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Spina bifida in a pre-Columbian Cuban population: A paleoepidemiological

study of genetic and dietary risk factors

Article  in  International Journal of Paleopathology · March 2013

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpp.2013.01.004


4 141

5 authors, including:

Stephanie D Mowat Carlos Arredondo

The University of Western Ontario University of Havana


Mirjana Roksandic Carney Matheson

The University of Winnipeg Griffith University


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Paleoanthropology of the Balkan Penninsula View project


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International Journal of Paleopathology 3 (2013) 19–29

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Research article

Spina bifida in a pre-Columbian Cuban population: A paleoepidemiological study

of genetic and dietary risk factors夽
Stephanie Armstrong a,∗ , Louise Cloutier b , Carlos Arredondo c , Mirjana Roksandic d , Carney Matheson b
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, R3T 2N2
Lakehead University, 955 Oliver Road, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada, P7B 5E1
University of Havana, Cuba
University of Winnipeg, 515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, R3B 2E9

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A holistic approach is necessary to investigate health in archeological populations. Molecular techniques,
Received 30 June 2012 particularly multiplex PCR and SNaPshot minisequencing, can be combined with paleopathology and
Received in revised form 27 January 2013 dietary analysis (stable isotope, starch, zooarchaeological analyses) to understand aspects of population
Accepted 29 January 2013
health. This article demonstrates how spina bifida, a multi-factorial disease characterized by the midline
failure to complete vertebral neural arch formation, can be investigated holistically.
Based on skeletal evidence, this disease was prevalent in a pre-Columbian Cuban population from
Congenital disease
the archeological site of Canimar Abajo (3000-1250 BP). Molecular paleopathological techniques were
Single nucleotide polymorphisms
employed to examine disease potential in this preliminary study, examining 18 individuals (including two
Folate individuals with evidence of mild spina bifida, and 16 without such evidence) for four single nucleotide
Diet polymorphisms and one insertion sequence associated with spina bifida. The combined effect of these
polymorphisms, as well as dietary factors, determines the risk of the population for spina bifida, and
these factors united to create the observed high disease prevalence.
We demonstrate how molecular paleopathology, corroborated by dietary analyses, can be used within
a paleoepidemiological framework to understand population health and disease.
© 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Spina bifida (SB) is a congenital disease that can be exam-

ined from a paleoepidemiological perspective, given its genetic
Health and disease in ancient populations are popular topics of and dietary components, joining molecular paleopathology with
study in bioanthropology, and yet they can be difficult to study from dietary evidence to help understand a given population’s poten-
the holistic perspective they deserve. Macroscopic paleopathol- tial for high disease prevalence. This neural tube defect (NTD)
ogy, stable isotope analyses, paleoethnobotany, and in particular, shows a high frequency in a pre-Columbian Cuban sample from the
molecular paleopathology and paleoepidemiology, are some bioan- archeological site of Canimar Abajo, with 14 of 21 (67%) preserved
thropological approaches that should be drawn together to help sacra demonstrating non-fused sacral vertebrae. SB is a complex,
create an overall picture of health. Paleoepidemiology is an inter- multi-factorial disease with asymptomatic to severe clinical pre-
disciplinary approach which considers how the incidence of disease sentations. Although considered a genetic disease, the incidence
reflects past health, lifestyle, and environment (Souza et al., 2003; of SB is also highly dependent on environmental factors, espe-
Waldron, 2007). Paleoepidemiological studies must draw on many cially pre- and peri-conception maternal folate intake (Werler et al.,
lines of evidence to help explain observed disease prevalence, an 1993).
approach that is becoming more common as researchers combine Many mutations linked to the incidence of SB focus on
various approaches to understand disease at a population level (e.g. enzymes involved in the folate and homocysteine (an amino
Arriaza et al., 1995; Aufderheide et al., 2004; Papathanasiou, 2003, acid) metabolic pathway; mutations in these folate-dependent
etc.). enzyme genes result in reduced enzymatic efficiency of homocys-
teine processing, thereby potentially contributing to the incidence
of SB (Cloutier, 2008). In this study, the distribution of sin-
gle nucleotide polymorphisms (SNs) associated with SB was
夽 This article is a contribution based upon a paper presented at the 2012 annual
investigated in a sample from the total population of Canimar Abajo
meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Portland, OR, USA.
∗ Corresponding author. and compared to dietary information. These folate–homocysteine
E-mail address: (S. Armstrong). metabolic pathway enzyme genes (Fig. 1) include the methionine

1879-9817/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
20 S. Armstrong et al. / International Journal of Paleopathology 3 (2013) 19–29

Methionine synthase
Homocysteine Methionine
β-synthase Methionine synthase
B6 reductase


5-methyl Tetrahydrofolate


Fig. 1. Homocysteine metabolism pathways.

