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, l9f fJ Listening �::, 01-1

�-��,t Part I
m 1-s fill: l!IT-1:iJr, #U®rxif�
Questions 1-5: Decide whether the pictures are right or wrong based on the sentences you hear.

Women jio you son ge ren.

ft1fJ % � -=- -t- Ao
There are three people in

my family.

Example: Wo mei tion zuo g6nggongq1che

ft 4i � � 0�14:$
qu shang ban. X
'E _t 3j}L
I go to work by bus every day.





� 6-10 �= n1rxti!, fil� SJxti!pg�-iJJ3"Jl!!Jt
Questions 6-10: Choose the right picture for each dialogue you hear.




N1 x1huan shenme yundong?

f§tl:tm: �: 1/F •xx 1t¾ �$J?
Example: What sport do you like?
W6 zu1 x1huan ti zuqiu.
-fx.: ft 1N :gx_x m )Efto
My favorite sport is playing football.






m 11-1s @: ufixti%, �tl:IE-ui�*
Questions 11-15: Listen to the dialogues and answer the questions.
Xiao Wang, zheli you jT ge beizi, nage shl nT de?
-Wtl:t!O: !!J5: 1J, .:E, JK![ � JL -1'- ,rfr, PJJ�-1'- ¾ 1t 8'9?
Example: Xiao Wang, here are some cups, which of these cups is yours?
Zuobian nage h6ngse de sh) wo de.
-!x: 1-c.JLI ��-1'- £I5 B'9 ¾ � B'-J a

The red one on the left is mine.

Xiao Wang de beizi shl shenmeyanse de?
f'oJ: 1J, .:E a'-J tfr ¾ 1t,z. �5 8'9?
Question: What color is Xiao Wang's cup?

h6ngse heise baise

A £I5red ,J B �5 black C 65 white

bayue jl geyue jiu yue

11. A J\. JI B JL -1'- JI C JLJI

* rt T
taiyuanle tai Ieng le tai re le
12. A j.c:@ T B C j.c;tAT

zhuozi yTzi beizi

13. A *r B ttr C ;tf-=t
bu dao shi SUI slshf sul shi duo su1
14. A ::f iU + Y B lm+Y C +zty
beizi Beijing chabei
15. A ;tfr B :itfft C 5k,rf


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�=��,t Part Il
m 21-2s �= mti�:@8'9iiiJi-B-±t�
Questions 21-25: Choose the proper words to fill in the brackets.
wei shenme yao ZUI juede gu) ye
A :fa) ft-z_ B� c� D '.vt1i E1!- Fil1

Zher de y6ngrou hen haochi, dansh) ye hen

f§tl:tia: �JL El� $� 1li Milz:, 1.S� il11li ( E )o
Example: The mutton here is delicious, but it is also expensive.

Wong Fang mai yf ge xin beizi

21. £ ti ( ) * -1-- IJr tiF-=f o

* ft � Dz:�?
Zu6tion n, mei 16i wo jio chi fon?
22. Bt* 1fF ( ) ¥9:
W6 zhege yifu tai do le, n, kankan nage ba.
23. ft ( ) �1-- �Bil jr_ j;_ T , 1fF �� f1�1-- PB o

*.:rr � 11\
Wo de xiao moo liang su) duo le, Dawei de xiao moo liang su1 duo le.
24. ft � 1J\ 11 p;J;j" � $ T, at c ) p;J;j" �$T o
Wang laoshi x'ihuan chi pfnggu6.
25. £ �firµ ( ) :g:x_x Dz: �*o

�-=- ftB,t Part m
m 26-30@: iuttFJu'tlJ-=f1¥rtt}�di�IEiJ§
Questions 26-30: Decide whether the inferences are true or false .
Xianzai sh) diem fen, tamen y1jTng y6ule fenzhong le.
f.filfr � 11 ,12- 30 :5t, 1tMfJ B� Wf.T 20 %# To
Example: It's 11 :30 now. They have been swimming for 20 minutes.

* 1�ii
Tamen diem fen kaish, y6uyong.
:iJ., 11
1'] �
10 /..,1.. tJJffjJ(o
)I .Xi:t ,'!If;'
',/J ::U:-lrb. '
( ✓ )
They started swimming at 11: 10.

Wo hur tiaowu, don tiao de bu zenmeyang.

� % li'#tn, {B iJE 1i � �-Z.�o
I can dance, but not well.

* � li'#t 1i ��#
Wo tiao de feich6ng hao.
ffo ( X )
I dance pretty well .

*xx * � * *
Ta x,huan zai jia kan diany,ng, ye x1huan shur jiao, bu x1huan chOqu.
26. mg fr 1:£!.� , tlL x)( Hi 1ft, � x)( tl:l ¾ o

* ftlli :&i %XX

Ta zur x1huan yundong.
�� a ( )

B'9 1J\ at 1:E � *' � s� 1J\ at 1:E � ft�Wii %0

Wang xiaojie de xiao moo zai WO jia' WO de xiao moo zai WO mama jia.
21. .r 1J\�ii

* � tr - 1-- 1J\ aaL

Wo you yf ge xiao moo.
( )

� � 1! * *-=f, � � * JL 1'-fJr ftfrro

Wo bu Xiang mai zhuozi, WO yao mai jT ge xin y1zi.

* � � ¾ i'ffiTiS * *-=fa
Wo yao qu shangdian mai zhuozi.
( )

PfriJl {$fr� {$ i=pgj * g}e, �1fJ -® {� P�o

Tingshuo n, zai xue zuo Zhonggu6 cai ne, women ylq, zuo ba.

* 1m1fJ � -® 1� i=pgj
Tamen yao y,q, zuo Zhonggu6 cai.
*o ( )

Ba yue Beijing hen re, jiu yue tianq) hao, n, lai ba.
30. J\. A :!tJ?." 1� fA, fL A 3c� "fr.f, {$ P�a
Ba yue qu Beijing luy6u zu) hao.
*;\.A ¾ :!tJ?: itWI- :iw: lfa ( )

ffi 31-35 � : :iztt¥ft� s"J 1'6J �
Questions 31-35: Match the sentences to make dialogues.

*-=f * tJr
Zhuozi shang you yl ben x,n shu. Na sh, n, de shu ma?
A J: � - �
o 13� ¾ 1� B'9 � P!b?
Wang laoshT shenme shfhou neng dao?
B 3:. �yrp 1t¼ at1� f§i� iLl?

c 1m1n t� * m ,@JsJ< T, 1� * � ¾?
Tamen dou qu tT zuqiu le, n, qu bu qu?

* T?
Zhege xiao mao hen piaoliang. Ta duo do le?
D �1'- 1J\ ll 1& rJXo 't $
Ta zai nor ne? N, kanjian ta le ma?
E 1m tE lffl�)L �? 1� 7@" !ll 1m T P!b?
NY wei shenme bu koi che qu xuexiao?
F 1� 1J 1t¼ � 3f $ ¾ ��?
Ta h6i zai jiaosh1 Ii xuexf.
ttl:tm: 1m � 1:E �'.fil .m �JJ o

Example: He is still studying in the classroom.

31. �¾fts{J, ft19: *

Bu sh, wo de, wo mei mai shu.


San su, duo.

32. - ;!} $ 0

Ta yYjTng zou le,
1m B� jE T,
shf fenzhong hou neng dao.
+ 0-# J6 f§i� iUo □
Wo mei shfjian, mfngtian ba.
ft 19: BtfsJ, �X Pe:o □
35. flt 3f, ft '.%1l * /±lf_§_:$ 1& fJf
Wo bu xiang kai, wo juede zuo chuzuche hen hao.
ft � o


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