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Military Technological College

Module Annual Monitoring Report (M-AMR)

Title of Module: Structural Analysis 3

Module Code: MTCC5050

Department: Civil Engineering and Quantity Surveying

Academic Year/Teaching Session
(e.g. 17-18/S1 or 17-18/T1)
✓ DipHE CE  DipHE CEM  DipHE QS
 DipHE AE  DipHE ME  DipHE SE
Applicable Programme(s):
(tick as appropriate) see Note 1
 GFP  Engineering Foundation (L3)
 BEng CE  BEng CEM  BSc QS
 BEng AE  BEng SE  BEng ME
Name of Module Coordinator: Dr. Sokrates Ioannou

1. Have you shared this report with the relevant programme leaders? ✓ Yes  No

2. Has feedback about assessment artefacts been provided to students in time (within 20 working
days) ✓ Yes  No
If not please provide an explanation and remedial action taken.


Please refer to the previous academic year’s M-AMR. List all actions proposed. Evaluate their
effectiveness, if they have been carried out and indicate if further action is required. If an action has not
been carried out please explain the reason.
Comment on whether
How it was
Recommended Action Progress Status the action has
improved the module
N/A (first time run) N/A N/A N/A

Module Annual Monitoring Report (P-AMR) – v1 – September 2018 Page 1

Military Technological College


A. Students:
(Please consider student feedback analysis received from QA department, Mid-Semester KEEP-
STOP-START student feedback (Engineering only), student representative feedback from SSCC
meetings, and any other significant informal feedback from students where applicable).
All students provided very positive feedback on the learning outcomes, course materials and the
delivery by the teaching team. Comments from the students reflected the good conduct of the
delivery of the module for the first time.

B. Staff:
(Please consider feedback received from teaching staff and staff affected by module)
The teaching team were pleased with the students in this year, with no complaints. Although the
student number was low, all students demonstrated a good understanding of the module, with
one particular student falling in the outstanding range.

C. External Examiners:
(Please comment on any feedback received from External Examiners regarding all aspects of
module delivery, including assessment).
The EE’s comments were generally positive, with only some comments regarding some minor
adjustments to the grading criteria.

5. EVALUATION OF MODULE DELIVERY (current academic year)

Please evaluate delivery of the module under the headings A, B & C, below.
(Please list all issues, related to module delivery that need to be addressed e.g. issues raised at
committee meetings, feedback reviews, personal tutoring sessions etc.)
No serious issues.

(Please report any good practice in the delivery of the module that may be shared with colleagues at
MTC. e.g. use of innovative teaching technologies, which are not currently adopted at MTC).
The module had provided the students with a grasp of advanced techniques that can be used to
analyze civil engineering structures. Topics ranged from stiffness methods to dynamic analysis.
Student’s particularly enjoyed computer lab classes where they implemented StaadPro software to
model multi-storey buildings to analyze its stability.

Module Annual Monitoring Report (P-AMR) – v1 – September 2018 Page 2

Military Technological College


No other comments.

Please comment on the final results for the module (as approved at the Module Assessment Board
(MAB) and compare with performance from the previous two years, taking into account pass rate,
module average, and students’ feedback).
This year was the first time to run this module. Overall performance for this academic year was very
satisfactory, with a 100 % pass rate (even though very few students participated).
All students provided good feedback, and further appreciated the challenge that the module provided.
Summarise actions which need to be taken. Please specify the timeline and identify the people
responsible for their completion.
How will this action be implemented? Success Indicators
Rationale (including information about which (such as KPIs) see Note 2
department will be approached)
No action required.

To complete this report you will need to consult/be aware of the following documents/information:
(Please tick which documents have been consulted)

 Previous year’s M-AMR

 The Module Descriptor (MD)
 Module Modification Form (MMF) (if applicable)
 Staff feedback correspondence
 External Examiner’s reports
 Subject Matter eXpert’s comments (SMX) from the partner institution
 Module Results (from MAB) including previous 2 years (if applicable)
 Minutes of relevant meetings SSCC/DSC/L&T Committee/Module Coordinator initiated meetings
 Student Feedback

Note 1: DipHE: Diploma of Higher Education BEng: Bachelor of Engineering BSc: Bachelor of Science

CE: Civil Engineering SE: Systems Engineering

AE: Aeronautical Engineering CEM: Construction Engineering Management
ME: Marine Engineering QS: Quantity Surveying
Module Annual Monitoring Report (P-AMR) – v1 – September 2018 Page 3
Military Technological College

GFP: General Foundation programme

Note 2: KPI stands for Key Performance Indicators - a measurable output that demonstrates the level of
achievement of a key objective.

Module Coordinator’s signature: ___________________________ Date: _24/09/2019_____

Module Annual Monitoring Report (P-AMR) – v1 – September 2018 Page 4

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