synthase (MTR A2756G; sometimes referred to as MS A2756G), 2010; Dumas León, 2009; Martínez López, 2009; Rodríguez Suárez
methionine synthase reductase (MTRR A66G), and 5,10-methyle- et al., 2006).
netetrahydrofolate reductase genes (MTHFR C677T and A1298C).
The presence of a 68 basepair insertion in the cystathionine ␤
1.2. Paleodietary studies at Canimar Abajo
synthase (CBS 844ins68) gene was also investigated. All of these
variants have been variously linked to SB when risk alleles are car-
The question of diet at Canimar Abajo has been addressed
ried by either the SB-affected individual or their mother (Beaudin
with a variety of methods, and they all suggest a diverse diet
and Stover, 2007; Botto and Yang, 2000; De Marco et al., 2002;
including a variety of plant and animal food sources. Tradition-
Doolin et al., 2002; Relton et al., 2004; Rozen, 2006; van der Linden
ally, the residents of Canimar Abajo have been classified as strictly
et al., 2006a; van der Put et al., 1998, 2001). The presence of these
hunter–fisher–gatherers, heavily reliant on marine foods, while
SB-associated genes among the Canimar Abajo population, com-
plant food collection was more opportunistic (Rodríguez, 2007;
bined with dietary evidence from previous studies, was examined
Rouse, 1992; Tabío and Rey, 1979). Based on stable isotope results,
to understand whether the high prevalence of SB could be linked
however, the diet at Canimar was quite varied (see Buhay et al., in
to genetic and dietary risk factors.
press and available online; Chinique de Armas et al., in press). Can-
imar residents had a variety of protein sources available to them
1.1. Canimar Abajo from marine, riverine, and terrestrial environments.
Zooarchaeological evidence has revealed that marine mollusks
The population under study is from Canimar Abajo, Matanzas, are most prevalent at the site according to NISP, followed by fish and
Cuba, an important, early pre-Columbian site along the Canimar mammals (Arredondo, 2004; González Herrera et al., 2005). Land
River (Rodríguez Suárez et al., 2006). Canimar Abajo is primarily a crabs (Cardisoma) and Isognomon alatus, a bivalve mollusk, are par-
burial site, with at least 199 individuals in two cemeteries (OC, old ticularly abundant. Variation in shell size of this bivalve, along with
cemetery; YC, young cemetery), separated by a shell midden and the oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae, is thought to indicate that these
roughly 1500 years (Morales Valdes, 2009). The surrounding veg- mollusks were collected by humans (Arredondo, 2004). More-
etation consists mainly of bushes, mangroves and semi-deciduous over, sea snail shells of the Muricidae family appear to have been
forest (Dumas León, 2009). Although studies still remain to be done intentionally broken to allow for meat to be removed (González
in the Canimar area, evidence from north-central Cuba suggests Herrera et al., 2005). Fish remains are also prevalent throughout
that the ratios, though not the variety, of these vegetation types the area, with the range of orders (Tetraodontiformes, Mugili-
have changed since the mid-Holocene (Peros et al., 2006). This veg- formes, Perciformes, and Anguilliformes) representing a diversity
etation and the food sources available from the river itself would of marine habitats and a range of capture strategies (Arredondo,
have allowed for a diverse diet at Canimar, including terrestrial and 2004; González Herrera et al., 2005).
marine animal protein, as well as plants for gathering and, more Despite the seeming predominance of seafood at Canimar,
recently, cultivating (Chinique de Armas et al., 2008). as suggested by zooarchaeological evidence, plant micro-remains
Radiocarbon dates based upon charcoal suggest the site was reveal the importance of plant foods in the diet. Starch grain anal-
occupied as early as 5590 BP (Cooper, 2010; Rodríguez Suárez et al., ysis was initially performed on two stone grinding tools, one from
2006), and while this date has been widely published, the context the OC and the other from the shell midden. Starch grains from
is not secure. Recently acquired dates from skeletal material from maize (Zea mays), bean (Canavalia sp.), sweet potato (Ipomoea
a secure archeological context indicate that the OC spans at least batatas), an unidentified legume (Phaseolus?), and Zamia (a cycad
3244-2962 BP, and the YC 1615-1328 BP (Rodríguez Suárez et al., plant) were identified on the older tool, while starch grains from
2010; Roksandic et al., in press). These dates place Canimar Abajo maize, bean (Leguminosae), sweet potato, taro (Xanthosoma sp.),
among the oldest sites in Cuba, particularly Western Cuba (Cooper, and yam (Dioscorea sp.) were uncovered on the other (Rodríguez,
S. Armstrong et al. / International Journal of Paleopathology 3 (2013) 19–29 21

Table 1
Neural tube defect classification systems.

Classification system Types Conditions

Open (primary neurulation) vs. Closed neural tube defect (secondary Open • Spina bifida aperta (aka myelomeningocele)
neurulation) • Anencephaly
Closed • Spina bifida occulta
• Spina bifida cystica (aka meningocele)
• Encephalocele

Neural tube defect vs. Spinal dysraphism Neural tube defect • Anencephaly
• Spina bifida cystica:
- Myelomeningocele
- Myelocele
- Meningocele
• Encephalocele
• Craniorachischisis
• Iniencephaly
Spinal dysraphism • Spina bifida occulta
• Spina lipomas
• Tight filum terminale

Traditional: Spina bifida cystica vs. Spina bifida occulta (other defects Spina bifida cystica • Myelomeningocele
classified separately) • Myelocele
• Meningocele
Spina bifida occulta Any unfused vertebral arch without soft tissue

Compiled from Greene and Copp (2006), Moore (2006), Northrup and Volcik (2000), and Graham and Parsch (2009).

