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Vacs To Normal - Script

Emcees: Kate and Jhanelle

REMINDERS (3:00 PM - 3:05 PM)

May we remind everyone in the Zoom meeting to observe proper etiquette and kindly keep your
videos and audio off. If you have any questions for our speakers, please drop them in the chat
box below with the format Name/Affiliation/Question. Your questions will then be answered
during the Q & A portion. We are also live on our Facebook Page Vacs To Normal.

INTRODUCTION (3:00 PM - 3:05 PM)

JHANELLE: Good Day to our dear participants and speakers! Welcome to the Vacs To Normal
webinar with the theme: “Battling infodemic amidst a pandemic.” I am Jhanelle Paderes,

KATE: and I am Kate Imperial, your hosts for this afternoon. We are all delighted to have
everyone this afternoon, and I’m really excited because today we’ll be learning a lot of new
insights from our two respectable speakers.

JHANELLE: Yes! It’s truly an exciting day to learn factual information about COVID-19
Vaccines. So to start off our program, let’s all welcome Ms. Airah Ami, the Project Head of the
Vacs To Normal, to give her welcoming remarks. Let’s give her a virtual round of applause


KATE: Thank you very much, Airah for the very welcoming remarks! And now, without further
ado, allow me to introduce our first speaker for today.


KATE: Our first speaker became part of the doctor to the barrios of the Department of Health, a
clinician at the Benguet Laboratories, and an instructor at the University of the Philippines,
Baguio. Currently, she is a specialist at the University of the Philippines Resilience Institute, a
corporate treasurer at 1 Shot Immunization Center, and a medical officer IV at the City
Government of Baguio where she got several outstanding employee of the year awards. Also,
she holds various positions such as a department head, associate professor, and visiting faculty
at several institutions in Baguio City. She also co-authored various studies published at different
well-known journal publications.

So without further ado, let's all give a virtual round of applause to Dra. Donnabel Panes
SPEAKER 1 (3:20 PM - 3:45 PM)

KATE: Thank you very much for that insightful talk, Dra. Panes. I hope the audience were able
to absorb the information you have presented and hopefully, they will get the vaccines once
they’ve become available for them.

Q & A PORTION (3:45 PM - 3:55 PM)

KATE: And now to continue our discussion, please type in your questions in the Q & A portion
with the format Name/Affiliation/Question. We’ll try our best to accommodate them all.

—-basa basa ng mga tanong—

1. Given that these vaccines were made by experts and for sure there are side effects. What are
the expected long-term side effects of the vaccines? If I don’t experience any side effects,
does that mean that the vaccine is not working?
2. If a person is already fully vaccinated but gets infected afterwards, do they need to get
vaccinated again?
3. Ano ang pinakamabisang paraan upang kumbinsihin ang mga taong may takot na
4. When can we achieve “herd immunity”?
5. If ever you get vaccinated Is there a medicine that we should avoid to take? or is it okay to
take up meds like Ursodeoxycholic acid for the dissolution of cholesterol-rich gallstones


JHANELLE: Thank you very much, Dra. We really appreciate that you shared your expertise
with us today. And now we’ll be presenting the certificate of appreciation. (Read certificate of
appreciation). If possible, please turn on your cameras for a photo opportunity with Dra.

KATE: Again, thank you so much, Dra. Panes. And now we are on the second part of the
webinar so I hope you are all still here with us. Our situation right now is not only a pandemic
itself but it is also termed as the digital infodemic due to the multitude of information circulated
online. With this, our second speaker will share his expertise to show us another lens of the
pandemic. So to continue, I’ll pass it on to Jhanelle to introduce the next speaker.


JHANELLE: Our second speaker was a former managing editor at Manila Times and has
worked for the Financial Times of London as a researcher and as a reporter, editor and
research head at BusinessWorld Publishing Corporation. He is now the head of the Journalism
Program of the University of Santo Tomas in Manila, wherein he oversees the curriculum,
faculty and students in the bachelor’s and master’s levels. At the same time, he is an adviser to
The Varsitarian, the 93-year old official student publication of UST. He is also the current editor
of PressOne.Ph, a news and information website, and the Philippine Center for Investigative
Journalism. Please join me in giving a warm, virtual welcome to Mr. Felipe Salvosa II.

SPEAKER 2 (4:05 PM - 4:30 PM)

Q & A PORTION (4:30 PM - 4:40 PM)

JHANELLE: Thank you, Mr. Salvosa! We will go ahead and take some time for questions now.
Just a reminder, please drop your questions in the chat box with the format


KATE: Again, thank you so much Mr. Salvosa for being with us today, and for a very
enlightening lecture. We now present to you this certificate of appreciation [read certificate] If
possible, please turn on your cameras for a photo opportunity with Mr. Salvosa.

WRAP UP (4:45 PM - 4:50 PM)

JHANELLE: On behalf of our NSTP group, thank you Dra. Panes and Mr. Salvosa for speaking
in our event despite your busy schedules. To our participants, thank you so much for joining us.
Please answer the survey evaluation posted in the chat box to receive your e-certificates.


KATE: To end this program may we call on Ms. Maxine Cristobal from the externals committee
for her closing remarks.

JHANELLE: Again, thank you speakers, our dear participants, and to our viewers from our
facebook live, thank you for sticking with us! Hopefully, after what we discussed today, we
managed to change a few minds and that you will now become the instruments in disseminating
correct information with your friends and family. You may now leave this meeting, keep safe and
have a great day ahead!

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