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YAYASAN PENDIDIKAN GMI WIL. II 7. Can Phylicia clean her feet? Yes, ....

sd PERGURUAN KRISTEN METHODIST INDONESIA 3 a. she can b. she can’t c. he can d. he can’t
Jln. Jend. Ahmad Yani / Tembok Baru Kel. 9/10 Ulu No. 777A Palembang – 8. “clock” in Indonesian is ....
a. gambar b. jam c. meja d. dinding
TAHUN PELAJARAN 2018/2019 B : … is a chair.
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris This b. That c. Those d. These
Hari/Tanggal : 10. I … reading in the library.
Waktu : a. am b. is c. are d. was
Nama : ____________________
Kelas : IV 11. “Open ” in Indonesian is ....
I. Please choose a, b, c or d as the right answer! a. tutup b. dorong c. tarik d. buka
1. Amel : Good afternoon
Teacher Maria : Good …. 12. … are my best friend.
a. afternoon b. morning c. night d. evening a. I b. He c. She d. They
2. Touch your .... (bahu)
a. head b. shoulder c. ear d. mouth 13. We can see … in the zoo.
a. grass b. animals c. market d. flower
3. Bend your .... (lutut)
a. knee b. hand c. leg d. arm 14. She … a good women singer.
a. am b. are c. is d. was
4. He has short .... (rambut)
a. nose b. ear c. face d. hair 15. They are playing football in the ….
a. field b. bedroom c. hall d. kitchen
5. I want to .... (sikat) my teeth.
a. wash b. brush c. comb d. clean 16. The lamp ... the table (diatas)
a. on b. in c. behind d. beside
6. Let’s ... (gambar) an oval face.
a. brush b. draw c. comb d. wash 17. We go to school at … o’clock in the morning.
a. five b. seven c. six d. eight
18. Take a piece of ... from your notebook (kertas) 28. Who is he … (saudara laki-laki)
a. plate b. paper c. spoon d. glass a. sister b. uncle c. aunt d. brother

19. She is .... (baca) the book everyday. 29. She is Angel’s …. (nenek)
a. read b. sweep c. sleep d. listen a. mother b. uncle c. father d. aunt
30. He is my …. (anak laki-laki)
20. Are you dancing now? Yes, ....
a. daughter b. girl c. son d. boy
a. I am b. you are c. I am not d. are not

21. He is … television in living room. 31. Balqis cooks in the … everymorning.

a. eating b. dancing c. watching d. riding a. kitchen b. bedroom c. hall d. mall

22. Teacher Ida : How are you students. 32. “Stand up” in Indonesian is ….
Tommy : …. a. melompat b. berlari c. berdiri d. duduk
a. I am fine b. I am late c. I am come d. I am go
33. “Makan siang” in English ...
23. “Bekerja” in English is …. a. dinner b. take a nap c. feed d. Lunch
a. study b. eat c. work d. drink
34. Kita atau kami in English is ….
24. “Dia laki-laki sedang tidur” in English is …. a. I b. they c. we d. she
a. she is sleeping b. he is sleeping c. I am sleeping d. they are
sleeping 35. Put … your hat, please. (Pakai/pasang)
a. on b. of c. between d. behind
25. Jasthin : Hello Rifky
Rifky : ….
a. Hi, Jasthin b. bye, Jasthin c. morning Jasthin d. Jasthin

26. ... is my father. (dia laki-laki)

a. She b. He c. I d. They
27. Can you ... the floor?
a. clean b. open c. sweep d. arrange
II. Fill the blanks!
1. I have ... (pendek) hair.
2. I love my bedroom. It is .... (cantik/indah) and ....
3. I am …. (belajar) English now.
4. Let’s going to the .... (danau Toba)
5. I like going to .... (pantai)
6. Amalia goes to the .... (sungai)
7. He … listening to music. (am, is, are)
8. Phylicia is …. than Balqis. (lebih kurus)
9. Jasthin is .... than surya (lebih tua)
10. Stacia is ... (tinggi)

1. 05:50 What time is it? It is ______________________________

2. 22-08-1987 When were you born? I was born on ______________

3. Mountain Jovano : ______________________________
Angel : ______________________________
Arrange the sentences!
4. the – lets – to – go – beach = ______________________________
5. like – to – going – the – lake – I = __________________________

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