2007). More recently, starch grains have been recovered from Graham and Parsch, 2009; Kumar and Tubbs, 2011; Rizk and
dental calculus of four individuals from Canimar, including three Iskandar, 2010).
individuals from the YC and one from the OC (Chinique de Armas, As illustrated in Table 1, the differences between systems are
2009; Chinique de Armas et al., in press). Represented in this sam- based mainly on whether or not the various forms of spinal defects
ple were both hard and soft endosperm varieties of maize, beans are considered to be a spectrum with the same or related under-
including Canavalia spp., Phaseolus vulgaris and other Phaseolus lying causes (open vs. closed) or as separate entities (NTD vs.
species, Ipomoea batatas, and Zamia sp. (Chinique de Armas, 2009; dysraphism). In archeological contexts, researchers generally use
Chinique de Armas et al., in press). the traditional system of dichotomizing between spina bifida cys-
Overall, the paleodietary studies conducted at Canimar Abajo tica and spina bifida occulta, since this is often all that can be
suggest that the diet was very diverse. Plants such as maize and distinguished in dry bone (Roberts and Manchester, 2005).
legumes may have been deliberately cultivated, while mollusks Spina bifida occulta (SBO) is a form that is subject to multiple
and fish made up the remainder of the diet. Seasonal variation classification systems. SBO is characterized by unfused vertebral
would have retricted the availability of certain food sources, but arches in the lumbo-sacral region, with a skin covering that may or
the year-long growing season of Cuba may have limited any dietary may not have any associated features, such as hairy tufts, dimples,
deficiencies. This dietary diversity has implications for the health or lipomas (Graham and Parsch, 2009). It is sometimes classified as
of the population; in particular, the availability of dietary folate has a spinal dysraphism, which refers to those conditions that are less
implications for the incidence of SB, and the known food sources detrimental than other NTDs (Graham and Parsch, 2009; Moore,
must be evaluated in terms of dietary folate contribution. 2006). Indeed, 10–30% of the general global population is esti-
mated to have some degree of spinal dysraphism, including SBO
1.3. Spina bifida at Canimar Abajo (Graham and Parsch, 2009). This has led many medical practition-
ers and researchers to view SBO as being an abnormality of no
Classifications of SB vary and sometimes conflict, necessitat- consequence; however, SBO is associated with numerous other
ing a brief review of NTDs and classification systems (Table 1). conditions, including hydrocephaly, congenital talipes equinovarus
NTDs are birth defects that occur during the neurulation pro- (commonly known as clubfoot), facial clefting, cardiac defects, limb
cess of embryogenesis and involve the malformation of the reduction, renal abnormalities and genitourinary malformations
central nervous system. There are two main stages of neu- (Seaver and Stevenson, 2006). Alternately, SBO may be entirely
rulation. Problems in the primary neurulation stage result in asymptomatic, or may involve gradual neurological deterioration
open defects that expose the unfused neuroepithelium (e.g. (Spacca and Buxton, 2008). Other than orthopedic deformities,
spina bifida aperta/myelomeningocele, anencephaly). Alterna- many of these signs are not readily visible in the archeological
tively, problems during secondary neurulation result in closed record.
defects (e.g. meningocele, spina bifida occulta), which allows the Ultimately, many researchers now classify SBO as one of many
neural tube itself to close, but defects in the development of the NTDs with the same genetic and environmental risk factors (Blom
axial mesoderm result in abnormal vertebral arch formation, par- et al., 2006; Greene and Copp, 2006; Johanning et al., 2000;
ticularly in the lumbar/sacral region (Greene and Copp, 2006). Northrup and Volcik, 2000; van der Put et al., 2001). In this study, we
SB, characterized by the midline non-fusion of vertebrae choose to follow the system of distinguishing open (primary neu-
(Graham and Parsch, 2009), is a blanket term for various forms rulation) from closed (secondary neurulation) defects, since this
of these congenital NTDs. Despite the range of clinically observed system acknowledges the spectrum of NTDs based on differences in
severity, all forms of SB seem to have the same genetic basis and risk embryonic development, rather than lethality or any preconceived
factors, with multi-factorial inheritance whereby an underlying notion of the relative seriousness of certain conditions (Greene and
genetic liability exists, with a threshold for phenotypic expression. Copp, 2006). However, it is also necessary to operate within the
The liability and its threshold interact with the environment to confines of the archeological evidence, which can only distinguish
produce a phenotypic outcome (Gos and Szpecht-Potocka, 2002; between cystica and occulta forms based on the degree of sacral
22 S. Armstrong et al. / International Journal of Paleopathology 3 (2013) 19–29

involvement and any additional evidence of neurological impair- Table 2

Study sample from Canimar Abajo.
Earlier macroscopic paleopathological observations of pre- ID Cemetery Age Sex Tissue
served sacra had discovered that the disease was relatively frequent E-2a YC MA M Bone
at Canimar Abajo. Of the 21 preserved sacra from the site, 14 or E-6 YC YA Bone
67% demonstrated SB (Campillo Álvarez, 2009). In this instance, E-7 (2010) YC Bone
spina bifida is defined as the non-fusion of neural arches in at least E-10a YC FA F Tooth
E-13 YC FA M Bone
two sacral vertebrae in an otherwise fully fused adult skeleton:
E-18 YC YA F Bone
the 14 pathological sacra demonstrated a range of sacral involve- E-19 OC YA M Bone
ment, from only a few unfused sacral neural arches to a completely E-23 YC YA F Bone
open example (Fig. 2). Therefore, this number includes the mildest E-55 OC Bone
E-72 YC FA M Bone
form of SBO, the non-fusion of the S4 and S5 vertebrae. This has
E-77 YC FA M Bone + Tooth
been noted as being a standard non-metric trait representing nor- E-79 YC YA F Bone + Tooth
mal population variation, and indeed this is the case (Graham and E-83 YC MA M Bone + Tooth
Parsch, 2009). However, as discussed above, NTDs are a spectrum, E-87 OC FA F Bone
ranging from mild to severe. Under the neurulation classification E-89 OC YA F? Tooth
E-92 YC FA F? Bone + Tooth
system used in this study and in clinical studies, even the non-
E-98 YC FA M Bone + Tooth
fusion of S4 and S5 represents a defect that should be considered MR4 YC Bone
among a population with the entire spectrum of vertebral involve-
YC, young cemetery; OC, old cemetery; YA, young adult; FA, full adult; MA, mature
ment, particularly in a population where more severe vertebral adult (Roksandic and Armstrong, 2011).
involvement is observed, such as at Canimar Abajo (Greene and a
Presented with mild SBO.
Copp, 2006). The inclusion of mild defects may be considered to
inflate the frequency of SB at the site, but Canimar SB numbers
and preserve well, while teeth were also selected based on a lack
are still high compared to other reported archeological frequencies
of taphonomic or pathological damage, and the ability to remove
(Henneberg and Henneberg, 1999). Of the 14 SB-sacra at Canimar,
them from the jaw. All of the individuals studied here were also
four can be said to have ‘severe’ sacral involvement (non-fusion of
used as part of the sample in the previous stable isotope study
S1/2–S5), three have mid-range involvement (non-fusion of S3–S5),
(Buhay et al., in press).
while the remaining seven have milder involvement, (non-fusion
of S4 and S5). All sacra were from adult individuals, and given that
there is no other skeletal evidence, such as stunted lower limbs, 2.2. Molecular work
demonstrative of the more severe forms of NTDs, the cases can
only be diagnosed as likely having SBO, though it is not possible to DNA extraction and purification was conducted at the Paleo-
completely eliminate the possibility of other forms of NTDs. DNA laboratory located at Lakehead University, Ontario. Strict
The distributions of four SNPs and one insertion sequence asso- protocols were followed during sample preparation to avoid con-
ciated with SB were examined, including individuals both with and tamination (Pääbo et al., 2004; Poinar, 2003). Negative controls
without evidence of the disease. Given the known association of SB (including both extraction and reagent blanks) were included in all
with diet, genetic data were compared with dietary evidence to experiments. Prior to DNA extraction, the samples were first sub-
evaluate relative folate that could contribute to the disease preva- jected to surface decontamination by washing with a 6.0% (w/v)
lence. solution of sodium hypochlorite and 70% ethanol. The samples
were then sprayed with sterile double distilled water and decon-
taminated by UV irradiation. The surface of the sample was then
2. Materials and methods abraded, and the sample was drilled to produce approximately
50 mg aliquots of bone powder (Matheson et al., 2009).
2.1. Study population DNA was extracted chemically and purified by using a guani-
dinium thiocyanate and silica bead purification method (Matheson
A sample of 18 adults, including individuals from both cemeter- et al., 2010) modified from the protocol published by Boom and
ies, with and without evidence of SB, was investigated to explore colleagues (1990), including size chromatography (Matheson et al.,
the possible association of SB-associated genes among the Canimar 2009, 2010).
Abajo population with paleodietary factors (Table 2). Therefore, this
study includes only two individuals with unfused sacral vertebral 2.3. PCR amplification and SNaPshot minisequencing
arches indicative of SB (E-2 and E-10, both of which have mild
forms of SB). Due to the nature of SB (see Section 4), there is no A sequence of multiplex initial PCR, hemi-nest PCR, and SNaP-
one-to-one correlation between SB-associated SNPs and a partic- shot minisequencing was applied to all samples using primers
ular disease outcome. Both diet and genetics are SB risk factors, designed by the authors and by Barbaux et al. (2000) (Table 3).
but both maternal and individual genotypes are in play, while only This series of reactions increases the amount of template and
maternal folate status is a risk factor for a fetus; there is no direct the sensitivity, but requires only short fragments of original tem-
correlation between a given risk factor and disease outcome. That plate DNA. Primers were designed to meet a GC content of 40–60%
is why studying the prevalence of these SNPs at the population and a minimum length of 20 base pairs (annealing temperature
level is important, and why it is relevant to study SB-associated ∼58 ◦ C). They were tested and aligned using a BLAST program
SNPs in non-SB individuals. A larger sample, including infants and ( to predict any primer over-
juveniles, will be considered in the future. lap or interactions (Henegariu et al., 1997). Primers were purchased
Age at death was assessed using the model of Roksandic and from Operon (Alameda, CA). PCR conditions were optimized for
Armstrong (2011). Individual sex was estimated using standard ancient samples (concentrations for each reaction can be found in
pelvic, cranial, and post-cranial morphometric approaches (Bruzek, Appendix). The reaction conditions for the multiplex initial and
2002; Buikstra and Ubelaker, 1994). Well-preserved metatarsals hemi-nest PCR reactions were: initial hot start temperature of
or metacarpals were used for bone samples, as these are plentiful 105 ◦ C, initial denaturing at 94 ◦ C for two minutes, then 45 cycles of
S. Armstrong et al. / International Journal of Paleopathology 3 (2013) 19–29 23

