE warning PWR (emergency power supply) panel C
the avionics detects smoke for more than 5 seconds? caution light on the VENTILATION panel are on
is on

What are the audio warning and warning light when AVIONICS continuous repetitve chome,master continuous repetitve chome,master
625 Single selection FIRE single chime, master warning single chime, master caution C
SMOKE warning appears caution warning

Which of the following will light up with the SMOKE light when
626 Single selection FIRE BUS TIE button GEN1 button GEN 1 LINE button RAT and EMER GEN C
the AVIONICS SMOKE warning is activated?

627 Single selection FIRE How many smoke detectors are installed in the lavatory? 1 2 3 4 A

The forward cabin lavatory wastebin is The aft cabin lavatory wastebin is equipped
An automatic fire extinguishing
equipped with an automatic fire Manual fire extinguishing bottles are with an automatic fire extinguishing
628 Single selection FIRE Which of the following descriptions is correct system are installed in each lavatory C
extinguishing system, and the aft cabin is a installed in each lavatory wastebin system, and the forward cabin has a manual
manual fire extinguishing bottle fire extinguishing bottle

Four smoke detectors in the forward

Two smoke detectors in the forward cargo Two smoke detectors are installed in
Which is the correct description of the forward and aft cargo cargo compartment and two smoke Four smoke detectors are installed in the
629 Single selection FIRE compartment and four smoke detectors in the forward and aft cargo A
compartment smoke detection system? detectors in the aft cargo forward and aft cargo compartments
the aft cargo compartment compartments

There is one fire extinguishing bottle, one There is one fire extinguishing bottle, Each has a fire extinguishing bottle , Each has a fire extinguishing bottle , two
Which of the following descriptions about the fire extinguishing nozzle in the forward cargo compartment two nozzle in the forward cargo one nozzle in the forward cargo nozzle in the forward cargo compartment
630 Single selection FIRE A
system in forward and aft cargo compartments is correct: and two nozzles in the aft cargo compartment and one nozzles in the compartment and two nozzles in the and one nozzles in the aft cargo
compartment aft cargo compartment aft cargo compartment compartment

How many times will the red SMOKE light flash when the TEST
631 Single selection FIRE button on the cargo smoke panel has been pressed for at least 1 2 3 4 B
3 seconds until it is released and an ECAM warning is displayed?

第 79 页,共 271 页
Within 60 seconds after pressing the Within 30 seconds after pressing the
When does the DISCH (release) light on the cargo smoke panel release (DISSCH) button, when the fire After the smoke light (SMOKE) gets release (DISSCH) button, when the fire
632 Single selection FIRE pressing the DISCH button B
come on? extinguishing bottle has been on extinguishing bottle has been completely
completely released released

In the event of a fire in the engine When ground staff found out, they directly
Only occurs when the engine is started or The crew should use the ENG FIRE
633 Single selection FIRE Regarding the engine tailpipe fire, the correct statement is: tailpipe, a cockpit warning will be used ground fire extinguishers to A
shut down button to extinguish the fire
triggered extinguish the fire

If the smoke originally comes from a ventilation outlet in the

634 Single selection FIRE cockpit, or smoke is detected in the passenger cabin, the crew avionics smoke Air conditioning system smoke Lithium battery smoking Front cargo smoke B
can suspect :

The solution to the thermal escape of a

Fire extinguishers are effective in lithium battery is to cool the battery by
Which statement is wrong about the lithium battery fire in the Pour an alcoholic liquid to cool the If there is a flame, a fire extinguisher must
635 Single selection FIRE suppressing flames but will not stop pouring water over the device C
cockpit battery. be used.
thermal escape

The cargo hold fire extinguishing bottle was On the ground, the crew must require On the ground, if there is a smoke
Ask ground personnel to check and
successfully released. Since the smoke the ground personnel not to open the warning when the cargo door is in the
eliminate the smoke source. The trigger of
636 Single selection FIRE What's wrong about cargo cabin smoke is: detector is also sensitive to extinguishing cargo door before the passengers open position, the extinguishing C
the warning may be caused by high
agents, the cargo hold smoke warning still leave the aircraft and the firefighters agent should be released as soon as
exists reach the scene possible.

When does the smoke light go out when a fire is detected in When the fire extinguisher is released,
637 Single selection FIRE When the fire extinguisher is released Keep it on at all times When the cargo door is opened C
the cargo hold? the release "DISCH" light is on

Notify the ground to directly use the After confirming the fire engine by the
When the ground informed the crew that the engine tailpipe is Just wait for more than fuel consumption Perform QRH engine tailpipe fire
638 Single selection FIRE ground fire extinguisher to extinguish ground, press the engine fire button to C
on fire, which of the following disposal methods are correct: and the flame will go out by itself procedure
the fire extinguish the fire

When the crew suddenly smells a pungent, burning smell in the

639 Single selection FIRE avionics smoke Air conditioning system smoke Lithium battery smoking Front cargo smoke A
cockpit, the crew should first suspect :

第 80 页,共 271 页
What additional external warning is activated when the APU the red apu fire light and an external Warning sounded in the ground service
640 Single selection FIRE an external warning horn sounds A fire alarm bell warning C
catches fire on the ground? warning horn sounds internal call

Between 15-30 minutes according to

641 Single selection FIRE The effective time of the smoke mask(PBE) is 13mins 15mins C

Which of the following locations does not have smoke

642 Single selection FIRE cargo hold lavatory Avionics cabin D

Only test the fire extinguishing test the fire detection and extinguishing
643 Single selection FIRE Which systems can be tested through the fire test push button? only test the fire detection system only test the fire detection loop D
system system


644 Single selection FLT CTL When mechanical back-up, PFD displays “MAN PITCH TRIM ONLY”Red lettering “USE MAN PITCH TRIM”Amber lettering A
lettering lettering

The side stick that enters later can

Press the takeover button on the side It is impossible to completely inhibit the
645 Single selection FLT CTL How can I inhibit the input of the other side stick: More input than the other side stick inhibit the input of the other side B
stick other side stick

646 Single selection FLT CTL The spoilers used as air brakes in flighting are: 1、3、5 2、3、4 2、3、4、5 1、2、3、4 B

At high angles of attack or low speed, At high angles of attack or low speed, At high angles of attack or low speed, the
Prevent the angle of attack from increasing
647 Single selection FLT CTL What is the main purpose of the alpha/speed lock function: inhibits the slat retracts the 0 position inhibits the slat to change the current slats are automatically retracts 0 position to B
continuously at high or low speeds
from 1 configuration 1

第 81 页,共 271 页
Why on the ground the bank protection indicator is amber, and Because the aircraft is malfunctioning , the
Because IRS are not
648 Single selection FLT CTL there is no white cross indicator on the PFD when the engine is aircraft can only be operated under the Because there is no hydraulic B
completed /correctly calibrated
not started alternate law

The elevator and the trimmed horizontal stabilizer (THS) are Pitch control automatically turn to Pitch control automatically turn to
649 Single selection FLT CTL Pitch control automatically turn to ELAC1 A
controlled by ELAC2. If ELAC2 fault, then: SEC2 or 1 FAC2 or 1

both side sticks are locked in the both sides stick are locked in the neutral
both side sticks are locked in the neutral neutral position. If you move the side position. If you move the side stick
To connect to any AP, which of the following statements is both side sticks are inhibited unless the
650 Single selection FLT CTL position, and the locked state cannot be stick excessively , you can release the excessively, you can release the locked D
correct: AP is disconnected
released locked state of the side stick but the state of the side stick and the AP is
AP remains connected disconnected

As the aircraft descends through 50ft, As the aircraft descends through 30ft,
For airplanes other than A321NEO, which of the following As the aircraft descends through 30ft, the
651 Single selection FLT CTL the pitch attitude is gradually reduced the pitch attitude is gradually C
statements is correct regarding the flare mode: attitude is memorized
to 2 degrees of nose down reduced to 2 degrees of nose down

652 Single selection FLT CTL The elevator, aileron and spoiler are: Hydraulic drive, mechanical operation Electric drive, hydraulic control Hydraulic drive, electric control C

653 Single selection FLT CTL If FAC1 and 2 fault: The pedals always control the rudder Rudder control failure Rudder control provided by SEC3 A

654 Single selection FLT CTL The flight control computers are: 2 ELACs,2 SECs,3 FACs 2 ELACs,3 SECs,2 FACs 3 ELACs,2 SECs,2 FACs B

The direct relationship between the Manual trim control is used, and pitch
The direct relationship between the
655 Single selection FLT CTL The direct-law of pitch control is: An unprotected load factor requirement side stick with automatic trim control control can be achieved through a trimmed B
side stick and the elevator
and the elevator horizontal stabilizer

第 82 页,共 271 页
Which of the following conditions will cause the disengagement Under normal situation , the angle of attack
656 Single selection FLT CTL speed ≥VMO+4kt bank>33° speed<Vls D
of AP: reaches A. protect+1 degree

The rudder can be trimmed manually, No effect, because the rudder trim
When AP is connected , what happens if you use the rudder trim
657 Single selection FLT CTL because manual trim always takes knob does not work when AP is disconnect the AP B
knob on the center console
precedence over automatic trim connected

When the rudder is electrically controlled, which computer

658 Single selection FLT CTL calculates the turning coordination and yaw damping ELAC FAC FMGC SEC A
commands :

659 Single selection FLT CTL The restricted height for using flaps and slats is: FL200 FL250 FL100 No height limit A

After rejectted takeoff, the ground spoiler When landing, the ground spoiler is
When rejecting takeoff, the ground When landing, the ground spoiler is armed,
was not in position and the aircraft speed armed, the two main landing gears
Under which of the following situations, the ground spoiler will spoiler was armed and the aircraft the two main landing gears are on the
660 Single selection FLT CTL exceeded 72kt, one engine selected reverse are on the ground, and at least one D
not fully extend: speed exceeded 72kt, the two thrust ground, and both thrust levers are at or
thrust (the other thrust handle engine is reversed (and the other
levers were reset to the idle below the climb position
Stay in idle) thrust lever is lower than MCT)

The spoilers can execute the roll function and the deceleration
661 Single selection FLT CTL Roll function deceleration function Both have equal priority A
function, which function has priority:

Which of the following conditions will inhibit the extension of Thrust handle is set above CLB
662 Single selection FLT CTL SEC1 or 3 failure When slope protection works When angle of attack protection is working D
the air brake: position

Because when the ground spoiler is

Because the aileron will be lowered to a Because it needs a neutral position for When the load alleviation function is
On the flight control page, why do ailerons have two different released, the aileron moves up a certain
663 Single selection FLT CTL certain angle after the flaps are lowered, the high-speed flight and a neutral working, two indicators indicate the A
neutral indicators? angle, and the new neutral position is
new neutral position is displayed position for low-speed flight travel limit

第 83 页,共 271 页
High-speed protection will be
When form 1+F is selected, what will happen when the speed The flaps and slats will automatically High-speed protection will occur,
664 Single selection FLT CTL The flaps will automatically retract triggered, and the autopilot will A
reaches 210kt: retract automatic thrust will reduce thrust
increase the aircraft attitude

665 Single selection FLT CTL What happens when SFCC1 fault: Nothing happens, SFCC2 takes over Flaps and slats work at half speed Failure of flaps and slat systems B

666 Single selection FLT CTL Which signals cause the rudder pedal movement : Coordinate turn signal Yaw damping signal Rudder trim signal C

Lateral control is only provided by the Lateral control is only provided by the Lateral control is only provided by the
667 Single selection FLT CTL If ELAC1 and ELAC2 both fault: C
aileron rudder spoiler

668 Single selection FLT CTL when will flaps operate at half speed one SFCC malfunction when wingtip brakes are on HYD G+Y SYS LO PR A

In normal law,automatic pitch trim freezes in following RA below 50ft(100ft when AP

669 Single selection FLT CTL load factor below 0.5g α protect activated pilot enters a manual trim order C
situations,which statement is wrong engaged)

no,the deflection of the remaining

elevator is limited in order to aviod
670 Single selection FLT CTL if one elevator fails, can the other elevator move full deflection yes yes, but only in direct law putting excessive asymmetric loads C
on the horizontal tailplane or rear


第 84 页,共 271 页
672 Single selection FLT CTL ALTN LAW without reduced protection ,it includes: load factor limitation high speed low speed stability pitch attitude protection A

673 Single selection FLT CTL in ALTN LAW,yaw damping function: is availlable.Damper authority limited to ±5° is availbale,same as in normal law is lost A

674 Single selection FLT CTL which computer can not control pich ELAC1 SEC1 SEC2 SEC3 D

ELAC1 normally controls the ailerons ,if

ELAC1 controls left aileron,ELAC2 ELAC1 and ELAC2 controls both
675 Single selection FLT CTL the ELAC controls the ailerons ELAC1 fails,the system automatically A
controls right aileron aileron the same time
transfers aileron control to ELAC2

electrically when AP is on,

676 Single selection FLT CTL yaw damping and rudder trim is controlled electrically mechanically A
mechanically when AP is off

677 Single selection FLT CTL when bank angle above( ),auto trim inoperative 30 33 45 B

after takeoff, flap lever in position 1,when speed reachs 210kt,

when speed below 210kt,flaps auto when speed below F,flaps auto
678 Single selection FLT CTL flaps atuo retract to 0,when speed reduces (not below flaps maintain at 0 C
extend to 1 extend to 1

679 Single selection FLT CTL how many HYD SYS drive flaps 1 2 3 B

第 85 页,共 271 页
680 Single selection FLT CTL how many HYD SYS drive slats 1 2 3 B

681 Single selection FLT CTL when one HYD STS drive flaps,flaps work: normal slow lost B

if AOA above 8.5° or if speed below 148kt, alpha/speed lock

682 Single selection FLT CTL inhibit slats retraction form 2 to 1 inhibit slats retraction form 1 to 0 inhibit flaps retraction form 2 to 1 inhibit flaps retraction form 1 to 0 B
function is activited , the objective is:

683 Single selection FLT CTL when one HYD SYS drives slats,slats work: normail slow lost B

for A320,when flaps lever at 0,alpha/speed lock function

when AOA below 8.5 or speed above when AOA below 7.6 or speed above
684 Single selection FLT CTL activated ,so slats not retracted ;when( ),slats retrack to when AOA below 7.6° or speed above 154kt when AOA below 7.6 or speed above 148kt C
148kt 154kt

685 Single selection FLT CTL during taxi,when flaps extend,aileron droop()° 2 3 5 8 C

686 Single selection FLT CTL how many HYD servojack actuate the ruddar: 1 2 3 C

687 Single selection FLT CTL which spoiler work as ground spoiler 1 to 4 2 to 5 2、3、4 all spoiler D

第 86 页,共 271 页
688 Single selection FLT CTL during cruize ,which operate lateral AP command ailerons and spoilers ailerons and rudder ailerons spoilers and rudder C

689 Single selection FLT CTL which control surface in A320 is mechanically controled elevator stabilizer and rudder ailerons B

roll control:aileron and spoiler 2、3

690 Single selection FLT CTL about spoilers,which statement is true: ground spoiler function: all spoilers speed brake is spoiler 2 to 5 roll control:aileron and spoiler 4、5 A

Balks at which position prevent pilot from calling for excessive

691 Single selection FLT CTL only in position 1 position 1、3 position 2、3 position 1、2、3 B
flap/slat travel with a single action

692 Single selection FLT CTL in normal law and conf full,nose up limit to 25 30 33 A

in direct law, maximum elevator deflection varies as a function

693 Single selection FLT CTL CG configuration AOA A

mechanical ,however control for yaw

electrical,however control for yaw damping
694 Single selection FLT CTL rudder control is: electrical mechanical damping turn coordination and trim C
turn coordination and trim is mechanical
is electrical

695 Single selection FLT CTL in normal law,what protection remain in flare mode no protection only load factor protection only high AOA protection pitch attitude and high AOA protection C

第 87 页,共 271 页
in flight,when pitch attitude above nose up 50° or nose down
696 Single selection FLT CTL ALTN law direct law mechanical backup abnormal attitude laws D
30°,flight contorl law will be________

697 Single selection FLT CTL in abnormal atitude law, pitch control is ALTN law without protection ALTN law with protection direct law A

698 Single selection FLT CTL lateral control in mechanical backup law is provide by rudder pedals rudder trim pb side stick asymmetry thrust A

699 Single selection FLT CTL pitch control in mechanical backup law is provide by horizontal stabilizer change of thrust elevator A

the jack maintain in neutral position

700 Single selection FLT CTL Damping mode for each elevator servojack means the jack follows surface movement the jack is controledd mechanically A
by HYD

701 Single selection FLT CTL when __ malfunction ,spoiler extension is inhibited SEC1+3; SEC1+2; SEC2+3。 A

702 Single selection FLT CTL when bank angle above____°,AP disconnect : 45 33 67 A

703 Single selection FLT CTL spoiler 3 is drive by which HYD SYS G Y B C

第 88 页,共 271 页
in normal law flight mode, side stick deflection is proportional attitude rate to pitch and roll rate to elevator deflection to pitch and bank THS deflection to pitch and bank angle to
704 Single selection FLT CTL load factor to pitch and roll rate to lateral A
to lateral angle to lateral lateral

705 Single selection FLT CTL when will white side stick order on PFD disappear airborne GS above 100kt when reach thr red alt A

706 Single selection FLT CTL green band on the pitch trim wheel is normal setting range for takeoff landing takeoff and landing A

707 Single selection FLT CTL in normal law,FD will appear again when bank angle below 33 40 45 B

load alleviation function(LAF)is achieved through which

708 Single selection FLT CTL elevator and spoiler4、5 aileron and elevator aileron and spoiler4、5 C
control surface:

when speed above__ with AP on,retract rate of spoilers is

709 Single selection FLT CTL 315kt;M0.72 315kt;M0.75 320kt;M0.78 B

710 Single selection FLT CTL speed of rudder trim is: 1°/s 2°/s 3°/s A

when AOA above 7.6° or speed below when AOA above 8.5° or speed below when AOA above 8.5° or speed below
711 Single selection FLT CTL For A320,alpha/speed lock function is operative when AOA above 7.6° or speed below 148kt C
154kt 148kt 154kt

第 89 页,共 271 页
712 Single selection FLT CTL wing tip brake(WTB)will not operative when: asymmetry surface mechanism overspeed uncommanded movement of surface flaps lever malfunction D

if elevator servojacks can not be controled electrically and

713 Single selection FLT CTL centering damping active B
hydraulic drive, then they will be operate in

when reject takeoff, if speed exceeds__,ground spoilers will

714 Single selection FLT CTL 72 80 100 A
automatically extend(armed)

715 Single selection FLT CTL if high AOA protection is activated , bank angle will limit to: 30 40 45 67 C

716 Single selection FLT CTL which surface can be machanically control THS and elevator THS and rudder rudder and aileron aileron and elevator B

thanks to function of rudder travel

in normal law, there is load factor if pilot use aggressive, full or nearly
limit, aircraft will not over load factor if dutch roll occurs,pilot should use rudder
717 Single selection FLT CTL about rudder use in air,which statement is true: protection , so pilot do not need to limit full,opposite rudder pedal inputs will C
limit even if pilot make excessive to recover
rudder input load result in over load factor limit
rudder input

rudder is electrically controled ,so only

rudder pedal is rigidly interconnected ,so one side need to do the rudder PF flys the aircraft,and normally no when PF check the rudder,PM can check
718 Single selection FLT CTL during taxi,only PF need to do a rudder check ,because A
only one side need to do the rudder check check,and computer will confirm if the need for rudder input rudder travel by SD
signal is working properly

RUD TRIM rotary selector controls the

rudder trim actuator, which moves the
when AP if off,pilot can use RUD when AP is on, use of RUD TRIM
719 Single selection FLT CTL about rudder trim, which statement is wrong neutral point of the artificial feel by the C
TRIM rotary selector to trim rudder rotary selector will disconnect AP
equivalent of one degree of rudder travel
per second

第 90 页,共 271 页
during deep turn (bank angel above 33),which statement is pilot have to input lateral force to maintain pilot have to input back force to pilot have to use rudder to
720 Single selection FLT CTL C
wrong: bank angle maintain altitude coordinate turn

during normal turn(bank angle less than 33),which need lateral and back force on
721 Single selection FLT CTL only need lateral input rudder is not needed B
statement is wrong sidestick

722 Single selection FLT CTL two hydrualic motor of THS is controlled by only by electric moter(1 of 3) electric motor or mechanic trim wheel only by mechanic trim wheel B

if not determinded who has poriorty if both pilot use side stick
723 Single selection FLT CTL algebraically added the first input the latter input A
,how will the signal send to flight control computers

mechanical trim on THS is always operative, if one HYD SYS is

724 Single selection FLT CTL G or B B or Y G or Y C

maintain the position when maintain small deflection under

725 Single selection FLT CTL if one SEC is failed,the corresponding spoiler will automatically retracted A
malfunction occurs airflow

in normal flight envelope ,if pilot release the side stick when
726 Single selection FLT CTL reduce to 33 autumatically maintain bank angle level off A
bank angle above 33, what will happen to the bank angle

about control modes of elevators servojacks ,which statement is active:the jack position is electrically damping:the jack is hydraulically centering :the jack is mechanically damping:the jack is electrically controlled
727 Single selection FLT CTL A
ture controlled retained in the neutral position retained in the neutral position to follow surface movement

第 91 页,共 271 页
the maximum roll rate is always same in any if aileron fails,roll control uses if spoiler 4 is failed,roll control uses aileron
728 Single selection FLT CTL in roll direct law,which statement is true roll control uses spoiler 4.5 B
configuration spoiler 4.5 and spoiler 5

low speed stability operate when speed is 5 aircraft will pitch down, and pilot can An artificial low speed stability
729 Single selection FLT CTL which statement about low speed stability is wrong: it is available for all slat/flap configuration B
to 10 kts above stall warning not override replaces the normal AOA protection

they have same priority , so signal

730 Single selection FLT CTL if both pilot push their side stick pb, who will get the priority last pilot to push gets priority first pilot to push gets priority A
algebraically added

731 Single selection FLT CTL when will high AOA protection active AOA above αVLS AOA above αPROT AOA =αMAX B

pitch control can only use pitch trim

732 Single selection FLT CTL if both ELAC1 and ELAC2 fail: SEC control elevator and pitch trim SEC control elevator , FAC control THS A

ELAC1 controls ailerons,no

733 Single selection FLT CTL if ELAC2 fails ,ailerons: ailerons lost control ELAC1 automatically takeover SEC automatically takeover C
computer switch

roll normal law is replaced by roll

734 Single selection FLT CTL if pitch normal law lost, how will it affect roll axis: roll normal law is replaced by roll ALTN law no affect on roll normal law C
direct law

735 Single selection FLT CTL when high speed protection activeted ,bank angle limit is: 30 40 45 67 B

第 92 页,共 271 页
when high speed protection activated, if pilot release the side maintain current bank angle(if bank angle return back to 33(if bank angle above
736 Single selection FLT CTL return to 0 at any bank angle return to 0(if bank angle above 33) B
stick, what will happen to bank angle less than 45) 33)

when nose wheel touch down, if pitch maintain the position when main land
737 Single selection FLT CTL after landing,pitch trim will: attitude less than 2.5 ° and after 5 s,pitch gear touch down until next engine return to 0 when slats are retracted return to 0 when smaller than CONF 3 A
trim will return to 0 automatically start

738 Single selection FLT CTL what control mode do servojack of ailerons have: active centering active damping active centering damping B

739 Single selection FLT CTL when pitch attitude above --,FD disappear nose up 22,nose down 13 nose up 25,nose down 13 nose up 22,nose down 10 nose up 25,nose down 15 B

Pic 27-1,ECAM message WING TIP BRK ON,what does that one hydraulic device lock flap at present to reduce stucture load,flap move to prevent asymmetry, out side slat is because slats is locked by WTB, flaps is
740 Single selection FLT CTL A
mean: position slowly in the effect of WTN lock in present position locked too

741 Single selection FLT CTL Pic 27-2,what does that mean: left spoiler 3 deflected and failed right spoiler 3 deflected and failed left spoiler 3 retracted and failed right spoiler 3 retracted and failed C

left spoiler 3 will retract to prevent left spoiler 3 maintain extend , until airflow
to prevent asymmetry, right spoiler 3 left spoiler 3 maintain extend, spoiler
742 Single selection FLT CTL Pic 27-2, what will happen next asymmetry,right spoiler 3 extension is push it down, right spoiler 3 extention is A
will extend is inoperative
inhibited inhibited

if high speed protection activated,AP

high speed protection activated , A/THR will
743 Single selection FLT CTL Pic 27-3,what will happen when speed reachs 210kt:() flaps retract automatically flaps and slats retract automatically will control aircraft to increase A
reduce thrust

第 93 页,共 271 页
As the picture 27-4.In this condition,What’s will happened if
744 Single selection FLT CTL A B C D B
one side stick push full forward?

As the picture 27-5.On the basis of instrument indication, the bank go back to 0 degree by
745 Single selection FLT CTL the bank go back to33° the bank will maintain the bank go back to 30° A
what’s will happened if release the sidestick? bank angle protection

The high-angle-of-attack(AOA)protection
746 Single selection FLT CTL As the picture 27-6. On the basis of instrument indication .() Alpha Floor PROT activates Load Factor PROT activates no protection activates D

As the picture 27-7. If thrust is idle and pull side stick full back The aircraft maintain speed 151KT and
The aircraft maintain speed 135KT and The aircraft maintain speed 129KT The aircraft maintain speed 120KT and
747 Single selection FLT CTL to maintain altitude ,what’s will happened when release the descent A
descent and descent descent
side stick?:()

The high-angle-of-attack(AOA)protection
748 Single selection FLT CTL As the picture 27-8. On the basis of instrument indication .:() Alpha Floor PROT activates Load Factor PROT activates no protection activates A

The high-angle-of-
The speed reduce to below 120KT,The attack(AOA)protection will override
As the picture 27-9.On the basis of instrument indication.If side
749 Single selection FLT CTL The speed reduce to below 120KT and stall thrust will set CLB automatically to side stick input ,and the aircraft will C
stick maintain full back.what’happened ?:()
avoid stall reduce attitude to maintain speed

As the picture 27-10. Left sidesides tick is full left and right side
750 Single selection FLT CTL A B C D D
sidestick is full right .which indication is correct?:()

As the picture 27-11.On the right glareshirld indication , it is left and right sidestick moved
751 Single selection FLT CTL left sidestick priority PB is pushed right sidestick priority PB is pushed B
means?:() simultaneously

第 94 页,共 271 页
If aircraft is disturbed by air .due to no
sidestick has no signal input, the aircraft sidestick will input signal to maintain
At normal law of flight mode.The sidestick is neutral .which is sidestick will input 1g/0°/s signal to signal input by sidestick,the pilot need to
752 Single selection FLT CTL will stable flight due to aerodynamic all the control surface neutral so the B
correct? make aircraft stable flight control sidestick to correction the aircraft
stability aircraft stable flight
for stable flight

When the wingtip brakes (WTBs)inoperation? mechanism overspee

753 Single selection FLT CTL slat/flap assymetry related two hydraulic systems fault uncommanded movement of the surfaces C

By pushing the RUD TRIM RESET PB,The zero trim position is

754 Single selection FLT CTL 0.5°/S 1°/S 1.5°/S 2°/S C
ordered at ?

on final approach maintain bird and

About use the “bird”(flight path vector)which one is in approach maybe have 2 degree when using bird first change attitude and
755 Single selection FLT CTL use IRS to calculate final track at same track ,the aircraft is C
incorrect? different then refer to the bird to check result
on the final extended line

756 Single selection FLT CTL SFCC2 and green hydraulic system control flaps or slats ? slats flaps slats/flaps A

757 Single selection FLT CTL Which spoiler controlled by SEC3? 1+2 3+4 5 A

no PROT,has overspeed and stall

758 Single selection FLT CTL In direct law.the aircraft has which PROT? afloor load factor limitation B

How many doors should be open, when boarding during

759 Single selection FUEL 1 2 Both sides of the fuselage 3 A

第 95 页,共 271 页
based on the mode selection of
760 Single selection FUEL Can you transmit on HF while refueling? yes no decide by captain B

761 Single selection FUEL what’s the purpose of fuel tank vent? to the benefit of fuel burn increase fuel flow make sure engine fuel feeding to the benefit of fuel cooling C

Minimum fuel refers to a specific fuel minimum during the

flight that it shall report to ATC. The minimum fuel (equal to
final reserve fuel) indicates that, when the aircraft can only fly
762 Single selection FUEL for ( ) minutes at a holding speed at an altitude of 450m 45 30 60 90 B
(1500 ft.) over airport elevation after the aircraft arrives at
landing airport in accordance with the pre-determined routing
after it has calculated the remaining fuel while taking into

when finished flight plan before flight and finished refueling

763 Single selection FUEL and took off .at the flight to destination ,who is responsible for Pilots Dispatchers pilots and dispatchers maintenance C
safety fly ?

764 Single selection FUEL when the filter was jam , the engine can be feeding by? by-pass valve gravity feeding the other pipeline the other pipeline which is more fuel A

ENG fire PB or center tank transfer MODE SEL pb-sw MAN or center tank
765 Single selection FUEL which one can cutoff ENG LP fuel valve? ENG fire PB or ENG master switch MODE SEL pb-sw MAN A
valve control logic transfer valve control logic

All fuel pump is on, when center tank pumps is feeding, the yes,the wing tank pump always no,cause center tank pump has
766 Single selection FUEL no,when center tank was empty not sure B
wing fuel pumps is working or not ? working priority

767 Single selection FUEL In normal situation , where we can check the fuel in every tank? ECAM-upper display,fuel page ECAMdown display,fuel page ECAM upper display no display B

第 96 页,共 271 页
768 Single selection FUEL APU fuel feeding by? left fuel feeding pipeline right fuel feeding pipeline center tank fuel feeding pipeline fuel feeding pipeline which is more fuel A

when the aircraft has been refueled to maximum capacity, the

769 Single selection FUEL 5%。 1%; 2%; 3%; C
fuel can expand by ?

The loss of accuracy resulting from the loss of FQI normal

770 Single selection FUEL +390kg,-750kg; +400kg,-750kg; +400kg,-760kg。 +500kg,-760kg。 A
mode for all tanks affected?

771 Single selection FUEL In which situation the fuel pump fault light on? when the delivery pressure drops related tank spilling sw off without fault fuel pump overheat A

772 Single selection FUEL At ground , if wing tank fuel overheat ,which action you take? turn off fuel pump delay takeoff or shut off ENG master set MODE SEL pb-sw MAN continue takeoff it will cooling on the air B

make system set center tank pump off and

If MODE SEL pb-sw set auto, when wing tank full, the IDG
773 Single selection FUEL after wing tank feeding 500KG center tank go back to ENG fuel feeding pipeline direct to center tank after filter go to center tank A
cooling fuel wii ?
pump restart running

in flight and at landing , outer tanks balance and inner tanks

774 Single selection FUEL were full.what’s maximum allowed wing imbalance 1600kg 2250kg 1500kg 2000kg C

in flight and at landing ,outer tanks balance and inner tanks

775 Single selection FUEL 1600kg 1500kg 2250kg 2500kg A
were(4300KG)what’s maximum allowed wing imbalance

第 97 页,共 271 页
in flight and at landing ,outer tanks balance and inner tanks
776 Single selection FUEL 1500kg 1600kg 2250kg 2500kg C
were(2250KG)what’s maximum allowed wing imbalance

in normal situation .when the inner tank fuel reaches the low
777 Single selection FUEL level about ( )KG , thus enabling the fuel drain from the outer 1000kg 500kg 750kg 800kg C
to inner tanks?

778 Single selection FUEL The FLSCU including ? fuel-level and fuel-pressure sensors fuel-level and fuel-temperature sensors only fuel-level sensors only fuel-pressure sensors B

779 Single selection FUEL The function of fuel-temperature sensors ? give ECAM fuel temperature control the IDG cooling recirculation give ECAM fuel pressure not sure B

in flight and at landing ,the fuel quantity of outer and inner

wing fuel tanks of one side is equal to the fuel quantity of the
780 Single selection FUEL 650kg 690kg 500kg 600kg B
outer and inner wing fuel tanks on the other side, the maximum
fuel imbalance in the outer fuel tanks is allowed ( )KG?

Select the refuel mode, manually open Select the fuel defuel mode, manually
Select the fuel defuel mode, connect the
the wing pump, connect the AC and open the wing pump, connect the
after fuel feeding, the wing tank is imbalance ,we need manual Select the refueling mode and balance by cross feed fuel supply, and balance through
781 Single selection FUEL transmission fuel supply, and balance it cross feed fuel supply, and balance C
balance, what’s the procedure? manual refuel valve of left and right tanks the manual filling valve of the left and right
through the manual refuel valve of the through the left and right tank
left and right fuel tanks manual refueling valves

782 Single selection FUEL What is the control of APU fuel flow? ECB FADEC FQI FLSCU A

When engine anti icing or wing anti icing works, fuel flow will
783 Single selection FUEL no change decrease increase decrease or no change C

第 98 页,共 271 页
Two central tank pumps and two
A central tank pump and a wing fuel pump At least one transfer valve in one wing A central tank pump and a wing fuel pump
784 Single selection FUEL when OUTR TK FUEL XFRD show green on ECAM wing fuel pumps on the same side are B
on the same side are provided tank is open on the other side are provided
provided .

When the fuselage or wing refueling When refuel is selected on the

785 Single selection FUEL when REFUEL show green on ECAM Engine master off When the refueling pipe is connected A
control panel cover is open refueling control panel

When the slats are extended , the central tank pump is in the air: Automatic shutdown, fuel pump pressure
786 Single selection FUEL Automatic shutdown ENG master sw manually shutdown ENG fire PB manually open A
who normally closes the siphon valve off

Ensure that the refueling vehicle and

Connect the ground wire of the
aircraft are properly grounded and that HF Make sure that the tanker and aircraft Ensure no HF communication during
787 Single selection FUEL Safety measures for refueling: tanker to the aircraft ground point on A
communication is not conducted during are properly grounded refueling
the main landing gear

788 Single selection FUEL What is the normal reaction of hi LVL lamp before refueling? Full bright Full dark The light will change state not sure C

No indication, the selected fuel

On the refueling panel, what are the tips for the end of
789 Single selection FUEL "END" bright No instructions , just no more fuel quantity is equal to the actual fuel not sure A
automatic refueling?

Not necessarily, only when the left

When the ground fuel is transmitted , the mode is selected on
790 Single selection FUEL Automatic wing or right wing tank needs to be DEFUEL/ XFR REFUEL C
the fuel control panel

791 Single selection FUEL Pressure limit for refueling: 50 psi (3.5 bar) for refueling Refueling is 11 psi (0.75 bar) Refueling is 40psi (2.8 bar) Refueling is 20psi (1.5 bar) A

第 99 页,共 271 页
It can be refuelled, but it can only be Absolutely not, because the fuel
Can refuel, the procedure is the same as
792 Single selection FUEL Can we refuelled when engine is working operated according to the manual quantity has been input into the You can try to start APU B
normal operation
refueling procedure computer after the engine is started

As long as you get permission from the The aircraft should stop on the slope
The pressure should not be greater The pressure should not be greater than
793 Single selection FUEL Refuel when an engine is working airport department, you don't need any plane with high left and low right as B
than 30psi 300psi
other help far as possible

After the refueling of one engine is completed, reset the trip There is an error in the display of fuel Restart the calculation of the value of Fuel quantity change interferes with Numerical cumulative calculation of used
794 Single selection FUEL B
switches of four DMC quantity used fuel fuel quantity indication fuel

After the refueling of one engine has been completed, the T / O

Normal, because one engine is always Four for each wing and two for the central
795 Single selection FUEL MEMO has not been displayed automatically for a long time. Is Not normal. The computer is out of order Abnormal , maintenance required B
working tank
it normal?

When APU shutdown automatically , can it be restarted again

796 Single selection FUEL yes no It's OK to refuel, but not to defuel It's OK to defuel, but not to refuel B
when refueling / defuel?

What is the fuel level of the left or right wing, the low fuel level
797 Single selection FUEL Less than 750 kg (1650 lb) More than 900 kg (1980 lb) Less than 500 kg (1100 lb) Less than 1500 kg (3300 lb) A
warning is displayed on the ECAM?

Yes, but pay attention that the

Yes, the refueling panel is powered by the
798 Single selection FUEL Can APU be started or shut down during refueling? electrical switch will interrupt the no B
battery. It doesn't matter

capacity, there is still enough space in each tank to allow for the
799 Single selection FUEL thermal expansion of the fuel without overflowing the 2% 3% 4% A
ventilation system?

第 100 页,共 271 页

800 Single selection FUEL Is there a sequence for filling the fuel tank? None: it is decided by the crew Yes : wing tank, central tank Yes : central tank,wing tank B

What is the correct description of the wing tank in automatic When the inner tank is full, it flows into the When the outer tank is full, it flows It is necessary to pour the fuel from
801 Single selection FUEL B
refueling? outer tank by overflow into the inner tank by overflow the outer tank into the inner tank

Not necessarily. There can be an error

Is the actual fuel volume equal to the selected fuel volume after Not necessarily. There can be an error
802 Single selection FUEL Sure, just a lot more of 300kg (660lb) B
automatic refueling? of 100kg (220lb)

Not necessarily, only when the left

When transferring fuel on the ground, how to set the mode
803 Single selection FUEL automatic wing or right wing tank needs to be manual C
selector on the fuel control panel?

Not necessarily, only when the right Not necessarily, only when the left
When transferring fuel on the ground, must the cross feed be
804 Single selection FUEL yes wing tank or the center tank needs to wing tank or the center tank needs to C
turned on? Different models have different answers
be drained be drained

How to fill the central tank with gravity refueling above the
805 Single selection FUEL Transmission via right tank Directly through the left tank Just fill it directly A

806 Single selection FUEL Pressure limit of oil defuel 50 psi (3.5 bar) 11PSI(0.75bar) 40PSI(2.8bar) B

The MMI must be removed slowly until The MMI must be removed slowly
Pull out MMI directly, and there is reading
807 Single selection FUEL When using MMI: a magnetic attraction is felt between until the linkage is felt to reach the B
display on MMI directly
the connecting rod and the buoy mechanical stop

第 101 页,共 271 页

The last two digits of the fuel volume The last two digits of the fuel
indication are replaced by a short dotted indication are replaced by short The oil volume indication is amber
808 Single selection FUEL How to check that the fuel indicator is in degraded mode? A
line in amber. The ECAM fuel page must be dashed lines, but it is not possible to and framed
called up to check the affected tank determine which side is affected

809 Single selection FUEL Who controls the return valve: FADEC FMGC FLSCU A

When the amber failure light on the button is on when the fuel The center tank is greater than 250 kg and The two central tank pumps are
810 Single selection FUEL When the supply pressure drops A
mode selector is in auto position: any wing tank is less than 5000 kg selected in the off position

811 Single selection FUEL What is the function of capacitance probe? Measuring fuel level and fuel temperature Measuring fuel temperature Measuring fuel level A

812 Single selection FUEL In addition to fuel the engine, what is the use of fuel? Cooling IDG oil Cooling engine oil Cooling IDG oil and engine oil A

Under normal conditions, what tank pump supplies fuel for By tank fuel pump instead of engine fuel By tank fuel pump instead of engine
813 Single selection FUEL By APU fuel pump A
APU? pump or APU fuel pump fuel pump

It is on when the pressure drops or is

814 Single selection FUEL When the wing tank pump button is set to off, its failure light is: Inhibited On when pressure drops A

When the fuel volume of the central fuel

tank is more than 100kg and any fuel tank
815 Single selection FUEL In normal operation , the cross feed valve: shutdown open B
is less than 5000kg, it will be opened

第 102 页,共 271 页

Yes, with fuel from the IDG cooling and
816 Single selection FUEL Is there any fuel in the engine when the fuel filter is blocked? no Yes, bypass fuel filter (bypass) C
outside tank lines

817 Single selection FUEL On the cross feed button, what does the white on light mean? Valve auto position The valve is closed The valve opens C

Two transfer valves in the wings on

818 Single selection FUEL When the fuel level of the inner tank is low: In each wing, one transfer valve opens An inner tank transfer valve opens C
both sides open

In flight, if there is fuel in the central tank, what happens when

819 Single selection FUEL the slats are extended if the automatic fuel supply mode is Central tank pump maintains original mode Central tank pump on Central tank pump off C

A320 is equipped with fuel tank inerting system, which of the

820 Single selection FUEL following tanks is equipped with this system to reduce Outer wing tank Inner wing tank center tank All tanks C
flammable explosion in the tank

Generates fuel-level and fuel-temperature

Which of the following is not the fuction of the Fuel Level signals in order to operate the appropriate Control the IDG cooling recirculation The center-tank-to-wing-tank fuel
821 Single selection FUEL Control automatic refueling D
Sensing Control Unit(FLSCU)? switching functions for refueling and system transfer system
derefueling .

822 Single selection FUEL Approximate refueling time at nominal pressure for all tanks is: 40mins 30mins 20mins C

If center tank pumps lost, how the fuel in the center tank feed
823 Single selection FUEL Transfer feed Fed by gravity Unusable C
the A/C?

第 103 页,共 271 页

If only the blue hydraulic system working, what is the flight
824 Single selection HYD Alternate law Normal law Direct law A
control law before the landing gear down?

