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A review of A Performance Analysis of DES and RSA Cryptography

Bizuayehu Tadege

Faculty of Computing, Bahir Dar Institute of Technology, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar,


Secure communication in this interconnected world is very important for humans. This security
mechanism achieved by using different encryption and decryption algorithms. In each of the
algorithms attackers are tried to break the algorithm and access user’s data without legal
permission, this illegal action is prevented by advancing existing algorithms or using other
advanced encryption and decryption algorithm like RSA. The aim of this paper is analyze the
performance of RSA, DES, 2DES, and 3DES algorithm using different file each of the file have
different file size. the comparison of those algorithms are based on the speed of encryption and
decryption on the given plain text and cipher text, in addition to that the algorithm measured using
computation issues of encryption and decryption throughput. Finally DES algorithm shows better
result relative to other algorithm in all condition.

Keywords: Encryption, Decryption, Plain text, Cipher text, RSA, DES

The advancement of technology, makes information sharing easy for human beings by providing
different facilities to communicate each other, but nowadays we are live in interconnected world,
in this world there are two users i.e. legal and illegal users(attackers, intruders etc.). Legal users
are users that communicate each other without intercepting others information illegally, and illegal
users are users that intercept legal users information intentionally or unintentionally using different

To solve the challenge of such activity researchers try to make information sharing between users
in interconnected world secure. These information securing mechanism call as cryptography.
Cryptography is the study of secure communications techniques that allow only the sender and
intended recipient of a message to view its contents(Ratnadewi et al., 2018). It make an information
secure using encryption and decryption algorithms.
The process of encoding the plaintext into cipher text is called Encryption and reverse the process
of decoding ciphers text to plaintext is called Decryption. This can be done by two techniques
symmetric-key cryptography and asymmetric key cryptography(Cet, 2018). Symmetric and
asymmetric cryptography are the two techniques used in making an information secure. Symmetric
cryptography is a technique used same shared key between two parties and it is vulnerable for
attack like brute force and statistical analysis. The other asymmetric cryptography is a technique
uses two key between communicating parties. The two keys used in asymmetric cryptography are
public and private. Public key as name indicates stored in public communication channel and
private key is a key privately by each of the parties.

There are different types of symmetric key encryption/decryption algorithms used in different
ways like DES, AES, and 3DES. Those algorithms are susceptible for attack and to solve this
problem advancement of encryption and decryption is one issues of the researchers. In asymmetric
encryption/decryption algorithms are used two key like RSA, digital signature, and relatively
secure than symmetric key encryption.

As they present, triple DES (3DES) cryptography method is the development of DES
cryptographic method. The difference between the two methods is 3DES using triple times the
DES process step used in encryption process and decryption process by using three key
combination(Ratnadewi et al., 2018).
RSA is a public key cryptography that used two different key for encryption and decryption. It
generates two keys: public key for encryption and private key to decrypt message .RSA algorithm
consist of three steps, step one is key generation which is to be used as key to encrypt and decrypt
data, step two is encryption, where actual process of conversion of plaintext to cipher text is being
carried out and third step is decryption, where encrypted text is converted in to plain text at other
side(Patil et al., 2016).

The major intention of researcher in this paper is comparing the encryption and decryption
algorithms between symmetric and asymmetric cryptography. Algorithms used from asymmetric
is RSA and from symmetric cryptography is DES, 2DES and triple DES. The performance analysis
is conducted using different files with different file size and time of encryption and decryption is
considered to identify the best algorithm.

As they present, DES algorithm take less time for encryption and decryption as compared to RSA
and 2DES. The performance of DES is very high as compared to other algorithms used in
experimentation, the parameters used for this experimentation are time, file size, and throughput
for encryption and decryption.

2. Objective
The objectives of this paper is to analyze the performances of DES, 2DES, and RSA
encryption and decryption based on time for each of the algorithms by using different files
with different file size.
A. Tools and techniques

In this research work they use different tools and techniques to conduct experimentation on DES,
RSA and 2DES. Tools used for the research conducted are RSA, 2DES, and DES, based on this
those tool researchers identify techniques used to identify the best performing algorithm for
encryption and decryption of different files within time bound way.

DES is a symmetric algorithm that uses 64 bit file size, 64 bit key size before encryption, and have
16 round to encrypt and decrypt a given text. The 2DES is an advanced algorithm of DES that
repeat two times using two key for encryption and decryption. The major goal of this advancement
is to more secure DES algorithm that used in unsecure channel. The first key k1 used to produce
partial cipher text and second key K2 use this cipher text and perform an encryption on it.

RSA is a public key cryptography that uses two different key for encryption and decryption. It is
more secure than other symmetric key cryptography, because it is computational way to encrypt
and decrypt texts.

B. Dataset preparation

To analyze the performance of DES, 2DES, and RSA algorithm, researchers take five different
file each of the file size different and on this dataset encryption and decryption algorithms are
applied to identify best performing algorithm from those three algorithms. The other parameters
used for this research paper is time, throughput of each algorithm for encryption and decryption
on the given input plain text.

A. Weakness
In this paper the dataset used for experimentation is very small and type of data they used is not
clearly define means that the data is numeric, text, or other types of file they used. Additionally
the experimentation performed only predefined device, it does not present the result of each
algorithm performances using different device specification.
The working principle of DES is clearly define , but the other advance form of DES is not specified
where the two key for 2DES used and three for triple DES is not shown in this paper. Storage
space and environmental condition is not considered in conducting this research paper.

B. Strong side

Researchers clearly define used tools, techniques, and parameters that used and shows result of
each algorithm clearly based on the data used. Researchers clearly show the results they get at
conclusion part that is very important for readers to easily understand the paper without reading
all pages.
In addition to that in this paper, researchers present the working principle of DES, 2DES, 3DES
and RSA algorithm graphically as well as theoretically. The performance result of encryption and
decryption for each of the algorithm clearly represented using different ways like table and
graphically using time and file size.

5. References
Cet, B. (2018). International Journal of Advanced Research in Enhancing the Security of DES
Algorithm Using Transposition Cryptography Techniques. January 2013.
Patil, P., Narayankar, P., Narayan, D. G., & Meena, S. M. (2016). A Comprehensive Evaluation
of Cryptographic Algorithms: DES, 3DES, AES, RSA and Blowfish. Procedia Computer
Science, 78(December 2015), 617–624.
Ratnadewi, Adhie, R. P., Hutama, Y., Saleh Ahmar, A., & Setiawan, M. I. (2018). Implementation
Cryptography Data Encryption Standard (DES) and Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES)
Method in Communication System Based Near Field Communication (NFC). Journal of
Physics: Conference Series, 954(1).


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