Fig. 2. Samples of spina bifida at Canimar Abajo. (A) Severe SB and (B) mild SB. Photos courtesy of Elizabeth Campillo Alvarez.

denaturing at 94 ◦ C for 30 s, annealing at 60 ◦ C (58 ◦ C for hemi-nest) Ready Reaction Mix, 1 ␮L of each SNE primer (Table 4), and 0.5 ␮L
for one minute, and extension at 72 ◦ C for 1 min (65 ◦ C for 2 min for of purified PCR product were mixed and cycled 25 times under the
hemi-nest). following conditions: 10 s at 96 ◦ C, 5 s at 50 ◦ C, and 30 s at 60 ◦ C. One
The hemi-nested PCR products were processed using multiplex unit of SAP was added to stop the reaction, and the mix was incu-
SNaPshot PCR, where a fluorescent nucleotide probe is added to bated at 37 ◦ C for 1 h, followed by 80 ◦ C for 20 min to denature the
the 5 end of each locus sequence, which can then be detected enzyme. 9 ␮L HI-DI formamide and 0.1 ␮L of Genescan 120 LIZ size
by capillary electrophoresis, allowing for the identification of the standard were added to 1 ␮L of sample, upon which the samples
nucleotide in that position and therefore the SNPs present in that were heated to 95 ◦ C for 5 min. The samples were electrophoresed
individual (Palacajornsuk et al., 2009). This method can also be used using the ABI Prism 3100 Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems).
to identify the presence of the insert of the CBS gene. The hemi-
nested PCR product was further purified to remove any remaining 2.4. Analysis
nucleotides and primers from the previous reactions. Five units of
shrimp alkaline phosphatase (SAP; 1 U/␮L) and six units of DNA The electrophoresis products were analyzed using Peak Scanner
exonuclease I (10 U/␮L) were added to 15 ␮L of hemi-nested PCR Software version 1.0 (Applied Biosystems) to determine genotype.
product and incubated at 37 ◦ C for one hour with agitation. The Allele and genotype frequencies were calculated and evaluated
enzymes were then denatured at 80 ◦ C for 20 min. A SNaPshot mul- within the framework of Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE),
tiplex kit (Applied Biosystems) was used. 4.5 ␮L of SNaPshot PCR which elucidates the relationship between allele and genotype

Table 3
Initial and hemi-nest multiplex PCR primers.

Primer name Forward primer (5 → 3 ) Primer type GeneBank accession # Position
CBS-1 TATTGGCCACTCCCATAATAGAA Forward AF042836 17,974–17,996
CBS-2a , b CGGCTCTGCGAGGATGGACCCTT Reverse AF042836 18,101–18,079
CBS-3b , c GCTTTTGCTGGCCTTGAGCC Forward AF042836 18,019–18,036
MS-Aa , b , d TGTTCCCAGCTGTTAGATGAAAATC Forward AL359259 43,622–43,646
MS-Ba AGTCACATTAAAAACAAGCAAAA Reverse AL359259 43,762–43,740
MS-Cb , c CAAGCAAAATCTGTTTCTACCACTTAC Reverse AL359259 43,748–43,721
MTHFR-0a , b GAATGTGTCAGCCTCAAAGAAAAG Reverse AY338232.1 8790–8767
MTHFR-2b , c GCTGACCTGAAGCACTTGAAGG Forward AY338232.1 8707–8738
MTHFR-Da , b GTAAAGAACAAAGACTTCAAAGAC Reverse AY338232.1 10,677–10,654
MTHFR-Ea GGAGCTGCTGAAGATGTGGGGGG Forward AY338232.1 10,608–10,630
MTHFR-Fb , c TGGGGGGAGGAGCTGACC Forward AY338232.1 10,624–10,641
MTRR-F1a , b , c GCTACACAGCAGGGACAGGC Forward AF121202 4175–4195
MTRR-R1a , c GTAACGGCTCTAACCTTATCGG Reverse AF121202 4293–4272
MTRR-R2b , c GCAGAAAATCCATGTACCACAGC Reverse AF11202 4258–4236
Primer used in initial PCR.
Primer used in hemi-nested PCR.
Primer designed by authors. All other primers designed by Barbaux et al. (2000).
MS refers to methionine synthase (MTR).
24 S. Armstrong et al. / International Journal of Paleopathology 3 (2013) 19–29

Table 4
Single nucleotide extension primer sequences, designed by authors. MTHFR A1298C primer was the only reverse primer used.