How many independent hydraulic servojacks actuate the

825 Single selection HYD One Two Three C

826 Single selection HYD The braking pressure on the hydraulic accumulator is: Normal braking with antiskid Alternate braking with antiskid Alternate braking without antiskid Normal braking without antiskid C

When green pressure available , if A/SKID & N/W STRG switch is Alternate braking, nosewheel steering Alternate braking without antiskid, Normal braking, nosewheel steering is
827 Single selection HYD Normal braking, nosewheel steering is lost C
OFF: is normal nosewheel steering is lost normal

ENG pump for the green and yellow

system, ELEC pump for blue system, ELEC pump for blue and yellow ENG pump for green and blue system, ELEC
828 Single selection HYD How is the hydraulic system pressurized normally? ENG pump for all system B
ELEC pump for yellow system(on system, ENG pump for green system pump for yellow system
ground only)

Hydraulic pump driven by RAT and ELEC

829 Single selection HYD In flight, how is the blue system pressurized? ENG pump PTU Can not be pressurized A

Landing gear only extending by Landing gear extending and retracting are
830 Single selection HYD When green hydraulic system lost: Landing gear extending normal Landing gear retracting normal C
gravity normal

831 Single selection HYD When green hydraulic system lost, the braking system is: Normal Alternate Lost Alternate braking without antiskid B

第 104 页,共 271 页

When only green hydraulic system is available, the trimmable
832 Single selection HYD Available Lost Totally jamed Right side lost A
horizontal stabilizer:

When both ENG lost, how the green hydraulic system been
833 Single selection HYD By green ENG pump By yellow ENG pump and PTU By yellow ELEC pump and PTU By blue ELEC pump B
presurized ?

834 Single selection HYD If green hydraulic system is inoperative , the slats operate: Normal At half speed Lost At double speed B

835 Single selection HYD Green hydraulic system operate: Spoiler3 Spoilers 2 and 4 Spoilers 1 and 5 Spoilers 3 and 4 C

Green hydraulic system does not operate

836 Single selection HYD Which aileron operated by green hydraulic system? Left aileron Right aileron A&B C

If the green hydraulic reservoir overheats or has a low fluid If the green hydraulic reservoir has a
PTU should be on, to recover the PTU should turn off then turn on
837 Single selection HYD level, HYD PTU FAULT appears on the ECAM request to turn off TRUE low fluid level or overheats , PTU is A
hydraulic power immediately , to cancel the caution
the PTU inoperative

Yellow hydraulic system does not operate

838 Single selection HYD Yellow hydraulic system operates: Left and right elevators Left elevator Right elevator C

839 Single selection HYD If yellow hydraulic system is inoperative , the slats operate: Normal At double speed Lost At half speed A

第 105 页,共 271 页

Green hydraulic system does not
840 Single selection HYD Green hydraulic system operate: Reverser 1 Reverser 2 A
operate reverser

841 Single selection HYD If green hydraulic system is inoperative , braking with antiskid: Lost Braking pressure limited within 2000psi Operated by yellow hydraulic system Operated by blue hydraulic system C

842 Single selection HYD Only green hydraulic system available , Auto pilot will: AP1 lost Lost AP2 lost Can be reengaged after disengaged B

843 Single selection HYD Only green hydraulic system available , THS will: Available Left side lost Right side lost Jammed A

844 Single selection HYD Only green hydraulic system available , AUTO BRK will: Lost Available Alternate Only MED mode is available Only LO mode is available B

Nosewheel steering operative with turning

845 Single selection HYD When green hydraulic system lost: Nosewheel steering lost Nosewheel steering still operative Nosewheel steering in alternate mode B
angle limitation

Dose the FAULT light of ENG1 pump comes on due to green No, it is inhibited when ENG shut down Yes, amber FAULT light comes on Yes, comes on for 10 sec then extinguished
846 Single selection HYD Yes, with only ECAM caution B
ENG pump low pressure when ENG1 shut down on ground? on ground with ECAM caution automatically

Which of the following is true for ENG2 drives the hydraulic Yellow pump and green pump by PTU Yellow pump and green pump by PTU
847 Single selection HYD Blue system Green system C
system? when green system fault when blue system fault

第 106 页,共 271 页

For rudder, in automatic operation(yaw damping, turn
848 Single selection HYD Blue Yellow Green Yellow and green C
coordination ) a ( ) servo actuator drives all three servojacks.

Which hydraulic system lost will cause the mechanical control of

849 Single selection HYD Green Green and yellow Blue Blue and yellow B
the THS is unavailable ?

On ground, the BLUE ELEC PUMP pb on AUTO, when the One ENG running or BLUE PUMP One ENG running or YELLOW PUMP OVRD
850 Single selection HYD One BAT on AUTO GND power on C
electric pump operates? OVRD pb pressed pb pressed

851 Single selection HYD If blue hydraulic system is inoperative , the slats operate : Normal Slow, at half speed Lost At double speed B

852 Single selection HYD If blue hydraulic system is inoperative , the flaps operate: Normal Slow, at half speed Lost At double speed A

853 Single selection HYD Blue hydraulic system operates: Spoiler 2 and 4 Spoilers 3 Spoilers 1 and 5 Spoilers 3 and 4 B

Blue hydraulic system does not operates

854 Single selection HYD Blue hydraulic system operates: Left aileron Right aileron A&B C

Braking system only pressurized by the

855 Single selection HYD If only blue hydraulic system operative: Braking system lost Anti-skid still available Braking system normal B
hydraulic accumulator

第 107 页,共 271 页

856 Single selection HYD In normal operation , blue hydraulic system pressurized by: PTU ENG pump ELEC pump RAT C

Blue hydraulic system been

If the blue ELEC pump fault, when RAT MAN ON pb been RAT will no extend unless the other
857 Single selection HYD Blue hydraulic system pressurized by RAT EMER GEN supply the power pressurized and EMER GEN supply the A
pressed: systems also fault

Yellow and green hydraulic system by

858 Single selection HYD In flight, RAT extend will pressurized : Green hydraulic system Blue hydraulic system Yellow hydraulic system C

When G+B SYS LO PR, extend the landing gear at 200kt with Prevent the landing gear cannot be Better speed reducing rate to satisfy the
859 Single selection HYD Better pitch control Prevent stall A
one elevator lost for: extended due to low speed stable approach requirment

A/THR should be disengaged , because Disengage the A/THR then reengage

860 Single selection HYD G+B SYS LO PR, during approach: A/THR should be engaged A/THR lost when dual hydraulic failure B
it can not maintain the speed properly it, the A/THR will back to normal

Each of the green and yellow systems has a Each of the green and yellow systems Each of the green and yellow systems
Yellow systems has a fire shutoff valve in its
861 Single selection HYD Where is the FIRE SHUTOFF VALVES? fire shutoff valve in its line downstream of has a fire shutoff valve in its line has a fire shutoff valve in its line C
line downstream of its engine-driven pump
its engine-driven pump midstream of its engine-driven pump upstream of its engine-driven pump

862 Single selection HYD What is the normal hydraulic system operating pressure? 3000psi 2500psi 3500psi 2000psi A

Master caution lights on with single

863 Single selection HYD When one hydraulic system LO PR: Only master warning lights on Only master caution lights on Only single chime C

第 108 页,共 271 页

864 Single selection HYD The fault light of ENG1(2) hydraulic pump comes on: When reservoir low level When reservior overheat When reservior low pressure A&B&C D

It may be possible to restore the

It is sure to restore the system after
865 Single selection HYD If hydraulic system reservor low air pressure, the faulty system: Stay to lost system after descending to a lower It sure has a leak B
descending to a lower altitude

Normally , HP bleed from ENG1

Normally , HP bleed air from ENG1 pressurize the green and blue If the bleed air pressure is too low, The system maintain a high enough
Which of the following is not true for the hydraulic reservoir
866 Single selection HYD pressurizes the hydraulic reservoirs hydraulic reservoir, HP bleed from the system takes bleed air pressure pressure to prevent their pumps from B
pressurization ?
automatically ENG2 pressurize the yellow hydraulic from the crossbleed duct cavitating

The hydraulic system maintain a high enough pressure to

867 Single selection HYD Hydraulic oil leaking Hydraulic system lost pressure Hydraulic pumps cavitating Hydralic reservoir rupture in the air C

When yellow hydraulic system lost, which of the following will

868 Single selection HYD Flaps movement Left elevator Slats movement A
be affected ?

If the PARKING BREAK available or not when yellow hydraulic

869 Single selection HYD Available Unavailable Available after recovered by PTU B
pressure lost due to duct rupture?

How to pressurize the green hydraulic system when both ENG

870 Single selection HYD By green ENG pump By yellow ENG pump By yellow ELEC pump and PTU C
shut down?

871 Single selection HYD On ground, when blue hydraulic system pressurized? When APU running When GND PWR available When one ENG running C

第 109 页,共 271 页

One ENG pump, one hand pump and One ENG pump, one ELEC pump, one hand
872 Single selection HYD Yellow hydraulic system includes: One ENG pump, two ELEC pump Can not be pressurized D
RAT pump

Blue system pressurized and EMER

873 Single selection HYD If blue ELEC pump fault, when RAT MAN ON pb pressed: Blue system pressurized by RAT EMER GEN supply the power A
GEN supply the power

On ground, before ENG start, blue pump on AUTO and AC Operates if crew has pressed the BLUE
874 Single selection HYD Operates when both ENG started Operates automatically C
power is available, the blue pump: PUMP OVRD pushbutton

875 Single selection HYD Blue hydraulic system control: Flaps Flaps and slats Slats C

Transfer the hydraulic power between

Transfer the hydraulic power between blue Transfer the hydraulic power between
876 Single selection HYD Power transfer unit(PTU): green and yellow system on one B
and yellow system green and yellow system

ENG2 hydraulic pump or yellow ELEC pump ENG1 hydraulic pump or yellow ELEC ENG2 hydraulic pump or yellow ELEC pump
877 Single selection HYD Yellow hydraulic system pressurized by: ENG1 hydraulic pump A
or PTU pump or RAT or RAT

Should be turned off to prevent hydraulic

878 Single selection HYD During the first ENG start, the PTU is: Runs automatically Inhibited Tested B

Can the hydraulic fluid be transferred between green and

879 Single selection HYD No, cannot Yes, by PTU Yes, it can trasferred when leaking A
yellow system?

第 110 页,共 271 页

Speed over 100kts, the RAT deploys Speed over 100kts, the RAT deploys Speed over 100kts, the RAT can be
880 Single selection HYD Which of the following cannot extend the RAT? automatically if AC BUS 1 and AC BUS 2 are automatically if DC BUS 1 and DC BUS deployed manually from the B
both lost 2 are both lost overhead panel

881 Single selection HYD One hydarulic system fail, flight control law: Alternate Direct Normal C

If yellow hydraulic system fail, the cargo door can be opened Hand pump on the hydraulic
882 Single selection HYD Blue system Green system C
by: maintenance panel

On ground, after ENG1 shut down, which hydraulic system will

883 Single selection HYD Yellow Blue Green C
be pressurized by PTU?

A drop-out RAT coupled to a hydraulic pump allows the ( )

884 Single selection HYD Yellow Green Blue C
system to function if electrical power is lost or both engines fail.

Which valve can be close when the flight crew pushing the
885 Single selection HYD Fire shutoff valves Priority valves Leak measurement valves A
ENG1(2) FIRE pushbutton ?

Normally , whose HP bleed air pressurize the hydraulic reservior

886 Single selection HYD ENG2 ENG1 and ENG2 ENG1 C
automatically ?

Which hydraulic system can be used for EMER GEN power

887 Single selection HYD Yellow Blue Green B

第 111 页,共 271 页

Which of the following condition will not turn on the ENG1(2)
888 Single selection HYD Reservoir overheat Pump pressure released Reservoir low air pressure Reservoir low level B
hydraulic pump FAULT light?

Which of the following condition will deploy the RAT when RAT
889 Single selection HYD Anytime Only on ground Only in the air A
MAN ON pb be pressed?

ELEC pump is on and yellow system low

890 Single selection HYD The YELLOW ELEC PUMP pb light is white when: ELEC pump is off ELEC pump is on C

The FWD and AFT cargo doors hydraulically open outward and
upward. The doors are hydraulically operated by the ( )
891 Single selection HYD Green Yellow Blue B
hydraulic system. The door locking system (locked open/locked
closed) is mechanical .

Priority valves cut off hydraulic power

Priority valves supply the power to heavy Priority valves optimize the hydraulic
892 Single selection HYD What will happen if hydraulic pressure in a system gets low? to heavy load users to supply the C
load users power to the users
power to important users

When cargo door operated by yellow

893 Single selection HYD When will the PTU in hydraulic system be inhibited ? When ENG fails only Never be inhibited C
ELEC pump

When will the fire shutoff valve of the green hydraulic system
894 Single selection HYD Automatically closed when ENG shut down Automatically closed when ENG on fire Pushing the ENG fire pushbotton C
be closed?

895 Single selection HYD What is the hand pump of yellow hydraulic system used for? Pressurize the hydraulic reservoir Operate the cargo door Check flight control B

第 112 页,共 271 页

During ENG start, ENG2 is usually started first.( ), that
896 Single selection HYD The LP bleed air of the ENG It powers the yellow hydraulic system It powers the green hydraulic system It powers the blue hydraulic system B
pressurizes the parking brake.

Normally , ( ) pressurizes the hydraulic reservoirs

automatically . The system maintain a high enough pressure to The fault light will turn off when overheat
897 Single selection HYD prevent their pumps from cavitating . If the bleed air pressure is disappear and the flight crew turn on the HP bleed air from ENG1 HP bleed air from ENG2 LP bleed air from ENG1 B
too low, the system takes bleed air pressure from the hydraulic pump again
crossbleed duct.

The fault light of ENG1(2) hydraulic pumps comes on, and the The FAULT light will turn off when
The FAULT light keeps on as long as the The FAULT light goes off when the
898 Single selection HYD ECAM caution appears if the reservoir overheats . Which of the overheat disappear and no risk of White light on A
overheat exist crew press it to OFF
following is true? overheat again

When the aircraft is flying faster than ( ), a safety valve

899 Single selection HYD automatically cuts off hydraulic supply to the landing gear 250kts 260kts 280kts 300kts B
extention .

Both wing anti-ice valve closed The wing anti-ice valve of the leaking Both wing anti-ice valve will not The wing anti-ice valve of the no-leaking
900 Single selection ICE/RAIN If the system detects a leak on one wing, the wing anti-ice valve: B
automatically side closed automatically closed automatically side closed automatically

When ENG running, one ENG ANTI ICE pb-sw is pressed ON, the
901 Single selection ICE/RAIN Valve open only Valve closed only Valve transits No ice be detected C
FAULT light comes on briefly as:

Which slats use hot air heating protects provi by pneumatic

902 Single selection ICE/RAIN Salts1,2,4 Slats2,3,4 Three outboard leading-edge slats Three inboard leading-edge slats C

If the system detects a leak,the If the system detects a leak,the

If the system detects a leak,the affected If the system detects a leak,the unaffected
affected side’s wing anti-ice valve unaffected side’s wing anti-ice valve
903 Single selection ICE/RAIN When wings anti-ice valve are colsed? side’s wing anti-ice valve automatically side’s wing anti-ice valve automatically A
automatically closed;If the bleed air automatically closed;If the electrical
closed;If the electrical power supply fails. closed;If the bleed air supply fails.
supply fails. power supply fails.

第 113 页,共 271 页

Cannot be uesd,cause maximum speed
904 Single selection ICE/RAIN On the dry windshield ,the wipers: Can be used to clean windshield Prohibit to use Useless B
limitation of wipers

905 Single selection ICE/RAIN Working speeds of wipers: Low speed and high speed just one speed Low speed,medium speed,high speed Can be selected automatically by rainfall A

906 Single selection ICE/RAIN How many rotary selector controls of wipers system: 2 3 4 1 A

Relevant engine anti-ice Relevant engine anti-ice Relevant engine anti-ice

Relevant engine anti-ice “ON”light
907 Single selection ICE/RAIN How to check engine anti-ice are selected: “ON”light+ECAM MEMO displays”ENG “ON”light+ECAM ENG page “ON”light+ECAM STATUS page A
means be selected already
A.ICE” displays”ENG A.ICE” displays”ENG A.ICE”

908 Single selection ICE/RAIN Each wing anti-ice is controled by independent switch Yes No / / B

Pitot probes,static ports,AOA Pitot probes,static ports,AOA probes,TAT

909 Single selection ICE/RAIN Electrical heating protects: Pitot probes and AOAS probes Pitot probes and TAT probes C
probes,TAT probes probes and wing anti-ice

If the aircraft has electronic power,windshield heating can be

910 Single selection ICE/RAIN Yes No / / B
selected through the PROBE/WINDOW HEAT pb at any time:

High power under freezing

The windshield heating computer provieds the windshield with High power above 20,000 feet and low High power in flight(normal power),low High power or low power can be switched
911 Single selection ICE/RAIN conditon ,low power under other B
two gears of heating power: power below 20,000 feet power on the ground manually

第 114 页,共 271 页

Low power on the ground and normal
912 Single selection ICE/RAIN For static ports heating,the correct description is: Work only in the air Always in working order Operating at high power on the ground C
power in flight

913 Single selection ICE/RAIN Use the maximum speed of the wiper 220KT 250KT 230KT 240KT C

914 Single selection ICE/RAIN Wing anti-ice can be used: Deicing Anti-ice Deicing and anti-ice / C

It will only decrease when there are icing

How does the N1 limit change when the two engine anti-ice
915 Single selection ICE/RAIN Decrease Increase No change conditions,otherwise there will be no A
sw/pb are in the "ON"postion?

On the ground,what happens when the wing anti-ice button is The wing anti-ice valve keeps
916 Single selection ICE/RAIN The wing anti-ice valve does not open The wing anti-ice valve opens 30s The wing anti-ice valve opens 1mins B
in "ON" postion opening

Directly supplied by a high pressure Directly supplied by a low pressure

917 Single selection ICE/RAIN Bleed air of engine anti-ice comes from? It comes from the cross bleed air line From air conditioning system A
compressor compressor

When the wing anti-ice button is

When the wing anti-ice button is
As for the wing anti-ice dispaly on the wing,the following ECAM BLEED AIR page without wing anti- pressed and the valve opens,a green
918 Single selection ICE/RAIN pressed,the white words "anti-ice" A
statement is wrong? ice system display arrow appears on the ECAM bleed air
appear on the ECAM bleed air page

919 Single selection ICE/RAIN When does the engine anti-ice valve close? Low bleed air pressure High bleed air pressure Wing anti-ice opens A

第 115 页,共 271 页

The engine anti-ice valve opens Control the engine anti-ice valve by The engine anti-ice valve closes Engine anti-ice valves are still controlled by
920 Single selection ICE/RAIN When ELEC EMER CONFIG,engine anti-ice valves are: A
automatically wing anti-ice button automatically ENG1 and ENG2 anti-ice buttons

If the windshield heating computer fails,another computer can

921 Single selection ICE/RAIN Yes No / / B
take the place of the failed computer :

If the crew find ice accumulation ,after

When the windshield heating computer After the first engine is After the first engine is
About PROBE/WINDOW HEAT,the following statements is engine starting,should selectAfter the first
922 Single selection ICE/RAIN system(WHCS)detects the presece of started.PROBE/WINDOW HEAT are started.PROBE/WINDOW HEAT B
correct? engine is started.PROBE/WINDOW HEAT in
ice,the window and probe are warmed up warmed up button must in "ON" postion
"ON" postion

Fixed in the position where it was before

923 Single selection ICE/RAIN Electronic power is lost,engine anti-ice valve: Turn on when the engine stops Turn on when the engine runs Turn off when the engine runs B
electronic power was lost

Use the engine anti-ice button

924 Single selection ICE/RAIN When ELEC EMER CONFIG,wing anti-ice valve of A320NEO: Continue to work as normal Stay in the current position Automatically open to ensure anti-ice A

N2 increase ,N1limit decrease No change in engine pressure ratio or

925 Single selection ICE/RAIN When the engine ani-ice valve opens: The N2 drops in the associated engine N2 increase,N1 limit increase B
automatically N2

When PROBE/WINDOW HEAT button is in AUTO position , On the ground is not heating,but it is The engine was heating at a high Artificial selecton of high Low heat after engine starting,normal
926 Single selection ICE/RAIN D
when the probes heating start: heating automatically when lift off temperature after starting temperature ,with low heating heating after lift off

When is the rain repellent liquid probibited ?When is a rain

927 Single selection ICE/RAIN Inhibited when dual engine shut down Speed below 80kt on the ground Flight level is above FL150 Flight level is above FL250 A
repellent liquid inhibited?

第 116 页,共 271 页

When the REFILL float is in view the
928 Single selection ICE/RAIN The condition is not to replace the rain repellent bottle? When the needle is in the yellow sector After every flight B

929 Single selection ICE/RAIN Rain repellent bottle locates on: Rear of cockpit co-pilot left side Avionics compartment Rear of cockpit captain left side Under the observer seat C

When confirming that the fuselage has

When does FCOM recommend using wing anti-ice?Please select
930 Single selection ICE/RAIN frozen(visual icing indicator,wiper showing When use ENG ANTI-ICE Under icing condition SAT below 0° with visible vapor A
the best option below
signs of icing)

When electronic power is lost or a leak When using anti-ice,cross bleed air When the APU bleed is switched on,it shuts
931 Single selection ICE/RAIN When will wing anti-ice shut off valve close? Engine failure B
is detected valve failure off automatically

When on the ground,if the wing anti-ice button is

932 Single selection ICE/RAIN 20 30 40 50 B
connected,()secs test procedure can be started

Aircraft use()of anti-icing for each window,and defog for Electric heating and Hot air(bleed
933 Single selection ICE/RAIN Electric heating Hot air(bleed air)heating Hot air comes from air conditioning A
the side window of the cockpit。 air)heating

three outboard leading-edge slats of each

934 Single selection ICE/RAIN The following are examples of hot air anti-icing Cockpit windshield Waste water discharge line Static ports A

When powered only by the battery,does the wing anti-ice Not available on the ground,available Available on the ground ,not available in
935 Single selection ICE/RAIN Does Doesn't B
work? in the air the air

第 117 页,共 271 页

936 Single selection ICE/RAIN When the wing anti-ice valve is opened during the transition Overhead pannel light is not displayed Overhead pannel “FAULT”on Overhead pannel “ON”on Overhead pannel “OFF”white light on B

For an A320 aircraft engine,for a costant N1 value,does the

937 Single selection ICE/RAIN No affect Affect / / B
position of the engine's anti-ice valve affect the N2 value

When choosing to turn on the engine anti-ice,ENG1(2) button White "ON" light is on,amber "FAULT" The N1 limit on the engine is Yellow ENG A.ICE MEMO appears onE/WD
938 Single selection ICE/RAIN The idel rotate speed is reduced B
is ON,the following is true: light is instantaneous bright decreased indicates engine anti-ice valve are open

It will increase when icing conditions are

Does use engine anti-ice on the ground could increase the NEO could increase,CEO could not
939 Single selection ICE/RAIN No increase Increase detected , otherwise there will be no B
ground idel power N1? increase

When flying under icy ground conditions, when should I turn

940 Single selection ICE/RAIN After landing After shut down engines Before shut down engines After establishing the final visual C
off the engine anti-ice?

When flying under icy ground conditions, when should I turn on

941 Single selection ICE/RAIN Before line up Before start engines After start engines Before start engines C
the engine anti-ice?

If the main and backup channels of the pack controller all fail,
942 Single selection ICE/RAIN the outlet air temperature of the pack is adjusted by the anti- 18℃(64°F) 10℃(50°F) 15℃(59°F) 16℃(61°F) C
icing valve to:

Ground, when AC power is

943 Single selection ICE/RAIN When does windshield heating start to work automatically ? At least one engine is running Ground, when the battery is turned on When engine masters are "ON" A

第 118 页,共 271 页

When the engine is not working on the ground, can the rain The button can only work normally If there is rain on the windshield at this
944 Single selection ICE/RAIN Can Can not B
repellent button be used normally? when the engine is working time, it can be used normally

When the button switch is in the ON

945 Single selection ICE/RAIN When does the wing anti-icing button ON light come on? When the anti-icing valve is open When the failure light goes out C

946 Single selection ICE/RAIN Who provides the anti-icing of the nacelle? Low pressure compressor bleed air High pressure compressor bleed air Electric heating anti-icing B

When the bleed air pressure is low, the engine anti-icing valve is
947 Single selection ICE/RAIN Correct wrong A

Wing anti-icing control valve opens when

948 Single selection ICE/RAIN The blue wing anti-icing ON (ON) light is on to indicate Wing anti-icing control valve closed Low pressure detected A
air is supplied

WING ANTI.ICE switch is in the open

949 Single selection ICE/RAIN A green WING A.ICE message appears on ECAM to indicate The wing anti-icing switch is off (OFF) Low pressure detected C

When the "ON" position of the wing anti-icing switch is

950 Single selection ICE/RAIN selected, the system fails and the valve is not opened . At this Continuous warning tone Wing anti-icing fault light is on The main warning light is on Monophonic D
time, the audio warning will be:

Which computer provides automatic adjustment of cockpit side

951 Single selection ICE/RAIN FAC windshield heating computer(WHC) FMGC B
windows defogging and overheat protection and instructions ?

第 119 页,共 271 页

What effect will ice, snow and frost have on the pollution of the Reduced lift; shifted lift center; reduced stall
952 Single selection ICE/RAIN Increased stall angle of attack Reduced drag no effect A
wings? angle of attack

When an airplane is contaminated by ice, snow or frost,

953 Single selection ICE/RAIN Correct Wrong A
aerodynamics will be affected.

The exterior of the aircraft must be inspected before takeoff to

954 Single selection ICE/RAIN confirm that the aircraft is not contaminated by ice, snow, or Correct Wrong A

The effect of wing icing on flight quality is not only the lift, but
955 Single selection ICE/RAIN Correct Wrong A
also the drag.

Aircraft lift decreases ; stall speed

Aircraft lift decreases ; lift center
Stall speed increases; lift center increases ; stall angle of attack
956 Single selection ICE/RAIN What effect will the wing be contaminated ? displacement ; stall angle of attack C
displacement ; airplane speed decreases decreases ; drag increases; lift center
decreases ;

In order to make the deicing fluid reach a lower freezing point

957 Single selection ICE/RAIN and have good fluidity, how much water is generally added for 0.5 0.55 0.6 A

Who decides whether to implement de-icing/anti-icing

958 Single selection ICE/RAIN Captain Ground maintenance staff Dispatcher ATC A
procedures in the end:

Generate the image displayed on the

959 Single selection IND/RCD What are the basic functions of DMC? Generate audible warning Amber warning is generated Generate red warning C
display device

第 120 页,共 271 页

When the system is working normally, the correct description of DMC1 provides data for PFD2, ND1, DMC1 provides data for ND1 and
960 Single selection IND/RCD DMC1 provides data for PFD1 and PFD2 DMC1 provides data for PFD1, ND1, ECAM D
DMC is electronic warning display (E/WD) ND2

When the system is working normally, the correct description of DMC2 provides data for PFD2, ND2,
961 Single selection IND/RCD DMC2 provides data for PFD1 and PFD2 DMC2 provides data for PFD2, ND2 DMC2 provides data for PFD2, ND2, ECAM C
DMC is electronic warning display (E/WD)

Generate the image displayed on the

962 Single selection IND/RCD What are the basic functions of SDAC? Generate audible warning Amber warning is generated Get the data and generate the signal D
display device

Generate alarm messages, memo messages,

Provides landing distance and landing Obtained directly from flight sensors or
963 Single selection IND/RCD Which of the following is not a basic function of FWC? sound alarms, and synthesized voice Provide RA calls and Minimum calls D
speed increment systems to produce an amber alert

Red and amber lights under E/W One main warning light and one main
964 Single selection IND/RCD Where is the visual warning information provided by FWC? Information on PFD One ECAM message B
(engine/warning display) warning light under each pilot’s visor

What device on the plane gets directly from the flight sensor or System Data analyze Collector
965 Single selection IND/RCD Flight warning computer(FWC) Display management computer(DMC) DU A
system and generates a red warning: (SDAC)

Can I hear the voice message from FWC when the speaker is The captain'side can do it, but the
966 Single selection IND/RCD able unable Some types can, some cannot A
turned off? copilot'side can’t.

The amber warning information is generated by the data

967 Single selection IND/RCD obtained by the FWC (Flight Warning Computer ) from which FWC DMC SDAC DU C
device on the aircraft?

第 121 页,共 271 页

Does the information received by all sensors need to be Errors, data from navigation and automatic
Correct , it can only be displayed after SDAC Correct, SDAC also collects red warning Error, all data can be transmitted to
968 Single selection IND/RCD processed by SDAC (System Data Analyze Collector ) before flight sensors are directly transmitted to D
processing messages for FWC DMC without SDAC processing
being transmitted to DMC? DMC without processing

When DMC1 fails, how will DMC3 take over the function of Manually select the conversion knob or
969 Single selection IND/RCD Automatic Manually select the conversion knob Unable to take over C
DMC1 automatic

When DMC1 fails, "CAPT 3" has been selected on the

970 Single selection IND/RCD DMC2 DMC3 Different types, choose different DMC Any DMC can drive A
conversion panel. Who will drive ECAM?

If the ND fails, can the ND image be transferred to the ECAM? If Yes, manually switch to ECAM
971 Single selection IND/RCD Yes, automatic Yes, manual or automatic Neither automatic nor manual conversion D
so, how? through the switch knob

972 Single selection IND/RCD If EWD fails, how will EWD image be transferred to SD Automatic Manual or automatic Manual Neither automatic nor manual conversion A

973 Single selection IND/RCD If SD fails, how will SD images be transferred to EWD Automatic Manual or automatic Manual Neither automatic nor manual conversion C

Switch to PFD through the switch knob Switch to ND through the switch
974 Single selection IND/RCD How to display EWD if both upper and lower ECAM are faulty Unable to display Long press the system key C
on the switch panel knob on the switch panel

Switch E/WD to ND through the switch

Switch to PFD through the switch knob Switch to ND through the switch
975 Single selection IND/RCD How to display SD if both upper and lower ECAM are faulty Unable to display knob on the switch panel, then press and D
on the switch panel knob on the switch panel to display
hold the relevant system buttons

第 122 页,共 271 页

Switch to ND through the switch
Switch to PFD through the switch knob Switch to PFD through the switch knob on
If the SD page at the lower part of ECAM fails, how to display knob on the switch panel, or long
976 Single selection IND/RCD Unable to display on the switch panel, or switch to ND the switch panel, or long press the system C
each system page press the system key to display on
through the switch knob key to display on the EWD

Switch to PFD through the switch knob

Long press the system key to display Switch to ND through the switch knob on
If the EWD on the upper part of ECAM fails, how to display the on the switch panel, or switch to ND
977 Single selection IND/RCD Unable to display on SD, or switch to ND through the the switch panel, or switch to PFD through C
system pages? through the switch knob on the switch
switch knob on the switch panel the switch knob on the switch panel

Regarding the several computers and equipment recorded in

the instruction , when the crew sees multiple system pages and
978 Single selection IND/RCD DU malfunction DMC malfunction SDAC malfunction FWC malfunction C
sees an amber cross display, it means that part of the system
data cannot be displayed , which means

If the heading values do not agree for at least 5 degrees, both

979 Single selection IND/RCD PFDs and nd display the "check HDG" message . But in what way ARC ROSE NAV PLAN ROSE ILS C
can the information not be displayed?

What is the level of fault mode classification that does not

980 Single selection IND/RCD Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 D
belong to ECAM?

According to the classification of ECAM failure mode, which

981 Single selection IND/RCD level of failure causes system loss of redundancy or degraded Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 A

982 Single selection IND/RCD The priority principle of ECAM fault mode classification is level3>level2>level1 level1>level2>level3 no priority principle priority principle depend on the situation A

983 Single selection IND/RCD Which is not an ECAM failure type independent failure multi-failure primary failure secondery failure B

第 123 页,共 271 页

Landing capacity degraded or one of
984 Single selection IND/RCD When will you hear three clicks A/P OFF stall ALT WARNING C
the mode change

985 Single selection IND/RCD When will "restart" synthetic speech disappear ? Touch down spoiler out All thrust lever idle or reverse Below 10ft C

flare and landing the pitch over too

986 Single selection IND/RCD What is the meaning of "pitch, pitch" after it is issued remind pilot pull the tick pitch over too much in the air pitch protect be trigger C


987 Single selection IND/RCD The sound of the cavalry bugle marks which of the following: A/C configertion over limit A/P OFF CABIN ALT TOO HIGH C

How to eliminate the cavalry charge caused by the Turn off the failure A/P side press master warining button or take over
988 Single selection IND/RCD turn on A/P1 OR A/P2 press reset on RMP D
disconnection of autopilot caused by malfunction loudspeaker button

On the ground, when the two engines are shut down, which
989 Single selection IND/RCD engine page wheel page ELEC page AIR CON page B
system page is usually displayed on ECAM SD?

Guide CREW handle the title of the suit of the information for special CREW need caution but not harry to take
990 Single selection IND/RCD The meaning of blue in the color code used for ECAM display is: Going to do the action or limition B
procedure and explaintion equipment or situation action or configeration

The meaning of amber in the color code used for ECAM display Guide CREW handle the title of the suit of the information for special CREW need caution but not harry to take
991 Single selection IND/RCD Going to do the action or limition D
is: procedure and explaintion equipment or situation action or configeration

第 124 页,共 271 页

The meaning of magenta in the color code used for ECAM Guide CREW handle the title of the suit of the information for special CREW need caution but not harry to take
992 Single selection IND/RCD Going to do the action or limition C
display is: procedure and explaintion equipment or situation action or configeration

The meaning of white in the color code used for ECAM display Guide CREW handle the title of the suit of the information for special CREW need caution but not harry to take
993 Single selection IND/RCD Going to do the action or limition A
is: procedure and explaintion equipment or situation action or configeration

Which display is added to the EWD of Neo aircraft compared

994 Single selection IND/RCD engine parameter FOB flap configeration BLEED configration D
with CEO aircraft?

If there is too much ECAM information and there is not enough

space for display in the lower part of E / WD, a green arrow will
995 Single selection IND/RCD appear at the bottom of the display, pointing downward, press CLR button press CLR button 3S press RCL button press RCL button 3s A
indicating that the information has overflowed the screen
range. How to display the remaining information ?

Which of the following data is not displayed on the SD cruise

996 Single selection IND/RCD oil presure VIB OF ENGINE cabin ALT cokpit TEM A

The alert information cancelled by the emer cancel button in

997 Single selection IND/RCD amber white green bule B
the status page is displayed in () color

The last two digits of GW in the permanent data at the bottom loadsheet data is deffrent with MCDU
998 Single selection IND/RCD GW locked and no change GW accuracy degraded remind pilot L/D wight over limtion C
of SD page are crossed to indicate calcultae

When a consultation message appears and the parameter offset

999 Single selection IND/RCD SYS page will not show selg SYS page button will light ADV shows on EWD SYS page will show self A
exceeds its normal range, the following statement is incorrect

第 125 页,共 271 页

How to restore an alert that was cancelled by the emer canc
1000 Single selection IND/RCD press RCL button 3s press the EMER CANC press CLR button press ALL button A
button on the ECAM control panel?

all the efficient caution information which all the efficient caution information
IF no be restrained caoution E/W will function will be normal until next flight
1001 Single selection IND/RCD Press the RCL button for more than 3 seconds be restrained by press CLR will be showed which be restrained by press EMER D
shows“NORMAL ”3s phase
on ECAM canc will be showed on ECAM

When there is only one ECAM display working , how to display release and press again the STS button with
1002 Single selection IND/RCD press CLR button press RCL button it will be swithed after the fix time A
the next status page if there is another page in the status page? in 2s

it will remind the CREW the be repressed

If there is a system warning message, which is not the failure still on should cancle the caution
1003 Single selection IND/RCD turn off MASTER WARNINGS light 。not effect ECAM informaitn show waring come out again when activate APP D
phenomenon when pressing emer canc? waring

The emer cancel button on the ECAM control panel can not be
1004 Single selection IND/RCD any repetiton warnig any false master caution Any ECAM ADV ANY RED MASTER WARNING C
used to suppress?

1005 Single selection IND/RCD If the ECAM control panel fails, which key will not work? EMER CANC BUTTON STS BUTTON RCL BUTTON T.O CONFIG BUTTON D

Which of the following conditions can stop the fault sound Pilot press MASTER WARNING BUTTON MASTER WARNING OR CAUTION IS
1006 Single selection IND/RCD PRESS ECAM CLR BUTTON turn off the both loudspeaker B
warning? when over speed OVER

When is the white sidestick command indication on the PFD

1007 Single selection IND/RCD after one engine start on GND after BOTH engine start on GND during flight control check when aircraft has AC A
displayed ?

第 126 页,共 271 页

In which of the following degrees does the roll scale have no
1008 Single selection IND/RCD 20 30 40 45 C
scale mark?

