Integrated Writing Essay 4

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The reading claims about a 150 million year old mamal know as Repenomamus Robustus,

which the passage states that this animal was not the active hunter hunter of Psittacosaurs.
The reading states 3 reasons to support. The professor refutes each reasons explaining that
there are evidence of support of the R. robustus was the hunter of the dinosaurs, here is why.

First, the reading posits that the Robustus like most mammals was a small animal compairing
his size to an actual domestic pet like the cat. This evidence provides reason to believe that the
R. robustus was not capable to hunt any bigger animal. However the professor refutes that by
claiming that the robustus could be small but the animal was still capable to hunt baby dinos.
Instead most of predator have twice of size of baby dinos, so that gives evidence of believe
that the robustus was the hunter.

Second, the reading claims that the legs of robustus appear much suited for scavenging rather
than hunting. Small legs indicates that the robusuts was not able to chase fast moving
Psittacosaurs. However the professor refutes that by comparing with the Tasmanian evil. A
creature also with small legs which achieve a great speed in order to hunt animals.

Finally, the reading claims that the rest of the Psittacosaurs finding in re

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