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1. List down any Human Rights (Maximum of 3) you think were usually violated in your

a. LGU (Barangay, Municipality, City, province)

-Municipality of Compostela-
1. Right to Healthcare (Article 2 Section 15)
2. Right against unreasonable searches and seizures (Article 3 Section

b. School
1. Right to equality and freedom from discrimination (Article 2 Section 2)
2. Rights to quality education (Article 14 Section 1)
3. Right to reasonable supervision and regulation ( Article 14 Section 4)

c. Government or Public Institution, agency or office

1. Right to security and social protection (Article 2 Section 3)
2. Right to human dignity, reduce social, economic and political inequalities (Art 13 sec 1)
3. Right to life, liberty, security and property (Article 3 Section 1)

d. Private Institution, company, office or corporation

1. Right to work in just and favourable conditions (Article 2 Section 18)

2. Which among the above agency, institution, office or LGU is known or notorious for violation of
human rights? Why?

a. Based on what I’ve observed in the present time and previous years, it is the agencies or offices
and government or public institutions who mostly violated the human rights. The government or
Public Institution, agency or office are, supposedly, the ones who should make sure that the
orders are maintained, and citizens are being protected, secured from threats and provided by
public services. However, what happened was that they were, partly, the reason why Filipinos
suffered. They stole or scammed money and an example for this was when PhilHealth officials
stole 15 billion from public funds. They, also, abused their powers and an example for this was
the police brutality or the killings caused by police. There is graft and corruption because of
them which, eventually, leads to many social issues and give rise to many social injustice.

3. In the scale of 10, how do you rate our govt’s compliance in the implementation of human rights in
the Philippines. Explain your answer.

a. Based on what I’ve observed, I would rate the government’s compliance in the implementation
of human rights in the Philippines, 4. My rate is low because, for me, their own doings caused
most of the social issues in the Philippines such as graft and corruption, which is the root of all,
unequal distribution of wealth, killings and poverty. The government, supposedly, the one who
looked out for the welfare of the state or the citizen but what happened was they lead
something that caused Filipinos to suffer from injustice. There’s no strict implementation for the
compliance of human rights because the government, itself, started violating the human rights.
Proofs for this are the slow development of the Philippines and the relationship between the
Filipinos and the Government is not stable or not good.

b. . I based it not only in the present administration but, also, in the past administration. I rated it
low because, as years passed by, I can’t seem to find further improvements or development in
the Philippines. Let me start first with the present administration, I can totally agree that there’s
lesser drug-related cases nowadays but the numbers of killings caused by police men and EJK
increased. Another one, the stealing of some government agencies from public funds. There’s,
also, unfair investigation happened when the flight attendant, Christine Dacera, died. In the past
administration, rights of farmers are being neglected, there’s unequal distribution land. There
was, also, terrorism or massacre happened in Maguindanao that cased too much deaths. There
were stealing happened and killings caused by police men back then it’s just that it was found
out in the present administration. My point why I rated it 4 because, up until today, human
rights of every Filipinos are still taken away from them by the Government, which should be the
one who will provide them security and protect their welfare through public service, and
privileged people, and they’re still suffering injustice.

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