If the engine fails (or thrust asymmetry) during take-off or go

around, the sideslip indicator changes from yellow to () and
1009 Single selection IND/RCD red yellow blue green C
becomes beta target to compensate for asymmetric thrust to
optimize aircraft performance .

during T/O or G/A if engine failure which one is not conditon

1010 Single selection IND/RCD configeration full any engine N1%>80% 。both engine N1difft over 35% one lever >MCT A
about sideslipe become BULE

During the speed tendency arrow bottom point in the stable

1011 Single selection IND/RCD 5 10 15 20 B
accelaration ,A/C will reach the speed in ( ) second

1012 Single selection IND/RCD which computer calculate the speed tendercy arrow DMC FWC SDAC FAC D

which computer calculate the Vls F S speed by SLAT or FLAP

1013 Single selection IND/RCD DMC FWC SDAC FAC D

1014 Single selection IND/RCD when teh MACH number show MACH >0.5 MACH>0.6 FCU SPEED WINDOW become MACH depend on the A/C ALT A

In the normal law ,which speed does not show on the speed
1015 Single selection IND/RCD VLS VαPROT VαMAX VSW D
scale bottom

第 127 页,共 271 页

1016 Single selection IND/RCD speed scale has a blue circle what is that for V1 VR V2 green dot B

1017 Single selection IND/RCD what is the Vmax instead of VMO or MMO speed VLE VFE the lowest number of A B C D

1018 Single selection IND/RCD when the VLS information be repressed Touch and go in 10s spolier out clean coonfigration lost normal law A

when A/C reaching ALT or flight level ,FWC coming out ALT
1019 Single selection IND/RCD slat out and gear down G/S star during APP gear down and locked difft the initial ALT due to turbulance D
warning,which one ALT caution not be repressed

A/C reaching or difft the select ALT OR doesnot follow the limition of the flight
1020 Single selection IND/RCD when the amber ALT window flashing on PFD A/C below MDA A/C BELOW the MSA in the map B
HIGH plan point

pressure altimeter when the number color from GREEN doesnot follow the limition of the any approach,if minimum import to
1021 Single selection IND/RCD A/C BELOW the MSA in the map A/C below MDA D
become to AMBER flight plan point FMGS,A/C below minimum

1022 Single selection IND/RCD when can read the DATA of RA A/C below 2400FT AGL A/C below 2400FT AGL A/C below 2600FT AGL A/C below 2700FT AGL B

1023 Single selection IND/RCD which RA number does not show on the PFD 230 85 45 20 B

第 128 页,共 271 页

1024 Single selection IND/RCD what is the color of landing elevation on PFD Green RED BLUE brownness D

ALT scale right side there is a ( )part means airport elevation

1025 Single selection IND/RCD Green RED BLUE Brownness B
driven by RA at 570ft lower shows on

CREW select the ILS frequency and loc then press the LS button
1026 Single selection IND/RCD ILS IDC code ILS frequency difft scale Distance to RWY calculated by MMR D
which one will not showed on the PFD

1027 Single selection IND/RCD can be read AMBER and RED information on the PFD FMA Can read all colors Amber showed not for Red Red can be read not for Amber Neither one A

1028 Single selection IND/RCD both FD on , if FD1 or FMGC1 failure ,FMA shows? 2FD2 一FD2 1FD2 Nothing A

1029 Single selection IND/RCD BUSS be acatived, what is the ALT QNH ALT RA GPS Alt QFE Alt C

RED circle on the ND and“MAP NOT AVAIL ”,what is going

1030 Single selection IND/RCD MCDU failure FMGC send the wrong position map drift NDfailure B
to happen:

on ROSE NAV mode select VOR1 what is the information for lateral deviation localizer and bearing
1031 Single selection IND/RCD bearing pointer only laterla deviation and localizer only lateral deviation and bearing pointer B
VOE on the ND? pointer

第 129 页,共 271 页

1032 Single selection IND/RCD ND on the ROSE LS which one does not on ND ILS data G/S AND localizer LOC driff and distance of G/S ILS ID CODE AND FREQUENCEY FPA D

1033 Single selection IND/RCD which one is correct about PFD and ND ON PFD1 and ND1show ILS1 ON PFD2 and ND2show ILS1 ON PFD2 and ND1show ILS1 ON PFD2 and ND2show ILS2 D

。IF manage speed and NAV or

means A/C predict approach point(after during selected speed or HDG/TRK 。it will decelationg by self only shows
1034 Single selection IND/RCD which one is wrong about the decelaration dot on ND approach mode shows the carmine B
that going to approach phase) mode whice is BULE carmine color

in HDG/TRK mode FMS in the CRZ DES APP in NAV mode FMS in the CRZ DES APP in HDG/TRK mode FMS in the CRZ in HDG/TRK mode FMS in the CRZ DES APP
1035 Single selection IND/RCD When the ND shows the energy symbol(green arc ) and to destination in the 180 NM it will and to destination in the 180 NM it DES APP and to destination in the and to destination in the 180 NM it will A
show out will show out 250NM it will show out show out

VOR pointer become red and loc

1036 Single selection IND/RCD The VOR reciver failure on ND which one is correct VOR red flag flashing 9s then stable on ND VOR fix and loc disappear VOR red flag flashing 9s then disappear A
pointer disappear

THE TIME will send to CFDIU FDIU

。chrono charged by two power ,one THE chrono middle part shows the hour
1037 Single selection IND/RCD Which one is wrong about CHRONO on the right side of central panel FMGC C
of that connect to AC ESS BUS and minutes by UTC time

1038 Single selection IND/RCD when the bule ON light will off ,flight GND CTL button at ON When aircraft push back after engine start Turn off the loudspeaker The light always on when on the ground B

WHEN the ECAM warning the failure SYS name in the box what
1039 Single selection IND/RCD Primary failure Secondary failure The failure will effect the fly safety The failure will not effect the fly safety A
is that meaning the BOX

第 130 页,共 271 页

when the ECAM warning there is a STAR ahead the failur SYS
1040 Single selection IND/RCD Primary failure Secondary failure The failure will effect the fly safety The failure will not effect the fly safety B
name ,what is the meaning of the STAR

1041 Single selection IND/RCD Which one is right about ECAM MEMO MEMO information in down ECAM C

After G/A,if the aircraft could not climb above 2200 ft ,in the
1042 Single selection IND/RCD 500 600 700 800 D
next approach how many ft RA will showd the LANDING MEMO

1043 Single selection IND/RCD ECAM DU shows 12 SYS page,which one is barring? ENGINE BLEED HYD COMMUNICATION D

after engine start,remove the stick,make pitch or roll over

1044 Single selection IND/RCD how many degree于,fight control instead of wheel page 20s 2 Wheel page 3 Flight control 4 Engine 5 Door B
remove stick over 3 degree which page will show ?

after engine start,pilot using rudder drifft how many degree

1045 Single selection IND/RCD 20 21 22 23 C
fligth control page instead wheel page 20s


1046 Single selection IND/RCD 。After 5s,G LOAD STILL shows,which color G LOAD will be BLUE GREEN 琥AMBER Red C

1047 Single selection IND/RCD CHRONO DATA initialize in how many mins? 1min 2mins 3mins No limit A

第 131 页,共 271 页

1048 Single selection IND/RCD at least how many hours be stored by 5hrs 10hrs 20hrs 25hrs D

1049 Single selection IND/RCD When L/D MEMO IS diappeared After Landing After landing speed at 80kt Aircraft at 50ft RA B

1050 Single selection IND/RCD When T/O MEMO is disappeared after T/O configer test after engine start 10 mins set takeoff power C

ND shows the wind direction an speed by

1051 Single selection IND/RCD direction and virtual directiong are the true north.So how many 1 2 3 4 B
knots wind speed showed later the arrow show on ND

An onward retractable nose landing A backward retractable nose landing

1052 Single selection L/G Landing gear not included: Two inward retracting main landing gear C
gear gear

1053 Single selection L/G Is there any brake pressure when Antiskid work? yes no optional A

At least one ADIRU is available, the At least two ADIRU is available , the At least one ADIRU is available, the
automatic brake button is pressed in, the automatic brake button is pressed in, automatic brake button is pressed in,
1054 Single selection L/G The condition for automatic brake preposition is: green system provides pressure, antiskid the green system provides pressure, the green system is not pressurized, A
power is supplied, and the normal brake antiskid power is supplied, and the antiskid does not work, and the
system does not fail normal brake system does not fail normal brake system does not fail

Landing gear down lock not locked,

When you are approaching , you get the main warning and the Landing gear down lock not locked, flaps Landing gear down lock not locked,
the flaps are in position 3, the radio
1055 Single selection L/G ECAM display: "GEAR NOT DOWN!" (landing gear not down), are fully extended , and both radio flaps in 3 position, radio altimeter C
altimeter is below 750 feet, and both
which following is not the reason altimeters failed below 1000 feet
engines do not have take-off thrust

第 132 页,共 271 页

Which brake mode USES the pressure of the yellow system
1056 Single selection L/G Normal (with antiskid) Alternate(with antiskid) Alternate(without antiskid) C
brake reservoir?

1057 Single selection L/G If the alternate brake works, the automatic brake will be ? Failure Still available, with antiskid Still available, without antiskid A

During take-off, the plane is taxiing on the runway. When the

Automatic alignment
1058 Single selection L/G speed is greater than 130KT, the pedal is used to align the The pedal controls the nose wheel steering The pedal controls the rudder B
plane to the center line, this moment

Compare the speed differences of the four Compare the wheel speed with the Compare left and right gear wheel
1059 Single selection L/G The principle of antiskid is B
wheels aircraft reference speed speeds

Steped on the pedal and continue to

To deflect the rudder when performing a flight control
1060 Single selection L/G Turn the handwheel Stepped on the pedal press the rudder pedal disconnect C
check,we need
button on the handwheel

1061 Single selection L/G which one controls the nose wheel steering BSCU ABCU LGCIU A

Immediately turn the gravity wheel

Immediately turn the handle of the gravity Take out QRH and perform gravity
1062 Single selection L/G When gravity extend wheel is needed, it should handle and dropt the landing gear B
release wheel three times wheel release procedure

When does the red arrow on the landing gear handle panel During landing configuration , the landing Landing gear failed to retract lock after The landing gear is in an abnormal
1063 Single selection L/G A
light up? gear failed to lock down retract position

第 133 页,共 271 页

After landing gear is extended by gravity if green system
1064 Single selection L/G pressure is available, if the landing gear operation restored to Yes No Depending on the speed A
normal or not

When the brake temperature reaches how many degrees? the

1065 Single selection L/G 250℃ 300℃ 290℃ B
"HOT" light on the brake button will light on

The nose wheel steering computer has The nose wheel steering has been
As shown in Figure 32-1 on E/WD, the green "NW STRG DISC" The nose wheel steering system Inconsistency between the two nose wheel
1066 Single selection L/G completed the self-test and the nose wheel disconnected by the ground C
in memory information indicates detected a fault steering handwheels has been detected
steering is available personnel, in the traction position

The nose wheel steering has been

As shown in FIG. 32-1, the "NW STRG DISC" memory The yellow system is pressurized and the
reconnected by the ground
1067 Single selection L/G information can be observed to change to amber color after amber color is a warning not to use the Normal, because an engine is running nose wheel steering disconnect fault B
personnel. The amber color indicates
starting the No. 2 engine during the push out process, because nose wheel steering handwheel
the pin has been pulled out

MED or LOW gear automatic brake is set during the landing A few seconds after the ground spoiler
When the nose landing gear is compressed , When the reverser is unlocked, the When the main wheel is compressed , the
1068 Single selection L/G process, after teaching down, what will trigger the automatic is out, the automatic braking system is B
the automatic brakes begin to work automatic brake starts to work automatic brake begins to work
brake works activated

As shown in FIG. 32-2, the landing gear indicator panel is

1069 Single selection L/G Two LGCIU LGCIU 1 LGCIU 2 B
illuminated by red or green lights as long as () is energized

The alternate braking works when the yellow system has no

1070 Single selection L/G pressure, and the accumulator can provide how many times of 3 times 5 times at least 7 times Up to seven times C
pressure for the full brake

A green DECEL light shows the actual deceleration rate of the

1071 Single selection L/G 75% 80% 90% 100% B
aircraft at the selected deceleration rate

第 134 页,共 271 页

Because once the auto brake is set to the Hydraulic system failure, must be This should not occur, you need to This is normal. The brake pressure indicator
Prepare to taxi, release the parking brake, press the brake pedal,
1072 Single selection L/G MAX bit, the brake indication is not reconnected to parking brake and call determine whether the brake indicates the yellow system pressure D
brake pressure indicator 0, this phenomenon :
displayed maintenance personnel pressure indicator has failed transmitted to the left and right brakes

How many landing gear control interface assemblies control the

1073 Single selection L/G Three Two One B
landing gear retracement and door operation ?

What page of ECAM shows landing gear and landing gear door
1074 Single selection L/G positions , as well as information on antiskid, brake temperature WHEEL GEAR HYD A
and nose wheel steering?

1075 Single selection L/G Which hydraulic system pressurizes the alternate brake Green system Yellow system Blue system B

1076 Single selection L/G Which hydraulic system pressurizes the normal brake Green system Yellow system Blue system A

When the aircraft is on the ground with at least one engine

The position of the tow bar is
running and the antiskid nose wheel steering switch is in the
1077 Single selection L/G The tow bar is in tow position Tow bar is in normal position independent of the hydraulic B
open position, which of the following hydraulic pressure
pressure obtained
description of the nose wheel steering system is correct:

In which case the UNLK (not locked) on the landing gear The landing gear is not locked at the Landing gear gravity extended , doors Landing gear normally extended,
1078 Single selection L/G A
indicator panel displayed selected position not closed doors not closed

The green hydraulic system is used

Green hydraulic system or mechanical Green hydraulic system or yellow for unlocking, the gravity extend and Green hydraulic system or mechanical
1079 Single selection L/G The landing gear can be extended by ? A
gravity extend hydraulic system alternate the green hydraulic system for gravity extend
locking down

第 135 页,共 271 页

1080 Single selection L/G When airborne, the nose wheel will Keep it at an Angle off the ground Automatically returns to neutral Fixed within ±6° B

If the maximum brake is selected: abort takeoff just before V1,

1081 Single selection L/G reverser is worked, and the ground spoiler is not armed, Starting Don't start Automatically turn off the preposition A
automatic braking will

When the automatic brake is in operation , which of the Press the mode button or lose a prebit
1082 Single selection L/G Retract the ground spoiler Use the pedal to brake Use the handwheel D
following can not release the preposition ? condition

Is the ECAM brake heat warning still available after lifting off Usable when the wheel is put down or
1083 Single selection L/G Available only when the wheel is down not available A
the ground? retracted

The landing gear indicator panel receives information from the

1084 Single selection L/G microswitch and the near-earth detector connected to which of LGCIU1 LGCIU2 LGCIU1 and LGCIU2 A
the following:

As shown in Figure 32-3, the landing gear needs to be rotated

1085 Single selection L/G Turn clockwise once Turn clockwise five times Turn clockwise three times C
how many times when the handle is used for gravity extend :

Which hydraulic system pressurizes the landing gear for normal

1086 Single selection L/G The blue system. The green system. The yellow system. B
operation ?

1087 Single selection L/G The normal control sequence of the landing gear is: Any LGCIU in the order. Two LGCIU's at the same time. BSCU A

第 136 页,共 271 页

When push out by the trailer, the maximum deflection Angle of
1088 Single selection L/G ±70° ±75° ±85° ±95° D
the nose wheels is:

Brake pressure and brake reservoir

Brake pressure is displayed only when the
As shown in Figure 32-4, what pressure is indicated by the pressure are displayed only when the
1089 Single selection L/G yellow hydraulic system controls the brake Yellow brake reservoir C
reservoir triple pressure indicator yellow hydraulic system controls the
brake pressure

It depends on the speed of the aircraft, It depends on the speed of the

1090 Single selection L/G The limitation control of rudder pedals for nose wheel steering In all cases it's limited to 6 degrees B
but is limited to 6 degrees aircraft, but is limited to 15 degrees

No related with the wear and tear on the aircraft's carbon

1091 Single selection L/G Number of brake use The brake temperature The brake pressure C

It's down, but I'm not sure it's locked

1092 Single selection L/G As shown in Figure 32-8, is the landing gear down? Not put down Down and locked C

The brakes are driven by two separate systems. Who pressurizes

1093 Single selection L/G Blue and green hydraulic system Yellow and green hydraulic system Blue and yellow hydraulics B

1094 Single selection L/G Alternate braking system not use: Yellow hydraulic system Accumulator bottles Green hydraulic system C

1095 Single selection L/G The available brake pressure of the hydraulic accumulator is: Normal (with antiskid) Alternate (with antiskid) Alternate (without antiskid) C

第 137 页,共 271 页

In the air, if the parking brake is placed ON the "ON" position,
1096 Single selection L/G Green Amber Blue B
the display of the parking brake ON ECAM is as follows:

Some models are available and some

1097 Single selection L/G Is antiskid still available after ADIRS1 and ADIRS3 fail? available not available A
are not

When green hydraulic system is available, If antiskid and nose The brakes are working, nose wheel Brake alternate , nose wheel steering Alternate brake without antiskid, nose
1098 Single selection L/G C
wheel steering switch set OFF position: steering is fault normal wheel steering fault

Yellow hydraulic system and green

1099 Single selection L/G Who provides the power for nose wheel steering? Yellow hydraulic system Blue hydraulic system hydraulic system are provided at the A
same time

When the traction rod is in the traction

position, or when both engines are off, or Single engine off, or ground traction, After gravity extend wheels or aircraft
1100 Single selection L/G When will the nose wheel steering system pressure turns off ? A
when the aircraft speed is greater than or aircraft speed greater than 60KT speed greater than 130KT

If yellow hydraulic system is used for alternate brake, automatic

1101 Single selection L/G Still available, with antiskid fault Still available, without antiskid B

The two LGCIU (landing gear control and interface units) control
1102 Single selection L/G Alternate order At the same time control According to the handle position A
the normal operation of the landing gear in the following order:

1103 Single selection L/G The reference speed of the antiskid system is derived from: ADIRU 2 and 3 ADIRU 1 ADIRU 1 or 2 or3 C

第 138 页,共 271 页

The flight crew USES sufficient force to
1104 Single selection L/G Automatic brake can not be released by who preposition ? press the autobrake button reversers max C
deflect at least one brake pedal

Under normal circumstances , when the aircraft is landing and Automatic brakes may or may not
1105 Single selection L/G Automatic brake must not work Automatic brake must work C
taxiing, the automatic brake DECEL light is not on, which means: work

LOW or MED mode detected the selected LOW or MED mode detects ground LOW or MED mode detects shock
1106 Single selection L/G Who will start the automatic brake when landing? B
reverser spoiler release pillar compression

On the ECAM wheel page, the automatic brake is shown in

1107 Single selection L/G autobrake arm autobrake fault anti skid fault A
green means

The speed reference for automatic The speed reference for automatic
The speed reference for automatic brake
brake deceleration is derived from the brake deceleration is derived from the
deceleration is derived from the horizontal
horizontal acceleration detected by the horizontal acceleration detected by
1108 Single selection L/G The impact of ADIRU failure on automatic braking is acceleration detected by the INERTIAL A
INERTIAL navigation , ADIRU failure the INERTIAL navigation, ADIRU
navigation, ADIRU failure which can only be
which can only be calculated at the failure which can only be calculated at
calculated at the maximum wheel speed
minimum wheel speed the actual wheel speed

ON the apron, while APU is working, parking brake ON the ON

1109 Single selection L/G green no display yellow(accu pressure) A
position. PARK BRK ON ECAM indicates as follows:

Delay takeoff because the

If the plane checks that the wheel temperature is greater than temperature displayed and the actual
No effect, turn off the brake fan and take Take-off normally , but brake fan must
1110 Single selection L/G 150 degrees Celsius before takeoff and it has been confirmed wheel temperature can be up to 150 C
off normally be switched on
that the brake fan has been in use degrees when the brake fan is
switched on

1111 Single selection L/G Only blue hydraulic system left: brake doesn't work full brake pressure 7 times anti skid still work B

第 139 页,共 271 页

Is the nose wheel steering availble after gravity extend landing Available for nose wheel steering on aircraft Not available because the nose landing Not availble, because the antiskid is
1112 Single selection L/G A
gear? supplied by yellow hydraulic system gear door is not closed not available

Which of the following failures will cause the landing gear

1113 Single selection L/G safety valve to be controlled in the closed position,requiring ADR1+2 ADR1+3 ADR2+3 B
gravity extend ?

In the ECAM wheel page display, a green arc appears on the All wheels with temperatures over 100 Wheel with temperature over 100 Wheels with temperatures in excess
1114 Single selection L/G B
wheel indicator, indicating degrees degrees and highest temperature of 300 degrees

What is the wrong description for the automatic conversion of

1115 Single selection L/G After a full gear down and retract cycle One of the LGCIU malfunctions Automatic conversion every hour C
LGCIU1 and 2?

When the antiskid and nose wheel steering control switch is antiskid and nose wheel steering Antiskid provides a fixed deceleration
1116 Single selection L/G Only nose wheel steering disconnect Only antiskid disconnect B
OFF position: disconnect of the aircraft

Whas the maximum speed when we use pedal to control the

1117 Single selection L/G 130kts 80kts 100kts A
nose wheel steering?

The brake pedal must be released to

If it is necessary to turn off the antiskid and nose wheel Press down on the brake pedal to prevent There is no limit. You can step down
1118 Single selection L/G prevent too much brake pressure after B
steering switch due to system failure, before turning off losing the brake on the turn off or release it
the transition

In normal operation , the reference speed against stagnation is

1119 Single selection L/G determined by BSCU based on the horizontal acceleration ADIRU1 and 3 ADIRU1or2or3 ADIRU2 and 3 B

第 140 页,共 271 页

When the aircraft wheel speed is When the aircraft's wheel speed is
When the aircraft's wheel speed is reduced
1120 Single selection L/G when anti skid works: reduced to 0.85 times below the reduced to 0.83 times below the A
to 0.87 times below the reference speed
reference speed reference speed

When the nose gear is in the middle

'After take-off, left main landing gear shock absorber stuck in 'Landing gear not retractable , landing gear The landing gear can be retracted in
1121 Single selection L/G position, the landing gear may be A
compression position: retractable rod locked all circumstances (safely)

Select landing gear retraction, with main wheel braking on______ The brake strap in the landing gear
1122 Single selection L/G Normal braking system automatically Alternate braking system A
when the landing gear door is open. compartment when the door is closed

1123 Single selection L/G The landing gear and doors are: Electric control, hydraulic operation Electric control, mechanical operation Hydraulic control, electric operation A

As shown in Figure 32-2, if LGCIU1 has no power, THE LDG

1124 Single selection L/G no light on normal work display red A
GEAR indicator panel:

Select landing gear retraction. For aircraft with nose gear The brake strap on the landing gear door
1125 Single selection L/G normal brake system automatically altn brake system A
friction strip, nose gear wheels will braking wheels with ______. when the door is closed

When an A320 FAMILY CEO plane lands, four seconds after the
spoiler is extended, increasing brake pressure is applied to the
1126 Single selection L/G MAX mode MED mode LO mode C
brakes. Under what brake mode will the brakes be applied
automatically ?

For an A320 NEO, at what braking mode will the spoiler extend
1127 Single selection L/G for 2 seconds and the incremental brake pressure is sent to the MAX mode MED mode and/or LOW mode LO mode B

第 141 页,共 271 页

When landing, the automatic braking mode that cannot select
1128 Single selection L/G MAX mode MED mode LOmode A
the advance position is:

After triggering the high brake temperature warning, when the

1129 Single selection L/G 295℃ 290℃ 280℃ 285℃ B
temperature drops to ( ), the warning will disappear .

When the emergency electrical configuration is performed due

1130 Single selection L/G to the smoke procedure, what will be resumed after the normal brake Alternate braking wiht antiskid Alternate braking without antiskid A
electrical restoration :

What is the speed at when ECAM BRAKES HOT occurs during

1131 Single selection L/G ≤80KT ≤100KT before V1 It dose not happen A
take-off ?

Take-off is allowed and the landing

When ECAM BRAKES are faulty during take-off and running, the Takeoff had to be interrupted because of Cleared to continue takeoff, landing
1132 Single selection L/G gear is retracted when the brake B
decision making of the crew should be trouble information gear retracted normally.
temperature drops to within the limit.

What is the correct description of maximum reversion when the If necessary, the maximum push back can As long as the brake fails, maximum Cannot maintain maximum push back
1133 Single selection L/G A
brake fails? be maintained until the aircraft stops. push back should be maintained . because it will cause engine damage.

1134 Single selection L/G The following functions that is not part of the BSCU is: The normal brake anti-skid ALTN BRK Monitoring brake temperature C

Press the switch on the turning Press the switch on any turning
Press the switch on any turning handwheel
handwheel on both sides at the same handwheel, take off the rudder pedal
Why do we need to press the PEDALS DISC switch during and detach the rudder foot from the front
1135 Single selection L/G time, remove the rudder foot and push to control the turning of the front A
operation and inspection? How? wheel's turn control until the switch is
on the front wheel turning control until wheel, and release it after a short
released .
the switch is released . press.

第 142 页,共 271 页

Brake failure After turning off A/SKID&N/W STRG, the brake
pressure on the brake pressure indicator shall be monitored . For The BSCU automatically limits the brake ABCU automatically limits brake ABCU automatically limits the brake
1136 Single selection L/G B
aircraft with automatic brake pressure limits, which of the pressure to 1000PSI pressure to 1000PSI pressure to 800PSI
following is correct?

In the brake failure procedure, if there is no brake after turning

1137 Single selection L/G off A/SKID&N/W STRG, the stop brake should be used. At this yellow green accumulator C
time, who provides the brake pressure?

How to use the BRAKES in flight when ECAM faulty is triggered

1138 Single selection L/G normal break accumulator break only no anti-skid ALTN break A

Under normal circumstances , after grounding, there is "spoiler,

The unit feels the deceleration and is The unit must see the automatic brake
1139 Single selection L/G push back green,DECEL " in the standard propaganda of PM. The crew is completely by instinct A
confirmed by the PFD speed trend on DECEL light on
The judgment basis of "DECEL" is as follows:

Regardless of the landing gear

When the landing gear is in position, the
In flight, if two LGCIU faults, what is the wrong description for configuration , the wing's anti-ice This wing anti-ice failure will not
1140 Single selection L/G wing anti-ice electrical door will light up A
the unit to connect the wing anti-ice? electrical door will light up and be generate ECAM/ acoustic warnings
and will be heated for only 30S
heated for only 30S

The WHEEL SD page displays at least

Which of the following options confirms that the landing gear is The WHEEL SD page displays at least one
1141 Single selection L/G two green triangles on each landing Put the gear handle down A
down and locked? green triangle on each landing gear

1142 Single selection L/G What is the maximum wheel speed on the ground? The maximum speed is 195KT indicate speed 195kt The maximum speed is 190KT A

1143 Single selection L/G The maximum speed (VLE) after landing gear is lowered is: 280 kt /M 0.67 250 kt /M 0.60 220 kt /M 0.54 A

第 143 页,共 271 页

The maximum speed (VLO) at which the landing gear can be
1144 Single selection L/G 280 kt /M 0.67 250 kt /M 0.60 220 kt /M 0.54 B
released is:

1145 Single selection L/G Maximum landing gear retractable speed (VLO retractable) is: 280 kt /M 0.67 250 kt /M 0.60 220 kt /M 0.54 C

In the case of a flat tire (undamaged ), disengage from the

1146 Single selection L/G runway or taxi at low speed, the maximum front wheel turning 30 ° 45 ° 60 ° 90 ° A
Angle is:

In case of a tire leak (undamaged) leaving the runway or gliding

1147 Single selection L/G at low speed, the maximum taxiing speed of two tire leaks on 5KT 7KT 3KT C
the same main landing gear (at most one main landing gear) is:

For example, in the case of a tire leak (undamaged) off the

runway or taxi at low speed, a maximum of one tire leak per
1148 Single selection L/G 5KT 7KT 10KT B
landing gear (consider three landing gear), the maximum taxi
speed when turning is considered as:

Provides discontinuous wheel speed

1149 Single selection L/G Which of the following is not a BSCU secondary function: Check brake residual pressure Monitoring brake temperature provide ALTN BRK D
information for other aircraft systems

To start the automatic brake, there must be at least () SEC

1150 Single selection L/G 1 2 3 B

1. Gravity undercarriage and close valve todisconnect the

1151 Single selection L/G Green system hydraulics Electric control Pneumatic control A
undercarriage system.

第 144 页,共 271 页

When the aircraft starts to move, PF gently presses the brake
Check the efficiency of the normal braking Check the efficiency of the ALTN brake Check the efficiency of the
1152 Single selection L/G pedal with his foot to see if the aircraft is slowing down. The A
system system accumlator brake system
purpose of this is:

At speed greater than (), the safety valve automatically cuts off
1153 Single selection L/G 265kt 270kt 260kt C
the hydraulic supply to the landing gear system.

1154 Single selection L/G For the front wheel turn, what are the control methods: Handwheel, pedals pedals,AP Handwheel , pedals,AP C

The brakes are working, the front wheels ALTN BRK WITHOUT ANTI-SKID,NOSE
1155 Single selection L/G Anti - stall and front wheel turn switch set back OFF position ALTN BRK ,NOSE STREEING NORMAL C
have failed to turn STREEING FAIL

As shown in Figure 32-5, what is the brake temperature

1156 Single selection L/G 200℃ 300℃ 250℃ B
limitation that shows amber color.

The front triangle indicates the position of

Each triangle represents a location
In Figure 32-5, on the ECAM WHEEL page, each landing gear the landing gear, and the rear triangle Each triangle represents a wheel on Each triangle represents a brake system
1157 Single selection L/G detected by one of the two computer B
has two triangles displayed that indicate represents the braking status on the the landing gear available on the landing gear
landing gear

On the ECAM wheel page, "AUTO BRK" flashes green for 10

seconds to indicate:

As shown in FIG. 32-6, on the ECAM wheel page, a green arc

1159 Single selection L/G appears above the identification number of a wheel, indicating 120℃ 100℃ 50℃ B
that the brake temperature is higher than that of the brake

第 145 页,共 271 页

1160 Single selection L/G What can a pilot do to reduce brake abrasion? Reduce the use of brakes Reduce braking time Reduce brake pressure A

Ensure that any hydraulic fluid that comes

into contact with the brake assembly in the Ensure that the structures in the wheel
The following statement is true for the maximum braking Make sure the brakes are working
1161 Single selection L/G event of a hydraulic leak does not ignite in hold are not damaged by high A
temperature limit for take-off properly
the wheel hold after the landing gear is temperatures

As shown in Figure 32-7, you set the landing gear handle in the Abnormal . The landing gear is retractable Normally , the landing gear is not
Abnormal , computer display landing Abnormal , system indication landing gear
1162 Single selection L/G down position and get the instructions as shown. The following and locked. The landing gear doors are locked in the selected position and is C
gear position failure down failure, must gravity release wheels
description is correct open still being released

As shown in Figure 32-8, it can be determined that the

1163 Single selection L/G LGCIU1 LGCIU2 LGCIU1和LGCIU2 B
following is working normally

After the landing gear handle is retracted,

Set the landing gear handle after
wait for the landing gear to be retracted
As shown in Figure 32-9, ECAM action requires cyclic landing Set the landing gear handle directly on the Set landing gear handle to be lowered retracting on top, wait until the gear
1164 Single selection L/G and locked, and do not consider the C
gear handles. Note that retractable upper immediately after retracting retracting is locked and the door is
landing gear door, then lower the landing
closed, then lower the gear handle
gear handle

1165 Single selection L/G How long can the ACCUMULATOR hold the brake pressure for 8HOURS 10H 12H 15H C

On the ground, when the deflection of the current wheel

turning is greater than __ and the required rudder balance input
1166 Single selection L/G 1.5°;3° 3°;8.5° 1.5°;8.8° 3°;8.8° C
is greater than __, takeoff cannot be carried out. Ground
maintenance shall be required and troubleshooting requested

Regarding the colour and position of aircraft lights, the The left side is red, the right side is green Green on the left, red on the right, The left and right sides are white, and
1167 Single selection LIGHTS A
following statement is correct: and the tail is white white on the tail the tail is red

第 146 页,共 271 页

All emergency lights except cockpit lights Only the escape slide and the upper
1168 Single selection LIGHTS Which lights are powered by the emergency supply unit? Only the floor is close to the light A
and bathroom auxiliary lights wing exit lights

When the emergency exit light is selected in advance, when will Failure of AC busbar 1 and DC discharge
1169 Single selection LIGHTS Failure of DC busbar Ac busbar 2 failed Ac main busbar failed D
the roof emergency light and exit light automatically light up? main busbar

The SOP in FCOM stipulates that the () lights should be turned

1170 Single selection LIGHTS Landing light, take-off light LANDING LINGHT The strongpoint A
on upon clearance to take off.

Are the take-off and turn lights always on when the gear is The take-off light is always on and the The take-off light is off automatically Take-off lights and turn lights go off
1171 Single selection LIGHTS Take-off and turn lights are always on D
retracted ? turning light is automatically off and the turning light is always on automatically

The current landing gear light switch in the TO (take off) Taxi lights turn on and convert to
1172 Single selection LIGHTS Take-off lights and taxi lights are on Take - off light on, taxi light off A
position on the ground will cause: take-off lights

Which of the following does not belong to the cabin sign light

Wing light switches control the switching on and off of a single

The leading edge of the wings, all the
1174 Single selection LIGHTS light beam on each side of the fuselage, which is used to Engine hanger, engine intake Wing leading edge, engine intake B
illuminate () and () to see if there is ice:

When the () selector switch is ON, the NO SMOKING and EXIT

signs light up in the cabin with a low harmonic sound:

第 147 页,共 271 页

STROBE switches on automatically when STROBE is in the AUTO
1176 Single selection LIGHTS uncompressed COMPRESSED HALF-COMPRESSED A
position and main landing gear shock absorber strut.

Which of the following cannot be switched on the overhead EMER button on the purser panel is EMER EXIT LT switch is at the ARM bit EMER EXIT LT switch at ARM bit and AC
1177 Single selection LIGHTS Emergency exit light selector in ON position D
emergency lights and the EXIT sign lights? pressed and DC SHED ESS BUS fails BUS 1 fails

When the cockpit height is larger than 11300 feet ± () feet, the
1178 Single selection LIGHTS cabin light will light up regardless of the location of the switch 1000ft 350ft 500ft 800ft B
selected by SEAT BELTS and NO SMOKING BELTS and EXIT signs

SEAT & NO SMOKING lights will be automatically lit when the

1179 Single selection LIGHTS 10000 11300 11800 B
cabin height is higher than () ft or so.

The adjacent floor emergency exit access signage system will be

1180 Single selection LIGHTS 10mins 12mins 15mins B
powered by internal batteries, which will last at least minutes.

During the preparation of the cockpit, the overhead light A rotating OVHD INTEG LT with two
A rotary FLOOD LT switch is on the central Two ceiling selector switches, one for A three - position control switch can adjust
1181 Single selection LIGHTS should be turned on. It is the only light source powered by the top lamp selector switches, one for D
console each ceiling the brightness of the light
battery. What controls the overhead light each top lamp, to adjust the brightness

Which part of the floodlight brightness should be adjusted with Side control console and floor around pilot
1182 Single selection LIGHTS Dome light Central control console Central panel D
the FLOOD LT MAIN PNL knob: seat

If the STROBE is OFF while flying, display the green "STROBE LT

1183 Single selection LIGHTS ECAM memo PFD MCDU scratch A
OFF" message on.

第 148 页,共 271 页

When the normal aircraft power fails,
the adjacent floor emergency exit
Escape route lights on the wings,
When EMER EXIT LT selector switch is placed in the ARM If normal electrical systems fail, only EXIT passageway identification system Escape route lights on the floor, EXIT
1184 Single selection LIGHTS escape slide lights, EXIT signals and C
position:. signals and floor escape route lights are lit lights up, the cabin roof emergency signals and roof emergency lights are on
roof emergency lights are on
light lights up, and the exit sign light
automatically lights up

What happens when the pilot puts the ANN LT switch on the All lights are on and all FCU's LCD All cockpit lights are lit except for six
1185 Single selection LIGHTS Only six screens light up All cockpit lights are lit and dimmed C
TEST bit? displays the number 8 screens

Which lights go off automatically when the landing gear is nav logo light、turn light ,landing
1186 Single selection LIGHTS Taxi light, turn light, beacon taxi、strobe、landing light taxi、takeoff、turn light D
retracted ? light

Re-configurational DU or DMC is prohibited when ANN LT

1187 Single selection LIGHTS DIM BRT TEST C
switch is in the () bit

1188 Single selection LIGHTS BECON switch control () light flashing red light on and off? 1 2 3 4 B

If the landing light of the crew is not

During flight, if a green "LDG LT" message is found, it
1189 Single selection LIGHTS The landing light sticks out and works At least one landing light sticking out extended , manually place the switch B
in the extended position

What lights are available in the cockpit during emergency

1190 Single selection LIGHTS right roof light Left roof light Left and right roof lights Reading lamp A
evacuation ?

When the cockpit is ready to TEST the oxygen mask, the oxygen Prevent oxygen from entering the Control the flow of oxygen into the
1191 Single selection OXY Check mask oxygen supply operation . A
selection switch in the "TEST/RESET" control is used for: mask mask

第 149 页,共 271 页

Yes, by releasing the oxygen system
1192 Single selection OXY Can passenger oxygen stop once started? no Yes, by reloading the unplug pin in the cockpit and turning on the A

Each generator of the cabin oxygen system supplies oxygen in a

1193 Single selection OXY Unit portable oxygen cylinder Chemical oxygen generator High pressure oxygen cylinder B
group of 2, 3 or 4 masks, and its oxygen source is from

Automatically press cabin pressure to

Oxygen masks supply pure oxygen as needed. If the cabin is Only by starting the switch on the captain's Automatically press cabin pressure to
1194 Single selection OXY drop out and/or pass through the C
higher than 14,000 feet, how do oxygen masks fall out? panel drop out and/or pass the cabin crew

What kind of oxygen does the oxygen system provide (non- Cockpit and crew compression oxygen, Passenger compressed oxygen, unit Cockpit compressed oxygen, crew
1195 Single selection OXY C
plateau)? passenger chemical oxygen. chemical oxygen and passenger chemical oxygen.

As soon as the smoke shield is removed

The short rope protecting the Put on a mask and supply oxygen
1196 Single selection OXY How do you get oxygen out of a smoke mask? from the bag, oxygen is supplied B
breathing air bag must be pulled. directly
automatically .

The MASKMANON button on the roof will hold the button in

the () position. When the cabin height exceeds () ft, the
1197 Single selection OXY auto,10000 auto;14000 manual;10000 manual,14000 B
passenger oxygen mask will drop.
(For non-plateau configurations )

If the unit oxygen button is turned off, the ECAM hatch/oxygen

1198 Single selection OXY amber green blue white A
page will display () color OXY

Power off the oxygen mask microphone

1199 Single selection OXY Press the RESET (RESET) slide after using the oxygen mask to: Retract the oxygen mask Test oxygen mask A
and cut off the oxygen mask

第 150 页,共 271 页

The oxygen that is normally absorbed is a mixture of pure
1200 Single selection OXY cabin air Oxygen systems store air Air from the engine inlet A
oxygen and what gases.

As soon as the folding door opens, the

When did the OXY ON flag appear in the oxygen mask storage mask begins to supply oxygen. When pressing the emergency oxygen When the left oxygen supply valve is
1201 Single selection OXY 34 feet below landing or takeoff A
tank? Once the fold is closed, the OXY ON flag selector open for oxygen supply

Oxygen is supplied during cabin pressure Oxygen is supplied during pressure 'Oxygen is supplied when pressure is
1202 Single selection OXY The cabin oxygen system is used A
release release in the cockpit released from the cockpit and cabin

1203 Single selection OXY The unit portable oxygen system can be used approximately : Less than 15 minutes At least 15 minutes 10 minutes' B

It decreases as the base temperature

1204 Single selection OXY Minimum crew oxygen pressure of unit Increases with the reference temperature The same A

In case of smoke, how long does the minimum oxygen pressure

1205 Single selection OXY 15mins 10mins 5mins 7mins A
ensure 100% oxygen for all units at 8000 feet cabin height?

he higher the cabin height, the more The higher the cabin height, the more The amount of oxygen provided by
Oxygen mask supply oxygen in normal position, mask supply
1206 Single selection OXY oxygen the mask provides , until 100% pure oxygen the mask provides , but not the mask does not vary with the A
oxygen and air mix gas, mixture ratio depends on cabin height
oxygen is provided. 100% pure oxygen. height of the cabin.

During the oxygen mask test, press the emergency pressure

Make sure the oxygen mask is no longer
1207 Single selection OXY switch again and check the indicator no longer shows yellow, Test the oxygen mask again Discinnect the interphone system A
the purpose is ?

第 151 页,共 271 页

For the A320 NEO family, the cockpit oxygen system is divided A subsystem provides oxygen to the A subsystem provides oxygen to the A subsystem provides oxygen to the
1208 Single selection OXY C
into two subsystems , which is incorrectly described? captain and the third crew first officer and the fourth crew captain and the first officer

Three(or four) quick access storage A pressure regulator directly connected to

The A320 CEO family, for the cockpit fixed oxygen system, One hign-pressure cylinder on the lower
1209 Single selection OXY Two high-pressure oxygen cylinders boxs stored next to the crew seat in the cylinder can deliver oxygen at B
which description is incorrect? left side of the fuselage
the overrall,quick wear mask appropriate pressure to the uesr

Two electromagnetic oxygen valves Three(or four) quick access storage A pressure regulator directly connected to
The A320 NEO family, for the cockpit fixed oxygen
1210 Single selection OXY Two high pressure oxygen cylinders. can be operated by the crew to shut boxs stored next to the crew seat in the cylinder can deliver oxygen at D
system,which description is incorrect?
off the distribution system. the overrall,quick wear mask appropriate pressure to the uesr

After open the oxygen mask storage

1211 Single selection OXY How to make the mask began inflating pneumatic sleeve? Hold the red clasp on the oxygen mask Press the RESET/TEST slider A

When the cabin height exceeds () feet, the overpressure oxygen

1212 Single selection OXY 14000 25000 30000 C
supply automatically begins.

If the flight crew needs to check the minimum standard of

1213 Single selection OXY FCOM QRH FCTM Operations manual A
oxygen required for the flight of this type, they should check () :

1214 Single selection OXY PBE located in () Behind the driver's seat Under observer seat Right rear of the cockpit Left rear of the cockpit C

On the ground, for the minimum oxygen pressure check of the

1215 Single selection OXY (OAT+Cockpit temperature )/2 (OAT+Cabin temperature )/2 Cabin temperature -10(C) Cabin temperature -18(F) A
crew, the reference temperature is:

第 152 页,共 271 页

For example, in the air, if the oxygen mask is used by the crew,
and close the oxygen mask storage compartment (flap door), Oxygen is still supplied as long as there is Reset RESET/TEST button will still have No oxygen supply as long as there is
1216 Single selection OXY A
will the oxygen mask still be supplied no RESET/TEST button oxygen supply no reset RESET/TEST button

For the A320 NEO family, the OXY pressure indicator is shown in
1217 Single selection OXY 200 300 400 500 D
green when it is greater than or equal to ().

As shown in Figure 35-1, the NORMAL /100% selector on the A mixture of gases supplying air and Pure oxygen is also supplied at low
1218 Single selection OXY Pure oxygen supply B
oxygen mask is in the NORMAL position: oxygen altitudes

As shown in Figure 35-1, what happens when oxygen masks are Only diluted oxygen was provided to the Pure oxygen is supplied to the mask as The mask is continuously supplied
1219 Single selection OXY B
used? mask needed with positive pressure pure oxygen

As shown in Figure 35-1, what does not belong to the role of Unlock the double folding door of the
1220 Single selection OXY Inflate the hose Open interphone C
the red clip? oxygen mask storage box

Check that the amount of oxygen left

As shown in Figure 35-2, position 1 shows the oxygen pressure
1221 Single selection OXY No action is not lower than the minimum Reset the oxygen supply switch B
indicator. When the amber half frame appears, the crew should

As shown in figure 35-2, REGUL LO PR appears on the ECAM

1222 Single selection OXY oxygen page when the pressure of the low-pressure oxygen Less than 50PSI Less than10PSI Less than100PSI A
loop is less than how much.

As shown in Figure 35-3, when the oxygen mask is used, Press position 2 to cut off the oxygen Confirm that position 3 flag is still in
1223 Single selection OXY Make sure location 1 still has airflow display B
required mask's microphone and oxygen supply place

第 153 页,共 271 页

During the cabin pressure release, if the passenger in the
second row pulls down the oxygen mask hard after the
Yes, because once the chemical oxygen
passenger in the 22nd row drops the oxygen mask, but the Yes, because as soon as the mask
1224 Single selection OXY generator is activated , all the seats will be no oxygen B
passenger in the 22nd row does not pull down the oxygen drops, it starts supplying oxygen
supplied with oxygen
mask, does the passenger in the 22nd row have the oxygen

If the oxygen concentration option Oxygen concentration selection must

To save oxygen, put the oxygen
Regarding the use of oxygen during emergency descent, which remains at the 100% level, the oxygen be at the 100% position because the
1225 Single selection OXY concentration selection button in the C
of the following description is incorrect: volume may not be sufficient for the emergency descent profile can meet
normal position
entire emergency descent profile the 100% position oxygen use

Each BMC receives information independent of which of the

1226 Single selection PNEUMATIC Bleed temperature Bleed pressure Valve position Bleed air flow D

When one BMC fails, what function does another BMC take
1227 Single selection PNEUMATIC control monitor Display warning B

If the upstream bleed air pressure of the engine is low, the

1228 Single selection PNEUMATIC Pneumatic closed Pneumatic open Electric closed Electric open A
high-pressure valve will:

Which of the following does the air source system not provide
1229 Single selection PNEUMATIC Engine starting Water tank pressurization The wing anti-ice The flush toilet D
high pressure air?