Gene Sequence Length (bp) GeneBank accession # Position

CBS 844ins68 (␣-CBS) TGCAGATCATTGGGGTGGATC 21 AF042836 18,055–18,075

MTHFR C677T (␣-MTHFR-F1) GAAGGTGTCTGCGGGAG 17 AY338232.1 8730–8746

frequency for a randomly mating population at equilibrium 844ins68 since this locus had genotypes that were not represented,
(Gillespie, 1998). While it is not expected that the Canimar sample namely heterozygous and homozygous variants.
fit the theoretical requirements of a Hardy–Weinberg popula- The inbreeding coefficient indicated excess heterozygosity of
tion, the deviations from HWE are informative regarding the MTHFR C677T (f = −0.882) and MTRR A66G (f = −0.631), slight
processes acting on genotype frequency. Briefly, HWE predicts excess homozygosity of MTHFR A1298C (f = 0.289), and complete
expected genotype frequencies from observed allele frequencies. homozygosity of MTR A2756G (f = 1, though since only two individ-
These expected genotype frequencies are then compared to the uals were represented, it is not possible to interpret this coefficient).
observed frequencies from the SNP analysis to examine the good- The inbreeding coefficient could not be applied to the CBS locus
ness of fit to, or deviations from, HWE using the chi-square (2 ) because only homozygous wild types were recovered.
test at one degree of freedom (number of genotypes minus num- Comparisons of variant allele frequency according to sex
ber of alleles; significance at 0.05).To aid in understanding any revealed significant differences between males and females
excess homozygotes or heterozygotes, f-statistics can be applied (p = 0.042), whereby females were more likely to carry variant,
to these variables, using the equation F = 1 − (Ohet /Ehet ) where ‘het’ risk alleles (Fig. 3). There was no significant difference in geno-
equals the heterozygote genotype. This measure is also called the type frequency, although only females were observed to have a
inbreeding coefficient, since inbreeding results in excess homozy- homozygous variant genotype.
gosity, although in fact it reflects any mating system that deviates
from completely random mating (Templeton, 2006).The frequency
of ‘risk’ or variant alleles was calculated and determined accord-
Table 5
ing to sex, since maternal genotype is often a NTD risk factor. This Single nucleotide polymorphism results for each individual.
frequency was calculated by determining the proportion of variant
alleles among total alleles per individual, which was then aver- MTHFR CBS MTRR MTHFR MTR
C677T 844ins68a A66G A1298C A2756G
aged for all individuals of that sex. A two-tailed, equal variance,
Student’s t-test was applied to determine whether any differences E-2 CT − (C) AG A
E-6 CT − (C) AG A
between sexes were significant (p-value significance 0.05). Similar
E-7 (2010) CT − (C) AG A
calculations were done with heterozygote and homozygote mutant E-10 CT − (C) AG A
genotype frequencies. E-13 CT − (C) AG A
It has to be borne in mind when interpreting these results that E-18 CT − (C) AG A G
this sample cannot be considered random; all results must be E-19 CT − (C) AG A
E-23 CT − (C) AG A
considered only in terms of the total sample population. Arche- E-55
ological populations are never random, and it is irresponsible to E-72 CT − (C) AG AC
ever consider them as such; this does not mean that statistical E-77 CT − (C) AG A
analysis of these samples is not useful, but rather that interpre- E-79 CT − (C) AG AC
E-83 CT − (C) A A A
tation of results must be done with caution before generalizing to
E-87 T G A
the living population (Waldron, 2007). Moreover, the nature of SNP E-89 CT − (C) AG C
analysis, particularly for ancient samples, means that any homozy- E-92 CT − (C) AG AC
gote alleles cannot be distinguished from heterozygote signals that E-98
may have experienced allelic dropout. Nonetheless, all statistical MR4 CT A A

analyses were applied to the samples considering all potential a

+/− refers to presence or absence of CBS insert. Letter in parantheses denotes
homozygotes as true homozygotes. All other potential error was the nucleotide recognized in the electropherogram to denote whether insert was
present or absent.
interpreted in the context of HWE; deviations from HWE can be
informative, though results must be interpreted cautiously.

3. Results 0.500
Risk allele frequency

The SNP results were as outlined in Table 5. All controls were 0.400
negative. Two of the samples did not produce data (E-55 and E-
98) and were excluded from further analysis. An additional two 0.300
samples were negative for the CBS signal, while only two were
positive for the MTR signal. Negative results are likely indicative
of DNA degradation, although the difficulties with the MTR signal
may reflect the need for further method optimization for this locus.
Analyses from the SNP data indicated that only MTHFR A1298C 0.000
met HWE (Table 6). MTR A2756G also met the goodness-of-fit Females Males Indeterminate
requirements, but this is unreliable given that it is based on only
two results. Chi-square analysis could not be fully applied to CBS Fig. 3. Risk allele frequency by sex.
S. Armstrong et al. / International Journal of Paleopathology 3 (2013) 19–29 25

Table 6
Hardy–Weinberg analyses from SNP data (2 = chi-square test; f = inbreeding coefficient; A1 /p = allele 1, A2 /q = allele).

