School Learning Action Cell (SLAC)

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School Learning Action Cell (SLAC)


Lalakay Elementary School


Los Banos District

Action Research
Action Research is a method of systematic enquiry
that teachers undertake as researchers of their own
practice. The start of the process is usually an issue or
situation that, as a teacher, you want to change. You will
be supported in turning this 'interesting problem' into a
'researchable question' and then developing actions to try
out. You will draw on the findings of other researchers to
help develop actions and interpret the consequences.
These are the reasons why our department held a SLAC
TEACHING session on this matter.
Last March 10, 2021, Lalakay Elementary School, headed by the principal, Mr. Ervin C. Reyes
taken a serious yet light session on learning how to write your synthesis, observation, and
solutions into paper. This conference started with the singing of the National Anthem led by Ms.
Joesalyn B. Astillero and an opening prayer by Mrs. Maria Joy L. Manansala both are Grade Three
teachers. The checking of attendance in a unique way was done by the Master of the ceremonies,
Ms. Cris Ann A. Bondad and Mr. Nelson T. Deangkinay. With the supervision of Dr. Allan G.
Hostalero, the District Supervisor, he reminds that SLAC is one of the best ways to learn and to
teach, though he gave an emphasis on the health protocol that everyone must abide. He
encourages teachers to write an action research where the school, colleagues and the researcher
himself will benefit. He expressed his admiration to Mr. Reyes as he is known for writing a good
research since then. After which, Mr. Reyes begun his talk with a personality test that everyone
enjoyed and felt amazed when saw the result of their chosen color, animal, person, and
A group activity set the mood of the teacher-
participants. They were asked to rewrite the given
instructions on a sheet of paper into the manila paper then
yell after doing the said activity. Each group has six
members where one will be the secretary and one is
assigned to report but a hundred percent encouragement
that everybody must participate. After each group
presented their output, an analyzation of those followed by
the discussion on how to make your research effective. He
mentioned that teachers were not aware that every scene
in the classroom which made them think, brought problem,
and then had a solution once in a while is a research. The
main thing that they missed on is to put them into writings.
Steps on writing an effective research were presented and explained thoroughly. He said
that research is something that you need an answer then if there’s an answer to your problem
probably that is not a research. It is also important that teacher-researchers must familiarized
themselves with each part to have a presentable and effective research. He reiterated that action
research is also one of the required tools in teaching promotion. He mentioned that research can
be individual or collaborative, hence the disadvantage for collaborative research when you aim for
promotion is that points will be divided into how many members are present in the research. He
added that it is easy to make a school-based research because this can be repeated and can be
used by others through modifications. He encouraged each and everyone to take time to create an
action research and rest assured that he is willing to teach and to help the one’s aspiring to
become one of the researchers.
In the latter part of his discussion, he showed some emoticons that seems to be the teachers
feeling when action research is the topic. There were fears, excitements, confusions but in the
end, there is nothing teachers can do but to comply and try because no matter what happiness is
within them because they are teachers!
Demonstration Teaching: Mathematics is Fun
One of the fears that teachers have in mind is to showcase their ability in teaching to their
colleagues. It is better to have it done in front of the pupils rather than the co-workers, but this
does not hinder the goal of the school. Sharing is caring, one of the famous lines today that we
should apply in our everyday lives. The Master Teachers of Lalakay Elementary School
demonstrated their best practices in teaching that the teachers also must-haves.

Mrs. Ilma M. Fucio, Master Teacher II demonstrated on Integers. As the usual activity,
checking of the attendance is done. She asked the teacher-participants to subtract the current
year to the numbers they picked. As she checked the answers of the participants, she mentioned an
important event related to the numbers as her integration of Araling Panlipunan in her topic.
Afterwards, she gave a group activity as her priming where pupils had to identify whether the
words are from positive or negative. She presented the lesson through a short discussion of how
negative and positive integers differ from each other. She mentioned that value of integers changes
when it is placed on the left side to the right. She had individual and group activities that measure
the understanding of the participants about her lesson. She ended her lesson with a short video
clip about integers.

The second and last to perform is a newly promoted Master Teacher and the ICT coordinator
of the school, Mrs. Carlita A. Melendres. Her topic is all about proportion but had her review of the
lesson on ratio as it goes together. She asked somebody to write the ratio of the vowels and
consonants in the word RATIO to prove that they had understood the previous lesson. She
presented the operation on how to make the two-ratio proportion. She defined what is proportion
and had the taught the terms in a proportion. After that, she had a short presentation of the
problem to be solved. Good thing about her execution of the lesson is the use of ICT which made
her lesson easy to understand. An integration of Science lesson on mixture was present and fitted
to the lesson. She ended her lesson getting the number of pupils per score.

These prove that no matter how hard our current situation, educators must not stop learning
and educating the learners in the most alternative ways we can. The demonstration teaching is a
representation of teachers’ ability and skills in serving the quality of education they had.

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