Under normal conditions, the hydraulic tank is mainly

1230 Single selection PNEUMATIC High pressure bleed from engine 1 High pressure bleed from engine 2 Low pressure bleed from engine 2 APU bleed A
pressurized by ()?

1231 Single selection PNEUMATIC APU bleed is not available for ()? Engine starting The wing anti-ice air conditioner Water tank pressurization B

第 154 页,共 271 页

What is the leak detection system used to detect around hot air
1232 Single selection PNEUMATIC The low pressure The overpressure overheating Too cold C
ducts in the fuselage, hanger, and wings?

For NEO aircraft, if the BMC1 (bleed air monitoring computer)

fails, the BMC2 will replace its control and monitoring functions
and issue ECAM warnings when needed. But what warnings will
be lost?

1234 Single selection PNEUMATIC How many loops is the leak detection of APU bleed air? One single loop Two single loop Three single loop Four single loop A

The engine bleed valve is closed, the Engine bleed valve open, crossover The engine bleed valve is closed, the The engine bleed valve is open, the
When the engine and APU are working and the APU bleed valve
1235 Single selection PNEUMATIC crossflow bleed valve is closed, the APU bleed valve open, APU bleed valve crossover bleed valve is open, and the crossflow bleed valve is closed, and the C
is selected in the ON position, the correct statement is:
bleed valve is open closed APU bleed valve is open APU bleed valve is open

A precooler located downstream of the entrainment valve

regulates the entrainment temperature . The precooler is an air-
1236 Single selection PNEUMATIC Engine high pressure compressor Engine low pressure compressor Engine fan Air conditioning produces cold air C
air heat exchanger . Where does the precooler use the cool air
for cooling?

What will not occur when an APU leak is detected, except The APU bleed switch failure light on The cross bleed valve closes
1237 Single selection PNEUMATIC The APU bleed valve closes automatically The APU shuts down automatically D
during engine start? the air conditioning panel automatically

If the APU bleed valve is closed or the wing, hanger or APU

1238 Single selection PNEUMATIC leaks (except during engine start), which valve will automatically flow control valve Crossflow bleed valve The overpressure valve Fan flow valve B

Normally , in an engine bleed air system, the air is usually drawn

1239 Single selection PNEUMATIC Low pressure high pressure High pressure the middle Low pressure the middle High pressure low pressure B
from the () pressure stage of the engine bleed air () compressor .

第 155 页,共 271 页

The main purpose of the design of each engine air intake Select the compressor stage as the air
1240 Single selection PNEUMATIC Adjust the bleed air temperature Adjust the bleed air pressure Adjust the air intake humidity D
system on an aircraft does not include which of the following? source

APU bleed air has priority over engine bleed air. Under which of
1241 Single selection PNEUMATIC the following circumstances will APU bleed air be switched on engine 1 bleed off The cross valve is closed The pack flow high flow engine 2 anti-ice opening B
and the bleed valve of engine 2 remain open?

How are the valves in the engine bleed air system controlled by Pneumatically controlled electric
1242 Single selection PNEUMATIC Electrically controlled pneumatic operation Electric control Electric operation Pneumatic control Pneumatic operation A
their associated BMC? operation

When the engine fire button is pressed out, which valve is used
to cut off the engine air supply?

If a leak is detected on the right side of the air source system The cross bleed valve is closed The cross bleed valve remains in open
1244 Single selection PNEUMATIC The cross bleed valve closes automatically APU bleed valve closed A
during APU gas supply during non-engine starting, then (). manually position

The APU valve is completely closed,

The APU valve is completely closed, the The APU valve is completely closed, the The APU valve is completely closed, the
the APU main switch is in the ON
ECAM BLEED page, APU BLEED valve position indicated by APU main switch is in the ON position, and APU main switch is at the ON position, APU main switch is at the ON position, and
1245 Single selection PNEUMATIC position, and the APU bleed gas C
amber crosswind means: the APU bleed gas switch is in the ON and the APU induction valve is at the the APU induction valve is at the OFF
switch is in the ON position for more
position for more than 15 seconds . OFF position for more than 15 seconds. position for more than 10 seconds.
than 10 seconds .

The engine does not meet the

During takeoff, when the aircraft needs optimal performance , The engine satisfies the optimal The engine satisfies the optimal The engine satisfies the optimal
optimal performance requirements
1246 Single selection PNEUMATIC the APU provides air intake to the air conditioning , thus performance requirement , guarantees the performance requirement , and the air performance requirement , increases the air A
and the air conditioning effect is
enabling air conditioning effect conditioning effect decreases conditioning effect

In normal operation , the high pressure bleed air from engine 1 The intermediate pressure bleed valve of
High pressure bleed air is provided by The bleed air pressure can be obtained Zone 1 controller provides additional
1247 Single selection PNEUMATIC feeds pressure to the hydraulic tank. What happens if engine 1's the first round is opened to provide B
engine 2 instead of engine 1 from the cross bleed air pipe air upstream from Module 1
bleed air pressure is too low? additional air

第 156 页,共 271 页

In order to provide external high pressure air for engine start-
1248 Single selection PNEUMATIC Cross bleed air automatically Cross bleed air open Two engine bleed switches ON APU air bleed switch ON B
up, the following switch positions are required:

Yes, by using cool air drawn in from the No, all the systems on the plane need Yes, the hot air will drive the compressor to
Is the air from the engine cooled before it enters the systems, No, each system on the plane has its
1249 Single selection PNEUMATIC engine's fans and cooled by an air heat high temperature and high pressure air do work, using heat energy into internal A
and how? own cooling system
exchanger to work cooling way

If the engine bleed valve is closed, the high pressure valve will
1250 Single selection PNEUMATIC Automatically open Automatically shut down Keep the original location Not necessarily B

In response to the pressure requirements of the engine, when The engine will automatically increase The engine increases its thrust
1251 Single selection PNEUMATIC Minimum idle must be manually increased In any case, idle is enough B
heating and cooling requirements of an area cannot be met: the minimum idle automatically

High pressure air in the air source system cannot be obtained in

1252 Single selection PNEUMATIC Engine bleed air system APU load compressor High pressure ground air source Ground air conditioning system D
which of the following ways?

The bleed valve of an engine may not be closed electronically in

1253 Single selection PNEUMATIC Bleed air button off Press the engine fire button The cross valve is shut off BMC detects overtemperature C
which one of the following ways

If the pressure regulation of the air source system fails, then

1254 Single selection PNEUMATIC when the pressure of the system exceeds a certain value, () Engine fan The overpressure valve Cross bleed valve APU bleed B
automatically shut off?

When the cross valve is off, the APU bleed is switched on. engine 2 bleed air overpressure valve
1255 Single selection PNEUMATIC engine 1 Bleed air overpressure valve closed engine 1 bleed air keep open engine 2 bleed air keep open D
Which of the following statements is correct? closed

第 157 页,共 271 页

Under which of the following conditions will the throttle valve
1256 Single selection PNEUMATIC Bleed air overtemperature Bleed air overpressure If have reflux Air leakage C
of an engine be closed pneumatically ?

Which has priority compared to the APU bleed air and the
1257 Single selection PNEUMATIC APU bleed engine bleed all no priority Equal priority A
engine bleed air?

Electric motor automatic and

1258 Single selection PNEUMATIC Can the cross bleed valve be controlled by ()? Automatic control by electric motor Electric motor manual control Pneumatic automatic control C
pneumatic manual control

For CEO, if BMC1 fails, BMC2 will replace the monitoring bleed
1259 Single selection PNEUMATIC air system. ECAM warnings issued when required do not overtemperature overpressure Engine leakage The wing leak C
included which of the following?

For NEO, if one BMC fails, the adjacent BMC will take over
1260 Single selection PNEUMATIC control and monitor the bleed air system and issue the overtemperature overpressure The wing leak Engine leakage Hanger leak B
following ECAM warnings as needed

On ECAM bleed page. When the wing anti-ice button is

1261 Single selection PNEUMATIC green blue amber white D
switched on, what color does the anti-ice message appear?

When the APU leaks, the right wing When the APU leaks, the left wing When the APU leaks, the right wing leaks,
If the APU bleed valve is open, under what circumstances will it When the APU leaks, the left wing leaks, or
1262 Single selection PNEUMATIC leaks, or hanger 1 leaks (except during leaks, or hanger 2 leaks (except or hanger 2 leaks (except during engine A
close automatically ? hanger 1 leaks (except during engine start)
engine start) during engine start) start)

For the CEO , the leak detection loop detects any overheating
near the fuselage, hanger and hot air ducts in the wings. For the
1263 Single selection PNEUMATIC One single loop, one double loop One double loop, one single loop One single loop, two double loops Two single loop, one double loop A
hanger and APU, what loop is the sensor element connected
to? And what kind of loops do wings form to detect ?

第 158 页,共 271 页

When a double loop of the wing
An air leak signal is generated when the wing double loop is in Just as soon as one of the wings' loops detects a leak, or when one loop
1264 Single selection PNEUMATIC Only when both loops detect a leak When two detection loops fail B
which of the following logic? detects a leak detects a leak and the other does not

For the NEO , the leak detection loop detects any overheating
near the fuselage, hanger and hot air ducts in the wings. For the
1265 Single selection PNEUMATIC One single loop, one double loop One double loop, one single loop One single loop, two double loops Two single loop, one double loop B
hanger and APU, what loop is the sensor element connected
to? And what kind of loops do wings form to detect ?

Both the ENG BLEED LEAK warning and the Neither the ENG BLEED LEAK warning The corresponding ENG BLEED LEAK The corresponding ENG BLEED LEAK warns
For CEO , if BMC1 fails, BMC2 will replace the monitoring bleed
1266 Single selection PNEUMATIC APU BLEED LEAK warning of the nor the APU BLEED LEAK warning will warns not losT, and the APU BLEED against loss, and the APU BLEED LEAK A
air system, as correctly described
corresponding engine are lost. be lost. LEAK warns lost. warns against loss.

Both the ENG BLEED LEAK warning and the Neither the ENG BLEED LEAK warning The corresponding ENG BLEED LEAK The corresponding ENG BLEED LEAK warns
For NEO , if BMC1 fails, BMC2 will replace the monitoring bleed
1267 Single selection PNEUMATIC APU BLEED LEAK warning of the nor the APU BLEED LEAK warning will warns not losT, and the APU BLEED against loss, and the APU BLEED LEAK C
air system, as correctly described
corresponding engine are lost. be lost. LEAK warns lost. warns against not loss.

In the air, the pressurization of the aircraft water supply system

1268 Single selection WATER/WASTE air conditioner hydraulic Independent pressure supply bleed D
is provided by ()

1269 Single selection WATER/WASTE The capacity of the water tank is: 200 LITERS 150 LITERS 250 LITERS A

After filtration, one part is discharged

out of the machine and the other part
1270 Single selection WATER/WASTE Waste water from kitchen and toilet basins () Straight out Drain into waste water tank A
is discharged into the waste water

1271 Single selection WATER/WASTE The capacity of the waste water tank is: 200 LITERS 170 LITERS 250 LITERS B

第 159 页,共 271 页

When the toilet flush valve () fails, it can be controlled by the
1272 Single selection WATER/WASTE electrical mechanical ventilation A
manual flush valve under the sink.

Manually turn off valve to separete the front, center (if installed)
and rear sink from (). This valve is located under each sink or
1273 Single selection WATER/WASTE Water supply system The drainage system The flush valve A
toilet and is marked "OPEN" and "SHUT" and can be easily

Directed by CFDS to maintenance personnel and triggered by

1274 Single selection MAINT maintenance information on the ECAM status page, aircraft may 3 5 10 C
fly with these faults, but they must be repaired within () days.

The failure indicated to the maintainer by CFDS and the

resulting failure to display the maintenance (MAINT) status
information in the maintenance section of the ECAM status
1275 Single selection MAINT Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 B
page. These failures do not directly affect take-off; But they
must be repaired within a prescribed time limit. Failure/fault
classification Failure/fault classification are

CFDS indicates faults that maintenance personnel can detect

1276 Single selection MAINT and that can be handled at the airline's convenience . Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 C
Failure/failure is classified into () levels

Which equipment () is designed to better perform maintenance

1277 Single selection MAINT work by displaying fault information in the cockpit and enabling CFDS ADS-B ATSU ADS-C A
the crew to perform certain special tests

The time accuracy for ATC data link communication is ± ()

1278 Single selection INFO SYS 1 2 3 4 A

1279 Single selection INFO SYS Which of the following does the ATC data chain not include? ADS-A ADS-B ADS-C B

第 160 页,共 271 页

ATSU controls all data link communications and automatically
1280 Single selection INFO SYS selects the best communication medium available , which does VHF HF SATCOM TCAS D
not include:

When an emergency data link message is received, this Through MSG+/MSG-, the manual
1281 Single selection INFO SYS Automatic display on DCDU Save in a file queue A
message: selection is displayed on DCDU

1282 Single selection APU What lubricates and cools an APU? Aircraft lubrication system APU independent lubrication system Aircraft fuel system B

When the MAIN CONTROL switch of APU is off, the APU will
1283 Single selection APU No delay in any case There is a delay in any case There is a delay when using APU None of the above is true C
usually turn off:

1284 Single selection APU When the APU FLAP OPEN is displayed on the SD. Press the main switch Press the start button When the intake valve is fully open C

Press the APU shutdown button on the

1285 Single selection APU The APU emergency shutdown methods not include: Press the APU fire extinguisher button Shut down the fuel system C
front interphone panel

Automatic control when fuel supply Automatic control but can be

1286 Single selection APU When does the APU fuel pump work? Manual control when required Maintenance personnel ground control A
pressure is low manually overcontrolled

The starting sequence and monitoring of the APU are is controlled by the ECB on the ground
1287 Single selection APU ECB(electronic control box) Manual control A
controlled by and monitored manually in the air

第 161 页,共 271 页

APU completes the air conditioning supply,
It increases the thrust of the plane The APU should be turned off during
1288 Single selection APU An APU can be used during takeoff for? avoiding the use of air bleed to reduce Reduce the load on the engine A
during takeoff takeoff
engine thrust

In which of the following situations will the APU shut down

1289 Single selection APU got fire in the air The intake valve is not open APU oil temperature exceeds limit B
automatically ?

The master switch and the starter The master switch and the starter switch
When the master switch is ON When the master switch and the starter
1290 Single selection APU The APU starter starts when switch are ON and the intake valve is are ON position and the intake valve is C
are ON
fully open open

1291 Single selection APU To startup APU we can use Only aircraft batteries Only use ground power Ground power or aircraft batteries C

When the APU is running and the APU gen

Once the APU is running, it will work even if Only if the aircraft is connected to grou can be used when the engine is turne
1292 Single selection APU Figure 49-1, the power provided by the APU generator erator is switched on, the ground power is D
the APU generator is not turned on nd power d off
not switched on

On the ground and in the air, power is supp Bleed air can be used for ground engin
lied to the aircraft and air bleed is supplied t e startup as well as ground and air con Supply power only on the ground and
1293 Single selection APU The APU provides B
o the starter engine within the full flight env ditioning to provide power on the gro in the air
elope und and in the air

You don't have to do anything. When you s

Air bleed button of air conditioning pa
1294 Single selection APU To use APU air bleed, the crew must choose: APU bleed button on air conditioning panel eng1 and 2 bleed air switch tart the engine, you automatically use the A A
PU bleed

FIG. 49- A pressure gauge can be seen from the

A red patch means that the APU is on fire, t The green patch means the fire exting A red patch, meaning that the APU fire exting
1295 Single selection APU 2, what is the indication of the overpressure state of the APU fir outside which indicating the pressure D
he APU fire extinguisher has been released uisher is under normal pressure uisher is not released
e extinguisher during the walkaround inspection? of the fire extinguisher

第 162 页,共 271 页

FIG. 49-
2, the overpressure indicator of fire extinguisher in APU area wa Correct and can be used for normal operati Abnormal , please inform the maintena can only be seen when powered on by gro
1296 Single selection APU It's not normal. It should be green A
s found to be a red patch during walkaround inspection. This in on nce und power

The APU will automatically shut down in an

The crew must return to the cockpit to The APU stops automatically , but the emergency , but the crew must manually rel
During the walkaround inspection, the operating APU catches fi APU emergency stop, APU fire extinguishin
1297 Single selection APU perform ECAM actions, shut down the crew must manually release the fire ex ease the APU extinguishers in the cockpit o A
re and there is no one in the cockpit. What happens? g automatic release
APU and extinguish the fire tinguisher in the cockpit r by pressing the externally powered APU s
witch to shut off

FIG. 49-
There will be an APU emergency shut
3, APU started on the ground and triggered the master caution. You must turn off the APU MASTER in After the APU shutdown, the flap remains i
1298 Single selection APU The APU shuts down automatically down because the APU EGT will overh A
The crew observed that the SPEED of APU could not exceed 53 order to disconnect startup n the open position to ventilate the APU
eat and cause the APU to catch fire
%. Which description is correct?

The APU is available. It provides bleed and a The APU is available, and it only provid The APU is available, It only provides The APU is available. It provides neither po
1299 Single selection APU Figure 49-4: Which description is correct? C
ir es bleed air power wer nor air

The maximum height at which the APU provides air bleed only t Depending on the model, some models are
1300 Single selection APU 15000feet 22500feet 25000feet D
o a single pack is: 20,000 feet and some are 22,500 feet

1301 Single selection APU The altitude limit of an APU restart in the air is: 15000feet 41000feet 20000feet B

After turning off the engine, the APU is in operation without usi The APU runs for another 2 minutes to cool The APU will only turn off when the e
1302 Single selection APU APU shut down immediately Nothing happens because the packs is on B
ng the APU bleed. When the APU is turned off: down and then shut down xternal power is switched on

After the APU is started, the APU page of ECAM will display the
Yes, wait 20 seconds, when the advisor Low oil level is detected. Any start will
green flashing "LOW OIL LEVEL" after 20 seconds, but there is n No, because a low oil level has been detecte Yes, when a low oil level is detected, the AP
1303 Single selection APU y information disappears, you can conti cause automatic shutdown to avoid D
o such information when it was started last time. Can you contin d, continuing to start will damage the APU U can operate for another 10 hours
nue to start APU damage
ue to start?

第 163 页,共 271 页

Figure 49-
1304 Single selection APU 5, which ECAM APU page corresponds to these instructions on t A B C B
he overhead panel?

FIG. 49-
6, after turning off the engine, you find that there is no availabl No, I have to wait until the APU flap door is Yes, I just need to press the APU MAST Yes, I just press the APU START switch No, I had to wait until the AVAIL display dis
1305 Single selection APU B
e ground power. According to the present display, can you still completely closed and then restart the APU ER switch to reconnect to the on position appeared before I could restart the APU
disconnect the APU shutdown procedure ?

The APU is still in operation because th The APU is still running because it alw The APU is still running, and the crew need
The crew turn off the APU bleed first and then turn off the APU,
1306 Single selection APU The APU is off, but the flap door is not e crew USES APU bleed and now has a ays takes two minutes to cool down a s to press the START button to START the s B
See APU AVAIL still appear. Why?
2 minute cooling time fter the crew is turned off apu hutdown procedure

Press the APU fire test button, which of the following will not tri
1307 Single selection APU continuous alarms went off MASTER WARNING lights flashing MASTER CAUTION lights flashing ECAM shows APU FIRE C

Which aircraft systems are isolated when the APU fire button is
1308 Single selection APU Fuel ,electricity, bleed Fuel, hydraulic ,bleed Electrical , bleed, hydraulic A

1309 Single selection APU APU air bleed supply for wing anti-ice: Is allowed It's not allowed It depends on the situation B

"ON" light blue, the APU system is pow

With "ON" light blue, the APU system is po "ON" light blue, the APU system is po
ered, as long as the start button is pres
1310 Single selection APU When APU master switch is selected in ON position: wered and the APU starts at n 95% , "AVAIL wered, as long as the start button is p B
sed and the flap door is opened, the A
" light on ressed, the APU will start.
PU will start.

1311 Single selection APU When the APU is working, the APU fuel pump: Work when fuel pump pressure is low Working all the time Work only in the air A

第 164 页,共 271 页

When does the APU normally shut down when the APU master If APU bleed air is used, there is a time
1312 Single selection APU In all cases, there is a time delay In all cases, there is no time delay B
switch is pressed out: delay

The engine bleed valve is closed, the cross b The engine bleed valve is closed, the
When the engine and APU are working and the APU bleed valve Engine bleed valve open, crossover ble
1313 Single selection APU leed valve is closed, the APU bleed valve is crossover bleed valve is open, and the C
is selected in the ON position, the correct statement is: ed valve open, APU bleed valve closed
open APU bleed valve is open

1314 Single selection APU On the ground APU provides: Power supply + hydraulic pump Power + bleed air Bleed air + hydraulic pressure B

The maximum speed at which the cockpit side window can be

1315 Single selection CKPT WINDOW 200KT 230KT 250KT A
opened is:

Cockpit windshield is composed of () layer non-structural layer,

1316 Single selection CKPT WINDOW () layer structural layer, () layer heating layer and () layer empty 1,2,1,2 2,1,2,1 1,1,1,2 2,2,1,2 A

Each structural layer (inner or middle layer) of the

1317 Single selection CKPT WINDOW windshield /window is designed to withstand () times the 1 2 3 B
maximum differential pressure in normal flight

The cockpit of the windshield /window () layer is damaged,

1318 Single selection CKPT WINDOW The inner layer The middle layer The outer layer A
should be descent to FL230 / MEA, reduce Δ P to 5 psi

To ensure that the cockpit side window is properly closed and

1319 Single selection CKPT WINDOW locked, push the handle of the sliding side window forward to red green black A
the closed position, and the () color indicator is visible

第 165 页,共 271 页

The flight crew may use the sliding window as an emergency It can be done without affecting the
1320 Single selection CKPT WINDOW appropriate prohibit C
exit and () place items on the side shelf. opening and closing window

The cockpit window lock is in the forward position, and when

the sliding side window is between the closed and () open
positions , the window is free to move forward or backward.
1321 Single selection CKPT WINDOW 1/3 1/2 2/3 A
When the opening position is larger than this position, the lock
pin stops and the window cannot be pushed forward.

Does the engine speed decrease immediately when the engine

1322 Single selection ENG will not will It depends on the situation B
fire push button is used to shut off the engine?

For the 320CEO series, the maximum N2 value of starter switch

1323 Single selection ENG 0% 20% 30% B
on is:

What is the recommended minimum air supply pressure before

1324 Single selection ENG 20psi 25psi 30psi C
starting an engine with an external air source?

Place the mode in the crank, then Press the man start button, then select the
1325 Single selection ENG How to do manually crank of engine? Mode selection is crank Press the man start button press the man start button, and PM mode and place it in the crank, PM timer C
timer for 30 seconds for 30 seconds at the same time

When manually starting an engine, what should I do if I want to

1326 Single selection ENG Mode selects to the normal position Press the manl start button again The master switch on then off B
stop the engine before the master switch is on?

on the groud manually start engine, If THERE is a tendency of

Depending on the rate at which EGT
1327 Single selection ENG EGT exceeding the limit before N2 reaches 50%, can FADEC will not will A
automatically stop starting?

第 166 页,共 271 页

Yes, need the pilot to control it from
1328 Single selection ENG Is the starter valve of an A320 engine manually operated? Yes, maintenance is required for operation Can not be A
the cockpit

Will continuous ignition be selected automatically when the

1329 Single selection ENG not will Yes, but it has to be in the air Yes, in the air and on the ground C
engine detects flameout?

If the engine mode is not return to the

Mode select return to normal position
on the ground, after the automatic start of the engine, how can normal position, the ignition will continue on the ground cannot ignition Only when there is a corresponding fault
1330 Single selection ENG and then return to ignition/start B
the engine be continuously ignited? after the N2 arrives at the regulation idle continuously on the ground will ignite continuously
for a certain time

1331 Single selection ENG Does the engine automatically choose continuous ignition? will No, it needs manual operation It depends on the situation A

When does the ignition system work when manually starting

1332 Single selection ENG N2 at 22% N2 at 16% The masterl switch is ON C
the engine on the ground?

The temperature between a high pressure Temperature between low pressure The outlet temperature of the low
1333 Single selection ENG EGT temperature of an engine refers to: C
turbine and a low pressure turbine turbines pressure turbine

Which parameter is used to adjust the regulation idle of A320

1334 Single selection ENG altitude Bleed air system requirements The plane speed Air density B
aircraft engine?

According to what parameters is the approach idle of An A320

1335 Single selection ENG altitude Bleed air system requirements The plane speed Air density A
aircraft engine adjusted?

第 167 页,共 271 页

What is the idle mode of an A320 aircraft engine when it is not
1336 Single selection ENG The ground idle the approach idle regulation idle C
using reverse thrust on the ground?

While in the air, when does the FADEC choose to the approach Flap out, flap handle not in zero
1337 Single selection ENG In the air, regulation idle FMGC approach phase activation Landing gear down B
idle position

Low pressure fuel valve + high

1338 Single selection ENG Which fuel valve does the engine fire push button control? Low pressure fuel valve High pressure fuel valve A
pressure fuel valve

Low pressure fuel valve + high

1339 Single selection ENG Which fuel valve does the engine master switch control? Low pressure fuel valve High pressure fuel valve C
pressure fuel valve

The MCT thrust time limit for single-engine A320 aircraft is as

1340 Single selection ENG 5min 10min 30min unlimited D

The TOGA thrust time limit for single-engine A320 aircraft is as

1341 Single selection ENG 5min 10min 30min unlimited B

The TOGA thrust time limit for A320 aircraft with both engines
1342 Single selection ENG 5min 10min 30min unlimited A
working normally is as follows:

With both engines working normally in the air and the

1343 Single selection ENG automatic thrust working , if a thrust lever moves out of CL LVR CL LVR MCT LVR ASYM There is no hint C
position, what will FMA prompt?

第 168 页,共 271 页

After the aircraft leaves the ground with flexible thrust, if the
Available after resetting the
1344 Single selection ENG crew moves the thrust lever to CL and puts it back into MCT available not available B
automatic thrust button
position, is flexible thrust still available ?

If the flexible temperature entered by the crew on the MCDU

page is lower than the current temperature , when the thrust Still the thrust corresponding to the
1345 Single selection ENG TOGA MCT All above error A
lever is added to FLX/MCT during take-off, the power provided flexible temperature
by the engine is:

Move the thrust lever to the TOGA

How does an aircraft use MCT to climb after lifting off the Move thrust lever to CL and return to MCT Just move the thrust back out of the MCT climbing is not allowed under normal
1346 Single selection ENG position and put it back in the MCT A
ground with flexible thrust? position MCT and back in circumstances except for single engine

Under normal circumstances , the maximum thrust provided by

The thrust corresponding to the position of Rated thrust limit for thrust level Single engine MCT, both engine CL
1347 Single selection ENG automatic thrust under the condition of automatic thrust being None of these conclusions is correct A
thrust level position corresponding thrust
connected is:

What happens when the thrust level is placed in FLX/MCT An ECAM warning appears to indicate
The default is TOGA thrust and the take-off
1348 Single selection ENG during takeoff without the crew entering flexible temperature Take off with MCT without any warning that the flexible temperature has not C
on the MCDU page? been set

When both engines are working normally and the aircraft is on The thrust of reverse idle is slightly The thrust of the reverse idle is
1349 Single selection ENG the ground, how does the N1 of the engine change when the A significant increase lower than that of forward idle, with no slightly higher than that of the It depends on the situation C
thrust level moves from the idle to the reverse idle? obvious change forward idle, with no obvious change

When the thrust level is between two detent, the FADEC

1350 Single selection ENG calculates the limit N1 according to the position of which A lower position detent A higher position detent Can't calculate The TOGA position B

What is the range within which the automatic thrust can work
1351 Single selection ENG IDLE to CL IDLE to MCT IDLE to TOGA Single engine cannot use automatic thrust B
in a single engine?

第 169 页,共 271 页

Because the yellow hydraulic pump
In order to save time, can start engine no 2 Because the bleed pressure provided
1352 Single selection ENG Why is engine 2 usually started first? drived by engine no 2 supply Because engine no 2 is the critical engine C
before abording completed to engine no 2 is higher
pressure to parking brake

There is a difference between the fuel There is a difference between the

Figure 70-1,What is the meaning of the amber "CHK" shown There is a difference between the two fuel
1353 Single selection ENG onboard and the fuel input in the amount of fuel shown on THE ECAM Fuel flow beyond normal range C
below the fuel flow value ? flow indicators
FMGC and the actual value

It indicates the highest value of N1 reached It indicates the maximum allowable

It indicates the maximum N1 value
Figure 70-2, see the E/WD page of ECAM. What is the meaning when the N1 exceeds the limit. When the N1 value under current conditions
1354 Single selection ENG above which the engine must be A
of the red mark on the N1 range? maintenance takes action, it will be cleared and will reset each time the engine
turned off
at the next engine start starts

If the actual take-off weight is less than the maximum take-off

weight, we can set the flexible temperature to reduce engine
1355 Single selection ENG loss, and the performance is the same as the external correct error A
temperature is the flexible temperature value using full thrust

There is a difference between the The position of thrust lever is

Figure 70-5, what does the amber "CHECK" mean next to the The indication of this N1 must be compared
1356 Single selection ENG displayed N1 value and the actual N1 inconsistent with the current N1 B
N1 indicator? with the N1 of the other engine
value indication

1357 Single selection ENG Manually start the engine, using which igniter: Use ignition A on odd days Alternate the use of the igniter Use both igniters simultaneously The choice of the igniter was arbitrary C

Figure 70-6, on the E/WD page, there is an amber yellow line on

The used fuel value did not reset after Engine 1 must be turned off and restarted
1358 Single selection ENG the last two digits of the used fuel value of the engine. What The used fuel value has been frozen The fuel consumed is inaccurate B
the second engine start to reset the used fuel value
does it mean?

Without any action, the FADEC

Without any action, the FADEC It is necessary to cut off the fuel, manually
Figure 70-10, the engine starts automatically without ignition. automatically disconnect startup, and then Manually off the master switch and
1359 Single selection ENG automatically disconnect the start and turn off the master switch, and close the C
What should be done? the directive attempts to start a second select other igniters
crank start valve

第 170 页,共 271 页

Start the engine manually . FADEC will disconnect the start only
1360 Single selection ENG correct error It depends on the situation B
when the N2 speed reaches 50% and the EGT exceeds the limit.

In the event of a fire, the FADEC

What protection does the FADEC provide when manually Only participate in EGT over - limit
1361 Single selection ENG Play an active monitoring role Just passive monitoring automatically controls the release of C
starting the engine? protection
extinguishing agent

FADEC provides passive monitoring in

Which of the following is the difference between automatic Manual start, the pilot controls the Manual start, the pilot control start Manual start, the pilot must ask the
1362 Single selection ENG automatic start-up and active monitoring in B
start and manual start: engine ignition and fuel supply time valve closing time maintenance to open the start valve
manual start-up

The thrust reverser has been fully Autothrust controls the thrust
1363 Single selection ENG What does the green Rev mean on the N1 indicator? Max reverser selected Reverser unlock B
released reverser

1364 Single selection ENG On FIG 70-11,what does amber Rev mean on the N1 indicator? Thrust reverser fault Reverser lock in closed position Reverser unlock Reverser released C

After takeoff,on the SD page,at what altitude does the cruise

1365 Single selection ENG 1000ft 800ft 10000ft 1500ft D
page automatically replace the engine page?

when reaching the thrust reduction altitude, what will happen The flight crew must activate the
1366 Single selection ENG If it is armed, autothrust begins to operate Autothrust armed A
when the crew set the thrust lever to CLB detent? autothrust manually

On FIG 70-12,On the engine N1 indication , there are two short N1 digital indication is inconsistent with the
1367 Single selection ENG N1 Indication failure Autothrust system not working N1 digital indication degraded D
amber lines on the last digit, that means: pointer position

第 171 页,共 271 页

1368 Single selection ENG On the ground, autothrust is not available correct incorrect It depends on the specific situation A

When the flexible temperature is entered in Automatic display after the first engine Automatic display after the second When the take-off configuration test
1369 Single selection ENG When is toga or flex displayed on the E / WD page? C
the performance page startup engine startup button is pressed

In continuous automatic starting, the

How to determine which igniter to use when starting Ignition A is used for automatic starting and It depends on which engine is started
1370 Single selection ENG igniter is used alternately random C
automatically ? ignition B is used for manual starting first

Five minutes have passed since FADEC was

FIG 70-13,on ECAM E/WD page,why do all engine powered up The engine mode selection switch is There is no AC power to the aircraft
1371 Single selection ENG A
indications show amber cross? selected to ign-start grid

FIG 70-14,see the EGT indication on E / WD,what does the EGT limits for the current operating
1372 Single selection ENG Maximum EGT recorded in this flight Actual EGT EGT required by throttle lever angle C
amber mark stand for? phase

FIG 70-15,The engine is not running,The small white circle of N1 value corresponding to thrust lever
1373 Single selection ENG The bottom line of N1 N1 in fly idle value Required autothrust value B
N1 indicator represents: angle

FIG 70-16,You're ready to start the engine,the external

power supply was connected 10 minutes ago,can you tell the Yes, the engine mode selector switch is in Yes, the engine mode selection switch
1374 Single selection ENG uncertain C
position of the engine mode selection switch from the ECAM the normal position is in the ignition/start position

FIG 70-17,Once the aircraft is powered on,FADEC is

5 minutes, after 5 minutes the engine
automatically powered on,and provide some engine 35 minutes after the ground power is
1375 Single selection ENG 10 minutes or until APU starts indicator is replaced by amber cross, Until the engine start up C
parameter indications on E/WD,how long can these connected
until IGN/START is selected
instructions be displayed ?

第 172 页,共 271 页

FIG 70-18,You are taking off,flexible thrust has been set, The engine mode selector switch must be Continuous ignition is provided
1376 Single selection ENG under what conditions can I see the ignition memory placed in the IGN-START position before Engine anti-ice should be turned on Must use TOGA thrust and flaps automatically on every takeoff and D
information on ECAM? takeoff approach

In heavy rain or turbulence , it is best to set the engine mode Except for take-off and landing, all
No need to do anything , when using
selector switch to the IGN-START position to provide The crew should put the engine mode other stages need to manually select No need to do anything , automatic
1377 Single selection ENG the engine anti-ice, automatically B
continuous ignition . What should the crew do under icing selection switch to the IGN-START position. the IGN-START position continuous ignition after starting
provide continuous ignition

FIG 70-19,In manual start, which part is automatically

1378 Single selection ENG Close start valve Open the start valve Oil supply ignition A
controlled by FADEC?

1379 Single selection ENG FIG 70-19,In manual start, which part is controlled by FADEC? Start ignition Cut off the ignition Oil supply Engagement starter B

Passive monitoring, the crew must be No monitoring, all steps and possible
Like automatic start, FADEC can
1380 Single selection ENG FIG 70-19,What is the effect of FADEC for manual activation? carefully monitored to take action in case of disposal actions must be completed A
monitor and handle possible failures
failure by the crew

FIG 70-20,During the start-up process, on the engine panel,

Engine fire extinguishing system
1381 Single selection ENG what does the amber FAULT light under the engine main switch The automatic start procedure is faulty An engine failure A

When starting manually, it is found that both igniters are Normal, both igniters work when unusual. Usually ignition B is used to Normal, no matter what starts, two igniters
1382 Single selection ENG Abnormal , usually ignition A is used to start B
working. Is it normal? manually started start are used

FIG 70-21,Before the engine starts, FADEC must be energized .