MTHFR C677T CBS 844ins68 MTRR A66G MTHFR A1298C MTR A2756G

Observed genotype count

A1 A1 0 14 2 12 1
A1 A2 15 0 13 3 0
A2 A2 1 0 1 1 1

Observed genotype frequency

A1 A1 0 1 0.125 0.750 0.5
A1 A2 0.938 0 0.813 0.188 0
A2 A2 0.063 0 0.063 0.063 0.5

Allele frequency
p 0.469 1.000 0.531 0.844 0.500
q 0.531 0 0.469 0.156 0.500

Expected genotype frequency

p2 (A1 A1 ) 0.220 1.000 0.282 0.712 0.250
2pq (A1 A2 ) 0.498 0 0.498 0.264 0.500
q2 (A2 A2 ) 0.282 0 0.220 0.024 0.250

Expected genotype count

A1 A1 3.52 14.00 4.52 11.39 0.50
A1 A2 7.97 0 7.97 4.22 1.00
A2 A2 4.52 0 3.52 0.39 0.50

A1 A1 3.516 0.000 1.401 0.033 0.500
A1 A2 6.204 N/A 3.177 0.352 1.000
A2 A2 2.737 N/A 1.800 0.951 0.500
Total 12.457 N/A 6.378 1.335 2.000

−0.882 N/A −0.631 0.289 1

4. Discussion heterozygosity. Again, this could be due to selection of a heterozy-

gote trait, or could be a result of disassortative mating (Templeton,
4.1. Genetic contribution to risk of spina bifida 2006), though the latter seems unlikely.
In terms of observed genotype frequencies, the SNP analysis
Examining the allele frequencies, it is clear that some loci are reveals a high prevalence of heterozygotes for the MTHFR C677T
not in HWE. Only the MTHFR A1298C (allele frequency: A = 0.844, (94%) and MTRR A66G (81%) genes. The normal genotype fre-
C = 0.156; 2 = 1.335) and MTR A2756G (A = 0.5, G = 0.5; 2 = 2) SNPs quency for MTHFR 677CT in other modern populations is generally
are in HWE, and the latter is represented by only two individ- between 30 and 50%, with a frequency of 1–32% for the TT condition,
uals, while the other three SNPs are not in HWE. However, their although this increases among those affected by NTDs (Scher et al.,
deviations from equilibrium may be informative concerning how 2006; Weisberg et al., 1998; Wilcken et al., 2003). It is interesting
the genotypes reflect reproductive practices or micro-evolutionary that the heterozygous condition is maintained in the population
processes. Indeed, given the high prevalence of SB in population, at such high frequencies, since it reduces enzymatic activity by
deviations from HWE may reflect increased population disease 30–40% (Botto and Yang, 2000). If this is combined with low dietary
susceptibility since genotypes are associated with different dis- folate, this could be a strong contributor to the high prevalence of
ease risks (Ziegler and König, 2010). While heterozygotes are at SB in the Canimar population (Beaudin and Stover, 2007).
an increased risk of disease relative to homozygous wild types, the Likewise, the high frequency of heterozygotes for the MTRR
risk is still less than for homozygous variants, and heterozygosity gene (81%) is a NTD risk factor, since carriers of the mutant allele
may have a selective advantage, or may be due to disassortative in both the homozygous and heterozygous condition have been
mating (Templeton, 2006). This is why case–control studies in liv- observed to be at a higher risk of SB (Guéant-Rodriguez et al.,
ing populations are important; it has been suggested that only the 2003; Zhu et al., 2003). For the MTRR locus, homozygous mutant
control group needs to be in HWE, since disease risk alleles in the genotype frequencies range widely, from 10 to 30%, while the
case group are expected to deviate from HWE (Ziegler and König, frequency of heterozygotes hovers around 47% in various North
2010). For SNPs, selection can be a very strong HWE-deviating force American populations (including individuals of African American,
(Ziegler and König, 2010), and this process may be at work in the Caucasian, Hispanic, and Ashkenzai Jewisish heritage; Rady et al.,
Canimar sample. 2002), though the frequencies in Native American populations have
Genetic drift, inbreeding, or chance sampling are all examples not been investigated. This effect is compounded with the MTHFR
of HWE-deviating processes that would decrease heterozygosity C677T effects, greatly increasing the risk for SB in this population
of a sample population, as observed by the inbreeding coeffi- (Beaudin and Stover, 2007; Botto and Yang, 2000; Relton et al.,
cient (Gillespie, 1998). Inbreeding has been suggested as a possible 2004). Moreover, maternal genotype for this gene is important
explanation for the high prevalence of SB at Canimar Abajo (Rivero for conferring risk; although both sexes had high frequencies of
de la Calle, 1987), but is not supported by the SNP analysis. The heterozygotes, all females carried a variant allele, and the only
inbreeding coefficient for MTHFR A1298C is approaching equi- homozygous mutant observed in the sample was a female. If these
librium (f = 0.289), but is slightly positive; however, chi-square individuals bore children, their offspring would have an even fur-
analysis reveals that it is still within HWE (2 = 1.335). In contrast, ther increased risk of NTD, particularly if they (Relton et al., 2004)
MTHFR C677T (f = −0.882) and MTRR A66G (f = −0.631), have very or their mothers (van der Linden et al., 2006) are also carrying the
negative inbreeding coefficients reflecting excess, not decreased MTHFR 677 variant.
26 S. Armstrong et al. / International Journal of Paleopathology 3 (2013) 19–29

