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impact of covid-19 on people's

mental health
Mauricio Clavijo, Mireya Forero,
Yenny Diaz, Jenny Alexandra
COVID-19 and Mental Health
How to help children cope with stress during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Are you a health worker and facing stressful situations due to the COVID-19

6 recommendations for dealing with stress during the COVID-19 pandemic
Covid-19 pandemic takes heavy toll on senior citizens' mental health
warm up activities
Which ways would you use to ease
your depression/anxiety?
How have you been spending holidays
with your family in COVID time?
Have you felt more stressed or anxious
during the pandemic, much more than
you felt before?
teenagers and children
The closure of educational centers and prolonged home confinement
imply important changes in the routines and life habits of children and
adolescents that, together with the stressors intrinsic to the experience of
a health emergency of such caliber (fear of contagion, duels and loss of
loved ones, diminished purchasing power of families ...), can adversely
affect their mental health.
Be aware that teens and young adults may try to hide their problems out
of fear, shame, or feeling responsible to avoid being a burden to others.
Younger children may not know how to talk about their feelings, but they
may show changes in behavior or development.

Recognize the signs of stress in your child.

The signs of stress and difficulties with mental health are not the same for
all children or teens, but they do have some common symptoms.
UNICEF study
a study of 8,444 adolescents and
young people between the ages of
13 and 29 in nine countries and
27% reported feeling
anxiety and 15%
46% report having less depression .
motivation to carry out
activities that they
normally enjoyed. 36%
feel less motivated to 43% of the women feel
do usual activities. pessimistic about the future
compared to 31% of the
participating men.
possible causes
The main causes of this crisis are due to the fact that family,
school, and friends have lost the effect that facilitated the
emotional management of young people.

possible consequences
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Anxiety and depression

sleep interruption

Patients diagnosed with COVID-19 or suspected of

being infected may experience intense emotions and
behavioral reactions, in addition to fear, boredom,
loneliness, anxiety, insomnia or rage.
Effects on children's development

school closings Psychomotor activity

physical activity has remained limited to
By eliminating face-to-face
the home environment, restricting the
schooling and leisure outside the practice of sports. This situation, in
home, social interactions have been addition to the damage to health
limited to the close family nucleus. derived from sedentary lifestyle, could
have medium-term repercussions on the
cognitive and psychomotor development
of children, especially of the little ones.
discussion questions
What are the main factors associated with psychological
impact in older people?
What could you do to help to decrease psychological
symptoms in older people during social isolation?
Have you been very nervous when thinking
about the possibility of contagion?
Do you consider it possible that emotional distress
could turn into a physical symptom?

Do you think that frontline health workers against

covid 19 should have psychological support?

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