1383 Single selection ENG Which action can make FADEC energize before the engine A B C D D

第 173 页,共 271 页

Establish communication with ATC and
Push the thrust handle forward to the
1384 Single selection ENG One engine failed when cruising , the first action of PF is: report intention Control the plane to descend Disconnect automatic thrust B
MCT disconnect the automatic thrust

Under normal conditions, on a visual circling approach with a

1385 Single selection ENG single engine, the configuration of the aircraft entering the configuration 3, landing gear down configuration 2, landing gear down configuration full, landing gear down configuration 3, landing gear up A
crosswind should be:

1386 Single selection ENG Most of the thrust of the engine comes from: High pressure turbine Low pressure turbine fan C

Fuel flow
1387 Single selection ENG Manual start, which of the following is not controlled by FADEC Start valve High pressure fuel valve ignition D

1388 Single selection ENG The bleed air for engine anti-icing comes from: Low pressure compressor High pressure compressor High pressure turbine Low pressure turbine B

Turn on engine anti-icing, N1 or EPR limit value will be (), idle

1389 Single selection ENG Decrease, increase Decrease,Decrease increase,increase increase ,Decrease A
N1 or EPR will be ()

Press the engine fire alarm test button, which of the following
1390 Single selection ENG Continuous alarm ringing MASTER WARNING light flashes MASTER CAUTION light flashes ECAM displays ENG FIRE warning C
will not trigger :

1391 Single selection ENG It is allowed to use reverse thrust to go backwards aircraft. correct incorrect It depends on the specific situation B

第 174 页,共 271 页

1392 Single selection ENG Reverse thrust is not allowed to be turned on in flight correct incorrect It depends on the specific situation A

1393 Single selection ENG Flexible take-off can be used on contaminated runway correct incorrect It depends on the specific situation B

Flexible temperature shall not be lower

The flexible temperature should not
For a320-214 engine, which of the following statements are The flexible temperature can be higher than than flat temperature
1394 Single selection ENG be lower than the actual ambient A
incorrect: isa + 53

Push forward quickly to the MCT detent,

For go around above go around altitude, it is recommended Push forward quickly to toga detent
1395 Single selection ENG Push forward to toga detent Maintain in the CLB detent and immediately retract to the CLB detent C
that the crew set thrust lever as follows: and retract to CLB detent immediately

When recovering from a stall, the timing to slowly increase

1396 Single selection ENG The stall warning disappears Stall warning triggered Speed is greater than VLS Speed is greater than VMO A
engine thrust is:

When recovering from a stall, increasing the thrust of the

1397 Single selection ENG constant Decrease increase uncertain C
engine installed under the wing will cause the angle of attack:

Increase thrust and/or adjust pitch

When the "SPEED SPEED" voice warning is triggered, what kind Low energy warning, push the thrust handle Stall warning, push the thrust handle Stall warning, push the thrust handle
1398 Single selection ENG according to the current situation until B
of warning is this? The disposal of the crew is: forward to TOGA forward to the TOGA detent forward to leave the current detent
the voice warning stops

Implement green procedures , if performance permits, the configuration full + REV IDLE + autobrake configuration full + REV MAX + configuration 3 + REV IDLE +
1399 Single selection ENG configuration 3 + REV IDLE + autobrake LO D
recommended best combination for landing is: LO autobrake LO autobrake MED

第 175 页,共 271 页

The thrust rod is in the climbing position, press the A/THR Corresponds to the thrust rod
1400 Single selection ENG Equal to climb thrust limit Frozen in existing thrust B
button on the FCU to disconnect the automatic thrust: position

The idle N1 of the corresponding

No change in N2 and N1 of the
1401 Single selection ENG When the engine anti-icing button is turned on: The corresponding engine's N2 is reduced engine is automatically increased and B
corresponding engine
the limit of N1 is automatically reduced

Low pressure fuel shut-off valve + hydraulic

1402 Single selection ENG When the engine fire button is released, which valve is affected: + bleed air + air conditioning packs + Hydraulic fire shut-off valve Fuel valve A

For A320CEO series aircraft, what will trigger FADEC to

Detection of hot start, suspension start, Only during hot start or suspended
1403 Single selection ENG automatically interrupt the ground start up sequence is: Only when there is no ignition A
surge or no ignition start

Change with the change of oil

1404 Single selection ENG When on the ground idle, the minimum oil pressure is: 13PSI 10PSI A

When the engine accelerates from the idle state, if you push the The gas temperature in front of the turbine Fuel-rich combustion chamber stalls The engine speed rises rapidly and
1405 Single selection ENG A
thrust too fierce, what kind of failure is most likely to cause: rises rapidly, causing compression surge and stops works normally

One fire extinguishing bottle for each Two fire extinguishing bottles per
Two fire extinguishing bottles per engine,
1406 Single selection ENG The engine and APU fire protection system includes: engine, one fire extinguishing bottle engine, two APU fire extinguishing A
one fire extinguishing bottle for APU
for APU bottles

1407 Single selection ENG Where is the engine fire detector located: Hanger, fan and core machine part Core machine and gear box Fan and turbine A

第 176 页,共 271 页

What is the maximum exhaust gas temperature (EGT) during
1408 Single selection ENG 725℃ 855℃ 890℃ A
engine start-up:

When the engine is starting up, the windshield heating starts

1409 Single selection ENG Correct incorrect Depends on the situation A
automatically :

At the same time pay attention to

What problems should be paid attention to when the engine is Just prevent the engine from
1410 Single selection ENG Just be aware of engine overheat prevent the engine from overheat C
used in the maximum working state: overrotating
and over-rotation

When the engine is working in a large speed range, why the Prevent local overheating of the
1411 Single selection ENG Prevent the compressor from surging Prevent burning of turbine blades C
increase in fuel supply needs to be restricted: combustion chamber

Hydraulic actuator, green for No. 1 engine, Hydraulic actuator, green for two Hydraulic actuator, blue for engine 1
1412 Single selection ENG Who drives the reverse: A
yellow for No. 2 engine engines and yellow for engine 2

1413 Single selection ENG The fire shut-off valve shuts off: Blue and yellow system Green and yellow system Blue and green system B

If a fire alarm is detected,

1414 Single selection ENG When does the fire shutoff valve close: Master switch mode off When the fire button is released B
automatically shut down

When the air conditioning component valve is closed during APU bleed air is set to ON position and Master switch is set to ON position
1415 Single selection ENG Ignition is selected A
the automatic start sequence of the aircraft on the ground: ignition/start is selected and ignition/start is selected

第 177 页,共 271 页

The residual gas coefficient is
What malfunctions will happen to the engine when the thrust
1416 Single selection ENG Over rich fuel limit engine out Over lean fuel limit engine out constant, and the engine works B
handle is violently retracted in fly:

What working conditions should limit the outlet temperature of Restricted by the safety of the exhaust Limited by the temperature of the
1417 Single selection ENG Limited by the maximum engine speed C
the combustion chamber: nozzle turbine blade material

Yes, using fuel from the integrated drive Yes, bypass the fuel filter (bypass
1418 Single selection ENG When the fuel filter is clogged, does the engine still supply fuel? No C
generator cooling and the outer tank line valve)

What device directly shuts off the fuel high-pressure shut-off

1419 Single selection ENG Master switch mode off ECU Hydraulic machinery(HMU) A
valve and low-pressure shut-off valve:

The gas temperature in front of the

Excessive air flow and high exhaust The compressor boost ratio is too large
1420 Single selection ENG One of the reasons for turbine blade fracture is: turbine is too high and the engine is C
temperature and the turbo boost ratio is too small

Causes the residual gas coefficient to

Once the compressor surges, what impact will it bring to the
1421 Single selection ENG Over lean fuel limit engine out Over rich fuel limit engine out change greatly and then, resulting in B
combustion chamber:
engine out

When the compressor surges, how will the gas temperature in

1422 Single selection ENG rapidly go down rapidly increase High and low B
front of the turbine change:

When N2>22%, the ignition and

Ignite when N2>16%, when N2>22%, the When N2>16%, the ignition and high-
high-pressure fuel valve are opened,
1423 Single selection ENG When automatically start up on the ground, the sequence is: high-pressure fuel valve opens, when pressure fuel valve are opened, when A
when N2>50%, the starting valve is
N2>50%, the start valve closes N2>50%, the starting valve is closed

第 178 页,共 271 页

The starting valve closes when N2≥ The starting valve closes when N2≥
1424 Single selection ENG In the automatic start up sequence on the ground: Start valve closes when N2≥50% A
45% 43%

During engine operation, which of the following parameters can

1425 Single selection ENG Oil temperature before turbine Compressor speed Combustion chamber pressure Nacelle temperature indication D
be monitored :

When does the APU N value indication on the ECAM status

1426 Single selection ENG N>=107% N>=102% N>=99% B
display change to amber:

The thrust handle is selected in the full The thrust handle is selected in the
1427 Single selection ENG When did the reverse push green appear on the N1 indicator: The reverse fully open B
reverse thrust zone idle reverse thrust zone

The N value of APU reaches 95% (2

1428 Single selection ENG When will the ‘AVAIL’ light on the start button light up: External power supply disconnected APU power is used B
seconds) or N is higher than 99.5%

When setting the takeoff or go-around power, the limitations 5 minutes at 950°C (10 minutes for
1429 Single selection ENG 890℃ 925℃ C
of EGT is: single engine)

Automatically restart in the air or the

When the engine is running, in which of the following The wing anti-icing is in the ON position or Restart in the air or engine stall or engine flame out, engine interface
1430 Single selection ENG B
situations, FADEC automatically selects continuous ignition: the engine is turned off engine interface unit (EIU) failure unit (EIU) failure or engine anti-icing
button in the ON position

Under normal circumstances , the maximum reverse thrust

1431 Single selection ENG 100kt 70kt 40kt B
speed is limited to:

第 179 页,共 271 页

What is the limit on the maximum instantaneous temperature The highest instantaneous temperature is The highest instantaneous temperature Must not exceed the maximum
1432 Single selection ENG B
of lubricating oil? 140℃ and less than 15 minutes is 155℃ and less than 15 minutes instantaneous oil temperature

10 quarts + estimated consumption

5 quarts + estimated consumption (0.6 9.5 quarts + estimated consumption
1433 Single selection ENG What is the minimum oil volume (ECAM display value): of the engine before start or 5 quarts B
quarts/hour) (0.5 quarts/hour)
+ estimated consumption of idle

Does modifying the flexible temperature during the take-off

1434 Single selection ENG No effect influential Can't edit A
phase affect the thrust of the engine?

Pre-flight, ( ) should perform necessary inspections of civil

1435 Single selection Regulations All crew members First officer Aircraft security officer Captain D
aircraft; departure is not permitted without inspection

( ) has the right to refuse to take-off, if he/she finds that civil

1436 Single selection Regulations aircraft, airports , meteorological conditions, etc. do not meet Passenger Captain Maintenance personnel Purser B
the requirements , and flight safety cannot be guaranteed.

Aircrews who have been temporarily grounded for more than ()

1437 Single selection Regulations days due to physical reasons, need to apply for a single physical 20 30 60 90 B
examination to a medical examination and appraisal agency.

Aircrews who have been grounded for more than () days need
1438 Single selection Regulations to reapply for medical examination and appraisal and obtain a 30 60 90 120 C
medical certificate before resuming flight

In China, RVSM operates in the airspace from ( ) meters to ( )

1439 Single selection Regulations 8400(include),12100(include) 8900(include),12500(include) 8400(exclude),12100(include) 8900(exclude),12500(include) B

第 180 页,共 271 页

( )shall be responsible for whether the flight plan, delay and
dispatch or release complies with the regulations relating to the
1440 Multiple Selections Regulations Captain Dispatcher First officer Vice-general manager of operation AB
administration of civil aviation and the operational norms of
certificate holders

1441 Single selection CHART The HS circled in red in Figure 12-43 is: Conflict-prone location Apron holding point RWY holding point CAT I ILS holding point A

1442 Single selection CHART What does HP stand for in the circled section of Figure 12-44: Apron holding point CAT I ILS holding point Taxi holding point Airport conflict area C

In the approach of JEPPESEN chart , the segment represented by

1443 Single selection CHART Final approach segment Go around segment Holding segment Visual segment B
the circled red section in Figure 12-46 is:

1444 Single selection CHART Which of the following is a different approach from the others: RNP RNAV(GNSS) RNAV(RNP) RNAV(GPS) C

When the aircraft loses all GPS signals, can the chart 12-50 be
1445 Single selection CHART Yes No It depends. B

When the aircraft loses all GPS signals, can the chart 12-51 be
1446 Single selection CHART Yes, provided DME/DME/IRU is available . No Yes A

When the aircraft loses all GPS signals, can the chart 12-52 be
1447 Single selection CHART Yes No It depends. B

第 181 页,共 271 页

The reported temperature at the airport is -41°. Can the pilot
1448 Single selection CHART Yes No It depends. B
use the chart shown in Figure 12-53 for LNAV/VNAV approach?

The reported temperature at the airport is -10°. Can the pilot

1449 Single selection CHART Yes No It depends. A
use the chart shown in Figure 12-54 for LNAV/VNAV approach?

As shown in Figure 12-57, for runway 09, can stop lane be used
1450 Single selection CHART Yes No It depends. A
to abort take-off?

As shown in Figure 12-57, for runway 09, can the runway

1451 Single selection CHART Yes No It depends. A
threshold moved inward 150m be used for take-off roll-out?

1452 Single selection CHART What’s the center of the visual circling protected area ? aerodrome reference point runway midpoint runway threshold aerodrome elevation point C

MORA guarantees the known obstruction clearance margin

1453 Single selection CHART 5 NM 5 KM 10 NM 10 KM C
within ( ) of the route central line.

What’s the projection method used by most of the Jeppesen

1454 Single selection CHART Cylindrical projection Conic projection Azimuth projection B

1455 Single selection CHART The control units corresponding to the CTR are: Tower Approach ATC A

第 182 页,共 271 页

1456 Single selection CHART The control units corresponding to the TMA are: Tower Approach ATC B

Minimum descent altitude, available Minimum descent altitude, available visual

Minimum descent altitude, aircraft Minimum descent altitude, available
1457 Single selection CHART Visibility of the approach minimum depends on: visual NAVAID,aircraft classification NAVAID,aircraft classification and C
classification and approach method visual NAVAID
and approach method approach method ,flight crew qualification

In the mountainous area, it provides

In the plains, it provides MOC(minimum it provides MOC(minimum obstacle it provides MOC(minimum obstacle
1458 Single selection CHART For MSA, the correct description of following is: MOC(minimum obstacle clearance) C
obstacle clearance) of 1000ft clearance ) of 1000ft clearance ) of 2000ft
of 2000ft

1459 Single selection CHART For ILS approach, the maximum glide gradient is: 3° 3.3° 3.5° 3.8° C

As shown in Figure 12-63, the destination is ZSSS airport, the

1460 Single selection CHART ZSPD ZSSS Both works A
aircraft altitude is 1500M, the QNH used at that time should be:

As shown in Figure 12-64, the meaning of this symbol on the

1461 Single selection CHART Minimum altitude is 3000 Maximum altitude is 3000 Suggested altitude is 3000 Mandatory altitude is 3000 D
aeronautical chart is:

As shown in Figure 12-65, the meaning of this symbol on the

1462 Single selection CHART Danger area Prohibited area Restricted area B
aeronautical chart is:

FLEX TAKEOFF can extend engine life and FLEX TAKEOFF can provide a better
1463 Single selection PERF The purpose of using FLEX TAKEOFF is: FLEX TAKEOFF can reduce fuel costs FLEX TAKEOFF needs shorter runway length A
reduce maintenance costs obstacle clearance performance

第 183 页,共 271 页

The takeoff trajectory is characterized by significant changes in
1464 Single selection PERF configuration , thrust, and speed, which can be divided into () 1、 2、 3、 4、 D
flight segments:

Two-engine 5 minutes, one-engine 10 Two-engine 10 minutes , one-engine Two-engine 10 minutes , one-engine Two-engine 5 minutes, one-engine 5
1465 Single selection PERF What’s the correct time limit of maximum thrust TOGA ? A
minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes minutes

1466 Single selection PERF The relationship between V1 and Vmcg is: Greater than or equal to Less than or equal to V1 is less than Vmcg The minimum V1 is 1.05 times Vmcg A

Clean configuration 0 g to +2.5 g Clean configuration -1 g to +2 g Clean configuration 0 g to +2.5 g Clean configuration -1 g to +2.5 g
1467 Single selection LIM A320 flight maneuvering load acceleration limit: D
Other configuration -1 g to +2 g Other configuration 0 g to +2.5 g Other configuration -1 g to +2 g Other configuration 0 g to +2 g

It is not recommended to take off in

It is not recommended to take off in runway It is not recommended to take off on It is not recommended to take off on
1468 Single selection LIM Incorrect takeoff restrictions on contaminated surface is : runway conditions with dry or wet D
conditions with water over compacted snow wet runway contaminated runway
snow on the ice

1469 Single selection LIM The safety relief valve is opened when exceeding ________ 8.6 PSI or -1.0PSI 8.6 PSI or -0.5PSI 8.5 PSI or -0.5PSI 8.6 PSI or -0.5PSI A

1470 Multiple Selections LIM Use APU bleed Can provide engine anti-ice Can not provide engine anti-ice Can provide wing anti-ice Can not provide wing anti-ice BD

Should be in accordance with FCOM Should be in accordance with AFM

1471 Single selection LIM APU bleed assists engine start Has no altitude limits Ground only B
regulations regulations

第 184 页,共 271 页

Flexible take-off is not permitted on Cannot be lower than rated
1472 Single selection LIM About flexible temperature ,the wrong description is ? Cannot be lower than actual OAT May be higher than TmaxFLEX D
contaminated runway. temperature

The flight crew needs to update the

situation assessment based on unexpected
When the flight crew performs a procedure, it must be it is required to apply/consider another interrupted by communication while the procedure requires the flight crew
1473 Multiple Selections LIM abnormalities or emergencies (for example, ACD
completed unless: procedure when performing the action performing this action to conduct a situation assessment
the cabin crew detects smoke or
encounters volcanic ash).

If the red LAND ASAP is part of the

The amber LAND ASAP adaptability If the amber LAND ASAP is part of the
The red LAND ASAP information is suitable procedure, land as soon as possible at
1474 Multiple Selections LIM Which statement (s) is(are) correct: standard shall comply with the procedure, consider landing at the nearest ABCD
for time-critical situations. the nearest airport where a safe
operator’s policy. suitable airport.
landing is possible.

1475 Single selection LIM In CAT II, the corsswind limit for landing is 38kt 30kt 20kt 10kt C

1476 Single selection SOP Which of the following is not included in the SOP? Inspection Preparation Emergency procedure Normal procedure C

The basis for the arrangement of items listed in the SOP is ( )

All are based on the standard layout of the All are based on ergonomic All are based on pilot operating
1477 Single selection SOP to ensure that all operations are performed with the best A
cockpit instrument panel requirements habits

The wrong description of the impact of the crew confirming the Consider the holding caused by the Acceptability of abnormal conditions
1478 Single selection SOP Aircraft worthiness The impact on flight plans B
aircraft technical condition (retaining failure list) is: weather at the destination airport (MEL)

The crew must check the route changes in the NOTAMS, the
inoperative navigation equipment, the availability of the runway
1479 Single selection SOP Flight Plan Fuel requirement Crew qualifications and capabilities flight time B
and the approach equipment , etc., which of the following has a
greater impact:

第 185 页,共 271 页

RAIM/AIME has been verified to be available 100% of the time
1480 Single selection SOP 21 22 23 24 D
and how many satellites are in good condition?

The flight crew should choose a flight level that is as close to

the optimum flight level as possible
1481 Single selection SOP 3% 5% 7% 10% B
As a general rule, an altitude that is 4 000 ft below the optimum
produces a significant penalty,approximately of fuel

Flying __ft below the optimum altitude produces a penalty of

1482 Single selection SOP 2 000 4 000 6 000 8 000 D
more than 10% against trip fuel

When the fuel is transported by The flight crew due to a large

price difference or operation requirement , it may cause
1483 Single selection SOP economic effects such as lower flexible temperature , longer yes no A
climbing time, and lower optimum flight level. It also has an
effect on tire and brake wear.

1484 Single selection SOP Exterior safety inspection do not include which of the following WHEEL CHOCKS L/G DOOR ENGINE AREA APU AREA C

During preliminary cockpit preparation , prior to checking the

battery Settings, check items do not include:

If the aircraft is not powered for (), a battery voltage check

1486 Single selection SOP 5hrs 6hrs 7hrs 8hrs B
should be performed :

During preliminary cockpit preparation , check the battery. If the

1487 Single selection SOP battery voltage is at or below 25.5V, which of the following is 15mins 20mins 25mins 30mins B
the battery charging time is required?

第 186 页,共 271 页

If the APU is only started by the battery, how many minutes
1488 Single selection SOP after the battery switch is selected to the automatic position, it 20mins 25mins 30mins 35mins C
should start.

When should APU START button switch be selected after APU Wait for the FLAP OPEN prompt on the
1489 Single selection SOP at least 3 seconds You can choose directly A
master switch button is selected? APU system display page to appear

When an APU is available, verify with ground personnel whether

there is an LP or HP ground air supply assembly connected to
1490 Single selection SOP the aircraft before selecting the APU bleed button. Also, check HP LP A
that the BLEED system display page is connected to the ()
ground air source component .

When the power is switched on, FMGS and FCU conduct various
1491 Single selection SOP internal tests. How long will it take for the test to be completed 2 min 3 min 4 min 5 min B
before the switch is pressed?

Check oil quantity at or above 9.5 qt + Check oil quantity at or above 10.6 qt
Check oil quantity at or above 9.0 qt + Check oil quantity at or above 10.5qt +
For 320-214 series aircraft, the engine oil quantity shall be estimated consumption (average + estimated consumption (average
1492 Single selection SOP estimated consumption (average estimated estimated consumption (average estimated B
checked as follows: estimated consumption is about 0.5 estimated consumption is about 0.45
consumption is about 0.5 qt/h) consumption is about 0.45 qt/h)
qt/h) qt/h)

When a brake temperature is above () °C, avoid using the

1493 Single selection SOP 400 450 500 550 C
parking brake unless the operation is required

Check whether the yellow system

During exterior walkaround the parking brake must be set to on Enable the flight crew to check brake Check that the yellow hydraulic power
1494 Single selection SOP avoid aircraft moving corresponding to the brake sleeve is B
for the following purposes : wear indicators unit is working normally

When the GPS is not available and the

A complete IRS alignment not must be performed in the When the GPS is not available and when the deviation of the IRS position from
1495 Single selection SOP Before the first flight of the day NAVAIDS coverage is poor on the D
following cases: expected flight time more than 3h the FMGC position is at or above 5nm
expected route

第 187 页,共 271 页

if the number of occupants is if the number of occupants is
1496 Single selection SOP For 320-214 aircraft, when can pack flow be selected to low? if the number of occupants is below141 if the number of occupants is below161 A
below168 below148

If the APU is on air supply, the component controller

1497 Single selection SOP automatically selects the () flow regardless of the selector HIGH NORMAL LOW A

Copy the current F-PLN, but modify it in an If the weather at the take-off airport is
If it is possible to change the runway
appropriate WPT so that in special below the minimum landing standard ,
In the preparation of the FMGS, the second flight plan can refer or SID while taxiing, copy the current
1498 Single selection SOP circumstances , such as a single engine, it the second flight plan shall be made as All of the above. D
to which of the following situations: flight plan to prepare and make
can immediately return to the departure required for immediate diversion after
necessary modifications .
airport. take-off.

If the aircraft takes off from the intersection , when the GPS yes,Increase the situational awareness of
1499 Single selection SOP Primary in use, do I need to insert the take-off displacement the flight crew regarding runway length no A
value? reduction

During cockpit preparation, the maximum altimeter difference

1500 Single selection SOP 20ft 30ft 40ft 50ft A
between the PFDS is: ±

1.Overhead panel 2. Pedestal 3. Central 1.Overhead panel 2. FMGS preparation 1.Overhead panel 2.Glareshield 1.Overhead panel 2. Central instrument
The inspection procedures of PF cockpit preparation are as instrument panel 4.FMGS preparation 5. 3. Pedestal 4.Central instrument panel 3.Pedestal 4.FMGS preparation panel 3. Pedestal 4.FMGS preparation 5.
1501 Single selection SOP D
follows: Glareshield 6. Lateral consoles and 5. Glareshield 6. Lateral consoles and 5.Central instrument panel 6. Lateral Glareshield 6. Lateral consoles and
CM1/CM2 panel CM1/CM2 panel consoles and CM1/CM2 CM1/CM2 panel

With the exception of PW series engine models, if the ground

personnel report a fuel leak from the engine exhaust pipe
during engine starting, let the engine run in idle (). Check to see
1502 Single selection SOP 4 min 5 min 6 min 8 min B
if the fuel leak has disappeared and the aircraft can be released
without maintenance . If a leak persists, shut down the engine
and ask maintenance to investigate the source of the leak.

If the last engine is started within( )seconds of the end of the

1503 Single selection SOP 30 s 40 s 50 s 60 s B
cargo door operation , the PTU FAULT message is triggered.

第 188 页,共 271 页

After start, to avoid thermal shock, the pilot should operate the
engine at idle or near idle for atleast ( )before advancing the
1504 Single selection SOP 2 min 3 min 4 min 5 min A
thrust lever to high power. Taxi time at idle may be included
inthe warm-up period.

Regarding ECAM status after startup, if there is no STS

1505 Single selection SOP reminder , the STS button should be pressed to check the ECAM A. Correct B. Incorrect B
status page.

1.Ground spoilers -ARM 2. Flaps lever- set 1.Ground spoilers -ARM 2. Rudder 1.Ground spoilers -ARM 2.Pitch Trim - 1. Ground spoilers -ARM 2. Rudder Trim-
1506 Single selection SOP Process sequence after engine start by PM: 3.Rudder Trim- zero position 4. Pitch Trim - Trim- zero position 3. Pitch Trim -Set Set 3. Rudder Trim- zero position 4. zero position 3. Flaps lever- set 4. Pitch D
Set 5. Status- check 4.Flaps lever- set 5. Status- check Flaps lever- set 5. Status- check Trim -Set 5. Status- check

PF and PM calculate the takeoff

PF and PM calculate the takeoff
performance data independently
PF controls the aircraft, requiring PM to performance data independently again, PM
PF switch aircraft control to the PM, again, PF modifies the takeoff data in
If the take-off conditions change, how should the flight crew perform data recalculation and modify modifies the takeoff data in FMS, and PF
1507 Single selection SOP then performs data recalculations and FMS, and PM cross-checks the D
recalculate the final take-off performance data? performance data in FMS, and then cross- cross-checks the performance data
modifies performance data in the FMS performance data displayed on PM's
check against EFB and FMS displayed on PF's EFB against the FMS
EFB against the FMS performance
performance takeoff page.
takeoff page.

Which of the following times is not suitable for performing

1508 Single selection SOP Before taxi During taxi Straight line taxi When crossing the runway D
flight control checks:

Yes, the brake temperature is higher

Before take off, the brake temperature was displayed at 160℃, Take off if the temperature is below
Yes, braking temperature above 150 °C, than 150 °C, select the brake fan to
1509 Single selection SOP and the brake fan was not in use. Do I need to delay the 300℃ and the brake fan is not C
delayed take-off. turn on; When the brake temperature
departure ? running.
is below 150℃, select the brake fan off

To confirm alignment for takeoff on the planned runway. The

following useful equipment helps the crew to confirm the
runway for take-off, but which does not include?To confirm
The other planes in the radio
1510 Single selection SOP alignment for takeoff on the planned runway. The following ILS sigal Runway mark The runway symbol on ND C
frequency readback
useful equipment helps the crew to confirm the runway for
take-off, but which does not include?To confirm alignment for
takeoff on the planned runway. The following useful equipment

The connection between the nose wheel steering and the

rudder pedal is removed when the speed is above knots.
1511 Single selection SOP Therefore, under strong crosswind , more rudder weight is 120 kt(wheel speed) 130 kt(wheel speed) 135 kt(wheel speed) 140 kt(wheel speed) B
required at this point to prevent the aircraft from turning to
crosswind .

第 189 页,共 271 页

When the aircraft is two-engine at VR speed, the initial lift is
1512 Single selection SOP achieved in a ()pitch attitude with a continuous lift rate of 3 °/s; 12.5 ° 3 °/s; 15 ° 2.5 °/s; 17.5 ° 2.5 °/s; 15 ° B
approximately ().

As long as GPS PRIMARY is valid, there Low accuracy displayed on PROG

Regarding the inspection of navigation accuracy during cruise, GPS PRIMARY LOST on ND, no need to NAV ACCUR DOWNGRAD on the MCDU,
1513 Single selection SOP is no need to check navigation pages, no need to check navigation B
the following statements are correct: check the navigation accuracy . no navigation accuracy check is required.
accuracy. accuracy .

During the cruise stage, the method to check accuracy: if the

1514 Single selection SOP 0.3 NM 0.5 NM 1 NM 3 NM D
check is negative , the error > () : FM position is not reliable.

The descent preparation and approach brief should be

1515 Single selection SOP Befor TOD Before 40nm of TOD Before 60nm of TOD Before 80nm of TOD A
completed ().

When preparing for descent, which of the following conditions There are changes in weather
1516 Single selection SOP Runway changing Big reverser to small reverser ALL D
requires a re-evaluation of landing performance? conditions at the landing airport

Does switching on anti-ice during descent have any effect on It will increase the Angle of the plane's It will decrease the Angle of the plane's
1517 Single selection SOP Nothing change B
the Angle of descent? (When the engine is idle) descent path descent path

To avoid overloading the speed reducer in ALT* mode, retract

1518 Single selection SOP 1000 ft 1500 ft 2000 ft 2500 ft C
the speed brake at least () before the selected altitude

When descending through 10,000 ft, which of the following

1519 Single selection SOP Landing light selector Second F-plan revision Seat belt pb Inspection of radio navaid B
items is not required by SOP:

第 190 页,共 271 页

( )above airfield elevation (AAL) in Instrument
1520 Single selection SOP 500ft 1000ft 1300ft 1500ft B
Meteorological Conditions (IMC).

( )above airfield elevation (AAL) in Visual Meteorological

1521 Single selection SOP 500ft 1000ft 1300ft 1500ft A
Conditions (VMC).

Acceptable ,provided that it is in Acceptable ,provided that the Acceptable ,provided that the flight crew
In IMC, can later speed and thrust stabilization be acceptable ?
1522 Single selection SOP Not acceptable. The crew must go around. accordance with Operator policies and aircraft is in deceleration toward the stabilizes speed and thrust as soon as A
Which item is not true?
regulations . target approach speed. possible and not later than 500 ft AAL.

During the approach, the speed control technology can be APV,non-precision approach and Decelerated approach and stable
1523 Single selection SOP ILS approach and VOR approach Instrument approach and visual approach C
divided into: precision approach approach

When the aircraft is at or above the altitude selected on the Must perform discontinue approach Can perform go-around procedure or
1524 Single selection SOP Must perform go-around procedure C
FCU, in order to discontinue the approach, the crew : technology discontinue approach technology

If the aircraft is in HDG/TRK mode, about ( ) away from the

1525 Single selection SOP touchdown point, the approach phase is activated on the 10 NM 12 NM 15 NM 20 NM C
MCDU and confirmed

During the intermediate /final approach, the crew can order

1526 Single selection SOP Before final descent point 1 NM before final descent point 2 NM before final descent point 3 NM before final descent point D
flaps 1 at the green dot speed. But should select flap 1 (). ( )

If the aircraft is intercept path less If the aircraft is intercept path less than 2
Must be before 2 000 FT AGL minimum Must be before 2 500 FT AGL minimum
1527 Single selection SOP For ILS, when does the crew select flap 2? than 2 000 ft AGL, select flaps 2 at a 500 ft AGL, select flaps 2 at a point lower C
altitude altitude
point lower than that than that

第 191 页,共 271 页

The velocity is less than the target velocity - The velocity is less than the target The velocity is less than the target
With regard to standard flight parameters , deviation should be The velocity is less than -10kT, or greater
1528 Single selection SOP 5kT, or greater than the target velocity + velocity -10kT, or greater than the velocity minus 5 kT, or greater than A
reported by PM in the following cases: than + 10kT
10kT target velocity + 5kT the target velocity plus 5 kT

With regard to standard flight parameters , deviation should be Pitch attitude less than -3.0 °, or greater Pitch attitude less than -2.5 ° or greater Pitch attitude less than -3.0 °, or Pitch attitude less than -2.5 °, or greater
1529 Single selection SOP B
reported by PM in the following cases: than +10 ° nose up than +10 ° nose up greater than +12.5 ° nose up than +12.5 ° nose up

With regard to standard flight parameters , deviation should be

1530 Single selection SOP Slope Angle greater than 5 degrees Slope Angle greater than 6 degrees Slope Angle greater than 7 degrees Slope Angle greater than 10 degrees C
reported by PM in the following cases:

With regard to standard flight parameters , deviation should be decending rate greater than 1200 decending rate greater than 1100
1531 Single selection SOP decending rate greater than 1300 ft/min decending rate greater than 1000 ft/min D
reported by PM in the following cases: ft/min ft/min

For CATIII without DH, the crew should enter () in the MCDU DH
1532 Single selection SOP field to avoid an incorrect, inappropriate "HUNDRED ABOVE" or 0 NO DH NO NO 0 C
"MINIMUM " automatic message.

For CATII and CATIII approaches , those not covered by the

1533 Single selection SOP assignment and callouts degraded direction management low visibility procedure of airport EOSID D
required brief are:

For ILS approach, after the approach button on FCU is pressed,

1534 Single selection SOP no less than () after prepositioning , LOC and G/S interception 1S 2S 3S 4S C
mode will be connected.

Approach mode to check the

Approach mode to check the preposition ; Lower the landing gear and select at Lower the landing gear according to the
For ILS approach, if the channel is higher than the glide path preposition ; Lower the landing gear
V/S mode selection; FCU height; Lower the least flaps 2; Approach mode to check speed and select at least flaps 2; Approach
1535 Single selection SOP after interception , intercept shall be conducted. Operation according to the speed and select at D
landing gear and select at least flaps 2 for the preposition ; V/S mode selection; mode to check the preposition ; FCU
sequence of the aircrew: least flaps 2; V/S mode selection; FCU
speed FCU altitude altitude; V/S mode selected

第 192 页,共 271 页

1536 Single selection SOP In (), the LAND mode is checked and reported. 300 ft RA 350 ft RA 400 ft RA 450 ft RA B

Monitor automatic reporting and

For CAT I, CAT II, CAT III approaches with decision height , at Monitor automatic report, if no automatic
1537 Single selection SOP Take the initiative to report Automatic monitoring report report actively D
minimum input altitude + 100 ft, PM () shouts 100 higher. report, report actively

FMA FLARE up early/untimely, the following effects are unlikely Turn on the automatic landing warning The RA high indicator on a PFD may The absence or interruption of an RA
1538 Single selection SOP The actual cabin pressure is abnormal B
to occur: light if not appropriate . freeze on a positive or negative value automatic message (report altitude)

FOR a VOR/DME approach guided by FPA, at the lowest altitude

(), if the autopilot still connects, DISCONNECT AP FOR LDG
1539 Single selection SOP -50 ft +50 ft -100 ft +100ft A
messages on FMA flash up to alert the crew that the automatic
landing is unavailable .

Which of the following description of the mode of visual Automatic thrust and selectied speed are
1540 Single selection SOP No autopilot Turn off both PFDs FPV is recommended D
approach is incorrect: recommended

For the leveling phase of manual landing , the view angle of the
1541 Single selection SOP 15 ° 20 ° 25 ° 30 ° B
cockpit is generally:

Under the stable approach condition, the initial level off altitude
1542 Single selection SOP 20 ft 30 ft 40 ft 50 ft B
is approximately

After landing, it is best to reduce the thrust at (). However, in

1543 Single selection SOP order to control the speed of the aircraft in case of an 40 kt 50 kt 60 kt 70 kt D
emergency , high counter-thrust can be used.

第 193 页,共 271 页

Remove the automatic brake before speed () to avoid skidding
1544 Single selection SOP at low speed. The flight crew shall use the brake pedal to 25 kt 15 kt 20 kt 30 kt C
remove the automatic brake.

On snow - covered ground , the aircraft should be pushed back

1545 Single selection SOP 25 kt 15 kt 20 kt 30 kt A
when the speed reaches ().

The temperature difference between two The temperature difference between The mean temperature difference
After landing, check the brake temperature difference and high The mean temperature difference between
brakes on the same landing gear is greater two brakes on the same landing gear is between left landing gear brakes and
temperature on the wheel system display page. Regarding the left landing gear brakes and right brakes is
1546 Single selection SOP than 150 °C, and one of these brakes has a greater than 150 °C, and one of these right brakes is greater than or equal D
need to take maintenance measures, the following description greater than or equal to 150 °C, or a brake
temperature greater than or equal to 600 brakes has a temperature below or to 200 °C, or a brake temperature
is wrong: temperature greater than 600 °C
°C equal to 60 °C greater than 900 °C

The flight crew shall operate the engine cooling for () with idle
1547 Single selection SOP or near idle thrust before the engine is shut down to achieve 90s 120s 150s 180s D
thermal stability of the engine.

1548 Single selection SOP For safe disembarkation , which of the following is not true: choke in and park brake release Cerw oxygen OFF ADIRS OFF Exterior lights OFF A

Wait for the APU damper to close completely before turning off
1549 Single selection SOP the battery. About how long after the APU AVAIL lights went 60s 90s 120s 180s C

If the Pitch attitude is greater than 17.5 ° or If the Pitch attitude is greater than 20 ° If the Pitch attitude is greater than If the Pitch attitude is greater than 20 ° or
1550 Single selection SOP During the go around, the PM needs to report PITCH: B
less than 12.5 ° or less than 10 ° 17.5 ° or less than 10 ° less than 12.5 °

Fly, navigate, communicate , follow this

Which of the following is not the "golden rule for pilots" of Use the appropriate level of Take actions if things do not go as
1551 Single selection SOP order and carry out appropriate division of Report changes in FMA at all times C
Airbus: automation at all times expected

第 194 页,共 271 页

When reaching the cruise flight level, the crew ensures that the
wind and temperature are correctly input to ensure that the
horizontal and vertical flight plans reflect the CFP. If the wind
1552 Single selection SOP condition deviation of a waypoint reaches () or () or the 30 °;20 kt; 5 °C 20 °;30 kt; 8 °C 30 °;30 kt; 8 °C 30 °;30 kt; 5 °C D
temperature deviation (), the wind and temperature should be
entered at the waypoint . This ensures that FMS's fuel and time
forecasts are as accurate as possible .

Control the number of times the brake is

1553 Single selection SOP The only way a pilot can minimize brake wear is to: Control the temperature of the brake Control the pressure of the brake Control the time of brake using A

On a long straight taxiway, and there is no ATC or other ground

1554 Single selection SOP aircraft activity forcing, PF should accelerate the aircraft to (), 25 kt; 10 kt 30 kt; 15 kt 25 kt; 15 kt 30 kt; 10 kt D
and then use a steady brake to decelerate to ().

On wet or contaminated runways, it is recommended to

1555 Single selection SOP maintain a speed of () during the 180° turning maneuver on the 5 kt 6 kt 8 kt 10 kt A

The flight crew should obtain the latest landing information

1556 Single selection SOP 10 min before descending 15 min before descending 80 nm before descending 100 nm before descending B
(weather, runway status, braking effect, etc.) at () at the latest.

If the PF uses manual thrust to land, he/she should disconnect

1557 Single selection SOP 500 ft AAL 1000 ft AAL 1300 ft AAL 1500 ft AAL B
the A/THR at () at the latest.

The crew must be aware of the importance of sight position

during low visibility approach and landing . A low seat position
1558 Single selection SOP may greatly reduce the sight range. Generally speaking , an 10 m (30 ft) 15 m (45 ft) 20 m (60 ft) 5 m (15 ft) A
incorrect sitting posture reduces the cockpit viewing angle by
1°, and reduces vision sector approximately by ().

When using FPA to guide the approach and intercepting the

final vertical segment, the final flight path angle (FPA) is preset
1559 Single selection SOP on the FCU at the latest () before FDP. Pilot can pull out the 1.5 NM; 0. 5NM 1.5 NM; 0.3 NM 1 NM; 0.5 NM 1 NM; 0.3 NM D
FPA selector () before FDP to softly intercept the final approach

第 195 页,共 271 页

For fast IRS alignment : During fast alignment , IRS reset the
ground speed and some internal filters to zero, but IRS does
1560 Single selection SOP not estimate the position of the aircraft. The flight crew sets the 3 s 5s 7s 10 s B
IR mode selector to OFF and then returns to NAV mode within

1561 Single selection SOP C

Regarding the fuel calculation of the alternate airport in MCDU,

if the distance to the alternate airport is less than 200 NM, the
1562 Single selection SOP FL100; FL220 FL100; FL210 FL210; FL310 FL220; FL310 D
flight altitude is (), otherwise it is (), and the flight speed is the
maximum range speed.

When automatic brake is selected, when the actual deceleration

1563 Single selection SOP rate is () of the selected rate after landing, the green DECEL 60 % 70 % 80 % 90 % C
light will be on.

In the case of a large crosswind , the PF should be prepared to

add a small slope angle to the wind during the drift angle phase
to keep the aircraft on the runway centerline . The airplane may
1564 Single selection SOP need to land with a partial drift angle. The remaining drift angle 3 ° 4° 5° 6° C
is at most approximately () to prevent the slope from being too
large. This technology prevents the wingtip (or nacelle) from
touching the ground due to excessive slope.
When the aircraft is in a critical phase
When the aircraft is less than 10,000 ft, When the aircraft is in a critical phase
of flight, avoid any unnecessary When the aircraft is below 10,000 ft, avoid
avoid any unnecessary conversation: it of flight, avoid any unnecessary
The principle of reducing unnecessary communication in the conversations : this includes any unnecessary conversations : this
1565 Single selection SOP refers to the conversation between the conversations : it refers to the D
cockpit refers to: conversations in the cockpit or includes conversations in the cockpit or
flight crew and the cabin crew in the conversation between the flight crew
between the flight crew and the cabin between the flight crew and the cabin crew
cockpit. in the cockpit.

Airbus normal checklists are prepared taking ECAM information

into account and include only those items that, if not properly
1566 Single selection SOP The "memory" type The "question/answer" type "Action"type "Read/Do"type B
executed , have a direct impact on flight safety and efficiency.
These checklists are

The plates are placed on the floor behind

Teacups with LIDS should be covered and Keep books and papers, if any, in side Garbage is placed in the garbage box the flight crew. The flight attendants
1567 Single selection SOP The following description of a clean cockpit is incorrect: A
tightened to prevent spills. storage on the side control console should put away the plates as soon as

第 196 页,共 271 页

1568 Single selection SOP The normal checklist includes () flight phases. 6 7 8 9 D

Check the position of the control

Ensure that all security checks are Check the liquid oil level, i.e., oil,
1569 Single selection SOP The objectives of the preliminary cockpit preparation are: surface control handle, e.g., All of the above D
performed hydraulic and oxygen pressure used
slats/flaps, parking brake

During the exterior walkaround , it is not included in the

1570 Single selection SOP contents to observe the possible abnormal conditions of Length of L/G compressor Pins removed State of the brake The brake fan works normally D
landing gear state:

A fast IRS alignment and a complete A complete alignment and position Navigation mode check and position
1571 Single selection SOP IRS alignment or realignment involves the following two steps: alignment and position initialization B
alignment initialization initialization

The yellow field is used for data The yellow characters indicate the
FMGS programming requires input of navigation data, followed The amber character indicates the
1572 Single selection SOP Fields with boxes must be entered generated by FMS and cannot be restrictions that the FMS is trying to comply A
by performance data. Note: temporary flight plan display
changed with

The flight Plan A page should be completed carefully, but does

1573 Single selection SOP take off runway SID take off speed altitude and speed restrictions C
not include:

Ensure that the clear flight path is Ensure that not exceed the maximum
1574 Single selection SOP The acceleration altitude of one engine failure must: At least 400 ft above airport altitude All of the above D
above the obstacle by 35 ft take-off thrust time.

From 50 °C (when the actual brake

From 100 °C (when the actual brake From 100 °C (when the actual brake From 50 °C (when the actual brake
The difference between the indicated and actual brake temperature is 100 °C) to 150 °C
1575 Single selection SOP temperature is 100 °C) to 150 °C (when the temperature is 100 °C) to 200 °C (when temperature is 100 °C) to 200°C (when the C
temperature when the brake fan is running: (when the actual brake temperature is
actual brake temperature is 300 °C) the actual brake temperature is 300 °C) actual brake temperature is 300 °C)
300 °C)

第 197 页,共 271 页

At low speed, the pedal controls the nose wheel turn. Full pedal
1576 Single selection SOP deflection is () Can the pilot use the pedal to steer the aircraft ± 7 °; yes ± 6 °;yes ± 5 °; no ± 8°; no B
during straight taxiing and gentle turning?

When taxiing in a straight line, when the center line is at (), the On the right leg of the left seat pilot or on
1577 Single selection SOP middle of ND middle of PFD Between PFD and Nd C
aircraft is correctly aligned to the center line. the left leg of the right seat pilot

The flight crew should be aware that the main landing gear on
the inside of the turn is always cutting the angle and trajectory
1578 Single selection SOP inside the nose wheel track. For this reason, over turn 15 m 18 m 20 m 22 m C
technology can be considered , especially for the A321, where
the main landing gear is located behind the pilot.

If one tire is flat, the aircraft speed is limited to (), and nose
1579 Single selection SOP 3 kt 5 kt 7 kt 9 kt C
wheel steering can be used.

During taxiing, a good way to check the overall consistency of

the FMGC input display is to check the runway and Sid on the Set ND to ARC or NAV mode with a Set ND to NAV mode with a range of Set ND to ARC or NAV mode with a range
1580 Single selection SOP Set ND to ARC mode with a range of 10 nm. B
ND and compare it with the aircraft symbol indicating the range of 10 nm. 10 nm. of 20 nm.
current aircraft position. To use this mode ()

Once the thrust is set, the PF announces the indication on the

1581 Single selection SOP FMA. PM must check the thrust setting before () and must 40 kt 60 kt 80 kt 100 kt C
report "thrust setting".

On short runways, configuration () usually provides the

1582 Single selection SOP maximum flexible temperature , and the tail separation at lift-off 1+F 2 3 All of the above C
is independent of the configuration .