The genotype frequencies for the MTHFR A1298C SNP (AA: 75%, Table 7
DFE values for foods consumed at Canimar Abajo.
AC: 19%, CC: 6%) are within the range of modern North American
control populations (Rady et al., 2002). Therefore, while this in and Dietary folate equivalent
of itself may not be a risk factor for the population, carriers of the Phaseolus (e.g. kidney, lima, mung) 62–230 ␮g/cup
variant allele would be at greater risk when combined with the Zea mays (maize) 57–103 ␮g/cup
heterozygous MTHFR C677T condition. Indeed, this variant is often Blue crab 50–58 ␮g/100 g
only observed to be a risk factor as a compound heterozygote with Assorted molluscs (e.g. oyster, clam) 16–50 ␮g/100 g
Sweet potato 9 ␮g/potato
MTHFR C677T. Compound heterozygosity was observed in 19% of
Shrimp (mixed) 24 ␮g/100 g
the sample of 16 individuals with usable results, slightly higher Perciformes (e.g. tuna, swordfish) 2–5 ␮g/100 g
than the 15% average for modern control populations (Rozen, 2006;
Values from USDA (2011).
Weisberg et al., 1998). The maintenance of co-heterozygosity there-
fore represents a risk for SB at Canimar Abajo.
The results for CBS 844ins68 seem to indicate that this was not
supplementation. Therefore, it is important to consider the Can-
a risk factor in this population, since the variant insert was not
imar diet from the perspective of folate sources. It is important
observed. This is a very rare allele in many populations (Franco
to be mindful that reported folate values are for modern foods, as
et al., 1998; Speer et al., 1999), and its relationship with NTDs is
established by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
not as well-established as the other genes investigated here.
nutrient database (2011). Therefore, these values reflect modern
The results for MTR 2756 are not reliable given that they include
agricultural products which may be different from older varieties,
only two individuals with a great possibility for allelic dropout.
which may affect folate values. Nevertheless, these nutrient values
Despite this low success rate, the variant allele was observed in
serve as a useful baseline for establishing the relative folate contri-
one individual, in a potentially homozygous form. Moreover, this
bution of various food sources known to be consumed at Canimar
individual was a female, which has implications for maternal risk,
Abajo (Table 7).
particularly in combination with the MTHFR 677 variant (Botto and
It is clear that all of the foods represented have relatively low
Yang, 2000). Though no conclusions can be drawn from this sparse
amounts of folate, except some varieties of bean (Phaseolus). How-
evidence, it can be said that the variant is present in the population.
ever, based on the stable isotope results, it seems that legumes did
It is counterintuitive that the two genes with the most demon-
not form a significant component of the diet (with ␦15 N values ran-
strable risk for SB in the population, MTHFR C677T and MTRR A66G,
ging from 5 to 11‰), though the starch grain analysis reveals that
did not demonstrate any homozygous mutant individuals. This
they were consumed (Buhay et al., in press; Chinique de Armas
could be due to a number of factors, including sample size, and the
et al., in press). Comparing the fish and mollusks observed at Can-
chance that homozygous mutants, if affected, may not have lived
imar to the USDA database is particularly difficult because the
to adulthood. The latter could also contribute to the deviation from
species represented at Canimar are not ones that tend to be eaten
HWE observed, though clearly some must live to adulthood in order
in North America, meaning that folate values are unavailable. Over-
for heterozygosity to be maintained, perhaps supported by some
all, however, these food groups tend to have very low amounts of
selective advantage. Even notwithstanding the lack of individuals
folate, and this is reflected by the species that we do have folate
homozygous for variant alleles, the overall genetic contribution to
values for, namely blue crab, assorted mollusks and shrimp, and
risk of SB in the population is considerable, with a high frequency
various species of Perciformes (USDA, 2011).
of variant alleles circulating in the population. Moreover, females
The best natural sources of folate are leafy vegetables such as
carry considerably more risk alleles, many of which increase risk
spinach (263 ␮g/cup), asparagus (243 ␮g/cup), and turnip greens
even further for their offspring.
(170 ␮g/cup), as well as citrus fruits (USDA, 2011), most of which
were not available at Canimar. Indeed, it is not known what kinds of
4.2. Dietary contribution to risk of spina bifida
leafy vegetables may have been consumed by to the Canimar pop-
ulation, though it is likely that there was some type of edible leafy
Genetics are only one facet of NTD risk; diet is also a strong
vegetable available. It is possible that the population was ingest-
contributor to the prevalence of SB. Dietary folate becomes an
ing food that may have had higher levels of folate, but this is not
important variable, and it is necessary to evaluate the diet at Cani-
reflected in the dietary data to date. Based on the current evidence,
mar Abajo in terms of how it contributes to maternal folate status
it would appear that the diet at Canimar Abajo was low in folate,
pre- and peri-conception.
which would contribute to high prevalence of SB. Therefore, diet
Folate (vitamin B9 ) is the form that occurs naturally in food,
was a risk factor for NTDs in this population, based on the current
while folic acid is the synthetic form that is added to fortified foods
dietary evidence.
(National Institutes of Health, 2009). Folate is a key nutrient dur-
ing pregnancy, as it is involved in the production and maintenance
of cells, particularly in periods of rapid cell division such as neu- 4.3. Interaction of genetic, dietary, and skeletal evidence of spina
rulation (Kamen, 1997). Its connection with the incidence of NTDs bifida
was also established early in epidemiological studies (Beaudin and
Stover, 2007), resulting in widespread folic acid fortification of With genetic and dietary risk factors discussed independently,
foods (Au et al., 2010; Watkins, 1998). Folate is a polyglutamate it is now important to evaluate how these two domains interact to
that must be processed before it can be absorbed intestinally and produce the observed skeletal evidence at Canimar Abajo. It is diffi-
used for cellular processes, while synthetic folic acid is more readily cult to discuss individual risk for NTD because of the disease and its
bioavailable (Botto et al., 1999; Sanderson et al., 2003; van der Put risk factors. Both diet and genetics are clearly risk factors, but both
et al., 2001). This discrepancy is significant, and folate levels in var- maternal and individual genotypes are in play, while only mater-
ious food products are now reported as dietary folate equivalents nal rather than individual folate status is a risk factor. Therefore, in
(DFEs), where 1 DFE is equal to 1 ␮g of naturally occurring folate or terms of the interaction of risk factors, it is necessary to discuss risk
0.6 ␮g of folic acid (National Institutes of Health, 2009). at the population level, for example, which risk alleles are main-
The recommended dietary allowance for folate has been out- tained in the population, and what the dietary evidence implies
lined by the National Institute of Health (2009) as 600 ␮g/day about folate availability, rather than discuss any direct causation in
for pregnant women, and this is difficult to achieve without individual cases.
S. Armstrong et al. / International Journal of Paleopathology 3 (2013) 19–29 27

