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roman comedy

The jokes were coarse and

Roman theatre began as a
rude and made fun of well-
translation of Greek forms in
known people. They
combination with native song
became so slanderous and
and dance, farce and
obscene at one point that a
law was passed to retrain
Roman Comedy: Roman Comedy
Plautus Pseudolus Part 2 (Terence)

The masks were made of

In Roman hands, the The only complete Romans
stiffened cloth, wood or
materials of Greek masters Comic plays that we have are
terracotta and were usually
were converted to stock twenty plays by Plautus and six
cheap. They had wide open
characters, plots and plays by Terence - they were
mouths to help project the
situations that we can influenced by the Latin and
ARTICLE actor’s voice to the back of
recognize in Shakespeare Greek traditions of comic
Roman Comedy the theatre.
and even modern sit-coms. writing.
Part 1 (Plautus)

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