In flight, PF and PM must cross check the following control

1583 Single selection SOP Engine master switch / handle ADR selector Control of all protections Cockpit CBs B
before any action, but not including:

第 198 页,共 271 页

If the flight crew accidentally operates the control with black
1584 Single selection SOP Reversible Irreversible No effect Need to recover according to QRH A
cover, the subsequent effects are as follows:

Each time a flight crew member adjusts or changes cockpit

information or / and equipment, he must inform the other crew Seat position and pedal settings
1585 Single selection SOP FMGs changes Flight path changes Change in speed or Mach number C
member and obtain confirmation from the other crew member . changed
Such adjustments and changes do not include:

According to PM's role and Airbus golden rule, PM shall

1586 Single selection SOP monitor and announce all status that requires PF to respond or Deviation from expected flight path Flight status needs to be reassessed Flight crew intent Cabin crew needs assistance D
take over aircraft (if required ). This does not apply to:

When the last check list executed by the flight crew is the
1587 Single selection SOP Stoppage Transit stop Stayover B
PARKING check list, what kind of state does it represent

The pre start, pre take-off and After take-off checklists are
enhances situational awareness of
1588 Single selection SOP divided into two parts: "before the line" and "below the line". Distinguish different flight phases Flight crew management workload B
flight crew
This format design helps to:

It should be consistent with the actual

It should be consistent with the description
1589 Single selection SOP For the checklist items identified as "as require", you should answer "as require" Answer after completing the action situation or configuration of the C
on the checklist

When checking in ADIRS mode, how should the flight crew Check the GPS primary on the prog Check that three ADIRS are in nav
1590 Single selection SOP Check that the IRS is in nav mode on mcdu Checking validity in the database A
check during performing pre-start checklist ? page of mcdu position on the overhead panel

If NOTAM reports that a navaid is unreliable , it must be rejected FMGC DATA/POSITION MONITOR/SEL MCDU DATA/POSITION MONITOR/SEL
on the () page. NAVAID NAVAID

第 199 页,共 271 页

The forearm can be comfortably There is no gap between the forearm and
1592 Single selection SOP The pilot's incorrect adjustment of the outer armrest may cause: Reduce visual range Excessive manipulation B
placed on the armrest the armrest

The next time you land, the tire

Hydraulic oil will not ignite in the wheel well The brakes have enough time to cool
1593 Single selection SOP Purpose of maximum brake temperature limit for takeoff: won’t burst due to the high fusible plugs melt and cause tire burst A
when the landing gear is retracted down

If the accumulator pressure drops below (), the flight crew

1594 Single selection SOP should be aware that the parking brake effect may decrease 1000 PSI 1200 PSI 1500 PSI 1600 PSI C
quite suddenly.

For the aircraft with CFM engine, the flight crew shall use ()
1595 Single selection SOP Slightly higher than idle 30 % N1 35 % N1 no more then40 % N1 A
thrust to move the aircraft during taxi.

For the 180 ° turn on the runway, if PF is a left seat crew

member (CM1), first taxi on the right side of the runway and
maintain the ground speed between 5 KT and 8 KT throughout
1596 Single selection SOP 20° 25 ° 30 ° 15 ° B
the maneuver. Turn left and keep an ( ) angle with the runway
axis. Surveillance is approaching the edge of the runway. Turn
right, up to full handwheel deflection.

If the front center of gravity and pitch trim If the rear center of gravity and pitch If the rear center of gravity and pitch If the front center of gravity and pitch trim
are set in the nose down limit, the pilot will trim are set in the nose up limit, the trim are set in the nose up limit, the are set in the nose down limit, the pilot will
The pitch trim settings significantly affect the aircraft state at lift feel "the aircraft is very light" at lift off. pilot may have to increase the pulling pilot may have to push slightly before feel "the aircraft is very heavy" at lift off.
1597 Single selection SOP C
off When using the same amount of pulling, slightly before the speed reaches VR to the speed reaches VR to offset the When using the same amount of pulling,
the response of the aircraft wheel lifting is offset the automatic wheel lifting trend automatic wheel lifting trend of the the response of the aircraft wheel lifting is
faster than normal. of the aircraft. aircraft. faster than normal.

In case of heavy takeoff, which of the following protections may

1598 Single selection SOP ARS High angle of attack protection Load protection Overspeed protection A
intervene when flaps / slats are retracted:

When climbing, it may be appropriate to use () for small height

1599 Single selection SOP OPEN CLB CLB V/S 2000 ft V/S 1000 ft D

第 200 页,共 271 页

For diversion, the crew can also use the nearest airport page,
which provides fuel / time predictions for () airports closest to
1600 Single selection SOP the aircraft location and to the airport selected by the flight 3 4 5 6 B
crew. These fuel and time predictions are a function of the
average wind between the aircraft and the airport.

Flight time according to the company 's cost Flying at managed speed or economic When the wind and temperature When the optimum level is equal to the
1601 Single selection SOP What’s the meaning to fly at the optimum flight level? C
index Mach number profiles are accurately input maximum level

If the fuel temperature is close to the allowable minimum

temperature and ECAM generates a warning, the following
measures should be considered to achieve a higher TAT:
1602 Single selection SOP 6000 3000 4000 8000 C
consider lowering or rerouting to a warmer air mass. Below the
tropopause , the TAT can increase by 7 ° C with a drop of ( ) ft.
In severe cases, descent to as low as 25 000 ft can be required.

In order to judge the landing performance without failure, the Refer to the VAPP calculation table The landing distance is calculated
1603 Single selection SOP flight crew should follow three main steps, which do not Recognition of braking effect by RCAM without failure in QRH to determine with the no failure air landing Consider the maximum crosswind limit D
include: VAPP distance table in QRH

The flight crew should always consider the landing performance

judgment in the reported conditions as part of its approach Runway conditions deteriorated after
1604 Single selection SOP wet runway Automatic landing All of the above D
preparation . In some specific conditions, it is necessary to judge release
the air performance

If the strong crosswind or gusty crosswind is greater than 20 kt,

1605 Single selection SOP VAPP should be at least VLS + 5 KT knots; the flight crew can 10 kt 15 kt 20 kt 25 kt B
decide to increase the increment of 5 KT above VLS speed to ().

For the confirmation of no failure air landing distance, the crew

1606 Single selection SOP shall confirm the reference landing distance according to the Wind direction and wind speed Landing configuration Brake code Backthrust without engine A
conditions, excluding:

For the calculation of descent top and profile, FMGs calculate

backward the TOD when the speed at the last approach ( )
1607 Single selection SOP position is VAPP. It takes into account all the descent speeds 500 ft 1000 ft 1500 ft 2000 ft B
and height coercion and assumes the use of management

第 201 页,共 271 页

For the managed descent mode, the managed descent profile
1608 Single selection SOP 2.0 ° 2.5 ° 3.0 ° 3.5 ° B
at high altitude is about ().

When the descent management begins, the pilot sets the ATC
permitted altitude on the FCU and presses the ALT selector. Des
1609 Single selection SOP mode is connected and displayed on FMA. If ATC requires early 700 ft/min 1000 ft/min 1300 ft/min 1500 ft/min B
descent, des mode provides the descent rate of () until the
calculated profile is obtained again.

When the management speed drops, the descent mode works

in a speed range, and the maximum VMO () is the upper limit
and the managed speed () is the lower limit (limited to VLS).
1610 Single selection SOP -5 kt; -15 kt -4 kt; -20 kt -5 kt; -20 kt -4 kt; -15 kt C
Depending on the FMGs standard and the position of the
aircraft relative to the vertical profile, the speed range may not
be displayed .

In holding pattern, speed is the minimum of the following

1611 Single selection SOP Maximum endurance speed ICAO limits holding speed Speed limit (if any) characteristic speed D
values, but does not include:

In holding pattern, DES guides the aircraft descends at a rate of

1612 Single selection SOP -500ft/min -1000ft/min -1500ft/min -1700ft/min B
(), until the clearance altitude or altitude limit is reached.

The first action of stall recovery is to control nose down, and its
1613 Single selection SOP accelerate Reduce the angle of attack Increase lift Reduce resistance B
purpose is ().

In order to ensure that the ADIRS records most of the latest

1614 Single selection SOP 5S 10S 30S 1MIN B
data, the flight crew must wait () to turn off the power supply.

Set the ENG MASTER handle to OFF

Set the corresponding ENG MASTER
If there is power interruption during the start-up of ground to interrupt the start, and consider
1615 Single selection SOP Continue to start normally handle to OFF to interrupt the start B
engine No.2, the crew should trying to start the No.1 engine with
and execute 30s cold run
cross feed air supply

第 202 页,共 271 页

PM checks the speed, selects the flap
PM can reply PF command after PM checks the speed, selects lever to
Take the takeoff of configuration 2 as an example , the PF calls handle to position 1, and checks the
PM checks speed, selects lever to position 1 checking speed, and then select lever position 1, and checks the green number
1616 Single selection SOP out "flaps one" while the aircraft is climbing to increase the blue number indicated by the flap on B
and replys to position 1 according to PF indicated by the flap on ECAM, and then
speed, when will PM call out "flaps one" ? ECAM, and then replys
requirements replys

During flight, when the captain issues an order to go around or

1617 Single selection SOP other flight personnel request to go around, go around Captain 's judgement No reason should be considered Decision made by cockpit personnel Drop to decision height B
according ( )

The main altitude display in RVSM airspace needs cross check

1618 Single selection SOP no need 30mins 1hour 2hours C
every ( ) time.

The difference of RVSM airspace main altitude display shall not

1619 Single selection SOP 60 m (200 ft) or fcom requirements 90 m (300ft) or fcom requirements 20 m (70ft) or fcom requirements A
be greater than

A320 CEO uses Autoland to check that the aircraft's automatic Not less than - 1000ft and up to +2500ft Not less than - 1000ft and up to Not less than - 2000ft, up to + 9200ft
1620 Single selection SOP A
landing,airport elevation is limited to pressure altitude +5750ft pressure altitude pressure altitude

1621 Single selection SOP How does PF initiate the memory program? Calling appropriate command of program Start the memory program directly Call out: I control A

Failure to follow the recommended Failure to follow the recommended If not follow the recommended
1622 Single selection SOP Purpose of setting white OEB procedures may seriously affect the procedures may seriously affect the procedures , there is no clear A
operation of the aircraft. safe operation of the aircraft. consequence

The last crew only executed the The flight crew completed the check
Under what circumstances does the crew only need to complete The aircraft belongs to stopover state and
1623 Single selection SOP shutdown check list, but not the off list but did not actually leave the A
the project with asterisk during cockpit preparation? the crew has no change
board check list aircraft

第 203 页,共 271 页

On the ground, normally pressing the rudder trim reset switch
1624 Single selection SOP 0° 0.1° 0.3° 0.5° C
should observe the maximum__ (left or right) indication

The actual position of the pack flow

AIR On the bleed air page of ECAM, the pack flow rate is displayed The pack outlet temperature is over The pack flow indicator is 30% lower than
1625 Single selection Component flow control valve closed control valve is inconsistent with the A
CON/PRESS/VENT as amber in the case of ( ) temperature the actual flow

AIR When the APU is supplying air, set the pack flow select or to the
1626 Single selection High flow Low flow Normal flow Not working A
CON/PRESS/VENT LO, the pack will produce:

When the APU supplies air to the packs, if the area temperature
AIR Air conditioning pack flow control
1627 Single selection cannot be satisfied, the pack will send a signal to which of the Air conditioning pack ram air intake flap APU electric control box(ECB) Bypass valve B
following devices to increase the air flow:

AIR How many times did the air flow via the APU or engine output
1628 Single selection 1 2 3 4 B
CON/PRESS/VENT undergo heat exchange cooling in the air condition pack?

AIR Which part of the air through the air conditioning pack will be
1629 Single selection Primary heat exchanger Main heat exchanger Air cycle machine (compressor ) Air cycle machine (turbine) A
CON/PRESS/VENT introduced into the bypass valve?

AIR The cabin area temperature is measured by the cabin ( ) and ( Lavatory extraction circuit, pack outlet Sensor in the galley ventilation system, Lavatory extraction circuit and sensor
1630 Single selection Lavatory extraction circuit, trim air valves C
CON/PRESS/VENT ) temperature pack outlet temperature in the galley ventilation system

Air conditioning system provides continuous air renewal and

1631 Single selection maintains a constant, selected temperature in the following COCKPIT, FWD & AFT CABIN COCKPIT, FWD & AFT CABIN, AVINC BAY A
zones :

第 204 页,共 271 页

cold fresh air from the packs, recirculated cold fresh air from the packs, air at
AIR recirculated cabin air, air at
1632 Single selection The mixer unit of air conditioning system mixes: cabin air, air at emergency ram air inlet and emergency ram air inlet and ground LP Cockpit air and cabin air A
CON/PRESS/VENT emergency ram air inlet
ground LP inlet air inlet air

AIR If APU is supplying bleed air(APU bleed air valve is open), the
1633 Single selection HI NORM LOW Manual select A
CON/PRESS/VENT pack flow selector automatically selects:

AIR What will happen to the packs if the Air Cycle Machine (ACM) The affected pack will be operated in heat
1634 Single selection Pack 1 will fail No effect Pack 2 will fail A
CON/PRESS/VENT fails: exchanger cooling mode

If the hot air pressure regulating valve fails in the closed

AIR Pack 1 controls the cockpit Pack 2 controls the cabin temperature
1635 Single selection position, which of the following description of the effect on the Basic temperature regulating fails Optimized temperature regulation fails A
CON/PRESS/VENT temperature to the selected value to average value of the selected value
temperature control of the aircraft is wrong:

AIR During the landing roll-out, the pack ram air inlet flap opens
1636 Single selection 77Kt(after 30s) 70Kt(after 30s) 70Kt(after 20s) 77Kt(after 20s) C
CON/PRESS/VENT when the speed is less than:

AIR What’s the operation mode of the two sets of air Automatic operation and independent of Automatic operation and interactive
1637 Single selection Pack 1 active, pack 2 follow-up Only one pack works at a time A
CON/PRESS/VENT conditioning packs in normal conditions? each other control

Ground function, in-flight Ground function, take-off function,

AIR The cabin pressurization system has four basic functions. Which Ground function, pre-pressurization , in- Suspension function, pre-pressurization , in-
1638 Single selection pressurization , cruise function, de- in-flight pressurization , de- A
CON/PRESS/VENT of the following is correct? flight pressurization , de- pressurization flight pressurization , de- pressurization
pressurization pressurization

Before take-off, increase the cabin pressure After take-off, increase the cabin During take-off, decrease the cabin During take-off, increase the cabin pressure
AIR One of the four general functions of the cabin pressurization
1639 Single selection to avoid cabin pressure fluctuations when pressure to avoid cabin pressure pressure to avoid cabin pressure to avoid cabin pressure fluctuations when D
CON/PRESS/VENT system, the correctly description of "pre-pressurization is ( )
rotate fluctuations when rotate fluctuations when rotate rotate

第 205 页,共 271 页

AIR One of the four general functions of the cabin pressurization Prepressurization for the cabin on
1640 Single selection Close the outflow valve on ground Half open the outflow valve on ground Fully opens the outflow valve on ground D
CON/PRESS/VENT system, "ground function", the correctly description is ( ) ground

AIR Which general function of the cabin pressurization system is

1641 Single selection Depressurization Ground function Prepressurization Interrupt function B
CON/PRESS/VENT "fully opening the outflow valve on the ground "?

AIR Under manual pressurized mode, who provides the pressurized Provided by the manual backup parts of
1642 Single selection The manual backup part of CPC 1 The manual backup part of CPC 2 Select by FMGC A
CON/PRESS/VENT system indications and warning information for ECAM? CPC 1 and CPC 2 alternately

To avoid a pressure surge at rotation, the controller pre-

1643 Single selection pressurizes the aircraft at a rate of 400 ft/min, until the ΔP 1psi 0.5psi 0.1psi 0.8psi C
reaches ( )PSI.

There are 6 automatic pressure control methods for aircraft

1644 Single selection pressurization system. Which one of the following is not one of Ground take-off Aborting go-around D

1645 Single selection On ECAM CRUISE page, when does CAB ALT FT pulse? When CAB ALT≥8000ft When CAB ALT≥8800ft When CAB ALT≥9000ft When CAB ALT≥9550ft B

AIR When is“MAN LDG ELEV”displayed in green on ECAM

1646 Single selection CPC 1+2 fail CPC 1 fails LDG ELEV not at AUTO CPC 2 fails C

If the crossbleed valve is open at engine start, and the two

AIR After an engine is started, one valves
1647 Single selection PACK pbs are in the ON position, what is the working status of Two valves remain open One is open and one is closed Two valves remain closed C
CON/PRESS/VENT automatically turns on
the two pack flow control valves?

第 206 页,共 271 页

Sends command to the flight control Sends command to the flight control
1648 Single selection AUTO FLT When autopilot engaged, FMGC: Command to the flight control surface B
computer computer by means of side sticks

When operating with two engines, the range of automatic

1649 Single selection AUTO FLT TOGA to REV TOGA to IDLE CLB to IDLE C
thrust control is

Which of the following functions cannot be provided by the

1650 Single selection AUTO FLT Flight plan automatic sequencing Lateral correction of the flight plan AP/FD NAV mode C
backup navigation method?

Automatically arm after selecting take-off Automatically engaged when activate

1651 Single selection AUTO FLT Auto-thrust function Must manually engage before climbing A
thrust go-around mode

On the ground, when the computer is When there is a discrepancy between

1652 Single selection AUTO FLT When will FMGC internal testing be performed automatically In the event of a failure in flight When autopilot is engaged A
powered on the two computers

According to the relevant description in fcom, autopilot 1 (or 2) 100ft and at least 5 seconds after lift
1653 Single selection AUTO FLT taxi After takeoff, if the FD ON B
can be switched on at the earliest? off the ground

The soft height mode allows a change of +

FMGS is connected to the SOFT ALT
50 ft with CRZ FL to correct minor After flying with Maher number and
mode only after using the Maher
1654 Single selection AUTO FLT Soft altitude mode (Cruise), the following statement is wrong: deviations from target Maher in order to reaching the cruising level, FMGS B
number and reaching the cruise height
reduce thrust changes and reduce fuel connects to the SOFT ALT.
consumption .

The data produced by FMGC that

1655 Single selection AUTO FLT What does the green on the MCDU page mean? Data that the pilot can modify Always means temporary flight plan B
cannot be modified by the crew

第 207 页,共 271 页

What will happen if the crew presses the HDG-V/S / TRK-FPA Course mode remains active, FPA mode is
1656 Single selection AUTO FLT Course and FPA mode are on No influence A
button when the course and vertical speed mode are active? on

Must be set up by the crew and only Both climb and descent phases must
1657 Single selection AUTO FLT Speed / Maher transformation in managed flight: auto A
during the climb phase be established by the unit

The remaining fmgc communicates

The remaining fmgc communicates The remaining fmgc communicates
1658 Single selection AUTO FLT FMGC works in a single way: with the other party's mcdu through A
independently with the two mcdus only with the relevant mcdu
the failed fmgc

The speed of setting VAPP or throttle

FCU speed manually selected by the unit
1659 Single selection AUTO FLT In go around, the target speed of SRS is: VAPP bar to TOGA position (take a larger C
before toga thrust is set

During the flight, A/TH is OFF, thrust lever is in Climb, α Automatic thrust is inactive because the A/TH is engaged automatically but not A/TH is engaged automatically , A/TH is engaged automatically , control
1660 Single selection AUTO FLT D
floor is detected: engine is already in climb thrust active control engine with climb thrust engine with takeoff/go-around thrust

When AP1 and AP2 are not ON, FD1 and FD2 are engaged, FMGC1 controls engine 1, FMGC2 controls
1661 Single selection AUTO FLT FMGC 1 controls two engines FMGC 2 controls two engines B
A/TH is actived: engine 2

Flight guidance and flight envelope Flight guidance and flight envelope
1662 Single selection AUTO FLT FMGC’s functions are: Flight manage and flight guidance Flight envelope protection and yaw control C
protection protection

Push Course button on FCU to arm course mode. The mode is RNP approach without vertical
1663 Single selection AUTO FLT Establishing published course approach Tracking VOR beacon during approach A
used for navigation

第 208 页,共 271 页

1664 Single selection AUTO FLT When will NAV mode disconnect when ILS approaches : Glide path interception Course interception After APPR switch is pushed B

1665 Single selection AUTO FLT The basic mode of AP / FD is as follows: Pitch and roll Vertical speed and heading Altitude and navigation Speed and heading B

Pull out the heading knob to release the Turn the heading to 233 ° and pull it
When the aircraft is on the runway center line and ready to take Turn the heading knob, adjust 233 °
1666 Single selection AUTO FLT navigation mode pre position, adjust 233 ° out when ATC allows it to turn to 233 C
off, if the preset heading is 233 degrees: and pull out to connect
and press in to engage °

Display which computer calculates the characteristic speed on

1667 Single selection AUTO FLT FAC ELAC MCDU A

When there is a major mismatch in the FMGs system (such as

1668 Single selection AUTO FLT different database expiration dates), which way will the system Independent mode Single mode A
Alternate navigation mode

When the thrust lever is in the climbing position, press the A /

Corresponding to thrust lever
1669 Single selection AUTO FLT Thr button on the FCU to disconnect the automatic thrust, and Equal to climb thrust limit Frozen thrust at disconnection B
the engine thrust:

1670 Single selection AUTO FLT On the ground, the mcdu will automatically display: Airport page INIT page Data retrieval page Aircraft status page D

Under what conditions does the windshear detection function

1671 Single selection AUTO FLT Flaps in extended position slot in extended position clean position C

第 209 页,共 271 页

When to press reset button on rudder trim control panel to
1672 Single selection AUTO FLT AP not engaged AP engaged any time A
make rudder trim return to neutral position:

After the engine starts, which page of MCDU should be used to

modify the weight or center of gravity:

When the airport pair is entered in from / to on the init a page

1674 Single selection AUTO FLT of mcdu, the longitude and latitude used to calibrate the IRS take off position Airport reference point location Aircafte position Alternate airport position B
with align on ref will be:

Which calculates the flight envelope speed limit used by the ADIRS (Atmospheric Data Inertial Reference Each FMGC, after the pilot enters
1675 Single selection AUTO FLT FAC (flight augmentation computer) B
flight management and guidance system? System) weight on the MCDU

In which case, AP/FD, automatic thrust and automatic landing Two Flight Augmentation Computers (FAC)
1676 Single selection AUTO FLT When two IRS or two ADRs fail When two radio altimeters (RA) fail Two ILS fail A
capabilities completely disappear : OFF (by the overhead panel button switch)

What does it mean that FMA displays GA TRK during go- The aircraft maintains the track when the lateral guidance is selected but go lateral guidance is the selected lateral guidance is managed and go around
1677 Single selection AUTO FLT A
around? thrust lever is selected to TOGA around track along the database runway track track along the database

engages below 400ft RA to increase guides the plane to fly along FM indicates LOC and G/S mode is
1678 Single selection AUTO FLT FINAL APP mode: B
automatic landing performance calculated final approach profile freezed until flare or go-around

The target speed is G dot speed and climb

1679 Single selection AUTO FLT EXPD CLB mode: increases climb speed to VMO/MMO increases climb thrust automatically A
gradient is increased

第 210 页,共 271 页

FMGC uses GPS or radio navigation aids to update the FM IRS-GPS、IRS-DME/DME、IRS-VOR/DME、 IRS-GPS、IRS-VOR/DME、IRS- IRS-GPS、IRS-VOR/DME、IRS-
1680 Single selection AUTO FLT A
position, in the following order of priority: IRS only DME/DME、IRS only NDB/DME、IRS only

Nose wheel touches down after One engine is shut down at the parking
1681 Single selection AUTO FLT When will the active flight plan be automatically cleared? When the pilot calls out STATUS page 30S after aircraft on the ground C
landing gate

A major failure occurs, prepare to go Landing capability degradation

1682 Single selection AUTO FLT In ILS approach, what dose a triple click audio mean? Level 3 warning to the pilots C
around warning

Which of the following method cannot disengage EXPED after it

1683 Single selection AUTO FLT Pull out V/S-FPA knob Pull out SPEED knob Pull out ALT knob Press EXPED p/b again to cancel this mode D
is activated?

Can only be updated by the

1684 Single selection AUTO FLT Performance date base: Is updated during cockpit preparation Is regularly updated C

The cost index considers flight time and fuel consumption to The smaller the CI, the lower the fuel
The default predicted diversion CI on
1685 Single selection AUTO FLT reduce the total flight cost. Regarding the statement of cost The limit of CI is: 0-99 cost, and 0 corresponds to the lowest The default CI is 99 C
FM is 30
index, the correct one is: fuel consumption

When FMGC is double locked, which of the following try to reset two FMGCs at the same
1686 Single selection AUTO FLT Flying with raw data All data entered by the pilot is cleared Use RMP to tune navigation equipment C
description is wrong: time

Which of the following descriptions about FM radio navigation The crew can manually select suitable The navigation aids that can be used FM always prioritizes the use of radio
1687 Single selection AUTO FLT B
station location update is correct: navigation aids for location update include: VOR, DME, LOC navigation aids to update location

第 211 页,共 271 页

If PURS/CAPT sw is at CAPT position, the alert may be activated The alert may only be activated from
1688 Single selection COM Cockpit and Purser panel Cockpit and all attendant panels / C
from ( ) the cockpit

Can STBY/NAV tuning be performed on radio management

1689 Single selection COM Yes No When FMGC 1 fails When FMGC 1+2 fail B
panel 3 ?

On the ground, and check that the

In the air, press the erase button for 2
1690 Single selection COM To erase the recording of cockpit voice recorder : press the erase button once parking brake is on, press the erase / C
button for more than 2 seconds

It can only be used after the

1691 Single selection COM Can service interphone system be used in flight? Yes No / A
maintenance make special settings

NAV key has no effect on the Pilots can only choose from backup
If backup navigation function has been selected with the NAV VHF is operative, but only the last
1692 Single selection COM The VHF function on this RMP is inoperative selection of radio communication navigation function and radio C
key: selected frequency can be used
frequency communication frequency

1693 Single selection COM Which RMP still works in emergency electricity supply mode: RMP1 RMP2 RMP3 RMP1+3 A

When RMP1 fails, which of the following statement about VHF1

1694 Single selection COM It cannot be used It can be used by RMP2 It can be used by RMP3 It can be used by RMP2 and RMP3 A
is wrong

1695 Single selection ELEC In the air, when only one engine is working: Main galley is shed automatically secondary galley is shed automatically All galleys are shed automatically A

第 212 页,共 271 页

Static converter (about 8 seconds
1696 Single selection ELEC If the AC BUS 1 fails, who will supply power to the AC ESS BUS: Emergency generator AC Bus 2 before the emergency generator is B

No(Except external power supply and

1697 Single selection ELEC Can the engines be connected in parallel Yes No on-board generators are connected B
at the same time)

The ram air turbine is extended, and

On the ground, AC1 and AC2 are both supplied, what will The ram air turbine is extended, and the ESS the emergency generator is driven by The ram air turbine is extended, and
1698 Single selection ELEC Nothing happens C
happen if the "RAT AND EMER GEN MAN ON" button is pressed AC BUS is supplied by a static converter Blue Hydraulic to supply power to the the ESS AC BUS is supplied by AC1

Under normal configuration , how to supply power to the DC

1699 Single selection ELEC From TR1 From ESS TR 1 From TR 2 A
battery bus

When APU GEN supplies AC1, GEN 2 When GEN 1 supplies AC1, GEN 2
Which of the following statements about the two contactors of When the external power supplies AC1 and When the external power supplies AC1,
1700 Single selection ELEC supplies AC2, both contactors are supplies AC2, both contactors are D
BTC (bus tie contactors ) is correct: AC2, both contactors are open GEN 2 supplies AC2, one contactor is open
closed closed

After starting blue system electric pump, during the emergency Extend Ram air turbine and connect
1701 Single selection ELEC Extend Ram air turbine Connect Emergency generator B
generator test, it will emergency generator

The ram air turbine is automatically The ram air turbine is automatically
The ram air turbine is automatically extend The ram air turbine must be extended by
During flight (speed greater than 100kt), what will happen if all extend and mechanically connected extend and drives the blue hydraulic
1702 Single selection ELEC and drives the yellow hydraulic motor to pressing the RAT MAN ON button on the C
main generators fail? with the emergency engine to drive motor to drive the emergency
drive the emergency generator overhead panel
the emergency generator generator

If the transformer rectifier 1 fails (TR1), which supplies the ESS

1703 Single selection ELEC TR2 ESS TR DC BAT BUS HOT BUS 2 B
DC bus:

第 213 页,共 271 页

In flight, all main generators are lost, RAT is In flight, all main generators are lost, In flight, all main generators are lost,
Regarding when the static converter works, which of the On ground, all main generators are lost,
1704 Single selection ELEC extending, before the emergency generator RAT is extended , after the emergency RAT is extended , after the emergency B
following descriptions is correct: RAT is extended , speed over 100kt
is coupled generator is coupled generator is coupled

1705 Single selection ELEC Which VHF is available in EMER ELEC CONF? VHF1 VHF2 VHF1 and VHF2 All three A

In flight, when the APU is available, if one ENG GEN fails, which The other ENG GEN, when BUS TIE p/b at
1706 Single selection ELEC APU GEN The other ENG GEN APU GEN, when BUS TIE p/b at OFF A
will replace the failed generator : OFF

1707 Single selection ELEC IDG regulates: Generator speed Generator voltage Generator frequency A

When GCU detects abnormal power

If IDG is detected to be overspeed, it will Disconnect manually by pressing the Disconnect manually by pressing the GEN
1708 Single selection ELEC When is IDG disconnected : supply parameters , it will automatically C
automatically disconnect IDG p/b p/b

In electrical emergency configuration , emergency generator

1709 Single selection ELEC works, when the APU MASTER sw is ON, the battery supplies 2 min 3 min 5 min No time limit B
power to DC BAT BUS for ( )

Emergency electrical configuration is set according to the

1710 Single selection ELEC smoke procedure. Do you need to execute GRVTY FUEL Yes No Some planes do, some planes don't B
FEEDING procedure ?

Wing A.ICE is not available, engine Neither Wing A.ICE, nor engine A.ICE
1711 Single selection ELEC When flight with battery only, the ( ) Wing A.ICE and engine A.ICE are available B
A.ICE is available are available

第 214 页,共 271 页

The operation to remove the ground external power supply When the AVAIL light on the external when the ON light on the external When all lights on the external power
1712 Single selection ELEC No special requirement B
shall be carried out ( ): power switch is on power switch is on switch are off

In Elec Emer config, FAC 1 reset enables rudder trim recovery, The availability of rudder trim cannot
1713 Single selection ELEC rudder trim is lost rudder trim is recovered B
despite the fact that no indication is available : be determined

As shown in FIG. 24-1, in order to check the battery voltage in Make sure that at least one battery Make sure that two battery switches Make sure that two battery switches are in
1714 Single selection ELEC Make sure the external power is on D
the cold chamber state. Which of the following is necessary: switch is in ON position are in ON position OFF position

The battery voltage can only be

The voltage of both batteries is lower than The voltage of both batteries is greater Unable to view battery voltage while
1715 Single selection ELEC As shown in Figure 24-2, which statement is correct: checked through the ECAM ELEC B
the minimum voltage - 30V than the minimum voltage - 25.5V external power supply is available

Which of the following conditions will not trigger the engine The dual loop is working normally, and only Within 5 seconds, both loops disconnected
1716 Single selection FIRE The dual loop fail Fire alarm unit fails D
fire detection loop failure alert message one loop (a or b) detects a fire. (flame effect)

1717 Single selection FIRE Which hydraulic systems does FIRE PUSH BUTTON shut off? Blue and yellow system Yellow and green system Green and blue system Blue system B

After the ENG FIRE pb is pressed and

After the ENG FIRE pb is pressed and When a fire is detected , the light Lights on when the fire extinguisher loses
1718 Single selection FIRE When will the white exploding cap "SQUIB" light come on? released , the corresponding AGENT A
released automatically lights up pressure
pb is pushed

When does the engine extinguishing agent start to be After the ENG FIRE pb is pressed and When the corresponding AGENT pb is
1719 Single selection FIRE When related “DISCH”light is on When the ENG FIRE light is on D
discharged ? released pushed

第 215 页,共 271 页

A, B detecting loop, FDU, squibs lines
A, B detecting loop and FDU, A, B detecting loop and FDU, indication
1720 Single selection FIRE What does ENG FIRE TEST p/b check? A, B detecting loop and FDU and pressure of fire extinguisher D
indication and warning and warning and squibs lines

1721 Single selection FIRE ENG FIRE TEST p/b check does not include: Detecting loop AB and FDU Squibs lines Indication and warning Pressure of fire extinguisher bottles D

1722 Single selection FLT CTL The function of spoiler ,which statement is incorrect: Assist roll operation speedbrake Ground spoiler Assist pitch operation D

The captain will no longer be able to The captain’s side stick was The captain’s side stick is effective only if
Assume that the co-pilot presses its takeover button for 40 The captain’s side stick was deactivated
1723 Single selection FLT CTL use his side stick for the rest of the deactivated until the co-pilot presses the co-pilot’s side stick is in the neutral A
seconds and then releases it: until any takeover button was pressed again
flight the takeover button again position

In normal law, when sidestick at full deflection, wht maximum

1724 Single selection FLT CTL 33 degree No limit 45 degree 67 degree D
bank angle is:

What other control surfaces are available during mechanical

1725 Single selection FLT CTL Aileron and horizontal stabilizer Spoiler and elevator Horizontal stabilizer and rudder Elevator and rudder C

1726 Single selection FLT CTL Which control surfaces are used for roll control Ailerons and spoilers 1 to 5 Ailerons and spoilers 2,3,,4 Ailerons and spoilers 2 to 5 Aileron only C

Load factor protection + high-angle-of- Load factor protection + pitch

Load factor protection + pitch attitude Load factor protection + high-angle-of-
1727 Single selection FLT CTL The normal law of pitch control provides : attack protection + high speed protection attitude protection + high speed A
protection + low speed stability attack protection + high speed protection
+ pitch attitude protection protection

第 216 页,共 271 页

The movement of the control surface
When the two side sticks move in the same or opposite The input of the two pilots are algebraically The movement of the control surface is
1728 Single selection FLT CTL Left side stick has priority is proportional to the last deflected A
directions: added proportional to the first deflected side stick
side stick

Load factor protection + high speed

When degraded to alternate law with protections, the pitch Load factor protection + high speed
1729 Single selection FLT CTL protection + low speed protection + pitch Load factor protection B
control protection is: stability + low speed stability
attitude protection

If the angle of attack greater than the α protection , what

1730 Single selection FLT CTL Speed resumes VLS Speed resumes α protection speed Maintain current speed B
happens when release the side stick:

In flight, if one wing tip brake(WTB) is activated , can you It depends on the reason of WTB
1731 Single selection FLT CTL Yes No B
deactivate it? activation

Because it is controlled by a
In mechanic backup law, the pilots can use rudder peddle to At high speeds, large control forces must At least one hydraulic system must
1732 Single selection FLT CTL mechanical steel cable, great control C
control the rudder, but it should be noted that: be used to overcome air pressure be operative
force is required

Both pitch trim wheels provide mechanical

Which statement is correct about the control of the pitch trim It will not affect AP operation when When AP is on, pitch trim wheels are
1733 Single selection FLT CTL control of the THS and have priority over A
wheel: turning pitch trim wheel inoperative
electricalcontrol .

Under normal law, slope protection is triggered when the slope

1734 Single selection FLT CTL >45 >33 >67 B
reaches ( ) degrees.

When the yellow and green hydraulic

1735 Single selection FLT CTL When can the trimmed horizontal stabilizer not be used: It's always manual When FAC 1 and FAC 2 are lost A
systems are lost

第 217 页,共 271 页

Which ELAC controls the elevator and stabilizer under normal ELAC 1 controls elevator , ELAC 2
1736 Single selection FLT CTL ELAC1 ELAC2 B
conditions: controls stabilizer

The side bars of the A320 family are spring-neutral, can they get No, the side bar never receives
1737 Single selection FLT CTL Yes, but only under direct law Yes, but only for mechanical backups C
any feedback from the control surface: feedback

When the airspeed is over 210kts and the flap lever is at 1, ()

1738 Single selection FLT CTL Flaps only Slats only Flaps and slats B

When only 1 hydraulic system is operative, before extending

1739 Single selection FLT CTL Normal law Alternate law Direct law B
landing gear, the flight control law is:

alleviate the flaps/slats structure

1740 Single selection FLT CTL LOAD ALLEVIATION FUNCTION (LAF) can: alleviate the wing structure loads alleviate the fuselage structure loads A

If one engine fails, () will correct the sideslip to obtain optimum

1741 Single selection FLT CTL SEC ELAC FAC FMGC C
climb performance (flaps neutral, spoilers retracted)

1742 Single selection FLT CTL When slat Alpha/Speed lock is activated : “S LOCKED” message appears “A-LOCK”message appears No indication B

When refueling with passengers onboard, the seat belt sign

1743 Single selection FUEL ON OFF AUTO It depends on the captain B
should be kept at ____

第 218 页,共 271 页

1744 Single selection FUEL How many tunnels does Fuel Quantity Indication system use? 2 1 3 4 A

Which of the following options can directly close the fuel high-
1745 Single selection FUEL Electronical control unit(ECU) Hydrau-Mechanical Unit(HMU) Set master switch OFF They are manually controlled C
pressure shut-off valve and low-pressure shut-off valve:

When the last two numbers of the fuel quantity indicator are The fuel quantity display is not
1746 Single selection FUEL Fuel is not fully available Inner tank pump fails The transmission valve cannot be opened B
crossed by an amber line, it means: accurate.

Select CTR TK PUMP off. The wing tank

If FUEL MODE SEL pb is in AUTO mode, when wing fuel tank is
1747 Single selection FUEL pumps will feed until the engine have used Return to engine feeding line; flow to CTR TK directly; flow to CTR TK after filtering; A
full,IDG cooling fuel will:
approximately 500 kg (1 100 lb) of fuel.

When the inner tank reaches low level, a When the inner tank reaches low level,
Fuel quantity not enough to fly to
1748 Single selection FUEL The FOB with an amber box on the ECAM fuel page indicates: transfer valve on either wing tank fails to a transfer valve on both wing tanks Fuel quantity indicator degradation B
destination .
open; fails to open;

On the engine warning display, the on-board fuel framed by a

1749 Single selection FUEL Fuel gauge downgrade All fuel cannot be used completely Left side fuel gauge downgrade Right side fuel gauge downgrade B
half amber box means:

1750 Single selection FUEL When will the fuel indicator reset automatically ? 5 minutes after shutdown The next time the engine starts 10 minutes after shutdown Manual reset is required B

The fuel tank pump mode is selected in the manual position.