The first question to address is whether or not low folate predisposition, and the phenotypic outcome was a milder form of
from diet is sufficient to account for the prevalence of disease, SB. These heterozygous individuals were still able to reproduce, and
and whether the skeletal evidence can attest to folate deficiency. the variant alleles were maintained in the population.
Achieving the recommended amount of folate for pregnant women In the case of either conclusion, the combination of genetic and
would be very difficult given the diet of the Canimar population as dietary studies begins to reveal the underlying heterogeneity of risk
it is currently understood. Unfortunately, most of the signs of folate and selective mortality, though a larger sample including infants
deficiency cannot be observed skeletally, such as digestive dis- and juveniles is necessary. Although the genetics of the population
orders, behavioral disorders, and cardiovascular disease (Haslam reveal little diversity among adults, the high prevalence of variant
and Probert, 1998). Folate deficiency can also result in anemia and alleles increases the overall risk of the population, which dietary
can slow growth rates in children. There is no evidence of severe factors would then act on, as described in the multigenic threshold
nutritional problems to suggest any type of chronic folate defi- model (Gos and Szpecht-Potocka, 2002). Any homozygous mutants
ciency associated with SB, which can sometimes manifest as porotic for the five genes investigated here, though not observed in this
hyperostosis due to megaloblastic anemia (Walker et al., 2009). preliminary study, would have had a higher risk of disease and
Enamel hypoplasia that is observed at Canimar Abajo could be asso- mortality.
ciated with folate deficiency, but this is a non-specific indicator In addition, the deviations of the genetic data from HWE hint
(Roberts and Manchester, 2005; Walker et al., 2009; Wood et al., at behavioral patterns in the population. It diminished the likeli-
1992). The lack of evidence, however, does not necessarily mean hood of inbreeding, which had been suggested by skeletal studies
that no deficiency existed; moreover, it is not necessary to have of SB at Canimar Abajo (Rivero de la Calle, 1987). The deviations
apparent folate deficiency to increase the risk of NTDs (Beaudin from HWE may also indicate an unknown selective advantage to
and Stover, 2007). Therefore, it is likely that while low maternal heterozygosity.
folate levels increased the likelihood of NTDs, there was likely a Taken as a whole, this study confirms the value of molecular and
genetic predisposition upon which these folate levels were acting. paleoepidemiological approaches to the study of health and disease
The MTHFR 677T variant is especially likely to increase NTD risk in the past. Although this study acts primarily as a feasibility study,
in a low folate environment (Beaudin and Stover, 2007; Blom et al., requiring a much larger sample, further replication, and hopefully
2006; Christensen et al., 1999; Jacques et al., 1996). This variant is a more detailed understanding of diet, it is clear that there is value
present in high frequencies in the sample (53.1%), particularly as a to this paleoepidemiological approach. Combining various forms
heterozygous genotype (93.8%). This genotype increases risk by 10% of evidence to the study of SB revealed aspects of reproductive,
if present in maternal genotype, and 30% in individual genotype, evolutionary, dietary, and of course, genetic processes at Canimar
before considering the cumulative effect of the other related genes Abajo.
or folate status (Beaudin and Stover, 2007; Blom et al., 2006). This
risk would increase even further in the event of the low folate status
5. Conclusions
reflected in the current dietary evidence.
Compound heterozygotes with the MTHFR 1298 SNP would
Based on the evidence presented here, it is possible to begin dis-
have a further increased risk; these individuals have biochemical
cussing SB risk factors in the population of Canimar Abajo. The diet
profiles similar to MTHFR 677TT individuals, though it is unclear
of the population seems to be mixed, but with insufficient sources
whether this also means that co-heterozygosity also increases NTD
of folate. It is not possible to determine whether or not there was a
risk to the same level as the 677TT genotype, which is 50–70% for
folate deficiency sufficiently severe to result in pathological condi-
maternal genotype and 80–90% individual genotype (Beaudin and
tions in the population generally, but it was potentially sufficient to
Stover, 2007; Botto and Yang, 2000). Likewise, compound effects
result in NTDs in infants of mothers not ingesting sufficient folate
with MTHFR 677 are important for the MTR 2756 and MTRR 66
during conception and pregnancy.
variants, and again these effects can be observed with mater-
There is certainly an underlying genetic predisposition in this
nal genotypes (Beaudin and Stover, 2007; Botto and Yang, 2000;
sample, given the high frequency of variant alleles, particularly in
Morrison et al., 1998; Relton et al., 2004; Zhu et al., 2003). The only
MTHFR 677 and MTRR A66G. It is difficult to draw any conclusions
investigated gene that does not seem to have contributed to the
so far, given the small sample, but it seems likely that the under-
risk of NTDs is CBS 844ins68. This variant was not observed in the
lying genetic predisposition greatly increases the risk for disease,
sample at all, and does not seem to be a risk factor at Canimar Abajo.
particularly in a low folate environment.
Collectively, two possible conclusions can be drawn from the
These two components seem to have come together to create a
current evidence, depending on the low versus high folate thresh-
high risk environment for the development of SB, contributing to
old in the population. First, the observed risk alleles in the Canimar
its high prevalence in the population. It is possible, with molecular
population, combined with low folate, could account for the high
paleopathology and with dietary analysis, to get a better under-
prevalence of SB observed skeletally. Though this explanation con-
standing of the underlying risk to disease in the population.
siders the evidence of folate in the population thus far, it does
In the future, this study should be expanded to a larger sample
not satisfactorily account for the genotype distribution, namely the
including infants and juveniles. This subpopulation may include
high prevalence of heterozygotes and lack of homozygote variants.
homozygous variant individuals, those with more severe forms of
Therefore, the second potential conclusion is that the evi-
SB or those who did not survive the complications associated with
dence could indicate that there is an unknown folate source being
SB. The genetic and dietary results for this group may reveal more
ingested by the population that is not currently apparent by the
distinctly what processes were at play. However, this study reveals
dietary analysis, and that there is actually a high folate threshold
how various lines of investigation can be drawn together to begin
acting on the population’s genetic predisposition. By this reason-
to understand health from a paleoepidemiological perspective.
ing, the genetic evidence can be interpreted as such: the lack of
homozygous variant adults, with a high proportion of heterozygote
adults and a high prevalence of mild types of SB observed skeletally, Acknowledgements
could indicate that individuals homozygous for variant alleles may
have demonstrated more severe forms of SB and perished earlier The authors would like to thank the other members of the
in life. The high folate acted on those with heterozygous geno- Canimar Abajo project, particularly Yadira Chinique de Armas
types to diminish the detrimental effects of their less severe genetic and Elizabeth Campillo Alvarez. We would also like to thank the
28 S. Armstrong et al. / International Journal of Paleopathology 3 (2013) 19–29

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