1751 Single selection FUEL If off automatically Must be shut off manually Needs to be kept running manually Keeps running automatically B
When the center tank runs out of fuel, the center tank pump:

第 219 页,共 271 页

It closes automatically after engines shut Needs to be closed after engines shut
1752 Single selection FUEL After fuel transfer valve is open; It maintains open until next refueling It depends. B
down down

During normal fuel feeding, when the center tank runs out of Shuts off automatically and wing tank Shuts off automatically 5mins after Shuts off automatically 10mins after center
1753 Single selection FUEL Must be shut off manually C
fuel, the center tank pump: pumps start to run center tank detects low level tank detects low level

1754 Single selection FUEL Where does the fuel in surge tank flow into? Outer tank Inner tank Center left tank Center right tank A

1755 Single selection FUEL What’s the minimum fuel quantity for take-off: 1000kg 2000kg 1500kg 2500kg C

Refueling can only be carried out

Which of the following statements about aircraft refueling is Refueling of the aircraft is only possible When the aircraft battery is charged, Refueling can only be carried out when the
1756 Single selection FUEL when the aircraft only has battery B
true? when an APU is available the aircraft can be refueled aircraft only has an external power supply

When at least one wing tank pb on the

1757 Single selection FUEL When will the APU fuel pump work while the APU is working : APU fuel pump keeps working When fuel supply pressure is low APU has no fuel pump B
head panel is switched on

For A320 aircraft equipped with a central fuel tank transfer No, because central fuel tank has no suction Gravity feeding can be achieved Only fuel with a weight of more than
1758 Single selection FUEL C
valve, can the central fuel tank be gravity fed? valves through the transmission valve 2 tons can be fed by gravity

Yellow hydraulic system doesn't control

1759 Single selection HYD Yellow hydraulic system controls: Reverse 1 Reverse 2 A and B B

第 220 页,共 271 页

1760 Single selection HYD If Yellow hydraulic system is lost, flaps control Runs normal Runs at half speed lost Runs at twice the speed B

1761 Single selection HYD Yellow hydraulic system controls : SPLR 3 SPLR 2 and 4 SPLR 1 and 5 SPLR 4 and 5 B

When the pressure difference between Whenever there is pressure difference

1762 Single selection HYD When PTU is at AUTO, when does it run? When B system is lost Must be activate manually B
G and Y system is more than 500 psi between G and Y system

It can be operated with Y system hand It can be operated with residual

1763 Single selection HYD Can the cargo door be operated without power supply? No It can be operated with PTU A
pump pressure in the accumulator

What pressure does the brake and accumulator pressure

1764 Single selection HYD Y system Only the accumulator Y system and the acuumulaor B system C
indicator indicate?

1765 Single selection HYD Alternate brake system use: Y system and hydraulic reservoir B system G system A

When the aircraft is on the ground, Y ELEC PUMP p/b is OFF

Are operative when detected pressure
1766 Single selection HYD and the cargo door manual selection valve is set in the open or Are operative Are inhibited Are tested B
difference between Y and G systems
closed position, PTU and flight control:

1767 Single selection HYD The yellow system fire shutoff valves are located at ENG 2 hydraulic pump Yellow electronic pump Yellow hand pump PTU A

第 221 页,共 271 页

Yellow hydraulic system doesn't control
1768 Single selection HYD Yellow hydraulic system controls: Flaps Flaps and slats Slats A
flaps or slats

The green system does not

1769 Single selection HYD The green system can control: Right elevator Left elevator participate in the control of the B

Which hydraulic systems are pressurized by the engine-driven

1770 Single selection HYD B and G systems B and Y systems B, G and Y systems G and Y systems D

If green and yellow systems fail, which one of the following is When speed reaches 200kts, the landing When stabilized at Vapp, the landing The landing gear can be extended
1771 Single selection HYD Extend landing gear once in CONF 3 B
correct: gear will be extended by gravity gear will be extended by gravity normally

Can be restored by the ram air turbine Can be restored by the power
1772 Single selection HYD During flight, if the blue electric pump fails, the blue system: Fails The above B and C B
(RAT) transmission unit (PTU)

1773 Single selection HYD On ground, when is blue system pressurized? When APU is running When one engine is running When EXT PWR is available When RAT is manually extended B

1774 Single selection HYD Fire shut off valve shut off: B and Y systems Y and G systems G and B systems G system only B

It closes automatically when fire

1775 Single selection HYD When does hydraulic fire shut off valve closes? ENG MASTER OFF FIRE p/b pushed out After ENG AGENT released B

第 222 页,共 271 页

When fire shut off valve is not fully closed(if it is open), it is
1776 Single selection HYD A red cross A green vertical bar A red vertical bar An amber vertical bar B
displayed as( )

When does the faulty system light up when the hydraulic tank
1777 Single selection HYD 30 s continuous 40 s 40 s C
overheats :

The blue system is pressurized, but the The green system is pressurized , and The blue system is pressurized, and The emergency generator is working, but
1778 Single selection HYD In the air, when RAT is extended automatically : C
emergency generator is not working the emergency generator is working the emergency generator is working the blue system is not pressurized

When speed is above 100 KT, in which case will the RAT be Loss AC BUS 1 and 2, and ADIRS 1 is greater Blue hydraulic pump pressure is lower than
1779 Single selection HYD Blue hydraulic pump fault Extend manually only A
extended automatically ? than 100 kts. 1750 PSI

Can be restored by the ram air turbine Can be restored by the power
1780 Single selection HYD During flight, if the blue electric pump fails, the blue system: Fails A
(RAT) transmission unit (PTU)

HP bleed air from engine 1 or IP bleed air from engine 1 or

1781 Single selection HYD The hydraulic tank is pressurized by: Pack 1 and 2 B
crossbleed duct crossbleed duct

1782 Single selection ICE/RAIN How many level(s) does window heating have? (Heating level) 1 2 3 4 A

At this time, there is ice accretion on the

1783 Single selection ICE/RAIN WING ANTI-ICE p/b ON indicates: Anti-ice valve is open P/b setting at open position FAULT light off wings and the anti-ice function is B
automatically activated

第 223 页,共 271 页

Heating does not work on the
If probe heating sw is set at AUTO, when does the TAT probe Heating works at normal power on the Heating works at low power on the Heating works at high power on the
1784 Single selection ICE/RAIN ground/heating works at normal power in A
heating start to work? ground ground ground

It works at low power on the ground ,

1785 Single selection ICE/RAIN Regarding the heating of AOA probe, the correct statement is: It only works in flight It works in normal power constantly It uses hot bleed air for heating C
normal power in flight

Idle N1 increases under ice accretion

1786 Single selection ICE/RAIN When wing Anti-ice valve is open: Idle N1 decreases Idle N1 stays the same Idle N1 increases condition; Idle N1 stays the same if there is C
no ice accretion condition;

On the ground, the PITOTS are not heated;

If PROBES heating switch is at AUTO position, when will the Heating operates at high power on the Heating operates at low power on the Heating operates at same power both in
1787 Single selection ICE/RAIN the PITOTS heating start automatically in C
PITOTS heating start automatically ? ground ground and at normal power in flight. the air and on the ground
the air.

It will not be transferred to ND

1788 Single selection IND/RCD If PFD fails, how the PFD display will be transferred to ND ? Automatically Manually or automatically Manually A
automatically or manually.

It will not be transferred to ND

1789 Single selection IND/RCD If one ND fails, how the ND display will be transferred to PFD ? Automatically Manually or automatically Manually C
automatically or manually.

Under normal circumstances , what does "INVALID DATA "

1790 Single selection IND/RCD The corresponding display is not powered The corresponding DMC fails The corresponding DU fails FMGC fails B
displayed on a certain DU indicate ?

No, only displayed on wrong data

1791 Single selection IND/RCD Can “CHECKATT”be displayed at 2 PFDs at the same time? Yes Not displayed on neither PFD It depends on aircraft types A
side PFD

第 224 页,共 271 页

G system with anti-skid, Y system with G system with anti-skid, G system
G system with anti-skid, Y system without
1792 Single selection L/G Braking system can be divided into anti-skid, Y system without anti-skid, without anti-skid, Y system without B
anti-skid, parking brake
parking brake anti-skid, parking brake

Which of the following situations does not require landing gear

1793 Single selection L/G Green hydraulic system fails LGCIU1+2 fail Electricity lost Yellow hydraulic system fails D
gravity extension?

One LGCIU controls one complete gear

When two LGCIUs control the landing gear and door actuation, cycle, then switches over automatically to
1794 Single selection L/G When the working LGCIU fails When lose electricity C
when will they not automatically switch? the other LGCIU at the completion of the
retraction cycle.

Receive door&landing gear signals of

Control the operating procedure of landing the ground proximity detector and
1795 Single selection L/G Which of the following is not the function of LGCIU: Provides warning information C
gear and cabin door display them on the ECAM and landing
gear panels

1796 Single selection L/G Anti-skid will be interrupted when ground speed below ( ) ? 10kt 50kt 30kt 20kt D

One panel on centre instrument panel, One panel on centre instrument panel One panel on centre instrument panel and
1797 Single selection L/G Which one is indicated landing gears position ? Only ECAM D
ECAM or visually check wings and overhead panel ECAM

The signal of the first operating pilot is

1798 Single selection L/G When operating two hand wheel simultaneously : The signal of PIC is prior The signal will be added algebraically C

1799 Single selection L/G When using hand wheel, the max NWS angle is : ±6° ±75° ±95° B

第 225 页,共 271 页

1800 Single selection L/G Which unit provides landing gear indication on ECAM? Either LGCIU Both LGCIUs Only LGCIU1 B

1801 Single selection L/G Which system provides power to nose wheel steering ? Hydraulic system Electronic system Hydraulic system or electronic system A

Normal braking with or without anti-skid, Normal braking with anti-skid, Normal or alternate braking with anti-
1802 Single selection L/G Brake modes include: alternate braking without anti-skid, parking alternate braking without anti-skid, skid, alternate braking without anti- C
brake parking brake skid, parking brake

Which of the following is not a necessary condition for Anti-skid and braking system are
1803 Single selection L/G G system is available At least ADIRS is operative 3 ADIRS are operative D
automatic arming of AUTOBRAKE operative

Two dimmable dome lights provide lighting for the overall only the right-hand dome light is on
1804 Single selection LIGHTS only the left-hand dome light is on line. Both dome lights are on line. Both dome light are not on line. B
cockpit. When only the battery is powered line.

1805 Single selection LIGHTS Ice detector light and ( ) are controlled by the same p/b STBY COMPASS light DOME light ANN LT A

If STROBE switch off in flight, Memo will display “STROBE LT

1806 Single selection LIGHTS Green Amber Blue Red A
OFF”in ( ).

Where does the atmospheric data module (ADM) provide Only from pitot probe and static pressure
1807 Single selection NAV/SURV All pitot probes and static ports From pitot probe only From static port only A
pressure information to adiru: port of Captain and co pilot

第 226 页,共 271 页

Can you confirm the selection on mcdu-rad / NAV page after
No (only radio navigation backup No (you can confirm the selection of
1808 Single selection NAV/SURV making STBY / NAV selection on radio management panel of Any time When dual FMCG fails C
mode can be selected) STBY/NAV on MCDU)

What does ADR failure light on ADIRS control display unit A failure was detected in the atmospheric No power supply for pitot tube
1809 Single selection NAV/SURV Air data output off ADIRU is not powered A
indicate? data reference section heating system

Radio management panel 1 (rmp1)

VOR, ILS and ADF receiver 2 can be controls VOR / DME, ILS and ADF VOR, ILS and ADF receivers 1 or 2 can be
In case of fmgc1 and fmgc2 failure, after selecting the VOR, ILS and ADF receiver 1 can be tuned
1810 Single selection NAV/SURV tuned via radio management panel 1 receiver 1; radio management panel 2 tuned via radio management panel 3 C
navigation (rad / NAV) on the two radio management panels: via radio management panel 2 (rmp2)
(rmp1) (rmp2) controls VOR / DME, ILS and (rmp3)
ADF receiver 2 (if installed)

During takeoff, if GPS primary is in effect, whether the aircraft Whether it is updated or not has
1811 Single selection NAV/SURV Updated Not updated All of the above are wrong B
position is updated: nothing to do with GPS

PAC alert can be turned on when the gain is set to cal and the
1812 Single selection NAV/SURV distance between aircraft and thunderstorm is less 20 40 60 80 D
than__________ in the sea.

On the airborne weather radar, the color of rainstorm and

1813 Single selection NAV/SURV red yellow magenta green C
turbulence area in thunderstorm is

On the color weather radar, what weather zone does the red
1814 Single selection NAV/SURV Heavy rain area; Moderate rain area; Light rain area Rainstorm and turbulence zone A
area represent

On the airborne weather radar, what colors are used to indicate

1815 Single selection NAV/SURV Yellow and red; black and yellow Green and yellow Red and magenta A
the moderate rain area and the heavy rain area

第 227 页,共 271 页

When using airborne weather radar to avoid bad weather ,
1816 Single selection NAV/SURV Green and yellow areas Yellow and black areas; Red and magenta Green and black areas C
which (which) are displayed on the radar screen as

At present, airborne weather radar can not detect the following

1817 Single selection NAV/SURV Turbulence without raindrops; Light rain and hail; Wet snow, wet hail Dry snow, dry hail A
weather phenomena effectively

When using the airborne weather radar to observe the terrain in

1818 Single selection NAV/SURV Nose down Use weather mode (Wx); Map mode is used; Use weather + tunblance mode (Wx + T) C
the fan area under the front of the aircraft, it is necessary to

Which of the following weather phenomena can be detected by

1819 Single selection NAV/SURV Turbulence without rainfall; General clouds and fog; Thunderstorms beginning to dissipate The clear sky is bumpy C
airborne weather radar

Provide course and distance

1820 Single selection NAV & SURV The basic function of the VOR system on the aircraft is to: Provide course guidance; Provide distance information ; Provide bearing information A
information ;

The horizontal distance from the aircraft to The straight line distance from the The vertical distance from the aircraft Comprehensive distance of horizontal
1821 Single selection NAV & SURV What distance does DME measure? B
the navaid aircraft to the navaid to the navaid distance and vertical distance

LOC station, outter marker station, LOC station, G/S station, inbound
1822 Single selection NAV & SURV ILS ground station has LOC station, G/S station, marker station LOC station, G/S station, DME station A
inner marker station station

If all ILS ground equipment is operative, the DH of CAT I ILS

1823 Single selection NAV & SURV 400ft 300ft; 200ft; 100ft C
minima is usually not less than

第 228 页,共 271 页

Under the condition that all ILS ground equipment is working,
1824 Single selection NAV/SURV the normal visibility requirement in the minimum landing 800m 600m 1000m 1600m A
standard for class I ILS approach is

If the flight direction of the aircraft is 5 ° when the radio station

1825 Single selection NAV/SURV 0°; 355°; 5° 185° C
is flying, the aircraft should be corrected along the flight path

When the aircraft flies to the marker, the course angle is 35 °

1826 Single selection NAV/SURV and the QDM measured in flight is 37 ° and the aircraft deviates 7 ° right 2 ° to the right; 2 ° on the left; 7 ° left C
from the ground

When flying to the radio station, the heading is 273 ° and the
1827 Single selection NAV/SURV course angle is 270 ° and the measured magnetic azimuth is -3°; +3°; 0° -6° A
273 ° and the calculated deviation angle is

When flying to the radio station, the heading is 154 ° and the
1828 Single selection NAV/SURV course angle is 160 ° and the measured magnetic azimuth is 0° -3°; +3° +6° C
157 ° and the calculated deviation angle is

When flying to the radio station, the heading is 78 ° and the

1829 Single selection NAV/SURV course angle is 75 ° and the measured relative azimuth of ADF Not biased; 3 ° to the right; 3 ° to the left 6 ° to the left C
is 0 ° which indicates that the aircraft deviates from the route

When flying to the radio station, the heading is 313 ° and the
1830 Single selection NAV/SURV course angle is 315 ° and the measured relative azimuth is 359 ° 3 ° to the left 2 ° to the right; 3 ° to the right; 2 ° to the left C
which indicates that the aircraft deviates from the route

The relative bearing of the radio station during the passive

1831 Single selection NAV & SURV is constantly 0°; keeps changing is constantly 180°; changes from 0° to 180° A
inbound flight

第 229 页,共 271 页

The magnetic course angle is 130 ° and the flight altitude is
1832 Single selection NAV/SURV 2100 M. the true air speed is 180 km / h. The forecast 136°、186km/h 139°、186km/h 136°、172km/h 139°、172km/h C
meteorological wind is 200 ° / 20 km / h

The entry track of the holding procedure is 270 ° and left turn.
1833 Single selection NAV/SURV Now the aircraft is heading to the holding point with a heading 060°; 090°; 270° 120° B
of 060 ° after passing the marker,heading should be

The entry track of the holding procedure is 270 ° and left turn.
1834 Single selection NAV/SURV Now the aircraft flies to the holding point with 140 ° heading, 090°; 140°; 120° 60° C
and the heading after passing the marker is

The aircraft approaches along the final and uses the outer
marker to control the track. The landing track is 20 ° and the
1835 Single selection NAV/SURV To the right To the left No deviation B
aircraft heading is 20 ° and the bearing indicated by ADF is 2 °
and the aircraft deviates from the landing track

1836 Single selection NAV/SURV Information from ils1 receiver is transmitted to: CAPT side PFD+FO side PFD CAPT side PFD+FO sideND CAPT side ND+FOsidePFD CAPT side ND+FO sideND B

The aircraft approaches along the final and uses the outer
marker to control the track. The landing track is 20 ° and the
1837 Single selection NAV/SURV to the left No deviation to the right C
aircraft heading is 22 ° and the bearing indicated by ADF is 356
° and the aircraft deviates from the landing track

The aircraft approaches along the final, and uses the outer
marker control track, with the landing track of 200 °, the aircraft
1838 Single selection NAV/SURV -5° +5° 0° +10° C
heading of 205 °, ADF indicating the relative bearing of 355 °,
and the calculated deviation angle is

The aircraft approaches along the final and uses the inner
marker to control the track. The landing track is 180 ° and the
1839 Single selection NAV/SURV No deviation To the right to the left C
RMI indication is: heading 182 ° and radio magnetic bearing
182 ° indicating that the aircraft deviates from the landing track

第 230 页,共 271 页

The DME channels that can be used for radio position update The aircraft does not use DME for position
1840 Single selection NAV/SURV 5 1 3 C
are: update

After the aircraft corrected the left cross wind and kept its
heading along the route for a period of time, the aircraft was
1841 Single selection NAV & SURV Is inverted Is too big Is too small C
found to be deviated to the right, indicating the correction of
the expected drift

When aircraft in correction angle appraoach procedure ,In the

Increase heading to right and decrease Decrease heading to left and increase Decrease heading to left and Decrease heading to right and increase
1842 Single selection NAV/SURV outbound course ,If have left headwind ,How the pilot to B
outbound time outbound time decrease outbound time outbound time
correction wind effect influence for aircraft track

The aircraft approaches along the final sides and uses the inner
marker to control the track. The landing track is 127 ° and the
1843 Single selection NAV/SURV RMI indication is: heading 130° and radio magnetic bearing 125 Deviation to right 3°; Deviation to right 2°; Deviation to left 2°; Deviation to left 3°; B
° indicating that the aircraft deviates angle from the landing

1844 Single selection NAV/SURV Decision altitude DA,Use altimeter setting in QNE; QNH; QFE At present air pressure standard B

In the NDB holding procedure,Inbound course 240°,Now

1845 Single selection NAV/SURV aircraft fly HDG 090° to NDB,How to joining righthand hold Direct entry; Offset entry ; Parallel entry; Parallel entry or Direct entry C

In the NDB holding procedure,Inbound course 240°,Now

1846 Single selection NAV/SURV aircraft fly HDG 270° to NDB,How to joining righthand hold Parallel entry; Offset entry ; Direct entry; Parallel entry or Offset entry C

In the NDB holding procedure,Inbound course 240°,Now

1847 Single selection NAV/SURV aircraft fly HDG 040° to NDB,How to joining righthand hold Offset entry ; Direct entry; Parallel entry; Offset entry or Direct entry A

第 231 页,共 271 页

In the VOR holding procedure,Inbound course090°,Left
1848 Single selection NAV/SURV turn,Now aircraft fly HDG 300° to VOR,How to joining hold Offset entry ; Direct entry; Parallel entry; Parallel entry or Offset entry A

Holding procedureInbound course 270°,Left turn,Now

1849 Single selection NAV/SURV aircraft fly HDG 090° to holding point ,How to joining hold Offset entry or Direct entry Parallel entry or Direct entry Parallel entry or Offset entry Offset entry ; C

Holding procedureInbound course 080° right turn,Now

1850 Single selection NAV/SURV aircraft fly HDG 090° to holding point ,How to joining hold Parallel entry; Offset entry ; Direct entry; Offset entry or Direct entry C

The aircraft’s magnetic heading is 0°. When the aircraft is

1851 Single selection NAV & SURV abeam of the station, and the station is on the left, the 180° 0°; 090°; 270° C
aircraft’s magnetic bearing should be

1852 Single selection NAV & SURV When do you set ADIRS knob at ATT? Under any circumstances Only when navigation is lost When ADIRU is not powered When IR is lost B

1853 Single selection NAV & SURV Does ADIRS provide over speed warning? Yes No B

1854 Single selection NAV & SURV Which of the following data is not provided by ADIRS? Overspeed warning Mach number Flight track vector Radio height D

Yes, but the pilot need to use the ATT

Yes, but the pilot need to use the AIR DATA
1855 Single selection NAV & SURV If the ADR part of ADIRS has failed, is IR part still operative? Yes No HDG selector on switching panel to A
selector on switching panel to switch

第 232 页,共 271 页

For a fast IRS alignment ,How many second for ADIRS button
1856 Single selection NAV/SURV 5second 6second 4second 3second A
must turn OFF postion to NAV postion?

Single FMGC mode and two EFIS

F/O side ND appear message 'SELECT OFFSIDE RANGE/MODE'& CAPT side FMGC F-PLAN not transfer to F/O
1857 Single selection NAV/SURV ADIRS not complete alignment yet control panel not in same mode and F/O side ND failure C
'MAP NOT AVAILABLE'expression: side yet

Weather radar antenna angle of elevation in lower right part for Aircraft vertical axis and radar wave beam Horizontal line and radar wave beam Aircraft pitch angle and radar wave Aircraft angle of attack and radar wave
1858 Single selection NAV/SURV B
ND (blue)display,It's angle between ( ) axis axis beam axis beam axis

Weather radar failure message be detected appear on

1859 Single selection NAV/SURV No influence for ND display The radar message not display on ND Radar control unit failure Radar antenna failure B
ND,When have red colour failure message :

1860 Single selection NAV/SURV NO,every time appear only one item A
'MAP NOT AVAIL'will appear together or not 。 can appear together AVAIL ' can appear together appear together

1861 Single selection NAV/SURV MAP PARTLY DISPLAYED' in ______situation will display DMC can not describe full map FMGC and DMC data transfer failure One FMGC failure ND display screen failure A

1862 Single selection NAV/SURV SET OFFSIDE RNG/MODE' in ______situation will display ND1orND2 failure FD failure One FMGC failure IR failure C

Which meaasge can not be reading in ROSE VOR or ROSE ILS

1863 Single selection NAV/SURV Cross track error Course needle Deviation bar Selected frequency and recognize code A
position ?

第 233 页,共 271 页

1864 Single selection NAV/SURV Which data on ND not provide by ADIRS? Wind direction and wind speed Ground Speed TAS Navigation station D

1865 Single selection NAV/SURV Red colour ILS1(on PFD1) or ILS2(on PFD2 ) expression: Not capture ILS frequency LOC failure G/S failure Not tune ILS frequency on MCDU A

Excessive rate of descent(flap in not in L/D CONF ,not safe terrain

1866 Single selection NAV/SURV GPWS 'PULL UP' voice warning means which situation Altitude loss after take-off Lower than Glide Slope C
landing position) clearance

When weather radar select WX+T mode ,The optimum ND

1867 Single selection NAV/SURV 20 80 40 60 C
range is ?

1868 Single selection NAV/SURV Which mode of weather radar display hazardous weather? WX WX+T TRUB WX+T+HZD(optional) D

When push overhead panel TERR button ,The basic mode for Only mode 4(not in L/D CONF ,not
1869 Single selection NAV/SURV Work normal All function inhibited Only mode 5(Low Glide Slope)work A
GPWS work normally or not ? safe terrain clearance )work

CAPT side ND display weather radar CAPT side ND display terrain message
If not push 'TERR ON ND' button ,Weather radar message CAPT&F/O both side ND display weather CAPT&F/O both side ND display terrain
1870 Single selection NAV/SURV message ,F/O side ND display terrain ,F/O side ND display weather radar A
display on ND or not ? radar message message
message message

Which item is not necessary for A320 PWS system work

1871 Single selection NAV/SURV PWS switch AUTO position Aircraft RA lower then 2300 ft weather radar ON position Aircraft with electricity C
normally ?

第 234 页,共 271 页

Transponder mode select influence A320 PWS system work or No,PWS system is related to weather radar Yes,transponder in ON position PWS Yes,transponder in AUTO position PWS
1872 Single selection NAV/SURV No,PWS system is related to FAC. A
not ? system . work . work .

1873 Single selection NAV/SURV The altitude message for GPWS from: ADIRS2 RA ADIRS1 ADIRS3 B

Compare with GPWS,Which altitude data is reference for

1874 Single selection NAV/SURV Pressure Altitude RA GPS Altitude Geometry Altitude C

No,Waining according to aircraft

No,Waining according to RA rate of Yes,If terrain not in data base ,no Yes ,terrain data base provide predicted
1875 Single selection NAV/SURV EGPWS work need terrain data base or not ? CONF、flight phase and aircraft terrain D
change GPWS warning function

Which item not refer to EGPWS TAD(terrain awareness and

1876 Single selection NAV/SURV Aircraft altitude Ground speed Turning rate speed Closest RWY length D

Whichever RA fault ,GPWS

1877 Single selection NAV/SURV When RA fault ,GPWS work or not ? GPWS work is not related to RA Only RA1+2 fault ,GPWS inoperation. RA1 fault ,GPWS inoperation. D
inoperation .

Pull HDG button,disconnect NAV

Aircraft on th RWY center line ,ready for take-off how to do Turn HDG button ,adjust HDG 233゜ Turn HDG button ,adjust HDG 233゜and
1878 Single selection NAV/SURV Turn HDG button ,adjust HDG 233゜ mode adjust HDG 233゜ and push to A
for preselection HDG 233゜. and pull to engage . push to engage .
engage .

1879 Single selection NAV & SURV If both FMGCs fail, radio navigation could be tuned by ( ) ACP RAD NAV RMP MCDU C

第 235 页,共 271 页

System is testing the loop connected Inertial navigation charging circuit
1880 Single selection NAV & SURV When turning on inertial navigation, amber ON BAT means : Inertial navigation is aligning Battery is charging inertial navigation B
inertial navigation and battery fails

When TCAS command is opposite with controller ’ command ,

1881 Single selection NAV & SURV TCAS Controller As the circumstances may require A
which one should be performed by crew ?

1882 Single selection NAV & SURV What is the altitude range that TCAS could detect ? 9900ft 10000ft 11000ft 9800ft A

VOR information and course point become VOR information becomes red, course VOR information and course point VOR information disappear, course point
1883 Single selection NAV & SURV When ND mode selects at VOR, if VOR receiver fails: A
red point disappears disappear become red

In flight, how to update FMGS position for the aircraft without Automatically update by VOR/DME
1884 Single selection NAV & SURV When pilot selecting one DME By selected NDB, VOR and DME data When pilot selecting one VOR C
GPS ? via auto tune function

While TCAS is maneuvering, when descenting and crossing

1885 Single selection NAV & SURV conflict aircraft altitude, which warning will be provided by INCREASE DESCEND DESCEND DESCEND DESCEND CROSSING DESCEND C

1886 Single selection NAV & SURV Is the working of TCAS relying on ground equipment ? Yes No B

About after TCAS select TA/RA mode,automatic transfer to When performance downgrading transfer When the RWY is intersect or close
1887 Single selection NAV/SURV Aircraft lower than 1000ft AGL C
ONLY”mose ,which discribe is correct : automaticlly . parallel, transfer automaticlly .

第 236 页,共 271 页

1888 Single selection NAV/SURV GPWS glide slope warning lower limit is ? 100ft 50ft 30ft 60ft C

When turn ATC select button to 2 position ,Which ADIRS

provide altitude message to ATC?

When turn ATC select button to 1 position ,How to do let On central pedestal ,turn ATT HDG On central pedestal ,turn AIR DATA On central pedestal ,turn EIS DMC On central pedestal ,turn AIR DATA
1890 Single selection NAV/SURV B
ADIRS3 provide altitude message to ATC? transition button to CAPT position. transition button to CAPT position. transition button to CAPT position. transition button to F/O position.

When ATC mode select to AUTO position ,Aircraft on ground.

1891 Single selection NAV/SURV Both transponder inoperation Selected transponder work in "s" mode Both transponder work Selected transponder work like normal B
ATC work or not ?

When ATC altitude report button in ON Position ,Which type

1892 Single selection NAV/SURV Refer to aircraft Altimeter setting. QNH STD QFE C
altitude they sent ?

When ATC altitude report button in OFF Position ,Influence

1893 Single selection NAV/SURV NO YES B
TCAS work or not ?

With the ADS-B OUT capability, the Mode S

The aircraft has two ATC transponders Transponder can respond to enquiries transponders automatically and
Which of the following statements about ATC transponder is Transponder can respond to ATC
1894 Single selection NAV & SURV (XPDR) which are controlled by a control from other aircraft with TCAS continuously transmit surveillance data, B
wrong? enquiries automatically .
panel (ATC/TCAS) on the center console. automatically . with preliminary interrogation , to ATC
ground station.

Is the working of TCAS relying on the equipment on conflicting

1895 Single selection NAV & SURV No Yes B

第 237 页,共 271 页

1896 Single selection NAV & SURV Can the TCAS we use provide lateral avoidance instructions? Yes No B

When there are several conflicting aircrafts, can TCAS only give
1897 Single selection NAV & SURV Yes No B
an avoidance command to one of the most conflicting aircraft?

When TCAS mode set in TA/RA position,The stated warning

1898 Single selection NAV/SURV NO YES B
time and aircraft actually altitude have relationship or not ?

TCAS warning have priority than wind shear warning. Right or

1899 Single selection NAV/SURV NO YES A
not ?

Turn off cockpit loudspeakers we still can hear automatic

1900 Single selection NAV/SURV YES NO A
altitude report voice Right or not?

Aircraft A flying passing waypoint at 14:25,aircraft B

estimated passing same waypoint at 14:33.Aircraft A ground
1901 Single selection NAV/SURV speed is 180km/h,aircraft B ground speed is 250km/h, 14:32; 14:30; 14:27; 14:25; B
Aircraft A、B flying opposite direction ,calculate two aricraft
encounter time :

In the passenger oxygen system, once the chemical oxygen 30min or 20min, if only 1 oxygen mask is 5min or 10min, if only all oxygen masks 13min or 15min or 22min, no matter
1902 Single selection OXY C
generator is activated , the oxygen supplying time is: used are used how many oxygen masks are used

1903 Single selection OXY The oxygen source of crew oxygen system is Crew portable oxygen cylinder Chemical oxygen generator High pressure oxygen cylinder C

第 238 页,共 271 页

1904 Single selection OXY Which one is not belong to A320 oxygen system ? Crew oxygen system Pax oxygen system Portable oxygen system Simple oxygen bottle D

How is the crew oxygen overboard discharge indicators “THERMAL DISCHARGE ”(overpressure ) in Green discharge indicators on fuselage Red discharge indicators on overhead
1905 Single selection OXY No overpressure indication B
displayed ? ECAM disappeared panel disappeared

For the A320 family NEO aircraft, how many external visual
1906 Single selection OXY indicators provide the crew with visual signals of oxygen 1 2 3 4 B
cylinder overpressure release?

As shown in Figure 35-1, when the NORMAL /100% selector on The higher the cabin altitude, the
Oxygen mask provides normal
1907 Single selection OXY the oxygen mask is at the 100% position and the EMERGENCY Only overpressure supply is available more oxygen the mask provides, until A
pressure, 100% pure oxygen
pressure switch is at the EMERGENCY position: it provides 100% pure oxygen

When using APU bleed to start the engine, the cross bleed
1908 Single selection PNEUMATIC switch is at AUTO position, if APU bleed air leakage is detected The cross bleed valve is open The cross bleed valve is closed It cannot be confirmed APU bleed is closed automatically A
during starting up, then

1909 Single selection PNEUMATIC If bleed is used, after manually shut down APU, the APU will: Stop immediately Continue running for 30s Continue running for 60s to 120s Continue running for 45s C

By selecting different levels of the

1910 Single selection PNEUMATIC How is the temperature of the engine bleed air regulated? By controlling the bleed air flow By pre-cooler By bleed valve B

The fan air valve controls the flow of fan air to flow through the
1911 Single selection PNEUMATIC pre-cooler. Under what circumstances , the fan air valve is kept Air leak Overheat Absence of pressure Over pressure C
closed by a spring?

第 239 页,共 271 页

High-pressure valve displays amber crossline on ECAM bleed High-pressure valve is not in commanded High-pressure valve is in closed
1912 Single selection PNEUMATIC High-pressure valve is opening High-pressure valve is fully opened A
page means: (closed) position position

1913 Single selection PNEUMATIC On ECAM bleed page, which description of GND HP is correct ? Display white on ground Display green on ground Display white in flight Display green in flight A

Both engines fail, if crew uses APU bleed, crew shall start APU
1914 Single selection APU FL200 FL250 FL300 FL370 B
below ( ) ?

1915 Single selection APU Both engines fail, crew shall try relighting by APU below ( ) ? FL200 FL250 FL300 FL370 A

1916 Single selection APU APU has an independent lubrication system: True False It depends A

1917 Single selection APU When APU master switch is ON: APU starts up ECB is supplied Air intake flap is closed B

In addition to the switch on the cockpit APU panel, which of the Push the APU SHUT OFF valve on Push in APU FIRE button or push the APU
1918 Single selection APU Turn off left fuel pump Push in APU FIRE button D
following can also be used to shut down APU: external panel SHUT OFF valve on external panel

When ENG 1 or 2 GEN are operative, they have priority over

1919 Single selection APU True False It depends A

第 240 页,共 271 页

On ground, when there is no bleed need, the normal N% of
1920 Single selection APU 99%(101% when starting up engines) Stable at 99% Stable at 101% Stable at 100% D
APU is:

In the cockpit, which of the following methods can turn off the
1921 Single selection APU APU master switch, APU FIRE p/b APU master switch APU FIRE P/B, APU shut down p/b A

How to detect the thermal release of APU fire extinguisher

1922 Single selection APU By the flight display unit (FDU) By ECAM By a red round indicator C
without power connection:

1923 Single selection DOORS Cockpit porthole can open in : Inside Outside Both sides A

In the boarding gate ,one or two engine shutdown ,the Slide disarm ,But cabin pressure Due to low temperature ,gate is frozen can
1924 Single selection DOORS Slide not disarm The slide for gate not disarm or fault B
window of gate have red colour flashing light .expression : greater than 2.5Hpa not open.

In emergency situation open the main boarding gate ,How it Keep open position by slide air
1925 Single selection DOORS Opening by buffer actuator. Two flight attendant push to open . A
works inflation

When slide in arm status,open boarding gate in outside ,slide

1926 Single selection DOORS Let out Disarm Depend on slide arm situation B
will :

Noramally open to cockpit direction

1927 Single selection DOORS Cockpit door : Only open to cockpit direction Only open to cabin direction ,Emergency situation can use escapr C
board open to cabin direction

第 241 页,共 271 页

About cockpit control unit system describe,which one is According to fly-crew action to lock or Indicate electronic lockpin and When cockpit depressurization ,lock
1928 Single selection DOORS C
wrong? unlock pressure sensor fault the cockpit door.

1929 Single selection DOORS How many life saving slide for A320 4 6 8 B

The pressure sensor status light for cockpit door is bright Relevant pressure sensor channel
1930 Single selection DOORS Relevant pressure sensor work Relevant pressure sensor fault B
means : work

1931 Single selection DOORS Under electronic system fault ,cockpit door: Fault open Lock close unlock ,close C

How many standby differential pressure sensor in the cockpit to

1932 Single selection DOORS detect quickly change for pressure.When pressure decrease be 1 2 3 4 B
detected .They can emit instruction to open all the lock catch.

The life saving slide for emergency exit location before or after
1933 Single selection DOORS Front Rear Middle B
wings ?

What does illuminated OPEN light indicate on COCKPIT DOOR Cabin crew initiated emergency entry The cockpit is closed and the security
1934 Single selection DOORS Cockpit door is not closed A
panel? procedure device is working normally

Before cabin-crew open cabin door .flight-crew must confirm

Check both PACK is off ,open one side Select pressurize mode to manual ,
1935 Single selection DOORS no residual pressure .Flight-crew must holding CABIN PRESSURE Blower override ,Extract override. A
cockpit side window . MAN V/S CTL manually full up .
WARNING linght stop flash or execute two action:

第 242 页,共 271 页

4 cabin doors, 4 cabin emergency exits,
4 cabin doors, 2 cabin emergency
4 cabin doors, 4 cabin emergency exits, 2 2 cockpit emergency exits, 2 cargo
1936 Single selection DOORS A320 is equipped with : exits, 2 cockpit emergency exits, 3 A
cockpit emergency exits, 3 cargo doors doors
cargo doors

Cargo door actuate by yellow HYD When yellow HYD electric pump fault When operation cargo door ,yellow
When the door is locked,In DOOR/OXY SD
1937 Single selection DOORS Which describe is wrong for the cargo door operation ? system.And mechanical lock in open or .System can pressurize by hand pump HYD system is pressurize ,Aircraft C
page, cargo door mark is green colour.
close position. in hydraulic maintenance panel. control PTU operation.

If flight-crew 5-20 mins not use LOCK

Cockpit door panel,Turn switch to LOCK position,door is Cockpit door panel,Turn switch to LOCK UNLOCK position can not reset the
1938 Single selection DOORS position,flight attendant can ask for C
locked.Which item is wrong? position,door is locked. setting.
emergency entry to open cockpit door.

When depressurization ,In E/WD and

When engine running,Door not close, In the Push door button on ECAM control
1939 Single selection DOORS The warning for door automatic display: with light flashing. A
ECAM and E/WD. panel,In the ECAM.

COCKPIT DOOR switch in LOCK position,cockpit door close ,

Buzzer is inhibited keyboard is not
in forward selection time (5-20mins),emergency entry keyboard is inhibited emergency
1940 Single selection DOORS Both inhibited ,cabin-crew can use emergency entry A
keyboard and buzzer : entry is inhibited,buzzer still work.
code enter cockpit

Cabin-crew send emergency

Cockpit door locked ,unlocking indicate light is red Everytime cabin-crew push button on requirement for enter cockpit ,in Flight-crew reject entry,the door still
1941 Single selection DOORS Door is already unlock D
expression:: keyboard ,the light is red cockpit buzzer will buzzing all the time locked.
,but flt-crew no action .

The keypad is used to sound the buzzer in the cockpit, by

entering a ( )-digit code, as programmed by the airline, followed
1942 Single selection DOORS 0-7 2-7 Any A
by the '#' key.

Use numeric keyboard can trigger emergency entry cockpit

buzzer voice,The method is put in how many ( )digit bit code in
1943 Single selection DOORS 0-7 2-7 At will B
keyboard .(compile by airline company ) then push “#”button.

第 243 页,共 271 页

Cockpit door conform to quickly Cockpit door center lockpin area have
Mechanical overide button can let fly-
1944 Single selection DOORS which item is wrong? depressurization requirement and feststllen bolt . when multi lockpin C
crew open the door inside cockpit .
bulletproof . fault ,the bolt can not lock the door .

1945 Single selection ENG As shown in Figure 70-3, how do you identify N2 is over limit? N2 indication is flashing in red N2 indication is flashing in amber A red cross next to N2 indication N2 indication dissappears C

It indicates the maximum EGT value,

On the E/WD page of ECAM, what does the red line on the EGT It indicates the maximum EGT value out of It indicates the EGT limit in TOGA
1946 Single selection ENG above which the engine must be shut A
indicator mean? EGT limit thrust

As shown in Figure 70-4, the amber index on the N1 indicator The N1 value generated by the engine Maximum N1 that can be reached at
1947 Single selection ENG Thrust lever position The N1 limit in CLIMB detent B
is: when the thrust lever is fully forward VMO/MMO speed

Only when the temperature of one

As shown in Figure 70-7, when is the pylon temperature
1948 Single selection ENG After the first engine is started Only in takeoff and approach pylon is greater than the normal After both engines are started D
displayed on the engine page?

As shown in Figure 70-8, ALPHA FLOOR commands TOGA

The current thrust is TOGA and the thrust Because the white circle does not FADEC cannot calculate the maximum It remind the flight crew to use TOGA
1949 Single selection ENG thrust. On the N1 indicator, why is the N1 greater than thrust A
lever is at CLIMB indicate the position of thrust lever available thrust thrust
lever angle?

If the temperature of either pylon is above normal range, we Pylon temperature is steady in amber,
1950 Single selection ENG Temperature value flashes in amber Temperature value flashes in green Temperature value flashes in red C
can observe: NAC flashes in amber

As shown in Figure 70-9, during the cruise phase, an amber

The difference between the EGT of 2 The difference between the EGT of 2 The displayed EGT differs from the
1951 Single selection ENG "CHECK " is observed under the EGT indicator on the E/WD C
engines is greater than 40°C engines is greater than 100℃ actual value
page, which means:

第 244 页,共 271 页

Once zero fuel weight and block fuel
1952 Single selection ENG When will flight gross weight be displayed in SD page ? Once FMGC energizing Once both engines operating Once an engine starting D
inputting in MCDU

In starting, what is the meaning of the grey background behind

1953 Single selection ENG The precision of N2 is degraded Starting sequence is interrupted Starting sequence is completed Starting sequence is processing D
the N2 value ?

Will be blocking after shut down, and Will be blocking after shut down, and be
The fuel used will be displayed in ENG page or CRZ page. This Will be blocking after shut down, and be Will be blocking after shut down, and
1954 Single selection ENG be reset at next starting on ground or reset when inputting block fuel in INIT B B
display : reset after energizing be reset at next starting on ground
in flight page at MCDU

Starting will be inhibited if thrust lever is Prevent from oversized thrust when For FADEC could monitor starting
1955 Single selection ENG Why check thrust lever at idle before starting is very important ? Prevent from hot starting C
not at idle. starting sequence

When use TOGA thrust to take off, what time does the Once the thrust lever is retracted into the Once manually pressed the automatic Once the thrust lever is retracted into the
1956 Single selection ENG Once AP engaged D
automatic thrust work? FLX detent thrust pb CLB detent

When use flexible thrust to take off, what time does the Once the thrust lever is retracted into the Once manually pressed the automatic
1957 Single selection ENG Once pass the reduced thrust altitude Once AP engaged A
automatic thrust work? CLB detent thrust pb

When use flexible thrust to take off, does auto thrust work
1958 Single selection ENG Operative Not working It depends B

Normal, the two igniters are alternately

Abnormal , both igniters are used to Normal, igniter B is used for engine
1959 Single selection ENG During automatic start, only ignition B works, is it normal? Abnormal , igniter A is used to start used for starting, and now it is igniter B D
start at the same time start

第 245 页,共 271 页

Ready to take off, but no flexible temperature entered. Which
1960 Single selection ENG Any detent CLB detent FLX/MCT detent TOGA detent D
detent should be used for take off?

1961 Single selection ENG Which detent of the thrust lever can be used for takeoff? Any detent CLB and FLX/MCT CLB and TOGA FLX/MCT and TOGA D

The most important thing for the PF to work in abnormal and

1962 Single selection ENG Control to maintain a safe flight trajectory Control the thrust handle Communication Navigation A
emergency situations is:

1963 Single selection ENG Single engine after V1, initial pitch attitude for take-off is : 15° 17.5° Follow SRS 12.5° D

Single engine after V1, the crew shouldn’t take any ECAM Establish communication with ATC, and Establish proper flight trace, and above
1964 Single selection ENG Retract landing gears Engage AP D
actions until : report intent runway 400 ft

ENG fail, when completing the following ECAM actions, ENG will “ENG MASTER OFF”for ENG fail but no “AGENT 1 DISCH”for ENG fail with The fire was extinguished or “AGENT
1965 Single selection ENG All above D
be regarded as safe. damage damage 2 DISCH” for fire alarm

If one engine is out after V1, if the crew does not have any
maintains a maximum bank of 5° and
1966 Single selection ENG input on the side stick or rudder after airborne, the aircraft maintains the bank before input increase bank continuously resume level off and fly stably B
fly stably

Uses the cold air drawn from the engine fan

Not to be cooled before being used by
1967 Single selection ENG The bleed air temperature adjustment of the engine: to control the temperature within 200 Uses ambient air for cooling A
each system
degrees through the pre-cooler

第 246 页,共 271 页

Engine fire button or central fuel tank Engine fire button or selector button is
1968 Single selection ENG Which one closes the low pressure valve of the engines: Engine fire button or ENG MASTER sw C
transmission valve control logic set in manual

Departure Airport ZSPD Landing Airport RKNY's dispatch

warning reads as follows: runway length is short with slope;The
airport is near the border with South Korea;Runway RWY33
1969 Single selection Manuel YES NO A
one-way approach is provided only;The terrain is complicated
and the air flow is disordered .Does the captain need to be
qualified ?

Departure Airport ZGDY Landing Airport ZPPP dispatch release

warning contents: Kunming is a plateau airport, the captain
The influence of obstacles, runway length
1970 Single selection Manuel needs to be qualified.What factors cause the take-off weight parking apron repair The runway maintenance Terminal maintenance A
and other factors in the take-off path area
limit of Zhangjiajie Airport to be larger;The captain needs to be

Departure Airport ZPPP Landing Airport ZGDY signed release

warning content: captain must have kunming and Zhangjiajie
1971 Single selection Manuel 5G 4G ACARS GPS C
airport qualifications .What kind of signal has a blind area at the
destination airport of this route.

According to the VTSG release warning of landing airport, krabi

Airport is at 22:00 (PEK). If you need to make an alternate Passengers can be arranged to disembark Passengers can not be arranged to rest 2 days free accommodation is
1972 Single selection Manuel Free accommodation for 3 days B
landing, contact the agent in advance (30 minutes drive to the and rest. on the plane, need to wait on board. provided
airport);At the same time at the airport

Xizhou Airport is a complex airport, and the captain must be

qualified .
From afternoon to evening every day in which two months,
1973 Single selection Manuel southwest winds are mainly strong, the temperature is high, the 11、12 7、8 2、5 9、10 C
wind direction and speed change quickly, the crosswind is
strong, the FINAL APP are prone to turbulence, and severe wind
shear may occur.

Departure Airport ZSPD Landing Airport RKTU sent release

warning contents: complex terrain;The departure procedure is
1974 Single selection Manuel complicated and the flight control is difficult;Only one-way YES NO B
instrument approach;A failure procedure should be
established ;Does the captain need to be qualified ?

Departure airport ZSPD landing Airport RJTT dispatch alert

content: Hanada Airport from 22:00 to 05:00 according to the
1975 Single selection Manuel 02:00 04:00 05:00 0.25 C
noise reduction route, flight delay to what time to modify the
route information .

第 247 页,共 271 页

According to the VDSV dispatch warning at landing airport:
1976 Single selection Manuel what kind of light is missing from the airport, moderate rain or terminal lights Apron lamp LIGHTS black light bulb RUNWAY center line light D
above at night, no further approach is allowed.

In ZYTL release warning for landing airport: complex

meteorological conditions, surrounded by mountains, which
1977 Single selection Manuel LOC GS A
channel is biased;Dalian is a special airport, the captain needs to
be qualified .

According to the ZBCF release warning at landing airport,

1978 Single selection Manuel Chifeng is a special airport, the captain needs to be qualified, YES NO A
and whether there is EOSID (traditional /RNAV) procedure.

According to the RPVK's dispatch warning, Kalibo is a special

1979 Single selection Manuel airport and the captain has special qualifications .RNP APCH DH100,VIS3500M DH200,VIS4000M DH500,VIS3000M DH700,VIS6000M C
procedure only available for Runway 05. Operating standard :?

Landing airport VDSV dispatch warning contents: Sihanouk is a

1980 Single selection Manuel special airport, captain special qualification .Which runway 21 03 22 02 B
cannot be used for landing .

According to ZYAS, Anshan Airport is a complex airport and the

1981 Single selection Manuel VIS5000M,cloud ceiling600M。 VIS4000M,cloud ceiling500M。 VIS3000M,cloud ceiling400M。 VIS2000M,cloud ceiling300M。 A
captain needs to be qualified.Runway 20 cleared

According to the signed release warning of ZPLG, Lijiang is a

general plateau airport. When the non-precision approach
procedure is expected to be used, the release explanation
1982 Single selection Manuel 500KG 900KG 800KG 600KG C
should remind the crew that no less than? KG of additional oil is
planned.Runway 20 GP INOP procedure cancelled.Fill in the
pressure relief monitoring sheet, need special qualification .

ZSJH Landing Airport ZPJH's release warning: How many meters

of runway length to be changed at Jiuhuashan (From October 8,
1983 Single selection Manuel 2100M 2260M 2205M 2250M D
2020 to January 6, 2021) is subject to the NAIP supplementary
information . Please pay attention to the pre-flight warning

第 248 页,共 271 页

According to the dispatch release warning at ZGYY landing
airport of ZSPD, yueyang Airport has a single- ILS landing of
RWY36. There are frequent air force activities in this direction ,
Increase the take-off weight and alert the Add extra oil and warn the unit that it Add crew members and alert them to
1984 Single selection Manuel and RWY18 will be used as temporary command. Therefore, it is B
crew to a possible early landing. may be HOLDING at that time. possible diversion at that time.
recommended to release according to RNP APRCH.If it is
expected to be released only on landing at RWY36, is it
recommended ?

Signatory release warning at ROAH landing Airport: What signal

1985 Single selection Manuel GPS VOR ILS NDB A
is not stable at Naha Airport?

The signature release warning at ZLHZ landing airport is as

follows: 2019/12/20 16:35:00-2020/1/30 16:35:00 Refer to
airport Operating rules ZLHZ AD 2.20 field flight regulations (Air hold should not exceed 5 minutes in (Air holding should not exceed 2 (Airborne waiting should not exceed (Airborne waiting should not exceed 15
1986 Single selection Manuel C
1.Airport usage Regulation 1.6, changed to: Due to frequent air principle) minutes in principle) 30 minutes in principle) minutes in principle)
force activities here, flights need to wait in the air, and the
aircrew should consider the backup fuel volume

From 21:00 to 05:00, the flight will be

carried out according to the noise 22:00 to 06:00 according to the noise
19:00 to 05:00 according to the noise 22:00 to 05:00 according to the noise
According to the dispatch release warning DEP AIRPORT RJTT reduction route. After the flight is reduction route, flight delay to 07:00
1987 Single selection Manuel reduction route, flight delay to 02:00 after reduction route, flight delay to 05:00 after D
landing airport of ZSPD:Haneda Airport is delayed to 04:00, the flight route shall after the information to modify the
the information to modify the route. the information to modify the route.
be modified according to the route.
information .

Signatory release warning of ROAH landing airport: Naha Prior notice is required for non- Prior notice is required for non-
1988 Single selection Manuel No extra meals must be served on notice. C
Airport deicing. refueling.

A320 planes are banned from this

A321 planes are banned from this route,
Departure Airport ZSPD Landing airport ZUMY's dispatch route, and the safety Supervision
and the safety Supervision Department has
1989 Single selection Manuel warning: ACARS signal is blind at the destination airport of this Department has made a A
made a comprehensive assessment of the
route. comprehensive assessment of the high
high risk factor.
risk factor.

During (), essential crew members must be seated in the duty

1990 Single selection Manuel the critical phase of flight any phase of flight the cruise phase of flight the cockpit preparation A
position and disuse any on-board rest facilities.

After landing, Pilots should () the start of APU after landing

as appropriate depending on actual situation except for
1991 Single selection Manuel bring forward delay B
malfunction . (Starting up APU procedure before entering the
parking stand is recommended .)

第 249 页,共 271 页

After parking in terminal stand, () bridge power unit, bridge
1992 Single selection Manuel use do not use A
air conditioner and shut off APU as much as possible .

1993 Single selection Manuel During takeoff rotate, PF should monitor () outside PFD both outside and PFD A

In order to meet the requirements of takeoff thrust under the

condition of low takeoff weight, the aircraft will be instructed a
1994 Single selection Manuel smaller larger same amout of B
() pitch attitude off the ground due to its small VR after
performance calculation.

when the aircraft attitude is close to the tail strike angle but the
1995 Single selection Manuel aircraft is still on the ground, PF should () to avoid large reduce stick input stop stick input B
attitude off the ground with small speed.

It’s prohibited to put any objects on center control panel and

1996 Single selection Manuel side control panel floor seat table A

During the initial go-around the flight crew could set the thrust
1997 Single selection Manuel lever to toga position, and then activate G / A soft mode by FLX/MCT CL IDLE A
retracting the thrust lever back to() position.

The logical difference of minimum ground speed protection

1998 Single selection Manuel between A320Neo and A320CEO aircraft results in a () same larger smaller C
approach speed in full configuration with an average of 128kt.

A320NEO's landing attitude is larger than A320CEO, with an

1999 Single selection Manuel 5.11° 6.11° 7.11° 8.11° A
average of()

第 250 页,共 271 页

The average time for the A321 to retract CONF0 from CONF1 +
2000 Single selection Manuel faster slower B
F is () than that of A320.

Generally speaking , in terms of performance , CONF 1 + F has

2001 Single selection Manuel longer shorter A
better performance (better climb gradient ) on () runway

CONF3 has better performance (shorter takeoff distance) on

2002 Single selection Manuel longer shorter B
() runway with other conditions unchanged.

According to Airbus statistics, the average aircraft lift-off pitch

2003 Single selection Manuel angle under CONF 1+F is about 8.8 degrees , which is () than greater less A
that of CONF 2

The Flight Department hereby requires that () must be the PF

when operating in small & medium-sized airports and special
2004 Single selection Manuel F/O Captain Instructor B
airports during nighttime with adverse weather conditions (light
rain or above)

Different type of A/C may have different display information .

2005 Single selection Manuel 320CEO,321CEO N1, N2 high VIB display as N1, N2 advises green amber red B
green, 320NEO,321NEO display as ()

When this fault occurs, the flight crew should understand the handle it in strict accordance with ECAM should not be considered as false
2006 Single selection Manuel A
fault logic and (). action warning

In case of unexpected situation, cross check and confirm the

2007 Single selection Manuel ()before operating the landing gear handle, dispose it altitude speed heading V/S B
correctly and report in time to ensure flight safety.

第 251 页,共 271 页

“ LEVEL OFF ,LEVEL OFF ”、“ MAITAIN / Monitor Vetical
2008 Single selection Manuel RA TA A
Speed” are ()。

In Japan if ATC cleared FL300, the correct instruction would

have been "Climb and maintain FL300".If there is no words such CLIMB/DESCENT AND
2009 Single selection Manuel Position cleared to available C
as "()" in altitude instruction , confirm ATC if an aircraft can MAINTAIN
climb or descent.

If one’s test result is below the normal value but drinks within
2010 Single selection Manuel ( )hours before the flight, he/she should not be allowed to join 6 8 10 12 C
in the flight operation .

If one fails the test and denies drinking , aviation doctor should
2011 Single selection Manuel 5 15 30 60 B
recheck ( ) minutes after the first test.

Which airport below is not in the company 's special airports

2012 Single selection Manuel ZUBJ RKPC RJFF ZSJH D

For Kalibo International Airport, the normal vertical path angle

2013 Single selection Manuel for RNAV(GNSS)X RWY 05 is 3.3°. So the vertical path angle will grater less A
be ( ) than3.3° when the temperature is higher than ISA.

For Kalibo International Airport, the normal vertical path angle

for RNAV(GNSS)X RWY 05 is 3.3°. But the gliding path angle
2014 Single selection Manuel no necessary necessary B
indicated by PAPI is 3°. It's ( )to glide in strict accordance with
PAPI lights.

For there is no centre line light on the runway, approaching

2015 Single selection Manuel andlandingareforbidden if moderate rain ()(included)is -RA RA +RA B
reported at the airport duringnight operation.

第 252 页,共 271 页

Flight crew departing from ZSSS and ZSPD should sign in at
least ( )min in advance to update database using company WIFI,
2016 Single selection Manuel 15 30 45 60 B
if VPN connection is found abnormal and EFB database cannot
be updated.

If mechanical failure which requires deferring defect occurs

2017 Single selection Manuel during preflight /transit stop at the base station, must the paper yes no B
DD form be delivered onboard ?

Which department is responsible for company ’s aviation Brand management & quality control The Aviation Hygiene Office of
2018 Single selection Manuel Flight department Operations control department . C
hygiene and health? department General Management Department

According to the aircraft's airworthiness

requirementsandcombined with the actual operation of the
2019 Single selection Manuel company , our companycurrently provides a maximum of ( ) 1 2 3 4 C
portable oxygencylindersforeach flight. Passengers exceeding
this requirement amountwillnot be accepted.

2020 Single selection Manuel Juneyao's alcohol concentration criteria is below ( )/210L. 0.02克 0.03克 0.04克 0.05克 A

( )responsible for getting, keeping and returning the portable

2021 Single selection Manuel alcohol test device, and organizing all the layover crew PIC Cabin purser Security guard B
members to do the alcohol test;

( ) responsible for supervising all crew members to complete

2022 Single selection Manuel the alcohol test, and to final confirm the test results with PIC Cabin purser Security guard A

( )responsible for recording the alcohol test processes of all

2023 Single selection Manuel PIC Cabin purser Security guard C
crew members in out-station with a law enforcement recorder .

第 253 页,共 271 页

2024 Single selection Manuel Which airport below is a military&civil airport? ZSJH ZSDY ZSZM ZSWX D

2025 Single selection Manuel Which airport below is a military&civil airport? ZBUC ZBTL ZBMZ ZBCZ D

Chinese pilots can not call the

When the outstation ’s ground service/maintenance personnel Chinese pilots may call the ground must find the ground maintenance
2026 Single selection Manuel ground maintenance personnel in A
cannot communicate with foreign pilots in English, maintenance personnel in Chinese personnel who can speak English

Only if the aircraft is under control by one To prevent meals from affecting the
flight crewmember , another flight To increase the efficiency of the meal, safety of the cockpit, pilot should
2027 Single selection Manuel In flight, which of the following statements about meal is true A
crewmember can have other activities, such two members can eat at the same time leave the cockpit and go to the cabin
as paperwork or meal for meals

Copilot having established operation

2028 Single selection Manuel The personnel who can not control the aircraft on left seat Flight instructor or captain trainee C
experience on left seat

2029 Single selection Manuel In which situations, the captain shall control the aircraft: Land In visual circling approach Takeoff B

2030 Single selection Manuel The flight Tolerance of Takeoff and go-around speed tolerance: ±5 kt speed tolerance: ±10 kt speed tolerance: ±7 kt A

Maximum speed for use of high-speed runway exit is _____kt

2031 Single selection Manuel 10 kt 20 kt 40 kt B
(wet runway)

第 254 页,共 271 页

2500 ft to 1500 ft above field 3000 ft to 1000 ft above field
2500 ft to 1000 ft above field elevation, the
2032 Single selection Manuel About the descent Rate Limits at Low Altitude ,which is correct elevation, the descent rate may not elevation, the descent rate may not A
descent rate may not exceed 1500 ft./m
exceed 1500 ft./m exceed 1500 ft./m

When ATC instruction is inconsistent with RA instruction ,which

2033 Single selection Manuel ATC RA The pilot can judge for himself B
is correct

2034 Single selection Manuel When GPWS conflict with TCAS TCAS priority GPWS priority The pilot can judge for himself B

Which of the following ones can not access the flight deck of Any person who has the permission of the
2035 Single selection Manuel A person who has no permission Crewmember B
aircraft captain and is specifically authorized

For starting flights, all flight crew shall arrive at the site at
2036 Single selection Manuel 1 1.5 2 A
least _____ hour before the scheduled departure time

the captain shall notify purser as

the captain shall notify cabin crew
early as possible, control the taxi
When the estimated taxi time before takeoff is less than 5 that donot need to accomplish safety
2037 Single selection Manuel the captain donot need to notify purser speed to facilitate cabin crew B
minutes, the captain shall instructions to passengers and safety
accomplishing safety instructions to
passengers and safety check

After takeoff thrust is set, _____ controls the thrust lever until
2038 Single selection Manuel the captain PM PF A
the speed reaches V1

In the following situations, no intersection takeoff may be

2039 Single selection Manuel Contaminated runway wet runway runway with slope A

第 255 页,共 271 页

Rejected takeoff shall be decided by the Rejected takeoff shall be decided by Rejected takeoff shall be decided by
2040 Single selection Manuel What is true about rejected takeoff A
captain, and operate personally the PF, and operate personally the captain, and PF operate

During approach and landing, which of the following is not Ground proximity warning appears
Instrument approach through 1000 ft
2041 Single selection Manuel required to abort approach and land in the following Low level windshear is encountered and the aircraft position isn’t clear, B
without establishing visual reference
situations or stall warning appears

Normally , the time from touchdown to runway turning is

2042 Single selection Manuel 30 40 50 C
controlled within_____ seconds

Confirm the status of the aircraft

Confirm that the slide status of all cabin After the seat belt light is turned off and the systems on the ground does
2043 Single selection Manuel About issue permission of opening the doors, which is wrong B
doors has been de-on standby ,then issue the permission not affect the safe opening of the
cabin doors

The captain can decide to change

Emergency descent within China RVSM airspace, which of the Maintain visual monitoring on air
2044 Single selection Manuel Notify controller of aircraft location the assigned FL , donot need B
following is wrong traffic
toreport to controller

2045 Single selection Manuel The speed of low visibility taxi shall be less than 10 knot less than 15 knot less than 20 knot A

ILS Approach above G/S, whether pilots can decent with 0.3NM
2046 Single selection Manuel in advance when the ATC are cleared to establish ILS at the YES NO A
waypoint ?

When ILS Approach above G/S,when do you need to set the

2047 Single selection Manuel G/S* G/S Aircraft altitude is lower than GA ALT C
GA ALT in Juneyao's SOP?

第 256 页,共 271 页

When ILS Approach above G/S,if the flight crew failed to
2048 Single selection Manuel Go around continue approach till DA A
intercept G/S at above 1000ft AGL,what should you do?

For any technical evaluation or establishment of operation ensuring flight safety should always be
2049 Single selection Manuel Give more chance to the new pilot. B
experience, you should the primary responsibility

For any technical evaluation or establishment of operation

experience, whether the inspector can set up multiple
2050 Single selection Manuel YES NO B
malfunction simulation for practicing handling procedure in
emergency ?

For any technical evaluation or establishment of operation

2051 Single selection Manuel experience, the flight crew should maintain AP until DDA/H DDA/H-100 1000FT A
when non-precision approach is performed .

If the supplementary procedures are related to engine start,the The PM reads the actions, and the PF The PF reads the actions, and the PM
2052 Single selection Manuel The PM reads and do the actions. B
tasksharing should be? acts on commands . acts on commands .

During engine starting, warning message “SATCOM DATA

call the ground personnel to do trouble Consult with the FCOM,do the false message, no need to do trouble
2053 Single selection Manuel FAULT” pop up on ECAM , last for several seconds, then C
shooting abnormal procedure shooting
disappear . What should you do?

The fault message “NO HF 2 DATA”and“NO SDU DATA”are

call the ground personnel to do trouble Consult with the FCOM,do the false message, no need to do trouble
2054 Single selection Manuel showed in PFR , without any other associated fault message. C
shooting abnormal procedure shooting
What should you do?

YES,but flight crew should notify

2055 Single selection Manuel Whether you can select brake fans at gate? NO ground personnel first to avoid brake B
carbon dust pollution.

第 257 页,共 271 页

Whether you can touch down with thrust levers not at idle
2056 Single selection Manuel YES NO B

Under what codintion do you think landing with autobrake the landing distance available is less than
2057 Single selection Manuel heavy landing weight wet runway all above D
“MED” should be prioritized . 3000 meters and there exists tailwind

Whether Juneyao Airlines allow flight crew using AP/FD TCAS

2058 Single selection Manuel YES NO B

The flight crew should limit vertical speeds to ft/min

2059 Single selection Manuel 1000 1500 2000 B
during the last 2 000 ft of a climb or descent.

Whether the FDs should be disconnected once RA is YES,both FDs should be

2060 Single selection Manuel YES, disconnect the FD on PF side. NO B
generated ? disconnected .

Before flight, at least the PM should constantly monitor

2061 Single selection Manuel 121.5 company dispatch or ground service PA B
frequency besides ATIS monitoring ?

Whether the TLB is required after the flight crew performs the NO If the reset operation is
2062 Single selection Manuel YES NO A
ELAC reset operation ,? successful .

. If the GNSS interference or GPWS alert is encountered during

2063 Single selection Manuel flight, whether the flight crew should report it in time according YES NO A
to requirements ?

第 258 页,共 271 页

When confirming that the flight route is the ADS-B route,
2064 Single selection Manuel whether the flight crew should notify the ATC that the ADS-B YES NO A
OUT report is lost due to GNSS signal loss.

2065 Single selection Manuel What's the maximum taxi weight of A320NEO? 77400kg 73900kg 79400kg C

Takeoff/Landing Crosswind limits and Tailwind Limits for A320

2066 Single selection Manuel 30kt;10kt 38kt;20kt 38kt;10kt C
family (in kt.)on wet runway are ( )

Wind speed limits of low visibility operations for A320 (in kt.) Headwind 30kt,Crosswind15kt, Headwind 30kt,Crosswind20kt, Headwind 20kt,Crosswind15kt,
2067 Single selection Manuel A
are ( ) Tailwind10kt Tailwind10kt Tailwind10kt

Cabin / cargo door operation is possible at wind speeds less

2068 Single selection Manuel than or equal to ( ). Wind Speed at ( ) cabin / cargo door 40kt;50kt 40kt;65kt 45kt;65kt B
must be closed.

According to the latest company fuel policy, final reserve fuel

2069 Single selection Manuel means the aircraft fly with holding speed for ( ) minutes at 30mins 40mins 45mins A
450m (1500 ft.) above the airport under standard conditions.

The minimum taxi fuel for A320 series aircraft is no less than (
2070 Single selection Manuel 100KG 150KG 200KG C

Declaration of "( )" is an emergency situation and clearly state

2071 Single selection Manuel decision fuel minimun fuel emergency fuel C
the aircraft should be given priority by ATC.

第 259 页,共 271 页

If the MEL conflicts with the airworthiness directives (AD), the
2072 Single selection Manuel requirements of ( ) prevail and may not be avoided or MEL AD B

Domestic RVSM airspace refers to the RVSM airspace between (

2073 Single selection Manuel 8900m-12500m inclusive 8900m-13700m inclusive 8100-12500m inclusive A
) and ( ).

Which of the following conditions is allowed for takeoff and night operation with runway centreline
2074 Single selection Manuel runway covered with 10ml standing water runway covered with patches of ice Heavy rain(+RA、+SHRA) A
landing? lighting unserviceable, moderate rain

Windshear refers to a sudden change of wind direction and/or

2075 Single selection Manuel wind speed that results in airspeed change above ( ), or 15 kt./h, 500 ft./m 15 kt./h, 600 ft./m 10 kt./h, 500 ft./m A
vertical speed change above ( ).

High jet stream can be identified through ( ) on the

2076 Single selection Manuel cirrus zone trough line A
meteorological satellite cloud image.

If manual land is required for CAT II Approach and Landing, it

2077 Single selection Manuel must implement the automatic coupled approach to DH or 80% of DH 70% of DH 60% of DH A
below, but not below ( ).

Strong wind is frequent with wind

Which of the following is not included in the Characteristics of Takeoff and landing distance of the
2078 Single selection Manuel Aircraft maneuvering ability reduces speed and wind direction changing B
High Elevation Airport? aircraft decreases significantly

2079 Single selection Manuel Transponder code must be set in ( ) if dual-way failure occurs. 7500 7600 7700 B

第 260 页,共 271 页

During flight, when the flight crew operate ( ), it is not
2080 Single selection Manuel engine master switch fire extinguishing lever APU master switch C
required to be confirmed by another flight crew.

2081 Single selection Manuel Which of the following is incorrect when carrying out checklist? Nobody should memorize the checklist Standard phaseologies are required checklist is performed by PF C

2082 Single selection Manuel Takeoff briefing must be completed ( ). before engine start-up before passenger on board after engine start-up A

( ) should be used in all radio communications with ATC when

2083 Single selection Manuel Chinese or English English Chinese B
any foreign pilot is a required flight crewmember .

Critical phase of flight refers to taxiing, takeoff, landing and

2084 Single selection Manuel 3,000 m 4,000 m 5,000 m A
flight phase below ( ) AGL except cruising .

2085 Single selection Manuel PA should be completed ( ) during normal situation. after passenger on board before pushback after pushback B

About CAT II Approach and Landing Implementation Method, Automatic coupled approach, auto land, Automatic coupled approach, auto Manual coupled approach, manual
2086 Single selection Manuel C
which of the following is wrong? automatic rollout land, manual rollout land, manual rollout

The maximum speed for using high-speed runway exit for dry
2087 Single selection Manuel 10 kt./h 20 kt./h 40 kt./h C
runway is ( )

第 261 页,共 271 页

The maximum speed for using high-speed runway exit for
2088 Single selection Manuel 10 kt./h 20 kt./h 40 kt./h A
contaminated runway is ( )

cycle the seat belts switch once for A320 cycle the seat belts switch twice for cycle the seat belts switch 3 times for
During Light Turbulence , When Seat belts indicates ON, crew
2089 Single selection Manuel (press the Cabin Chimebottom once for A320 (press the Cabin Chimebottom A320 (press the Cabin Chimebottom A
should ( )
B787) twice for B787) 3 times for B787)

cycle the seat belts switch once for A320 cycle the seat belts switch twice for cycle the seat belts switch 3 times for
During Moderate Turbulence , When Seat belts indicates ON,
2090 Single selection Manuel (press the Cabin Chimebottom once for A320 (press the Cabin Chimebottom A320 (press the Cabin Chimebottom B
crew should ( )
B787) twice for B787) 3 times for B787)

The required ceiling of the laning minima of visual approach is(

2091 Single selection Manuel 450m(1500feet) 600m(2000feet) 300m(1000feet) A

Contaminated runway : a runway is contanminated when more

than( )% of the runway surface area within the required length
and width being used is covered by by standing water more
2092 Single selection Manuel 10 25 40 55 B
than 3 mm deep, or by contaminants such as melted snow, wet
snow, dry snow, or compressed snow and ice of an equivalent
thickness greater than 3 mm.

no runway mid-line lights and moderate

Which of the following conditions meets the company's landing ATIS/Tower report braking action
2093 Single selection Manuel +RA +SHRA rain (RA) (inclusive) C
criteria:() medium to poor
or more during night operation

The RNP(AR) operational airport and procedures of Dalian

2094 Single selection Manuel Zhoushuizi International Airport approved by the company are RNP(AR) Z RWY 10 RNP(AR) Y RWY 11 RNP(AR) X RWY 12 C
not included:()


2095 Single selection Manuel The EFB Loadsheet Emergency is located:() B

第 262 页,共 271 页

Low visibility take-off (LVTO) : Take-off when the RVR is below (
2096 Single selection Manuel 300 400 550 800 B
) meters.

The RVR corresponding to the company's minimum standard

2097 Single selection Manuel 100 200 250 300 B
for operating low visibility takeoffs is :( ) meters.

The headwind speed of the A320/321 aircraft taking off in LVTF select Smaller value between 10KT or FCOM Select the smaller value between the Select the smaller value between the Select the smaller value between the 38KT
2098 Single selection Manuel C
is limited to:() crosswind limit 15KT or FCOM crosswind limit 30KT or FCOM crosswind limit or FCOM crosswind limit

The crosshind speed limit for the A320/321 aircraft in low select Smaller value between 10KT or FCOM Select the smaller value between the Select the smaller value between the Select the smaller value between the 38KT
2099 Single selection Manuel B
visibility take-off is :( ) crosswind limit 15KT or FCOM crosswind limit 30KT or FCOM crosswind limit or FCOM crosswind limit

The minimum standards for our company to operate CAT II are

2100 Single selection Manuel DH30m,RVR200m DH30m,RVR300m DH45m,RVR200m DH45m,RVR300m B

DH () meters and RVR ( ) meters are the minimum standards

2101 Single selection Manuel 30;200 30;300 45;300 45;500 D
for crew initially required CAT II qualification

2102 Single selection Manuel Low visibility taxi speed should be less than ( ) knots 7 10 12 15 B

During low visibility we should stop taxiing when the separation

2103 Single selection Manuel from obstacles is less than ( )m and there is no ground 10 20 30 50 A
guidance .

第 263 页,共 271 页

Kunming Airport elevation 6901 feet, CAT II operation, can we
2104 Single selection Manuel YES NO B
perform auto landing?

In CAT II approach, go around immediately if AGL below 1000ft

2105 Single selection Manuel 1/4 1/2 1 B
encounters localizer or glide path deviate more than ( ) dots.

The flight crew of the company's international connecting flight

of Pudong Airport will be exempted from the entry and exit
2106 Single selection Manuel 2 3 4 6 B
procedures if the scheduled departure and landing interval is
less than ( ) hours.

In the company's multi-route coding rules, the suffix of Chinese

2107 Single selection Manuel C F C8 F8 A
route for A320/321 aircraft is : ( ).

In the company's multi-route code rules, the foreign route

2108 Single selection Manuel C F C8 F8 D
suffix of B787 aircraft is :( ).

According to the company's multi-route code rules, the route

2109 Single selection Manuel G C G2 C2 C
suffix of sanya A320/321 to hongqiao via G221 is :( ).

According to the company's multi-route code rules, B787 sanya

2110 Single selection Manuel G C G2 G8 D
hongqiao via G222 has the suffix of route :( ).

For aircraft not equipped with EFB holders,Flight Operation

2111 Single selection Manuel Department ( ) issue paper charts to the crew during the flight should should not A
operation .

第 264 页,共 271 页

In which of the following situations, the crew shall not use When the landing airport is not in the If the crew does not pass the simulator
2112 Single selection Manuel need temperature correction all of the above D
FINAL APP to execute a non-precision approach? airport list; training

2113 Single selection Manuel Is CABIN READY function installed in the Company's A320 NEO? YES NO A

which of the following airports is not on the company 's special

2114 Single selection Manuel Bijie Changzhi Fukuoka Phuket D
airport list:

which of the following airports is not on the company 's special

2115 Single selection Manuel Chizhou Jeju Fukuoka Kunming A
airport list:

At apron or near obstables , the maximum speed should not

2116 Single selection Manuel 10 kt/hr 8 kt/hr 12 kt/hr B

Aircraft shall establish stable approach when performing

2117 Single selection Manuel instrument 500 1000 1500 B
approach to more than AGL.

Aircraft shall establish stable approach when performing visual

2118 Single selection Manuel 500 1000 1500 A
approach to more than AGL.

above field elevation, the descent rate may not exceed 1000
2119 Single selection Manuel 500 1000 1500 B

第 265 页,共 271 页

2120 Single selection Manuel 1000 ft above field elevation, the descent rate may not exceed 500 1000 1500 B

When the aircraft's cabin altitude is above , each flight

2121 Single selection Manuel 8000 14000 10000 C
crewmember on duty shall use oxygen, t

In a depressurization state,incapacitation time for a normal

2122 Single selection Manuel 30s 1min 2min B
person at FL300 might be minute

crew members shall complete preflight preparation on Juneyao

2123 Single selection Manuel Airlines Flight/Cabin preparation website between hours prior 48hr,12hr 24hr,12hr 48hr,24hr A
to flight departure and hours prior to flight departure.

2124 Single selection Manuel What is the English callsign of Juneyao Airlines' flight ? Juneyao Air Air Juneyao Ji Xiang B

False, one flight crew can be

True or False: During flight, at least two flight crewmembers
2125 Single selection Manuel True, for flight safety temporarily replaced by cabin crew at B
shall stay in the cockpit.
station 2

Does Juneyao Airlines permit portable mobile chargers to be

2126 Single selection Manuel Yes No B
carried in the check-in luggage?

How many 100Wh-plus portable mobile chargers are allowed to

2127 Single selection Manuel 1 2 None C
be taken onboard by the crewmembers ?

第 266 页,共 271 页

2128 Single selection Manuel Can portable mobile charger be used during flight? Yes Only during cruising No C

Does Juneyao Airlines permit balance car powered by lithium

2129 Single selection Manuel Yes, as check-in luggage Yes,as carry-on luggage No C
batteries to be carried as check-in luggage or onboard?

When Chinese and foreign flight crew operate domestic flight

2130 Single selection Manuel NAIP issued by CAAC Jeppesen data A
tasks together, Chinese pilots are to use the data.

When Chinese and foreign flight crew operate domestic flight

2131 Single selection Manuel tasks together,if there is any discrepancy between NAIP and NAIP issued by CAAC Jeppesen data A
JEPPESEN data, which data shall be considered as the standard ?

When Chinese and foreign flight crew operate domestic flight

2132 Single selection Manuel tasks together,if the approach procedure is not published in the Continue flight with NAIP data Not allowed to continue approach B
JEPPESEN data, pilot should

When Chinese and foreign flight crew operate domestic flight

request radar vector instead of carrying out carry out the procedure after verifying carry out the procedure after
2133 Single selection Manuel tasks together,if the PBN procedure is not published and is B
the procedure it in the NAIP by Chinese flight crew. confirming with ATC
included in navigation database , the flight crew should:

When Chinese and foreign flight crew operate domestic flight

tasks together,if the conventional arrival/departure procedure is request radar vector instead of carrying out carry out the procedure after verifying carry out the procedure after
2134 Single selection Manuel C
not published and is included in navigation database, the flight the procedure it in the NAIP by Chinese flight crew. confirming with ATC
crew should:

The navigation database of Juneyao Airlines will be updated

2135 Single selection Manuel UTC 0000 Beijing time 0000 A
automatically at

第 267 页,共 271 页

For domestic flight, at what time will the flight crew update
2136 Single selection Manuel UTC 0000 Beijing time 0000 B
navigation database manually ?

If the license approaches expiration date, the flight crew shall

2137 Single selection Manuel request for license review and renewal to the flight technology 30days 60days 90days C
competent department at least ()in advance.

No approach and landing is allowed when the thunder rain

appears in the range within() from the landing course and
2138 Single selection Manuel 3km,5km 3km,3km 5km,3km C
within () of missed approach course or the thunder rain is
moving to the course.

When flying in the steep trough-line area, if turbulence is

2139 Single selection Manuel caused by sudden change of wind speed or wind direction , it is to pass through the trough-line to fly parallel to the trough-line A

Crew member can not be on duty if he drunk alcohol within

2140 Single selection Manuel () or under the influence of alcohol or other medicine which 8hr 10hr 12hr B
adversely affect flying.

When a domestic flight takes off at Beijing time 23:30 and lands
Use the old version of the navigation
2141 Single selection Manuel at 00:50 the next day, will the crew switch to the latest switch to the latest navigation database B
navigation database?

2142 Single selection Manuel Which one would have a higher probability of encountering A
A320 without sharklet A320 with sharklet Same probability
overspeed, an A320 without sharklet or an A320 with sharklet?

Can FLYSMART be used to calculate speed and flexible

2143 Single selection Manuel YES NO A
temperature after an optimization of A320 take-off speed at
high elevation airport?

第 268 页,共 271 页

Can FLYSMART be used to determine Maximum take-off weight
2144 Single selection Manuel after an optimization of A320 take-off speed at high elevation YES NO B

As for short taxiing airport (taxiing time less than 10 minutes),

2145 Single selection Manuel taxi speed should not above before the flight crew get 10 15 20 A
'CABIN READY' report.

2146 Single selection Manuel It can be set on if brake temperature is It can be set on if brake temperature is Must be set off B
Should brake fans be set off during takeoff?
above 150°C. above 300°C.

High elevation airport or final approach

2147 Single selection Manuel When should an early Flare procedure be recommended to tailwind on final D
glide slope above 3° Landing runway uphill slopes all of the above

2148 Single selection Manuel Do the flight crew need to perform a landing performance YES NO A
computation if the landing conditions changed?

The higher standards for the airport The lower standards for the airport
operating minima operating minima
published by the Civil Aviation published by the Civil Aviation The airport operating minima
2149 Single selection Manuel In the operation of domestic airports, the company 's minimum Administration of China and the Administration of China and the published by the Civil Aviation A
standards for airport operation should be: supplementary requirements for the supplementary requirements for the Administration of China.
operation of the company 's airports operation of the company 's airports
operating minima. operating minima.
The higher standards for the operation
The higher standards for the operation of The higher standards for the
of the company's airports are used
the company's airports are used using the operation of the minimum standards
using the minimum standards for
minimum standards for airport operations for airport operations provided by the
2150 Single selection Manuel In the operation of airports abroad/region, the company's airport operations published by ICAO B
published by ICAO Member States, the JEPPESEN route manual and the
minimum standards for airport operation should be: Member States, the minimum
minimum standards for airport operations supplementary requirements for the
standards for airport operations
provided by the JEPPESEN route manual. operation of the company 's airports .
provided by the JEPPESEN route

When Chinese and foreign national flight crew operate domestic flight
tasks together, Chinese pilots are to use the ( )data published by
the CAAC and foreign pilots are to use ( )data.

第 269 页,共 271 页

When Chinese and foreign national flight crew operate
2152 Single selection Manuel domestic flight tasks together, if there is any discrepancy NAIP JEPPESEN A
between NAIP and JEPPESEN data, ( ) data will be
considered as the standard.

2153 Single selection Manuel Nominal Parameter of Takeoff Minima: Visibility (VIS) and/or Runway Visual C
Visibility (VIS) Runway Visual Range (RVR)
Range (RVR)

Decision Altitude/Height (DA/DH)

Decision Altitude/Height (DA/DH)
2154 Single selection Manuel Nominal Parameter of Precision Approach Landing Minima: Decision Altitude/Height (DA/DH) and Visibility/Runway Visual Range B
and Visibility

Minimum Descent Altitude/Height Minimum Descent Altitude and

Nominal Parameter of Non-Precision Approach Landing Minimum Descent Altitude/Height
2155 Single selection Manuel (MDA/MDH) and Visibility/Runway Visibility /Runway A
Minima: (MDA/MDH) and Visibility
Visual Range (VIS/RVR) Visual Range (VIS/RVR)

During alternate landing, use ( ) if the airport provides

2156 Single selection Manuel VIS RVR CEILING B
both RVR and VIS.

In the Nominal Parameter of Alternate Minima,the minimum

2157 Single selection Manuel B
value of allowed VIS is: 1200m 800m 600m

中等进近灯光系统 IALS
According to ICAO regulation , CAT I precision approach lighting 基本进近灯光系统 BALS 完全进近灯光系统 FALS
2158 Single selection Manuel Intermediate Approach Lighting C
system is: Basic Approach Lighting System(BALS) Full Approach Lighting System(FALS)

The minimum take-off standards can be found in the airport

2159 Single selection Manuel map of the airport NAIP or JEPPESEN. For airports that do not C
VIS1600m RVR1500m VIS1600m or RVR1500m
have minimum take-off standards, the basic minimum take-off
standards should be:

第 270 页,共 271 页

The requirements for low-visibility take-off at the take-off
2160 Single selection Manuel runway RVR below A
400m 500m 600m
( )meters must be met.

For VOR and NDB/DME approaches , should add ( ) to the

2161 Single selection Manuel A
MDH. 15 m /50 ft 30m/100ft

For NDB (without DME) approaches , should add ( ) to the

2162 Single selection Manuel B
MDH. 15 m /50 ft 30m/100ft

For LOC and APV (LNAV/VNAV) approaches , the minimum

2163 Single selection Manuel B
approved visibility is ( ) and the minimum RVR is( ). VIS1600m,RVR1600m VIS1200m,RVR1200m VIS800m,RVR800m

If CDFA technique is not used in NPA due to restriction of some

conditions, the determined airport operating minima should be
2164 Single selection Manuel greater than the airport minima approved by the authority, for A
400m 500m 600m
Category C and D aircraft, the RVR/VIS should be increased by
at least:

When the implementation of CAT II precision approach, the

2165 Single selection Manuel B
advance decision height is based on the information of the: barometric altimeter radio altimeter alternate altimeter

第 271 页,共 271 页

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